author Shawn Walker <>
Fri, 23 Oct 2009 17:43:37 -0500
changeset 1431 62b6033670e4
parent 1337 52e101b7cc31
child 1500 fb15a23b6915
permissions -rw-r--r--
10416 server catalog v1 support desired 243 need localized descriptions, other metadata at catalog level 2424 Need to use UTC consistently everywhere 3092 messaging api/framework needed for pkg clients (cli, gui, etc.) 7063 "pkg list -a -s" needs performance improvement 7163 manifests are modified by client before being written to disk 8217 package fmri should be added to manifest during publishing 9061 importer should not refresh indexes 9446 traceback for cfg_cache operations if read-only filesystem 10415 client catalog v1 support desired 11094 Client transport for catalog v1 11523 only permit FMRIs from same publisher for network repositories 11831 server api version incompatible templates can cause traceback 11832 depot needs ability to seed / alter repository configuration 11954 importer shows zero packages processed unless debug enabled 12006 merge utility should have a test suite

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# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.

import itertools
import os
import urllib

import pkg.actions as actions
import pkg.client.api as api
import pkg.client.api_errors as api_errors
import pkg.flavor.base as base
import pkg.flavor.elf as elf_dep
import pkg.flavor.hardlink as hardlink
import pkg.flavor.script as script
import pkg.fmri as fmri
import pkg.manifest as manifest
import pkg.portable as portable
import pkg.variant as variants

def list_implicit_deps(file_path, proto_dir, remove_internal_deps=True):
        """Given the manifest provided in file_path, use the known dependency
        generators to produce a list of dependencies the files delivered by
        the manifest have.

        'file_path' is the path to the manifest for the package.

        'proto_dir' is the path to the proto area which holds the files that
        will be delivered by the package."""

        proto_dir = os.path.abspath(proto_dir)
        m = make_manifest(file_path)
        pkg_vars = m.get_all_variants()
        deps, elist, missing = list_implicit_deps_for_manifest(m, proto_dir,
        if remove_internal_deps:
                deps = resolve_internal_deps(deps, m, proto_dir, pkg_vars)
        return deps, elist, missing

def resolve_internal_deps(deps, mfst, proto_dir, pkg_vars):
        """Given a list of dependencies, remove those which are satisfied by
        others delivered by the same package.

        'deps' is a list of Dependency objects.

        'mfst' is the Manifest of the package that delivered the dependencies
        found in deps.

        'proto_dir' is the path to the proto area which holds the files that
        will be delivered by the package.

        'pkg_vars' are the variants that this package was published against."""

        res = []
        delivered = {}
        delivered_bn = {}
        for a in mfst.gen_actions_by_type("file"):
                pvars = variants.VariantSets(a.get_variants())
                if not pvars:
                        pvars = pkg_vars
                p = a.attrs["path"]
                delivered.setdefault(p, variants.VariantSets()).merge(pvars)
                p = os.path.join(proto_dir, p)
                np = os.path.normpath(p)
                rp = os.path.realpath(p)
                # adding the normalized path
                delivered.setdefault(np, variants.VariantSets()).merge(pvars)
                # adding the real path
                delivered.setdefault(rp, variants.VariantSets()).merge(pvars)
                bn = os.path.basename(p)
                delivered_bn.setdefault(bn, variants.VariantSets()).merge(pvars)
        for d in deps:
                etype, pvars = d.resolve_internal(delivered_files=delivered,
                if etype is None:
                d.dep_vars = pvars
        return res

def no_such_file(action, **kwargs):
        """Function to handle dispatch of files not found on the system."""

        return [], [base.MissingFile(action.attrs["path"])]

# Dictionary which maps codes from portable.get_file_type to the functions which
# find dependencies for those types of files.
dispatch_dict = {
    portable.ELF: elf_dep.process_elf_dependencies,
    portable.EXEC: script.process_script_deps,
    portable.UNFOUND: no_such_file

def list_implicit_deps_for_manifest(mfst, proto_dir, pkg_vars):
        """For a manifest, produce the list of dependencies generated by the
        files it installs.

        'mfst' is the Manifest of the package that delivered the dependencies
        found in deps.

        'proto_dir' is the path to the proto area which holds the files that
        will be delivered by the package.

        'plat' is a string that will be used to replace $PLATFORM in the elf
        dependency generator instead of using the output of uname -i.

        'isalist' is a list of strings that will be used to replace $ISALIST
        in the elf dependency generator instead of the output of isalist -i.

        'pkg_vars' are the variants that this package was published against.

        Returns a tuple of three lists.

        'deps' is a list of dependencies found for the given Manifest.

        'elist' is a list of errors encountered while finding dependencies.

        'missing' is a dictionary mapping a file type that isn't recognized by
        portable.get_file_type to a file which produced that filetype."""

        deps = []
        elist = []
        missing = {}
        act_list = list(mfst.gen_actions_by_type("file"))
        file_types = portable.get_file_type(act_list, proto_dir)

        for i, file_type in enumerate(file_types):
                a = act_list[i]
                        func = dispatch_dict[file_type]
                except KeyError:
                        if file_type not in missing:
                                missing[file_type] = os.path.join(proto_dir,
                                ds, errs = func(action=a, proto_dir=proto_dir,
                        except base.DependencyAnalysisError, e:
        for a in mfst.gen_actions_by_type("hardlink"):
                deps.extend(hardlink.process_hardlink_deps(a, pkg_vars,
        return deps, elist, missing

def make_manifest(fp):
        """Given the file path, 'fp', return a Manifest for that path."""

        m = manifest.Manifest()
                fh = open(fp, "rb")
                lines =
        except EnvironmentError, e:
        return m

def choose_name(fp, mfst):
        """Find the package name for this manifest. If it's defined in a set
        action in the manifest, use that. Otherwise use the basename of the
        path to the manifest as the name.
        'fp' is the path to the file for the manifest.

        'mfst' is the Manifest object."""

        if mfst is None:
                return urllib.unquote(os.path.basename(fp))
        name = mfst.get("pkg.fmri", mfst.get("fmri", None))
        if name is not None:
                return name
        return urllib.unquote(os.path.basename(fp))

def helper(lst, file_dep, dep_vars, pkg_vars):
        """Creates the depend actions from lst for the dependency and determines
        which variants have been accounted for.

        'lst' is a list of fmri, variants pairs. The fmri a package which can
        satisfy the dependency. The variants are the variants under which it
        satisfies the dependency.

        'file_dep' is the dependency that needs to be satisfied.

        'dep_vars' is the variants under which 'file_dep' has not yet been

        res = []
        for pfmri, delivered_vars in lst:
                if not dep_vars.intersects(delivered_vars):
                action_vars = dep_vars.intersection(delivered_vars)
                attrs = file_dep.attrs.copy()
                if dep_vars.is_satisfied():
        return res, dep_vars

def find_package_using_delivered_files(delivered, file_dep, dep_vars, pkg_vars):
        """Uses a dictionary mapping file paths to packages to determine which
        package delivers the dependency under which variants.

        'delivered' is a dictionary mapping paths to a list of fmri, variants

        'file_dep' is the dependency that is being resolved.

        'dep_vars' are the variants for which the dependency has not yet been

        rps = [""]
        if "%s.path" % base.Dependency.DEPEND_DEBUG_PREFIX in file_dep.attrs:
                rps = file_dep.attrs["%s.path" %
        paths = [
                file_dep.attrs["%s.file" % base.Dependency.DEPEND_DEBUG_PREFIX])
            for rp in rps
        res = []
        for p in paths:
                delivered_list = []
                if p in delivered:
                        delivered_list = delivered[p]
                # XXX Eventually, this needs to be changed to use the
                # link information provided by the manifests being
                # resolved against, including the packages currently being
                # published.
                new_res, dep_vars = helper(delivered_list, file_dep, dep_vars,
                if dep_vars.is_satisfied():
        return res, dep_vars

def __run_search(paths, api_inst):
        """Function which interfaces with the search engine and extracts the
        fmri and variants from the actions which deliver the paths being
        searched for.

        'paths' is the paths to search for.

        'api_inst' is an ImageInterface which references the current image."""

        qs = [
            api.Query(p, case_sensitive=False, return_actions=True)
            for p in paths
        search_res = api_inst.local_search(qs)
        res = []
                for num, pub, (version, return_type, (pfmri, match, a_str)) \
                    in search_res:
                        pfmri = fmri.PkgFmri(pfmri)
                        m = api_inst.img.get_manifest(pfmri)
                        vars = variants.VariantSets(actions.fromstr(
                        res.append((pfmri, vars))
        except api_errors.SlowSearchUsed:
        return res

def find_package_using_search(api_inst, file_dep, dep_vars, pkg_vars):
        """Uses an image's local search to find the packages which deliver the

        'api_inst' is an ImageInterface which references the current image.

        'file_dep' is the dependency being resolved.

        'dep_vars' is the variants for which the depenency has not yet been

        rps = [""]
        if "%s.path" % base.Dependency.DEPEND_DEBUG_PREFIX in file_dep.attrs:
                rps = file_dep.attrs["%s.path" %
        ps = [
            os.path.normpath(os.path.join("/", rp,
                file_dep.attrs["%s.file" %
            for rp in rps
        res_pkgs = __run_search(ps, api_inst)

        res = []
        new_res, dep_vars = helper(res_pkgs, file_dep, dep_vars, pkg_vars)
        # Need to check for res incase neither the action nor the package had
        # any variants defined.
        if res and dep_vars.is_satisfied():
                return res, dep_vars
        tmp = ((os.path.realpath(p), p) for p in ps)
        rps = [rp for rp, p in tmp if rp != p]
        if not rps:
                return res, dep_vars
        res_pkgs = __run_search(rps, api_inst)
        new_res, dep_vars = helper(res_pkgs, file_dep, dep_vars, pkg_vars)
        return res, dep_vars

def find_package(api_inst, delivered, file_dep, pkg_vars):
        """Find the packages which resolve the dependency. It returns a list of
        dependency actions with the fmri tag resolved.

        'api_inst' is an ImageInterface which references the current image.

        'delivered' is a dictionary mapping paths to a list of fmri, variants

        'file_dep' is the dependency being resolved.

        "pkg_vars' is the variants against which the package was published."""

        dep_vars = variants.VariantSets(file_dep.get_variants())
        res, dep_vars = \
            find_package_using_delivered_files(delivered, file_dep,
                dep_vars, pkg_vars)
        if res and dep_vars.is_satisfied():
                return res, dep_vars
        search_res, dep_vars = \
            find_package_using_search(api_inst, file_dep, dep_vars, pkg_vars)
        return res, dep_vars

def is_file_dependency(act):
        return == "depend" and \
            act.attrs.get("fmri", None) == base.Dependency.DUMMY_FMRI and \
            "%s.file" % base.Dependency.DEPEND_DEBUG_PREFIX in act.attrs

def resolve_deps(manifest_paths, api_inst):
        """For each manifest given, resolve the file dependencies to package
        dependencies. It returns a mapping from manifest_path to a list of
        dependencies and a list of unresolved dependencies.

        'manifest_paths' is a list of paths to the manifests being resolved.

        'api_inst' is an ImageInterface which references the current image."""

        manifests = [
            (mp, choose_name(mp, mfst), mfst, mfst.get_all_variants())
            for mp, mfst in ((mp, make_manifest(mp)) for mp in manifest_paths)
        delivered_files = {}
        # Build a list of all files delivered in the manifests being resolved.
        for n, f_list, pkg_vars in (
            for mp, name, mfst, pv in manifests
                for f in f_list:
                        dep_vars = variants.VariantSets(f.get_variants())
                            f.attrs["path"], []).append((n, dep_vars))
        pkg_deps = {}
        errs = []
        for mp, name, mfst, pkg_vars in manifests:
                if mfst is None:
                        pkg_deps[mp] = None
                pkg_res = [
                    (d, find_package(api_inst, delivered_files, d, pkg_vars))
                    for d in mfst.gen_actions_by_type("depend")
                    if is_file_dependency(d)
                deps = []
                for file_dep, (res, dep_vars) in pkg_res:
                        if not res:
                                errs.append((mp, file_dep, dep_vars))
                                if not dep_vars.is_satisfied():
                                        errs.append((mp, file_dep, dep_vars))
                pkg_deps[mp] = deps
        return pkg_deps, errs