7169312 install services created on S11 always serve out the default manifest once server is updated
Sun, 22 Jul 2012 22:34:21 -0600
changeset 1753 f73bfa44960e
parent 1752 5c51d42f1aaf
child 1754 90688163755c
7169312 install services created on S11 always serve out the default manifest once server is updated
--- a/usr/src/cmd/ai-webserver/AI_database.py	Fri Jul 20 16:19:17 2012 -0700
+++ b/usr/src/cmd/ai-webserver/AI_database.py	Sun Jul 22 22:34:21 2012 -0600
@@ -641,21 +641,19 @@
         return None
-def build_query_str(criteria, criteria_set_in_db, all_criteria_in_db):
+def build_query_str(criteria, criteria_set_in_db, all_criteria_in_db,
+                    filter_noncriteria_manifests=True):
     '''  build a query to find out which manifest is the best
     match for the client, based on criteria set in the db.
         criteria: dictionary of client criteria
         criteria_set_in_db: list of unstripped criteria currently set in the db
         all_criteria_in_db: complete list of criteria.
-        - If given, filter manifests which have no criteria set.
-        - If None, don't filter manifests which have no criteria set.
+        filter_noncriteria_manifests : if True, filter manifests which have no
+                                       criteria set.
     Returns: query string or 0 if there is an error
-    # Filter manifests with no criteria set, if all_criteria_in_db passed in.
-    filter_noncriteria_manifests = (all_criteria_in_db is not None)
     query_str = "SELECT name FROM manifests WHERE "
     # Set up search for all manifest matches in the db and then add ORDER
@@ -743,7 +741,7 @@
     query_str += ("ORDER BY "
                   "(COALESCE(MAXmac, MINmac) IS NOT NULL) desc, "
                   "(COALESCE(MAXipv4, MINipv4) IS NOT NULL) desc, ")
-    if "hostname" in criteria:
+    if "hostname" in all_criteria_in_db:
         query_str += ("match_hostname('" + sanitizeSQL(criteria['hostname']) +
                       "', hostname, 1) desc, ")
     query_str += ("platform desc, arch desc, cpu desc, "
--- a/usr/src/cmd/ai-webserver/test/test_ai_database.py	Fri Jul 20 16:19:17 2012 -0700
+++ b/usr/src/cmd/ai-webserver/test/test_ai_database.py	Sun Jul 22 22:34:21 2012 -0600
@@ -298,13 +298,46 @@
 class build_query_str(unittest.TestCase):
     '''Tests for build_query_str'''
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        '''unit test set up'''
+        dbname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir="/tmp", delete=False)
+        cls.dbname = dbname.name
+        cls.db = sqlite3.connect(dbname.name, isolation_level=None)
+        # create db
+        cls.db.execute("CREATE TABLE manifests (name TEXT, instance INTEGER, "
+                      "arch TEXT, hostname TEXT, MINmac INTEGER, "
+                      "MAXmac INTEGER, MINipv4 INTEGER, MAXipv4 INTEGER, "
+                      "cpu TEXT, platform TEXT, MINnetwork INTEGER, "
+                      "MAXnetwork INTEGER, MINmem INTEGER, MAXmem INTEGER, "
+                      "zonename TEXT)")
+        cls.db.execute("INSERT INTO manifests VALUES('manifest', 0, "
+                       "'i86pc', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,"
+                       "NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)")
+        cls.db.execute("INSERT INTO manifests VALUES('manifest1', 0, "
+                       "NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,"
+                       "NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)")
+        cls.aidb = AIdb.DB(cls.dbname, commit=True)
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        '''Class-level variable teardown'''
+        cls.db.close()
+        os.remove(cls.dbname)
     def test_building_query_str(self):
-        ''' test that we get reasonable query str '''
-        cri_list = ['MINipv4', 'MAXipv4', 'arch', 'cpu', 'platform',
-                  'MINmac', 'MAXmac', 'MINmem', 'MAXmem',
-                  'MINnetwork', 'MAXnetwork']
+        ''' test that we get reasonable query str and appropriate manifest '''
+        cri_list = AIdb.getCriteria(self.aidb.getQueue(), onlyUsed=False,
+                                     strip=False)
+        criteria_set_in_db = AIdb.getCriteria(self.aidb.getQueue(),
+                                              onlyUsed=True)
         # Artificially small list to test filter functionality.
-        all_cri_list = ['arch']
         my_crit_dict = {
                         'ipv4': '020025224125',
                         'arch': 'i86pc',
@@ -314,7 +347,8 @@
                         'mem': '2048',
                         'mac': 'aabbccddeeff'
-        query_str = AIdb.build_query_str(my_crit_dict, cri_list, all_cri_list)
+        query_str = AIdb.build_query_str(my_crit_dict, cri_list,
+                                         criteria_set_in_db)
         self.assertTrue(query_str.startswith("SELECT name"))
         self.assertTrue("FROM manifests WHERE " in query_str)
         self.assertTrue("MAXmem >= 2048 OR MAXmem IS NULL" in query_str)
@@ -333,6 +367,31 @@
         self.assertFalse("(cpu IS NULL)" in query_str)
         self.assertTrue(query_str.endswith("LIMIT 1"))
+        # execute the query and confirm the manifest name
+        query = AIdb.DBrequest(query_str)
+        self.aidb.getQueue().put(query)
+        query.waitAns()
+        self.assertTrue(query.getResponse()[0]['name'], "manifest")
+    def test_filter_noncriteria_manifests(self):
+        ''' test that we don't filter noncriteria manifests'''
+        cri_list = AIdb.getCriteria(self.aidb.getQueue(), onlyUsed=False,
+                                     strip=False)
+        criteria_set_in_db = AIdb.getCriteria(self.aidb.getQueue(),
+                                              onlyUsed=True)
+        my_crit_dict = {'arch': 'sun4v'}
+        query_str = AIdb.build_query_str(my_crit_dict, cri_list,
+                criteria_set_in_db, filter_noncriteria_manifests=False)
+        # execute the query and confirm the manifest for which no criteria
+        # is set.
+        query = AIdb.DBrequest(query_str)
+        self.aidb.getQueue().put(query)
+        query.waitAns()
+        self.assertTrue(query.getResponse()[0]['name'], "manifest1")
 class findManifest(unittest.TestCase):
     '''Tests for findManifest'''