author Rich Burridge <>
Mon, 30 Nov 2009 13:01:40 -0800
changeset 1516 8c950a3b4171
parent 1507 b956ea23d3a6
child 1540 de040c9fd0c0
permissions -rw-r--r--
10485 move pkg(5) to Python 2.6 10482 upgrade to cherrypy 3.1.2 11836 shebang line for python modules should be python version-agnostic 11950 ldtp used by pkg build process not setup to easily use Python 2.6 11989 pkg python dependency analysis tests fail

# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]

# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.

import copy
import errno
import os
import shutil
import sys
import traceback
import xml.dom.minidom as xmini
import xml.parsers.expat as expat

import pkg
import pkg.client.api_errors as api_errors
import pkg.fmri as fmri
import pkg.misc as misc
import pkg.portable as portable

# Constants for the (outcome, reason) combination for operation result.
# Indicates that the user canceled the operation.
RESULT_CANCELED = ["Canceled"]
# Indicates that the operation had no work to perform or didn't need to make
# any changes to the image.
RESULT_NOTHING_TO_DO = ["Nothing to do"]
# Indicates that the operation succeeded.
RESULT_SUCCEEDED = ["Succeeded"]
# Indicates that the user or client provided bad information which resulted in
# operation failure.
RESULT_FAILED_BAD_REQUEST = ["Failed", "Bad Request"]
# Indicates that the operation failed due to a configuration error (such as an
# invalid SSL Certificate, etc.).
RESULT_FAILED_CONFIGURATION = ["Failed", "Configuration"]
# Indicates that the operation failed due to package constraints or because of
# a restriction enforced by the client (e.g. SUNWipkg out of date).
RESULT_FAILED_CONSTRAINED = ["Failed", "Constrained"]
# Indicates that a search operation failed.
RESULT_FAILED_SEARCH = ["Failed", "Search"]
# Indicates that there was a problem writing a file or a permissions error.
RESULT_FAILED_STORAGE = ["Failed", "Storage"]
# Indicates that a transport error caused the operation to fail.
RESULT_FAILED_TRANSPORT = ["Failed", "Transport"]
# Indicates that the operation failed due to an actuator problem
RESULT_FAILED_ACTUATOR = ["Failed", "Actuator"]
# Indicates that the operation failed due to not enough memory
RESULT_FAILED_OUTOFMEMORY = ["Failed", "Out of Memory"]
# Indicates that the operation failed for an unknown reason.
RESULT_FAILED_UNKNOWN = ["Failed", "Unknown"]

# Operations that are discarded, not saved, when recorded by history.
DISCARDED_OPERATIONS = ["contents", "info", "list"]

# Cross-reference table for errors and results.  Entries should be ordered
# most-specific to least-specific.
error_results = {
    api_errors.BENamingNotSupported: RESULT_FAILED_BAD_REQUEST,
    api_errors.InvalidBENameException: RESULT_FAILED_BAD_REQUEST,
    api_errors.CertificateError: RESULT_FAILED_CONFIGURATION,
    api_errors.PublisherError: RESULT_FAILED_BAD_REQUEST,
    api_errors.CanceledException: RESULT_CANCELED,
    api_errors.ImageUpdateOnLiveImageException: RESULT_FAILED_BAD_REQUEST,
    api_errors.ProblematicPermissionsIndexException: RESULT_FAILED_STORAGE,
    api_errors.PermissionsException: RESULT_FAILED_STORAGE,
    api_errors.MainDictParsingException: RESULT_FAILED_STORAGE,
    api_errors.SearchException: RESULT_FAILED_SEARCH,
    api_errors.PlanCreationException: RESULT_FAILED_CONSTRAINED,
    api_errors.NonLeafPackageException: RESULT_FAILED_CONSTRAINED,
    api_errors.IpkgOutOfDateException: RESULT_FAILED_CONSTRAINED,
    api_errors.InvalidDepotResponseException: RESULT_FAILED_TRANSPORT,
    fmri.IllegalFmri: RESULT_FAILED_BAD_REQUEST,
    KeyboardInterrupt: RESULT_CANCELED,

class _HistoryException(Exception):
        """Private base exception class for all History exceptions."""
        def __init__(self, *args):
                Exception.__init__(self, *args)
                self.error = args[0]

        def __str__(self):
                return str(self.error)

class HistoryLoadException(_HistoryException):
        """Used to indicate that an unexpected error occurred while loading
        History operation information.

        The first argument should be an exception object related to the
        error encountered.
        def __init__(self, *args):
                _HistoryException.__init__(self, *args)
                self.parse_failure = isinstance(self.error, expat.ExpatError)

class HistoryStoreException(_HistoryException):
        """Used to indicate that an unexpected error occurred while storing
        History operation information.

        The first argument should be an exception object related to the
        error encountered.

class HistoryPurgeException(_HistoryException):
        """Used to indicate that an unexpected error occurred while purging
        History operation information.

        The first argument should be an exception object related to the
        error encountered.

class _HistoryOperation(object):
        """A _HistoryOperation object is a representation of data about an
        operation that a pkg(5) client has performed.  This class is private
        and not intended for use by classes other than History.

        This class provides an abstraction layer between the stack of
        operations that History manages should these values need to be
        manipulated as they are set or retrieved.

        def __copy__(self):
                h = _HistoryOperation()
                for attr in ("name", "start_time", "end_time", "start_state",
                    "end_state", "username", "userid", "result"):
                        setattr(h, attr, getattr(self, attr))
                h.errors = [copy.copy(e) for e in self.errors]
                return h

        def __setattr__(self, name, value):
                if name not in ("result", "errors"):
                        # Force all other attribute values to be a string
                        # to avoid issues with minidom.
                        value = str(value)

                return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

        def __str__(self):
                return """\
Operation Name: %s
Operation Result: %s
Operation Start Time: %s
Operation End Time: %s
Operation Start State:
Operation End State:
Operation User: %s (%s)
Operation Errors:
""" % (, self.result, self.start_time, self.end_time,
    self.start_state, self.end_state, self.username, self.userid,

        # All "time" values should be in UTC, using ISO 8601 as the format.
        # Name of the operation performed (e.g. install, image-update, etc.).
        name = None
        # When the operation started.
        start_time = None
        # When the operation ended.
        end_time = None
        # The starting state of the operation (e.g. image plan pre-evaluation).
        start_state = None
        # The ending state of the operation (e.g. image plan post-evaluation).
        end_state = None
        # Errors encountered during an operation.
        errors = None
        # username of the user that performed the operation.
        username = None
        # id of the user that performed the operation.
        userid = None
        # The result of the operation (must be a list indicating (outcome,
        # reason)).
        result = None

        def __init__(self):
                self.errors = []

class History(object):
        """A History object is a representation of data about a pkg(5) client
        and about operations that the client is executing or has executed.  It
        uses the _HistoryOperation class to represent the data about an

        # The directory where the history directory can be found (or
        # created if it doesn't exist).
        root_dir = None
        # The name of the client (e.g. pkg, packagemanager, etc.)
        client_name = None
        # The version of the client (e.g. 093ca22da67c).
        client_version = None
        # How the client was invoked (e.g. 'pkg install -n foo').
        client_args = None

        # A stack where operation data will actually be stored.
        __operations = []

        # A private property used by preserve() and restore() to store snapshots
        # of history and operation state information.
        __snapshot = None

        # These attributes exist to fake access to the operations stack.
        operation_name = None
        operation_username = None
        operation_userid = None
        operation_start_time = None
        operation_end_time = None
        operation_start_state = None
        operation_end_state = None
        operation_errors = None
        operation_result = None

        def __copy__(self):
                h = History()
                for attr in ("root_dir", "client_name", "client_version"):
                        setattr(h, attr, getattr(self, attr))
                object.__setattr__(self, "client_args",
                    [copy.copy(a) for a in self.client_args])
                # A deepcopy has to be performed here since this a list of dicts
                # and not just History operation objects.
                h.__operations = [copy.deepcopy(o) for o in self.__operations]
                return h

        def __getattribute__(self, name):
                if name == "client_args":
                        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)[:]

                if not name.startswith("operation_"):
                        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)

                ops = object.__getattribute__(self, "_History__operations")
                if not ops:
                        return None

                return getattr(ops[-1]["operation"], name[len("operation_"):])

        def __setattr__(self, name, value):
                if name == "client_args":
                        raise AttributeError("'history' object attribute '%s' "
                            "is read-only." % name)

                if not name.startswith("operation_"):
                        return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

                ops = object.__getattribute__(self, "_History__operations")
                if name == "operation_name":
                        if not ops:
                                ops = []
                                    "_History__operations", ops)

                            "pathname": None,
                            "operation": _HistoryOperation()
                elif not ops:
                        raise AttributeError("'history' object attribute '%s' "
                            "cannot be set before 'operation_name'." % name)

                op = ops[-1]["operation"]
                setattr(op, name[len("operation_"):], value)

                # Access to the class attributes is done through object instead
                # of just referencing self to avoid any of the special logic in
                # place interfering with logic here.
                if name == "operation_name":
                        # Before a new operation starts, clear exception state
                        # for the current one so that when this one ends, the
                        # last operation's exception won't be recorded to this
                        # one.  If the error hasn't been recorded by now, it
                        # doesn't matter anyway, so should be safe to clear.

                        # Mark the operation as having started and record
                        # other, relevant information.
                        op.start_time = misc.time_to_timestamp(None)
                        op.username = portable.get_username()
                        op.userid = portable.get_userid()

                        ca = None
                        if sys.argv[0]:
                                ca = [sys.argv[0]]
                                # Fallback for clients that provide no value.
                                ca = [self.client_name]

                        object.__setattr__(self, "client_args", ca)
                        object.__setattr__(self, "client_version", pkg.VERSION)

                elif name == "operation_result":
                        # Record when the operation ended.
                        op.end_time = misc.time_to_timestamp(None)

                        # Some operations shouldn't be saved -- they're merely
                        # included in the stack for completeness or to support
                        # client functionality.
                        if not in DISCARDED_OPERATIONS:
                                # Write current history and last operation to a
                                # file.

                        # Discard it now that it is no longer needed.
                        del ops[-1]

        def __init__(self, root_dir=".", filename=None):
                """'root_dir' should be the path of the directory where the
                history directory can be found (or created if it doesn't
                exist).  'filename' should be the name of an XML file
                containing serialized history information to load.
                # Since this is a read-only attribute normally, we have to
                # bypass our setattr override by calling object.
                object.__setattr__(self, "client_args", [])

                # Initialize client_name to what the client thinks it is.  This
                # will be overridden if we load history entries off disk.
                self.client_name = pkg.client.global_settings.client_name

                self.root_dir = root_dir
                if filename:

        def __str__(self):
                ops = self.__operations
                return "\n".join([str(op["operation"]) for op in ops])

        def path(self):
                """The directory where history files will be written to or
                read from.
                return os.path.join(self.root_dir, "history")

        def pathname(self):
                """Returns the pathname that the history information was read
                from or will attempted to be written to.  Returns None if no
                operation has started yet or if no operation has been loaded.
                if not self.operation_start_time:
                        return None

                ops = self.__operations
                pathname = ops[-1]["pathname"]
                if not pathname:
                        return os.path.join(self.path,
                            "%s-01.xml" % ops[-1]["operation"].start_time)
                return pathname

        def clear(self):
                """Discards all information related to the current history
                self.client_name = None
                self.client_version = None
                object.__setattr__(self, "client_args", [])
                self.__operations = []

        def __load_client_data(self, node):
                """Internal function to load the client data from the given XML
                'node' object.
                self.client_name = node.getAttribute("name")
                self.client_version = node.getAttribute("version")
                        args = node.getElementsByTagName("args")[0]
                except IndexError:
                        # There might not be any.
                        ca = object.__getattribute__(self, "client_args")
                        for cnode in args.getElementsByTagName("arg"):
                                except (AttributeError, IndexError):
                                        # There may be no childNodes, or
                                        # wholeText may not be defined.

        def __load_operation_data(node):
                """Internal function to load the operation data from the given
                XML 'node' object and return a _HistoryOperation object.
                op = _HistoryOperation()
       = node.getAttribute("name")
                op.start_time = node.getAttribute("start_time")
                op.end_time = node.getAttribute("end_time")
                op.username = node.getAttribute("username")
                op.userid = node.getAttribute("userid")
                op.result = node.getAttribute("result").split(", ")

                def get_node_values(parent_name, child_name=None):
                                parent = node.getElementsByTagName(parent_name)[0]
                                if child_name:
                                        cnodes = parent.getElementsByTagName(
                                        return [
                                            for cnode in cnodes
                                return parent.childNodes[0].wholeText
                        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
                                # Assume no values are present for the node.
                        if child_name:
                                return []

                op.start_state = get_node_values("start_state")
                op.end_state = get_node_values("end_state")
                op.errors.extend(get_node_values("errors", child_name="error"))

                return op

        def __load(self, filename):
                """Loads the history from a file located in self.path/history/
                {filename}.  The file should contain a serialized history
                object in XML format.

                # Ensure all previous information is discarded.

                        pathname = os.path.join(self.path, filename)
                        d = xmini.parse(pathname)
                        root = d.documentElement
                        for cnode in root.childNodes:
                                if cnode.nodeName == "client":
                                elif cnode.nodeName == "operation":
                                        # Operations load differently due to
                                        # the stack.
                                            "pathname": pathname,
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                except Exception, e:
                        raise HistoryLoadException(e)

        def __serialize_client_data(self, d):
                """Internal function used to serialize current client data
                using the supplied 'd' (xml.dom.minidom) object.

                assert self.client_name is not None
                assert self.client_version is not None

                root = d.documentElement
                client = d.createElement("client")
                client.setAttribute("name", self.client_name)
                client.setAttribute("version", self.client_version)

                if self.client_args:
                        args = d.createElement("args")
                        for entry in self.client_args:
                                arg = d.createElement("arg")

        def __serialize_operation_data(self, d):
                """Internal function used to serialize current operation data
                using the supplied 'd' (xml.dom.minidom) object.

                if self.operation_userid is None:
                        raise HistoryStoreException("Unable to determine the "
                            "id of the user that performed the current "
                            "operation; unable to store history information.")
                elif self.operation_username is None:
                        raise HistoryStoreException("Unable to determine the "
                            "username of the user that performed the current "
                            "operation; unable to store history information.")

                root = d.documentElement
                op = d.createElement("operation")
                op.setAttribute("name", self.operation_name)
                # Must explictly convert values to a string due to minidom bug
                # that causes a fatal whenever using types other than str.
                op.setAttribute("username", str(self.operation_username))
                op.setAttribute("userid", str(self.operation_userid))
                op.setAttribute("result", ", ".join(self.operation_result))
                op.setAttribute("start_time", self.operation_start_time)
                op.setAttribute("end_time", self.operation_end_time)

                if self.operation_start_state:
                        state = d.createElement("start_state")

                if self.operation_end_state:
                        state = d.createElement("end_state")

                if self.operation_errors:
                        errors = d.createElement("errors")

                        for entry in self.operation_errors:
                                error = d.createElement("error")

        def __save(self):
                """Serializes the current history information and writes it to
                a file in self.path/{operation_start_time}-{sequence}.xml.
                d = xmini.Document()

                if not os.path.exists(self.path):
                                # Only the right-most directory should be
                                # created.  Assume that if the parent structure
                                # does not exist, it shouldn't be created.
                                os.mkdir(self.path, misc.PKG_DIR_MODE)
                        except EnvironmentError, e:
                                if e.errno not in (errno.EROFS, errno.EACCES,
                                        # Ignore read-only file system and
                                        # access errors as it isn't critical
                                        # to the image that this data is
                                        # written.
                                        raise HistoryStoreException(e)
                                # Return, since without the directory, the rest
                                # of this will fail.
                        except KeyboardInterrupt:
                        except Exception, e:
                                raise HistoryStoreException(e)

                # Repeatedly attempt to write the history (only if it's because
                # the file already exists).  This is necessary due to multiple
                # operations possibly occuring within the same second (but not
                # microsecond).
                pathname = self.pathname
                for i in range(1, 100):
                                f = os.fdopen(,
                                    misc.PKG_FILE_MODE), "w")
                        except EnvironmentError, e:
                                if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                                        name, ext = os.path.splitext(
                                        name = name.split("-", 1)[0]
                                        # Pick the next name in our sequence
                                        # and try again.
                                        pathname = os.path.join(self.path,
                                            "%s-%02d%s" % (name, i + 1, ext))
                                elif e.errno not in (errno.EROFS,
                                        # Ignore read-only file system and
                                        # access errors as it isn't critical
                                        # to the image that this data is
                                        # written.
                                        raise HistoryStoreException(e)
                                # For all other failures, return, and avoid any
                                # further attempts.
                        except KeyboardInterrupt:
                        except Exception, e:
                                raise HistoryStoreException(e)

        def purge(self):
                """Removes all history information by deleting the directory
                indicated by the value self.path and then creates a new history
                entry to record that this purge occurred.
                self.operation_name = "purge-history"
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                except EnvironmentError, e:
                        if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESRCH):
                                # History already purged; record as successful.
                                self.operation_result = RESULT_SUCCEEDED
                        raise HistoryPurgeException(e)
                except Exception, e:
                        raise HistoryPurgeException(e)
                        self.operation_result = RESULT_SUCCEEDED

        def abort(self, result):
                """Intended to be used by the client during top-level error
                handling to indicate that an unrecoverable error occurred
                during the current operation(s).  This allows History to end
                all of the current operations properly and handle any possible
                errors that might be encountered in History itself.
                        # Ensure that all operations in the current stack are
                        # ended properly.
                        while self.operation_name:
                                self.operation_result = result
                except HistoryStoreException:
                        # Ignore storage errors as it's likely that whatever
                        # caused the client to abort() also caused the storage
                        # of the history information to fail.

        def log_operation_start(self, name):
                """Marks the start of an operation to be recorded in image
                self.operation_name = name

        def log_operation_end(self, error=None, result=None):
                """Marks the end of an operation to be recorded in image

                'result' should be a pkg.client.history constant value
                representing the outcome of an operation.  If not provided,
                and 'error' is provided, the final result of the operation will
                be based on the class of 'error' and 'error' will be recorded
                for the current operation.  If 'result' and 'error' is not
                provided, success is assumed."""

                if error:

                if error and not result:
                                # Attempt get an exact error match first.
                                result = error_results[error.__class__]
                        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
                                # Failing an exact match, determine if this
                                # error is a subclass of an existing one.
                                for entry, val in error_results.iteritems():
                                        if isinstance(error, entry):
                                                result = val
                        if not result:
                                # If a result could still not be determined,
                                # assume unknown failure case.
                                result = RESULT_FAILED_UNKNOWN
                elif not result:
                        # Assume success if no error and no result.
                        result = RESULT_SUCCEEDED
                self.operation_result = result

        def log_operation_error(self, error):
                """Adds an error to the list of errors to be recorded in image
                history for the current operation."""

                if self.operation_name:
                        out_stack = None
                        out_err = None
                        use_current_stack = True
                        if isinstance(error, Exception):
                                # Attempt to get the exception's stack trace
                                # from the stack.  If the exception on the stack
                                # isn't the same object as the one being logged,
                                # then we have to use the current stack (which
                                # is somewhat less useful) instead of being able
                                # to find the code location of the original
                                # error.
                                type, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
                                if error == val:
                                        output = traceback.format_exc()
                                        use_current_stack = False

                        if use_current_stack:
                                # Assume the current stack is more useful if
                                # the error doesn't inherit from Exception or
                                # we can't use the last exception's stack.
                                out_stack = "".join(traceback.format_stack())

                                if error:
                                        # This may result in the text
                                        # of the error itself being written
                                        # twice, but that is necessary in case
                                        # it is not contained within the
                                        # output of format_exc().
                                        out_err = str(error)
                                        if not out_err or out_err == "None":
                                                out_err = \

                                output = "".join([
                                    item for item in [out_stack, out_err]
                                    if item


        def create_snapshot(self):
                """Stores a snapshot of the current history and operation state
                information in memory so that it can be restored in the event of
                client failure (such as inability to store history information
                or the failure of a boot environment operation).  Each call to
                this function will overwrite the previous snapshot."""

                attrs = self.__snapshot = {}
                for attr in ("root_dir", "client_name", "client_version"):
                        attrs[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
                attrs["client_args"] = [copy.copy(a) for a in self.client_args]
                # A deepcopy has to be performed here since this a list of dicts
                # and not just History operation objects.
                attrs["__operations"] = \
                    [copy.deepcopy(o) for o in self.__operations]

        def discard_snapshot(self):
                """Discards the current history and operation state information
                self.__snapshot = None

        def restore_snapshot(self):
                """Restores the last snapshot taken of history and operation
                state information completely discarding the existing history and
                operation state information.  If nothing exists to restore, this
                this function will silently return."""

                if not self.__snapshot:

                for name, val in self.__snapshot.iteritems():
                        if not name.startswith("__"):
                                object.__setattr__(self, name, val)
                self.__operations = self.__snapshot["__operations"]