author yippi
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 22:28:25 +0000
changeset 20229 7e472cd07746
parent 18099 6142061e510a
child 20362 4bdb98646477
permissions -rw-r--r--
2010-10-22 Brian Cameron <[email protected]> * base/specs/clutter.spec: Bump to 1.2.14. * patches/clutter-01-json.diff: Add patch so gobject-introspetion files build properly. * patches/clutter-01-solaris-ld.diff: Remove upstream patch. * base-specs/clutter-gtk.spec: Bump to 0.10.8. * base-specs/clutter-gst.spec: Bump to 1.2.0. * specs/SUNWpango.spec, base-specs/pango.spec: Now Pango delivers its own gobject-introspection files. No longer just delete them. * specs/SUNWgnome-media.spec: Now GStreamer delivers its own GOBject-introspection files. No longer just delete them. * specs/SUNWclutter.spec: No longer depend on gir-repository.

# spec file for package SUNWclutter
# includes module(s): clutter
# Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# package are under the same license as the package itself.
%define owner lin
%include Solaris.inc
%use clutter = clutter.spec

Name:                    SUNWclutter
IPS_package_name:        library/desktop/clutter
Meta(info.classification): %{classification_prefix}:System/Multimedia Libraries
Summary:                 clutter - a library for creating fast, visually rich and animated graphical user interfaces.
Version:                 %{clutter.version}
URL:                     http://www.clutter-project.org/
Source:                  %{name}-manpages-0.1.tar.gz
SUNW_BaseDir:            %{_basedir}
SUNW_Copyright:		 SUNWclutter.copyright
BuildRoot:               %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build

%include default-depend.inc
Requires: SUNWgtk2
Requires: SUNWxorg-mesa
Requires: SUNWgobject-introspection
BuildRequires: SUNWgobject-introspection-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWuiu8
BuildRequires: SUNWxwinc
BuildRequires: SUNWxorg-headers
BuildRequires: SUNWxorg-mesa

%package devel
Summary:                 %{summary} - developer files
SUNW_BaseDir:            %{_basedir}
%include default-depend.inc
Requires: %name
Requires: SUNWgtk2-devel

rm -rf %name-%version
mkdir %name-%version
%clutter.prep -d %name-%version
cd %{_builddir}/%name-%version
gzcat %SOURCE0 | tar -xf -

# Force building with mesa headers & libraries to make sure we build the
# same on all systems, whether or not proprietary GL from Sun or nVidia is
# also installed and don't end up accidentally depending on those.
# Unfortunately, xscreensaver is hardcoded to use <GL/gl.h> style paths,
# so we create local install path to work around that.
mkdir -p mesa/GL
ln -s /usr/include/mesa/*.h mesa/GL
%define mesa_includes -I%{_builddir}/%name-%version/mesa
%define mesa_libpath -L/usr/lib/mesa

export CFLAGS="%{optflags} %mesa_includes -I/usr/X11/include"
export CXXFLAGS="%{?cxx_optflags} %mesa_includes"
export LDFLAGS="%mesa_libpath %{?_ldflags} -L/usr/X11/lib -R/usr/X11/lib -lX11"
%clutter.build -d %name-%version

%clutter.install -d %name-%version
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name "*.la" -exec rm -f {} ';'
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name "*.a" -exec rm -f {} ';'

cd %{_builddir}/%name-%version/sun-manpages


%defattr (-, root, bin)
%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_libdir}
%dir %attr (0755, root, sys) %{_datadir}
%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_mandir}
%doc -d clutter-%{clutter.version} AUTHORS README
%doc(bzip2) -d clutter-%{clutter.version} ChangeLog COPYING NEWS
%dir %attr (0755, root, other) %{_datadir}/doc

%files devel
%defattr (-, root, bin)
%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_libdir}
%dir %attr (0755, root, other) %{_libdir}/pkgconfig
%dir %attr (0755, root, sys) %{_datadir}
%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_includedir}

* Fri Oct 22 2010 - [email protected]
- Remove gir-repository dependency.
* Tue Jun 08 2010 - [email protected]
- Updated BuildRequires to fit SourceJuicer.
* Fri Mar 05 2010 [email protected]
- Copy from xscreensaver, enable SPARC build
* Mon Jan 04 2009 - [email protected]
- Move CFLAGS and LDFLAGS from base-specs/clutter.spec
* Tue Aug 25 2009 - [email protected]
- Add SUNWgir-repository dependency
* Tue Aug 25 2009 - [email protected]
- Update files when version bump to 1.0.2
- Add dependency to SUNWgobject-introspection
* Fri Jun 26 2009  [email protected]
- Change owner to lin
* Thu Mar 26 2009  [email protected]
- Correct copyright file in file section
* Tue Mar 24 2009  [email protected]
- Add SUNWxorg-mesa to Require
* Fri Feb 20 2009  [email protected]
- Add manpage
* Tue Jul  1 2008  [email protected] 
- Initial build.