changeset 155 651959d0a0ae
parent 131 725f3a93e5b6
child 172 f7c4adad9454
--- a/gnome-vfs.spec	Mon May 26 17:24:04 2003 +0000
+++ b/gnome-vfs.spec	Mon May 26 17:25:45 2003 +0000
@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
-# spec file for package gnome-vfs (Version 2.2.3)
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems Inc.
-# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
-# package are under the same license as the package itself.
-# This header file needs to be a Sun standard one that will
-# have to contain all the boring legal stuff
 Name:         gnome-vfs
-Summary:      The GNOME2.0 virtual file-system libraries
+License:      GPL
+Group:        Development/Libraries/GNOME
 Version:      2.2.3
 Release:      1
 Distribution: Mercury
 Vendor:       Sun Microsystems Inc
-License:      GPL
-Group:        Development/Libraries/GNOME
+Summary:      The GNOME2.0 virtual file-system libraries
-Patch0:	      gnome-vfs-no-menu-preferences.diff
 BuildRoot:    %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
-Docdir:	      %{_prefix}/doc
+Docdir:	      %{_defaultdocdir}/doc
+Patch0:	      gnome-vfs-no-menu-preferences.diff
 Autoreqprov:  on
+BuildRequires: libbonobo-devel
+BuildRequires: GConf-devel
+BuildRequires: gnome-mime-data
+Requires:      libbonobo
+Requires:      GConf
+Requires: gnome-mime-data
 GNOME VFS is the GNOME virtual file system. It is the foundation of the
 Nautilus file manager. It provides a modular architecture and ships with
@@ -30,21 +27,14 @@
 It provides a URI-based API, a backend supporting asynchronous file operations,
 a MIME type manipulation library and other features.
-    Elliot Lee <[email protected]>
-    Miguel de Icaza  <[email protected]>
-    Maciej Stachowiak <[email protected]>
-    Darin Adler <[email protected]>
-    John Sullivan <[email protected]>
-    Pavel Cisler <[email protected]>
-    Gene Ragan <[email protected]>
-    Rebecca Schulman <[email protected]>
-    Seth Nickel <[email protected]>
-    Ian McKellar <[email protected]>
-    Michael Meeks <[email protected]>
-    Dan Winship  <[email protected]>
-    Mathieu Lacage  <[email protected]>
+%package devel
+Summary:      The development package for the GNOME Virtual File System
+Group:        Development/Libraries/GNOME
+Requires:     %name = %version-%release
+%description devel
+All files needed development for GNOME-VFS development based on the
+GNOME 2.0 platform including the developer documentation.
 %setup -q
@@ -55,8 +45,7 @@
 ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
 	--libdir=%{_prefix}/lib \
 	--mandir=%{_mandir} \
-	--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
-	--disable-gtk-doc
+	--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} 
@@ -81,67 +70,13 @@
 %defattr(-, root, root)
 %config %{_sysconfdir}/gnome-vfs-2.0
-%package devel
-Summary:      The development package for the GNOME Virtual File System
-Group:        Development/Libraries/GNOME
-Obsoletes:    gnvfsd
-Provides:     gnvfsd
-%description devel
-All files needed development for GNOME-VFS development based on the
-GNOME 2.0 platform
-            Elliot Lee <[email protected]>
-            Miguel de Icaza  <[email protected]>
-            Maciej Stachowiak <[email protected]>
-    Darin Adler <[email protected]>
-    John Sullivan <[email protected]>
-    Pavel Cisler <[email protected]>
-    Gene Ragan <[email protected]>
-    Rebecca Schulman <[email protected]>
-    Seth Nickel <[email protected]>
-    Ian McKellar <[email protected]>
-    Michael Meeks <[email protected]>
-    Dan Winship  <[email protected]>
-    Mathieu Lacage  <[email protected]>
-%package doc
-Summary:      The GNOME2.0 virtual file-system libraries
-Group:        Development/Libraries/GNOME
-Requires:     %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description doc
-GNOME VFS is the GNOME virtual file system. It is the foundation of the
-Nautilus file manager. It provides a modular architecture and ships with
-several modules that implement support for file systems, http, ftp and others.
-It provides a URI-based API, a backend supporting asynchronous file operations,
-a MIME type manipulation library and other features.
-    Elliot Lee <[email protected]>
-    Miguel de Icaza  <[email protected]>
-    Maciej Stachowiak <[email protected]>
-    Darin Adler <[email protected]>
-    John Sullivan <[email protected]>
-    Pavel Cisler <[email protected]>
-    Gene Ragan <[email protected]>
-    Rebecca Schulman <[email protected]>
-    Seth Nickel <[email protected]>
-    Ian McKellar <[email protected]>
-    Michael Meeks <[email protected]>
-    Dan Winship  <[email protected]>
-    Mathieu Lacage  <[email protected]>
 %files devel
 %defattr(-, root, root)
@@ -153,8 +88,6 @@
-%files doc
 %changelog -n gnome-vfs