changeset 2991 75e616731cc3
parent 2990 2cc6693a7d83
child 2992 e48a94cff862
--- a/src/modules/gui/	Fri Sep 27 11:21:00 2013 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
-# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
-# or
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-# and limitations under the License.
-# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
-# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
-# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
-# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
-# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-# Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-# Use is subject to license terms.
-# Location for themable icons
-ICON_LOCATION = "usr/share/package-manager/icons"
-import locale
-import os
-import sys
-import gettext
-        import gobject
-        import gtk
-        import pango
-except ImportError:
-        sys.exit(1)
-import pkg.misc as misc
-import pkg.gui.misc as gui_misc
-import pkg.gui.progress as progress
-import pkg.client.api_errors as api_errors
-import pkg.gui.installupdate as installupdate
-import pkg.gui.enumerations as enumerations
-import pkg.gui.repository as repository
-import pkg.fmri as fmri
-import pkg.client.publisher as publisher
-from pkg.client import global_settings
-from gettext import ngettext
-logger = global_settings.logger
-debug = False
-class Webinstall:
-        def __init__(self, image_dir):
-                global_settings.client_name = gui_misc.get_wi_name()
-                self.image_dir = image_dir
-                try:
-                        self.application_dir = os.environ["PACKAGE_MANAGER_ROOT"]
-                except KeyError:
-                        self.application_dir = "/"
-                misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
-                for module in (gettext,
-                        module.bindtextdomain("pkg", os.path.join(
-                            self.application_dir,
-                            "usr/share/locale"))
-                        module.textdomain("pkg")
-                gui_misc.init_for_help(self.application_dir)
-                self.pub_pkg_list = None
-       = progress.NullProgressTracker()
-                self.pub_new_tasks = []
-                self.pkg_install_tasks = []
-                self.icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default()
-                icon_location = os.path.join(self.application_dir, ICON_LOCATION)
-                self.icon_theme.append_search_path(icon_location)
-                self.param = None
-                self.disabled_pubs = {}
-                self.repo_gui = None
-                self.first_run = True
-                # Webinstall Dialog
-                builder = gtk.Builder()
-                self.gladefile = os.path.join(self.application_dir,
-                        "usr/share/package-manager/packagemanager.ui")
-                builder.add_from_file(self.gladefile)
-                self.w_webinstall_dialog = \
-                        builder.get_object("webinstalldialog")
-                self.w_webinstall_proceed = \
-                        builder.get_object("proceed_button")
-                self.w_webinstall_cancel = \
-                        builder.get_object("cancel_button")
-                self.w_webinstall_help = \
-                        builder.get_object("help_button")
-                self.w_webinstall_close = \
-                        builder.get_object("close_button")
-                self.w_webinstall_proceed_label = \
-                        builder.get_object("proceed_new_repo_label")
-                self.w_webinstall_toplabel = \
-                        builder.get_object("webinstall_toplabel")
-                self.w_webinstall_frame = \
-                        builder.get_object("webinstall_frame")
-                self.w_webinstall_image = \
-                        builder.get_object("pkgimage")
-                self.window_icon = gui_misc.get_icon(self.icon_theme, 
-                    'packagemanager', 48)
-                self.w_webinstall_image.set_from_pixbuf(self.window_icon)
-                self.w_webinstall_info_label = \
-                        builder.get_object("label19")
-                self.w_webinstall_textview = \
-                        builder.get_object("webinstall_textview")  
-                infobuffer = self.w_webinstall_textview.get_buffer()
-                infobuffer.create_tag("bold", weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
-                infobuffer.create_tag("disabled", foreground="#757575") #Close to DimGrey
-                self.__setup_signals()
-                self.w_webinstall_dialog.set_icon(self.window_icon)
-                self.api_o = gui_misc.get_api_object(self.image_dir,,
-                    self.w_webinstall_dialog)
-                gui_misc.setup_logging()
-        def __setup_signals(self):
-                signals_table = [
-                    (self.w_webinstall_dialog, "destroy_event",
-                     self.__on_webinstall_dialog_close),
-                    (self.w_webinstall_dialog, "close",
-                     self.__on_webinstall_dialog_close),
-                    (self.w_webinstall_dialog, "delete_event",
-                     self.__on_webinstall_dialog_close),
-                    (self.w_webinstall_cancel, "clicked",
-                     self.__on_cancel_button_clicked),
-                    (self.w_webinstall_close, "clicked",
-                     self.__on_cancel_button_clicked),
-                    (self.w_webinstall_help, "clicked",
-                     self.__on_help_button_clicked),
-                    (self.w_webinstall_proceed, "clicked",
-                     self.__on_proceed_button_clicked),
-                    ]
-                for widget, signal_name, callback in signals_table:
-                        widget.connect(signal_name, callback)
-        def __output_new_pub_tasks(self, infobuffer, textiter, num_tasks):
-                if num_tasks == 0:
-                        return
-                msg = ngettext(
-                    "\n Add New Publisher\n", "\n Add New Publishers\n", num_tasks)
-                infobuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(textiter, msg, "bold")
-                self.__output_pub_tasks(infobuffer, textiter, self.pub_new_tasks)
-        def __nothing_todo(self, infobuffer, textiter):
-                self.w_webinstall_proceed.hide()
-                self.w_webinstall_cancel.hide()
-                self.w_webinstall_frame.hide()
-                self.w_webinstall_toplabel.set_text(
-                    _("All specified publishers are already on the system."))
-                self.w_webinstall_close.grab_focus()
-        def __output_pub_tasks(self, infobuffer, textiter, pub_tasks):
-                for pub_info in pub_tasks:
-                        if pub_info == None:
-                                continue
-                        infobuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(textiter,
-                            _("\t%s ") % pub_info.prefix, "bold")
-                        repo = pub_info.repository
-                        if repo != None and != None and \
-                                        len( > 0:
-                                infobuffer.insert(textiter,
-                                        _(" (%s)\n") %[0].uri)
-                        else:
-                                infobuffer.insert(textiter,
-                                    _(" (No origin specified in the p5i file)\n"))
-                                self.w_webinstall_proceed.hide()
-                                msg = _("Publishers can <b>only</b> be added"
-                                    " if they have an origin specified.")
-                                self.w_webinstall_proceed_label.set_markup(msg)
-        def __output_pkg_install_tasks(self, infobuffer, textiter, num_tasks):
-                if num_tasks == 0:
-                        return                        
-                msg = ngettext(
-                    "\n Install Package\n", "\n Install Packages\n", num_tasks)
-                infobuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(textiter, msg, "bold")
-                for entry in self.pkg_install_tasks:
-                        pub_info = entry[0]
-                        packages = entry[1]
-                        if len(packages) > 0:
-                                if self.disabled_pubs and \
-                                        pub_info.prefix in self.disabled_pubs:
-                                        infobuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(textiter,
-                                            _("\t%s (disabled)\n") % pub_info.prefix,
-                                            "bold", "disabled")
-                                else:
-                                        infobuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(textiter,
-                                            "\t%s\n" % pub_info.prefix, "bold")
-                                for pkg in packages:
-                                        infobuffer.insert(textiter,
-                                            "\t\t%s\n" % fmri.extract_pkg_name(pkg))
-        def process_param(self, param=None):
-                if param == None or self.api_o == None:
-                        self.w_webinstall_proceed.set_sensitive(False)
-                        self.w_webinstall_cancel.grab_focus()
-                        return
-                self.param = param
-                self.pub_pkg_list = self.api_parse_publisher_info()
-                self.__create_task_lists()        
-                infobuffer = self.w_webinstall_textview.get_buffer()
-                infobuffer.set_text("")
-                num_new_pub = len(self.pub_new_tasks)
-                num_install_tasks = 0
-                for entry in self.pkg_install_tasks:
-                        packages = entry[1]
-                        num_install_tasks += len(packages)
-                self.__set_proceed_label(num_new_pub)
-                textiter = infobuffer.get_end_iter()
-                if num_new_pub == 0 and num_install_tasks == 0:
-                        self.__nothing_todo(infobuffer, textiter)
-                        self.w_webinstall_dialog.present()
-                        self.w_webinstall_dialog.resize(450, 100)
-                        return
-                else:
-                        gui_misc.change_stockbutton_label(self.w_webinstall_proceed,
-                            _("_Proceed"))
-                        self.w_webinstall_dialog.show_all()
-                        self.w_webinstall_dialog.resize(450, 370)
-                self.__output_new_pub_tasks(infobuffer, textiter, num_new_pub)
-                self.__output_pkg_install_tasks(infobuffer, textiter, num_install_tasks)
-                infobuffer.place_cursor(infobuffer.get_start_iter())
-                self.w_webinstall_proceed.grab_focus()
-        def __set_proceed_label(self, num_new_pub):
-                if num_new_pub == 0:
-                        self.w_webinstall_proceed_label.hide()
-                else:
-                        msg = ngettext(
-                            "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new "
-                                "publisher ",
-                            "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new "
-                                "publishers ",
-                            num_new_pub)
-                        self.w_webinstall_proceed_label.set_markup(msg)
-        def __on_webinstall_dialog_close(self, widget, param=None):
-                self.__exit_app()
-        def __on_cancel_button_clicked(self, widget):
-                self.__exit_app()
-        @staticmethod
-        def __on_help_button_clicked(widget):
-                gui_misc.display_help("webinstall")
-        def __exit_app(self, be_name = None):
-                gui_misc.shutdown_logging()
-                self.w_webinstall_dialog.destroy()
-                gtk.main_quit()
-                sys.exit(0)
-                return
-        def __create_task_lists(self):
-                pub_new_reg_ssl_tasks = []
-                self.pub_new_tasks = []
-                self.pkg_install_tasks = []
-                for entry in self.pub_pkg_list:
-                        pub_info = entry[0]
-                        packages = entry[1]
-                        if not pub_info:
-                                continue
-                        repo = pub_info.repository
-                        pub_registered = self.__is_publisher_registered(pub_info.prefix)
-                        if pub_registered and packages != None and len(packages) > 0 and \
-                                self.__check_publisher_disabled(pub_info.prefix):
-                                self.disabled_pubs[pub_info.prefix] = True
-                        if not pub_registered:
-                                if repo and and \
-                          [0] != None and \
-                          [0].scheme in publisher.SSL_SCHEMES:
-                                        #TBD: check for registration uri as well as scheme
-                                        #    repo.registration_uri.uri != None:
-                                        pub_new_reg_ssl_tasks.append(pub_info)
-                                else:
-                                        self.pub_new_tasks.append(pub_info)
-                        if packages != None and len(packages) > 0:
-                                self.pkg_install_tasks.append((pub_info, packages))
-                self.pub_new_tasks = pub_new_reg_ssl_tasks + self.pub_new_tasks
-                if len(self.pub_new_tasks) > 0 or len(self.disabled_pubs) > 0 and \
-                        self.repo_gui == None:
-                        self.repo_gui = repository.Repository(self, self.image_dir,
-                            webinstall_new=True, main_window = self.w_webinstall_dialog)
-        def __check_publisher_disabled(self, name):
-                try:
-                        if self.api_o == None:
-                                return
-                        try:
-                                pub = self.api_o.get_publisher(name)
-                                if pub != None and pub.disabled:
-                                        return True
-                        except api_errors.UnknownPublisher:
-                                return False
-                except api_errors.PublisherError, ex:
-                        gobject.idle_add(gui_misc.error_occurred,
-                            self.w_webinstall_dialog,
-                            str(ex),
-                            _("Publisher Error"))
-                except api_errors.ApiException, ex:
-                        gobject.idle_add(gui_misc.error_occurred, 
-                            self.w_webinstall_dialog, 
-                            str(ex), _("Web Installer Error"))
-                return False
-        def __disabled_pubs_info(self, disabled_pubs):
-                if len(disabled_pubs) == 0:
-                        return
-                num = len(disabled_pubs)       
-                msg = ngettext(
-                    "The following publisher is disabled:\n",
-                    "The following publishers are disabled:\n", num)
-                for pub in disabled_pubs:
-                        msg += _("\t<b>%s</b>\n") % pub
-                msg += ngettext(
-                    "\nClicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with "
-                    "install. On completion it will be disabled again.",
-                    "\nClicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with "
-                    "install.\nOn completion they will be disabled again.",
-                    num)
-                msgbox = gtk.MessageDialog(
-                    parent = self.w_webinstall_dialog,
-                    buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL,
-                    flags = gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, type = gtk.MESSAGE_INFO,
-                    message_format = None)
-                msgbox.set_markup(msg)
-                title = ngettext("Disabled Publisher", "Disabled Publishers", 
-                    len(disabled_pubs))
-                msgbox.set_title(title)
-                msgbox.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)               
-                response =
-                if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
-                        gobject.idle_add(self.__proceed)
-                msgbox.destroy()
-                return
-        def __is_publisher_registered(self, name):
-                try:
-                        if self.api_o != None and self.api_o.has_publisher(name):
-                                return True
-                except api_errors.PublisherError, ex:
-                        gobject.idle_add(gui_misc.error_occurred, 
-                            self.w_webinstall_dialog, 
-                            str(ex), _("Publisher Error"))
-                except api_errors.ApiException, ex:
-                        gobject.idle_add(gui_misc.error_occurred, 
-                            self.w_webinstall_dialog, 
-                            str(ex), _("Web Installer Error"))
-                return False
-        def __on_proceed_button_clicked(self, widget):
-                if not self.first_run:
-                        try:
-                                self.api_o.reset()
-                        except api_errors.ApiException, ex:
-                                gobject.idle_add(gui_misc.error_occurred, 
-                                    self.w_webinstall_dialog, 
-                                    str(ex), _("Web Installer Error"))
-                                return
-                        self.pub_pkg_list = self.api_parse_publisher_info()
-                        self.__create_task_lists()
-                else:
-                        self.first_run = False
-                if self.disabled_pubs and len(self.disabled_pubs) > 0:
-                        self.__disabled_pubs_info(self.disabled_pubs)
-                else:
-                        self.__proceed()
-        def __proceed(self):
-                if len(self.disabled_pubs) > 0 and self.repo_gui:
-                        self.repo_gui.webinstall_enable_disable_pubs(
-                            self.w_webinstall_dialog, self.disabled_pubs, True)
-                        return
-                if len(self.pub_new_tasks) > 0:
-                        self.__add_new_pub()
-                        return
-                if len(self.pkg_install_tasks) > 0:
-                        self.__install_pkgs()
-                        return
-        def __add_new_pub(self):
-                if len(self.pub_new_tasks) == 0:
-                        return
-                pub = self.pub_new_tasks[0]
-                if debug:
-                        print("Add New Publisher:\n\tName: %s" % pub.prefix)
-                        repo = pub.repository
-                        if repo != None and != None and \
-                                        len( > 0:
-                                print("\tURL: %s" %[0].uri)
-                repo = pub.repository
-                if repo and len( > 0 and self.repo_gui:
-                        self.repo_gui.webinstall_new_pub(self.w_webinstall_dialog, pub)
-                else:
-                        msg = _("Failed to add %s.\n") % pub
-                        msg += _("No URI specified")
-                        gui_misc.error_occurred( 
-                                    self.w_webinstall_dialog,
-                                    msg, _("Publisher Error"))
-        # Publisher Callback
-        # invoked at end of adding a publisher and enabling/disabling a set of publishers
-        def reload_packages(self, added_pub=True):
-                if len(self.pub_new_tasks) > 0:
-                        if added_pub:
-                                self.pub_new_tasks.pop(0)
-                        if len(self.pub_new_tasks) > 0:
-                                self.__add_new_pub()
-                                return
-                if len(self.pkg_install_tasks) > 0:
-                        self.api_o = gui_misc.get_api_object(self.image_dir,,
-                            self.w_webinstall_dialog)
-                        self.__install_pkgs()
-                else:
-                        self.__exit_app()
-        def __install_pkgs(self):
-                if len(self.pkg_install_tasks) == 0:
-                        return
-                # Handle all packages from all pubs as single install action
-                all_package_stems = []        
-                for pkg_installs in self.pkg_install_tasks:
-                        pub_info = pkg_installs[0]
-                        packages = pkg_installs[1]
-                        pub_pkg_stems = self.process_pkg_stems(pub_info, packages)
-                        for pkg in pub_pkg_stems:
-                                all_package_stems.append(pkg)
-                if debug:
-                        print "Install Packages: %s" % all_package_stems
-                installupdate.InstallUpdate(all_package_stems, self, self.image_dir, 
-                    action = enumerations.INSTALL_UPDATE,
-                    parent_name = _("Package Manager"),
-                    main_window = self.w_webinstall_dialog,
-                    web_install = True)
-        def process_pkg_stems(self, pub_info, packages):
-                if not self.__is_publisher_registered(pub_info.prefix):
-                        return []
-                pkg_stem = "pkg://" + pub_info.prefix + "/"
-                packages_with_stem = []
-                for pkg in packages:
-                        if pkg.startswith(pkg_stem):
-                                packages_with_stem.append(pkg)
-                        else:
-                                packages_with_stem.append(pkg_stem + pkg)
-                return packages_with_stem
-        # Install Callback - invoked at end of installing packages
-        def update_package_list(self, update_list):
-                if update_list == None:
-                        return
-                self.pkg_install_tasks = []
-                if len(self.disabled_pubs) > 0 and self.repo_gui:
-                        gobject.idle_add(self.repo_gui.webinstall_enable_disable_pubs,
-                            self.w_webinstall_dialog, self.disabled_pubs, False)
-                        return
-                self.__exit_app()
-        def api_parse_publisher_info(self):
-                '''<path to mimetype file|origin_url>
-                   returns list of publisher and package list tuples'''
-                try:
-                        return self.api_o.parse_p5i(location=self.param)
-                except api_errors.ApiException, ex:
-                        msg = str(ex)
-                        print _("Web Installer Error: %s") % (msg)
-                        sys.exit(1)
-                        return None