author Bart Smaalders <Bart.Smaalders@Sun.COM>
Fri, 01 Aug 2008 23:57:44 -0700
changeset 443 5ffa5b7dac9c
parent 442 01fb28d438b3
child 444 8a8fa9e43301
permissions -rw-r--r--
2589 pyc files generate lots of verify chaff 2726 pkg verify doesn't verify file or content hash by default 2680 packagemanager prototype files don't belong in the workspace

User Commands                                            pkg(1)

     pkg - image packaging retrieval client

     /usr/bin/pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]

     /usr/bin/pkg install [-nvq] pkg_fmri ...
     /usr/bin/pkg uninstall [-nrvq] pkg_fmri ...

     /usr/bin/pkg verify [-Hvq] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
     /usr/bin/pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
     /usr/bin/pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]
         [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
     /usr/bin/pkg list [-aHsuv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
     /usr/bin/pkg search [-lr] [-s server] token

     /usr/bin/pkg refresh [--full]

     /usr/bin/pkg image-create [-FPUz] [--full|--partial|--user] [--zone]
         [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] -a authority=origin_url dir
     /usr/bin/pkg image-update [-nvq]

     /usr/bin/pkg set-authority [-P] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]
         [-O origin_url] authority
     /usr/bin/pkg unset-authority authority ...
     /usr/bin/pkg authority [-HP] [authname ...]

     /usr/bin/pkg rebuild-index

     /usr/bin/pkg version
     /usr/bin/pkg help

     pkg is the retrieval client for the image packaging system.  With a
     valid configuration, pkg can be invoked to create images, target
     locations for packages to be installed, and install packages into
     those images.

     pkg can also uninstall packages, refresh the package catalogs,
     validate package installation in an image and query the image for
     various tokens

     Images can be of three types:  full images, capable of providing a
     complete system; partial images, which are linked to a full image
     (parent image), but do not provide a complete system on their own;
     and user images, which contain only relocatable packages.  (See
     NOTES on user images.)

     pkg(1) attempts to determine, based on its working directory, in
     what image it has been invoked.  If no image metadata can be found
     in the parent directories, the invocation will fail.

     The following option is supported:

     -R dir
          Operate on the image rooted at dir, rather than the one discovered

     The following subcommands are supported:

     image-create [-FPUz] [--full|--partial|--user] [--zone] [-k ssl_key]
       [-c ssl_cert] -a authority=origin_url dir
          Create, at location given by dir, an image suitable for package
          operations.  The default image type is user, as given by the -U
          (--user) option.  The image type may be set to a full image (-F
          or --full) or to a partial image (-P or --partial) linked to the
          full image enclosing the given dir path.

          A preferred authority must be set using the -a option.  An
          attempt to retrieve the catalog associated with this authority
          will be made following the initial creation operations.

          For authorities using client SSL authentication, a client key and
          client certificate may be registered via the -c and -k options.

          If the image is to be run within nonglobal zone context, then
          the -z (--zone) option can be used to set an appropriate filter.

     image-update [-fnvq]
          Update all installed packages in the current image to the
          latest available version.  With the -f option, skip safety
          checks.  With the -n option, execute the requested operation
          but make no persistent changes to the image.  With the -v
          option, issue verbose progress messages during the requested
          operation.  With the -q option, be completely silent.

     refresh [--full]
          Retrieve updates to the catalogs for each authority registered
          within the image.  With --full, retrieve the full catalogs.

     install [-nvq] pkg_fmri ...
     uninstall [-nrvq] pkg_fmri ...
          Install or remove the package specified by pkg_fmri or
          matching pkg_fmri as a substring.  With the -n option, execute
          the requested operation but make no persistent changes to the
          image.  With the -v option, issue verbose progress messages
          during the requested operation.

          In the case of uninstall, the -r option will recursively
          uninstall any packages which are dependent on the initial

     info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
          Display information about packages in a human-readable form.
          Multiple FMRI patterns may be specified; with no patterns,
          display information on all installed packages in the image.

          With -l, use the data available from locally installed packages.
          This is the default.

          With -r, retrieve the data from the servers.  Note that you must
          specify one or more package patterns in this case.

          With --license, print out the license text(s) for the package.
          This may be combined with -l or -r.

     contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key] [-t action_type ... ]
              [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
          Display the contents (action attributes) of packages in the
          current image.  By default, only the path attribute is displayed,
          but the attribute set may be determined with the -o option.  The
          -o option may be specified multiple times, or multiple attributes
          may be specified as the argument to one -o option by separating
          the attribute names with commas.  Only actions which have the
          requested attributes will be displayed.  The -m option may
          also be used, as a shorthand for '-o action.raw'.

          The -s option specifies the attribute by which the listing should
          be sorted.

          The -t option limits the action types which will be displayed.

          The -H option causes the headers to be omitted.

          The -r option retrieves the requested data from the server, for
          use in cases when the package is not already installed.

          With no arguments, the output includes all installed packages.
          Alternatively, multiple FMRI patterns may be specified, which
          restricts the display to the contents of the matching packages.
          When using -r, one or more pkg_fmri_patterns must be specified.

          Several special "pseudo" attribute names are available for

           Corresponds to the name of the action.
                                For example, for a file action, this is

          action.key            Corresponds to the value of the action's
                                key attribute.  For example, for a file
                                action, this is the path to the file.

          action.raw            Corresponds to the complete contents of
                                the action as represented in the package
                                manifest.  This corresponds to the
                                lines of output of 'pkg contents -m'

              Corresponds to the name of the package
                                containing the action, such as "SUNWcs"

          pkg.shortfmri         Corresponds to the short form FMRI of
                                the package containing the action, such
                                as pkg://[email protected]

          pkg.authority         Corresponds to the authority of the
                                the package containing the action, such
                                as ""

     search [-lr] [-s server] token
          Search for the token "token", and display the FMRIs in which the token
          was found.  Which tokens are indexed are action-dependent, but may
          include content hashes and pathnames.

          By default, and with -l, search the image's installed packages.

          With -r, search the servers corresponding to the image's authorities.

          With -s, search the named servers.  This may be specified multiple

          Both -l and -r (or -s) may be specified together, in which case both
          local and remote searches will be performed.

     list [-aHsuv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
          Report on the state of packages in the current image.  With
          -a, report on all packages known, whether installed or not;
          without -a, report only based on installed packages in the
          image.  With -s, display a one-line short-form giving the
          package name and description.  With -u, report only packages
          with newer versions available.  With -v, report full package

     verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]
          Validate the installation of packages in the current image.
          With -v, do more verbose reporting.  With -q, print nothing, but
          return failure if there are any verification problems.  File hashes
	  are always checked.

          The -H option causes the headers to be omitted.

     set-authority [-P] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [-O origin_url] authority
          Update an existing authority or add an additional package
          authority.  With -P, set the specified authority as the
          preferred authority.  With -c and -k, specify client SSL
          certificate and key respectively.  The -O option sets the URL
          prefix for the origin packaging repository for the authority.

     unset-authority authority ...
          Remove the configuration associated with the given authority
          or authorities.

     authority [-HP] [authname]
          Display authority information.  With no arguments, display the
          list of configured authorities, and their origin URLs.  If a
          specific authority is requested, display the configuration
          values associated with that authority.  With -H, omit the
          headers from the listing.  With -P, display only the preferred

          Rebuilds the index used by 'pkg search'. This is a recovery operation
          not intended for general use.

          Display a unique string identifying the version of pkg(1).  This
          string is not guaranteed to be comparable in any fashion between

          Display a usage message.

     Example 1:  Create a new, full image, with authority,
     stored at /aux0/example_root

     $ pkg image-create -F -a \

     Example 2:  Install the latest version of the widget package in the
     current image.

     $ pkg install application/widget

     Example 3:  List the contents of the SUNWzfs package.  Display the
     action name, the mode of the file (if defined), the size (if defined),
     the path, and the target (if a link).  Limit the action to types dir,
     file, link, and hardlink, since specifying the attribute,
     which is available for all actions, will display a line for all
     actions, which is not desired here.

     $ pkg contents -t dir,file,link,hardlink -o,mode,pkg.size,path,target SUNWzfs
     NAME  MODE   SIZE PATH                                TARGET
     dir   0755        etc
     dir   0755        etc/fs
     dir   0755        etc/fs/zfs
     link              etc/fs/zfs/mount                    ../../../sbin/zfs
     link              etc/fs/zfs/umount                   ../../../sbin/zfs
     dir   0755        etc/zfs
     dir   0755        lib
     dir   0755        lib/amd64
     link              lib/amd64/       
     file  0755 469616 lib/amd64/
     file  0644  62057 lib/amd64/llib-lzfs.ln
     link              lib/             
     [ ... ]

     Example 4:  Search the package database for the token "bge".

     $ pkg search bge
     INDEX          ACTION    VALUE             PACKAGE
     basename       file      kernel/drv/bge    pkg:/[email protected]
     driver_name    driver    bge               pkg:/[email protected]

     The token shows up in the package SUNWbge both as the basename for the
     file action representing /kernel/drv/bge and as a driver name.

     The following exit values are returned:

     0     Everything worked.

     1     Something bad happened.

     2     Invalid command line options were specified.

     var/pkg                    Metadata location for full and partial
                                images, relative to image's root

     .org.opensolaris,pkg       Metadata location for user images,
                                relative to image's root directory.

     Metadata is stored in an equivalent tree and format for any image
     type, starting at $META as above.

     $META/catalog              Directory of catalogs from defined

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
    |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
    | Availability                |                             |
    | Interface Stability         | None / Under Development    |

     pkgsend(1), pkg.depotd(1M), attributes(5), pkg(5)

     The image packaging system is an under-development feature.
     Command names, invocation, formats, and operations are all subject
     to change.  Development is hosted in the OpenSolaris community

     At present, user images are not restricted to relocatable
     packages--but they will be.

     Although HTTPS servers may validate client SSL certificates, the
     client does not currently validate the server's.