changeset 1087 96b6cc8130c5
child 1309 a58fac510fb6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/usr/src/lib/install_manifest_input/	Thu Apr 21 12:16:26 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+""" Module body for manifest_input package
+import gettext
+_ = gettext.translation("mim", "/usr/share/locale", fallback=True).gettext
+# Errors created for this library.
+class MimError(StandardError):
+    '''
+    Granddaddy of all Manifest Input Module errors
+    '''
+    pass
+class MimDTDFmtError(MimError):
+    '''
+    DTD format error
+    '''
+    pass
+class MimDTDExpnError(MimError):
+    '''
+    DTD expression error
+    '''
+    pass
+class MimDTDInternalError(MimError):
+    '''
+    DTD internal error
+    '''
+    pass
+class MimDTDError(MimError):
+    '''
+    DTD processing error
+    '''
+    pass
+class MimDTDInvalid(MimError):
+    '''
+    DTD did not validate
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, validation_error_list):
+        '''
+        Constructor.
+        Args:
+          validation_error_list: list of validation errors.
+        '''
+        super(MimDTDInvalid, self).__init__()
+        self._errors = validation_error_list
+    @property
+    def errors(self):
+        '''
+        Return validation errors
+        '''
+        return self._errors
+class MimEtreeParseError(MimError, IOError):
+    '''
+    Etree parsing error
+    '''
+    pass
+class MimEmptyTreeError(MimError):
+    '''
+    Empty tree (no data) error
+    '''
+    pass
+class MimMatchError(MimError):
+    '''
+    Matching errors
+    '''
+    pass
+class MimInvalidError(MimError, ValueError):
+    '''
+    Invalidity errors
+    '''
+    pass
+# Error messages
+# IOErrors
+IOERR_DTD_ACCESS = _("Could not access DTD file: %(mserr)s: %(mfile)s")
+IOERR_DTD_DIGEST = _("Could not digest DTD file: %(mserr)s: %(mfile)s")
+IOERR_DTD_DEST = _("Could not open destination file for "
+                   "writing: %(mserr)s: %(mdest)s")
+# Other MIM module errors
+ERR_ARG_INVALID = _("Argument is missing or invalid")
+ERR_NO_SCHEMA = _("No schema name provided.")
+ERR_NO_OUTFILE = _("No output file name provided.")
+ERR_ETREE_PROC = _("Etree error processing DTD data from "
+                   "file \"%(mfile)s\": %(merr)s")
+ERR_SCHDATA_PROC = _("SchemaData error processing "
+                     "DTD data from file \"%(mfile)s\": %(merr)s")
+ERR_ETREE_PARSE_FILE = _("Error parsing XML manifest file %(mfile)s: %(merr)s")
+ERR_EMPTY_TREE = _("No XML data present.")
+ERR_AMBIG_PATH = _("Ambiguity error:  Path matches more than one element")
+ERR_AMBIG_PARENT_PATH = _("Ambiguity error: "
+                          "Parent path matches more than one element")
+ERR_NO_PARENT_PATH = _("Error: no matching parent path exists")
+ERR_NO_ELEM_MATCH = _("Error:  Path matches no elements")
+ERR_NO_ATTR_MATCH = _("Error: Path matches no attributes")
+ERR_FINAL_BRANCH_VAL_INVALID = _("Final path branch has a value or is invalid")
+ERR_FINAL_BRANCH_INVALID = _("Final path branch is invalid")
+ERR_ETREE_PARSE_XPATH = _("Etree error parsing path %(mxpath)s: %(merr)s")
+ERR_NODE_PLACEMENT = _("Node \"%(mnode)s\" cannot be placed as "
+                       "child of \"%(mparent)s\"")
+ERR_UNBAL_QUOTES_BKTS = _("Unbalanced brackets or quotation marks")
+ERR_BRANCH_BEGIN_AT = _("Path branch cannot begin with @")
+ERR_INVALID_CHARS = _("Path has invalid characters")
+ERR_2ND_ROOT = _("Cannot add a second tree root node")
+ERR_LEAF_DUPS = _("Cannot add sibling node with same tag as found leaf node.")
+# process_DTD module errors
+ERR_NESTED_COMMENTS = _("DTD has nested comments")
+ERR_MISMATCHED_DELIM = _("DTD has mismatched comment delimiters")
+ERR_EXTRA_CLOSE_PAREND = _("Malformed expression: too many \")\"")
+ERR_EXTRA_OPEN_PAREND = _("Malformed expression: too many \"(\"")
+ERR_BAD_ELT_LINE = _("Malformed element line: %(mline)s")
+ERR_ELT_LINE_NO_BKT = _("Malformed element line.  Missing final \">\"")
+ERR_PQS_QTY_INVALID = _("DDObj.qty.setter: Invalid quantity "
+                        "specification: %(mspec)s")
+ERR_PTELT_LIST_FULL = _("DDElt list already has one item: %(mitem)s")
+ERR_MISMATCHED_PARENDS = _("Malformed expression: Parentheses mismatch")
+ERR_INVALID_QUANTIFIER = _("Malformed expression: invalid "
+                           "quantifier: %(mquant)s")
+ERR_INVALID_DTD_EXPR = _("Malformed expression: \",\" and \"|\" at same level")
+ERR_SEI_INVALID_TYPE = _("_search_element_info: invalid type \"%(mtype)s\"")
+ERR_INVALID_STATE = _("SearchState mode is invalid: %(mmode)d")
+# Other notices
+IOERR_MFEST_ACCESS = _("Notice: Error reading XML manifest "
+                       "file \"%(mfile)s\"")
+ERR_MFEST_NOENV = _("Manifest name could not be determined from "
+                    "environment (AIM_MANIFEST)")
+# Utility functions
+def search_and_get_context(path, ch, start_idx=0, brkt_active_lvl=0,
+                           backward=False):
+    '''
+    Return indices of where unquoted "ch" occur in a string.
+    This function is used in parsing a nodepath.
+    Return bracket level along with each index.  Bracket level is
+        incremented only if found bracket is not quoted.
+    Args:
+      path: path to search through.
+      ch: character to search for.
+      start_idx: where in "path" to start searching.
+          If zero and backward = True, starting index is the last character.
+      brkt_active_lvl: nesting level of [ ].  Usually carried over from a
+          previous search, which terminated at (start_idx - 1).
+      backward: Search from the end if set to True.
+    Returns:
+      idx: index of found character
+      brkt_active_lvl: nesting level of [ ].
+    Raises: N/A
+    '''
+    idx = 0
+    single_active = double_active = False
+    if backward:
+        if start_idx == 0:
+            start_idx = len(path) - 1
+        stop = -1
+        step = -1
+    else:
+        stop = len(path)
+        step = 1
+    curr = None  # Set to something not found in a string.
+    for idx in range(start_idx, stop, step):
+        curr = path[idx]
+        if curr == "'":
+            single_active = (single_active == False)
+        if curr == '"':
+            double_active = (double_active == False)
+        if not (double_active or single_active):
+            if curr == ch:
+                break
+            elif curr == "[":
+                brkt_active_lvl += 1
+            elif curr == "]":
+                brkt_active_lvl -= 1
+    else:
+        idx = -1
+    return idx, brkt_active_lvl
+def branch_split(path):
+    '''
+    Break path into branches on non-quoted, non-bracketed slashes.
+    Args:
+      path: path to split
+    Returns:
+      list of branches
+    Raises:
+      MimInvalidError - Unbalanced brackets or quotation marks
+    '''
+    # So _search_and_get_context() can split only on inner /.
+    path = path.strip("/")
+    return noquote_nobkt_split(path, "/")
+def noquote_nobkt_split(path, split_char):
+    '''
+    Break path into branches on non-quoted, non-bracketed slashes.
+    Args:
+      path: path to split
+      split_char: character to split on
+    Returns:
+      list of branches
+    Raises:
+      MimInvalidError - Unbalanced brackets or quotation marks
+    '''
+    branches = []
+    idx = start_idx = 0
+    brkt_active_lvl = 0
+    while (True):
+        idx, brkt_active_lvl = \
+             search_and_get_context(path, split_char, idx, brkt_active_lvl)
+        if brkt_active_lvl == 0:
+            if idx > 0:
+                branches.append(path[start_idx:idx])
+            else:
+                branches.append(path[start_idx:])
+                break
+            start_idx = idx + 1
+        elif idx < 0:
+            raise MimInvalidError(ERR_UNBAL_QUOTES_BKTS)
+        idx += 1
+    return branches