author gheet
Thu, 23 Jun 2011 15:15:03 +0000
changeset 21911 06ff1be61334
parent 21871 f035508e504c
permissions -rw-r--r--
2011-06-23 Ghee Teo <[email protected]> Fixes guster#6972735. Remove Vendor: line from spec files. So that the fallback line in prod.in for Vendor: will be pick up. * specs/SUNWGParted.spec: * specs/SUNWPython.spec: * specs/SUNWTiff.spec: * specs/SUNWbluefish.spec: * specs/SUNWbrltty.spec: * specs/SUNWcairo.spec: * specs/SUNWccsm.spec: * specs/SUNWcheese.spec: * specs/SUNWcompiz-bcop.spec: * specs/SUNWcompiz-fusion-extra.spec: * specs/SUNWcompiz-fusion-main.spec: * specs/SUNWcompiz.spec: * specs/SUNWcompizconfig-gconf.spec: * specs/SUNWcompizconfig-python.spec: * specs/SUNWdcraw.spec: * specs/SUNWdesktop-cache.spec: * specs/SUNWdialog.spec: * specs/SUNWdiveintopython.spec: * specs/SUNWespeak.spec: * specs/SUNWfirefox-bookmark.spec: * specs/SUNWgamin.spec: * specs/SUNWgftp.spec: * specs/SUNWgkrellm.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-cd-burner.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-commander.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-config-java.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-dtlogin-integration.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-hex-editor.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-nettool.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-ps-viewer.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-python26-extras.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-terminal-java.spec: * specs/SUNWgnome-time-slider.spec: * specs/SUNWgnonlin.spec: * specs/SUNWgnu-findutils.spec: * specs/SUNWgnugetopt.spec: * specs/SUNWgobby.spec: * specs/SUNWgroff.spec: * specs/SUNWgtkspell.spec: * specs/SUNWid3lib.spec: * specs/SUNWirssi.spec: * specs/SUNWjokosher.spec: * specs/SUNWjpg.spec: * specs/SUNWlibcompizconfig.spec: * specs/SUNWlibexif.spec: * specs/SUNWlibffi.spec: * specs/SUNWlibgee.spec: * specs/SUNWlibical.spec: * specs/SUNWlibpopt.spec: * specs/SUNWlibsexy.spec: * specs/SUNWlibvisual.spec: * specs/SUNWlibxmlpp.spec: * specs/SUNWlynx.spec: * specs/SUNWmm-common.spec: * specs/SUNWmyspell-dictionary-l10n.spec: * specs/SUNWmysql-python26.spec: * specs/SUNWnet6.spec: * specs/SUNWopenjade.spec: * specs/SUNWopenproj.spec: * specs/SUNWopensp.spec: * specs/SUNWperl-authen-pam.spec: * specs/SUNWperl-xml-parser.spec: * specs/SUNWpkgbuild.spec: * specs/SUNWpostrun.spec: * specs/SUNWpython26-setuptools.spec: * specs/SUNWpyyaml26.spec: * specs/SUNWrdesktop.spec: * specs/SUNWrrdtool.spec: * specs/SUNWsexy-python.spec: * specs/SUNWslocate.spec: * specs/SUNWspeex.spec: * specs/SUNWsqlite3.spec: * specs/SUNWswt.spec: * specs/SUNWterminator.spec: * specs/SUNWtgnome-tsol-libs.spec: * specs/SUNWtgnome-tsoljdsdevmgr.spec: * specs/SUNWtgnome-tsoljdslabel.spec: * specs/SUNWtgnome-tsoljdsselmgr.spec: * specs/SUNWtgnome-tstripe.spec: * specs/SUNWtransmission.spec: * specs/SUNWxdg-sound-theme.spec: * specs/SUNWxdg-user-dirs-gtk.spec: * specs/SUNWxdg-user-dirs.spec: * specs/SUNWxdg-utils.spec: * specs/SUNWxsane.spec: * specs/SUNWxscreensaver.spec:

# spec file for package SUNWtgnomedevmgr
# Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# package are under the same license as the package itself.
%define owner johnf

%include Solaris.inc

%define OSR 6160:n/a

# NOTE: If the version is bumped the new tarball must be uploaded to the
#       Sun Download Center. Contact GNOME RE for assistance.
%define devmgr_version 0.6.4

Name:                    SUNWtgnome-tsoljdsdevmgr
IPS_package_name:        gnome/trusted/device-manager
Meta(info.classification): %{classification_prefix}:Desktop (GNOME)/Trusted Extensions
Summary:                 GNOME Trusted Device Manager
License:                 cr_Oracle
Version:                 %{devmgr_version}
Source:			 http://dlc.sun.com/osol/jds/downloads/extras/tjds/tsoljdsdevmgr-%{devmgr_version}.tar.bz2
%if %build_l10n
Source1:                 l10n-configure.sh
# owner:johnf date:2009-03-09 type:bug
Patch1:                  tsoljdsdevmgr-01-dialog-crash.diff
Patch2:                  tsoljdsdevmgr-02-use-stock-icons.diff
Patch3:                  tsoljdsdevmgr-03-use-dev_alloc_h.diff
Patch4:                  tsoljdsdevmgr-04-wnck-api-fix.diff
SUNW_BaseDir:            %{_basedir}
SUNW_Copyright:		 %{name}.copyright
BuildRoot:               %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
%include gnome-consolidation.inc
%include default-depend.inc
Requires: SUNWlibgnomecanvas
Requires: SUNWtsu
Requires: SUNWgnome-panel
Requires: SUNWtgnome-tsol-libs
BuildRequires: SUNWlibgnomecanvas-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWtsu
BuildRequires: SUNWgnome-panel-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWtgnome-tsol-libs-devel
BuildRequires: x11/trusted/libxtsol

%if %build_l10n
%package l10n
IPS_package_name:        gnome/trusted/device-manager/l10n
Summary:                 %{summary} - l10n files
SUNW_BaseDir(relocate_from:%{_prefix}): %{_tgnome_il10n_basedir}
%include default-depend.inc
Requires:                %{name}

%setup -q -n tsoljdsdevmgr-%{devmgr_version}

%patch1 -p1
%patch4 -p1

export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /usr/share/aclocal"

libtoolize -f
intltoolize --copy --force --automake

%if %build_l10n
bash -x %SOURCE1 --enable-copyright

automake -acf

./configure --with-gnome-prefix=%{_prefix} \
            --prefix=%{_prefix} \
            --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \



%defattr (-, root, other)
%dir %attr (0755, root, sys) %{_datadir}
%dir %attr(0755, root, other) %{_datadir}/locale
%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_bindir}

%if %build_l10n
%files l10n
%defattr (-, root, other)
%dir %attr (0755, root, sys) %{_datadir}

* Fri Aug 22 2008 - [email protected]
- Uprev version, remove upstream patches

* Tue Aug  5 2008 - [email protected]
- Add tsoljdsdevmgr-02-no-gettext.diff to avoid segv. Fixes 6727185.

* Thu Jul 10 2008 - [email protected]
- Add 01-gtk-disable-deprecated to get module to build with new gtk+ tarball.

* Fri May 16 2008 - [email protected]
- Uprev version, remove upstream patch, remove conditional build

* Thu May 08 2008 - [email protected]
- Add SUNWtgnome-tsoljdsdevmgr-01-po.diff for cs.po
  Contributed l10n from Hana Zalska <[email protected]>

* Tue Mar 25 2008 - [email protected]
- Remove upstreamed scripts.
- Remove upstreamed tsoljdsdevmgr-01-pwd-fns.diff

* Fri Mar 14 2008 - [email protected]
- update version. point source at dlc.sun.com

* Wed Sep 19 2007 - [email protected]
- Remove getpwuid_r patch, tsoljdsdevmgr-01-pwd-fns.diff, as they it is not
  needed from snv_73 on.

* Wed Aug 19 2007 - [email protected]
- Only apply the patch to sparc as x86 builds use the 4 param versions.

* Tue Aug 18 2007 - [email protected]
- Add patch tsoljdsdevmgr-01-pwd-fns.diff to use 5 param versions of some 
  password functions.

* Fri Sep 15 2006 - [email protected]
- Add *-10n package.

* Sun Jul 30 2006 - [email protected]
- Always use nightly tarballs as source.

* Thu Jul 13 2006 - [email protected]
- Add %{_datadir}/locale to %files, a byproduct of intltool up-rev.

* Tue Jul 11 2006 - [email protected]
- Add autogen.sh commands to %prep to permit building from 'cvs co' tarballs.

* Wed May 24 2006 - [email protected]
- remove man page from files and shorten summary

* Wed Mar 29 2006 - [email protected]
- Add Build/Requires SUNWtgnome-tsol-libs/-devel.
- Add Build/Requires SUNWtsu.

* Wed Mar  8 2006 - [email protected]
- Add %dir %attr for %{_datadir} as %defattr is wrong for this dir.

* Tue Mar  7 2006 - [email protected]
- Add Build/Requires SUNWgnome-panel/-devel, for libwnck.

* Sat Feb 25 2006 - <[email protected]>
- created