author Bart Smaalders <Bart.Smaalders@Sun.COM>
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:26:36 -0700
changeset 328 83af2c933642
parent 253 778739a0b356
child 353 1833de81bb74
permissions -rw-r--r--
1005 Provide import target for ClusterTools 7.1 1006 Provide import target for Sun Studio Express 0508 1044 Provide import target for NetBeans IDE 6.0.1 1169 solaris.py should strip (Usr) and (Root) 1264 NONWOS_PKGS needs to be expanded to include arch-neutral pkgs from RE dock. updated incorporation to include latest changes

# Ignore compiled byte code, lint output, object files, shared objects,
# VIM swap files, emacs backups and the entire proto area.
# Specific build products