6987307 Update slim_test to allow better granularity of test selection
authorDrew Fisher <drew.fisher@oracle.com>
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 11:21:33 -0600
changeset 1384 bd0db82c0cc7
parent 1383 f3754d62fe5f
child 1385 0f74e9631185
6987307 Update slim_test to allow better granularity of test selection
--- a/usr/src/cmd/auto-install/checkpoints/test/test_auto_install_script.py	Thu Aug 11 13:59:34 2011 +0100
+++ b/usr/src/cmd/auto-install/checkpoints/test/test_auto_install_script.py	Fri Aug 12 11:21:33 2011 -0600
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
         # To run tests bldenv script will have been run, thus we can assume
         # that $SRC environment variable will be set.
         testscript = os.environ['SRC'] +  \
-            "/cmd/auto-install/checkpoints/test/test_python_script.py"
+            "/cmd/auto-install/checkpoints/test/test_python_script"
         args = ["-n", "-s", "target-discovery", "-m", testscript]
--- a/usr/src/tools/tests/README	Thu Aug 11 13:59:34 2011 +0100
+++ b/usr/src/tools/tests/README	Fri Aug 12 11:21:33 2011 -0600
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 		easy_install-2.6 nose coverage
 		(The warning messages during installation may be ignored)
-	  Then you need to edit /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easy-install.pth
-          as follow:
+	  Then edit /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easy-install.pth
+          as follows:
           Need to comment out the following line:
@@ -58,13 +58,19 @@
 3) Use the "bldenv" command to set-up the build and test environment:
 	/opt/onbld/bin/bldenv -d ../../developer.sh
-4) Run the following command to execute all the currently known tests:
-	./slim_test -c tests.nose
+There are two different scripts for execution of tests:
+  - slim_test
+  - slim_regression_test.py (see below for an explanation of this script)
+The slim_test script:
 The "slim_test" command is a thin wrapper around the "nosetests" command,
 and accepts the same arguments. To see a full list of available arguments, run:
 	./slim_test -h
+Run the following command to execute all the currently known tests:
+	./slim_test -c tests.nose
 To run an individual test:
         ./slim_test -c tests.nose TEST_NUM [TEST_NUM]...
@@ -100,7 +106,84 @@
 To run the nosexunit test, you will need to do this:
+source ${WORKSPACE}/developer.sh
+${WORKSPACE}/usr/src/tools/tests/slim_test \
+    -c ${WORKSPACE}/usr/src/tools/tests/tests.nose --with-nosexunit \
+    --source-folder=${ROOT}/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages --enable-audit \
+    --audit-config=${WORKSPACE}/usr/src/tools/env/install.pylintrc
-source ${WORKSPACE}/developer.sh
-${WORKSPACE}/usr/src/tools/tests/slim_test -c ${WORKSPACE}/usr/src/tools/tests/tests.nose --with-nosexunit --source-folder=${ROOT}/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages --enable-audit --audit-config=${WORKSPACE}/usr/src/tools/env/install.pylintrc
+In addition to the slim_test wrapper, there is also a
+slim_regression_test.py script useful for checking your workspace for
+regressions.  The slim_regresstion_test.py script requires root permissions
+to execute.  The easiest way to set up your system to run these tests as
+root is to use sudo.  Before running the regression tests, edit your
+/etc/sudoers file (via the visudo command) and set 
+Defaults env_keep="PYTHONPATH SRC"
+so $SRC and $PYTHONPATH are correctly forwarded to the command being run as
+To run all of the tests and check for regressions against the latest Hudson
+	sudo ./slim_regression_test.py
+To run all of the tests but suppress the printing of the results (useful
+for large tests):
+	sudo ./slim_regression_test.py --suppress-results
+To run a specific subset of tests:
+	sudo ./slim_regression_test.py target ai transfer
+The list of tests can be found via the --help flag:
+	sudo ./slim_regression_test.py --help
+              group tests
+                      all:  libraries, commands
+                libraries:  target, utils, doc, logging_pymod, netif, liberrsvc, libict_pymod, ict, terminalui, liberrsvc_pymod, boot, engine, manifest_input, logging, common, manifest, transfer, libaimdns
+                 commands:  distro_const, js2ai, ai-webserver, system-config, system-config/profile, auto-install, auto-install/test, installadm, text-install
+         individual tests
+             ai-webserver:  cmd/ai-webserver/test
+             auto-install:  cmd/auto-install/checkpoints/test
+        auto-install/test:  cmd/auto-install/test
+                     boot:  lib/install_boot/test
+                   common:  lib/install_common/test
+             distro_const:  cmd/distro_const/checkpoints/test
+                      doc:  lib/install_doc/test
+                   engine:  lib/install_engine/test
+                      ict:  lib/install_ict/test
+               installadm:  cmd/installadm/test
+                    js2ai:  cmd/js2ai/modules/test
+                libaimdns:  lib/libaimdns/test
+                liberrsvc:  lib/liberrsvc/test
+          liberrsvc_pymod:  lib/liberrsvc_pymod/test
+             libict_pymod:  lib/libict_pymod/test
+                  logging:  lib/install_logging/test
+            logging_pymod:  lib/install_logging_pymod/test
+                 manifest:  lib/install_manifest/test
+           manifest_input:  lib/install_manifest_input/test
+                    netif:  lib/netif/test
+            system-config:  cmd/system-config/test
+    system-config/profile:  cmd/system-config/profile/test
+                   target:  lib/install_target/test
+               terminalui:  lib/terminalui/test
+             text-install:  cmd/text-install/test
+                 transfer:  lib/install_transfer/test
+                    utils:  lib/install_utils/test
+To run a regression test against a specific Hudson job number:
+	sudo ./slim_regression_test.py --hudson ###
+The job numbers can be found here:
+        http://indiana-build.us.oracle.com/job/install_unit_tests/
+along the left-hand side.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/usr/src/tools/tests/slim_regression_test.py	Fri Aug 12 11:21:33 2011 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import urllib2
+import nose
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+    SRC = os.environ["SRC"]
+except KeyError:
+    raise SystemExit("unable to find $SRC in environment.  Please add SRC to "
+        "/etc/sudoers file under the 'Defaults env_keep=...' section")
+# check permissions
+if os.geteuid() != 0:
+    raise SystemExit("Error:  Root privileges are required")
+MASTER_URL = "http://indiana-build.us.oracle.com/job/install_unit_tests/" + \
+             "lastBuild/consoleText"
+def build_test_map():
+    """ build_test_map() - function to dynamically build a mapping of names to
+    test directories.
+    """
+    test_map = dict()
+    commands = list()
+    libraries = list()
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(SRC):
+        if root.endswith("/test"):
+            # first, subtract of the SRC path
+            root = root.replace(SRC + "/", "")
+            root_path = root.split("/")
+            # the root_path will look something like:
+            # ['cmd', 'auto-install', 'test']
+            # take the second entry as the test name
+            test_name = root_path[1]
+            # look to see if that test_name is already present.  If so, add the
+            # first sub-directory to the test_name
+            i = 2
+            while test_name in test_map:
+                test_name = test_name + "/" + root_path[i]
+            # look to see if the test is in the cmd or lib subdirectory
+            if root.startswith("cmd"):
+                commands.append(test_name)
+            else:
+                # strip off the "install_" portion of the library test_name
+                test_name = test_name.replace("install_", "")
+                libraries.append(test_name)
+            # set the dictionary entry
+            test_map[test_name] = root
+    test_map["all"] = ["libraries", "commands"]
+    test_map["commands"] = commands
+    test_map["libraries"] = libraries
+    return test_map
+def parse_results(results=None, hudson_num=None):
+    """ parse_results() - function to parse either nose test output or hudson
+    output.
+    """
+    test_pattern = re.compile("^(\#\d+) (.*?) \.\.\. (ok|FAIL|ERROR|SKIP)",
+                              re.M)
+    resultdict = dict()
+    if results is None:
+        # pull the data from Hudson
+        if hudson_num is None:
+            results = urllib2.urlopen(MASTER_URL).read()
+        else:
+            url = MASTER_URL.replace("lastBuild", hudson_num)
+            results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
+    for entry in test_pattern.findall(results):
+        try:
+            _none, name, result = entry
+        except ValueError:
+            # skip whatever fails
+            continue
+        resultdict[name] = result
+    return resultdict
+def parse_args(test_map):
+    """ parse_args() - parse the command line options from the user
+    """
+    # build a nice output showing the user what tests are available
+    map_output = "%25s\n" % "group tests"
+    map_output += "%25s:  %s\n" % ("all", ", ".join(test_map["all"]))
+    map_output += "%25s:  %s\n" % \
+        ("libraries", ", ".join(test_map["libraries"]))
+    map_output += "%25s:  %s\n\n" % \
+        ("commands", ", ".join(test_map["commands"]))
+    map_output += "%25s\n" % "individual tests"
+    for key, value in sorted(test_map.items()):
+        if key in ["all", "libraries", "commands"]:
+            continue
+        if isinstance(value, list):
+            map_output += "%25s:  %s\n" % (key, ", ".join(value))
+        else:
+            map_output += "%25s:  %s\n" % (key, value)
+    usage = "Usage:  %s [options] [test[,test]...]\nAvailable tests:\n\n%s" % \
+        (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), map_output)
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
+    parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config",
+        default=os.path.join(SRC, "tools/tests/config.nose"),
+        help="nose configuration file to use")
+    parser.add_option("--suppress-results", dest="suppress_results",
+                      default=False, action="store_true",
+                      help="suppress the printing of the results")
+    parser.add_option("--hudson", dest="hudson_num",
+        help="hudson job number to use as a baseline")
+    options, args = parser.parse_args()
+    if not os.path.isabs(options.config):
+        options.config = os.path.abspath(options.config)
+    if not args:
+        args = ["all"]
+    return options, args
+def expand_args(key, test_map):
+    """ expand_args() - function to expand test_map keys into paths to actual
+    tests.
+    """
+    dir_list = list()
+    if key in test_map:
+        if isinstance(test_map[key], str):
+            dir_list.append(test_map[key])
+        elif isinstance(test_map[key], list):
+            for entry in test_map[key]:
+                if entry in test_map:
+                    dir_list.extend(expand_args(entry, test_map))
+                else:
+                    dir_list.append(entry)
+    else:
+        dir_list.append(key)
+    return dir_list
+def main():
+    """ primary entry point for execution of tests
+    """
+    test_map = build_test_map()
+    # parse the command line options
+    options, args = parse_args(test_map)
+    # walk the args list and attempt to build a master list of tests to run
+    arg_list = ["nosetests", "--nologcapture", "-w", SRC, "-c", options.config]
+    for entry in args:
+        arg_list.extend(expand_args(entry, test_map))
+    # redirect stdout and stderr to a string
+    stderr = StringIO()
+    stdout = StringIO()
+    sys.stderr = stderr
+    sys.stdout = stdout
+    # run the tests
+    nose.core.TestProgram(argv=arg_list, exit=False)
+    # restore stdout and stderr
+    sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
+    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+    results = stderr.getvalue()
+    # if the user doesn't want result spam, suppress it
+    if not options.suppress_results:
+        print results
+    # gather test results from the latest hudson run
+    this_run = parse_results(results=results)
+    hudson_run = parse_results(hudson_num=options.hudson_num)
+    diffs = False
+    regressions = list()
+    fixes = list()
+    for key, value in this_run.items():
+        if key in hudson_run:
+            hudson_value = hudson_run[key]
+            if value != hudson_value:
+                diffs = True
+                if hudson_value == "ok":
+                    # regression
+                    regressions.append(key)
+                elif hudson_value in ["ERROR", "FAIL"] and value == "ok":
+                    fixes.append(key)
+    if not diffs:
+        print "No regressions found!"
+    else:
+        if regressions:
+            print "New Regressions:"
+            print "----------------"
+            print "\n".join(regressions)
+            print "\n"
+        if fixes:
+            print "Tests Now Passing:"
+            print "------------------"
+            print "\n".join(fixes)
+            print "\n"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
--- a/usr/src/tools/tests/tests.nose	Thu Aug 11 13:59:34 2011 +0100
+++ b/usr/src/tools/tests/tests.nose	Fri Aug 12 11:21:33 2011 -0600
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@
 # the files in that directory should begin with "test_". Files
 # containing in-line doc-tests should be added explicitly.