changeset 1580 2763f36d0eda
parent 1544 e0ce5081236a
child 1662 f0ba72befa72
--- a/src/tests/api/	Tue Dec 15 07:35:00 2009 -0800
+++ b/src/tests/api/	Tue Dec 15 21:43:10 2009 -0800
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 import os
 import shutil
+import subprocess
 import sys
 import tempfile
 import unittest
@@ -39,198 +40,313 @@
 import pkg5unittest
+import pkg.catalog as catalog
+import pkg.flavor.elf as elf
 import pkg.fmri as fmri
-import pkg.catalog as catalog
+import pkg.portable as portable
+import pkg.publish.dependencies as dependencies
 import pkg.updatelog as updatelog
-import pkg.portable as portable
-import pkg.publish.dependencies as dependencies
 class TestDependencyAnalyzer(pkg5unittest.Pkg5TestCase):
+        paths = {
+            "authlog_path": "var/log/authlog",
+            "curses_path": "usr/xpg4/lib/",
+            "indexer_path":
+                "usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg_test/client/",
+            "ksh_path": "usr/bin/ksh",
+            "libc_path": "lib/",
+            "pkg_path":
+                "usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg_test/client/",
+            "script_path": "lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot",
+            "syslog_path": "var/log/syslog"
+        }   
         ext_hardlink_manf = """ \
-hardlink path=usr/foo target=../var/log/syslog
-hardlink path=usr/bar target=../var/log/syslog
-hardlink path=baz target=var/log/authlog
+hardlink path=usr/foo target=../%(syslog_path)s
+hardlink path=usr/bar target=../%(syslog_path)s
+hardlink path=baz target=%(authlog_path)s
+""" % paths
         int_hardlink_manf = """ \
-hardlink path=usr/foo target=../var/log/syslog
-file NOHASH group=sys mode=0644 owner=root path=var/log/syslog 
+hardlink path=usr/foo target=../%(syslog_path)s
+file NOHASH group=sys mode=0644 owner=root path=%(syslog_path)s 
+""" % paths
         int_hardlink_manf_test_symlink = """ \
-hardlink path=usr/foo target=../var/log/syslog
+hardlink path=usr/foo target=../%(syslog_path)s
 file NOHASH group=sys mode=0644 owner=root path=bar/syslog 
+""" % paths
-        ext_pb_manf = """ \
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot
+        ext_script_manf = """ \
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(script_path)s
+""" % paths
-        int_pb_manf = """ \
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/bin/ksh
+        int_script_manf = """ \
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(script_path)s
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(ksh_path)s
+""" % paths
         ext_elf_manf = """ \
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/xpg4/lib/
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(curses_path)s
+""" % paths
         int_elf_manf = """ \
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=lib/
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/xpg4/lib/
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(libc_path)s
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(curses_path)s
+""" % paths
         ext_python_manf = """ \
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/client/
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(indexer_path)s
+""" % paths
+        ext_python_pkg_manf = """ \
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(pkg_path)s
+""" % paths
         variant_manf_1 = """ \
 set name=variant.arch value=foo value=bar value=baz
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/bin/ksh variant.arch=foo
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(script_path)s
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(ksh_path)s variant.arch=foo
+""" % paths
         variant_manf_2 = """ \
 set name=variant.arch value=foo value=bar value=baz
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot variant.arch=foo
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/bin/ksh variant.arch=foo
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(script_path)s variant.arch=foo
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(ksh_path)s variant.arch=foo
+""" % paths
         variant_manf_3 = """ \
 set name=variant.arch value=foo value=bar value=baz
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot variant.arch=bar
-file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/bin/ksh variant.arch=foo
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(script_path)s variant.arch=bar
+file NOHASH group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=%(ksh_path)s variant.arch=foo
+""" % paths
+        python_abs_text = """\
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os
+import sys
+import pkg_test.indexer_test.foobar as indexer
+import pkg.search_storage as ss
+from ..misc_test import EmptyI
+        python_text = """\
+import os
+import sys
+import pkg_test.indexer_test.foobar as indexer
+import pkg.search_storage as ss
+from pkg_test.misc_test import EmptyI
-        @staticmethod
-        def make_manifest(str):
-                t_fd, t_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        script_text = "#!/usr/bin/ksh -p\n"
+        def setUp(self):
+                pkg5unittest.Pkg5TestCase.setUp(self)
+                self.image_dir = None
+       = os.getpid()
+                self.pwd = os.getcwd()
+                self.__test_prefix = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
+                    "ips.test.%d" %
+                self.proto_dir = os.path.join(self.__test_prefix, "proto")
+                self.manf_dir = os.path.join(self.__test_prefix, "manfs")
+                os.makedirs(self.proto_dir)
+                os.makedirs(self.manf_dir)
+        def tearDown(self):
+                pkg5unittest.Pkg5TestCase.tearDown(self)
+                shutil.rmtree(self.__test_prefix)
+        def make_python_test_files(self, py_version):
+                pdir = "usr/lib/python%s/vendor-packages" % py_version
+                for p in ["pkg_test/indexer_test/foobar",
+                    "pkg_test/search_storage_test", "pkg_test/misc_test"]:
+                        self.make_text_file("%s/" % (pdir, p))
+                self.make_text_file("%s/pkg_test/" % pdir,
+                    "#!/usr/bin/python\n")
+                self.make_text_file("%s/pkg_test/indexer_test/" %
+                    pdir, "#!/usr/bin/python")
+        def make_manifest(self, str):
+                t_fd, t_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.manf_dir)
                 t_fh = os.fdopen(t_fd, "w")
                 return t_path
+        def make_text_file(self, o_path, o_text=""):
+                f_path = os.path.join(self.proto_dir, o_path)
+                f_dir = os.path.dirname(f_path)
+                if not os.path.exists(f_dir):
+                        os.makedirs(f_dir)
+                fh = open(f_path, "w")
+                fh.write(o_text)
+                fh.close()
+                return f_path
+        def make_elf(self, final_path, static=False):
+                t_fd, t_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".c", dir=self.proto_dir)
+                out_file = os.path.join(self.proto_dir, final_path)
+                out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_file)
+                if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
+                        os.makedirs(out_dir)
+                t_fh = os.fdopen(t_fd, "w")
+                t_fh.write("int main(){}\n")
+                t_fh.close()
+                cmd = ["/usr/bin/cc", "-o", out_file]
+                if static:
+                        cmd.append("-static")
+                cmd.append(t_path)
+                s = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
+                rc = s.wait()
+                if rc != 0:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Compile of %s failed. Runpaths "
+                            "were %s" % " ".join(run_paths))
+                return out_file
+        def __path_to_key(self, path):
+                if path == self.paths["libc_path"]:
+                        return ((os.path.basename(path),), tuple([
+                            p.lstrip("/") for p in elf.default_run_paths
+                        ]))
+                return ((os.path.basename(path),), (os.path.dirname(path),))
         def test_ext_hardlink(self):
                 """Check that a hardlink with a target outside the package is
                 reported as a dependency."""
                 def _check_results(res):
                         ds, es, ms = res
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
+                        if es != []:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                                    "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                        self.assertEqual(ms, {})
                         self.assert_(len(ds) == 3)
                         ans = set(["usr/foo", "usr/bar"])
                         for d in ds:
-                                self.assertEqual(d.dep_vars, None)
+                                self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
-                                if d.dep_key() == "var/log/syslog":
+                                if d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                                    self.paths["syslog_path"]):
                                             d.action.attrs["path"] in ans)
-                                            "var/log/authlog")
+                                            self.__path_to_key(
+                                                self.paths["authlog_path"]))
-                                            d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "baz")
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_hardlink_manf)
-                        _check_results(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, []))
-                        _check_results(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, [],
-                            remove_internal_deps=False))
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                                            d.action.attrs["path"], "baz")
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_hardlink_manf)
+                _check_results(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, []))
+                _check_results(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [],
+                    remove_internal_deps=False))
         def test_int_hardlink(self):
                 """Check that a hardlink with a target inside the package is
                 not reported as a dependency, unless the flag to show internal
                 dependencies is set."""
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.int_hardlink_manf)
-                        ds, es, ms = \
-                            dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/", {}, [])
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 1)
-                        self.assert_(len(ds) == 0)
-                        ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False)
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 1)
-                        self.assertEqual(len(ds), 1)
-                        d = ds[0]
-                        self.assertEqual(d.dep_vars, None)
-                        self.assert_(d.is_error())
-                        self.assertEqual(d.dep_key(), "var/log/syslog")
-                        self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"], "usr/foo")
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.int_hardlink_manf)
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["syslog_path"])
+                ds, es, ms = \
+                    dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, self.proto_dir, {},
+                        [])
+                if es != []:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                            "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                self.assert_(len(ms) == 1)
+                self.assert_(len(ds) == 0)
-        def test_ext_pb(self):
+                # Check that internal dependencies are as expected.
+                ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False)
+                if es != []:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                            "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                self.assertEqual(len(ms), 1)
+                self.assertEqual(len(ds), 1)
+                d = ds[0]
+                self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                self.assert_(d.is_error())
+                self.assertEqual(d.dep_key(), self.__path_to_key(
+                    self.paths["syslog_path"]))
+                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"], "usr/foo")
+        def test_ext_script(self):
                 """Check that a file that starts with #! and references a file
                 outside its package is reported as a dependency."""
                 def _check_res(res):
                         ds, es, ms = res
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
+                        if es != []:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                                    "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                        self.assertEqual(ms, {})
                         self.assert_(len(ds) == 1)
                         d = ds[0]
-                        self.assertEqual(d.dep_vars, None)
-                        self.assertEqual(d.dep_key(), "usr/bin/ksh")
+                        self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                        self.assertEqual(d.dep_key(),
+                            self.__path_to_key(self.paths["ksh_path"]))
-                            "lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot")
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_pb_manf)
-                        _check_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/",
-                            {}, []))
-                        _check_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/",
-                            {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                            self.paths["script_path"])
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_script_manf)
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["script_path"], self.script_text)
+                _check_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, []))
+                _check_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
-        def test_int_pb(self):
+        def test_int_script(self):
                 """Check that a file that starts with #! and references a file
-                outside its package is not reported as a dependency unless
+                inside its package is not reported as a dependency unless
                 the flag to show internal dependencies is set."""
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.int_pb_manf)
-                        ds, es, ms = \
-                            dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/", {}, [])
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
-                        self.assert_(len(ds) == 1)
-                        d = ds[0]
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.int_script_manf)
+                self.make_elf(self.paths["ksh_path"])
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["script_path"], self.script_text)
+                ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [])
+                if es != []:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                            "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                self.assertEqual(ms, {})
+                self.assert_(len(ds) == 1)
+                d = ds[0]
+                self.assert_(d.is_error())
+                self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                self.assertEqual(d.base_names[0], "")
+                self.assertEqual(set(d.run_paths), set(["lib",
+                    "usr/lib"]))
+                # Check that internal dependencies are as expected.
+                ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False)
+                self.assertEqual(len(ds), 2)
+                for d in ds:
-                        self.assertEqual(d.dep_vars, None)
-                        self.assertEqual(d.base_name, "")
-                        self.assertEqual(set(d.run_paths), set(["lib",
-                            "usr/lib"]))
-                        ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False)
-                        for d in ds:
-                                self.assert_(d.is_error())
-                                self.assertEqual(d.dep_vars, None)
-                                if d.dep_key() == "usr/bin/ksh":
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot")
-                                elif d.dep_key() == \
-                                    ("", ("lib", "usr/lib")):
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "usr/bin/ksh")
-                                else:
-                                        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected "
-                                            "dependency path:%s" % dep)
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                        self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                        if d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                            self.paths["ksh_path"]):
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                    self.paths["script_path"])
+                        elif d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                            self.paths["libc_path"]):
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                    self.paths["ksh_path"])
+                        else:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected "
+                                    "dependency path:%s" % d)
         def test_ext_elf(self):
                 """Check that an elf file that requires a library outside its
@@ -238,29 +354,29 @@
                 def _check_res(res):
                         ds, es, ms = res
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
+                        if es != []:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                                    "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                        self.assertEqual(ms, {})
                         self.assert_(len(ds) == 1)
                         d = ds[0]
-                        self.assertEqual(d.dep_vars, None)
-                        self.assertEqual(d.base_name, "")
+                        self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                        self.assertEqual(d.base_names[0], "")
                             set(["lib", "usr/lib"]))
-                            ("", ("lib", "usr/lib")))
+                            self.__path_to_key(self.paths["libc_path"]))
-                                "usr/xpg4/lib/")
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_elf_manf)
-                        _check_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/",
-                            {}, []))
-                        _check_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/",
-                            {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                                self.paths["curses_path"])
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_elf_manf)
+                self.make_elf(self.paths["curses_path"])
+                _check_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, []))
+                _check_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
         def test_int_elf(self):
                 """Check that an elf file that requires a library inside its
@@ -269,31 +385,36 @@
                 def _check_all_res(res):
                         ds, es, ms = res
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
+                        if es != []:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                                    "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                        self.assertEqual(ms, {})
                         self.assert_(len(ds) == 1)
                         d = ds[0]
-                        self.assertEqual(d.dep_vars, None)
-                        self.assertEqual(d.base_name, "")
+                        self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                        self.assertEqual(d.base_names[0], "")
                             set(["lib", "usr/lib"]))
-                            ("", ("lib", "usr/lib")))
-                        self.assertEqual(
-                                d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                "usr/xpg4/lib/")
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.int_elf_manf)
-                        d_map, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, [])
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
-                        self.assert_(len(d_map) == 0)
-                        _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                            self.__path_to_key(self.paths["libc_path"]))
+                        self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                            self.paths["curses_path"])
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.int_elf_manf)
+                self.make_elf(self.paths["curses_path"])
+                self.make_elf(self.paths["libc_path"], static=True)
+                d_map, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [])
+                if es != []:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                            "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                self.assertEqual(ms, {})
+                self.assert_(len(d_map) == 0)
+                # Check that internal dependencies are as expected.
+                _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
         def test_ext_python_dep(self):
                 """Check that a python file that imports a module outside its
@@ -301,198 +422,298 @@
                 def _check_all_res(res):
                         ds, es, ms = res
-                        expected_deps = set(["usr/bin/python",
-                            "usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/" +
-                            "",
-                            "usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/",
-                            "usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/",
-                            "usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/" +
-                            ""])
-                        self.assertEqual(es, [])
+                        mod_suffs = ["/", ".py", ".pyc", ".pyo"]
+                        mod_names = ["foobar", "misc_test", "os",
+                            "search_storage"]
+                        pkg_names = ["indexer_test", "pkg", "pkg_test"]
+                        expected_deps = set([("python",)] +
+                            [tuple(sorted([
+                                "%s%s" % (n,s) for s in mod_suffs
+                            ]))
+                            for n in mod_names] +
+                            [("%s/" % n,) for n in pkg_names])
+                        if es != []:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                                    "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
                         self.assertEqual(ms, {})
-                        self.assertEqual(len(ds), len(expected_deps))
+                        for d in ds:
+                                self.assert_(d.is_error())
+                                if d.dep_vars is None:
+                                        raise RuntimeError("This dep had "
+                                            "depvars of None:%s" % d)
+                                self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                                if not d.dep_key()[0] in expected_deps:
+                                        raise RuntimeError("Got this "
+                                            "unexpected dep:%s\n\nd:%s" %
+                                            (d.dep_key()[0], d))
+                                expected_deps.remove(d.dep_key()[0])
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                        self.paths["indexer_path"])
+                        if expected_deps:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find these "
+                                    "dependencies:\n" + "\n".join(
+                                    [str(s) for s in sorted(expected_deps)]))
+                self.__debug = True
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_python_manf)
+                self.make_python_test_files(2.6)
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["indexer_path"],
+                    self.python_text)
+                _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, []))
+                _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
+        def test_ext_python_abs_import_dep(self):
+                """Check that a python file that uses absolute imports a module
+                is handled correctly."""
+                def _check_all_res(res):
+                        ds, es, ms = res
+                        mod_suffs = ["/", ".py", ".pyc", ".pyo"]
+                        mod_names = ["foobar", "os", "search_storage"]
+                        pkg_names = ["indexer_test", "pkg", "pkg_test"]
+                        expected_deps = set([("python",)] +
+                            [tuple(sorted([
+                                "%s%s" % (n,s) for s in mod_suffs
+                            ]))
+                            for n in mod_names] +
+                            [("%s/" % n,) for n in pkg_names])
+                        if len(es) != 1:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Expected exactly 1 error, "
+                                    "got:%\n" + "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                        if es[0].name != "misc_test":
+                                raise RuntimeError("Didn't get the expected "
+                                    "error. Error found was:%s" % es[0])
+                        self.assertEqual(ms, {})
                         for d in ds:
-                                self.assertEqual(d.dep_vars, None)
-                                self.assert_(d.dep_key() in
-                                             expected_deps)
-                                expected_deps.remove(d.dep_key())
-                                self.assertEqual(
-                                        d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                        "usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/"
-                                        "pkg/client/")
+                                if d.dep_vars is None:
+                                        raise RuntimeError("This dep had "
+                                            "depvars of None:%s" % d)
+                                self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                                if not d.dep_key()[0] in expected_deps:
+                                        raise RuntimeError("Got this "
+                                            "unexpected dep:%s\n\nd:%s" %
+                                            (d.dep_key()[0], d))
+                                expected_deps.remove(d.dep_key()[0])
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                        self.paths["indexer_path"])
+                        if expected_deps:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find these "
+                                    "dependencies:\n" + "\n".join(
+                                    [str(s) for s in sorted(expected_deps)]))
                 self.__debug = True
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_python_manf)
-                        _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, []))
-                        _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_python_manf)
+                self.make_python_test_files(2.6)
+                # Check that absolute imports still work.
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["indexer_path"],
+                    self.python_abs_text)
+                _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, []))
+                _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
+        def test_ext_python_pkg_dep(self):
+                """Check that a python file that is the file for a
+                package is handled correctly."""
+                def _check_all_res(res):
+                        ds, es, ms = res
+                        mod_suffs = ["/", ".py", ".pyc", ".pyo"]
+                        mod_names = ["foobar", "misc_test", "os",
+                            "search_storage"]
+                        pkg_names = ["indexer_test", "pkg", "pkg_test"]
+                        expected_deps = set([("python",)] +
+                            [tuple(sorted([
+                                "%s%s" % (n,s) for s in mod_suffs
+                            ]))
+                            for n in mod_names] +
+                            [("%s/" % n,) for n in pkg_names])
+                        if es != []:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                                    "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                        self.assertEqual(ms, {})
+                        for d in ds:
+                                self.assert_(d.is_error())
+                                if d.dep_vars is None:
+                                        raise RuntimeError("This dep had "
+                                            "depvars of None:%s" % d)
+                                self.assert_(d.dep_vars.is_satisfied())
+                                if not d.dep_key()[0] in expected_deps:
+                                        raise RuntimeError("Got this "
+                                            "unexpected dep:%s\n\nd:%s" %
+                                            (d.dep_key()[0], d))
+                                expected_deps.remove(d.dep_key()[0])
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                        self.paths["pkg_path"])
+                        if expected_deps:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find these "
+                                    "dependencies:\n" + "\n".join(
+                                    [str(s) for s in sorted(expected_deps)]))
+                self.__debug = True
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.ext_python_pkg_manf)
+                self.make_python_test_files(2.6)
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["pkg_path"], self.python_text)
+                _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, []))
+                _check_all_res(dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False))
         def test_variants_1(self):
                 """Test that a file which satisfies a dependency only under a
                 certain set of variants results in the dependency being reported
                 for the other set of variants."""
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.variant_manf_1)
-                        ds, es, ms = \
-                            dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/", {}, [])
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
-                        self.assert_(len(ds) == 2)
-                        for d in ds:
-                                self.assert_(d.is_error())
-                                if d.dep_key() == "usr/bin/ksh":
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot")
-                                        self.assertEqual(len(d.dep_vars), 1)
-                                        self.assert_(
-                                            "variant.arch" in d.dep_vars)
-                                        expected_vars = set(["bar", "baz"])
-                                        for v in d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]:
-                                                self.assert_(v in expected_vars)
-                                                expected_vars.remove(v)
-                                        self.assertEqual(expected_vars, set())
-                                elif d.dep_key() == \
-                                    ("", ("lib", "usr/lib")):
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "usr/bin/ksh")
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            set(d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]),
-                                            set(["foo"]))
-                                else:
-                                        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected "
-                                            "dependency path:%s" % d.dep_key())
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.variant_manf_1)
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["script_path"], self.script_text)
+                self.make_elf(self.paths["ksh_path"])
+                ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [])
+                if es != []:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                            "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                self.assertEqual(ms, {})
+                self.assert_(len(ds) == 2)
+                for d in ds:
+                        self.assert_(d.is_error())
+                        if d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                            self.paths["ksh_path"]):
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                    self.paths["script_path"])
+                                self.assertEqual(len(d.dep_vars), 1)
+                                self.assert_("variant.arch" in d.dep_vars)
+                                expected_vars = set([("bar",), ("baz",)])
+                                for v in d.dep_vars.not_sat_set:
+                                        if v not in expected_vars:
+                                                raise RuntimeError("Variant %s "
+                                                    "was not in %s" %
+                                                     (v, expected_vars))
+                                        expected_vars.remove(v)
+                                self.assertEqual(expected_vars, set())
+                        elif d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                            self.paths["libc_path"]):
+                                self.assertEqual(
+                                    d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                    self.paths["ksh_path"])
+                                self.assertEqual(
+                                    set(d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]),
+                                    set(["foo"]))
+                        else:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected "
+                                    "dependency path:%s" % (d.dep_key(),))
         def test_variants_2(self):
                 """Test that when the variants of the action with the dependency
                 and the action satisfying the dependency share the same
                 dependency, an external dependency is not reported."""
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.variant_manf_2)
-                        ds, es, ms = \
-                            dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/", {}, [])
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
-                        self.assert_(len(ds) == 1)
-                        d = ds[0]
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.variant_manf_2)
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["script_path"], self.script_text)
+                self.make_elf(self.paths["ksh_path"])
+                ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [])    
+                if es != []:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                            "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                self.assertEqual(ms, {})
+                self.assert_(len(ds) == 1)
+                d = ds[0]
+                self.assert_(d.is_error())
+                self.assertEqual(set(d.dep_vars.keys()), set(["variant.arch"]))
+                self.assertEqual(set(d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]), set(["foo"]))
+                self.assertEqual(d.base_names[0], "")
+                self.assertEqual(set(d.run_paths), set(["lib", "usr/lib"]))
+                # Check that internal dependencies are as expected.
+                ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False)
+                if es != []:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                            "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                self.assertEqual(ms, {})
+                self.assert_(len(ds) == 2)
+                for d in ds:
-                            set(["variant.arch"]))
+                           set(["variant.arch"]))
-                        self.assertEqual(d.base_name, "")
-                        self.assertEqual(set(d.run_paths),
-                            set(["lib", "usr/lib"]))
-                        ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            "/", {}, [], remove_internal_deps=False)
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
-                        self.assert_(len(ds) == 2)
-                        for d in ds:
-                                self.assert_(d.is_error())
-                                self.assertEqual(set(d.dep_vars.keys()),
-                                    set(["variant.arch"]))
-                                self.assertEqual(
-                                    set(d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]),
-                                    set(["foo"]))
-                                if d.dep_key() == "usr/bin/ksh":
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot")
-                                elif d.dep_key() == \
-                                    ("", ("lib", "usr/lib")):
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "usr/bin/ksh")
-                                else:
-                                        raise RuntimeError(
-                                            "Unexpected dependency path:%s" %
-                                            d.dep_key())
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                        if d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                            self.paths["ksh_path"]):
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                    self.paths["script_path"])
+                        elif d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                            self.paths["libc_path"]):
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                    self.paths["ksh_path"])
+                        else:
+                                raise RuntimeError(
+                                    "Unexpected dependency path:%s" %
+                                    (d.dep_key(),))
         def test_variants_3(self):
                 """Test that when the action with the dependency is tagged with
                 a different variant than the action which could satisfy it, it's
                 reported as an external dependency."""
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(self.variant_manf_3)
-                        ds, es, ms = \
-                            dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path, "/", {}, [])
-                        self.assert_(len(es) == 0 and len(ms) == 0)
-                        self.assert_(len(ds) == 2)
-                        for d in ds:
-                                self.assert_(d.is_error())
-                                if d.dep_key() == "usr/bin/ksh":
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-depot")
-                                        self.assertEqual(set(d.dep_vars.keys()),
-                                            set(["variant.arch"]))
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            set(d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]),
-                                            set(["bar"]))
-                                elif d.dep_key() == \
-                                    ("", ("lib", "usr/lib")):
-                                        self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
-                                            "usr/bin/ksh")
-                                        self.assertEqual(set(d.dep_vars.keys()),
-                                            set(["variant.arch"]))
-                                        self.assertEqual(
-                                            set(d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]),
-                                            set(["foo"]))
-                                else:
-                                        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected "
-                                            "dependency path:%s" % d.dep_key())
-                finally:
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(self.variant_manf_3)
+                self.make_text_file(self.paths["script_path"], self.script_text)
+                self.make_elf(self.paths["ksh_path"])
+                ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [])
+                if es != []:
+                        raise RuntimeError("Got errors in results:" +
+                            "\n".join([str(s) for s in es]))
+                self.assertEqual(ms, {})
+                self.assert_(len(ds) == 2)
+                for d in ds:
+                        self.assert_(d.is_error())
+                        if d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                            self.paths["ksh_path"]):
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                    self.paths["script_path"])
+                                self.assertEqual(set(d.dep_vars.keys()),
+                                    set(["variant.arch"]))
+                                self.assertEqual(
+                                    set(d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]),
+                                    set(["bar"]))
+                        elif d.dep_key() == self.__path_to_key(
+                            self.paths["libc_path"]):
+                                self.assertEqual(d.action.attrs["path"],
+                                    self.paths["ksh_path"])
+                                self.assertEqual(set(d.dep_vars.keys()),
+                                    set(["variant.arch"]))
+                                self.assertEqual(
+                                    set(d.dep_vars["variant.arch"]),
+                                    set(["foo"]))
+                        else:
+                                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected "
+                                    "dependency path:%s" % (d.dep_key(),))
         def test_symlinks(self):
                 """Test that a file is recognized as delivered when a symlink
                 is involved."""
-                dir_path = None
-                t_path = None
-                try:
-                        dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-                        usr_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "usr")
-                        hardlink_path = os.path.join(usr_path, "foo")
-                        bar_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "bar")
-                        file_path = os.path.join(bar_path, "syslog")
-                        var_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "var")
-                        symlink_loc = os.path.join(var_path, "log")
-                        hardlink_target = os.path.join(usr_path,
-                            "../var/log/syslog")
-                        os.mkdir(usr_path)
-                        os.mkdir(bar_path)
-                        os.mkdir(var_path)
-                        fh = open(file_path, "w")
-                        fh.close()
-                        os.symlink(bar_path, symlink_loc)
-              , hardlink_path)
+                usr_path = os.path.join(self.proto_dir, "usr")
+                hardlink_path = os.path.join(usr_path, "foo")
+                bar_path = os.path.join(self.proto_dir, "bar")
+                file_path = os.path.join(bar_path, "syslog")
+                var_path = os.path.join(self.proto_dir, "var")
+                symlink_loc = os.path.join(var_path, "log")
+                hardlink_target = os.path.join(usr_path,
+                    "../var/log/syslog")
+                os.mkdir(usr_path)
+                os.mkdir(bar_path)
+                os.mkdir(var_path)
+                fh = open(file_path, "w")
+                fh.close()
+                os.symlink(bar_path, symlink_loc)
+      , hardlink_path)
-                        t_path = self.make_manifest(
-                            self.int_hardlink_manf_test_symlink)
-                        ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
-                            dir_path, {}, [])
-                finally:
-                        if dir_path:
-                                shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
-                        if t_path:
-                                portable.remove(t_path)
+                t_path = self.make_manifest(
+                    self.int_hardlink_manf_test_symlink)
+                ds, es, ms = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(t_path,
+                    self.proto_dir, {}, [])