changeset 2315 c9b0cbb2c713
parent 2310 ce10607d5332
child 2321 5741d6cd0988
--- a/src/brand/common.ksh	Thu Apr 28 11:44:04 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/brand/common.ksh	Thu Apr 28 12:52:19 2011 -0700
@@ -57,9 +57,6 @@
 f_cp=$(gettext "Failed to cp %s %s.")
 f_cp_unsafe=$(gettext "Failed to safely copy %s to %s.")
-f_sysrepo_fail=$(gettext "Unable to enable svc:/system/pkg/sysrepo, please enable the service manually.")
-f_zones_proxyd_fail=$(gettext "Unable to enable svc:/system/zones-proxyd, please enable the service manually.")
 m_brnd_usage=$(gettext "brand-specific usage: ")
 v_unconfig=$(gettext "Performing zone sys-unconfig")
@@ -287,6 +284,130 @@
+# Emits to stdout the extended attributes for a publisher. The
+# attributes are emitted in the order "sticky preferred enabled". It
+# expects two parameters: publisher name and URL type which can be
+# ("mirror" or "origin").
+get_publisher_attrs() {
+	typeset pname=$1
+	typeset utype=$2
+	LC_ALL=C $PKG publisher -HF tsv| \
+	    nawk '($5 == "'"$utype"'" || \
+	    ("'"$utype"'" == "origin" && $5 == "")) \
+	    && $1 == "'"$pname"'" \
+	    {printf "%s %s %s\n", $2, $3, $4;}'
+	return 0
+# Emits to stdout the extended attribute arguments for a publisher. It
+# expects two parameters: publisher name and URL type which can be
+# ("mirror" or "origin").
+get_publisher_attr_args() {
+	typeset args=
+	typeset sticky=
+	typeset preferred=
+	typeset enabled=
+	get_publisher_attrs $1 $2 |
+	while IFS=" " read sticky preferred enabled; do
+		if [ $sticky == "true" ]; then
+			args="--sticky"
+		else
+			args="--non-sticky"
+		fi
+		if [ $preferred == "true" ]; then
+			args="$args -P"
+		fi
+		if [ $enabled == "true" ]; then
+			args="$args --enable"
+		else
+			args="$args --disable"
+		fi
+	done
+	echo $args
+	return 0
+# Emits to stdout the publisher's prefix followed by a '=', and then
+# the list of the requested URLs separated by spaces, followed by a
+# newline after each unique publisher.  It expects two parameters,
+# publisher type ("all", "preferred", "non-preferred") and URL type
+# ("mirror" or "origin".)
+get_publisher_urls() {
+	typeset ptype=$1
+	typeset utype=$2
+	typeset __pub_prefix=
+	typeset __publisher_urls=
+	typeset ptype_filter=
+	if [ "$ptype" == "all" ]
+	then
+		ptype_filter=""
+	elif [ "$ptype" == "preferred" ]
+	then
+		ptype_filter="true"
+	elif [ "$ptype" == "non-preferred" ]
+	then
+		ptype_filter="false"
+	fi
+	LC_ALL=C $PKG publisher -HF tsv | \
+		nawk '($5 == "'"$utype"'" || \
+		("'"$utype"'" == "origin" && $5 == "")) && \
+		( "'"$ptype_filter"'" == "" || $3 == "'"$ptype_filter"'" ) \
+		{printf "%s %s\n", $1, $7;}' |
+		while IFS=" " read __publisher __publisher_url; do
+			if [[ "$utype" == "origin" && \
+			    -z "$__publisher_url" ]]; then
+				# Publisher without origins.
+				__publisher_url="None"
+			fi
+			if [[ -n "$__pub_prefix" && \
+				"$__pub_prefix" != "$__publisher" ]]; then
+				# Different publisher so emit accumulation and
+				# clear existing data.
+				echo $__pub_prefix=$__publisher_urls
+				__publisher_urls=""
+			fi
+			__pub_prefix=$__publisher
+			__publisher_urls="$__publisher_urls$__publisher_url "
+		done
+	if [[ -n "$__pub_prefix" && -n "$__publisher_urls" ]]; then
+		echo $__pub_prefix=$__publisher_urls
+	fi
+	return 0
+# Emit to stdout the key and cert associated with the publisher
+# name provided.  Returns 'None' if no information is present.
+# For now we assume that the mirrors all use the same key and cert
+# as the main publisher.
+get_pub_secinfo() {
+	typeset key=
+	typeset cert=
+	key=$(LC_ALL=C $PKG publisher $1 |
+	    nawk -F': ' '/SSL Key/ {print $2; exit 0}')
+	cert=$(LC_ALL=C $PKG publisher $1 |
+	    nawk -F': ' '/SSL Cert/ {print $2; exit 0}')
+	print $key $cert
 # Handle pkg exit code.  Exit 0 means Command succeeded, exit 4 means
 # No changes were made - nothing to do.  Any other exit code is an error.
@@ -294,20 +415,3 @@
 	typeset res=$?
 	(( $res != 0 && $res != 4 )) && fail_fatal "$1"
-# Enable the services needed to perform packaging operations inside a zone.
-enable_zones_services() {                                                       
-	/usr/sbin/svcadm enable -t -s /system/pkg/sysrepo
-	if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
-		error "$f_sysrepo_fail"
-		return 1
-	fi
-	/usr/sbin/svcadm enable -t -s /system/zones-proxyd
-	if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
-		error "$f_zones_proxyd_fail"
-		return 1
-	fi
-	return 0