changeset 290 6c5c87515614
child 365 c8747a4d491f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Wed Mar 26 11:32:55 2008 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import platform
+import shutil
+import code
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+from distutils.core import setup, Extension
+from distutils.cmd import Command
+from distutils.command.install import install as _install
+from import build as _build
+from distutils.command.bdist import bdist as _bdist
+from distutils.command.clean import clean as _clean
+from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc
+import distutils.file_util as file_util
+import distutils.dir_util as dir_util
+import distutils.util as util
+pwd = os.path.normpath(sys.path[0])
+osname = platform.uname()[0].lower()
+ostype = arch = 'unknown'
+if osname == 'sunos':
+    arch = platform.processor()
+    ostype = "posix"
+elif osname == 'linux':
+    arch = "linux_" + platform.machine()
+    ostype = "posix"
+elif osname == 'windows':
+    arch = osname
+    ostype = "windows"
+elif osname == 'darwin':
+    arch = osname
+    ostype = "posix"
+dist_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pwd, os.pardir, "proto", "dist_" + arch))
+build_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pwd, os.pardir, "proto", "build_" + arch))
+root_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pwd, os.pardir, "proto", "root_" + arch))
+py_install_dir = 'usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages'
+scripts_dir = 'usr/bin'
+lib_dir = 'usr/lib'
+man1_dir = 'usr/share/man/cat1'
+man1m_dir = 'usr/share/man/cat1m'
+resource_dir = 'usr/share/lib/pkg'
+smf_dir = 'var/svc/manifest/application'
+zones_dir = 'etc/zones'
+brand_dir = 'usr/lib/brand/ipkg'
+scripts_sunos =   {
+             scripts_dir : [   
+                             ['', 'pkg'],
+                             ['', 'pkgsend'],
+                            ],
+             lib_dir : [
+                        ['', 'pkg.depotd'],
+                       ],
+            }
+scripts_windows = {
+            scripts_dir : [
+                             ['', ''],
+                             ['', ''],
+                             ['scripts/pkg.bat', 'pkg.bat'],
+                             ['scripts/pkgsend.bat', 'pkgsend.bat'],
+                          ],
+            lib_dir : [
+                        ['', ''],
+                        ['scripts/pkg.depotd.bat', 'pkg.depotd.bat'],
+                      ],
+            }
+scripts_other_unix = {
+            scripts_dir : [
+                             ['', ''],
+                             ['', ''],
+                             ['scripts/', 'pkg'],
+                             ['scripts/', 'pkgsend'],
+                          ],
+            lib_dir : [
+                        ['', ''],
+                        ['scripts/', 'pkg.depotd'],
+                      ],
+            }
+# indexed by 'osname'
+scripts = { "sunos" : scripts_sunos,
+            "linux" : scripts_other_unix,
+            "windows" : scripts_windows,
+            "darwin" : scripts_other_unix,
+            "unknown" : scripts_sunos,
+          }
+man1_files=   [
+              'man/pkg.1.txt',
+              'man/pkgsend.1.txt',
+              ]
+man1m_files = [
+              'man/pkg.depotd.1m.txt'
+              ]
+man5_files =    [
+                'man/pkg.5.txt'
+                ]
+packages =  [
+            'pkg',
+            'pkg.actions',
+            'pkg.bundle',
+            'pkg.client',
+            'pkg.portable',
+            'pkg.publish',
+            'pkg.server',
+            ]
+web_files =    [
+                'web/pkg-block-icon.png',
+                'web/pkg-block-logo.png',
+                'web/pkg.css',
+                'web/robots.txt',
+                ]
+zones_files =   [
+                'brand/SUNWipkg.xml',
+                ]
+brand_files =   [
+                'brand/config.xml',
+                'brand/platform.xml',
+                'brand/pkgcreatezone',
+                ]
+smf_files =     [
+                'pkg-server.xml',
+                ]
+elf_srcs =  [
+            'modules/elf.c',
+            'modules/elfextract.c',
+            'modules/liblist.c',
+            ]
+arch_srcs = [
+            'modules/arch.c'
+            ]
+include_dirs = ['modules']   
+lint_flags = [  '-u', '-axms', '-erroff=E_NAME_DEF_NOT_USED2' ]
+# Runs lint on the extension module source code
+class lint_func(Command):
+        description = "Runs various lint tools over IPS extension source code"
+        user_options = []
+        def initialize_options(self):
+                pass
+        def finalize_options(self):
+                pass
+        # Make string shell-friendly
+        @staticmethod
+        def escape(string):
+            return string.replace(' ', '\\ ')
+        def run(self):
+                # assumes lint is on the $PATH
+                if osname == 'sunos' or osname == "linux":
+                        archcmd = ['lint'] + lint_flags + ['-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'] + \
+                                  ["%s%s" % ("-I", k) for k in include_dirs] + \
+                                  ['-I' + self.escape(get_python_inc())] + \
+                                  arch_srcs
+                        elfcmd = ['lint'] + lint_flags + \
+                                 ["%s%s" % ("-I", k) for k in include_dirs] + \
+                                 ['-I' + self.escape(get_python_inc())] + \
+                                 ["%s%s" % ("-l", k) for k in elf_libraries] + \
+                                 elf_srcs
+                        print(" ".join(archcmd))
+                        os.system(" ".join(archcmd))
+                        print(" ".join(elfcmd))
+                        os.system(" ".join(elfcmd))
+            	proto = "%s/%s" % (root_dir, py_install_dir)
+            	sys.path.insert(0, proto)
+            	# Insert tests directory onto sys.path so any custom checkers
+            	# can be found.
+            	sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(pwd, 'tests'))
+            	print(sys.path)
+                # assumes pylint is accessible on the sys.path
+                from pylint import lint
+                scriptlist=[]
+                for dir,map in scripts_sunos.items():
+                    for arr in map:
+                        # specify the filenames of the scripts, in addition
+                        # to the package names themselves
+                        scriptlist.append(os.path.join(root_dir, dir, arr[1]))
+                # For some reason, the load-plugins option, when used in the
+                # rcfile, does not work, so we put it here instead, to load
+                # our custom checkers.
+                lint.Run(['--load-plugins=multiplatform', '--rcfile',
+                          os.path.join(pwd, 'tests', 'pylintrc')] + 
+                          scriptlist + packages)
+# Developer command to connect the local machine to the current
+# repository's working copy's versions of the commands, modules, and supporting
+# files.
+class link_func(Command):
+    user_options = []
+    description = "Developer command to connect local machine to working " \
+        "copy of files in local repository"
+    def initialize_options(self):
+        pass
+    def finalize_options(self):
+        pass
+    def run(self):
+        os.system('mkdir -p /usr/share/lib/pkg')        
+        os.system('mkdir -p /usr/lib/brand/ipkg')        
+        os.system('mkdir -p /usr/share/man/cat1')
+        os.system('mkdir -p /usr/share/man/cat1m')
+        os.system('mkdir -p /usr/share/man/cat5')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + '/ /usr/bin/pkg')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + '/ /usr/bin/pkgsend')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + '/ /usr/bin/pkg.depotd')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + '/modules ' + '/' + py_install_dir + '/pkg')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/pkg-server.xml /var/svc/manifest/pkg-server.xml')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/web/pkg-block-icon.png /usr/share/lib/pkg/pkg-block-icon.png')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/web/pkg-block-logo.png /usr/share/lib/pkg/pkg-block-logo.png')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/web/pkg.css /usr/share/lib/pkg/pkg.css')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/brand/config.xml /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/config.xml')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/brand/platform.xml /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/platform.xml')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + 
+            '/brand/pkgcreatezone /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/pkgcreatezone')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/brand/SUNWipkg.xml /etc/zones/SUNWipkg.xml')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + '/man/pkg.1.txt /usr/share/man/cat1/pkg.1')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/man/pkgsend.1.txt /usr/share/man/cat1/pkgsend.1')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + \
+            '/man/pkg.depotd.1m.txt /usr/share/man/cat1m/pkg.depotd.1m')
+        os.system('ln -sf ' + pwd + '/man/pkg.5.txt /usr/share/man/man5/pkg.5')
+class link_clean_func(Command):
+        user_options = []
+        description = "Cleans up links created by the \"link\" command"
+        def initialize_options(self):
+                pass
+        def finalize_options(self):
+                pass
+        def run(self):
+            os.system('rm -f /usr/bin/pkg')
+            os.system('rm -f /usr/bin/pkgsend')
+            os.system('rm -f /usr/lib/pkg.depotd')
+            os.system('rm -f ' + '/' + py_install_dir + '/pkg')
+            os.system('rm -f /var/svc/manifest/pkg-server.xml')
+            os.system('rm -rf /usr/share/lib/pkg')
+            os.system('rm -rf /usr/lib/brand/ipkg')
+            os.system('rm -f /etc/zones/SUNWipkg.xml')
+            os.system('rm -f /usr/share/man/cat1/pkg.1')
+            os.system('rm -f /usr/share/man/cat1/pkgsend.1')
+            os.system('rm -f /usr/share/man/cat1m/pkg.depotd.1m')
+            os.system('rm -f /usr/share/man/man5/pkg.5')
+class install_func(_install):
+        def initialize_options(self):
+            _install.initialize_options(self)
+            # It's OK to have /'s here, python figures it out when writing files
+            self.install_purelib = py_install_dir
+            self.install_platlib = py_install_dir
+            self.root = root_dir
+            self.prefix = '.'
+        # At the end of the install function, we need to rename some files
+        # because distutils provides no way to rename files as they are placed
+        # in their install locations
+        def run(self):
+            if ostype == 'posix':
+                    # only rename manpages if building for unix-derived OS
+                    for (dir, files) in [(man1_dir, man1_files), (man1m_dir,
+                        man1m_files), (man5_dir, man5_files)]:
+                        for file in files:
+                            src = util.change_root(self.root, os.path.join(dir,
+                                os.path.basename(file)))
+                            if src.endswith('.txt'):
+                                dst = src[:-4]
+                                file_util.copy_file(src, dst, update=True)
+            for dir, files in scripts[osname].iteritems():
+                    for (srcname, dstname) in files:
+                        dst_dir = util.change_root(self.root, dir)
+                        dst_path = util.change_root(self.root,
+                                       os.path.join(dir, dstname))
+                        dir_util.mkpath(dst_dir, verbose=True)
+                        file_util.copy_file(srcname, dst_path, update=True)
+                        # make scripts executable
+                        os.chmod(dst_path, os.stat(dst_path).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
+class build_func(_build):
+        def initialize_options(self):            
+            _build.initialize_options(self)
+            self.build_base = build_dir
+class clean_func(_clean):
+        def initialize_options(self):            
+            _clean.initialize_options(self)
+            self.build_base = build_dir
+class clobber_func(Command):
+        user_options = []
+        description = "Deletes any and all files created by setup"
+        def initialize_options(self):
+                pass
+        def finalize_options(self):
+                pass
+        def run(self):
+                # nuke everything
+                print("Deleting " + dist_dir)
+                shutil.rmtree(dist_dir, True)
+                print("Deleting " + build_dir)
+                shutil.rmtree(build_dir, True)
+                print("Deleting " + root_dir)
+                shutil.rmtree(root_dir, True)
+class test_func(Command):
+        user_options = []
+        description = "Runs unit and functional tests"
+        def initialize_options(self):
+                pass
+        def finalize_options(self):
+                pass
+        def run(self):
+                os.putenv('PYEXE', sys.executable)
+                os.chdir(os.path.join(pwd, "tests"))
+                testlogfd, testlogpath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix = '.pkg-test.log')
+                testlogfp = os.fdopen(testlogfd, "w")
+                print "Logging to %s" % testlogpath
+      [sys.executable, ""], stdout=testlogfp)
+                if ostype == 'posix':
+          [sys.executable, ""], stdout=testlogfp)
+          ["/bin/ksh", "two-depot.ksh"], stdout=testlogfp)
+                if osname == 'sunos':
+          ["/bin/ksh", "memleaks.ksh"], stdout=testlogfp)
+                testlogfp.close()
+class dist_func(_bdist):
+        def initialize_options(self):
+            _bdist.initialize_options(self)            
+            self.dist_dir = dist_dir
+# These are set to real values based on the platform, down below
+ext_modules = None
+compile_args = None
+link_args = None
+elf_libraries = None
+data_files = [
+                (resource_dir, web_files),
+             ] 
+            'link' : link_func,
+            'linkclean' : link_clean_func,
+            'install' : install_func,
+            'build' : build_func,
+            'bdist' : dist_func,
+            'lint' : lint_func,
+            'clean' : clean_func,
+            'clobber' : clobber_func,
+            'test' : test_func,
+           }
+if ostype == 'posix':
+    # all unix builds of IPS should have manpages
+    data_files +=   [
+                    (man1_dir, man1_files),
+                    (man1m_dir, man1m_files),
+                    (man5_dir, man5_files),
+                    ]
+if osname == 'sunos':
+    # Solaris-specific extensions are added here
+    data_files +=   [
+                    (zones_dir, zones_files),
+                    (brand_dir, brand_files),
+                    (smf_dir, smf_files),
+                    ]
+if osname == 'sunos' or osname == "linux":
+    # Unix platforms which the elf extension has been ported to
+    # are specified here, so they are built automatically
+    elf_libraries = ['elf']
+    ext_modules=[
+        Extension(
+            'elf',
+            elf_srcs,
+            include_dirs=include_dirs,
+            libraries=elf_libraries,
+            extra_compile_args=compile_args,
+            extra_link_args=link_args
+        ),
+    ]
+    # Solaris has built-in md library and Solaris-specific arch extension
+    # All others use OpenSSL and cross-platform arch module
+    if osname == 'sunos':
+        elf_libraries += ['md']
+        ext_modules += [
+                Extension(
+                    'arch', 
+                    arch_srcs,
+                    include_dirs=include_dirs,
+                    extra_compile_args=compile_args,
+                    extra_link_args=link_args,
+                    define_macros=[('_FILE_OFFSET_BITS', '64')]
+                ),
+        ]
+    else:
+        elf_libraries += ['ssl']
+      name='ips',
+      version='1.0',
+      package_dir= {'pkg':'modules'},
+      packages=packages,
+      data_files=data_files,
+      ext_package='pkg',
+      ext_modules=ext_modules,
+     )