author hnhn
Sun, 11 Oct 2009 16:20:24 +0200
changeset 427 d08d9f73becc
parent 388 ec32cf9d76cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix make in src/locale_cldr

# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.

include $(SRC)/Makefile.master

#LOCALES:sh = cd spec; ls

COMMON_CFLAGS	= $(CCVERBOSE) -K pic -D PIC -G -I. -z defs -z text -z ignore -D_REENTRANT

# escape ',' for localedef
sparc_CCUNBOUND		= -Wd\,-xsafe=unboundsym
sparc_SPACEFLAG		= -xspace -W0\,-Lt -W2\,-Rcond_elim
sparcv9_SPACEFLAG	= -xspace -W0\,-Lt -W2\,-Rcond_elim
CCREGSYM		= -Wc\,-Qiselect-regsym=0


LDF_OPT64	= -m lp64


JAVA_FLAGS	= -Dhttp.proxyHost=webcache.sfbay -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080
JAVA_FLAGS	+= -Xmx256m

JARS		= jars/icu4j.jar jars/utilities.jar jars/xalan.jar jars/xml-apis.jar jars/cldr.jar

LOCALEDEF	= localedef -v -P /opt/SUNWspro/bin $(LDF_OPT) -W cc,"$(CFLAGS)" -L "$(LOPT_ORIGIN)"
LOCALEDEF64	= localedef  -P /opt/SUNWspro/bin $(LDF_OPT64) -W cc,"$(CFLAGS64)" -L "$(LOPT_ORIGIN)"
GENERATE_POSIX	= $(JAVA_ROOT)/bin/java  $(JAVA_FLAGS) -cp $(JAVA_CP_SH:sh) -DCLDR_DTD_CACHE=dtd_cache org.unicode.cldr.posix.GeneratePOSIX -s cldr_core -d posix

JAVA_CP_SH	= echo $(JARS) | tr ' ' ':'

all: $(LOCALES:%=locale/ locale64/

doc: diffs.html $(LOCALES:%=collation_test/%.diff)

posix: $(LOCALES:%=posix/%.src)

install: all
	for l in $(LOCALES); do \
		$(INSDIR) $(FILEROOT)/usr/lib/locale/$$l/$(MACH64); \
		cp locale/$$ $(FILEROOT)/usr/lib/locale/$$l; \
		cp locale64/$$ $(FILEROOT)/usr/lib/locale/$$l/$(MACH64); \

DIRS = charmap cldr_tools cldr_core locale locale64 posix xalan jars extension collation_test

	rm -Rf $(DIRS)
	rm -Rf cldr.jar icu4j.jar xalan.jar utilities.jar xml-apis.jar
	rm -Rf cmap.dat ldump diffs.html *.ctype cmprint mysort
	rm -Rf .unpack_*

distclean: clean
	rm -Rf download

CHARMAP_SH	= echo $* | cut -d. -f2| cut -d@ -f1

# "... || [ $$? -eq 1 ]" - we ignore localedef warnings
locale/ posix/%.src charmap/ extension/%.x locale/.dir 
	cd locale; $(LOCALEDEF) -x ../extension/$*.x -f ../charmap/$*.cm -i ../posix/$*.src $*

locale64/ posix/%.src charmap/ extension/%.x locale64/.dir
	cd locale64; $(LOCALEDEF64) -x ../extension/$*.x -f ../charmap/$*.cm -i ../posix/$*.src $*

LOCALE_SH	= cat "spec/$*"| grep -v '^\#' | grep -v '^[ \t]*$$' |head -n 1
CTYPE_SH	= echo "$(LOCALE_SH:sh)" | perl -e '$$_ = <STDIN>; print $$1 if /.*copy_ctype=([^,]*).*/'

posix/%.src:  $(JARS) cldr_core/.src posix/.dir dtd_cache/.dir spec/%
	[ -z "$(CTYPE_SH:sh)" -o -f "$(CTYPE_SH:sh)" ] || $(MAKE) $(CTYPE_SH:sh)
	$(MV) "posix/$(LOCALE_SH:sh).$(CHARMAP_SH:sh).src" "$@"

extension/%.UTF-8.x: misc/UTF-8.x extension/.dir
	cp misc/UTF-8.x $@

extension/%.ISO8859-1.x extension/%.ISO8859-2.x extension/%.ISO8859-5.x extension/%.ISO8859-7.x extension/%.ISO8859-9.x extension/%.ISO8859-13.x extension/%.ISO8859-15.x: misc/ISO8859.x extension/.dir 
	cp misc/ISO8859.x $@

extension/%.eucJP.x extension/%.ANSI1251.x extension/%.KOI8-R.x: misc/ISO8859.x extension/.dir
	cp misc/ISO8859.x $@

# workaround of make(1S) known bug: "Filenames with the characters =, :, or @, do not work"
#  (because the bug we can not write 'extension/%.UTF-8@euro: .... ')
VARIANT_SH	= echo $* | cut -d@ -f2
WITHOUT_AT_SH	= echo $* | cut -d@ -f1
	$(MAKE) extension/$(WITHOUT_AT_SH:sh).x
	cp extension/$(WITHOUT_AT_SH:sh).x $@

# Solaris does not support Unicode 5.1 yet so GENERATE_POSIX needs more params for the UTF-8 locales
charmap/src/ $(JARS) charmap/src/.dir
	$(JAVA_ROOT)/bin/java $(JAVA_FLAGS) -cp $(JAVA_CP_SH:sh) org.unicode.cldr.posix.GenerateCharmap -d charmap/src -c UTF-8 -u '[[\u0000-\U0010FFFF]-[[:Phoenician:][:Kharoshthi:][:Cuneiform:][\U0001D200-\U0001D24F][:Lycian:][:Carian:][:Lydian:][\U0001F000-\U0001F02F][\U0001F030-\U0001F09F]]]'

charmap/src/ $(JARS) charmap/src/.dir
	$(JAVA_ROOT)/bin/java $(JAVA_FLAGS) -cp $(JAVA_CP_SH:sh) org.unicode.cldr.posix.GenerateCharmap -d charmap/src -c $(CHARMAP_SH:sh)

charmap/ charmap/.dir
	$(MAKE) charmap/src/$(CHARMAP_SH:sh).cm
	cp charmap/src/$(CHARMAP_SH:sh).cm $@

UTF-8.ctype: misc/ctype.unicode
	cp $^ $@

%.ctype: charmap/src/ misc/ctype.unicode
	tools/ charmap/src/$*.cm misc/ctype.unicode > $@

jars/cldr.jar: jars/icu4j.jar jars/utilities.jar jars/xalan.jar jars/xml-apis.jar cldr_tools/.src
	cd cldr_tools; ICU4J_JAR=../jars/icu4j.jar UTILITIES_JAR=../jars/utilities.jar CLDR_JAR=../jars/xalan.jar XML_APIS_JAR=../jars/xml-apis.jar ant jar
	cp cldr_tools/cldr.jar $@

jars/utilities.jar: cldr_tools/.src  jars/.dir
	cp cldr_tools/utilities.jar $@

jars/xalan.jar: xalan/.unpack jars/.dir
	cp xalan/xalan-j_2_7_1/xalan.jar $@

jars/xml-apis.jar: xalan/.unpack jars/.dir
	cp xalan/xalan-j_2_7_1/xml-apis.jar $@

jars/icu4j.jar: download/icu4j-4_2.jar jars/.dir
	cp download/icu4j-4_2.jar $@

cldr_core/.unpack: download/ cldr_core/.dir
	unzip -q download/ -d cldr_core
	touch $@

cldr_tools/.unpack: download/ cldr_tools/.dir
	unzip -q download/ -d cldr_tools
	touch $@

xalan/.unpack: download/ xalan/.dir
	unzip -q download/ -d xalan
	touch $@

cldr_tools/.src: cldr_tools/.unpack
	@[ ! -d patches/$(@D) -o ! "$$(ls -A patches/$(@D))" ] || for a in patches/$(@D)/*.patch; do \
		echo "applying $$a"; \
		(cd $(@D); $(GNU_PATCH) -p1) < $$a; \
	touch $@

cldr_core/.src: cldr_core/.unpack
	@[ ! -d patches/$(@D) -o ! "$$(ls -A patches/$(@D))" ] || for a in patches/$(@D)/*.patch; do \
		echo "applying $$a"; \
		(cd $(@D); $(GNU_PATCH) -p1) < $$a; \
	touch $@

download/icu4j-4_2.jar: download/.dir
	$(WGET) -q -O $@
	touch $@

download/ download/.dir
	$(WGET) -q -O $@
	touch $@

download/ download/.dir
	$(WGET) -q -O $@
	touch $@

download/ download/.dir
	$(WGET) -q -O $@
	touch $@

diffs.html: ldump tools/
	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/locale/common tools/ $(LOCALES) >$@

collation_test/%.diff: collation_test/%.orig collation_test/
	-diff collation_test/$*.orig collation_test/$*.new > $@

collation_test/%.orig: cmprint mysort collation_test/.dir
	./cmprint $(CHARMAP_SH:sh) | (LC_ALL=$* ./mysort /) | iconv -f $(CHARMAP_SH:sh) -t utf-8 > $@

collation_test/ cmprint mysort collation_test/.%.locale collation_test/.dir
	./cmprint $(CHARMAP_SH:sh) | (LC_ALL=$* LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/locale/common ./mysort `pwd`/collation_test/) | iconv -f $(CHARMAP_SH:sh) -t utf-8 > $@

collation_test/.%.locale: collation_test/.%.locale32 collation_test/.%.locale64
	touch $@

collation_test/.%.locale32: locale/ collation_test/usr/lib/locale/%/.dir 
	ln -s ../../../../../locale/$*.so.3 collation_test/usr/lib/locale/$*/
	touch $@

collation_test/.%.locale64: locale64/ collation_test/usr/lib/locale/%/$(MACH64)/.dir
	ln -s ../../../../../../locale64/$*.so.3 collation_test/usr/lib/locale/$*/$(MACH64)/
	touch $@

# tools
ldump: tools/ldump.c cmap.dat
	$(CC) -I . -o ldump tools/ldump.c

cmprint: tools/cmprint.c cmap.dat
	$(CC) -I . -o cmprint tools/cmprint.c

mysort: tools/mysort.c
	$(CC) -DFIRST_COLUMN_ONLY -xO2 -o mysort tools/mysort.c

cmap.dat: tools/ $(LOCALES:%=locale/ charmap/.dir
	tools/ `find charmap/src/ -type f -name '*.cm'` > $@

	rm -Rf $*; mkdir -p $*
	touch $@