13256 IPS Localization update at osol_1003_130
authorPadraig O'Briain <padraig.obriain@sun.com>
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 09:34:16 +0000
changeset 1589 aed3f8222a69
parent 1588 fbd73fff6a94
child 1590 b64377334f5c
13256 IPS Localization update at osol_1003_130
--- a/src/gui/Makefile	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/Makefile	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@
 # the list of help file names.
-HELP_LOCALES = C ar cs de es fr it ja ko pt_BR ru sv zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
+HELP_LOCALES = C ar ca cs de es fr hu it ja ko pl pt_BR ru sv zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
-SP_LOCALES = C de es fr it ja ko pt_BR ru sv zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
+SP_LOCALES = C ca cs de es fr hu it ja ko nl pt_BR ru sv zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/data/startpagebase/ca/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
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+<table border="0" cellpadding="3" style='table-layout:fixed' >
+<th><a href="stub"></a> <!-- Stub required to work around GktHTML anchor bug -->
+<a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_learn.png" ></a></th>
+<th><a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_use.png" ></a></th>
+<th><a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_share.png" ></a></th>
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Recursos en l&iacute;nia per ajudar-vos a obtenir el m&agrave;xim d'OpenSolaris.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Noves caracter&iacute;stiques d'OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> Suport per a OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> Repositoris d'OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Com personalitzar el vostre sistema i desenvolupar per a OpenSolaris.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Personalitzar el vostre sistema</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Desenvolupar per a OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Llegir les &uacute;ltimes not&iacute;cies i participar a la Comunitat d'OpenSolaris.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Subscriure's a OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Veure tots el butlletins anteriors</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Unir-vos als f&ograve;rums d'OpenSolaris</a></strong>
+<td>&nbsp;<a href="http://www.opensolaris.com"><IMG SRC = "../C/opensolaris.png" ></a>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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+<table border="0" cellpadding="3" style='table-layout:fixed' >
+<th><a href="stub"></a> <!-- Stub required to work around GktHTML anchor bug -->
+<a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_learn.png" ></a></th>
+<th><a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_use.png" ></a></th>
+<th><a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_share.png" ></a></th>
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Online zdroje kter&eacute; V&aacute;m pomohou vytěžit co nejv&iacute;ce z OpenSoalrisu.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Nov&eacute; vlastnosti OpenSolarisu</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris podpora</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris repozit&aacute;ře</a></strong><br>
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Jak rozš&iacute;řit V&aacute;š syst&eacute;m a vyv&iacute;jet pro OpenSolaris.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Přizpůsobte si V&aacute;š syst&eacute;m</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Vyv&iacute;jejte OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Přečtěte si posledn&iacute; novinky a zapojte se do OpenSolaris Komunity.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Přihlašte se do OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Pod&iacute;vejte se na všechny probl&eacute;my Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Připojte se k OpenSolaris f&oacute;rům</a></strong>
+<td>&nbsp;<a href="http://www.opensolaris.com"><IMG SRC = "../C/opensolaris.png" ></a>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/de/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
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@@ -76,26 +76,26 @@
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Online-Ressourcen f&uuml;r eine optimale Nutzung von OpenSolaris</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>Neue Funktionen in OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>Unterst&uuml;tzung von OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>Repositorys in OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Neue Funktionen in OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> Unterst&uuml;tzung von OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> Repositorys in OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Anpassung des Systems und Anwendungsentwicklung f&uuml;r OpenSolaris</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>Anpassen des Systems</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>Entwickeln von Anwendungen f&uuml;r OpenSolaris</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Anpassen des Systems</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Entwickeln von Anwendungen f&uuml;r OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Aktuelle Nachrichten und OpenSolaris-Community</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>Abonnieren von OpenSolaris Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>Anzeigen fr&uuml;herer Ausgaben von Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>Beitreten zu OpenSolaris-Foren</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Abonnieren von OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Anzeigen fr&uuml;herer Ausgaben von Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Beitreten zu OpenSolaris-Foren</a></strong>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/es/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/data/startpagebase/es/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
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 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Recursos en l&iacute;nea para ayudarle a aprovechar al m&aacute;ximo OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>Nuevas funciones de OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>Asistencia de OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>Dep&oacute;sitos de OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Nuevas funciones de OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> Asistencia de OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> Dep&oacute;sitos de OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>C&oacute;mo personalizar su sistema y desarrollar para OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>Personalizar su sistema</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>Desarrollar para OpenSolaris</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Personalizar su sistema</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Desarrollar para OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Lea las noticias m&aacute;s recientes y participe en la comunidad de OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>Suscr&iacute;base a OpenSolaris Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>Vea todos los temas anteriores de Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>&Uacute;nase a los foros de OpenSolaris</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Suscr&iacute;base a OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Vea todos los temas anteriores de Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">&Uacute;nase a los foros de OpenSolaris</a></strong>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/fr/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/data/startpagebase/fr/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -76,26 +76,26 @@
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Ressources en ligne permettant d'optimiser votre utilisation de OpenSolaris</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>Nouvelles fonctionnalit&eacute;s OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>Assistance OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>R&eacute;f&eacute;rentiels OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Nouvelles fonctionnalit&eacute;s OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> Assistance OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> R&eacute;f&eacute;rentiels OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Comment personnaliser votre syst&egrave;me et participer au d&eacute;veloppement d'OpenSolaris</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>Personnaliser le syst&egrave;me</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>Participer au d&eacute;veloppement d'OpenSolaris</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Personnaliser le syst&egrave;me</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Participer au d&eacute;veloppement d'OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Consultez les toutes derni&egrave;res informations et rejoignez la communaut&eacute; OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>Souscrire &agrave; OpenSolaris Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>Consulter les anciens num&eacute;ro de Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>Rejoindre les forums OpenSolaris</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Souscrire &agrave; OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Consulter les anciens num&eacute;ro de Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Rejoindre les forums OpenSolaris</a></strong>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/data/startpagebase/hu/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
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+		font-size: 12px;
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+   </style>
+<table border="0" cellpadding="3" style='table-layout:fixed' >
+<th><a href="stub"></a> <!-- Stub required to work around GktHTML anchor bug -->
+<a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_learn.png" ></a></th>
+<th><a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_use.png" ></a></th>
+<th><a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com"><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC = "../C/startpage_share.png" ></a></th>
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>On-line forr&aacute;sok seg&iacute;tenek kihozni a legt&ouml;bbet az OpenSolaris-b&oacute;l.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris &uacute;jdons&aacute;gai</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris t&aacute;mogat&aacute;s</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong><strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank">OpenSolaris t&aacute;rol&oacute;k</a></strong><br>
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Hogyan szabd testre rendszered &eacute;s fejlesz OpenSolaris-ra.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">A rendszer testreszab&aacute;sa</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Fejleszt&eacute;s OpenSolaris-ra</a></strong><br />
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Olvasd a leg&uacute;jabb h&iacute;reket &eacute;s l&eacute;gy r&eacute;szese az OpenSolaris k&ouml;z&ouml;ss&eacute;g&eacute;nek.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Iratkozz fel az OpenSolaris Ignite h&iacute;rlevel&eacute;re</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Tekintsd meg az Ignite kor&aacute;bbi sz&aacute;mait</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Csatlakozz az OpenSolaris f&oacute;rumaihoz</a></strong>
+<td>&nbsp;<a href="http://www.opensolaris.com"><IMG SRC = "../C/opensolaris.png" ></a>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/it/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/data/startpagebase/it/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
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 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Le risorse online consentono un utilizzo ottimale di OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>Nuove funzionalit&agrave; di OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>Supporto OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>Repository OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Nuove funzionalit&agrave; di OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> Supporto OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> Repository OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Personalizzazione del sistema e sviluppo per OpenSolaris</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>Personalizzazione del sistema</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>Sviluppo per OpenSolaris</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Personalizzazione del sistema</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Sviluppo per OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Ultime novit&agrave; e partecipazione alla comunit&agrave; OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>Registrazione a OpenSolaris Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>Problemi precedenti di Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>Partecipazione ai forum OpenSolaris</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Registrazione a OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Problemi precedenti di Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Partecipazione ai forum OpenSolaris</a></strong>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/ja/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
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 <td  valign="top">
 <p>OpenSolaris を最大限に活用するために役立つオンラインリソース。</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris の新機能</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris サポート</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris リポジトリ</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris の新機能</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris サポート</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris リポジトリ</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>システムのカスタマイズ方法と OpenSolaris 向けの開発方法。</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>システムのカスタマイズ</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>OpenSolaris 向けの開発</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">システムのカスタマイズ</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">OpenSolaris 向けの開発</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>最新ニュースの購読と OpenSolaris コミュニティーへの参加。</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>OpenSolaris Ignite への登録</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>Ignite の全バックナンバーの参照</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>OpenSolaris フォーラムへの参加</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">OpenSolaris Ignite への登録</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Ignite の全バックナンバーの参照</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">OpenSolaris フォーラムへの参加</a></strong>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/ko/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
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 <td  valign="top">
 <p>OpenSolaris의 자세한 내용을 얻을 수 있는 온라인 자원</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>새로운 OpenSolaris 기능</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris 지원</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris 저장소</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> 새로운 OpenSolaris 기능</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris 지원</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris 저장소</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>시스템 사용자 정의 방법 및 OpenSolaris에 대한 개발 방법</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>시스템 사용자 정의</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>OpenSolaris에 대한 개발</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">시스템 사용자 정의</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">OpenSolaris에 대한 개발</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>최신 뉴스 읽기 및 OpenSolaris 커뮤니티에 참여</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>OpenSolaris Ignite 구독</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>모든 Ignite 기간호 보기</strong></a><br />
-<a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>OpenSolaris 포럼 가입</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">OpenSolaris Ignite 구독</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">모든 Ignite 기간호 보기</a></strong><br />
+<a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">OpenSolaris 포럼 가입</a></strong>
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+<p>Online hulpmiddelen die u assisteren om zoveel mogelijk waarde van OpenSolaris te krijgen.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Nieuwe OpenSolaris kenmerken</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris ondersteuning</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris opslagplaatsen</a></strong><br>
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Hoe uw systeem aan te passen en voor OpenSolaris te ontwikkelen.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Uw systeem aanpassen</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Ontwikkelen voor OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
+<td  valign="top">
+<p>Lees het laatste nieuws en neem deel in de OpenSolaris gemeenschap.</p>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Abonneer op OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Bekijk alle vorige uitgaven van Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Doe mee aan de OpenSolaris forums</a></strong>
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 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Recursos on-line para ajud&aacute;-lo a tirar o m&aacute;ximo de vantagens do OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>Novos recursos do  OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>Suporte do OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>Reposit&oacute;rios OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Novos recursos do  OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> Suporte do OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> Reposit&oacute;rios OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Como personalizar seu sistema e desenvolver para OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>Personalize seu sistema</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>Desenvolva para OpenSolaris</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Personalize seu sistema</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Desenvolva para OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Leia as &uacute;ltimas not&iacute;cias e participe da comunidade OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>Inscreva-se ao OpenSolaris Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>Exibir todos os temas passados do Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>Junte-se aos f&oacute;runs do OpenSolaris</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Inscreva-se ao OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Exibir todos os temas passados do Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Junte-se aos f&oacute;runs do OpenSolaris</a></strong>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/ru/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
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 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Интерактивные ресурсы, посвященные наиболее полному использованию ОС OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>Новые функциональные возможности ОС OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>Поддержка OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>Хранилища OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Новые функциональные возможности ОС OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> Поддержка OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> Хранилища OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Персональная настройка системы и разработка ПО для OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>Персональная настройка системы</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>Разработка для OpenSolaris</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Персональная настройка системы</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Разработка для OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Последние новости и информация об участии в сообществе OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>Подписка на бюллетень OpenSolaris Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>Просмотр всех прошлых номеров Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>Участие в форумах OpenSolaris</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Подписка на бюллетень OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Просмотр всех прошлых номеров Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Участие в форумах OpenSolaris</a></strong>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/sv/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
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 <p>Online-resurser hj&auml;lper dig att f&aring; ut det mesta av OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>Nya funktioner i OpenSolaris</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris support</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris databaser</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> Nya funktioner i OpenSolaris</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris support</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris databaser</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>Hur du anpassar ditt system och utvecklar OpenSolaris.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>Anpassa ditt system</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>Utveckla f&ouml;r OpenSolaris</strong></a><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank">Anpassa ditt system</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank">Utveckla f&ouml;r OpenSolaris</a></strong><br />
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>L&auml;s de senaste nyheterna och delta i OpenSolaris Community.</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank"><strong>Prenumerera p&aring; OpenSolaris Ignite</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank"><strong>Se alla tidigare utg&aring;vor av Ignite back</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank"><strong>Anslut dig till OpenSolaris forum</strong></a>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="https://communications.sun.com/p/OLM2/OpenSolaris/opensolaris_reg.jsp" target="_blank">Prenumerera p&aring; OpenSolaris Ignite</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/emrkt/opensolaris/ignite/" target="_blank">Se alla tidigare utg&aring;vor av Ignite back</a></strong><br />
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://forums.opensolaris.com" target="_blank">Anslut dig till OpenSolaris forum</a></strong>
--- a/src/gui/data/startpagebase/zh_CN/startpage.html	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
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 <td  valign="top">
 <p>有助于您最有效使用 OpenSolaris 的联机资源。</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris 新增功能</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris 支持</strong></a><br>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> <strong>OpenSolaris 系统信息库</strong></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris 新增功能</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.sun.com/service/opensolaris/index.jsp" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris 支持</a></strong><br>
+&gt;&gt;<strong> <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/package" target="_blank"> OpenSolaris 系统信息库</a></strong><br>
 <td  valign="top">
 <p>如何自定义系统以及针对 OpenSolaris 进行开发。</p>
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.com/use/customize/" target="_blank"><strong>自定义系统</strong></a><br />
-&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/participate/" target="_blank"><strong>针对 OpenSolaris 进行开发</strong></a><br />
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/help/ca/ca.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2206 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+# Use is subject to license terms.
+msgid ""
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+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-23 10:17+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-18 23:40+0100\n"
+       "Last-Translator: OpenSolaris CTI <[email protected]>\n"
+       "Language-Team: Catalan <[email protected]>\n"
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+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
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+#: package-manager.xml:3(title)
+msgid "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Online Help"
+msgstr "Ajuda en línia del Gestor de Paquets d'OpenSolaris 2009.06"
+#: package-manager.xml:4(firstname)
+msgid "OpenSolaris"
+msgstr "OpenSolaris"
+#: package-manager.xml:5(surname)
+msgid "Publications"
+msgstr "Publicacions"
+#: package-manager.xml:8(pubsnumber)
+msgid "822-7173"
+msgstr "822-7173"
+#: package-manager.xml:10(pubdate)
+msgid "June 2009"
+msgstr "Juny del 2009"
+#: package-manager.xml:11(publishername)
+msgid "Sun Microsystems"
+msgstr "Sun Microsystems"
+#: package-manager.xml:13(year)
+msgid "2009"
+msgstr "2009"
+#: package-manager.xml:15(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to "
+"technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In "
+"particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may "
+"include one or more U.S. patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. "
+"and in other countries."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:16(para)
+msgid ""
+"U.S. Government Rights – Commercial software. Government users are subject "
+"to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable "
+"provisions of the FAR and its supplements."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:17(para)
+msgid "This distribution may include materials developed by third parties."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:18(para)
+msgid ""
+"Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from "
+"the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and "
+"other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:19(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, the Solaris logo, the Java Coffee Cup "
+"logo, docs.sun.com, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered "
+"trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and "
+"other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are "
+"trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. "
+"and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an "
+"architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:20(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OPEN LOOK and <trademark>Sun</trademark> Graphical User Interface was "
+"developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun "
+"acknowledges the pioneering efforts of Xerox in researching and developing "
+"the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer "
+"industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xerox to the Xerox "
+"Graphical User Interface, which license also covers Sun's licensees who "
+"implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Sun's written license "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:21(para)
+msgid ""
+"Products covered by and information contained in this publication are "
+"controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or "
+"import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical or biological "
+"weapons or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or "
+"indirect, are strictly prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject "
+"to U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion lists, "
+"including, but not limited to, the denied persons and specially designated "
+"nationals lists is strictly prohibited."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:22(para)
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:24(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. détient les droits de propriété intellectuelle "
+"relatifs à la technologie incorporée dans le produit qui est décrit dans ce "
+"document. En particulier, et ce sans limitation, ces droits de propriété "
+"intellectuelle peuvent inclure un ou plusieurs brevets américains ou des "
+"applications de brevet en attente aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:25(para)
+msgid ""
+"Cette distribution peut comprendre des composants développés par des tierces "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:26(para)
+msgid ""
+"Certaines composants de ce produit peuvent être dérivées du logiciel "
+"Berkeley BSD, licenciés par l'Université de Californie. UNIX est une marque "
+"déposée aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays; elle est licenciée "
+"exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:27(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, le logo Solaris, le logo Java Coffee "
+"Cup, docs.sun.com, Java et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique ou des "
+"marques déposées de Sun Microsystems, Inc., ou ses filiales, aux Etats-Unis "
+"et dans d'autres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence "
+"et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de SPARC "
+"International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Les produits "
+"portant les marques SPARC sont basés sur une architecture développée par Sun "
+"Microsystems, Inc."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:28(para)
+msgid ""
+"L'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et Sun a été développée par "
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. pour ses utilisateurs et licenciés. Sun reconnaît les "
+"efforts de pionniers de Xerox pour la recherche et le développement du "
+"concept des interfaces d'utilisation visuelle ou graphique pour l'industrie "
+"de l'informatique. Sun détient une licence non exclusive de Xerox sur "
+"l'interface d'utilisation graphique Xerox, cette licence couvrant également "
+"les licenciés de Sun qui mettent en place l'interface d'utilisation "
+"graphique OPEN LOOK et qui, en outre, se conforment aux licences écrites de "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:29(para)
+msgid ""
+"Les produits qui font l'objet de cette publication et les informations qu'il "
+"contient sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des "
+"exportations et peuvent être soumis au droit d'autres pays dans le domaine "
+"des exportations et importations. Les utilisations finales, ou utilisateurs "
+"finaux, pour des armes nucléaires, des missiles, des armes chimiques ou "
+"biologiques ou pour le nucléaire maritime, directement ou indirectement, "
+"sont strictement interdites. Les exportations ou réexportations vers des "
+"pays sous embargo des Etats-Unis, ou vers des entités figurant sur les "
+"listes d'exclusion d'exportation américaines, y compris, mais de manière non "
+"exclusive, la liste de personnes qui font objet d'un ordre de ne pas "
+"participer, d'une façon directe ou indirecte, aux exportations des produits "
+"ou des services qui sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de "
+"contrôle des exportations et la liste de ressortissants spécifiquement "
+"designés, sont rigoureusement interdites."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:30(para)
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:33(title)
+msgid "About the Package Manager"
+msgstr "Quant al Gestor de Paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:34(para)
+msgid ""
+"Welcome to the <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06 Package Manager "
+"online help!"
+msgstr ""
+       "Benviguts a l'ajuda en línia del Gestor de Paquets de <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06!"
+#: package-manager.xml:35(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use this help contents to learn how to use the Package Manager. Navigate "
+"through this help by clicking the topics displayed in the sidebar."
+msgstr ""
+       "Utilitzeu els continguts d'aquesta ajuda per apendre com utilitzar el Gestor de Paquets. Navegueu "
+       "a través d'aquesta ajuda tot clicant als tòpics mostrats en aquesta barra lateral."
+#: package-manager.xml:36(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager application is a graphical user "
+"interface for the Image Packaging System (IPS) software."
+msgstr ""
+       "L'aplicació de Gestió de Paquets d'OpenSolaris 2009.06 és una interfície gràfica d'usuari "
+       "per al programari del Sistema d'empaquetament d'imatges (IPS)."
+#: package-manager.xml:37(para)
+msgid "The Package Manager enables you to perform the following tasks:"
+msgstr "El Gestor de Paquets us permet realitzar les següents tasques:"
+#: package-manager.xml:38(para)
+msgid "Search, install, and remove packages"
+msgstr "Cercar, instal·lar, i eliminar paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:40(para)
+msgid "Update your system"
+msgstr "Actualitzar el vostre sistema"
+#: package-manager.xml:42(para)
+msgid "Add and modify repositories"
+msgstr "Afegir i eliminar repositoris"
+#: package-manager.xml:44(para)
+msgid "Create, remove, and manage boot environments"
+msgstr "Crear, eliminar, i gestionar entorns d'arranc"
+#: package-manager.xml:47(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the <xref linkend=\"glossary\"/> for a definition of the terms used in "
+"this document."
+msgstr ""
+       "Vegeu el <xref linkend=\"glosari\"/> per a una definició dels temes utilitzats en aquest document."
+#: package-manager.xml:49(title)
+msgid "About Image Packaging System"
+msgstr "Quant al Sistema Gestor de Paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:50(para)
+msgid ""
+"Image Packaging System (IPS) is a software delivery system that interacts "
+"with a network repository. The IPS software is a framework which provides "
+"for software lifecycle management including installation, upgrade, and "
+msgstr ""
+       "El Sistema d'empaquetament d'imatges (IPS) és un programari de sistema de prestació de serveis que interactua "
+       "amb un repositori de xarxa. El programari IPS és un framework que proporciona "
+       "al gestor del cicle de vida del programari: instal·lació, actualització, i "
+       "eliminació."
+#: package-manager.xml:51(para)
+msgid "The OpenSolaris 2009.06 release uses IPS as its packaging system."
+msgstr "Aquesta versió d'OpenSolaris 2009.06 utilitza IPS com a sistema de paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:52(para)
+msgid ""
+"After an initial installation of OpenSolaris 2009.06 operating system, you "
+"will find that many of the software applications that you use on a regular "
+"basis are not immediately available to you. These software applications are "
+"available as packages in a repository for downloading and installing over "
+"the Internet. A repository is a source for packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Després d'una instal·lació inicial del sistema operatiu OpenSolaris 2009.06, vostè "
+       "trobarà algunes de les aplicacions de programari que vostè utilitza normalment "
+       "no estan disponibles imediatament. TAquestes aplicacions de programari "
+       "estan disponibles com a paquets al repositori per a ser descarregades i instal·lades des "
+       "d'Internet. Un repositori és una font de paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:53(para)
+msgid ""
+"Users can use IPS to install packages from a repository, create and publish "
+"their own IPS packages, mirror an existing repository, and publish existing "
+"packages to a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Els usuaris poden utilitzar IPS per a instal·lar paquets des d'un repositori, crear i publicar "
+       "els seus paquets IPS propis, fer una rèplica d'un repositori existent, i publicar "
+       "paquets existents a un repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:54(para)
+msgid ""
+"Once you have installed packages, IPS enables you to search, update, and "
+"manage packages on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Una vegada hageu instal·lat els paquets, IPS us permet cercar, actualitzar, i "
+       "gestionar els paquets al vostre sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:55(para)
+msgid ""
+"With IPS , you can upgrade your system to a newer build of OpenSolaris, "
+"install and update your software to the latest available versions in a "
+"repository, and retrieve packages from mirror repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "Amb IPS , podeu actualitzar el vostre sistema a una nova construcció d'OpenSolaris, "
+       "instal·lar i actualitzar el vostre programari a la última versió disponible del "
+       "repositori, i obtenir paquets des de la rèplica del repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:56(emphasis)
+msgid ""
+"The Package Manager provides a subset of the tasks that can be performed "
+"from the command-line."
+msgstr ""
+       "El Gestor de Paquets proporciona un conjunt de tasques que poden ser realitzades "
+       "des de la línia de comandes."
+#: package-manager.xml:58(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the system on which IPS is installed is on the network, IPS can "
+"automatically access the OpenSolaris repository. For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+"release, your IPS client can access the packages from <ulink url=\"http://"
+msgstr ""
+       "Si el sistema on està instal·lat IPS està amb xarxa, IPS pot "
+       "accedir automàticament al repositori OpenSolaris. Per la versió d'OpenSolaris 2009.06, "
+       "els vostre client IPS pot accedir als paquets de <ulink url=\"http://"
+       "pkg.opensolaris.org\"/>."
+#: package-manager.xml:59(para)
+msgid ""
+"For more information about IPS, see the <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/"
+"docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/\">Image Packaging System Guide</ulink> "
+"and the IPS <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/"
+"\">man pages</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+       "Per a més informació quant a IPS, vegeu la <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/"
+       "docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/\">Guia de Image Packaging System</ulink> "
+       "i les <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/"
+       "\">man pages</ulink> de IPS."
+#: package-manager.xml:60(para)
+msgid ""
+"Visit the <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg\">project page</"
+"ulink> on opensolaris.org and subscribe to [email protected] to get "
+"involved with the IPS project."
+msgstr ""
+       "Visiteu la <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg\">pàgina del projecte</"
+       "ulink> a opensolaris.org i subscriviu.vos a [email protected] per a estar "
+       "implicats amb el projecte IPS."
+#: package-manager.xml:62(title)
+msgid "The Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "Finestra del Gestor de Paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:63(title)
+msgid "About the Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "Quan a la finestra del Gestor de Paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:64(para)
+msgid "When you start the Package Manager, the following window is displayed."
+msgstr "Quant inicieu el Gestor de Paquets, es mostra la següent finestra"
+#: package-manager.xml:65(title)
+msgid "Package Manager Start Up Window"
+msgstr "Finestra d'inici del Gestor de Paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:69(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Start Page provides links to <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.com"
+"\">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about "
+"OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community."
+msgstr ""
+       "La pàgina d'inici proporciona enllaços a la pàgina <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.com"
+       "\">opensolaris.com</ulink> on podeu obtindre més informació quant a "
+       "OpenSolaris, subscriure's a butlletins i unir-se a la comunitat OpenSolaris."
+#: package-manager.xml:70(para)
+msgid ""
+"To close the Start Page and see the list of packages , perform any of the "
+"following actions in the main window of the Package Manager:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Per a tancar la Pàgina d'inici i veure el llistat de paquets, realitzar qualsevol "
+       "de les següents accions a la finestra principal del Gestor de Paquets:"
+#: package-manager.xml:71(para)
+msgid "Select a package category"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu una categoria de paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:73(para)
+msgid "Switch the top level category"
+msgstr "Canviar a una categoria de nivell superior"
+#: package-manager.xml:75(para)
+msgid "Switch the <literal>Show</literal> filter"
+msgstr "Canviar el filtre <literal>Mostrar</literal>"
+#: package-manager.xml:77(para)
+msgid "Perform a search"
+msgstr "Realitzar una cerca"
+#: package-manager.xml:79(para)
+msgid "Change the repository"
+msgstr "Canviar el repositori"
+#: package-manager.xml:82(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to return to the Start Page at anytime."
+msgstr ""
+       "Seleccioneu <menuchoice><guimenu>Veure</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pàgina d'inici</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> per a tornar a la pàgina d'inici en qualsevol moment."
+#: package-manager.xml:83(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the <xref linkend=\"edit_prefs\"/> section to turn off the <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">initial display</emphasis> of the Start Page when the "
+"Package Manager starts."
+msgstr ""
+       "Vegeu la secció <xref linkend=\"edit_prefs\"/> per a apagar la <emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">pantalla inicial</emphasis> de la pàgina d'inici quan "
+       "el Gestor de Paquets comença."
+#: package-manager.xml:85(title)
+msgid "List of Packages in the Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "Llista de paquets a la finestra del Gestor de Paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:89(para)
+msgid ""
+"The main window of the Package Manager consists of the following elements :"
+msgstr ""
+       "La finestra principal del Gestor de paquets consisteix amb els següents elements :"
+#: package-manager.xml:90(emphasis)
+msgid "Menubar"
+msgstr "Barra de menú"
+#: package-manager.xml:91(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can access the menus on the menubar to perform all of the commands "
+"related to the Package Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "Podeu accedir als menús de la barra d'eines per a realitzar totes les comandes "
+       "relacionades amb el Gestor de Paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:95(emphasis)
+msgid "Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'eines"
+#: package-manager.xml:96(para)
+msgid ""
+"The toolbar contains the icons for a subset of the commands that can be "
+"performed by using the menus on the menubar. A<literal>Search</literal> box "
+"is also located on the toolbar."
+msgstr ""
+       "La barra d'eines conté les icones pel grup de comandes que poden ser "
+       "realitzades utilitzant els menús de la barra d'eines. Un quadre de <literal>Cerca</literal> "
+       "també està localitzat a la barra d'eines."
+#: package-manager.xml:99(emphasis)
+msgid "List of Packages by Category"
+msgstr "Llistat dels paquets per categoria"
+#: package-manager.xml:100(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can browse the available packages by category in the left hand side drop-"
+"down menu. The drop-down menu shows the list of categories available such as "
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Applications-Desktop</emphasis>, <emphasis role="
+"\"strong\">Applications –Web—based</emphasis>, and <emphasis role=\"strong"
+"\">Operating System</emphasis>."
+msgstr ""
+       "Podeu navegar pels paquets disponibles per categoria a la part esquerra del menú "
+       "desplegable. El menú desplegable mostra la llistaa de categories disponibles, com "
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Aplicacions-Escriptori</emphasis>, <emphasis role="
+       "\"strong\">Aplicacions –Basades-amb—Web</emphasis>, i <emphasis role=\"strong"
+       "\">Sistema Operatiu</emphasis>."
+#: package-manager.xml:103(emphasis)
+msgid "List of Packages by Status"
+msgstr "Llistat de paquets per estat"
+#: package-manager.xml:104(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Show</literal> drop-down menu enables you to filter the list of "
+"packages by the following options :"
+msgstr ""
+       "<literal>Mostrar</literal> el menú desplegable us permet filtrar el llistat dels "
+       "paquets amb les següents opcions :"
+#: package-manager.xml:105(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">All Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of all "
+"packages available in the current repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Tots els Paquets</emphasis> – Mostra el llistat de tots "
+       "els paquets en el repositori actual."
+#: package-manager.xml:107(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of "
+"packages installed on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Paquets Instal·lats</emphasis> – Mostra el llistat de tots "
+       "els paquets instal·lat al vostre sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:109(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Updates Available</emphasis> — Shows the list of "
+"packages that have newer versions available in the current repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Actualitzacions disponibles</emphasis> — Mostra el llistat dels "
+       "paquets que tenen un nova versió dispoble al repositori actual."
+#: package-manager.xml:111(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Non-installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list "
+"of packages that are not installed, but are available in the currently "
+"selected repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Paquets no instal·lats</emphasis> – Mostra un llistat "
+       "dels paquets que no estan instal·lats, però que estan disponibles "
+       "en el repositori seleccionat actualment."
+#: package-manager.xml:113(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Selected Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of "
+"packages that you have selected."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Paquets seleccionats</emphasis> – Mostra un llistat dels "
+       "paquets que heu seleccionat."
+#: package-manager.xml:118(emphasis)
+msgid "Package Name and Description"
+msgstr "Nom i descripció del paquet"
+#: package-manager.xml:119(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of packages in the selected category, a brief description, and "
+"their status are displayed here."
+msgstr ""
+       "Aquí es mostra el llistat de paquets seleccionats per a una categoria, una breu descripció, i el seu estat."
+#: package-manager.xml:122(emphasis)
+msgid "Package Details"
+msgstr "Detalls del paquet"
+#: package-manager.xml:123(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click a package name to select it. Details of the selected package, such as "
+"name, version, file dependencies, and license are displayed in this window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu al nom del paquet per a seleccionar-lo. Detalls del paquet seleccionat, com nom, versió, dependències de fitxers, i llicència són mostrats en aquesta finestra."
+#: package-manager.xml:126(emphasis)
+msgid "Repository Drop-down Menu"
+msgstr "Menú desplegable del repositori"
+#: package-manager.xml:127(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of available repositories is shown in the <literal>Repository</"
+"literal> drop-down menu. Click a repository name to select it."
+msgstr ""
+       "El llistat de repositoris disponibles és mostrat al menú desplegable <literal>Repositori</literal>. Cliqueu al nom del repositori per a seleccionar-lo."
+#: package-manager.xml:130(emphasis)
+msgid "Search Box"
+msgstr "Quadre de cerca"
+#: package-manager.xml:131(para)
+msgid "Search for a package is provided in the following contexts :"
+msgstr "Cercar per a un paquet està proporcionat en els següents contexts :"
+#: package-manager.xml:132(para)
+msgid "Search within the current repository"
+msgstr "Cercar dins de l'actual repositori"
+#: package-manager.xml:134(para)
+msgid "Search across all configured repositories"
+msgstr "Cercar a través de tots els repositori instal·lats"
+#: package-manager.xml:141(title)
+msgid "Start Page Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferències de la pàgina d'inici"
+#: package-manager.xml:142(para)
+msgid ""
+"A Start Page is displayed in the main window of the Package Manager when the "
+"application is started. The Start Page provides links to <ulink url=\"http://"
+"opensolaris.com\">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more "
+"information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the "
+"OpenSolaris community."
+msgstr ""
+       "Una Pàgina d'inici es mostrada a la pàgina principal del Gestor de Paquets quan l'aplicació es iniciada. La pàgina d'inici proporciona enllaços a la pàgina <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.com\">opensolaris.com</ulink> on podeu obtenir més informació quant a OpenSolaris, subscriure'a a butlletins i unir-vos a la comunitat d'OpenSolaris."
+#: package-manager.xml:143(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can choose to turn off this setting so this page is not displayed when "
+"Package Manager starts."
+msgstr ""
+       "Podeu seleccionar apagar aquesta preferència, aleshores la pàgina no és mostrada quan comença el Gestor de Paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:144(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu and uncheck the <emphasis role="
+"\"strong\">Show Start Page on startup</emphasis> box to disable the Start "
+msgstr ""
+       "Seleccionar <menuchoice><guimenu>Editar</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferències</guimenuitem></menuchoice> del menú i desmarqueu la casella <emphasis role=\"strong\">Mostrar la pàgina d'inici al començament</emphasis> per a deshabilitar la Pàgina d'inici."
+#: package-manager.xml:145(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to go to the Start Page at anytime."
+msgstr ""
+       "Seleccioneu <menuchoice><guimenu>Veure</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pàgina d'inici</guimenuitem></menuchoice> per a anar a la pàgina d'inici en qualsevol moment."
+#: package-manager.xml:148(title)
+msgid "Working With Packages"
+msgstr "Treballant amb paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:149(title)
+msgid "Install a Package"
+msgstr "Instal·lar paquet"
+#: package-manager.xml:150(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of packages is displayed in the main windows of the Package "
+"Manager. Perform the following steps to install a package:"
+msgstr ""
+       "El llistat de paquet es mostrat a la finestra principal del Gestor de "
+       "Paquets. Realitzeu els següents passos per a insta·lar un paquet:"
+#: package-manager.xml:151(para)
+msgid ""
+"To install a single package, click on a package to select it. To install "
+"many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to install."
+msgstr ""
+       "Per a instal·lar un sol paquet, cliqueu al paquet per a seleccionar-lo. Per a instal·lar diversos paquets, marqueu les caselles dels altres paquets que voleu instal·lar."
+#: package-manager.xml:153(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> icon in the toolbar to start "
+"the package installation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu la icona <guibutton>Instal·lar/Actualitzar</guibutton> de la barra d'eines per a iniciar el procés d'instal·lació de paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:154(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+"guimenu><guimenuitem>Install/Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the "
+"package installation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "També podeu seleccionar <menuchoice><guimenu>Paquet</guimenu><guimenuitem>Instal·lar/Actualitzar</guimenuitem></menuchoice> per a iniciar el procés d'instal·lació de paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:156(para)
+msgid "View the details or cancel the package installation ."
+msgstr "Veure els detalls o cancel·lar la instal·lació."
+#: package-manager.xml:157(para)
+msgid "Click <guilabel>Show Details</guilabel> to view the details."
+msgstr "Cliqueu <guilabel>Mostrar Detalls</guilabel> per a veure els detalls."
+#: package-manager.xml:159(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation. No "
+"changes are made and you are returned to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu a <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar la instal·lació de paquets. No es farà cap canvi i tornareu a la finestra principal."
+#: package-manager.xml:163(para)
+msgid ""
+"After the installation has completed, click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> on "
+"the <literal>Installation Completed</literal> dialog box to return to the "
+"main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Després que s'hagi completat la instal·lació, cliqueu <guibutton>Tancar</guibutton> al quadre de diàleg <literal>Instal·lació Completada</literal> per a tornar a la finestra principal."
+#: package-manager.xml:166(title)
+msgid "Installation Error"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la instal·lació"
+#: package-manager.xml:167(para)
+msgid ""
+"If an error occurs during package installation, an error dialog box is "
+"displayed. An <guilabel>Installation Failed</guilabel> message and the "
+"reason for the failure is displayed. Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> to "
+"close the error dialog box and return to the main window of the Package "
+msgstr ""
+       "Si es produeix un error durant la instal·lació d'un paquet, es mostra un quadre de diàleg d'error. Es mostra un misstage de <guilabel>Instal·lació Fallida</guilabel> i la raò de l'error. Cliqueu <guibutton>Tancar</guibutton> per a tancar el quadre de diàleg d'error i tornar a la finestra principal del Gestor de paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:170(title)
+msgid "Remove a Package"
+msgstr "Eliminar un paquet"
+#: package-manager.xml:171(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to remove a package:"
+msgstr "Realitzeu els següents pasos per a eliminar un paquet:"
+#: package-manager.xml:172(para)
+msgid ""
+"To remove a single package, click on a package to select it. To remove many "
+"packages, check the box next to the packages you want to remove."
+msgstr ""
+       "Per a eliminar un sol paquet, cliqueu al paquet per a seleccionar-lo. Per a eliminar diversos paquets, marqueu les caselles dels paquets que voleu eliminar."
+#: package-manager.xml:174(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button in the toolbar to start the "
+"package uninstallation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu al botó <guibutton>Eliminar</guibutton> de la barra d'eines per a iniciar el procés de desinstal·lació del paquet."
+#: package-manager.xml:175(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+"guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove a package."
+msgstr ""
+       "També podeu seleccionar <menuchoice><guimenu>Paquet</guimenu><guimenuitem>Eliminar</guimenuitem></menuchoice> per a eliminar un paquet."
+#: package-manager.xml:177(para)
+msgid ""
+"Review the packages to be removed and the package dependencies details in "
+"the <literal>Remove Confirmation</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Reviseu els paquets a eliminar i els detalls de les depedències de paquets al "
+       "quadre de diàleg <literal>Eliminar Confirmació</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:179(para)
+msgid "Uninstall the package or cancel the uninstallation process."
+msgstr "Desinstal·lar el paquet o cancel·lar el procés de desinstal·lació."
+#: package-manager.xml:180(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to start uninstalling the packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Procedir</guibutton> per a iniciar la desinstal·lació dels paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:182(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. No changes are "
+"made and you are returned to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar el procés. No es faran canvis i sereu retornats a la finestra principal."
+#: package-manager.xml:183(para)
+msgid ""
+"After you click the <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> button, you cannot undo "
+"the package removal action. However, you can reinstall the package at any "
+msgstr ""
+       "Després que cliqueu el botó <guibutton>Procedir</guibutton>, no podeu desfer "
+       "l'operació d'eliminació. Tanmateix, podeu reinstal·lar el paquet "
+       "en qualsevol moment."
+#: package-manager.xml:190(title)
+msgid "Search for a Package"
+msgstr "Cercar per a un paquet"
+#: package-manager.xml:191(para)
+msgid "You can search for a package in the following ways :"
+msgstr "Podeu cercar per a un paquet de les següents formes :"
+#: package-manager.xml:192(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search the current repository</emphasis> – Search "
+"for a package in the repository currently selected in the "
+"<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. The category selection or the "
+"<literal>Show</literal> filter does not affect the search and the search is "
+"performed on all packages in the currently selected repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Cercar al repositori actual</emphasis> – Cerca "
+       "els paquets a l'actual repositori seleccionat del "
+       "<literal>Repositori</literal> del menú desplegable. La selecció de categoria o "
+       "el filtre <literal>Mostrar</literal> no afecta a la cerca, i la cerca es "
+       "realitza a tots els paquets del repositori actualment seleccionat."
+#: package-manager.xml:193(para)
+msgid ""
+"Enter a description, or a partial name in the <literal>Search</literal> box "
+"located on the toolbar. For example, you might type one of the following "
+"search terms to search for <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :"
+msgstr ""
+       "Introduïu una descripció, o el nom parcial al quadre de <literal>Cercar</literal>"
+       "emplaçat a la barra d'eines. Per exemple, he de teclejar un dels següents termes "
+       "de cerca per a cercar <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :"
+#: package-manager.xml:194(para)
+msgid "SUNWgames"
+msgstr "SUNWgames"
+#: package-manager.xml:196(para)
+msgid "games"
+msgstr "jocs"
+#: package-manager.xml:198(para)
+msgid "GNOME-games"
+msgstr "GNOME-games"
+#: package-manager.xml:201(para)
+msgid ""
+"To search for SunStudio compilers, you might type one of the following terms:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Per a cercar compiladors de SunStudio, heu d'introduir un dels següents termes:"
+#: package-manager.xml:202(para)
+msgid "compiler"
+msgstr "compilador"
+#: package-manager.xml:204(para)
+msgid "tools"
+msgstr "eines"
+#: package-manager.xml:208(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search all repositories</emphasis> – Select the "
+"multi-repository icon in the <literal>Search</literal> box to search for the "
+"package across all configured or registered repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Cercar tots els repositoris</emphasis> – Seleccioneu la "
+       "icona de multi-repositori al quadre <literal>Cercar</literal> per a cercar els "
+       "paquets a través de tots els repositoris configurats o registrats."
+#: package-manager.xml:209(para)
+msgid ""
+"Note the following important considerations when using the multi-repository "
+msgstr ""
+       "Nota tingueu en compte les següents consideracions importants quant utilitzeu una cerca multi-repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:210(para)
+msgid ""
+"The multi-repository search currently supports a search based on the package "
+"contents including its description, classification, and the files contained "
+"within the package. However, the correct results are displayed only if the "
+"term used for searching is an <emphasis role=\"strong\">exact</emphasis> "
+msgstr ""
+       "La cerca multi-repositori actualment suporta una cerca basada amb els continguts dels paquets "
+       "incloent la seva descripció, classificació, i els fitxers que "
+       "conté el paquet. Tanmateix, els resultats correctes de la cerca són mostrats solament si "
+       "el terme utilitzat en la cerca coincideix <emphasis role=\"strong\">exactament</emphasis>."
+#: package-manager.xml:212(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">The multi-repository search does not search the "
+"package name</emphasis>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">La cerca multi-repositori no cerca el "
+       "nom del paquet</emphasis>."
+#: package-manager.xml:214(para)
+msgid ""
+"Wild card searching is supported by using the asterisk wild card, "
+"<literal>*</literal>, in the search term. Search using the wild card can be "
+"slower than an exact match search."
+msgstr ""
+       "La cerca per semblança està suportada mitjançant el comodó, "
+       "<literal>*</literal>, al terme de la cerca. La cerca per seblança pot ser "
+       "ser més lenta que la cerca per coincidència."
+#: package-manager.xml:218(para)
+msgid ""
+"Type a description of the package in the box. For example, the "
+"<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package is a book on Python "
+"programming. The description of the package contains the string "
+"<emphasis>book</emphasis>. To search for this package, you might then type "
+"one of the following terms:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Al quadre escriviu la descripció del paquet. Per exemple, el paquet "
+       "<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> és un llibre de programació amb Python. "
+       "La descripció d'aquest paquet conté la cadena de text "
+       "<emphasis>book</emphasis>. Per a cercar aquest paquet, podeu teclejar "
+       "un dels següents termes:"
+#: package-manager.xml:219(para)
+msgid "python"
+msgstr "python"
+#: package-manager.xml:221(para)
+msgid "book"
+msgstr "llibre"
+#: package-manager.xml:224(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you searched for the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> in the multi-"
+"repository search, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package will "
+"not be displayed as the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> is not present as "
+"an independent, complete word in the package contents. However you will find "
+"the package using the <literal>*</literal> wild card. Hence, searching for "
+"the term <literal>diveinto*</literal> will display the "
+"<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package."
+msgstr ""
+       "Si la vostra cerca per al terme <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> en una cerca multi-"
+       "repositori, el paquet <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> no serà "
+       "mostrat com a terme de <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> no està present com "
+       "una paraula independent, completa als continguts del paquet. Tanmateix trobareu "
+       "el paquet utilitzant el comodí <literal>*</literal>. Per tant, cercant pel "
+       "terme <literal>diveinto*</literal> mostrarà el paquet "
+       "<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename>."
+#: package-manager.xml:228(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the submenus under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></menuchoice> "
+"menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text in the <literal>Search</literal> box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Utilitzeu els submenús sota el menú <menuchoice><guimenu>Editar</guimenu></menuchoice> "
+       "per a tallar, copiar, pegar, o netejar el text al quadre de <literal>Cercar</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:230(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the icon on the right side of the <literal>Search</literal> box to clear "
+"the search results."
+msgstr ""
+       "Utilitzeu la icona <literal>Cercar</literal> de la part dreta del quadre per a netejar "
+       "els resultats de la cerca."
+#: package-manager.xml:235(title)
+msgid "Update a Package"
+msgstr "Actualitzar un paquet"
+#: package-manager.xml:236(para)
+msgid ""
+"Look for the green icon next to the installed package name. This icon "
+"indicates that updates are available for the package in the currently "
+"selected repository. Select the package and click the <guibutton>Install/"
+"Update</guibutton> button to install the latest version of the package."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cerqueu la icona verda al costat del nom del paquet instal·lat. Aquesta icona "
+       "indica que hi han actualitzacions disponibles per al paquet a l'actual repositori seleccionat. "
+       "Seleccioneu el paquet i cliqueu el botó <guibutton>Instal·lar/"
+       "Actualitzar</guibutton> per a instal·lar la última versió del paquet."
+#: package-manager.xml:239(title)
+msgid "Introduction to Boot Environments"
+msgstr "Introducció als entorns d'arranc"
+#: package-manager.xml:240(para)
+msgid ""
+"A boot environment is an image that is bootable. Upon an initial OpenSolaris "
+"installation, a boot environment is created."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un entorn d'arranc és una imatge que és arrancable. Després d'una instal·lació d'OpenSolaris, "
+       "és creat un entorn d'arranc."
+#: package-manager.xml:241(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can maintain multiple boot environments on your OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+"system. Use the <command>beadm(1)</command> command from the command—line "
+"interface (CLI) to create, rename, mount or unmount, or destroy these boot "
+msgstr ""
+       "Podeu mantenir múltiples entorns d'arranc al vostre sistema OpenSolaris 2009.06. "
+       "Utilitzeu la comanda <command>beadm(1)</command> des de la interfície de línia de comandaments "
+       "(CLI) per a crear, reanomenar, muntar o desmuntar, o destruir aquests entorns d'arranc."
+#: package-manager.xml:242(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Package Manager enables you to manage the boot environments created "
+"during the process of updating your image. For more information, see <xref "
+"linkend=\"manage_be\"/> section."
+msgstr ""
+       "El Gestor de Paquets us permet gestionar els entorns d'arranc creats "
+       "durant el procés d'actualització de la vostra imatge. Per a més informació, vegeu la secció <xref "
+       "linkend=\"manage_be\"/>."
+#: package-manager.xml:243(para)
+msgid ""
+"System administrators can maintain multiple boot environments on their "
+"systems, and each boot environment can have different software versions "
+msgstr ""
+       "Els administradors de sistemes poden mantenir diversos entorns d'arranc als seus "
+       "sistemes, i cada entorn d'arranc pot tienir diferentes versions de programari "
+       "instal·lades."
+#: package-manager.xml:244(para)
+msgid ""
+"When you use either the Package Manager or the <command>pkg image-update</"
+"command> command to update all the packages in your active OpenSolaris boot "
+"environment, a clone of that boot environment is automatically created. The "
+"packages are updated in the clone rather than in the original boot "
+"environment. After successfully completing the updates, the new clone is "
+"activated. Then, the clone will become the new default boot environment on "
+"system reboot. The original boot environment is also available as an "
+"alternate selection."
+msgstr ""
+       "Quant utilitzeu tant el Gestor de Paquets, com la comanda <command>pkg image-update</"
+       "command> per a actualitzar tot el sistema al vostre entorn d'arranc actiu d'OpenSolaris, "
+       ", es crea automàticament un clon de l'entorn d'arranc actualment actiu. Els "
+       "paquet són actualitzats al clon més que al entorn "
+       "d'arranc. Després de completar les actualitzacions, el nou clon és "
+       "activat. Després, el clon es convertirà amb l'entorn d'arranc predeterminat "
+       "quan el sistema reinicii. L'entorn d'arranc original també està disponible com "
+       "una selecció alternativa."
+#: package-manager.xml:245(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the beadm(1) man pages and the <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/"
+"content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html\"><citetitle>Upgrading and Managing Boot "
+"Environments</citetitle></ulink> document to learn more about boot "
+"environments and the <command>beadm(1)</command> command."
+msgstr ""
+       "vegeu les pàgines del manual beadm(1) i el document <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/"
+       "content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html\"><citetitle>Actualitzant i Gestionant "
+       "Entorns d'arranc</citetitle></ulink> per a apendre més quant als "
+       "entorns d'arranc i la comanda <command>beadm(1)</command>."
+#: package-manager.xml:246(title)
+msgid "Update All Packages (Update Your Image)"
+msgstr "Actualitzar tots el paquets (actualitzar la vostra imatge)"
+#: package-manager.xml:247(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to update all the packages in your image."
+msgstr "Realitzeu els següents pasos per a actualitzar tots els paquets a la vostra image."
+#: package-manager.xml:248(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon located on the toolbar to "
+"start the process of updating <emphasis role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> the "
+"packages installed in your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu a la icona <guibutton>Actualitzar tot</guibutton> localitzada a la barra d'eines per "
+       "començar el procés d'actalització de <emphasis role=\"strong\">tots</emphasis> els "
+       "paquets instal·lats a la vostra imatge."
+#: package-manager.xml:249(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guisubmenu>Update "
+"All</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to start the process."
+msgstr ""
+       "També podeu seleccionar <menuchoice><guimenu>Paquet</guimenu><guisubmenu>Actualitzar "
+       "tot</guisubmenu></menuchoice> per a començar el procés."
+#: package-manager.xml:250(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <guilabel>Update All</guilabel> icon is enabled when updates are "
+"available to the installed packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "La icona <guilabel>Actualitzar tot</guilabel> està habilitada quan hi han actualitzacions "
+       "disponibles per als paquets instal·lats."
+#: package-manager.xml:253(para)
+msgid ""
+"A <literal>Create New Boot Environment</literal> window is displayed. A name "
+"for the new boot environment is automatically generated."
+msgstr ""
+       "Una finestra per a <literal>Crear un nou Entorn d'arranc</literal> és mostrada. "
+       "Automàticament és generat un nom pel nou entorn d'arranc."
+#: package-manager.xml:255(para)
+msgid ""
+"(optional) You can change the name of the new boot environment if you want."
+msgstr ""
+       "(opcional) Si vileu, podeu canviar el nom del nou entorn d'arranc."
+#: package-manager.xml:257(para)
+msgid "Confirm or Cancel the new boot environment."
+msgstr "Confirmeu o cancel·leu en nou entorn d'arranc."
+#: package-manager.xml:258(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+"proceed with the Update All process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu a <guibutton>Procedir</guibutton> per a crear un nou entorn d'arranc i "
+       "procedir amb el procés d'actalització de tot."
+#: package-manager.xml:260(para) package-manager.xml:488(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process."
+msgstr "Cliqueu <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar el procés."
+#: package-manager.xml:263(para)
+msgid ""
+"During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+"created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+"that existed before the Update All process was started. If the Package "
+"Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be "
+"displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section on how to rectify the "
+"error and continue with updating your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Durant el procés d'actualitzar tot, es crea un clon de l'entorn d'arranc  actiu. "
+       "Aquest clon permet a l'usuari arrancar amb l'estat de l'entorn d'arranc "
+       "que existia abans que el procés d'actualització de tot comencés. Si el "
+       "Gestor de Paquest no està disponible per a crear un nou entorn d'arranc, es mostrarà un "
+       "missatge d'error. Vegeu la <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> secció de com rectificar "
+       "l'error i continuar amb l'actualització de la vostra imatge."
+#: package-manager.xml:265(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you chose to proceed with the Update All process, the packages are "
+"downloaded and installed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Si trieu continuar amb el procés d'actualitzar tot, els paquets "
+       "són descarregats i instal·lats."
+#: package-manager.xml:266(para)
+msgid ""
+"After a successful completion, the <literal>Update All Complete</literal> "
+"dialog box is shown. A link to the Release Notes is provided in the dialog "
+"box. Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Després de completar-ho correctament, el quadre de diàleg <literal>Completat Actualitzar tot</literal> "
+       "és mostrat. Es proporciona un enllaç a les notes de la versió al "
+       "quadre de diàleg. Llegiu les notes de la versió <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> abans de reiniciar el vostre sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:268(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Cliqueu <guibutton>Tancar</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:269(emphasis) package-manager.xml:507(para)
+msgid "You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect."
+msgstr "Heu de reiniciar el vostre sistema per a que els canvis tinguin efecte."
+#: package-manager.xml:274(title) package-manager.xml:512(title)
+msgid "Update All Errors"
+msgstr "Actualitzar Tots els Errors"
+#: package-manager.xml:275(para)
+msgid ""
+"A new boot environment clone must be created by the Package Manager for the "
+"Update All process to be completed. An error message is displayed if a boot "
+"environment clone cannot be created. You might see an error message such as "
+"the following :"
+msgstr ""
+       "Un nou clon de l'entorn d'arranc ha de ser creat pel Gestor de Paquets pel "
+       "procés d'Actualitzar tot per a ser completat. es mostra un missatge d'error si un entorn d'arranc clonat "
+       "no pot ser creat. Hauríeu de veure un missatge d'error com "
+       "el següent :"
+#: package-manager.xml:276(para) package-manager.xml:514(para)
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. "
+"Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
+"cancel the action</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<literal>No hi ha prou espai de disc, la selecció no pot ser realitzada. "
+       "Cliqueu D'acord per a gestionar els vostres entorns d'arranc existents i alliberar espai al disc o Cancel·lar per a "
+       "cancel·lar l'acció</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:277(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and "
+"return to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar el procés d'actualitzar tot i "
+       "tornar a la finestra principal."
+#: package-manager.xml:278(para) package-manager.xml:516(para)
+msgid ""
+"Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue "
+"with the Update All process:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Realitzeu els següents passos si voleu rectificar l'error i continuar "
+       "amb el procés d'actualitzar tot:"
+#: package-manager.xml:279(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to display the <literal>Boot Environment "
+"Management</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>D'acord</guibutton> per a mostrar el quadre de diàleg de <literal>Gestió d'entorns d'arranc</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:281(para)
+msgid "Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+msgstr "Seleccioneu l'entorn d'arranc que desitgeu eliminar."
+#: package-manager.xml:282(para)
+msgid "You cannot delete the currently active boot environment."
+msgstr "No es pot eliminar l'entorn d'arranc, actualment actiu."
+#: package-manager.xml:284(para)
+msgid ""
+"You do not need to reboot your system if you are only deleting some of your "
+"boot environments."
+msgstr ""
+       "No necessiteu reiniciar el vostre sistema si solament heu eliminat alguns del vostres "
+       "entorns d'arranc."
+#: package-manager.xml:289(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Cliqueu <guibutton>D'acord</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:291(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is shown. Review "
+"your changes and click OK to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+       "El diàleg de <literal>Confirmació de l'Entorn d'arranc</literal> és mostrat. Reviseu "
+       "els vostres canvis i cliqueu D'acord per a procedir."
+#: package-manager.xml:293(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon to restart the process of "
+"updating all packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu la icona <guibutton>Actualitzar tot</guibutton> per a tornar a començar el procés "
+       "d'actualització de tots els paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:297(title)
+msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
+msgstr "Gestiona entorns d'arranc"
+#: package-manager.xml:298(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to manage your boot environments:"
+msgstr "Realitzeu els següents passos per a gestionar els vostres entorns d'arranc:"
+#: package-manager.xml:299(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Boot "
+"Environments</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Boot "
+"Environments</literal> dialog."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <menuchoice><guimenu>Fitxer</guimenu><guimenuitem>Gestionar entorns "
+       "d'arranc</guimenuitem></menuchoice> per a obrir el diàleg <literal>Gestionar Entorns "
+       "d'arranc</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:301(para)
+msgid "In this dialog box , you can perform the following actions:"
+msgstr "En aquesta caixa de diàleg, podeu realitzar les següents accions:"
+#: package-manager.xml:302(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Activate a boot environment</emphasis> – Select "
+"the boot environment that you want to be active on system reboot. This will "
+"be the default boot environment <emphasis role=\"strong\">after</emphasis> "
+"you have rebooted your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Activar l'entorn d'arranc</emphasis> – Seleccioneu "
+       "l'entorn d'arranc que voleu activar a l'arranc del sistema. Aquest serà "
+       "l'entorn d'arranc predeterminat <emphasis role=\"strong\">després</emphasis> "
+       "que hagueu reinicial el vostre sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:304(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Remove old or unused boot environments to free up "
+"disk space</emphasis> – Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Eliminar Entorns d'arranc antics o no utilitzats per "
+       "a alliberar espai al disc</emphasis> – Seleccioneu l'Entorn d'arranc que voleu eliminar."
+#: package-manager.xml:305(para)
+msgid "You cannot the delete the currently active boot environment."
+msgstr "No podeu eliminar l'actual entorn d'arranc actiu."
+#: package-manager.xml:307(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you have selected a boot environment to be renamed, it cannot be deleted."
+msgstr ""
+       "Si heu seleccionat un entorn d'arranc per a ser reanomenat, aquest no es pot eliminar."
+#: package-manager.xml:312(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Rename a boot environment</emphasis> – Double-"
+"click the boot environment name that you want to change. Enter the new name "
+"of the boot environment and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Reanomenar l'Entorn d'arranc</emphasis> – Doble-"
+       "clic al nom de l'entorn d'arranc que voleu canviar. -introduïu en nou nom"
+       "de l'entorn d'arranc i cliqueu <guibutton>D'acord</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:313(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you have selected a boot environment to be deleted, it cannot be renamed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Si heu seleccionat un entorn d'arranc per a ser eliminat, aquest no pot ser reanomenat."
+#: package-manager.xml:315(para)
+msgid "The currently active boot environment cannot be renamed."
+msgstr "L'actual entorn d'arranc actiu no pot ser reanomenat."
+#: package-manager.xml:322(para)
+msgid "Accept or decline the changes:"
+msgstr "Accepteu o declineu els canvis:"
+#: package-manager.xml:323(para) package-manager.xml:449(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed."
+msgstr "Cliqueu <guibutton>D'acord</guibutton> per a procedir."
+#: package-manager.xml:325(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel all changes and return to the "
+"main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar tos els canvis i tornar a "
+       "la finestra principal."
+#: package-manager.xml:329(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is displayed. "
+"Review your changes and click OK to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+       "El diàleg <literal>Confirmació de l'Entorn d'arranc</literal> és mostrat. "
+       "Reviseu els canvis i cliqueu D'acord per a procedir."
+#: package-manager.xml:330(para)
+msgid ""
+"After you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, you cannot undo any changes that "
+"you made to the boot environments."
+msgstr ""
+       "Després que cliqueu <guibutton>D'acord</guibutton>, no podreu desfer el canvis "
+       "que feu als entorns d'arranc."
+#: package-manager.xml:332(para)
+msgid ""
+"The changes that you made to the <emphasis role=\"strong\">default boot "
+"environment</emphasis> setting are effective only after system reboot."
+msgstr ""
+       "Els canvis que feu a les preferències de l'<emphasis role=\"strong\">entorn d'arranc "
+       "predeterminat</emphasis> són efectives solament després de reiniciar el sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:334(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the changes and return to the "
+"<literal>BE Management</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar els canvis i per a tornar "
+       "al quadre de diàleg del <literal>Gestor d'Entorns d'arranc</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:336(para)
+msgid "Reboot your system to boot into the newly activated boot environment."
+msgstr "Reinicieu el vostre sistema per a arrancar amb el nou entorn d'arranc activat."
+#: package-manager.xml:337(para)
+msgid "Reboot your system only if you changed the active boot environment."
+msgstr "Reinicieu el vostre sistema únicament si heu canviat l'entorn d'arranc actiu."
+#: package-manager.xml:343(title)
+msgid "Managing Repositories"
+msgstr "Gestionar repositoris"
+#: package-manager.xml:344(title)
+msgid "Add a Repository"
+msgstr "Afegir un repositori"
+#: package-manager.xml:345(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to add a repository:"
+msgstr "Realitzeu els següents passos per a afegir un repositori:"
+#: package-manager.xml:346(para)
+msgid ""
+"Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+msgstr ""
+       "Seleccionar <menuchoice><guimenu>Fitxer</guimenu><guimenuitem>Gestionar Repositoris</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#: package-manager.xml:347(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <guilabel>Add...</guilabel> from the "
+"<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu in the main window of the "
+"Package Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "També podeu seleccionar <guilabel>Afegir...</guilabel> des del menú desplegable "
+       "<literal>Repositori</literal> de la finestra principal del "
+       "Gestor de Paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:349(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed. Type the "
+"name and the address (URL) of the repository you want to add. Click "
+msgstr ""
+       "El quadre de diàleg <literal>Gestió de Repositoris</literal> és mostrat. Teclegeu el "
+       "nom i l'adreça (URL) del repositori que voleu afegir. Cliqueu "
+       "<guibutton>Afegir</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:353(title)
+msgid "Add a Secure Repository"
+msgstr "Afegir un repositori segur"
+#: package-manager.xml:354(para)
+msgid ""
+"A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access. Perform "
+"the following steps to add a secure repository:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Un repositori segur necessita un clau SSL i un certificat per a accedir. Realitzeu "
+       "els següents passos per a afegir un repositori segur:"
+#: package-manager.xml:355(para)
+msgid ""
+"Follow the steps in <xref linkend=\"add_repo\"/> section to add a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Seguiu els passos de la <xref linkend=\"add_repo\"/> secció per a afegir un repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:357(para)
+msgid ""
+"Follow the steps in the <xref linkend=\"modify_repo\"/> section to add a SSL "
+"key and certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "Seguiu els passos de la <xref linkend=\"modify_repo\"/> secció per a afegir una clau SSL "
+       "i un certificat."
+#: package-manager.xml:358(para)
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: package-manager.xml:362(title)
+msgid "Remove a Repository"
+msgstr "Eliminar un repositori"
+#: package-manager.xml:363(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to remove a repository:"
+msgstr "Realitzeu els següents pasos per a eliminar un repositori:"
+#: package-manager.xml:364(para) package-manager.xml:374(para)
+#: package-manager.xml:384(para)
+msgid ""
+"Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> "
+msgstr ""
+       "Seleccioneu <menuchoice><guimenu>Fitxer</guimenu><guimenuitem>Gestionar repositoris</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> per a obrir el diàleg <literal>Gestor de repositoris</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:366(para)
+msgid "Select a repository from the list. Click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Seleccioneu un repositori del llistat. Cliqueu <guibutton>Eliminar</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:367(para)
+msgid ""
+"A repository that has been set as preferred repository cannot be removed. To "
+"remove a preferred repository, set a nonpreferred repository as preferred, "
+"and then remove the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "El repositori que ha estat establert com a repositori predeterminat no pot ser eliminat. "
+       "Per a eliminar el repositoti predeterminal, establiu un repositori no predeterminat com a predeterminat, "
+       "i deprés elimineu el repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:372(title)
+msgid "Set a Preferred Repository"
+msgstr "Establir un repositori predeterminat"
+#: package-manager.xml:373(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to set a preferred repository:"
+msgstr "Realitzeu els següents passos per a establir un repositori predeterminat:"
+#: package-manager.xml:376(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the radio button next to the repository that you would like to set as "
+"the preferred repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu a la casella propera al repositori que voleu establir com "
+       "el repositori predeterminat."
+#: package-manager.xml:378(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> if you are not making any other changes "
+"to the repository information."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Tancar</guibutton> Si no esteu fent altres canvis "
+       "a la informació del repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:382(title)
+msgid "Modify a Repository"
+msgstr "Modificar un repositori"
+#: package-manager.xml:383(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to modify a repository:"
+msgstr "Realitzeu els següents passos per a modificar un repositori:"
+#: package-manager.xml:386(para)
+msgid "Select the repository that you want to modify."
+msgstr "Seleccioneu el repositori que desitgeu modificar."
+#: package-manager.xml:388(para)
+msgid "Click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button."
+msgstr "Cliqueu al botó <guibutton>Modificar</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:389(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box is displayed. You can "
+"perform the following actions in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> "
+"dialog box:"
+msgstr ""
+       "El quadre de diàleg <literal>Modificar Repositori</literal> és mostrat. Podeu "
+       "realitzar les següents accions al quadre de diàleg <literal>Modificar Repositori</literal> :"
+#: package-manager.xml:390(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Change the URL of the repository</emphasis> – Type "
+"a valid URL for the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Canviar la URL del repositori</emphasis> – Introduïu "
+       "una URL vàlida per al repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:391(para)
+msgid ""
+"You cannot change a repository name after you have added a repository. To "
+"change the repository name, delete the existing repository with the old name "
+"and add a repository with the new name. See the <xref linkend=\"remove_repo"
+"\"/> section for steps on how to remove a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "No podeu canviar el nom d'un repositori després que hagueu afegit un repositori. "
+       "Per canviar el nom d'un repositori, elimineu el repositori existent amb el nom antic "
+       "i afegiu un repositori amb el nom nou. Vegeu la secció <xref linkend=\"remove_repo"
+       "\"/> per als passos de com eliminar un repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:393(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a SSL Key and Certificate</emphasis> – A "
+"secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Afegir una clau i un certificat SSL</emphasis> – Un "
+       "repositori segur necessita una clau i un certificat SSL per a accedir."
+#: package-manager.xml:394(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+"<literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box links to a registration site "
+"which provides instructions for downloading the SSL key and certificate"
+msgstr ""
+       "L'enllaç d'<emphasis role=\"strong\">Instruccions</emphasis> al quadre de diàleg "
+       "<literal>Modificar Repositori</literal> enllaça al lloc de registrament "
+       "el qual proporciona les instruccions per a descarregar la clau i el certificat SSL"
+#: package-manager.xml:395(para)
+msgid ""
+"In the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box, click the <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link to download the key and "
+"certificate. Save them on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Al quadre de diàleg <literal>Modificar Repositori</literal>, cliqueu a l'enllaç d'<emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">Instruccions</emphasis> per a descarregar la clau i el "
+       "certificat. Deseu-los al vostre sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:397(para) package-manager.xml:445(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your "
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu al botó <guibutton>Navegar</guibutton> per a localitzar la clau SSL al vostre "
+       "sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:399(para) package-manager.xml:447(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate "
+"on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu al botó <guibutton>Navegar</guibutton> per a localitzar el certificat SSL al vostre "
+       "sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:403(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a Mirror</emphasis> – If a repository has a "
+"mirror, add the repository name and URL, and then click the "
+"<guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to add the mirror information."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Afegir una Rèplica</emphasis> – Si un repositori té una "
+       "rèplica, afegiu el nom i la URL del repositori, i després cliqueu al "
+       "botó <guibutton>Modificar</guibutton> per a afegir informació de la rèplica."
+#: package-manager.xml:407(para)
+msgid "Confirm or decline the changes."
+msgstr "Confirmeu o declineu els canvis."
+#: package-manager.xml:408(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the changes and return to the "
+"<literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>D'acord</guibutton> per a desar els canvis i per a tornar "
+       "al quadre de diàleg <literal>Gestionar Repositoris</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:410(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel your changes."
+msgstr "Cliqueu <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar els vostres canvis."
+#: package-manager.xml:417(title)
+msgid "Working With WebInstall"
+msgstr "Treballant amb l'Instal·lador Web"
+#: package-manager.xml:418(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager provides support for users to add "
+"new repositories and optionally, install packages from these repositories "
+"using a simple one-click WebInstall process. A <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+"file which contains the repositories to be added and optionally, the package "
+"or packages that can be installed from these repositories, is required for "
+"the WebInstall process. The information contained in the <filename>.p5i</"
+"filename> file is read and used by the WebInstall process."
+msgstr ""
+       "El Gestor de Paquets d'OpenSolaris 2009.06 proporciona suport als usuaris per a afegir "
+       "repositoris nous i opcionalment, instal·lar paquets des d'aquets repositoris "
+       "utilitzant un procés senzill d'un-sol-clic a l'Instal·lador Web. Un fitxer <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+       "que conté els repositoris a ser afegits i opcionalment, el paquet o "
+       "paquets que poden ser instal·lats des dels repositoris, és necessari "
+       "per al procés d'Instal·lació Web. La informació continguda al fitxer <filename>.p5i</"
+       "filename> és llegida i utilitzada pel procés d'Instal·lació Web."
+#: package-manager.xml:419(title)
+msgid "How to Use WebInstall to Add Repositories and Install Packages"
+msgstr "Com utilitzar l'Instal·lador Web per a afegir repositoris i instal·lar paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:420(bridgehead)
+msgid "Before You Begin"
+msgstr "Abans de començar"
+#: package-manager.xml:420(para)
+msgid ""
+"Locate the <filename>.p5i</filename> file which may be present on your "
+"desktop, the Start page in the Package Manager, or on a website."
+msgstr ""
+       "Localitzeu el fitxer <filename>.p5i</filename> que pot estar present al vostre escriptori, "
+       "la Pàgina d'Ininici del Gestor de Paquets, o bé en un lloc web."
+#: package-manager.xml:421(para)
+msgid ""
+"Start the Package manager in WebInstall mode in one of the following ways:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Iniciar el Gestor de Paquets en mode Instal·lació Web amb una de les següents maneres:"
+#: package-manager.xml:422(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click on a <filename>.p5i</filename> file on your desktop, and the "
+"associated application, Package Manager in WebInstall mode, will be launched."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu al fitxer <filename>.p5i</filename> del vostre escriptori, i "
+       "l'aplicació associada, Gestor de Paquets amb mode Instal·lació Web, la llançarà."
+#: package-manager.xml:424(para)
+msgid ""
+"Start the Package Manager from the command-line along with a path to the "
+"<filename>.p5i</filename> file. For example, type the following command at "
+"the command-line:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Inicieu el Gestor de Paquets des de la línia de comandes juntament amb la ruta del fitxer "
+       "<filename>.p5i</filename>. Per exemple, escriviu la següent comanda a "
+       "l'intèrpret de comandes:"
+#: package-manager.xml:425(replaceable)
+msgid "path_to_pi5_file/file.p5i"
+msgstr "ruta_al_fitxer_pi5/fitxer.p5i"
+#: package-manager.xml:425(command)
+msgid "$ pfexec packagemanager/<placeholder-1/>"
+msgstr "$ pfexec packagemanager/<placeholder-1/>"
+#: package-manager.xml:427(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click on a URL location that contains a link to <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+"file. If you are using this method to start the WebInstall, the <filename>."
+"p5i</filename> file <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be located on "
+"a web server that has registered the new mime type. Only then, the web "
+"server can manage the <filename>.p5i</filename> automatically and start "
+"Package Manager in WebInstall mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu a la URL amb la localització que conté l'enllaç al fitxer <filename>.p5i</filename>. "
+       "Si esteu utilitzant aquest mètode per a iniciar l'Instal·lador Web, "
+       "el fitxer <filename>.p5i</filename> és <emphasis role=\"strong\">obligatori</emphasis> que estigui localitzat a "
+       "un servidor web que té registrat el nou tipus mime. Solament llabors, el "
+       "servidor web pot gestionar automàticament <filename>.p5i</filename> i iniciar "
+       "el Gestor de Paquets em mode Instal·lació Web."
+#: package-manager.xml:428(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the <filename>.p5i</filename> is located on a web server that does not "
+"have the new mime type registered, save the <filename>.p5i</filename> file "
+"to your desktop and then click on it to launch Web Install."
+msgstr ""
+       "Si el <filename>.p5i</filename> està localitzat a un servidor web que no "
+       "té registrat el nou tipus mime, deseu el fitxer <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+       "al vostre escriptori i cliqueu-lo per a llançar la Instal·lació Web."
+#: package-manager.xml:432(para)
+msgid ""
+"The following example window that shows a list of repositories that will be "
+"added and the packages that will be installed. Review the information."
+msgstr ""
+       "La següent finestra d'exemple mostra un llistat de repositoris que seran afegits, i "
+       "els paquets que seran instal·lats. Reviseu la informació."
+#: package-manager.xml:433(title)
+msgid "Package Manager WebInstaller"
+msgstr "Instal·lador Web del Gestor de Paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:438(para)
+msgid "Confirm or cancel the WebInstall process."
+msgstr "Confirmeu o cancel·leu el procés d'Instal·lador Web"
+#: package-manager.xml:439(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to add the new repositories and install "
+"the packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Procedir</guibutton> per a afegir nous repositoris i afegir "
+       "els paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:440(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. The Package "
+"Manager application exits."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar el procés. L'aplicació del Gestor de "
+       "Paquets es tancarà."
+#: package-manager.xml:442(para)
+msgid ""
+"(Optional) If the repositories that are to be added are secure repositories, "
+"an SSL key and certificate is required. An <literal>Add New Repositories</"
+"literal> dialog box is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+       "(Opcional) Si els repositoris que han de ser afegits són repositoris segurs, "
+       "es necessita una clau i certificat SSL. Un quadre de diàleg <literal>Afegir nous repositoris</"
+       "literal> és mostrat."
+#: package-manager.xml:443(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+"<literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box to download the SSL key "
+"and certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu a l'enllaç d'<emphasis role=\"strong\">Instruccions</emphasis> al "
+       "quadre de diàleg <literal>Afegir nous repositoris</literal> per a descarregar la "
+       "clau i certificat SSL."
+#: package-manager.xml:452(para)
+msgid "The <literal>Adding New Repositories</literal> status bar is displayed."
+msgstr "La barra d'estat <literal>Afegint nous repositoris</literal> és mostrada."
+#: package-manager.xml:454(para)
+msgid ""
+"(Optional) If packages are being installed, the <literal>Install/Update</"
+"literal> dialog box is displayed. Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to "
+"cancel the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+       "(Opcional) Si un paquet està sent instal·lat, el quadre de diàleg <literal>Instal·lar/Actualitzar</"
+       "literal> és mostrat. Cliqueu <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a "
+       "cancel·lar la instal·lació de paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:455(para)
+msgid "The application will close when all packages are installed."
+msgstr "L'aplicació es tancarà quan tots els paquets etiguin instal·lats."
+#: package-manager.xml:460(title)
+msgid "Working With the Update Manager"
+msgstr "Treballant amb el Gestor d'Actualitzacions"
+#: package-manager.xml:461(title)
+msgid "About The Update Manager"
+msgstr "Quant al Gestor d'Actualitzacions"
+#: package-manager.xml:462(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Update Manager is a separate application that starts from the desktop "
+"when updates to the installed packages are available in the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "El Gestor d'Actalitzacions és una aplicació separada que s'inicia des de l'escriptori "
+       "quan hi han actualitzacions per als paquets instal·lats disponibles al repositori."
+#: package-manager.xml:463(title)
+msgid "Update Manager Main Window"
+msgstr "Finestra principal del Gestor d'Actualitzacions"
+#: package-manager.xml:467(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can use the Update Manager application to update the installed packages "
+"in your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Podeu utilitzar l'aplicació de Gestió d'Actualitzacions per a actualitzar els paquets instal·lats al sistema de la vostra imatge."
+#: package-manager.xml:468(para)
+msgid ""
+"For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, the Update Manager updates <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> installed packages in the image. This action "
+"is equivalent to running the <command>pkg image-update</command> command "
+"from the command-line."
+msgstr ""
+       "Per a la versió d'OpenSolaris 2009.06, El Gestor d'Actualitzacions actualitza <emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">tots</emphasis> els paquets instal·lats en una imatge. Aquesta acció "
+       "és equivalent a executar la comanda <command>pkg image-update</command> "
+       "des de la línia de comandaments."
+#: package-manager.xml:471(title)
+msgid "Using the Update Manager"
+msgstr "Utilitzant el Gestor d'Actualitzacions"
+#: package-manager.xml:472(para)
+msgid ""
+"When updates are available to the installed packages, a notification icon is "
+"displayed in the notification panel on the OpenSolaris desktop."
+msgstr ""
+       "Quan hi han actualitzacions disponibles per als paquets instal·lats, una icona de notificació és"
+       "mostrada al panell de notificacions de l'escriptori d'OpenSolaris."
+#: package-manager.xml:473(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</"
+"guimenu><guisubmenu>Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Update Manager</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to manually launch the Update Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "També podeu clicar a <menuchoice><guimenu>Sistema</"
+       "guimenu><guisubmenu>Administratició</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Gestor d'Actualitzacions</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> per a llaçar manualment el Gestor d'Actualitzacions."
+#: package-manager.xml:474(para)
+msgid ""
+"When you are notified of a software update, perform the following steps to "
+"begin the process of updating your system:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Quan sigueu notificat d'una actualització de programari, realitzeu els següents pasos per a "
+       "començar el procés d'actualització del vostre sistema:"
+#: package-manager.xml:475(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the notification icon on the desktop to display the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu a la icona de notificació de l'escriptori per a mostrar la finestra del <literal>Gestor "
+       "d'actualització</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:477(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu al botó <guibutton>Actualitzar tot</guibutton> a la finestra <literal>Gestor "
+       "d'actualització</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:478(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select a package and click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel if you "
+"want to view more information about the package."
+msgstr ""
+       "Seleccioneu un paquet i cliqueu al panell <guilabel>Detalls</guilabel> si voleu "
+       "veure més informació quant al paquet."
+#: package-manager.xml:481(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Update All</literal> dialog box is displayed. Proceed with the "
+"Update All process or cancel the action."
+msgstr ""
+       "El quadre de diàleg <literal>Actualitzar tot</literal> és mostrat. Procediu amb el "
+       "procés d'Actualitzar tot o cancel·leu l'acció."
+#: package-manager.xml:482(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+"update all packages in the current image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Procedir</guibutton> per a crear un nou entorn d'arranc i "
+       "actualitzar tots els paquets de la imatge actual."
+#: package-manager.xml:483(para)
+msgid ""
+"During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+"created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+"that existed before the Update All process was started."
+msgstr ""
+       "Durant el procés d'Actualitzar tot, un clon  de l'actual entorn d'arranc "
+       "és creat. Aquest clon permet a l'usuari arrancar amb l'estat d'entorn "
+       "que existia abans que el procés d'Actualitzar tot fos iniciat."
+#: package-manager.xml:484(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error "
+"message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gileh\"/> section on how "
+"to rectify the error and continue with updating your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Si el Gestor de Paquets no pot crear el nou entorn d'arranc, es mostrarà "
+       "un missatge d'error. Vegeu la <xref linkend=\"gileh\"/> secció de com "
+       "rectificar un error i continuar amb l'actualització de la vostra imatge."
+#: package-manager.xml:485(para)
+msgid ""
+"A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated. You can "
+"accept the name generated by the system, or provide your own name for the "
+"boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Automàticament és general el nom pel nou Entorn d'Arranc. Podeu "
+       "acceptar el nom generat pel sistema, o proporcionar el vostre nom per a "
+       "l'entorn d'arranc."
+#: package-manager.xml:492(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you chose to proceed, the <literal>Installing Updates</literal> windows "
+"are displayed. The package installation process consists of four stages:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Si seleccioneu procedir, la finestra d'<literal>Instal·lació d'Actualitzacions</literal> "
+       "es mostrada. El procés d'instal·lació de paquets consisteix en quatre etapes:"
+#: package-manager.xml:493(para)
+msgid "Prepare"
+msgstr "Preparar"
+#: package-manager.xml:495(para)
+msgid "Download."
+msgstr "Descarregar."
+#: package-manager.xml:497(para)
+msgid "Install."
+msgstr "Instal·lar."
+#: package-manager.xml:500(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can choose to cancel the process only during the <emphasis role=\"strong"
+"\">Prepare</emphasis> and <emphasis role=\"strong\">Download</emphasis> "
+"stages. Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to cancel the "
+"installation process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main "
+"window of the Update Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "Podeu triar de cancel·lar el procés únicament durant les etapes de <emphasis role=\"strong"
+       "\">Preparació</emphasis> i <emphasis role=\"strong\">Descàrrega</emphasis>. "
+       "Cliqueu el botó <guibutton>Cancel·lar</guibutton> per a cancel·lar "
+       "el procés d'instal·lació. No es farà cap canvi i tornareu a la "
+       "finestra principal del Gestor de Paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:501(para)
+msgid ""
+"If an error occurs during any of the stages, the <guilabel>Details</"
+"guilabel> panel is expanded and the details of the error are displayed. An "
+"error status indicator is shown next to the failed stage."
+msgstr ""
+       "Si es produeix un error durant qualsevol etapa, s'expandirà el panell de <guilabel>Detalls</"
+       "guilabel> i es mostraran els detalls de l'error. Un "
+       "indicador d'error d'estat es mostrat a prop de l'etapa que ha produït l'error."
+#: package-manager.xml:504(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel to view more information about "
+"each of the installation processes."
+msgstr ""
+       "Clique al panell de <guilabel>Detalls</guilabel> per a veure més informació quant a "
+       "cada procés de la instal·lació."
+#: package-manager.xml:506(para)
+msgid ""
+"Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Llegiu <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> abans de reiniciar el vostre sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:513(para)
+msgid ""
+"A new boot environment clone <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be "
+"created for the Update All process to be completed. The following error "
+"message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created due to "
+"space restrictions :"
+msgstr ""
+       "És <emphasis role=\"strong\">obligatori</emphasis> crear un nou entorn d'arranc clonat "
+       "per a que es pugui completar el procés d'Actualitzar tot. El següent missatge "
+       "d'error es mostrat si un clon de l'entorn d'arranc no pot crear-se "
+       "degut a restriccions d'espai :"
+#: package-manager.xml:515(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return "
+"to the Update Manager main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>No</guibutton> per a cancel·lar el procés d'actualitzar tot i tornar "
+       "a la finestra principal del Gestor d'actualitzacions."
+#: package-manager.xml:517(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> in the error dialog box to go to the "
+"<literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu <guibutton>Si</guibutton> al quadre de diàleg d'error per a anar "
+       "al diàleg <literal>Gestor d'Entorns d'arranc</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:519(para)
+msgid ""
+"Go to step 2 in the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section. Follow the "
+"instructions to delete old or unused boot environments and free up disk "
+msgstr ""
+       "Aneu al pas 2 de la <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> secció. Seguiu les "
+       "instruccions per a eliminar entorn d'arranc antics o sense utilitzar i allibereu espai al disc."
+#: package-manager.xml:521(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window to restart the process of updating all packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cliqueu al botó <guibutton>Actualitzar tot</guibutton> a la finestra del <literal>Gestor "
+       "d'Actualitzacions</literal> per a tornar a començar el procés d'actualització de tot els paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:526(title) package-manager.xml:530(ulink)
+msgid "Release Notes"
+msgstr "Notes de la versió"
+#: package-manager.xml:527(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Release Notes are available at the following "
+msgstr ""
+       "Les notes de la versió d'OpenSolaris 2009.06 estan disponibles a les següents "
+       "localitzacions:"
+#: package-manager.xml:528(para)
+msgid ""
+"x86 <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/"
+"relnotes/200811/x86/\">Release Notes</ulink>"
+msgstr ""
+       "x86 <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/"
+       "relnotes/200811/x86/\">Notes de la versió</ulink>"
+#: package-manager.xml:530(trademark)
+msgid "SPARC"
+msgstr "SPARC"
+#: package-manager.xml:534(title)
+msgid "Package Manager Screencast"
+msgstr "Screencast del Gestor de Paquets"
+#: package-manager.xml:535(para)
+msgid ""
+"A screencast that shows Package Manager usage for beginners is available. "
+"Click the link below to go to the screencast."
+msgstr ""
+       "Està disponible un screencast que mostra la utilització del Gestor de Paquets per a principiants. "
+       "Cliqueu a l'enllaç següent per anar al screencast."
+#: package-manager.xml:536(ulink)
+msgid "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Screencast"
+msgstr "Screencast del Gestor de Paquets d'OpenSolaris 2009.06"
+#: package-manager.xml:539(title)
+msgid "Image Packaging System Glossary"
+msgstr "Glosari del Sistema d'empaquetament d'imatges"
+#: package-manager.xml:540(glossterm)
+msgid "publisher"
+msgstr "publicador"
+#: package-manager.xml:541(para)
+msgid ""
+"A person, group, or corporation that designs, creates, and publishes a "
+"package to a repository. The repository in turn serves the packages from the "
+"(default) publisher, for downloading purposes. The developer-quality "
+"packages managed by Sun and made available through <ulink url=\"http://pkg."
+"opensolaris.com/dev\">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> is an example "
+"of a publisher."
+msgstr ""
+       "Una persona, grup, o corporació que dissenya, crea, i publica un "
+       "paquet a un repositori. El repositori al seu torn serveix els paquets a "
+       "al publicador (predeterminat), per a propòsits de descàrrega. La qualitat de desenvolupament de "
+       "paquets gestionats per Sun fent-los disponibles a través <ulink url=\"http://pkg."
+       "opensolaris.com/dev\">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> és un exemple "
+       "d'un publicador."
+#: package-manager.xml:542(para)
+msgid ""
+"The term <emphasis role=\"strong\">authority</emphasis> has been replaced "
+"with the term <emphasis role=\"strong\">publisher</emphasis> from the "
+"OpenSolaris 2009.06 release onwards."
+msgstr ""
+       "El terme <emphasis role=\"strong\">autoritat</emphasis> ha estat reemplaçat "
+       "amb el terme <emphasis role=\"strong\">publicador</emphasis> a "
+       "partir de l'alliberament d'OpenSolaris 2009.06."
+#: package-manager.xml:545(glossterm)
+msgid "boot environment"
+msgstr "entorn d'arranc"
+#: package-manager.xml:546(para)
+msgid ""
+"For an OpenSolaris release, a boot environment is an instance of a bootable "
+"OpenSolaris environment. The root file system and all other file systems of "
+"the boot environment that contain system software are required to be ZFS "
+msgstr ""
+       "Per a una versió d'OpenSolaris, un Entorn d'arranc és una instáncia d'un "
+       "entorn d'OpenSolaris arrancable. El sistema de fitxers arrel i totsd els altres sistemes de fitxers de "
+       "l'entorn d'arranc que conté el sistema de programari són necessaris per als registres de ZFS."
+#: package-manager.xml:547(para)
+msgid ""
+"The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Many boot "
+"environments can present on an OpenSolaris system and an inactive boot "
+"environment can be in a state of waiting for activation upon system reboot."
+msgstr ""
+       "L'entorn d'arranc actual és un que actalment està arrancat. Qualsevol "
+       "Entorn d'arranc pot presentar un sistema OpenSolaris i un Entorn d'arranc inactiu "
+       "pot tenir un estat esperant l'activació després de reiniciar el sistema."
+#: package-manager.xml:550(glossterm)
+msgid "clone"
+msgstr "Clonar"
+#: package-manager.xml:551(para)
+msgid "An exact copy."
+msgstr "Una còpia exacta."
+#: package-manager.xml:552(para)
+msgid ""
+"A clone could be an exact copy of an operating system, a file system, or a "
+"volume. This copy has 100% compatibility with the original."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un clon pot ser exactament la còpia d'un sistema operatiu, un sistema de fitxers, o un "
+       "volum. Aquesta còpia té una compatibilitat del 100% amb l'original."
+#: package-manager.xml:555(glossterm)
+msgid "dataset"
+msgstr "registre"
+#: package-manager.xml:556(para)
+msgid ""
+"A generic name for the following ZFS entities: clones, file systems, "
+"snapshots, or volumes. Each dataset is identified by a unique name in the "
+"ZFS namespace."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un nom genèric per a les següents entitats ZFS: clons, sistemes de fitxers, "
+       "instantànies, o volums. Cada registre està identificat per un únic nom a l'espai de noms ZFS."
+#: package-manager.xml:559(glossterm)
+msgid "image"
+msgstr "imatge"
+#: package-manager.xml:560(para)
+msgid ""
+"A collection of software in a package that comprises an entire or partial "
+"operating system. The package is suitable for installation."
+msgstr ""
+       "Una col·lecció de programari dins d'un paquet que comprimeix un sencer o parcial "
+       "sistema operatiu. El paquet és adequat per a la instal·lació."
+#: package-manager.xml:561(para)
+msgid ""
+"An image is a location on your system where packages and their associated "
+"files, directories, links, and dependencies can be installed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Una imatge és una localització al vostre sistema on els paquets i els seus "
+       "fitxers associats, directoris, enllaços, i dependències poden ser instal·lats."
+#: package-manager.xml:564(glossterm)
+msgid "package"
+msgstr "paquet"
+#: package-manager.xml:565(para)
+msgid ""
+"A collection of files, directories, links, drivers, and dependencies in a "
+"defined format."
+msgstr ""
+       "Una col·lecció de fitxers, directoris, enllaços, unitats, i dependències amb un "
+       "format determinat."
+#: package-manager.xml:568(glossterm)
+msgid "preferred repository"
+msgstr "repositori preferit"
+#: package-manager.xml:569(para)
+msgid ""
+"A default repository that is the source for packages. If a user does not "
+"explicitly specify a repository when installing and updating packages, the "
+"preferred repository is chosen as the source for packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un repositori predeterminat que és la font dels paquets. Si un usuari no especifica "
+       "implícitament un repositori quan s'instal·len o actualitzen paquets, es "
+       "seleccionarà el repositori predeterminat com a font per als paquets."
+#: package-manager.xml:572(glossterm)
+msgid "repository"
+msgstr "repositori"
+#: package-manager.xml:573(para)
+msgid ""
+"A location where packages are available for downloading. A publisher can "
+"publish packages to many repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "Una localització on els paquets estan disponibles per a la seva descàrrega. Un publicador pot "
+       "publicar paquets a diversos repositoris."
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
+#: package-manager.xml:0(None)
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "crèdits-traductor"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/help/ca/package-manager.xml.in	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.0/docbookx.dtd">
+<book id="pkgmgr" label="fcs" lang="en"><title>OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Online Help</title>
+<pubdate>June 2009</pubdate>
+<publisher><publishername>Sun Microsystems</publishername>
+<legalnotice><para>Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more U.S. patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries.</para>
+<para>U.S. Government Rights – Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements.</para>
+<para>This distribution may include materials developed by third parties.</para>
+<para>Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd.</para>
+<para>Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, the Solaris logo, the Java Coffee Cup logo, docs.sun.com, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. </para>
+<para>The OPEN LOOK and <trademark>Sun</trademark> Graphical User Interface was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun acknowledges the pioneering efforts of Xerox in researching and developing the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xerox to the Xerox Graphical User Interface, which license also covers Sun's licensees who implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Sun's written license agreements.</para>
+<para>Products covered by and information contained in this publication are controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weapons or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject to U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion lists, including, but not limited to, the denied persons and specially designated nationals lists is strictly prohibited.</para>
+<para lang="fr"></para>
+<para>Sun Microsystems, Inc. détient les droits de propriété intellectuelle relatifs à la technologie incorporée dans le produit qui est décrit dans ce document. En particulier, et ce sans limitation, ces droits de propriété intellectuelle peuvent inclure un ou plusieurs brevets américains ou des applications de brevet en attente aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays.</para>
+<para>Cette distribution peut comprendre des composants développés par des tierces personnes.</para>
+<para>Certaines composants de ce produit peuvent être dérivées du logiciel Berkeley BSD, licenciés par l'Université de Californie. UNIX est une marque déposée aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays; elle est licenciée exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd. </para>
+<para>Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, le logo Solaris, le logo Java Coffee Cup, docs.sun.com, Java et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de Sun Microsystems, Inc., ou ses filiales, aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de SPARC International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Les produits portant les marques SPARC sont basés sur une architecture développée par Sun Microsystems, Inc. </para>
+<para>L'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et Sun a été développée par Sun Microsystems, Inc. pour ses utilisateurs et licenciés. Sun reconnaît les efforts de pionniers de Xerox pour la recherche et le développement du concept des interfaces d'utilisation visuelle ou graphique pour l'industrie de l'informatique. Sun détient une licence non exclusive de Xerox sur l'interface d'utilisation graphique Xerox, cette licence couvrant également les licenciés de Sun qui mettent en place l'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et qui, en outre, se conforment aux licences écrites de Sun.</para>
+<para>Les produits qui font l'objet de cette publication et les informations qu'il contient sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des exportations et peuvent être soumis au droit d'autres pays dans le domaine des exportations et importations. Les utilisations finales, ou utilisateurs finaux, pour des armes nucléaires, des missiles, des armes chimiques ou biologiques ou pour le nucléaire maritime, directement ou indirectement, sont strictement interdites. Les exportations ou réexportations vers des pays sous embargo des Etats-Unis, ou vers des entités figurant sur les listes d'exclusion d'exportation américaines, y compris, mais de manière non exclusive, la liste de personnes qui font objet d'un ordre de ne pas participer, d'une façon directe ou indirecte, aux exportations des produits ou des services qui sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des exportations et la liste de ressortissants spécifiquement designés, sont rigoureusement interdites.</para>
+<chapter><title>About the Package Manager</title>
+<para>Welcome to the <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06 Package Manager online help!</para>
+<para>Use this help contents to learn how to use the Package Manager. Navigate through this help by clicking the topics displayed in the sidebar.</para>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager application is a graphical user interface for the Image Packaging System (IPS) software.</para>
+<para>The Package Manager enables you to perform the following tasks:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Search, install, and remove packages</para>
+<listitem><para>Update your system</para>
+<listitem><para>Add and modify repositories</para>
+<listitem><para>Create, remove, and manage boot environments</para>
+<note><para>See the <xref linkend="glossary"/> for a definition of the terms used in this document.</para>
+<sect1 id="gikcw"><title>About Image Packaging System</title>
+<para>Image Packaging System (IPS) is a software delivery system that interacts with a network repository. The IPS software is a framework which provides for software lifecycle management including installation, upgrade, and removal.</para>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 release uses IPS as its packaging system.</para>
+<para>After an initial installation of OpenSolaris 2009.06 operating system, you will find that many of the software applications that you use on a regular basis are not immediately available to you. These software applications are available as packages in a repository for downloading and installing over the Internet. A repository is a source for packages.</para>
+<para>Users can use IPS to install packages from a repository, create and publish their own IPS packages, mirror an existing repository, and publish existing packages to a repository.</para>
+<para>Once you have installed packages, IPS enables you to search, update, and manage packages on your system.</para>
+<para>With IPS , you can upgrade your system to a newer build of OpenSolaris, install and update your software to the latest available versions in a repository, and retrieve packages from mirror repositories. </para>
+<note><para><emphasis role="strong">The Package Manager provides a subset of the tasks that can be performed from the command-line.</emphasis></para>
+<para>If the system on which IPS is installed is on the network, IPS can automatically access the OpenSolaris repository. For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, your IPS client can access the packages from <ulink url="http://pkg.opensolaris.org"></ulink>. </para>
+<para>For more information about IPS, see the <ulink url="http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/">Image Packaging System Guide</ulink> and the IPS <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/">man pages</ulink>.</para>
+<para>Visit the <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg">project page</ulink> on opensolaris.org and subscribe to [email protected] to get involved with the IPS project.</para>
+<sect1 id="pm_win"><title>The Package Manager Window</title>
+<sect2 id="gijpl"><title>About the Package Manager Window</title>
+<para>When you start the Package Manager, the following window is displayed. </para>
+<figure id="gijpx"><title>Package Manager Start Up Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/pm_store.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>The Start Page provides links to <ulink url="http://opensolaris.com">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community.</para>
+<para>To close the Start Page and see the list of packages , perform any of the following actions in the main window of the Package Manager:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Select a package category</para>
+<listitem><para>Switch the top level category</para>
+<listitem><para>Switch the <literal>Show</literal> filter</para>
+<listitem><para>Perform a search</para>
+<listitem><para>Change the repository</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to return to the Start Page at anytime.</para>
+<note><para>See the <xref linkend="edit_prefs"/> section to turn off the <emphasis role="strong">initial display</emphasis> of the Start Page when the Package Manager starts.</para>
+<figure id="gilgx"><title>List of Packages in the Package Manager Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/pm_pkglist.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>The main window of the Package Manager consists of the following elements :</para>
+<variablelist><varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Menubar</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>You can access the menus on the menubar to perform all of the commands related to the Package Manager.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Toolbar</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The toolbar contains the icons for a subset of the commands that can be performed by using the menus on the menubar. A<literal>Search</literal> box is also located on the toolbar.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">List of Packages by Category</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>You can browse the available packages by category in the left hand side drop-down menu. The drop-down menu shows the list of categories available such as <emphasis role="strong">Applications-Desktop</emphasis>, <emphasis role="strong">Applications –Web—based</emphasis>, and <emphasis role="strong">Operating System</emphasis>.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">List of Packages by Status</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Show</literal> drop-down menu enables you to filter the list of packages by the following options :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">All Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of all packages available in the current repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages installed on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Updates Available</emphasis> — Shows the list of packages that have newer versions available in the current repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Non-installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages that are not installed, but are available in the currently selected repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Selected Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages that you have selected.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Package Name and Description</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The list of packages in the selected category, a brief description, and their status are displayed here.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Package Details</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>Click a package name to select it. Details of the selected package, such as name, version, file dependencies, and license are displayed in this window.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Repository Drop-down Menu</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The list of available repositories is shown in the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. Click a repository name to select it.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Search Box</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>Search for a package is provided in the following contexts :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Search within the current repository</para>
+<listitem><para>Search across all configured repositories</para>
+<sect2 id="edit_prefs"><title>Start Page Preferences</title>
+<para>A Start Page is displayed in the main window of the Package Manager when the application is started. The Start Page provides links to <ulink url="http://opensolaris.com">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community.</para>
+<para>You can choose to turn off this setting so this page is not displayed when Package Manager starts.</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu and uncheck the <emphasis role="strong">Show Start Page on startup</emphasis> box to disable the Start Page.</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to go to the Start Page at anytime.</para>
+<sect1><title>Working With Packages</title>
+<sect2 id="install_pkg"><title>Install a Package</title>
+<para>The list of packages is displayed in the main windows of the Package Manager. Perform the following steps to install a package:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>To install a single package, click on a package to select it. To install many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to install.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> icon in the toolbar to start the package installation process.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guimenuitem>Install/Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the package installation process.</para>
+<listitem><para>View the details or cancel the package installation .</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guilabel>Show Details</guilabel> to view the details.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window. </para>
+<listitem><para>After the installation has completed, click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> on the <literal>Installation Completed</literal> dialog box to return to the main window.</para>
+<subtopic id="gilxb"><title>Installation Error</title>
+<para>If an error occurs during package installation, an error dialog box is displayed. An <guilabel>Installation Failed</guilabel> message and the reason for the failure is displayed. Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> to close the error dialog box and return to the main window of the Package Manager.</para>
+<sect2 id="remove_pkg"><title>Remove a Package</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to remove a package:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>To remove a single package, click on a package to select it. To remove many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to remove.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button in the toolbar to start the package uninstallation process.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove a package.</para>
+<listitem><para>Review the packages to be removed and the package dependencies details in the <literal>Remove Confirmation</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Uninstall the package or cancel the uninstallation process.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to start uninstalling the packages.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window.</para>
+<note><para>After you click the <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> button, you cannot undo the package removal action. However, you can reinstall the package at any time.</para>
+<sect2 id="search_pkg"><title>Search for a Package</title>
+<para>You can search for a package in the following ways :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Search the current repository</emphasis> – Search for a package in the repository currently selected in the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. The category selection or the <literal>Show</literal> filter does not affect the search and the search is performed on all packages in the currently selected repository.</para>
+<para>Enter a description, or a partial name in the <literal>Search</literal> box located on the toolbar. For example, you might type one of the following search terms to search for <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :</para>
+<para>To search for SunStudio compilers, you might type one of the following terms:</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Search all repositories</emphasis> – Select the multi-repository icon in the <literal>Search</literal> box to search for the package across all configured or registered repositories.</para>
+<para>Note the following important considerations when using the multi-repository search.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>The multi-repository search currently supports a search based on the package contents including its description, classification, and the files contained within the package. However, the correct results are displayed only if the term used for searching is an <emphasis role="strong">exact</emphasis> match.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">The multi-repository search does not search the package name</emphasis>.</para>
+<listitem><para>Wild card searching is supported by using the asterisk wild card, <literal>*</literal>, in the search term. Search using the wild card can be slower than an exact match search.</para>
+<para>Type a description of the package in the box. For example, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package is a book on Python programming. The description of the package contains the string <emphasis>book</emphasis>. To search for this package, you might then type one of the following terms:</para>
+<note><para>If you searched for the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> in the multi-repository search, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package will not be displayed as the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> is not present as an independent, complete word in the package contents. However you will find the package using the <literal>*</literal> wild card. Hence, searching for the term <literal>diveinto*</literal> will display the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package.</para>
+<tip><itemizedlist><listitem><para>Use the submenus under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></menuchoice> menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text in the <literal>Search</literal> box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Use the icon on the right side of the <literal>Search</literal> box to clear the search results.</para>
+<sect2 id="update_pkg"><title>Update a Package</title>
+<para>Look for the green icon next to the installed package name. This icon indicates that updates are available for the package in the currently selected repository. Select the package and click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> button to install the latest version of the package.</para>
+<sect1 id="intro_be"><title>Introduction to Boot Environments</title>
+<para>A boot environment is an image that is bootable. Upon an initial OpenSolaris installation, a boot environment is created.</para>
+<para> You can maintain multiple boot environments on your OpenSolaris 2009.06 system. Use the <command>beadm(1)</command> command from the command—line interface (CLI) to create, rename, mount or unmount, or destroy these boot environments.</para>
+<para>The Package Manager enables you to manage the boot environments created during the process of updating your image. For more information, see <xref linkend="manage_be"/> section.</para>
+<para>System administrators can maintain multiple boot environments on their systems, and each boot environment can have different software versions installed.</para>
+<para>When you use either the Package Manager or the <command>pkg image-update</command> command to update all the packages in your active OpenSolaris boot environment, a clone of that boot environment is automatically created. The packages are updated in the clone rather than in the original boot environment. After successfully completing the updates, the new clone is activated. Then, the clone will become the new default boot environment on system reboot. The original boot environment is also available as an alternate selection.</para>
+<para> See the beadm(1) man pages and the <ulink url="http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html"><citetitle>Upgrading and Managing Boot Environments</citetitle></ulink> document to learn more about boot environments and the <command>beadm(1)</command> command.</para>
+<sect2 id="update_all"><title>Update All Packages (Update Your Image)</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to update all the packages in your image.</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon located on the toolbar to start the process of updating <emphasis role="strong">all</emphasis> the packages installed in your image.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guisubmenu>Update All</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to start the process.</para>
+<note><para>The <guilabel>Update All</guilabel> icon is enabled when updates are available to the installed packages.</para>
+<listitem><para>A <literal>Create New Boot Environment</literal> window is displayed. A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated.</para>
+<listitem><para>(optional) You can change the name of the new boot environment if you want.</para>
+<listitem><para>Confirm or Cancel the new boot environment.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and proceed with the Update All process.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process.</para>
+<note><para>During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state that existed before the Update All process was started. If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend="gilfh"/> section on how to rectify the error and continue with updating your image.</para>
+<para>If you chose to proceed with the Update All process, the packages are downloaded and installed.</para>
+<para>After a successful completion, the <literal>Update All Complete</literal> dialog box is shown. A link to the Release Notes is provided in the dialog box. Read the <xref linkend="release_notes"/> before rebooting your system.</para>
+<listitem><para> Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton>. </para>
+<note><para><emphasis role="strong">You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect.</emphasis></para>
+<sect2 id="gilfh"><title>Update All Errors</title>
+<para>A new boot environment clone must be created by the Package Manager for the Update All process to be completed. An error message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created. You might see an error message such as the following :</para>
+<para><literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to cancel the action</literal>.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return to the main window.</para>
+<para>Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue with the Update All process: </para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to display the <literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select the boot environments that you want to delete.</para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>You cannot delete the currently active boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>You do not need to reboot your system if you are only deleting some of your boot environments.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is shown. Review your changes and click OK to proceed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon to restart the process of updating all packages.</para>
+<sect2 id="manage_be"><title>Manage Boot Environments</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to manage your boot environments:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Boot Environments</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Boot Environments</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para id="gijqg">In this dialog box , you can perform the following actions:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Activate a boot environment</emphasis> – Select the boot environment that you want to be active on system reboot. This will be the default boot environment <emphasis role="strong">after</emphasis> you have rebooted your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Remove old or unused boot environments to free up disk space</emphasis> – Select the boot environments that you want to delete.</para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>You cannot the delete the currently active boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>If you have selected a boot environment to be renamed, it cannot be deleted.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Rename a boot environment</emphasis> – Double-click the boot environment name that you want to change. Enter the new name of the boot environment and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. </para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>If you have selected a boot environment to be deleted, it cannot be renamed.</para>
+<listitem><para>The currently active boot environment cannot be renamed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Accept or decline the changes:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel all changes and return to the main window.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is displayed. Review your changes and click OK to proceed.</para>
+<warning role="caution"><para>After you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, you cannot undo any changes that you made to the boot environments.</para>
+<note><para>The changes that you made to the <emphasis role="strong">default boot environment</emphasis> setting are effective only after system reboot.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the changes and return to the <literal>BE Management</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Reboot your system to boot into the newly activated boot environment.</para>
+<note><para>Reboot your system only if you changed the active boot environment.</para>
+<sect1 id="manage_repo"><title>Managing Repositories</title>
+<sect2 id="add_repo"><title>Add a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to add a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <guilabel>Add...</guilabel> from the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu in the main window of the Package Manager.</para>
+<listitem><para> The <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed. Type the name and the address (URL) of the repository you want to add. Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>.</para>
+<sect2 id="add_secure_repo"><title>Add a Secure Repository</title>
+<para>A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access. Perform the following steps to add a secure repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Follow the steps in <xref linkend="add_repo"/> section to add a repository.</para>
+<listitem><para>Follow the steps in the <xref linkend="modify_repo"/> section to add a SSL key and certificate.</para>
+<sect2 id="remove_repo"><title>Remove a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to remove a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select a repository from the list. Click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>.</para>
+<note><para>A repository that has been set as preferred repository cannot be removed. To remove a preferred repository, set a nonpreferred repository as preferred, and then remove the repository.</para>
+<sect2 id="set_pref_repo"><title>Set a Preferred Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to set a preferred repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the radio button next to the repository that you would like to set as the preferred repository.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> if you are not making any other changes to the repository information.</para>
+<sect2 id="modify_repo"><title>Modify a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to modify a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select the repository that you want to modify.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button.</para>
+<para> The <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box is displayed. You can perform the following actions in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Change the URL of the repository</emphasis> – Type a valid URL for the repository.</para>
+<para>You cannot change a repository name after you have added a repository. To change the repository name, delete the existing repository with the old name and add a repository with the new name. See the <xref linkend="remove_repo"/> section for steps on how to remove a repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Add a SSL Key and Certificate</emphasis> – A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access.</para>
+<para>The <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box links to a registration site which provides instructions for downloading the SSL key and certificate</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>In the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box, click the <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link to download the key and certificate. Save them on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Add a Mirror</emphasis> – If a repository has a mirror, add the repository name and URL, and then click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to add the mirror information.</para>
+<listitem><para>Confirm or decline the changes.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the changes and return to the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel your changes.</para>
+<sect1><title>Working With WebInstall</title>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager provides support for users to add new repositories and optionally, install packages from these repositories using a simple one-click WebInstall process. A <filename>.p5i</filename> file which contains the repositories to be added and optionally, the package or packages that can be installed from these repositories, is required for the WebInstall process. The information contained in the <filename>.p5i</filename> file is read and used by the WebInstall process.</para>
+<sect2 id="webinstall"><title>How to Use WebInstall to Add Repositories and Install Packages</title>
+<bridgehead>Before You Begin</bridgehead><para>Locate the <filename>.p5i</filename> file which may be present on your desktop, the Start page in the Package Manager, or on a website.</para>
+<procedure><step><para>Start the Package manager in WebInstall mode in one of the following ways:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click on a <filename>.p5i</filename> file on your desktop, and the associated application, Package Manager in WebInstall mode, will be launched.</para>
+<listitem><para>Start the Package Manager from the command-line along with a path to the <filename>.p5i</filename> file. For example, type the following command at the command-line:</para>
+<para><command>$ pfexec packagemanager/<replaceable>path_to_pi5_file/file.p5i</replaceable></command></para>
+<listitem><para>Click on a URL location that contains a link to <filename>.p5i</filename> file. If you are using this method to start the WebInstall, the <filename>.p5i</filename> file <emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be located on a web server that has registered the new mime type. Only then, the web server can manage the <filename>.p5i</filename> automatically and start Package Manager in WebInstall mode.</para>
+<para>If the <filename>.p5i</filename> is located on a web server that does not have the new mime type registered, save the <filename>.p5i</filename> file to your desktop and then click on it to launch Web Install.</para>
+<step><para>The following example window that shows a list of repositories that will be added and the packages that will be installed. Review the information.</para>
+<figure id="gilwx"><title>Package Manager WebInstaller</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/wi_start.png" /></imageobject>
+<step><para>Confirm or cancel the WebInstall process.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to add the new repositories and install the packages.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. The Package Manager application exits.</para>
+<step><para>(Optional) If the repositories that are to be added are secure repositories, an SSL key and certificate is required. An <literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click the <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link in the <literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box to download the SSL key and certificate. </para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed.</para>
+<para>The <literal>Adding New Repositories</literal> status bar is displayed.</para>
+<step><para>(Optional) If packages are being installed, the <literal>Install/Update</literal> dialog box is displayed. Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation.</para>
+<para>The application will close when all packages are installed.</para>
+<sect1 id="um_info"><title>Working With the Update Manager</title>
+<sect2 id="gijqh"><title>About The Update Manager</title>
+<para>The Update Manager is a separate application that starts from the desktop when updates to the installed packages are available in the repository.</para>
+<figure id="gijqi"><title>Update Manager Main Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/update_all.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>You can use the Update Manager application to update the installed packages in your image.</para>
+<note><para>For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, the Update Manager updates <emphasis role="strong">all</emphasis> installed packages in the image. This action is equivalent to running the <command>pkg image-update</command> command from the command-line.</para>
+<sect2 id="using_um"><title>Using the Update Manager</title>
+<para>When updates are available to the installed packages, a notification icon is displayed in the notification panel on the OpenSolaris desktop.</para>
+<para> You can also click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</guimenu><guisubmenu>Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Update Manager</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to manually launch the Update Manager.</para>
+<para>When you are notified of a software update, perform the following steps to begin the process of updating your system:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click the notification icon on the desktop to display the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window.</para>
+<note><para>Select a package and click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel if you want to view more information about the package.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Update All</literal> dialog box is displayed. Proceed with the Update All process or cancel the action.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and update all packages in the current image.</para>
+<para>During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state that existed before the Update All process was started. </para>
+<para>If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend="gileh"/> section on how to rectify the error and continue with updating your image.</para>
+<note><para>A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated. You can accept the name generated by the system, or provide your own name for the boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process.</para>
+<listitem><para>If you chose to proceed, the <literal>Installing Updates</literal> windows are displayed. The package installation process consists of four stages:</para>
+<para>You can choose to cancel the process only during the <emphasis role="strong">Prepare</emphasis> and <emphasis role="strong">Download</emphasis> stages. Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to cancel the installation process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window of the Update Manager.</para>
+<note><para>If an error occurs during any of the stages, the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel is expanded and the details of the error are displayed. An error status indicator is shown next to the failed stage.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel to view more information about each of the installation processes.</para>
+<listitem><para>Read the <xref linkend="release_notes"/> before rebooting your system.</para>
+<warning role="caution"><para>You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect.</para>
+<sect2 id="gileh"><title>Update All Errors</title>
+<para>A new boot environment clone <emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be created for the Update All process to be completed. The following error message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created due to space restrictions :</para>
+<para><literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to cancel the action</literal>.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return to the Update Manager main window.</para>
+<para>Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue with the Update All process: </para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> in the error dialog box to go to the <literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Go to step 2 in the <xref linkend="gilfh"/> section. Follow the instructions to delete old or unused boot environments and free up disk space.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window to restart the process of updating all packages.</para>
+<sect1 id="release_notes"><title>Release Notes</title>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Release Notes are available at the following locations:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>x86 <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200811/x86/">Release Notes</ulink></para>
+<listitem><para><trademark class="registered">SPARC</trademark> <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200906/sparc">Release Notes</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="gimfg"><title>Package Manager Screencast</title>
+<para>A screencast that shows Package Manager usage for beginners is available. Click the link below to go to the screencast.</para>
+<para><ulink url="http://webcast-west.sun.com/interactive/09D02034/index.html">OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Screencast</ulink></para>
+<glossary id="glossary"><title>Image Packaging System Glossary</title>
+<glossdef lang="en"><para>A person, group, or corporation that designs, creates, and publishes a package to a repository. The repository in turn serves the packages from the (default) publisher, for downloading purposes. The developer-quality packages managed by Sun and made available through <ulink url="http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> is an example of a publisher.</para>
+<para>The term <emphasis role="strong">authority</emphasis> has been replaced with the term <emphasis role="strong">publisher</emphasis> from the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release onwards.</para>
+<glossentry><glossterm>boot environment</glossterm>
+<glossdef><para>For an OpenSolaris release, a boot environment is an instance of a bootable OpenSolaris environment. The root file system and all other file systems of the boot environment that contain system software are required to be ZFS datasets.</para>
+<para>The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Many boot environments can present on an OpenSolaris system and an inactive boot environment can be in a state of waiting for activation upon system reboot.</para>
+<glossdef><para>An exact copy. </para>
+<para>A clone could be an exact copy of an operating system, a file system, or a volume. This copy has 100% compatibility with the original.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A generic name for the following ZFS entities: clones, file systems, snapshots, or volumes. Each dataset is identified by a unique name in the ZFS namespace.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A collection of software in a package that comprises an entire or partial operating system. The package is suitable for installation.</para>
+<para>An image is a location on your system where packages and their associated files, directories, links, and dependencies can be installed.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A collection of files, directories, links, drivers, and dependencies in a defined format.</para>
+<glossentry><glossterm>preferred repository</glossterm>
+<glossdef><para>A default repository that is the source for packages. If a user does not explicitly specify a repository when installing and updating packages, the preferred repository is chosen as the source for packages.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A location where packages are available for downloading. A publisher can publish packages to many repositories.</para>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/help/hu/hu.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2212 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+# Use is subject to license terms.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-23 10:17+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: package-manager.xml:66(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/pm_store.png'; md5=4d451d067ad02bc33cae5b55f35ec60a"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/pm_store.png'; md5=4d451d067ad02bc33cae5b55f35ec60a"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: package-manager.xml:86(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/pm_pkglist.png'; md5=1ddfad59d99ad9e513d30fa402a11fe5"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/pm_pkglist.png'; md5=1ddfad59d99ad9e513d30fa402a11fe5"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: package-manager.xml:434(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/wi_start.png'; md5=ac56d72dd8f342ac4f04e9d4b2a9f45f"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/wi_start.png'; md5=ac56d72dd8f342ac4f04e9d4b2a9f45f"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: package-manager.xml:464(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/update_all.png'; md5=af873a11d59466bf46c49bd3d3a227af"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/update_all.png'; md5=af873a11d59466bf46c49bd3d3a227af"
+#: package-manager.xml:3(title)
+msgid "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Online Help"
+msgstr "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Csomagkezelő Súgó"
+#: package-manager.xml:4(firstname)
+msgid "OpenSolaris"
+msgstr "OpenSolaris"
+#: package-manager.xml:5(surname)
+msgid "Publications"
+msgstr "Publikációk"
+#: package-manager.xml:8(pubsnumber)
+msgid "822-7173"
+msgstr "822-7173"
+#: package-manager.xml:10(pubdate)
+msgid "June 2009"
+msgstr "June 2009"
+#: package-manager.xml:11(publishername)
+msgid "Sun Microsystems"
+msgstr "Sun Microsystems"
+#: package-manager.xml:13(year)
+msgid "2009"
+msgstr "2009"
+#: package-manager.xml:15(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to "
+"technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In "
+"particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may "
+"include one or more U.S. patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. "
+"and in other countries."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:16(para)
+msgid ""
+"U.S. Government Rights – Commercial software. Government users are subject "
+"to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable "
+"provisions of the FAR and its supplements."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:17(para)
+msgid "This distribution may include materials developed by third parties."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:18(para)
+msgid ""
+"Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from "
+"the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and "
+"other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:19(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, the Solaris logo, the Java Coffee Cup "
+"logo, docs.sun.com, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered "
+"trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and "
+"other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are "
+"trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. "
+"and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an "
+"architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:20(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OPEN LOOK and <trademark>Sun</trademark> Graphical User Interface was "
+"developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun "
+"acknowledges the pioneering efforts of Xerox in researching and developing "
+"the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer "
+"industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xerox to the Xerox "
+"Graphical User Interface, which license also covers Sun's licensees who "
+"implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Sun's written license "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:21(para)
+msgid ""
+"Products covered by and information contained in this publication are "
+"controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or "
+"import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical or biological "
+"weapons or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or "
+"indirect, are strictly prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject "
+"to U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion lists, "
+"including, but not limited to, the denied persons and specially designated "
+"nationals lists is strictly prohibited."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:22(para)
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:24(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. détient les droits de propriété intellectuelle "
+"relatifs à la technologie incorporée dans le produit qui est décrit dans ce "
+"document. En particulier, et ce sans limitation, ces droits de propriété "
+"intellectuelle peuvent inclure un ou plusieurs brevets américains ou des "
+"applications de brevet en attente aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:25(para)
+msgid ""
+"Cette distribution peut comprendre des composants développés par des tierces "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:26(para)
+msgid ""
+"Certaines composants de ce produit peuvent être dérivées du logiciel "
+"Berkeley BSD, licenciés par l'Université de Californie. UNIX est une marque "
+"déposée aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays; elle est licenciée "
+"exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:27(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, le logo Solaris, le logo Java Coffee "
+"Cup, docs.sun.com, Java et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique ou des "
+"marques déposées de Sun Microsystems, Inc., ou ses filiales, aux Etats-Unis "
+"et dans d'autres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence "
+"et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de SPARC "
+"International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Les produits "
+"portant les marques SPARC sont basés sur une architecture développée par Sun "
+"Microsystems, Inc."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:28(para)
+msgid ""
+"L'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et Sun a été développée par "
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. pour ses utilisateurs et licenciés. Sun reconnaît les "
+"efforts de pionniers de Xerox pour la recherche et le développement du "
+"concept des interfaces d'utilisation visuelle ou graphique pour l'industrie "
+"de l'informatique. Sun détient une licence non exclusive de Xerox sur "
+"l'interface d'utilisation graphique Xerox, cette licence couvrant également "
+"les licenciés de Sun qui mettent en place l'interface d'utilisation "
+"graphique OPEN LOOK et qui, en outre, se conforment aux licences écrites de "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:29(para)
+msgid ""
+"Les produits qui font l'objet de cette publication et les informations qu'il "
+"contient sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des "
+"exportations et peuvent être soumis au droit d'autres pays dans le domaine "
+"des exportations et importations. Les utilisations finales, ou utilisateurs "
+"finaux, pour des armes nucléaires, des missiles, des armes chimiques ou "
+"biologiques ou pour le nucléaire maritime, directement ou indirectement, "
+"sont strictement interdites. Les exportations ou réexportations vers des "
+"pays sous embargo des Etats-Unis, ou vers des entités figurant sur les "
+"listes d'exclusion d'exportation américaines, y compris, mais de manière non "
+"exclusive, la liste de personnes qui font objet d'un ordre de ne pas "
+"participer, d'une façon directe ou indirecte, aux exportations des produits "
+"ou des services qui sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de "
+"contrôle des exportations et la liste de ressortissants spécifiquement "
+"designés, sont rigoureusement interdites."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:30(para)
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:33(title)
+msgid "About the Package Manager"
+msgstr "A Csomagkezelőről"
+#: package-manager.xml:34(para)
+msgid ""
+"Welcome to the <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06 Package Manager "
+"online help!"
+msgstr ""
+       "Üdvözöljük az <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06 Csomagkezelő súgójában!"
+#: package-manager.xml:35(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use this help contents to learn how to use the Package Manager. Navigate "
+"through this help by clicking the topics displayed in the sidebar."
+msgstr ""
+       "Ezen súgó segítségével megtanulhatja használni a Csomagkezelőt. Haladjon végig a súgón az oldalsávon található témakörök végigolvasásával."
+#: package-manager.xml:36(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager application is a graphical user "
+"interface for the Image Packaging System (IPS) software."
+msgstr ""
+       "Az OpenSolaris 2009.06 Csomagkezelő alkalmazás egy grafikus felhasználói felülete az Image Packaging System (IPS) szoftvernek."
+#: package-manager.xml:37(para)
+msgid "The Package Manager enables you to perform the following tasks:"
+msgstr "A Csomagkezelő lehetővé teszi a következő feladatok ellátását:"
+#: package-manager.xml:38(para)
+msgid "Search, install, and remove packages"
+msgstr "Csomagok keresése, telepítése és eltávolítása"
+#: package-manager.xml:40(para)
+msgid "Update your system"
+msgstr "Rendszer frissítse"
+#: package-manager.xml:42(para)
+msgid "Add and modify repositories"
+msgstr "Telepítési források hozzáadása és módosítása"
+#: package-manager.xml:44(para)
+msgid "Create, remove, and manage boot environments"
+msgstr "Boot environment-ek hozzáadása, eltávolítása és kezelése"
+#: package-manager.xml:47(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the <xref linkend=\"glossary\"/> for a definition of the terms used in "
+"this document."
+msgstr ""
+       "Tekintse meg a <xref linkend=\"szójegyzéket\"/> a dokumentumban használt fogalmak magyarázata céljából."
+#: package-manager.xml:49(title)
+msgid "About Image Packaging System"
+msgstr "Az Image Packaging System-ről"
+#: package-manager.xml:50(para)
+msgid ""
+"Image Packaging System (IPS) is a software delivery system that interacts "
+"with a network repository. The IPS software is a framework which provides "
+"for software lifecycle management including installation, upgrade, and "
+msgstr ""
+       "Image Packaging System (IPS) is a software delivery system that interacts "
+       "with a network repository. The IPS software is a framework which provides "
+       "for software lifecycle management including installation, upgrade, and "
+       "removal."
+#: package-manager.xml:51(para)
+msgid "The OpenSolaris 2009.06 release uses IPS as its packaging system."
+msgstr "Az OpenSolaris 2009.06 kiadás csomagkezelő rendszernek az IPS-t használja."
+#: package-manager.xml:52(para)
+msgid ""
+"After an initial installation of OpenSolaris 2009.06 operating system, you "
+"will find that many of the software applications that you use on a regular "
+"basis are not immediately available to you. These software applications are "
+"available as packages in a repository for downloading and installing over "
+"the Internet. A repository is a source for packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "After an initial installation of OpenSolaris 2009.06 operating system, you "
+       "will find that many of the software applications that you use on a regular "
+       "basis are not immediately available to you. These software applications are "
+       "available as packages in a repository for downloading and installing over "
+       "the Internet. A repository is a source for packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:53(para)
+msgid ""
+"Users can use IPS to install packages from a repository, create and publish "
+"their own IPS packages, mirror an existing repository, and publish existing "
+"packages to a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Users can use IPS to install packages from a repository, create and publish "
+       "their own IPS packages, mirror an existing repository, and publish existing "
+       "packages to a repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:54(para)
+msgid ""
+"Once you have installed packages, IPS enables you to search, update, and "
+"manage packages on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Miután már telepített csomagokat, az IPS lehetővé teszi csomagok keresését, frissítését és kezelését a rendszerén."
+#: package-manager.xml:55(para)
+msgid ""
+"With IPS , you can upgrade your system to a newer build of OpenSolaris, "
+"install and update your software to the latest available versions in a "
+"repository, and retrieve packages from mirror repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "With IPS , you can upgrade your system to a newer build of OpenSolaris, "
+       "install and update your software to the latest available versions in a "
+       "repository, and retrieve packages from mirror repositories."
+#: package-manager.xml:56(emphasis)
+msgid ""
+"The Package Manager provides a subset of the tasks that can be performed "
+"from the command-line."
+msgstr ""
+       "A Csomagkezelő a parancssorban végrehajtható műveletek egy részéhez nyújt elérést. "
+#: package-manager.xml:58(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the system on which IPS is installed is on the network, IPS can "
+"automatically access the OpenSolaris repository. For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+"release, your IPS client can access the packages from <ulink url=\"http://"
+msgstr ""
+       "If the system on which IPS is installed is on the network, IPS can "
+       "automatically access the OpenSolaris repository. For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+       "release, your IPS client can access the packages from <ulink url=\"http://"
+       "pkg.opensolaris.org\"/>."
+#: package-manager.xml:59(para)
+msgid ""
+"For more information about IPS, see the <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/"
+"docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/\">Image Packaging System Guide</ulink> "
+"and the IPS <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/"
+"\">man pages</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+       "További információkért az IPS-ről, tekintse meg a <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/"
+       "docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/\">Image Packaging System Utmutatót</ulink> és az IPS <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/"
+       "\">man oldalakat</ulink>."
+#: package-manager.xml:60(para)
+msgid ""
+"Visit the <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg\">project page</"
+"ulink> on opensolaris.org and subscribe to [email protected] to get "
+"involved with the IPS project."
+msgstr ""
+       "Látogasson el a <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg\">projekt oldalára</"
+       "ulink> az opensolaris.org-on és iratkozzon fel a [email protected] listára, hogy bevonja magát az IPS projektben."
+#: package-manager.xml:62(title)
+msgid "The Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "A Csomagkezelő ablak"
+#: package-manager.xml:63(title)
+msgid "About the Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "A Csomagkezelő ablakról"
+#: package-manager.xml:64(para)
+msgid "When you start the Package Manager, the following window is displayed."
+msgstr "A Csomagkezelő indításakor a következő ablak jelenik meg."
+#: package-manager.xml:65(title)
+msgid "Package Manager Start Up Window"
+msgstr "Csomagkezelő Kezdő Ablak"
+#: package-manager.xml:69(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Start Page provides links to <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.com"
+"\">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about "
+"OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community."
+msgstr ""
+       "A Kezdő Oldalon hivatkozásokat tartalmaz a <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.com"
+       "\">opensolaris.com</ulink> oldalra ahol még több információt találhat az OpenSolaris-ról, feliratkozhat a hírlevelekre és csatlakozhat az OpenSolaris közösséghez."
+#: package-manager.xml:70(para)
+msgid ""
+"To close the Start Page and see the list of packages , perform any of the "
+"following actions in the main window of the Package Manager:"
+msgstr ""
+       "A Kezdő Oldal bezárásához és a csomagok listájának megtekintéséhez hajtsa végre a következő lépések bármelyikét a Csomagkezelő fő ablakán:"
+#: package-manager.xml:71(para)
+msgid "Select a package category"
+msgstr "Válasszon egy csomag kategóriát"
+#: package-manager.xml:73(para)
+msgid "Switch the top level category"
+msgstr "A legfelsőbb szintű kategória megváltoztatása"
+#: package-manager.xml:75(para)
+msgid "Switch the <literal>Show</literal> filter"
+msgstr "A <literal>Nézet</literal> szűrő megváltoztatása"
+#: package-manager.xml:77(para)
+msgid "Perform a search"
+msgstr "Keresés indítása"
+#: package-manager.xml:79(para)
+msgid "Change the repository"
+msgstr "Telepítési forrás megváltoztatása"
+#: package-manager.xml:82(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to return to the Start Page at anytime."
+msgstr ""
+       "Válassza a <menuchoice><guimenu>Nézet</guimenu><guimenuitem>Kezdő Oldal</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> a Kezdő Oldalhoz való visszatéréshez."
+#: package-manager.xml:83(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the <xref linkend=\"edit_prefs\"/> section to turn off the <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">initial display</emphasis> of the Start Page when the "
+"Package Manager starts."
+msgstr ""
+       "See the <xref linkend=\"edit_prefs\"/> section to turn off the <emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">initial display</emphasis> of the Start Page when the "
+       "Package Manager starts."
+#: package-manager.xml:85(title)
+msgid "List of Packages in the Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "Csomagok listája a Csomagkezelő ablakban"
+#: package-manager.xml:89(para)
+msgid ""
+"The main window of the Package Manager consists of the following elements :"
+msgstr ""
+       "A Csomagkezelő fő ablaka a következő részekből áll:"
+#: package-manager.xml:90(emphasis)
+msgid "Menubar"
+msgstr "Menüsor"
+#: package-manager.xml:91(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can access the menus on the menubar to perform all of the commands "
+"related to the Package Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can access the menus on the menubar to perform all of the commands "
+       "related to the Package Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:95(emphasis)
+msgid "Toolbar"
+msgstr "Eszköztár"
+#: package-manager.xml:96(para)
+msgid ""
+"The toolbar contains the icons for a subset of the commands that can be "
+"performed by using the menus on the menubar. A<literal>Search</literal> box "
+"is also located on the toolbar."
+msgstr ""
+       "The toolbar contains the icons for a subset of the commands that can be "
+       "performed by using the menus on the menubar. A<literal>Search</literal> box "
+       "is also located on the toolbar."
+#: package-manager.xml:99(emphasis)
+msgid "List of Packages by Category"
+msgstr "Csomagok kategóriák szerinti listázása"
+#: package-manager.xml:100(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can browse the available packages by category in the left hand side drop-"
+"down menu. The drop-down menu shows the list of categories available such as "
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Applications-Desktop</emphasis>, <emphasis role="
+"\"strong\">Applications –Web—based</emphasis>, and <emphasis role=\"strong"
+"\">Operating System</emphasis>."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can browse the available packages by category in the left hand side drop-"
+       "down menu. The drop-down menu shows the list of categories available such as "
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Applications-Desktop</emphasis>, <emphasis role="
+       "\"strong\">Applications –Web—based</emphasis>, and <emphasis role=\"strong"
+       "\">Operating System</emphasis>."
+#: package-manager.xml:103(emphasis)
+msgid "List of Packages by Status"
+msgstr "Csomagok állapot szerinti listázása"
+#: package-manager.xml:104(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Show</literal> drop-down menu enables you to filter the list of "
+"packages by the following options :"
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Show</literal> drop-down menu enables you to filter the list of "
+       "packages by the following options :"
+#: package-manager.xml:105(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">All Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of all "
+"packages available in the current repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Összes csomag</emphasis> – Megjeleníti az összes elérhető csomagot az aktuális telepítési forrásból."
+#: package-manager.xml:107(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of "
+"packages installed on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Telepített Csomagok</emphasis> – Megjeleníti a rendszerre telepített csomagok listáját."
+#: package-manager.xml:109(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Updates Available</emphasis> — Shows the list of "
+"packages that have newer versions available in the current repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Elérhető Frissítések</emphasis> — Megjeleníti az újabb verzióval rendelkező csomagok listáját az aktuális telepítési forrásból."
+#: package-manager.xml:111(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Non-installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list "
+"of packages that are not installed, but are available in the currently "
+"selected repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Non-installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list "
+       "of packages that are not installed, but are available in the currently "
+       "selected repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:113(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Selected Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of "
+"packages that you have selected."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Kiválasztott Csomagok</emphasis> – Megjeleníti a kiválasztott csomagok listáját."
+#: package-manager.xml:118(emphasis)
+msgid "Package Name and Description"
+msgstr "Csomagnév és leírás"
+#: package-manager.xml:119(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of packages in the selected category, a brief description, and "
+"their status are displayed here."
+msgstr ""
+       "The list of packages in the selected category, a brief description, and "
+       "their status are displayed here."
+#: package-manager.xml:122(emphasis)
+msgid "Package Details"
+msgstr "Csomag Részletek"
+#: package-manager.xml:123(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click a package name to select it. Details of the selected package, such as "
+"name, version, file dependencies, and license are displayed in this window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click a package name to select it. Details of the selected package, such as "
+       "name, version, file dependencies, and license are displayed in this window."
+#: package-manager.xml:126(emphasis)
+msgid "Repository Drop-down Menu"
+msgstr "Telepítési forrás lenyíló menü"
+#: package-manager.xml:127(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of available repositories is shown in the <literal>Repository</"
+"literal> drop-down menu. Click a repository name to select it."
+msgstr ""
+       "Az elérhető telepítési források listája a <literal>Telepítési Forrás</"
+       "literal> lenyíló menüben található. Kattintson a telepítési forrás nevére a kiválasztáshoz."
+#: package-manager.xml:130(emphasis)
+msgid "Search Box"
+msgstr "Kereső mező"
+#: package-manager.xml:131(para)
+msgid "Search for a package is provided in the following contexts :"
+msgstr "Csomagok keresése a következő tekintetekben lehetséges :"
+#: package-manager.xml:132(para)
+msgid "Search within the current repository"
+msgstr "Keresés az aktuális telepítési forrásban"
+#: package-manager.xml:134(para)
+msgid "Search across all configured repositories"
+msgstr "Keresés az összes telepítési forrásban"
+#: package-manager.xml:141(title)
+msgid "Start Page Preferences"
+msgstr "A Kezdő Oldal előnyei"
+#: package-manager.xml:142(para)
+msgid ""
+"A Start Page is displayed in the main window of the Package Manager when the "
+"application is started. The Start Page provides links to <ulink url=\"http://"
+"opensolaris.com\">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more "
+"information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the "
+"OpenSolaris community."
+msgstr ""
+       "A Kezdő Oldal a Csomagkezelő fő ablakában jelenik meg a program indítását követően. A Kezdő Oldal hivatkozást nyújt az <ulink url=\"http://"
+       "opensolaris.com\">opensolaris.com</ulink> oldalra, ahol további információkat találhat az OpenSolaris-ról, feliratkozhat a hírlevelekre és csatlakozhat az OpenSolaris közösséghez."
+#: package-manager.xml:143(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can choose to turn off this setting so this page is not displayed when "
+"Package Manager starts."
+msgstr ""
+       "Akár ki is kapcsolhatja ezt a beállítást így nem kerül megjelenítésre az oldal a Csomagkezelő indításakor."
+#: package-manager.xml:144(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu and uncheck the <emphasis role="
+"\"strong\">Show Start Page on startup</emphasis> box to disable the Start "
+msgstr ""
+       "Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu and uncheck the <emphasis role="
+       "\"strong\">Show Start Page on startup</emphasis> box to disable the Start "
+       "Page."
+#: package-manager.xml:145(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to go to the Start Page at anytime."
+msgstr ""
+       "Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> to go to the Start Page at anytime."
+#: package-manager.xml:148(title)
+msgid "Working With Packages"
+msgstr "Csomagok használata"
+#: package-manager.xml:149(title)
+msgid "Install a Package"
+msgstr "Csomag telepítése"
+#: package-manager.xml:150(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of packages is displayed in the main windows of the Package "
+"Manager. Perform the following steps to install a package:"
+msgstr ""
+       "The list of packages is displayed in the main windows of the Package "
+       "Manager. Perform the following steps to install a package:"
+#: package-manager.xml:151(para)
+msgid ""
+"To install a single package, click on a package to select it. To install "
+"many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to install."
+msgstr ""
+       "To install a single package, click on a package to select it. To install "
+       "many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to install."
+#: package-manager.xml:153(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> icon in the toolbar to start "
+"the package installation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> icon in the toolbar to start "
+       "the package installation process."
+#: package-manager.xml:154(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+"guimenu><guimenuitem>Install/Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the "
+"package installation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+       "guimenu><guimenuitem>Install/Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the "
+       "package installation process."
+#: package-manager.xml:156(para)
+msgid "View the details or cancel the package installation ."
+msgstr "Tekintse meg a részleteket vagy vesse el a csomag telepítést."
+#: package-manager.xml:157(para)
+msgid "Click <guilabel>Show Details</guilabel> to view the details."
+msgstr "Kattintson a <guilabel>Részletek megtekintése</guilabel>-re a részletek megtekintéséhez."
+#: package-manager.xml:159(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation. No "
+"changes are made and you are returned to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation. No "
+       "changes are made and you are returned to the main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:163(para)
+msgid ""
+"After the installation has completed, click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> on "
+"the <literal>Installation Completed</literal> dialog box to return to the "
+"main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "After the installation has completed, click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> on "
+       "the <literal>Installation Completed</literal> dialog box to return to the "
+       "main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:166(title)
+msgid "Installation Error"
+msgstr "Telepítési Hiba"
+#: package-manager.xml:167(para)
+msgid ""
+"If an error occurs during package installation, an error dialog box is "
+"displayed. An <guilabel>Installation Failed</guilabel> message and the "
+"reason for the failure is displayed. Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> to "
+"close the error dialog box and return to the main window of the Package "
+msgstr ""
+       "If an error occurs during package installation, an error dialog box is "
+       "displayed. An <guilabel>Installation Failed</guilabel> message and the "
+       "reason for the failure is displayed. Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> to "
+       "close the error dialog box and return to the main window of the Package "
+       "Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:170(title)
+msgid "Remove a Package"
+msgstr "Csomag eltávolítása"
+#: package-manager.xml:171(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to remove a package:"
+msgstr "Egy csomag eltávolításához a következő lépéseket hajtsa végre:"
+#: package-manager.xml:172(para)
+msgid ""
+"To remove a single package, click on a package to select it. To remove many "
+"packages, check the box next to the packages you want to remove."
+msgstr ""
+       "To remove a single package, click on a package to select it. To remove many "
+       "packages, check the box next to the packages you want to remove."
+#: package-manager.xml:174(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button in the toolbar to start the "
+"package uninstallation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button in the toolbar to start the "
+       "package uninstallation process."
+#: package-manager.xml:175(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+"guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove a package."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+       "guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove a package."
+#: package-manager.xml:177(para)
+msgid ""
+"Review the packages to be removed and the package dependencies details in "
+"the <literal>Remove Confirmation</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Review the packages to be removed and the package dependencies details in "
+       "the <literal>Remove Confirmation</literal> dialog box."
+#: package-manager.xml:179(para)
+msgid "Uninstall the package or cancel the uninstallation process."
+msgstr "A csomag eltávolítása vagy az eltávolítás elvetése."
+#: package-manager.xml:180(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to start uninstalling the packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kattintson a <guibutton>Végrehajt</guibutton> gombra a csomagok eltávolításának megkezdéséhez."
+#: package-manager.xml:182(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. No changes are "
+"made and you are returned to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kattintson a <guibutton>Mégsem</guibutton> gombra a folyamat elvetéséért. Változtatások nem történnek és a főablakba jutunk vissza."
+#: package-manager.xml:183(para)
+msgid ""
+"After you click the <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> button, you cannot undo "
+"the package removal action. However, you can reinstall the package at any "
+msgstr ""
+       "Miután rákattintott a <guibutton>Végrehajt</guibutton> gombra már nem vonhatja vissza a csomag eltávolítását. Máskülönben bármikor újra telepítheti a csomagot."
+#: package-manager.xml:190(title)
+msgid "Search for a Package"
+msgstr "Csomag keresése"
+#: package-manager.xml:191(para)
+msgid "You can search for a package in the following ways :"
+msgstr "A következőképpen kereshet csomagokat:"
+#: package-manager.xml:192(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search the current repository</emphasis> – Search "
+"for a package in the repository currently selected in the "
+"<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. The category selection or the "
+"<literal>Show</literal> filter does not affect the search and the search is "
+"performed on all packages in the currently selected repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search the current repository</emphasis> – Search "
+       "for a package in the repository currently selected in the "
+       "<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. The category selection or the "
+       "<literal>Show</literal> filter does not affect the search and the search is "
+       "performed on all packages in the currently selected repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:193(para)
+msgid ""
+"Enter a description, or a partial name in the <literal>Search</literal> box "
+"located on the toolbar. For example, you might type one of the following "
+"search terms to search for <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :"
+msgstr ""
+       "Enter a description, or a partial name in the <literal>Search</literal> box "
+       "located on the toolbar. For example, you might type one of the following "
+       "search terms to search for <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :"
+#: package-manager.xml:194(para)
+msgid "SUNWgames"
+msgstr "SUNWgames"
+#: package-manager.xml:196(para)
+msgid "games"
+msgstr "játékok"
+#: package-manager.xml:198(para)
+msgid "GNOME-games"
+msgstr "GNOME-games"
+#: package-manager.xml:201(para)
+msgid ""
+"To search for SunStudio compilers, you might type one of the following terms:"
+msgstr ""
+       "SunStudio fordítók kereséséhez megadhatná a következő szavakat:"
+#: package-manager.xml:202(para)
+msgid "compiler"
+msgstr "compiler"
+#: package-manager.xml:204(para)
+msgid "tools"
+msgstr "tools"
+#: package-manager.xml:208(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search all repositories</emphasis> – Select the "
+"multi-repository icon in the <literal>Search</literal> box to search for the "
+"package across all configured or registered repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search all repositories</emphasis> – Select the "
+       "multi-repository icon in the <literal>Search</literal> box to search for the "
+       "package across all configured or registered repositories."
+#: package-manager.xml:209(para)
+msgid ""
+"Note the following important considerations when using the multi-repository "
+msgstr ""
+       "Note the following important considerations when using the multi-repository "
+       "search."
+#: package-manager.xml:210(para)
+msgid ""
+"The multi-repository search currently supports a search based on the package "
+"contents including its description, classification, and the files contained "
+"within the package. However, the correct results are displayed only if the "
+"term used for searching is an <emphasis role=\"strong\">exact</emphasis> "
+msgstr ""
+       "The multi-repository search currently supports a search based on the package "
+       "contents including its description, classification, and the files contained "
+       "within the package. However, the correct results are displayed only if the "
+       "term used for searching is an <emphasis role=\"strong\">exact</emphasis> "
+       "match."
+#: package-manager.xml:212(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">The multi-repository search does not search the "
+"package name</emphasis>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">The multi-repository search does not search the "
+       "package name</emphasis>."
+#: package-manager.xml:214(para)
+msgid ""
+"Wild card searching is supported by using the asterisk wild card, "
+"<literal>*</literal>, in the search term. Search using the wild card can be "
+"slower than an exact match search."
+msgstr ""
+       "Wild card searching is supported by using the asterisk wild card, "
+       "<literal>*</literal>, in the search term. Search using the wild card can be "
+       "slower than an exact match search."
+#: package-manager.xml:218(para)
+msgid ""
+"Type a description of the package in the box. For example, the "
+"<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package is a book on Python "
+"programming. The description of the package contains the string "
+"<emphasis>book</emphasis>. To search for this package, you might then type "
+"one of the following terms:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Type a description of the package in the box. For example, the "
+       "<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package is a book on Python "
+       "programming. The description of the package contains the string "
+       "<emphasis>book</emphasis>. To search for this package, you might then type "
+       "one of the following terms:"
+#: package-manager.xml:219(para)
+msgid "python"
+msgstr "python"
+#: package-manager.xml:221(para)
+msgid "book"
+msgstr "book"
+#: package-manager.xml:224(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you searched for the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> in the multi-"
+"repository search, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package will "
+"not be displayed as the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> is not present as "
+"an independent, complete word in the package contents. However you will find "
+"the package using the <literal>*</literal> wild card. Hence, searching for "
+"the term <literal>diveinto*</literal> will display the "
+"<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package."
+msgstr ""
+       "If you searched for the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> in the multi-"
+       "repository search, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package will "
+       "not be displayed as the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> is not present as "
+       "an independent, complete word in the package contents. However you will find "
+       "the package using the <literal>*</literal> wild card. Hence, searching for "
+       "the term <literal>diveinto*</literal> will display the "
+       "<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package."
+#: package-manager.xml:228(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the submenus under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></menuchoice> "
+"menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text in the <literal>Search</literal> box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Use the submenus under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></menuchoice> "
+       "menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text in the <literal>Search</literal> box."
+#: package-manager.xml:230(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the icon on the right side of the <literal>Search</literal> box to clear "
+"the search results."
+msgstr ""
+       "Use the icon on the right side of the <literal>Search</literal> box to clear "
+       "the search results."
+#: package-manager.xml:235(title)
+msgid "Update a Package"
+msgstr "Csomag frissítése"
+#: package-manager.xml:236(para)
+msgid ""
+"Look for the green icon next to the installed package name. This icon "
+"indicates that updates are available for the package in the currently "
+"selected repository. Select the package and click the <guibutton>Install/"
+"Update</guibutton> button to install the latest version of the package."
+msgstr ""
+       "Look for the green icon next to the installed package name. This icon "
+       "indicates that updates are available for the package in the currently "
+       "selected repository. Select the package and click the <guibutton>Install/"
+       "Update</guibutton> button to install the latest version of the package."
+#: package-manager.xml:239(title)
+msgid "Introduction to Boot Environments"
+msgstr "Bevezetés a Boot Environment-ekbe"
+#: package-manager.xml:240(para)
+msgid ""
+"A boot environment is an image that is bootable. Upon an initial OpenSolaris "
+"installation, a boot environment is created."
+msgstr ""
+       "A boot environment is an image that is bootable. Upon an initial OpenSolaris "
+       "installation, a boot environment is created."
+#: package-manager.xml:241(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can maintain multiple boot environments on your OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+"system. Use the <command>beadm(1)</command> command from the command—line "
+"interface (CLI) to create, rename, mount or unmount, or destroy these boot "
+msgstr ""
+       "You can maintain multiple boot environments on your OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+       "system. Use the <command>beadm(1)</command> command from the command—line "
+       "interface (CLI) to create, rename, mount or unmount, or destroy these boot "
+       "environments."
+#: package-manager.xml:242(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Package Manager enables you to manage the boot environments created "
+"during the process of updating your image. For more information, see <xref "
+"linkend=\"manage_be\"/> section."
+msgstr ""
+       "The Package Manager enables you to manage the boot environments created "
+       "during the process of updating your image. For more information, see <xref "
+       "linkend=\"manage_be\"/> section."
+#: package-manager.xml:243(para)
+msgid ""
+"System administrators can maintain multiple boot environments on their "
+"systems, and each boot environment can have different software versions "
+msgstr ""
+       "System administrators can maintain multiple boot environments on their "
+       "systems, and each boot environment can have different software versions "
+       "installed."
+#: package-manager.xml:244(para)
+msgid ""
+"When you use either the Package Manager or the <command>pkg image-update</"
+"command> command to update all the packages in your active OpenSolaris boot "
+"environment, a clone of that boot environment is automatically created. The "
+"packages are updated in the clone rather than in the original boot "
+"environment. After successfully completing the updates, the new clone is "
+"activated. Then, the clone will become the new default boot environment on "
+"system reboot. The original boot environment is also available as an "
+"alternate selection."
+msgstr ""
+       "When you use either the Package Manager or the <command>pkg image-update</"
+       "command> command to update all the packages in your active OpenSolaris boot "
+       "environment, a clone of that boot environment is automatically created. The "
+       "packages are updated in the clone rather than in the original boot "
+       "environment. After successfully completing the updates, the new clone is "
+       "activated. Then, the clone will become the new default boot environment on "
+       "system reboot. The original boot environment is also available as an "
+       "alternate selection."
+#: package-manager.xml:245(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the beadm(1) man pages and the <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/"
+"content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html\"><citetitle>Upgrading and Managing Boot "
+"Environments</citetitle></ulink> document to learn more about boot "
+"environments and the <command>beadm(1)</command> command."
+msgstr ""
+       "See the beadm(1) man pages and the <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/"
+       "content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html\"><citetitle>Upgrading and Managing Boot "
+       "Environments</citetitle></ulink> document to learn more about boot "
+       "environments and the <command>beadm(1)</command> command."
+#: package-manager.xml:246(title)
+msgid "Update All Packages (Update Your Image)"
+msgstr "Update All Packages (Update Your Image)"
+#: package-manager.xml:247(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to update all the packages in your image."
+msgstr "Perform the following steps to update all the packages in your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:248(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon located on the toolbar to "
+"start the process of updating <emphasis role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> the "
+"packages installed in your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon located on the toolbar to "
+       "start the process of updating <emphasis role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> the "
+       "packages installed in your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:249(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guisubmenu>Update "
+"All</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to start the process."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guisubmenu>Update "
+       "All</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to start the process."
+#: package-manager.xml:250(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <guilabel>Update All</guilabel> icon is enabled when updates are "
+"available to the installed packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "The <guilabel>Update All</guilabel> icon is enabled when updates are "
+       "available to the installed packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:253(para)
+msgid ""
+"A <literal>Create New Boot Environment</literal> window is displayed. A name "
+"for the new boot environment is automatically generated."
+msgstr ""
+       "A <literal>Create New Boot Environment</literal> window is displayed. A name "
+       "for the new boot environment is automatically generated."
+#: package-manager.xml:255(para)
+msgid ""
+"(optional) You can change the name of the new boot environment if you want."
+msgstr ""
+       "(optional) You can change the name of the new boot environment if you want."
+#: package-manager.xml:257(para)
+msgid "Confirm or Cancel the new boot environment."
+msgstr "Az új boot environment megerősítése vagy elvetése."
+#: package-manager.xml:258(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+"proceed with the Update All process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+       "proceed with the Update All process."
+#: package-manager.xml:260(para) package-manager.xml:488(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process."
+msgstr "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process."
+#: package-manager.xml:263(para)
+msgid ""
+"During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+"created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+"that existed before the Update All process was started. If the Package "
+"Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be "
+"displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section on how to rectify the "
+"error and continue with updating your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+       "created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+       "that existed before the Update All process was started. If the Package "
+       "Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be "
+       "displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section on how to rectify the "
+       "error and continue with updating your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:265(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you chose to proceed with the Update All process, the packages are "
+"downloaded and installed."
+msgstr ""
+       "If you chose to proceed with the Update All process, the packages are "
+       "downloaded and installed."
+#: package-manager.xml:266(para)
+msgid ""
+"After a successful completion, the <literal>Update All Complete</literal> "
+"dialog box is shown. A link to the Release Notes is provided in the dialog "
+"box. Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "After a successful completion, the <literal>Update All Complete</literal> "
+       "dialog box is shown. A link to the Release Notes is provided in the dialog "
+       "box. Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+#: package-manager.xml:268(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:269(emphasis) package-manager.xml:507(para)
+msgid "You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect."
+msgstr "Újra kell indítania a rendszert a változások érvényesítéséhez."
+#: package-manager.xml:274(title) package-manager.xml:512(title)
+msgid "Update All Errors"
+msgstr "Update All Errors"
+#: package-manager.xml:275(para)
+msgid ""
+"A new boot environment clone must be created by the Package Manager for the "
+"Update All process to be completed. An error message is displayed if a boot "
+"environment clone cannot be created. You might see an error message such as "
+"the following :"
+msgstr ""
+       "A new boot environment clone must be created by the Package Manager for the "
+       "Update All process to be completed. An error message is displayed if a boot "
+       "environment clone cannot be created. You might see an error message such as "
+       "the following :"
+#: package-manager.xml:276(para) package-manager.xml:514(para)
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. "
+"Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
+"cancel the action</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. "
+       "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
+       "cancel the action</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:277(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and "
+"return to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and "
+       "return to the main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:278(para) package-manager.xml:516(para)
+msgid ""
+"Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue "
+"with the Update All process:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue "
+       "with the Update All process:"
+#: package-manager.xml:279(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to display the <literal>Boot Environment "
+"Management</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to display the <literal>Boot Environment "
+       "Management</literal> dialog box."
+#: package-manager.xml:281(para)
+msgid "Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+msgstr "Válassza ki a törölni kívánt boot environment-eket."
+#: package-manager.xml:282(para)
+msgid "You cannot delete the currently active boot environment."
+msgstr "A jelenlegi aktív boot environment nem törölhető."
+#: package-manager.xml:284(para)
+msgid ""
+"You do not need to reboot your system if you are only deleting some of your "
+"boot environments."
+msgstr ""
+       "You do not need to reboot your system if you are only deleting some of your "
+       "boot environments."
+#: package-manager.xml:289(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Kattintson az <guibutton>OK</guibutton> gombra."
+#: package-manager.xml:291(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is shown. Review "
+"your changes and click OK to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is shown. Review "
+       "your changes and click OK to proceed."
+#: package-manager.xml:293(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon to restart the process of "
+"updating all packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon to restart the process of "
+       "updating all packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:297(title)
+msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
+msgstr "Boot Environment-ek kezelése"
+#: package-manager.xml:298(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to manage your boot environments:"
+msgstr "Perform the following steps to manage your boot environments:"
+#: package-manager.xml:299(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Boot "
+"Environments</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Boot "
+"Environments</literal> dialog."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Boot "
+       "Environments</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Boot "
+       "Environments</literal> dialog."
+#: package-manager.xml:301(para)
+msgid "In this dialog box , you can perform the following actions:"
+msgstr "In this dialog box , you can perform the following actions:"
+#: package-manager.xml:302(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Activate a boot environment</emphasis> – Select "
+"the boot environment that you want to be active on system reboot. This will "
+"be the default boot environment <emphasis role=\"strong\">after</emphasis> "
+"you have rebooted your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Activate a boot environment</emphasis> – Select "
+       "the boot environment that you want to be active on system reboot. This will "
+       "be the default boot environment <emphasis role=\"strong\">after</emphasis> "
+       "you have rebooted your system."
+#: package-manager.xml:304(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Remove old or unused boot environments to free up "
+"disk space</emphasis> – Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Remove old or unused boot environments to free up "
+       "disk space</emphasis> – Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+#: package-manager.xml:305(para)
+msgid "You cannot the delete the currently active boot environment."
+msgstr "You cannot the delete the currently active boot environment."
+#: package-manager.xml:307(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you have selected a boot environment to be renamed, it cannot be deleted."
+msgstr ""
+       "If you have selected a boot environment to be renamed, it cannot be deleted."
+#: package-manager.xml:312(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Rename a boot environment</emphasis> – Double-"
+"click the boot environment name that you want to change. Enter the new name "
+"of the boot environment and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Rename a boot environment</emphasis> – Double-"
+       "click the boot environment name that you want to change. Enter the new name "
+       "of the boot environment and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:313(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you have selected a boot environment to be deleted, it cannot be renamed."
+msgstr ""
+       "If you have selected a boot environment to be deleted, it cannot be renamed."
+#: package-manager.xml:315(para)
+msgid "The currently active boot environment cannot be renamed."
+msgstr "The currently active boot environment cannot be renamed."
+#: package-manager.xml:322(para)
+msgid "Accept or decline the changes:"
+msgstr "Változások elfogadása vagy elutasítása:"
+#: package-manager.xml:323(para) package-manager.xml:449(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed."
+msgstr "Kattintson az <guibutton>OK</guibutton> gombra a végrehajtáshoz."
+#: package-manager.xml:325(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel all changes and return to the "
+"main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel all changes and return to the "
+       "main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:329(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is displayed. "
+"Review your changes and click OK to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is displayed. "
+       "Review your changes and click OK to proceed."
+#: package-manager.xml:330(para)
+msgid ""
+"After you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, you cannot undo any changes that "
+"you made to the boot environments."
+msgstr ""
+       "After you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, you cannot undo any changes that "
+       "you made to the boot environments."
+#: package-manager.xml:332(para)
+msgid ""
+"The changes that you made to the <emphasis role=\"strong\">default boot "
+"environment</emphasis> setting are effective only after system reboot."
+msgstr ""
+       "The changes that you made to the <emphasis role=\"strong\">default boot "
+       "environment</emphasis> setting are effective only after system reboot."
+#: package-manager.xml:334(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the changes and return to the "
+"<literal>BE Management</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the changes and return to the "
+       "<literal>BE Management</literal> dialog box."
+#: package-manager.xml:336(para)
+msgid "Reboot your system to boot into the newly activated boot environment."
+msgstr "Indítsa újra a rendszert az újonnan aktivált boot environment betöltéséhez."
+#: package-manager.xml:337(para)
+msgid "Reboot your system only if you changed the active boot environment."
+msgstr "Indítsa újra a rendszert csak akkor, ha megváltoztatta az aktív boot environment-et."
+#: package-manager.xml:343(title)
+msgid "Managing Repositories"
+msgstr "Telepítési források kezelése"
+#: package-manager.xml:344(title)
+msgid "Add a Repository"
+msgstr "Telepítési forrás hozzáadása"
+#: package-manager.xml:345(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to add a repository:"
+msgstr "Egy telepítési forrás hozzáadásához a következő lépéseket hajtsa végre:"
+#: package-manager.xml:346(para)
+msgid ""
+"Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+msgstr ""
+       "Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#: package-manager.xml:347(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <guilabel>Add...</guilabel> from the "
+"<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu in the main window of the "
+"Package Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also choose <guilabel>Add...</guilabel> from the "
+       "<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu in the main window of the "
+       "Package Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:349(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed. Type the "
+"name and the address (URL) of the repository you want to add. Click "
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed. Type the "
+       "name and the address (URL) of the repository you want to add. Click "
+       "<guibutton>Add</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:353(title)
+msgid "Add a Secure Repository"
+msgstr "Biztonságos telepítési forrás hozzáadása"
+#: package-manager.xml:354(para)
+msgid ""
+"A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access. Perform "
+"the following steps to add a secure repository:"
+msgstr ""
+       "A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access. Perform "
+       "the following steps to add a secure repository:"
+#: package-manager.xml:355(para)
+msgid ""
+"Follow the steps in <xref linkend=\"add_repo\"/> section to add a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kövesse a lépéseket a <xref linkend=\"add_repo\"/> részben a telepítési forrás hozzáadásához."
+#: package-manager.xml:357(para)
+msgid ""
+"Follow the steps in the <xref linkend=\"modify_repo\"/> section to add a SSL "
+"key and certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kövesse a lépéseket a <xref linkend=\"modify_repo\"/> részben az SSL kulcs és tanúsítvány hozzáadásához."
+#: package-manager.xml:358(para)
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: package-manager.xml:362(title)
+msgid "Remove a Repository"
+msgstr "Telepítési forrás eltávolítása"
+#: package-manager.xml:363(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to remove a repository:"
+msgstr "Egy telepítési forrás eltávolításához a következő lépéseket hajtsa végre:"
+#: package-manager.xml:364(para) package-manager.xml:374(para)
+#: package-manager.xml:384(para)
+msgid ""
+"Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> "
+msgstr ""
+       "Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> "
+       "dialog."
+#: package-manager.xml:366(para)
+msgid "Select a repository from the list. Click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Válasszon egy telepítési forrást a listáról. Kattintson az <guibutton>Eltávolítás</guibutton> gombra."
+#: package-manager.xml:367(para)
+msgid ""
+"A repository that has been set as preferred repository cannot be removed. To "
+"remove a preferred repository, set a nonpreferred repository as preferred, "
+"and then remove the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "A preferáltként megjelölt telepítési forrást nem lehet eltávolítani. Preferált telepítési forrást eltávolítása előtt nem preferálttá kell tenni."
+#: package-manager.xml:372(title)
+msgid "Set a Preferred Repository"
+msgstr "Preferált telepítési forrás beállítása"
+#: package-manager.xml:373(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to set a preferred repository:"
+msgstr "A preferált telepítési forrás beállításához hajtsa végre a következő lépéseket:"
+#: package-manager.xml:376(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the radio button next to the repository that you would like to set as "
+"the preferred repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the radio button next to the repository that you would like to set as "
+       "the preferred repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:378(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> if you are not making any other changes "
+"to the repository information."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> if you are not making any other changes "
+       "to the repository information."
+#: package-manager.xml:382(title)
+msgid "Modify a Repository"
+msgstr "Telepítési forrás módosítása"
+#: package-manager.xml:383(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to modify a repository:"
+msgstr "Egy telepítési forrás módosításához a következő lépéseket hajtsa végre:"
+#: package-manager.xml:386(para)
+msgid "Select the repository that you want to modify."
+msgstr "Válassza ki azt a telepítési forrást amelyet módosítani szeretne."
+#: package-manager.xml:388(para)
+msgid "Click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button."
+msgstr "Kattintson a <guibutton>Módosítás</guibutton> gombra."
+#: package-manager.xml:389(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box is displayed. You can "
+"perform the following actions in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> "
+"dialog box:"
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box is displayed. You can "
+       "perform the following actions in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> "
+       "dialog box:"
+#: package-manager.xml:390(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Change the URL of the repository</emphasis> – Type "
+"a valid URL for the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Change the URL of the repository</emphasis> – Type "
+       "a valid URL for the repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:391(para)
+msgid ""
+"You cannot change a repository name after you have added a repository. To "
+"change the repository name, delete the existing repository with the old name "
+"and add a repository with the new name. See the <xref linkend=\"remove_repo"
+"\"/> section for steps on how to remove a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "You cannot change a repository name after you have added a repository. To "
+       "change the repository name, delete the existing repository with the old name "
+       "and add a repository with the new name. See the <xref linkend=\"remove_repo"
+       "\"/> section for steps on how to remove a repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:393(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a SSL Key and Certificate</emphasis> – A "
+"secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a SSL Key and Certificate</emphasis> – A "
+       "secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access."
+#: package-manager.xml:394(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+"<literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box links to a registration site "
+"which provides instructions for downloading the SSL key and certificate"
+msgstr ""
+       "The <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+       "<literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box links to a registration site "
+       "which provides instructions for downloading the SSL key and certificate"
+#: package-manager.xml:395(para)
+msgid ""
+"In the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box, click the <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link to download the key and "
+"certificate. Save them on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "In the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box, click the <emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link to download the key and "
+       "certificate. Save them on your system."
+#: package-manager.xml:397(para) package-manager.xml:445(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your "
+msgstr ""
+       "Kattintson a <guibutton>Tallózás</guibutton> gombra az SSL kulcs helyének megadásához. "
+#: package-manager.xml:399(para) package-manager.xml:447(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate "
+"on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kattintson a <guibutton>Tallózás</guibutton> gombra az SSL tanúsítvány helyének megadásához. "
+#: package-manager.xml:403(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a Mirror</emphasis> – If a repository has a "
+"mirror, add the repository name and URL, and then click the "
+"<guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to add the mirror information."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a Mirror</emphasis> – If a repository has a "
+       "mirror, add the repository name and URL, and then click the "
+       "<guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to add the mirror information."
+#: package-manager.xml:407(para)
+msgid "Confirm or decline the changes."
+msgstr "A változások megerősítése vagy elvetése."
+#: package-manager.xml:408(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the changes and return to the "
+"<literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the changes and return to the "
+       "<literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box."
+#: package-manager.xml:410(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel your changes."
+msgstr "Kattintson a <guibutton>Mégsem</guibutton> gombra a változásai elvetéséhez."
+#: package-manager.xml:417(title)
+msgid "Working With WebInstall"
+msgstr "WebTelepítő használata"
+#: package-manager.xml:418(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager provides support for users to add "
+"new repositories and optionally, install packages from these repositories "
+"using a simple one-click WebInstall process. A <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+"file which contains the repositories to be added and optionally, the package "
+"or packages that can be installed from these repositories, is required for "
+"the WebInstall process. The information contained in the <filename>.p5i</"
+"filename> file is read and used by the WebInstall process."
+msgstr ""
+       "The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager provides support for users to add "
+       "new repositories and optionally, install packages from these repositories "
+       "using a simple one-click WebInstall process. A <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+       "file which contains the repositories to be added and optionally, the package "
+       "or packages that can be installed from these repositories, is required for "
+       "the WebInstall process. The information contained in the <filename>.p5i</"
+       "filename> file is read and used by the WebInstall process."
+#: package-manager.xml:419(title)
+msgid "How to Use WebInstall to Add Repositories and Install Packages"
+msgstr "Telepítési források hozzáadása és csomagok telepítése a WebInstall használatával"
+#: package-manager.xml:420(bridgehead)
+msgid "Before You Begin"
+msgstr "Mielőtt elkezdené"
+#: package-manager.xml:420(para)
+msgid ""
+"Locate the <filename>.p5i</filename> file which may be present on your "
+"desktop, the Start page in the Package Manager, or on a website."
+msgstr ""
+       "Locate the <filename>.p5i</filename> file which may be present on your "
+       "desktop, the Start page in the Package Manager, or on a website."
+#: package-manager.xml:421(para)
+msgid ""
+"Start the Package manager in WebInstall mode in one of the following ways:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Start the Package manager in WebInstall mode in one of the following ways:"
+#: package-manager.xml:422(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click on a <filename>.p5i</filename> file on your desktop, and the "
+"associated application, Package Manager in WebInstall mode, will be launched."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click on a <filename>.p5i</filename> file on your desktop, and the "
+       "associated application, Package Manager in WebInstall mode, will be launched."
+#: package-manager.xml:424(para)
+msgid ""
+"Start the Package Manager from the command-line along with a path to the "
+"<filename>.p5i</filename> file. For example, type the following command at "
+"the command-line:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Start the Package Manager from the command-line along with a path to the "
+       "<filename>.p5i</filename> file. For example, type the following command at "
+       "the command-line:"
+#: package-manager.xml:425(replaceable)
+msgid "path_to_pi5_file/file.p5i"
+msgstr "útvonal_a_pi5_fájlhoz/fájl.p5i"
+#: package-manager.xml:425(command)
+msgid "$ pfexec packagemanager/<placeholder-1/>"
+msgstr "$ pfexec packagemanager/<placeholder-1/>"
+#: package-manager.xml:427(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click on a URL location that contains a link to <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+"file. If you are using this method to start the WebInstall, the <filename>."
+"p5i</filename> file <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be located on "
+"a web server that has registered the new mime type. Only then, the web "
+"server can manage the <filename>.p5i</filename> automatically and start "
+"Package Manager in WebInstall mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click on a URL location that contains a link to <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+       "file. If you are using this method to start the WebInstall, the <filename>."
+       "p5i</filename> file <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be located on "
+       "a web server that has registered the new mime type. Only then, the web "
+       "server can manage the <filename>.p5i</filename> automatically and start "
+       "Package Manager in WebInstall mode."
+#: package-manager.xml:428(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the <filename>.p5i</filename> is located on a web server that does not "
+"have the new mime type registered, save the <filename>.p5i</filename> file "
+"to your desktop and then click on it to launch Web Install."
+msgstr ""
+       "If the <filename>.p5i</filename> is located on a web server that does not "
+       "have the new mime type registered, save the <filename>.p5i</filename> file "
+       "to your desktop and then click on it to launch Web Install."
+#: package-manager.xml:432(para)
+msgid ""
+"The following example window that shows a list of repositories that will be "
+"added and the packages that will be installed. Review the information."
+msgstr ""
+       "The following example window that shows a list of repositories that will be "
+       "added and the packages that will be installed. Review the information."
+#: package-manager.xml:433(title)
+msgid "Package Manager WebInstaller"
+msgstr "Csomagkezelő Webtelepítő"
+#: package-manager.xml:438(para)
+msgid "Confirm or cancel the WebInstall process."
+msgstr "A WebInstall folyamat megerősítése vagy elvetése."
+#: package-manager.xml:439(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to add the new repositories and install "
+"the packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kattintson a <guibutton>Végrehajt</guibutton> gombra új telepítési forrás hozzáadásához és csomagok telepítéséhez."
+#: package-manager.xml:440(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. The Package "
+"Manager application exits."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. The Package "
+       "Manager application exits."
+#: package-manager.xml:442(para)
+msgid ""
+"(Optional) If the repositories that are to be added are secure repositories, "
+"an SSL key and certificate is required. An <literal>Add New Repositories</"
+"literal> dialog box is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+       "(Optional) If the repositories that are to be added are secure repositories, "
+       "an SSL key and certificate is required. An <literal>Add New Repositories</"
+       "literal> dialog box is displayed."
+#: package-manager.xml:443(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+"<literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box to download the SSL key "
+"and certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+       "<literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box to download the SSL key "
+       "and certificate."
+#: package-manager.xml:452(para)
+msgid "The <literal>Adding New Repositories</literal> status bar is displayed."
+msgstr "The <literal>Adding New Repositories</literal> status bar is displayed."
+#: package-manager.xml:454(para)
+msgid ""
+"(Optional) If packages are being installed, the <literal>Install/Update</"
+"literal> dialog box is displayed. Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to "
+"cancel the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+       "(Optional) If packages are being installed, the <literal>Install/Update</"
+       "literal> dialog box is displayed. Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to "
+       "cancel the package installation."
+#: package-manager.xml:455(para)
+msgid "The application will close when all packages are installed."
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás bezáródik miután az összes csomag telepítése befejeződött."
+#: package-manager.xml:460(title)
+msgid "Working With the Update Manager"
+msgstr "A Frissítéskezelő használata"
+#: package-manager.xml:461(title)
+msgid "About The Update Manager"
+msgstr "A Frissítéskezelőről"
+#: package-manager.xml:462(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Update Manager is a separate application that starts from the desktop "
+"when updates to the installed packages are available in the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "The Update Manager is a separate application that starts from the desktop "
+       "when updates to the installed packages are available in the repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:463(title)
+msgid "Update Manager Main Window"
+msgstr "Frissítéskezelő fő ablaka"
+#: package-manager.xml:467(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can use the Update Manager application to update the installed packages "
+"in your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can use the Update Manager application to update the installed packages "
+       "in your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:468(para)
+msgid ""
+"For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, the Update Manager updates <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> installed packages in the image. This action "
+"is equivalent to running the <command>pkg image-update</command> command "
+"from the command-line."
+msgstr ""
+       "For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, the Update Manager updates <emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> installed packages in the image. This action "
+       "is equivalent to running the <command>pkg image-update</command> command "
+       "from the command-line."
+#: package-manager.xml:471(title)
+msgid "Using the Update Manager"
+msgstr "Frissítés Kezelő használata"
+#: package-manager.xml:472(para)
+msgid ""
+"When updates are available to the installed packages, a notification icon is "
+"displayed in the notification panel on the OpenSolaris desktop."
+msgstr ""
+       "When updates are available to the installed packages, a notification icon is "
+       "displayed in the notification panel on the OpenSolaris desktop."
+#: package-manager.xml:473(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</"
+"guimenu><guisubmenu>Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Update Manager</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to manually launch the Update Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</"
+       "guimenu><guisubmenu>Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Update Manager</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> to manually launch the Update Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:474(para)
+msgid ""
+"When you are notified of a software update, perform the following steps to "
+"begin the process of updating your system:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Amikor szoftver frissítésről értesül, hajtsa végre a következő lépéseket a rendszer frissítésének elkezdéséhez:"
+#: package-manager.xml:475(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the notification icon on the desktop to display the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kattintson az értesítés ikonra a deszktopon a <literal>Frissítéskezelő</literal> ablak megnyitásához."
+#: package-manager.xml:477(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kattintson a <guibutton>Mindet frissít</guibutton> gombra a <literal>Frissítéskezelő</literal> ablakában."
+#: package-manager.xml:478(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select a package and click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel if you "
+"want to view more information about the package."
+msgstr ""
+       "Select a package and click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel if you "
+       "want to view more information about the package."
+#: package-manager.xml:481(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Update All</literal> dialog box is displayed. Proceed with the "
+"Update All process or cancel the action."
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Update All</literal> dialog box is displayed. Proceed with the "
+       "Update All process or cancel the action."
+#: package-manager.xml:482(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+"update all packages in the current image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+       "update all packages in the current image."
+#: package-manager.xml:483(para)
+msgid ""
+"During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+"created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+"that existed before the Update All process was started."
+msgstr ""
+       "During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+       "created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+       "that existed before the Update All process was started."
+#: package-manager.xml:484(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error "
+"message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gileh\"/> section on how "
+"to rectify the error and continue with updating your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error "
+       "message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gileh\"/> section on how "
+       "to rectify the error and continue with updating your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:485(para)
+msgid ""
+"A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated. You can "
+"accept the name generated by the system, or provide your own name for the "
+"boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated. You can "
+       "accept the name generated by the system, or provide your own name for the "
+       "boot environment."
+#: package-manager.xml:492(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you chose to proceed, the <literal>Installing Updates</literal> windows "
+"are displayed. The package installation process consists of four stages:"
+msgstr ""
+       "If you chose to proceed, the <literal>Installing Updates</literal> windows "
+       "are displayed. The package installation process consists of four stages:"
+#: package-manager.xml:493(para)
+msgid "Prepare"
+msgstr "Előkészítés"
+#: package-manager.xml:495(para)
+msgid "Download."
+msgstr "Letöltés."
+#: package-manager.xml:497(para)
+msgid "Install."
+msgstr "Telepítés."
+#: package-manager.xml:500(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can choose to cancel the process only during the <emphasis role=\"strong"
+"\">Prepare</emphasis> and <emphasis role=\"strong\">Download</emphasis> "
+"stages. Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to cancel the "
+"installation process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main "
+"window of the Update Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can choose to cancel the process only during the <emphasis role=\"strong"
+       "\">Prepare</emphasis> and <emphasis role=\"strong\">Download</emphasis> "
+       "stages. Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to cancel the "
+       "installation process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main "
+       "window of the Update Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:501(para)
+msgid ""
+"If an error occurs during any of the stages, the <guilabel>Details</"
+"guilabel> panel is expanded and the details of the error are displayed. An "
+"error status indicator is shown next to the failed stage."
+msgstr ""
+       "If an error occurs during any of the stages, the <guilabel>Details</"
+       "guilabel> panel is expanded and the details of the error are displayed. An "
+       "error status indicator is shown next to the failed stage."
+#: package-manager.xml:504(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel to view more information about "
+"each of the installation processes."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel to view more information about "
+       "each of the installation processes."
+#: package-manager.xml:506(para)
+msgid ""
+"Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Olvasd el a <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> mielőtt újraindítanád a rendszert."
+#: package-manager.xml:513(para)
+msgid ""
+"A new boot environment clone <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be "
+"created for the Update All process to be completed. The following error "
+"message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created due to "
+"space restrictions :"
+msgstr ""
+       "A new boot environment clone <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be "
+       "created for the Update All process to be completed. The following error "
+       "message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created due to "
+       "space restrictions :"
+#: package-manager.xml:515(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return "
+"to the Update Manager main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return "
+       "to the Update Manager main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:517(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> in the error dialog box to go to the "
+"<literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> in the error dialog box to go to the "
+       "<literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog."
+#: package-manager.xml:519(para)
+msgid ""
+"Go to step 2 in the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section. Follow the "
+"instructions to delete old or unused boot environments and free up disk "
+msgstr ""
+       "Go to step 2 in the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section. Follow the "
+       "instructions to delete old or unused boot environments and free up disk "
+       "space."
+#: package-manager.xml:521(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window to restart the process of updating all packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+       "Manager</literal> window to restart the process of updating all packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:526(title) package-manager.xml:530(ulink)
+msgid "Release Notes"
+msgstr "Kiadási Megjegyzések"
+#: package-manager.xml:527(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Release Notes are available at the following "
+msgstr ""
+       "Az OpenSolaris 2009.06 Kiadási Megjegyzések elérhetőek a következő helyen:"
+#: package-manager.xml:528(para)
+msgid ""
+"x86 <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/"
+"relnotes/200811/x86/\">Release Notes</ulink>"
+msgstr ""
+       "x86 <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/"
+       "relnotes/200811/x86/\">Kiadási Megjegyzések</ulink>"
+#: package-manager.xml:530(trademark)
+msgid "SPARC"
+msgstr "SPARC"
+#: package-manager.xml:534(title)
+msgid "Package Manager Screencast"
+msgstr "Csomagkezelő képernyő vetítés"
+#: package-manager.xml:535(para)
+msgid ""
+"A screencast that shows Package Manager usage for beginners is available. "
+"Click the link below to go to the screencast."
+msgstr ""
+       "A Csomagkezelő használatát kezdők felhasználók számára bemutató képernyő vetítés elérhető."
+       "Kattintson a vetítéshez az alábbi hivatkozásra."
+#: package-manager.xml:536(ulink)
+msgid "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Screencast"
+msgstr "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Csomagkezelő képernyő vetítés"
+#: package-manager.xml:539(title)
+msgid "Image Packaging System Glossary"
+msgstr "Image Packaging System Szójegyzet"
+#: package-manager.xml:540(glossterm)
+msgid "publisher"
+msgstr "Kiadó"
+#: package-manager.xml:541(para)
+msgid ""
+"A person, group, or corporation that designs, creates, and publishes a "
+"package to a repository. The repository in turn serves the packages from the "
+"(default) publisher, for downloading purposes. The developer-quality "
+"packages managed by Sun and made available through <ulink url=\"http://pkg."
+"opensolaris.com/dev\">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> is an example "
+"of a publisher."
+msgstr ""
+       "A person, group, or corporation that designs, creates, and publishes a "
+       "package to a repository. The repository in turn serves the packages from the "
+       "(default) publisher, for downloading purposes. The developer-quality "
+       "packages managed by Sun and made available through <ulink url=\"http://pkg."
+       "opensolaris.com/dev\">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> is an example "
+       "of a publisher."
+#: package-manager.xml:542(para)
+msgid ""
+"The term <emphasis role=\"strong\">authority</emphasis> has been replaced "
+"with the term <emphasis role=\"strong\">publisher</emphasis> from the "
+"OpenSolaris 2009.06 release onwards."
+msgstr ""
+       "The term <emphasis role=\"strong\">authority</emphasis> has been replaced "
+       "with the term <emphasis role=\"strong\">publisher</emphasis> from the "
+       "OpenSolaris 2009.06 release onwards."
+#: package-manager.xml:545(glossterm)
+msgid "boot environment"
+msgstr "boot environment"
+#: package-manager.xml:546(para)
+msgid ""
+"For an OpenSolaris release, a boot environment is an instance of a bootable "
+"OpenSolaris environment. The root file system and all other file systems of "
+"the boot environment that contain system software are required to be ZFS "
+msgstr ""
+       "For an OpenSolaris release, a boot environment is an instance of a bootable "
+       "OpenSolaris environment. The root file system and all other file systems of "
+       "the boot environment that contain system software are required to be ZFS "
+       "datasets."
+#: package-manager.xml:547(para)
+msgid ""
+"The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Many boot "
+"environments can present on an OpenSolaris system and an inactive boot "
+"environment can be in a state of waiting for activation upon system reboot."
+msgstr ""
+       "The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Many boot "
+       "environments can present on an OpenSolaris system and an inactive boot "
+       "environment can be in a state of waiting for activation upon system reboot."
+#: package-manager.xml:550(glossterm)
+msgid "clone"
+msgstr "klón"
+#: package-manager.xml:551(para)
+msgid "An exact copy."
+msgstr "Egy pontos másolat."
+#: package-manager.xml:552(para)
+msgid ""
+"A clone could be an exact copy of an operating system, a file system, or a "
+"volume. This copy has 100% compatibility with the original."
+msgstr ""
+       "Egy klón pontos másolata lehet egy operációs rendszernek, egy fájlrendszernek vagy egy kötetnek. Ezen másolat 100 százalékosan kompatibilis az eredetivel."
+#: package-manager.xml:555(glossterm)
+msgid "dataset"
+msgstr "adathalmaz"
+#: package-manager.xml:556(para)
+msgid ""
+"A generic name for the following ZFS entities: clones, file systems, "
+"snapshots, or volumes. Each dataset is identified by a unique name in the "
+"ZFS namespace."
+msgstr ""
+       "Általános neve a következő ZFS egységeknek:"
+       "klón, fájl rendszer, pillanatkép vagy kötet. Minden egyes adathalmazt egyedi névvel azonosítunk a ZFS névtérben."
+#: package-manager.xml:559(glossterm)
+msgid "image"
+msgstr "image"
+#: package-manager.xml:560(para)
+msgid ""
+"A collection of software in a package that comprises an entire or partial "
+"operating system. The package is suitable for installation."
+msgstr ""
+       "A collection of software in a package that comprises an entire or partial "
+       "operating system. The package is suitable for installation."
+#: package-manager.xml:561(para)
+msgid ""
+"An image is a location on your system where packages and their associated "
+"files, directories, links, and dependencies can be installed."
+msgstr ""
+       "An image is a location on your system where packages and their associated "
+       "files, directories, links, and dependencies can be installed."
+#: package-manager.xml:564(glossterm)
+msgid "package"
+msgstr "csomag"
+#: package-manager.xml:565(para)
+msgid ""
+"A collection of files, directories, links, drivers, and dependencies in a "
+"defined format."
+msgstr ""
+       "A collection of files, directories, links, drivers, and dependencies in a "
+       "defined format."
+#: package-manager.xml:568(glossterm)
+msgid "preferred repository"
+msgstr "preferált telepítési forrás"
+#: package-manager.xml:569(para)
+msgid ""
+"A default repository that is the source for packages. If a user does not "
+"explicitly specify a repository when installing and updating packages, the "
+"preferred repository is chosen as the source for packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "A default repository that is the source for packages. If a user does not "
+       "explicitly specify a repository when installing and updating packages, the "
+       "preferred repository is chosen as the source for packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:572(glossterm)
+msgid "repository"
+msgstr "telepítési forrás"
+#: package-manager.xml:573(para)
+msgid ""
+"A location where packages are available for downloading. A publisher can "
+"publish packages to many repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "Egy hely ahonnan a csomagok letölthetőek. A publikáló több csomagot is publikálhat számos telepítési forrásba."
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
+#: package-manager.xml:0(None)
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "translator-credits"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/help/hu/package-manager.xml.in	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.0/docbookx.dtd">
+<book id="pkgmgr" label="fcs" lang="en"><title>OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Online Help</title>
+<pubdate>June 2009</pubdate>
+<publisher><publishername>Sun Microsystems</publishername>
+<legalnotice><para>Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more U.S. patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries.</para>
+<para>U.S. Government Rights – Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements.</para>
+<para>This distribution may include materials developed by third parties.</para>
+<para>Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd.</para>
+<para>Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, the Solaris logo, the Java Coffee Cup logo, docs.sun.com, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. </para>
+<para>The OPEN LOOK and <trademark>Sun</trademark> Graphical User Interface was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun acknowledges the pioneering efforts of Xerox in researching and developing the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xerox to the Xerox Graphical User Interface, which license also covers Sun's licensees who implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Sun's written license agreements.</para>
+<para>Products covered by and information contained in this publication are controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weapons or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject to U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion lists, including, but not limited to, the denied persons and specially designated nationals lists is strictly prohibited.</para>
+<para lang="fr"></para>
+<para>Sun Microsystems, Inc. détient les droits de propriété intellectuelle relatifs à la technologie incorporée dans le produit qui est décrit dans ce document. En particulier, et ce sans limitation, ces droits de propriété intellectuelle peuvent inclure un ou plusieurs brevets américains ou des applications de brevet en attente aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays.</para>
+<para>Cette distribution peut comprendre des composants développés par des tierces personnes.</para>
+<para>Certaines composants de ce produit peuvent être dérivées du logiciel Berkeley BSD, licenciés par l'Université de Californie. UNIX est une marque déposée aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays; elle est licenciée exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd. </para>
+<para>Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, le logo Solaris, le logo Java Coffee Cup, docs.sun.com, Java et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de Sun Microsystems, Inc., ou ses filiales, aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de SPARC International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Les produits portant les marques SPARC sont basés sur une architecture développée par Sun Microsystems, Inc. </para>
+<para>L'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et Sun a été développée par Sun Microsystems, Inc. pour ses utilisateurs et licenciés. Sun reconnaît les efforts de pionniers de Xerox pour la recherche et le développement du concept des interfaces d'utilisation visuelle ou graphique pour l'industrie de l'informatique. Sun détient une licence non exclusive de Xerox sur l'interface d'utilisation graphique Xerox, cette licence couvrant également les licenciés de Sun qui mettent en place l'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et qui, en outre, se conforment aux licences écrites de Sun.</para>
+<para>Les produits qui font l'objet de cette publication et les informations qu'il contient sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des exportations et peuvent être soumis au droit d'autres pays dans le domaine des exportations et importations. Les utilisations finales, ou utilisateurs finaux, pour des armes nucléaires, des missiles, des armes chimiques ou biologiques ou pour le nucléaire maritime, directement ou indirectement, sont strictement interdites. Les exportations ou réexportations vers des pays sous embargo des Etats-Unis, ou vers des entités figurant sur les listes d'exclusion d'exportation américaines, y compris, mais de manière non exclusive, la liste de personnes qui font objet d'un ordre de ne pas participer, d'une façon directe ou indirecte, aux exportations des produits ou des services qui sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des exportations et la liste de ressortissants spécifiquement designés, sont rigoureusement interdites.</para>
+<chapter><title>About the Package Manager</title>
+<para>Welcome to the <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06 Package Manager online help!</para>
+<para>Use this help contents to learn how to use the Package Manager. Navigate through this help by clicking the topics displayed in the sidebar.</para>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager application is a graphical user interface for the Image Packaging System (IPS) software.</para>
+<para>The Package Manager enables you to perform the following tasks:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Search, install, and remove packages</para>
+<listitem><para>Update your system</para>
+<listitem><para>Add and modify repositories</para>
+<listitem><para>Create, remove, and manage boot environments</para>
+<note><para>See the <xref linkend="glossary"/> for a definition of the terms used in this document.</para>
+<sect1 id="gikcw"><title>About Image Packaging System</title>
+<para>Image Packaging System (IPS) is a software delivery system that interacts with a network repository. The IPS software is a framework which provides for software lifecycle management including installation, upgrade, and removal.</para>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 release uses IPS as its packaging system.</para>
+<para>After an initial installation of OpenSolaris 2009.06 operating system, you will find that many of the software applications that you use on a regular basis are not immediately available to you. These software applications are available as packages in a repository for downloading and installing over the Internet. A repository is a source for packages.</para>
+<para>Users can use IPS to install packages from a repository, create and publish their own IPS packages, mirror an existing repository, and publish existing packages to a repository.</para>
+<para>Once you have installed packages, IPS enables you to search, update, and manage packages on your system.</para>
+<para>With IPS , you can upgrade your system to a newer build of OpenSolaris, install and update your software to the latest available versions in a repository, and retrieve packages from mirror repositories. </para>
+<note><para><emphasis role="strong">The Package Manager provides a subset of the tasks that can be performed from the command-line.</emphasis></para>
+<para>If the system on which IPS is installed is on the network, IPS can automatically access the OpenSolaris repository. For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, your IPS client can access the packages from <ulink url="http://pkg.opensolaris.org"></ulink>. </para>
+<para>For more information about IPS, see the <ulink url="http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/">Image Packaging System Guide</ulink> and the IPS <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/">man pages</ulink>.</para>
+<para>Visit the <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg">project page</ulink> on opensolaris.org and subscribe to [email protected] to get involved with the IPS project.</para>
+<sect1 id="pm_win"><title>The Package Manager Window</title>
+<sect2 id="gijpl"><title>About the Package Manager Window</title>
+<para>When you start the Package Manager, the following window is displayed. </para>
+<figure id="gijpx"><title>Package Manager Start Up Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/pm_store.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>The Start Page provides links to <ulink url="http://opensolaris.com">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community.</para>
+<para>To close the Start Page and see the list of packages , perform any of the following actions in the main window of the Package Manager:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Select a package category</para>
+<listitem><para>Switch the top level category</para>
+<listitem><para>Switch the <literal>Show</literal> filter</para>
+<listitem><para>Perform a search</para>
+<listitem><para>Change the repository</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to return to the Start Page at anytime.</para>
+<note><para>See the <xref linkend="edit_prefs"/> section to turn off the <emphasis role="strong">initial display</emphasis> of the Start Page when the Package Manager starts.</para>
+<figure id="gilgx"><title>List of Packages in the Package Manager Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/pm_pkglist.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>The main window of the Package Manager consists of the following elements :</para>
+<variablelist><varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Menubar</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>You can access the menus on the menubar to perform all of the commands related to the Package Manager.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Toolbar</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The toolbar contains the icons for a subset of the commands that can be performed by using the menus on the menubar. A<literal>Search</literal> box is also located on the toolbar.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">List of Packages by Category</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>You can browse the available packages by category in the left hand side drop-down menu. The drop-down menu shows the list of categories available such as <emphasis role="strong">Applications-Desktop</emphasis>, <emphasis role="strong">Applications –Web—based</emphasis>, and <emphasis role="strong">Operating System</emphasis>.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">List of Packages by Status</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Show</literal> drop-down menu enables you to filter the list of packages by the following options :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">All Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of all packages available in the current repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages installed on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Updates Available</emphasis> — Shows the list of packages that have newer versions available in the current repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Non-installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages that are not installed, but are available in the currently selected repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Selected Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages that you have selected.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Package Name and Description</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The list of packages in the selected category, a brief description, and their status are displayed here.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Package Details</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>Click a package name to select it. Details of the selected package, such as name, version, file dependencies, and license are displayed in this window.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Repository Drop-down Menu</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The list of available repositories is shown in the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. Click a repository name to select it.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Search Box</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>Search for a package is provided in the following contexts :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Search within the current repository</para>
+<listitem><para>Search across all configured repositories</para>
+<sect2 id="edit_prefs"><title>Start Page Preferences</title>
+<para>A Start Page is displayed in the main window of the Package Manager when the application is started. The Start Page provides links to <ulink url="http://opensolaris.com">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community.</para>
+<para>You can choose to turn off this setting so this page is not displayed when Package Manager starts.</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu and uncheck the <emphasis role="strong">Show Start Page on startup</emphasis> box to disable the Start Page.</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to go to the Start Page at anytime.</para>
+<sect1><title>Working With Packages</title>
+<sect2 id="install_pkg"><title>Install a Package</title>
+<para>The list of packages is displayed in the main windows of the Package Manager. Perform the following steps to install a package:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>To install a single package, click on a package to select it. To install many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to install.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> icon in the toolbar to start the package installation process.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guimenuitem>Install/Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the package installation process.</para>
+<listitem><para>View the details or cancel the package installation .</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guilabel>Show Details</guilabel> to view the details.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window. </para>
+<listitem><para>After the installation has completed, click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> on the <literal>Installation Completed</literal> dialog box to return to the main window.</para>
+<subtopic id="gilxb"><title>Installation Error</title>
+<para>If an error occurs during package installation, an error dialog box is displayed. An <guilabel>Installation Failed</guilabel> message and the reason for the failure is displayed. Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> to close the error dialog box and return to the main window of the Package Manager.</para>
+<sect2 id="remove_pkg"><title>Remove a Package</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to remove a package:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>To remove a single package, click on a package to select it. To remove many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to remove.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button in the toolbar to start the package uninstallation process.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove a package.</para>
+<listitem><para>Review the packages to be removed and the package dependencies details in the <literal>Remove Confirmation</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Uninstall the package or cancel the uninstallation process.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to start uninstalling the packages.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window.</para>
+<note><para>After you click the <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> button, you cannot undo the package removal action. However, you can reinstall the package at any time.</para>
+<sect2 id="search_pkg"><title>Search for a Package</title>
+<para>You can search for a package in the following ways :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Search the current repository</emphasis> – Search for a package in the repository currently selected in the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. The category selection or the <literal>Show</literal> filter does not affect the search and the search is performed on all packages in the currently selected repository.</para>
+<para>Enter a description, or a partial name in the <literal>Search</literal> box located on the toolbar. For example, you might type one of the following search terms to search for <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :</para>
+<para>To search for SunStudio compilers, you might type one of the following terms:</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Search all repositories</emphasis> – Select the multi-repository icon in the <literal>Search</literal> box to search for the package across all configured or registered repositories.</para>
+<para>Note the following important considerations when using the multi-repository search.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>The multi-repository search currently supports a search based on the package contents including its description, classification, and the files contained within the package. However, the correct results are displayed only if the term used for searching is an <emphasis role="strong">exact</emphasis> match.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">The multi-repository search does not search the package name</emphasis>.</para>
+<listitem><para>Wild card searching is supported by using the asterisk wild card, <literal>*</literal>, in the search term. Search using the wild card can be slower than an exact match search.</para>
+<para>Type a description of the package in the box. For example, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package is a book on Python programming. The description of the package contains the string <emphasis>book</emphasis>. To search for this package, you might then type one of the following terms:</para>
+<note><para>If you searched for the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> in the multi-repository search, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package will not be displayed as the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> is not present as an independent, complete word in the package contents. However you will find the package using the <literal>*</literal> wild card. Hence, searching for the term <literal>diveinto*</literal> will display the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package.</para>
+<tip><itemizedlist><listitem><para>Use the submenus under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></menuchoice> menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text in the <literal>Search</literal> box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Use the icon on the right side of the <literal>Search</literal> box to clear the search results.</para>
+<sect2 id="update_pkg"><title>Update a Package</title>
+<para>Look for the green icon next to the installed package name. This icon indicates that updates are available for the package in the currently selected repository. Select the package and click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> button to install the latest version of the package.</para>
+<sect1 id="intro_be"><title>Introduction to Boot Environments</title>
+<para>A boot environment is an image that is bootable. Upon an initial OpenSolaris installation, a boot environment is created.</para>
+<para> You can maintain multiple boot environments on your OpenSolaris 2009.06 system. Use the <command>beadm(1)</command> command from the command—line interface (CLI) to create, rename, mount or unmount, or destroy these boot environments.</para>
+<para>The Package Manager enables you to manage the boot environments created during the process of updating your image. For more information, see <xref linkend="manage_be"/> section.</para>
+<para>System administrators can maintain multiple boot environments on their systems, and each boot environment can have different software versions installed.</para>
+<para>When you use either the Package Manager or the <command>pkg image-update</command> command to update all the packages in your active OpenSolaris boot environment, a clone of that boot environment is automatically created. The packages are updated in the clone rather than in the original boot environment. After successfully completing the updates, the new clone is activated. Then, the clone will become the new default boot environment on system reboot. The original boot environment is also available as an alternate selection.</para>
+<para> See the beadm(1) man pages and the <ulink url="http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html"><citetitle>Upgrading and Managing Boot Environments</citetitle></ulink> document to learn more about boot environments and the <command>beadm(1)</command> command.</para>
+<sect2 id="update_all"><title>Update All Packages (Update Your Image)</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to update all the packages in your image.</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon located on the toolbar to start the process of updating <emphasis role="strong">all</emphasis> the packages installed in your image.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guisubmenu>Update All</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to start the process.</para>
+<note><para>The <guilabel>Update All</guilabel> icon is enabled when updates are available to the installed packages.</para>
+<listitem><para>A <literal>Create New Boot Environment</literal> window is displayed. A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated.</para>
+<listitem><para>(optional) You can change the name of the new boot environment if you want.</para>
+<listitem><para>Confirm or Cancel the new boot environment.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and proceed with the Update All process.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process.</para>
+<note><para>During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state that existed before the Update All process was started. If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend="gilfh"/> section on how to rectify the error and continue with updating your image.</para>
+<para>If you chose to proceed with the Update All process, the packages are downloaded and installed.</para>
+<para>After a successful completion, the <literal>Update All Complete</literal> dialog box is shown. A link to the Release Notes is provided in the dialog box. Read the <xref linkend="release_notes"/> before rebooting your system.</para>
+<listitem><para> Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton>. </para>
+<note><para><emphasis role="strong">You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect.</emphasis></para>
+<sect2 id="gilfh"><title>Update All Errors</title>
+<para>A new boot environment clone must be created by the Package Manager for the Update All process to be completed. An error message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created. You might see an error message such as the following :</para>
+<para><literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to cancel the action</literal>.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return to the main window.</para>
+<para>Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue with the Update All process: </para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to display the <literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select the boot environments that you want to delete.</para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>You cannot delete the currently active boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>You do not need to reboot your system if you are only deleting some of your boot environments.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is shown. Review your changes and click OK to proceed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon to restart the process of updating all packages.</para>
+<sect2 id="manage_be"><title>Manage Boot Environments</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to manage your boot environments:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Boot Environments</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Boot Environments</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para id="gijqg">In this dialog box , you can perform the following actions:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Activate a boot environment</emphasis> – Select the boot environment that you want to be active on system reboot. This will be the default boot environment <emphasis role="strong">after</emphasis> you have rebooted your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Remove old or unused boot environments to free up disk space</emphasis> – Select the boot environments that you want to delete.</para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>You cannot the delete the currently active boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>If you have selected a boot environment to be renamed, it cannot be deleted.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Rename a boot environment</emphasis> – Double-click the boot environment name that you want to change. Enter the new name of the boot environment and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. </para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>If you have selected a boot environment to be deleted, it cannot be renamed.</para>
+<listitem><para>The currently active boot environment cannot be renamed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Accept or decline the changes:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel all changes and return to the main window.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is displayed. Review your changes and click OK to proceed.</para>
+<warning role="caution"><para>After you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, you cannot undo any changes that you made to the boot environments.</para>
+<note><para>The changes that you made to the <emphasis role="strong">default boot environment</emphasis> setting are effective only after system reboot.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the changes and return to the <literal>BE Management</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Reboot your system to boot into the newly activated boot environment.</para>
+<note><para>Reboot your system only if you changed the active boot environment.</para>
+<sect1 id="manage_repo"><title>Managing Repositories</title>
+<sect2 id="add_repo"><title>Add a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to add a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <guilabel>Add...</guilabel> from the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu in the main window of the Package Manager.</para>
+<listitem><para> The <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed. Type the name and the address (URL) of the repository you want to add. Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>.</para>
+<sect2 id="add_secure_repo"><title>Add a Secure Repository</title>
+<para>A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access. Perform the following steps to add a secure repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Follow the steps in <xref linkend="add_repo"/> section to add a repository.</para>
+<listitem><para>Follow the steps in the <xref linkend="modify_repo"/> section to add a SSL key and certificate.</para>
+<sect2 id="remove_repo"><title>Remove a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to remove a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select a repository from the list. Click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>.</para>
+<note><para>A repository that has been set as preferred repository cannot be removed. To remove a preferred repository, set a nonpreferred repository as preferred, and then remove the repository.</para>
+<sect2 id="set_pref_repo"><title>Set a Preferred Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to set a preferred repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the radio button next to the repository that you would like to set as the preferred repository.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> if you are not making any other changes to the repository information.</para>
+<sect2 id="modify_repo"><title>Modify a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to modify a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select the repository that you want to modify.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button.</para>
+<para> The <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box is displayed. You can perform the following actions in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Change the URL of the repository</emphasis> – Type a valid URL for the repository.</para>
+<para>You cannot change a repository name after you have added a repository. To change the repository name, delete the existing repository with the old name and add a repository with the new name. See the <xref linkend="remove_repo"/> section for steps on how to remove a repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Add a SSL Key and Certificate</emphasis> – A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access.</para>
+<para>The <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box links to a registration site which provides instructions for downloading the SSL key and certificate</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>In the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box, click the <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link to download the key and certificate. Save them on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Add a Mirror</emphasis> – If a repository has a mirror, add the repository name and URL, and then click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to add the mirror information.</para>
+<listitem><para>Confirm or decline the changes.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the changes and return to the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel your changes.</para>
+<sect1><title>Working With WebInstall</title>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager provides support for users to add new repositories and optionally, install packages from these repositories using a simple one-click WebInstall process. A <filename>.p5i</filename> file which contains the repositories to be added and optionally, the package or packages that can be installed from these repositories, is required for the WebInstall process. The information contained in the <filename>.p5i</filename> file is read and used by the WebInstall process.</para>
+<sect2 id="webinstall"><title>How to Use WebInstall to Add Repositories and Install Packages</title>
+<bridgehead>Before You Begin</bridgehead><para>Locate the <filename>.p5i</filename> file which may be present on your desktop, the Start page in the Package Manager, or on a website.</para>
+<procedure><step><para>Start the Package manager in WebInstall mode in one of the following ways:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click on a <filename>.p5i</filename> file on your desktop, and the associated application, Package Manager in WebInstall mode, will be launched.</para>
+<listitem><para>Start the Package Manager from the command-line along with a path to the <filename>.p5i</filename> file. For example, type the following command at the command-line:</para>
+<para><command>$ pfexec packagemanager/<replaceable>path_to_pi5_file/file.p5i</replaceable></command></para>
+<listitem><para>Click on a URL location that contains a link to <filename>.p5i</filename> file. If you are using this method to start the WebInstall, the <filename>.p5i</filename> file <emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be located on a web server that has registered the new mime type. Only then, the web server can manage the <filename>.p5i</filename> automatically and start Package Manager in WebInstall mode.</para>
+<para>If the <filename>.p5i</filename> is located on a web server that does not have the new mime type registered, save the <filename>.p5i</filename> file to your desktop and then click on it to launch Web Install.</para>
+<step><para>The following example window that shows a list of repositories that will be added and the packages that will be installed. Review the information.</para>
+<figure id="gilwx"><title>Package Manager WebInstaller</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/wi_start.png" /></imageobject>
+<step><para>Confirm or cancel the WebInstall process.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to add the new repositories and install the packages.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. The Package Manager application exits.</para>
+<step><para>(Optional) If the repositories that are to be added are secure repositories, an SSL key and certificate is required. An <literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click the <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link in the <literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box to download the SSL key and certificate. </para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed.</para>
+<para>The <literal>Adding New Repositories</literal> status bar is displayed.</para>
+<step><para>(Optional) If packages are being installed, the <literal>Install/Update</literal> dialog box is displayed. Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation.</para>
+<para>The application will close when all packages are installed.</para>
+<sect1 id="um_info"><title>Working With the Update Manager</title>
+<sect2 id="gijqh"><title>About The Update Manager</title>
+<para>The Update Manager is a separate application that starts from the desktop when updates to the installed packages are available in the repository.</para>
+<figure id="gijqi"><title>Update Manager Main Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/update_all.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>You can use the Update Manager application to update the installed packages in your image.</para>
+<note><para>For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, the Update Manager updates <emphasis role="strong">all</emphasis> installed packages in the image. This action is equivalent to running the <command>pkg image-update</command> command from the command-line.</para>
+<sect2 id="using_um"><title>Using the Update Manager</title>
+<para>When updates are available to the installed packages, a notification icon is displayed in the notification panel on the OpenSolaris desktop.</para>
+<para> You can also click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</guimenu><guisubmenu>Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Update Manager</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to manually launch the Update Manager.</para>
+<para>When you are notified of a software update, perform the following steps to begin the process of updating your system:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click the notification icon on the desktop to display the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window.</para>
+<note><para>Select a package and click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel if you want to view more information about the package.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Update All</literal> dialog box is displayed. Proceed with the Update All process or cancel the action.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and update all packages in the current image.</para>
+<para>During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state that existed before the Update All process was started. </para>
+<para>If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend="gileh"/> section on how to rectify the error and continue with updating your image.</para>
+<note><para>A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated. You can accept the name generated by the system, or provide your own name for the boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process.</para>
+<listitem><para>If you chose to proceed, the <literal>Installing Updates</literal> windows are displayed. The package installation process consists of four stages:</para>
+<para>You can choose to cancel the process only during the <emphasis role="strong">Prepare</emphasis> and <emphasis role="strong">Download</emphasis> stages. Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to cancel the installation process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window of the Update Manager.</para>
+<note><para>If an error occurs during any of the stages, the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel is expanded and the details of the error are displayed. An error status indicator is shown next to the failed stage.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel to view more information about each of the installation processes.</para>
+<listitem><para>Read the <xref linkend="release_notes"/> before rebooting your system.</para>
+<warning role="caution"><para>You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect.</para>
+<sect2 id="gileh"><title>Update All Errors</title>
+<para>A new boot environment clone <emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be created for the Update All process to be completed. The following error message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created due to space restrictions :</para>
+<para><literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to cancel the action</literal>.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return to the Update Manager main window.</para>
+<para>Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue with the Update All process: </para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> in the error dialog box to go to the <literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Go to step 2 in the <xref linkend="gilfh"/> section. Follow the instructions to delete old or unused boot environments and free up disk space.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window to restart the process of updating all packages.</para>
+<sect1 id="release_notes"><title>Release Notes</title>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Release Notes are available at the following locations:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>x86 <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200811/x86/">Release Notes</ulink></para>
+<listitem><para><trademark class="registered">SPARC</trademark> <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200906/sparc">Release Notes</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="gimfg"><title>Package Manager Screencast</title>
+<para>A screencast that shows Package Manager usage for beginners is available. Click the link below to go to the screencast.</para>
+<para><ulink url="http://webcast-west.sun.com/interactive/09D02034/index.html">OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Screencast</ulink></para>
+<glossary id="glossary"><title>Image Packaging System Glossary</title>
+<glossdef lang="en"><para>A person, group, or corporation that designs, creates, and publishes a package to a repository. The repository in turn serves the packages from the (default) publisher, for downloading purposes. The developer-quality packages managed by Sun and made available through <ulink url="http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> is an example of a publisher.</para>
+<para>The term <emphasis role="strong">authority</emphasis> has been replaced with the term <emphasis role="strong">publisher</emphasis> from the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release onwards.</para>
+<glossentry><glossterm>boot environment</glossterm>
+<glossdef><para>For an OpenSolaris release, a boot environment is an instance of a bootable OpenSolaris environment. The root file system and all other file systems of the boot environment that contain system software are required to be ZFS datasets.</para>
+<para>The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Many boot environments can present on an OpenSolaris system and an inactive boot environment can be in a state of waiting for activation upon system reboot.</para>
+<glossdef><para>An exact copy. </para>
+<para>A clone could be an exact copy of an operating system, a file system, or a volume. This copy has 100% compatibility with the original.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A generic name for the following ZFS entities: clones, file systems, snapshots, or volumes. Each dataset is identified by a unique name in the ZFS namespace.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A collection of software in a package that comprises an entire or partial operating system. The package is suitable for installation.</para>
+<para>An image is a location on your system where packages and their associated files, directories, links, and dependencies can be installed.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A collection of files, directories, links, drivers, and dependencies in a defined format.</para>
+<glossentry><glossterm>preferred repository</glossterm>
+<glossdef><para>A default repository that is the source for packages. If a user does not explicitly specify a repository when installing and updating packages, the preferred repository is chosen as the source for packages.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A location where packages are available for downloading. A publisher can publish packages to many repositories.</para>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.0/docbookx.dtd">
+<book id="pkgmgr" label="fcs" lang="en"><title>OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Online Help</title>
+<pubdate>June 2009</pubdate>
+<publisher><publishername>Sun Microsystems</publishername>
+<legalnotice><para>Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more U.S. patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries.</para>
+<para>U.S. Government Rights – Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements.</para>
+<para>This distribution may include materials developed by third parties.</para>
+<para>Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd.</para>
+<para>Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, the Solaris logo, the Java Coffee Cup logo, docs.sun.com, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. </para>
+<para>The OPEN LOOK and <trademark>Sun</trademark> Graphical User Interface was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun acknowledges the pioneering efforts of Xerox in researching and developing the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xerox to the Xerox Graphical User Interface, which license also covers Sun's licensees who implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Sun's written license agreements.</para>
+<para>Products covered by and information contained in this publication are controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weapons or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject to U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion lists, including, but not limited to, the denied persons and specially designated nationals lists is strictly prohibited.</para>
+<para lang="fr"></para>
+<para>Sun Microsystems, Inc. détient les droits de propriété intellectuelle relatifs à la technologie incorporée dans le produit qui est décrit dans ce document. En particulier, et ce sans limitation, ces droits de propriété intellectuelle peuvent inclure un ou plusieurs brevets américains ou des applications de brevet en attente aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays.</para>
+<para>Cette distribution peut comprendre des composants développés par des tierces personnes.</para>
+<para>Certaines composants de ce produit peuvent être dérivées du logiciel Berkeley BSD, licenciés par l'Université de Californie. UNIX est une marque déposée aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays; elle est licenciée exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd. </para>
+<para>Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, le logo Solaris, le logo Java Coffee Cup, docs.sun.com, Java et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de Sun Microsystems, Inc., ou ses filiales, aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de SPARC International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Les produits portant les marques SPARC sont basés sur une architecture développée par Sun Microsystems, Inc. </para>
+<para>L'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et Sun a été développée par Sun Microsystems, Inc. pour ses utilisateurs et licenciés. Sun reconnaît les efforts de pionniers de Xerox pour la recherche et le développement du concept des interfaces d'utilisation visuelle ou graphique pour l'industrie de l'informatique. Sun détient une licence non exclusive de Xerox sur l'interface d'utilisation graphique Xerox, cette licence couvrant également les licenciés de Sun qui mettent en place l'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et qui, en outre, se conforment aux licences écrites de Sun.</para>
+<para>Les produits qui font l'objet de cette publication et les informations qu'il contient sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des exportations et peuvent être soumis au droit d'autres pays dans le domaine des exportations et importations. Les utilisations finales, ou utilisateurs finaux, pour des armes nucléaires, des missiles, des armes chimiques ou biologiques ou pour le nucléaire maritime, directement ou indirectement, sont strictement interdites. Les exportations ou réexportations vers des pays sous embargo des Etats-Unis, ou vers des entités figurant sur les listes d'exclusion d'exportation américaines, y compris, mais de manière non exclusive, la liste de personnes qui font objet d'un ordre de ne pas participer, d'une façon directe ou indirecte, aux exportations des produits ou des services qui sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des exportations et la liste de ressortissants spécifiquement designés, sont rigoureusement interdites.</para>
+<chapter><title>About the Package Manager</title>
+<para>Welcome to the <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06 Package Manager online help!</para>
+<para>Use this help contents to learn how to use the Package Manager. Navigate through this help by clicking the topics displayed in the sidebar.</para>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager application is a graphical user interface for the Image Packaging System (IPS) software.</para>
+<para>The Package Manager enables you to perform the following tasks:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Search, install, and remove packages</para>
+<listitem><para>Update your system</para>
+<listitem><para>Add and modify repositories</para>
+<listitem><para>Create, remove, and manage boot environments</para>
+<note><para>See the <xref linkend="glossary"/> for a definition of the terms used in this document.</para>
+<sect1 id="gikcw"><title>About Image Packaging System</title>
+<para>Image Packaging System (IPS) is a software delivery system that interacts with a network repository. The IPS software is a framework which provides for software lifecycle management including installation, upgrade, and removal.</para>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 release uses IPS as its packaging system.</para>
+<para>After an initial installation of OpenSolaris 2009.06 operating system, you will find that many of the software applications that you use on a regular basis are not immediately available to you. These software applications are available as packages in a repository for downloading and installing over the Internet. A repository is a source for packages.</para>
+<para>Users can use IPS to install packages from a repository, create and publish their own IPS packages, mirror an existing repository, and publish existing packages to a repository.</para>
+<para>Once you have installed packages, IPS enables you to search, update, and manage packages on your system.</para>
+<para>With IPS , you can upgrade your system to a newer build of OpenSolaris, install and update your software to the latest available versions in a repository, and retrieve packages from mirror repositories. </para>
+<note><para><emphasis role="strong">The Package Manager provides a subset of the tasks that can be performed from the command-line.</emphasis></para>
+<para>If the system on which IPS is installed is on the network, IPS can automatically access the OpenSolaris repository. For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, your IPS client can access the packages from <ulink url="http://pkg.opensolaris.org"></ulink>. </para>
+<para>For more information about IPS, see the <ulink url="http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/">Image Packaging System Guide</ulink> and the IPS <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/">man pages</ulink>.</para>
+<para>Visit the <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg">project page</ulink> on opensolaris.org and subscribe to [email protected] to get involved with the IPS project.</para>
+<sect1 id="pm_win"><title>The Package Manager Window</title>
+<sect2 id="gijpl"><title>About the Package Manager Window</title>
+<para>When you start the Package Manager, the following window is displayed. </para>
+<figure id="gijpx"><title>Package Manager Start Up Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/pm_store.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>The Start Page provides links to <ulink url="http://opensolaris.com">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community.</para>
+<para>To close the Start Page and see the list of packages , perform any of the following actions in the main window of the Package Manager:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Select a package category</para>
+<listitem><para>Switch the top level category</para>
+<listitem><para>Switch the <literal>Show</literal> filter</para>
+<listitem><para>Perform a search</para>
+<listitem><para>Change the repository</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to return to the Start Page at anytime.</para>
+<note><para>See the <xref linkend="edit_prefs"/> section to turn off the <emphasis role="strong">initial display</emphasis> of the Start Page when the Package Manager starts.</para>
+<figure id="gilgx"><title>List of Packages in the Package Manager Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/pm_pkglist.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>The main window of the Package Manager consists of the following elements :</para>
+<variablelist><varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Menubar</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>You can access the menus on the menubar to perform all of the commands related to the Package Manager.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Toolbar</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The toolbar contains the icons for a subset of the commands that can be performed by using the menus on the menubar. A<literal>Search</literal> box is also located on the toolbar.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">List of Packages by Category</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>You can browse the available packages by category in the left hand side drop-down menu. The drop-down menu shows the list of categories available such as <emphasis role="strong">Applications-Desktop</emphasis>, <emphasis role="strong">Applications –Web—based</emphasis>, and <emphasis role="strong">Operating System</emphasis>.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">List of Packages by Status</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Show</literal> drop-down menu enables you to filter the list of packages by the following options :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">All Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of all packages available in the current repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages installed on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Updates Available</emphasis> — Shows the list of packages that have newer versions available in the current repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Non-installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages that are not installed, but are available in the currently selected repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Selected Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of packages that you have selected.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Package Name and Description</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The list of packages in the selected category, a brief description, and their status are displayed here.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Package Details</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>Click a package name to select it. Details of the selected package, such as name, version, file dependencies, and license are displayed in this window.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Repository Drop-down Menu</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>The list of available repositories is shown in the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. Click a repository name to select it.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><emphasis role="strong">Search Box</emphasis></term>
+<listitem><para>Search for a package is provided in the following contexts :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Search within the current repository</para>
+<listitem><para>Search across all configured repositories</para>
+<sect2 id="edit_prefs"><title>Start Page Preferences</title>
+<para>A Start Page is displayed in the main window of the Package Manager when the application is started. The Start Page provides links to <ulink url="http://opensolaris.com">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community.</para>
+<para>You can choose to turn off this setting so this page is not displayed when Package Manager starts.</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu and uncheck the <emphasis role="strong">Show Start Page on startup</emphasis> box to disable the Start Page.</para>
+<para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to go to the Start Page at anytime.</para>
+<sect1><title>Working With Packages</title>
+<sect2 id="install_pkg"><title>Install a Package</title>
+<para>The list of packages is displayed in the main windows of the Package Manager. Perform the following steps to install a package:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>To install a single package, click on a package to select it. To install many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to install.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> icon in the toolbar to start the package installation process.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guimenuitem>Install/Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the package installation process.</para>
+<listitem><para>View the details or cancel the package installation .</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guilabel>Show Details</guilabel> to view the details.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window. </para>
+<listitem><para>After the installation has completed, click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> on the <literal>Installation Completed</literal> dialog box to return to the main window.</para>
+<subtopic id="gilxb"><title>Installation Error</title>
+<para>If an error occurs during package installation, an error dialog box is displayed. An <guilabel>Installation Failed</guilabel> message and the reason for the failure is displayed. Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> to close the error dialog box and return to the main window of the Package Manager.</para>
+<sect2 id="remove_pkg"><title>Remove a Package</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to remove a package:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>To remove a single package, click on a package to select it. To remove many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to remove.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button in the toolbar to start the package uninstallation process.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove a package.</para>
+<listitem><para>Review the packages to be removed and the package dependencies details in the <literal>Remove Confirmation</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Uninstall the package or cancel the uninstallation process.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to start uninstalling the packages.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window.</para>
+<note><para>After you click the <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> button, you cannot undo the package removal action. However, you can reinstall the package at any time.</para>
+<sect2 id="search_pkg"><title>Search for a Package</title>
+<para>You can search for a package in the following ways :</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Search the current repository</emphasis> – Search for a package in the repository currently selected in the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. The category selection or the <literal>Show</literal> filter does not affect the search and the search is performed on all packages in the currently selected repository.</para>
+<para>Enter a description, or a partial name in the <literal>Search</literal> box located on the toolbar. For example, you might type one of the following search terms to search for <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :</para>
+<para>To search for SunStudio compilers, you might type one of the following terms:</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Search all repositories</emphasis> – Select the multi-repository icon in the <literal>Search</literal> box to search for the package across all configured or registered repositories.</para>
+<para>Note the following important considerations when using the multi-repository search.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>The multi-repository search currently supports a search based on the package contents including its description, classification, and the files contained within the package. However, the correct results are displayed only if the term used for searching is an <emphasis role="strong">exact</emphasis> match.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">The multi-repository search does not search the package name</emphasis>.</para>
+<listitem><para>Wild card searching is supported by using the asterisk wild card, <literal>*</literal>, in the search term. Search using the wild card can be slower than an exact match search.</para>
+<para>Type a description of the package in the box. For example, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package is a book on Python programming. The description of the package contains the string <emphasis>book</emphasis>. To search for this package, you might then type one of the following terms:</para>
+<note><para>If you searched for the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> in the multi-repository search, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package will not be displayed as the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> is not present as an independent, complete word in the package contents. However you will find the package using the <literal>*</literal> wild card. Hence, searching for the term <literal>diveinto*</literal> will display the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package.</para>
+<tip><itemizedlist><listitem><para>Use the submenus under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></menuchoice> menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text in the <literal>Search</literal> box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Use the icon on the right side of the <literal>Search</literal> box to clear the search results.</para>
+<sect2 id="update_pkg"><title>Update a Package</title>
+<para>Look for the green icon next to the installed package name. This icon indicates that updates are available for the package in the currently selected repository. Select the package and click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> button to install the latest version of the package.</para>
+<sect1 id="intro_be"><title>Introduction to Boot Environments</title>
+<para>A boot environment is an image that is bootable. Upon an initial OpenSolaris installation, a boot environment is created.</para>
+<para> You can maintain multiple boot environments on your OpenSolaris 2009.06 system. Use the <command>beadm(1)</command> command from the command—line interface (CLI) to create, rename, mount or unmount, or destroy these boot environments.</para>
+<para>The Package Manager enables you to manage the boot environments created during the process of updating your image. For more information, see <xref linkend="manage_be"/> section.</para>
+<para>System administrators can maintain multiple boot environments on their systems, and each boot environment can have different software versions installed.</para>
+<para>When you use either the Package Manager or the <command>pkg image-update</command> command to update all the packages in your active OpenSolaris boot environment, a clone of that boot environment is automatically created. The packages are updated in the clone rather than in the original boot environment. After successfully completing the updates, the new clone is activated. Then, the clone will become the new default boot environment on system reboot. The original boot environment is also available as an alternate selection.</para>
+<para> See the beadm(1) man pages and the <ulink url="http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html"><citetitle>Upgrading and Managing Boot Environments</citetitle></ulink> document to learn more about boot environments and the <command>beadm(1)</command> command.</para>
+<sect2 id="update_all"><title>Update All Packages (Update Your Image)</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to update all the packages in your image.</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon located on the toolbar to start the process of updating <emphasis role="strong">all</emphasis> the packages installed in your image.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guisubmenu>Update All</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to start the process.</para>
+<note><para>The <guilabel>Update All</guilabel> icon is enabled when updates are available to the installed packages.</para>
+<listitem><para>A <literal>Create New Boot Environment</literal> window is displayed. A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated.</para>
+<listitem><para>(optional) You can change the name of the new boot environment if you want.</para>
+<listitem><para>Confirm or Cancel the new boot environment.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and proceed with the Update All process.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process.</para>
+<note><para>During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state that existed before the Update All process was started. If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend="gilfh"/> section on how to rectify the error and continue with updating your image.</para>
+<para>If you chose to proceed with the Update All process, the packages are downloaded and installed.</para>
+<para>After a successful completion, the <literal>Update All Complete</literal> dialog box is shown. A link to the Release Notes is provided in the dialog box. Read the <xref linkend="release_notes"/> before rebooting your system.</para>
+<listitem><para> Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton>. </para>
+<note><para><emphasis role="strong">You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect.</emphasis></para>
+<sect2 id="gilfh"><title>Update All Errors</title>
+<para>A new boot environment clone must be created by the Package Manager for the Update All process to be completed. An error message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created. You might see an error message such as the following :</para>
+<para><literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to cancel the action</literal>.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return to the main window.</para>
+<para>Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue with the Update All process: </para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to display the <literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select the boot environments that you want to delete.</para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>You cannot delete the currently active boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>You do not need to reboot your system if you are only deleting some of your boot environments.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is shown. Review your changes and click OK to proceed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon to restart the process of updating all packages.</para>
+<sect2 id="manage_be"><title>Manage Boot Environments</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to manage your boot environments:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Boot Environments</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Boot Environments</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para id="gijqg">In this dialog box , you can perform the following actions:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Activate a boot environment</emphasis> – Select the boot environment that you want to be active on system reboot. This will be the default boot environment <emphasis role="strong">after</emphasis> you have rebooted your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Remove old or unused boot environments to free up disk space</emphasis> – Select the boot environments that you want to delete.</para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>You cannot the delete the currently active boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>If you have selected a boot environment to be renamed, it cannot be deleted.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Rename a boot environment</emphasis> – Double-click the boot environment name that you want to change. Enter the new name of the boot environment and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. </para>
+<note><itemizedlist><listitem><para>If you have selected a boot environment to be deleted, it cannot be renamed.</para>
+<listitem><para>The currently active boot environment cannot be renamed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Accept or decline the changes:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel all changes and return to the main window.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is displayed. Review your changes and click OK to proceed.</para>
+<warning role="caution"><para>After you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, you cannot undo any changes that you made to the boot environments.</para>
+<note><para>The changes that you made to the <emphasis role="strong">default boot environment</emphasis> setting are effective only after system reboot.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the changes and return to the <literal>BE Management</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Reboot your system to boot into the newly activated boot environment.</para>
+<note><para>Reboot your system only if you changed the active boot environment.</para>
+<sect1 id="manage_repo"><title>Managing Repositories</title>
+<sect2 id="add_repo"><title>Add a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to add a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
+<para>You can also choose <guilabel>Add...</guilabel> from the <literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu in the main window of the Package Manager.</para>
+<listitem><para> The <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed. Type the name and the address (URL) of the repository you want to add. Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>.</para>
+<sect2 id="add_secure_repo"><title>Add a Secure Repository</title>
+<para>A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access. Perform the following steps to add a secure repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Follow the steps in <xref linkend="add_repo"/> section to add a repository.</para>
+<listitem><para>Follow the steps in the <xref linkend="modify_repo"/> section to add a SSL key and certificate.</para>
+<sect2 id="remove_repo"><title>Remove a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to remove a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select a repository from the list. Click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>.</para>
+<note><para>A repository that has been set as preferred repository cannot be removed. To remove a preferred repository, set a nonpreferred repository as preferred, and then remove the repository.</para>
+<sect2 id="set_pref_repo"><title>Set a Preferred Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to set a preferred repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the radio button next to the repository that you would like to set as the preferred repository.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> if you are not making any other changes to the repository information.</para>
+<sect2 id="modify_repo"><title>Modify a Repository</title>
+<para>Perform the following steps to modify a repository:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Select the repository that you want to modify.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button.</para>
+<para> The <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box is displayed. You can perform the following actions in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Change the URL of the repository</emphasis> – Type a valid URL for the repository.</para>
+<para>You cannot change a repository name after you have added a repository. To change the repository name, delete the existing repository with the old name and add a repository with the new name. See the <xref linkend="remove_repo"/> section for steps on how to remove a repository.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Add a SSL Key and Certificate</emphasis> – A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access.</para>
+<para>The <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box links to a registration site which provides instructions for downloading the SSL key and certificate</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>In the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box, click the <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link to download the key and certificate. Save them on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para><emphasis role="strong">Add a Mirror</emphasis> – If a repository has a mirror, add the repository name and URL, and then click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to add the mirror information.</para>
+<listitem><para>Confirm or decline the changes.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the changes and return to the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel your changes.</para>
+<sect1><title>Working With WebInstall</title>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager provides support for users to add new repositories and optionally, install packages from these repositories using a simple one-click WebInstall process. A <filename>.p5i</filename> file which contains the repositories to be added and optionally, the package or packages that can be installed from these repositories, is required for the WebInstall process. The information contained in the <filename>.p5i</filename> file is read and used by the WebInstall process.</para>
+<sect2 id="webinstall"><title>How to Use WebInstall to Add Repositories and Install Packages</title>
+<bridgehead>Before You Begin</bridgehead><para>Locate the <filename>.p5i</filename> file which may be present on your desktop, the Start page in the Package Manager, or on a website.</para>
+<procedure><step><para>Start the Package manager in WebInstall mode in one of the following ways:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click on a <filename>.p5i</filename> file on your desktop, and the associated application, Package Manager in WebInstall mode, will be launched.</para>
+<listitem><para>Start the Package Manager from the command-line along with a path to the <filename>.p5i</filename> file. For example, type the following command at the command-line:</para>
+<para><command>$ pfexec packagemanager/<replaceable>path_to_pi5_file/file.p5i</replaceable></command></para>
+<listitem><para>Click on a URL location that contains a link to <filename>.p5i</filename> file. If you are using this method to start the WebInstall, the <filename>.p5i</filename> file <emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be located on a web server that has registered the new mime type. Only then, the web server can manage the <filename>.p5i</filename> automatically and start Package Manager in WebInstall mode.</para>
+<para>If the <filename>.p5i</filename> is located on a web server that does not have the new mime type registered, save the <filename>.p5i</filename> file to your desktop and then click on it to launch Web Install.</para>
+<step><para>The following example window that shows a list of repositories that will be added and the packages that will be installed. Review the information.</para>
+<figure id="gilwx"><title>Package Manager WebInstaller</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/wi_start.png" /></imageobject>
+<step><para>Confirm or cancel the WebInstall process.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to add the new repositories and install the packages.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. The Package Manager application exits.</para>
+<step><para>(Optional) If the repositories that are to be added are secure repositories, an SSL key and certificate is required. An <literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click the <emphasis role="strong">Instructions</emphasis> link in the <literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box to download the SSL key and certificate. </para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate on your system.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed.</para>
+<para>The <literal>Adding New Repositories</literal> status bar is displayed.</para>
+<step><para>(Optional) If packages are being installed, the <literal>Install/Update</literal> dialog box is displayed. Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation.</para>
+<para>The application will close when all packages are installed.</para>
+<sect1 id="um_info"><title>Working With the Update Manager</title>
+<sect2 id="gijqh"><title>About The Update Manager</title>
+<para>The Update Manager is a separate application that starts from the desktop when updates to the installed packages are available in the repository.</para>
+<figure id="gijqi"><title>Update Manager Main Window</title>
+<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="../C/figures/update_all.png" /></imageobject>
+<para>You can use the Update Manager application to update the installed packages in your image.</para>
+<note><para>For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, the Update Manager updates <emphasis role="strong">all</emphasis> installed packages in the image. This action is equivalent to running the <command>pkg image-update</command> command from the command-line.</para>
+<sect2 id="using_um"><title>Using the Update Manager</title>
+<para>When updates are available to the installed packages, a notification icon is displayed in the notification panel on the OpenSolaris desktop.</para>
+<para> You can also click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</guimenu><guisubmenu>Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Update Manager</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to manually launch the Update Manager.</para>
+<para>When you are notified of a software update, perform the following steps to begin the process of updating your system:</para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click the notification icon on the desktop to display the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window.</para>
+<note><para>Select a package and click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel if you want to view more information about the package.</para>
+<listitem><para>The <literal>Update All</literal> dialog box is displayed. Proceed with the Update All process or cancel the action.</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and update all packages in the current image.</para>
+<para>During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state that existed before the Update All process was started. </para>
+<para>If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend="gileh"/> section on how to rectify the error and continue with updating your image.</para>
+<note><para>A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated. You can accept the name generated by the system, or provide your own name for the boot environment.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process.</para>
+<listitem><para>If you chose to proceed, the <literal>Installing Updates</literal> windows are displayed. The package installation process consists of four stages:</para>
+<para>You can choose to cancel the process only during the <emphasis role="strong">Prepare</emphasis> and <emphasis role="strong">Download</emphasis> stages. Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to cancel the installation process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main window of the Update Manager.</para>
+<note><para>If an error occurs during any of the stages, the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel is expanded and the details of the error are displayed. An error status indicator is shown next to the failed stage.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel to view more information about each of the installation processes.</para>
+<listitem><para>Read the <xref linkend="release_notes"/> before rebooting your system.</para>
+<warning role="caution"><para>You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect.</para>
+<sect2 id="gileh"><title>Update All Errors</title>
+<para>A new boot environment clone <emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be created for the Update All process to be completed. The following error message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created due to space restrictions :</para>
+<para><literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to cancel the action</literal>.</para>
+<para>Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return to the Update Manager main window.</para>
+<para>Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue with the Update All process: </para>
+<orderedlist><listitem><para>Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> in the error dialog box to go to the <literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog.</para>
+<listitem><para>Go to step 2 in the <xref linkend="gilfh"/> section. Follow the instructions to delete old or unused boot environments and free up disk space.</para>
+<listitem><para>Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update Manager</literal> window to restart the process of updating all packages.</para>
+<sect1 id="release_notes"><title>Release Notes</title>
+<para>The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Release Notes are available at the following locations:</para>
+<itemizedlist><listitem><para>x86 <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200811/x86/">Release Notes</ulink></para>
+<listitem><para><trademark class="registered">SPARC</trademark> <ulink url="http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200906/sparc">Release Notes</ulink></para>
+<sect1 id="gimfg"><title>Package Manager Screencast</title>
+<para>A screencast that shows Package Manager usage for beginners is available. Click the link below to go to the screencast.</para>
+<para><ulink url="http://webcast-west.sun.com/interactive/09D02034/index.html">OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Screencast</ulink></para>
+<glossary id="glossary"><title>Image Packaging System Glossary</title>
+<glossdef lang="en"><para>A person, group, or corporation that designs, creates, and publishes a package to a repository. The repository in turn serves the packages from the (default) publisher, for downloading purposes. The developer-quality packages managed by Sun and made available through <ulink url="http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> is an example of a publisher.</para>
+<para>The term <emphasis role="strong">authority</emphasis> has been replaced with the term <emphasis role="strong">publisher</emphasis> from the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release onwards.</para>
+<glossentry><glossterm>boot environment</glossterm>
+<glossdef><para>For an OpenSolaris release, a boot environment is an instance of a bootable OpenSolaris environment. The root file system and all other file systems of the boot environment that contain system software are required to be ZFS datasets.</para>
+<para>The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Many boot environments can present on an OpenSolaris system and an inactive boot environment can be in a state of waiting for activation upon system reboot.</para>
+<glossdef><para>An exact copy. </para>
+<para>A clone could be an exact copy of an operating system, a file system, or a volume. This copy has 100% compatibility with the original.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A generic name for the following ZFS entities: clones, file systems, snapshots, or volumes. Each dataset is identified by a unique name in the ZFS namespace.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A collection of software in a package that comprises an entire or partial operating system. The package is suitable for installation.</para>
+<para>An image is a location on your system where packages and their associated files, directories, links, and dependencies can be installed.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A collection of files, directories, links, drivers, and dependencies in a defined format.</para>
+<glossentry><glossterm>preferred repository</glossterm>
+<glossdef><para>A default repository that is the source for packages. If a user does not explicitly specify a repository when installing and updating packages, the preferred repository is chosen as the source for packages.</para>
+<glossdef><para>A location where packages are available for downloading. A publisher can publish packages to many repositories.</para>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/help/pl/pl.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2209 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+# Use is subject to license terms.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-23 10:17+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: package-manager.xml:66(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/pm_store.png'; md5=4d451d067ad02bc33cae5b55f35ec60a"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/pm_store.png'; md5=4d451d067ad02bc33cae5b55f35ec60a"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: package-manager.xml:86(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/pm_pkglist.png'; md5=1ddfad59d99ad9e513d30fa402a11fe5"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/pm_pkglist.png'; md5=1ddfad59d99ad9e513d30fa402a11fe5"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: package-manager.xml:434(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/wi_start.png'; md5=ac56d72dd8f342ac4f04e9d4b2a9f45f"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/wi_start.png'; md5=ac56d72dd8f342ac4f04e9d4b2a9f45f"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: package-manager.xml:464(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/update_all.png'; md5=af873a11d59466bf46c49bd3d3a227af"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/update_all.png'; md5=af873a11d59466bf46c49bd3d3a227af"
+#: package-manager.xml:3(title)
+msgid "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Online Help"
+msgstr "Pomoc Online Menedżera Pakietów OpenSolaris 2009.06"
+#: package-manager.xml:4(firstname)
+msgid "OpenSolaris"
+msgstr "OpenSolaris"
+#: package-manager.xml:5(surname)
+msgid "Publications"
+msgstr "Publikacje"
+#: package-manager.xml:8(pubsnumber)
+msgid "822-7173"
+msgstr "822-7173"
+#: package-manager.xml:10(pubdate)
+msgid "June 2009"
+msgstr "Czerwiec 2009"
+#: package-manager.xml:11(publishername)
+msgid "Sun Microsystems"
+msgstr "Sun Microsystems"
+#: package-manager.xml:13(year)
+msgid "2009"
+msgstr "2009"
+#: package-manager.xml:15(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to "
+"technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In "
+"particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may "
+"include one or more U.S. patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. "
+"and in other countries."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:16(para)
+msgid ""
+"U.S. Government Rights – Commercial software. Government users are subject "
+"to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable "
+"provisions of the FAR and its supplements."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:17(para)
+msgid "This distribution may include materials developed by third parties."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:18(para)
+msgid ""
+"Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from "
+"the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and "
+"other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:19(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, the Solaris logo, the Java Coffee Cup "
+"logo, docs.sun.com, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered "
+"trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and "
+"other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are "
+"trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. "
+"and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an "
+"architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:20(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OPEN LOOK and <trademark>Sun</trademark> Graphical User Interface was "
+"developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun "
+"acknowledges the pioneering efforts of Xerox in researching and developing "
+"the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer "
+"industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xerox to the Xerox "
+"Graphical User Interface, which license also covers Sun's licensees who "
+"implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Sun's written license "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:21(para)
+msgid ""
+"Products covered by and information contained in this publication are "
+"controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or "
+"import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical or biological "
+"weapons or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or "
+"indirect, are strictly prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject "
+"to U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion lists, "
+"including, but not limited to, the denied persons and specially designated "
+"nationals lists is strictly prohibited."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:22(para)
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:24(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. détient les droits de propriété intellectuelle "
+"relatifs à la technologie incorporée dans le produit qui est décrit dans ce "
+"document. En particulier, et ce sans limitation, ces droits de propriété "
+"intellectuelle peuvent inclure un ou plusieurs brevets américains ou des "
+"applications de brevet en attente aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:25(para)
+msgid ""
+"Cette distribution peut comprendre des composants développés par des tierces "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:26(para)
+msgid ""
+"Certaines composants de ce produit peuvent être dérivées du logiciel "
+"Berkeley BSD, licenciés par l'Université de Californie. UNIX est une marque "
+"déposée aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays; elle est licenciée "
+"exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:27(para)
+msgid ""
+"Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, le logo Solaris, le logo Java Coffee "
+"Cup, docs.sun.com, Java et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique ou des "
+"marques déposées de Sun Microsystems, Inc., ou ses filiales, aux Etats-Unis "
+"et dans d'autres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence "
+"et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de SPARC "
+"International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Les produits "
+"portant les marques SPARC sont basés sur une architecture développée par Sun "
+"Microsystems, Inc."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:28(para)
+msgid ""
+"L'interface d'utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et Sun a été développée par "
+"Sun Microsystems, Inc. pour ses utilisateurs et licenciés. Sun reconnaît les "
+"efforts de pionniers de Xerox pour la recherche et le développement du "
+"concept des interfaces d'utilisation visuelle ou graphique pour l'industrie "
+"de l'informatique. Sun détient une licence non exclusive de Xerox sur "
+"l'interface d'utilisation graphique Xerox, cette licence couvrant également "
+"les licenciés de Sun qui mettent en place l'interface d'utilisation "
+"graphique OPEN LOOK et qui, en outre, se conforment aux licences écrites de "
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:29(para)
+msgid ""
+"Les produits qui font l'objet de cette publication et les informations qu'il "
+"contient sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de contrôle des "
+"exportations et peuvent être soumis au droit d'autres pays dans le domaine "
+"des exportations et importations. Les utilisations finales, ou utilisateurs "
+"finaux, pour des armes nucléaires, des missiles, des armes chimiques ou "
+"biologiques ou pour le nucléaire maritime, directement ou indirectement, "
+"sont strictement interdites. Les exportations ou réexportations vers des "
+"pays sous embargo des Etats-Unis, ou vers des entités figurant sur les "
+"listes d'exclusion d'exportation américaines, y compris, mais de manière non "
+"exclusive, la liste de personnes qui font objet d'un ordre de ne pas "
+"participer, d'une façon directe ou indirecte, aux exportations des produits "
+"ou des services qui sont régis par la legislation américaine en matière de "
+"contrôle des exportations et la liste de ressortissants spécifiquement "
+"designés, sont rigoureusement interdites."
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:30(para)
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: package-manager.xml:33(title)
+msgid "About the Package Manager"
+msgstr "O Menadżerze Pakietów"
+#: package-manager.xml:34(para)
+msgid ""
+"Welcome to the <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06 Package Manager "
+"online help!"
+msgstr ""
+       "Witaj w Menadżerze Pakietów <trademark>OpenSolaris</trademark> 2009.06"
+#: package-manager.xml:35(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use this help contents to learn how to use the Package Manager. Navigate "
+"through this help by clicking the topics displayed in the sidebar."
+msgstr ""
+       "Użyj tej pomocy aby dowiedzieć się jak używać Menadżer Pakietów."
+       "Przemieszczaj się przez tą pomoc, klikając tematy na bocznym pasku."
+#: package-manager.xml:36(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager application is a graphical user "
+"interface for the Image Packaging System (IPS) software."
+msgstr ""
+       "Menadżer Pakietów OpenSolaris 2009.06 jest graficznym interfejsem użytkownika dla oprogramowania Image Packaging System (IPS)."
+#: package-manager.xml:37(para)
+msgid "The Package Manager enables you to perform the following tasks:"
+msgstr "Menadżer Pakietów pozwala ci wykonywać następujące czynności:"
+#: package-manager.xml:38(para)
+msgid "Search, install, and remove packages"
+msgstr "Szukać, instalować i usuwać pakiety"
+#: package-manager.xml:40(para)
+msgid "Update your system"
+msgstr "Aktualizować twój system"
+#: package-manager.xml:42(para)
+msgid "Add and modify repositories"
+msgstr "Dodawać i modyfikować repozytoria"
+#: package-manager.xml:44(para)
+msgid "Create, remove, and manage boot environments"
+msgstr "Tworzyć, usuwać i zarządzać środowiskami uruchomieniowymi"
+#: package-manager.xml:47(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the <xref linkend=\"glossary\"/> for a definition of the terms used in "
+"this document."
+msgstr ""
+       "Zobacz <xref linkend=\"glossary\"/> aby poznać definicje pojęć użytych w tym dokumencie."
+#: package-manager.xml:49(title)
+msgid "About Image Packaging System"
+msgstr "O Image Packaging System"
+#: package-manager.xml:50(para)
+msgid ""
+"Image Packaging System (IPS) is a software delivery system that interacts "
+"with a network repository. The IPS software is a framework which provides "
+"for software lifecycle management including installation, upgrade, and "
+msgstr ""
+       "Image Packaging System (IPS) jest systemem dostarczającym oprogramowanie, który współpracuje z repozytoriami sieciowymi. Oprogramowanie IPS służy do zarządzania cyklem życia aplikacji włączając w to instalację, aktualizację i usuwanie."
+#: package-manager.xml:51(para)
+msgid "The OpenSolaris 2009.06 release uses IPS as its packaging system."
+msgstr "OpenSolaris wydanie 2009.06 używa IPS jako zarządcy pakietów."
+#: package-manager.xml:52(para)
+msgid ""
+"After an initial installation of OpenSolaris 2009.06 operating system, you "
+"will find that many of the software applications that you use on a regular "
+"basis are not immediately available to you. These software applications are "
+"available as packages in a repository for downloading and installing over "
+"the Internet. A repository is a source for packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Po instalacji systemu OpenSolaris 2009.06, przekonasz się, że wiele programów których używasz na codzień nie jest od razu dostępnych. Te programy możesz ściągnąc z repozytorium internetowego i zainstalować na swoim systemie. Repozytorium jest źródłem pakietów."
+#: package-manager.xml:53(para)
+msgid ""
+"Users can use IPS to install packages from a repository, create and publish "
+"their own IPS packages, mirror an existing repository, and publish existing "
+"packages to a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Użytkownicy mogą używać IPS do instalowania pakietów z repozytorium, tworzenia i publikowania własnych pakietów IPS, duplikowania istniejącego repozytorium i publikowania istniejących pakietów w repozytorium."
+#: package-manager.xml:54(para)
+msgid ""
+"Once you have installed packages, IPS enables you to search, update, and "
+"manage packages on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Gdy już zainstalujesz pakiety, IPS pozwala na wyszukiwanie, aktualizowanie, i zarządzanie nimi w systemie."
+#: package-manager.xml:55(para)
+msgid ""
+"With IPS , you can upgrade your system to a newer build of OpenSolaris, "
+"install and update your software to the latest available versions in a "
+"repository, and retrieve packages from mirror repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "z IPS możesz aktualizować swoj system do nowszego wydania OpenSolaris, instalować i aktualizować oprogramowanie do najnowszych dostępnych w repozytorium wersji i ściągać pakiety z zapasowych repozytoriów."
+#: package-manager.xml:56(emphasis)
+msgid ""
+"The Package Manager provides a subset of the tasks that can be performed "
+"from the command-line."
+msgstr ""
+       "Menadżer Pakietów pozwala na wykonywanie części czynności dostępnych w wierszu poleceń."
+#: package-manager.xml:58(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the system on which IPS is installed is on the network, IPS can "
+"automatically access the OpenSolaris repository. For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+"release, your IPS client can access the packages from <ulink url=\"http://"
+msgstr ""
+       "Jeśli system na którym zainstalowany jest IPS ma dostęp do sieci, IPS może automatycznie połączyć się z repozytorium OpenSolaris. Dla wydania OpenSolaris 2009.06, twój klient IPS może uzyskać dostęp do pakietów z <ulink url=\"http://pkg.opensolaris.org\"/>."
+#: package-manager.xml:59(para)
+msgid ""
+"For more information about IPS, see the <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/"
+"docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/\">Image Packaging System Guide</ulink> "
+"and the IPS <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/"
+"\">man pages</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+       "Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o IPS, zobacz <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/2009.06/IMGPACKAGESYS/\">Image Packaging System Guide</ulink>"
+       "oraz <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/sc/src/pkg/gate/src/man/"
+       "\">strony man</ulink> IPS."
+#: package-manager.xml:60(para)
+msgid ""
+"Visit the <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg\">project page</"
+"ulink> on opensolaris.org and subscribe to [email protected] to get "
+"involved with the IPS project."
+msgstr ""
+       "Odwiedź <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg\">stronę projektu</ulink> na opensolaris.org i zapisz się na listę [email protected] aby wziąć udział w projekcie IPS."
+#: package-manager.xml:62(title)
+msgid "The Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "Okno Menadżera Pakietów"
+#: package-manager.xml:63(title)
+msgid "About the Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "O Oknie Menadżerze Pakietów"
+#: package-manager.xml:64(para)
+msgid "When you start the Package Manager, the following window is displayed."
+msgstr "Gdy uruchamiasz Menadżer Pakietów, wyświetlane jest następujące okno."
+#: package-manager.xml:65(title)
+msgid "Package Manager Start Up Window"
+msgstr "Okno Startowe Menadżera Pakietów"
+#: package-manager.xml:69(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Start Page provides links to <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.com"
+"\">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about "
+"OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community."
+msgstr ""
+       "The Start Page provides links to <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.com"
+       "\">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more information about "
+       "OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the OpenSolaris community."
+#: package-manager.xml:70(para)
+msgid ""
+"To close the Start Page and see the list of packages , perform any of the "
+"following actions in the main window of the Package Manager:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Aby zamknąć Stronę Startową i obejrzeć listę pakietów, wykonaj jedną z następujących czynności w głównym oknie Menadżera Pakietów:"
+#: package-manager.xml:71(para)
+msgid "Select a package category"
+msgstr "Wybierz kategorię pakietów"
+#: package-manager.xml:73(para)
+msgid "Switch the top level category"
+msgstr "Przełącz do nadrzędnej kategorii"
+#: package-manager.xml:75(para)
+msgid "Switch the <literal>Show</literal> filter"
+msgstr "Przełącz filtr <literal>Pokaż</literal>"
+#: package-manager.xml:77(para)
+msgid "Perform a search"
+msgstr "Wyszukaj"
+#: package-manager.xml:79(para)
+msgid "Change the repository"
+msgstr "Zmień repozytorium"
+#: package-manager.xml:82(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to return to the Start Page at anytime."
+msgstr ""
+       "Wybierz <menuchoice><guimenu>Widok</guimenu><guimenuitem>Strona Startowa</guimenuitem></menuchoice> aby w dowolnym czasie wrócić do Strony Startowej."
+#: package-manager.xml:83(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the <xref linkend=\"edit_prefs\"/> section to turn off the <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">initial display</emphasis> of the Start Page when the "
+"Package Manager starts."
+msgstr ""
+       "See the <xref linkend=\"edit_prefs\"/> section to turn off the <emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">initial display</emphasis> of the Start Page when the "
+       "Package Manager starts."
+#: package-manager.xml:85(title)
+msgid "List of Packages in the Package Manager Window"
+msgstr "Lista pakietów w oknie Menadżera Pakietów"
+#: package-manager.xml:89(para)
+msgid ""
+"The main window of the Package Manager consists of the following elements :"
+msgstr ""
+       "Okno główne Menadżera Pakietów składa się z następujących elementów :"
+#: package-manager.xml:90(emphasis)
+msgid "Menubar"
+msgstr "Pasek menu"
+#: package-manager.xml:91(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can access the menus on the menubar to perform all of the commands "
+"related to the Package Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can access the menus on the menubar to perform all of the commands "
+       "related to the Package Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:95(emphasis)
+msgid "Toolbar"
+msgstr "Pasek narzędzi"
+#: package-manager.xml:96(para)
+msgid ""
+"The toolbar contains the icons for a subset of the commands that can be "
+"performed by using the menus on the menubar. A<literal>Search</literal> box "
+"is also located on the toolbar."
+msgstr ""
+       "The toolbar contains the icons for a subset of the commands that can be "
+       "performed by using the menus on the menubar. A<literal>Search</literal> box "
+       "is also located on the toolbar."
+#: package-manager.xml:99(emphasis)
+msgid "List of Packages by Category"
+msgstr "Lista pakietów wg kategorii"
+#: package-manager.xml:100(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can browse the available packages by category in the left hand side drop-"
+"down menu. The drop-down menu shows the list of categories available such as "
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Applications-Desktop</emphasis>, <emphasis role="
+"\"strong\">Applications –Web—based</emphasis>, and <emphasis role=\"strong"
+"\">Operating System</emphasis>."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can browse the available packages by category in the left hand side drop-"
+       "down menu. The drop-down menu shows the list of categories available such as "
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Applications-Desktop</emphasis>, <emphasis role="
+       "\"strong\">Applications –Web—based</emphasis>, and <emphasis role=\"strong"
+       "\">Operating System</emphasis>."
+#: package-manager.xml:103(emphasis)
+msgid "List of Packages by Status"
+msgstr "Lista pakietów wg statusu"
+#: package-manager.xml:104(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Show</literal> drop-down menu enables you to filter the list of "
+"packages by the following options :"
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Show</literal> drop-down menu enables you to filter the list of "
+       "packages by the following options :"
+#: package-manager.xml:105(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">All Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of all "
+"packages available in the current repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Wszystkie pakiety</emphasis> - Wyświetla listę wszystkich dostępnych pakietów w bieżącym repozytorium."
+#: package-manager.xml:107(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of "
+"packages installed on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Zainstalowane pakiety</emphasis> - Wyświetla listę pakietów zainstalowanych w Twoim systemie."
+#: package-manager.xml:109(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Updates Available</emphasis> — Shows the list of "
+"packages that have newer versions available in the current repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Dostępne aktualizacje</emphasis> - Wyświetla listę pakietów, które są dostępne w nowszej wersji w bieżącym repozytorium."
+#: package-manager.xml:111(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Non-installed Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list "
+"of packages that are not installed, but are available in the currently "
+"selected repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Pakiety niezainstalowane</emphasis> - Wyświetla listę niezainstalowanych pakietów, dostępnych w bieżącym repozytorium."
+#: package-manager.xml:113(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Selected Packages</emphasis> – Shows the list of "
+"packages that you have selected."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Wybrane pakiety</emphasis> - Wyświetla listę wybranych pakietów."
+#: package-manager.xml:118(emphasis)
+msgid "Package Name and Description"
+msgstr "Nazwa pakietu i opis"
+#: package-manager.xml:119(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of packages in the selected category, a brief description, and "
+"their status are displayed here."
+msgstr ""
+       "Lista pakietów w wybranej kategorii, ktrótki opis i status wyświetlane są tutaj."
+#: package-manager.xml:122(emphasis)
+msgid "Package Details"
+msgstr "Szczegóły pakietu"
+#: package-manager.xml:123(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click a package name to select it. Details of the selected package, such as "
+"name, version, file dependencies, and license are displayed in this window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Wybierz nazwę pakietu by ją zaznaczyć. Szczegóły zaznaczonego pakietu, takie jak nazwa, wersja, zależności i licencje są wyświetlone w tym oknie."
+#: package-manager.xml:126(emphasis)
+msgid "Repository Drop-down Menu"
+msgstr "Rozwijalne Menu Repozytoriów"
+#: package-manager.xml:127(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of available repositories is shown in the <literal>Repository</"
+"literal> drop-down menu. Click a repository name to select it."
+msgstr ""
+       "Lista dostępnych repozytoriów jest dostępna w rozwijalnym menu <literal>Repozytoria</literal>. Kliknij nazwę repozytorium aby je wybrać."
+#: package-manager.xml:130(emphasis)
+msgid "Search Box"
+msgstr "Search Box"
+#: package-manager.xml:131(para)
+msgid "Search for a package is provided in the following contexts :"
+msgstr "Search for a package is provided in the following contexts :"
+#: package-manager.xml:132(para)
+msgid "Search within the current repository"
+msgstr "Wyszukaj w bieżącym repozytorium"
+#: package-manager.xml:134(para)
+msgid "Search across all configured repositories"
+msgstr "Wyszukaj we wszystkich skonfigurowanych repozytoriach"
+#: package-manager.xml:141(title)
+msgid "Start Page Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencje Strony Startowej"
+#: package-manager.xml:142(para)
+msgid ""
+"A Start Page is displayed in the main window of the Package Manager when the "
+"application is started. The Start Page provides links to <ulink url=\"http://"
+"opensolaris.com\">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more "
+"information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the "
+"OpenSolaris community."
+msgstr ""
+       "A Start Page is displayed in the main window of the Package Manager when the "
+       "application is started. The Start Page provides links to <ulink url=\"http://"
+       "opensolaris.com\">opensolaris.com</ulink> page where you can get more "
+       "information about OpenSolaris, subscribe to newsletters and join the "
+       "OpenSolaris community."
+#: package-manager.xml:143(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can choose to turn off this setting so this page is not displayed when "
+"Package Manager starts."
+msgstr ""
+       "Możesz wybrać wyłączenie tego ustawienia aby ta strona nie wyświetlała się przy uruchomieniu Menadżera Pakietów."
+#: package-manager.xml:144(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu and uncheck the <emphasis role="
+"\"strong\">Show Start Page on startup</emphasis> box to disable the Start "
+msgstr ""
+       "Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu and uncheck the <emphasis role="
+       "\"strong\">Show Start Page on startup</emphasis> box to disable the Start "
+       "Page."
+#: package-manager.xml:145(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Start Page</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to go to the Start Page at anytime."
+msgstr ""
+       "Wybierz <menuchoice><guimenu>Widok</guimenu><guimenuitem>Strona Startowa</guimenuitem></menuchoice> aby przejść do Strony Startowej w dowolnej chwili."
+#: package-manager.xml:148(title)
+msgid "Working With Packages"
+msgstr "Pracuje z Pakietami"
+#: package-manager.xml:149(title)
+msgid "Install a Package"
+msgstr "Instaluj pakiet"
+#: package-manager.xml:150(para)
+msgid ""
+"The list of packages is displayed in the main windows of the Package "
+"Manager. Perform the following steps to install a package:"
+msgstr ""
+       "The list of packages is displayed in the main windows of the Package "
+       "Manager. Perform the following steps to install a package:"
+#: package-manager.xml:151(para)
+msgid ""
+"To install a single package, click on a package to select it. To install "
+"many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to install."
+msgstr ""
+       "To install a single package, click on a package to select it. To install "
+       "many packages, check the box next to the packages you want to install."
+#: package-manager.xml:153(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> icon in the toolbar to start "
+"the package installation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Install/Update</guibutton> icon in the toolbar to start "
+       "the package installation process."
+#: package-manager.xml:154(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+"guimenu><guimenuitem>Install/Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the "
+"package installation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+       "guimenu><guimenuitem>Install/Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the "
+       "package installation process."
+#: package-manager.xml:156(para)
+msgid "View the details or cancel the package installation ."
+msgstr "View the details or cancel the package installation ."
+#: package-manager.xml:157(para)
+msgid "Click <guilabel>Show Details</guilabel> to view the details."
+msgstr "Kliknij <guilabel>Pokaż Szczegóły</guilabel> by obejrzeć szczegóły."
+#: package-manager.xml:159(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the package installation. No "
+"changes are made and you are returned to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Kliknij <guibutton>Anuluj</guibutton> aby anulować instalację pakietu. Żadne zmiany nie są wykonane i wracasz do okna głównego."
+#: package-manager.xml:163(para)
+msgid ""
+"After the installation has completed, click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> on "
+"the <literal>Installation Completed</literal> dialog box to return to the "
+"main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "After the installation has completed, click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> on "
+       "the <literal>Installation Completed</literal> dialog box to return to the "
+       "main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:166(title)
+msgid "Installation Error"
+msgstr "Błąd Instalacji"
+#: package-manager.xml:167(para)
+msgid ""
+"If an error occurs during package installation, an error dialog box is "
+"displayed. An <guilabel>Installation Failed</guilabel> message and the "
+"reason for the failure is displayed. Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> to "
+"close the error dialog box and return to the main window of the Package "
+msgstr ""
+       "If an error occurs during package installation, an error dialog box is "
+       "displayed. An <guilabel>Installation Failed</guilabel> message and the "
+       "reason for the failure is displayed. Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> to "
+       "close the error dialog box and return to the main window of the Package "
+       "Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:170(title)
+msgid "Remove a Package"
+msgstr "Usuń pakiet"
+#: package-manager.xml:171(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to remove a package:"
+msgstr "Aby usunąć pakiet wykonaj następujące kroki:"
+#: package-manager.xml:172(para)
+msgid ""
+"To remove a single package, click on a package to select it. To remove many "
+"packages, check the box next to the packages you want to remove."
+msgstr ""
+       "To remove a single package, click on a package to select it. To remove many "
+       "packages, check the box next to the packages you want to remove."
+#: package-manager.xml:174(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button in the toolbar to start the "
+"package uninstallation process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button in the toolbar to start the "
+       "package uninstallation process."
+#: package-manager.xml:175(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+"guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove a package."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</"
+       "guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove a package."
+#: package-manager.xml:177(para)
+msgid ""
+"Review the packages to be removed and the package dependencies details in "
+"the <literal>Remove Confirmation</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Review the packages to be removed and the package dependencies details in "
+       "the <literal>Remove Confirmation</literal> dialog box."
+#: package-manager.xml:179(para)
+msgid "Uninstall the package or cancel the uninstallation process."
+msgstr "Uninstall the package or cancel the uninstallation process."
+#: package-manager.xml:180(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to start uninstalling the packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to start uninstalling the packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:182(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. No changes are "
+"made and you are returned to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. No changes are "
+       "made and you are returned to the main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:183(para)
+msgid ""
+"After you click the <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> button, you cannot undo "
+"the package removal action. However, you can reinstall the package at any "
+msgstr ""
+       "After you click the <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> button, you cannot undo "
+       "the package removal action. However, you can reinstall the package at any "
+       "time."
+#: package-manager.xml:190(title)
+msgid "Search for a Package"
+msgstr "Szukaj paczki"
+#: package-manager.xml:191(para)
+msgid "You can search for a package in the following ways :"
+msgstr "You can search for a package in the following ways :"
+#: package-manager.xml:192(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search the current repository</emphasis> – Search "
+"for a package in the repository currently selected in the "
+"<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. The category selection or the "
+"<literal>Show</literal> filter does not affect the search and the search is "
+"performed on all packages in the currently selected repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search the current repository</emphasis> – Search "
+       "for a package in the repository currently selected in the "
+       "<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu. The category selection or the "
+       "<literal>Show</literal> filter does not affect the search and the search is "
+       "performed on all packages in the currently selected repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:193(para)
+msgid ""
+"Enter a description, or a partial name in the <literal>Search</literal> box "
+"located on the toolbar. For example, you might type one of the following "
+"search terms to search for <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :"
+msgstr ""
+       "Enter a description, or a partial name in the <literal>Search</literal> box "
+       "located on the toolbar. For example, you might type one of the following "
+       "search terms to search for <filename>SUNWgnome-games</filename> :"
+#: package-manager.xml:194(para)
+msgid "SUNWgames"
+msgstr "SUNWgames"
+#: package-manager.xml:196(para)
+msgid "games"
+msgstr "games"
+#: package-manager.xml:198(para)
+msgid "GNOME-games"
+msgstr "GNOME-games"
+#: package-manager.xml:201(para)
+msgid ""
+"To search for SunStudio compilers, you might type one of the following terms:"
+msgstr ""
+       "To search for SunStudio compilers, you might type one of the following terms:"
+#: package-manager.xml:202(para)
+msgid "compiler"
+msgstr "compiler"
+#: package-manager.xml:204(para)
+msgid "tools"
+msgstr "tools"
+#: package-manager.xml:208(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search all repositories</emphasis> – Select the "
+"multi-repository icon in the <literal>Search</literal> box to search for the "
+"package across all configured or registered repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Search all repositories</emphasis> – Select the "
+       "multi-repository icon in the <literal>Search</literal> box to search for the "
+       "package across all configured or registered repositories."
+#: package-manager.xml:209(para)
+msgid ""
+"Note the following important considerations when using the multi-repository "
+msgstr ""
+       "Note the following important considerations when using the multi-repository "
+       "search."
+#: package-manager.xml:210(para)
+msgid ""
+"The multi-repository search currently supports a search based on the package "
+"contents including its description, classification, and the files contained "
+"within the package. However, the correct results are displayed only if the "
+"term used for searching is an <emphasis role=\"strong\">exact</emphasis> "
+msgstr ""
+       "The multi-repository search currently supports a search based on the package "
+       "contents including its description, classification, and the files contained "
+       "within the package. However, the correct results are displayed only if the "
+       "term used for searching is an <emphasis role=\"strong\">exact</emphasis> "
+       "match."
+#: package-manager.xml:212(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">The multi-repository search does not search the "
+"package name</emphasis>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">The multi-repository search does not search the "
+       "package name</emphasis>."
+#: package-manager.xml:214(para)
+msgid ""
+"Wild card searching is supported by using the asterisk wild card, "
+"<literal>*</literal>, in the search term. Search using the wild card can be "
+"slower than an exact match search."
+msgstr ""
+       "Wild card searching is supported by using the asterisk wild card, "
+       "<literal>*</literal>, in the search term. Search using the wild card can be "
+       "slower than an exact match search."
+#: package-manager.xml:218(para)
+msgid ""
+"Type a description of the package in the box. For example, the "
+"<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package is a book on Python "
+"programming. The description of the package contains the string "
+"<emphasis>book</emphasis>. To search for this package, you might then type "
+"one of the following terms:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Type a description of the package in the box. For example, the "
+       "<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package is a book on Python "
+       "programming. The description of the package contains the string "
+       "<emphasis>book</emphasis>. To search for this package, you might then type "
+       "one of the following terms:"
+#: package-manager.xml:219(para)
+msgid "python"
+msgstr "python"
+#: package-manager.xml:221(para)
+msgid "book"
+msgstr "book"
+#: package-manager.xml:224(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you searched for the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> in the multi-"
+"repository search, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package will "
+"not be displayed as the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> is not present as "
+"an independent, complete word in the package contents. However you will find "
+"the package using the <literal>*</literal> wild card. Hence, searching for "
+"the term <literal>diveinto*</literal> will display the "
+"<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package."
+msgstr ""
+       "If you searched for the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> in the multi-"
+       "repository search, the <filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package will "
+       "not be displayed as the term <emphasis>diveinto</emphasis> is not present as "
+       "an independent, complete word in the package contents. However you will find "
+       "the package using the <literal>*</literal> wild card. Hence, searching for "
+       "the term <literal>diveinto*</literal> will display the "
+       "<filename>SUNWdiveintopython</filename> package."
+#: package-manager.xml:228(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the submenus under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></menuchoice> "
+"menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text in the <literal>Search</literal> box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Use the submenus under the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></menuchoice> "
+       "menu to cut, copy, paste, or clear text in the <literal>Search</literal> box."
+#: package-manager.xml:230(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the icon on the right side of the <literal>Search</literal> box to clear "
+"the search results."
+msgstr ""
+       "Use the icon on the right side of the <literal>Search</literal> box to clear "
+       "the search results."
+#: package-manager.xml:235(title)
+msgid "Update a Package"
+msgstr "Zaktualizuj pakiet"
+#: package-manager.xml:236(para)
+msgid ""
+"Look for the green icon next to the installed package name. This icon "
+"indicates that updates are available for the package in the currently "
+"selected repository. Select the package and click the <guibutton>Install/"
+"Update</guibutton> button to install the latest version of the package."
+msgstr ""
+       "Look for the green icon next to the installed package name. This icon "
+       "indicates that updates are available for the package in the currently "
+       "selected repository. Select the package and click the <guibutton>Install/"
+       "Update</guibutton> button to install the latest version of the package."
+#: package-manager.xml:239(title)
+msgid "Introduction to Boot Environments"
+msgstr "Introduction to Boot Environments"
+#: package-manager.xml:240(para)
+msgid ""
+"A boot environment is an image that is bootable. Upon an initial OpenSolaris "
+"installation, a boot environment is created."
+msgstr ""
+       "A boot environment is an image that is bootable. Upon an initial OpenSolaris "
+       "installation, a boot environment is created."
+#: package-manager.xml:241(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can maintain multiple boot environments on your OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+"system. Use the <command>beadm(1)</command> command from the command—line "
+"interface (CLI) to create, rename, mount or unmount, or destroy these boot "
+msgstr ""
+       "You can maintain multiple boot environments on your OpenSolaris 2009.06 "
+       "system. Use the <command>beadm(1)</command> command from the command—line "
+       "interface (CLI) to create, rename, mount or unmount, or destroy these boot "
+       "environments."
+#: package-manager.xml:242(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Package Manager enables you to manage the boot environments created "
+"during the process of updating your image. For more information, see <xref "
+"linkend=\"manage_be\"/> section."
+msgstr ""
+       "The Package Manager enables you to manage the boot environments created "
+       "during the process of updating your image. For more information, see <xref "
+       "linkend=\"manage_be\"/> section."
+#: package-manager.xml:243(para)
+msgid ""
+"System administrators can maintain multiple boot environments on their "
+"systems, and each boot environment can have different software versions "
+msgstr ""
+       "System administrators can maintain multiple boot environments on their "
+       "systems, and each boot environment can have different software versions "
+       "installed."
+#: package-manager.xml:244(para)
+msgid ""
+"When you use either the Package Manager or the <command>pkg image-update</"
+"command> command to update all the packages in your active OpenSolaris boot "
+"environment, a clone of that boot environment is automatically created. The "
+"packages are updated in the clone rather than in the original boot "
+"environment. After successfully completing the updates, the new clone is "
+"activated. Then, the clone will become the new default boot environment on "
+"system reboot. The original boot environment is also available as an "
+"alternate selection."
+msgstr ""
+       "When you use either the Package Manager or the <command>pkg image-update</"
+       "command> command to update all the packages in your active OpenSolaris boot "
+       "environment, a clone of that boot environment is automatically created. The "
+       "packages are updated in the clone rather than in the original boot "
+       "environment. After successfully completing the updates, the new clone is "
+       "activated. Then, the clone will become the new default boot environment on "
+       "system reboot. The original boot environment is also available as an "
+       "alternate selection."
+#: package-manager.xml:245(para)
+msgid ""
+"See the beadm(1) man pages and the <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/"
+"content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html\"><citetitle>Upgrading and Managing Boot "
+"Environments</citetitle></ulink> document to learn more about boot "
+"environments and the <command>beadm(1)</command> command."
+msgstr ""
+       "See the beadm(1) man pages and the <ulink url=\"http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/"
+       "content/dev/snapupgrade/snap3.html\"><citetitle>Upgrading and Managing Boot "
+       "Environments</citetitle></ulink> document to learn more about boot "
+       "environments and the <command>beadm(1)</command> command."
+#: package-manager.xml:246(title)
+msgid "Update All Packages (Update Your Image)"
+msgstr "Update All Packages (Update Your Image)"
+#: package-manager.xml:247(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to update all the packages in your image."
+msgstr "Perform the following steps to update all the packages in your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:248(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon located on the toolbar to "
+"start the process of updating <emphasis role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> the "
+"packages installed in your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon located on the toolbar to "
+       "start the process of updating <emphasis role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> the "
+       "packages installed in your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:249(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guisubmenu>Update "
+"All</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to start the process."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Package</guimenu><guisubmenu>Update "
+       "All</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to start the process."
+#: package-manager.xml:250(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <guilabel>Update All</guilabel> icon is enabled when updates are "
+"available to the installed packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "The <guilabel>Update All</guilabel> icon is enabled when updates are "
+       "available to the installed packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:253(para)
+msgid ""
+"A <literal>Create New Boot Environment</literal> window is displayed. A name "
+"for the new boot environment is automatically generated."
+msgstr ""
+       "A <literal>Create New Boot Environment</literal> window is displayed. A name "
+       "for the new boot environment is automatically generated."
+#: package-manager.xml:255(para)
+msgid ""
+"(optional) You can change the name of the new boot environment if you want."
+msgstr ""
+       "(optional) You can change the name of the new boot environment if you want."
+#: package-manager.xml:257(para)
+msgid "Confirm or Cancel the new boot environment."
+msgstr "Confirm or Cancel the new boot environment."
+#: package-manager.xml:258(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+"proceed with the Update All process."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+       "proceed with the Update All process."
+#: package-manager.xml:260(para) package-manager.xml:488(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process."
+msgstr "Kliknij <guibutton>Anuluj</guibutton> aby anulować proces."
+#: package-manager.xml:263(para)
+msgid ""
+"During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+"created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+"that existed before the Update All process was started. If the Package "
+"Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be "
+"displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section on how to rectify the "
+"error and continue with updating your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+       "created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+       "that existed before the Update All process was started. If the Package "
+       "Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error message will be "
+       "displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section on how to rectify the "
+       "error and continue with updating your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:265(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you chose to proceed with the Update All process, the packages are "
+"downloaded and installed."
+msgstr ""
+       "If you chose to proceed with the Update All process, the packages are "
+       "downloaded and installed."
+#: package-manager.xml:266(para)
+msgid ""
+"After a successful completion, the <literal>Update All Complete</literal> "
+"dialog box is shown. A link to the Release Notes is provided in the dialog "
+"box. Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "After a successful completion, the <literal>Update All Complete</literal> "
+       "dialog box is shown. A link to the Release Notes is provided in the dialog "
+       "box. Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+#: package-manager.xml:268(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:269(emphasis) package-manager.xml:507(para)
+msgid "You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect."
+msgstr "You must reboot your system for the changes to take effect."
+#: package-manager.xml:274(title) package-manager.xml:512(title)
+msgid "Update All Errors"
+msgstr "Update All Errors"
+#: package-manager.xml:275(para)
+msgid ""
+"A new boot environment clone must be created by the Package Manager for the "
+"Update All process to be completed. An error message is displayed if a boot "
+"environment clone cannot be created. You might see an error message such as "
+"the following :"
+msgstr ""
+       "A new boot environment clone must be created by the Package Manager for the "
+       "Update All process to be completed. An error message is displayed if a boot "
+       "environment clone cannot be created. You might see an error message such as "
+       "the following :"
+#: package-manager.xml:276(para) package-manager.xml:514(para)
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. "
+"Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
+"cancel the action</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<literal>Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed. "
+       "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
+       "cancel the action</literal>."
+#: package-manager.xml:277(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and "
+"return to the main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and "
+       "return to the main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:278(para) package-manager.xml:516(para)
+msgid ""
+"Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue "
+"with the Update All process:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Perform the following steps if you want to rectify the error and continue "
+       "with the Update All process:"
+#: package-manager.xml:279(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to display the <literal>Boot Environment "
+"Management</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to display the <literal>Boot Environment "
+       "Management</literal> dialog box."
+#: package-manager.xml:281(para)
+msgid "Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+msgstr "Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+#: package-manager.xml:282(para)
+msgid "You cannot delete the currently active boot environment."
+msgstr "You cannot delete the currently active boot environment."
+#: package-manager.xml:284(para)
+msgid ""
+"You do not need to reboot your system if you are only deleting some of your "
+"boot environments."
+msgstr ""
+       "You do not need to reboot your system if you are only deleting some of your "
+       "boot environments."
+#: package-manager.xml:289(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:291(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is shown. Review "
+"your changes and click OK to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is shown. Review "
+       "your changes and click OK to proceed."
+#: package-manager.xml:293(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon to restart the process of "
+"updating all packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> icon to restart the process of "
+       "updating all packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:297(title)
+msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
+msgstr "Manage Boot Environments"
+#: package-manager.xml:298(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to manage your boot environments:"
+msgstr "Perform the following steps to manage your boot environments:"
+#: package-manager.xml:299(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Boot "
+"Environments</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Boot "
+"Environments</literal> dialog."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Boot "
+       "Environments</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Boot "
+       "Environments</literal> dialog."
+#: package-manager.xml:301(para)
+msgid "In this dialog box , you can perform the following actions:"
+msgstr "In this dialog box , you can perform the following actions:"
+#: package-manager.xml:302(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Activate a boot environment</emphasis> – Select "
+"the boot environment that you want to be active on system reboot. This will "
+"be the default boot environment <emphasis role=\"strong\">after</emphasis> "
+"you have rebooted your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Activate a boot environment</emphasis> – Select "
+       "the boot environment that you want to be active on system reboot. This will "
+       "be the default boot environment <emphasis role=\"strong\">after</emphasis> "
+       "you have rebooted your system."
+#: package-manager.xml:304(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Remove old or unused boot environments to free up "
+"disk space</emphasis> – Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Remove old or unused boot environments to free up "
+       "disk space</emphasis> – Select the boot environments that you want to delete."
+#: package-manager.xml:305(para)
+msgid "You cannot the delete the currently active boot environment."
+msgstr "You cannot the delete the currently active boot environment."
+#: package-manager.xml:307(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you have selected a boot environment to be renamed, it cannot be deleted."
+msgstr ""
+       "If you have selected a boot environment to be renamed, it cannot be deleted."
+#: package-manager.xml:312(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Rename a boot environment</emphasis> – Double-"
+"click the boot environment name that you want to change. Enter the new name "
+"of the boot environment and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Rename a boot environment</emphasis> – Double-"
+       "click the boot environment name that you want to change. Enter the new name "
+       "of the boot environment and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:313(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you have selected a boot environment to be deleted, it cannot be renamed."
+msgstr ""
+       "If you have selected a boot environment to be deleted, it cannot be renamed."
+#: package-manager.xml:315(para)
+msgid "The currently active boot environment cannot be renamed."
+msgstr "The currently active boot environment cannot be renamed."
+#: package-manager.xml:322(para)
+msgid "Accept or decline the changes:"
+msgstr "Accept or decline the changes:"
+#: package-manager.xml:323(para) package-manager.xml:449(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed."
+msgstr "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to proceed."
+#: package-manager.xml:325(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel all changes and return to the "
+"main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel all changes and return to the "
+       "main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:329(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is displayed. "
+"Review your changes and click OK to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Boot Environment Confirmation</literal> dialog is displayed. "
+       "Review your changes and click OK to proceed."
+#: package-manager.xml:330(para)
+msgid ""
+"After you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, you cannot undo any changes that "
+"you made to the boot environments."
+msgstr ""
+       "After you click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, you cannot undo any changes that "
+       "you made to the boot environments."
+#: package-manager.xml:332(para)
+msgid ""
+"The changes that you made to the <emphasis role=\"strong\">default boot "
+"environment</emphasis> setting are effective only after system reboot."
+msgstr ""
+       "The changes that you made to the <emphasis role=\"strong\">default boot "
+       "environment</emphasis> setting are effective only after system reboot."
+#: package-manager.xml:334(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the changes and return to the "
+"<literal>BE Management</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the changes and return to the "
+       "<literal>BE Management</literal> dialog box."
+#: package-manager.xml:336(para)
+msgid "Reboot your system to boot into the newly activated boot environment."
+msgstr "Reboot your system to boot into the newly activated boot environment."
+#: package-manager.xml:337(para)
+msgid "Reboot your system only if you changed the active boot environment."
+msgstr "Reboot your system only if you changed the active boot environment."
+#: package-manager.xml:343(title)
+msgid "Managing Repositories"
+msgstr "Managing Repositories"
+#: package-manager.xml:344(title)
+msgid "Add a Repository"
+msgstr "Add a Repository"
+#: package-manager.xml:345(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to add a repository:"
+msgstr "Perform the following steps to add a repository:"
+#: package-manager.xml:346(para)
+msgid ""
+"Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+msgstr ""
+       "Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
+#: package-manager.xml:347(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also choose <guilabel>Add...</guilabel> from the "
+"<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu in the main window of the "
+"Package Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also choose <guilabel>Add...</guilabel> from the "
+       "<literal>Repository</literal> drop-down menu in the main window of the "
+       "Package Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:349(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed. Type the "
+"name and the address (URL) of the repository you want to add. Click "
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box is displayed. Type the "
+       "name and the address (URL) of the repository you want to add. Click "
+       "<guibutton>Add</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:353(title)
+msgid "Add a Secure Repository"
+msgstr "Add a Secure Repository"
+#: package-manager.xml:354(para)
+msgid ""
+"A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access. Perform "
+"the following steps to add a secure repository:"
+msgstr ""
+       "A secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access. Perform "
+       "the following steps to add a secure repository:"
+#: package-manager.xml:355(para)
+msgid ""
+"Follow the steps in <xref linkend=\"add_repo\"/> section to add a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Follow the steps in <xref linkend=\"add_repo\"/> section to add a repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:357(para)
+msgid ""
+"Follow the steps in the <xref linkend=\"modify_repo\"/> section to add a SSL "
+"key and certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "Follow the steps in the <xref linkend=\"modify_repo\"/> section to add a SSL "
+       "key and certificate."
+#: package-manager.xml:358(para)
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: package-manager.xml:362(title)
+msgid "Remove a Repository"
+msgstr "Remove a Repository"
+#: package-manager.xml:363(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to remove a repository:"
+msgstr "Perform the following steps to remove a repository:"
+#: package-manager.xml:364(para) package-manager.xml:374(para)
+#: package-manager.xml:384(para)
+msgid ""
+"Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> "
+msgstr ""
+       "Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Manage Repositories</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open the <literal>Manage Repositories</literal> "
+       "dialog."
+#: package-manager.xml:366(para)
+msgid "Select a repository from the list. Click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>."
+msgstr "Select a repository from the list. Click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>."
+#: package-manager.xml:367(para)
+msgid ""
+"A repository that has been set as preferred repository cannot be removed. To "
+"remove a preferred repository, set a nonpreferred repository as preferred, "
+"and then remove the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "A repository that has been set as preferred repository cannot be removed. To "
+       "remove a preferred repository, set a nonpreferred repository as preferred, "
+       "and then remove the repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:372(title)
+msgid "Set a Preferred Repository"
+msgstr "Set a Preferred Repository"
+#: package-manager.xml:373(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to set a preferred repository:"
+msgstr "Perform the following steps to set a preferred repository:"
+#: package-manager.xml:376(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the radio button next to the repository that you would like to set as "
+"the preferred repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the radio button next to the repository that you would like to set as "
+       "the preferred repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:378(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> if you are not making any other changes "
+"to the repository information."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Close</guibutton> if you are not making any other changes "
+       "to the repository information."
+#: package-manager.xml:382(title)
+msgid "Modify a Repository"
+msgstr "Modify a Repository"
+#: package-manager.xml:383(para)
+msgid "Perform the following steps to modify a repository:"
+msgstr "Perform the following steps to modify a repository:"
+#: package-manager.xml:386(para)
+msgid "Select the repository that you want to modify."
+msgstr "Wybierz repozytorium, które chcesz zmienić"
+#: package-manager.xml:388(para)
+msgid "Click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button."
+msgstr "Click the <guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button."
+#: package-manager.xml:389(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box is displayed. You can "
+"perform the following actions in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> "
+"dialog box:"
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box is displayed. You can "
+       "perform the following actions in the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> "
+       "dialog box:"
+#: package-manager.xml:390(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Change the URL of the repository</emphasis> – Type "
+"a valid URL for the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Change the URL of the repository</emphasis> – Type "
+       "a valid URL for the repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:391(para)
+msgid ""
+"You cannot change a repository name after you have added a repository. To "
+"change the repository name, delete the existing repository with the old name "
+"and add a repository with the new name. See the <xref linkend=\"remove_repo"
+"\"/> section for steps on how to remove a repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "You cannot change a repository name after you have added a repository. To "
+       "change the repository name, delete the existing repository with the old name "
+       "and add a repository with the new name. See the <xref linkend=\"remove_repo"
+       "\"/> section for steps on how to remove a repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:393(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a SSL Key and Certificate</emphasis> – A "
+"secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a SSL Key and Certificate</emphasis> – A "
+       "secure repository requires a SSL key and certificate for access."
+#: package-manager.xml:394(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+"<literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box links to a registration site "
+"which provides instructions for downloading the SSL key and certificate"
+msgstr ""
+       "The <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+       "<literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box links to a registration site "
+       "which provides instructions for downloading the SSL key and certificate"
+#: package-manager.xml:395(para)
+msgid ""
+"In the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box, click the <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link to download the key and "
+"certificate. Save them on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "In the <literal>Modify Repository</literal> dialog box, click the <emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link to download the key and "
+       "certificate. Save them on your system."
+#: package-manager.xml:397(para) package-manager.xml:445(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your "
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL key on your "
+       "system."
+#: package-manager.xml:399(para) package-manager.xml:447(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate "
+"on your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the SSL certificate "
+       "on your system."
+#: package-manager.xml:403(para)
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a Mirror</emphasis> – If a repository has a "
+"mirror, add the repository name and URL, and then click the "
+"<guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to add the mirror information."
+msgstr ""
+       "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Add a Mirror</emphasis> – If a repository has a "
+       "mirror, add the repository name and URL, and then click the "
+       "<guibutton>Modify</guibutton> button to add the mirror information."
+#: package-manager.xml:407(para)
+msgid "Confirm or decline the changes."
+msgstr "Confirm or decline the changes."
+#: package-manager.xml:408(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the changes and return to the "
+"<literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the changes and return to the "
+       "<literal>Manage Repositories</literal> dialog box."
+#: package-manager.xml:410(para)
+msgid "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel your changes."
+msgstr "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel your changes."
+#: package-manager.xml:417(title)
+msgid "Working With WebInstall"
+msgstr "Working With WebInstall"
+#: package-manager.xml:418(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager provides support for users to add "
+"new repositories and optionally, install packages from these repositories "
+"using a simple one-click WebInstall process. A <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+"file which contains the repositories to be added and optionally, the package "
+"or packages that can be installed from these repositories, is required for "
+"the WebInstall process. The information contained in the <filename>.p5i</"
+"filename> file is read and used by the WebInstall process."
+msgstr ""
+       "The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager provides support for users to add "
+       "new repositories and optionally, install packages from these repositories "
+       "using a simple one-click WebInstall process. A <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+       "file which contains the repositories to be added and optionally, the package "
+       "or packages that can be installed from these repositories, is required for "
+       "the WebInstall process. The information contained in the <filename>.p5i</"
+       "filename> file is read and used by the WebInstall process."
+#: package-manager.xml:419(title)
+msgid "How to Use WebInstall to Add Repositories and Install Packages"
+msgstr "How to Use WebInstall to Add Repositories and Install Packages"
+#: package-manager.xml:420(bridgehead)
+msgid "Before You Begin"
+msgstr "Zanim zaczniesz"
+#: package-manager.xml:420(para)
+msgid ""
+"Locate the <filename>.p5i</filename> file which may be present on your "
+"desktop, the Start page in the Package Manager, or on a website."
+msgstr ""
+       "Locate the <filename>.p5i</filename> file which may be present on your "
+       "desktop, the Start page in the Package Manager, or on a website."
+#: package-manager.xml:421(para)
+msgid ""
+"Start the Package manager in WebInstall mode in one of the following ways:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Start the Package manager in WebInstall mode in one of the following ways:"
+#: package-manager.xml:422(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click on a <filename>.p5i</filename> file on your desktop, and the "
+"associated application, Package Manager in WebInstall mode, will be launched."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click on a <filename>.p5i</filename> file on your desktop, and the "
+       "associated application, Package Manager in WebInstall mode, will be launched."
+#: package-manager.xml:424(para)
+msgid ""
+"Start the Package Manager from the command-line along with a path to the "
+"<filename>.p5i</filename> file. For example, type the following command at "
+"the command-line:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Start the Package Manager from the command-line along with a path to the "
+       "<filename>.p5i</filename> file. For example, type the following command at "
+       "the command-line:"
+#: package-manager.xml:425(replaceable)
+msgid "path_to_pi5_file/file.p5i"
+msgstr "path_to_pi5_file/file.p5i"
+#: package-manager.xml:425(command)
+msgid "$ pfexec packagemanager/<placeholder-1/>"
+msgstr "$ pfexec packagemanager/<placeholder-1/>"
+#: package-manager.xml:427(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click on a URL location that contains a link to <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+"file. If you are using this method to start the WebInstall, the <filename>."
+"p5i</filename> file <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be located on "
+"a web server that has registered the new mime type. Only then, the web "
+"server can manage the <filename>.p5i</filename> automatically and start "
+"Package Manager in WebInstall mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click on a URL location that contains a link to <filename>.p5i</filename> "
+       "file. If you are using this method to start the WebInstall, the <filename>."
+       "p5i</filename> file <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be located on "
+       "a web server that has registered the new mime type. Only then, the web "
+       "server can manage the <filename>.p5i</filename> automatically and start "
+       "Package Manager in WebInstall mode."
+#: package-manager.xml:428(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the <filename>.p5i</filename> is located on a web server that does not "
+"have the new mime type registered, save the <filename>.p5i</filename> file "
+"to your desktop and then click on it to launch Web Install."
+msgstr ""
+       "If the <filename>.p5i</filename> is located on a web server that does not "
+       "have the new mime type registered, save the <filename>.p5i</filename> file "
+       "to your desktop and then click on it to launch Web Install."
+#: package-manager.xml:432(para)
+msgid ""
+"The following example window that shows a list of repositories that will be "
+"added and the packages that will be installed. Review the information."
+msgstr ""
+       "The following example window that shows a list of repositories that will be "
+       "added and the packages that will be installed. Review the information."
+#: package-manager.xml:433(title)
+msgid "Package Manager WebInstaller"
+msgstr "Package Manager WebInstaller"
+#: package-manager.xml:438(para)
+msgid "Confirm or cancel the WebInstall process."
+msgstr "Confirm or cancel the WebInstall process."
+#: package-manager.xml:439(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to add the new repositories and install "
+"the packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to add the new repositories and install "
+       "the packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:440(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. The Package "
+"Manager application exits."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the process. The Package "
+       "Manager application exits."
+#: package-manager.xml:442(para)
+msgid ""
+"(Optional) If the repositories that are to be added are secure repositories, "
+"an SSL key and certificate is required. An <literal>Add New Repositories</"
+"literal> dialog box is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+       "(Optional) If the repositories that are to be added are secure repositories, "
+       "an SSL key and certificate is required. An <literal>Add New Repositories</"
+       "literal> dialog box is displayed."
+#: package-manager.xml:443(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+"<literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box to download the SSL key "
+"and certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <emphasis role=\"strong\">Instructions</emphasis> link in the "
+       "<literal>Add New Repositories</literal> dialog box to download the SSL key "
+       "and certificate."
+#: package-manager.xml:452(para)
+msgid "The <literal>Adding New Repositories</literal> status bar is displayed."
+msgstr "The <literal>Adding New Repositories</literal> status bar is displayed."
+#: package-manager.xml:454(para)
+msgid ""
+"(Optional) If packages are being installed, the <literal>Install/Update</"
+"literal> dialog box is displayed. Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to "
+"cancel the package installation."
+msgstr ""
+       "(Optional) If packages are being installed, the <literal>Install/Update</"
+       "literal> dialog box is displayed. Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to "
+       "cancel the package installation."
+#: package-manager.xml:455(para)
+msgid "The application will close when all packages are installed."
+msgstr "Aplikacja zamknie się gdy wszystkie pakiety zostaną zainstalowane."
+#: package-manager.xml:460(title)
+msgid "Working With the Update Manager"
+msgstr "Praca z Menadżerem Aktualizacji"
+#: package-manager.xml:461(title)
+msgid "About The Update Manager"
+msgstr "O Menadżerze Aktualizacji"
+#: package-manager.xml:462(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Update Manager is a separate application that starts from the desktop "
+"when updates to the installed packages are available in the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "The Update Manager is a separate application that starts from the desktop "
+       "when updates to the installed packages are available in the repository."
+#: package-manager.xml:463(title)
+msgid "Update Manager Main Window"
+msgstr "Okno główne Menadżera Aktualizacji"
+#: package-manager.xml:467(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can use the Update Manager application to update the installed packages "
+"in your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can use the Update Manager application to update the installed packages "
+       "in your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:468(para)
+msgid ""
+"For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, the Update Manager updates <emphasis "
+"role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> installed packages in the image. This action "
+"is equivalent to running the <command>pkg image-update</command> command "
+"from the command-line."
+msgstr ""
+       "For the OpenSolaris 2009.06 release, the Update Manager updates <emphasis "
+       "role=\"strong\">all</emphasis> installed packages in the image. This action "
+       "is equivalent to running the <command>pkg image-update</command> command "
+       "from the command-line."
+#: package-manager.xml:471(title)
+msgid "Using the Update Manager"
+msgstr "Używanie Menadżera Pakietów"
+#: package-manager.xml:472(para)
+msgid ""
+"When updates are available to the installed packages, a notification icon is "
+"displayed in the notification panel on the OpenSolaris desktop."
+msgstr ""
+       "When updates are available to the installed packages, a notification icon is "
+       "displayed in the notification panel on the OpenSolaris desktop."
+#: package-manager.xml:473(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can also click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</"
+"guimenu><guisubmenu>Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Update Manager</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice> to manually launch the Update Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can also click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</"
+       "guimenu><guisubmenu>Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Update Manager</"
+       "guimenuitem></menuchoice> to manually launch the Update Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:474(para)
+msgid ""
+"When you are notified of a software update, perform the following steps to "
+"begin the process of updating your system:"
+msgstr ""
+       "When you are notified of a software update, perform the following steps to "
+       "begin the process of updating your system:"
+#: package-manager.xml:475(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the notification icon on the desktop to display the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the notification icon on the desktop to display the <literal>Update "
+       "Manager</literal> window."
+#: package-manager.xml:477(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+       "Manager</literal> window."
+#: package-manager.xml:478(para)
+msgid ""
+"Select a package and click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel if you "
+"want to view more information about the package."
+msgstr ""
+       "Select a package and click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel if you "
+       "want to view more information about the package."
+#: package-manager.xml:481(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Update All</literal> dialog box is displayed. Proceed with the "
+"Update All process or cancel the action."
+msgstr ""
+       "The <literal>Update All</literal> dialog box is displayed. Proceed with the "
+       "Update All process or cancel the action."
+#: package-manager.xml:482(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+"update all packages in the current image."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Proceed</guibutton> to create a new boot environment and "
+       "update all packages in the current image."
+#: package-manager.xml:483(para)
+msgid ""
+"During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+"created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+"that existed before the Update All process was started."
+msgstr ""
+       "During the Update All process, a clone of the active boot environment is "
+       "created. This clone enables the user to boot into the boot environment state "
+       "that existed before the Update All process was started."
+#: package-manager.xml:484(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error "
+"message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gileh\"/> section on how "
+"to rectify the error and continue with updating your image."
+msgstr ""
+       "If the Package Manager is unable to create a new boot environment, an error "
+       "message will be displayed. See the <xref linkend=\"gileh\"/> section on how "
+       "to rectify the error and continue with updating your image."
+#: package-manager.xml:485(para)
+msgid ""
+"A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated. You can "
+"accept the name generated by the system, or provide your own name for the "
+"boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "A name for the new boot environment is automatically generated. You can "
+       "accept the name generated by the system, or provide your own name for the "
+       "boot environment."
+#: package-manager.xml:492(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you chose to proceed, the <literal>Installing Updates</literal> windows "
+"are displayed. The package installation process consists of four stages:"
+msgstr ""
+       "If you chose to proceed, the <literal>Installing Updates</literal> windows "
+       "are displayed. The package installation process consists of four stages:"
+#: package-manager.xml:493(para)
+msgid "Prepare"
+msgstr "Prepare"
+#: package-manager.xml:495(para)
+msgid "Download."
+msgstr "Pobierz."
+#: package-manager.xml:497(para)
+msgid "Install."
+msgstr "Zainstaluj."
+#: package-manager.xml:500(para)
+msgid ""
+"You can choose to cancel the process only during the <emphasis role=\"strong"
+"\">Prepare</emphasis> and <emphasis role=\"strong\">Download</emphasis> "
+"stages. Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to cancel the "
+"installation process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main "
+"window of the Update Manager."
+msgstr ""
+       "You can choose to cancel the process only during the <emphasis role=\"strong"
+       "\">Prepare</emphasis> and <emphasis role=\"strong\">Download</emphasis> "
+       "stages. Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to cancel the "
+       "installation process. No changes are made and you are returned to the main "
+       "window of the Update Manager."
+#: package-manager.xml:501(para)
+msgid ""
+"If an error occurs during any of the stages, the <guilabel>Details</"
+"guilabel> panel is expanded and the details of the error are displayed. An "
+"error status indicator is shown next to the failed stage."
+msgstr ""
+       "If an error occurs during any of the stages, the <guilabel>Details</"
+       "guilabel> panel is expanded and the details of the error are displayed. An "
+       "error status indicator is shown next to the failed stage."
+#: package-manager.xml:504(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel to view more information about "
+"each of the installation processes."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guilabel>Details</guilabel> panel to view more information about "
+       "each of the installation processes."
+#: package-manager.xml:506(para)
+msgid ""
+"Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+msgstr ""
+       "Read the <xref linkend=\"release_notes\"/> before rebooting your system."
+#: package-manager.xml:513(para)
+msgid ""
+"A new boot environment clone <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be "
+"created for the Update All process to be completed. The following error "
+"message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created due to "
+"space restrictions :"
+msgstr ""
+       "A new boot environment clone <emphasis role=\"strong\">must</emphasis> be "
+       "created for the Update All process to be completed. The following error "
+       "message is displayed if a boot environment clone cannot be created due to "
+       "space restrictions :"
+#: package-manager.xml:515(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return "
+"to the Update Manager main window."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> to cancel the Update All process and return "
+       "to the Update Manager main window."
+#: package-manager.xml:517(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> in the error dialog box to go to the "
+"<literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> in the error dialog box to go to the "
+       "<literal>Boot Environment Management</literal> dialog."
+#: package-manager.xml:519(para)
+msgid ""
+"Go to step 2 in the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section. Follow the "
+"instructions to delete old or unused boot environments and free up disk "
+msgstr ""
+       "Go to step 2 in the <xref linkend=\"gilfh\"/> section. Follow the "
+       "instructions to delete old or unused boot environments and free up disk "
+       "space."
+#: package-manager.xml:521(para)
+msgid ""
+"Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+"Manager</literal> window to restart the process of updating all packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Click the <guibutton>Update All</guibutton> button in the <literal>Update "
+       "Manager</literal> window to restart the process of updating all packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:526(title) package-manager.xml:530(ulink)
+msgid "Release Notes"
+msgstr "Release Notes"
+#: package-manager.xml:527(para)
+msgid ""
+"The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Release Notes are available at the following "
+msgstr ""
+       "The OpenSolaris 2009.06 Release Notes are available at the following "
+       "locations:"
+#: package-manager.xml:528(para)
+msgid ""
+"x86 <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/"
+"relnotes/200811/x86/\">Release Notes</ulink>"
+msgstr ""
+       "x86 <ulink url=\"http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/"
+       "relnotes/200811/x86/\">Release Notes</ulink>"
+#: package-manager.xml:530(trademark)
+msgid "SPARC"
+msgstr "SPARC"
+#: package-manager.xml:534(title)
+msgid "Package Manager Screencast"
+msgstr "Package Manager Screencast"
+#: package-manager.xml:535(para)
+msgid ""
+"A screencast that shows Package Manager usage for beginners is available. "
+"Click the link below to go to the screencast."
+msgstr ""
+       "A screencast that shows Package Manager usage for beginners is available. "
+       "Click the link below to go to the screencast."
+#: package-manager.xml:536(ulink)
+msgid "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Screencast"
+msgstr "OpenSolaris 2009.06 Package Manager Screencast"
+#: package-manager.xml:539(title)
+msgid "Image Packaging System Glossary"
+msgstr "Image Packaging System Glossary"
+#: package-manager.xml:540(glossterm)
+msgid "publisher"
+msgstr "publisher"
+#: package-manager.xml:541(para)
+msgid ""
+"A person, group, or corporation that designs, creates, and publishes a "
+"package to a repository. The repository in turn serves the packages from the "
+"(default) publisher, for downloading purposes. The developer-quality "
+"packages managed by Sun and made available through <ulink url=\"http://pkg."
+"opensolaris.com/dev\">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> is an example "
+"of a publisher."
+msgstr ""
+       "A person, group, or corporation that designs, creates, and publishes a "
+       "package to a repository. The repository in turn serves the packages from the "
+       "(default) publisher, for downloading purposes. The developer-quality "
+       "packages managed by Sun and made available through <ulink url=\"http://pkg."
+       "opensolaris.com/dev\">http://pkg.opensolaris.com/dev</ulink> is an example "
+       "of a publisher."
+#: package-manager.xml:542(para)
+msgid ""
+"The term <emphasis role=\"strong\">authority</emphasis> has been replaced "
+"with the term <emphasis role=\"strong\">publisher</emphasis> from the "
+"OpenSolaris 2009.06 release onwards."
+msgstr ""
+       "The term <emphasis role=\"strong\">authority</emphasis> has been replaced "
+       "with the term <emphasis role=\"strong\">publisher</emphasis> from the "
+       "OpenSolaris 2009.06 release onwards."
+#: package-manager.xml:545(glossterm)
+msgid "boot environment"
+msgstr "boot environment"
+#: package-manager.xml:546(para)
+msgid ""
+"For an OpenSolaris release, a boot environment is an instance of a bootable "
+"OpenSolaris environment. The root file system and all other file systems of "
+"the boot environment that contain system software are required to be ZFS "
+msgstr ""
+       "For an OpenSolaris release, a boot environment is an instance of a bootable "
+       "OpenSolaris environment. The root file system and all other file systems of "
+       "the boot environment that contain system software are required to be ZFS "
+       "datasets."
+#: package-manager.xml:547(para)
+msgid ""
+"The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Many boot "
+"environments can present on an OpenSolaris system and an inactive boot "
+"environment can be in a state of waiting for activation upon system reboot."
+msgstr ""
+       "The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Many boot "
+       "environments can present on an OpenSolaris system and an inactive boot "
+       "environment can be in a state of waiting for activation upon system reboot."
+#: package-manager.xml:550(glossterm)
+msgid "clone"
+msgstr "clone"
+#: package-manager.xml:551(para)
+msgid "An exact copy."
+msgstr "Dokładna kopia."
+#: package-manager.xml:552(para)
+msgid ""
+"A clone could be an exact copy of an operating system, a file system, or a "
+"volume. This copy has 100% compatibility with the original."
+msgstr ""
+       "A clone could be an exact copy of an operating system, a file system, or a "
+       "volume. This copy has 100% compatibility with the original."
+#: package-manager.xml:555(glossterm)
+msgid "dataset"
+msgstr "dataset"
+#: package-manager.xml:556(para)
+msgid ""
+"A generic name for the following ZFS entities: clones, file systems, "
+"snapshots, or volumes. Each dataset is identified by a unique name in the "
+"ZFS namespace."
+msgstr ""
+       "A generic name for the following ZFS entities: clones, file systems, "
+       "snapshots, or volumes. Each dataset is identified by a unique name in the "
+       "ZFS namespace."
+#: package-manager.xml:559(glossterm)
+msgid "image"
+msgstr "image"
+#: package-manager.xml:560(para)
+msgid ""
+"A collection of software in a package that comprises an entire or partial "
+"operating system. The package is suitable for installation."
+msgstr ""
+       "A collection of software in a package that comprises an entire or partial "
+       "operating system. The package is suitable for installation."
+#: package-manager.xml:561(para)
+msgid ""
+"An image is a location on your system where packages and their associated "
+"files, directories, links, and dependencies can be installed."
+msgstr ""
+       "An image is a location on your system where packages and their associated "
+       "files, directories, links, and dependencies can be installed."
+#: package-manager.xml:564(glossterm)
+msgid "package"
+msgstr "pakiet"
+#: package-manager.xml:565(para)
+msgid ""
+"A collection of files, directories, links, drivers, and dependencies in a "
+"defined format."
+msgstr ""
+       "Zbiór plików, katalogów, odnośników, sterowników i zależności w zdefiniowanej postaci."
+#: package-manager.xml:568(glossterm)
+msgid "preferred repository"
+msgstr "preferowane repozytorium"
+#: package-manager.xml:569(para)
+msgid ""
+"A default repository that is the source for packages. If a user does not "
+"explicitly specify a repository when installing and updating packages, the "
+"preferred repository is chosen as the source for packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "A default repository that is the source for packages. If a user does not "
+       "explicitly specify a repository when installing and updating packages, the "
+       "preferred repository is chosen as the source for packages."
+#: package-manager.xml:572(glossterm)
+msgid "repository"
+msgstr "repozytorium"
+#: package-manager.xml:573(para)
+msgid ""
+"A location where packages are available for downloading. A publisher can "
+"publish packages to many repositories."
+msgstr ""
+       "A location where packages are available for downloading. A publisher can "
+       "publish packages to many repositories."
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
+#: package-manager.xml:0(None)
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "translator-credits"
--- a/src/pkgdefs/SUNWipkg-gui-l10n/prototype	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/pkgdefs/SUNWipkg-gui-l10n/prototype	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager 755 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/ar 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/ar/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
+d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/ca 755 root bin
+f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/ca/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/cs 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/cs/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/de 755 root bin
@@ -15,12 +17,16 @@
 f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/es/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/fr 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/fr/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
+d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/hu 755 root bin
+f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/hu/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/it 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/it/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/ja 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/ja/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/ko 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/ko/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
+d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/pl 755 root bin
+f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/pl/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/pt_BR 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/pt_BR/package-manager.xml 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/gnome/help/package-manager/sv 755 root bin
@@ -37,6 +43,9 @@
 d none usr/share/locale/ar 755 root other
 d none usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES 755 root other
 f none usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/pkg.mo 444 root other
+d none usr/share/locale/ca 755 root other
+d none usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES 755 root other
+f none usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/pkg.mo 444 root other
 d none usr/share/locale/cs 755 root other
 d none usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES 755 root other
 f none usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/pkg.mo 444 root other
@@ -91,18 +100,26 @@
 d none usr/share/package-manager 755 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data 755 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase 755 root bin
+d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/ca 755 root bin
+f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/ca/startpage.html 444 root bin
+d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/cs 755 root bin
+f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/cs/startpage.html 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/de 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/de/startpage.html 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/es 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/es/startpage.html 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/fr 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/fr/startpage.html 444 root bin
+d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/hu 755 root bin
+f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/hu/startpage.html 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/it 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/it/startpage.html 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/ja 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/ja/startpage.html 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/ko 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/ko/startpage.html 444 root bin
+d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/nl 755 root bin
+f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/nl/startpage.html 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/pt_BR 755 root bin
 f none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/pt_BR/startpage.html 444 root bin
 d none usr/share/package-manager/data/startpagebase/ru 755 root bin
--- a/src/po/POTFILES.in	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/POTFILES.in	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,23 +2,56 @@
 # Please keep this file in alphabetical order.
 [encoding: UTF-8]
--- a/src/po/ar.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/ar.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -27,15 +27,21 @@
 msgstr ""
        "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
        "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
        "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
        "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
        "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
        "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +64,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -104,9 +113,12 @@
        "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
        "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
        "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
        "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+       "<variant_spec>=<instance>\n"
+       "            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
        "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
        "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -129,45 +141,62 @@
        "        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "-s and -v لا يمكن ضمهم"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "known"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "installed"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "لايوجد حزم منصبة "
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "الحزم المختارة لايوجد لها أي تحديثات "
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "الحزم المنصبة لايوجد لها أي تحديثات "
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "لايوجد حزم متوافقة '%s' %s"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "لا توجد أي حزمة مطابقة '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
-msgstr "إنشاء لقظة او صورة عن ZFS: %s "
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "تحقق : -v and -q لايمكن جمعهم "
-#: ../client.py:480
+msgstr "إنشاء لقطة او صورة عن ZFS: %s "
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+       "live image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v and -q may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg: لاتوجد حزم متوافقة مع النموذج المختار  \n"
-       "المنصبة ضمن النظام \n "
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg: لاتوجد حزم متوافقة مع النموذج المختار \n المنصبة ضمن النظام \n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -176,609 +205,579 @@
        "\n "
        "كل النماذج توافق الحزم المنصبة . %s"
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -v and -q لامكن جمعهم "
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "امر image-update: لا يأخد عملية حسابية  ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "لايوجد صورة ترسخ على '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "لايوجد ترقية متوقرة للصورة الأن "
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "فشل image-update  (inventory exception):\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "تحذير : pkg(5) يظهر انه خارج مدة الصلاحية , ويجب عليك الترقية قبل "
-       " \n running image-update.\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-       "رجاء ترقية pkg(5) بإستعمال 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' ثم حاول "
-       "\n the image-update."
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "حدث خطأ غير متوقع في الوقت الذي تستعد من أجل ترقية الصورة "
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "فشل image-update : %s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "image-update لايمكن أن ينجح على الصورة المباشرة "
-#: ../client.py:643
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
 msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "حدث خطأ غير متوقع من  خلال ترقية الصورة : %s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "تثبيت : حزمة واحدة على الأقل من اسم المطلوب"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "التنصيب : -v and -q لايمكن جمعهم "
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s' هي ليست صورة للتنصيب "
-#: ../client.py:745
+       "\n"
+       "An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s failed: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s cannot be done on live image"
+#: ../client.py:567
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+       "live image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "لايوجد صورة ترسخ على '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "فضل التنصيب (inventory exception): \n %s"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "حدث خطأ غير متوقع من خلال التحضير لعملية التنصيب : "
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "فضل التنصيب : %s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "حدث خطأ غير متوقع من خلال التنصيب: %s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "إلغاء التثبيت : إسم حزمة واحد مطلوب "
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "إلغاء التثبيت : -v and -q لايمكن جمعهم "
-#: ../client.py:857
+       "%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
 msgstr ""
-       "فشل إلغاء التثبيت (inventory exception): \n %s"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "فشل عملية إلغاء اinventory exceptionلتثبيت : %s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "حدث خطأ غير متوقع من خلال عملية إلغاء التثبيت : %s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-       "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-       "The problematic structure: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+       "WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+       "running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: no variants specified"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "No updates necessary for this image."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "لايوجد ترقية متوقرة للصورة الأن "
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "ملاحظة : الرجاء عرض ملاحظات الإصدار الموجودة :\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "at least one package name required"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-       "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-       "The problematic structure:%r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "المخدم يعيد رسالة أن النتيجة معطوبة أو مشوهه .\n"
+       "إشكالية الهيكل : %r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+       "The server returned an invalid action.\n"
-#: ../client.py:1008
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s ليس عنوان مخدم صحيح  "
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "at least one search term must be provided"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
-msgstr "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+msgstr "المخدم يعيد رسالة أن النتيجة معطوبة أو مشوهه .%r"
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+       "packages"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-       "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
-       "rebuild-index'."
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "معلومات : -l and -r لايمكن جمعهم "
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "معلومات : يجب عليك طلبب المساعدة البعيدة للحزم المعينة "
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "فهرس البحث يظهر انه معطوب . الرجاء إعادة بناءه بأمر "
+       "'pkg rebuild-index'."
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l and -r may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "must request remote info for specific packages"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Obsolete"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Renamed"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "منصب "
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "غير منصب "
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "          إسم : "
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "       ملخص : "
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "   Description:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "      فئة : "
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "         ولاية : "
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Renamed to:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "     الناشر : "
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "       الإصدار : "
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr " بناء الإصدار : "
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "        فرعي : "
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "تاريخ الحزمة :"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "          الحجم : "
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "          FMRI : "
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg : لايوجد حزم متطابقة مع النموذج المعين \n"
-       "المنصب على النظام . حاول التعديل -r لأمر بعيد : "
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg : لايوجد حزم متطابقة مع النموذج المعين \n"
-       "الموجود ضمن الكاتالوج . حاول إعادة تعين النموذج, إعادة تحديث \n "
-       "بحث ضمن الكاتولجات : "
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "'%s' تطابق عدد من الحزم "
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "لايوجد معلوامت ضمن الإتفاقية لهذه الحزم "
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "المحتويات : -l and -r لايمكن جمعهم "
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "المحتويات : يجب طلب محتويات من بعيد للحزم المطلوبة "
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "المحتويات : -m and %s لايمكن تعينهم بنفس الوقت "
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "السمات خاطئة '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg : '%s' تطابق عدة حزم "
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "المحتويات : يجب طلب محتويات من بعيد للحزم المطلوبة "
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg : %s%s النجاح بتحديث الكاتالوج :"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "لا يستطيع تحديث الكاتالوج ل '%s' لاتوجد صلاحيات كافية "
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "لا يستطيع تحديث الكاتالوج لاتوجد صلاحيات كافية "
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "رجاء اعد إستعمال الأمر pfexec, أو على خلاف ذلك بزيادة \n صلاحياتك "
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "'pkg publisher' سوف يظهر قائمة الناشر . "
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "مطلوب إسم الناشر "
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "إسم ناشر واحد فقط يمكن ان يعني "
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "خيارات -p and -d  لايمكن جمعهم "
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
        "الناشر غير موجود, إستعمل -O لتحديد العنوان الأساسي للناشر الجديد "
-#: ../client.py:1794
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "العنوان (URL) الأساسي ل '%s' لايبدو أنه يشير الى مخدم الحزم الصحيح .\n "
-       "رجاء تحقق من عنوان رقم IP للمخدم وإعدادات شبكة العميل \n"
-       "معلومات إضافية : \n"
-       "\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "at least one publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "فضل بالحذف ل '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "الناشر "
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "نوع "
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "حالة "
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URL عنوان "
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(مفضل)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(غير مفعل)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "الأصل "
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "mirror"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              SSL Key:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "             SSL Cert:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr " Cert. تاريخ التأثير:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "Cert.  تاريخ الإنتهاء:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           Origin عنوان(URI):"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           Mirror عنوان(URL):"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "                الناشر:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                إسم مستعار:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          عميل UUID:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "      تحديث الكاتالوج:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "             مفعل :"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "لا"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "نعم"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "عين-الخاصية : يتطلب خاصية الإسم والقيمة "
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-       "عين-الخاصية : عين-الناشر  يجب عليك الإستعمال لتغير الناشر المفضل "
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "عدم تعين-الخاصية : على الأقل مطلوب خاصية واحدة بالإسم "
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-       "عدم تعين-الخاصية : يجب عليك الإستعمال لتغير الناشر المفضل "
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "عدم تعين-الخاصية : لايوجد أي خاصية : %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "requires a property name and value"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "requires at least one property name"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "no such property: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "الخاصية : لايوجد خاصية : %s "
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-       "image-create  يتطلب حجة من الناشر لكي تكون على شكل '<prefix>=<url>'."
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "only one image directory path may be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "a publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
 msgstr ""
-       "image-create يتطلب حجة مختلفة لكي تكون على شكل '<name>=<value>'."
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create يتطلب مسار مجلد صورة نظام مفردة "
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: تعين الناشر : SSL key ملف '%s' غير موجود "
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: تعين الناشر : SSL key شهادة '%s' غير موجود "
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create بتطلب حجة الناشر "
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create يتطلب بادئة غير متطابقة : %s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: خطأ بمحارف بادئة الناشر"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create:خطأ بعنوان (URL) الناشر "
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "هناك بالفعل صورة عن النظام : %s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "للكتابة فوقه , إستعمل -f (force) خيار "
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "مجلد غير-فارغ : %s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "لا يستطيع إنشاء الصورة على %s: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "العنوان (URL) '%s' لايبدو أنه أي نقظة لمخدم الحزم الصحيح.\n "
-       "الرجاء تفحص عنوان رقم المخدم وإعدادات الشبكة للعميل . \n"
-       "معلومات إضافية : \n"
+       "عنوان URI '%(pub_url)s' لا يظهر على أنه متصل بمخدد الحزم .\n"
+       "الرجاء التأكد من عنوان المخدم وإعدادات الشبكة للعملاء .\n"
+       "تفاصيل إضافية :\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "امر rebuild-index: لايأخذ عملية حسابية ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H and -l لايمكن جمعهم "
-#: ../client.py:2297
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H and -l may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "الوقت "
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "عملية "
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "عميل "
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "نتيجة "
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "خيار عام غير مشروع --%s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s تأخد الحجة من الشكل الإسم=قيمة, ليست %(arg)s"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "no subcommand specified"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "-R لايسمح له من أحل %s كأمر داخلي "
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "غير شرعي %s خيار -- 5 %s "
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "illegal option -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "الأصدار : الأمر لايأخذ عملية حسابية ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
@@ -786,97 +785,20 @@
        "لايمكن إيجاد الصورة, إستعمل خيار -R أو عين $PKG_IMAGEلنقظة \n"
        "لصورة , أو غير مجلد العمل لواحد داخل الصورة "
-#: ../client.py:2485
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "لايوجد صورة "
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "خطأ بإعدادات العميل : %s "
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "حذف التاريخ "
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "أمر داخلي غير معرف '%s' "
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "الرقم الأكبر من محالات الشبكة تجاوزت خلال التحميل . التفاصيل تتبع : \n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr " خطأ قد حدث أثناء محاولة لاسترجاع ملف أو حزمة البيانات"
-       "وطلبت لتشغيل"
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "غير قادر بالإتصال بمستودع الحزم . ممكن ان تكون هذه مشكلة من المخدم , خطأ بإعدادات الشبكة , أو خطأ بأمر pkg من قبل العميل "
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "معلومات إضافية : \n"
-       "\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-       "خطأ قد حدث أثناء محاولةتحميل التاريخ المعلومات حول تشغيل العميل في الماضي "
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-       "خطأ قد حدث أثناء محاولة لحفظ معلومات حول \n"
-       "التشغيل الحالي ضمن تاريخ العميل "
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "خطأ قد حدث أثناء محاولة لحذف تاريخ العميل "
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-       "أمر pkg يظهر أنه خارج التزامن مع المكتبة المتاحة \n"
-       "من قبل SUNWipkg. إصدار العميل %(client)s عندما إصدار مكتبة API تكون "
-       "%(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -891,9 +813,107 @@
        "المشكلة من خلال فلترةالمشاكلhttp://defect.opensolaris.org and يحوي the\n"
        "وسبق هذه الرسالة traceback . هذا الإصدار من Pkg(5) '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+       "for\n"
+       "the requested operation."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Details follow:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n "
+       "غير قادر بالإتصال بمستودع الحزم . ممكن ان تكون هذه مشكلة من المخدم , خطأ بإعدادات الشبكة , أو خطأ بأمر pkg من قبل العميل "
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n "
+       "معلومات إضافية : \n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "خطأ قد حدث أثناء محاولةتحميل التاريخ المعلومات حول تشغيل العميل في الماضي "
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "خطأ قد حدث أثناء محاولة لحفظ معلومات حول \n"
+       "التشغيل الحالي ضمن تاريخ العميل "
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "خطأ قد حدث أثناء محاولة لحذف تاريخ العميل "
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "أمر pkg يظهر أنه خارج التزامن مع المكتبة المتاحة \n "
+       "من قبل SUNWipkg. إصدار العميل %(client)s عندما إصدار مكتبة API تكون "
+       "%(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+       "has completed successfuly."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
-msgstr "AMP Stack"
+msgstr "AMP كومة"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:32
 msgid "Accessories"
@@ -909,7 +929,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:35
 msgid "Builds"
-msgstr "Builds"
+msgstr "يبني "
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:36
 msgid "C"
@@ -921,7 +941,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:38
 msgid "Communications"
-msgstr "Communications"
+msgstr "إتصالات "
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:39
 msgid "Configuration and Preferences"
@@ -957,7 +977,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:47
 msgid "Editors"
-msgstr "Editors"
+msgstr "المحررون "
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:48
 msgid "Enterprise Management"
@@ -1037,7 +1057,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:67
 msgid "Multimedia Libraries"
-msgstr "Multimedia Libraries"
+msgstr "مكتبات الوسائط المتعددة "
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:68
 msgid "Networking"
@@ -1049,7 +1069,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:70
 msgid "Office Tools"
-msgstr "Office Tools"
+msgstr "أدوات المكتب "
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:71
 msgid "Other Languages"
@@ -1069,7 +1089,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:75
 msgid "Panels and Applets"
-msgstr "Panels and Applets"
+msgstr "لوحات و برمجيات"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:76
 msgid "Perl"
@@ -1093,7 +1113,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:81
 msgid "Releases"
-msgstr "Releases"
+msgstr "إصدارات "
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:82
 msgid "Ruby"
@@ -1135,7 +1155,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "وحدة تخزين"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "نظام "
@@ -1153,11 +1173,11 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:96
 msgid "Trusted"
-msgstr "Trusted"
+msgstr "الوثوق"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:97
 msgid "Trusted Extensions"
-msgstr "Trusted Extensions"
+msgstr "تمديدات موثوقة "
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:98
 msgid "Universal Access"
@@ -1188,17 +1208,16 @@
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
 msgstr "نصّب، طوّر وأزل حزم البرمجيات"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "مدير الحزم"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b> أضف مستودعات وإدارة واحدة موجودة مسبقا</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1214,33 +1233,41 @@
 msgstr ""
        "<b>إنشاء بيئة إقلاع جديدة</b>\n"
-       "ترقية الكل وإنشاء بيئة إقلاع جديدة (BE) تعرف كأرشيف "
-       "الحالي BE. BE الجديد يحوي ترقية كاملة لكل الحزم والBE الإفتراضي  "
-       "عندما يعاد تشغيل النظام .\n"
+       "ترقية كامل بيئات الإقلاع المنشأ (BE) كوصفه وسيلة للحفظ "
+       "BE الحالي . BE الجديد يتألف من الحزم المترقية والتي هي الإفتراضية"
+       "BE عند إعادة تشغيل النظام .\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Exit</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>حذف, إعادة تسمية  تفعيل بيئة الإقلاع .</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b> عام </b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>تعديل عناوين (URL) للمستودعات </b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>إسم الحزم</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>إسم الحزم</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>عرض الحزم التي سوف تحذف:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>بحث</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1251,70 +1278,79 @@
 msgstr "<b>_Mirrors</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>_SSL Key and شهادة</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_SSL Key and شهادة</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>مدير الحزم تنصيب من الويب</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>_مستودع:</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "حول"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "حول الفسحة "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Add Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "B_rowse"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher Complete"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Applying Changes"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "Br_owse"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Applying changes..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "B_rowse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Br_owse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "تصفح من أجل شهادة SSL "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "تصفح من أجل SSL key"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "التحقق من أخر إصدار من SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, الرجاء الإنتظار..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "الحقق من تبعية الحزم"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "مسح "
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "C_lear Search"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "إضغط للحصول على قائمة بأجدد الحزم . "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Cancel current operation"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "التحقق من أخر إصدار من SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, الرجاء الإنتظار..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "الحقق من تبعية الحزم"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "إضغط لترقية كل الحزم المنصبة"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "نسخ "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "تأكيد"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
@@ -1324,160 +1360,152 @@
        "All rights reserved.\n"
        "Use is subject to license terms."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "Cu_t"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
 msgid "Currently active boot environment"
 msgstr "بيئة الإقلاع المفعلة الحالية "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "قطع العمل"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "D_eselect All"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "D_etails"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "التبعية"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "إلغاء أختيار الحزم المختارة "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Description:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "تفاصيل"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "تحميل "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "ملفات "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Go to package _list"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "تنصيب "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "تنصيب أو ترقية الحزم المختارة "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "تنصيب\\ترقية"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "تحقق من تنصيب\\ترقية"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "إسطورة : "
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "إتفاقية "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "إتفاقية "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "M_irror:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "إدارة بيئة الإقلاع "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "إدارة المستودعات "
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "إدارة _ بيئة الإقلاع..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "إدارة _ بيئة الإقلاع..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Modify Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "تعديل المستودع "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "إسم : "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "تفضيلات مدير الحزم "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "لصق "
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "إسم : "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "Pre_ferences"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "تفضيلات"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "خصائص "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "نفذ فقط إذا كنت على ثقة هذا المستودع الجديد "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "معالجة "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "Pu_blisher:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Publisher Name:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "خروج التطبيق "
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Re_fresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "إعادة تحميل "
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
-msgstr "Remote search error"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+msgstr "خطأ بالبحث عن بعد "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "إزالة"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "إزالة التأكيد "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "إزالة الحزم المختارة "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "SSL C_ertificate: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "SSL C_ertificate: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "SSL Key and شهادة"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "SSL _شهادة:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "SSL _Key:"
@@ -1487,233 +1515,200 @@
 msgstr "SSL _Key: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "Se_arch:"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "بحث "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "بحث "
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Search Publisher Errors"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "Search All Repositories Error"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Search Repositories Error"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-       "repositories:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "إختر كل العناصر "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "إختر تحديث "
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "إختر _تحديث"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "إختر الحزم بإشارة ضمن المربع ثم إضغط على تنصيب\\ترقية"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "إختر الحزم بإشارة ضمن المربع ثم إضغط إزالة "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "إختر _الكل"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "إختر _تحديث"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Show Start Page on _startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "إختر من القائمة لتعديل أو لإزالة المستودعات الموجودة سابقا"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "إختر الحزم بإشارة ضمن المربع ثم إضغط على تنصيب\\ترقية"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "إختر الحزم بإشارة ضمن المربع ثم إضغط إزالة "
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Specify the publisher name and URL"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "Sho_w:"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "صفجة _البدأ "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "تفصيل قصير "
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "The following will be added to your system:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "صفجة البدأ "
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "This is a secure repository."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "صفجة _البدأ "
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "هذا المستودع الأمن , الرجوع الى الموقع"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "التالي سوف تضاف الى نظامك "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "هذا المستودع الأمن , الرجوع الى الموقع"
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+       "Specify the location of these files."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-       "هذا المستودع يتطلب SSL Key و شهادة .\n"
-       "أدخل مسار الملف ضمن المساحة المتاحة ,\n"
-       "أو إستعمل المتصفح"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "أدخل النص للبحث على الإسم وتفصيل الحزمة "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Type text to search for the package."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
 msgid "Update All"
 msgstr "ترقية الكل "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Vie_w:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_إضافة"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "ترقية كل الحزم "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "الترقية "
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "_Add Publisher..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Add..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "_عن"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "_Alias:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "_إضافة"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Browse..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "_تصفح"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_محتويات "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "_مسح"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "_Contents"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_تحرير"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "_نسخ"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "_Export Selections..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "_Deselect All"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "_تحرير"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "_تفعيل النوع قبل البحث (بظئ على المستودعات الكبيرة)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_ملف"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "_مساعدة "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "_تنصيب\\ترقية "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "_تعليمات "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "_Manage Publishers..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "_تنصيب\\ترقية "
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "_تعديل "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "_تعليمات "
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_إسم: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "_إدارة المستودعات"
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "_إسم: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "_تعديل "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "_إسم: "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "_الحزمة"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "_تنفيذ"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "_الحزمة"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "_Registration Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "_لصق"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "_تنفيذ"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "_خروج"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "_إزالة "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
-msgstr "_Search"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "_أظهر نافذة البدأ عند الإقلاع     "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+msgstr "_بحث "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "_عنوان (URL):"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "_عنوان (URL): "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "_ترقية الكل "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
-msgstr "_View"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-       "إذا المستودع يطلب SSL Key وشهادة , او إذا كان Mirror أضف جديد \n"
-       "مستودع , ثم إضغط على تعديل وأضف تفصيل أخرى "
+msgstr "_عرض "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
@@ -1732,188 +1727,277 @@
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 msgstr ""
-       "A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-       "the error dialog."
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+       "exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+       "and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+       "mode."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+       "dialog."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
        "العنصر المحدد الذي يتحقق ليظهر فلتر عندما مدير الحزم يبدأ. "
        "0 يقابل كل الحزم "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
 msgstr ""
-       "العنصر المحدد الذي يتحقق الستوى الأعلى من القيمة ليظهر عندمامدير الحزم يبدأ. "
-       "0 يقابل كل الحزم"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+       "An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+       "packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+       "default)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
-       "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "العنصر المختار يتحقق من أعلى  نافذة التطبيق الرئيسي "
+       ", تكون فوقها إذا لم يكن هناك نافذة متاحة "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
-       "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "العنصر المختار يتحقق من وضعية الحاجز الأفقي للتطبيق "
+       "التي تفصل بلوحة الفئة من قائمة اللوحة "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
-       "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "العنصر المختار يتحقق من وضعية الحاجز العامودية للتطبيق "
+       "التي تفصل بلوحة الفئة من قائمة اللوحة "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
-       "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-       "Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-       "support remote search"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "تفعيل النوع قبل البحث "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "Initial application height"
+       "العنصر المختار يتحقق من عرض نافذة التطبيق الرئيسي "
+       ", تكون فوقها إذا لم يكن هناك نافذة متاحة "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr ""
+       "An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+       "completion."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+       "when searching them"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "Initial application width"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Display selected publisher at startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "التحقق قيمة القسم "
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "تفعيل النوع قبل البحث "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "ارتفاع الطلب الأولي"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "موضع الحاجز الأفقي للتطبيق الأولي"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "موضع الحاجز العامودي للتطبيق الأولي"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "العرض الأولي لتطبيق"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "التحقق قيمة القسم "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "تحقق يظهر قيمة الفلتر "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Last Export Selections Path"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Last publisher used by package manager"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "أظهر صفحة البدأ عند بدأ التشغيل "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
-msgstr "Start Page Update URL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgstr "صفحة البدأ وعنوان الترقية "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Start in serach mode"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-       "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "الموضع للحصول على الترقية لصفحة البدأ مدير الحزم"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI لايوجدإستجابة لأي حدث ! %s تحقق من webinstall.py إشارة"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "إضافة مستودع جديد \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "إضافة مستودعات جديدة \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "كل المستودعات المحددة والحزم موجود ضمن النظام مسبقا . \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publisher\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publishers\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Install Package\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
        "تنصيب الحزم \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "تنفيذ فقط عندما توجد| الئقة من هذه  المستودعات "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "خطأ المستودع "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "خطأ API"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "خطأ "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "خطأ بقراءة P5i ملف "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgstr[1] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Publisher Error"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgstr[1] "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+       "completion it will be disabled again."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+       "On completion they will be disabled again."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabled Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabled Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "الفشل بالإضافة %s.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "لايوجد عنوان معرف (URL)"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Web Installer Error"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
@@ -1927,113 +2011,113 @@
 msgid "BE management"
 msgstr "BE إدارة "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI لايوجدإستجابة لأي حدث ! %s تحقق من webinstall.py إشارة"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "إعدادات بيئة الإقلاع "
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "تحميل معلومات بيئة الإقلاع "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
 msgstr "جلب مدخلات BE"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "بيئة الإقلاع "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "أنشأ "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "الحجم "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "مفعل عند أعادة التشغيل "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "حذف "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "تطبيق التغيرات "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "تطبيق التغيرات , الرجاء الإنتظار ...."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "مفعل عند أعادة التشغيل : \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Delete boot environments:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Rename boot environments:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Active on reboot\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "Delete\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Rename\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr " الى "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>لا أستطيع تغير تفعيل بيئة الإقلاع الى :</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>لا أستطيع حذف بيئةالإقلاع :</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>لا أستطيع تغير إسم بيئة الإقلاع :</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "خطأ BE"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
        "The <b>libbe</b> المكتبة لا تستطيع تحضير قائمة بيئات الإقلاع.\n"
        "كل الخيارات لتعديل بيئات الإقلاع غير مفعلة "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "التحضير ...."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "تحميل ...."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "تنصيب ...."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI لايوجدإستجابة لأي حدث ! %s تحقق من webinstall.py إشارة"
@@ -2047,35 +2131,24 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "إلغاء ...."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "BE الإسم مستخدم "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "BE خطأ بالإسم "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "التحقق من %s محدث "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "الفشل بالدخول الى المستودع المقيد . \n"
-       "يجب عليك أن تسجل من أجل الدخول الى المستودع \n"
-       "إنتهت صلاحية الشهادة , أو أنت تحتاج لأن توافق على شهادة المستودع ."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "Inventory exception:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
@@ -2083,7 +2156,7 @@
        "الرجاء التحقق من إتصال الشبكة .\n"
        "إذا كان المستودع قابل للدخول عليه "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2092,11 +2165,26 @@
 msgstr ""
        "الرجاء التحقق من إتصال الشبكة .\n"
-       "إذا كان المستودع قابل للدخول عليه \n"
+       "إذا كان المستودع قابل للدخول عليه "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+       "settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
@@ -2106,18 +2194,18 @@
        "تحديث قبل تشغيل الترقية الكلية \n"
        "الرجاء تحديث SUNWipkg حزمة"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "لايمكن إزالة :\n"
+       "لايمكن إزالة:\n"
        "بسبب أن الحزم التالية لها تبعية على :\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -2128,7 +2216,7 @@
        "فشل التناغم إستعمل أمر pfexec or gksu عند التشغيل \n"
        "%s غالبا تكون مصدر المشكلة "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
@@ -2136,7 +2224,7 @@
        "لإعادة بناء الفهرس , الرجاء إستعمل terminal command:"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
@@ -2144,7 +2232,7 @@
        "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
@@ -2156,14 +2244,24 @@
        "بواسطة تشغيل الأمر : \n"
        "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
        "هذه صورة مباشرة .عملية التنصيب لايمكن أو تنفذ "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+       "Live Image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2176,7 +2274,7 @@
        "لا يمكن إنهاؤها . يجب عليك محاولة حل المشكلة \n"
        "بعملية إعادة التشغيل %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2189,48 +2287,48 @@
        "لايمكن إنهاؤها . يجب عليك| كل المشكلة \n"
        "بعملية إعادة التشعيل %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "تعيين BE الإسم غير مدعوم \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "خطأ بإسم BE : %s \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "ترقية %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "تنفيذ ...."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "تجميع معلومات الحزم , الرجاء الإنتظار ...."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "كل الحزم منصبة مسبقا "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
        "إختيار الحزم  (5)لايمكن تحديثها حيث هي إضغط على ترقية الكل لترقية كل الحزم"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
-msgstr "Your system has already been updated."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+msgstr "إن نظامك قد تمت ترقيته "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "لا يوجد معلومات إضافية متوفرة "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
@@ -2238,256 +2336,247 @@
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr " - فشل </b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "حدث خطأ غير متوقع ضمن %sالمرحلة \n"
-       "الرجاء إعلام المطورون حول هذه المشكلة بفلترة المشاكل بإستثناء القيم على : \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "http://defect.opensolaris.org\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "إستثناء القيم:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+       "An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+       "Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+       "filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "إستثناءtraceback:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "تحميل  %(current)s of %(total)s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "فشل تحديث الكاتالوج أثناء التنصيب"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "فشل تحديث الكاتالوج أثناء ترقية الكل "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "نجاح عملية التنصيب "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "نجاح إزالة الحزم "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "نجاح ترقية الحزم "
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg version: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "List of configured publishers:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Installation completed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Packages removed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Packages updated successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-       "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
-       "\n"
-       "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
-       "cancel the action."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "إضغط على زر موافق لإدارة BEs وللحصول على مساحة حرة أو خروج لإنهاء المهمة "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "لاتوجد مساحة كافية على القرص"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
-msgstr "الحزم للترقية : \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+msgstr "الحزم للترقية :\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
-msgstr "الحزم للتنصيب : \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+msgstr "الحزم للتنصيب :\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
-msgstr "الحزم للإزالة : \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "الحزمة  %d of %d: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "تقييم : %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+msgstr "الحزم للإزالة :\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI لن ترد على أي حال ! %s .تحقق إشارة repository.py "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "أضافة مستودع جديد "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>مستودع جديدy</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "إسم المستودع "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "المفضل "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "تفعيل "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "فشل بإلغاء التفعيل %s \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "فشل بالتفعيل %s \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "فشل بإلغاء التفعيل %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "فشل بالتفعيل %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "الرجاء إفحص صلاحياتك "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "الرجاء التحقق من إتصال الشبكة أو العنوان (URL) \n"
-       "إذا المستودع قابل للدخول عليه "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "خطأ غير متوقع \n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "لا يمكن تغير الناشر المفضل \n"
-       "الرجاء التحقق من صلاحياتك "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "الإسم يحوي أحرف خاطئة "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "الإسم مستعمل من قبل "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Canceling...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Removing publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Adding publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Updating publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Disable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Enable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Delete Publishers:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Disabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Enabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr ""
+       "Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+       "must be either https or http."
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "Publisher URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Description:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Publisher error"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "تعين ملف SSL key "
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "تعين ملف شهادة SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "URL العنوان غير صحيح "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "لايمكن الوصول الى : \n"
-       "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "التسجيل "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "إضافة مستودع جديد "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-       "إضافة : \n"
-       "\t%s (%s)...."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "الفشل بإضافة مستودع جديد : %s\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "الفشل بالإضافة %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "الفشل بالإضافة %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "الفشل بالحذف %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "تعين ملف SSL key "
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "تعين ملف شهادة SSL"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "خطأ بالمستودع "
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "المستودع "
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Active"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registered"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Mirror Name"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Enabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Enabling Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabling Publishers"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
@@ -2533,17 +2622,24 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "خطأ بالتنفيذ  '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "مطلوب خاصية '%s' غير مسموح بها "
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "مطلوب خاصية '%s' غير مسموح بها "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2556,7 +2652,7 @@
        "pfexec \n"
        "او حاول الحصول على صلاحيات"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
@@ -2566,9 +2662,9 @@
        "لايمكن إكمال العملية لأنه لايوجد صلاحيات كافية الرجاء جرب الأمر مرة أخرى بإستعمال "
        "pfexec \n"
-       "او حاول الحصول على صلاحيات\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "او حاول الحصول على صلاحيات \n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2579,46 +2675,215 @@
        "لانه الملف مستعمل . الرجاء الوقوف عن إستعمال الملف ثم حاول مرة أخرى "
        "لتنفيذ العملية "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-       "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
-       "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "النموذج التالي لا يطابق أي من الحزم من الكاتالوج الحالي .\n"
+       "جرب الهدوء بالنموذج , تحديث أو إدرس الكاتالوج"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
-msgstr "'%s' matches no installed packages"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+msgstr "'%s' لايوجد توافق مع الحزم المنصبة"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
-msgstr "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+msgstr "'%s' إن fmri غير شرعي "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
-msgstr "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+msgstr "الحزم التالية (s) تنتهك القيود"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' تدعم البنية التالية : %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "صورة البنية تعين : %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are not installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are already installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+       "catalog operations."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+       "provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+       "result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+       "catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+       "version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
        "لايستطيع إيجاد الحزم المتوافقة مع FMRI ضمن أني كاتالوج ضمن الناشر الحالي :\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (version did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "The search at url %s returned no results."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "فشل بعض الخوادم بالحصول على النتيجة الملائمة :\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Search performance is degraded.\n"
+       "Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
@@ -2626,18 +2891,18 @@
 msgstr ""
        "الملف المعين غير معرف أو لا يحوي معلومات صحيحة عن الناشر : %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
        "الملف المعين غير معرف أو لا يحوي معلومات صحيحة عن الناشر : "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "لا يدعم أمر pkg(5) نوع معلومات الناشر "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
@@ -2646,22 +2911,27 @@
        "خطأ يحدث عند محاولة الحصول على البيانات من '%s':\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "خطأ يحدث عند محاولة الحصول على البيانات من : %s "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "'%s' مسار غير صحيح "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "'%s' إسم غير صحيح لبيئة الإقلاع  "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
@@ -2669,11 +2939,11 @@
        "تسمية بيئة الإقلاع خلال عملية التنصيب غير مدعومة على هذه \n"
        "الإصدار من OpenSolaris. الرجاء image-update بدون  --be-name خيار "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "لا يمكن إستنساخ نسخة من بيئة الإقلاع الحالية "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
@@ -2682,12 +2952,12 @@
        "مشكلة حدثت بمحاولة إعادة تغير إسم بيئة الإقلاع \n"
        "الإسم الحالي %(orig)s الى %(dest)s."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "لاأستطيع التحميل %(name)s at %(mt)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
@@ -2695,131 +2965,70 @@
        "تسمية بيئة الإقلاع عندما الإقلاع لايكون من ضمن الصورة \n"
        "لايسمح به"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "المعلومات لا تعرف الخيارات التالية : "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "فشل بعض الخوادم بالحصول على النتيجة الملائمة :\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: timeout\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-       "    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-       "        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-       "the \n"
-       "        port number."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: Socket timeout"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s تظهر أنه يوجد خطأ بمستودع الحزم\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-       "البحث عن القدرات والأداء  المبتذلة \n"
-       "للتنفيذ , p'kg rebuild-index'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "'%s' إسم غير صحيح للناشر "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
        "'%(value)s' قيمة غير صحيحة لسمات المستودعات '%(attribute)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "'%s' نوع غير صحيح لمجموعة المستودعات "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "'%s' عنوان غير صحيح URL"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "'%s' خطأ بأولوية عنوان URL : قيمة غير متوقعة "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "'%s' خطأ بتصنيف سياسة عنوان المستودع "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "الناشر '%s' غير فعال ولا يمكن إستعماله لعميلة الحزم "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "الناشر بنفس الإسم أو إسم الشهرة '%s' بالأساس موجود"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
@@ -2827,76 +3036,89 @@
 msgstr ""
        "المستودع بنفس الإسم او العنوان الأصلي URL موجود مسبقا للناشر '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "Mirror '%s' موجود مسبقا للمستودع المعين "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "الأصل '%s' موجود مسبقا للمستودع المعين "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "الناشر المفضل لايمكن إزالته "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "لايمكن إزالة المستودع المعلم كناشر "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-       "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "الناشر '%s' غير مفعل و لا يمكن تحديد فيما يفضل الناشر"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+       "as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "عنوان URL شرعي غير معروف '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "ناشر غير معروف '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "عنوان URL له صلة غير معروف '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "مستودع غير معروف '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "mirror مستودع غير معروف '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "اصل المستودع غير معروف '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "العنوان URL  '%(uri)s' يحوي مخطط غير مدعوم '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "العنوان URL المعين يحوي مخطط غير مدعوم "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "'%(attr)s' غير مدعوم  '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
@@ -2905,7 +3127,7 @@
        "الشهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر '%(pub)s' '%(uri)s', يطلب الدخول "
        "إنتهت صلاحية . الرجاء الشهادة "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
@@ -2913,7 +3135,7 @@
 msgstr ""
        "الشهادة  '%(cert)s' للناشر  '%(pub)s', إنتهت الصلاحية الرجاء تنصيب شهادة صحيحة"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
@@ -2921,12 +3143,12 @@
 msgstr ""
        "الشهادة  '%(cert)s',مطلوب للدخول '%(uri)s', إنتهت الصلاحية الرجاء تنصيب شهادة صحيحة "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "الشهادة '%s' إنتهت الصلاحية الرجاء تنصيب شهادة صحيحة "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
@@ -2935,7 +3157,7 @@
        "الشهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر '%(pub)s', مطلوب الدخول '%(uri)s', "
        "ستنتهي الصلاحية في '%(days)s' يوم "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
@@ -2943,7 +3165,7 @@
 msgstr ""
        "الشهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر '%(pub)s' سينتهي في '%(days)s' يوم "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
@@ -2952,12 +3174,12 @@
        "الشهادة '%(cert)s', يحتاج الدخول '%(uri)s',سينتهي في '%(days)"
        "s' ايام"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "الشهادة '%(cert)s' ستنتهي  '%(days)s' أيام"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
@@ -2966,22 +3188,46 @@
        "شهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر '%(pub)s', يحتاج الدخول '%(uri)s', "
        "غير صحيح."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "الشهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر '%(pub)s' غير صحيح"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "الشهادة '%(cert)s' يحتاج للدخول '%(uri)s' غير صحيح"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "خطأ بالشهادة '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+       "(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
@@ -2989,22 +3235,22 @@
 msgstr ""
        "لايمكن معرفة مكان الشهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر '%(pub)s' تحتاج للدخول '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "لايمكن معرفة مكان الشهادة '%(cert)s'للناشر '%(pub)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "لايمكن معرفة مكان الشهادة '%(cert)s'للناشر '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "لايمكن معرفة مكان الشهادة '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
@@ -3013,14 +3259,14 @@
        "الشهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر '%(pub)s', يحتاج الدخول '%(uri)s', "
        "تاريخ تأثير الخيارات ."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
        "الشهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر  '%(pub)s' تاريخ تأثير الخيارات."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
@@ -3028,45 +3274,77 @@
 msgstr ""
        "الشهادة '%(cert)s' للناشر '%(uri)s' تاريخ تأثير الخيارات."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "الشهادة '%s' تاريخ تأثير الخيارات"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "إستلام رد خاطئ :%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "Could not find %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg : لايمكن إنشاء snapshot بشكل أتوماتيكي "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg : خطأ نظام %s تم الحصول على المفذ %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: خطأ نظام %(e)s تم مسك التنفيذي %(cmd)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-       "بأعادة الكود  %d."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' فشل. \n"
+       "الذي يعيد رقم كود  %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg : لايمكن التفعيل %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
-msgstr "pkg : لايمكن العدم التحميل : %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+msgstr "pkg : لايمكن العدم التحميل %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3079,12 +3357,12 @@
        "على الإقلاع التالي بيئة الإقلاع %s سوف تحمل \n"
        "إعادة التشغيل سيكون جاهز للتبديل مع الترقية BE.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s تمت عملية الترقية بنجاح "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
@@ -3094,155 +3372,174 @@
        " تشغيل النظام المعين. والتعديلات التي سوف تنسخ حالة النظام المشغل ."
        "هذه النسخةتحمل %s يجب أن تكون تفحص "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg : لايمكن إعادة BE %s وإستعادة صورة النظام "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s الفشل بالترقية . لم تطرأ أية تغييرات على %s."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg : لايستطيع تدمير snapshot %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg : لايستطيع إنشاء BE %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg : لا يستطيع تحميل BE %s على %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: لايمكن تحميل BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
 msgstr ""
-       "فشل بيئة %sالإقلاع بالترقية . A snapshot تؤخد قبل فشل محاولة وتحمل %s"
-       "إستعمل beadm unmount %s ثم beadm activate %s إذا أردت الإقلاع على هذه BE"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+       "بيئة الإقلاع %(name)s فشلت بالترقية وصورة عن النظام قد أخذت "
+       "قبل حدوث الخطأ وهي محملة ضمن %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' "
+       "ثم 'beadm يفعل %(clone_name)s' إذا أردت الإقلاع على هذا BE"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr ""
-       "فشل بيئة %sالإقلاع بالترقية . A snapshot توخذ قبل فشل محاولة وتعادتحميلها لذى لايوجد أي تغيرات قد حدثت : %s"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "هذا المخدم مستودع غير صحيح للحزم "
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "قبل التقييم :"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "بعد التقييم : "
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "SUNWipkg فشل بالتحقق من الترقية "
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-       "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
-       "rebuilding search indexes."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "الفهرس معطوب أو خارج الخدمة . إزل مجلد الفهرس (%s) اعد بناء الفهارس "
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
-msgstr "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+msgstr "حساب المدير root القابل للكتابة "
+       "غير قابل للكتابة id أي مستخدم ضمن النظام أو مجموعة "
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
-msgstr "unable to write to index directory."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Description Only)"
-msgstr "_All Repositories (Description Only)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Description Only)"
-msgstr "Search All Repositories (Description Only)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-       "البحث SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui \n"
-       "\n"
-       "الرجاء الإنتظار ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr "GUI لا تستجيب لأي حدث ! %s تحقق من declare_signals() "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "نتائج بحث كل المستودعات "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "الكل "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+msgstr "لايمكن الكتابة ضمن مجلد الفهرس "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "كل الحزم "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "الحزم المنصبة "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "الترقية "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "Not installed Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "الحزم المختارة "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "أضف..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "All Publishers (Search)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Export Selections Confirmation"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Export Selections Error"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Export Selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "All Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
@@ -3253,24 +3550,36 @@
        "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "تحميل .... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "failed to respond"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "invalid response"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "A valid response was not returned."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "unsupported search"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Loading... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "توقف "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "تم "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3287,148 +3596,315 @@
        "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "لايوجد عنوان معرف (URL)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "فارغة لاتؤيد العمل "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "لاتؤيد العمل : %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Click to toggle selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "الإسم "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "الحالة "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "المستودع "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "التفاصيل "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "الترقية متوفرة "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "all selection toggle"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "ليست منصبة "
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "الترقية متوفرة "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Fetching descriptions..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "كل الفئات "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "meta الحزم "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "التطبيقات "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "سطح المكتب (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "تطوير "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "تفاصيل "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "تعريفات "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "خدمة الويب "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "كل الحزم "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "الحزم المنصبة "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "حزم غير منصبة "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "الحزم المختارة "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Search all publishers"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Search current publisher"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+       "view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+       "packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+       "is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "All Publishers"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "لايمكن من الحصول على حالة نتائج البحث \n"
-       "الكاتالوجات لم تحمل \n"
-       "الرجاء المحاولة بعد عدة ثواني \n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
+       "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
+       "Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Search cleared"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "جلب معلومات شرعية ...."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "أضف..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "إعادة تحديث الكاتالوج "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "إعادة تحديث الكاتالوج ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "Refreshing package catalog information"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "الكل "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "Loading package list"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "لايمكن الوصول الى : \n"
+       "\t%s "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "مختار من أجل إزالة :"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "إختر للتنصيب\\الترقية : "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "إختر الحزم بوضع إشارة ضمن المربع\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "إسم الحزمة "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "جلب التفاصيل ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "جلب المعلومات ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(not installed)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "لا شئ"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
@@ -3436,73 +3912,55 @@
        "هذه ممكن أن تكون بسبب مشكلة ضمن الشبكة عند الدخول الى المستودع "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "التفاصيل غير متوفرة لهذه الحزمة ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "تفاصيل الملف غير متوفرة لهذه الحزمة ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "معلومات التبعية غير متوفرة لهذه الحزمة ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "المعلومات غير متوفرة لهذه الحزمة ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "Root: %s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "التبعيات:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "ملخص :\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "حجم:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "فئة:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "الإصدار المنصب:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "Latest Version:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "تاريخ الحزمة :\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "Repository:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "لا شئ"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "غير متوفر "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
@@ -3510,102 +3968,49 @@
        "مشكلة شبكة.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "تفاضيل :\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " نجاح ترقية الكاتالوجات :\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "خطأ غير معروف"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-       "المستودع المختار لا يحوي على أي حزم \n"
-       "الرجاء اعد تحميل قائمة الحزم "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "معالجة مدخلات الحزم : %d of %d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "تحميل معلومات المستودع"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "جلب مدخلات الحزم ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "بحث ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s: الأول %d وجد"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: %d وجد"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "%d مسجل "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "%d مختار"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "%d منصب "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
+       "ترقية كل العمليات قد تمت الأن ومدير الحزم سيغلق الأن .\n"
+       "\n"
+       "إعرض موقع ملاحظات النسخة قبل إعادة التشغيل النظام :\n"
-       "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Update All Complete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "حفظ المختار ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "حفظ الحزم المختارة ...."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
-       "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
-       "completed."
+       "الحزم المنصبة (s) تطلب إعادة تشغيل النظام قبل إكتمال عملية التنصيب "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "Unable to initialize gtk"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3613,14 +4018,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3633,14 +4039,15 @@
        "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
        "Packager subcommands:\n"
-       "        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
        "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
        "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
        "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-       "        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-       "\n"
-       "        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
        "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3649,124 +4056,287 @@
        "        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
-msgid "command does not take operands"
-msgstr "الأمر لم يأخذ عملية حسابية "
-#: ../publish.py:128
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+       "or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+       "values using the --set-property option."
+#: ../publish.py:146
 msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
 msgstr "فقط -e or -n يمكن تعينهم "
-#: ../publish.py:131
+#: ../publish.py:149
 msgid "open requires one package name"
 msgstr "فتح المتطلبات إسم حزمة واحدة "
-#: ../publish.py:157
+#: ../publish.py:178
 msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
 msgstr "ولا أجراء ID يعين -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
 msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
 msgstr "ولا أجراء ID يعين $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
 msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
 msgstr "ولا براهين تعين للأوامر الداخلية "
-#: ../publish.py:181
+#: ../publish.py:202
 msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
 msgstr "إسم الملف يجب يتوفر لهذا التنفيذ"
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "line %d: missing path"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "line %s: File %s not found"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "line %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
+msgid "command does not take operands"
+msgstr "الأمر لم يأخذ عملية حسابية "
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend: خيار عام غير شرعي  -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "غير شرعي %s خيار -- 5 %s "
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-       "        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-       "        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "لايمكن فتح بشكل واضح : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "لايمكن تحميل الملف من : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "لايمكن إنشاء المجلد : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "خطأ حدث أثناء القراءة من : %s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "لا يمكن فك ضغط الملف : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "لا يمكن تحميل بشكل ظاهر %s من %s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "لا يستطيع فتح الملف : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "خطأ حدث أثناء القراءة من : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "خطأ حدث أثناء الكتابة الى : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "لايمكن تحميل الكاتالوج من : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "خطأ حدث خلال القراءة من : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "خيار غير شرعي : %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "يجب تعين مخدم "
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "Illegal option value -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "a source repository must be provided"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n لا تأخذ أي خيار "
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "يجب عليك على الأقل إختيار واحد pkgfmri "
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s غير شرعي fmri: %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "لاتوجد ملفات للإستلام "
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+       "or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+       "the repository or create a new one."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving package content ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "Republishing %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
@@ -3826,8 +4396,8 @@
 msgstr "نصّب التطويرات المتوفرة"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "مدير التطوير"
@@ -3847,9 +4417,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "أغلق المربع عند _الإنتهاء "
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "فهرسة "
@@ -3857,7 +4425,7 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "تنصيب الترقية "
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
@@ -3881,6 +4449,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "_إختر ترقية الكل "
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "أبلغ المستخدم عند توفر التطويرات"
@@ -3889,71 +4469,12 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "مبلّغ مدير التطويرات"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "جلب الكاتالوج: '%s' ...."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "جلب الكاتالوج"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "إنشاء الخطة .... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "إنشاء الخطة"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "تحقق : %s ...."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "تحقق "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "إكمال "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI لاتوجد إستجابة لأي من الأحداث !%s تحقق من updatemanager.py إشارة"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "التقييم "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "التقييم - إلغاء ...."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "التحميل - إلغاء ...."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "التقييم - فشل "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "التحميل - فشل "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "التنصيب - فشل "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "الفهرسة - فشل "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
@@ -3962,71 +4483,34 @@
        "الترقية متوفرة للحزم التالية \n"
        "إضغط على ترقية الكل لإنشاء بيئة إقلاع جديدة وتنصيب كل الحزم بداخله ."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "أخر إصدار "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "الحجم (Meg)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "عدد : %d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "خطأ \n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s'الصورة لم تنصب \n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "الإصدار غير متاوفق : متوقع %s إستلام %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>لاتوجد ترقية متوفرة .</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Summary:\t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Category:\t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-       "Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-       "Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-       "FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s ليست صورة صحيحة للنظام ,حاول بصورة حاصة بالroot"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s ليست صورة صحيحة للroot , المقابل لا شي "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -4035,7 +4519,7 @@
        "جلب تفاضيل من أجل  %s ...."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
@@ -4043,158 +4527,25 @@
        "لاتوجد تفاصيل متوفرة "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "إلغاء الترقية , الرجاء الإنتظار ...."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "لايمكن الإلغاء الأن "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "تنصيب الترقية "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "خطأ "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "الحزم المدرجة التالية (s) لايمكن ترقيتها :"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "الترقية بإستخدام : ترقية الكل \n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "خطأ "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "%s\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "ترقية الكل تمت بنجاح ب  %1.f mins\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "ترقية الكل تمت بنجاح ب < 1 min\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "إنتهاء ترقية الكل "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "لا إختيار للترقية "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "الترقية ...."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "التقييم\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "خطا الترقية بخطة التنصيب : "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "ترقية خطأ الغير متوقع API"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "ترقية خطأ غير متوقع "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "الحزم للتنصيب "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "ترقية "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "إنتهاء عملية الترقية بنجاح "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "%s فشل التحميل:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s تجاوز مساحة القرص المتوفرة "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s خطأ غير متوقع :"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "%s فشل خطة التنفيذ:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
@@ -4205,54 +4556,19 @@
        "إضغط على موافق لإدارة BEs الموجودة  ولتوفير مساحة على القرص أو إلغاء لإلغاء عملية الترقية للكل "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "لاتوجد مساحة كافية على القرص "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n "
-       "تحميل\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "تنصيب\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d تنفيذ"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "فهرس \n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d تنفيذ"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "التحقق من البرامج الجديدة "
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "الترقية متوفرة "
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
@@ -4260,10 +4576,731 @@
        "الترقية متوفرة \n"
        "الرجاء إضغط على أيقونة الترقية "
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "نسخة إضافية من برنامج UpdateManagerNotify تعمل "
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5) info file"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s is not an install image"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "خطأ API"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "خطأ "
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "الحجم : "
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "فئة : "
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "Installed:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "Version Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "Latest Version:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "الناشر : "
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "Update Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "تقييم : %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "تحميل  %(current)s of %(total)s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "الحزمة  %d of %d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "Missing type attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "Missing fmri attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "Empty path attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "No such file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a file."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "License file %s does not exist."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "Unknown img_path type."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "Removal Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "Install Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "Update Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "Index Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "Couldn't find %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s had this elf error:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Reading Existing Index"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Indexing Packages"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "missing version"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "invalid version"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "Not an absolute path."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "Could not parse query."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "Problem occurred with: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "repository directories incomplete"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "Could not find manifest file %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' هي ليست صورة للتنصيب "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+       "known layouts:\n"
+       "%s"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/po/ca.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5283 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+# Use is subject to license terms.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-20 03:00+0100\n"
+       "Last-Translator: OpenSolaris CTI <[email protected]>\n"
+       "Language-Team: Catalan <[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "Proveu `pkg --help o -?' per a més informació."
+#: ../client.py:129
+msgid ""
+"        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"Basic subcommands:\n"
+"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
+"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
+"        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
+"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+"        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
+"        pkg version\n"
+"Advanced subcommands:\n"
+"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+"        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
+"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+"        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
+"            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
+"            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
+"            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
+"        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
+"        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
+"        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
+"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
+"            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
+"            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
+"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
+"        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
+"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
+"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
+"        pkg purge-history\n"
+"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Ús:\n"
+       "        pkg [opcions] comanda [opcions_cmd] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Sub-comandes bàsiques:\n"
+       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] paquet...\n"
+       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] paquet...\n"
+       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [paquet...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name nom] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+       "index]\n"
+       "        pkg refresh [--full] [publicador ...]\n"
+       "        pkg version\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Sub-comandes avançades:\n"
+       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [patró_fmri_paquet ...]\n"
+       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s servidor] consulta\n"
+       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [patró_fmri_paquet ...]\n"
+       "        pkg fix [patró_fmri_paquet ...]\n"
+       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o atribut ...] [-s clau_ordenació]\n"
+       "            [-t tipus_acció ... ] [patró_fmri_paquet ...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
+       "zona]\n"
+       "            [-k clau_ssl] [-c cert_ssl] [--no-refresh]\n"
+       "            [--variant <variant_espec>=<instància>]\n"
+       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name nom] "
+       "<variant_espec>=<instància>\n"
+       "            [<variant_espec>=<instància> ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-property nom_propietat valor_propietat\n"
+       "        pkg unset-property nom_propietat ...\n"
+       "        pkg property [-H] [nom_propietat ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k clau_ssl] [-c cert_ssl]\n"
+       "            [-O uri_origen] [-m rèplica_a_afegir | --add-mirror=rèplica_a_afegir]\n"
+       "            [-M rèplica_a_eliminar | --remove-mirror=rèplica_a_eliminar]\n"
+       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publicador\n"
+       "        pkg unset-publisher publicador ...\n"
+       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publicador ...]\n"
+       "        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
+       "        pkg purge-history\n"
+       "        pkg rebuild-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Opcions:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help o -?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Entorn:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../client.py:234
+msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
+msgstr "-s i -v no poden combinar-se"
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "conegut"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "instal·lat"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
+msgid "no packages installed"
+msgstr "sense paquets instal·lats"
+#: ../client.py:350
+msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
+msgstr "Cap paquet específic té actualitzacions disponibles"
+#: ../client.py:353
+msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
+msgstr "Cap paquet instal·lat té actualitzacions disponibles"
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "Cap paquet que coincideixi '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
+#, python-format
+msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
+msgstr "Creada instantània ZFS: %s"
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "L'operació \"fix\" sol·licitada podria afectar a fitxers que no poden ser modificats "
+       "de la imatge autònoma.\n"
+       "Torneu a intentar aquesta operació en un altre entorn d'arranc."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v i -q no poden combinar-se"
+#: ../client.py:514
+msgid ""
+"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"installed on the system.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: cap paquet que coincideixi amb els patrons següents que heu especificat, \n"
+       "està instal·lat al vostre sistema.\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Tot els altres patrons coincideixen amb paquets instal·lats.  %s"
+#: ../client.py:552
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "S'ha produït un error inesperat mentre s'estava preparant %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s error: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s mo pot fers-se en la imatge autònoma"
+#: ../client.py:567
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "L'operació \"%s\" sol·licitada podria afectar a fitxers que no poden ser modificats en la imatge autònoma.\n"
+       "Re-intenteu aquesta operació en un entorn d'arranc alternatiu."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error durant %s: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "Cap imatge arrelada a '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "%s error (excepció d'inventari):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+msgstr ""
+       "AVÍS: pkg(5) sembla que estigui des-actualitzat, i hauria de ser actualitzat\n"
+       "abans d'executar %s.  Actualitzeu pkg(5) utilitzant 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' i després torneu a intentar %s."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "No es pot eliminar '%s' degut a que els següents paquets en depenen:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -s i -v no poden combinar-se"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: variants no especificades"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: les variants han de ser de la forma '<nom>=<valor>'."
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: especificada variant duplicada: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "Sense actualitzacions necessàries per a aquesta imatge."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "la comanda no pren operands ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "No hi han actualitzacions disponibles per a aquesta imatge."
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "NOTA: Si us plau reviseu les notes de la versió publicades a:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "com a mínim es necessita el nom d'un paquet"
+#: ../client.py:1039
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
+"The problematic structure:%r"
+msgstr ""
+       "El servidor ha retornat un resultat dolent.\n"
+       "L'estructura problemàtica: %r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "El servidor ha retornat una acció no permesa.\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
+msgstr "%s no és una URL de servidor vàlida."
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "com a mínim s'ha de proporcionar un tema de cerca"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "les opcions a nivell d'acció ('%s') -o no poden ser utilitzades amb l'opció -p"
+#: ../client.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
+msgstr "El servidor ha retornat una resposta dolenta: %r"
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "les opcions a nivell d'acció -o no poden ser utilitzades amb consultes que retornin paquets"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
+msgid ""
+"The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
+msgstr ""
+       "L'índex de cerca està corrupte.  Si us plau torneu a construir l'índex amb 'pkg "
+       "rebuild-index'."
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l i -r no poden combinar-se"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "ha de sol·licitar informació remota per paquets específics"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Obsolet"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Reanomenat"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
+msgid "Installed"
+msgstr "Instal·lat"
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
+msgid "Not installed"
+msgstr "No instal·lat"
+#: ../client.py:1357
+msgid "          Name:"
+msgstr "               Nom:"
+#: ../client.py:1359
+msgid "       Summary:"
+msgstr "             Resum:"
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "   Descripció:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
+msgid "      Category:"
+msgstr "         Categoria:"
+#: ../client.py:1378
+msgid "         State:"
+msgstr "             Estat:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Reaonomenat a:"
+#. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
+#: ../client.py:1386
+msgid "     Publisher:"
+msgstr "        Publicador:"
+#: ../client.py:1387
+msgid "       Version:"
+msgstr "            Versió:"
+#: ../client.py:1388
+msgid " Build Release:"
+msgstr " Versió construcció:"
+#: ../client.py:1389
+msgid "        Branch:"
+msgstr "            Branca:"
+#: ../client.py:1390
+msgid "Packaging Date:"
+msgstr "Data empaquetament:"
+#: ../client.py:1391
+msgid "          Size:"
+msgstr "              Mida:"
+#: ../client.py:1392
+msgid "          FMRI:"
+msgstr "              FMRI:"
+#: ../client.py:1400
+msgid ""
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: info: sense paquets que coincideixin amb els següents patrons que heu especificat estan\n"
+       "instal·lats al sistema.  Intenteu especificant -r a la consulta remota:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
+msgid ""
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: info: sense paquets que coincideixin amb els següents patrons que heu especificat\n"
+       "varen ser trobats en el catàleg.  Intenteu relaxant els patrons, refrescant i/o\n"
+       "examinant els catàlegs:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "'%s' coincideix amb múltiples paquets"
+#: ../client.py:1426
+msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
+msgstr "Cap informació de llicència pot ser trobada pels següents paquets:"
+#: ../client.py:1640
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
+msgstr "Atribut no vàlid '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "continguts: heu de sol·licitar continguts remots per a un paquet específic"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m i %s no poden especificar-se al mateix temps"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' coincideix amb diversos paquets"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: sense paquets que coincideixin amb els següents patrons que heu especificat estan\n"
+       "instal·lats al sistema.  Intenteu especificant -r a la consulta remota:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: sense paquets que coincideixin amb els següents patrons que heu especificat estan\n"
+       "instal·lats al sistema.  Intenteu especificant -r a la consulta remota:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
+msgstr "pkg: %s/%s catàlegs han estat actualitzats:"
+#: ../client.py:1898
+msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
+msgstr "'pkg publisher' mostrarà el llistat de tots els publicadors."
+#: ../client.py:1955
+msgid "requires a publisher name"
+msgstr "El nom del publicador és oblicatori"
+#: ../client.py:1957
+msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
+msgstr "solament s'ha d'especificar el nom d'un publicador"
+#: ../client.py:1963
+msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
+msgstr "les opcions -p i-d no poden combinar-se"
+#: ../client.py:1982
+msgid ""
+"publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
+msgstr ""
+       "el publicador no existeix. Utilitzeu la opció -O per a definir la URI pel nou publicador."
+#: ../client.py:2076
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
+"Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "La URI origen per a '%(pubname)s' no sembla que apunti a un servidor pkg vàlid.\n"
+       "Si us plau comproveu l'adreça del servidor i la configuració de la xarxa al client.\n"
+       "Detalls addicionals:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "com a mínim s'ha d'especificar un publicador"
+#: ../client.py:2127
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Error d'eliminació per a '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../client.py:2194
+msgid "PUBLISHER"
+msgstr "PUBLICADOR"
+#: ../client.py:2194
+msgid "TYPE"
+msgstr "TIPUS"
+#: ../client.py:2194
+msgid "STATUS"
+msgstr "ESTAT"
+#: ../client.py:2195
+msgid "URI"
+msgstr "URI"
+#: ../client.py:2210
+msgid "(preferred)"
+msgstr "(predeterminat)"
+#: ../client.py:2212
+msgid "(disabled)"
+msgstr "(deshabilitat)"
+#. XXX get the real origin status
+#: ../client.py:2219
+msgid "origin"
+msgstr "origen"
+#. XXX get the real mirror status
+#: ../client.py:2223
+msgid "mirror"
+msgstr "rèplica"
+#: ../client.py:2229
+msgid "              SSL Key:"
+msgstr "          Clau SSL:"
+#: ../client.py:2230
+msgid "             SSL Cert:"
+msgstr "          Cert SSL:"
+#: ../client.py:2242
+msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
+msgstr " Cert. Data d'expiració:"
+#: ../client.py:2244
+msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
+msgstr "Cert. Data d'expiració:"
+#: ../client.py:2251
+msgid "           Origin URI:"
+msgstr "        URI Origen:"
+#: ../client.py:2257
+msgid "           Mirror URI:"
+msgstr "       URI Rèplica:"
+#: ../client.py:2271
+msgid "            Publisher:"
+msgstr "         Publicador:"
+#: ../client.py:2272
+msgid "                Alias:"
+msgstr "              Àlies:"
+#: ../client.py:2282
+msgid "          Client UUID:"
+msgstr "        UUOD Client:"
+#: ../client.py:2283
+msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
+msgstr "      Catàleg actualitzat:"
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
+msgid "              Enabled:"
+msgstr "          Habilitat:"
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "No"
+#: ../client.py:2287
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Si"
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "necessita un nom i valor de propietat"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "set-publisher ha de ser utilitzat per caviar el publicador preferit"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "necessita com a mínim el nom d'una propietat"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "no hi ha tal propietat: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
+#, python-format
+msgid "property: no such property: %s"
+msgstr "propietat: no existeix la propietat: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "l'argument del publicador ha de ser de la forma '<prefix>=<url>'."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "els arguments variant han de ser de la forma '<nom>=<valor>'."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "únicament es pot especificar la ruta d'un directori"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "s'ha d'especificar un publicador"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "el prefix d'un publicador no pot començar amb el text: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "el prefix del publicador conté caràcters no permesos"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "no es pot crear la imatge a %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "La URI '%(pub_url)s' no sembla que apunti a un servidor pkg vàlid.\n"
+       "Si us plau comproveu l'adreça del servidor i la configuració de xarxa del client.\n"
+       "Detalls addicionals:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H i -l no poden combinar-se"
+#: ../client.py:2567
+msgid "TIME"
+msgstr "HORA"
+#: ../client.py:2568
+msgid "OPERATION"
+msgstr "OPERACIÓ"
+#: ../client.py:2568
+msgid "CLIENT"
+msgstr "CLIENT"
+#: ../client.py:2568
+msgid "OUTCOME"
+msgstr "RESULTATS"
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "La següent configuració de proxy està establerta en l'entorn:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "proxy_http: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "proxy_https: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
+msgstr "opció global il·legal -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2684
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
+msgstr "%(opt)s pren arguments de la forma nom=valor, no %(arg)s"
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "cap sub-comanda especificada"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
+#, python-format
+msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
+msgstr "-R no permès per la subcomanda %s"
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "opció no permesa -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
+#, python-format
+msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "versió: la comanda no pren arguments ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
+msgid ""
+"Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
+"to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot trobar la imatge.  Utilitzeu l'opció -R o establiu $PKG_IMAGE per a apuntar\n"
+       "a una imatge, o canvieu el directori de treball a un que estigui dins de la imatge."
+#: ../client.py:2766
+msgid "No image found."
+msgstr "Cap imatge trobada."
+#: ../client.py:2813
+msgid "History purged."
+msgstr "Història purgada."
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
+msgstr "subcommanda desconeguda '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"This is an internal error.  Please let the developers know about this\n"
+"problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
+"above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Aquest és un error intern.  Si us plau permeteu als desenvolupadors conèixer quan a aquest\n"
+       "problema tot omplit l'error a http://defect.opensolaris.org i incloent el següent\n"
+       "missatge de traçabilitat i aquest missatge.  La versió de pkg(5) és '%s'."
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Es van trobar errors mentre s'intentava recuperar les dades del paquet o fitxer per\n"
+       "l'operació sol·licitada."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Prestar atenció als detalls:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "No es pot contactar amb un depòsit de paquets vàlid. Aquest pot ser degut a un problema amb "
+       "el servidor, xarxa mal configurada, o a una configuració de pkg incorrecta al client. "
+       "Si us plau comproveu la xarxa i proveu de contactar amb "
+       "el servidor mitjançant un navegador web."
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Detalls addicionals:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error mentre s'intentava carregar l'històric\n"
+       "quant a les operacions antigues de client."
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error mentre s'intentava emmagatzemar la informació quan a\n"
+       "l'operació actual al històric del client."
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error mentre s'intentava purgar la història del client."
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "La comanda pkg sembla fora de sincronització amb les llibreries proporcionades \n"
+       "per SUNWipkg. La versió del client és %(client)s mentre que la versió de l'API de la llibreria "
+       "és %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Tot i l'error durant l'indexació, el image-update, la instal·lació o desinstal·lació\n"
+       "ha estat completada correctament."
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
+msgid "AMP Stack"
+msgstr "Pila AMP"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:32
+msgid "Accessories"
+msgstr "Accessoris"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:33
+msgid "Administration and Configuration"
+msgstr "Administració i configuració"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:34
+msgid "Application and Web Servers"
+msgstr "Aplicació i serveis web"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:35
+msgid "Builds"
+msgstr "Construccions"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:36
+msgid "C"
+msgstr "C"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:37
+msgid "C++"
+msgstr "C++"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:38
+msgid "Communications"
+msgstr "Comunicacions"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:39
+msgid "Configuration and Preferences"
+msgstr "Configuració i preferències"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:40
+msgid "Core"
+msgstr "Nucli"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:41
+msgid "Databases"
+msgstr "Bases de dades"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:42
+msgid "Databases (System)"
+msgstr "Bases de dades (Sistema)"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:43
+msgid "Developer Tools"
+msgstr "Eines de desenvolupament"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:44
+msgid "Display"
+msgstr "Monitor"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:45
+msgid "Distribution Tools"
+msgstr "Eines distribució"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:46
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentació"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:47
+msgid "Editors"
+msgstr "Editors"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:48
+msgid "Enterprise Management"
+msgstr "Gestió d'empreses"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:49
+msgid "File Managers"
+msgstr "Gestors de fitxers"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:50
+msgid "File System"
+msgstr "Sistema de fitxers"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:51
+msgid "Fonts"
+msgstr "Fonts"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:52
+msgid "GNOME and GTK+"
+msgstr "GNOME i GTK+"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:53
+msgid "GNU"
+msgstr "GNU"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:54
+msgid "Games"
+msgstr "Jocs"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:55
+msgid "Graphics and Imaging"
+msgstr "Gràfics i d'imatge"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:56
+msgid "Hardware"
+msgstr "Maquinari"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:57
+msgid "High Performance Computing"
+msgstr "Computació d'alt rendiment"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:58
+msgid "Integrated Development Environments"
+msgstr "Entorns de desenvolupament integrats"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:59
+msgid "Internationalization"
+msgstr "Internacionalització"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:60
+msgid "Internet"
+msgstr "Internet"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:61
+msgid "Java"
+msgstr "Java"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:62
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Llibreries"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:63
+msgid "Libraries (System)"
+msgstr "Llibreries (Sistema)"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:64
+msgid "Localizations (Desktop)"
+msgstr "Localització (Escriptori)"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:65
+msgid "Localizations (System)"
+msgstr "Localització (Sistema)"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:66
+msgid "Media"
+msgstr "Multimèdia"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:67
+msgid "Multimedia Libraries"
+msgstr "Llibreries multimèdia"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:68
+msgid "Networking"
+msgstr "Xarxa"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:69
+msgid "Office"
+msgstr "Oficina"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:70
+msgid "Office Tools"
+msgstr "Eines d'oficina"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:71
+msgid "Other Languages"
+msgstr "Altres llenguatges"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:72
+msgid "Other Peripherals"
+msgstr "Altres perifèrics"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:73
+msgid "PHP"
+msgstr "PHP"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:74
+msgid "Packaging"
+msgstr "Empaquetament"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:75
+msgid "Panels and Applets"
+msgstr "Panell i applets"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:76
+msgid "Perl"
+msgstr "Perl"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:77
+msgid "Plug-ins and Run-times"
+msgstr "Extensions i Entorns d'execució"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:78
+msgid "Ports"
+msgstr "Ports"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:79
+msgid "Printing"
+msgstr "Impressió"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:80
+msgid "Python"
+msgstr "Python"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:81
+msgid "Releases"
+msgstr "Versions"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:82
+msgid "Ruby"
+msgstr "Ruby"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:83
+msgid "Scripts"
+msgstr "Scripts"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:84
+msgid "Security"
+msgstr "Seguretat"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:85
+msgid "Services"
+msgstr "Serveis"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:86
+msgid "Sessions"
+msgstr "Sessions"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:87
+msgid "Shells"
+msgstr "Consoles"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:88
+msgid "Software Management"
+msgstr "Gestió pogramari"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:89
+msgid "Sound and Video"
+msgstr "Àudio i vídeo"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:90
+msgid "Source Code Management"
+msgstr "Gestió codi font"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:91
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Emmagatzemament"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:93
+msgid "System Utilities"
+msgstr "Eines de sistema"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:94
+msgid "Text Tools"
+msgstr "Eines de text"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:95
+msgid "Theming"
+msgstr "Temes"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:96
+msgid "Trusted"
+msgstr "De confiança"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:97
+msgid "Trusted Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensions de confiança"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:98
+msgid "Universal Access"
+msgstr "Accés universal"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:99
+msgid "Virtualization"
+msgstr "Virtualització"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:100
+msgid "Window Managers"
+msgstr "Gestors de finestra"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:101
+msgid "X11"
+msgstr "X11"
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:102
+msgid "X11 (System)"
+msgstr "X11 (Sistema)"
+#: ../gui/data/addmoresoftware.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Add More Software"
+msgstr "Afegir més programari"
+#: ../gui/data/addmoresoftware.desktop.in.h:2
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
+msgstr "Instal·lar, actualitzar i eliminar paquets de programari"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
+msgid "Package Manager"
+msgstr "Gestor de Paquets"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Afegir, modificar i eliminar publicadors i els seus repositoris</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Aplicar els canvis següents:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:3
+msgid ""
+"<b>Create New Boot Environment</b>\n"
+"Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
+"current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
+"BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>Crear un nou entorn d'arranc</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Actualitzar tot, crea un nou entorn d'arranc (BE) i archiva l'entorn d'arranc actual (BE). "
+       "El nou entorn d'arranc (BE) consisteix amb l'actualització dels paquets i és "
+       "l'entorn d'arranc per defecte quant es reinicii el sistema.\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Eliminar, reanomenar i activar entorns d'arranc:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sortir</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>General</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Modificar URL repositori</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Àlies i URL del publicador</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publicador afegit correctament</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
+msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Revisar el paquets a eliminar:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mostrar Diàleg</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
+msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Inici</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:16
+msgid "<b>_Mirrors</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Rèpliques</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repositoris</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Clau _SSL i Certificat</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
+msgstr "<big><b>Instal·lador Web Gestor de Paquets</b></big>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "About Glade"
+msgstr "Quant a Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Afegir publicador"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Afegint publicador complet"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Aplicant canvis"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Aplicant canvis..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "Navega_r..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Navegar..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
+msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
+msgstr "Navegar per a un certificat SSL"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
+msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
+msgstr "Navegar per a una clau SSL"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "Netejar cerca"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Cancel·lar operació actual"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "Comprovant per al últim SUNWipkg i SUNWipkg-gui, si us plau espereu..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "Comprovant dependències del paquet..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
+msgstr "Cliqueu per actualitzar tots els paquets instal·lats"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmació"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
+msgid ""
+"Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
+"All rights reserved.\n"
+"Use is subject to license terms."
+msgstr ""
+       "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
+       "Tot els drets reservats.\n"
+       "L'Ús està subjecte als termes de llicència."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "Actual entorn d'arranc actiu"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "_Deseleccionar-ho Tot"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "D_etalls"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+msgid "Dependencies"
+msgstr "Dependències"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripció"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalls"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "No em torneu a notificar quant aquests publicadors."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descarregar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Fitxers"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Anar al _llistat de paquets"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Instal·lar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+msgid "Install/Update"
+msgstr "Instal·lar/Actualitzar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
+msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
+msgstr "Comprovar Instal·lar/Actualitzar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Llicència"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
+msgid "M_irror:"
+msgstr "M_irall:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
+msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
+msgstr "Gestionar entorns d'arranc"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Gestionar publicadors"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "Gestionar _Entorns d'arranc..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Modificar publicador"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
+msgid "Modify Repository"
+msgstr "Modificar repositori"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "Nom: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferències"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
+msgid "Preparation"
+msgstr "Preparació"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+msgid "Processing"
+msgstr "Processant"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "Pu_blicador:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Nom publicador:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Re_frescar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refrescar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "Refrescar el llistat i estat dels paquets"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Recordar _el publicador al sortir."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+msgid "Remote search error"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error a la cerca remota"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Eliminar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+msgid "Remove Confirmation"
+msgstr "Eliminar confirmació"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "C_ertificat SSL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
+msgstr "C_ertificat SSL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
+msgid "SSL _Key:"
+msgstr "C_lau SSL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:76
+msgid "SSL _Key: "
+msgstr "C_lau SSL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Cercar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Errors cerca publicadors"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Cercar errors repositoris"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Cercar errors amb els següents publicadors:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "Seleccionar Act_ualitzacions"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "Seleccionar paquets tot marcant-los a la casella i clicar a instal·lar/actualitzar."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "Seleccionar paquets tot marcant-los a la casella i clicar a eliminar."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Establir prioritats de publicadors utilitzat les fletxes"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Mostrar la pàgina d'inici al iniciar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Mostrar diàlegs de confirmació al eliminar."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Mostrar diàlegs de confirmació al instal·lar/actualitzar."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Especificar el nom i URL del publicador"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "_Pàgina d'inici"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "El següent serà afegit al vostre sistema:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "Aquest és un repositori segur"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "Aquest és un repositori segur. Consulteu a l'enviat"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "Aquests publicadors necessiten una clau i certificat SSL.\n"
+       "Especifiqueu la localització d'aquests fitxers."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Escriviu el text per a cercar el paquet."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "Actualitzar tot"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Vista:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Afegir"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "_Afegir publicador..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Afegir..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "Àlie_s"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Navegar..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Continguts"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Detalls"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "_Exportar seleccions..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fitxer"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajuda"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "_Instal·lar / Actualitzar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "_Instruccions"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "_Gestionar publicadors"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "_Modificar..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_Nom:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "_Nom: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "_Paquet"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "_Procedir"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "Detalls _registrament"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Eliminar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
+msgid "_Search"
+msgstr "_Cercar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "_URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
+msgid "_URL: "
+msgstr "_URL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+msgid "_Update All"
+msgstr "_Actualitzar tot"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Veure"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "pex. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
+msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
+"the initial list view."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un booleà que determina si s'ha de mostrar la pàgina d'inici a l'inici, "
+       "o bé el llistat inicial."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
+msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
+"types or only when user hits the return key."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un booleà que determina si la cerca s'executa dinàmicament quant l'usuari escriu, "
+       "o únicament quant es pressiona la tecla Enter."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
+msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un booleà que determina si el Gestor de Paquets ha de desar el seu estat de sortida i utilitzar-lo quant es reinicii. L'estat és el publicador seleccionat i la mida i posició dels divisors horitzontal i vertical."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
+msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "Un booleà que determina si el Gestor de Paquets ha d'iniciar-se am mode de cerca."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "Una cadena de text que determina si el repositori es mostrat o no en el diàleg d'error. "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "Una cadena de text que emmagatzema l'últim publicador utilitzat pel Gestor de Paquets."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
+"An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
+"when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un enter que identifica el valor del filtre inicial per a ser mostrat quan "
+       "packagemanager s'inicia. 0 correspon a tots els paquets."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+msgid ""
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+msgstr ""
+       "Un enter que identifica la secció de nivell alt inicial a ser expandida quan el packagemanager s'inicia. 0 = \"Totes les categories\", 2 = \"Aplicacions\" (la predeterminada)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
+"window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un enter que especifica l'altura inicial per a la finestra de l'aplicació principal, "
+       "sobrescriure so no es disposa de prouta pantalla."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
+"application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un enter que especifica la posició inicial del divisor horitzontal de l'aplicació, "
+       "amb la que es separa el panell de categories del panell amb el llistat."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
+"application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un enter que especifica la posició inicial del divisor vertical de l'aplicació, "
+       "amb la que es separa el panell amb els detalls del panell amb el llistat."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
+"overridden if there is not enough screen available."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un enter que especifica l'amplada inicial per a la finestra de l'aplicació principal, "
+       "sobrescriure so no es disposa de prouta pantalla."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr ""
+       "Un enter que especifica el nombre màxim d'entrades a emmagatzemar per la cerca completa"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Llistat de repositoris separats amb comes que mostrem si hi han errors d'API quant se'ls cerca"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Mostrar el publicador seleccionat al començament"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "Permetre la cerca mentre s'escriu"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "Altura inicial de l'aplicació"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "Posició del separador horitzontal inicial de l'aplicació"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "Posició del separador vertical inicial de l'aplicació"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "Amplada inicial de l'aplicació"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "Valor de secció inicial"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
+msgid "Initial show filter value"
+msgstr "Mostrar valor de filtratge inicial"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Última ruta de selecció d'exportacions"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Últim publicador utilitzat pel Gestor de Paquets"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Entrades màximes per la cerca completa"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
+msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
+msgstr "Mostrar la pàgina d'inici al inici"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
+msgid "Start Page Update URL"
+msgstr "URL de la pàgina d'inici d'actualització"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Iniciar en mode cerca"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
+msgid ""
+"The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
+msgstr ""
+       "La localització des de la qual obtenir les actualitzacions de la pàgina d'inici del Gestor de Paquets."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "La ruta per l'ultim conjunt de seleccions exportat a packagemanager."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
+msgstr "La interfície gràfica d'usuari no està responent a cap event! %s. Comproveu les senyals de webinstall.py"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
+msgid ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Afegir publicador nou\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Afegir publicadors nous\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "Tots els publicadors especificats ja estan en el sistema."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s "
+msgstr "\t%s "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
+#, python-format
+msgid " (%s)\n"
+msgstr " (%s)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
+msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
+" Install Packages\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Instal·lar Paquet\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Instal·lar paquets\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (deshabilitat)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Cliqueu a Procedir <b>únicament</b> si confieu amb aquest nou publicador "
+msgstr[1] "Cliqueu a procedir <b>únicament</b> si confieu amb aquests nous publicadors "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Error publicador"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "El següent publicador està deshabilitat:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Els següents publicadors estan deshabilitats:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicant a Acceptar habilitareu el publicador abans de procedir amb la instal·lació. En "
+       "completar-se aquest tornarà a ser deshabilitat."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicant a Acceptar habilitareu el publicador abans de procedir amb la instal·lació.\n"
+       "En completar-se aquest tornarà a ser deshabilitat."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Publicador deshabilitat"
+msgstr[1] "Publicadors deshabilitats"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "Error a l'afegir %s.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "No s'ha especificat cap URI"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Error instal·lador web"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
+msgid ""
+"The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
+"All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
+msgstr ""
+       "La llibreria <b>libbe</b> no ha estat trobada al vostre sistema.\n"
+       "Totes les funcions per a gestionar els entorns d'arranc han estat deshabilitades"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
+msgid "BE management"
+msgstr "Gestió Entorns d'arranc"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
+msgstr "La interfície gràfica d'usuari no està responent a cap event! %s. Comproveu les senyals de beadmin.py"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmació de l'entorn d'arranc"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
+msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
+msgstr "Carregant informació de l'entorn d'arranc"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
+msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
+msgstr "Obtenint entrades BE..."
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
+msgid "Boot Environment"
+msgstr "Entorn d'arranc"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Creat"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Mida"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
+msgid "Active on Reboot"
+msgstr "Activar i reiniciar"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Eliminar"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
+msgid "Applying changes"
+msgstr "Aplicant canvis"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
+msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
+msgstr "Aplicant canvis, si us plau espereu ..."
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Actiu al reiniciar\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "Eliminar\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Reanomenar\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
+msgid " to "
+msgstr " a "
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
+msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
+msgstr "<b>No es pot canviar l'entorn d'arranc actual a:</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
+msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
+msgstr "<b>No es poden eliminar els entorns d'arranc:</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
+msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
+msgstr "<b>No es poden reanomenar els entorns d'arranc:</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
+msgstr "%s <b>a</b> %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
+msgid "BE error"
+msgstr "Error entorn d'arranc"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
+msgid ""
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
+msgstr ""
+       "La llibreria <b>libbe</b> no ha pogut preparar el llistat amb els entorns d'arranc.\n"
+       "Totes les funcions per a gestionar els entorns d'arranc han estat deshabilitades"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
+msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
+msgid "Preparing..."
+msgstr "Preparant..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
+msgid "Downloading..."
+msgstr "Descarregant..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
+msgid "Installing..."
+msgstr "Instal·lant..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
+msgstr "La interfície gràfica d'usuari no està responent a cap event! %s. Comproveu les senyals de installupdate.py"
+#. We are not showing the download stage in the main stage list
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+msgid "Removing..."
+msgstr "Eliminant..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:252
+msgid "Canceling..."
+msgstr "Cancel·lant..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
+msgid "BE name is in use"
+msgstr "El nom de l'entorn d'arranc ja està en ús"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
+msgid "BE name is invalid"
+msgstr "El nom de l'entorn d'arranc no és vàlid"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
+#, python-format
+msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
+msgstr "Garantint que %s estigui al dia..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
+msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
+msgstr "Excepció d'inventari:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
+msgid ""
+"Please check the network connection.\n"
+"Is the repository accessible?"
+msgstr ""
+       "Si us plau comproveu la connexió de xarxa.\n"
+       "És accessible el repositori?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Please check the network connection.\n"
+"Is the repository accessible?\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Si us plau comproveu la connexió de xarxa.\n"
+       "És accessible el repositori?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "No es pot contactar amb un magatzem de paquets vàlid. Comproveu les preferències\n"
+       "de la vostra xarxa i intenteu contactar amb els servidor utilitzant un navegador web.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
+msgid ""
+"pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
+"updated before running Update All.\n"
+"Please update SUNWipkg package"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg(5) sembla estar desfasat i ha de ser\n"
+       "actualitzat abans d'executar Actualitzar tot.\n"
+       "Su us plau actualitzeu el paquet SUNWipkg"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Cannot remove:\n"
+"Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot eliminar:\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "Degut a que els següent paquets en depenen:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
+"%s is often a source of this problem."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Error de consistència a l'utilitzar pfexec or gksu quan l'execució\n"
+       "%s és sovint l'origen d'aquest problema."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
+msgid ""
+"To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Per a reconstruir l'índex, si us plau utilitzeu la comanda de terminal:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+msgid ""
+"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
+msgid ""
+"There was an error during installation. The search\n"
+"index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
+"problem by running command:\n"
+"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error durant la instal·lació. L'índex\n"
+       "de cerca està corrupte. Podeu provar de solucionar el\n"
+       "problema utilitzant la comanda:\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
+msgid ""
+"This is an Live Image. The install\n"
+"operation can't be performed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Aquesta és una imatge Live.\n"
+       "L'operació d'instal·lar es pot realitzar."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "L'operació sol·licitada podria afectar a fitxers que no poden ser modificats en la imatge autònoma.\n"
+       "Torneu a intentar aquesta operació en un entorn d'arranc alternatiu."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"There was an error during installation.\n"
+"The Plan of the operation is missing and the operation\n"
+"can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
+"problem by restarting %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Thi ha hagut un error durant la instal·lació.\n"
+       "Falta la planificació de l'operació i l'operació no pot finalitzar-se.\n"
+       "És possible que vulgueu intentar solucionar aquest problema\n"
+       "tot reiniciant  %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"There was an error during installation.\n"
+"The State of the image is incorrect and the operation\n"
+"can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
+"problem by restarting %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error durant la instal·lació.\n"
+       "L'estat de la imatge no és correcte i l'operació\n"
+       "no pot finalitzar-se. Podeu provar de solucionar\n"
+       "el problema tornant a iniciar %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
+msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
+msgstr "El nom de l'entorn d'arranc especificat no està suportat.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
+msgstr "Nom de l'entorn d'arranc no és vàlid: %s.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating %s"
+msgstr "Actualitzant %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
+msgid "Executing..."
+msgstr "Executant..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "Recollint informació del paquet, espereu..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
+msgid "All packages already installed."
+msgstr "Ja estan instal·lats tots el paquets."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
+msgid ""
+"Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
+"Click Update All to update all packages."
+msgstr ""
+       "El(s) paquet(s) seleccionat(s) no poden ser actualitzats per si mateixos.\n"
+       "Cliqueu Actualitzar tot per a actualitzar tots els paquets."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
+msgid "Your system has already been updated."
+msgstr "El vostre sistema ja ha estat actualitzat."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
+msgid "No futher information available"
+msgstr "No hi ha més informació disponible"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Error:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
+msgid " - Failed </b>"
+msgstr " - Fallit </b>"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error desconegut en l'etapa %s.\n"
+       "Permeteu als desenvolupadors conèixer quant a aquest error tot\n"
+       "emplenant l'error amb els seus detalls llistats a continuació:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
+msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
+msgstr "Traceig de l'excepció:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "versió pkg: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "Llistat dels publicadors configurats:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Instal·lació completada correctament"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Paquets eliminats correctament"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Paquets actualitzats correctament"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
+msgid ""
+"Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
+"Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
+"cancel the action."
+msgstr ""
+       "No hi ha prou espai lliure, l'acció seleccionada no es pot realitzar.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Cliqueu D'acor per a gestionar els vostres entorns d'arranc i llibereu espai al disc, o Cancel·lar per "
+       "a cancel·lar l'acció."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
+msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
+msgstr "No hi ha espai suficient al disc"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
+msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
+msgstr "Paquets a ser actualitzats:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
+msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
+msgstr "Paquets a ser instal·lats:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
+msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
+msgstr "Paquets a ser eliminats:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Gestionar la configuració dels publicadors"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
+msgstr "La interfície gràfica d'usuari no està responent a cap event! %s. Comproveu les senyals de repository.py"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Publicador"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Àlies"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
+msgid "Preferred"
+msgstr "Predeterminat"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Habilitat"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
+msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "El nom conté caràcters no vàlids"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
+msgid "Name already in use"
+msgstr "El nom ja està en ús"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Afegint publicador"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Cancel·lant...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Eliminant publicador %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "El publicador %s ha estat correctament eliminat\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Afegint publicador %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Actualitzant publicador %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "El publicador %s ha estat correctament afegit\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "El publicador %s ha estat correctament actualitzat\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Des-habilitar publicador:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Habilitar publicador:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Eliminar publicadors:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Deshabilitant"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Habilitant"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s publicador %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr ""
+       "Les URLs de les rèpliques i dels repositoris\n"
+       "poden ser tant https com http."
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "S'ha d'especificar la URL SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "NO s'ha d'especificar la URL SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "URI publicador:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Descripció:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Error publicador"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "Especificar fitxer de clau SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "Especificar fitxer de certificat SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
+msgid "URL is not valid"
+msgstr "URL no vàlida"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "S'ha d'especificar SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "Clau SSL no trobada a la ruta especificada"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "Certificat SSL no trobat a la ruta especificada"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "Repositori"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Actiu"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registrat"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Nom rèplica"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Habilitar publicador"
+msgstr[1] "Habilitant publicador"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Deshabilitant publicador"
+msgstr[1] "Deshabilitant publicadors"
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
+msgstr ""
+       "tipus d'acció desconeguda '%(type)s' al paquet '%(fmri)s' a l'acció '%(action)s'"
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
+#, python-format
+msgid "unknown action type '%(type)s' in action '%(action)s'"
+msgstr "tipus d'acció desconeguda '%(type)s' a l'acció '%(action)s'"
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:106
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Malformed action in package '%(fmri)s' at position: %(pos)d:\n"
+"    %(action)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Acció dolenta al paquet '%(fmri)s' a la posició: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Malformed action at position: %(pos)d:\n"
+"    %(action)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Acció dolenta a la posició: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
+#, python-format
+msgid "invalid action in package %(fmri)s: %(action)s: %(error)s"
+msgstr "acció no vàlida al paquet %(fmri)s: %(action)s: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:140
+#, python-format
+msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
+msgstr "acció no vàlida, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
+#, python-format
+msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
+msgstr "l'atribut obligatori '%s' no s'ha proporcionat."
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
+#, python-format
+msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
+msgstr "l'atribut obligatori, '%s', no s'ha proporcionat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Intent no vàlid de canvi d'estat '%(states)s' pel paquet '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not operate on %s\n"
+"because of insufficient permissions. Please try the command again using "
+"or otherwise increase your privileges."
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot operar a %s\n"
+       "a causa de permisos insuficients. Si us plau torneu a provar la comanda utilitzant "
+       "pfexec\n"
+       "o en un altre cas incrementeu els vostres permisos."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
+"try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "No es pot completar l'operació a causa de permisos insuficients. "
+       "Si us plau\n"
+       "proveu de nou la comanda utilitzant pfexec o en qualsevol altre cas incrementant els vostres privilegis.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not operate on %s\n"
+"because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
+"operation again."
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot operar a %s\n"
+       "ja que el fitxer està en ús. Si us plau pareu d'utilitzar el fitxer i intenteu de\n"
+       "nou l'operació."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "No es pot completar l'operació en %s: sistema de fitxers de només-lectura\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "No es pot completar l'operació: sistema de fitxers de només-lectura."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
+msgid ""
+"The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
+"Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "Els següents patrons no coincideixen amb cap paquet del catàleg actual.\n"
+       "Intenteu un patró més senzill, refrescant i/o examinant els catàlegs:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
+msgstr "'%s' no coincideix amb els paquets instal·lats"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
+msgstr "'%s' és un fmri il·legal"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
+msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
+msgstr "El(s) següent(s) paquet(s) violen les restriccions."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
+msgstr "'%s' suporta les següents arquitectures: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
+#, python-format
+msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
+msgstr "La imatge de l'arquitectura està definida com: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' depèn del paquet obsolet '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "L'operació proposada no pot ser realitzada ja que aquests paquets no estan instal·lats: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "L'operació proposada no pot ser realitzada ja que aquests paquets ja estan instal·lats: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "El FMRI '%s' no conté informació de publicador i no pot ser utilitzat per a operacions catàleg."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "El catàleg meta_root '%(root)s' no és vàlid; no es pot completar l'operació: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "Els següents fitxers de catàleg tenen permisos incorrectes:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: mode esperat: %(emode)s, mode trobat: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "Les dades de signatura pel fitxer de catàleg '%s' no són vàlides."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "No es poden determinar les operacions necessàries per l'actualització del catàleg actual utilitzant les dades proporcionades d'actualització de catàleg a '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot realitzar l'operació '%(op)s' pel catàleg %(name)s; la completació podria produir una entrada duplicada pel paquet '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Les actualitzacions de catàleg només es poden aplicar a catàlegs en disc."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "El fitxer de catàleg '%s' no és vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "No es poden determinar les actualitzacions necessàries pel catàleg utilitzant les dades d'actualització proporcionades en '%s'. Les actualitzacions de catàleg especificades són per a una versió antiga del catàleg i no poden utilitzar-se."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' no pot ser trobat al catàleg."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Tipus d'actualització de catàleg desconegut '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "CatalogPart no-reconegut, desconegut, o no-vàlid '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
+msgid ""
+"No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
+"catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot trobar paquets coincidents pel següents FMRIs a qualsevol d'aquests "
+       "catàlegs pels publicadors actuals:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (patró no coincideix)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (publicador no coincideix)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (nersiṕ no coincideix)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "La cerca a la url %s no ha retornat resultats."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "Alguns servidors no han respós apropiadament:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s no ha retornat una resposta vàlida.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Alguns servidors no suporten l'operació de cerca sol·licitada:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "El rendiment de cerca està degradat.\n"
+       "Executeu 'pkg rebuild-index' per a millorar la velocitat de la cerca."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "El servidor de cerca no suporta el protocol sol·licitat:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
+"publisher information: %s"
+msgstr ""
+       "El fitxer especificat té un format incorrecte o no conté informació vàlida "
+       "quant al publicador: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
+msgid ""
+"The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
+"publisher information."
+msgstr ""
+       "El fitxer especificat té un format incorrecte o no conté informació vàlida "
+       "quant al publicador."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
+msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
+msgstr "Format de dades de la informació del publicador no suporades pkg(5)."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error mentres s'estava rebent dades de '%s':\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error mentres s'obtenien dades de: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
+msgstr "'%s' no és una localització vàlida."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' no és un nom d'entorn d'arranc vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "L'entorn d'arranc '%s' ja existeix."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
+msgid ""
+"Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
+"version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
+msgstr ""
+       "El nomenament de l'entorn d'arranc durant la instal·lació no està suportat en aquesta \n"
+       "versió d'OpenSolaris. Si us plau utilitzeu image-update sense l'opció --be-name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
+msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
+msgstr "No es pot clonar l'actual entorn d'arranc."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
+"currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error mentres s'intentava reanomenar l'entorn d'arranc\n"
+       "actualment anomenat %(orig)s a %(dest)s."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
+msgstr "No es pot desmuntar %(name)s a %(mt)s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
+msgid ""
+"Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
+"not allowed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Nombrar un entorn d'arranc quan esteu treballant am una imatge no-live no està\n"
+       "permés."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
+msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
+msgstr "Info no reconeix les següents opcions:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+msgid " '"
+msgstr " '"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+msgid "'"
+msgstr "'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "El meta_root del publicador '%(root)s' no és vàlid; no es pot completar l'operació: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
+msgstr "'%s' no és un nom de publicador vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(value)s' no és un valor vàlid per l'atribut de repositori '%(attribute)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
+msgstr "'%s' no és un tipus de col·lecció de repositori vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
+msgstr "'%s' no és una URI vàlida."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
+msgstr "'%s' no és una prioritat URI vàlida. S'esperava un valor de tipus enter."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
+msgstr "'%s' no és una política d'ordenació URI vàlida."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
+msgstr "L'ediror '%s' està deshabilitat i no pot utilitzar-se per a operacions d'empaquetament."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "Ja existeix un publicador amb el mateix nom o àlies '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
+msgstr ""
+       "Un repositori amb el mateix nom o origen URI ja existeix pel publicador "
+       "'%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
+#, python-format
+msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
+msgstr "Ja existeix una rèplica '%s' per al repositori especificat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
+#, python-format
+msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
+msgstr "Ja existeix l'origen '%s' per al repositori especificat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
+msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
+msgstr "El publicador predeterminat no pot ser eliminat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
+msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
+msgstr "No és pot eliminar el repositori seleccionat pel publicador."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
+msgstr ""
+       "El publicador '%s' està deshabilitat i no pot ser utilitzat com a publicador predeterminat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "El publicador preferit no pot de ser deshabilitat. Un altre publicador ha de ser establert com a publicador preferit abans que el publicador pugui ser deshabilitat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
+msgstr "URI legal desconegut '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
+msgstr "Publicador desconegut '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
+msgstr "URI relacionat desconegut '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
+msgstr "Repositori desconegut '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
+msgstr "Rèplica desconeguda '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "El publicador '%s' no te repositoris que suportin l'acció '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
+msgstr "Origen del repositori desconegut '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
+#, python-format
+msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
+msgstr "La URI '%(uri)s' contè un esquema no suportat '%(scheme)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
+msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
+msgstr "La URI especificada contè un esquema no suportat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
+msgstr "'%(attr)s' no està suportat per '%(scheme)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
+"has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s' necessita accedir '%(uri)s', "
+       "ha expirat.  Si us plau instal·leu un certificat vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
+"a valid certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s', necessita accedir '%(pub)s', ha expirat.  Si us plau "
+       "instal·leu un certificat vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
+"install a valid certificate."
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s', necessita accedir '%(uri)s', ha expirat.  Si us plau "
+       "instal·leu un certificat vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
+msgstr "El certificat '%s' ha expirat.  Si us plau instal·leu un certificat vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
+"will expire in '%(days)s' days."
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s', necessita accedir '%(uri)s', "
+       "expirarà d'aquí '%(days)s' dies."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s' expirarà d'aquí '%(days)s' "
+       "dies."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
+"s' days."
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s', necessita accedir a '%(uri)s', expirarà d'aquí '%(days)s' dies."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
+#, python-format
+msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
+msgstr "El certificat '%(cert)s' expirarà d'aquí a '%(days)s' dies."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
+"is invalid."
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s', necessita accedir '%(uri)s', "
+       "no és vàlida."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
+msgstr "El certificat '%(cert)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s' no es vàlid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
+#, python-format
+msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
+msgstr "El certificat '%(cert)s' necessita accedir a '%(uri)s' no és vàlida."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
+msgstr "Certificat no vàlid '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot localitzar la clau '%(key)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s' necessària per accedir a '%"
+       "(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "No es pot localitzar la clau '%(key)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "No es pot localitzar la clau'%(key)s' necessària per accedir a '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "No es pot localitzar la clau '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
+"access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot localitzar el certificat '%(cert)s' per al publicador '%(pub)s' necessari per a "
+       "accedir a '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "No es pot localitzar el certificat '%(cert)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "No es pot localitzar el certificat '%(cert)s' necessita accedir a '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
+msgstr "No es pot localitzar el certificat '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
+"has a future effective date."
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s', necessita accedir a '%(uri)s', "
+       "té una futura data efectiva."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s' pel publicador '%(pub)s' té una futura data efectiva."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
+msgstr ""
+       "El certificat '%(cert)s' necessita accedir a '%(uri)s' té una futura data efectiva."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
+msgstr "El certificat '%s' té una futura data efectiva."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
+#, python-format
+msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
+msgstr "Ha donat una resposta dolenta:%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "No es pot trobar %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "Les dades de signatura del manifest del paquet '%s' no són vàlides."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "Les dades de signatura del manifest no són vàlides."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "aquí ja hi ha una imatge: %s.\n"
+       "Per a sobreescriure-la, utilitzeu l'opció -f (foçar)."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "la ruta de a imatge especificada no està buida: %s.\n"
+       "Per a sobreescriure-la, utilitzeu l'opció -f (foçar)."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
+msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
+msgstr "pkg: no es pot crear una instantània automàtica. pkg recovery està deshabilitat."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: S'ha capturat un error de sistema %(e)s executant %(cmd)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' error. \n"
+       "amb un codi de retorn %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
+msgstr "pkg: no puc activar %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
+msgstr "pkg: no es puc desmuntar %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A clone of %s exists and has been updated and activated.\n"
+"On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
+"Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Un clon de %s existeix i ha set actualitzat i activat.\n"
+       "Al següent arranc de l'entorn d'arranc %s serà muntat a '/'.\n"
+       "Reinicieu quan desitgeu per a activar aquest entorn d'arranc actualitzat.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
+msgstr "%s ha estat actualitzat correctament"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+" The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
+"clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
+"inspect it."
+msgstr " El sistema que s'esta executant no ha estat modificat. Les modificacions solament es van fer a un "
+       "clon del sistema que s'esta executant.  Aquest clon està muntat a %s potser desitgeu "
+       "inspeccionar-lo."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
+msgstr "pkg: no es pot revocar l'entorn d'arranc %s i restaurar la imatge"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
+msgstr "%s Error al ser actualitzat. No s'ha fet canvis a %s."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
+msgstr "pkg: no es pot destruir la instantània %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
+msgstr "pkg: no es pot crear l'Entorn d'arranc %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: no es pot muntar l'Entorn d'arranc %(name)s a %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
+msgstr ""
+       "L'Entorn d'arranc %(name)s ha fallat al ser actualitzat. S'ha pres una instantània "
+       "abans de l'intent fallit i està muntat a %(clone_dir)s. Utilitzeu 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' i després 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' si desitgeu "
+       "arrancar aquest entorn d'arranc."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
+"the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error a l'actualitzar l'entorn d'arranc %s. s'ha pres una instantània abans "
+       "de l'intent fallit i ha estat reutaurat, doncs no s'han fet canvis a %s."
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
+msgid "Before evaluation:"
+msgstr "Abans de l'evaluació:"
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
+msgid "After evaluation:"
+msgstr "Després de l'evaluació:"
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
+msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
+msgstr "Error al comprovar d'actualitzar SUNWipkg"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
+msgid "B"
+msgstr "B"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
+msgid "kB"
+msgstr "kB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
+msgid "MB"
+msgstr "MB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
+msgid "GB"
+msgstr "GB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
+msgid "TB"
+msgstr "TB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
+msgid "PB"
+msgstr "PB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
+msgid "EB"
+msgstr "EB"
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
+"rebuilding search indexes."
+msgstr ""
+       "L'Índex està corrupte o fora de data. Eliminant l'antic directori d'índex (%s)  i "
+       "tornant a construir els índexs de cerca."
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
+msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
+msgstr "No es pot escriure a l'arrel per l'id o grup d'usuari actual."
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
+msgid "unable to write to index directory."
+msgstr "no es pot escriure al directori índex."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "Tots els paquets"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "Paquets instal·lats"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "Actualitzacions"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "Paquets no instal·lats"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "Paquets seleccionats"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "Afegir..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "Tots els publicadors (Cerca)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmació exportar seleccions"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Exportar el següent a un fitxer d'instal·lació web .p5i file:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "La GUI no respondrà a cap esdeveniment! %s. Comproveu declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Error exportació seleccions"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Exportar seleccions"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "Fitxers p5i"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tots els fitxers"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Cercar (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
+"color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
+msgstr ""
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>Benvinguts al Gestor de Paquets!</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Avís: no s'ha pogut carregar la pàgina d'inici:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "error al respondre"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "resposta no permesa"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "No s'ha retornat una resposta vàlida."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "cerca no suportada"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Carregant... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
+msgid "Stopped"
+msgstr "Parat"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr "Fet"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+"color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
+msgstr ""
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Avís: No puc carregar la URL</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Visualitzar paquets en %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Cercar dins %(s1)sTots els publicadors%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Canviar vista a %(s1)sTots els paquets%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Mostrar %(s1)sAjuda de la cerca%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Carregant %(s1)sAjuda de la cerca%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
+msgid "Empty Action not supported"
+msgstr "Acció buida no suportada"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
+#, python-format
+msgid "Action not supported: %s"
+msgstr "Acció no suportada: %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Cliqueu a commutar seleccions"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Estat"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripció"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "Commutar tota la sel·lecció"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
+msgid "Not Installed"
+msgstr "No instal·lat"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "Actualitzacions disponibles"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Capturant descripcions..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
+msgid "All Categories"
+msgstr "Totes les categories"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
+msgid "Meta Packages"
+msgstr "Meta paquets"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "Aplicacions"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
+msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
+msgstr "Escriptori (GNOME)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
+msgid "Development"
+msgstr "Desenvolupament"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
+msgid "Distributions"
+msgstr "Distribucions"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
+msgid "Drivers"
+msgstr "Controladors"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
+msgid "Web Services"
+msgstr "Serveis Web"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Cercar a tots els publicadors"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Cercar al publicador actual"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Informació]' title='Informació' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Cercar a tors els publicadors</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "Utilitzeu el camp de cerca per cercar paquets dins dels següents publicadors:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Clique en els següents publicadors per a visualitzar el seu llistat de paquets:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Informació]' title='Informació' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Resultats de la cerca</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "Trobat <b>%(num)s</b> paquet que coincideix <b>%(text)s</b> en tots els paquets, tanmateix no és llistat a la vista <b>%(filter)s</b>."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "Trobats <b>%(num)s</b> paquets que coincideixen <b>%(text)s</b> en tots els paquets, tanmateix no estan llistats en la vista <b>%(filter)s</b>."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggeriments:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Cliqueu per a canviar la vista a <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>Tots els paquets</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Informació]' title='Informació' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>resultats de la cerca</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No s'ha trobat cap paquet en <b>%(pub)s</b> que coincideixi amb <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggeriments:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Comproveu que ho hageu escrit correctament</li><li style='padding-left:7px'>Provar amb nous termes de cerca</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>Tots els publicadors</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Ajuda de la cercar</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Advertència]' "
+       "title='Advertència' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Advertència de la cerca</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cercar únicament amb el caràcter comodí, <b>*</b>, "
+       "no està suportat a tots els publicadors</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD><TD><b>Suggeriments:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Provar amb nous termes de cerca</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "Tots els publicadors"
+#. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
+msgid ""
+"Unable to get status for search results.\n"
+"The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot obtenir l'estat pels resultats de cerca.\n"
+       "Els catàlegs no han estat actualitzats.\n"
+       "Torneu-ho a intentar d'aquí uns segons.\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Cerca netejada"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
+msgid "Fetching legal information..."
+msgstr "Obtenint informació legal..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "Refrescant la informació del catàleg de paquets"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Tots"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "Carregant llista de paquets"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "No puc navegar a:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
+msgid "Selected for Removal:"
+msgstr "Seleccionat per a eliminar:"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
+msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
+msgstr "Seleccionat per a instal·lar/actualitzar:"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
+msgid "Fetching information..."
+msgstr "Obtenint informació..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Construcció %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(no instal·lat)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Cap"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Nom\tDependència\tVersió instal·lada\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+msgid ""
+"This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Aquest pot ser causat per un problema de xarxa mentre s'estava accedint al repositori."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
+msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
+msgstr "Detalls dels fitxers no disponibles per a aquest paquet..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
+msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
+msgstr "Informació de dependències no disponible per a aquest paquet..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
+msgid "Information not available for this package..."
+msgstr "Informació no disponible per a aquest paquet..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "No disponible"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "La llicència no pot ser carregada degut a un problema de conversió."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "El publicador seleccionat no conté cap paquet."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Total: %(total)s  Seleccionats: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "Cercant %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s per %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Cercant %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "trobats %(number)d paquets que coincideixen %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
+msgid ""
+"Network problem.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Problema de xarxa.\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
+msgid "Details:\n"
+msgstr "Detalls:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s catàlegs correctament actualitzats:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
+msgid ""
+"The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
+"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha completat l'acció d'actualitzar tot i es tancarà el gestor de paquets.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Reviseu les notes de la versió publicades abans de reiniciar el vostre sistema:\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Actualitzar tot completat"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
+msgid "Save selected..."
+msgstr "Desar seleccionat..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
+msgid "Save selected packages..."
+msgstr "Desar paquets seleccionats..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
+msgid ""
+"The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
+msgstr ""
+       "Els paquets instal·lats necessiten reiniciar abans que la instal·lació pugui ser "
+       "completada."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "No es pot inicialitzar gtk"
+#: ../publish.py:78
+msgid ""
+"        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"Packager subcommands:\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
+"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+"        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+"        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
+"        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
+"        PKG_REPO"
+msgstr ""
+       "Ús:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [opcions] comanda [opcions_cmd] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Sub-comandes empaquetador:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <secció.propietat>=<valor>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add acció arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T fitxer_patró] fitxer-agrupació ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T fitxer_patró] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -s repo_uri     URI repositori destí\n"
+       "        --help or -?    mostra el missatge d'utilització\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Entorn:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "els valors de propietat ha de tenir la forma '<secció.propietat>=<valor>'."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Valors de configuració de repositori no vàlids van ser especificats mitjançant --set-property o bé els valors requerits no hi són.  Proporcioneu i/o corregiu els valors amb l'opció --set-property."
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "solament podeu especificar -e o -n"
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "obrir necessita el nom d'un paquet"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "No s'ha especificat cap ID de transacció utilitzant -t o a $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "No s'ha especificat cap ID de transacció a $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "No s'han especificat arguments per a la subcomada."
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "S'ha de proporcionar el nom d'un fitxer per a aquesta acció."
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "Cap argument frmi especificat per a la sub-comanda"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "línia %d: falta ruta"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "línia %s: Fitxer %s no trobat"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "línia %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
+msgid "command does not take operands"
+msgstr "la comanda no pren arguments"
+#: ../publish.py:449
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
+msgstr "pkgsend: opció global il·legal -- %s"
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "opció %s il·legal -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
+msgid ""
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Directori destí o URI repositori\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         URI repositori font"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "No es pot carregar el manifest '%s' pel paquet  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "No es pot analitzar el manifest '%s' pel paquet '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "No es pot escriure al manifest '%s' pel paquet '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "No es pot recuperar el manifest %s de %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error mentre s'estava llegint de: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "No es pot recuperar el contingut de %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
+msgstr "No es pot extraure el fitxer: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:526
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
+msgstr "No es pot descarregar el catàleg de: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s mentre es llegia des de: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "Opció Il·legal -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "Valor d'opció no permès -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "s'ha de proporcionar un repositori font"
+#: ../pull.py:604
+msgid "-n takes no options"
+msgstr "-n no pren cap opció"
+#: ../pull.py:611
+msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
+msgstr "heu d'especificar almenys un pkgfmri"
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "Per a crear un repositori, utilitzeu la comanda pkgsend."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "La configuració del repositori pel repositori situat a '%s' no és vàlid o bé la ruta especificada no existeix.  Corregiu la configuració del repositori o creau-ne una de nova."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "No es pot crear el directori base (basedir) '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Recuperant manifests per a la avaluació de dependències ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Recuperant manifests per a la avaluació de paquet ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "Recuperant contingut del paquet ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "Re-publicant %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "Refrescant els índexs de cerca de repositori ..."
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
+msgid ""
+"A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
+"Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
+msgstr ""
+       "Un missatge de text descriu les actualitzacions es mostrat prop de l'àrea de "
+       "Notificació quan les actualitzacions es converteixen amb disponibles si està establert a cert."
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
+msgid "How often to check for updates"
+msgstr "Amb quina freqüència es comprova per a actualitzacions"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
+msgid ""
+"How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
+msgstr ""
+       "Amb quina freqüència es comprova per a actualitzacions. Els valors vàlids són Diaria, Setmanal, Mensual, "
+       "Mai"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
+msgid "Start delay"
+msgstr "Iniciar espera"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid "The notify icon is displayed on startup if set to true."
+msgstr "La icona de notificació és mostrada a l'iniciar si està establert a cert."
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid ""
+"The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
+"starting, before checking for updates."
+msgstr ""
+       "El temps, en segons, que el updatemanagernotifier ha d'esperar-se, després "
+       "de ser iniciat, per a comprovar actualitzacions."
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
+"The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
+"icon in the notification area if set to true."
+msgstr ""
+       "El programa notificador de gestió d'actualització finalitza després que l'usuari activi la "
+       "icona en l'àrea de notificació si s'estableix a cert."
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
+msgstr "Si voleu mostrar sempre la icona a l'inici"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+msgid "Whether to display text message when updates are available"
+msgstr "Si voleu mostrar un missatges de text quan les actualitzacions estiguin disponibles"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
+msgid "Whether to terminate updatemanagernotiifer after icon activation."
+msgstr "Si finalitzar el notificador de gestió d'actualització després de l'activació de la icona."
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Install available updates"
+msgstr "Instal·lar actualitzacions disponibles"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
+msgid "Update Manager"
+msgstr "Gestió d'actualitzacions"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:1
+msgid "<b>Evaluate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Avaluar</b>"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Latest Version _Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Detalls de la última versió</b>"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>_Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Detalls</b>"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:5
+msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
+msgstr "Tancar el diàleg quant _finalitzi"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "Index"
+msgstr "Índex"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "Install Update"
+msgstr "Instal·lar actualització"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
+msgid ""
+"Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
+"Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
+msgstr ""
+       "Hi han actualitzacions disponibles per als següents paquets.\n"
+       "Seleccioneu els paquets que desitgeu actualitzar i cliqueu Instal·lar."
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Cancel·lar"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:14
+msgid "_Install Updates"
+msgstr "_Instal·lar actualització"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:15
+msgid "_OK"
+msgstr "_D'acord"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:16
+msgid "_Select all Updates"
+msgstr "_Seleccionar totes les actualitzacions"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
+msgstr "Notificar al usuari quan hi hagi actualitzacions disponibles"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
+msgstr "Notificador del Gestor d'Actualitzacions"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
+msgstr "La interfície gràfica d'usuari no està responent a cap event! %s. Comproveu les senyals de updatemanager.py"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
+msgid ""
+"Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
+"Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
+"into it."
+msgstr ""
+       "Hi han actualitzacions disponibles per als següents paquets.\n"
+       "Cliqueu Actualitzar tot per a crear un nou entorn d'arranc i actualitzar tots els paquets "
+       "dins d'aquest."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
+msgid "Latest Version"
+msgstr "Última versió"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
+msgid "Size (Meg)"
+msgstr "Mida (Meg)"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
+#, python-format
+msgid "count: %d"
+msgstr "contador: %d"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>No teniu suficients permisos.</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Reinicieu pm-updatemanager utilitzant pfexec."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
+msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sense actualitzacions disponibles.</b>"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Fetching details for %s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Obtenint detalls per %s ..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
+msgid ""
+"No details available"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Sense detalls disponibles"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Actualitzar tot ha finalitzat correctament amb %d minuts."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Actualitzar tot ha finalitzat correctament amb %d segons."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "Reviseu les notes del llançament publicades abans de reiniciar el vostre ordinador."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
+msgid "Update All Completed"
+msgstr "Finalitzat Actualitzar Tot"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
+msgid ""
+"Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
+"Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
+"cancel Update All."
+msgstr ""
+       "No hi ha prou espai de disc disponible, l'acció d'Actualitzar tot no pot ser realitzada.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Cliqueu D'acord per a gestionar els vostres entorns d'arranc i allibereu espai de disc o Cancel·lar per "
+       "cancel·lar Actualitzar tot."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
+msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
+msgstr "No hi ha prou espai al disc"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
+msgid "Checking for new software"
+msgstr "Comprovant per a nou programari"
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
+msgid "Updates are available"
+msgstr "Hi han actualizacions disponibles"
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+msgid ""
+"Updates available\n"
+"Please click on icon to update."
+msgstr ""
+       "Actualizacions disponibles\n"
+       "Si us plau cliqueu a la icona per a actualitzar."
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
+msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
+msgstr "Hi ha una altra instància de UpdateManagerNotify executant-se"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "Incongruència de versió: versió esperada %d, versió adquirida %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s no és una imatge d'instal·lació"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "Error d'API"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Error"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "              Mida:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "         Categoria:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "Instal·lat:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "Versió disponible:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "Última versió:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "         Publicador:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Si, %(version)s (Construcció %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "Actualització disponible:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "Error de refresc de catàleg:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Únicament %s dels %s catàlegs actualitzats correctament.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "Recuperant catàleg '%s'...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "capturant catàlegs ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "Carregant cau del catàleg ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Refrescant catàleg %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Finalitzat refresc del catàleg %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "Avaluant: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "Descarregats %(current)s de %(total)s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "Paquet %d de %d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "Falta l'atribut tipus"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "Falta l'atribut fmri"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "Tipus desconegut (%s) en l'acció depèn"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "Atribut ruta buit"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "No tal fitxer: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' no és un fitxer."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "El fitxer de llicència %s no existeix."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' hauria de ser '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "Tipus info_needed desconegut: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "Tipus img_path desconegut."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "Etapa d'eliminació"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "Etapa d'instal·lació"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "Etapa d'actualització"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "Etapa d'indexació"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "Recuperant catàleg '%s'..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "Capturant catàlegs ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "Carregant cau del catàleg ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "Refrescant catàleg"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "El catàleg recuperat pel publicador '%(prefix)s' únicament conté dades de paquets per aquests publicadors: %(pubs)s.  Per resoldre aquesta incidència, actualitzau aquest publicador per a utilitzar correctament el repositori origen, o afegiu un dels publicadors llistats utilitzant aquest origen de repositori del publicador.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Per a corregir el repositori origen, utilitzau la següent comanda com a usuari amb privilegis:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Per afegir un nou publicador utilitzant el repositori origen del publicador, executeu la següent comanda com a usuari amb privilegis:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Després que el nou publicador hagi estat afegit, aquest hauria de ser eliminat mitjançant l'execució de la següent comanda com a usuari amb privilegis:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "No es pot trobar %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "Les subclasses de dependència han d'implementar dep_key. Classe actual en %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s tenia aquest error elf:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s tenia aquesta senyal, %s, en la seva ruta d'execució:%s. No podem gestionar aquesta senyal en aquest moments."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "No puc trobar el fitxer pel %s importat en %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "Al FMRI '%s' hi falta la informació de versió."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Llegint índex existent"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Indexant paquets"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s conté una acció la qual li falta un atribut esperat: %(at)s.\n"
+       "L'acció és:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "El valor d'atribut '%s' no és 'true' o 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "falta versió"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "versió no permesa"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Esquema no suportat'%(scheme)s' a la URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "URL mal-formada: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "URL de repositori no vàlida: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' error pel ID transacció '%(trans_id)s'; estat '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' error pel ID transacció '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' error; no es pot iniciar la transacció:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot inicialitzar la transacció:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Operació no suportada '%(op)s' pel tipus '%(type)s' de repositori especificat."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "No és una ruta absoluta."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "S'ha produït un error mentre s'intentava inicialitzar l'estructura dels directoris del repositori:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "L'operació sol·licitada no està suportada o bé no està disponible temporalment."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Error desconegut; cap ID transacció proporcionat en resposta a: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "Un caràcter in-analitzable en la posició de la consulta : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "En la consulta %(query)s, %(name)s tenia un valor dolent de '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "S'espera que una consulta tingui cinc camps: distinció de majúscules i de minúscules, tipus a retornar, "
+       "nombre de resultats a retornar, en nombre amb el qual iniciar el retorn de resultats, "
+       "i el text d'una consulta.  La consulta proporcionada necessita com a mínim d'un d'aquest camps:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "No es pot analitzar la consulta."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un problema amb: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "Aquesta expressió produeix els resultats d'acció:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "Aquesta expressió produeix els resultats de paquets:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' o 'OR' requereix aquestes expressions per a produir el mateix tipus de resultats."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Obtingut un unquote_list buit mentre s'indexava. split_chars era %(sc)s i la línia era %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Tenia una línia buida en el diccionari principal. split_chars és %(sc)s i "
+       "unquote_list és %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "El llistat de directori no està permès."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "El tipus d'acció especificada, '%s', no ès vàlida."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "Cap coincidència FRI trobada en el catàleg de repositori."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "El fitxer de catàleg especificat '%s', no pot ser trobat."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "Cap fitxer pot ser trobat pel nom hash especificat: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "L'arrel del repositori especificat '%s' no conté un repositori vàlid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "El ID transacció especificat '%s' no és vàlid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap manifest pel FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "L'operació sol·licitada no pot realitzar-se quant el repositori està utilitzat en mode de rèplica."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "Es repositori és de nomes-lectura i no pot ser modificat."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No es va proporcionar cap senyal de cerca."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "La senyal de cerca especificada '%s' no és vàlida."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "La funcionalitat de cerca temporalment no està disponible."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "El format del repositori o el seu contingut necessita ser actualitzat abans d'actualitzar-lo per poder utilitzar per servir les dades del paquet.  Tanmateix, aquest actualment és de només-lectura i no pot ser actualitzat.  Si esteu utilitzant pkg.depotd, reinicieu el servidor sense nomes-lectura aleshores aquest repositori podrà ser actualitzat."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Actualitzant repositori; aquest procés prendrà algun temps."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "directoris de repositori incomplets"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "als directoris de repositori no hi pot escriure el id d'usuari o el id de grup actual, i són incomplets."
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Omitint %(fmri)s; manifest no vàlid: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot localitzar o llegir el fitxer de configuració del repositori especificat: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Dades no reconegudes o mal-formades en l'operació payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "El client_release especificat no és vàlid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'El FMRI especificat, '%s', no té una versió vàlida."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "El FMRI especificat, '%s', ja existeix o bé ha estat restringit."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "El FMRI especificat, '%s', ha d'incloure el prefix del publicador de fet el repositori conté dades de paquet per més d'un publicador o el publicador predeterminat no ha estat definit."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "El FMRI especificat, '%s', no és vàlid."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "El ID transacció '%s' ja està obert."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "Un paquet obsolet no pot contenir accions que no siguin altres que 'set'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "Un paquet reanomenat no pot contenir accions que no siguin altres que 'set' o 'depend'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "Un paquet no pot ser marcat tant per eliminació com per a reanomenament."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "Una acció '%s' no pot estar present en un paquet obsolet: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "Una acció '%s' no pot estar present en un paquet reanomenat: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "Un paquet reanomenat ha de contenir com a mínim una acció 'depend'."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Ús:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [opcions] comanda [opcions_cmd] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Sub-comandes:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [opcions] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Opcions:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help o -?\n"
+       "Entorn:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "No es pot trobar el fitxer de manifest %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "No es pot analitzar el manifest %(manifest)s a causa de la següent línia:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o no pot utilitzar-se amb -d o -s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' no és una imatge d'instal·lació"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "No es poden analitzar un o més manifests a causa de  "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "No es pot obrir el manifest %s per a repetir el manifest"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "No es pot obrir el fitxer de sortida %s per escriptura"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "El directori de sortida %s no existeix i no pot ser creat. L'error és: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "la sub-comanda generate no utilitza -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "El gestor de fitxers no pot %(cre)s %(ent)s perquè aquest està configurat com només-lectura."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "El gestor de fitxers va ser incapaç de crear %s o als directoris continguts."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Es van trobar les següents rutes però no poden ser responsabilitzades per cap dels plantejaments coneguts:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/cs.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/cs.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -27,15 +27,21 @@
 msgstr ""
        "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
        "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
        "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
        "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
        "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
        "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "Pro více informací, zkuste `pkg --help nebo -?'"
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +64,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -83,83 +92,104 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
 msgstr ""
-       "Usage:\n"
-       "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "Použití:\n        "
+       "          pkg [možnosti] příkaz [možnosti_příkazu] [operandy]\n"
-       "Basic subcommands:\n"
-       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
-       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
-       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
-       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+       "Základní podpříkazy:\n"
+       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] balíček...\n"
+       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] balíček...\n"
+       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [balíček...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name jméno] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-       "        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg refresh [--full] [vydavatel ...]\n"
        "        pkg version\n"
-       "Advanced subcommands:\n"
-       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
-       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-       "        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
-       "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "Rozšířené podpříkazy:\n"
+       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_vzor ...]\n"
+       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] dotaz\n"
+       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_vzor ...]\n"
+       "        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_vzor ...]\n"
+       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o atribut ...] [-s klíč_uspořádání]\n"
+       "            [-t typ_akce ... ] [pkg_fmri_vzor ...]\n"
        "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
-       "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
-       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "            [-k ssl_klíč] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
+       "            [--variant <specifikace_varianty>=<instance>]\n"
+       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri adresář\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name jméno] "
+       "<specifikace_varianty>=<instance>\n"
+       "            [<specifikace_varianty>=<instance> ...]\n"
-       "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
-       "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
-       "        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
+       "        pkg set-property jméno hodnota\n"
+       "        pkg unset-property jméno ...\n"
+       "        pkg property [-H] [jméno ...]\n"
-       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
-       "            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
-       "            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
-       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
-       "        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
-       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_klíč] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
+       "            [-O origin_uri] [-m zrcadlo_ke_přidání | --add-mirror=zrcadlo_ke_přidání]\n"
+       "            [-M zrcadlo_k_odebrání | --remove-mirror=zrcadlo_k_odebrání]\n"
+       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] vydavatel\n"
+       "        pkg unset-publisher vydavatel ...\n"
+       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [vydavatel ...]\n"
        "        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
        "        pkg purge-history\n"
        "        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-       "Options:\n"
-       "        -R dir\n"
-       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Možnosti:\n"
+       "        -R adresář\n"
+       "        --help nebo -?\n"
-       "Environment:\n"
+       "Prostředí:\n"
        "        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "-s a -v se nemohou kombinovat"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "známé"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "nainstalované"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "žádné balíčky nejsou nainstalovány"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Specifikované balíčky nemají dostupnou aktualizaci"
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Nainstalované balíčky nemají dostupnou aktualizaci"
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "žádný balíček neodpovídá '%s' %s"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "žádný balíček neopovídá '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "Vytvořen snímek ZFS: %s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify: -v a -q se nemohou kombinovat"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Požadovaná operace \"fix\" bude mít za následek, že soubory nebudou moci být měneny"
+       "v live obraze disku.\n"
+       "Prosím, zkuste tuto operaci na jiném bootovacím prostředí."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v a -q se nemohou kombinovat"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
@@ -167,724 +197,608 @@
        "pkg: žádné balíčky odpovídající Vámi zadanému vzoru\n"
        "nejsou na Vašem systému nainstalovány.\n"
-#: ../client.py:490
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
 msgstr ""
-       "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "No image rooted at '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "No updates available for this image."
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-       "running image-update.\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-       "Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-       "the image-update."
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "image-update failed: %s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-#: ../client.py:643
+       "Všechny ostatní vzory odpovídají nainstalovaným balíčkům. %s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install: at least one package name required"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s' is not an install image"
-#: ../client.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "install failed (inventory exception):\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
 msgstr ""
-       "An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "installation failed: %s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-#: ../client.py:857
+       "Vyskytla se neočekávaná chyba při přípravě %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s selhalo: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s nemůže být provedeno na live obrazu disku"
+#: ../client.py:567
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Požadovaná operace \"%s\" bude mít za následek, že soubory nebudou moci být měneny"
+       "v live obraze disku.\n"
+       "Prosím, zkuste tuto operaci na jiném bootovacím prostředí."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "Vyskytla se neočekávaná chyba během %s: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "Žádný obraz nemá kořen v '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "%s selhalo (kromě katalogu):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
 msgstr ""
-       "uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "uninstallation failed: %s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-       "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-       "The problematic structure: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+       "VAROVÁNÍ: pkg(5) se zdá být zastaralý a měl by být aktualizován před \n "
+       "spuštěním %s. Prosím, aktualizujte pkg(5) pomocí příkazu 'pfexec pkg install\n "
+       "SUNWipkg' a poté spusťe  %s znovu. "
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "Nelze odstranit  '%s' kvůli následujím balíčkům, které na něm závisí:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v a -q nemohou být kombinovány"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: žádné varianty nebyly aktualizovány"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: varianty musí být ve formátu  '&lt;jméno>=&lt;hodnota>'."
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: definovány duplicitní varianty: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "Aktualizace není nezbytně nutná pro tento obraz."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "příkaz nemá tento operand ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "Nejsou dostupné aktualizace pro tento obraz."
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "POZNÁMKA: Prosím prohlédněte si poznámky k vydání na:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "je požadováno alespoň jedno jméno balíčku"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-       "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-       "The problematic structure:%r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "Server vrátil poškozený výsledek.\n"
+       "Problematická struktura:%r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+       "Server vrátil neplatnou akci. \n "
-#: ../client.py:1008
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
-msgstr "%s is not a valid server URL."
-#: ../client.py:1058
+msgstr "%s je neplatná URL serveru."
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "musí být uveden alespoň jeden výraz, který se má vyhledat"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "možnost -o na úrovni ('%s') nemůže být použita s možností -p"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
-msgstr "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+msgstr "Server vrátil poškozený výsledek.%r"
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "možnost -o na úrovni nemůže být použita s dotazy, které vrací balíčky"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-       "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
+       "Index hledání se zdá být poškozený.  Prosím obnovte index s 'pkg "
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l a -r nemohou být kombinovány"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "vyžaduje stažení vzdálených informací pro specifikovaný balíček"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Zastaralé"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Přejmenováno"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
-msgstr "Installed"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+msgstr "Nainstalováno"
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
-msgstr "Not installed"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+msgstr "Nenainstalováno"
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "          Jméno:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
-msgstr "       Summary:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+msgstr "       Shrnutí:"
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "   Popis:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
-msgstr "      Category:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+msgstr "      Kategorie:"
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
-msgstr "         State:"
+msgstr "         Stát:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Přejmenováno na:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "     Vydavatel:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
-msgstr "       Version:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+msgstr "       Verze:"
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
-msgstr " Build Release:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+msgstr " Verze vydání:"
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
-msgstr "        Branch:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+msgstr "        Odvětví:"
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
-msgstr "Packaging Date:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+msgstr "Datum zabalení:"
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
-msgstr "          Size:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+msgstr "          Velikost:"
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "          FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
-       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+       "pkg: info: žádný nainstalovaný balíček neodpovídá hledanému výrazu.\n"
+       "Zkuste požadavek blíže specifikovat dotazem na vzdálený server pomocí volby -r:  "
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
-       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
-       "examining the catalogs:"
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+       "pkg: info: žádný balíček neodpovídá hledanému výrazu v katalogu \n"
+       "Zkuste pozměnit hledaný výraz nebo obnovit katalog:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "'%s' matches multiple packages"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+msgstr "'%s' odpovídá více balíčkům"
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
-msgstr "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+msgstr "žádné licenční informace nemohou být nalezeny pro následující balíčky:"
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
-msgstr "Invalid attribute '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+msgstr "Neplatný atribut '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "obsah: vyžaduje stažení obsahu pro specifikovaný balíček ze vzdáleného serveru"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m a %s nemohou být použity současně"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' odpovídá více balíčkům"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: žádný nainstalovaný balíček neodpovídá hledanému výrazu.\n"
+       "Zkuste požadavek blíže specifikovat dotazem na vzdálený server pomocí volby -r:  "
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: žádný balíček neodpovídá hledanému výrazu v katalogu \n"
+       "Zkuste pozměnit hledaný výraz nebo obnovit katalog:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
-msgstr "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-       "    your permissions."
-#: ../client.py:1622
+msgstr "pkg:  %s/%s katology úspěšně aktualizovány:"
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
-msgstr "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
-#: ../client.py:1680
+msgstr "'pkg publisher' ukáže seznam vydavatelů"
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
-msgstr "requires a publisher name"
-#: ../client.py:1682
+msgstr "vyžaduje jméno vydavatele"
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
-msgstr "only one publisher name may be specified"
-#: ../client.py:1688
+msgstr "pouze jedno jméno vydavatele může být specifikováno"
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
-msgstr "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
-#: ../client.py:1712
+msgstr "-p a -d volby se nemohou kombinovat"
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-       "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "vydavatel neexistuje. Použijte -O k definování původní URI pro nového vydavatele. "
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
-       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
-       "Additional details:\n"
+       "Původní URI pro '%(pubname)s' se neobjevila v ukazateli na platný pkg server.\n"
+       "Prosím zkontrolujte serverovou adresu a konfiguraci klientské sítě.\n"
+       "Další podrobnosti:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+       "%(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "alespoň jeden vydavatel musí být specifikován"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
-msgstr "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+msgstr "Odstranění selhalo pro '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
-msgstr "PUBLISHER"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+msgstr "VYDAVATEL"
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
-msgstr "TYPE"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+msgstr "TYP"
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
-msgstr "STATUS"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+msgstr "STAV"
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
-msgstr "(preferred)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+msgstr "(preferovaný)"
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
-msgstr "(disabled)"
+msgstr "(zakázaný)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
-msgstr "origin"
+msgstr "původ"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
-msgstr "mirror"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+msgstr "zrcadlo"
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
-msgstr "              SSL Key:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+msgstr "              SSL Klíč:"
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
-msgstr "             SSL Cert:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+msgstr "              SSL Certifikát:"
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
-msgstr " Cert. Effective Date:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+msgstr " Datum Účinnosti Certifikátu:"
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
-msgstr "Cert. Expiration Date:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+msgstr "Datum Vypršení Certifikátu:"
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
-msgstr "           Origin URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+msgstr "           Původní URI:"
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
-msgstr "           Mirror URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+msgstr "           Obraz URI:"
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "            Vydavatel:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                Alias:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
-msgstr "          Client UUID:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+msgstr "          Klientské UUID:"
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
-msgstr "      Catalog Updated:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+msgstr "      Katalog aktualizován:"
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
-msgstr "              Enabled:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+msgstr "              Povolený:"
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "Ne"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Ano"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-       "set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-       "unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "vyžaduje jméno a hodnotu"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "set-publisher musí být použit pro změnu preferovaného vydavatele"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "vyžaduje alespoň jedno jméno"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "žádná taková vlastnost: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "property: no such property: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-       "image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-       "image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "there is already an image at: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "Non-empty directory: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+msgstr "property: žádná taková vlastnost: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "argument vydavatel musí být ve formátu '<prefix>=<url>'."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "argumenty varianty musí být ve formátu '<jméno>=<hodnota>'."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "pouze jedna adresářová cesta obrazu může být specifikována"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "vydavatel musí být specifikován"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "prefix vydavatele nemůže začínat textem:  %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "prefix vydavatele obsahuje neplatné znaky"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "nelze vytvořit obraz v %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
-       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
-       "Additional details:\n"
+       "URI adresa '%(pub_url)s' se neobjevila v ukazateli na platný pkg server.\n"
+       "Prosím zkontrolujte adresu serveru a konfiguraci klientské sítě.\n"
+       "Další podrobnosti:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H a -l se nemůžou kombinovat"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
-msgstr "TIME"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+msgstr "ČAS"
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
-msgstr "OPERATION"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+msgstr "OPERACE"
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
-msgstr "CLIENT"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+msgstr "KLIENT"
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
-msgstr "OUTCOME"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+msgstr "VÝSTUP"
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Je nastavena následující konfigurace proxy v prostředí:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
-msgstr "illegal global option -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+msgstr "neplatná globální volba -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
-msgstr "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+msgstr "%(opt)s má argument ve formátu jméno=hodnota, a ne %(arg)s"
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "žádný podpříkaz není specifikován"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
-msgstr "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "illegal %s option -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+msgstr "-R není povoleno pro příkaz %s"
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "neplatná volba -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+msgstr "version: příkaz nemá operátor ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
 msgstr ""
-       "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
-       "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
-#: ../client.py:2485
+       "Nelze nalést obraz. Použijte volbu -R nebo nastavte proměnnou $PKG_IMAGE, aby odkazovala na obraz nebo změňte pracovní adresář na adresář obsahující obraz."
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
-msgstr "No image found."
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "client configuration error: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+msgstr "Obraz nenalezen."
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
-msgstr "History purged."
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+msgstr "Historie smazána."
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
-msgstr "unknown subcommand '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-       "An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-       "for the requested operation."
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-       "the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-       "configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-       "the server using a web browser."
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Additional details:\n"
-       "\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-       "An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-       "about past client operations."
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-       "An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-       "current operation in client history."
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-       "The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-       "by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-       "is %(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+msgstr "neznámý příkaz '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -895,29 +809,124 @@
 msgstr ""
-       "This is an internal error.  Please let the developers know about this\n"
-       "problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
-       "above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
+       "Toto je vnitřní chyba. Prosím, oznamte vývojářům tento\n"
+       "problém vyplněním formuláře na http://defect.opensolaris.org a připojte traceback a tuto zprávu. Verze pkg(5) je '%s'."
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Objevila se chyba při pokusu stáhnout balíček nebo data souboru"
+       "pro \n"
+       "požadovanou operaci."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Další informace:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Nelze se připojit k platnému repozitáři balíčku. Toto může být zapříčiněno problémem na serveru, špatnou síťovou konfigurací nebo nesprávně nastaveným pkg klientem. Prosím zkontrolujte Vaše síťové nastavení a pokuste se kontaktovat server pomocí webového prohlížeče."
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Další informace:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "Vyskytla se chyba při nahrávání historie\n"
+       "o minulých operacích klienta."
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "Vyskytla se chyba při pokusu uložit informace \n"
+       "o současných operacích v historii klienta."
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "Vyskytla se chyba při pokusu odstranit historii klienta."
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Pkg příkaz se objeví při synchonizaci s knihovnami, které jsou poskytovány SUNWipkg. Verze klienta je %(client)s, zatímco verze API knihovny je %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "I přes chybu při indexování, aktualizace obrazu, instalace nebo odstranění bylo dokončeno úspěšně."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
-msgstr "AMP Stack"
+msgstr "AMP zásobník"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:32
 msgid "Accessories"
-msgstr "Accessories"
+msgstr "Doplňky"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:33
 msgid "Administration and Configuration"
-msgstr "Administration and Configuration"
+msgstr "Administrace a konfigurace"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:34
 msgid "Application and Web Servers"
-msgstr "Application and Web Servers"
+msgstr "Aplikace a Webové Servery"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:35
 msgid "Builds"
-msgstr "Builds"
+msgstr "Vydání"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:36
 msgid "C"
@@ -929,35 +938,35 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:38
 msgid "Communications"
-msgstr "Communications"
+msgstr "Komunikace"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:39
 msgid "Configuration and Preferences"
-msgstr "Configuration and Preferences"
+msgstr "Konfigurace a nastavení"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:40
 msgid "Core"
-msgstr "Core"
+msgstr "Jádro"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:41
 msgid "Databases"
-msgstr "Databases"
+msgstr "Databáze"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:42
 msgid "Databases (System)"
-msgstr "Databases (System)"
+msgstr "Databáze (Systém)"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:43
 msgid "Developer Tools"
-msgstr "Developer Tools"
+msgstr "Nástroje vývojářů"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:44
 msgid "Display"
-msgstr "Display"
+msgstr "Zobrazit"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:45
 msgid "Distribution Tools"
-msgstr "Distribution Tools"
+msgstr "Nástroje pro distribuci"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:46
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -965,27 +974,27 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:47
 msgid "Editors"
-msgstr "Editors"
+msgstr "Editory"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:48
 msgid "Enterprise Management"
-msgstr "Enterprise Management"
+msgstr "Zábava"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:49
 msgid "File Managers"
-msgstr "File Managers"
+msgstr "Správci souborů"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:50
 msgid "File System"
-msgstr "File System"
+msgstr "Souborový systém"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:51
 msgid "Fonts"
-msgstr "Fonts"
+msgstr "Fonty"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:52
 msgid "GNOME and GTK+"
-msgstr "GNOME and GTK+"
+msgstr "GNOME a GTK+"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:53
 msgid "GNU"
@@ -993,11 +1002,11 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:54
 msgid "Games"
-msgstr "Games"
+msgstr "Hry"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:55
 msgid "Graphics and Imaging"
-msgstr "Graphics and Imaging"
+msgstr "Grafika a Obrázky"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:56
 msgid "Hardware"
@@ -1009,11 +1018,11 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:58
 msgid "Integrated Development Environments"
-msgstr "Integrated Development Environments"
+msgstr "Integrované Vývojové prostředí"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:59
 msgid "Internationalization"
-msgstr "Internationalization"
+msgstr "Internacionalizace"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:60
 msgid "Internet"
@@ -1025,47 +1034,47 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:62
 msgid "Libraries"
-msgstr "Libraries"
+msgstr "Knihovny"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:63
 msgid "Libraries (System)"
-msgstr "Libraries (System)"
+msgstr "Knihovny (Systém)"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:64
 msgid "Localizations (Desktop)"
-msgstr "Localizations (Desktop)"
+msgstr "Lokalizace (Desktop)"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:65
 msgid "Localizations (System)"
-msgstr "Localizations (System)"
+msgstr "Lokalizace (Systém)"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:66
 msgid "Media"
-msgstr "Media"
+msgstr "Média"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:67
 msgid "Multimedia Libraries"
-msgstr "Multimedia Libraries"
+msgstr "Knihovna multimédií"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:68
 msgid "Networking"
-msgstr "Networking"
+msgstr "Síť"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:69
 msgid "Office"
-msgstr "Office"
+msgstr "Kancelář"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:70
 msgid "Office Tools"
-msgstr "Office Tools"
+msgstr "Nástroje kanceláře"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:71
 msgid "Other Languages"
-msgstr "Other Languages"
+msgstr "Jiné jazyky"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:72
 msgid "Other Peripherals"
-msgstr "Other Peripherals"
+msgstr "Jiné periférie"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:73
 msgid "PHP"
@@ -1073,11 +1082,11 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:74
 msgid "Packaging"
-msgstr "Packaging"
+msgstr "Balíčkování"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:75
 msgid "Panels and Applets"
-msgstr "Panels and Applets"
+msgstr "Panely a Aplety"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:76
 msgid "Perl"
@@ -1085,23 +1094,23 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:77
 msgid "Plug-ins and Run-times"
-msgstr "Plug-ins and Run-times"
+msgstr "Doplňky"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:78
 msgid "Ports"
-msgstr "Ports"
+msgstr "Porty"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:79
 msgid "Printing"
-msgstr "Printing"
+msgstr "Tisk"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:80
 msgid "Python"
-msgstr "Python"
+msgstr "Tisk"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:81
 msgid "Releases"
-msgstr "Releases"
+msgstr "Vydání"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:82
 msgid "Ruby"
@@ -1109,55 +1118,55 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:83
 msgid "Scripts"
-msgstr "Scripts"
+msgstr "Skripty"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:84
 msgid "Security"
-msgstr "Security"
+msgstr "Zabezpečení"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:85
 msgid "Services"
-msgstr "Services"
+msgstr "Služby"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:86
 msgid "Sessions"
-msgstr "Sessions"
+msgstr "Sezení"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:87
 msgid "Shells"
-msgstr "Shells"
+msgstr "Shell"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:88
 msgid "Software Management"
-msgstr "Software Management"
+msgstr "Správa Softwaru"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:89
 msgid "Sound and Video"
-msgstr "Sound and Video"
+msgstr "Zvuk a Video"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:90
 msgid "Source Code Management"
-msgstr "Source Code Management"
+msgstr "Správa Zdrojových Kódů"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:91
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "Paměť"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
-msgstr "System"
+msgstr "Systém"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:93
 msgid "System Utilities"
-msgstr "System Utilities"
+msgstr "Systémové nástroje"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:94
 msgid "Text Tools"
-msgstr "Text Tools"
+msgstr "Nástroje Textu"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:95
 msgid "Theming"
-msgstr "Theming"
+msgstr "Téma"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:96
 msgid "Trusted"
@@ -1169,15 +1178,15 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:98
 msgid "Universal Access"
-msgstr "Universal Access"
+msgstr "Univerzálním Přístup"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:99
 msgid "Virtualization"
-msgstr "Virtualization"
+msgstr "Virtualizace"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:100
 msgid "Window Managers"
-msgstr "Window Managers"
+msgstr "Správce Oken"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:101
 msgid "X11"
@@ -1185,32 +1194,31 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:102
 msgid "X11 (System)"
-msgstr "X11 (System)"
+msgstr "X11 (Systém)"
 #: ../gui/data/addmoresoftware.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Add More Software"
-msgstr "Nainstalujte další software"
+msgstr "Nainstalovat další software"
 #: ../gui/data/addmoresoftware.desktop.in.h:2
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
-msgstr "Instalujte, aktualizujte a odebírejte balíky softwaru"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
+msgstr "Instalovat, aktualizovat a odebírat balíčky softwaru"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
-msgstr "Správce balíků"
+msgstr "Správce balíčků"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Přidat, změnit a odstranit vydavatele a jejich repozitáře</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Použít následující změny:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:3
 msgid ""
@@ -1220,109 +1228,124 @@
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "<b>Create New Boot Environment</b>\n"
+       "<b>Vytvořit nové bootovací prostředí</b>\n"
-       "Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
-       "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
-       "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
+       "Aktualizace všech balíčků vytvoří nové bootovací prostředí (BE) jako prostředek pro aktivaci současného BE. Nové BE se zkládá z aktualizovaných balíčků a stane se výchozím po restartu systému.\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Smazat, přejmenovat a aktivovat bootovací prostředí:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Konec</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Základní</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Změnit URL adresu repozitáře</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Alias vydavatele a URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Package Name</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vydavatel byl přidán úspěšně</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zkontrolovat balíčky před odstraněním:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Search</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zobrazit Dialog</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Startup</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Spuštění</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:16
 msgid "<b>_Mirrors</b>"
-msgstr "<b>_Mirrors</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Zrcadlo</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repozitáře</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
-msgstr "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_SSL klíč a certifikát</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>_Repository:</i>"
+msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
+msgstr "<big><b>Webový Instalér Správce Balíčlů</b></big>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "About"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
-msgstr "About Glade"
+msgstr "O Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Přidat Vydavatele"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "B_rowse"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Přídávání Vydavatele Kompletní"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Provádění Změn"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "Br_owse"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Provádění změn..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
-msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
-msgstr "Browse for SSL Certificate"
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "P_rohlížet..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
-msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
-msgstr "Browse for SSL Key"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Pr_ohlížet..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
+msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
+msgstr "Hledat SSL certifikáty"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
+msgstr "Hledat SSL klíče"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Clear"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "V_yčisti vyhledávání"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "Click to get list of newest packages."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
-msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
-msgstr "Click to update all installed packages."
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Zastavit aktuální operaci"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "Kontroluji pro nejnovější verze SUNWipkg a SUNWipkg-gui, čekejte prosím ..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "Copy"
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "Kontroluji závislosti balíčků..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
+msgstr "Klikněte pro aktualizaci všech balíčků."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Potvrzení"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
@@ -1332,770 +1355,787 @@
        "All rights reserved.\n"
        "Use is subject to license terms."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "Cu_t"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
 msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "Currently active boot environment"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "Cut action"
+msgstr "Právě aktivní bootovací prostředí"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
-msgid "Dependencies"
-msgstr "Dependencies"
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "V_yřadit vše"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "Deselect selected packages"
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "Po_drobnosti"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+msgid "Dependencies"
+msgstr "Závislosti"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Popis:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
-msgstr "Details"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Download"
+msgstr "Podrobnosti"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "Nechci již informovat o tomto vydavateli."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Stahování"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Files"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
-msgid "Install"
-msgstr "Install"
+msgstr "Soubory"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "Install or Update selected packages"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Jdi na seznam _balíků"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Instalace"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
-msgstr "Install/Update"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+msgstr "Instalovat/Aktualizovat"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
-msgstr "Install/Upgrade Check"
+msgstr "Zkontrolovat Instalaci/Aktualizaci"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "Legend:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licence:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "License"
+msgid "M_irror:"
+msgstr "Z_rcadlo:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
-msgid "M_irror:"
-msgstr "M_irror:"
+msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
+msgstr "Správa Bootovacích Prostředí"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
-msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
-msgstr "Správa Bootovacích Prostředí"
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Správa vydavatelů"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "Manage Repositories"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "Spravovat _Bootovací Prostředí..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Změnit vydavatele"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
-msgstr "Modify Repository"
+msgstr "Upravit Repozitář"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Jméno:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "Package Manager Preferences"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "Paste"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "Jméno: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "Pre_ferences"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "Volby"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
-msgstr "Preparation"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+msgstr "Příprava"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
-msgstr "Processing"
+msgstr "Zpracovat"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "Vy_davatel:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Jméno Vydavatele:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "Quit application"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Ob_novit"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "Reload"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Obnovit"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
-msgid "Remote search error"
-msgstr "Remote search error"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Remove"
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "Obnovit seznam balíků a jejich stav"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Pamatovat seznam balíčků při ukončení"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
-msgid "Remove Confirmation"
-msgstr "Remove Confirmation"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "Remove selected packages"
+msgid "Remote search error"
+msgstr "chyba vzdáleného vyhledávání"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Odstranit"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
-msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
-msgstr "SSL C_ertificate: "
+msgid "Remove Confirmation"
+msgstr "Potvrzení Odstranění"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "SSL Key and Certificate"
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "SSL C_ertifikát:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "SSL _Certificate:"
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
+msgstr "SSL C_ertifikát: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
-msgstr "SSL _Key:"
+msgstr "SSL _Klíč:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:76
 msgid "SSL _Key: "
-msgstr "SSL _Key: "
+msgstr "SSL _Klíč: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "Se_arch:"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Hledat"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Search"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Chyba při hledávání vydavatele"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "Search All Repositories Error"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Chyba při hledání vydavatele"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-       "repositories:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "Select All Items"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "Select Updates"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Chyba při hledání následujících vydavatelů:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "Vybrat _Aktualizace"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "Vyberte balíčky označením pole a klikněte na Instalovat/Aktualizovat"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "Vyberte balíčky označením pole a klikněte na Odstranit vybrané"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "Select _All"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Nastavte prioritu vydavatele pomocí šipek"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "Select _Updates"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Ukázat Úvodní stránku při _startu"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Ukázat potvrzovací dialog při _mazání"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Ukázat potvrzovací dialog při _instalaci/aktualizaci"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Specifikujte jméno vydavatele a URL"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "Sho_w:"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "Úvodní _Stránka"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "Short description"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "Následující bude přidáno do systému:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "Start Page"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "Toto je zabezpečený repozitář."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "Start _Page"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "Toto je zabezpečený repozitář. "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "Tento vydavatel požaduje SSL klíč a SSL certifikát.\n"
+       "Specifikujte umístění těchto souborů."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-       "This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-       "Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-       "Browse \n"
-       "buttons to provide their location."
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Napište text, který se má vyhledat pro balíček."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "Aktualizovat Vše"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "Update All"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Náhle_d:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Přidat"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "Update all packages"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "Updates"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "_Přidat Výrobce"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Přidat..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "_O programu"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "_Alias:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "_Add"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Prohlížej..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "_Browse"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Obsah"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "_Clear"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Detaily"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "_Contents"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editovat"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "_Copy"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "_Výběr pro export..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "_Deselect All"
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Soubor"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "_Edit"
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Nápověda"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "_Instalovat/Aktualizovat"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
-msgid "_File"
-msgstr "_File"
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "_Instrukce"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
-msgid "_Help"
-msgstr "_Nápověda"
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "_Správa vydavatelů..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "_Install / Update"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "_Upravit..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "_Instructions"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_Jméno:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "_Manage Repositories..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "_Jméno: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "_Modify..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "_Name: "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "_Balíček"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "_Procházet"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "_Package"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "_Podrobnosti Registrace"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "_Paste"
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Odstranit"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "_Proceed"
+msgid "_Search"
+msgstr "_Hledat"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "_Quit"
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "_URL: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
-msgid "_Remove"
-msgstr "_Remove"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
-msgid "_Search"
-msgstr "_Search"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "_URL: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
-msgstr "_Update All"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+msgstr "_Aktualizovat Vše"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
-msgstr "_View"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-       "lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-       "add the new\n"
-       "repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
+msgstr "_Náhled"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "např. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
-       "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
-       "the initial list view."
+       "Boolean hodnota, která určí, zda má být zobrazena Úvodní stránka při spuštění nebo pohled na původní zobrazení."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
-       "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
-       "types or only when user hits the return key."
+       "Boolean hodnota, která určí, zda je hledání vykonáno dynamicky podle toho, co uživatel píše, nebo až poté, co uživatel stiskne klávesu enter."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 msgstr ""
-       "A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-       "the error dialog."
+       "Boolean hodnota, která určí, zda Správce balíčků uloží stav při ukončení a použije ho při dalším spuštění. Stavem se myslí vybraný vydavatel, velikost a pozice vodorovného a svislého rozdělovače."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "Boolean hodnota, která určí, zda se Správce balíčků spustí v módu hledání. "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "Řetězec, který určí, zda bude nebo nebude repozitář zobrazen v chybovém okně."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "Řetězec, který uloží posledního vydavatele použitého správcem balíčků."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
-       "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+       "Celočíselná hodnota, která určí počáteční hodnotu pole Ukázat filtr při startu správce balíčků. 0 odpovídá všem balíčkům."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-       "packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+       "Celočíselná hodnota, která určí, že má být roztažena úvodní horní sekce "
+       "při startu správce balíčků.   0 = \"Všechny kategorie\", 2 = \"Aplikace\" (výchozí)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
-       "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "Celočíselná hodnota, která určí počáteční výšku okna aplikace, tato hodnota je přepsána při nedostatku místa na obrazovce."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
-       "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "Celočíselná hodnota, která určí výchozí pozici vodorovného děliče okna aplikace, který odděluje panel s kategoriemi a panel se seznamem."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
-       "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "Celočíselná hodnota, která specifikuje počáteční pozici svislého děliče aplikace, který odděluje panel s podrobnostmi od panelu se seznamem."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
-       "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-       "Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-       "support remote search"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "Enable type ahead search"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "Initial application height"
+       "Celočíselná hodnota, která specifikuje počáteční šířku okna aplikace, je přepsána, pokud není dostatek místa na obrazovce."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr ""
+       "Celočíselná hodnota, která specifikuje maximální počet vstupů pro uložení hledaného řetězce."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Čárkou oddělený seznam repozitářů, který se zobrazí, pokud se při hledání narazí na chyby v API"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "Initial application width"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Zobrazí vybraného vydavatele při spuštění"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "Initial section value"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "Povolit našeptávání při hledání"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
-msgid "Initial show filter value"
-msgstr "Initial show filter value"
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "Počáteční výška aplikace"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
-msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
-msgstr "Show Start Page on startup"
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "Počáteční pozice vodorovného děliče aplikace"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
-msgid "Start Page Update URL"
-msgstr "Start Page Update URL"
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "Počáteční pozice svislého děliče aplikace"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "Počáteční šířka aplikace"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "Počáteční hodnota sekce"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
+msgid "Initial show filter value"
+msgstr "Počáteční hodnota okna Ukázat filtr"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Poslední výběr cesty pro export"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Poslední vydavatel použitý správcem balíčků"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Maximální vstup pro našeptávání při hledání"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
+msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
+msgstr "Zobrazit Úvodní Stránku při spuštění"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
+msgid "Start Page Update URL"
+msgstr "URL adresa Aktualizace Úvodní Stránky "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Spuštění v módu hledání"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-       "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "Umístění, odkud se čerpají aktualizace pro Úvodní Stránku Správce Balíčků."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "Cesta poslední sady výběru, která byla exportována ze správce balíčků"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
-msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
+msgstr "GUI nebude reagovat na žádnou událost! %s. Zkontrolujte signály webinstall.py"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       " Add New Repository\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
-msgid ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
-       " Add New Repositories\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
+       "Přidat nového vydavatele\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
-       " All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+       "Přidat nové vydavatele\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "Všechni specifikovaní vydavatelé jsou již v systému."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Instalovat Balíček\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
-       " Install Packages\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "Repository Error"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "API Error"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Chyba"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "Error reading the p5i file."
+       "Instalovat Balíčky\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (zakázaný)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Klikněte na Zpracovat <b>pouze</b> pokud věříte tomuto vydavateli "
+msgstr[1] "Klikněte na Zpracovat <b>pouze</b> pokud věříte těmto vydavatelům "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Chyba vydavatele"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Následující vydavatel je zakázaný:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Následující vydavatelé jsou zakázáni: \n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Kliknutím na OK povolíte vydavatele před zpracováním instalace. Na konci instalace bude opět zakázán."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Kliknutím na OK povolíte vydavatele před zpracováním instalace. Na konci instalace budou opět zakázáni."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Zakázat vydavatele"
+msgstr[1] "Zakázat vydavatele"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "Nepodařilo se přidat %s.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "Nebyla specifikována URI adresa"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Chyba webového instaléru"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-       "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
-       "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
+       "Knihovna <b>libbe</b> nebyla nalezena na Vašem systému.\n Všechny funkce pro správu bootovacích prostředí byla zakázána"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
-msgstr "BE management"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+msgstr "Správa BE"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
-msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+msgstr "GUI nebude reagovat na žádnou událost! %s. Zkontrolujte beadmin.py signály "
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "Potvrzení Bootovacího Prostředí"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
-msgstr "Loading Boot Environment Information"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+msgstr "Nahrávám informace o bootovacích prostředí"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
-msgstr "Fetching BE entries..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+msgstr "Získávám BE ..."
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
-msgstr "Boot Environment"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
-msgid "Created"
-msgstr "Created"
+msgstr "Bootovací prostředí"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Vytvořený"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Velikost"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
-msgstr "Active on Reboot"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+msgstr "Aktivní po restartu"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Delete"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+msgstr "Smazat"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
-msgstr "Applying changes"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+msgstr "Uplatňování změn"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
-msgstr "Applying changes, please wait ..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "Active on reboot:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Delete boot environments:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Rename boot environments:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+msgstr "Uplatňování změn, čekejte prosím..."
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Aktivní po restartu\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "Smazat\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Přejmenovat\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
-msgstr " to "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+msgstr " na "
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
-msgstr "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+msgstr "<b>Nelze změnit Aktivní Bootovací Prostředí na:</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
-msgstr "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+msgstr "<b>Nelze smazat Bootovací Prostředí:</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
-msgstr "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+msgstr "<b>Nelze přejmenovat Bootovací Prostředí:</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
-msgstr "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+msgstr "%s <b>na</b> %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
-msgstr "BE error"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+msgstr "Chyba BE"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-       "The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
-       "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "Knihovna <b>libbe</b> nemůže připravit seznam Bootovacích Prostředí.\n"
+       "Všechny funkce pro řízení Bootovacího Prostředí jsou zakázány"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
-msgstr "Preparing..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+msgstr "Příprava..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
-msgstr "Downloading..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+msgstr "Stahování..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
-msgstr "Installing..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+msgstr "Instalace..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
-msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
+msgstr "GUI nebude reagovat na žádnou událost! %s. Zkontrolujte signály  installupdate.py "
 #. We are not showing the download stage in the main stage list
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 msgid "Removing..."
-msgstr "Removing..."
+msgstr "Odstraňování..."
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:252
 msgid "Canceling..."
-msgstr "Canceling..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+msgstr "Rušení..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
-msgstr "BE name is in use"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+msgstr "Jméno BE je používáno"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
-msgstr "BE name is invalid"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+msgstr "Jméno BE je neplatné"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
-msgstr "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-       "You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-       "the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-       "certificate."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+msgstr "Ujištování, že %s je aktuální..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
-msgstr "Inventory exception:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+msgstr "Katalogová vyjímka:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-       "Please check the network connection.\n"
-       "Is the repository accessible?"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "Zkontrolujte, prosím, připojení k síti.\n"
+       "Je repositář dostupný?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2103,33 +2143,48 @@
 msgstr ""
-       "Please check the network connection.\n"
-       "Is the repository accessible?\n"
+       "Zkontrolujte, prosím, připojení k síti.\n"
+       "Je repositář dostupný?\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Nelze kontaktovat platný repozitář balíčku. Prosím zkontrolujte Vaše síťové \n"
+       "nastavení a pokuste se připojit k serveru pomocí webového prohlížeče.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
-       "updated before running Update All.\n"
-       "Please update SUNWipkg package"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5) se zdá být zastaralý a měl by být\n "
+       "aktualizován před spuštěním Aktualizovat Vše.\n"
+       "Aktualizujte prosím balíček SUNWipkg"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "Cannot remove:\n"
+       "Nelze odstranit:\n"
-       "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "Z důvodu následujících balíčků, které jsou na něm závislé:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -2137,18 +2192,18 @@
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-       "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
-       "%s is often a source of this problem."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "Selhání použití příkazu pfexec nebo gksu při spuštění\n"
+       "%s je často zdrojem totoho problému."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-       "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "K předělání indexu, použijte prosím terminálový příkaz:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
@@ -2156,27 +2211,35 @@
        "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-       "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
-       "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
-       "problem by running command:\n"
+       "Vyskytla se chyba při instalaci. Vyhledávání \n"
+       "indexu je poškozeno. Můžete zkusit vyřešit tento problém \n"
+       "spuštěním příkazu:\n"
        "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-       "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
-       "operation can't be performed."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "Toto je Live Obraz. Instalaci\n nelze provést. "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Požadovaná operace způsobí, že soubory nebudou moci být měněny v Live obrazu disku.\n"
+       "Prosím zopakujte tuto operaci na jiném bootovacím prostředí."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2184,12 +2247,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "There was an error during installation.\n"
-       "The Plan of the operation is missing and the operation\n"
-       "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
-       "problem by restarting %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "Vyskytla se chyba při instalaci.\n"
+       "Chybí plán operace a operace nemůže být \n"
+       "dokončena. Můžete zkusit vyřešit tento problém \n"
+       "restartováním %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2197,324 +2260,316 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "There was an error during installation.\n"
-       "The State of the image is incorrect and the operation\n"
-       "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
-       "problem by restarting %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "Vyskytla se chyba při instalaci.\n "
+       "Stav obrazu je nesprávný a operace nemůže být \n"
+       "dokončena. Můžete se pokusit opravit tento problém \n"
+       "restartováním %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
-msgstr "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+msgstr "Specifikování BE Jména nenní podporováno.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
-msgstr "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+msgstr "Neplatné BE Jméno: %s.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
-msgstr "Updating %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+msgstr "Aktualizace %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
-msgstr "Executing..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+msgstr "Provádění..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "Shromažďuji informace o balíčku, čekejte prosím..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
-msgstr "All packages already installed."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+msgstr "Všechny balíčky již nainstalovány."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-       "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
-       "Click Update All to update all packages."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "Vybraný(é) balíček(balíčky) nemohou být aktualizovány sami.\n"
+       "Klikněte na Aktualizovat Vše pro aktualizaci všech balíčků."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
-msgstr "Your system has already been updated."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+msgstr "Vás systém byl již aktualizován."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
-msgstr "No futher information available"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+msgstr "Žádné další informace nejsou dostupné"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-       "Error:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "Chyba:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
-msgstr " - Failed </b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+msgstr " - Neúspěšný </b>"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-       "Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-       "by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "http://defect.opensolaris.org\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "Exception value:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+       "Vyskytla se neznámá chyba ve fázi %s .\n"
+       "Prosím, informujte programátory o tomto problému vyplněním \n"
+       "formuláře níže a přiložte podrobné informace o tomto problému:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
-msgstr "Exception traceback:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "Installation completed successfully."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "Packages removed successfully."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "Packages updated successfully."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+msgstr "Vyjímka:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg verze: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "Seznam nakonfigurovaných vydavatelů:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Instalace proběhla úspěšně"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Mazání balíků proběhlo úspěšně"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Update balíků proběhlo úspěšně"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-       "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
+       "Nedostatek místa na disku, vybraná akce nemůže být provedena.\n"
-       "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
-       "cancel the action."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "Klikněte na OK pro správu Vašich nynějších BE a uvolněte místo na disku nebo na Zrušit pro zrušení akce."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
-msgstr "Not Enough Disk Space"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+msgstr "Nedostatek Místa na Disku"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
-msgstr "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+msgstr "Balíčky k Aktualiaci:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
-msgstr "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+msgstr "Balíčky k Instalaci:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
-msgstr "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "Evaluating: %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+msgstr "Balíčky k Odebrání:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Potvrzení správy vydavatelů"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
-msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "Add New Repository"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>New Repository</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "Repository Name"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+msgstr "GUI nebude reagovat na žádnou událost! %s. Zkontrolujte repository.py signály"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Vydavatel"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
-msgstr "Preferred"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+msgstr "Preferovaný"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "Povolený"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "Failed to disable %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "Failed to enable %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Please check your permissions."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-       "Is the repository accessible?"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Unexpected error.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-       "Please check your permissions."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
-msgstr "Name contains invalid characters"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+msgstr "Jméno obsahuje neplatné znaky"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
-msgstr "Name already in use"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
-msgid "URL is not valid"
-msgstr "URL is not valid"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
+msgstr "Jméno již používáno"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Přidávám vydavatele"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Ruším...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Odstraňuji vydavatele %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "Vydavatel %s úspěšně odstraněn\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Přidávám vydavatele %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Aktualizuji vydavatele %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "Vydavatel %s úspěšně přidán\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "Vydavatel %s úspěšně aktualizován\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Zakázat vydavatele:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Povolit vydavatele:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Smazat vydavatele:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Zakazování"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Povolování"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s vydavatel %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
 msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Unable to navigate to:\n"
-       "\t%s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Registration"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "Adding New Repository"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
 msgstr ""
-       "Adding:\n"
-       "\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "Failed to add %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "Failed to add %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "Failed to delete %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "Specify SSL Key File"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+       "Zrcadlo a URL repozitáře \n"
+       "musí být buď https nebo http. "
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "URL SSL musí být specifikována"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "URL SSL by neměla být specifikována"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "URI Vydavatele:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Popis:\n"
 #. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "Repository error"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Chyba vydavatele"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "Specifikujte soubor se SSL Klíčem"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "Specifikujte soubor se SSL Certifikátem"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
+msgid "URL is not valid"
+msgstr "URL není platná"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL by nemělo být specifikována"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL klíč nebyl nalezen na zadané cestě"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL certifikát nebyl nalezen na zadané cestě"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "Repozitář"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Aktivní"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registrovaní"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Jméno zrcadla"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Povoluji vydavatele"
+msgstr[1] "Povoluji vydavatele"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Zakazuji vydavatele"
+msgstr[1] "Zakazuji vydavatele"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
-       "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
+       "neznámý typ akce '%(type)s' v balíčku '%(fmri)s' v akci '%(action)s'"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown action type '%(type)s' in action '%(action)s'"
-msgstr "unknown action type '%(type)s' in action '%(action)s'"
+msgstr "neznámý typ akce '%(type)s' v akci '%(action)s'"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:106
 #, python-format
@@ -2523,7 +2578,7 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "Malformed action in package '%(fmri)s' at position: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "Poškozená akce v balíčku '%(fmri)s' na pozici: %(pos)d:\n"
        "    %(action)s\n"
@@ -2534,31 +2589,38 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "Malformed action at position: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "Poškozená akce na pozici: %(pos)d:\n"
        "    %(action)s\n"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
 msgid "invalid action in package %(fmri)s: %(action)s: %(error)s"
-msgstr "invalid action in package %(fmri)s: %(action)s: %(error)s"
+msgstr "neplatná akce v balíčku %(fmri)s: %(action)s: %(error)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:140
 #, python-format
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-msgstr "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+msgstr "neplatná akce, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
-msgstr "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+msgstr "požadovaný atribut '%s' nebyl poskytnut."
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
-msgstr "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+msgstr "požadovaný atribut '%s', nebyl poskytnut."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Neplatný pokus o změnu stavu balíčku '%(states)s' pro  balíček '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2566,12 +2628,11 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-       "Could not operate on %s\n"
-       "because of insufficient permissions. Please try the command again using "
-       "pfexec\n"
-       "or otherwise increase your privileges."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "Nelze operovat na %s\n"
+       "kvůli nedostatečným právům. Prosím zkuste příkaz spustit pomocí pfexec\n"
+       "nebo si přidejte práva."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
@@ -2579,518 +2640,677 @@
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
-       "Please\n"
-       "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "Nelze dokončit operaci kvůli nedostatečným právům. "
+       "Prosím\n"
+       "zkuste příkaz spustit pomocí pfexec nebo si přidejte práva.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-       "Could not operate on %s\n"
-       "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
-       "operation again."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "Nelze operovat na %s\n"
+       "protože soubor se teď používá. Prosím, zastavte používání souboru a \n"
+       "zkuste operaci znovu."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "Nelze dokončit operaci na %s: souborový systém je jen ke čtení\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "Nelze dokončit operaci: souborový systém je jen ke čtení."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-       "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
-       "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "Následující vzory neodpovídají žádnému balíčku v katalogu.\n"
+       "Zkuste opravit vzor nebo obnovit katalog:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
-msgstr "'%s' matches no installed packages"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+msgstr "'%s' neodpovídá žádnému nainstalovanému balíčku."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
-msgstr "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+msgstr "'%s' neplatné fmri"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
-msgstr "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+msgstr "Následující balíčky porušují podmínky:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
-msgstr "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+msgstr "'%s' podporuje následující architektury: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
-msgstr "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+msgstr "Architektura obrazu je definována jako: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' závisí na zastaralém balíčku '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "Navržená operace nemůže být provedena pro následující balíčky, protože nejsou nainstalované: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "Navržená operace nemůže být provedena pro následující balíčky, protože jsou nainstalované: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "FMRI '%s' neobsahuje informace o vydavateli a nemůže být použit pro operace s katalogem."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "Katalogový meta_root '%(root)s' je neplatný; operaci nelze dokončit: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "Následující soubory v katalogu mají nesprávná práva:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: očekávaný mód:  %(emode)s, nalezený mód: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "Podpis pro soubory katalogu '%s' je neplatný."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Nelze rozpoznat potřebné aktualizace pro současný katalog pomocí poskytnutých aktualizovaných dat v '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Nelze provést operaci '%(op)s' pro katalog %(name)s; výsledek způsobí duplicitní zápis pro balíček '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Aktualizace katalogu může být použita pouze na katalog umístěný na disku."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Soubor katalogu '%s' je neplatný."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "Nelze rozpoznat aktualizace potřebné pro katalog pomocí poskytnutých aktualizovaných dat v '%s'. Specifikované aktualizace katalogu jsou pro starší verze katalogu a nemohou být tedy použity."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' nelze nalést v katalogu."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Neznámý typ aktualizace katalogu '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "Nerozpoznaná, neznámá nebo neplatná část katalogu '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
-       "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "Nelze nalézt odpovídající balíček pro následující FRMI v katalogu pro současného vydavatele:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (vzor neodpovídá)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (vydavatel neodpovídá)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (verze neodpovídá)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "Hlednání na adrese %s nevrátilo žádný výsledek."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "Některé servery selhaly, aby odpověděly vhodně:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s nevrátil platnou odpověd.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Některé servery nepodporují požadované operace hledání:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Výkon hledání je degradován.\n"
+       "Spusťte 'pkg rebuild-index' pro zlepšení rychlosti vyhledání."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "Server, kde hledáte, nepodporuje požadovaný protokol:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-       "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
-       "publisher information: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "Zadaný soubor má nerozpoznaný formát nebo obsahuje neplatné informace o vydavateli: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-       "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
-       "publisher information."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "Zadaný soubor má nerozpoznaný formát nebo obsahuje neplatné informace o vydavateli."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
-msgstr "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+msgstr "Nepodporovaný datový formát pro pkg(5) vydavatele."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
+       "Vyskytla se chyba při stahování dat z: %s':\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
-msgstr "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+msgstr "Vyskytla se chyba při stahování dat z: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
-msgstr "'%s' is not a valid location."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+msgstr "'%s' není platné umístění."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "%s' není platné jméno bootovacího prostředí."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "Bootovací prostředí '%s' již existuje."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-       "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
-       "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "Pojmenování bootovacího prostředí během instalace balíčku není podporováno na této\n"
+       "verzi OpenSolarisu. Prosím spusťte image-update bez volby --be-name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
-msgstr "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+msgstr "Nelze vytvořit klon současného bootovacího prostředí."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-       "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
-       "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "Vyskytl se problém při pokusu přejmenovat bootovací prostředí\n"
+       "z %(orig)s na %(dest)s."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
-msgstr "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+msgstr "Nelze připojit %(name)s do %(mt)s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-       "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
-       "not allowed."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "Pojmenování bootovacího prostředí pracujícího na neživém obrazu není\n"
+       "povoleno."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
-msgstr "Info does not recognize the following options:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+msgstr "Info nerozpoznalo následující volby:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: timeout\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-       "    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-       "        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-       "the \n"
-       "        port number."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: Socket timeout"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-       "Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-       "To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "meta_root '%(root)s' vydavatele je neplatný; nelze dokončit operaci: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
-msgstr "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+msgstr "'%s' není platné jméno vydavatele."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-       "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "'%(value)s' není platná hodnota pro atribut repozitáře '%(attribute)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
-msgstr "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+msgstr "'%s' není platný typ repozitáře"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
-msgstr "'%s' is not a valid URI."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+msgstr "'%s' není platné URI."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
-msgstr "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+msgstr "'%s' není platná priorita URI; očekáváné celé číslo."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
-msgstr "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+msgstr "'%s' není platné pravidlo pro třídění URI"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
-msgstr "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+msgstr "Vydavatel '%s' je zakázán a nemůže být použit pro operace s balíčky."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
-msgstr "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+msgstr "Vydavatel se stejným jménem nebo aliasem jako '%s'. již existuje."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-       "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
-       "'%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "Repozitář se stejným jménem nebo URI již pro vydavatele '%s' existuje."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
-msgstr "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+msgstr "Zrcadlo '%s' již existuje pro specifikovaný repozitář."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
-msgstr "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+msgstr "Původní '%s' již existuje pro specifikovaný repozitář."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
-msgstr "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+msgstr "Preferovaný vydavatel nemůže být odstraněn."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
-msgstr "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+msgstr "Nelze odstranit vybraný repozitář pro vydavatele."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-       "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "Vydavatel '%s' je zakázán a nemůže být nastaven jako preferovaný vydavatel."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "Preferovaný vydavatel nemůže být zakázán. Musíte nastavit jiného vydavatele jako preferovaného a poté tohoto vydavatele zakázat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
-msgstr "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+msgstr "Neznámá platná URI adresa '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
-msgstr "Unknown publisher '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+msgstr "Neznámý vydavatel '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
-msgstr "Unknown related URI '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+msgstr "Neznámé URI '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
-msgstr "Unknown repository '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+msgstr "Neznámý repozitář '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
-msgstr "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+msgstr "Neznámé zrcadlo repozitáře '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "Vydavatel '%s' nemá žádný repozitář, který podporuje operaci  '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
-msgstr "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+msgstr "Neznámý původ repozitáře '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
-msgstr "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+msgstr "URI '%(uri)s' obsahuje nepodporované schéma '%(scheme)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
-msgstr "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+msgstr "Zadané URI neobsahuje podporované schéma."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
-msgstr "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+msgstr "'%(attr)s' není podporované pro '%(scheme)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
-       "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s', vypršel. Prosím nainstalujte si platný certifikát."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
-       "a valid certificate."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' vypršel. Prosím, nainstalujte si platný certifikát."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
-       "install a valid certificate."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s' vypršel. Prosím nainstalujte si platný certifikát."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
-msgstr "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+msgstr "Certifikát '%s' vypršel. Prosím, nainstalujte si platný certifikát."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
-       "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s' vyprší za '%(days)s' dny."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
-       "days."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' vyprší za '%(days)s' dny."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
-       "s' days."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s' vyprší za '%(days)s' dny."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
-msgstr "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+msgstr "Certifikát '%(cert)s' vyprší za '%(days)s' dny."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
-       "is invalid."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s' je neplatný"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
-msgstr "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+msgstr "Certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' je neplatný."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
-msgstr "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+msgstr "Certifikát '%(cert)s vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s', je neplatný."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
-msgstr "Invalid certificate '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+msgstr "Neplatný certifikát '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "Nelze lokalizovat klíč '%(key)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' potřebný pro přístup k %(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "Nelze lokalizovat klíč '%(key)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "Nelze lokalizovat klíč '%(key)s' potřebný pro přístup k %(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "Nelze lokalizovat klíč '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-       "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
-       "access '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "Nelze nalést certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
-msgstr "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+msgstr "Nelze nalést certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
-msgstr "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+msgstr "Nelze nalést certifikát '%(cert)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
-msgstr "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+msgstr "Nelze nalést certifikát '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
-       "has a future effective date."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s', obsahuje datum v budoucnosti."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' pro vydavatele '%(pub)s' obsahuje datum v budoucnosti."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-       "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
-       "date."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "Certifikát '%(cert)s' vyžadující přístup do '%(uri)s' obsahuje datum v budoucnosti."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
-msgstr "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+msgstr "Certifikát '%s' obsahuje datum v budoucnosti."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
-msgstr "Gave a bad response:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
-msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
-msgstr "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+msgstr "Vrácena špatná odpověď: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "Nelze nalést '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "Podpis dat pro manifest balíčku '%s' není platný"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "Podpis dat pro manifest není platný."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "obraz již existuje v: %s.\n"
+       "K přepsání použijte volbu -f (force)."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-       "with a return code of %d."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+       "Zadaná cesta k obrazu není prázdná: %s.\n"
+       "K přepsání použijte volbu -f (force)."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
+msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
+msgstr "pkg: nelze vytvořit automatický snímek. Obnova pkg je vypnuta."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: Byla zachycena systémová chyba %(e)s při vykonávání %(cmd)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' selhalo.\n"
+       "s návratovou hodnotou  %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
-msgstr "pkg: unable to activate %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+msgstr "pkg: nelze aktivovat %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
-msgstr "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+msgstr "pkg: nelze odpojit %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3099,205 +3319,230 @@
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "A clone of %s exists and has been updated and activated.\n"
-       "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
-       "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+       "Byl aktualizován a aktivován existující klon %s.\n"
+       "Bootovací prostředí %s bude při dalším restartování systému připojeno do '/'.\n"
+       "Restartujte systém, až budete připraveni přepnout do aktualizovaného BE.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
-msgstr "%s has been updated successfully"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+msgstr "%s byl úspěšně aktualizován."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-       " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
-       "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
-       "inspect it."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       " Běžící systém nebyl změněn. Změny byly provedeny pouze do klonu běžícího systému. Tento klon je připojen v %s, pokud si ho přejete prozkoumat. "
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
-msgstr "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+msgstr "pkg: nemožné vrátit zpět BE %s a obnovit obraz"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
-msgstr "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+msgstr "%s selhalo při aktualizaci. Žádné změny nebyly provedeny v %s."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
-msgstr "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+msgstr "pkg: nelze odstranit snímek %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
-msgstr "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+msgstr "pkg: nelze vytvořit BE %s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: nelze připojit BE %(name)s na %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
 msgstr ""
-       "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-       "the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-       "'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+       "Selhala aktualizace bootovacího prostředí %(name)s. Snímek. který byl vytvořen před selháním, je připojen zde %(clone_dir)s. Použijte 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' a poté 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s', pokud si přejete zavést toto bootovací prostředí."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr ""
-       "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-       "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "This server is not a valid package depot."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+       "Selhala aktualizace bootovacího prostředí %s. Před tímto selháním byl vytvořen snímek, který byl obnoven a tudíž nebyly provedy žádné změny v %s."
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
-msgstr "Before evaluation:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+msgstr "Před vyhodnocením:"
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
-msgstr "After evaluation:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+msgstr "Po vyhodnocení:"
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
-msgstr "SUNWipkg update check failed."
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+msgstr "Kontrola aktualizace SUNWipkg selhala."
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-       "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
-       "rebuilding search indexes."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "Index je poškozen nebo vypršela doba platnosti. Odstraňuji adresář se starým indexem (%s) a obnovuji indexy hledání."
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
-msgstr "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+msgstr "zapisovatelný root nelze zapsat současným id uživatele nebo skupiny"
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
-msgstr "unable to write to index directory."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Description Only)"
-msgstr "_All Repositories (Description Only)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Description Only)"
-msgstr "Search All Repositories (Description Only)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-       "Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-       "\n"
-       "Please wait ..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "All Repositories Search Results"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Všechny"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+msgstr "nelze zapsat do adresáře s indexem."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "Všechny balíčky"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "Nainstalové balíčky"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "Aktualizovat"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "Neinstalovaní Balíčky"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "Vybrané balíčky"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "Přidat..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "Všichni Výrobci (Hledání)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Potvrzení výběru k exportování"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Exportujte následující do .p5i souboru webového instaléru:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI nebude reagovat na žadnou událost! %s. Zkontrolujte declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Chyba při exportu výběru"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Výběr pro export"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "soubory p5i"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Všechny soubory"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "mé_balíčky"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Hledat (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-       "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
-       "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>Vítejte ve Správci Balíčků</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Varování: Nelze nahrát Úvodní stránku:<br>%s</font></body></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "Loading... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "selhalo při odpovědi"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "neplatná odpověď"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "Platná odpověď nebyla vrácena."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "nepodporované hledání"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Nahrávám...  %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
-msgstr "Stopped"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+msgstr "Zastaveno"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "Hotovo"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3307,332 +3552,424 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
        "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
        "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
        "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-       "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
+       "color='#0000FF'>Varování: Nelze nahrát                    URL</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "No URI specified"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Prohlédnout balíčky v %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Hledat ve %(s1)sVšech vydavatelích%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Změnit pohled na %(s1)sVšechny balíčky%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Zobrazit %(s1)sHledat nápovědup%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Nahrávám %(s1)sHledat nápovědu%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
-msgstr "Empty Action not supported"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+msgstr "Prázdná akce není podporována"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
-msgstr "Action not supported: %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+msgstr "Akce není podporována: %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Kliknutím přepnete výběr"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Jméno"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Stav"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "Repository"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "Popis"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "Updates Available"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "Vybrat vše"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
-msgstr "Not Installed"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+msgstr "Není nainstalováno"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "Dostupné aktualizace"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Získávám popis..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
-msgstr "All Categories"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+msgstr "Všechny kategorie"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
-msgstr "Meta Packages"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+msgstr "Meta balíčky"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
-msgstr "Applications"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+msgstr "Aplikace"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "Desktop (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
-msgstr "Development"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+msgstr "Vývoj"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
-msgstr "Distributions"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+msgstr "Distribuce"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
-msgstr "Drivers"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+msgstr "Ovladače"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
-msgstr "Web Services"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "All Packages"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "Installed Packages"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "Non-installed Packages"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "Webové Služby"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Prohledat všechny vydavatele"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Prohledat současného vydavatele"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'>&lt;/"
+       "TD>&lt;TD>&lt;h3>&lt;b>Prohledat všechny vydavatele&lt;/b>&lt;/h3>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD> "
+       "Použijte hledací pole pro hledání balíčku v následujících vydavatelích:"
+       "&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD>Pro zobrazení seznamu balíčků, klikněte na vydavatele :&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'>&lt;/"
+       "TD>&lt;TD>&lt;h3>&lt;b>Výsledky hledání&lt;/b>&lt;/h3>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "Nalezen &lt;b>%(num)s&lt;/b> balíček odpovídající &lt;b>%(text)s&lt;/b> ve všech balíčcích, ale není na seznamu v náhledu  &lt;b>%(filter)s&lt;/b>."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "Nalezeny &lt;b>%(num)s&lt;/b> balíčky odpovídající &lt;b>%(text)s&lt;/b> ive všech balíčcích, avšak nejsou na seznamu náhledu &lt;b>%(filter)s&lt;/b> ."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/"
+       "TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;b>Návrhy:&lt;/b>&lt;br>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "&lt;li style='padding-left:7px'>Klikněte pro změnu náhledu na &lt;a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>Všechny balíčky&lt;/a>&lt;/li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'>&lt;/"
+       "TD>&lt;TD>&lt;h3>&lt;b>Výsledky hledání&lt;/b>&lt;/h3>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD>Źádný balíček nenalezen v &lt;b>%(pub)s&lt;/b>, který by odpovídal &lt;b>%(text)s&lt;/b>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>	"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/"
+       "TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;b>Návrhy:&lt;/b>&lt;br>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Zkontrolujte pravopis&lt;/li>&lt;li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Vyzkoušejte jiné výrazy &lt;/li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "&lt;li style='padding-left:7px'>Vyhledat &lt;b>%(text)s&lt;/b> ve &lt;a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>Všech vydavatelích&lt;/a>&lt;/li>	"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "&lt;li style='padding-left:7px'>See &lt;a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Hledat nápovědu&lt;/a>&lt;/li>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "&lt;table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' >&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD>&lt;h3>&lt;b>Hledat varování&lt;/b>&lt;/h3>&lt;TD>&lt;/"
+       "TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD>Hledatní pomocí divokých karet, &lt;b>*&lt;/b>, "
+       "není podporováno ve Všech vydavatelích&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/"
+       "TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;b>Návrhy:&lt;/b>&lt;br>&lt;/TD>&lt;/TR>&lt;TR>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD>&lt;TD&lt;TD>&lt;li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Zkuste zadat jiné výrazy&lt;/li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "Všichni vydavatelé"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
-       "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-       "Please try after few seconds.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "Nelze zjistit stav výsledného hledání \n"
+       "Katalog nebyl nahrán. \n"
+       "Prosím, zkuste za pár vteřin znovu. \n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Hledání vyčištěno"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
-msgstr "Fetching legal information..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "Přidat..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "Refreshing catalogs"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "Refreshing catalogs..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+msgstr "Získávám platné informace ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "Obnovuji informace o balíčcích v katalogu"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Všechny"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "Nahrávám seznam balíčků"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Nelze přesměrovat na:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
-msgstr "Selected for Removal:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+msgstr "Vybrané pro odstranění:"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
-msgstr "Selected for Install/Update:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "Package Name"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "Fetching description..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+msgstr "Vybrané pro Instalaci/Aktualizace:"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
-msgstr "Fetching information..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+msgstr "Získávám informace ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(neinstalováno)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Žádný"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Jméno\tZávislost\tNainstalovaná verze\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-       "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "Description not available for this package..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "Toto může být způsobeno problémem sítě při připojování se k repozitáři."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
-msgstr "Files Details not available for this package..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+msgstr "Podrobnosti o souborech nejsou dostupné pro tento balíček..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
-msgstr "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+msgstr "Informace o závislostech nejsou dostupné pro tento balíček..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
-msgstr "Information not available for this package..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "Root: %s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "Dependencies:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "Summary:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "Size:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "Category:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "Installed Version:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "Latest Version:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "Packaging Date:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "Repository:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Žádný"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+msgstr "Informace nejsou dostupné pro tento balíček..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Not available"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+msgstr "Není dostupný"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "Licenci nelze zobrazit kvůli problému v konverzi."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "Vybraný vydavatel neobsahuje žádné balíčky."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Celkem: %(total)s  Vybráno: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "Vyhledávám %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s  %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Vyhledávám %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d balíčků nalezeno, které odpovídají %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "Network problem.\n"
+       "Problém sítě.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
-msgstr "Details:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Neznámá chyba"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-       "Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-       "Please reload the list of package."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "Loading Repository Information"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "Fetching package entries ..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "Searching..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s: first %d found"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: %d found"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "%d listed"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "%d selected"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "%d installed"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+msgstr "Podrobnosti:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s katalog úspěšně aktualizován:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
+       "Aktualizovat Vše je dokončeno a Správce balíčků bude zavřen.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Podívejte se na poznámky k vydání před restartováním Vašeho systému:\n"
-       "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Aktualizovat Vše dokončeno"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
-msgstr "Save selected..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+msgstr "Ukládám vybrané..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
-msgstr "Save selected packages..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+msgstr "Ukládám vybrané balíčky..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
-       "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
-       "completed."
+       "Nainstalované balíčky požadují restart systému, než instalace bude dokončena."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "Nelze inicializovat gtk"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3640,14 +3977,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3656,244 +3994,387 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
 msgstr ""
-       "Usage:\n"
-       "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "Použití:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [voby] příkaz [volby_příkazu] [operandy]\n"
-       "Packager subcommands:\n"
-       "        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+       "Podpříkazy balíčkovače:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <sekce.vlastnost>=<hodnota>\n"
        "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
-       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-       "        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
+       "        pkgsend add akce argumenty\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T vzor_souboru] bundlefile ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d adresář] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d adresář] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T vzor_souboru] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Volby:\n"
+       "        -s repo_uri     URI cílového adresáře\n"
+       "        --help or -?    zobrazí nápovědu pro použití\n"
-       "        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-       "\n"
-       "Options:\n"
-       "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
-       "        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
-       "\n"
-       "Environment:\n"
+       "Prostředí:\n"
        "        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "argument vlastnosti musí být ve formátu '<sekce.vlastnost>=<hodnota>'."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Byly zadány neplatné hodnoty konfigurace pomocí --set-property nebo požadované hodnoty chybí. Prosím zadejte správné nebo požadované hodnoty pomocí volby --set-property."
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "může být specifikováno pouze -e nebo -n"
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "open požaduje jedno jméno balíčku"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "nebylo specifikováno ID transakce pomocí -t nebo v $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "nebylo specifikováno ID transakce v $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "nebyly specifikovány argumenty pro příkaz"
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "musí být poskytnuto jméno souboru pro tuto akci"
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "Nebyl zadán argument fmri pro podpříkaz"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "řádka %d: chybí cesta"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "řádka %s: Soubor %s nenalezen"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "řádka %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
-msgstr "command does not take operands"
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "only -e or -n may be specified"
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "open requires one package name"
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "A filename must be provided for this action."
-#: ../publish.py:323
+msgstr "příkaz nemá operátory"
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
-msgstr "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+msgstr "pkgsend: neplatná globální volba -- %s"
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "neplatná volba %s -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-       "Usage:\n"
-       "        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-       "        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to download files from: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to create directory: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to extract file: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to open file: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
+       "Použití:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s zdroj_repo_uri] [-d (cesta|cílová_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|vzor) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s zdroj_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d cesta_nebo_uri  Cesta k adresáři, kam se má balíček uložit\n"
+       "                        nebo URI repozitáře, kde se má znovu publikovat. \n"
+       "                        Pokud není dostupné, výchozí hodnota je současný \n"
+       "                        pracovní adresář. Pokud je poskytnuta cesta k adresáři, \n"
+       "                        obsah balíčku bude stažen do tohoto adresáře, pokud již  \n"
+       " v tomto adresáři neexistuje\n"
+       "                        Pokud je poskytnuta URI, vytvoří se dočasný adresář   \n"
+       "a všechny data budou staženy do tohoto adresáře před tím, než \n"
+       "budou znovu publikovány.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Zobrazí tuto nápovědu.\n"
+       "        -k              Ponechá data v kompresi , toto je ignorováno\n"
+       "                        při znovu publikaci Nemělo by být použito s  "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        řídí odpovídající chování pomocí následujícíh hodnot\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                zahrnuje všechny časové známky, ne pouze\n"
+       "                                nejnovější (znamená all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                zahrnuje všechny verze, ne pouze nejnovější\n"
+       "        -n              vytvoří seznam nejnovějších verzí balíčků dostupný\n"
+       "ze zadaného repozitáře a ukončí se (všechny další volby \n"
+       "kromě -s budou ignorovány).\n"
+       "        -r              Rekurzivně vyhodnotí všechny závislosti pro \n"
+       "poskytnuté balíčky a přidá je do seznamu.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI reprezentující umístění pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repozitáře, ze kterého jsou stahována data.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Prostředí:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Cílový adresář nebo URI repozitáře\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC          URI zdrojového repozitáře"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Nelze nahrát manifest  '%s' pro balíček  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Nelze analyzovat manifest '%s' pro balíček '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Nelze zapisovat do manifestu '%s' pro balíček  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Nelze získat manifest %s z %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+msgstr "Vyskytla se chyba při čtení z:  %s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Nelze načíst obsah z: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
+msgstr "Nelze extrahovat soubor: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Error while reading from: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+msgstr "Nelze stáhnout katalog z: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Chyba: %s při čtení z: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
-msgstr "Illegal option -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "must specify a server"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+msgstr "Neplatná volba -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "Neplatná volba hodnoty -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "musí být poskytnut zdroj repozitáře"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
-msgstr "-n takes no options"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+msgstr "-n nemá žádné volby"
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
-msgstr "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "No files to retrieve."
+msgstr "musíte specifikovat alespon jedno pkgfrmi"
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "Pro vytvoření repozitáře použijte příkaz pkgsend."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "Konfigurace repozitáře není platná pro repozitář umístěný v  '%s' nebo zadaná cesta neexistuje. Prosím opravte configuraci repozitáře nebo vytvořte novou."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "Nelze vytvořit základní adresář  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Získávám manifest pro vyhodnocení závislostí ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Získávám manifest pro vyhodnocení balíčků ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving package content ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "Republishing %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-       "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
-       "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
+       "Textová zpráva popisující aktualizace se zobrazí u panelu"
+       "Oznámení, pokud budou k dispozici aktualizace, je-li nastavena na hodnotu true."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
-msgstr "How often to check for updates"
+msgstr "Jak často kontrolovat aktualizace"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
-       "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
-       "Never"
+       "Jak často kontrolovat aktualizace. Platné hodnoty jsou Denně, Týdně, Měsíčně, Nikdy"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
-msgstr "Start delay"
+msgstr "Zpoždění startu"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
 msgid "The notify icon is displayed on startup if set to true."
-msgstr "The notify icon is displayed on startup if set to true."
+msgstr "Ikona upozornění je zobrazena při startu, pokud je nastavena na true."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
 msgid ""
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
-       "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
-       "starting, before checking for updates."
+       "Čas ve vteřinách, který by měl updatemanagernotifier vyčkat po startu, než začne kontrolu aktualizací"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-       "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
-       "icon in the notification area if set to true."
+       "Program updatemanagernotifier se ukončí poté, co uživatel aktivuje ikonu v notifikační oblasti, pokud je nastaveno na true. "
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
-msgstr "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
+msgstr "Zda má být vždy zobrazena ikona při startu"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid "Whether to display text message when updates are available"
-msgstr "Whether to display text message when updates are available"
+msgstr "Zda má být zobrazena zpráva, pokud jsou k dispozici aktualizace"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid "Whether to terminate updatemanagernotiifer after icon activation."
-msgstr "Whether to terminate updatemanagernotiifer after icon activation."
+msgstr "Zda se má ukončit updatemanagernotiifer po aktivaci ikony"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Install available updates"
 msgstr "Nainstalujte dostupné aktualizace"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "Správce aktualizací"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:1
 msgid "<b>Evaluate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Evaluate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vyhodnocení</b>"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Latest Version _Details</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Latest Version _Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Podrobnosti k poslední verzi</b>"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:3
 msgid "<b>_Details</b>"
-msgstr "<b>_Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Podrobnosti</b>"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:5
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
-msgstr "Close dialog when _finished"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+msgstr "Zavřít dialog po _dokončení"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "Index"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:8
 msgid "Install Update"
-msgstr "Install Update"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+msgstr "Instalovat Aktualizace"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
-       "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
-       "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
+       "Aktualizace jsou dostupné pro následující balíčky.\n"
+       "Vyberte balíčky, které chcete aktualizovat a klikněte na instalovat."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3901,7 +4382,7 @@
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:14
 msgid "_Install Updates"
-msgstr "_Install Updates"
+msgstr "_Instalovat Aktualizace"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "_OK"
@@ -3909,7 +4390,19 @@
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:16
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
-msgstr "_Select all Updates"
+msgstr "_Vybrat Všechny Aktualizace"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
@@ -3919,383 +4412,838 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "Oznamování aktualizací"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "Fetching catalog"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "Creating Plan ... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "Creating Plan"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "Verifying: %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "Verifying"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "Completed"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
-msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "Evaluate"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "Evaluate - canceling..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "Download - canceling..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "Evaluate - failed"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "Download - failed"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "Install - failed"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "Index - failed"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+msgstr "GUI neodpovídá ná žádné události! %s. Zkontrolujte signály updatemanager.py"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-       "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
-       "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
-       "into it."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "Aktualizace jsou dostupné pro následující balíčky.\n"
+       "Klikněte na Aktualizovat Vše pro vytvoření nového bootovacího prostředí a instalaci všech balíčků."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
-msgstr "Latest Version"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+msgstr "Poslední verze"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
-msgstr "Size (Meg)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+msgstr "Velikost (MB)"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
-msgstr "count: %d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "Chyba \n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
-msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
+msgstr "počet: %d"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
 msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
 msgstr ""
+       "<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
-       "Summary:\t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Category:\t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-       "Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-       "Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-       "FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+       "Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
+msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
+msgstr "<b>No Žádné aktualizace nejsou dostupné.</b>"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-       "Fetching details for %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "Získávám informace o %s ..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-       "No details available"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Canceling update, please wait ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Unable to cancel at this time."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "Installing Updates"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "CHYBA"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "Update using: Update All\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "ERROR"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "%s\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "Žádné podrobnosti nejsou dostupné"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
-msgstr "Update All Completed"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "Nothing selected to update."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "Updating ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Evaluate\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "Update error in plan install:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "Update unexpected API error:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "Update unexpected error:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "Packages to be installed:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Update"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "Update finished successfully."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "%s Download failed:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s exceded available disc space"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s unexpected error:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+msgstr "Aktualizace Všeho dokončena"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-       "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
-       "\n"
-       "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
-       "cancel Update All."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
-msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
-msgstr "Not Enough Disc Space"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+       "Není dostatek místa na disku, akce Aktualizovat Vše nemůže být provedena.\n"
-       "Download\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Install\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "Index\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+       "Klikněte na spravovat existující BE a uvolněte místo na disku, nebo klikněte na Zrušit pro zrušení akce Aktualizace Všeho."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
+msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
+msgstr "Není dostatek místa na disku"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
-msgstr "Checking for new software"
+msgstr "Kontroluji nový software"
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
+msgid "Updates are available"
+msgstr "Aktualizace jsou dostupné"
 #: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
-msgid "Updates are available"
-msgstr "Updates are available"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-       "Updates available\n"
-       "Please click on icon to update."
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "Dostupné aktualizace\n"
+       "Prosím, klikněte na ikonu pro spuštění aktualizace."
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
-msgstr "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5) info file"
+msgstr "Jiná instance UpdateManagerNotify již běží"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s is not an install image"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "Chyba API"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Chyba"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "          Velikost:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "      Kategorie:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "Instalované:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "Dostupná verze:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "Stará verze:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "Vydavatel:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "Update Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "Obnovování katalogu selhalo:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "Hodnocení: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "Staženo %(current)s z %(total)s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "Balíčky %d z %d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "Missing type attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "Missing fmri attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "Empty path attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "No such file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a file."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "License file %s does not exist."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "Unknown img_path type."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "Removal Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "Install Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "Update Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "Index Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "Obnovování seznamu"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "Couldn't find %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s had this elf error:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Reading Existing Index"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Indexing Packages"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "missing version"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "neplatna verze"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "Not an absolute path."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "Could not parse query."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "Problem occurred with: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "repository directories incomplete"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "Could not find manifest file %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' není instalační image"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+       "known layouts:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/de.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/de.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -25,17 +25,23 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+       "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "Geben Sie 'pkg --help bzw. -?' in die Befehlszeile ein, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten."
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +64,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -83,808 +92,714 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkg [Optionen] Befehl [Befehlsoptionen] [Operanden]\n"
-"Grundlegende Unterbefehle:\n"
-"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
-"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-"        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg version\n"
-"Erweiterte Unterbefehle:\n"
-"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
-"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
-"            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
-"            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
-"            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
-"        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
-"        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
-"        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
-"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
-"            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
-"            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
-"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
-"        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
-"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
-"        pkg purge-history\n"
-"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-"        -R dir\n"
-"        --help oder -?\n"
-"        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+       "Verwendung:\n"
+       "        pkg [Optionen] command [cmd_Optionen] [Operanden]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Grundlegende Unterbefehle:\n"
+       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+       "index]\n"
+       "        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg version\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Erweiterte Unterbefehle:\n"
+       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
+       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
+       "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
+       "zone]\n"
+       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
+       "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
+       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+       "<variant_spec>=<instance>\n"
+       "            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
+       "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
+       "        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
+       "            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
+       "            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
+       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
+       "        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
+       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
+       "        pkg purge-history\n"
+       "        pkg rebuild-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Optionen:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help oder -?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Umgebung:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "-s and -v dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "bekannt"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "installiert"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "Keine Pakete installiert"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Für keine der angegebenen Pakete liegen Updates vor."
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Für keine der installierten Pakete liegen Updates vor."
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "Keine Pakete entsprechen '%s' %s"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "Keine Pakete entsprechen '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "Erstellter ZFS-Schnappschuss: %s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify: -s and -v dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Angeforderter \"fix\"-Vorgang würde sich auf Dateien auswirken, die im Live-Abbild nicht geändert werden können.\n"
+       "Versuchen Sie diesen Vorgang in einer alternativen Startumgebung erneut."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v and -q dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: Keine der Pakete, die den folgenden angegebenen Mustern entsprechen,\n"
-"sind auf dem System installiert.\n"
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg: Keine der Pakete, die den folgenden angegebenen Mustern entsprechen,\n"
+       "sind auf dem System installiert.\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
 msgstr ""
-"Alle anderen Muster entsprechen installierten Paketen.  %s"
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -s and -v dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update: Befehl akzeptiert keine Operanden ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "Kein Root-Abbild in '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "Keine Updates für dieses Abbild verfügbar."
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"image-update fehlgeschlagen (Inventory-Ausnahme):\n"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"WARNUNG: pkg(5) scheint veraltet und sollte vor Ausführung von image-update\n"
-"aktualisiert werden.\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-"Aktualisieren Sie das Update-Paket pkg(5) mithilfe von 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' und führen Sie\n"
-"image-update erneut aus."
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-"Bei der Vorbereitung von image-update ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "image-update fehlgeschlagen: %s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "image-update ist bei einem Live-Abbild nicht möglich."
-#: ../client.py:643
+       "\n"
+       "Alle anderen Muster entsprechen installierten Paketen.  %s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
 msgstr ""
-"Während image-update ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten: %s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "HINWEIS: Beachten Sie die Versionshinweise unter:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install: Mindestens ein Paketname ist erforderlich"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install: -v und -q dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s' ist kein Installationsabbild"
-#: ../client.py:745
+       "\n"
+       "Bei der Vorbereitung von %s ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s fehlgeschlagen: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s ist bei einem Live-Abbild nicht möglich."
+#: ../client.py:567
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Angeforderter \"%s\"-Vorgang würde sich auf Dateien auswirken, die im Live-Abbild nicht geändert werden können.\n"
+       "Versuchen Sie diesen Vorgang in einer alternativen Startumgebung erneut."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "Während des Vorgangs %s ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "Kein Root-Abbild in '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
 msgstr ""
-"install fehlgeschlagen (Inventory-Ausnahme):\n"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-"Bei der Vorbereitung der Installation ist ein unterwarteter Fehler aufgetreten:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "Installation fehlgeschlagen: %s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "Während der Installation ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten: %s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall: Mindestens ein Paketname ist erforderlich"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall: -v und -q dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
-#: ../client.py:857
+       "%s fehlgeschlagen (Inventory-Ausnahme):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
 msgstr ""
-"uninstall fehlgeschlagen (Inventory-Ausnahme):\n"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "Deinstallation fehlgeschlagen: %s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "Während der Deinstallation ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten: %s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-"Der Server hat ein fehlerhaftes Ergebnis zurückgegeben.\n"
-"Fehlerhafte Struktur: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+       "WARNUNG: pkg(5) ist möglicherweise veraltet und sollte vor dem Ausführen von %s\n aktualisiert werden. Aktualisieren Sie pkg(5) mit dem Befehl 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' und versuchen Sie dann den Vorgang %s erneut."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "'%s' kann aufgrund der folgenden davon abhängigen Pakete nicht entfernt werden:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v und -q dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: Keine Varianten angegeben"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: Varianten müssen die Form '<Name>=<Wert>' haben."
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: Duplizierte Variante angegeben: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "Für dieses Abbild sind keine Updates erforderlich."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "Befehl akzeptiert keine Operanden ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "Keine Updates für dieses Abbild verfügbar."
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "HINWEIS: Beachten Sie die Versionshinweise unter:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "Mindestens ein Paketname ist erforderlich"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-"Der Server hat ein fehlerhaftes Ergebnis zurückgegeben.\n"
-"Fehlerhafte Struktur:%r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "Der Server hat ein fehlerhaftes Ergebnis zurückgegeben.\n"
+       "Fehlerhafte Struktur:%r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Der Server hat eine fehlerhafte Aktion zurückgegeben.\n"
-#: ../client.py:1008
+       "Der Server hat eine ungültige Aktion zurückgegeben.\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s ist keine gültige Server-URL."
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "Mindestens ein Suchbegriff muss angegeben werden"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "Aktionsebenenoptionen ('%s') mit -o können nicht in Verbindung mit der Option -p verwendet werden"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "Der Server hat ein fehlerhaftes Ergebnis zurückgegeben:%r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "Aktionsebenenoptionen mit -o können nicht in Verbindung mit Abfragen, die Pakete zurückgeben,"
+       "verwendet werden"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-"Der Suchindex ist beschädigt. Erstellen Sie den Index mit dem Befehl 'pkg "
-"rebuild-index' neu."
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info: -l und -r dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info: Remote-Info muss für spezifische Pakete angefordert werden"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "Der Suchindex ist beschädigt. Erstellen Sie den Index mit dem Befehl 'pkg "
+       "rebuild-index' neu."
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l und -r dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "Remote-Info muss für spezifische Pakete angefordert werden"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Veraltet"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Umbenannt"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "Installiert"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "Nicht installiert"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "                            Name:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "       Zusammenfassung:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "   Beschreibung:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "                     Kategorie:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "                          Status:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Umbenannt in:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "            Herausgeber:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "                         Version:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr "               Build-Release:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "                           Zweig:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "         Packaging-Datum:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "                           Größe:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "                             FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: Keine der Pakete, die den folgenden angegebenen Mustern entsprechen,\n"
-"sind auf dem System installiert. Versuchen Sie eine Remote-Abfrage mit -r."
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+       "pkg: info: Keine der Pakete, die den folgenden angegebenen Mustern entsprechen,\n"
+       "sind auf dem System installiert. Versuchen Sie eine Remote-Abfrage mit -r:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: Keine der Pakete, die den folgenden angegebenen Mustern entsprechen,\n"
-"sind auf dem System installiert.\n Versuchen Sie die Muster zu erweitern, zu aktualisieren und/oder\n"
-"die Kataloge zu durchsuchen:"
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+       "pkg: info: Keine der Pakete, die den folgenden angegebenen Mustern entsprechen,\n"
+       "wurden im Katalog gefunden..\n Versuchen Sie die Muster zu erweitern, zu aktualisieren und/oder\n"
+       "die Kataloge zu durchsuchen:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "'%s' entspricht mehreren Paketen"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "Für die folgenden Pakete konnten keine Lizenzinformationen gefunden werden:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents: -l und -r dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents: Remote-Inhalte müssen für spezifische Pakete angefordert werden"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents: -m und %s dürfen nicht gleichzeitig angegeben werden"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiges Attribut '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg: '%s' entspricht mehreren Paketen"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents: Remote-Inhalte müssen für spezifische Pakete angefordert werden"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m und %s dürfen nicht gleichzeitig angegeben werden"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '% s' entspricht mehreren Paketen"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: Keine der Pakete, die den folgenden angegebenen Mustern entsprechen,\n"
+       "sind auf dem System installiert. Versuchen Sie eine Remote-Abfrage mit -r:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: Keine der Pakete, die den folgenden angegebenen Mustern entsprechen,\n"
+       "sind auf dem System installiert.\n Versuchen Sie die Muster zu erweitern, zu aktualisieren und/oder\n"
+       "die Kataloge zu durchsuchen:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg: Kataloge %s/%s erfolgreich aktualisiert:"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "Aufgrund unzureichender Berechtigungen konnte Katalog für '%s' nicht aktualisiert werden."
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "Aufgrund unzureichender Berechtigungen konnte ein Katalog nicht aktualisiert werden."
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Führen Sie den Befehl mit pfexec erneut aus, oder erweitern Sie \n"
-"    Ihre Berechtigungen. "
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "'pkg publisher' zeigt eine Liste der Herausgeber an."
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "Der Name eines Herausgebers ist erforderlich."
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "Sie können nur einen Namen für den Herausgeber angeben."
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "Die Optionen -p und -d können nicht  gemeinsam verwendet werden."
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"Herausgeber ist nicht vorhanden. Definieren Sie mit -O den ursprünglichen URI für den neuen Herausgeber."
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "Herausgeber ist nicht vorhanden. Definieren Sie mit -O den ursprünglichen URI für den neuen Herausgeber."
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Die ursprünglichen URIs für '%s' zeigen nicht auf einen gültigen PKG-Server.\n"
-"Prüfen Sie die Adresse des Servers und die Netzwerkkonfiguration des Clients.\n"
-"Zusätzliche Details:\n"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+       "Die ursprünglichen URIs für '%(pubname)s' zeigen nicht auf einen gültigen PKG-Server.\n"
+       "Prüfen Sie die Adresse des Servers und die Netzwerkkonfiguration des Clients.\n"
+       "Zusätzliche Details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "Es muss mindestens ein Herausgeber angegeben werden"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "'%(pub)s' konnte nicht entfernt werden: %(msg)s ."
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "TYP"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "STATUS"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(bevorzugt)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(deaktiviert)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "ursprünglich"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "spiegel"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              SSL-Schlüssel:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "              SSL-Zert.:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr " Gültigkeitsdatum Zertifikat:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "Ablaufdatum Zertifikat:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           Ursprünglicher URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           Gespiegelter URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "            Herausgeber:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                Alias:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          Client-UUID:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "       Aktualisierter Katalog:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "              Aktiviert:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "Nein"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Ja"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property: Eigenschaftsname und -wert erforderlich"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"Ändern Sie den bevorzugten Herausgeber mit set-property: set-publisher."
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property: erfordert mindestens einen Eigenschaftsnamen"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"Ändern Sie den bevorzugten Herausgeber mit unset-property: set-publisher."
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property: Eigenschaft existiert nicht: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "Eigenschaftsname und -wert erforderlich"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "Ändern Sie den bevorzugten Herausgeber mit: set-publisher."
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "Erfordert mindestens einen Eigenschaftsnamen"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "Eigenschaft existiert nicht: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property: Eigenschaft existiert nicht: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-"Für image-create ist ein Herausgeberargument der Form '<Präfix>=<URL>' erforderlich."
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-"Für image-create sind unterschiedliche Argumente der Form '<Name>=<Wert>' erforderlich."
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create erfordert einen einzigen Abbild-Verzeichnispfad"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL-Schlüsseldatei '%s' ist nicht vorhanden."
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL-Schlüsselzertifikat '%s' ist nicht vorhanden."
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "Für image-create ist ein Herausgeberargument erforderlich."
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create erfordert, dass ein Präfix nicht Folgendem entspricht: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: Herausgeberpräfix enthält ungültige Zeichen."
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create: Herausgeber-URI ist ungültig."
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "Abbild ist bereits vorhanden unter: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "Verwenden Sie die Option -f (force) zum Überschreiben."
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "Verzeichnis %s ist nicht leer"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "Abbild kann nicht erstellt werden in: %s: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "Das Herausgeberargument muss die Form '<Präfix>=<URL>' haben."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "Variantenargumente müssen die Form '<Name>=<Wert>' haben."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "Es darf nur ein Abbildverzeichnispfad angegeben werden"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "Es muss ein Herausgeber angegeben werden"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "Das Präfix eines Herausgebers darf nicht mit folgendem Text beginnen: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "Das Herausgeberpräfix enthält ungültige Zeichen"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "Erstellen von Abbild nicht möglich in %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Der URI für '%s' zeigt nicht auf einen gültigen PKG-Server.\n"
-"Prüfen Sie die Adresse des Servers und die Netzwerkkonfiguration des Clients.\n"
-"Zusätzliche Details:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index: Befehl akzeptiert keine Operanden ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H und -I dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+       "Der URI für '%(pub_url)s' zeigt nicht auf einen gültigen PKG-Server.\n"
+       "Prüfen Sie die Adresse des Servers und die Netzwerkkonfiguration des Clients.\n"
+       "Zusätzliche Details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H und -I dürfen nicht kombiniert werden"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "ZEIT"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "VORGANG"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "CLIENT"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "ERGEBNIS"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "In der Umgebung ist folgende Proxy-Konfiguration festgelegt:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "unzulässige globale Option -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s erfordert ein Argument der Form Name=Wert, nicht %(arg)s."
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "Es wurde kein Unterbefehl angegeben"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "-R für %s Unterbefehl nicht zulässig"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "unzulässige Option %s -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "unzulässige Option -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version: Befehl akzeptiert keine Operanden ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
 msgstr ""
-"Abbild nicht gefunden. Verwenden Sie die Option -R, legen Sie $PKG_IMAGE für ein\n"
-"Abbild fest, oder ändern Sie das Arbeitsverzeichnis zu einem innerhalb des Abbilds."
-#: ../client.py:2485
+       "Abbild nicht gefunden. Verwenden Sie die Option -R, legen Sie $PKG_IMAGE für ein\n"
+       "Abbild fest, oder ändern Sie das Arbeitsverzeichnis zu einem innerhalb des Abbilds."
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "Kein Abbild gefunden."
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "Client-Konfigurationsfehler: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "Historie geleert"
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "unbekannter Unterbefehl '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Maximale Anzahl der Netzwerkwiederholungen beim Download überschritten. Details:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-"Fehler beim Abrufen von Paket- oder Dateidaten "
-"für den angeforderten Vorgang."
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-"Es konnte kein gültiges Paketdepot kontaktiert werden. Dies kann an einem Problem mit "
-"dem Server, der Netzwerkkonfiguration oder der "
-"PKG-Client-Konfiguration liegen. Prüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkeinstellungen, und versuchen"
-" Sie, eine Serververbindung über einen Web-Browser herzustellen."
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Zusätzliche Details:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-"Fehler beim Laden der Historie-Daten\n"
-"vergangener Client-Vorgänge."
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-"Fehler beim Speichern der Daten des\n"
-"aktuellen Vorgangs in der Client-Historie."
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "Fehler beim Leeren der Client-Historie"
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-"Der Befehl pkg stimmt nicht mit den Bibliotheken \n"
-"von SUNWipkg überein. Die Client-Version ist %(client)s und die Bibliothek-API-Version "
-"ist %(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -893,11 +808,113 @@
 "problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
 "above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
 msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Dies ist ein interner Fehler. Bitte informieren Sie die Entwickler,\n"
+       "indem Sie den Fehler unter http://defect.opensolaris.org protokollieren. Geben Sie\n"
+       "die oben stehenden Traceback-Daten und diese Meldung an. Die pkg(5)-Version ist '%s'."
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Fehler beim Abrufen von Paket oder Dateidaten "
+       "für\n"
+       "den angeforderten Vorgang."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Details folgen:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Es konnte kein gültiges Paketdepot kontaktiert werden. Dies kann an einem Problem mit "
+       "dem Server, der Netzwerkkonfiguration oder der "
+       "PKG-Client-Konfiguration liegen. Prüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkeinstellungen, und versuchen"
+       " Sie, eine Serververbindung über einen Web-Browser herzustellen."
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Zusätzliche Details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "Fehler beim Laden der Historie-Daten\n"
+       "vergangener Client-Vorgänge."
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "Fehler beim Speichern der Daten des\n"
+       "aktuellen Vorgangs in der Client-Historie."
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Leeren der Client-Historie"
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Der Befehl pkg stimmt nicht mit den Bibliotheken \n"
+       "von SUNWipkg überein. Die Client-Version ist %(client)s und die Bibliothek-API-Version "
+       "ist %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
-"Dies ist ein interner Fehler. Bitte informieren Sie die Entwickler,\n"
-"indem Sie den Fehler unter http://defect.opensolaris.org protokollieren. Geben Sie\n"
-"die oben stehenden Traceback-Daten und diese Meldung an. Die pkg(5)-Version ist '%s'."
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Trotz des Fehlers bei der Indexerstellung wurde das Abbild-Update, die Installation oder Deinstallation\n"
+       "erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
@@ -1143,7 +1160,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "Speicher"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "System"
@@ -1196,17 +1213,16 @@
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
 msgstr "Installieren, Aktualisieren und Entfernen von Softwarepaketen"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "Package Manager"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Fügen Sie neue Repositorys hinzu, und verwalten Sie vorhandene Repositorys.</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Herausgeber und ihre Repositorys hinzufügen, ändern und entfernen</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1220,36 +1236,43 @@
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>Neue Startumgebung erstellen</b>\n"
-"Durch die Funktion Alle aktualisieren wird eine neue Startumgebung (SU) zur Archivierung der "
-"aktuellen SU erstellt. Die neue SU besteht aus den aktualisierten"
-"Paketen und wird bei einem Neustart des Systems "
-" als Standard-SU verwendet.\n"
+       "<b>Neue Startumgebung erstellen</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Durch die Funktion Alle aktualisieren wird eine neue Startumgebung (SU) zur Archivierung der aktuellen SU erstellt. Die neue SU besteht aus den aktualisierten Paketen und wird bei einem Neustart des Systems"
+       " als Standard-SU verwendet."
+       "\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Startumgebungen löschen, umbenennen und aktivieren:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Beenden</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Startumgebungen löschen, aktivieren und umbenennen.</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Allgemein</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Repository-URL ändern</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>PAKETNAME</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Herausgeber-Alias und URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Paketname</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Herausgeber erfolgreich hinzugefügt</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Zu entfernende Pakete prüfen:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Suchen</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dialogfeld anzeigen</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1260,233 +1283,234 @@
 msgstr "<b>_Spiegel</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>_SSL-Schlüssel und -Zertifikat</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repositorys</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_SSL-Schlüssel und -Zertifikat</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>Repository:</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "Info"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "Info zu Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Herausgeber hinzufügen"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "D_urchsuchen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "Bestätigung Startumgebung "
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Hinzufügen des Herausgebers abgeschlossen"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Änderungen werden ausgeführt"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "Du_rchsuchen"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Änderungen werden ausgeführt..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "D_urchsuchen..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Du_rchsuchen..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "SSL-Zertifikat suchen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "SSL-Schlüssel suchen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "Die aktuellsten SUNWipkg und SUNWipkg-gui werden gesucht. Bitte warten..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "Überprüfen der Paketabhängigkeiten..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Löschen"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "S_uche löschen"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "Klicken Sie, um eine Liste der neuesten Pakete zu erhalten."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Aktuellen Vorgang abbrechen"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "Die aktuellsten SUNWipkg und SUNWipkg-gui werden gesucht. Bitte warten..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "Überprüfen der Paketabhängigkeiten..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "Klicken Sie, um alle installierten Pakete zu aktualisieren."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "Kopieren"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Bestätigung"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
 "Use is subject to license terms."
 msgstr ""
-"Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.\n"
-"Alle Rechte vorbehalten.\n"
-"Die Nutzung unterliegt den Lizenzbedingungen."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "Ausschnei_den"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
-msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "Derzeit aktive Startumgebung"
+       "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.\n"
+       "Alle Rechte vorbehalten.\n"
+       "Die Nutzung unterliegt den Lizenzbedingungen."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "Ausschneideaktion"
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "Derzeit aktive Startumgebung"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "A_uswahl für alle aufheben"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "D_etails"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "Abhängigkeiten"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "Auswahl der Pakete aufheben"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Beschreibung:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Details"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "Nicht erneut über diese Repositorys informieren."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "Nicht erneut über diese Herausgeber informieren."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Download"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Dateien"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Hilfe"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Zur Paket_liste wechseln"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "Installieren"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "Ausgewählte Pakete installieren oder aktualisieren"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "Installation/Aktualisierung"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "Installations-/Aktualisierungsüberprüfung"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "Legende:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Lizenz"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "Lizenz"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "S_piegeln:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "Startumgebungen verwalten"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Herausgeber verwalten"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "Repositorys verwalten"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "_Startumgebungen verwalten..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "_Startumgebungen verwalten..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Herausgeber ändern"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "Repository ändern"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "                            Name:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "Package Manager - Einstellungen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "Einfügen"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "                            Name: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "Ein_stellungen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "Einstellungen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "Vorbereitung"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "Nur fortfahren, wenn Sie dieses neue Repository als vertrauenswürdig erachten "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "Verarbeitung"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "He_rausgeber:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Herausgebername:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "Anwendung verlassen"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Ak_tualisieren"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "Neu laden"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Aktualisieren"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "Liste der Pakete und Paketstatus aktualisieren"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Ausgewählten Herausgeber beim _Beenden speichern"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "Fehler bei der Remote-Suche"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Entfernen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "Bestätigung für Entfernen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "Ausgewählte Pakete entfernen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "SSL-Z_ertifikat:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "SSL-Z_ertifikat: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "SSL-Schlüssel und -Zertifikat"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "SSL-_Zertifikat"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "SSL-_Schlüssel:"
@@ -1496,556 +1520,607 @@
 msgstr "SSL-_Schlüssel: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "Su_che:"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Suche"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Suche"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Durchsuchen von Herausgebern "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "Fehler bei Alle Repositorys durchsuchen"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Durchsuchen von Repositorys"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Alle Repositorys durchsuchen kann für die folgenden Repositorys\n"
-"nicht ausgeführt werden:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "Alle Elemente auswählen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "Updates auswählen"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Fehler bei folgenden Herausgebern suchen:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "_Updates auswählen"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "Wählen Sie die Pakete, indem Sie das Kontrollkästchen markieren, und klicken Sie auf 'Installation/Aktualisierung'."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "Wählen Sie die Pakete, indem Sie das Kontrollkästchen markieren, und klicken Sie auf 'Ausgewählte Pakete entfernen'."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "Alles _auswählen"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Herausgeberprioritäten mit Pfeilen festlegen"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "_Updates auswählen"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Beim _Starten Startseite anzeigen"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie aus der Liste, um die vorhandenen Repositorys zu ändern oder zu entfernen."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Beim _Löschen Bestätigungsdialogfeld anzeigen"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie die Pakete, indem Sie das Kontrollkästchen markieren, und klicken Sie auf 'Installation/Aktualisierung'."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Bei _Installation/Aktualisierung Bestätigungsdialogfeld anzeigen"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie die Pakete, indem Sie das Kontrollkästchen markieren, und klicken Sie auf 'Ausgewählte Pakete entfernen'."
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Geben Sie den Herausgebernamen und die URL an"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "Anzeige_n:"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "Start_seite "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "Kurzbeschreibung"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "Ihrem System wird Folgendes hinzugefügt:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "Startseite "
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "Dies ist ein sicheres Repository."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "Start_seite "
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "Dies ist ein sicheres Repository. "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "Ihrem System wird Folgendes hinzugefügt"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "Dies ist ein sicheres Repository. "
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "Dieser Herausgeber verlangt einen SSL-Schlüssel und ein SSL-Zertifikat.\n"
+       "Geben Sie den Speicherort dieser Dateien an."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-"Für dieses Repository sind SSL-Schlüssel und -Zertifikat erforderlich.\n"
-"Geben Sie den Speicherot dieser Dateien in den dafür vorgesehenen Bereichen ein, oder suchen"
-"Sie den Speicherort\n"
-"mit den Durchsuchen-Schaltflächen."
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Geben Sie Text für die Suche nach dem Paket ein."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "Alles aktualisieren"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "Geben Sie den gesuchten Namen und die Beschreibung des Pakets ein."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "Alles aktualisieren"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Ansich_t:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Hinzufügen"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "Alle Pakete aktualisieren"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "Updates"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "Herausgeber _hinzufügen..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Hinzufügen..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "_Info"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "_Alias:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "_Hinzufügen"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Durchsuchen..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "_Durchsuchen"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Inhalt"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "_Löschen"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "_Inhalt"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Bearbeiten"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "_Kopieren"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "Auswahl _exportieren..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "_Auswahl aufheben"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "_Bearbeiten"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "Suche mit Type Ahead _aktivieren (langsam bei großen Repositorys)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_Datei"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "_Hilfe"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "_Installation/Aktualisierung"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "_Anweisungen"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "Herausgeber _verwalten..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "_Installation/Aktualisierung"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "_Ändern..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "_Anweisungen"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_Name: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "_Repositorys verwalten..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "_Name: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "_Ändern..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "_Name: "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "_Paket"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "_Fortfahren"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "_Paket"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "_Registrierungsdetails"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "_Einfügen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "_Fortfahren"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "_Beenden"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "_Entfernen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "_Suchen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "_Startseite beim Starten anzeigen    "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "_URL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "_URL: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "_Alles aktualisieren"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "_Ansicht"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn für das Repository ein SSL-Schlüssel und ein SSL-Zertifikat erforderlich sind oder das Repository über Spiegel verfügt, "
-"fügen Sie das neue\n"
-"Repository hinzu, und klicken Sie auf Bearbeiten, um zusätzliche Informationen hinzuzufügen."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "Beispiel: http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
-"Ein boolescher Wert, der festlegt, ob beim Starten die Startseite oder "
-"die Ausgangslistenansicht angezeigt werden soll."
+       "Ein boolescher Wert, der festlegt, ob beim Starten die Startseite oder "
+       "die Ausgangslistenansicht angezeigt werden soll."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
-"Ein boolescher Wert, der festlegt, ob die Suche dynamisch beim "
-"Eingeben des Benutzers ausgeführt wird oder erst, wenn der Benutzer die Eingabetaste drückt."
+       "Ein boolescher Wert, der festlegt, ob die Suche dynamisch beim "
+       "Eingeben des Benutzers ausgeführt wird oder erst, wenn der Benutzer die Eingabetaste drückt."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 msgstr ""
-"Eine Zeichenfolge, die festlegt, ob das entfernte Such-Repository im "
-"Fehlerdialogfeld angezeigt wird."
+       "Ein boolescher Wert, der festlegt, ob Package Manager seinen Status beim "
+       "Beenden speichern und ihn beim Neustart wiederverwenden soll. Der Status besteht aus dem ausgewählten Herausgeber und der Größe "
+       "und Position der horizontalen und vertikalen Trennlinien."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "Ein boolescher Wert, der festlegt, ob Package Manager im Suchmodus starten soll."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "Eine Zeichenfolge, die festlegt, ob das Repository im Fehlerdialogfeld angezeigt wird oder "
+       "nicht."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "Eine Zeichenfolge, in der der zuletzt von Package Manager verwendete Herausgeber gespeichert ist."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
-"Eine Ganzzahl, die angibt, welcher Wert für Filter anzeigen beim "
-"Start von Package Manager angezeigt werden soll. 0 entspricht Alle Pakete. "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+       "Eine Ganzzahl, die angibt, welcher Wert für Filter anzeigen beim "
+       "Start von Package Manager angezeigt werden soll. 0 entspricht Alle Pakete. "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
 msgstr ""
-"Eine Ganzzahl, die angibt, welcher Ausgangswert für die obere Ebene beim "
-"Start von Package Manager angezeigt werden soll. 0 entspricht Alle Kategorien."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+       "Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche oberste Abschnittsebene angibt, die beim Start von Package Manager erweitert werden soll. "
+       "0 = \"Alle Kategorien\", 2 = \"Anwendungen\" (Standardeinstellung)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-"Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche Höhe für das Hauptfenster der Anwendung angibt. "
-"Dieser Wert wird überschrieben, wenn nicht genügend Platz am Bildschirm vorhanden ist."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche Höhe für das Hauptfenster der Anwendung angibt. "
+       "Dieser Wert wird überschrieben, wenn nicht genügend Platz am Bildschirm vorhanden ist."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-"Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche Position für die horizontalen Trennlinie der"
-"Anwendung angibt, durch die der Kategoriebereich vom Listenbereich getrennt wird."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche Position für die horizontalen Trennlinie der"
+       "Anwendung angibt, durch die der Kategoriebereich vom Listenbereich getrennt wird."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-"Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche Position für die vertikale Trennlinie der "
-"Anwendung angibt, durch die der Detailbereich vom Listenbereich getrennt wird."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche Position für die vertikale Trennlinie der "
+       "Anwendung angibt, durch die der Detailbereich vom Listenbereich getrennt wird."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-"Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche Breite für das Hauptfenster der Anwendung angibt. "
-"Dieser Wert wird überschrieben, wenn nicht genug Platz am Bildschirm vorhanden ist."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-"Kommagetrennte Liste der Repositorys, die angezeigt wird, "
-"wenn die Remote-Suche nicht unterstützt wird."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "Suche mit Type Ahead aktivieren"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "Anfängliche Höhe der Anwendung"
+       "Eine Ganzzahl, die die anfängliche Breite für das Hauptfenster der Anwendung angibt. "
+       "Dieser Wert wird überschrieben, wenn nicht genug Platz am Bildschirm vorhanden ist."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "Anfängliche Position der horizontalen Trennlinie der Anwendung"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr ""
+       "Eine Ganzzahl, die die für den Abschluss der Suche maximal zu speichernde Anzahl von Einträgen angibt."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "Anfängliche Position der vertikalen Trennlinie der Anwendung"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Durch Komma getrennte Liste mit Repositorys, die angezeigt wird, wenn beim Durchsuchen "
+       "API-Fehler vorhanden sind"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "Anfängliche Breite der Anwendung"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Ausgewählten Herausgeber beim Start anzeigen"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "Ausgangswert für Abschnitt"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "Suche mit Type Ahead aktivieren"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "Anfängliche Höhe der Anwendung"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "Anfängliche Position der horizontalen Trennlinie der Anwendung"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "Anfängliche Position der vertikalen Trennlinie der Anwendung"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "Anfängliche Breite der Anwendung"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "Ausgangswert für Abschnitt"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "Ausgangswert für Filter Anzeigen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Zuletzt verwendeter Pfad für \"Auswahl exportieren\""
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Zuletzt von Package Manager verwendeter Herausgeber"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Maximum an Einträgen für Abschluss der Suche"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "_Startseite beim Starten anzeigen"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "URL Startseite aktualisieren"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Im Suchmodus starten"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-"Der Speicherort, von dem Aktualisierungen in die Startseite von Package Manager abgerufen werden."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "Der Speicherort, von dem Aktualisierungen in die Startseite von Package Manager abgerufen werden."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "Der Pfad des zuletzt von Package Manager exportierten Auswahlsatzes."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI reagiert auf kein Ereignis! %s.                             Überprüfen Sie die webinstall.py-Signale."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-" Neues Repository hinzufügen\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-" Neue Repositorys hinzufügen\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-" Alle angegebenen Repositorys und Pakete sind im System bereits vorhanden.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Neuen Herausgeber hinzufügen\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Neue Herausgeber hinzufügen\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "Alle angegebenen Herausgeber sind bereits im System."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Paket installieren\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Pakete installieren\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (deaktiviert)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Klicken Sie <b>nur dann</b> auf \"Fortfahren\", wenn Sie diesem neuen Herausgeber vertrauen. "
+msgstr[1] "Klicken Sie <b>nur dann</b> auf \"Fortfahren\", wenn Sie diesen neuen Herausgebern vertrauen. "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Herausgeberfehler"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "Der folgende Herausgeber ist deaktiviert:\n"
+msgstr[1] "Die folgenden Herausgeber sind deaktiviert:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
-" Pakete installieren\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "Nur fortfahren, wenn Sie diese neuen Repositorys als vertrauenswürdig erachten"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "Repository-Fehler"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "API-Fehler"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Fehler"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen der p5i-Datei."
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Wenn Sie auf OK klicken, wird der Herausgeber aktiviert, bevor Sie mit der Installation fortfahren. Bei "
+       "Abschluss der Installation wird der Herausgeber wieder deaktiviert."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Wenn Sie auf OK klicken, werden die Herausgeber aktiviert, bevor Sie mit der Installation fortfahren.\n "
+       "Bei Abschluss der Installation wird der Herausgeber wieder deaktiviert."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Deaktivierter Herausgeber"
+msgstr[1] "Deaktivierte Herausgeber"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "%s konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "Kein URI angegeben"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Fehler des Webinstallationsprogramms"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"Die Bibliothek <b>libbe</b> wurde auf Ihrem System nicht gefunden.\n"
-"Alle Funktionen zur Verwaltung der Startumgebung sind deaktiviert"
+       "Die Bibliothek <b>libbe</b> wurde auf Ihrem System nicht gefunden.\n"
+       "Alle Funktionen zur Verwaltung der Startumgebung sind deaktiviert"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
 msgstr "SU-Verwaltung"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI reagiert auf kein Ereignis! %s. Überprüfen Sie die beadmin.py-Signale."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "Bestätigung Startumgebung "
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "Startumgebungsdaten werden geladen"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
 msgstr "SU-Einträge werden abgerufen"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "Startumgebung"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "Erstellt"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Größe"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "Aktiv bei Neustart"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Löschen"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "Änderungen werden ausgeführt"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "Änderungen werden ausgeführt. Bitte warten..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "Beim Systemneustart aktiv:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Startumgebungen löschen:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Startumgebungen umbenennen:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Beim Systemneustart aktiv\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "Löschen\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Umbenennen\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr " in "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Aktive Startumgebung konnte nicht geändert werden:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Folgende Startumgebungen konnten nicht gelöscht werden:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Folgende Startumgebungen konnten nicht umbenannt werden:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
-msgstr "%s <b>in</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+msgstr "%s < <b>>in</</b> %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "SU-Fehler"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"Die Bibliothek <b>libbe</b> konnte keine Liste der Startumgebungen erstellen.\n"
-"Alle Funktionen zur Verwaltung der Startumgebungen sind deaktiviert"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "Die Bibliothek <b>libbe</b> konnte keine Liste der Startumgebungen erstellen.\n"
+       "Alle Funktionen zur Verwaltung der Startumgebungen sind deaktiviert"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "Vorbereitung..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "Download..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "Installation..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI reagiert auf kein Ereignis! %s. Überprüfen Sie die installupdate.py-Signale."
@@ -2059,44 +2134,32 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "Vorgang wird abgebrochen..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "Name für Startumgebung wird bereits verwendet."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "Name für Startumgebung ist ungültig."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "Es wird sichergestellt, dass %s auf dem aktuellen Stand ist..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Fehler beim Zugriff auf das beschränkte Repository.\n"
-"Für den Zugriff auf das Repository müssen Sie entweder registriert sein,\n"
-"benötigen ein nicht abgelaufenes Zertifikat oder müssen das Repository-Zertifikat\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "Inventory-Ausnahme:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-"Überprüfen Sie die Netzwerkverbindung.\n"
-"Ist das Repository verfügbar?"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "Überprüfen Sie die Netzwerkverbindung.\n"
+       "Ist das Repository verfügbar?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2104,80 +2167,104 @@
 msgstr ""
-"Überprüfen Sie die Netzwerkverbindung.\n"
-"Ist das Repository verfügbar?\n"
+       "Überprüfen Sie die Netzwerkverbindung.\n"
+       "Ist das Repository verfügbar?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Verbindung mit gültigem Paketdepot nicht möglich. Prüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerk-\n"
+       "einstellungen und versuchen Sie über einen Webbrowser erneut, eine Verbindung mit dem Server herzustellen.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg(5) scheint veraltet zu sein und sollte vor der\n"
-" Ausführung von 'Alles aktualisieren' aktualisiert werden.\n"
-"Aktualisieren Sie das SUNWipkg-Paket"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5) scheint veraltet zu sein und sollte vor der"
+       " Ausführung von 'Alles aktualisieren' aktualisiert werden.\n"
+       "Aktualisieren Sie das SUNWipkg-Paket"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Kann nicht entfernt werden:\n"
-"Aufgrund der folgenden abhängigen Pakete:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "Kann nicht entfernt werden:\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "Aufgrund der folgenden abhängigen Pakete:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-"pfexec oder gksu werden beim Ausführen nicht konsistent verwendet\n"
-"%s ist häufig eine Ursache des Problems."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "\n"
+       "pfexec oder gksu werden beim Ausführen nicht konsistent verwendet\n"
+       "%s ist häufig eine Ursache des Problems."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-"Um den Index neu aufzubauen, verwenden Sie den Terminal-Befehl:"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "\n"
+       "Um den Index neu aufzubauen, verwenden Sie den Terminal-Befehl:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"Bei der Installation trat ein Fehler auf. Der\n"
-"Suchindex wurde beschädigt. Eventuell können Sie das Problem\n"
-"durch Ausführen dieses Befehls beheben:\n"
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+       "Bei der Installation trat ein Fehler auf. Der\n"
+       "Suchindex wurde beschädigt. Eventuell können Sie das Problem\n"
+       "durch Ausführen dieses Befehls beheben:\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-"Dies ist ein Live-Abbild. Die Installation\n"
-"kann nicht durchgeführt werden."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "Dies ist ein Live-Abbild. Die Installation\n"
+       "kann nicht durchgeführt werden."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Der angeforderte Vorgang würde sich auf Dateien auswirken, die im Live-Abbild nicht geändert werden können.\n"
+       "Versuchen Sie diesen Vorgang in einer alternativen Startumgebung erneut."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2185,12 +2272,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Bei der Installation trat ein Fehler auf.\n"
-"Es ist kein Plan für den Vorgang vorhanden und der Vorgang\n"
-"kann nicht abgeschlossen werden. Versuchen Sie, das Problem zu beheben, indem Sie\n"
-"%s\n neu starten."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "Bei der Installation trat ein Fehler auf.\n"
+       "Es ist kein Plan für den Vorgang vorhanden und der Vorgang\n"
+       "kann nicht abgeschlossen werden. Versuchen Sie, das Problem zu beheben, indem Sie\n"
+       "%s\n neu starten."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2198,319 +2285,312 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Bei der Installation ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n"
-"Der Status des Abbilds ist nicht korrekt und der Vorgang\n"
-"kann nicht abgeschlossen werden. Versuchen Sie, das Problem zu beheben, indem Sie\n"
-"%s\n neu starten."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "Bei der Installation ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n"
+       "Der Status des Abbilds ist nicht korrekt und der Vorgang\n"
+       "kann nicht abgeschlossen werden. Versuchen Sie, das Problem zu beheben, indem Sie\n"
+       "%s\n neu starten."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "Die Angabe des Namens für die Startumgebung wird nicht unterstützt.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Name für Startumgebung: %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "%s wird aktualisiert"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "Wird ausgeführt..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
 msgstr "Paketinformationen werden gesammelt. Bitte warten..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "Alle Pakete wurden bereits installiert."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-"Die ausgewählten Pakete können nicht alleine aktualisiert werden.\n"
-"Klicken Sie auf Alle Aktualisieren, um alle Pakete zu aktualisieren."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "Die ausgewählten Pakete können nicht alleine aktualisiert werden.\n"
+       "Klicken Sie auf Alle Aktualisieren, um alle Pakete zu aktualisieren."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "Das System wurde bereits aktualisiert."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "Keine weiteren Informationen verfügbar"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "\n"
+       "Fehler:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr " - Fehler </b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"In der Phase %s ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten.\n"
-"Melden Sie dieses Problem den Entwicklern,\n"
-"indem Sie den Fehler mit Ausnahmewert angeben unter:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "Ausnahmewert:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+       "In Phase %s ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten.\n"
+       "Bitte informieren Sie Ihre Entwickler, indem\n"
+       "Sie unter folgender Adresse einen Fehler mit den Fehlerdetails protokollieren:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "Ausnahmeverfolgung:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "%(current)s of %(total)s heruntergeladen"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "Die Katalogaktualisierung ist bei der Installation fehlgeschlagen."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "Die Katalogaktualisierung ist bei Alle aktualisieren fehlgeschlagen."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "Die Installation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "Die Pakete wurden erfolgreich entfernt."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "Die Pakete wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "Paketversion: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "Liste der konfigurierten Herausgeber:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Die Installation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Die Pakete wurden erfolgreich entfernt"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Die Pakete wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-"Nicht genügend Festplattenkapazität. Die ausgewählte Aktion kann nicht ausgeführt werden.\n"
-"Klicken Sie auf OK, um die vorhandenen Startumgebungen zu verwalten und Festplattenkapazität freizugeben, oder klicken Sie auf Abbrechen, "
-"um die Aktion abzubrechen."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "Nicht genügend Festplattenkapazität. Die ausgewählte Aktion kann nicht ausgeführt werden.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Klicken Sie auf OK, um die vorhandenen Startumgebungen zu verwalten und Festplattenkapazität freizugeben, oder klicken Sie auf Abbrechen, "
+       "um die Aktion abzubrechen."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "Nicht genügend Festplattenkapazität"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "Zu aktualisierende Pakete:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "Zu installierende Pakete:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "Zu entfernende Pakete:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "Paket %d von %d: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "Evaluierung: %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Herausgeberbestätigung verwalten"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI reagiert auf kein Ereignis! %s. Überprüfen Sie die repository.py-Signale."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "Neues Repository hinzufügen"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Neues Repository</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "Repository-Name"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Herausgeber"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "Bevorzugt"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "Aktiviert"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s konnte nicht deaktiviert werden.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s konnte nicht aktiviert werden.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "%s konnte nicht deaktiviert werden."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "%s konnte nicht aktiviert werden."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Überprüfen Sie Ihre Berechtigungen."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-"Überprüfen Sie die Netzwerkverbindung oder URL.\n"
-"Ist das Repository verfügbar?"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Unerwarteter Fehler.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Bevorzugter Herausgeber konnte nicht geändert werden.\n"
-"Überprüfen Sie Ihre Berechtigungen."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "Der Name enthält ungültige Zeichen."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "Der Name wird bereits verwendet."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Herausgeber wird hinzugefügt"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Vorgang wird abgebrochen...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber %s wird entfernt\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber %s erfolgreich entfernt\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber %s wird hinzugefügt\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber %s wird aktualisiert\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber %s erfolgreich hinzugefügt\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber %s erfolgreich aktualisiert\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber deaktivieren:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber aktivieren:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber löschen:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Deaktivieren"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Aktivieren"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber %(name)s %(enable)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr ""
+       "Spiegel und Repository-URL\n"
+       "müssen entweder https oder http sein."
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "SSL-URL muss angegeben werden"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL-URL sollte nicht angegeben werden"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "Herausgeber-URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Beschreibung:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Herausgeberfehler"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "SSL-Schlüsseldatei angeben"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "SSL-Zertifikatdatei angeben"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "URL ist nicht gültig."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Navigation nicht möglich:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Registrierung"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "Neues Repository wird hinzugefügt."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Repository konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "%s konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "%s konnte nicht gelöscht werden."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "SSL-Schlüsseldatei angeben"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "SSL-Zertifikatdatei angeben"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "Repository-Fehler"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL sollte nicht angegeben werden"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL-Schlüssel unter angegebenem Pfad nicht gefunden"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL-Zertifikat unter angegebenem Pfad nicht gefunden"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "Repository"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Aktiv"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registriert"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Spiegelname"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Herausgeber aktivieren"
+msgstr[1] "Herausgeber aktivieren"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Herausgeber deaktivieren"
+msgstr[1] "Herausgeber deaktivieren"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
-"unbekannter Aktionstyp '%(type)s' in Paket '%(fmri)s' in Aktion '%(action)s'"
+       "unbekannter Aktionstyp '%(type)s' in Paket '%(fmri)s' in Aktion '%(action)s'"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
@@ -2524,9 +2604,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Fehlerhafte Aktion in Paket '%(fmri)s' an Position: %(pos)d:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "Fehlerhafte Aktion in Paket '%(fmri)s' an Position: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
 #, python-format
@@ -2535,9 +2615,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Fehlerhafte Aktion an Position: %(pos)d:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "Fehlerhafte Aktion an Position: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
@@ -2549,17 +2629,24 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "ungültige Aktion, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "Erforderliches Attribut '%s' wurde nicht angegeben."
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "Erforderliches Attribut '%s' wurde nicht angegeben."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Ungültige Paketstatusänderung versuchte Status '%(states)s' für Paket '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2567,530 +2654,708 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-"Für %s konnte aufgrund unzureichender\n"
-"Berechtigungen kein Vorgang ausgeführt werden. Verwenden Sie den Befehl mit "
-"erneut, oder erhöhen Sie Ihre Berechtigungen."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "Für %s konnte aufgrund unzureichender\n"
+       "Berechtigungen kein Vorgang ausgeführt werden. Verwenden Sie den Befehl mit "
+       "pfexec\n"
+       "erneut, oder erhöhen Sie Ihre Berechtigungen."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Der Vorgang konnte aufgrund unzureichender Berechtigungen nicht abgeschlossen werden. "
-"Verwenden Sie den Befehl\n"
-"erneut mit pfexec, oder erhöhen Sie Ihre Berechtigungen.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "\n"
+       "Der Vorgang konnte aufgrund unzureichender Berechtigungen nicht abgeschlossen werden. "
+       "Verwenden Sie den Befehl\n"
+       "erneut mit pfexec, oder erhöhen Sie Ihre Berechtigungen.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-"Vorgang für %s konnte nicht\n"
-"durchgeführt werden, weil die Datei verwendet wird. Schließen Sie die\n"
-"Datei, und führen Sie den Vorgang erneut aus. "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "Vorgang für %s konnte nicht\n"
+       "durchgeführt werden, weil die Datei verwendet wird. Schließen Sie die\n"
+       "Datei, und führen Sie den Vorgang erneut aus. "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "Der Vorgang für %s konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden: Schreibgeschütztes Dateisystem\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden: Schreibgeschütztes Dateisystem."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"Die folgenden Muster entsprechen keinem der Pakete im aktuellen Katalog .\n"
-"Verallgemeinern Sie das Muster, oder aktualisieren bzw. überprüfen Sie die Kataloge:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "Die folgenden Muster entsprechen keinem der Pakete im aktuellen Katalog .\n"
+       "Verallgemeinern Sie das Muster, oder aktualisieren bzw. überprüfen Sie die Kataloge:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "'%s' entspricht keinem installierten Paket."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "'%s' ist ein unzulässiger FMRI."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "Die folgenden Pakete verstoßen gegen die Einschränkungen:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' unterstützt die folgenden Architekturen: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "Abbildarchitektur ist definiert als: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' hängt von veraltetem Paket '%(op)s' ab"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "Der vorgeschlagene Vorgang kann für folgende Pakete nicht durchgeführt werden, da sie nicht installiert sind: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "Der vorgeschlagene Vorgang kann für folgende Pakete nicht durchgeführt werden, da sie bereits installiert sind: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "Der FMRI '%s' enthält keine Herausgeberinformationen und kann nicht für Katalogvorgänge verwendet werden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "Katalog-meta_root '%(root)s' ist ungültig; Vorgang kann nicht abgeschlossen werden: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "Die folgenden Katalogdateien haben falsche Berechtigungen:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: Erwarteter Modus: %(emode)s, vorgefundener Modus: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "Die Signaturdaten für die Katalogdatei '%s' sind nicht gültig."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Die benötigten Aktualisierungen für den aktuellen Katalog können mithilfe der in '%s' bereitgestellten Katalogaktualisierungsdaten nicht bestimmt werden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Vorgang '%(op)s' kann für Katalog %(name)s nicht durchgeführt werden; der Abschluss des Vorgangs würde "
+       "zu einem duplizierten Eintrag für Paket '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Katalogaktualisierungen können nur auf einen Katalog auf Festplatte angewendet werden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Katalogdatei '%s' ist ungültig."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "Die benötigten Aktualisierungen für den Katalog können mithilfe der in '%s' bereitgestellten "
+       "Katalogaktualisierungsdaten nicht bestimmt werden. Die angegebenen Katalogaktualisierungen gelten für eine ältere Version des Katalogs und können nicht verwendet werden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' wurde im Katalog nicht gefunden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Unbekannter Katalogaktualisierungstyp '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "Unerkannter, unbekannter oder ungültiger CatalogPart '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Für die folgenden FMRIs konnten keine Entsprechungen in den "
-"Katalogen der aktuellen Herausgeber gefunden werden:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "Für die folgenden FMRIs konnten keine Entsprechungen in den "
+       "Katalogen der aktuellen Herausgeber gefunden werden:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (Muster stimmte nicht überein)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (Herausgeber stimmte nicht überein)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (Version stimmte nicht überein)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "Die Suche unter der URL %s ergab keine Ergebnisse."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "Einige Server haben nicht angemessen reagiert:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s gab keine gültige Antwort zurück.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Manche Server unterstützen den angeforderten Suchvorgang nicht:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Die Suchleistung ist reduziert.\n"
+       "Führen Sie zum Erhöhen der Suchgeschwindigkeit 'pkg rebuild-index' aus."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "Der Server für die Suche unterstützt das angeforderte Protokoll nicht:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"Das Format der angegebenen Datei wird nicht erkannt, oder die Datei " "enthält keine gültigen Herausgeberinformationen: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "Das Format der angegebenen Datei wird nicht erkannt, oder die Datei enthält keine gültigen Herausgeberinformationen: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-"Das Format der angegebenen Datei wird nicht erkannt, oder die Datei enthält keine gültigen "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "Das Format der angegebenen Datei wird nicht erkannt, oder die Datei enthält keine gültigen "
+       "Herausgeberinformationen."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "Datenformat der Herausgeberinformationen pkg(5) wird nicht unterstützt."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Beim Abrufen von Daten aus '%s' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+       "Beim Abrufen von Daten aus '%s' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "Beim Abrufen von Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger Speicherort."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger Name für eine Startumgebung."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "Die Boot-Umgebung '%s' ist bereits vorhanden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-"Die Benennung der Startumgebung während der Paketinstallation wird\n"
-"von dieser Version von Open Solaris nicht unterstützt. Verwenden Sie den Befehl image-update ohne die Option --be-name."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "Die Benennung der Startumgebung während der Paketinstallation wird\n"
+       "von dieser Version von Open Solaris nicht unterstützt. Verwenden Sie den Befehl image-update ohne die Option --be-name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "Die aktuelle Startumgebung kann nicht geklont werden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-"Beim Versuch, die Startumgebung von %(orig)s in %(dest)s\n"
-"umzubenennen, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "Beim Versuch, die Startumgebung von %(orig)s in %(dest)s\n"
+       "umzubenennen, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "%(name)s kann bei %(mt)s nicht geladen werden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-"Das Benennen einer Startumgebung beim Bearbeiten eines\n"
-"Nicht-Live-Abbilds ist unzulässig."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "Das Benennen einer Startumgebung beim Bearbeiten eines\n"
+       "Nicht-Live-Abbilds ist unzulässig."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "Info erkennt die folgenden Optionen nicht:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "Einige Server haben nicht angemessen reagiert:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: Zeitlimit\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-"    %(o)s: Status der HTTP-Antwort kann nicht gelesen werden:%(l)s\n"
-"        Dies ist kein pkg(5)-Depot. Überprüfen Sie die URL und "
-"die \n"
-"        Anschlussnummer."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: Lesen vom Host unvollständig"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: Socket-Zeitlimit"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: Socket-Fehler, Ursache: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s ist kein gültiges Paketdepot.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-"Suchfunktionen und -leistung sind herabgesetzt.\n"
-"Führen Sie 'pkg rebuild-index' aus, um Funktionen und Leistung zu verbessern."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Herausgeber-meta_root '%(root)s' ist ungültig; Vorgang kann nicht abgeschlossen werden: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger Name für einen Herausgeber."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(value)s' ist kein gültiger Wert für das Repository-Attribut '%(attribute)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "'%(value)s' ist kein gültiger Wert für das Repository-Attribut '%(attribute)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger Collection-Typ für das Repository."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger URI."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "'%s' ist keine gültige URI-Priorität. Es wird eine Ganzzahl erwartet."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "'%s' ist keine gültige Sortierrichtlinie für den Repository-URI."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "Herausgeber '%s' ist deaktiviert und kann nicht für Paketvorgänge verwendet werden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "Ein Herausgeber mit demselben Namen oder Alias wie '%s' ist bereits vorhanden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-"Ein Repository mit demselben Namen oder denselben URIs ist für Herausgeber "
-"'%s' bereits vorhanden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "Ein Repository mit demselben Namen oder denselben URIs ist für Herausgeber "
+       "'%s' bereits vorhanden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "Spiegel '%s' ist für das angegebene Repository bereits vorhanden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "Ursprung '%s' ist für das angegebene Repository bereits vorhanden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "Der bevorzugte Herausgeber kann nicht entfernt werden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "Das für einen Herausgeber ausgewählte Repository kann nicht entfernt werden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"Herausgeber '%s' ist deaktiviert und kann nicht als bevorzugter Herausgeber festgelegt werden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "Herausgeber '%s' ist deaktiviert und kann nicht als bevorzugter Herausgeber festgelegt werden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "Der bevorzugte Herausgeber darf nicht deaktiviert werden. Ein anderer Herausgeber muss als "
+       "bevorzugter Herausgeber festgelegt werden. Erst dann kann dieser Herausgeber aktiviert werden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "Unbekannter zulässiger URI '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "Unbekannter Herausgeber '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "Unbekannter zugehöriger URI '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "Unbekanntes Repository '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "Unbekannter Repository-Spiegel '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "Herausgeber '%s' hat keine Repositorys, die den Vorgang '%s' unterstützen."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Repository-Ursprung '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "Der URI '%(uri)s' enthält ein nicht unterstütztes Schema '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "Der angegebene URI enthält ein nicht unterstütztes Schema."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "'%(attr)s' wird für '%(scheme)s' nicht unterstützt."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s', das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigt wird, "
-"ist abgelaufen. Installieren Sie ein gültiges Zertifikat."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s', das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigt wird, "
+       "ist abgelaufen. Installieren Sie ein gültiges Zertifikat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"Das Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber %(pub)s' ist abgelaufen. Installieren Sie ein "
-"gültiges Zertifikat."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "Das Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber %(pub)s' ist abgelaufen. Installieren Sie ein "
+       "gültiges Zertifikat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' "
-"ist abgelaufen. Installieren Sie ein gültiges Zertifikat."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' "
+       "ist abgelaufen. Installieren Sie ein gültiges Zertifikat."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "Das Zertifikat '%s' ist abgelaufen. Installieren Sie ein gültiges Zertifikat."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für"
-"Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wird in '%(days)s' Tagen ablaufen."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für"
+       "Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wird in '%(days)s' Tagen ablaufen."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-"Das Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wird in '%(days)s' "
-"Tagen ablaufen."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "Das Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wird in '%(days)s' "
+       "Tagen ablaufen."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' wird in '%(days)"
-"s' Tagen ablaufen."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' wird in '%(days)"
+       "s' Tagen ablaufen."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "Das Zertifikat '%(cert)s' wird in '%(days)s' Tagen ablaufen. "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-"Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' "
-"ist ungültig."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' "
+       "ist ungültig."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "Das Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' ist ungültig"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' ist ungültig."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "Ungültiges Zertifikat '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "Der zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Schlüssel '%(key)s' für "
+       "Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wurde nicht gefunden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "Schlüssel '%(key)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wurde nicht gefunden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "Der zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Schlüssel '%(key)s' wurde nicht gefunden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "Schlüssel '%s' wurde nicht gefunden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für "
-"Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wurde nicht gefunden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für "
+       "Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wurde nicht gefunden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "Zertifikat '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' wurde nicht gefunden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "Das zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigte Zertifikat '%(cert)s' wurde nicht gefunden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
-msgstr "Zertifikat %s' kann nicht geladen werden."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+msgstr "Zertifikat %s' wurde nicht gefunden."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"Das Gültigkeitsdatum des zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigten"
-" Zertifikats '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' liegt in der Zukunft."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "Das Gültigkeitsdatum des zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigten"
+       " Zertifikats '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' liegt in der Zukunft."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"Das Gültigkeitsdatum des Zertifikats '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' liegt in der Zukunft."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "Das Gültigkeitsdatum des Zertifikats '%(cert)s' für Herausgeber '%(pub)s' liegt in der Zukunft."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-"Das Gültigkeitsdatum des zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigten Zertifikats "
-"'%(cert)s' liegt in der Zukunft."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "Das Gültigkeitsdatum des zum Zugriff auf '%(uri)s' benötigten"
+       " Zertifikats '%(cert)s' liegt in der"
+       "Zukunft."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "Das Gültigkeitsdatum des Zertifikats '%s' liegt in der Zukunft."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafte Antwort:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "%s nicht gefunden"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "Die Signaturdaten für das Manifest von Paket '%s' ist nicht gültig."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "Die Signaturdaten für das Manifest sind nicht gültig."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Es ist bereits ein Abbild vorhanden unter: %s.\n"
+       "Verwenden Sie zum Überschreiben die Option -f (force)."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Der angegebene Abbildpfad ist nicht leer: %s.\n"
+       "Verwenden Sie zum Überschreiben die Option -f (force)."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg: Auto-Schnappschuss kann nicht erstellt werden. Paketwiederherstellung wurde deaktiviert."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg: Ein Systemfehler %s führte %s aus"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: Ein Systemfehler %(e)s führte %(cmd)s aus"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: '%s' fehlgeschlagen. \n"
-"mit dem Rückgabecode %d."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' schlug fehl. \n"
+       "mit dem Rückgabecode %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg: %s kann nicht aktiviert werden"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg: %s kann nicht entladen werden"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3098,206 +3363,237 @@
 "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Ein Klon von %s existiert und ist aktualisiert und aktiviert worden.\n"
-"Beim nächsten Start wird die Startumgebung %s auf '/' geladen.\n"
-"Starten Sie neu, wenn Sie zum Wechsel auf diese aktualisierte SU bereit sind.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+       "\n"
+       "Ein Klon von %s existiert und ist aktualisiert und aktiviert worden.\n"
+       "Beim nächsten Start wird die Startumgebung %s auf '/' geladen.\n"
+       "Starten Sie neu, wenn Sie zum Wechsel auf diese aktualisierte SU bereit sind.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-" Das derzeit ausgeführte System wurde nicht verändert. Die Änderungen wurden lediglich an einem "
-"Klon vorgenommen. Dieser Klon ist in %s geladen, falls Sie ihn prüfen "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       " Das derzeit ausgeführte System wurde nicht verändert. Die Änderungen wurden lediglich an einem "
+       "Klon vorgenommen. Dieser Klon ist in %s geladen, falls Sie ihn prüfen "
+       "möchten."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg: Zurücksetzen der SU %s und Wiederherstellung des Abbilds nicht möglich"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Es wurden keine Änderungen an %s vorgenommen."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg: Schnappschuss %s kann nicht entfernt werden"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg: SU %s kann nicht erstellt werden"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg: SU %s kann nicht auf %s geladen werden"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: SU %(name)s kann nicht in %(clone_dir)s geladen werden"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
 msgstr ""
-"Die Startumgebung %s konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Vor dem fehlgeschlagenen Versuch "
-"wurde ein Schnappschuss erstellt und hier geladen: %s. Verwenden Sie 'beadm unmount %s' und "
-"'beadm activate %s', wenn Sie diese SU booten möchten."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+       "Die Startumgebung %(name)s konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Vor dem fehlgeschlagenen Versuch "
+       "wurde ein Schnappschuss erstellt und hier geladen: %(clone_dir)s. Verwenden Sie 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' und "
+       "'beadm activate %(clone_name)s', wenn Sie diese SU booten möchten."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr ""
-"Die Startumgebung %s konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Vor dem fehlgeschlagenen Versuch "
-"wurde ein Schnappschuss erstellt und wiederhergestellt. Es wurden also keine Änderungen an %s vorgenommen."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "Dieser Server ist kein gültiges Paketdepot."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+       "Die Startumgebung %s konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Vor dem fehlgeschlagenen Versuch "
+       "wurde ein Schnappschuss erstellt und wiederhergestellt. Es wurden also keine Änderungen an %s vorgenommen."
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "Vor der Evaluierung:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "Nach der Evaluierung:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "Update-Suche für SUNWipkg fehlgeschlagen."
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "KB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-"Index beschädigt oder veraltet. Das alte Indexverzeichnis (%s) wird entfernt, und "
-"die Suchindizes werden neu erstellt."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "Index beschädigt oder veraltet. Das alte Indexverzeichnis (%s) wird entfernt, und "
+       "die Suchindizes werden neu erstellt."
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "Beschreibbare Root kann von aktueller Benutzer-ID oder Gruppe nicht beschrieben werden."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "Schreiben in Indexverzeichnis nicht möglich."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "_Aktuelles Repository (Name und Beschreibung)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "In aktuellem Repository suchen (Name und Beschreibung)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "__Alle Repositorys (Exakte Übereinstimmung)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "In allen Repositorys suchen (Exakte Übereinstimmung)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"Versionen von SUNWipkg und SUNWipkg-gui werden überprüft\n"
-"Bitte warten..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr "GUI reagiert auf kein Ereignis! %s.Überprüfen Sie declare_signals()"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "Ergebnisse der Suche in allen Repositorys"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Alle"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "Alle Pakete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "Installierte Pakete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "Updates"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "Nicht installierte Pakete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "Ausgewählte Pakete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "Hinzufügen..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "Alle Herausgeber (Suche)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Bestätigung des Exports der Auswahl"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Folgendes in eine .p5i-Webinstallationsdatei exportieren:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI reagiert auf kein Ereignis! %s. Überprüfen Sie declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Exportieren der Auswahl"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Auswahl exportieren"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i-Dateien"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Alle Dateien"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Suchen (Strg-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><H2>Willkommen bei PackageManager!</H2><br><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>Warnung: Startseite kann nicht geladen werden:<br>%s</font></body></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "Wird geladen... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>Willkommen bei PackageManager!</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Warnung: Startseite kann nicht geladen werden:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "Keine Antwort"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "Ungültige Antwort"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "Es wurde keine gültige Antwort zurückgegeben."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "Nicht unterstützte Suche"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Wird geladen... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "Gestoppt"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "Fertig"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3307,333 +3603,425 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
-"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
-"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
-"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>Warnung: URL                     kann nicht geladen werden.</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "Kein URI angegeben"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Warnung: URL                     kann nicht geladen werden.</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Pakete in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s anzeigen"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "In %(s1)sAlle Herausgeber%(e1)s suchen"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Ansicht in %(s1)sAlle Pakete%(e1)s ändern"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(s1)sSuchhilfe%(e1)s anzeigen"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "%(s1)sSuchhilfe%(e1)s wird geladen..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "Leere Aktion wird nicht unterstützt."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "Aktion wird nicht unterstützt: %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Klicken Sie, um die Auswahl zu aktivieren/deaktivieren"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Name"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "Repository"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "Beschreibung"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "Updates verfügbar"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "Aktivieren/deaktivieren der gesamten Auswahl"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "Nicht installiert"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "Updates verfügbar"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Beschreibungen werden abgerufen..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "Alle Kategorien "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "Meta-Pakete"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "Anwendungen"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "Desktop (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Entwicklung"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "Bereitstellungen"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "Treiber"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "Webdienste"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "Alle Pakete"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "Installierte Pakete"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "Nicht installierte Pakete"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "Ausgewählte Pakete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Alle Herausgeber durchsuchen"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Aktuellen Herausgeber durchsuchen"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "Verwenden Sie das Suchfeld für die Suche nach Paketen innerhalb der folgenden Herausgeber:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Klicken Sie auf die Herausgeber unten, um ihre Paketlisten anzuzeigen:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Suchergebnisse</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "<b>%(num)s</b> mit <b>%(text)s</b> übereinstimmendes Paket in Alle Pakete gefunden. Es ist jedoch nicht in der Ansicht <b>%(filter)s</b> aufgelistet."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "<b>%(num)s</b> mit <b>%(text)s</b> übereinstimmende Pakete in Alle Pakete gefunden. Sie sind jedoch nicht in der Ansicht <b>%(filter)s</b> aufgelistet."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Vorschläge:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Klicken Sie, um die Ansicht auf <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>Alle Pakete</a> zu ändern</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Suchergebnisse</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>In <b>%(pub)s</b> keine mit <b>%(text)s</b> übereinstimmende Pakete gefunden</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Vorschläge:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Prüfen Sie die Rechtschreibung</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Versuchen Sie es mit neuen Suchbegriffen</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Suche nach <b>%(text)s</b> in <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>Alle Herausgeber</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Siehe <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Suchhilfe</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warnung]' "
+       "title='Warnung' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Suchwarnung</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Suchen nur mit dem Platzhalterzeichen <b>*</b> "
+       "werden in Alle Herausgeber nicht unterstützt</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Vorschläge:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Versuchen Sie es mit neuen Suchbegriffen</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "Alle Herausgeber"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Status für Suchergebnisse kann nicht abgerufen werden.\n"
-"Die Kataloge wurden nicht geladen.\n"
-"Führen Sie den Vorgang nach einigen Sekunden erneut durch.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "Status für Suchergebnisse kann nicht abgerufen werden.\n"
+       "Die Kataloge wurden nicht geladen.\n"
+       "Führen Sie den Vorgang nach einigen Sekunden erneut durch.\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Suche gelöscht"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "Rechtliche Informationen werden abgerufen..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "Hinzufügen..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "Kataloge werden aktualisiert"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "Kataloge werden aktualisiert..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "Paketkataloginformationen werden aktualisiert"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Alle"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "Paketliste wird geladen"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Navigation nicht möglich:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "Für Entfernen ausgewählt:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "Für Installation/Aktualisierung ausgewählt:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "Pakete durch Aktivierung des Kontrollkästchens auswählen\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "Paketname"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "Beschreibung wird abgerufen..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "Info wird abgerufen..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(nicht installiert)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Keiner"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Name\tAbhängigkeit\tInstallierte Version\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-"Dies kann durch ein Netzwerkproblem beim Zugriff auf das Repository verursacht werden."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "Keine Beschreibung für dieses Paket verfügbar..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "\n"
+       "Dies kann durch ein Netzwerkproblem beim Zugriff auf das Repository verursacht werden."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Keine Dateiinfo für dieses Paket verfügbar..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Keine Info zu Abhängigkeiten für dieses Paket verfügbar..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Keine Information für dieses Paket verfügbar..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "Root: %s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "Abhängigkeiten:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "Zusammenfassung:\t \t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "Größe:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "Kategorie:\t \t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "Installierte Version:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "Aktuelle Version:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "Packaging-Datum:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "Repository:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Keiner"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "Nicht verfügbar"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "Lizenz konnte aufgrund eines Konvertierungsproblems nicht angezeigt werden."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "Der ausgewählte Herausgeber enthält keine Pakete."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Insgesamt: %(total)s  Ausgewählt: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "In %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s wird nach %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s gesucht..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Es wird nach %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s gesucht..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d mit %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s übereinstimmende Pakete gefunden"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+       "Netzwerkproblem.\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "Details:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " Kataloge erfolgreich aktualisiert:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Unbekannter Fehler"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-"Ausgewähltes Repository enthält keine Pakete.\n"
-"Laden Sie die Liste der Pakete erneut."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "Paketeinträge werden verarbeitet: %d von %d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "Repository-Daten werden geladen"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "Paketeinträge werden abgerufen"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "Suchen..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s:erstes %d gefunden "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: %d gefunden"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "%d gelistet"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "%d ausgewählt"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "%d installiert"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s Kataloge erfolgreich aktualisiert:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Die Aktualisierung aller Pakete ist abgeschlossen, und Package Manager wird geschlossen.\n"
-"Lesen Sie die Versionshinweise, bevor Sie das System neu starten:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+       "Die Aktualisierung aller Pakete ist abgeschlossen, und Package Manager wird geschlossen.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Lesen Sie die Versionshinweise, bevor Sie das System neu starten:\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Alles aktualisieren abgeschlossen"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "Auswahl wird gespeichert..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "Ausgewählte Pakete werden gespeichert..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
-"Die installierten Pakete erfordert einen Neustart, um den Installationsvorgang "
+       "Die installierten Pakete erfordert einen Neustart, um den Installationsvorgang "
+       "abzuschließen."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "Initialisieren von gtk nicht möglich"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3641,14 +4029,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3657,152 +4046,314 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_optionsoperands]\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
-"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-"        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
-"        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-"        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
-"        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
-"        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+       "Verwendung:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Packager-Unterbefehle:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Optionen:\n"
+       "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
+       "        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Umgebung:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "Eigenschaftsargumente müssen die Form '<Abschnitt.Eigenschaft>=<Wert>' haben."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Mit --set-property wurden ungültige Repository-Konfigurationswerte angegeben "
+       "oder erforderliche Werte fehlen.  Geben Sie mit der --set-property-Option "
+       "die korrekten und/oder erforderlichen Werte an."
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "Nur -e oder -n können angegeben werden."
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "open erfordert einen Paketnamen"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "Keine Transaktions-ID angegeben mit -t oder in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "Keine Transaktions-ID in $PKG_TRANS_ID angegeben "
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "Für den Unterbefehl wurden keine Argumente angegeben."
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "Für diese Aktion muss ein Dateinamen angegeben werden."
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "Für den Unterbefehl wurde kein FMRI-Argument angegeben"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "Zeile %d: fehlender Pfad"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "Zeile %s: Datei %s nicht gefunden"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "Zeile %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
 msgstr "Befehl nimmt keine Operanden an."
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "Nur -e oder -n können angegeben werden."
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "open erfordert einen Paketnamen"
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "Keine Transaktions-ID angegeben mit -t oder in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "Keine Transaktions-ID in $PKG_TRANS_ID angegeben "
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "Für den Unterbefehl wurden keine Argumente angegeben."
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "Für diese Aktion muss ein Dateinamen angegeben werden."
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend: unzulässige globale Option -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "unzulässige Option %s -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "Manifest kann nicht geöffnet werden: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "Dateien können nicht heruntergeladen werden von: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "Verwendung:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Optionen:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  Der Pfad oder das Verzeichnis zum Speichern des abgerufenen "
+       "Pakets\n"
+       "                        oder der URI eines Repository, in dem die erneute Veröffentlichung erfolgen soll.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        Wenn nicht angegeben, entspricht der Standardwert dem aktuellen "
+       "Arbeitsverzeichnis.\n"
+       "                         Ist ein Verzeichnispfad angegeben, wird\n"
+       "                        der Paketinhalt nur dann abgerufen, wenn er  "
+       "nicht\n"
+       "                        bereits im Zielverzeichnis vorhanden ist. Wird ein "
+       "Repository-\n"
+       "                        URI angegeben, wird ein temporäres Verzeichnis  "
+       "erstellt\n"
+       "                        und alle Paketdaten werden abgerufen, bevor eine\n"
+       "                        erneute Veröffentlichung versucht wird.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Diese Verwendungshinweise anzeigen.\n"
+       "        -k              Inhalt der abgerufenen Pakete komprimiert lassen, "
+       "wird\n"
+       "                        beim erneuten Veröffentlichen ignoriert. Sollte nicht in Verbindung mit "
+       "pkgsend verwendet werden.\n"
+       "        -m match        Steuert das Übereinstimmungsverhaltenmit folgenden Werten:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                umfasst alle übereinstimmenden Zeitstempel, nicht nur\n"
+       "                                die neuesten (einschließlich all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                schließt alle übereinstimmenden Versionen ein, nicht nur "
+       "die neuesten\n"
+       "        -n              Listet die neuesten Versionen der verfügbaren Pakete "
+       "im\n"
+       "                        angegebenen Repository auf und beendet den Vorgang (alle anderen\n"
+       "                        Optionen außer -s werden ignoriert).\n"
+       "        -r              Evaluiert auf rekursive Weise alle Abhängigkeiten für die "
+       "angegebene\n"
+       "                        Paketliste und fügt sie der Liste hinzu.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI steht für den Speicherort eines pkg(5)-\n"
+       "                        Repository für das Abrufen von Paketdaten.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Umgebung:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Zielverzeichnis oder Repository-URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Quell-Repository-URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Laden von Manifest '%s' für Paket '%s' nicht möglich."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Parsen von Manifest '%s' für Paket '%s' nicht möglich."
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Schreiben von Manifest '%s' für Paket '%s' nicht möglich."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Abrufen von Manifest %s von %s nicht möglich: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen aus: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Abrufen von Inhalt nicht möglich von: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "Datei kann nicht extrahiert werden: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "Manifest %s kann nicht heruntergeladen werden von: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "Datei kann nicht geöffnen werden: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen aus: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben auf: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "Katalog kann nicht heruntergeladen werden von: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen aus: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Fehler: %s beim Lesen aus: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "Unzulässige Option -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "muss einen Server angegeben"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "Unzulässiger Optionswert -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "Es muss ein Quell-Repository angegeben werden"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n akzeptiert keine Optionen"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "muss mindestens ein pkgfmri angeben"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s ist ein ungültiger fmri: %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "Keine Dateien abzurufen."
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "Verwenden Sie zum Erstellen eines Repository den Befehl pkgsend."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "Die Repository-Konfiguration für das Repository in '%s' ist nicht gültig "
+       "oder der angegebene Pfad ist nicht vorhanden. Korrigieren Sie die Konfiguration des "
+       "Repository oder erstellen Sie ein neues."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "basedir '%s kann nicht erstellt werden."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Manifests für Evaluierung von Abhängigkeiten werden abgerufen..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Manifests für Evaluierung von Paketen werden abgerufen..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "Paketinhalt wird abgerufen..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "%s wird erneut veröffentlicht..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "Repository-Suchindizes werden aktualisiert..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"Ein Textnachricht mit einer Beschreibung der Updates wird neben dem Benachrichtigungsbereich des Bedienfelds "
-"angezeigt, wenn Updates verfügbar werden. Dazu muss dies auf wahr gesetzt sein."
+       "Ein Textnachricht mit einer Beschreibung der Updates wird neben dem Benachrichtigungsbereich des Bedienfelds "
+       "angezeigt, wenn Updates verfügbar werden. Dazu muss dies auf wahr gesetzt sein."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
@@ -3813,8 +4364,8 @@
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
-"Wie häufig nach Updates gesucht werden soll. Gültige Werte sind Täglich, Wöchentlich, Monatlich, "
+       "Wie häufig nach Updates gesucht werden soll. Gültige Werte sind Täglich, Wöchentlich, Monatlich, "
+       "Nie"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
@@ -3829,16 +4380,16 @@
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
-"Die Zeit in Sekunden, bis nach dem "
-"Start nach Updates gesucht werden soll."
+       "Die Zeit in Sekunden, bis nach dem "
+       "Start nach Updates gesucht werden soll."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"Das Programm updatemanagernotifier wird beendet, nachdem der Benutzer das Symbol im "
-"Benachrichtigungsbereich aktiviert, falls auf Wahr eingestellt."
+       "Das Programm updatemanagernotifier wird beendet, nachdem der Benutzer das Symbol im "
+       "Benachrichtigungsbereich aktiviert, falls auf Wahr eingestellt."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
@@ -3857,8 +4408,8 @@
 msgstr "Verfügbare Updates installieren"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "Update-Manager"
@@ -3878,9 +4429,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "Dialogfeld schließen, wenn _abgeschlossen"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "Index"
@@ -3888,13 +4437,13 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "Update installieren"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
-"Updates sind für folgende Pakete verfügbar.\n"
-"Wählen Sie die gewünschten Pakete aus und klicken Sie auf Installieren."
+       "Updates sind für folgende Pakete verfügbar.\n"
+       "Wählen Sie die gewünschten Pakete aus und klicken Sie auf Installieren."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3912,6 +4461,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "_Alle Updates auswählen"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "Benutzer über verfügbare Updates benachrichtigen "
@@ -3920,384 +4481,839 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "Update-Manager-Benachrichtigung"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "Katalog wird abgerufen: '%s' ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "Katalog wird abgerufen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "Plan wird erstellt... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "Plan wird erstellt"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "Überprüfen: %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "Überprüfen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "Abgeschlossen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
-msgstr "GUI reagiert auf kein Ereignis! %s. Überprüfen Sie die Signale von updatemanager."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "Evaluieren"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "Evaluierung - wird abgebrochen..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "Download - wird abgebrochen..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "Evaluierung - fehlgeschlagen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "Download - fehlgeschlagen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "Installation - fehlgeschlagen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "Index - fehlgeschlagen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+msgstr "GUI reagiert auf kein Ereignis! %s. Überprüfen Sie die Signale von "
+       "updatemanager."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-"Updates sind für folgende Pakete verfügbar.\n"
-"Klicken Sie auf 'Alles aktualisieren', um eine neue Startumgebung zu erstellen und alle Pakete darin "
-"zu installieren."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "Updates sind für folgende Pakete verfügbar.\n"
+       "Klicken Sie auf 'Alles aktualisieren', um eine neue Startumgebung zu erstellen und alle Pakete darin "
+       "zu installieren."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "Letzte Version"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "Größe (MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "Anzahl: %d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "Fehler\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s' ist kein Installationsabbild\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "Versionskonflikt: erwartet %s erhalten %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>Sie haben keine ausreichenden Rechte.</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Führen Sie mit pfexec einen Neustart von pm-updatemanager aus."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Keine Updates verfügbar.</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Größe:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Aktuelle Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installierte Version:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s ist kein gültiges Abbild, versuche Root-Abbild"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s ist kein gültiges Root-Abbild, Rückgabe None"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-"Details für %s werden abgerufen..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "\n"
+       "Details für %s werden abgerufen..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-"Keine Details verfügbar"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"Update wird abgebrochen. Bitte warten..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-"Abbruch derzeit nicht möglich."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "Updates werden installiert"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "FEHLER"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "Die folgenden integrierten Pakete konnten nicht aktualisiert werden:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "Update mithilfe von: Alles aktualisieren\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Alles aktualisieren erfolgreich abgeschlossen in %1.f min\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Alles aktualisieren erfolgreich abgeschlossen in < 1 min\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Lesen Sie die Versionshinweise, bevor Sie das System neu starten:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "\n"
+       "Keine Details verfügbar"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Alles aktualisieren erfolgreich abgeschlossen in %d Minuten."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Alles aktualisieren erfolgreich abgeschlossen in %d Sekunden."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "Lesen Sie die Versionshinweise, bevor Sie das System neu starten:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "'Alles aktualisieren' abgeschlossen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "Nichts zum Aktualisieren ausgewählt."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "Aktualisierung ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "Aktualisierungsfehler bei Planinstallation"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "Unerwarteter API-Fehler bei Aktualisierung:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "Unerwarteter Fehler bei Aktualisierung:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "Zu installierende Pakete:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aktualisierung"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "Aktualisierung erfolgreich beendet."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s Download fehlgeschlagen:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s überschritt den verfügbaren Festplattenspeicher"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "Unerwarteter Fehler %s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s Ausführung des Plans fehlgeschlagen:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"Nicht genügend Festplattenkapazität. Die Aktion Alles aktualisieren kann nicht ausgeführt werden.\n"
-"Klicken Sie auf OK, um die vorhandenen Startumgebungen zu verwalten und Festplattenkapazität freizugeben, oder klicken Sie auf Abbrechen, "
-"um den Aktualisierungsvorgang abzubrechen."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "Nicht genügend Festplattenkapazität. Die Aktion Alles aktualisieren kann nicht ausgeführt werden.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Klicken Sie auf OK, um die vorhandenen Startumgebungen zu verwalten und Festplattenkapazität freizugeben, oder klicken Sie auf Abbrechen, "
+       "um den Aktualisierungsvorgang abzubrechen."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "Unzureichende Festplattenkapazität"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tPkt %d/%d: \tDat %d/%d \tÜbtrg %.2f/%.2f(MB"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d Aktionen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "Index\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d Aktionen"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "Neue Software wird gesucht"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "Updates sind verfügbar"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-"Updates verfügbar\n"
-"Klicken Sie zum Aktualisieren auf das Symbol."
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "Updates verfügbar\n"
+       ""
+       "Klicken Sie zum Aktualisieren auf das Symbol."
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "Eine weitere Instanz der Update-Manager-Benachrichtung wird bereits ausgeführt"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5)-Infodatei"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "Fehlende Versionsübereinstimmung: Erwartete Version %d, erhaltene Version %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s ist kein Installationsabbild"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "API-Fehler"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Fehler"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "                           Größe:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "                     Kategorie:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "Installiert:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "Verfügbare Version:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "Letzte Version:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "            Herausgeber:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Ja, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "Verfügbares Update:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Katalogs:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Nur %s von %s Katalogen wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "Katalog '%s' wird abgerufen...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "Kataloge werden im Zwischenspeicher abgelegt...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "Katalogzwischenspeicher wird geladen...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Katalog %s wird aktualisiert\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Aktualisierung von Katalog %s abgeschlossen\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "Evaluierung: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "%(current)s of %(total)s heruntergeladen"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "Paket %%d von %%d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "Fehlendes Typattribut"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "Fehlendes FMRI-Attribut"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "Unbekannter Typ (%s) in Abhängigkeitsaktion"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "Leeres Pfadattribut"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "Datei nicht vorhanden: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' ist keine Datei."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "Lizenzdatei %s ist nicht vorhanden."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' sollte '%(expected)s' sein"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "Unbekannter info_needed-Typ: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "Unbekannter img_path-Typ."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "Entfernphase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "Installationsphase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "Aktualisierungsphase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "Indizierungsphase"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "Katalog '%s' wird abgerufen..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "Kataloge werden im Zwischenspeicher abgelegt..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "Katalogzwischenspeicher wird geladen..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "Katalog wird aktualisiert"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Der für Herausgeber '%(prefix)s' abgerufene Katalog enthält nur Paketdaten "
+       "für folgende(n) Herausgeber: %(pubs)s.  Aktualisieren Sie zur Lösung dieses Problems diesen "
+       "Herausgeber, sodass er den korrekten Repository-Ursprung verwendet, oder fügen Sie einen der aufgeführten "
+       "Herausgeber unter Verwendung des Repository-Ursprungs dieses Herausgebers hinzu.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Führen Sie zum Korrigieren des Repository-Ursprungs folgenden Befehl als ein "
+       "Benutzer mit Administratorrechten aus:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Führen Sie zum Hinzufügen eines neuen Herausgebers mit dem Repository-Ursprung dieses Herausgebers "
+       "folgenden Befehl als ein Benutzer mit Administratorrechten aus:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Nachdem der neue Herausgeber hinzugefügt wurde, sollte dieser Herausgeber entfernt werden, "
+       "indem folgender Befehl als ein Benutzer mit Administratorrechten ausgeführt wird:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "%s konnte nicht gefunden werden"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "Subklassen der Dependency-Klasse müssen dep_key implementieren. Die aktuelle Klasse ist %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s wies den folgenden elf-Fehler auf:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s hatte dieses Token, %s, im Ausführpfad:%s. Dieses Token kann zu diesem Zeitpunkt "
+       "nicht verarbeitet werden."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Die Datei für %s, die in %s importiert wurde, konnte nicht gefunden werden"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' weist fehlende Versionsinformationen auf."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Vorhandener Index wird gelesen"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Pakete werden indiziert"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s enthält eine Aktion, bei der das erwartete Attribut fehlt: %(at)s.\n"
+       "Die Aktion lautet:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "Attributwert '%s' nicht 'true' oder 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "fehlende Version"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "ungültige Version"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Nicht unterstütztes Schema '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Fehlerhafte URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Ungültige Repository-URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' für Transaktions-ID '%(trans_id)s' fehlgeschlagen; Status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' für Transaktions-ID '%(trans_id)s' fehlgeschlagen: %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' fehlgeschlagen; Initiieren der Transaktion nicht möglich:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Initiieren der Transaktion nicht möglich:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Nicht unterstützter Vorgang '%(op)s' für den angegebenen Repository-Typ '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "Kein absoluter Pfad."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "Beim Versuch, die Repository-Verzeichnisstrukturen zu initialisieren, trat ein Fehler auf:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Nicht unterstützter oder temporär nicht verfügbarer Vorgang angefordert."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unbekannter Fehler; keine Transaktions-ID angegeben in Antwort: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "Nicht Parsing-fähiges Zeichen in Abfrage an Position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In Abfrage %(query)s hatte %(name)s einen fehlerhaften Wert von '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "Bei einer Abfrage werden fünf Felder erwartet: Unterscheidung zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung, Rückgabetyp, "
+       "Anzahl der zurückzugebenden Ergebnisse, Anzahl, ab der mit der Rückgabe von Ergebnissen begonnen werden soll, "
+       "und Text der Abfrage. Bei der bereitgestellten Abfrage fehlte mindestens eines dieser Felder:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "Parsing der Abfrage nicht möglich."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "Ein Problem trat auf bei: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "Dieser Ausdruck führt zu Aktionsergebnissen:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "Dieser Ausdruck führt zu Paketergebnissen:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' und 'OR' erfordern, dass diese Ausdrücke "
+       "zum selben Ergebnistyp führen."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Beim Indizieren leere unquote_list erhalten. split_chars hatte den Wert %(sc)s und line den Wert "
+       "%(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Leere Zeile im Hauptlexikon. split_chars hat den Wert %(sc)s und "
+       "unquote_list den Wert %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Verzeichnisliste nicht zulässig."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "Der angegebene Aktionstyp, '%s', ist nicht gültig."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "Kein übereinstimmender FMRI in Repository-Katalog gefunden."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "Die angegebene Katalogdatei '%s' konnte nicht gefunden werden."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "Für den angegebenen Hash-Namen konnte keine Datei gefunden werden: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "Die angegebene Repository-Root '%s' enthält kein gültiges Repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Die angegebene Transaktions-ID '%s' ist ungültig."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "Für den FMRI konnte kein Manifest gefunden werden: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "Der angeforderte Vorgang kann nicht durchgeführt werden, wenn das Repository im "
+       "Spiegelmodus verwendet wird."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "Das Repository ist schreibgeschützt und kann nicht geändert werden."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "Für die Suche wurde kein Token bereitgestellt."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Das angegebene Such-Token '%s' ist ungültig."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Die Suchfunktion ist vorübergehend nicht verfügbar."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "Das Format des Repository oder seiner Inhalte muss aktualisiert werden, bevor es "
+       "zum Bereitstellen von Paketdaten verwendet werden kann.  Es ist jedoch derzeit schreibgeschützt und "
+       "kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Starten Sie beim Verwenden von pkg.depotd den Server ohne Schreibschutz neu, sodass das Repository aktualisiert werden kann."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Repository wird aktualisiert; dieser Vorgang kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "Repository-Verzeichnisse unvollständig"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "In den Repository-Verzeichnissen kann die aktuelle Benutzer-ID oder -gruppe nicht schreiben, und sie sind "
+       "unvollständig"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "%(fmri)s wird übersprungen; ungültiges Manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Die angegebene Repositorykonfigurationsdatei kann nicht gefunden oder gelesen werden: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Nicht erkannte oder fehlerhafte Daten in Vorgang: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "Die angegebene client_release ist ungültig: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'Der angegebene FMRI, '%s', weist eine ungültige Version auf."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "Der angegebene FMRI, '%s', ist bereits vorhanden oder wurde eingeschränkt."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "Der angegebene FMRI, '%s', muss das Herausgeberpräfix enthalten, da das "
+       "Repository Paketdaten für mehr als einen Herausgeber enthält oder kein Standardherausgeber definiert wurde."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "Der angegebene FMRI, '%s', ist ungültig."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "Transaktions-ID '%s' ist bereits geöffnet."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "Ein veraltetes Paket kann keine anderen als 'set'-Aktionen enthalten."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "Ein umbenanntes Paket kann keine anderen als 'set'- und 'depend'-Aktionen enthalten."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "Ein Paket darf nicht gleichzeitig für eine Ausweisung als veraltet und eine Umbenennung markiert werden."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "Eine '%s'-Aktion darf in einem veralteten Paket nicht vorhanden sein: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "Eine '%s'-Aktion darf in einem umbenannten Paket nicht vorhanden sein: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "Ein umbenanntes Paket muss mindestens eine 'depend'-Aktion enthalten."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Verwendung:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Unterbefehle:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Optionen:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Umgebung:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "Manifest-Datei %s konnte nicht gefunden werden"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Manifest %(manifest)s konnte aufgrund folgender Zeile nicht geparst werden:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o kann nicht in Verbindung mit -d oder -s verwendet werden"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' ist kein Installationsabbild"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "Parsing mindestens eines Manifest nicht möglich. Grund: "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "%s konnte für Echo von Manifest nicht geöffnet werden"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "Ausgabedatei %s konnte für Schreibvorgang nicht geöffnet werden"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "Ausgabeverzeichnis %s ist nicht vorhanden und konnte nicht erstellt werden. Fehler: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "Generierung von Unterbefehl verwendet nicht -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "FileManager kann %(ent)s nicht %(cre)s, da Schreibschutz konfiguriert ist."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "FileManager konnte %s oder die Verzeichnisse, in denen es enthalten ist, nicht erstellen."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Dir folgenden Pfade wurden gefunden, können jedoch von keinem der bekannten Layouts "
+       "berücksichtigt werden:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/es.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/es.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -25,17 +25,23 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+       "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "Intente 'pkg --help o -?' para mas información."
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +64,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -83,808 +92,714 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
-"Subcomandos básicos:\n"
-"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg list [-aHsuvf] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
-"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-"        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg version\n"
-"Subcomandos avanzados:\n"
-"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg search [-lrI] [-s server] query\n"
-"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
-"            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
-"            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
-"            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
-"        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
-"        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
-"        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
-"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
-"            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
-"            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
-"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
-"        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
-"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
-"        pkg purge-history\n"
-"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-"        -R dir\n"
-"        --help or -?\n"
-"        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Basic subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+       "index]\n"
+       "        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg version\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Advanced subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
+       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
+       "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
+       "zone]\n"
+       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
+       "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
+       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+       "<variant_spec>=<instance>\n"
+       "            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
+       "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
+       "        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
+       "            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
+       "            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
+       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
+       "        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
+       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
+       "        pkg purge-history\n"
+       "        pkg rebuild-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "-s y -v quizá no se puedan combinar"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "Conocido"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "instalado"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "no hay paquetes instalados"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Hay paquetes no especificados con actualizaciones disponibles"
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Hay paquetes no instalados con actualizaciones disponibles"
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "no hay paquetes que coincidan con '%s' %s"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "Instantánea de ZFS creada: %s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify: -v y -q quizá no se puedan combinar"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "La solicitud de operación \"fix\" puede afectar archivos que no deben de ser modificados en una imagen activa.\n Por favor intente esta operación en un ambiente de arranque arternativo."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v y -q no pueden ser combinados."
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: no hay paquetes que coincidan con los modelos siguientes especificados\n"
-"instalados en el sistema.\n"
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg: no hay paquetes que coincidan con los modelos siguientes especificados\n"
+       "instalados en el sistema.\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
 msgstr ""
-"Todos los demás modelos coinciden con los paquetes instalados.  %s"
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -v y -q quizá no se puedan combinar"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update: el comando no toma operandos ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "No hay imagen en root en '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "No hay actualizaciones para esta imagen."
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"image-update incorrecta (excepción de inventario):\n"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ADVERTENCIA: pkg(5) parece haber caducado, se debe actualizar antes de\n"
-"ejecutar image-update.\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice pkg(5) mediante 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' e intente ejecutar\n"
-"image-update de nuevo."
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-"Error imprevisto en la preparación de image-update:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "image-update incorrecto: %s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "image-update no se puede efectuar en imagen activa"
-#: ../client.py:643
+       "\n"
+       "Todos los demás modelos coinciden con los paquetes instalados.  %s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
 msgstr ""
-"Error inesperado durante image-update: %s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "NOTA: Revise las notas de la versión publicadas en:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install: se necesita al menos un nombre de paquete"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install: -v y -q quizá no se puedan combinar"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s' no es una imagen de instalación"
-#: ../client.py:745
+       "\n Un error inesperado ha ocurrido mientras se preparaba para %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s Fallo: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s no se puede ejecutar en una imagen activa"
+#: ../client.py:567
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "La solicitud de operación \"%s\" puede afectar archivos que no deben de ser modificados en una imagen activa.\n Por favor intente esta operación en un ambiente de arranque arternativo."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "Un error inesperado ha ocurrido durante %s: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "No hay imagen en root en '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
 msgstr ""
-"install incorrecta (excepción de inventario):\n"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-"Error imprevisto en la preparación de la instalación:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "instalación incorrecta: %s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "Error inesperado durante la instalación: %s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall: se necesita al menos un nombre de paquete"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall: -v y -q quizá no se puedan combinar"
-#: ../client.py:857
+       "%s Falla (inventory exception):\n %s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
 msgstr ""
-"uninstall incorrecta (excepción de inventario):\n"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "desinstalación incorrecta: %s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "Error inesperado durante la desinstalación: %s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-"El servidor ha devuelto un resultado incorrecto.\n"
-"La estructura problemática: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+       "WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+       "running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "No se puede eliminar '%s' debido a que los siguiente paquetes dependen de el."
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v y -q no pueden ser combinados"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: variantes no especificadas"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: las variantes deben de ser de la forma '&lt;name>=&lt;value'. "
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: variantes duplicadas especificas: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "No hay actualizaciones para esta imagen."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "No hay actualizaciones para esta imagen."
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "NOTA: Revise las notas de la versión publicadas en:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "at least one package name required"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-"El servidor ha devuelto un resultado incorrecto.\n"
-"La estructura problemática: %r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "El servidor ha devuelto un resultado incorrecto.\n"
+       "La estructura problemática: %r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"El servidor ha devuelto una acción incorrecta.\n"
-#: ../client.py:1008
+       "The server returned an invalid action.\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s no es un URL de servidor válido."
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "at least one search term must be provided"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "El servidor ha devuelto un resultado incorrecto:%r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+       "packages"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-"El índice de búsqueda parece dañado. Vuelva a generar el índice con 'pkg "
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info: -l y -r quizá no se puedan combinar"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info: debe solicitar información remota para paquetes específicos"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "El índice de búsqueda parece dañado. Vuelva a generar el índice con 'pkg "
+       "rebuild-index'."
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l and -r may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "must request remote info for specific packages"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Obsolete"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Renamed"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "Instalado"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "No instalado"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "                         Nombre:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "                       Resumen:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "   Descripción:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "                      Categoría:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "                          Estado:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Renamed to:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "     Editor:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "                         Versión:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr "                         Versión:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "                  Ramificación:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "Fecha de empaquetado:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "                         Tamaño:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "                              FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: no hay paquetes que coincidan con los siguientes modelos especificados\n"
-"instalados en el sistema. Intente especificar -r para consultar de manera remota:"
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: no hay paquetes que coincidan con los siguientes modelos especificados\n"
-"en el catálogo. Intente relajar los modelos, actualizando o\n"
-"examinando los catálogos:"
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "'%s' coincide con múltiples paquetes"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "no se ha podido encontrar información de licencia para los paquetes siguientes:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents: -l y -r quizá no se puedan combinar"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents: debe solicitar contenido remoto para paquetes específicos"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents: -m y %s quizá no se puedan especificar al mismo tiempo"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "Atributo no válido '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg: '%s' coincide con múltiples paquetes"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents: debe solicitar contenido remoto para paquetes específicos"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg: %s/%s catálogos actualizados correctamente:"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "No se ha podido actualizar el catálogo para '%s' debido a permisos insuficientes."
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "No se ha podido actualizar un catálogo debido a permisos insuficientes. "
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Vuelva a intentar el comando mediante pfexec, o bien aumente \n"
-"    sus permisos."
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "'pkg publisher' mostrará una lista de editores."
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "precisa el nombre de un editor"
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "sólo se puede especificar el nombre de un editor"
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "no se pueden combinar las opciones -p y -d"
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"no existe el editor. Use -O para definir el URI de origen del nuevo editor."
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "no existe el editor. Use -O para definir el URI de origen del nuevo editor."
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Los URI de origen de '%s' no parecen apuntar a un servidor pkg válido.\n"
-"Compruebe la dirección del servidor y la configuración de la red del cliente.\n"
-"Detalles adicionales:\n"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+       "The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
+       "server.\n"
+       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "at least one publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "No se ha conseguido eliminar '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "EDITOR"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "TIPO"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "ESTADO"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(preferido)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(inhabilitado)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "origen"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "duplicación"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              Clave SSL:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "             Certificado SSL:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr " Fecha de entrada en vigor del certificado:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "Fecha de caducidad del certificado:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           URI de origen:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           URI de duplicación:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "            Editor:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                Alias:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          UUID de cliente:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "      Catálogo actualizado:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "              Habilitado:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "No"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Sí"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property: se necesita un nombre de propiedad y un valor"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"set-property: set-publisher debe utilizarse para cambiar el editor preferido"
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property: necesita al menos un nombre de propiedad"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher debe utilizarse para cambiar el editor preferido"
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property: esta propiedad no existe: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "requires a property name and value"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "requires at least one property name"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "no such property: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property: esta propiedad no existe: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create necesita que el argumento del editor tenga el formato '<prefijo>=<url>'."
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create precisa que los argumentos de variantes tengan el formato '<name>=<value>'."
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create necesita una única ruta de directorio de imágenes"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: el archivo de claves SSL '%s' no existe"
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: el certificado de claves SSL '%s' no existe"
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create precisa un argumento del editor"
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create necesita un prefijo que no coincide: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: el prefijo del editor tiene caracteres no válidos"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create: el URI del editor no es válido"
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "ya hay una imagen en: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "Para sobrescribir, utilice la opción -f (forzar)."
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "Directorio no vacío: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "no se puede crear imagen en %s: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "only one image directory path may be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "a publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"El URI '%s' no parece apuntar a un servidor pkg válido.\n"
-"Compruebe la dirección del servidor y la configuración de la red del cliente.\n"
-"Detalles adicionales:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index: el comando no toma operandos ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H e -l quizá no se puedan combinar"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+       "The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H and -l may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "TIME"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "OPERATION"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "CLIENT"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "OUTCOME"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "opción global ilegal -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
-msgstr "%(opt)s requiere un argumento de tipo nombre=valor, no %s(arg)s"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+msgstr "%(opt)s requiere un argumento de tipo nombre=valor, no %(arg)s"
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "no se ha especificado subcomando"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "-R no se admite para subcomando %s"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "opción %s ilegal -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "illegal option -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version: el comando no toma operandos ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
 msgstr ""
-"No se pudo encontrar la imagen. Use la opción -R o defina $PKG_IMAGE para que apunte\n"
-"a una imagen, o cambie el directorio de trabajo a uno dentro de la imagen."
-#: ../client.py:2485
+       "No se pudo encontrar la imagen. Use la opción -R o defina $PKG_IMAGE para que apunte\n"
+       "a una imagen, o cambie el directorio de trabajo a uno dentro de la imagen."
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "No se ha encontrado ninguna imagen"
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "error de configuración del cliente: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "Se ha purgado el historial."
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "subcomando desconocido '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha excedido el número máximo de reintentos de red durante la descarga. Detalles:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-"Error al intentar recuperar los datos de archivo o paquete "
-"de la operación solicitada."
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-"No es posible establecer contacto con un depósito de paquetes válido. Esto puede deberse a un problema con "
-"el servidor, una configuración incorrecta de la red o la configuración incorrecta de un "
-"cliente pkg.  Compruebe la configuración de la red e intente establecer contacto con "
-"el servidor mediante un navegador web."
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Detalles adicionales:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-"Error al intentar cargar la información del historial\n"
-"sobre las operaciones antiguas del cliente."
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-"Error al intentar almacenar información sobre la\n"
-"operación actual en el historial del cliente."
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "Error al intentar purgar el historial del cliente."
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-"El comando pkg parece no estar sincronizado con las bibliotecas especificadas \n"
-"por SUNWipkg. La versión de cliente es %(client)s, la versión de API de la biblioteca "
-"es %(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -893,11 +808,113 @@
 "problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
 "above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
 msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Es un error interno. Notifique a los desarrolladores\n"
+       "este problema mediante un informe en http://defect.opensolaris.org; asimismo, incluya el\n"
+       "traceback anterior y este mensaje. La versión de pkg(5) es '%s'."
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+       "for\n"
+       "the requested operation."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Details follow:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "No es posible establecer contacto con un depósito de paquetes válido. Esto puede deberse a un problema con "
+       "el servidor, una configuración incorrecta de la red o la configuración incorrecta de un "
+       "cliente pkg.  Compruebe la configuración de la red e intente establecer contacto con "
+       "el servidor mediante un navegador web."
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Detalles adicionales:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "Error al intentar cargar la información del historial\n"
+       "sobre las operaciones antiguas del cliente."
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "Error al intentar almacenar información sobre la\n"
+       "operación actual en el historial del cliente."
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "Error al intentar purgar el historial del cliente."
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "El comando pkg parece no estar sincronizado con las bibliotecas especificadas \n"
+       "por SUNWipkg. La versión de cliente es %(client)s, la versión de API de la biblioteca "
+       "es %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
-"Es un error interno. Notifique a los desarrolladores\n"
-"este problema mediante un informe en http://defect.opensolaris.org; asimismo, incluya el\n"
-"traceback anterior y este mensaje. La versión de pkg(5) es '%s'."
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+       "has completed successfuly."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
@@ -1143,7 +1160,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "Almacenamiento"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "Sistema"
@@ -1196,17 +1213,16 @@
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
 msgstr "Instalar, actualizar y eliminar paquetes de software"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "Package Manager"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Agregue nuevos depósitos y administre los existentes.</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1220,35 +1236,43 @@
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>Crear nuevo entorno de arranque</b>\n"
-"Actualizar todo crea un nuevo entorno de arranque (BE) como forma de archivar el "
-"entorno de arranque actual. El nuevo entorno de arranque se compone de los paquetes actualizados y es el entorno de arranque "
-"predeterminado cuando se reinicia el sistema.\n"
+       "<b>Create New Boot Environment</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
+       "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
+       "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Exit</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Eliminar, cambiar el nombre y activar entornos de arranque.</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>General</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Modificar URL de depósito</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>NOMBRE PAQUETE</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Nombre paquete</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Revise los paquetes que suprimir:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Buscar</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1259,233 +1283,234 @@
 msgstr "<b>_Duplicaciones</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>_Certificado y clave SSL</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Certificado y clave SSL</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>Instalador Web de Package Manager</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>_Depósito:</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "Acerca de"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "Acerca de Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Add Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "Busca_r"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "Confirmación de entorno de arranque "
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher Complete"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Applying Changes"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "Busc_ar"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Applying changes..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "B_rowse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Br_owse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "Buscar certificado SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "Buscar clave SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "Comprobando SUNWipkg y SUNWipkg-gui más recientes, espere..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "Comprobando dependencias de paquetes..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Borrar"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "C_lear Search"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "Hacer clic para ver la lista de los paquetes más recientes."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Cancel current operation"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "Comprobando SUNWipkg y SUNWipkg-gui más recientes, espere..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "Comprobando dependencias de paquetes..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "Hacer clic para actualizar todos los paquetes instalados."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "Copiar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmación"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
 "Use is subject to license terms."
 msgstr ""
-"Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
-"Reservados todos los derechos.\n"
-"Uso sujeto a las cláusulas de la licencia."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "Cor_tar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
-msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "Entorno de arranque activo"
+       "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
+       "Reservados todos los derechos.\n"
+       "Uso sujeto a las cláusulas de la licencia."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "Acción de cortar"
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "Entorno de arranque activo"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "D_eselect All"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "D_etails"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "Dependencias"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "Deseleccionar los paquetes seleccionados"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripción:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Detalles"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "No volver a avisarme sobre estos depósitos."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Archivos "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ayuda"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Go to package _list"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "Instalar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "Instalar o actualizar los paquetes seleccionados"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "Instalar/Actualizar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "Comprobación de instalación/actualización"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "Leyenda:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licencia"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "Licencia"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "Dupl_icación:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "Administrar entornos de arranque"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "Administrar depósitos"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "Administración _de entornos de arranque..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "Administración _de entornos de arranque..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Modify Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "Modificar depósito"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "                         Nombre:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias de Package Manager "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "Pegar"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "                         Nombre: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "Pre_ferencias"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "Preferencias"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "Preparación"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "Continúe sólo si confía en este nuevo depósito "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "Procesando"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "Pu_blisher:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Publisher Name:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "Salir de la aplicación"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Re_fresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "Recargar"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "Error de búsqueda remota"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "Confirmación de eliminación"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "Eliminar los paquetes seleccionados"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "C_ertificado SSL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "C_ertificado SSL: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "Certificado y clave SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "_Certificado SSL:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "C_lave SSL:"
@@ -1495,556 +1520,610 @@
 msgstr "C_lave SSL: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "Busc_ar:"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Buscar"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Buscar"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Search Publisher Errors"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "Buscar errores en todos los depósitos"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Search Repositories Error"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede llevar a cabo Buscar en todos los depósitos en los depósitos\n"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "Seleccionar todos los elementos"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "Seleccionar actualizaciones"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "Seleccionar _actualizaciones"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "Seleccione paquetes marcando la casilla de selección y haga clic en Instalar/Actualizar."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "Seleccione paquetes marcando la casilla de selección y haga clic para eliminar los seleccionados."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "Seleccionar _todo"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "Seleccionar _actualizaciones"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Show Start Page on _startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "Realice una selección en la lista para modificar o eliminar depósitos."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "Seleccione paquetes marcando la casilla de selección y haga clic en Instalar/Actualizar."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "Seleccione paquetes marcando la casilla de selección y haga clic para eliminar los seleccionados."
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Specify the publisher name and URL"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "Mostra_r:"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "_Página de inicio"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "Descripción breve"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "The following will be added to your system:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "Página de inicio"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "This is a secure repository."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "_Página de inicio"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "Éste es un depósito seguro. Consulte lo publicado "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "Lo siguiente se agregará al sistema "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "Éste es un depósito seguro. Consulte lo publicado "
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+       "Specify the location of these files."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-"Este depósito precisa un certificado y una clave SSL.\n"
-"Especifique la ubicación de estos archivos en los espacios proporcionados, o bien use los "
-"botones de \n"
-"navegación para proporcionar su ubicación."
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Type text to search for the package."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "Actualizar todo"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "Escriba texto para buscar el nombre y la descripción del paquete."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "Actualizar todo"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Vie_w:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Agregar"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "Actualizar todos los paquetes"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "Actualizaciones"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "_Add Publisher..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Add..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "Acerca _de"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "_Alias:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "_Agregar"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Browse..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "_Buscar"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Contenido"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "_Borrar"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "_Contenido"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edición"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "_Copiar"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "_Export Selections..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "_Deseleccionar todo"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "_Edición"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "_Habilitar búsqueda de tipo directo (lenta en depósitos grandes)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_Archivo"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "Ay_uda"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "_Instalar /Actualizar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "_Instrucciones"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "_Manage Publishers..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "_Instalar /Actualizar"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "_Modificar..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "_Instrucciones"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_Nombre:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "_Administrar depósitos..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "_Nombre: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "_Modificar..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "_Nombre: "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "_Paquete"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "_Continuar"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "_Paquete"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "_Registration Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "_Pegar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "_Continuar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "Sal_ir"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "_Eliminar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "_Buscar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "Mo_strar Página de inicio en el arranque "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "_URL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "_URL: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "_Actualizar todo"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "_Ver"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-"Si el depósito precisa un certificado y una clave SSL, o bien si tiene duplicaciones, "
-"agregue el nuevo\n"
-"depósito y haga clic en Modificar para agregar información."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
-"Booleano que determina si la página de inicio debe mostrarse en el arranque o "
-"en la vista inicial de la lista."
+       "Booleano que determina si la página de inicio debe mostrarse en el arranque o "
+       "en la vista inicial de la lista."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
-"Booleano que determina si la búsqueda se ejecuta dinámicamente mientras se "
-"escribe o sólo cuando se pulsa la tecla de retorno."
+       "Booleano que determina si la búsqueda se ejecuta dinámicamente mientras se "
+       "escribe o sólo cuando se pulsa la tecla de retorno."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 msgstr ""
-"Cadena que determina si el depósito de búsqueda remoto se muestra o no en el "
-"cuadro de diálogo de error."
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+       "exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+       "and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+       "mode."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+       "dialog."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
-"Entero que identifica el valor inicial del filtro que se debe mostrar "
-"cuando se inicia packagemanager. 0 se corresponde con todos los paquetes."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+       "Entero que identifica el valor inicial del filtro que se debe mostrar "
+       "cuando se inicia packagemanager. 0 se corresponde con todos los paquetes."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
 msgstr ""
-"Entero que identifica el valor de nivel superior inicial que se debe mostrar cuando "
-"se inicia packagemanager. 0 se corresponde con todas las categorías."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+       "An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+       "packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+       "default)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-"Entero que especifica la altura inicial de la ventana principal de "
-"la aplicación, modificable si no hay suficiente espacio en la pantalla."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "Entero que especifica la altura inicial de la ventana principal de "
+       "la aplicación, modificable si no hay suficiente espacio en la pantalla."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-"Entero que especifica la posición inicial de la división horizontal "
-"de la aplicación, que separa el panel de categorías del panel de lista."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "Entero que especifica la posición inicial de la división horizontal "
+       "de la aplicación, que separa el panel de categorías del panel de lista."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-"Entero que especifica la posición inicial de la división vertical "
-"de la aplicación, que separa el panel de detalles del panel de lista."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "Entero que especifica la posición inicial de la división vertical "
+       "de la aplicación, que separa el panel de detalles del panel de lista."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-"Entero que especifica la anchura inicial de la ventana principal de "
-"la aplicación, modificable si no hay suficiente espacio en la pantalla."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-"Lista de depósitos separados por comas que se muestran si no "
-"admiten búsqueda remota"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "Habilitar búsqueda de tipo directo "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "Altura inicial de la aplicación"
+       "Entero que especifica la anchura inicial de la ventana principal de "
+       "la aplicación, modificable si no hay suficiente espacio en la pantalla."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "Posición inicial de la división horizontal de la aplicación"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr ""
+       "An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+       "completion."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "Posición inicial de la división vertical de la aplicación"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+       "when searching them"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "Anchura inicial de la aplicación"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Display selected publisher at startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "Valor de sección inicial"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "Habilitar búsqueda de tipo directo "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "Altura inicial de la aplicación"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "Posición inicial de la división horizontal de la aplicación"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "Posición inicial de la división vertical de la aplicación"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "Anchura inicial de la aplicación"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "Valor de sección inicial"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "Valor inicial de mostrar filtro"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Last Export Selections Path"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Last publisher used by package manager"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "Mostrar página de inicio en el arranque "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "URL de actualización de página de inicio "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Start in serach mode"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-"Ubicación desde la que obtener actualizaciones para la página de inicio de Package Manager."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "Ubicación desde la que obtener actualizaciones para la página de inicio de Package Manager."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "La GUI no responderá a ningún evento %s.                             Compruebe las señales de webinstall.py"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-" Agregar nuevo depósito\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-" Agregar nuevos depósitos\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-" Todos los paquetes y depósitos especificados ya se encuentran en el sistema.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publisher\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publishers\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Install Package\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Instalar paquetes\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgstr[1] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Publisher Error"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgstr[1] "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
-" Instalar paquetes\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "Continúe sólo si confía en estos nuevos depósitos"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "Error de depósito"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "Error de API"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Error"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "Error al leer el archivo p5i. "
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+       "completion it will be disabled again."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+       "On completion they will be disabled again."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabled Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabled Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "No se ha podido agregar %s.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "No se ha especificado un URI "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Web Installer Error"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"No se ha encontrado la biblioteca <b>libbe</b> en el sistema.\n"
-"Todas las funciones para administrar entornos de arranque están desactivadas"
+       "No se ha encontrado la biblioteca <b>libbe</b> en el sistema.\n"
+       "Todas las funciones para administrar entornos de arranque están desactivadas"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
 msgstr "Administración de entornos de arranque"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "La GUI no responderá a ningún evento %s.                             Compruebe las señales de beadmin.py"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmación de entorno de arranque "
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "Cargar información de entornos de arranque"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
 msgstr "Recopilando entradas de entorno de arranque..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "Entorno de arranque"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Tamaño"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "Activar al rearrancar"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "Aplicando cambios"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "Aplicando cambios, espere..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "Activar al reiniciar:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Eliminar entornos de arranque:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Cambiar nombre de entornos de arranque:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Active on reboot\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "Borrar\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Rename\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr " a "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>No se ha podido cambiar el entorno de arranque activo a:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>No se han podido eliminar los entornos de arranque:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>No se ha podido cambiar el nombre de los entornos de arranque:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s <b>a</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "Error de entorno de arranque"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"La biblioteca <b>libbe</b> no ha podido preparar la lista de entornos de arranque.\n"
-"Todas las funciones para administrar entornos de arranque están desactivadas"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "La biblioteca <b>libbe</b> no ha podido preparar la lista de entornos de arranque.\n"
+       "Todas las funciones para administrar entornos de arranque están desactivadas"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "Preparando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "Descargando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "Instalando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "La GUI no responderá a ningún evento %s.                             Compruebe las señales de installupdate.py"
@@ -2058,44 +2137,32 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "Cancelando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "El nombre del entorno de arranque está en uso"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "El nombre del entorno de arranque no es válido"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "Comprobando que %s está actualizado..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-"No se ha podido acceder a este depósito restringido.\n"
-"Para acceder a este depósito es necesario registrarse,\n"
-"ha caducado el certificado o se debe aceptar el certificado de\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "Excepción de inventario:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-"Compruebe la conexión de red.\n"
-"¿Es posible acceder al depósito?"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "Compruebe la conexión de red.\n"
+       "¿Es posible acceder al depósito?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2103,80 +2170,105 @@
 msgstr ""
-"Compruebe la conexión de red.\n"
-"¿Es posible acceder al depósito?\n"
+       "Compruebe la conexión de red.\n"
+       "¿Es posible acceder al depósito?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+       "settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg(5) parece estar obsoleto; debe\n"
-" actualizarse antes de ejecutar Actualizar todo.\n"
-"Actualice el paquete SUNWipkg"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5) parece estar obsoleto; debe\n"
+       " actualizarse antes de ejecutar Actualizar todo.\n"
+       "Actualice el paquete SUNWipkg"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"No es posible suprimir:\n"
-"Debido a los paquetes siguientes que dependen de este elemento:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "No es posible suprimir:\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "Debido a los paquetes siguientes que dependen de este elemento:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-"El error en el uso coherente de pfexec o gksu durante la ejecución de\n"
-"%s es con frecuencia el origen de este problema."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "\n"
+       "El error en el uso coherente de pfexec o gksu durante la ejecución de\n"
+       "%s es con frecuencia el origen de este problema."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-"Para volver a generar el índice, utilice el comando del terminal:"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "\n"
+       "Para volver a generar el índice, utilice el comando del terminal:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"Error durante la instalación. El índice\n"
-"de búsqueda está dañado. Intente arreglar este\n"
-"problema mediante la ejecución de este comando:\n"
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+       "Error durante la instalación. El índice\n"
+       "de búsqueda está dañado. Intente arreglar este\n"
+       "problema mediante la ejecución de este comando:\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-"Esta imagen es Live Image. La operación\n"
-"de instalación no puede ejecutarse."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "Esta imagen es Live Image. La operación\n"
+       "de instalación no puede ejecutarse."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+       "Live Image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2184,12 +2276,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Error durante la instalación.\n"
-"Falta el plan de la operación y no puede\n"
-"finalizarse. Intente arreglar este\n"
-"problema mediante el reinicio de %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "Error durante la instalación.\n"
+       "Falta el plan de la operación y no puede\n"
+       "finalizarse. Intente arreglar este\n"
+       "problema mediante el reinicio de %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2197,319 +2289,312 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Error durante la instalación.\n"
-"El estado de la imagen es incorrecto y la operación no puede\n"
-"finalizarse. Intente arreglar este\n"
-"problema mediante el reinicio de %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "Error durante la instalación.\n"
+       "El estado de la imagen es incorrecto y la operación no puede\n"
+       "finalizarse. Intente arreglar este\n"
+       "problema mediante el reinicio de %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "No se admite la especificación del nombre del entorno de arranque.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "Nombre de entorno de arranque %s no válido.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "Actualizando %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "Ejecutando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "Recopilando información de los paquetes, espere..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "Todos los paquetes ya están instalados."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-"Los paquetes seleccionados no se pueden actualizar ellos mismos.\n"
-"Haga clic en Actualizar todo para actualizar todos los paquetes."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "Los paquetes seleccionados no se pueden actualizar ellos mismos.\n"
+       "Haga clic en Actualizar todo para actualizar todos los paquetes."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "Su sistema ya se ha actualizado."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "No hay más información disponible"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "\n"
+       "Error:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr " - Error </b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error desconocido en la fase %s.\n"
-"Informe a los desarrolladores de este problema mediante\n"
-"la especificación del error y el valor de excepción en:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "Valor de excepción:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+       "An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+       "Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+       "filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "Rastreo de excepción:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "Descargados %(current)s de %(total)s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "Error en la actualización del catálogo durante la instalación."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "Error en la actualización del catálogo durante la operación de Actualizar todo."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "Instalación completada correctamente."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "Paquetes suprimidos correctamente."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "Paquetes actualizados correctamente."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg version: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "List of configured publishers:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Installation completed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Packages removed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Packages updated successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-"No hay suficiente espacio en el disco, no se puede llevar a cabo la acción seleccionada.\n"
-"Haga clic en Aceptar para administrar los entornos de arranque existentes y liberar espacio en el disco o en Cancelar para "
-"cancelar la acción."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "No hay suficiente espacio en el disco, no se puede llevar a cabo la acción seleccionada.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Haga clic en Aceptar para administrar los entornos de arranque existentes y liberar espacio en el disco o en Cancelar para "
+       "cancelar la acción."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "No hay suficiente espacio en disco"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "Paquetes que actualizar:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "Paquetes que instalar:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "Paquetes que suprimir:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "Paquete %d de %d: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "Evaluando: %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "La GUI no responderá a ningún evento %s.                             Compruebe las señales de repository.py"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "Agregar nuevo depósito"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Nuevo depósito</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "Nombre de depósito"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "Preferido"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "Enabled"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "No se ha podido inhabilitar %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "No se ha podido habilitar %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "No se ha podido inhabilitar %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "No se ha podido habilitar %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Compruebe sus permisos."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-"Compruebe la conexión de red o la URL.\n"
-"¿Es posible acceder al depósito?"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Error inesperado.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede cambiar el editor preferido.\n"
-"Compruebe sus permisos."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "El nombre contiene caracteres no válidos"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "El nombre ya está en uso"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Canceling...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Removing publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Adding publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Updating publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Disable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Enable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Delete Publishers:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Disabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Enabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr ""
+       "Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+       "must be either https or http."
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "Publisher URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Description:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Publisher error"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "Especificar archivo de clave SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "Especificar archivo de certificado SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "El URL no es válido"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"No es posible ir a:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Registro"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "Agregando nuevo depósito"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Error al agregar depósito: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "No se ha podido agregar %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "No se pudo agregar %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "No se pudo eliminar %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "Especificar archivo de clave SSL"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "Especificar archivo de certificado SSL"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "Error de depósito"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "Depósito"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Activo"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registered"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Mirror Name"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Enabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Enabling Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabling Publishers"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
-"tipo desconocido de acción '%(type)s' en el paquete '%(fmri)s' en la acción '%(action)s'"
+       "tipo desconocido de acción '%(type)s' en el paquete '%(fmri)s' en la acción '%(action)s'"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
@@ -2523,9 +2608,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Acción incorrecta en el paquete '%(fmri)s' en la posición: %(pos)d:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "Acción incorrecta en el paquete '%(fmri)s' en la posición: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
 #, python-format
@@ -2534,9 +2619,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Acción incorrecta en la posición: %(pos)d:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "Acción incorrecta en la posición: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
@@ -2548,17 +2633,24 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "Acción no válida, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "no se ha proporcionado el atributo necesario '%s'."
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "no se ha proporcionado el atributo necesario, '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2566,531 +2658,713 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-"No es posible trabajar en %s\n"
-"debido a un número insuficiente de permisos. Intente de nuevo el comando mediante "
-"o bien aumente sus privilegios."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "No es posible trabajar en %s\n"
+       "debido a un número insuficiente de permisos. Intente de nuevo el comando mediante "
+       "pfexec\n"
+       "o bien aumente sus privilegios."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"No es posible completar la operación debido a un número insuficiente de permisos. "
-"de nuevo el comando mediante pfexec o aumente sus privilegios.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "\n"
+       "No es posible completar la operación debido a un número insuficiente de permisos. "
+       "Intente\n"
+       "de nuevo el comando mediante pfexec o aumente sus privilegios.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-"No es posible trabajar en %s\n"
-"porque el archivo está en uso. Deje de utilizar el archivo e intente\n"
-"de nuevo la operación."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "No es posible trabajar en %s\n"
+       "porque el archivo está en uso. Deje de utilizar el archivo e intente\n"
+       "de nuevo la operación."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"El siguiente patrón o patrones no coinciden con ningún paquete del catálogo actual.\n"
-"Cambie el patrón para que no sea tan estricto, actualice o examine los catálogos:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "El siguiente patrón o patrones no coinciden con ningún paquete del catálogo actual.\n"
+       "Cambie el patrón para que no sea tan estricto, actualice o examine los catálogos:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "'%s' no coincide con ningún paquete instalado"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "'%s' es un fmri no permitido"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "El siguiente paquete o paquetes no cumplen las restricciones:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' admite las arquitecturas siguientes: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "Arquitectura de imagen definida como: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are not installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are already installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+       "catalog operations."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+       "provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+       "result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+       "catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+       "version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"No se ha encontrado ningún paquete que coincida con los siguientes FMRI en ninguno de los "
-"catálogos de los editores actuales:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "No se ha encontrado ningún paquete que coincida con los siguientes FMRI en ninguno de los "
+       "catálogos de los editores actuales:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (version did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "The search at url %s returned no results."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "Algunos servidores no consiguen responder adecuadamente:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Search performance is degraded.\n"
+       "Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"No se reconoce el formato del archivo especificado o no contiene información válida "
-"del editor: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "No se reconoce el formato del archivo especificado o no contiene información válida "
+       "del editor: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-"No se reconoce el formato del archivo especificado o no contiene información válida "
-"del editor."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "No se reconoce el formato del archivo especificado o no contiene información válida "
+       "del editor."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "Formato no admitido de la información del editor pkg(5)."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Se ha encontrado un error al recuperar los datos de '%s':\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+       "Se ha encontrado un error al recuperar los datos de '%s':\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "Se ha encontrado un error al recuperar los datos de: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "'%s' no es una ubicación válida."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "'%s' no es un nombre de entorno de arranque válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-"La asignación de nombres del entorno de arranque durante la instalación de paquetes no se admite en esta\n"
-"versión de OpenSolaris. Actualice la imagen sin la opción --be-name."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "La asignación de nombres del entorno de arranque durante la instalación de paquetes no se admite en esta\n"
+       "versión de OpenSolaris. Actualice la imagen sin la opción --be-name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "No es posible clonar el entorno de arranque actual."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un problema al intentar cambiar el nombre del entorno de arranque\n"
-"de %(orig)s a %(dest)s."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "Se ha producido un problema al intentar cambiar el nombre del entorno de arranque\n"
+       "de %(orig)s a %(dest)s."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "No es posible montar %(name)s en %(mt)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-"No se permite la asignación de un nombre a un entorno de arranque mientras se trabaja en una imagen que no está\n"
-"en tiempo real."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "No se permite la asignación de un nombre a un entorno de arranque mientras se trabaja en una imagen que no está\n"
+       "en tiempo real."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "La información no reconoce las opciones siguientes:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "Algunos servidores no consiguen responder adecuadamente:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: tiempo de espera\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-"    %(o)s: Imposible leer el estado de respuesta HTTP:%(l)s\n"
-"        Es muy posible que no se trate de un depósito pkg(5).  Compruebe la URL y "
-"el \n"
-"        número de puerto."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: Lectura incompleta del host"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: Tiempo de espera del zócalo"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: Error en zócalo, causa: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s no parece ser un depósito de paquetes válido.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-"El rendimiento y la capacidad de búsqueda han disminuido.\n"
-"Para mejorar, ejecute 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "'%s' no es un nombre de editor válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(value)s' no es un valor válido para el atributo del depósito '%(attribute)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "'%(value)s' no es un valor válido para el atributo del depósito '%(attribute)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "'%s' no es un URI válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "'%s' no es una prioridad URI válida; se esperaba un valor entero."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "'%s' no es una directiva válida de clasificación de URI de depósito."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "El editor '%s' está inhabilitado y no se puede usar para operaciones de empaquetado."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "Ya existe un editor con el mismo nombre o alias que '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-"Ya existe un depósito con el mismo nombre o URI de origen para el editor "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "Ya existe un depósito con el mismo nombre o URI de origen para el editor "
+       "'%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "La duplicación '%s' ya existe para el depósito especificado."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "El origen '%s' ya existe para el depósito especificado."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "No se puede suprimir el editor preferido "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "No se puede suprimir el depósito seleccionado para un editor."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"El editor '%s' está inhabilitado y no se puede establecer como editor preferido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "El editor '%s' está inhabilitado y no se puede establecer como editor preferido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+       "as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "URI legal desconocido '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "Editor desconocido '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "URI relacionado desconocido '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "Depósito desconocido '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "Duplicación de depósito desconocida '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "Origen de depósito desconocido '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "El URI '%(uri)s' contiene un esquema no admitido '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "El URI especificado contiene un esquema no admitido. "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "No se admite '%(attr)s' para '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', "
-"ha caducado.  Instale un certificado válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', "
+       "ha caducado.  Instale un certificado válido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s', ha caducado.  Instale "
-"un certificado válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s', ha caducado.  Instale "
+       "un certificado válido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', ha caducado. Instale "
-"un certificado válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', ha caducado. Instale "
+       "un certificado válido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "El certificado '%s' ha caducado.  Instale un certificado válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', "
-"caducará en '%(days)s' días."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', "
+       "caducará en '%(days)s' días."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' caducará en '%(days)s' "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' caducará en '%(days)s' "
+       "días."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', caducará en '%(days)"
-"s' días."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', caducará en '%(days)"
+       "s' días."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "El certificado '%(cert)s' caducará en '%(days)s' días."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', "
-"no es válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', "
+       "no es válido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' no es válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "El certificado '%(cert)s' necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s' no es válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "Certificado no válido '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+       "(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"No es posible encontrar el certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' necesario para "
-"acceder a '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "No es posible encontrar el certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' necesario para "
+       "acceder a '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "No es posible encontrar el certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "No es posible encontrar el certificado  '%(cert)s' necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "No es posible encontrar el certificado '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', "
-"tiene una fecha de entrada en vigor futura."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s', necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s', "
+       "tiene una fecha de entrada en vigor futura."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' tiene una fecha de entrada en vigor futura."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s' para el editor '%(pub)s' tiene una fecha de entrada en vigor futura."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-"El certificado '%(cert)s' necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s' tiene una fecha de entrada en vigor "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "El certificado '%(cert)s' necesario para acceder a '%(uri)s' tiene una fecha de entrada en vigor "
+       "futura."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "El certificado '%s' tiene una fecha de entrada en vigor futura."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "Ha proporcionado una respuesta incorrecta:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "Could not find %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg: no se puede crear una instantánea automática. La recuperación de pkg está desactivada."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg: error del sistema %s detectado al ejecutar %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: '%s' incorrecto \n"
-"con un código de retorno de %d."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+       "with a return code of %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg: no se puede activar %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg: no se puede montar %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3098,208 +3372,237 @@
 "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Existe un clónico de %s y se ha actualizado y activado.\n"
-"En el próximo arranque, el entorno de arranque %s se montará en '/'.\n"
-"Rearranque cuando esté listo para cambiar a este entorno de arranque actualizado.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+       "\n"
+       "Existe un clónico de %s y se ha actualizado y activado.\n"
+       "En el próximo arranque, el entorno de arranque %s se montará en '/'.\n"
+       "Rearranque cuando esté listo para cambiar a este entorno de arranque actualizado.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s se ha actualizado correctamente"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-" El sistema en ejecución no se ha modificado. Sólo se han hecho modificaciones en un "
-"clónico del sistema en ejecución. Este clónico está montado en %s si desea "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       " El sistema en ejecución no se ha modificado. Sólo se han hecho modificaciones en un "
+       "clónico del sistema en ejecución. Este clónico está montado en %s si desea "
+       "inspeccionarlo."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg: no se puede invertir el entorno de arranque %s y restaurar la imagen"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s no se ha podido actualizar. No se han efectuado cambios en %s."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg: no se puede destruir la instantánea %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg: no se puede crear el entorno de arranque %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg: no se puede montar el entorno de arranque %s en %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
 msgstr ""
-"No se pudo actualizar el entorno de arranque %s. Se obtuvo una instantánea antes "
-"del intento fallido y se ha montado aquí %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' y después "
-"'beadm activate %s' si desea arrancar este entorno de arranque."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+       "The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+       "before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+       "to boot to this BE."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr ""
-"No se pudo actualizar el entorno de arranque %s. Se obtuvo una instantánea antes "
-"del intento fallido y se ha restaurado, así que no se han efectuado cambios en %s."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "Este servidor no es un depósito de paquetes válido."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+       "No se pudo actualizar el entorno de arranque %s. Se obtuvo una instantánea antes "
+       "del intento fallido y se ha restaurado, así que no se han efectuado cambios en %s."
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "Antes de la evaluación:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "Después de la evaluación:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "Comprobación incorrecta de la actualización de SUNWipkg."
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-"Índice dañado o caducado. Eliminando directorio de índice antiguo (%s) y"
-"generando nuevos índices de búsqueda."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "Índice dañado o caducado. Eliminando directorio de índice antiguo (%s) y"
+       "generando nuevos índices de búsqueda."
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "el grupo o el id de usuario actual no puede escribir en la raíz escribible."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "no es posible escribir en el directorio del índice. "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "_Depósito actual (nombre y descripción)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "Buscar en depósito actual (nombre y descripción)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "_Todos los depósitos (coincidencia exacta)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "Buscar en todos los depósitos (coincidencia exacta)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"Comprobando las versiones de SUNWipkg y SUNWipkg-gui\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr ""
-"La interfaz gráfica no responderá a ningún evento. %s.Compruebe "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "Resultados de la búsqueda en todos los depósitos "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Todos"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "Todos los paquetes"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "Paquetes instalados"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "Actualizaciones"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "Not installed Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "Paquetes seleccionados"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "Agregar..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "All Publishers (Search)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Export Selections Confirmation"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Export Selections Error"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Export Selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "All Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><H2>Bienvenido a Package Manager</H2><br><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>Aviso: no es posible cargar la página de inicio:<br>%s</font></body></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "Cargando... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>Bienvenido a Package Manager</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Aviso: no es posible cargar la página de inicio:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "failed to respond"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "invalid response"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "A valid response was not returned."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "unsupported search"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Loading... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "Parado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "Terminado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3309,332 +3612,429 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
-"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
-"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
-"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>Aviso: no es posible cargar el URL</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "No se ha especificado un URI "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Aviso: no es posible cargar el URL</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "No se admite una acción vacía"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "Acción no admitida: %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Click to toggle selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nombre"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Estado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "Depósito"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "Descripción"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "Actualizaciones disponibles"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "all selection toggle"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "No instalado"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "Actualizaciones disponibles"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Fetching descriptions..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "Todas las categorías "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "Metapaquetes"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "Aplicaciones"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "Escritorio (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Desarrollo"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "Distribuciones"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "Controladores"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "Servicios web"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "Todos los paquetes"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "Paquetes instalados"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "Paquetes no instalados"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "Paquetes seleccionados"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Search all publishers"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Search current publisher"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+       "view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+       "packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+       "is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "All Publishers"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"No es posible obtener el estado de los resultados de búsqueda.\n"
-"No se han cargado los catálogos.\n"
-"Vuelva a intentarlo después de unos segundos.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
+       "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
+       "Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Search cleared"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "Obteniendo información jurídica..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "Agregar..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "Actualizando catálogos"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "Actualizando catálogos..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "Refreshing package catalog information"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Todos"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "Loading package list"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "No es posible ir a:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "Seleccionado para supresión:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "Seleccionado para instalación o actualización:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "Marque la casilla de verificación para seleccionar paquetes\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "Nombre del paquete"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "Obteniendo descripción..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "Obteniendo información..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(not installed)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ninguno"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-"Esto puede deberse a un problema en la red mientras se accede al depósito."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "No se dispone de descripción para este paquete..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "\n"
+       "Esto puede deberse a un problema en la red mientras se accede al depósito."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "No se dispone de detalles de archivos para este paquete..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "No se dispone de dependencias para este paquete..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "No se dispone de información para este paquete..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "Root: %s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "Dependencias:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "Resumen:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "Tamaño:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "Categoría:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "Versión instalada:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "Versión más reciente:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "Fecha de empaquetado:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "Depósito:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Ninguno"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "No disponible"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Problema de red.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+       "Problema de red.\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "Detalles:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " catálogos actualizados correctamente:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Error desconocido"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-"El depósito seleccionado no contiene paquetes.\n"
-"Vuelva a cargar la lista de paquetes."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "Procesando entradas de paquetes: %d de %d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "Cargando información de depósito"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "Obteniendo entradas de paquete..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "Buscando..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s: primer %d encontrado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: %d encontrado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "%d enumerado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "%d seleccionados"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "%d instalados"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"La acción Actualizar todo se ha completado y Package Manager se cerrará.\n"
-"Revise las notas sobre la versión publicadas antes de rearrancar el sistema:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+       "La acción Actualizar todo se ha completado y Package Manager se cerrará.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Revise las notas sobre la versión publicadas antes de rearrancar el sistema:\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Update All Complete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "Guardar selección..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "Guardar paquetes seleccionados..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
-"Los paquetes instalados requieren rearrancar para completar "
-"la instalación."
+       "Los paquetes instalados requieren rearrancar para completar "
+       "la instalación."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "Unable to initialize gtk"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3642,14 +4042,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3658,152 +4059,316 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
-"Subcomandos de empaquetador:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
-"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-"        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
-"        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-"        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
-"        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
-"        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Packager subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
+       "        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+       "or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+       "values using the --set-property option."
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "sólo se puede especificar -e o -n"
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "open necesita un nombre de paquete"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "No se ha especificado un ID de transacción mediante -t o en $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "No se ha especificado ID de transacción en $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "No se han especificado argumentos para el subcomando."
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "Se debe proporcionar un nombre de archivo para esta acción."
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "line %d: missing path"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "line %s: File %s not found"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "line %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
 msgstr "el comando no toma operandos"
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "sólo se puede especificar -e o -n"
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "open necesita un nombre de paquete"
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "No se ha especificado un ID de transacción mediante -t o en $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "No se ha especificado ID de transacción en $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "No se han especificado argumentos para el subcomando."
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "Se debe proporcionar un nombre de archivo para esta acción."
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend: opción global ilegal -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "opción %s ilegal -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "No se puede abrir el manifiesto: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "No se puede descargar archivos de: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "No se puede crear directorio: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error al leer de: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "No se puede extraer archivo: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "No se puede descargar manifiesto %s de %s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "No se puede abrir archivo: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Error al leer de: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "Error al escribir en: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "No se puede descargar catálogo de: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Error al leer de: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "Opción ilegal -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "se debe especificar un servidor"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "Illegal option value -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "a source repository must be provided"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n no toma opciones"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "se debe especificar al menos un pkgfmri"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s no es un fmri legal: %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "No hay archivos que recuperar."
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+       "or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+       "the repository or create a new one."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving package content ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "Republishing %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"Un mensaje de texto que describe las actualizaciones se muestra cerca del área"
-"de notificaciones del panel cuando las actualizaciones quedan disponibles si se establece en 'true'."
+       "Un mensaje de texto que describe las actualizaciones se muestra cerca del área"
+       "de notificaciones del panel cuando las actualizaciones quedan disponibles si se establece en 'true'."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
@@ -3814,8 +4379,8 @@
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
-"Frecuencia con que se comprueba si hay actualizaciones. Los valores válidos son Diario, Semanalmente, Mensualmente, "
+       "Frecuencia con que se comprueba si hay actualizaciones. Los valores válidos son Diario, Semanalmente, Mensualmente, "
+       "Nunca"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
@@ -3830,16 +4395,16 @@
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
-"El intervalo de tiempo, en segundos, que debe esperar updatemanagernotifier, tras el"
-"inicio, antes de comprobar si hay actualizaciones."
+       "El intervalo de tiempo, en segundos, que debe esperar updatemanagernotifier, tras el"
+       "inicio, antes de comprobar si hay actualizaciones."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"El programa updatemanagernotifier termina después de que el usuario active el "
-"icono en el área de notificación si se configura como 'true'."
+       "El programa updatemanagernotifier termina después de que el usuario active el "
+       "icono en el área de notificación si se configura como 'true'."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
@@ -3858,8 +4423,8 @@
 msgstr "Instalar actualizaciones disponibles"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "Administrador de actualizaciones"
@@ -3879,9 +4444,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "Cerrar cuadro de diálogo al _finalizar"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "Índice"
@@ -3889,13 +4452,13 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "Instalar actualización"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
-"Hay actualizaciones para los paquetes siguientes.\n"
-"Seleccione los paquetes que desee actualizar y haga clic en Instalar."
+       "Hay actualizaciones para los paquetes siguientes.\n"
+       "Seleccione los paquetes que desee actualizar y haga clic en Instalar."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3913,6 +4476,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "_Seleccionar todas las actualizaciones"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "Notificar al usuario cuando haya actualizaciones disponibles"
@@ -3921,383 +4496,840 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "Notificador del Administrador de actualizaciones"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "Obteniendo catálogo: '%s' ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "Obteniendo catálogo"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "Creando plan... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "Creando plan"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "Verificando: %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "Verificando"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "Completado"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "La GUI no responderá a ningún evento %s.                             Compruebe las señales de updatemanager.py"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "Evaluar"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "Evaluar - cancelando..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "Descargar - cancelando..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "Evaluar - incorrecto"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "Descargar - incorrecto"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "Instalar - incorrecto"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "Índice - incorrecto"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-"Hay actualizaciones para los paquetes siguientes.\n"
-"Haga clic en Actualizar todo para crear un nuevo entorno de arranque e instalar en él todos "
-"los paquetes."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "Hay actualizaciones para los paquetes siguientes.\n"
+       "Haga clic en Actualizar todo para crear un nuevo entorno de arranque e instalar en él todos "
+       "los paquetes."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "Versión más reciente"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "Tamaño (megabytes)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "cantidad: %d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "Error\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s' no es una imagen de instalación\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "Error de coincidencia de versiones: se esperaba %s se ha recibido %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>No hay actualizaciones disponibles.</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Tamaño:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Última versión:\t\t%s\n"
-"Versión instalada:\t%s\n"
-"Fecha de empaquetado:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Depósito:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s no es una imagen válida, intentando imagen root"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s no es una imagen root válida, el resultado es Ninguna"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-"Obteniendo detalles de %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "\n"
+       "Obteniendo detalles de %s ..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-"No hay detalles disponibles"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"Cancelando actualización, espere..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede cancelar en este momento."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "Instalando actualizaciones"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "ERROR"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el siguiente o los siguientes paquetes incorporados:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "Uso de actualización: Actualizar todo\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualizar todo finalizado correctamente en %1.f min\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualizar todo finalizado correctamente en < 1 min\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Revise las notas sobre la versión publicadas antes de rearrancar el sistema:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "\n"
+       "No hay detalles disponibles"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "Actualizar todo completado"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "No se ha seleccionado nada para actualizar."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "Actualizando..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "Error de actualización en instalación planificada:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "Error inesperado de la API de actualización:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "Error inesperado de actualización:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "Paquetes que instalar:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Actualizar"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "La actualización ha finalizado correctamente."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s Descarga incorrecta:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s ha excedido el espacio libre en el disco"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s error inesperado:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s Ejecución de plan incorrecta:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"No hay suficiente espacio en el disco, no se puede llevar a cabo la acción Actualizar todo.\n"
-"Haga clic en Aceptar para administrar los entornos de arranque existentes y liberar espacio en el disco o en Cancelar para "
-"cancelar la acción Actualizar todo."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "No hay suficiente espacio en el disco, no se puede llevar a cabo la acción Actualizar todo.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Haga clic en Aceptar para administrar los entornos de arranque existentes y liberar espacio en el disco o en Cancelar para "
+       "cancelar la acción Actualizar todo."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "No hay suficiente espacio libre en el disco"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d acciones"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "Índice\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d acciones"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "Comprobar si hay software nuevo"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "Hay actualizaciones disponibles"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-"Hay actualizaciones disponibles\n"
-"Haga clic en el icono para actualizar."
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "Hay actualizaciones disponibles\n"
+       "Haga clic en el icono para actualizar."
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "Se está ejecutando otra instancia de UpdateManagerNotify"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "archivo de información pkg(5)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s is not an install image"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "Error de API"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Error"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "                         Tamaño:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "                      Categoría:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "Installed:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "Version Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "Latest Version:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "Editor:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "Update Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "Evaluando: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "Descargados %(current)s de %(total)s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "Paquete %d de %d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "Missing type attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "Missing fmri attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "Empty path attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "No such file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a file."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "License file %s does not exist."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "Unknown img_path type."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "Removal Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "Install Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "Update Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "Index Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "Couldn't find %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s had this elf error:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Reading Existing Index"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Indexing Packages"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "missing version"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "versión no válida"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "Not an absolute path."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "Could not parse query."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "Problem occurred with: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "repository directories incomplete"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "Could not find manifest file %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' no es una imagen de instalación"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+       "known layouts:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/ja.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/ja.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -24,18 +24,23 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME &lt;EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE &lt;[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "詳細は、pkg -- help または -? を参照してください。"
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +63,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -82,809 +90,678 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
-msgstr ""
-"        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
-"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
-"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-"        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg version\n"
-"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
-"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
-"            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
-"            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
-"            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
-"        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
-"        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
-"        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
-"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
-"            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
-"            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
-"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
-"        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
-"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
-"        pkg purge-history\n"
-"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-"        -R dir\n"
-"        --help or -?\n"
-"        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+msgstr "使用方法:\n"
+       "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "基本サブコマンド:\n"
+       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+       "index]\n"
+       "        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg version\n"
+       "\n"
+       "詳細サブコマンド:\n"
+       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
+       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
+       "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
+       "zone]\n"
+       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
+       "            [--variant &lt;variant_spec>=&lt;instance>]\n"
+       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+       "&lt;variant_spec>=&lt;instance>\n"
+       "            [&lt;variant_spec>=&lt;instance> ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
+       "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
+       "        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
+       "            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
+       "            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
+       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
+       "        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
+       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
+       "        pkg purge-history\n"
+       "        pkg rebuild-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "オプション:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "環境:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "-s と -v を組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "既知"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "インストール済み"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "インストール済みのパッケージが存在しません"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "指定されたパッケージの中で、使用可能な更新を持つものは存在しません"
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "インストール済みパッケージの中で、使用可能な更新を持つものは存在しません"
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "'%s' に一致するパッケージが存在しません %s"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "'%(pattern)s’ の %(state)s に一致するパッケージが存在しません"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "作成された ZFS スナップショット: %s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify: -v と -q を組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "要求された \"fix\" 操作は、ライブイメージ内で変更できないファイルに影響を及ぼします。\n 操作を代替起動環境で再試行してください。"
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v と -q を組み合わせることはできません"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: 指定された次のパターンに一致するパッケージの中で、\n"
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg: 指定された次のパターンに一致するパッケージの中で、\n"
+       "システムにインストール済みのものは存在しません。\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
-msgstr ""
-"ほかのパターンは、すべてインストール済みパッケージに一致しました。  %s"
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -v と -q を組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update: コマンドはオペランドを取りません ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "'%s' をルートに持つイメージは存在しません"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "このイメージで使用可能な更新は存在しません。"
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"image-update が失敗しました (目録の例外):\n"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"警告: pkg(5) が古いようなので、image-update を実行する前に\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-"「pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg」を使って pkg(5) を更新したあとで、\n"
-"image-update を再試行してください。"
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-"image-update の準備中に予期しないエラーが発生しました:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "image-update が失敗しました: %s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "ライブイメージに image-update を実行することはできません"
-#: ../client.py:643
+msgstr "\n ほかのパターンは、すべてインストール済みパッケージに一致しました。  %s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"image-update の実行中に予期しないエラーが発生しました: %s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "注: 次の場所で公開されているリリースノートを確認してください:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install: パッケージ名を少なくとも 1 つ指定する必要があります"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install: -v と -q を組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s' はインストールイメージではありません"
-#: ../client.py:745
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
+msgstr "\n %s の準備中に予期しないエラーが発生しました:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s に失敗しました: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "ライブイメージに %s を実行することはできません"
+#: ../client.py:567
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "要求された \"%s\" 操作は、ライブイメージ内で変更できないファイルに影響を及ぼします。\n 操作を代替起動環境で再試行してください。"
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "%s 中に予期しないエラーが発生しました: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "'%s' をルートに持つイメージは存在しません"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+msgstr "%s が失敗しました (目録の例外):\n %s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"install が失敗しました (目録の例外):\n"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-"install の準備中に予期しないエラーが発生しました:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "インストールが失敗しました: %s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "インストール中に予期しないエラーが発生しました: %s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall: パッケージ名を少なくとも 1 つ指定する必要があります"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall: -v と -q を組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:857
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"uninstall が失敗しました (目録の例外):\n"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "アンインストールが失敗しました: %s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "アンインストール中に予期しないエラーが発生しました: %s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-"問題のある構造: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+msgstr "警告: pkg(5) が古いようなので、%s を実行する前に\n 更新してください。'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg'\n  を使って pkg(5) を更新したあとで、%s を再試行してください。"
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "次のパッケージが依存しているため、'%s' を削除できません:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v と -q を組み合わせることはできません"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: バリアントが指定されていません"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: バリアントは '<name>=<value>' の形式になっている必要があります。"
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: 重複したバリアントが指定されています: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "このイメージは更新の必要はありません。"
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "コマンドはオペランドを取りません ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "このイメージで使用可能な更新は存在しません。"
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "注: 次の場所で公開されているリリースノートを確認してください:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "パッケージ名を少なくとも 1 つ指定する必要があります"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
-msgstr ""
-"問題のある構造: %r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+msgstr "サーバーが不正な形式の結果を返しました。\n 問題のある構造: %r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:1008
+msgstr "サーバーが不正なアクションを返しました。\n %s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s は有効なサーバー URL ではありません。"
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "検索語句が少なくとも 1 つ指定されている必要があります"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "-o のアクションレベルのオプション ('%s') と -p オプションは同時に使用できません"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "サーバーが不正な形式の結果を返しました:%r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr "-o のアクションレベルのオプションとパッケージを返すクエリーは同時に使用できません"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-"検索インデックスが壊れているようです。'pkg "
-"rebuild-index' でインデックスを再構築してください。"
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info: -l と -r を組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info: 特定のパッケージではリモートの情報を要求する必要があります"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "検索インデックスが壊れているようです。'pkg "
+       "rebuild-index' でインデックスを再構築してください。"
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l と -r を組み合わせることはできません"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "特定のパッケージではリモートの情報を要求する必要があります"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "廃止または互換性がなくなる可能性あり"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "名前変更済み"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "インストール済み"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "インストール済みでない"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "                    名前:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "                    概要:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "    説明:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "                カテゴリ:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "                    状態:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    変更後の名前:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
-msgstr "    出版社:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+msgstr "    発行元:"
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "             バージョン:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr "        ビルドリリース:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "                    分岐:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "パッケージ化の日付:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "                 サイズ:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "                  FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
-msgstr ""
-"pkg: 指定された次のパターンに一致するパッケージの中で、\n"
-"システムにインストール済みのものが存在しません。-r を指定して、リモートで照会を行なってください:"
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+msgstr "pkg: info: 指定された次のパターンに一致するパッケージの中で、\n システムにインストール済みのものが存在しません。-r を指定して、リモートでクエリーを実行してください:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
-msgstr ""
-"pkg: 指定された次のパターンに一致するパッケージが、カタログ内に見つか\n"
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+msgstr "pkg: info: 指定された次のパターンに一致するパッケージが、カタログ内に\n 見つかりませんでした。パターンの条件緩和、再表示、カタログの検査のいずれか\n 、あるいはそのすべてを試してください:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "'%s' は複数のパッケージに一致します"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "次のパッケージのライセンス情報が見つかりませんでした:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents: -l と -r を組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents: 特定のパッケージではリモートの内容を要求する必要があります"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents: -m と %s を同時に指定することはできません"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "無効な属性 '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg: '%s' は複数のパッケージに一致します"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents: 特定のパッケージではリモートの内容を要求する必要があります"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m と %s を同時に指定することはできません"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' は複数のパッケージに一致します"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: 指定された次のパターンに一致するパッケージの中で、\n システムにインストール済みのものが存在しません。-r を指定して、リモートで照会を行なってください:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: 指定された次のパターンに一致するパッケージが、カタログ内に見つか\n りませんでした。パターンの条件緩和、再表示、カタログの検査のいずれか\n 、あるいはそのすべてを試してください:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg: %s/%s カタログの更新に成功しました:"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "アクセス権が十分でないため '%s' のカタログを更新できませんでした。"
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "アクセス権が十分でないためカタログを更新できませんでした。"
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"pfexec を使用してコマンドを再試行するか、\n"
-"    アクセス権を取得してください。"
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "'pkg publisher' は発行元のリストを表示します。"
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "発行元名が必要です"
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "指定できる発行元名は 1 つだけです"
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "-p オプションと -d オプションを組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"発行元が存在しません。 -O を使用して新しい発行元の起点 URI を定義してください。"
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "発行元が存在しません。 -O を使用して新しい発行元の起点 URI を定義してください。"
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"'%s' の起点 URI は有効な pkg  サーバーを指していないようです。\n"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+msgstr "'%(pubname)s' の起点 URI は有効な pkg  サーバーを指していないようです。\n サーバーのアドレスとクライアントのネットワーク構成を確認してください。\n その他の詳細:\n \n %(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "発行元が少なくとも 1 つ指定されている必要があります"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "'%(pub)s' の削除に失敗しました: %(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "発行元"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "タイプ"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "状態"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(優先)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(無効)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "起点"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "ミラー"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              SSL キー:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "             SSL 証明書:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr " 証明書の発効日:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "証明書の有効期限:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           起点 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           ミラー URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
-msgstr "    出版社:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+msgstr "    発行元:"
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                別名:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          クライアント UUID:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "      カタログの更新:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "              有効:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "いいえ"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "はい"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property: プロパティー名と値が必要です"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"set-property: 優先された発行元を変更するには set-publisher を使用する必要があります"
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property: プロパティー名を少なくとも 1 つ指定する必要があります"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"unset-property: 優先された発行元を変更するには set-publisher を使用する必要があります"
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property: そのようなプロパティーは存在しません: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "プロパティー名と値が必要です"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "優先発行元を変更するには set-publisher を使用する必要があります"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "プロパティー名を少なくとも 1 つ指定する必要があります"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "そのようなプロパティーは存在しません: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property: そのようなプロパティーは存在しません: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create では、発行元の引数が「<prefix>=<url>」の形式になっている必要があります。"
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create では、バリアントの引数が「<name>=<value>」の形式になっている必要があります。"
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create では、単一のイメージディレクトリパスを指定する必要があります"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL キーのファイル '%s' が存在しません"
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL キーの証明書 '%s' が存在しません"
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create には発行元の引数が必要です"
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create では、接頭辞が一致しないことが要求されます: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: 発行元の接頭辞に無効な文字が含まれています"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create: 発行元の URI が無効です"
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "次の場所にすでにイメージが存在します: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "上書きするには、-f (force) オプションを使用します。"
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "空でないディレクトリ: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "%s にイメージを作成できません: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "発行元の引数は '<prefix>=<url>' の形式になっている必要があります。"
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "バリアントの引数は '&lt;name>=&lt;value>' の形式になっている必要があります。"
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "指定できるイメージディレクトリのパスは 1 つだけです"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "発行元を指定する必要があります"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "次のテキストで始まる発行元の接頭辞は使用できません: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "発行元の接頭辞に無効な文字が含まれています"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "%(image_dir)s にイメージを作成できません: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"URI '%s' は有効な pkg  サーバーを指していないようです。\n"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index: コマンドはオペランドを取りません ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H と -l を組み合わせることはできません"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+msgstr "URI '%(pub_url)s' は有効な pkg  サーバーを指していないようです。\n"
+       "サーバーのアドレスとクライアントのネットワーク構成を確認してください。\n"
+       "その他の詳細:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H と -l を組み合わせることはできません"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "時間"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "操作"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "クライアント"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "結果"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr "\n 次のプロキシ構成が環境に設定されました:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "不正なグローバルオプション -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s は、%(arg)s ではなく、形式 name=value の引数を取ります"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "サブコマンドが指定されていません"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "-R は %s サブコマンドでは許可されていません"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "不正な %s オプション -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "不正なオプション -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version: コマンドはオペランドを取りません ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
 msgstr ""
-"イメージが見つかりませんでした。-R オプションを使用するか $PKG_IMAGE を設定してイメージの場所を指定するか、\n"
-#: ../client.py:2485
+       "イメージが見つかりませんでした。-R オプションを使用するか $PKG_IMAGE を設定してイメージの場所を指定するか、\n"
+       "あるいは作業ディレクトリをイメージの内側に変更してください。"
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "イメージが見つかりません。"
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "クライアント構成エラー: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "履歴が削除されます。"
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "不明なサブコマンド '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-"サーバーの問題、ネットワーク構成の誤り、pkg クライアント構成の"
-"誤りなどが考えられます。ネットワークの設定を確認し、Web ブラウザを使用して"
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "クライアント履歴の削除を試行しているときに、エラーが発生しました。"
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-"pkg コマンドは、SUNWipkg で提供されているライブラリと同期がとれていない\n"
-"ようです。クライアントのバージョンが %(client)s であるのに対して、ライブラリ API "
-"のバージョンは %(api)s です。"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -893,11 +770,104 @@
 "problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
 "above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
 msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "これは内部エラーです。この問題を開発者に知らせるために、\n"
+       "http://defect.opensolaris.org でバグ情報を入力し、上記のトレースバック\n"
+       "とこのメッセージを含めてください。pkg(5) のバージョンは '%s' です。"
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr "\n 要求された操作に対するパッケージまたはファイルデータの取得を 試行しているときに、\n エラーが発生しました。"
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr "詳細は次のとおりです:\n \n %s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "有効なパッケージデポに接続できません。原因としては、"
+       "サーバーの問題、ネットワーク構成の誤り、pkg クライアント構成の"
+       "誤りなどが考えられます。ネットワークの設定を確認し、Web ブラウザを使用して"
+       "サーバーに接続してみてください。"
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "その他の詳細:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "以前のクライアント操作に関する履歴情報の読み込みを試行しているときに、\n"
+       "エラーが発生しました。"
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "現在の操作に関する情報をクライアント履歴に格納しようとしたときに、\n"
+       "エラーが発生しました。"
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "クライアント履歴の削除を試行しているときに、エラーが発生しました。"
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg コマンドは、SUNWipkg で提供されているライブラリと同期がとれていない\n"
+       "ようです。クライアントのバージョンが %(client)s であるのに対して、ライブラリ API "
+       "のバージョンは %(api)s です。"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
-"http://defect.opensolaris.org でバグ情報を入力し、上記のトレースバック\n"
-"とこのメッセージを含めてください。pkg(5) のバージョンは '%s' です。"
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "インデックス作成、イメージ更新、インストール、またはアンインストール中にエラーが発生しましたが、\n"
+       "正常に終了しました。"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
@@ -1143,7 +1113,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "ストレージ"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "システム"
@@ -1196,17 +1166,16 @@
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
 msgstr "ソフトウエアパッケージをインストール、更新または削除します"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "パッケージマネージャー"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>新しいリポジトリの追加と既存のリポジトリの管理を行います。</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>発行元とそのリポジトリの追加、変更、および削除を行います</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1219,36 +1188,39 @@
 "Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"「すべて更新」は、現在のブート環境 (BE) をアーカイブする手段として新しい BE を"
-"作成します。新しい BE は、更新されたパッケージから構成され、システムの再起動時にはデフォルトの"
-"BE になります。\n"
+msgstr "<b>新しいブート環境を作成します</b>\n \n 「すべて更新」は、現在のブート環境 (BE) をアーカイブする手段として新しい BE を作成します。新しい BE は、更新されたパッケージから構成され、システムの再起動時にはデフォルトの BE になります。\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ブート環境の削除、名前の変更、および有効化を行います。</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>終了</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>ブート環境の削除、名前の変更、およびアーカイブを行います。</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>一般</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
 msgstr "<b>リポジトリ URL の変更</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>パッケージ名</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>発行元の別名とURL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>パッケージ名</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>発行元は正常に追加されました</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>削除するパッケージを確認してください:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>検索</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ダイアログを表示</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1259,233 +1231,234 @@
 msgstr "<b>ミラー(_M)</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>SSL キーと証明書(_S)</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>リポジトリ(_R)</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>SSL キーと証明書(_S)</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>パッケージマネージャー Web インストーラ</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>リポジトリ(_R):</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "バージョン情報"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "グレードについて"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "発行元を追加"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "参照(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "ブート環境の確認"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "発行元を追加しました"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "変更を適用する"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "参照(_O)"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "変更を適用しています..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "参照(_R)..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "参照(_O)..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "SSL 証明書を参照"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "SSL キーを参照"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "最新の SUNWipkg と SUNWipkg-gui をチェックしています。しばらくお待ちください..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "パッケージの依存関係をチェック中..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "クリア"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "検索を消去(_L)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "最新のパッケージの一覧を取得する場合にクリックします。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "現在の操作をキャンセル"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "最新の SUNWipkg と SUNWipkg-gui をチェックしています。しばらくお待ちください..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "パッケージの依存関係をチェック中..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "すべてのインストール済みパッケージを更新する場合にクリックします。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "コピー"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "確認"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
 "Use is subject to license terms."
 msgstr ""
-"Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
-"All rights reserved.\n"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "カット(_T)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
-msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "現在アクティブになっているブート環境"
+       "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
+       "All rights reserved.\n"
+       "使用はライセンス契約条件に従うものとします。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "アクションのカット"
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "現在アクティブになっているブート環境"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "すべてを選択解除(_E)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "選択解除(_E)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "依存関係"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "選択したパッケージを選択解除します"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "説明:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "詳細"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "今後、これらのリポジトリについて通知しない。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "今後、これらの発行元について通知しない。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "ダウンロード"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "ファイル"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "ヘルプ(H)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "package _list へ移動"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "インストール"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "選択したパッケージをインストールまたは更新します"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "インストール/更新"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "インストール/更新のチェック"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "説明文:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "ライセンス"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "ライセンス"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "ミラー(_I):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "ブート環境を管理する"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "発行元の管理"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "リポジトリの管理"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "ブート環境の管理(_B)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "ブート環境の管理(_B)..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "発行元の変更"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "リポジトリの変更"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "                    名前:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "パッケージマネージャーの設定"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "ペースト"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "                    名前:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "設定(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "設定"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "準備"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "この新しいリポジトリを信頼する場合のみ続行してください"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "処理中"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "発行元(_B):"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "発行元名:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "アプリケーションを終了します"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "再表示(_F)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "再読み込み"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "再表示"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "パッケージとパッケージの状態一覧を再表示"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "終了時に選択した発行元を記憶する(_E)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "リモート検索エラー"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "削除"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "確認の削除"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "選択したパッケージを削除します"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "SSL 証明書(_E): "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "SSL 証明書(_E): "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "SSL キーと証明書"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "SSL 証明書(_C):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "SSL キー(_K):"
@@ -1495,556 +1468,584 @@
 msgstr "SSL キー(_K): "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "検索(_A):"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "検索"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "検索"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "発行元エラーを検索"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "すべてのリポジトリの検索エラー"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "リポジトリエラーを検索"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "すべての項目を選択"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "更新を選択"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "次の発行元のエラーを検索:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "更新を選択(_U)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "チェックボックスにチェックマークを付けてパッケージを選択し、「インストール/更新」をクリックします。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "チェックボックスにチェックマークを付けてパッケージを選択し、「選択したパッケージを削除します」をクリックします。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "すべて選択(_A)"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "矢印を使用して発行元のリポジトリを設定"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "更新を選択(_U)"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "起動時に「開始ページ」を表示(_S)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "既存のリポジトリを変更または削除する場合は、リストから選択してください。"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "削除時に確認のダイアログを表示(_D)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "チェックボックスにチェックマークを付けてパッケージを選択し、「インストール/更新」をクリックします。"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "インストール/更新時に確認のダイアログを表示(_I)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "チェックボックスにチェックマークを付けてパッケージを選択し、「選択したパッケージを削除します」をクリックします。"
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "発行元名とURLを指定"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "表示(_W):"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "開始ページ(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "簡単な説明"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "次のものがシステムに追加されます:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "開始ページ"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "このリポジトリはセキュリティーで保護されています。 "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "開始ページ(_P)"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "このリポジトリはセキュリティーで保護されています。公開されている次のものを参照してください: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "次のものがシステムに追加されます"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "このリポジトリはセキュリティーで保護されています。公開されている次のものを参照してください: "
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr "この発行元には SSL キーと SSL 証明書が必要です。\n これらのファイルの場所を指定してください。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-"このリポジトリには SSL キーと証明書が必要です。\n"
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "パッケージを検索するためのテキストを入力します。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "すべて更新"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "パッケージの名前と説明を検索するためのテキストを入力します。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "すべて更新"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "表示(_W):"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "追加(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "すべてのパッケージを更新します"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "更新"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "発行元を追加(_A)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "追加(_A)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "情報(_A)"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "別名(_A):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "追加(_A)"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "参照(_B)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "参照(_B)"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "内容(_C)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "クリア(_C)"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "詳細(_D)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "内容(_C)"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "編集(_E)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "コピー(_C)"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "選択項目をエクスポート(_E)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "すべてを選択解除(_D)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "編集(_E)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "先打ち検索を有効にする (大規模なリポジトリでは低速)(_E)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "ファイル(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "ヘルプ(_H)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "インストール/更新(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "使用方法(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "発行元の管理(_M)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "インストール/更新(_I)"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "変更(_M)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "使用方法(_I)"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "名前(_N): "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "リポジトリの管理(_M)..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "名前(_N): "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "変更(_M)..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "名前(_N): "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "パッケージ(_P)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "続行(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "パッケージ(_P)"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "登録の詳細(_R)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "ペースト(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "続行(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "終了(_Q)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "削除(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "検索(_S)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "起動時に開始ページを表示(_S)..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "URL(_U): "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "URL(_U): "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "すべて更新(_U)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "表示(_V)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-"リポジトリに SSL キーと証明書が必要な場合や、リポジトリにミラーが存在する場合は、"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "例: http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
+       "起動時に「開始ページ」と初期リスト表示のどちらを表示するかを決定する"
+       "ブール値。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
-"Return キーを押したときだけ検索を実行するかを決定するブール値。"
+       "ユーザーが入力するにつれて動的に検索を実行するか、ユーザーが"
+       "Return キーを押したときだけ検索を実行するかを決定するブール値。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
-msgstr ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
+msgstr "パッケージマネージャーに終了時の状態を保存し、次の起動時にその状態を使用するかを決定するブール値。保存される状態は、選択した発行元と、水平および垂直の境界バーの位置です。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
-"when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
-msgstr ""
-"0 は「すべてのパッケージ」に対応します。"
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr "パッケージマネージャーを検索モードで開始するかを決定するブール値。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
-msgstr ""
-"0 は「すべてのカテゴリ」に対応します。"
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr "エラーダイアログにリポジトリを表示するかどうかを決定する文字列。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "パッケージマネージャーが最後に使用した発行元を保存する文字列。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
+"An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
+"when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
+msgstr "パッケージマネージャーの起動時に表示される表示フィルタの初期値を示す整数。 0 は「すべてのパッケージ」に対応します。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+msgid ""
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+msgstr "パッケージマネージャーの起動時に展開されるトップレベルセクションの初期値を示す整数。 0 は \"すべてのカテゴリ\" に、2 は \"アプリケーション\" (デフォルト) に対応します。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "アプリケーションのメインウィンドウの初期の高さを指定する整数。"
+       "スクリーンが十分でない場合は無効になります。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "アプリケーションの水平境界バーの初期位置を指定する整数。"
+       "カテゴリパネルとリストパネルを区切ります。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "アプリケーションの垂直境界バーの初期位置を指定する整数。"
+       "詳細パネルとリストパネルを区切ります。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "先打ち検索を有効にする"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "アプリケーションの初期の高さ"
+       "アプリケーションのメインウィンドウの初期幅を指定する整数。"
+       "スクリーンが十分でない場合は無効になります。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "アプリケーションの水平境界バーの初期位置"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr "検索テキストの補完のために保存するエントリの最大件数を指定する整数。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "アプリケーションの垂直境界バーの初期位置"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr "リポジトリ検索時に API エラーが発生した場合に表示する、リポジトリをコンマ区切ったリスト"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "アプリケーションの初期幅"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "起動時に選択した発行元を表示する"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "セクションの初期値"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "先打ち検索を有効にする"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "アプリケーションの初期の高さ"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "アプリケーションの水平境界バーの初期位置"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "アプリケーションの垂直境界バーの初期位置"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "アプリケーションの初期幅"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "セクションの初期値"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "表示フィルタの初期値"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "最新のエクスポートパス"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "パッケージマネージャーが最後に使用した発行元"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "検索テキスト補完のための最大エントリ数"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "起動時に「開始ページ」を表示"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "「開始ページ」の更新 URL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "検索モードで開始"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "パッケージマネージャーの「開始ページ」の更新を取得する場所。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "パッケージマネージャーから最後にエクスポートされたパッケージのパス。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI はどのイベントにも応答しません。%s。webinstall.py のシグナルをチェックしてください"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-" 新規リポジトリを追加\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-" 新規リポジトリを追加\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-" 指定されたすべてのリポジトリとパッケージはすでにシステムに存在します。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] "\n  新規発行元を追加\n"
+msgstr[1] "\n  新規発行元を追加\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "指定されたすべての発行元はすでにシステムに存在します。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " パッケージをインストール\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " パッケージをインストール\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "この新しい発行元を信頼する場合<b>のみ</b>「続行」をクリックしてください"
+msgstr[1] "これら新しい発行元を信頼する場合<b>のみ</b>「続行」をクリックしてください"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "発行元エラー"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "次の発行元は無効です:\n"
+msgstr[1] "次の発行元は無効です:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
-" パッケージをインストール\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "これらの新しいリポジトリを信頼する場合のみ続行してください"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "リポジトリエラー"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "API エラー"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "エラー"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "p5i ファイルの読み取り中にエラーが発生しました。"
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] "\n"
+       "「了解」をクリックすると、インストールを続行する前に発行元を有効にします。インストールが完了すると、発行元は再び無効となります。"
+msgstr[1] "\n"
+       "「了解」をクリックすると、インストールを続行する前に発行元を有効にします。インストールが完了すると、発行元は再び無効となります。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "無効となっている発行元"
+msgstr[1] "無効となっている発行元"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "%s の追加に失敗しました。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "URI が指定されていません"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Web インストーラエラー"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>libbe</b> ライブラリがシステム上に見つかりませんでした。\n"
+       "<b>libbe</b> ライブラリがシステム上に見つかりませんでした。\n"
+       "ブート環境を管理するためのすべての機能が無効になっています"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
 msgstr "BE 管理"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI はどのイベントにも応答しません。%s。beadmin.py のシグナルをチェックしてください"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "ブート環境の確認"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "ブート環境情報の読み込み"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
 msgstr "BE エントリを取得しています..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "ブート環境"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "作成済み"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "サイズ"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "リブート時にアクティブ化"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "削除"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "変更を適用する"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "変更を適用しています。しばらくお待ちください..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "リブート時にアクティブ化:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "ブート環境を削除:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "ブート環境の名前を変更:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "リブート時にアクティブ化\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "削除\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "名前の\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
-msgstr "変更後"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+msgstr "変更"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>アクティブブート環境を次のものに変更できませんでした:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>ブート環境を削除できませんでした:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>ブート環境の名前を変更できませんでした:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s <b>変更後</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "BE エラー"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>libbe</b> ライブラリはブート環境の一覧を準備できませんでした。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "<b>libbe</b> ライブラリはブート環境の一覧を準備できませんでした。\n"
+       "ブート環境を管理するためのすべての機能が無効になっています"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%Y 年 %m 月 %d 日 %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "準備中..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "ダウンロード中..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "インストール中..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI はどのイベントにも応答しません。%s。installupdate.py のシグナルをチェックしてください"
@@ -2052,50 +2053,38 @@
 #. We are not showing the download stage in the main stage list
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 msgid "Removing..."
-msgstr "削除しています..."
+msgstr "削除中..."
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:252
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "キャンセル中..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "BE 名は使用中です"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "BE 名が無効です"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "%s が最新であることを確認しています..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "目録の例外:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "ネットワーク接続を確認してください。\n"
+       "リポジトリにアクセスできますか?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2103,80 +2092,102 @@
 msgstr ""
+       "ネットワーク接続を確認してください。\n"
+       "リポジトリにアクセスできますか?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+msgstr "\n"
+       "有効なパッケージデポに接続できません。ネットワークの設定を確認し、\n"
+       "Web ブラウザを使用してサーバーに接続してみてください。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg(5) は古いようなので、「すべて更新」を\n"
-"SUNWipkg パッケージを更新してください"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5) は古いようなので、「すべて更新」を\n"
+       "実行する前に更新すべきです。\n"
+       "SUNWipkg パッケージを更新してください"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "削除できません:\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "次のパッケージがこれに依存しているためです:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-"多くの場合、%s の実行時に pfexec または gksu の使用方法を誤ったことが\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "\n"
+       "多くの場合、%s の実行時に pfexec または gksu の使用方法を誤ったことが\n"
+       "この問題の原因です。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "\n"
+       "インデックスを再構築するには、次の端末コマンドを使用してください:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+       "インストール中にエラーが発生しました。\n"
+       "検索インデックスが壊れています。次のコマンドを実行することによって、\n"
+       "この問題の解決を試みることをお勧めします:\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "これはライブイメージです。インストール\n"
+       "操作を実行できません。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "要求された操作は、ライブイメージ内で変更できないファイルに影響を及ぼします。\n "
+       "操作を代替起動環境で再試行してください。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2184,12 +2195,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"操作を完了できません。%s を再起動することによって、\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "インストール中にエラーが発生しました。\n"
+       "操作の計画がないため\n"
+       "操作を完了できません。%s を再起動することによって、\n"
+       "この問題の解決を試みることをお勧めします\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2197,319 +2208,309 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"操作を完了できません。%s を再起動することによって、\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "インストール中にエラーが発生しました。\n"
+       "イメージの状態が正しくないため\n"
+       "操作を完了できません。%s を再起動することによって、\n"
+       "この問題の解決を試みることをお勧めします\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "BE 名を指定することはできません。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "無効な BE 名: %s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "%s を更新しています"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "実行しています..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
 msgstr "パッケージ情報を収集しています。しばらくお待ちください..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "すべてのパッケージがすでにインストールされています。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "選択したパッケージは単独では更新できません。\n"
+       "「すべて更新」をクリックしてすべてのパッケージを更新してください。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "システムはすでに更新されています。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "利用できる詳細情報はありません"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "\n"
+       "エラー:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr " - 失敗しました </b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 段階で不明なエラーが発生しました。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "例外の値:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+msgstr "%s 段階で不明なエラーが発生しました。\n"
+       "この問題を開発者に知らせるために、\n"
+       "バグ情報と下記のエラーの詳細を次のサイトで入力してください:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "例外のトレースバック:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "%(current)s/%(total)s がダウンロードされました"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "インストール中にカタログの更新に失敗しました。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "「すべて更新」の処理中にカタログの更新に失敗しました。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "インストールが正常に完了しました。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "パッケージが正常に削除されました。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "パッケージが正常に更新されました。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg バージョン:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "構成済み発行元リスト:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "インストールが正常に完了しました"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "パッケージが正常に削除されました"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "パッケージが正常に更新されました"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-"既存の BE を管理してディスク容量を解放する場合は「了解」をクリックし、アクションを取り消す場合は"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "ディスク容量が不足しているため選択したアクションを実行できません。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "既存の BE を管理してディスク容量を解放する場合は「了解」をクリックし、アクションを取り消す場合は"
+       "「取消し」をクリックしてください。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "ディスク容量の不足"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "更新するパッケージ:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "インストールするパッケージ:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "削除するパッケージ:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "パッケージ %d/%d: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "評価中: %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "発行元確認の管理"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI はどのイベントにも応答しません。%s。repository.py のシグナルをチェックしてください"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "新規リポジトリを追加"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>新規リポジトリ</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "リポジトリ名"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "発行元"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "別名"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "優先"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Enabled"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s を無効にできませんでした。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s を有効にできませんでした。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "%s を無効にできませんでした。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "%s を有効にできませんでした。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-"ネットワーク接続または URL を確認してください。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+msgstr "有効"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "名前に無効な文字が含まれています"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "名前はすでに使用されています"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "発行元の追加"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "キャンセルしています...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "発行元 %s を削除しています\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "発行元 %s は正常に削除されました\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "発行元 %s を追加しています\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "発行元 %s を更新しています\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "発行元 %s は正常に追加されました\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "発行元 %s は正常に更新されました\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "発行元の無効化:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "発行元の有効化:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "発行元の削除:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "無効にする"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "有効にする"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s 発行元 %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr "ミラーおよびリポジトリの URLには、\n https または http を入力する必要があります。"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL を指定してください"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL は指定しないでください"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "発行元 URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "説明:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "発行元エラー"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "SSL キーのファイルを指定してください"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "SSL 証明書のファイルを指定してください"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "URL が無効です"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "登録"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "新規リポジトリを追加しています"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"リポジトリの追加に失敗しました %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s の追加に失敗しました。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "%s の追加に失敗しました。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "%s の削除に失敗しました。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "SSL キーのファイルを指定してください"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "SSL 証明書のファイルを指定してください"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "リポジトリエラー"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL は指定できません"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "指定されたパスには SSL Key が見つかりません"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "指定されたパスには SSL 認証が見つかりません"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "リポジトリ"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "アクティブ"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "登録済み"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "ミラー名"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "発行元の有効化"
+msgstr[1] "発行元の有効化"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "発行元の無効化"
+msgstr[1] "発行元の無効化"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
-"アクション '%(action)s' のパッケージ '%(fmri)s のアクションタイプ '%(type)s' は不明です"
+       "アクション '%(action)s' のパッケージ '%(fmri)s のアクションタイプ '%(type)s' は不明です"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
@@ -2523,9 +2524,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"パッケージ'%(fmri)s' の次の位置にあるアクションの形式が不正です: %(pos)d:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "パッケージ'%(fmri)s' の次の位置にあるアクションの形式が不正です: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
 #, python-format
@@ -2534,9 +2535,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"次の位置にあるアクションの形式が不正です: %(pos)d:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "次の位置にあるアクションの形式が不正です: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
@@ -2548,17 +2549,23 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "無効なアクションです。'%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "必須の属性 '%s' が指定されませんでした。"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "必須の属性 '%s' が指定されませんでした。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr "パッケージ '%(fmri)s' に対する 状態 '%(states)s' の変更は無効です。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2566,739 +2573,918 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-"アクセス権が十分でないため %s を\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "アクセス権が十分でないため %s を\n"
+       "操作できませんでした。"
+       "pfexec\n"
+       "を使用してコマンドを再試行するか、アクセス権を取得してください。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"pfexec を使用してコマンドを再試行するか、\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "\n"
+       "アクセス権が十分でないため操作を完了できませんでした。"
+       "pfexec を使用してコマンドを再試行するか、\n"
+       "アクセス権を取得してください。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-"ファイルが使用中のため %s を\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "ファイルが使用中のため %s を\n"
+       "操作できませんでした。ファイルの使用を中止し、\n"
+       "操作を再試行してください。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "%s 上での操作を完了できませんでした: ファイルシステムは読み取り専用です\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "操作を完了できませんでした: ファイルシステムは読み取り専用です。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "次のパターンは、現在のカタログ内のどのパッケージにも一致しませんでした。\n"
+       "パターンの条件緩和、再表示、カタログの検査のいずれか、あるいはそのすべてを試してください:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "'%s' はどのインストール済みパッケージにも一致しません"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "'%s' は不正な FMRI です"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "次のパッケージが制約に違反しました:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' は次のアーキテクチャーをサポートしています: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "イメージのアーキテクチャーは次のように定義されています: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' は廃止されたパッケージ '%(op)s' に依存しています"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr "次のパッケージがインストールされていないため、この操作は実行できません:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr "次のパッケージがすでにインストールされているため、この操作は実行できません:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' には発行元情報が含まれていないため、カタログ操作に使用できません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr "カタログの meta_root '%(root)s' は無効です; 操作を完了できません: '%(op)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "次のカタログファイルは不正なアクセス権を持っています:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: 正しいモード: %(emode)s, 現在のモード: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "'%s' カタログファイルの署名日付は無効です。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' で提供されているカタログの更新日付を使用して、現在のカタログに対する更新の必要性を決定できません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr "カタログ %(name)s に対する '%(op)s' 操作を実行できません; 完了時にパッケージ '%(fmri)s' のエントリが重複する可能性があります。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "カタログの更新は、ディスク上のカタログにのみ適用することができます。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "カタログファイル '%s' は無効です。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr "'%s' で提供されているカタログの更新日付を使用して、このカタログに対する更新の必要性を決定できません。指定されたカタログの更新は、古いバージョンのカタログに対するもので、使用できません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "カタログ内に '%s' が見つかりません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "不明なカタログ更新タイプ '%s' です"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "認識できない、不明、または無効な CatalogPart '%s' です。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"次の FMRI に一致するパッケージが、現在の発行元のどのカタログにも見つかり"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "次の FMRI に一致するパッケージが、現在の発行元のどのカタログにも見つかり"
+       "ませんでした:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (パターンが一致しませんでした)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (発行元が一致しませんでした)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (バージョンが一致しませんでした)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "URL %s の検索には結果が返されませんでした"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "一部のサーバーが適切に応答できませんでした:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s は有効な応答を返しませんでした。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "一部のサーバーは、要求された検索操作をサポートしません:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr "検索パフォーマンスが低下しています。\n"
+       "'pkg rebuild-index' を実行して検索スピードを改善してください。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "検索サーバーは、要求されたプロトコルをサポートしてません:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"含んでいません: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "指定されたファイルは、認識できない形式であるか、有効な発行元情報を"
+       "含んでいません: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "指定されたファイルは、認識できない形式であるか、有効な発行元情報を"
+       "含んでいません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "pkg(5) 発行元情報としてサポートされていないデータ形式です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s' からデータ取得中にエラーが発生しました:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+       "'%s' からデータ取得中にエラーが発生しました:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "データの取得中にエラーが発生しました: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "'%s' は有効な場所ではありません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
 msgstr "'%s' は有効なブート環境名ではありません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "ブート環境名 %s はすでに存在しています。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-"このバージョンの OpenSolaris では、パッケージのインストール中にブート環境の\n"
-"名前を指定することはできません。--be-name オプションを指定せずに image-update を実行してください。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "このバージョンの OpenSolaris では、パッケージのインストール中にブート環境の\n"
+       "名前を指定することはできません。--be-name オプションを指定せずに image-update を実行してください。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "現在のブート環境を複製できません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-"ブート環境の名前を現在の %(orig)s から %(dest)s に\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "ブート環境の名前を現在の %(orig)s から %(dest)s に\n"
+       "変更しようとしたときに問題が発生しました。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "%(name)s を %(mt)s にマウントできません"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "ライブ以外のイメージの操作中にブート環境の名前を指定することは\n"
+       "許可されていません"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "Info では次のオプションは認識されません:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "一部のサーバーが適切に応答できませんでした:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: タイムアウト\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
-msgstr ""
-"    %(o)s: HTTP 応答の状態を読み取れません:%(l)s\n"
-"        これは pkg(5) デポではないようです。URL "
-"        ポート番号を確認してください。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: ホストからの読み取りが不完全です"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: ソケットのタイムアウト"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: ソケットエラー、理由: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s は有効なパッケージデポではないようです。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-"改善するには、'pkg rebuild-index' を実行してください。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+msgstr "発行元の meta_root '%(root)s' は無効です; 操作を完了できません: '%(op)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "'%s' は有効な発行元名ではありません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(value)s' はリポジトリ属性 '%(attribute)s' に有効な値ではありません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "'%(value)s' はリポジトリ属性 '%(attribute)s' に有効な値ではありません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "'%s' は有効なリポジトリ収集タイプではありません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "'%s' は有効な URI ではありません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "'%s' は有効な URI 優先順位ではありません。整数値が必要です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "'%s' は有効なリポジトリ URI ソートポリシーではありません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "発行元 '%s' は無効になっているため、パッケージ化の操作に使用することはできません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "'%s' と同じ名前または同じ別名の発行元がすでに存在します。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-"発行元 '%s' には、同じ名前または同じ起点 URI のリポジトリが"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "発行元 '%s' には、同じ名前または同じ起点 URI のリポジトリが"
+       "すでに存在します。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "指定されたリポジトリには、ミラー '%s' がすでに存在します。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "指定されたリポジトリには、起点 '%s' がすでに存在します。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "優先された発行元を削除することはできません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "発行元の選択されたリポジトリを削除できません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"発行元 '%s' は無効になっているため、優先された発行元として設定することはできません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "発行元 '%s' は無効になっているため、優先された発行元として設定することはできません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr "優先発行元は無効になっていない可能性があります。この発行元を無効にする前に、他の発行元を優先された発行元に設定する必要があります。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "正当な URI '%s' は不明です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "発行元 '%s' は不明です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "関連 URI '%s' は不明です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "リポジトリ '%s' は不明です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "リポジトリのミラー '%s' は不明です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "発行元 '%s' には、 '%s' 操作をサポートするリポジトリがありません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "リポジトリの起点 '%s' は不明です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "URI '%(uri)s' には、サポートされていないスキーマ '%(scheme)s' が含まれています。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "指定された URI には、サポートされていないスキーマが含まれています。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "'%(attr)s' は '%(scheme)s' でサポートされていません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' の"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' の"
+       "有効期限が切れています。有効な証明書をインストールしてください。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' の有効期限が切れています。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' の有効期限が切れています。"
+       "有効な証明書をインストールしてください。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な証明書 '%(cert)s' の有効期限が切れています。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な証明書 '%(cert)s' の有効期限が切れています。"
+       "有効な証明書をインストールしてください。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "証明書 '%s' の有効期限が切れています。有効な証明書をインストールしてください。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' は、"
-"あと '%(days)s' 日で期限切れになります。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' は、"
+       "あと '%(days)s' 日で期限切れになります。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-"発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' は、あと '%(days)s' 日で期限切れに"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' は、あと '%(days)s' 日で期限切れに"
+       "なります。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な証明書 '%(cert)s' は、あと '%(days)s' 日で期限切れに"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な証明書 '%(cert)s' は、あと '%(days)s' 日で期限切れに"
+       "なります。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "証明書 '%(cert)s' は、あと '%(days)s' 日で期限切れになります。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' が"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' が"
+       "無効です。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' が無効です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な証明書 '%(cert)s' が無効です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "証明書 '%s' が無効です。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' のキー '%(key)s' が見つかりません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "発行元 '%(pub)s' のキー '%(key)s' が見つかりません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要なキー '%(key)s' が見つかりません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "キー key '%s' が見つかりません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' が"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' が"
+       "見つかりません。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' が見つかりません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な証明書 '%(cert)s' が見つかりません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "証明書 '%s' が見つかりません。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' の発効日が"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' の発効日が"
+       "未来の日付になっています。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' の発効日が未来の日付になっています。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "発行元 '%(pub)s' の証明書 '%(cert)s' の発効日が未来の日付になっています。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な証明書 '%(cert)s' の発効日が"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "'%(uri)s' へのアクセスに必要な証明書 '%(cert)s' の発効日が"
+       "未来の日付になっています。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "証明書 '%s' の発効日が未来の日付になっています。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "不正な応答でした:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "%s が見つかりませんでした"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "'%s' パッケージのマニフェストに対する署名日付が無効です。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "マニフェストに対する署名日付が無効です。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr "次の場所にすでにイメージが存在します: %s。\n"
+       "上書きするには、-f (force) オプションを使用します。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr "指定されたイメージのパスは空ではありません: %s。\n"
+       "上書きするには、-f (force) オプションを使用します。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg: 自動スナップショットを作成できません。pkg の復元が無効になっています。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg: システムエラー %s が %s の実行中に検出されました"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: システムエラー %(e)s が %(cmd)s の実行中に検出されました"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
-msgstr ""
-"pkg: '%s' が失敗しました。\n"
-"リターンコードは %d です。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
+msgstr "pkg: '%(cmd)s' が失敗しました。\n リターンコードは %(ret)d です。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg: %s をアクティブにすることができません"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg: %s をマウント解除できません"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A clone of %s exists and has been updated and activated.\n"
 "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s のクローンが存在しており、それが更新およびアクティブ化されました。\n"
-"次回リブート時にはブート環境 %s が「/」にマウントされます。\n"
-"準備が整ったらリブートしてこの更新済みの BE に切り替えてください。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+msgstr "\n %s のクローンが存在しており、それが更新およびアクティブ化されました。\n 次回リブート時にはブート環境 %s が '/' にマウントされます。\n 準備が整ったらリブートしてこの更新済みの BE に切り替えてください。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s の更新に成功しました"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-" 稼働中のシステムは変更されませんでした。変更が加えられたのは、"
-"稼働中のシステムのクローンに対してだけです。このクローンは %s にマウント"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       " 稼働中のシステムは変更されませんでした。変更が加えられたのは、"
+       "稼働中のシステムのクローンに対してだけです。このクローンは %s にマウント"
+       "されているので、必要に応じて調査を行なってください。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg: BE %s をロールバックしてイメージを復元できません"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s の更新に失敗しました。%s は変更されていません。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg: スナップショット %s を破棄できません"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg: BE %s を作成できません"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg: BE %s を %s にマウントできません"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: BE %(name)s を %(clone_dir)s にマウントできません"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
-msgstr ""
-"ブート環境 %s の更新に失敗しました。失敗した試行を行う前に取られたスナップショットが"
-"存在しており、それが %s にマウントされています。この BE にブートする場合は、"
-"「beadm unmount %s」を使用してから「beadm activate %s」を使用してください。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
+msgstr "ブート環境 %(name)s の更新に失敗しました。失敗した試行を行う前に取られたスナップショットが"
+       "存在しており、それが %(clone_dir)s にマウントされています。この BE にブートする場合は、"
+       "'beadm unmount %(clone_name)s' を使用してから 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' を使用してください。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr ""
-"ブート環境 %s の更新に失敗しました。失敗した試行を行う前に取られた"
-"スナップショットが復元されたため、%s は変更されていません。"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "このサーバーは有効なパッケージデポではありません。"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+       "ブート環境 %s の更新に失敗しました。失敗した試行を行う前に取られた"
+       "スナップショットが復元されたため、%s は変更されていません。"
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "評価前:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "評価後:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "SUNWipkg の更新チェックが失敗しました。"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
-msgstr "バイト"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+msgstr "B"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
-msgstr "K バイト"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+msgstr "KB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "M バイト"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+msgstr "MB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "G バイト"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+msgstr "GB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
-msgstr "T バイト"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+msgstr "TB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
-msgstr "P バイト"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+msgstr "PB"
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
-msgstr "E バイト"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+msgstr "EB"
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-"インデックスが壊れているか古くなっています。古いインデックスディレクトリ (%s) を削除して"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "インデックスが壊れているか古くなっています。古いインデックスディレクトリ (%s) を削除して"
+       "検索インデックスを再構築しています。"
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "現在のユーザー ID またはグループでは書き込みできない書き込み可能ルートです。"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "インデックスディレクトリに書き込めません。"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "現在のリポジトリ (名前と説明)(_C)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "現在のリポジトリの検索 (名前と説明)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "すべてのリポジトリ (完全一致)(_A)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "すべてのリポジトリの検索 (完全一致)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"SUNWipkg と SUNWipkg-gui のバージョンをチェックしています\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr ""
-"GUI がイベントに応答しません。%s。declare_signals() をチェックしてください"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "すべてのリポジトリの検索結果"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "すべて"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "すべてのパッケージ"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "インストール済みパッケージ"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "更新"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "インストールされていないパッケージ"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "選択したパッケージ"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "追加..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "すべての発行元 (検索)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "エクスポート選択項目の確認"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>次の項目を Web Install .p5i ファイルにエクスポートします:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI はどのイベントにも応答しません。%s。updatemanager.py のシグナルをチェックしてください"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "エクスポート選択項目エラー"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "エクスポート選択項目"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i ファイル"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "すべてのファイル"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "検索 (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><H2>パッケージマネージャーへようこそ</H2><br><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>警告: 開始ページを読み込めません:<br>%s</font></body></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "読み込み中... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>パッケージマネージャーへようこそ</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>警告: 開始ページを読み込めません:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "応答に失敗しました"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "無効な応答です"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "有効な応答が返されました。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "サポートされていない検索です"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "読み込み中... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "停止しました"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "完了"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3308,332 +3494,412 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
-"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
-"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
-"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>警告: URL を                     読み込めません</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "URI が指定されていません"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>警告: URL を                     読み込めません</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s のパッケージを表示"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(s1)sすべての発行元%(e1)sを検索"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "表示を%(s1)sすべての発行元%(e1)sに変更"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(s1)s検索ヘルプ%(e1)sを表示"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "%(s1)s検索ヘルプ%(e1)sを読み込み中..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "空のアクションはサポートされていません"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "アクションはサポートされていません: %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "選択を切り替えるには、クリックしてください"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "名前"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "状態"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "リポジトリ"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "説明"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "更新が使用可能です"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "すべての選択を切り替え"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "インストールされていません"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "更新が使用可能です"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "説明を取得中..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "すべてのカテゴリ"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "メタパッケージ"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "アプリケーション"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "デスクトップ (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "開発"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "ディストリビューション"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "ドライバ"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "Web サービス"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "すべてのパッケージ"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "インストール済みパッケージ"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "インストールされていないパッケージ"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "選択したパッケージ"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "すべての発行元を検索"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "現在の発行元を検索"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr "alt='[情報]' title='情報' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>すべての発行元を検索</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "次の発行元のパッケージを検索するには、「検索」フィールドを使用してください:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>次の発行元をクリックして "
+       "その発行元のパッケージを表示してください:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr "alt='[情報]' title='情報' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>検索結果</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] "すべてのパッケージでは <b>%(num)s</b> パッケージが <b>%(text)s</b> に一致しましたが、 "
+       "<b>%(filter)s</b> 表示では表示されていません。"
+msgstr[1] "すべてのパッケージでは <b>%(num)s</b> パッケージが <b>%(text)s</b> に一致しましたが、 "
+       "<b>%(filter)s</b> 表示では表示されていません。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>推奨:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>クリックして<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%s'>すべてのパッケージ</a>に表示を変更</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr "alt='[情報]' title='情報' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>検索結果</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD><b>%(pub)s</b> には "
+       "<b>%(text)s</b> に一致するパッケージが見つかりませんでした</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>推奨:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>スペルを確認</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'><a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>"
+       "すべての発行元</a>で <b>%(text)s</b> を検索</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'><a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>検索ヘルプ</a>を参照</li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[警告]' "
+       "title='警告' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>検索警告</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>ワイルドカード <b>*</b> のみを使用した検索は"
+       "すべての発行元の検索ではサポートされていません</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></ TD><TD<TD><b>推奨:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li  style='padding-left:7px'>別の検索語句を試してください</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "すべての発行元"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "検索結果の状態を取得できません。\n"
+       "カタログが読み込まれていません。\n"
+       "数秒後に再試行してください。\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "検索は消去されました"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "使用条件情報を取得しています..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "追加..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "カタログの再表示中"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "カタログの再表示中..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "パッケージのカタログ情報を更新しています"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "すべて"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "パッケージリストを読み込んでいます"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "移動できません:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "選択された削除対象:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "選択されたインストール/更新対象:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "チェックボックスにチェックマークを付けてパッケージを選択してください\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "パッケージ名"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "説明を取得中..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
-msgstr "情報を取得中..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+msgstr "情報を取得しています..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (ビルド %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(未インストール)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "なし"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "名前\t依存関係\tインストールされているバージョン\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "このパッケージの説明がありません..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "\n"
+       "リポジトリへのアクセス中にネットワークの問題が発生すると、このようになる場合があります。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "このパッケージのファイルの詳細がありません..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "このパッケージの依存性の情報がありません..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "このパッケージの情報がありません..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "ルート: %s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "依存関係:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "概要:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "サイズ:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "カテゴリ:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "インストールされているバージョン:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "最新バージョン:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "パッケージ化の日付:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "リポジトリ:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "なし"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "使用不可"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "変換に問題があるため、ライセンスは表示できませんでした。"
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "選択した発行元にパッケージが含まれていません。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "合計: %(total)s  選択: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "%(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s で %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s を検索しています..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "%(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s を検索しています..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s に一致するパッケージが %(number)d 個見つかりました"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+       "ネットワークの問題。\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "詳細:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " カタログの更新に成功しました:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "不明なエラー"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "パッケージエントリを処理しています: %d/%d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "リポジトリ情報の読み込み中"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "パッケージエントリの取得中..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "検索中..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s: 最初の %d が見つかりました"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: %d が見つかりました"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "%d が一覧表示されました"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "%d が選択されました"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "%d がインストールされました"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s、%s、%s。"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s 個のカタログが正常に更新されました:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+       "「すべて更新」アクションが完了しました。パッケージマネージャーは終了します。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "システムを再起動する前に、次の場所で公開されているリリースノートを確認してください:\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "「すべて更新」が完了しました"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "選択した項目を保存..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "選択したパッケージを保存..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
+       "パッケージのインストールを完了するには、リブートする"
+       "必要があります。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "gtk を初期化できません"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3641,14 +3907,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3656,153 +3923,298 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
-msgstr ""
-"        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
-"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-"        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
-"        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-"        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
-"        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
-"        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+msgstr "使用方法:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "パッケージャ―のサブコマンド:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "オプション:\n"
+       "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
+       "        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
+       "\n"
+       "環境:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "プロパティーの引数は '&lt;section.property>=&lt;value>' の形式になっている必要があります。"
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr "--set-property を使用して、無効なリポジトリ構成値が指定されたか、必要な値が指定されていません。"
+       "--set-property オプションを使用して、正しい値、または必要な値を指定してください。"
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "指定できるのは -e または -n だけです"
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "open ではパッケージ名を 1 つ指定する必要があります"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "-t の使用時、または $PKG_TRANS_ID でトランザクション ID が指定されていません。"
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "$PKG_TRANS_ID にトランザクション ID が指定されていません"
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "サブコマンドに引数が指定されていません。"
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "このアクションにはファイル名を指定する必要があります。"
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "サブコマンドに fmri の引数が指定されていません"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "行 %d: パスがありません"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "行 %s: ファイル %s が見つかりません"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "行 %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
 msgstr "コマンドはオペランドを取りません"
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "指定できるのは -e または -n だけです"
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "open ではパッケージ名を 1 つ指定する必要があります"
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "-t の使用時、または $PKG_TRANS_ID でトランザクション ID が指定されていません。"
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "$PKG_TRANS_ID にトランザクション ID が指定されていません"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "サブコマンドに引数が指定されていません。"
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "このアクションにはファイル名を指定する必要があります。"
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend: 不正なグローバルオプション -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "不正な %s オプション -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-msgstr ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "マニフェスト %s を開けません"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "%s からファイルをダウンロードできません"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "ディレクトリ %s を作成できません"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+msgstr "使用方法:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "オプション:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  取得したパッケージを保存するディレクトリのパス、\n"
+       "                        または、リポジトリを再公開する URI。\n"
+       "                        指定しない場合は、現在の作業用ディレクトリが\n"
+       "                        デフォルト値となります。ディレクトリパスを指定した\n"
+       "                        場合は、保存先のディレクトリにパッケージのコンテンツが\n"
+       "                        存在しない場合のみ、取得されます。\n"
+       "                        リポジトリの URI が指定された場合は、テンポラリ\n"
+       "                        ディレクトリが作成され、再公開される前にすべての\n"
+       "                        パッケージデータが取得されます。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              この使用方法メッセージを表示。\n"
+       "        -k              パッケージコンテンツの圧縮を保持。\n"
+       "                        再公開する場合は、無視されます。pkgsend と一緒に\n"
+       "                        使用することはできません。"
+       "        -m match        次の値を使用して、一致動作を制御します:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                最新のタイムスタンプだけではなく、一致するすべての\n"
+       "                                タイムスタンプを全て含む (つまり、all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                最新のバージョンだけではなく、一致するすべての\n"
+       "                                バージョンを含む\n"
+       "        -n              指定したリポジトリから入手できる最新のパッケージを表示し、\n"
+       "                        終了 (-s を除くすべてのオプションは無視されます)。\n"
+       "        -r              指定したパッケージのリストの依存関係を再帰的に検証して、\n"
+       "                        リストに追加。\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri パッケージデータを取得する pkg(5) のリポジトリの場所を\n"
+       "                        表す URI。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "環境:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        保存先のディレクトリ、またはリポジトリ URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         取得元のリポジトリ URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "パッケージ '%2$s' の マニフェスト '%1$s' を読み込めません。"
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "パッケージ '%2$s' の マニフェスト '%1$s' を構文解析できません。"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "パッケージ '%2$s' の マニフェスト '%1$s' を書き込めません。"
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "マニフェスト '%s' を '%s' から取得できません: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "%s からの読み取り中にエラーが発生しました"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "%s からコンテンツの取得ができません"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "ファイル %s を抽出できません"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "マニフェスト %s を %s からダウンロードできません"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "ファイル %s を開けません"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "%s からの読み取り中にエラーが発生しました"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "%s への書き込み中にエラーが発生しました"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "%s からカタログをダウンロードできません"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "%s からの読み取り中にエラーが発生しました"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "%$2s からの読み取り中にエラー %$1s が発生しました"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "不正なオプション -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "サーバーを指定する必要があります"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "不正なオプション値 -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "ソースのリポジトリを指定する必要があります"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n はオプションを取りません"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "pkgfmri は少なくとも 1 つ指定する必要があります"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s は不正な FMRI です: %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "取得対象のファイルが存在しません。"
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "リポジトリを作成するには、pkgsend コマンドを使用してください。"
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr "'%s' にあるリポジトリの構成が無効か、指定したパスが存在しません。リポジトリの構成を修正するか、新しいリポジトリを作成してください。"
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "basedir '%s' を作成できません。"
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "依存関係の評価のためにマニフェストを取得しています..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "パッケージの評価のためにマニフェストを取得しています..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "パッケージのコンテンツを取得しています..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "%s を再発行しています..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "リポジトリの検索インデックスを更新しています..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"true に設定された場合、更新が使用可能になった際に、その更新を"
+       "true に設定された場合、更新が使用可能になった際に、その更新を"
+       "説明するテキストメッセージがパネルの通知領域の近くに表示されます。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
@@ -3813,8 +4225,8 @@
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
+       "更新のチェック頻度を指定します。有効な値は「毎日」、"
+       "「毎週」、「毎月」、「なし」です"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
@@ -3829,16 +4241,16 @@
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
-"開始したあとで更新をチェックする前に updatemanagernotifier が"
+       "開始したあとで更新をチェックする前に updatemanagernotifier が"
+       "待機する秒数。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"true に設定された場合、ユーザーが通知領域のアイコンをアクティブにすると、"
-"updatemanagernotifier プログラムは終了します。"
+       "true に設定された場合、ユーザーが通知領域のアイコンをアクティブにすると、"
+       "updatemanagernotifier プログラムは終了します。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
@@ -3857,8 +4269,8 @@
 msgstr "使用可能な更新をインストールします"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "更新マネージャー"
@@ -3878,9 +4290,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "終了時にダイアログを閉じる(_F)"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "インデックス"
@@ -3888,13 +4298,13 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "更新のインストール"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
+       "使用可能な更新が存在するパッケージは、次のとおりです。\n"
+       "更新するパッケージを選択し、「インストール」をクリックしてください。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3912,6 +4322,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "すべての更新を選択(_S)"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "更新が使用可能になった際にユーザーに通知します"
@@ -3920,383 +4342,796 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "更新マネージャー通知"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "カタログ '%s' の取得中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "カタログの取得中"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "計画の作成中... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "計画の作成中"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "%s の検証中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "検証中"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "完了"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI はどのイベントにも応答しません。%s。updatemanager.py のシグナルをチェックしてください"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "評価"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "評価 - キャンセル中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "ダウンロード - キャンセル中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "評価 - 失敗しました"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "ダウンロード - 失敗しました"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "インストール - 失敗しました"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "インデックス - 失敗しました"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "更新が可能なパッケージは、次のとおりです。\n"
+       "新しいブート環境を作成し、その中にすべてのパッケージをインストールするには、"
+       "「すべて更新」をクリックします。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "最新バージョン"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "サイズ (M バイト)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "カウント: %d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "エラー\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s' はインストールイメージではありません\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "バージョンの不一致: 期待値 %s 実際値 %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr "<b>十分なアクセス権がありません。<b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pfexec を使用して pm-updatemanager を再起動してください。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>使用可能な更新は存在しません。</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"サイズ:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"リポジトリ:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s は有効なイメージではありません。ルートイメージを試しています"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s は有効なルートイメージではありません。None を返します"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-"%s の詳細の取得中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "\n"
+       "%s の詳細の取得中..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "更新のインストール中"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "エラー"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "次の組み込みパッケージは更新できません:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "更新方法: すべて更新\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-"「すべて更新」が %1.f 分で正常に終了しました\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-"「すべて更新」が 1 分未満で正常に終了しました\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "\n"
+       "使用可能な詳細が存在しません"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "「すべて更新」は %d 分で正常に終了しました。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "「すべて更新」は %d 秒で正常に終了しました。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "システムを再起動する前に次の場所で公開されているリリースノートを確認してください:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "「すべて更新」が完了しました"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "更新対象として何も選択されていません。"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "更新中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "計画インストール時の更新エラー:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "更新時の予期しない API エラー:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "更新時の予期しないエラー:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "インストールするパッケージ:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "更新"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "更新が正常に終了しました。"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s ダウンロードが失敗しました:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s が、使用可能なディスク容量を超えました"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s の予期しないエラー:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 計画の実行が失敗しました:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"既存の BE を管理してディスク容量を解放する場合は「了解」をクリックし、「すべて更新」を取り消す場合は"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "ディスク容量が不足しているため「すべて更新」アクションを実行できません。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "既存の BE を管理してディスク容量を解放する場合は「了解」をクリックし、「すべて更新」を取り消す場合は"
+       "「取消し」をクリックしてください。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "ディスク容量が不足しています"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d: \tファイル %d/%d \t転送 %.2f/%.2f (M バイト)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d アクション"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "インデックス\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d アクション"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "新しいソフトウェアのチェック中"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "更新が使用可能です"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "更新が使用可能です\n"
+       "更新する場合はアイコンをクリックしてください。"
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "UpdateManagerNotify の別のインスタンスが実行中です"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5) 情報ファイル"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "バージョンの不一致: 必要なバージョン %d: 取得したバージョン %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s はインストールイメージではありません"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "API エラー"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "エラー"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "                 サイズ:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "                カテゴリ:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "インストール済み:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "使用可能なバージョン:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "最新バージョン:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "    発行元:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "はい、 %(version)s (ビルド %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "使用可能な更新:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "カタログ更新エラー:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "%2$s 個のうち、%1$s 個のカタログだけ正常に更新されました。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "カタログ '%s' を取得しています...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "カタログをキャッシュしています...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "カタログキャッシュを読み込んでいます...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "カタログ %s を再表示しています\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "カタログ %s の再表示を終了しました\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "評価中: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "%(current)s/%(total)s がダウンロードされました"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "パッケージ %d/%d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "タイプ属性がありません"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "fmri 属性がありません"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "依存アクションのタイプ (%s) は不明です"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "パス属性が空です"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "ファイルがありません: '%s'。"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' はファイルではありません。"
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "ライセンスファイル %s が存在しません。"
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "ハッシュ: '%(found)s' は '%(expected)s' である必要があります"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "info_needed タイプが不明です: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "img_path タイプが不明です。"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "削除フェーズ"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "インストールフェーズ"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "更新フェーズ"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "インデックスフェーズ"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "カタログ '%s' を取得しています..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "カタログをキャッシュしていています..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "カタログキャッシュを読み込んでいます..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "カタログを再表示しています"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr "\n"
+       "発行元 '%(prefix)s' に対して取得したこのカタログには、発行元 %(pubs)s に対するパッケージデータしか含んでいません。この問題を解決するには、正しいリポジトリの起点を使用してこの発行元を更新するか、この発行元のリポジトリの起点を使用して表示された発行元の 1 つを追加します。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "リポジトリの起点を修正するには、特権ユーザーとして次のコマンドを実行します:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "発行元のリポジトリの起点を使用して新しい発行元を追加するには、特権ユーザーとして次のコマンドを実行します:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "新しい発行元が追加されたあと、特権ユーザーとして次のコマンドを実行して、このカタログを削除する必要があります。:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "%s が見つかりません"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "依存関係のサブクラスには、dep_key を実装する必要があります。"
+       "現在のクラスは %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s には次の elf エラーがあります:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr "%1$s は、実行パス %3$s にトークン %2$s があります。現時点でこのトークンを処理できません。"
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "%2$s にインポートされた %1$s のファイルが見つかりません"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' はバージョン情報がありません。"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "既存インデックスの読み取り"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "パッケージのインデックス作成"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr "%(fp)s は、必要な属性 %(at)s が不足しているアクションを含んでいます。\n"
+       "アクションは %(act)s です"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "属性の値 '%s' は 'true' または 'false' ではありません"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "不足しているバージョン"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "無効なバージョン"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "URL '%(url)s' のスキーマ '%(scheme)s' はサポートされていません。"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "不正な形式の URL です: '%s'。"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "不正なリポジトリ URL です: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' はトランザクション ID '%(trans_id)s' に失敗しました; 状態 '%(status)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' はトランザクション ID '%(trans_id)s' に失敗しました: %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' は失敗しました; トランザクションを初期化できません:\n "
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr "トランザクションを初期化できません:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr "指定されたリポジトリタイプ '%(type)s' に対してサポートされていない操作 '%(op)s' です。"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "絶対パスではありません。"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr "リポジトリのディレクトリ構成を初期化しようとしているときにエラーが発生しました:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "サポートされていないか、一時的に使用できない操作が要求されました。"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "不明なエラー; 応答にトランザクション ID が指定されていません: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "クエリーの次のポジションに解析できない文字があります: %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "クエリー %(query)s の %(name)s に誤った値 '%(bv)s' があります。"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr "クエリーには、大文字小文字を区別するかどうか、戻り値のタイプ、戻り値の数、どの結果から返し始めるかを示す番号、クエリーのテキストの 5 つのフィールドが必要です。このクエリーには、これらのフィールドが 1 つ以上不足しています:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "クエリーを構文解析できません。"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "次の箇所で問題が発生しました: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "この式で生成される結果はアクションです:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "この式で生成される結果はパッケージです:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr "'AND' と 'OR' では、これらの式から 同じタイプの結果が生成される必要があります。"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr "インデックス作成中に空の unquote_list を取得しました。split_chars は %(sc)s、行は %(l)s でした"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr "主辞書内に空の行があります。split_chars は %(sc)s、unquote_list は %(ul)s です。%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "ディレクトリの表示はできません。"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "指定されたアクションタイプ、'%s' は無効です。"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "リポジトリのカタログに、一致しない FMRI  が見つかりました。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "指定されたカタログファイル '%s' が見つかりません。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "指定されたハッシュ名 '%s' に対するファイルは見つかりませんでした。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "指定されたリポジトリルート '%s' は有効なリポジトリを含んでいません。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "指定されたトランザクション ID '%s' は無効です。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' に対するマニフェストが見つかりません。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr "リポジトリをミラーモードで使用する場合、要求された操作は実行できません。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "リポジトリは読み取り専用で、修正はできません。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "検索にトークンが指定されていませんでした。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "指定された検索トークン '%s' は不正です。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "検索機能は一時的に使用できません。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr "リポジトリのフォーマット、またはコンテンツは、パッケージデータを供給する前にアップグレードする必要があります。しかし、現在読み取り専用となっているため、アップグレードできません。pkg.depotd を使用している場合は、読み取り専用をはずしてサーバーを再起動するとリポジトリがアップグレードされます。"
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "リポジトリをアップグレードしています; この処理には時間がかかります。"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "リポジトリのディレクトリは不完全です"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr "リポジトリのディレクトリは、現在のユーザー ID またはグループで書き込みできないため、不完全です"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "%(fmri)s をスキップしています; マニフェストが無効です: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr "指定されたリポジトリの構成ファイル '%s' を読み込み、または読み取りできません。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "オペレーションのペイロードに認識できないデータ、または不正な形式のデータ '%s' があります。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "指定された client_release は無効です: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "指定された FMRI '%s' は無効なバージョンです。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "指定された FMRI '%s' はすでに存在するか、制限されています。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr "そのリポジトリには複数の発行元のパッケージデータがあるか、デフォルトの発行元を定義していないため、指定された FMRI '%s' には発行元の接頭辞を含む必要があります。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "指定された FMRI '%s' は無効です。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "トランザクション ID '%s' はすでに開いています。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "廃止パッケージには 'set' 以外のアクションを含むことができません。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "名前を変更したパッケージには、'set' と 'depend' 以外のアクションを含むことができません。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "パッケージは、廃止と名前変更の両方をマークすることはできない場合があります。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "'%s' アクションは廃止パッケージには使用できません: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "'%s' アクションは名前を変更したパッケージには使用できません: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "名前を変更したパッケージには、'depend' アクションを 1 つ以上含む必要があります。"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr "使用方法:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "サブコマンド:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "オプション:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "環境:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "マニフェストファイル %s が見つかりません"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr "次の行が原因で、マニフェスト %(manifest)s の構文解析ができませんでした:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o は -d または -s と同時に使用できません"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' はインストールイメージではありません"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "次の原因で、1 つ以上のマニフェストの構文解析ができませんでした"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "マニフェストを表示するために %s を開けませんでした"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "出力ファイル %s を書き込みのために開くことができませんでした"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "出力先のディレクトリ %s が存在せず、作成もできませんでした。"
+       "エラーは次のとおりです: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "generate サブコマンドは -R を使用しません"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr "読み取り専用に構成されているため、FileManager は %(ent)s を %(cre)s できません。"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "FileManager は、%s またはそれを含むディレクトリを作成できませんでした。"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr "次のパスが見つかりましたが、どの既知のレイアウトによっても説明できません:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/ko.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/ko.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -25,17 +25,23 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+       "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "좀 더 자세한 정보는 `pkg --help 혹은 -?' 를 이용하시기 바랍니다."
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +64,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -83,808 +92,718 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
-"기본 하위 명령:\n"
-"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
-"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-"        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg version\n"
-"고급 하위 명령:\n"
-"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
-"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
-"            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
-"            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
-"            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
-"        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
-"        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
-"        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
-"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
-"            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
-"            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
-"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
-"        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
-"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
-"        pkg purge-history\n"
-"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-"        -R dir\n"
-"        --help 또는 -?\n"
-"        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Basic subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+       "index]\n"
+       "        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg version\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Advanced subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
+       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
+       "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
+       "zone]\n"
+       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
+       "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
+       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+       "<variant_spec>=<instance>\n"
+       "            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
+       "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
+       "        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
+       "            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
+       "            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
+       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
+       "        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
+       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
+       "        pkg purge-history\n"
+       "        pkg rebuild-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
-msgstr "-s 및 -v를 결합할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+msgstr "-s 및 -v 는 결합하여 사용할 수 없습니다."
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "알려진"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "설치됨"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "패키지가 설치되어 있지 않습니다."
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "지정된 패키지에 사용 가능한 업데이트가 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "설치된 패키지에 사용 가능한 업데이트가 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "'%s' %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "어떠한 패키지도 '%(pattern)s' %(state)s 에 매칭되지 않습니다."
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "작성된 ZFS 스냅샷: %s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify: -v 및 -q를 결합할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "요청된 \"수정\" 작업은 라이브 이미지 상에서 변경될 수 없는 파일들에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.\n"
+       "이 작업을 다른 부트 환경에서 다시 수행하시기 바랍니다."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v 와 -q 는 혼합해서 사용할 수 없습니다."
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: 시스템에는 지정된 다음 패턴과 일치하는 패키지가\n"
-"설치되어 있지 않습니다.\n"
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg: 시스템에는 지정된 다음 패턴과 일치하는 패키지가\n"
+       "설치되어 있지 않습니다.\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
 msgstr ""
-"일치하는 다른 모든 패턴에서 패키지를 설치했습니다.  %s"
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -v 및 -q를 결합할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update: 명령이 피연산자('%s')를 가져오지 않습니다."
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "%s'에 루트 지정된 이미지가 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "이 이미지에 사용 가능한 업데이트가 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"image-update 실패(인벤토리 예외):\n"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"경고: pkg(5)가 최신 버전이 아닌 것 같습니다. image-update를 실행하기 전에\n"
-"업데이트해야 합니다.\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-"'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg'를 사용하여 pkg(5)를 업데이트한 후\n"
-"image-update를 시도하십시오."
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-"image-update를 준비하는 중에 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다."
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "image-update 실패: %s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "라이브 이미지에서 image-update를 실행할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:643
+       "\n"
+       "일치하는 다른 모든 패턴에서 패키지를 설치했습니다.  %s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
 msgstr ""
-"image-update를 실행하는 중에 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. %s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "주: 다음 위치에 게시된 릴리스 노트를 검토하십시오.\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install: 하나 이상의 패키지 이름이 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install: -v 및 -q를 결합할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s'이(가) 설치 이미지가 아닙니다."
-#: ../client.py:745
+       "\n"
+       "예상치 못했던 에러가  %s 를 준비하면서 발생하였습니다:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s 이(가) 실패하였습니다: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s 는 라이브 이미지에서 수행될 수 없습니다."
+#: ../client.py:567
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "요청된 \"%s\" 작업은 라이브 이미지 상에서 변경될 수 없는 파일들에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.\n"
+       "이 작업을 다른 부트 환경에서 다시 수행하시기 바랍니다."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "%s (을)를 수행하는 도중에 예상치 못한 에러가 발생하였습니다: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "%s'에 루트 지정된 이미지가 없습니다."
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
 msgstr ""
-"설치 실패(인벤토리 예외):\n"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-"설치를 준비하는 중에 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다."
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "설치 실패: %s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "설치 중에 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. %s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall: 하나 이상의 패키지 이름이 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall: -v 및 -q를 결합할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:857
+       "%s 이(가) 실패하였습니다 (인벤토리 예외상황):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
 msgstr ""
-"설치 제거 실패(인벤토리 예외):\n"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "설치 제거 실패: %s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "설치 제거 중에 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. %s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
+       "주의: pkg(5) 가 구 버전인 것으로 파악 되었으며, %s (을)를 실행 하기 전에\n"
+       "업데이트 해주어야 합니다. pkg(5) 를 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' 커맨드를 이용해서 업데이트 하고 다시  %s 를 시도하시기 바랍니다."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "다음과 같은 의존 패키지들 때문에 '%s' 를 제거할 수 없습니다:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v 와 -q 는 같이 사용할 수 없습니다"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: no variants specified"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "해당 이미지는 어떠한 업데이트도 필요하지 않습니다."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr ""
-"서버에서 형식이 잘못된 결과가 반환되었습니다.\n"
-"문제가 있는 구조: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "이 이미지에 사용 가능한 업데이트가 없습니다."
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "주: 다음 위치에 게시된 릴리스 노트를 검토하십시오.\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "적어도 하나 이상의 패키지 이름이 필요 합니다"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-"서버에서 형식이 잘못된 결과가 반환되었습니다.\n"
-"문제가 있는 구조: %r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "서버에서 형식이 잘못된 결과가 반환되었습니다.\n"
+       "문제가 있는 구조: %r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"서버에서 형식이 잘못된 작업이 반환되었습니다.\n"
-#: ../client.py:1008
+       "The server returned an invalid action.\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s은(는) 유효한 서버 URL이 아닙니다."
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "적어도 하나의 검색어가 제공되어야 합니다"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "서버에서 형식이 잘못된 결과가 반환되었습니다. %r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+       "packages"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-"검색 색인이 손상된 것 같습니다. 'pkg rebuild-index'를 사용하여 색인을 "
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info: -l 및 -r을 결합할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info: 특정 패키지에 대해 원격 정보를 요청해야 합니다."
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "검색 색인이 손상된 것 같습니다. 'pkg rebuild-index'를 사용하여 색인을 "
+       "재구성하십시오."
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l 과 -r 은 같이 사용될 수 없습니다"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "지정된 패키지들을 위한 원격 정보를 요청해야 합니다"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Obsolete"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Renamed"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "설치됨"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "설치되지 않음"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "            이름:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "            요약:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "   설명:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "            범주:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "            상태:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Renamed to:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "   출판사:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "            버전:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr "  빌드 릴리스:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "            분기:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "  패키징 날짜:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "            크기:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "          FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: 시스템에는 지정된 다음 패턴과 일치하는 패키지가\n"
-"설치되어 있지 않습니다.  -r을 지정하여 원격으로 쿼리를 시도하십시오."
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: 카탈로그에 지정된 다음 패턴과 일치하는 패키지가\n"
-"없습니다.  패턴 완화, 새로 고침 및/또는 카탈로그 검사를\n"
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "'%s'이(가) 여러 패키지에 일치합니다."
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "다음 패키지에 대한 사용권 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents: -l 및 -r을 결합할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents: 특정 패키지에 대해 원격 내용을 요청해야 합니다."
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents: -m과 %s을(를) 동시에 지정할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "잘못된 속성 '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg: '%s'이(가) 여러 패키지에 일치합니다."
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents: 특정 패키지에 대해 원격 내용을 요청해야 합니다."
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m 과 %s 는 동시에 지정될 수 없습니다"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg: %s/%s 카탈로그가 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "충분한 권한이 없기 때문에 '%s'에 대한 카탈로그를 업데이트할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "충분한 권한이 없기 때문에 카탈로그를 업데이트할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"pfexec를 사용하여 명령을 다시 실행해 보거나, 사용자 \n"
-"    권한을 늘리십시오."
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "'pkg publisher'는 출판사 목록을 표시합니다."
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "출판사 이름이 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "출판사 이름을 하나만 지정할 수 있습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "-p 및 -d 옵션을 함께 사용할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"출판사가 존재하지 않습니다. -O를 사용하여 새 출판사에 대한 원본 URI를 정의하십시오."
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "출판사가 존재하지 않습니다. -O를 사용하여 새 출판사에 대한 원본 URI를 정의하십시오."
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s'에 대한 원본 URI가 유효한 pkg 서버를 가리키는 것 같지 않습니다.\n"
-"서버 주소와 클라이언트 네트워크 구성을 확인하십시오.\n"
-"추가 세부 정보:\n"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+       "The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
+       "server.\n"
+       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "적어도 하나의 퍼블리셔가 지정되어야 합니다"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "'%(pub)s'에 대한 제거 실패: %(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "출판사"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "유형"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "상태"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(기본 설정)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(비활성화)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "원본"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "이중화"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              SSL 키:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "             SSL 인증서:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr " 인증서 발효일:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "인증서 만료일:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           원본 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           미러 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "   출판사:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                별칭:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          클라이언트 UUID:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "      카탈로그 업데이트:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "              활성화:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "아니오"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "예"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property: 등록 정보 이름과 값이 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"set-property: set-publisher를 사용하여 기본 출판사를 변경해야 합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property: 에 하나 이상의 등록 정보 이름이 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher를 사용하여 기본 출판사를 변경해야 합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property: 해당 등록 정보가 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "프로퍼티 이름과 값이 필요로 합니다"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "적어도 하나의 프로퍼티 이름이 필요 합니다"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "프로퍼티가 존재하지 않습니다: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property: 해당 등록 정보가 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create에 '<prefix>=<url>' 형식의 출판사 인수가 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create에 '<name>=<value>' 형식의 변형 인수가 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create에 단일 이미지 디렉토리 경로가 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL 키 파일 '%s'이(가) 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL 키 인증서 '%s'이(가) 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create에 출판사 인수가 필요합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create에는 다음과 일치하지 않는 접두사가 필요합니다. %s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: 출판사 접두사에 잘못된 문자가 있습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create: 출판사 URI가 유효하지 않습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "이미지가 %s에 이미 있습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "무시하려면 -f(force) 옵션을 사용하십시오."
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "비어 있지 않은 디렉토리: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "%s에서 이미지를 만들 수 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "오직 하나의 이미지 디렉토리 경로 만이 지정가능합니다"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "a publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "%(image_dir)s 에 이미지를 생성할 수 없습니다: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"URI '%s'이(가) 유효한 pkg 서버를 가리키는 것 같지 않습니다.\n"
-"서버 주소와 클라이언트 네트워크 구성을 확인하십시오.\n"
-"추가 세부 정보:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index: 명령이 피연산자('%s')를 가져오지 않습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H 및 -l을 결합할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2297
+       "The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H 와 -l 은 같이 사용될 수 없습니다"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "TIME"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "OPERATION"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "CLIENT"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "OUTCOME"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "잘못된 글로벌 옵션 -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s은(는) %(arg)s이(가) 아닌 name=value 형식의 인수를 사용합니다."
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "하위 명령이 지정되지 않음"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "-R은 %s 하위 명령에 허용되지 않습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "잘못된 %s 옵션 -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "잘못된 옵션입니다 -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version: 명령이 피연산자('%s')를 가져오지 않습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
 msgstr ""
-"이미지를 찾을 수 없습니다.  -R 옵션을 사용하거나 $PKG_IMAGE를 설정하여 이미지를\n"
-"가리키거나 작업 디렉토리를 이미지 내부의 디렉토리로 변경하십시오."
-#: ../client.py:2485
+       "이미지를 찾을 수 없습니다.  -R 옵션을 사용하거나 $PKG_IMAGE를 설정하여 이미지를\n"
+       "가리키거나 작업 디렉토리를 이미지 내부의 디렉토리로 변경하십시오."
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "이미지를 찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "클라이언트 구성 오류: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "내역이 제거되었습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "알 수 없는 하위 명령 '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"다운로드 도중 최대 네트워크 재시도 횟수를 초과했습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음과 같습니다.\n"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-"요청된 작업에 대해 패키지나 파일 데이터 검색을 시도하는 중에 오류가 "
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-"유효한 패키지 디포에 연결할 수 없습니다. 서버에 문제가 있거나 "
-"네트워크 구성이 잘못되었거나 pkg 클라이언트 구성이 정확하지 않기 "
-"때문일 수 있습니다. 네트워크 설정을 확인한 후 웹 브라우저를 "
-"사용하여 서버에 연결해 보십시오."
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"추가 세부 정보:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-"지난 클라이언트 작업에 대한 내역 정보를 로드하는 중에 오류가\n"
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-"클라이언트 내역에서 현재 작업에 대한 정보를 저장하는 중에 오류가\n"
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "클라이언트 내역을 제거하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다."
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-"pkg 명령이 SUNWipkg에 의해 제공된 라이브러리와 동기화되지 않은 \n"
-"것 같습니다. 클라이언트 버전은 %(client)s이고 라이브러리 API 버전은 "
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -893,11 +812,113 @@
 "problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
 "above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
 msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "이것은 내부 오류입니다. 개발자가 이 문제를 파악할 수 있도록\n"
+       "http://defect.opensolaris.org에서 위 역추적 내용 및 이 메시지를\n"
+       "포함하여 버그를 기록해 주십시오. pkg(5) 버전은 '%s'입니다."
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+       "for\n"
+       "the requested operation."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Details follow:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "유효한 패키지 디포에 연결할 수 없습니다. 서버에 문제가 있거나 "
+       "네트워크 구성이 잘못되었거나 pkg 클라이언트 구성이 정확하지 않기 "
+       "때문일 수 있습니다. 네트워크 설정을 확인한 후 웹 브라우저를 "
+       "사용하여 서버에 연결해 보십시오."
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "추가 세부 정보:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "지난 클라이언트 작업에 대한 내역 정보를 로드하는 중에 오류가\n"
+       "발생했습니다."
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "클라이언트 내역에서 현재 작업에 대한 정보를 저장하는 중에 오류가\n"
+       "발생했습니다."
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "클라이언트 내역을 제거하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다."
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg 명령이 SUNWipkg에 의해 제공된 라이브러리와 동기화되지 않은 \n"
+       "것 같습니다. 클라이언트 버전은 %(client)s이고 라이브러리 API 버전은 "
+       "%(api)s입니다."
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
-"이것은 내부 오류입니다. 개발자가 이 문제를 파악할 수 있도록\n"
-"http://defect.opensolaris.org에서 위 역추적 내용 및 이 메시지를\n"
-"포함하여 버그를 기록해 주십시오. pkg(5) 버전은 '%s'입니다."
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+       "has completed successfuly."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
@@ -1143,7 +1164,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "저장소"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "시스템"
@@ -1196,17 +1217,16 @@
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
 msgstr "소프트웨어 패키지를 설치, 업데이트 및 제거"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "패키지 관리자"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>새 저장소를 추가하고 기존 저장소를 관리합니다.</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1220,35 +1240,43 @@
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>새 부트 환경 만들기</b>\n"
-"모두 업데이트는 현재 부트 환경(boot environment, BE)을 보관하기 "
-"위해 새 BE를 만듭니다. 새 BE는 업데이트된 패키지로 구성되며 "
-"시스템을 재부트하면 기본 BE가 됩니다.\n"
+       "<b>Create New Boot Environment</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
+       "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
+       "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>부트 환경을 삭제, 재명명 및 활성화 합니다:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>종료</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>부트 환경 삭제, 이름 바꾸기, 활성화를 수행합니다.</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>일반</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>저장소 URL 수정</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>저장소 URL 를 수정합니다</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>패키지 이름</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>패키지 이름</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>제거할 패키지를 검토합니다.</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>검색</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1259,233 +1287,234 @@
 msgstr "<b>미러(_M)</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>SSL 키 및 인증서(_S)</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>SSL 키 및 인증서(_S)</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>패키지 관리자 웹 설치 프로그램</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>저장소(_R):</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "정보"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "글레이드 정보"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Add Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "찾아보기(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "부트 환경 확인"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher Complete"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Applying Changes"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "찾아보기(_O)"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Applying changes..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "B_rowse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Br_owse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "SSL 인증서 찾아보기"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "SSL 키 찾아보기"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "최신 SUNWipkg 및 SUNWipkg-gui를 확인하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주십시오..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "패키지 종속성을 확인하는 중..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "지우기"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "C_lear Search"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "최신 패키지 목록을 가져오려면 누릅니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Cancel current operation"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "최신 SUNWipkg 및 SUNWipkg-gui를 확인하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주십시오..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "패키지 종속성을 확인하는 중..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "설치된 모든 패키지를 업데이트하려면 누릅니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "복사"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "확인"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
 "Use is subject to license terms."
 msgstr ""
-"Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
-"모든 권리는 저작권자의 소유입니다.\n"
-"라이센스 계약 조건이 적용됩니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "잘라내기(_T)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
-msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "현재 활성 부트 환경"
+       "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
+       "모든 권리는 저작권자의 소유입니다.\n"
+       "라이센스 계약 조건이 적용됩니다."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "잘라내기 작업"
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "현재 활성 부트 환경"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "D_eselect All"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "D_etails"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "종속성"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "선택된 패키지 선택 취소"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "설명:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "세부 정보"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "이러한 저장소에 대해 다시 알리지 않습니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "다운로드"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "파일"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "도움말(H)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Go to package _list"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "설치"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "선택된 패키지 설치 또는 업데이트"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "설치 / 업데이트"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "설치/업그레이드 확인"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "범례:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "사용권"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "사용권"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "미러(_I):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "부트 환경 관리"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "저장소 관리"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "부트 환경 관리(_B)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "부트 환경 관리(_B)..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Modify Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "저장소 수정"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "            이름:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "패키지 관리자 기본 설정"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "붙여넣기"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "            이름: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "기본 설정(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "환경 설정"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "준비"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "이 새 저장소를 신뢰하는 경우에만 진행 "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "처리 중"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "Pu_blisher:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Publisher Name:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "응용 프로그램 종료"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Re_fresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "다시 로드"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "패키지 목록 및 상태를 재설정합니다"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "원격 검색 오류"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "제거"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "제거 확인"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "선택된 패키지 제거"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "SSL 인증서(_E): "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "SSL 인증서(_E): "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "SSL 키 및 인증서"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "SSL 인증서(_C):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "SSL 키(_K):"
@@ -1495,556 +1524,610 @@
 msgstr "SSL 키(_K): "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "검색(_A):"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "검색"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "검색"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Search Publisher Errors"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "모든 저장소 검색 오류"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Search Repositories Error"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-"다음 저장소에 대해 모든 저장소 검색을 수행할 수\n"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "모든 항목 선택"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "업데이트 선택"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "업데이트 선택(_U)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "확인란에 표시하여 패키지를 선택하고 설치/업데이트하려면 누릅니다."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "확인란에 표시하여 패키지를 선택하고 선택된 패키지를 제거하려면 누릅니다."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "모두 선택(_A)"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "업데이트 선택(_U)"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Show Start Page on _startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "목록에서 선택하여 기존 저장소를 수정하거나 제거합니다."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "확인란에 표시하여 패키지를 선택하고 설치/업데이트하려면 누릅니다."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "확인란에 표시하여 패키지를 선택하고 선택된 패키지를 제거하려면 누릅니다."
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Specify the publisher name and URL"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "표시(_W):"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "시작 페이지(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "간략한 설명"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "다음의 내용들이 여러분의 시스템에 추가 됩니다:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "시작 페이지"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "이것은 안전한 저장소 입니다."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "시작 페이지(_P)"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "보안 저장소입니다. 게시물을 참조하십시오."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "시스템에 다음이 추가됩니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "보안 저장소입니다. 게시물을 참조하십시오."
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+       "Specify the location of these files."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-"이 저장소에는 SSL 키와 인증서가 필요합니다.\n"
-"해당 란에 이러한 파일의 위치를 입력하거나, "
-"찾아보기 \n"
-"버튼을 사용하여 위치를 지정하십시오."
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Type text to search for the package."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "모두 업데이트"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "패키지의 이름 및 설명을 검색하려면 텍스트를 입력합니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "모두 업데이트"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Vie_w:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "추가(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "모든 패키지 업데이트"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "업데이트"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "_Add Publisher..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Add..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "정보(_A)"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "_Alias:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "추가(_A)"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Browse..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "찾아보기(_B)"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "목차(_C)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "지우기(_C)"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "목차(_C)"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "편집(_E)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "복사(_C)"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "_Export Selections..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "모두 선택 해제(_D)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "편집(_E)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "선행 입력 검색 사용(대형 저장소에서 속도 저하)(_E)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "파일(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "도움말(_H)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "설치/업데이트(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "명령(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "_Manage Publishers..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "설치/업데이트(_I)"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "수정(_M)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "명령(_I)"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "이름(_N): "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "저장소 관리(_M)..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "이름(_N): "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "수정(_M)..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "이름(_N): "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "패키지(_P)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "진행(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "패키지(_P)"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "_Registration Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "붙여넣기(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "진행(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "마침(_Q)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "제거(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "검색(_S)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "시작 시 시작 페이지 표시(_S)     "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "URL(_U): "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "URL(_U): "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "모두 업데이트(_U)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "보기(_V)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-"저장소에 SSL 키와 인증서가 필요하거나 미러가 포함되어 있는 경우, "
-"새 저장소를\n"
-"추가한 후 수정을 눌러 추가 정보를 추가합니다."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
-"시작 페이지를 시작 시 표시할지 또는 초기 목록 보기를 표시할지 "
-"결정하는 부울 값입니다."
+       "시작 페이지를 시작 시 표시할지 또는 초기 목록 보기를 표시할지 "
+       "결정하는 부울 값입니다."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
-"사용자가 입력할 때 동적으로 검색을 수행할지 또는 사용자가 Enter 키를 누를 때만 "
-"검색을 수행할지 결정하는 부울 값입니다."
+       "사용자가 입력할 때 동적으로 검색을 수행할지 또는 사용자가 Enter 키를 누를 때만 "
+       "검색을 수행할지 결정하는 부울 값입니다."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 msgstr ""
-"오류 대화 상자에 원격 검색 저장소를 표시할지 여부를 결정하는 "
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+       "exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+       "and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+       "mode."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+       "dialog."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
-"패키지 관리자 시작 시 표시할 초기 표시 필터 값을 식별하는 "
-"정수입니다. 0은 모든 패키지에 해당합니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+       "패키지 관리자 시작 시 표시할 초기 표시 필터 값을 식별하는 "
+       "정수입니다. 0은 모든 패키지에 해당합니다."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
 msgstr ""
-"패키지 관리자 시작 시 표시할 초기 최상위 레벨 값을 식별하는 "
-"정수입니다. 0은 모든 범주에 해당합니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+       "An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+       "packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+       "default)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-"응용 프로그램 기본 창의 초기 높이를 지정하는 정수로, 사용할 수 있는 화면이 "
-"충분하지 않은 경우 무시됩니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "응용 프로그램 기본 창의 초기 높이를 지정하는 정수로, 사용할 수 있는 화면이 "
+       "충분하지 않은 경우 무시됩니다."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-"응용 프로그램의 초기 수평 분할기 위치를 지정하는 정수로, 목록 패널에서 "
-"범주 패널을 분리합니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "응용 프로그램의 초기 수평 분할기 위치를 지정하는 정수로, 목록 패널에서 "
+       "범주 패널을 분리합니다."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-"응용 프로그램의 초기 수직 분할기 위치를 지정하는 정수로, 목록 패널에서 "
-"세부 정보 패널을 분리합니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "응용 프로그램의 초기 수직 분할기 위치를 지정하는 정수로, 목록 패널에서 "
+       "세부 정보 패널을 분리합니다."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-"응용 프로그램 기본 창의 초기 너비를 지정하는 정수로, 사용할 수 있는 화면이 "
-"충분하지 않은 경우 무시됩니다."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-"원격 검색을 지원하지 않을 경우 표시되는 저장소의 쉼표 구분 "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "선행 입력 검색 활성화"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "초기 응용 프로그램 높이"
+       "응용 프로그램 기본 창의 초기 너비를 지정하는 정수로, 사용할 수 있는 화면이 "
+       "충분하지 않은 경우 무시됩니다."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "초기 응용 프로그램 수평 분할기 위치"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr ""
+       "An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+       "completion."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "초기 응용 프로그램 수직 분할기 위치"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+       "when searching them"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "초기 응용 프로그램 너비"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Display selected publisher at startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "초기 섹션 값"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "선행 입력 검색 활성화"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "초기 응용 프로그램 높이"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "초기 응용 프로그램 수평 분할기 위치"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "초기 응용 프로그램 수직 분할기 위치"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "초기 응용 프로그램 너비"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "초기 섹션 값"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "초기 표시 필터 값"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Last Export Selections Path"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Last publisher used by package manager"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "시작 시 시작 페이지 표시"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "시작 페이지 업데이트 URL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Start in serach mode"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-"패키지 관리자 시작 페이지에 대한 업데이트를 불러오는 원래 위치입니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "패키지 관리자 시작 페이지에 대한 업데이트를 불러오는 원래 위치입니다."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI에서 이벤트에 응답하지 않습니다! %s. webinstall.py 신호를 확인하십시오."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-" 새 저장소 추가\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-" 새 저장소 추가\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-" 지정한 모든 저장소와 패키지가 시스템에 이미 있습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publisher\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publishers\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Install Package\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " 패키지 설치\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgstr[1] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Publisher Error"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgstr[1] "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
-" 패키지 설치\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "이러한 새 저장소를 신뢰하는 경우에만 진행"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "저장소 오류"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "API 오류"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "오류"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "p5i 파일을 읽는 중 오류가 발생했습니다."
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+       "completion it will be disabled again."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+       "On completion they will be disabled again."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabled Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabled Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "%s을(를) 추가하는 데 실패했습니다.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "지정된 URI 없음"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Web Installer Error"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"시스템에 <b>libbe</b> 라이브러리가 없습니다.\n"
-"부트 환경 관리를 위한 모든 기능이 비활성화됩니다."
+       "시스템에 <b>libbe</b> 라이브러리가 없습니다.\n"
+       "부트 환경 관리를 위한 모든 기능이 비활성화됩니다."
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
 msgstr "BE 관리"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI에서 이벤트에 응답하지 않습니다! %s. beadmin.py 신호를 확인하십시오."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "부트 환경 확인"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "부트 환경 정보를 로드하는 중"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
 msgstr "BE 항목을 불러오는 중..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "부트 환경"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "작성됨"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "크기"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "재부트 시 활성"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "삭제"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "변경 사항 적용 중"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "변경 사항을 적용하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주십시오..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "재부트 시 활성:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "부트 환경 삭제:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "부트 환경 이름 바꾸기:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Active on reboot\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "삭제\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Rename\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr " 다음으로 변경합니다. "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>활성 부트 환경을 다음으로 변경할 수 없습니다.</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>부트 환경을 삭제할 수 없습니다.</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>부트 환경 이름을 바꿀 수 없습니다.</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s을(를) %s<b>(으)로</b> 변경합니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "BE 오류"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>libbe</b> 라이브러리가 부트 환경 목록을 준비할 수 없습니다.\n"
-"부트 환경 관리를 위한 모든 기능이 비활성화됩니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "<b>libbe</b> 라이브러리가 부트 환경 목록을 준비할 수 없습니다.\n"
+       "부트 환경 관리를 위한 모든 기능이 비활성화됩니다."
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%y-%m-%d %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "준비 중..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "다운로드 중..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "설치 중..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI에서 이벤트에 응답하지 않습니다! %s. installupdate.py 신호를 확인하십시오."
@@ -2058,44 +2141,32 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "취소하는 중..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "BE 이름이 사용 중입니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "BE 이름이 유효하지 않습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "%s이(가) 최신인지 확인하는 중..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-"이 제한된 저장소에 액세스하는 데 실패했습니다.\n"
-"이 저장소에 액세스하려면 등록하거나,\n"
-"인증서가 만료되었으면 저장소 인증서를\n"
-"수락해야 합니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "인벤토리 예외:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-"네트워크 연결을 확인하십시오.\n"
-"저장소에 액세스할 수 있습니까?"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "네트워크 연결을 확인하십시오.\n"
+       "저장소에 액세스할 수 있습니까?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2103,80 +2174,105 @@
 msgstr ""
-"네트워크 연결을 확인하십시오.\n"
-"저장소에 액세스할 수 있습니까?\n"
+       "네트워크 연결을 확인하십시오.\n"
+       "저장소에 액세스할 수 있습니까?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+       "settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg(5)가 최신 버전이 아닌 것 같습니다.\n"
-" 모두 업데이트를 실행하기 전에 업데이트해야 합니다.\n"
-"SUNWipkg 패키지를 업데이트하십시오."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5)가 최신 버전이 아닌 것 같습니다.\n"
+       " 모두 업데이트를 실행하기 전에 업데이트해야 합니다.\n"
+       "SUNWipkg 패키지를 업데이트하십시오."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"제거할 수 없습니다.\n"
-"다음 패키지가 종속되어 있기 때문입니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "제거할 수 없습니다.\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "다음 패키지가 종속되어 있기 때문입니다.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-"%s을(를) 실행할 때 pfexec 또는 gksu의 사용이\n"
-"일관되지 않은 경우 이 문제가 종종 발생합니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "\n"
+       "%s을(를) 실행할 때 pfexec 또는 gksu의 사용이\n"
+       "일관되지 않은 경우 이 문제가 종종 발생합니다."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-"색인을 재구성하려면 다음과 같은 터미널 명령을 사용하십시오."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "\n"
+       "색인을 재구성하려면 다음과 같은 터미널 명령을 사용하십시오."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"설치 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. 검색 색인이\n"
-"손상되었습니다. 다음 명령을 실행하여 이 문제를\n"
-"수정할 수 있습니다.\n"
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+       "설치 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. 검색 색인이\n"
+       "손상되었습니다. 다음 명령을 실행하여 이 문제를\n"
+       "수정할 수 있습니다.\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-"이것은 라이브 이미지입니다. 설치\n"
-"작업을 수행할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "이것은 라이브 이미지입니다. 설치\n"
+       "작업을 수행할 수 없습니다."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+       "Live Image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2184,12 +2280,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"설치 중에 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
-"작업 계획이 누락되었거나 작업을 완료할 수\n"
-"없습니다. %s을(를) 다시 시작하여 이 문제를\n"
-"수정할 수 있습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "설치 중에 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
+       "작업 계획이 누락되었거나 작업을 완료할 수\n"
+       "없습니다. %s을(를) 다시 시작하여 이 문제를\n"
+       "수정할 수 있습니다.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2197,319 +2293,312 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"설치 중에 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
-"이미지 상태가 올바르지 않거나 작업을 완료할 수\n"
-"없습니다. %s을(를) 다시 시작하여 이 문제를\n"
-"수정할 수 있습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "설치 중에 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
+       "이미지 상태가 올바르지 않거나 작업을 완료할 수\n"
+       "없습니다. %s을(를) 다시 시작하여 이 문제를\n"
+       "수정할 수 있습니다.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "BE 이름 지정 기능은 지원되지 않습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "BE 이름 %s이(가) 유효하지 않습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "%s을(를) 업데이트하는 중"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "실행 중..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "패키지 정보를 수집하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주십시오..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "모든 패키지가 이미 설치되었습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-"선택한 패키지만 업데이트할 수 없습니다.\n"
-"모두 업데이트를 눌러 모든 패키지를 업데이트하십시오."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "선택한 패키지만 업데이트할 수 없습니다.\n"
+       "모두 업데이트를 눌러 모든 패키지를 업데이트하십시오."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "시스템이 이미 업데이트되었습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "사용할 수 있는 추가 정보 없음"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "\n"
+       "오류:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr " - 실패 </b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"%s 단계에서 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
-"다음 위치에서 예외 값과 함께 버그를 기록하여\n"
-"개발자에게 이 문제를 알리십시오.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "예외 값:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+       "An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+       "Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+       "filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "예외 역추적 내용:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "%(current)s/%(total)s 다운로드됨"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "설치 중에 카탈로그 새로 고침이 실패했습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "모두 업데이트 중에 카탈로그 새로 고침이 실패했습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "설치가 성공적으로 완료되었습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "패키지가 성공적으로 제거되었습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "패키지가 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg version: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "List of configured publishers:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Installation completed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Packages removed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Packages updated successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-"디스크 공간이 부족하기 때문에 선택한 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.\n"
-"기존 BE를 관리하여 디스크 여유 공간을 확보하려면 확인을 누르거나 작업을 취소하려면 "
-"취소를 누릅니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "디스크 공간이 부족하기 때문에 선택한 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "기존 BE를 관리하여 디스크 여유 공간을 확보하려면 확인을 누르거나 작업을 취소하려면 "
+       "취소를 누릅니다."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "디스크 공간 부족"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "업데이트할 패키지:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "설치할 패키지:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "제거할 패키지:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "패키지 %d/%d: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "평가 중: %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI에서 이벤트에 응답하지 않습니다! %s. repository.py 신호를 확인하십시오."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "새 저장소 추가"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>새 저장소</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "저장소 이름"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "기본 설정"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "활성화"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s을(를) 비활성화하는 데 실패했습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s을(를) 활성화하는 데 실패했습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "%s을(를) 비활성화하는 데 실패했습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "%s을(를) 활성화하는 데 실패했습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"사용자 권한을 확인하십시오."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-"네트워크 연결 또는 URL을 확인하십시오.\n"
-"저장소에 액세스할 수 있습니까?"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"기본 출판사를 변경할 수 없습니다.\n"
-"사용자 권한을 확인하십시오."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "이름에 잘못된 문자가 포함되어 있습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "이름이 이미 사용 중입니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Canceling...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Removing publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Adding publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Updating publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Disable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Enable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Delete Publishers:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Disabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Enabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr ""
+       "Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+       "must be either https or http."
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "Publisher URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Description:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Publisher error"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "SSL 키 파일 지정"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "SSL 인증서 파일 지정"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "URL이 유효하지 않습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"다음으로 이동할 수 없습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "등록"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "새 저장소를 추가하는 중"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-"다음을 추가하는 중...\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"저장소를 추가하는 데 실패했습니다. %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "%s을(를) 추가하는 데 실패했습니다.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "%s을(를) 추가하지 못했습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "%s을(를) 삭제하지 못했습니다."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "SSL 키 파일 지정"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "SSL 인증서 파일 지정"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "저장소 오류"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "저장소"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Active"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registered"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Mirror Name"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Enabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Enabling Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabling Publishers"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
-"알 수 없는 작업 유형 '%(type)s', 패키지 '%(fmri)s', 작업 '%(action)s'"
+       "알 수 없는 작업 유형 '%(type)s', 패키지 '%(fmri)s', 작업 '%(action)s'"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
@@ -2523,9 +2612,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"패키지 '%(fmri)s', 위치 %(pos)d에 형식이 잘못된 작업이 있습니다.\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "패키지 '%(fmri)s', 위치 %(pos)d에 형식이 잘못된 작업이 있습니다.\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
 #, python-format
@@ -2534,9 +2623,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"위치 %(pos)d에 형식이 잘못된 작업이 있습니다.\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "위치 %(pos)d에 형식이 잘못된 작업이 있습니다.\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
@@ -2548,17 +2637,24 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "잘못된 작업, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "필수 속성 '%s'이(가) 제공되지 않았습니다."
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "필수 속성 '%s'이(가) 제공되지 않았습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2566,531 +2662,713 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-"충분한 권한이 없기 때문에 %s에서\n"
-"작업할 수 없습니다. pfexec를 사용하여 명령을 다시 실행해 "
-"사용자 권한을 늘리십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "충분한 권한이 없기 때문에 %s에서\n"
+       "작업할 수 없습니다. pfexec를 사용하여 명령을 다시 실행해 "
+       "보거나\n"
+       "사용자 권한을 늘리십시오."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"충분한 권한이 없기 때문에 작업을 완료할 수 없습니다. "
-"사용하여 명령을 다시 실행해 보거나 사용자 권한을 늘리십시오.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "\n"
+       "충분한 권한이 없기 때문에 작업을 완료할 수 없습니다. "
+       "pfexec를\n"
+       "사용하여 명령을 다시 실행해 보거나 사용자 권한을 늘리십시오.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-"파일이 사용 중이기 때문에 %s에서\n"
-"작업할 수 없습니다. 파일 사용을 중지하고 작업을\n"
-"다시 시도하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "파일이 사용 중이기 때문에 %s에서\n"
+       "작업할 수 없습니다. 파일 사용을 중지하고 작업을\n"
+       "다시 시도하십시오."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"다음 패턴은 현재 카탈로그의 모든 패키지와 일치하지 않습니다.\n"
-"패턴 완화, 카탈로그 새로 고침 및/또는 검사를 시도하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "다음 패턴은 현재 카탈로그의 모든 패키지와 일치하지 않습니다.\n"
+       "패턴 완화, 카탈로그 새로 고침 및/또는 검사를 시도하십시오."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "'%s'과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 설치되어 있지 않습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) 잘못된 FMRI입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "다음 패키지는 제약 조건을 위반합니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) %s 구조를 지원합니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "이미지 구조가 %s(으)로 정의되어 있습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are not installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are already installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+       "catalog operations."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+       "provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+       "result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+       "catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+       "version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"현재 출판사에 대한 모든 카탈로그의 다음과 같은 FMRI에 대해 "
-"일치하는 패키지가 없을 수 있습니다.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "현재 출판사에 대한 모든 카탈로그의 다음과 같은 FMRI에 대해 "
+       "일치하는 패키지가 없을 수 있습니다.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (version did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "The search at url %s returned no results."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "일부 서버에서 적절하게 응답하지 못했습니다.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Search performance is degraded.\n"
+       "Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"지정한 파일이 인식할 수 없는 형식으로 되어 있거나 유효한 출판사 "
-"정보를 포함하지 않습니다. %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "지정한 파일이 인식할 수 없는 형식으로 되어 있거나 유효한 출판사 "
+       "정보를 포함하지 않습니다. %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-"지정한 파일이 인식할 수 없는 형식으로 되어 있거나 유효한 출판사 "
-"정보를 포함하지 않습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "지정한 파일이 인식할 수 없는 형식으로 되어 있거나 유효한 출판사 "
+       "정보를 포함하지 않습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "지원되지 않는 pkg(5) 출판사 정보 데이터 형식입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s'에서 데이터를 검색하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+       "'%s'에서 데이터를 검색하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "%s에서 데이터를 검색하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 위치가 아닙니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 부트 환경 이름이 아닙니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-"이 OpenSolaris 버전에서는 패키지 설치 중에 부트 환경 이름을 \n"
-"지정하는 기능이 지원되지 않습니다. image-update를 --be-name 옵션 없이 실행하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "이 OpenSolaris 버전에서는 패키지 설치 중에 부트 환경 이름을 \n"
+       "지정하는 기능이 지원되지 않습니다. image-update를 --be-name 옵션 없이 실행하십시오."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "현재 부트 환경을 복제할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-"부트 환경의 현재 이름 %(orig)s을(를) %(dest)s(으)로 바꾸는 중\n"
-"문제가 발생했습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "부트 환경의 현재 이름 %(orig)s을(를) %(dest)s(으)로 바꾸는 중\n"
+       "문제가 발생했습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "%(mt)s에서 %(name)s을(를) 마운트할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-"라이브 이미지가 아닌 이미지로 작업할 때 부트 환경 이름을\n"
-"지정할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "라이브 이미지가 아닌 이미지로 작업할 때 부트 환경 이름을\n"
+       "지정할 수 없습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "정보는 다음 옵션을 인식하지 않습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "일부 서버에서 적절하게 응답하지 못했습니다.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s(%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: 시간 초과\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-"    %(o)s: HTTP 응답 상태를 읽을 수 없음:%(l)s\n"
-"        pkg(5) 디포가 아닐 수 있습니다. URL 및 포트 번호를 "
-"        확인하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: 호스트에서 불완전한 읽기"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: 소켓 시간 초과"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: 소켓 오류, 이유: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s은(는) 유효한 패키지 디포가 아닌 것 같습니다.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-"검색 기능과 성능이 저하되었습니다.\n"
-"향상시키려면 'pkg rebuild-index'를 실행하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 출판사 이름이 아닙니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(value)s'은(는) 저장소 속성 '%(attribute)s'에 대한 유효한 값이 아닙니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "'%(value)s'은(는) 저장소 속성 '%(attribute)s'에 대한 유효한 값이 아닙니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 저장소 컬렉션 유형이 아닙니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 URI가 아닙니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 URI 우선 순위가 아닙니다. 정수 값이어야 합니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 저장소 URI 정렬 정책이 아닙니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "출판사 '%s'은(는) 비활성화되어 있으므로 패키징 작업에 사용할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "'%s'과(와) 이름 또는 별칭이 같은 출판사가 이미 존재합니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-"이름 또는 원본 URI가 같은 저장소가 출판사 '%s'에 대해 이미"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "이름 또는 원본 URI가 같은 저장소가 출판사 '%s'에 대해 이미"
+       "존재합니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "미러 '%s'이(가) 지정한 저장소에 대해 이미 존재합니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "원본 '%s'이(가) 지정한 저장소에 대해 이미 존재합니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "기본 출판사는 제거할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "출판사에 대해 선택한 저장소를 제거할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"출판사 '%s'은(는) 비활성화되어 있으므로 기본 출판사로 설정할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "출판사 '%s'은(는) 비활성화되어 있으므로 기본 출판사로 설정할 수 없습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+       "as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "알 수 없는 합법적 URI '%s'입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "알 수 없는 출판사 '%s'입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "알 수 없는 관련 URI '%s'입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "알 수 없는 저장소 '%s'입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "알 수 없는 저장소 미러 '%s'입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "알 수 없는 저장소 원본 '%s'입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "URI '%(uri)s'에 지원되지 않는 체계 '%(scheme)s'이(가) 포함되어 있습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "지정한 URI에 지원되지 않는 체계가 포함되어 있습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "'%(attr)s'은(는) '%(scheme)s'에 대해 지원되지 않습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) "
-"만료되었습니다. 유효한 인증서를 설치하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "'%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) "
+       "만료되었습니다. 유효한 인증서를 설치하십시오."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) 만료되었습니다. 유효한 "
-"인증서를 설치하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) 만료되었습니다. 유효한 "
+       "인증서를 설치하십시오."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) 만료되었습니다. "
-"유효한 인증서를 설치하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "'%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) 만료되었습니다. "
+       "유효한 인증서를 설치하십시오."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "인증서 '%s'이(가) 만료되었습니다. 유효한 인증서를 설치하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) "
-"'%(days)s'일 후에 만료됩니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "'%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) "
+       "'%(days)s'일 후에 만료됩니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-"출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) '%(days)s'일 후에 "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) '%(days)s'일 후에 "
+       "만료됩니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) '%(days)s'일"
-"후에 만료됩니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "'%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) '%(days)s'일"
+       "후에 만료됩니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) '%(days)s'일 후에 만료됩니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-"%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) "
-"유효하지 않습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) "
+       "유효하지 않습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) 유효하지 않습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 인증서 '%(cert)s'이(가) 유효하지 않습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "인증서 '%s'이(가) 유효하지 않습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+       "(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'을(를) "
-"찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'을(를) "
+       "찾을 수 없습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 인증서 '%(cert)s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "인증서 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'의 "
-"발효일이 미래 날짜입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'의 "
+       "발효일이 미래 날짜입니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'의 발효일이 미래 날짜입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "출판사 '%(pub)s'의 인증서 '%(cert)s'의 발효일이 미래 날짜입니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-"%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 인증서 '%(cert)s'의 발효일이 "
-"미래 날짜입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "%(uri)s'에 액세스하는 데 필요한 인증서 '%(cert)s'의 발효일이 "
+       "미래 날짜입니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "인증서 '%s'의 발효일이 미래 날짜입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "잘못된 응답을 제공했습니다. %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "%s 를 찾을 수 없습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "'%s' 의 manifest 를 위한 서명 데이타가 유효하지 않습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "해당 manifest 의 서명 데이타가 유효하지 않습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg: 자동 스냅샷을 만들 수 없습니다. pkg 복구가 비활성화됩니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg: 시스템 오류 %s이(가) %s 실행 도중 발견되었습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: '%s'이(가) 실패했습니다. \n"
-"반환 코드는 %d입니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+       "with a return code of %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg: %s을(를) 활성화할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg: %s을(를) 마운트 해제할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3098,208 +3376,237 @@
 "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"%s의 복제본이 있으며 업데이트 및 활성화되었습니다.\n"
-"다음 부트 시 부트 환경 %s이(가) '/'에 마운트됩니다.\n"
-"이 업데이트된 BE로 전환할 준비가 완료되면 재부트하십시오.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+       "\n"
+       "%s의 복제본이 있으며 업데이트 및 활성화되었습니다.\n"
+       "다음 부트 시 부트 환경 %s이(가) '/'에 마운트됩니다.\n"
+       "이 업데이트된 BE로 전환할 준비가 완료되면 재부트하십시오.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s이(가) 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-" 실행 중인 시스템이 수정되지 않았습니다. 실행 중인 시스템의 복제본만 "
-"수정되었습니다. 이 복제본이 %s에 마운트되었습니다. 해당 복제본을 "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       " 실행 중인 시스템이 수정되지 않았습니다. 실행 중인 시스템의 복제본만 "
+       "수정되었습니다. 이 복제본이 %s에 마운트되었습니다. 해당 복제본을 "
+       "검사하십시오."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg: BE %s을(를) 롤백하고 이미지를 복원할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s 업데이트에 실패했습니다. %s이(가) 변경되지 않았습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg: 스냅샷 %s을(를) 삭제할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg: BE %s을(를) 만들 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg: BE %s을(를) %s에 마운트할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
 msgstr ""
-"부트 환경 %s 업데이트에 실패했습니다. 실패하기 전에 스냅샷을 가져와서 "
-"여기 %s에 마운트됩니다. 이 BE를 부트하려면 'beadm unmount %s'을(를) 사용한 다음 "
-"'beadm activate %s'을(를) 사용하십시오."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+       "The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+       "before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+       "to boot to this BE."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr ""
-"부트 환경 %s 업데이트에 실패했습니다. 실패하기 전에 스냅샷을 가져와서 "
-"복원되었기 때문에 %s이(가) 변경되지 않았습니다."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "이 서버는 유효한 패키지 디포가 아닙니다."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+       "부트 환경 %s 업데이트에 실패했습니다. 실패하기 전에 스냅샷을 가져와서 "
+       "복원되었기 때문에 %s이(가) 변경되지 않았습니다."
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "평가 전:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "평가 후:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "SUNWipkg 업데이트 확인에 실패했습니다."
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-"색인이 손상되었거나 최신 버전이 아입니다. 이전 색인 디렉토리(%s)를 제거하고 "
-"검색 색인을 재구성하는 중입니다."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "색인이 손상되었거나 최신 버전이 아입니다. 이전 색인 디렉토리(%s)를 제거하고 "
+       "검색 색인을 재구성하는 중입니다."
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "현재 사용자 ID 또는 그룹에서 쓰기 가능 루트에 쓸 수 없습니다."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "색인 디렉토리에 쓸 수 없습니다."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "현재 저장소(이름 및 설명)(_C)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "현재 저장소 검색(이름 및 설명)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "모든 저장소(정확히 일치)(_A)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "모든 저장소 검색(정확히 일치)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"SUNWipkg 및 SUNWipkg-gui 버전을 확인하는 중입니다.\n"
-"잠시 기다려 주십시오..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr ""
-"GUI가 어떤 이벤트에도 응답하지 않습니다! %s. declare_signals()를 확인하십시"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "모든 저장소 검색 결과"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "모두"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "모든 패키지"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "설치된 패키지"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "업데이트"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "설치 되지 않은 패키지들"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "선택된 패키지"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "추가..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "All Publishers (Search)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Export Selections Confirmation"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Export Selections Error"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Export Selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i 파일들"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "모든 파일들"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><H2>패키지 관리자를 시작합니다!</H2><br><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>경고: 시작 페이지를 로드할 수 없습니다.<br>%s</font></body></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "로드하는 중... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>패키지 관리자를 시작합니다!</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>경고: 시작 페이지를 로드할 수 없습니다.<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "응답에 실패하였습니다"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "올바르지 않은 응답"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "올바른 응답이 돌아오지 않았습니다"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "unsupported search"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Loading... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "중지됨"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "완료"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3309,332 +3616,429 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
-"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
-"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
-"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>경고: URL을 로드할 수 없습니다.</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "지정된 URI 없음"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>경고: URL을 로드할 수 없습니다.</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "빈 작업은 지원되지 않음"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "작업이 지원되지 않음: %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Click to toggle selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "이름"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "상태"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "저장소"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "설명"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "업데이트를 사용할 수 있음"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "all selection toggle"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "설치되지 않음"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "업데이트를 사용할 수 있음"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Fetching descriptions..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "모든 범주"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "메타 패키지"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "응용 프로그램"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "데스크탑(GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "개발"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "배포"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "드라이버"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "웹 서비스"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "모든 패키지"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "설치된 패키지"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "설치되지 않은 패키지"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "선택된 패키지"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Search all publishers"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Search current publisher"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+       "view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+       "packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+       "is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "All Publishers"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"검색 결과에 대한 상태를 가져올 수 없습니다.\n"
-"카탈로그가 로드되지 않았습니다.\n"
-"몇 초 후에 시도하십시오.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
+       "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
+       "Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Search cleared"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "법적 정보를 불러오는 중..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "추가..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "카탈로그를 새로 고치는 중"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "카탈로그를 새로 고치는 중..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "패키지 카탈로그 정보를 재설정합니다"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "모두"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "패키지 리스트를 읽습니다"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "다음으로 이동할 수 없습니다.\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "제거를 위해 선택됨:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "설치/업데이트를 위해 선택됨:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "확인란에 표시하여 패키지 선택\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "패키지 이름"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "설명을 불러오는 중..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "정보를 불러오는 중…"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(설치 되지 않음)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "없음"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-"저장소에 액세스하는 중 네트워크 문제가 발생했기 때문일 수 있습니다."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "이 패키지에 대한 설명 없음..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "\n"
+       "저장소에 액세스하는 중 네트워크 문제가 발생했기 때문일 수 있습니다."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "이 패키지에 대한 파일 세부 정보 없음..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "이 패키지에 대한 종속성 정보 없음..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "이 패키지에 대한 정보 없음..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "루트: %s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "종속성:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "요약:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "크기:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "범주:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "설치된 버전:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "최신 버전:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "패키징 날짜:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "저장소:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "없음"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "사용할 수 없음"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "변환 문제로 인해서 라이센스를 보여드릴 수 없습니다."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"네트워크 문제.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+       "네트워크 문제.\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "세부 정보:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " 카탈로그가 성공적으로 업데이트됨:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "알 수 없는 오류"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-"선택한 저장소에 패키지가 포함되어 있지 않습니다.\n"
-"패키지 목록을 다시 로드하십시오."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "패키지 항목 처리 중: %d/%d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "저장소 정보를 로드하는 중"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "패키지 항목을 불러오는 중..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "검색하는 중..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s: 처음 %d개 찾음"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: %d개 찾음"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "%d개 표시됨"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "%d개 선택됨"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "%d개 설치됨"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"모두 업데이트 작업이 완료되었으며 패키지 관리자가 닫힙니다.\n"
-"시스템을 재부트하기 전에 게시된 릴리스 노트를 검토하십시오.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+       "모두 업데이트 작업이 완료되었으며 패키지 관리자가 닫힙니다.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "시스템을 재부트하기 전에 게시된 릴리스 노트를 검토하십시오.\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Update All Complete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "선택 항목 저장..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "선택한 패키지 저장..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
-"설치를 완료하려면 설치된 패키지를 재부트해야 "
+       "설치를 완료하려면 설치된 패키지를 재부트해야 "
+       "합니다."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "gtk 를 초기화 할 수 없습니다"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3642,14 +4046,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3658,152 +4063,316 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
-"패키저 하위 명령:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
-"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-"        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
-"        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-"        -s repo_uri     대상 저장소 URI\n"
-"        --help 또는 -?    사용법 메시지 표시\n"
-"        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Packager subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
+       "        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+       "or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+       "values using the --set-property option."
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "-e 또는 -n만 지정할 수 있습니다."
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "open 명령에는 하나의 패키지 이름이 필요합니다."
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "-t를 사용하여 지정되거나 $PKG_TRANS_ID에 지정된 트랜잭션 ID가 없습니다."
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "$PKG_TRANS_ID에 트랜잭션 ID가 지정되지 않았습니다."
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "하위 명령에 인수가 지정되지 않았습니다."
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "이 작업에는 파일 이름을 제공해야 합니다."
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "서브커맨드에 어떠한 fmri 매개변수들도 지정되지 않았습니다."
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "라인 %d: 패스가 없음"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "라인 %s: 파일 %s 가 존재하지 않음"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "라인 %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
 msgstr "명령이 피연산자를 사용하지 않습니다."
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "-e 또는 -n만 지정할 수 있습니다."
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "open 명령에는 하나의 패키지 이름이 필요합니다."
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "-t를 사용하여 지정되거나 $PKG_TRANS_ID에 지정된 트랜잭션 ID가 없습니다."
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "$PKG_TRANS_ID에 트랜잭션 ID가 지정되지 않았습니다."
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "하위 명령에 인수가 지정되지 않았습니다."
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "이 작업에는 파일 이름을 제공해야 합니다."
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend: 잘못된 글로벌 옵션 -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "잘못된 %s 옵션 -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "다음 매니페스트를 열 수 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "다음에서 파일을 다운로드할 수 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "다음 디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "다음에서 읽는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. %s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "다음 파일을 추출할 수 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "매니페스트 %s을(를) %s에서 다운로드할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "다음 파일을 열 수 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "다음에서 읽는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "다음에 쓰는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "다음에서 카탈로그를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "다음에서 읽는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. %s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "잘못된 옵션 -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "서버를 지정해야 합니다."
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "잘못된 옵션 값입니다 -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "소스 저장소가 반드시 제공되어야 합니다."
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n에는 옵션을 사용하지 않습니다."
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "하나 이상의 pkgfmri를 지정해야 합니다."
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s은(는) 잘못된 FMRI입니다. %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "검색할 파일이 없습니다."
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "저장소를 생성하기 위해서 pkgsend 커맨드를 사용합니다."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+       "or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+       "the repository or create a new one."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "베이스 디렉토리 '%s' 를 생성할 수 없습니다."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "의존성 검사를 위한 manifest 들을 검색합니다 ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "패키지 검사를 위한 manifest 들을 검색합니다 ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "패키지 내용을 검색합니다 ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "Republishing %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "저장소 검색 인덱스들을 재설정합니다 ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"True로 설정된 경우 업데이트를 사용할 수 있을 때 패널의 알림 영역 옆에 "
-"해당 업데이트를 설명하는 텍스트 메시지가 표시됩니다."
+       "True로 설정된 경우 업데이트를 사용할 수 있을 때 패널의 알림 영역 옆에 "
+       "해당 업데이트를 설명하는 텍스트 메시지가 표시됩니다."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
@@ -3814,8 +4383,8 @@
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
-"업데이트 확인 주기입니다. 유효한 값은 일별, 주별, 월별, "
-"안 함입니다."
+       "업데이트 확인 주기입니다. 유효한 값은 일별, 주별, 월별, "
+       "안 함입니다."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
@@ -3830,16 +4399,16 @@
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
-"시작한 후 업데이트를 확인하기 전에 업데이트 관리자 알림 표시자에서 "
-"대기하는 시간(초)입니다."
+       "시작한 후 업데이트를 확인하기 전에 업데이트 관리자 알림 표시자에서 "
+       "대기하는 시간(초)입니다."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"true로 설정된 경우 사용자가 알림 영역에서 아이콘을 활성화한 후에 "
-"업데이트 관리자 알림 표시자 프로그램이 종료됩니다."
+       "true로 설정된 경우 사용자가 알림 영역에서 아이콘을 활성화한 후에 "
+       "업데이트 관리자 알림 표시자 프로그램이 종료됩니다."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
@@ -3858,8 +4427,8 @@
 msgstr "사용 가능한 업데이트 설치"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "업데이트 관리자"
@@ -3879,9 +4448,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "완료 시 대화 상자 닫기(_F)"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "색인"
@@ -3889,13 +4456,13 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "업데이트 설치"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
-"다음 패키지에 대해 업데이트를 사용할 수 있습니다.\n"
-"업데이트하려는 패키지를 선택하고 설치를 누르십시오."
+       "다음 패키지에 대해 업데이트를 사용할 수 있습니다.\n"
+       "업데이트하려는 패키지를 선택하고 설치를 누르십시오."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3913,6 +4480,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "모든 업데이트 선택(_S)"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "업데이트 사용 가능 시 사용자에게 알림"
@@ -3921,383 +4500,840 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "업데이트 관리자 알림 표시자"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "카탈로그를 불러오는 중: '%s' ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "카탈로그를 불러오는 중"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "계획을 만드는 중... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "계획을 만드는 중"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "확인 중: %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "확인 중"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "완료됨"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI에서 이벤트에 응답하지 않습니다! %s. updatemanager.py 신호를 확인하십시오."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "평가"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "평가 - 취소하는 중..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "다운로드 - 취소하는 중... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "평가 - 실패함"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "다운로드 - 실패함"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "설치 - 실패함"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "색인 - 실패함"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-"다음 패키지에 사용 가능한 업데이트가 없습니다.\n"
-"새 부트 환경을 만들고 해당 환경에 모든 패키지를 설치하려면 모두 업데이트를 "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "다음 패키지에 사용 가능한 업데이트가 없습니다.\n"
+       "새 부트 환경을 만들고 해당 환경에 모든 패키지를 설치하려면 모두 업데이트를 "
+       "누르십시오."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "최신 버전"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "크기(MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "개수: %d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "오류\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s'이(가) 설치 이미지가 아닙니다.\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "버전 불일치: %s을(를) 예상했지만 %s을(를) 받음\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>사용할 수 있는 업데이트가 없습니다.</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"크기:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"최신 버전:\t\t%s\n"
-"설치된 버전:\t%s\n"
-"패키징 날짜:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"저장소:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s은(는) 유효한 이미지가 아닙니다. 루트 이미지 시도 중"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s은(는) 유효한 루트 이미지가 아닙니다. None 값 반환"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-"%s에 대한 세부 정보를 불러오는 중..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "\n"
+       "%s에 대한 세부 정보를 불러오는 중..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-"사용 가능한 세부 정보 없음"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"업데이트를 취소하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주십시오..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-"지금은 취소할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "업데이트를 설치하는 중"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "오류"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "다음 통합 패키지를 업데이트할 수 없습니다."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "사용 중인 업데이트: 모두 업데이트\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%1.f분에 모두 업데이트가 성공적으로 완료되었습니다.\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-"1분 이내에 모두 업데이트가 성공적으로 완료되었습니다.\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"시스템을 재부트하기 전에 게시된 릴리스 노트를 검토하십시오.\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "\n"
+       "사용 가능한 세부 정보 없음"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "시스템을 재부팅 하시기 전에 게시된 릴리즈 노트를 먼저 살펴보시기 바랍니다:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "모두 업데이트 완료"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "업데이트할 항목이 선택되지 않았습니다."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "업데이트 중 ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "계획을 설치하는 중에 업데이트 오류:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "업데이트 예기치 않은 API 오류:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "업데이트 예기치 않은 오류:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "설치할 패키지:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "업데이트"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "업데이트를 성공적으로 완료했습니다."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 다운로드 실패:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s에서 사용 가능한 디스크 공간을 초과했습니다."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s 예기치 않은 오류:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 실행 계획 실패:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"디스크 공간이 부족하기 때문에 모두 업데이트 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.\n"
-"기존 BE를 관리하여 디스크 여유 공간을 확보하려면 확인을 누르거나 모두 업데이트를 취소하려면 "
-"취소를 누르십시오."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "디스크 공간이 부족하기 때문에 모두 업데이트 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "기존 BE를 관리하여 디스크 여유 공간을 확보하려면 확인을 누르거나 모두 업데이트를 취소하려면 "
+       "취소를 누르십시오."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "디스크 공간 부족"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d: \t파일 %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d개의 작업"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "색인\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d개의 작업"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "새 소프트웨어 확인"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "업데이트를 사용할 수 있습니다."
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-"사용 가능한 업데이트\n"
-"업데이트하려면 아이콘을 누르십시오."
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "사용 가능한 업데이트\n"
+       "업데이트하려면 아이콘을 누르십시오."
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "다른 UpdateManagerNotify 인스턴스가 실행 중입니다."
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5) 정보 파일"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "버전 불일치: 기대했던 버전 %d, 실제 버전 %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s 는 인스톨 이미지가 아닙니다."
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "API 오류"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "오류"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "            크기:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "            범주:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "설치된 버전:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "사용가능한 버전:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "최신 버전:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "   출판사:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "업데이트 가능한 버전:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "카탈로그 재설정 오류:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "카탈로그 '%s' 를 검색하고 있습니다...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "카탈로그들을 캐싱하고 있습니다 ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "카탈로그 캐시를 로딩하고 있습니다 ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "카탈로그 %s 를 재설정하고 있습니다\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "카탈로그 %s 재설정을 완료했습니다\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "평가 중: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "%(current)s/%(total)s 다운로드됨"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "패키지 %d/%d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "타입 속성이 없습니다"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "fmri 속성이 없습니다"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "인식할 수 없는 타입 (%s) 가 의존 액션에 존재합니다"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "경로 속성이 비어 있습니다"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "다음의 파일이 존재하지 않습니다: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' 는 파일이 아닙니다."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "라이센스 파일 %s 가 존재하지 않습니다."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "인식할 수 없는 info_needed 타입입니다: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "인식할 수 없는 img_path 타입입니다."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "제거 단계"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "설치 단계"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "수정 단계"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "인덱스 단계"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "카탈로그 '%s' 를 검색하고 있습니다..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "카탈로그들을 캐싱하고 있습니다 ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "카탈로그 캐시를 로딩하고 있습니다 ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "카탈로그를 재설정하고 있습니다"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "%s 를 찾을 수 없습니다."
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "의존해야할 서브클래스들은 반드시 dep_key 를 구현해야 합니다. 현재 클래스는 %s 입니다"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s 는 다음의 elf 에러를 가지고 있습니다:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "%s 에서 참조하고 있는 %s 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' 에 버전 정보가 빠져 있습니다."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Reading Existing Index"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Indexing Packages"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "missing version"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "잘못된 버전"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "Not an absolute path."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "Could not parse query."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "Problem occurred with: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "repository directories incomplete"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "manifest 파일 %s 를 찾을 수 없습니다."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o 는 -d 혹은 -s 와 같이 사용될 수 없습니다"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s'이(가) 설치 이미지가 아닙니다."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "하나 혹은 그 이상의 manifest 들을 파싱할 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "결과를 쓰기 위해 %s 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "결과 디렉토리 %s 가 존재하지 않고, 생성할 수도 없습니다. 에러는: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "generate 서브커맨드는 -R 을 사용하지 않습니다"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "파일메니저는 %s 혹은 그것을 포함하고 있는 디렉토리들을 생성할 수 없습니다."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+       "known layouts:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/pl.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/pl.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -27,15 +27,21 @@
 msgstr ""
        "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
        "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
        "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
        "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
        "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
        "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +64,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -104,9 +113,12 @@
        "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
        "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
        "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
        "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+       "<variant_spec>=<instance>\n"
+       "            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
        "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
        "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -129,37 +141,55 @@
        "        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "-s i -v nie mogą być łączone"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "known"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "installed"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "nie zainstalowano pakietów"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Dla żadnych z podanych pakietów nie ma uaktualnień"
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Dla żadnych z zainstalowanych pakietów nie ma uaktualnień"
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "Utworzono migawke ZFS: %s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify: -v i -q nie mogą być łączone"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+       "live image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v and -q may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
@@ -167,7 +197,7 @@
        "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
        "installed on the system.\n"
-#: ../client.py:490
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -176,157 +206,113 @@
        "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -v i -q nie mogą być łączone"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "No image rooted at '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "Ten obraz nie ma dostępnych uaktualnień."
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-       "running image-update.\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-       "Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-       "the image-update."
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "błąd image-update: %s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-#: ../client.py:643
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install: wymagana jest przynajmniej jedna nazwa pakietu"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install: -v i -q nie mogą być łączone"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s' nie jest obrazem instalacji"
-#: ../client.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "install failed (inventory exception):\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
 msgstr ""
-       "Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd podczas przygotowywania instalacji:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "nipowodzenie instalacji: %s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "Nieoczekiwany błąd podczas instalacji: %s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall: wymagana jest przynajmniej jedna nazwa pakietu"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall: -v i -q nie mogą być łączone"
-#: ../client.py:857
+       "An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s failed: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s cannot be done on live image"
+#: ../client.py:567
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+       "live image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "No image rooted at '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
 msgstr ""
-       "uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "Deinstalacja zakończona niepowodzeniem: %s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "Podczas deinstalacji wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd: %s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-       "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-       "The problematic structure: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+       "WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+       "running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: no variants specified"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "No updates necessary for this image."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "Ten obraz nie ma dostępnych uaktualnień."
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "at least one package name required"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
@@ -335,26 +321,43 @@
        "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
        "The problematic structure:%r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+       "The server returned an invalid action.\n"
-#: ../client.py:1008
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s nie jest poprawnym URL serwera."
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "at least one search term must be provided"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+       "packages"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
@@ -362,426 +365,426 @@
        "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info: -l i -r nie mogą być łączone"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l and -r may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "must request remote info for specific packages"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Obsolete"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Renamed"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "Zainstalowane"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "Niezainstalowane"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "         Nazwa:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "  Podsumowanie:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "   Description:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "     Kategoria:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "          Stan:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Renamed to:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "   Opublikował:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "        Wersja:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr " Budowa wydania:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "         Gałąź:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "Data Pakowania:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "       Rozmiar:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "          FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
        "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
        "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
        "examining the catalogs:"
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "'%s' pasuje do kilku pakietów"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "W następujących pakietach nie znaleziono informacji o licencji:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents: -l i -r nie mogą być łączone"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents: -m i %s nie mogą być podane jednocześnie"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "Błędny atrybut '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg: '%s' pasuje do kilku pakietów"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "Katalog nie został uaktualniony z powodu niewystarczających uprawnień."
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-       "    your permissions."
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "wymaga nazwy wydawcy"
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "tylko nazwa wydawcy może być podana"
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "opcje -p i -m nie mogą być łączone"
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
        "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
-#: ../client.py:1794
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+       "The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
+       "server.\n"
        "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
        "Additional details:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+       "%(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "at least one publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "WYDAWCA"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "TYP"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "STATUS"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(preferowany)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(wyłączony)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "origin"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "mirror"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              Klucz SSL:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "         Certyfikat SSL:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr "     Data wydania cert.:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr " Data wygaśnięcia cert.:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "         Oryginalny URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "          Lustrzany URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "   Opublikował:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                  Alias:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "           UUID klienta:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr " Katalog zaktualizowany:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "                Aktywny:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "Nie"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Tak"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property: wymaga nazwy atrybutu i wartości"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-       "set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property: wymaga co najmniej jednej nazwy atrybutu"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-       "unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "requires a property name and value"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "requires at least one property name"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "no such property: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property: no such property: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-       "image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-       "image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: plik klucza SSL '%s' nie istnieje"
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: certyfikat klucza SSL '%s' nie istnieje"
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "there is already an image at: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "Niepusty katalog: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "only one image directory path may be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "a publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+       "The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
        "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
        "Additional details:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H and -l may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "CZAS"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "OPERACJA"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "KLIENT"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "OUTCOME"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "illegal global option -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "no subcommand specified"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "illegal %s option -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "illegal option -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
@@ -789,102 +792,20 @@
        "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
        "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
-#: ../client.py:2485
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "Nie znaloeziono obrazu."
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "client configuration error: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "History purged."
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "unknown subcommand '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-       "An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-       "for the requested operation."
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-       "the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-       "configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-       "the server using a web browser."
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Additional details:\n"
-       "\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-       "An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-       "about past client operations."
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-       "An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-       "current operation in client history."
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-       "The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-       "by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-       "is %(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -899,6 +820,108 @@
        "problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
        "above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+       "for\n"
+       "the requested operation."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Details follow:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+       "the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+       "configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+       "the server using a web browser."
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+       "about past client operations."
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+       "current operation in client history."
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+       "by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+       "is %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+       "has completed successfuly."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
 msgstr "AMP Stack"
@@ -1143,7 +1166,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "Pamięć masowa"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "System"
@@ -1196,17 +1219,16 @@
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
 msgstr "Instalacja, uaktualnianie i usuwanie pakietów"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "Zarządzanie pakietami"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Dodaj nowe repozytoria i zarządzaj istniejącymi.</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1226,29 +1248,37 @@
        "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
        "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Exit</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ogólne</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Zmień URL repozytoria</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>NAZWA PAKIETU</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Nazwa pakietu</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Szukaj</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1259,70 +1289,79 @@
 msgstr "<b>_Mirrors</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>_Repository:</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "O"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "About Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Add Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "B_rowse"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher Complete"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Applying Changes"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "Br_owse"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Applying changes..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "B_rowse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Br_owse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "Szukaj certyfikatu SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "Szukaj klucza SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "Sprawdzanie zależności pakietu..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Wyczyść"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "C_lear Search"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "Kliknij, aby pobrać listę najnowszych pakietów."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Cancel current operation"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "Sprawdzanie zależności pakietu..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "Kliknij, aby zaktualizować wszystkie zainstalowane pakiety."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "Kopiuj"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Potwierdzenie"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
@@ -1332,160 +1371,152 @@
        "All rights reserved.\n"
        "Use is subject to license terms."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "Wy_tnij"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
 msgid "Currently active boot environment"
 msgstr "Currently active boot environment"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "Cut action"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "O_dznacz wszystkie"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "D_etails"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "Zależności"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "Odznacz zaznaczone pakiety"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Description:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Szczegóły"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Pobierz"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Pliki"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Go to package _list"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "Instaluj"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "Instaluj albo zaktualizuj wybrane pakiety"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "Instaluj/aktualizuj"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "Install/Upgrade Check"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "Legenda:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licencja"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "Licencja"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "M_irror:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "Manage Boot Environments"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "Zarządzaj repozytoriami"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "Manage _Boot Environments..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Modify Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "Zmień repozytoria"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nazwa:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "Opcje menadżera pakietów"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "Wklej"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "Nazwa: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "Wła_ściwości"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "Właściwości"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "Przygotowywanie"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "Wykonaj tylko jeśli ufasz nowemu repozytorium "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "Processing"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "Pu_blisher:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Publisher Name:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "Zamknij aplikację"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Re_fresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "Przeładuj"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "Remote search error"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Usuń"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "Potwierdzenie usuwania"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone pakiety"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "C_ertyfikat SSL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "C_ertyfikat SSL: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "Klucz i certyfikat SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "_Certyfikat SSL:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "_Klucz SSL:"
@@ -1495,235 +1526,200 @@
 msgstr "_Klucz SSL: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "Szuk_aj"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Szukaj"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Szukaj"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Search Publisher Errors"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "Search All Repositories Error"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Search Repositories Error"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-       "repositories:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "Wybierz wszystkie elementy"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
 msgstr "Wybierz aktualizacje"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "Wybierz wszystkie"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "Wybierz aktualizacje"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Show Start Page on _startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "Wybierz z listy, aby zmienić lub usunąć istniejące repozytoria"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Specify the publisher name and URL"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "Pokaż:"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "Strona startowa"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "Krótki opis"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "The following will be added to your system:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "Strona startowa"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "This is a secure repository."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "Strona startowa"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "Następujące będą dodane do twojego systemu"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+       "Specify the location of these files."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-       "This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-       "Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-       "Browse \n"
-       "buttons to provide their location."
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Type text to search for the package."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "Aktualizuj wszystkie"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "Wpisz tekst, aby poszukać nazwy i opisu pakietu"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "Aktualizuj wszystkie"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Vie_w:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Dodaj"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "Aktualizuj wszystkie pakiety"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "Aktualizacje"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "_Add Publisher..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Add..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "_O"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "_Alias:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "_Dodaj"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Browse..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "_Przeglądaj"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Contents"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "_Wyczyść"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "_Contents"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edytuj"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "_Kopiuj"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "_Export Selections..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "_Deselect All"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "_Edytuj"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_Plik"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "Pomo_c"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "_Instaluj / Aktualizuj"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "_Instructions"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "_Manage Publishers..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "_Instaluj / Aktualizuj"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "_Modify..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "_Instructions"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_Name:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "_Manage Repositories..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "_Name: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "_Modify..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "_Name: "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "_Package"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "_Proceed"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "_Package"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "_Registration Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "_Paste"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "_Proceed"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "Za_kończ"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "_Remove"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "_Search"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "_URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "_URL: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "_Update All"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "_View"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-       "lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-       "add the new\n"
-       "repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
@@ -1743,29 +1739,53 @@
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 msgstr ""
-       "A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-       "the error dialog."
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+       "exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+       "and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+       "mode."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+       "dialog."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
        "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
        "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
 msgstr ""
-       "An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-       "packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+       "An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+       "packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+       "default)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
@@ -1773,7 +1793,7 @@
        "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
        "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
@@ -1781,7 +1801,7 @@
        "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
        "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
@@ -1789,7 +1809,7 @@
        "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
        "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
@@ -1797,134 +1817,199 @@
        "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
        "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
 msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
 msgstr ""
-       "Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-       "support remote search"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
+       "An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+       "completion."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+       "when searching them"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Display selected publisher at startup"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
 msgid "Enable type ahead search"
 msgstr "Enable type ahead search"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
 msgid "Initial application height"
 msgstr "Initial application height"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
 msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
 msgstr "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
 msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
 msgstr "Initial application vertical divider position"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
 msgid "Initial application width"
 msgstr "Initial application width"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
 msgid "Initial section value"
 msgstr "Initial section value"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "Initial show filter value"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Last Export Selections Path"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Last publisher used by package manager"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "Show Start Page on startup"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "Start Page Update URL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Start in serach mode"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
        "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       " Add New Repository\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
-       " Add New Repositories\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
+       " Add New Publisher\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
-       " All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+       " Add New Publishers\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Install Package\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
        " Zainstaluj pakiety\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "Błąd repozytorium"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "Błąd API"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Błąd"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "Błąd w odczycie pliku p5i."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgstr[1] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Publisher Error"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgstr[1] "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+       "completion it will be disabled again."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+       "On completion they will be disabled again."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabled Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabled Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "Failed to add %s.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "No URI specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Web Installer Error"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
@@ -1938,113 +2023,113 @@
 msgid "BE management"
 msgstr "Zarządzanie BE"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "Ładowanie Boot Enviroment Information"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
 msgstr "Pobieranie wpisów BE..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "Boot Enviroment"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "Utworzony"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Rozmiar"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "Active on Reboot"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Usuń"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "Wprowadzanie zmian"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "Wprowadzanie zmian, proszę czekać..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "Active on reboot:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Delete boot environments:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Rename boot environments:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Active on reboot\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "Delete\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Rename\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr " to "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "Błąd BE"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-       "The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+       "The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
        "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "Preparing..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "Downloading..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "Installing..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
@@ -2058,36 +2143,24 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "Canceling..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "BE name is in use"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "BE name is invalid"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-       "You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-       "the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-       "certificate."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "Inventory exception:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
@@ -2095,7 +2168,7 @@
        "Please check the network connection.\n"
        "Is the repository accessible?"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2108,7 +2181,22 @@
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+       "settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
@@ -2118,7 +2206,7 @@
        "updated before running Update All.\n"
        "Please update SUNWipkg package"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
@@ -2129,7 +2217,7 @@
        "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -2140,7 +2228,7 @@
        "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
        "%s is often a source of this problem."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
@@ -2148,7 +2236,7 @@
        "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
@@ -2156,7 +2244,7 @@
        "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
@@ -2168,7 +2256,7 @@
        "problem by running command:\n"
        "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
@@ -2176,7 +2264,17 @@
        "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
        "operation can't be performed."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+       "Live Image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2189,7 +2287,7 @@
        "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
        "problem by restarting %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2202,33 +2300,33 @@
        "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
        "problem by restarting %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "Updating %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "Executing..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "All packages already installed."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
@@ -2236,15 +2334,15 @@
        "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
        "Click Update All to update all packages."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "Your system has already been updated."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "No futher information available"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
@@ -2252,63 +2350,46 @@
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr " - Failed </b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
 msgstr ""
-       "An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-       "Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-       "by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "http://defect.opensolaris.org\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "Exception value:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+       "An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+       "Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+       "filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "Exception traceback:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "Installation completed successfully."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "Packages removed successfully."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "Packages updated successfully."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg version: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "List of configured publishers:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Installation completed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Packages removed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Packages updated successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
@@ -2320,189 +2401,199 @@
        "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
        "cancel the action."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "Not Enough Disk Space"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "Evaluating: %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "Add New Repository"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>New Repository</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "Repository Name"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "Preferred"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "Włączone"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "Failed to disable %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "Failed to enable %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Please check your permissions."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-       "Is the repository accessible?"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Unexpected error.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-       "Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-       "Please check your permissions."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "Name contains invalid characters"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "Name already in use"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Canceling...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Removing publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Adding publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Updating publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Disable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Enable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Delete Publishers:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Disabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Enabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr ""
+       "Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+       "must be either https or http."
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "Publisher URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Description:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Publisher error"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "Specify SSL Key File"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "URL is not valid"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Unable to navigate to:\n"
-       "\t%s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Registration"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "Adding New Repository"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-       "Adding:\n"
-       "\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "Failed to add %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "Failed to add %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "Failed to delete %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "Specify SSL Key File"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "Repository error"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "Repository"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Active"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registered"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Mirror Name"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Enabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Enabling Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabling Publishers"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
@@ -2548,17 +2639,24 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2571,7 +2669,7 @@
        "or otherwise increase your privileges."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
@@ -2583,7 +2681,7 @@
        "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2594,7 +2692,16 @@
        "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
        "operation again."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
@@ -2602,31 +2709,137 @@
        "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
        "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "'%s' matches no installed packages"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are not installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are already installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+       "catalog operations."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+       "provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+       "result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+       "catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+       "version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
@@ -2634,7 +2847,61 @@
        "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
        "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (version did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "The search at url %s returned no results."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Search performance is degraded.\n"
+       "Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
@@ -2643,7 +2910,7 @@
        "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
        "publisher information: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
@@ -2651,11 +2918,11 @@
        "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
        "publisher information."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
@@ -2664,22 +2931,27 @@
        "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "'%s' is not a valid location."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
@@ -2687,11 +2959,11 @@
        "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
        "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
@@ -2700,12 +2972,12 @@
        "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
        "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
@@ -2713,131 +2985,70 @@
        "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
        "not allowed."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "Info does not recognize the following options:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: timeout\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-       "    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-       "        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-       "the \n"
-       "        port number."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: Socket timeout"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-       "Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-       "To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
        "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "'%s' is not a valid URI."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
@@ -2846,76 +3057,89 @@
        "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
        "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+       "as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "Unknown publisher '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "Unknown related URI '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "Unknown repository '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
@@ -2924,7 +3148,7 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
        "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
@@ -2933,7 +3157,7 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
        "a valid certificate."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
@@ -2942,12 +3166,12 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
        "install a valid certificate."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
@@ -2956,7 +3180,7 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
        "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
@@ -2965,7 +3189,7 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
@@ -2974,12 +3198,12 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
        "s' days."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
@@ -2988,22 +3212,46 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
        "is invalid."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "Invalid certificate '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+       "(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
@@ -3012,22 +3260,22 @@
        "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
        "access '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
@@ -3036,14 +3284,14 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
        "has a future effective date."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
        "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
@@ -3052,45 +3300,77 @@
        "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "Gave a bad response:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "Could not find %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
 msgstr ""
-       "pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-       "with a return code of %d."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+       "with a return code of %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg: unable to activate %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3103,12 +3383,12 @@
        "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
        "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s has been updated successfully"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
@@ -3119,43 +3399,45 @@
        "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
        "inspect it."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
 msgstr ""
-       "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-       "the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-       "'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+       "The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+       "before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+       "to boot to this BE."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
@@ -3164,51 +3446,47 @@
        "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
        "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "This server is not a valid package depot."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "Before evaluation:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "After evaluation:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "SUNWipkg update check failed."
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
@@ -3217,59 +3495,80 @@
        "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
        "rebuilding search indexes."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "unable to write to index directory."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Description Only)"
-msgstr "_All Repositories (Description Only)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Description Only)"
-msgstr "Search All Repositories (Description Only)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-       "Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-       "\n"
-       "Please wait ..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "All Repositories Search Results"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Wszystkie"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "All Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "Installed Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "Aktualizacje"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "Not installed Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "Selected Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "Dodaj..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "All Publishers (Search)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Export Selections Confirmation"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Export Selections Error"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Export Selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "All Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
@@ -3280,24 +3579,36 @@
        "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "Loading... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "failed to respond"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "invalid response"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "A valid response was not returned."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "unsupported search"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Loading... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "Stopped"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "Done"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3314,148 +3625,315 @@
        "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "No URI specified"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "Empty Action not supported"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "Action not supported: %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Click to toggle selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Imię"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "Repository"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "Opis"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "Updates Available"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "all selection toggle"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "Not Installed"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "Updates Available"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Fetching descriptions..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "All Categories"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "Meta Packages"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "Applications"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "Desktop (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Development"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "Distributions"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "Drivers"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "Web Services"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "All Packages"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "Installed Packages"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "Non-installed Packages"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "Selected Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Search all publishers"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Search current publisher"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+       "view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+       "packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+       "is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "All Publishers"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
        "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
        "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-       "Please try after few seconds.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Search cleared"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "Fetching legal information..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "Add..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "Refreshing catalogs"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "Refreshing catalogs..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "Refreshing package catalog information"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Wszystkie"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "Loading package list"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to navigate to:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "Selected for Removal:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "Selected for Install/Update:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "Package Name"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "Fetching description..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "Fetching information..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(not installed)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Brak"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
@@ -3463,73 +3941,55 @@
        "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "Description not available for this package..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Files Details not available for this package..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Information not available for this package..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "Root: %s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "Dependencies:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "Summary:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "Size:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "Category:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "Installed Version:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "Latest Version:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "Packaging Date:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "Repository:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Brak"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "Niedostępny"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
@@ -3537,76 +3997,16 @@
        "Network problem.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "Szczegóły:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Nieznany błąd"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-       "Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-       "Please reload the list of package."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "Loading Repository Information"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "Fetching package entries ..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "Searching..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s: first %d found"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: %d znaleziony"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "%d wyświetlony"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "%d wybrany"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "%d zainstalowany"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
@@ -3618,15 +4018,19 @@
        "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Update All Complete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "Zapisz wybrane..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "Zapisz wybrane pakiety..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
@@ -3634,20 +4038,25 @@
        "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "Unable to initialize gtk"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3660,14 +4069,15 @@
        "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
        "Packager subcommands:\n"
-       "        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
        "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
        "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
        "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-       "        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-       "\n"
-       "        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
        "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3676,124 +4086,287 @@
        "        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
-msgid "command does not take operands"
-msgstr "command does not take operands"
-#: ../publish.py:128
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+       "or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+       "values using the --set-property option."
+#: ../publish.py:146
 msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
 msgstr "only -e or -n may be specified"
-#: ../publish.py:131
+#: ../publish.py:149
 msgid "open requires one package name"
 msgstr "open requires one package name"
-#: ../publish.py:157
+#: ../publish.py:178
 msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
 msgstr "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
 msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
 msgstr "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
 msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
 msgstr "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-#: ../publish.py:181
+#: ../publish.py:202
 msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
 msgstr "A filename must be provided for this action."
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "line %d: missing path"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "line %s: File %s not found"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "line %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
+msgid "command does not take operands"
+msgstr "command does not take operands"
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "illegal %s option -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-       "        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-       "        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to download files from: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "Unable to create directory: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Błąd podczas czytania z: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "Unable to extract file: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Błąd podczas czytania z: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisu do: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "Nie można ściągnąć katalogu z: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Błąd podczas czytania z: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "Nieprawidłowa opcja -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "musisz określić serwer"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "Illegal option value -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "a source repository must be provided"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n nie przyjmuje żadnych argumentów"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "musisz określić przynajmniej jeden pkgfmri"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s jest nieprawidłowym fmri: %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "Brak plików do ściągnięcia."
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+       "or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+       "the repository or create a new one."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving package content ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "Republishing %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
@@ -3857,8 +4430,8 @@
 msgstr "Zainstaluj dostępne aktualizacje"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "Menadżer Aktualizacji"
@@ -3878,9 +4451,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "Zamknij okno dialogowe gdy _zakończono"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "Indeks"
@@ -3888,7 +4459,7 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "Instaluj Aktualizacje"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
@@ -3912,6 +4483,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "_Zaznacz wszystkie Aktualizacje"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "Powiadom użytkownika gdy aktualizacje są dostępne"
@@ -3920,71 +4503,12 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "Powiadomienia Menadżera Aktualizacji"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "Ściągam katalog: '%s' ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "Ściągam katalog"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "Tworzę Plan ... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "Tworzę Plan"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "Weryfikuję: %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "Weryfikuję"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "Zakończono"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "Oceń"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "Ocena - anuluję..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "Ściąganie - anuluję..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "Ocena - nie powiodła się"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "Ściąganie - nie powiodło się"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "Instalacja - nie powiodła się"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "Indeksowanie - nie powiodło się"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
@@ -3995,71 +4519,34 @@
        "zainstalować wszystkie pakiety."
        "into it."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "Najnowsza Wersja"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "Rozmiar (MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "liczba: %d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "Błąd\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "Niedopasowanie wersji: oczekiwano %s otrzymano %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Brak dostępnych aktualizacji.</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Summary:\t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Category:\t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-       "Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-       "Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-       "FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-       "Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -4068,7 +4555,7 @@
        "Pobieram szczegóły dla %s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
@@ -4076,227 +4563,781 @@
        "Brak dostępnych szczegółów"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Anuluję aktualizację, proszę czekać ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Nie można anulować w tym momencie."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "Instaluję Aktualizacje"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "BŁĄD"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "Następujące pakiet(y) nie mogą być zaktualizowane: "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "Aktualizacja: Aktualizuj Wszystko\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "BŁĄD"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "%s\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Aktualizuj Wszystko zakońćzono powodzeniem w %1.f min.\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Aktualizuj Wszystko zakończono w czasie poniżej 1 min\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-       "\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "Aktualizuj Wszystko zakończone."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "Nic nie zaznaczono do aktualizacji."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "Aktualizuję ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Oceń\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "Update error in plan install:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "Nieoczekiwany błąd API aktualizacji:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "Nieoczekiwany błąd aktualizacji:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "Paczki do zainstalowania:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aktualizuj"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "Aktualizacja zakończona sukcesem."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "%s Ściąganie nie powiodło się:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s przekracza dostępne miejsce na dysku"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s nieoczekiwany błąd:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-       "%s Plan operacji nie powiódł się:\n"
-       "%s"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
-"Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
-"cancel Update All."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "Za mało miejsca na dysku, Update All nie może zostać przeprowadzony."
+       "\n"
+       "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
+       "cancel Update All."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "Za mało miejsca na dysku."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Pobierz\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-       "\n"
-       "Instaluj\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "Indeks\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "Sprawdzam dostępność nowego oprogramowania."
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "Aktualizacje są dostępne"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
        "Aktualizacje są dostępne\n"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "Please click on icon to update."
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "Działa inna instancja UpdateManagerNotify"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5) info file"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s is not an install image"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "Błąd API"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Błąd"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "       Rozmiar:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "     Kategoria:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "Installed:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "Version Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "Latest Version:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "   Opublikował:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "Update Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "Evaluating: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "Missing type attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "Missing fmri attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "Empty path attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "No such file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a file."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "License file %s does not exist."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "Unknown img_path type."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "Removal Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "Install Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "Update Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "Index Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "Couldn't find %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s had this elf error:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Reading Existing Index"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Indexing Packages"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "missing version"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "invalid version"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "Not an absolute path."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "Could not parse query."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "Problem occurred with: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "repository directories incomplete"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "Could not find manifest file %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' nie jest obrazem instalacji"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+       "known layouts:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/pt_BR.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/pt_BR.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -25,17 +25,23 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+       "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +64,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -83,802 +92,720 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
-"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
-"        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
-"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-"        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg version\n"
-"Subcomandos avançados:\n"
-"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
-"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
-"            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
-"            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
-"            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
-"        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
-"        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
-"        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
-"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
-"            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
-"            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
-"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
-"        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
-"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
-"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
-"        pkg purge-history\n"
-"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-"        -R dir\n"
-"        --help or -?\n"
-"        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Basic subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+       "index]\n"
+       "        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg version\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Advanced subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
+       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
+       "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
+       "zone]\n"
+       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
+       "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
+       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+       "<variant_spec>=<instance>\n"
+       "            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
+       "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
+       "        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
+       "            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
+       "            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
+       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
+       "        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
+       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
+       "        pkg purge-history\n"
+       "        pkg rebuild-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "-s e -v não podem ser combinados"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "known"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "installed"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "não há pacotes instalados"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Não há pacotes especificados com atualizações disponíveis"
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "Não há pacotes instalados com atualizações disponíveis"
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "não pacotes que correspondam a '%s' %s"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "Instantâneo do ZFS criado: %s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify: -v e -q não podem ser combinados"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+       "live image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v and -q may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: não há pacotes que correspondam aos seguintes padrões especificados\n" "instalados no sistema.\n"
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg: não há pacotes que correspondam aos seguintes padrões especificados\n"
+       "instalados no sistema.\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
 msgstr ""
-"Todos os outros parâmetros correspondem aos pacotes instalados.  %s"
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -v e -q não podem ser combinados"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update: o comando não usa operandos ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "Não há imagem com raiz em '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "Não há atualizações disponíveis para esta imagem."
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"falha na image-update (exceção de inventário):\n"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"AVISO: o pkg(5) parece estar desatualizado e deve ser atualizado antes\n" "da execução de image-update.\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-"Atualize o pkg(5) usando 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' e tente novamente\n" "o image-update."
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante a preparação para image-update:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "falha de image-update: %s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "image-update não pode ser realizado em uma imagem ativa"
-#: ../client.py:643
+       "\n"
+       "Todos os outros parâmetros correspondem aos pacotes instalados.  %s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
 msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante image-update: %s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "OBSERVAÇÃO: consulte as notas de versão postadas em :\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install: pelo menos um nome de pacote é obrigatório"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install: -v e -q não podem ser combinados"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s' não é uma imagem de instalação"
-#: ../client.py:745
+       "\n"
+       "An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s failed: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s cannot be done on live image"
+#: ../client.py:567
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+       "live image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "Não há imagem com raiz em '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
 msgstr ""
-"falha na instalação (exceção de inventário):\n"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante a preparação para a instalação:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "falha na instalação: %s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante a instalação: %s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall: pelo menos um nome de pacote é obrigatório"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall: -v e -q não podem ser combinados"
-#: ../client.py:857
+       "%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
 msgstr ""
-"falha na uninstall (exceção de inventário):\n"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "falha na desinstalação: %s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante a desinstalação: %s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-"O servidor retornou um resultado malformado.\n"
-"A estrutura é problemática: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+       "WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+       "running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: no variants specified"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "No updates necessary for this image."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "Não há atualizações disponíveis para esta imagem."
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "OBSERVAÇÃO: consulte as notas de versão postadas em :\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "at least one package name required"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-"O servidor retornou um resultado malformado.\n"
-"A estrutura é problemática: %r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "O servidor retornou um resultado malformado.\n"
+       "A estrutura é problemática: %r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"O servidor retornou uma ação malformada.\n"
-#: ../client.py:1008
+       "The server returned an invalid action.\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s não é uma URL de servidor válida."
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "at least one search term must be provided"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "O servidor retornou um resultado malformado: %r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+       "packages"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-"O índice da pesquisa parece corrompido.  Reconstrua o índice com 'pkg "
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info: -l e -r não podem ser combinados"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info: deve solicitar informações remotas para pacotes específicos"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "O índice da pesquisa parece corrompido.  Reconstrua o índice com 'pkg "
+       "rebuild-index'."
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l and -r may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "must request remote info for specific packages"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Obsolete"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Renamed"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "Instalado"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "Não instalado"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "                              Nome:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "                          Resumo:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "   Description:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "                       Categoria:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "                            Estado:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Renamed to:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "     Editor:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "                            Versão:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr "     Versão da compilação:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "                     Ramificação:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "Data do empacotamento:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "                        Tamanho:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "                               FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: não há pacotes que correspondam aos seguintes padrões especificados\n" "instalados no sistema. Tente especificar -r para consultar remotamente:"
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: nenhum pacote que corresponda aos seguintes padrões especificados foi\n" "encontrado no catálogo. Tente flexibilizar os padrões, atualizando e/ou\n" "examinando os catálogos:"
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "'%s' corresponde a vários pacotes"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "não foram encontradas informações de licença dos seguintes pacotes:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents: -l e -r não podem ser combinados"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents: deve solicitar conteúdo remoto para pacotes específicos"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents: -m e %s não podem ser especificados ao mesmo tempo"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "Atributo inválido '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg: '%s' corresponde a vários pacotes"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents: deve solicitar conteúdo remoto para pacotes específicos"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg: %s/%s catálogos atualizados com êxito:"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar o catálogo de '%s' devido a permissões insuficientes."
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar um catálogo devido a permissões insuficientes."
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Tente o comando novamente usando pfexec ou, caso contrário, aumente \n"
-"    suas permissões."
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "'pkg publisher' mostrará uma lista de editores."
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "requer um nome de editor"
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "apenas um nome de editor pode ser especificado"
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "as opções -p e -d não podem ser combinadas"
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"editor não existe. Use -O para definir a URI de origem do novo editor."
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "editor não existe. Use -O para definir a URI de origem do novo editor."
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"As URIs de origem de '%s' parecem não apontar para um servidor pkg válido.\n"
-"Verifique o endereço do servidor e a configuração da rede do cliente.\n"
-"Detalhes adicionais:\n"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+       "The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
+       "server.\n"
+       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "at least one publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "Falha na remoção de '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "EDITOR"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "TIPO"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "STATUS"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(preferencial)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(desativado)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "origem"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "espelho"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              Chave SSL:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "             Cert. SSL:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr " Data de validade do cert.:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "Data de vencimento do cert.:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           URI de origem:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           URI de espelho:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "     Editor:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                Alias:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          UUID do cliente:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "      Catálogo atualizado:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "              ativada:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "Não"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Sim"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property: requer um nome de propriedade e um valor"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"set-property: set-publisher deve ser usado para alterar o editor preferencial"
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property: requer pelo menos um nome de propriedade"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher deve ser usado para alterar o editor preferencial"
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property: a propriedade não existe: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "requires a property name and value"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "requires at least one property name"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "no such property: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property: a propriedade não existe: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create requer argumento de editor no formato '<prefix>=<url>'."
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create requer argumentos de variante no formato '<name>=<value>'."
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create requer um único caminho de diretório de imagens"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: arquivo de chave SSL '%s' não existe"
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: cert. de chave SSL '%s' não existe"
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create requer um argumento de editor"
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create requer que um prefixo não corresponda: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: o prefixo de editor possui caracteres inválidos"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create: a URI de editor é inválida"
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "já existe uma imagem em: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "Para substituir, use a opção -f (forçar)."
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "Diretório não-vazio: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "não é possível criar a imagem em %s: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "only one image directory path may be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "a publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"A URI '%s' parece não apontar para um servidor pkg válido.\n"
-"Verifique o endereço do servidor e a configuração da rede do cliente.\n"
-"Detalhes adicionais:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index: o comando não usa operandos ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H e -não podem ser combinados"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+       "The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H and -l may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "HORA"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "OPERAÇÃO"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "CLIENTE"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "SAÍDA"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "opção global ilegal -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s usa argumentos no formato name=value, não %(arg)s"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "no subcommand specified"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "-R não é permitido no subcomando %s"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "opção %s ilegal -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "illegal option -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version: o comando não usa operandos ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
 msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível localizar a imagem. Use a opção -R ou defina $PKG_IMAGE para indicar \n"
-"uma imagem ou altere o diretório de trabalho para um dentro da imagem."
-#: ../client.py:2485
+       "Não foi possível localizar a imagem. Use a opção -R ou defina $PKG_IMAGE para indicar \n"
+       "uma imagem ou altere o diretório de trabalho para um dentro da imagem."
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "Nenhuma imagem encontrada."
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "erro de configuração do cliente: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "Histórico eliminado."
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "subcomando desconhecido '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Número máximo de novas tentativas de rede excedido durante o download. Detalhes a seguir:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro ao tentar recuperar o pacote ou os dados do arquivo "
-"da operação solicitada."
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossível contactar um repositório de pacote válido. Isso pode ser devido a um problema com "
-"o servidor, um erro de configuração da rede ou a uma configuração de cliente pkg "
-"incorreta. Verifique suas configurações de rede e tente contactar "
-"o servidor usando um navegador da Web."
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Detalhes adicionais:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro ao tentar carregar as informações do histórico\n"
-"sobre operações passadas do cliente."
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro ao tentar armazenar informações sobre a\n"
-"operação atual no histórico do cliente."
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar eliminar o histórico do cliente."
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-"O comando pkg aparece fora de sincronia com as bibliotecas fornecidas \n"
-"pelo SUNWipkg. A versão do cliente é %(client)s enquanto que a versão da API da biblioteca "
-"é %(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -887,11 +814,110 @@
 "problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
 "above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
 msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Trata-se de um erro interno. Informe aos desenvolvedores sobre este\n"
+       "problema registrando o erro em http://defect.opensolaris.org e incluindo o\n"
+       "traceback acima e esta mensagem. A versão de pkg(5) é '%s'."
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+       "for\n"
+       "the requested operation."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Details follow:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Impossível contactar um repositório de pacote válido. Isso pode ser devido a um problema com o servidor, um erro de configuração da rede ou a uma configuração de cliente pkg incorreta. Verifique suas configurações de rede e tente contactar o servidor usando um navegador da Web."
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Detalhes adicionais:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar carregar as informações do histórico\n"
+       "sobre operações passadas do cliente."
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar armazenar informações sobre a\n"
+       "operação atual no histórico do cliente."
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar eliminar o histórico do cliente."
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "O comando pkg aparece fora de sincronia com as bibliotecas fornecidas \n"
+       "pelo SUNWipkg. A versão do cliente é %(client)s enquanto que a versão da API da biblioteca "
+       "é %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
-"Trata-se de um erro interno. Informe aos desenvolvedores sobre este\n"
-"problema registrando o erro em http://defect.opensolaris.org e incluindo o\n"
-"traceback acima e esta mensagem. A versão de pkg(5) é '%s'."
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+       "has completed successfuly."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
@@ -1137,7 +1163,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "Armazenamento"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "Sistema"
@@ -1190,17 +1216,16 @@
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
 msgstr "Instalar, atualizar e remover os pacotes de software"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "Gerenciador de pacote"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Adicionar novos repositórios e gerenciar os existentes.</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1214,35 +1239,43 @@
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>Criar novo ambiente de inicialização</b>\n"
-"Atualizar todos cria um novo ambiente de inicialização (BE) como um meio de arquivar o "
-"BE atual. O novo BE consiste nos pacotes atualizados e é o BE "
-"padrão quando o sistema é reinicializado.\n"
+       "<b>Create New Boot Environment</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
+       "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
+       "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Exit</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Excluir, renomear e ativar ambientes de inicialização.</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Geral</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Modificar URL do repositório</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>NOME DO PACOTE</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Nome do pacote</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Revisar os pacotes a serem removidos:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Pesquisar</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1253,233 +1286,234 @@
 msgstr "<b>_Espelhos</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Chave e certificado _SSL</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Chave e certificado _SSL</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>Instalador da Web do Gerenciador de pacote</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>_Repositório:</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "Sobre o "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "Sobre o Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Add Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "Explora_r"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "Confirmação do ambiente de inicialização"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher Complete"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Applying Changes"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "Expl_orar"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Applying changes..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "B_rowse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Br_owse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "Procurar certificado SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "Procurar chave SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "Verificando SUNWipkg e SUNWipkg-gui mais recentes, aguarde..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "Verificando dependências do pacote..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Limpar"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "C_lear Search"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "Clicar para obter a lista de pacotes mais recentes."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Cancel current operation"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "Verificando SUNWipkg e SUNWipkg-gui mais recentes, aguarde..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "Verificando dependências do pacote..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "Clicar para atualizar todos os pacotes instalados."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "Copiar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmação"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
 "Use is subject to license terms."
 msgstr ""
-"Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
-"Todos os direitos reservados.\n"
-"O uso está sujeito aos termos da licença."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "Recor_tar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
-msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "Ambiente de inicialização ativo no momento"
+       "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
+       "Todos os direitos reservados.\n"
+       "O uso está sujeito aos termos da licença."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "Ação de recortar"
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "Ambiente de inicialização ativo no momento"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "D_eselect All"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "D_etails"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "Dependências"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "Desmarcar pacotes selecionados"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Description:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Detalhes"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "Não avisar sobre esses repositórios novamente."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Baixar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Arquivos "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ajuda"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Go to package _list"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "Instalar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "Instalar ou atualizar pacotes selecionados"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "Instalar / Atualizar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "Verificar instalação/atualização"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "Legenda:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "License"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "License"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "E_spelho:"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "Gerenciar ambientes de inicialização"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "Gerenciar repositórios"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "Gerenciar am _bientes de inicialização..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "Gerenciar am _bientes de inicialização..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Modify Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "Modificar repositório"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "                              Nome:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências do Gerenciador de pacote"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "Colar"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "                              Nome: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "Pre_ferências"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "Preferências"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "Preparação"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "Prosseguir somente se você confiar neste novo repositório "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "Processando"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "Pu_blisher:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Publisher Name:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "Sair do aplicativo"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Re_fresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "Recarregar"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "Erro de pesquisa remota"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Remover"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "Confirmação da remoção"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "Remover pacotes selecionados"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "C_ertificado SSL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "C_ertificado SSL: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "Chave e certificado SSL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "_Certificado SSL:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "C_have SSL:"
@@ -1489,556 +1523,607 @@
 msgstr "C_have SSL: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "Pesquis_ar:"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Pesquisar"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Pesquisar"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Search Publisher Errors"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "Erro de Pesquisar todos os repositórios"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Search Repositories Error"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Pesquisar todos os repositórios não pode ser realizado nos seguintes\n"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "Selecionar todos os itens"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "Selecionar atualizações"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "Selecionar at_ualizações"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "Selecione os pacotes marcando a caixa de seleção e clique em Instalar/Atualizar."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "Selecione os pacotes marcando a caixa de seleção e clique em Remover para remover o pacote selecionado."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "Selecionar _todos"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "Selecionar at_ualizações"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Show Start Page on _startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "Selecione para modificar ou remover os repositórios existentes."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "Selecione os pacotes marcando a caixa de seleção e clique em Instalar/Atualizar."
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "Selecione os pacotes marcando a caixa de seleção e clique em Remover para remover o pacote selecionado."
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Specify the publisher name and URL"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "_Mostrar:"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "_Página inicial"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "Breve descrição"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "The following will be added to your system:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "Página inicial"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "This is a secure repository."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "_Página inicial"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "Trata-se de um repositório seguro. Consulte o repositório postado"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "O seguinte será adicionado ao seu sistema"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "Trata-se de um repositório seguro. Consulte o repositório postado"
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+       "Specify the location of these files."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-"Este repositório requer uma chave e certificado SSL.\n"
-"Indique a localização desses arquivos nos espaços fornecidos, ou use os botões "
-"Explorar \n"
-"para fornecer a localização."
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Type text to search for the package."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "Atualizar todos"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "Digite o texto para procurar o nome e descrição do pacote."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "Atualizar todos"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Vie_w:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Adicionar"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "Atualizar todos os pacotes"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "Atualizações"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "_Add Publisher..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Add..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "_Sobre"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "_Alias:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "_Adicionar"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Browse..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "_Navegar"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Conteúdo"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "_Limpar"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "_Conteúdo"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editar"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "_Copiar"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "_Export Selections..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "_Desmarcar todos"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "_Editar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "_Ativar pesquisa de digitação antecipada (lenta em repositórios grandes)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_Arquivo"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "Aj_uda"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "_Instalar  / Atualizar"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "_Instruções"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "_Manage Publishers..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "_Instalar  / Atualizar"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "_Modificar..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "_Instruções"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_Nome: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "_Gerenciar repositórios..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "_Nome: "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "_Modificar..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "_Nome: "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "_Pacote"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "_Prosseguir"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "_Pacote"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "_Registration Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "_Colar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "_Prosseguir"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "_Encerrar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "_Remover"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "_Pesquisar"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "_Mostrar página inicial durante inicialização     "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "_URL: "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "_URL: "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "_Atualizar todos"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "_Ver"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-"Se o repositório requer uma chave e certificado SSL, ou caso possua espelhos, "
-"adicione o novo\n"
-"repositório e clique em Modificar para adicionar informações adicionais."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
-"Um booleano que determina se a página inicial deve ser mostrada na inicialização ou "
-"a visualização da lista inicial."
+       "Um booleano que determina se a página inicial deve ser mostrada na inicialização ou a visualização da lista inicial."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
-"Um booleano que determina se a pesquisa é executada dinamicamente quando o usuário "
-"digita ou somente quando o usuário pressiona Enter."
+       "Um booleano que determina se a pesquisa é executada dinamicamente quando o usuário digita ou somente quando o usuário pressiona Enter."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 msgstr ""
-"Uma seqüência que determina se o repositório de pesquisa remoto é mostrado ou não na "
-"caixa de diálogo do erro."
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+       "exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+       "and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+       "mode."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+       "dialog."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
-"Um inteiro que identifica o valor do filtro de exibição inicial a ser mostrado "
-"quando o gerenciador de pacote é iniciado. 0 corresponde a Todos os pacotes."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+       "Um inteiro que identifica o valor do filtro de exibição inicial a ser mostrado quando o gerenciador de pacote é iniciado. 0 corresponde a Todos os pacotes."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
 msgstr ""
-"Um inteiro que identifica o valor de nível superior inicial a ser exibido quando "
-"o gerenciador de pacote é iniciado. 0 corresponde a Todas as categorias."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+       "An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+       "packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+       "default)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-"Um inteiro que especifica a altura inicial da janela principal "
-"do aplicativo, que se oculta se não houver espaço disponível na tela."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "Um inteiro que especifica a altura inicial da janela principal "
+       "do aplicativo, que se oculta se não houver espaço disponível na tela."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-"Um inteiro que especifica a posição inicial do divisor horizontal do "
-"aplicativo, que separa o painel da categoria do painel da lista."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "Um inteiro que especifica a posição inicial do divisor horizontal do "
+       "aplicativo, que separa o painel da categoria do painel da lista."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-"Um inteiro que especifica a posição inicial do divisor vertical do "
-"aplicativo, que separa o painel de detalhes do painel da lista."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "Um inteiro que especifica a posição inicial do divisor vertical do "
+       "aplicativo, que separa o painel de detalhes do painel da lista."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-"Um inteiro que especifica a largura inicial da janela principal "
-"do aplicativo, que se oculta se não houver espaço disponível na tela."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-"Lista separada por vírgulas dos repositórios exibidos caso não aceitem "
-"pesquisa remota"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "Ativar pesquisa de digitação antecipada"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "Altura inicial do aplicativo"
+       "Um inteiro que especifica a largura inicial da janela principal "
+       "do aplicativo, que se oculta se não houver espaço disponível na tela."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "Posição inicial do divisor horizontal do aplicativo"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr ""
+       "An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+       "completion."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "Posição inicial do divisor vertical do aplicativo"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+       "when searching them"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "Largura inicial do aplicativo"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Display selected publisher at startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "Valor da seção inicial"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "Ativar pesquisa de digitação antecipada"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "Altura inicial do aplicativo"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "Posição inicial do divisor horizontal do aplicativo"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "Posição inicial do divisor vertical do aplicativo"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "Largura inicial do aplicativo"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "Valor da seção inicial"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "Valor do filtro de exibição inicial"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Last Export Selections Path"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Last publisher used by package manager"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "Mostrar página inicial durante inicialização"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "URL de atualização da página inicial"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Start in serach mode"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-"O local onde buscar as atualizações da página inicial do gerenciador de pacote."
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "O local onde buscar as atualizações da página inicial do gerenciador de pacote."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "A GUI não responderá a qualquer evento! %s. Verificar sinais de webinstall.py"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-" Adicionar novo repositório\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-" Adicionar novos repositórios\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-" Todos os repositórios e pacotes especificados já estão no sistema.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publisher\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publishers\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Install Package\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Instalar pacotes\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgstr[1] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Publisher Error"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgstr[1] "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
-" Instalar pacotes\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "Prosseguir somente se você confiar nestes novos repositórios"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "Erro de repositório"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "Erro de API"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Erro"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "Erro ao ler o arquivo p5i."
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+       "completion it will be disabled again."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+       "On completion they will be disabled again."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabled Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabled Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "Falha ao adicionar %s.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "Nenhuma URI especificada"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Web Installer Error"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"A biblioteca <b>libbe</b> não foi encontrada no sistema.\n"
-"Todas as funções para gerenciamento de ambientes de inicialização estão desativadas"
+       "A biblioteca <b>libbe</b> não foi encontrada no sistema.\n"
+       "Todas as funções para gerenciamento de ambientes de inicialização estão desativadas"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
 msgstr "Gerenciamento de BE"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "A GUI não responderá a qualquer evento! %s. Verifique os sinais de beadmin.py"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmação do ambiente de inicialização"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "Carregando as informações do ambiente de inicialização"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
 msgstr "Obtendo as entradas do BE..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "Ambiente de inicialização"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "Criada"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Tamanho"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "Ativo ao reiniciar"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Excluir"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "Aplicando alterações"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "Aplicando alterações, aguarde ..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "Ativar na reinicialização:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Excluir ambientes de inicialização:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "Renomear ambientes de inicialização:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Active on reboot\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "Delete\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Rename\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr " para "
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Não foi possível alterar o ambiente de inicialização ativo por:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Não foi possível excluir os ambientes de inicialização:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>Não foi possível renomear os ambientes de inicialização:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s <b>para</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "Erro de BE"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"A biblioteca <b>libbe</b> não pode preparar a lista de ambientes de inicialização.\n"
-"Todas as funções para gerenciamento de ambientes de inicialização estão desativadas"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "A biblioteca <b>libbe</b> não pode preparar a lista de ambientes de inicialização.\n"
+       "Todas as funções para gerenciamento de ambientes de inicialização estão desativadas"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "Preparando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "Fazendo o download..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "Instalando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "A GUI não responderá a qualquer evento! %s. Verifique sinais de installupdate.py"
@@ -2052,44 +2137,32 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "Cancelando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "O nome do BE está em uso"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "O nome do BE é inválido"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "Verificando se %s está atualizado..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Falha ao acessar este repositório restrito.\n"
-"Você precisa se registrar para acessar este repositório,\n"
-"o certificado expirou ou você precisa aceitar o certificado do\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "Exceção de inventário:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-"Verifique a conexão de rede.\n"
-"O repositório pode ser acessado?"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "Verifique a conexão de rede.\n"
+       "O repositório pode ser acessado?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2097,80 +2170,105 @@
 msgstr ""
-"Verifique a conexão da rede.\n"
-"O repositório está acessível?\n"
+       "Verifique a conexão da rede.\n"
+       "O repositório está acessível?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+       "settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg(5) parece estar desatualizado e deve ser\n"
-" atualizado antes da execução de Atualizar todos.\n"
-"Atualize o pacote SUNWipkg"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5) parece estar desatualizado e deve ser\n"
+       " atualizado antes da execução de Atualizar todos.\n"
+       "Atualize o pacote SUNWipkg"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Não é possível remover:\n"
-"Devido aos seguintes pacotes que dependem dele:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "Não é possível remover:\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "Devido aos seguintes pacotes que dependem dele:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-"A falha de uso consistente de pfexec ou gksu ao executar\n"
-"%s é freqüentemente uma origem desse problema."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "\n"
+       "A falha de uso consistente de pfexec ou gksu ao executar\n"
+       "%s é freqüentemente uma origem desse problema."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-"Para reconstruir o índice, use o comando de terminal:"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "\n"
+       "Para reconstruir o índice, use o comando de terminal:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro durante a instalação. O índice\n"
-"de pesquisa está corrompido. Talvez você queira corrigir esse\n"
-"problema executando o comando:\n"
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+       "Ocorreu um erro durante a instalação. O índice\n"
+       "de pesquisa está corrompido. Talvez você queira corrigir esse\n"
+       "problema executando o comando:\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-"Trata-se de uma imagem ativa. A operação de\n"
-"instalação não pode ser realizada."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "Trata-se de uma imagem ativa. A operação de\n"
+       "instalação não pode ser realizada."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+       "Live Image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2178,12 +2276,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro durante a instalação.\n"
-"O plano da operação está faltando e ela\n"
-"não pode ser concluída. Talvez você queira corrigir esse\n"
-"problema reiniciando %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "Ocorreu um erro durante a instalação.\n"
+       "O plano da operação está faltando e ela\n"
+       "não pode ser concluída. Talvez você queira corrigir esse\n"
+       "problema reiniciando %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2191,319 +2289,312 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro durante a instalação.\n"
-"O estado da imagem está incorreto e a operação\n"
-"não pode ser concluída. Talvez você queira corrigir esse\n"
-"problema reiniciando %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "Ocorreu um erro durante a instalação.\n"
+       "O estado da imagem está incorreto e a operação\n"
+       "não pode ser concluída. Talvez você queira corrigir esse\n"
+       "problema reiniciando %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "Especificando nome de BE não aceito.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "Nome de BE inválido: %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "Atualizando %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "Executando..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "Recolhendo informações de pacotes, aguarde..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "Todos os pacotes já estão instalados."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-"O(s) pacote(s) selecionado(s) não pode(em) ser atualizado(s) de forma automática.\n"
-"Clique em Atualizar todos para atualizar todos os pacotes."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "O(s) pacote(s) selecionado(s) não pode(em) ser atualizado(s) de forma automática.\n"
+       "Clique em Atualizar todos para atualizar todos os pacotes."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "Seus sistemas já estão atualizados."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "Não há mais informações disponíveis"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "\n"
+       "Erro:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr " - Falha </b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um erro desconhecido no estágio %s.\n"
-"Informe o problema aos desenvolvedores\n"
-"registrando um erro junto com o valor de exceção em:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "Valor de exceção:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+       "An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+       "Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+       "filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "Rastreamento de exceção:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "Baixados %(current)s de %(total)s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "Falha na atualização de catálogo durante a instalação."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "Falha na atualização de catálogo durante Atualizar todos."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "Instalação concluída com êxito."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "Pacotes removidos com êxito."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "Pacotes atualizados com êxito."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg version: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "List of configured publishers:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Installation completed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Packages removed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Packages updated successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-"Não há espaço suficiente em disco, a ação selecionada não pode ser realizada.\n"
-"Clique em OK para gerenciar os BEs de inicialização e liberar espaço em disco ou em Cancelar para "
-"cancelar a ação."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "Não há espaço suficiente em disco, a ação selecionada não pode ser realizada.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Clique em OK para gerenciar os BEs de inicialização e liberar espaço em disco ou em Cancelar para "
+       "cancelar a ação."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "Não há espaço em disco suficiente"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "Pacotes a serem atualizados:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "Pacotes a serem instalados:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "Pacotes a serem removidos:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "Pacote %d de %d: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "Avaliando: %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "A GUI não responderá a qualquer evento! %s. Verifique os sinais de repository.py"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "Adicionar novo repositório"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Novo repositório</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "Nome do repositório"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "Preferido"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "ativada"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "Falha ao desativar %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "Falha ao ativar %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "Falha ao desativar %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "Falha ao ativar %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Verifique suas permissões."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-"Verifique a conexão de rede ou o URL.\n"
-"O repositório pode ser acessado?"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Erro inesperado.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível alterar o editor preferencial.\n"
-"Verifique suas permissões."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "O nome contém caracteres inválidos"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "O nome já está em uso"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Canceling...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Removing publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Adding publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Updating publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Disable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Enable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Delete Publishers:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Disabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Enabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr ""
+       "Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+       "must be either https or http."
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "Publisher URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Description:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Publisher error"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "Especificar arquivo de chave SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "Especificar arquivo de certificado SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "A URL não é válida"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossível navegar para:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Registro"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "Adicionando novo repositório"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Falha ao adicionar repositório: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "Falha ao adicionar %s.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "Falha ao adicionar %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "Falha ao excluir %s."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "Especificar arquivo de chave SSL"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "Especificar arquivo de certificado SSL"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "Erro de repositório"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "Repositório"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Active"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registered"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Mirror Name"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Enabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Enabling Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabling Publishers"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
-"tipo de ação desconhecido '%(type)s' no pacote '%(fmri)s' na ação '%(action)s'"
+       "tipo de ação desconhecido '%(type)s' no pacote '%(fmri)s' na ação '%(action)s'"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
@@ -2517,9 +2608,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Ação malformada no pacote '%(fmri)s' na posição: %(pos)d:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "Ação malformada no pacote '%(fmri)s' na posição: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
 #, python-format
@@ -2528,9 +2619,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Ação malformada na posição: %(pos)d:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "Ação malformada na posição: %(pos)d:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
@@ -2542,17 +2633,24 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "ação inválida, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "atributo obrigatório '%s' não foi fornecido."
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "atributo obrigatório, '%s', não foi fornecido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2560,531 +2658,710 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível operar em %s\n"
-"devido a permissões insuficientes. Tente o comando novamente usando "
-"ou, caso contrário, aumente seus privilégios."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "Não foi possível operar em %s\n"
+       "devido a permissões insuficientes. Tente o comando novamente usando "
+       "pfexec\n"
+       "ou, caso contrário, aumente seus privilégios."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível concluir a operação devido a permissões insuficientes. "
-"o comando novamente usando pfexec ou, caso contrário, aumente seus privilégios.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "\n"
+       "Não foi possível concluir a operação devido a permissões insuficientes. "
+       "Tente\n"
+       "o comando novamente usando pfexec ou, caso contrário, aumente seus privilégios.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível operar em %s\n"
-"porque o arquivo está em uso. Páre de usar o arquivo e tente a\n"
-"operação novamente."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "Não foi possível operar em %s\n"
+       "porque o arquivo está em uso. Páre de usar o arquivo e tente a\n"
+       "operação novamente."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"O padrão ou padrões seguintes não correspondem a nenhum pacote do catálogo atual.\n"
-"Tente flexibilizar os padrões, atualizando e/ou examinando os catálogos:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "O padrão ou padrões seguintes não correspondem a nenhum pacote do catálogo atual.\n"
+       "Tente flexibilizar os padrões, atualizando e/ou examinando os catálogos:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "'%s' não corresponde a nenhum pacote instalado"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "'%s' é um fmri ilegal"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "O pacote ou pacotes seguintes violaram as restrições:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' aceita as seguintes arquiteturas: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "A arquitetura da imagem está definida como: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are not installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are already installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+       "catalog operations."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+       "provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+       "result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+       "catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+       "version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível encontrar nenhum pacote correspondente dos seguintes FMRIs em nenhum dos "
-"catálogos dos editores atuais:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "Não foi possível encontrar nenhum pacote correspondente dos seguintes FMRIs em nenhum dos catálogos dos editores atuais:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (version did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "The search at url %s returned no results."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "Alguns servidores não conseguiram responder apropriadamente:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Search performance is degraded.\n"
+       "Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"O arquivo especificado está em um formato desconhecido ou não contém informações "
-"de editor válidas: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "O arquivo especificado está em um formato desconhecido ou não contém informações de editor válidas: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-"O arquivo especificado está em um formado desconhecido ou não contém informações "
-"de editor válidas."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "O arquivo especificado está em um formado desconhecido ou não contém informações de editor válidas."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "Formato não aceito de dados das informações do editor de pkg(5)."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Erro ao recuperar dados de '%s':\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+       "Erro ao recuperar dados de '%s':\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "Erro ao recuperar dados de: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "'%s' não é um local válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "'%s' não é um nome de ambiente de inicialização válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-"A nomeção do ambiente de inicialização durante a instalação do pacote não é aceita nesta\n"
-"versão do OpenSolaris. Execute image-update sem a opção --be-name."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "A nomeção do ambiente de inicialização durante a instalação do pacote não é aceita nesta\n"
+       "versão do OpenSolaris. Execute image-update sem a opção --be-name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "Impossível clonar o ambiente de inicialização atual."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um problema ao tentar renomear o ambiente de inicialização\n"
-"atualmente chamado %(orig)s para %(dest)s."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "Ocorreu um problema ao tentar renomear o ambiente de inicialização\n"
+       "atualmente chamado %(orig)s para %(dest)s."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "Impossível montar %(name)s em %(mt)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-"Não é permitido nomear um ambiente de inicialização ao operar em uma imagem que\n"
-"não seja ao vivo."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "Não é permitido nomear um ambiente de inicialização ao operar em uma imagem que\n"
+       "não seja ao vivo."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "A informação não reconhece as seguintes opções:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "Alguns servidores não conseguiram responder apropriadamente:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: tempo de espera\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-"    %(o)s: Não foi possível ler o status da resposta HTTP:%(l)s\n"
-"        Provavelmente não se trata de um depósito pkg(5).  Verifique o URL e "
-"o \n"
-"        número da porta."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: Leitura incompleta do host"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: Tempo de espera do soquete"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: Erro de soquete, motivo: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s parece não ser um repositório de pacote válido.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-"Os recursos e o desempenho da pesquisa estão lentos.\n"
-"Para melhorar, execute 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "'%s' não é um nome de editor válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(value)s' não é um valor válido para o atributo de repositório '%(attribute)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "'%(value)s' não é um valor válido para o atributo de repositório '%(attribute)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "'%s' não é um tipo de coleção de repositório válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "'%s' não é uma URI válida."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "'%s' não é uma prioridade de URI válida; esperado valor inteiro."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "'%s' não é uma política de classificação de URI de repositório válida."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "O editor '%s' está desativado e não pode ser usado para operações de empacotamento."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "Um editor com o mesmo nome ou álias de '%s' já existe."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-"Um repositório com o mesmo nome ou URIs de origem já existe para o editor "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "Um repositório com o mesmo nome ou URIs de origem já existe para o editor "
+       "'%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "O espelho '%s' já existe para o repositório especificado."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "A origem '%s' já existe para o repositório especificado."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "O editor preferencial não pode ser removido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "Não é possível remover o repositório selecionado de um editor."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"O editor '%s' está desativado e não pode ser definido como o editor preferencial."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "O editor '%s' está desativado e não pode ser definido como o editor preferencial."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+       "as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "URI legal desconhecida '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "Editor desconhecido '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "URI relacionada desconhecida '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "Repositório desconhecido '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "Espelho de repositório desconhecido '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "Origem de repositório desconhecida '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "A URI '%(uri)s' contém um esquema não aceito '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "A URI especificada contém um esquema não aceito."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "'%(attr)s' não é aceito para '%(scheme)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', "
-"expirou. Instale um certificado válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', "
+       "expirou. Instale um certificado válido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s', expirou.  Instale "
-"um certificado válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s', expirou.  Instale "
+       "um certificado válido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', expirou.  Instale "
-"um certificado válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', expirou.  Instale "
+       "um certificado válido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "O certificado '%s' expirou. Instale um certificado válido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', "
-"irá expirar em '%(days)s' dias."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', "
+       "irá expirar em '%(days)s' dias."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' irá expirar em '%(days)s' "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' irá expirar em '%(days)s' "
+       "dias."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', irá expirar em '%(days)"
-"s' dias."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', irá expirar em '%(days)"
+       "s' dias."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "O certificado '%(cert)s' irá expirar em '%(days)s' dias."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', "
-"é inválido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', "
+       "é inválido."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' é inválido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "O certificado '%(cert)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', é inválido."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "Certificado inválido'%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+       "(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"Impossível localizar o certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' necessário para "
-"acessar '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "Impossível localizar o certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' necessário para "
+       "acessar '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "Impossível localizar o certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "Impossível localizar o certificado '%(cert)s' necessário para acessar '%(uri)s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "Impossível localizar o certificado '%s'."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', "
-"possui uma data de validade efetiva."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s', necessário para acessar '%(uri)s', "
+       "possui uma data de validade efetiva."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' possui uma data de validade futura."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s' do editor '%(pub)s' possui uma data de validade futura."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-"O certificado '%(cert)s' necessário para acessar '%(uri)s' possui uma data de validade "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "O certificado '%(cert)s' necessário para acessar '%(uri)s' possui uma data de validade "
+       "futura."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "O certificado '%s' possui uma data de validade futura."
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "Forneceu uma resposta incorreta:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "Could not find %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg: impossível criar um instantâneo automático. A recuperação de pkg está desativada."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg: um erro do sistema %s foi interceptado ao executar %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: falha de '%s'. \n"
-"com um código de retorno %d."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+       "with a return code of %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg: impossível ativar %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg: impossível desmontar %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3092,205 +3369,237 @@
 "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Existe um clone de %s que foi atualizado e ativado.\n"                                                        "Na próxima inicialização o ambiente de inicialização %s será montado em '/'.\n"
-"Reinicialize quando estiver pronto para alternar para este BE atualizado.\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+       "\n"
+       "Existe um clone de %s que foi atualizado e ativado.\n"
+       "Na próxima inicialização o ambiente de inicialização %s será montado em '/'.\n"
+       "Reinicialize quando estiver pronto para alternar para este BE atualizado.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s foi atualizado com êxito"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-" O sistema em execução não foi modificado. As modificações foram feitas somente em um "
-"clone do sistema em execução. Esse clone é montado em %s caso você queira  "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       " O sistema em execução não foi modificado. As modificações foram feitas somente em um "
+       "clone do sistema em execução. Esse clone é montado em %s caso você queira  "
+       "inspecioná-lo."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg: impossível desfazer alterações no BE %s e restaurar a imagem"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "Falha na atualização de %s. Não foram feitas alterações em %s."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg: impossível destruir instantâneo %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg: impossível criar o BE %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg: impossível montar o BE %s em %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
 msgstr ""
-"Falha na atualização do ambiente de inicialização %s. Um instantâneo foi feito antes "
-"da tentativa falha e montado aqui %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' e "
-"'beadm activate %s' se quiser inicializar neste BE."
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+       "The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+       "before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+       "to boot to this BE."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr ""
-"Falha na atualização do ambiente de inicialização %s. Um instantâneo foi feito antes "
-"da tentativa falha e foi restaurado, portanto, não foram feitas alterações em %s."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "Este servidor não é um repositório de pacotes válido."
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+       "Falha na atualização do ambiente de inicialização %s. Um instantâneo foi feito antes "
+       "da tentativa falha e foi restaurado, portanto, não foram feitas alterações em %s."
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "Antes da avaliação:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "Após a avaliação:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "Falha na verificação da atualização de SUNWipkg."
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-"Índice corrupto ou antigo. Removendo diretório de índice antigo (%s)  e "
-"recompilando os índices de pesquisa."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "Índice corrupto ou antigo. Removendo diretório de índice antigo (%s)  e "
+       "recompilando os índices de pesquisa."
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "raiz gravável não gravável para id de usuário ou grupo atual."
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "impossível gravar para diretório de índice."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "_Repositório atual (nome e descrição)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "Pesquisar repositório atual (nome e descrição)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "_Todos os repositórios (Correspondência exata)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "Pesquisar todos os repositórios (Correspondência exata)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"Verificando as versões de SUNWipkg e SUNWipkg-gui\n"
-"Aguarde ..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr "A GUI não responderá a nenhum evento! %s.Verificar declare_signals()"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "Resultados de pesquisa de todos os repositórios"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Todos"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "Todos os pacotes"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "Pacotes instalados"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "Atualizações"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "Not installed Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "Pacotes selecionados"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "Adicionar..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "All Publishers (Search)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Export Selections Confirmation"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Export Selections Error"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Export Selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "All Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><H2>Bem-vindo ao gerenciador de pacote!</H2><br><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>Aviso: impossível carregar a página inicial:<br>%s</font></body></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "Carregando... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>Bem-vindo ao gerenciador de pacote!</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Aviso: impossível carregar a página inicial:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "failed to respond"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "invalid response"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "A valid response was not returned."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "unsupported search"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Loading... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "Parado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "Concluído"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3300,332 +3609,429 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
-"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
-"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
-"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>Aviso: impossível carregar a URL</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "Nenhuma URI especificada"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>Aviso: impossível carregar a URL</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "Ação vazia não aceita"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "Ação não aceita: %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Click to toggle selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nome"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "Repositório"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "Descrição"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "Atualizações disponíveis"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "all selection toggle"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "Não instalado"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "Atualizações disponíveis"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Fetching descriptions..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "Todas as categorias"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "Metapacotes"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "Aplicativos"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "Área de trabalho (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "Desenvolvimento"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "Distribuições"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "Drivers"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "Serviços Web"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "Todos os pacotes"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "Pacotes instalados"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "Pacotes não instalados"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "Pacotes selecionados"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Search all publishers"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Search current publisher"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+       "view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+       "packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+       "is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "All Publishers"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Impossível obter status dos resultados de pesquisa.\n"
-"Os catálogos não foram carregados.\n"
-"Tente após alguns segundos.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
+       "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
+       "Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Search cleared"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "Recuperando informações legais..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "Adicionar..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "Atualizando catálogos"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "Atualizando catálogos..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "Refreshing package catalog information"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Todos"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "Loading package list"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Impossível navegar para:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "Selecionado para remoção"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "Selecionado para instalação/atualização:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "Selecionar pacotes marcando caixa de seleção\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "Nome do pacote"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "Recuperando descrição..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "Recuperando informação..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(not installed)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nenhum"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-"Isso pode ser causado por um problema de rede ao acessar o repositório."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "Descrição não disponível para este pacote..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "\n"
+       "Isso pode ser causado por um problema de rede ao acessar o repositório."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Detalhes dos arquivos não disponíveis para este pacote..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Informações de dependências não disponíveis para este pacote..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "Informações não disponíveis para este pacote..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "Raiz: %s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "Dependências:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "Resumo:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "Tamanho:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "Categoria:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "Versão instalada:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "Última versão:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "Data de empacotamento:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "Repositório:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Nenhum"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "Não disponível"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Problema de rede.\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+       "Problema de rede.\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "Detalhes:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " catálogos atualizados com êxito:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Erro desconhecido"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-"O repositório selecionado não contém pacotes.\n"
-"Recarregue a lista de pacotes."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "Processando entradas do pacote: %d de %d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "Carregando informações do repositório"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "Obtendo as entradas do pacote ..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "Pesquisando..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s: primeiro %d encontrado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: %d encontrado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "%d listado"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "%d selecionados"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "%d instalados"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"A ação Atualizar todos agora está completa e o gerenciador de pacote fechará.\n"
-"Consulte as notas de versão postadas antes de reinicializar o seu sistema:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+       "A ação Atualizar todos agora está completa e o gerenciador de pacote fechará.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Consulte as notas de versão postadas antes de reinicializar o seu sistema:\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Update All Complete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "Salvar selecionado..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "Salvar pacotes selecionados..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
-"O pacote ou pacotes instalados requerem uma reinicialização antes que a instalação seja "
+       "O pacote ou pacotes instalados requerem uma reinicialização antes que a instalação seja "
+       "concluída."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "Unable to initialize gtk"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3633,14 +4039,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3649,152 +4056,316 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
-"Subcomandos do empacotador:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
-"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-"        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
-"        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-"        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
-"        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
-"        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Packager subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
+       "        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+       "or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+       "values using the --set-property option."
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "somente -e ou -n pode ser especificado"
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "open requer um nome de pacote"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "Nenhum ID de transação especificado usando -t ou no $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "Nenhum ID de transação especificado em $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "Nenhum argumento especificado para o subcomando."
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "Um nome de arquivo deve ser fornecido para esta ação."
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "line %d: missing path"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "line %s: File %s not found"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "line %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
 msgstr "o comando não usa operandos"
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "somente -e ou -n pode ser especificado"
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "open requer um nome de pacote"
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "Nenhum ID de transação especificado usando -t ou no $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "Nenhum ID de transação especificado em $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "Nenhum argumento especificado para o subcomando."
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "Um nome de arquivo deve ser fornecido para esta ação."
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend: opção global ilegal -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "opção %s ilegal -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "Impossível abrir o manifesto: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "Impossível baixar os arquivos de: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "Impossível criar o diretório: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao ler de: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "Impossível extrair o arquivo: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "Impossível baixar o manifesto %s de %s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "Impossível abrir o arquivo: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao ler de: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao gravar em: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "Impossível baixar o catálogo de: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "Erro ao ler de: %s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "Opção ilegal -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "deve especificar um servidor"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "Illegal option value -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "a source repository must be provided"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n não usa opções"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "deve especificar pelo menos um pkgfmri"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s é uma fmri ilegal: %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "Não há arquivos para recuperar."
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+       "or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+       "the repository or create a new one."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving package content ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "Republishing %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"Uma mensagem de texto descrevendo a atualização é exibida ao lado da "
-"Área de notificação do painel quando a atualização fica disponível caso seja definida como verdadeira."
+       "Uma mensagem de texto descrevendo a atualização é exibida ao lado da "
+       "Área de notificação do painel quando a atualização fica disponível caso seja definida como verdadeira."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
@@ -3805,8 +4376,8 @@
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
-"A freqüência da verificação das atualizações. Os valores válidos são Diariamente, Semanalmente, Mensalmente, "
+       "A freqüência da verificação das atualizações. Os valores válidos são Diariamente, Semanalmente, Mensalmente, "
+       "Nunca"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
@@ -3821,16 +4392,16 @@
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
-"O tempo, em segundos, que o updatemanagernotifier deve esperar, depois de "
-"iniciar, antes de verificar atualizações."
+       "O tempo, em segundos, que o updatemanagernotifier deve esperar, depois de "
+       "iniciar, antes de verificar atualizações."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"O programa updatemanagernotifier termina depois que o usuário ativa o "
-"ícone na área de notificação, se definido como verdadeiro."
+       "O programa updatemanagernotifier termina depois que o usuário ativa o "
+       "ícone na área de notificação, se definido como verdadeiro."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
@@ -3849,8 +4420,8 @@
 msgstr "Instalar atualizações disponíveis"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "Gerenciador de atualizações"
@@ -3870,9 +4441,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "Fechar caixa de diálogo ao terminar"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "Índice"
@@ -3880,13 +4449,13 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "Instalar atualização"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
-"As atualizações estão disponíveis para os seguintes pacotes.\n"
-"Selecione os pacotes que você deseja atualizar e clique em Instalar."
+       "As atualizações estão disponíveis para os seguintes pacotes.\n"
+       "Selecione os pacotes que você deseja atualizar e clique em Instalar."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3904,6 +4473,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "_Selecionar todas as atualizações"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "Notificar usuário quando as atualizações estiverem disponíveis"
@@ -3912,383 +4493,840 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "Atualizar notificador do gerenciador"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "Obtendo catálogo: '%s' ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "Obtendo catálogo"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "Criando o plano ... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "Criando o plano"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "Verificando: %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "Verificando"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "Concluído"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "A GUI não responderá a qualquer evento! %s. Verifique os sinais de updatemanager.py"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "Avaliar"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "Avaliar - cancelando..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "Baixar - cancelando..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "Avaliar - falha"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "Baixar - falha"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "Instalar - falha"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "Indexar - falha"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-"As atualizações estão disponíveis para os seguintes pacotes.\n"
-"Clique em Atualizar todos para criar um novo ambiente de inicialização e instalar todos os pacotes"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "As atualizações estão disponíveis para os seguintes pacotes.\n"
+       "Clique em Atualizar todos para criar um novo ambiente de inicialização e instalar todos os pacotes"
+       "nele."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "Última versão"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "Tamanho (Meg)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "contagem: %d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "Erro\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s' não é uma imagem de instalação\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "Incompatibilidade de versão: esperada %s recebida %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Não há atualizações disponíveis.</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Tamanho:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Versão mais recente:\t\t%s\n"
-"Versão instalada:\t%s\n"
-"Data de empacotamento:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repositório:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s não é uma imagem válida, tentar imagem raiz"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s não é uma imagem raiz válida, retorna Nenhum"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-"Obtendo detalhes de %s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "\n"
+       "Obtendo detalhes de %s ..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-"Não há detalhes disponíveis"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"Cancelando a atualização, aguarde ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossível cancelar neste momento."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "Instalando as atualizações"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "ERROR"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "O(s) pacote(s) incorporado(s) a seguir não podem ser atualizados:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "Atualizar usando: Atualizar todos\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Atualizar todos concluído com êxito em %1.f mins\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Atualizar todos concluído com êxito em < 1 min\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Consulte as notas de versão postadas antes de reinicializar o sistema:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "\n"
+       "Não há detalhes disponíveis"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "Atualizar todo concluído"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "Não há nada selecionado para ser atualizado."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "Atualizando ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "Erro de atualização na instalação do plano:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "Erro de API inesperado:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "Erro de atualização inesperado:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "Pacotes a serem instalados:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Atualizar"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "Atualização concluída com êxito."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Falha no download de %s:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s excedeu o espaço em disco disponível"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "Erro inesperado de %s:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Falha na execução do plano de %s:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"Não há espaço suficiente, a ação Atualizar todos não pode ser realizada.\n"
-"Clique em OK para gerenciar os BEs existentes e libere espaço em disco ou clique em Cancelar para "
-"cancelar Atualizar todos."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "Não há espaço suficiente, a ação Atualizar todos não pode ser realizada.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Clique em OK para gerenciar os BEs existentes e libere espaço em disco ou clique em Cancelar para "
+       "cancelar Atualizar todos."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "Não há espaço suficiente em disco"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d ações"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "Indexar\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d ações"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "Verificando novo software"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "As atualizações estão disponíveis"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-"Atualizações disponíveis\n"
-"Clique no ícone para atualizar."
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "Atualizações disponíveis\n"
+       "Clique no ícone para atualizar."
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "Outra instância de UpdateManagerNotify está em execução"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "Arquivo de informação pkg(5)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s is not an install image"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "Erro de API"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Erro"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "                        Tamanho:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "                       Categoria:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "Installed:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "Version Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "Latest Version:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "     Editor:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "Update Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "Avaliando: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "Baixados %(current)s de %(total)s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "Pacote %d de %d: %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "Missing type attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "Missing fmri attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "Empty path attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "No such file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a file."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "License file %s does not exist."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "Unknown img_path type."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "Removal Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "Install Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "Update Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "Index Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "Couldn't find %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s had this elf error:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Reading Existing Index"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Indexing Packages"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "missing version"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "invalid version"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "Not an absolute path."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "Could not parse query."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "Problem occurred with: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "repository directories incomplete"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "Could not find manifest file %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' não é uma imagem de instalação"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+       "known layouts:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/zh_CN.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/zh_CN.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -25,17 +25,23 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+       "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +64,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -83,808 +92,720 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkg [选项] 命令 [cmd 选项] [操作数]\n"
-"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] 软件包...\n"
-"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] 软件包...\n"
-"        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [软件包...]\n"
-"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name 名称] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-"        pkg refresh [--full] [出版者 ...]\n"
-"        pkg version\n"
-"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg fmri 模式 ...]\n"
-"        pkg search [-alprI] [-s 服务器] 查询\n"
-"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg fmri 模式 ...]\n"
-"        pkg fix [pkg fmri 模式 ...]\n"
-"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o 属性 ...] [-s 排序关键字]\n"
-"            [-t 操作类型 ... ] [pkg fmri 模式 ...]\n"
-"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl 密钥] [-c ssl 证书] [--no-refresh] \n"
-"            [--variant <变量说明>=<实例>]\n"
-"            (-p|--publisher) name=uri 目录\n"
-"        pkg set-property 属性名称 属性值\n"
-"        pkg unset-property 属性名称 ...\n"
-"        pkg property [-H] [属性名称 ...]\n"
-"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl 密钥] [-c ssl 证书]\n"
-"            [-O 原始 uri] [-m 要添加的镜像 | --add-mirror=要添加的镜像]\n"
-"            [-M 要删除的镜像 | --remove-mirror=要删除的镜像]\n"
-"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] 出版者\n"
-"        pkg unset-publisher 出版者 ...\n"
-"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [出版者 ...]\n"
-"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
-"        pkg purge-history\n"
-"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-"        -R 目录\n"
-"        --help 或 -?\n"
-"        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Basic subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] package...\n"
+       "        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [package...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name name] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
+       "index]\n"
+       "        pkg refresh [--full] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg version\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Advanced subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg search [-alprI] [-s server] query\n"
+       "        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
+       "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
+       "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
+       "zone]\n"
+       "            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
+       "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
+       "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+       "        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+       "<variant_spec>=<instance>\n"
+       "            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
+       "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
+       "        pkg property [-H] [propname ...]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
+       "            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
+       "            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
+       "            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] publisher\n"
+       "        pkg unset-publisher publisher ...\n"
+       "        pkg publisher [-HPa] [publisher ...]\n"
+       "        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
+       "        pkg purge-history\n"
+       "        pkg rebuild-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "-s 和 -v 不能合并"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "known"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "已安装"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "没有安装软件包"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "没有任何指定的软件包具有可用更新"
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "没有任何安装的软件包具有可用更新"
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "无软件包匹配 '%s' %s"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "已创建 ZFS 快照:%s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify: -v 和 -q 不能合并"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+       "live image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v and -q may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: 系统中没有安装任何与您指定的以下模式\n"
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg: 系统中没有安装任何与您指定的以下模式\n"
+       "匹配的软件包。\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update: -v 和 -q 不能合并"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update: 命令没有操作数 ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "没有任何映像的根目录位于 '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "没有可用于此映像的更新。"
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"执行 image-update 失败(清单异常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"警告:pkg(5) 可能已过期,应该在运行 image-update 之前\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-"请使用 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' 更新 pkg(5),然后重试 \n"
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-"准备执行 image-update 时出现意外错误:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "执行 image-update 失败:%s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "无法对实时映像执行 image-update"
-#: ../client.py:643
+       "\n"
+       "所有其他模式都与安装的软件包匹配。%s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
 msgstr ""
-"执行 image-update 期间出现意外错误:%s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "注意:请查看位于以下网址的发行说明:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install: 至少需要一个软件包名称"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install: -v 和 -q 不能合并"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "'%s' 不是一个安装映像"
-#: ../client.py:745
+       "\n"
+       "An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s failed: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s cannot be done on live image"
+#: ../client.py:567
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+       "live image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "没有任何映像的根目录位于 '%s'"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
 msgstr ""
-"执行 install 失败(清单异常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-"准备执行 install 时出现意外错误:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "安装失败:%s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "安装期间出现意外错误:%s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall: 至少需要一个软件包名称"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall: -v 和 -q 不能合并"
-#: ../client.py:857
+       "%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
 msgstr ""
-"执行 uninstall 失败(清单异常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "卸载失败:%s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "卸载期间出现意外错误:%s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-"有问题的结构: %r"
-#: ../client.py:959
+       "WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+       "running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: no variants specified"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "No updates necessary for this image."
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "没有可用于此映像的更新。"
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "注意:请查看位于以下网址的发行说明:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "at least one package name required"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-"有问题的结构: %r"
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "服务器返回了格式错误的结果。\n"
+       "有问题的结构: %r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:1008
+       "The server returned an invalid action.\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s 不是有效的服务器 URL。"
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "at least one search term must be provided"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "服务器返回了格式错误的结果: %r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr ""
+       "action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+       "packages"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-"搜索索引似乎已被破坏。请使用 'pkg rebuild-index' "
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info: -l 和 -r 不能合并"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info: 必须为特定软件包请求远程信息"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "搜索索引似乎已被破坏。请使用 'pkg rebuild-index' "
+       "重新生成索引。"
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l and -r may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "must request remote info for specific packages"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "Obsolete"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "Renamed"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "已安装"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "未安装"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "          名称:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "          摘要:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "描述:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "          类别:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "          状态:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "    Renamed to:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "出版者:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "          版本:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr " 内部发行版:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "          分支:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "    打包日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "          大小:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "         FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: 系统中没有安装任何与您指定的以下模式匹配的软件包。\n"
-"尝试指定 -r 来进行远程查询:"
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: 在目录中没有找到任何与您指定的以下模式匹配的软件包。\n"
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+       "pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "'%s' 与多个软件包匹配"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "找不到以下软件包的许可证信息:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents: -l 和 -r 不能合并"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents: 必须为特定软件包请求远程内容"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents: 不能同时指定 -m 和 %s"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "属性 '%s' 无效"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg: '%s' 与多个软件包匹配"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents: 必须为特定软件包请求远程内容"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "are\n"
+       "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+       "were\n"
+       "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+       "examining the catalogs:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg: %s/%s 目录已成功更新:"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "由于权限不足,无法更新 '%s' 的目录。"
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "由于权限不足,无法更新目录。"
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"请使用 pfexec 重试此命令,或者提升\n"
-"    您的权限。"
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "'pkg publisher' 将会显示一个出版者列表。"
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "需要一个出版者名称"
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "只能指定一个出版者名称"
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "不能组合使用 -p 和 -d 选项"
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"出版者不存在。请使用 -O 来为新出版者定义原始 URI。"
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "出版者不存在。请使用 -O 来为新出版者定义原始 URI。"
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s' 的原始 URI 似乎未指向有效的 pkg 服务器。\n"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+       "The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
+       "server.\n"
+       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(details)s"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "at least one publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "删除 '%(pub)s' 失败: %(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "出版者"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "类型"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "状态"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(首选)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(禁用)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "原始"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "镜像"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              SSL 密钥:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "             SSL 证书:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr "证书生效日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "证书失效日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           原始 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           镜像 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "出版者:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                别名:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          客户机 UUID:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "      目录已更新:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "              已启用:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "否"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "是"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property: 需要一个属性名称和值"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"set-property: 必须使用 set-publisher 来更改首选出版者"
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property: 至少需要一个属性名称"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"unset-property: 必须使用 set-publisher 来更改首选出版者"
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property: 无此类属性: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "requires a property name and value"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "requires at least one property name"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "no such property: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property: 无此类属性: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create 要求使用“<前缀>=<url>”格式的出版者参数。"
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create 要求使用“<名称>=<值>”格式的变量参数。"
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create 要求使用一个映像目录路径"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL 密钥文件 '%s' 不存在"
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg: set-publisher: SSL 密钥证书 '%s' 不存在"
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create 需要一个出版者参数"
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create 要求使用与以下形式不匹配的前缀:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create: 出版者前缀中有无效的字符"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create: 出版者 URI 无效"
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "已有一个映像位于:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "要进行覆盖,请使用 -f(强制)选项。"
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "非空目录:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "无法在 %s 处创建映像: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "only one image directory path may be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "a publisher must be specified"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"URI '%s' 似乎未指向有效的 pkg 服务器。\n"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index: 命令没有操作数 ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history: -H 和 -l 不能合并"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+       "The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+       "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
+       "Additional details:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H and -l may not be combined"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "时间"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "操作"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "客户机"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "结果"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "非法全局选项 -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s 采用“名称=值”格式而不是 %(arg)s 格式的参数"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "未指定子命令"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "对于 %s 子命令,不允许使用 -R"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "非法 %s 选项 -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "illegal option -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version: 命令没有操作数 ('%s')"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
 msgstr ""
-"找不到映像。请使用 -R 选项或将 $PKG_IMAGE 设置为指向\n"
-#: ../client.py:2485
+       "找不到映像。请使用 -R 选项或将 $PKG_IMAGE 设置为指向\n"
+       "映像,或将工作目录更改为映像中的一个目录。"
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "未找到映像。"
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "客户机配置错误: %s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "历史记录已清除。"
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "未知子命令 '%s'"
-#: ../client.py:2590
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2604
-msgid ""
-"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
-"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
-"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
-"the server using a web browser."
-msgstr ""
-"服务器问题、网络配置不正确或 pkg 客户机配置不正确。"
-"请检查您的网络设置,并尝试使用 Web 浏览器联系"
-#: ../client.py:2609
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2616
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
-"about past client operations."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2625
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
-"current operation in client history."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2635
-msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
-msgstr "尝试清除客户机历史记录时出现错误。"
-#: ../client.py:2642
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
-"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
-"is %(api)s"
-msgstr ""
-"pkg 命令似乎与 SUNWipkg 提供的库不\n"
-"同步。客户机版本是 %(client)s,而库 API 版本"
-"是 %(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -893,11 +814,113 @@
 "problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
 "above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
 msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "这是一个内部错误。请通过在 \n"
+       "http://defect.opensolaris.org 中报告该错误并附上以上跟踪信息和此消息,\n"
+       "让开发者了解这一问题。pkg(5) 的版本是 '%s'。"
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+       "for\n"
+       "the requested operation."
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Details follow:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
+"the server, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
+"configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
+"the server using a web browser."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "无法联系有效的软件包仓库。这可能是由于以下原因导致的:"
+       "服务器问题、网络配置不正确或 pkg 客户机配置不正确。"
+       "请检查您的网络设置,并尝试使用 Web 浏览器联系"
+       "服务器。"
+#: ../client.py:2887
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Additional details:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "其他详细信息:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
+"about past client operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "尝试装入有关过去的客户机操作的历史记录信息时\n"
+       "出现错误。"
+#: ../client.py:2904
+msgid ""
+"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
+"current operation in client history."
+msgstr ""
+       "尝试在客户机历史记录中存储有关当前操作的信息时\n"
+       "出现错误。"
+#: ../client.py:2914
+msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
+msgstr "尝试清除客户机历史记录时出现错误。"
+#: ../client.py:2921
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
+"by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
+"is %(api)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "pkg 命令似乎与 SUNWipkg 提供的库不\n"
+       "同步。客户机版本是 %(client)s,而库 API 版本"
+       "是 %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
+msgid ""
-"这是一个内部错误。请通过在 \n"
-"http://defect.opensolaris.org 中报告该错误并附上以上跟踪信息和此消息,\n"
-"让开发者了解这一问题。pkg(5) 的版本是 '%s'。"
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+       "has completed successfuly."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
@@ -1143,7 +1166,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "存储"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "系统"
@@ -1196,17 +1219,16 @@
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
 msgstr "安装、更新和删除软件包"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "软件包管理器"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>添加新的系统信息库,并管理现有的系统信息库。</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1220,35 +1242,43 @@
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"“全部更新”可创建一个新引导环境 (boot environment, BE) 来作为归档"
-"当前 BE 的一种方法。新的 BE 包含已更新的软件包,并且会是重新"
-"引导系统时的默认 BE。\n"
+       "<b>Create New Boot Environment</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
+       "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
+       "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Exit</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>删除、重命名和激活引导环境。</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>常规</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>修改系统信息库 URL</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>软件包名称</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>软件包名称</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>查看要删除的软件包:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>搜索</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1259,233 +1289,234 @@
 msgstr "<b>镜像(_M)</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>SSL 密钥和证书(_S)</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Repositories</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>SSL 密钥和证书(_S)</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>软件包管理器 Web 安装程序</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>系统信息库(_R):</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "关于"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "关于 Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "Add Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "浏览(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "引导环境确认"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher Complete"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "Applying Changes"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "浏览(_O)"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "Applying changes..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "B_rowse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Br_owse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "浏览 SSL 证书"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "浏览 SSL 密钥"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "正在检查最新的 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui,请等待..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "正在检查软件包相关项..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "清除"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "C_lear Search"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "单击以获取最新软件包列表。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "Cancel current operation"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "正在检查最新的 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui,请等待..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "正在检查软件包相关项..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "单击以更新所有安装的软件包。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "复制"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "确认"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
 "Use is subject to license terms."
 msgstr ""
-"版权所有 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. \n"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "剪切(_T)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
-msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "当前活动的引导环境"
+       "版权所有 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. \n"
+       "保留所有权利。\n"
+       "必须依据许可证条款使用。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "剪切操作"
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "当前活动的引导环境"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "D_eselect All"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "D_etails"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "相关项"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "取消选定所选软件包"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "描述:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "详细信息"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "请不要再通知我有关这些系统信息库的信息。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "下载"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "文件"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "帮助"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "Go to package _list"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "安装"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "安装或更新选定的软件包"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "安装/更新"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "安装/升级检查"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "图例:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "许可证"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "许可证"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "镜像(_I):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "管理引导环境"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "管理系统信息库"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "管理引导环境(_B)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "管理引导环境(_B)..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "Modify Publisher"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "修改系统信息库"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "          名称:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "软件包管理器首选项"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "粘贴"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "          名称:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "首选项(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "首选项"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "准备"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "仅在您信任这个新的系统信息库时继续"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "正在处理"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "Pu_blisher:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "Publisher Name:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "退出应用程序"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "Re_fresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "重新装入"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refresh"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "远程搜索错误"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "删除"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "删除确认"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "删除选定的软件包"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "SSL 证书(_E):"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "SSL 证书(_E):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "SSL 密钥和证书"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "SSL 证书(_C):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "SSL 密钥(_K):"
@@ -1495,556 +1526,610 @@
 msgstr "SSL 密钥(_K):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "搜索(_A):"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "搜索"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "搜索"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "Search Publisher Errors"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "搜索所有系统信息库错误"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "Search Repositories Error"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "选择所有项"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "选择更新"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "选择更新(_U)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包,然后单击“安装/更新”以进行安装/更新。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包,然后单击“删除”以删除选定项。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "全选(_A)"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "选择更新(_U)"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "Show Start Page on _startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "从列表中选择,以修改或删除现有系统信息库。"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包,然后单击“安装/更新”以进行安装/更新。"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包,然后单击“删除”以删除选定项。"
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "Specify the publisher name and URL"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "显示(_W):"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "起始页面(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "简短说明"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "The following will be added to your system:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "起始页面"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "This is a secure repository."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "起始页面(_P)"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "这是一个安全的系统信息库。请参阅已发布的"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "以下项将添加到您的系统中"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "这是一个安全的系统信息库。请参阅已发布的"
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr ""
+       "This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+       "Specify the location of these files."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-"此系统信息库需要 SSL 密钥和证书。\n"
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "Type text to search for the package."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "全部更新"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "键入用于搜索软件包名称和说明的文本。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "全部更新"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "Vie_w:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "添加(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "更新所有软件包"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "更新"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "_Add Publisher..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "_Add..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "关于(_A)"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "_Alias:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "添加(_A)"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "_Browse..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "浏览(_B)"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "目录(_C)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "清除(_C)"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "_Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "目录(_C)"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "编辑(_E)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "复制(_C)"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "_Export Selections..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "取消全选(_D)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "编辑(_E)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "启用键入即开始查找(在大型系统信息库中较缓慢)(_E)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "文件(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "帮助(_H)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "安装/更新(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "说明(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "_Manage Publishers..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "安装/更新(_I)"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "修改(_M)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "说明(_I)"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "名称(_N): "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "管理系统信息库(_M)..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "名称(_N): "
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "修改(_M)..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "名称(_N): "
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "软件包(_P)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "继续(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "软件包(_P)"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "_Registration Details"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "粘贴(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "继续(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "退出(_Q)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "删除(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "搜索(_S)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "在启动时显示起始页面(_S)     "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "URL(_U): "
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "URL(_U): "
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "全部更新(_U)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "查看(_V)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-"如果系统信息库需要 SSL 密钥和证书,或者如果它具有镜像,"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
+       "一个布尔值,用于确定应该在启动时显示起始页面还是显示"
+       "初始列表视图。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
+       "一个布尔值,用于确定是在用户键入时动态执行搜索"
+       "还是仅在用户按回车键时执行搜索。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 msgstr ""
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+       "exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+       "and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr ""
+       "A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+       "mode."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr ""
+       "A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+       "dialog."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
-"初始显示过滤器值。0 对应于“所有软件包”。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+       "一个整数,用于确定要在软件包管理器启动时显示的"
+       "初始显示过滤器值。0 对应于“所有软件包”。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
 msgstr ""
-"初始顶层值。0 对应于“所有类别”。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+       "An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+       "packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+       "default)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "一个整数,用于指定应用程序主窗口的初始高度,"
+       "如果没有足够的屏幕空间可用,则将被覆盖。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "一个整数,用于指定应用程序的初始水平分隔条位置。"
+       "该分隔条用于将类别面板与列表面板分隔开。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "一个整数,用于指定应用程序的初始垂直分隔条位置。"
+       "该分隔条用于将详细信息面板与列表面板分隔开。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "启用键入即开始查找"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "初始应用程序高度"
+       "一个整数,用于指定应用程序主窗口的初始宽度,"
+       "如果没有足够的屏幕空间可用,则将被覆盖。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "初始应用程序水平分隔条位置"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr ""
+       "An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+       "completion."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "初始应用程序垂直分隔条位置"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr ""
+       "Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+       "when searching them"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "初始应用程序宽度"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "Display selected publisher at startup"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "初始区段值"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "启用键入即开始查找"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "初始应用程序高度"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "初始应用程序水平分隔条位置"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "初始应用程序垂直分隔条位置"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "初始应用程序宽度"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "初始区段值"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "初始显示过滤器值"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "Last Export Selections Path"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "Last publisher used by package manager"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "在启动时显示起始页面"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "起始页面更新 URL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "Start in serach mode"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "用于从中获取软件包管理器起始页面更新的位置。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 将不会对任何事件进行响应!%s。请检查 webinstall.py 信号"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publisher\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Add New Publishers\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       " Install Package\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "安装软件包\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgstr[1] "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "Publisher Error"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgstr[1] "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s: "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "仅在您信任这些新的系统信息库时继续"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "系统信息库错误"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "API 错误"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "错误"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "读取 p5i 文件时出错。"
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+       "completion it will be disabled again."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+       "On completion they will be disabled again."
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabled Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabled Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "添加 %s 失败。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "未指定任何 URI"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "Web Installer Error"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"在您的系统中找不到 <b>libbe</b> 库。\n"
+       "在您的系统中找不到 <b>libbe</b> 库。\n"
+       "用于管理引导环境的所有功能都已被禁用"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
 msgstr "引导环境管理"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 将不会对任何事件进行响应!%s。请检查 beadmin.py 信号"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "引导环境确认"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "正在装入引导环境信息"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
 msgstr "正在获取引导环境条目..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "引导环境"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "已创建"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "大小"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "重新引导时处于活动状态"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "删除"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "正在应用更改"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "正在应用更改,请等待..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "重新引导时处于活动状态:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "删除引导环境:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "重命名引导环境:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "Active on reboot\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "删除\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "Rename\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr "为"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>无法将活动引导环境更改为:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>无法删除引导环境:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>无法重命名引导环境:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s <b>为</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "BE 错误"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>libbe</b> 库无法准备引导环境的列表。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "<b>libbe</b> 库无法准备引导环境的列表。\n"
+       "用于管理引导环境的所有功能都已被禁用"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%y-%m-%d %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "正在准备..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "正在下载..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "正在安装..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 将不会对任何事件进行响应!%s。请检查 installupdate.py 信号"
@@ -2058,44 +2143,32 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "正在取消..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "BE 名称在使用中"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "BE 名称无效"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "正在确认 %s 是否为最新状态..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "清单异常:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "请检查网络连接。\n"
+       "该系统信息库是否可访问?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2103,80 +2176,105 @@
 msgstr ""
+       "请检查网络连接。\n"
+       "该系统信息库是否可访问?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+       "settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg(5) 似乎已过期,应该在\n"
-"请更新 SUNWipkg 软件包"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5) 似乎已过期,应该在\n"
+       "运行“全部更新”之前进行更新。\n"
+       "请更新 SUNWipkg 软件包"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "无法删除:\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "由于与其相关的以下软件包:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-"%s 时对 pfexec 或 gksu 的使用不一致。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "\n"
+       "此问题的根源通常是在运行\n"
+       "%s 时对 pfexec 或 gksu 的使用不一致。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "\n"
+       "要重新生成索引,请使用终端命令:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+       "安装期间出现错误。搜索索引\n"
+       "被破坏。您可能需要通过运行以下命令\n"
+       "来尝试修复此问题:\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "这是一个实时映像。无法执行\n"
+       "安装操作。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+       "Live Image.\n"
+       "Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2184,12 +2282,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"%s 来尝试修复此问题\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "安装期间出现错误。\n"
+       "缺少操作计划,因而操作无法\n"
+       "完成。您可能需要通过重新启动\n"
+       "%s 来尝试修复此问题\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2197,319 +2295,312 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"%s 来尝试修复此问题\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "安装期间出现错误。\n"
+       "映像的状态不正确,因而操作无法\n"
+       "完成。您可能需要通过重新启动\n"
+       "%s 来尝试修复此问题\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "不支持指定 BE 名称。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "无效的 BE 名称: %s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "正在更新 %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "正在执行..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "正在收集软件包信息,请稍候..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "所有软件包都已安装。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "选定的软件包无法自行更新。\n"
+       "请单击“全部更新”更新所有软件包。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "您的系统已经进行更新。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "没有进一步的信息可用"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "\n"
+       "错误:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr " - 失败</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"在 %s 阶段出现未知错误。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "异常值:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+       "An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+       "Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+       "filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "异常跟踪信息:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "已下载 %(current)s(共 %(total)s)"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "安装期间目录刷新失败。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "全部更新期间目录刷新失败。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "安装已成功完成。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "软件包已成功删除。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "软件包已成功更新。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg version: "
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "List of configured publishers:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "Installation completed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "Packages removed successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "Packages updated successfully"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-"单击“确定”以管理现有 BE 并释放磁盘空间,或单击“取消”"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "磁盘空间不足,无法执行选定的操作。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "单击“确定”以管理现有 BE 并释放磁盘空间,或单击“取消”"
+       "以取消该操作。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "磁盘空间不足"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "要更新的软件包:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "要安装的软件包:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "要删除的软件包:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "第 %d 个软件包(共 %d 个): %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "正在计算: %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 将不会对任何事件进行响应!%s。请检查 repository.py 信号"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "添加新的系统信息库"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>新建系统信息库</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "系统信息库名称"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "首选"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "已启用"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "禁用 %s 失败。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "启用 %s 失败。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "禁用 %s 失败。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "启用 %s 失败。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-"请检查网络连接或 URL。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "名称中包含无效字符"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "名称已在使用中"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "Adding Publisher"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "Canceling...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Removing publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Adding publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "Updating publisher %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Disable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "Enable Publisher:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "Delete Publishers:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "Disabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "Enabling"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr ""
+       "Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+       "must be either https or http."
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL URL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "Publisher URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "Description:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "Publisher error"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "指定 SSL 密钥文件"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "指定 SSL 证书文件"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "URL 无效"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "注册"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "添加新的系统信息库"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"无法添加系统信息库: %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "添加 %s 失败。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "添加 %s 失败。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "删除 %s 失败。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "指定 SSL 密钥文件"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "指定 SSL 证书文件"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "系统信息库错误"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "SSL should not be specified"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "系统信息库"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Active"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Registered"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "Mirror Name"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Enabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Enabling Publishers"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "Disabling Publisher"
+msgstr[1] "Disabling Publishers"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
-"操作 '%3$(action)s' 中软件包 '%2$(fmri)s' 中的操作类型 '%1$(type)s' 未知"
+       "操作 '%3$(action)s' 中软件包 '%2$(fmri)s' 中的操作类型 '%1$(type)s' 未知"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
@@ -2523,9 +2614,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"位于位置 %2$(pos)d 处的软件包 '%1$(fmri)s' 中的不规则操作:\n"
-"    %3$(action)s\n"
+       "位于位置 %2$(pos)d 处的软件包 '%1$(fmri)s' 中的不规则操作:\n"
+       "    %3$(action)s\n"
+       "%4$(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
 #, python-format
@@ -2534,9 +2625,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"位于位置 %(pos)d 处的不规则操作:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "位于位置 %(pos)d 处的不规则操作:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
@@ -2548,17 +2639,24 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "无效操作 '%(action)s': %(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "未提供必需的属性 '%s'。"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "未提供必需的属性 '%s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2566,531 +2664,713 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-"无法对 %s 进行操作。请使用 "
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "由于权限不足,\n"
+       "无法对 %s 进行操作。请使用 "
+       "pfexec\n"
+       "重试此命令,或者提升您的权限。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"使用 pfexec 重试此命令,或者提升您的权限。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "\n"
+       "由于权限不足,无法完成此操作。"
+       "请\n"
+       "使用 pfexec 重试此命令,或者提升您的权限。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-"由于文件在使用中,无法对 %s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "由于文件在使用中,无法对 %s\n"
+       "进行操作。请停止使用此文件,然后重试此\n"
+       "操作。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "以下模式与当前目录中的任何软件包都不匹配。\n"
+       "请尝试细化模式,刷新和/或检查目录:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "'%s' 与安装的软件包不匹配"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "'%s' 是一个非法 fmri"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "以下软件包违反约束:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' 支持以下体系结构:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "映像体系结构定义为:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are not installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr ""
+       "The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+       "they are already installed: "
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+       "catalog operations."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr ""
+       "Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+       "s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+       "provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+       "result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+       "catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+       "version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"以下 FMRI 的匹配软件包:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "在当前出版者的任何目录中都找不到适合于"
+       "以下 FMRI 的匹配软件包:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (version did not match)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "The search at url %s returned no results."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "有些服务器无法正确响应:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr ""
+       "Search performance is degraded.\n"
+       "Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"出版者信息: %s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "指定文件的格式不可识别,或者文件未包含有效的"
+       "出版者信息: %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "指定文件的格式不可识别,或者文件未包含有效的"
+       "出版者信息。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "不受支持的 pkg(5) 出版者信息数据格式。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-"从 '%s' 中检索数据时遇到错误:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+       "从 '%s' 中检索数据时遇到错误:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "从以下位置检索数据时遇到错误:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的位置。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的引导环境名称。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-"此版本的 OpenSolaris 不支持在软件包安装期间进行引导\n"
-"环境命名。请使用不带有 --be-name 选项的 image-update。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "此版本的 OpenSolaris 不支持在软件包安装期间进行引导\n"
+       "环境命名。请使用不带有 --be-name 选项的 image-update。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "无法克隆当前的引导环境。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-"尝试将当前名为 %(orig)s 的引导环境重命名\n"
-"为 %(dest)s 时出现问题。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "尝试将当前名为 %(orig)s 的引导环境重命名\n"
+       "为 %(dest)s 时出现问题。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "无法在 %2$(mt)s 处挂载 %1$(name)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "不允许在对非实时映像执行操作时命名\n"
+       "引导环境。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "Info 不能识别以下选项:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "有些服务器无法正确响应:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s: 超时\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-"    %(o)s: 无法读取 HTTP 响应的状态: %(l)s\n"
-"        这很可能并非 pkg(5) 仓库。请检查 URL 和"
-"        端口号。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s: 未完成从主机读取"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s: 套接字超时"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: 套接字错误,原因: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s 似乎不是有效的软件包仓库。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-"要进行改进,请运行 'pkg rebuild-index'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的出版者名称。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"'%(value)s' 不是系统信息库属性 '%(attribute)s' 的有效值。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "'%(value)s' 不是系统信息库属性 '%(attribute)s' 的有效值。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的系统信息库集合类型。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 URI。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 URI 优先级;应为整数值。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的系统信息库 URI 排序策略。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "出版者 '%s' 已被禁用,无法用于打包操作。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "已存在一个具有与 '%s' 相同名称或别名的出版者。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-"出版者 '%s' 已存在一个具有相同名称或原始 URI 的"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "出版者 '%s' 已存在一个具有相同名称或原始 URI 的"
+       "系统信息库。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "指定的系统信息库的镜像 '%s' 已存在。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "指定的系统信息库的原始 '%s' 已存在。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "无法删除首选出版者。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "无法删除出版者的选定系统信息库。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"出版者 '%s' 已被禁用,无法设置为首选出版者。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "出版者 '%s' 已被禁用,无法设置为首选出版者。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+       "The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+       "as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "未知的合法 URI '%s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "未知的出版者 '%s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "未知的相关 URI '%s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "未知的系统信息库 '%s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "未知的系统信息库镜像 '%s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "未知的系统信息库原始 '%s'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "URI '%(uri)s' 包含不受支持的方案 '%(scheme)s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "指定的 URI 包含不受支持的方案。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "'%2$(scheme)s' 不支持 '%1$(attr)s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
-"证书 '%1$(cert)s' 已过期。请安装有效证书。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
+       "证书 '%1$(cert)s' 已过期。请安装有效证书。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 已过期。请"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 已过期。请"
+       "安装有效证书。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-"访问 '%2$(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 已过期。请"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "访问 '%2$(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 已过期。请"
+       "安装有效证书。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "证书 '%s' 已过期。请安装有效证书。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
-"证书 '%1$(cert)s' 将在 '%4$(days)s' 天内过期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
+       "证书 '%1$(cert)s' 将在 '%4$(days)s' 天内过期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-"出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 将"
-"在 '%3$(days)s' 天内过期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 将"
+       "在 '%3$(days)s' 天内过期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-"访问 '%2$(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 将"
-"在 '%3$(days)s' 天内过期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "访问 '%2$(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 将"
+       "在 '%3$(days)s' 天内过期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "证书 '%(cert)s' 将在 '%(days)s' 天内过期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-"访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
-"证书 '%1$(cert)s' 无效。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
+       "证书 '%1$(cert)s' 无效。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 无效。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "访问 '%2$(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 无效。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "证书 '%s' 无效。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+       "(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-"找不到访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
-"证书 '%1$(cert)s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "找不到访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
+       "证书 '%1$(cert)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "找不到出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的证书 '%1$(cert)s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "找不到访问 '%2$(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%1$(cert)s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "找不到证书 '%s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
-"证书 '%1$(cert)s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "访问 '%3$(uri)s' 所需的出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的"
+       "证书 '%1$(cert)s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-"出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "出版者 '%2$(pub)s' 的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-"访问 '%2$(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 具有一个"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "访问 '%2$(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%1$(cert)s' 具有一个"
+       "将来的生效日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "证书 '%s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "给出了一个错误的响应:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "Could not find %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr ""
+       "the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+       "To override, use the -f (force) option."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg: 无法创建自动快照。pkg 恢复被禁用。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg: 执行 %2$s 时出现系统错误 %1$s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
 msgstr ""
-"pkg: '%s' 失败。\n"
-"返回代码为 %d。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+       "pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+       "with a return code of %(ret)d."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg: 无法激活 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg: 无法卸载 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3098,206 +3378,237 @@
 "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"%s 的克隆已存在,并已被更新和激活。\n"
-"在下次引导时,将会在 '/' 上挂载引导环境 %s。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+       "\n"
+       "%s 的克隆已存在,并已被更新和激活。\n"
+       "在下次引导时,将会在 '/' 上挂载引导环境 %s。\n"
+       "在准备好切换到此更新的引导环境时重新引导。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s 已成功更新"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-" 没有修改正在运行的系统。仅对正在运行的系统的克隆"
-"进行了修改。如果要对其进行检查,此克隆挂载在 %s "
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       " 没有修改正在运行的系统。仅对正在运行的系统的克隆"
+       "进行了修改。如果要对其进行检查,此克隆挂载在 %s "
+       "处。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg: 无法回滚引导环境 %s 和恢复映像"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s 更新失败。没有对 %s 进行任何更改。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg: 无法销毁快照 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg: 无法创建引导环境 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg: 无法将引导环境 %s 挂载到 %s 上"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
 msgstr ""
-"引导环境 %s 更新失败。快照是在尝试更新失败之前实施的,"
-"并且挂载在 %s 处。如果要引导至此引导环境,请使用 'beadm unmount %s',然后使用 "
-"'beadm activate %s'。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+       "The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+       "before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+       "unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+       "to boot to this BE."
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr ""
-"引导环境 %s 更新失败。快照是在尝试更新失败之前实施的,"
-"并且已进行了恢复,因此,没有对 %s 进行任何更改。"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "此服务器不是有效的软件包仓库。"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+       "引导环境 %s 更新失败。快照是在尝试更新失败之前实施的,"
+       "并且已进行了恢复,因此,没有对 %s 进行任何更改。"
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "在评估之前:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "在评估之后:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "SUNWipkg 更新检查失败。"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-"索引已被破坏或过期。即将删除旧的索引目录 (%s) 并"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "索引已被破坏或过期。即将删除旧的索引目录 (%s) 并"
+       "重新生成搜索索引。"
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "可写根目录不能按当前用户 ID 或组写入。"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "无法写入到索引目录。"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "当前系统信息库(名称和描述)(_C)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "搜索当前系统信息库(名称和描述)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "所有系统信息库(完全匹配)(_A)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "搜索所有系统信息库(完全匹配)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"正在检查 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui 版本\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr "GUI 将不会对任何事件进行响应!%s。检查 declare_signals()"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "所有系统信息库搜索结果"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "全部"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "所有软件包"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "安装的软件包"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "更新"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "Not installed Packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "选定的软件包"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "添加..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "All Publishers (Search)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "Export Selections Confirmation"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "Export Selections Error"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "Export Selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "All Files"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "my_packages"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><H2>欢迎使用软件包管理器!</H2><br><font "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "正在装入... "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>欢迎使用软件包管理器!</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>警告:无法装入起始页面:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "failed to respond"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "invalid response"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "A valid response was not returned."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "unsupported search"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "Loading... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "已停止"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "做完"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3307,332 +3618,429 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
-"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
-"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
-"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>警告:无法                     装入 URL</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "未指定任何 URI"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>警告:无法                     装入 URL</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "不支持空操作"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "操作不受支持: %s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "Click to toggle selections"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "名称"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "状态"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "系统信息库"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "说明"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "更新可用"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "all selection toggle"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "未安装"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "更新可用"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "Fetching descriptions..."
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "所有类别"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "元软件包"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "应用程序"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "桌面 (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "开发"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "分发"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "驱动程序"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "Web 服务"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "所有软件包"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "安装的软件包"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "非安装软件包"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "选定的软件包"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "Search all publishers"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "Search current publisher"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+       "Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+       "</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+       "view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+       "however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+       "packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+       "is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr ""
+       "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "All Publishers"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+       "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
+       "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
+       "Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "Search cleared"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "正在获取法律信息..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "添加..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "正在刷新目录"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "正在刷新目录..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "Refreshing package catalog information"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "全部"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "Loading package list"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "无法导航到:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "已选定要删除的项:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "已选定要安装/更新的项:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "软件包名称"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "正在获取说明..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "正在获取信息..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(not installed)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "无"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "没有此软件包的说明..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "\n"
+       "这可能是由于访问系统信息库时出现网络问题所致。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "没有此软件包的文件详细信息..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "没有此软件包的相关项信息..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "没有此软件包的信息..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "根:%s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "相关项:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "摘要:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "大小:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "类别:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "已安装版本:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "最新版本:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "打包日期:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "系统信息库:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "无"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "不可用"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr ""
+       "Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+       "网络问题。\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "详细信息:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr " 目录已成功更新:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "未知错误"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "正在处理软件包条目:%d/%d"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "正在装入系统信息库信息"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "正在获取软件包条目..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "正在搜索..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s: 已找到前 %d 个"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s: 已找到 %d 个"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "已列出 %d 个"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "已选定 %d 个"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "已安装 %d 个"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s: %s、%s、%s。"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+       "“全部更新”操作现已完成,软件包管理器将关闭。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "在重新引导您的系统之前,请查看已发布的发行说明:\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "Update All Complete"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "保存选定项..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "保存选定的软件包..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
+       "已安装的软件包要求先重新引导,然后才能"
+       "完成安装。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "Unable to initialize gtk"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3640,14 +4048,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3656,152 +4065,316 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgsend [选项] 命令 [cmd 选项] [操作数]\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
-"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-"        pkgsend add 操作参数\n"
-"        pkgsend import [-T 文件模式] 包文件 ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d 基目录] 清单 ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-"        -s repo_uri     目标系统信息库 URI\n"
-"        --help 或 -?    显示用法消息\n"
-"        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Packager subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
+       "        --help or -?    display usage message\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr ""
+       "Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+       "or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+       "values using the --set-property option."
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "只能指定 -e 或 -n"
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "open 需要一个软件包名称"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "没有使用 -t 或在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中指定任何事务 ID。"
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中没有指定任何事务 ID"
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "没有为子命令指定任何参数。"
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "必须为此操作提供文件名。"
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "line %d: missing path"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "line %s: File %s not found"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "line %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
 msgstr "命令没有操作数"
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "只能指定 -e 或 -n"
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "open 需要一个软件包名称"
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "没有使用 -t 或在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中指定任何事务 ID。"
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中没有指定任何事务 ID"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "没有为子命令指定任何参数。"
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "必须为此操作提供文件名。"
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend: 非法全局选项 -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "非法 %s 选项 -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgrecv -s 服务器 [-d 目录] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s 服务器 -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "无法打开清单:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "无法从以下位置下载文件:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "无法创建目录:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "从以下位置读取数据时出现错误:%s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "无法解压缩文件:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "无法从 %2$s 下载清单 %1$s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "无法打开文件:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "从以下位置读取数据时出现错误:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "向以下位置写入数据时出现错误:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "无法从以下位置下载目录:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "从以下位置读取数据时出现错误:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "非法选项 -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "必须指定一个服务器"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "Illegal option value -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "a source repository must be provided"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n 没有选项"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "必须至少指定一个 pkgfmri"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s 是一个非法的 fmri: %(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "没有要检索的文件。"
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+       "or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+       "the repository or create a new one."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving package content ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "Republishing %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"通知区域附近(如果设置为 true)。"
+       "在更新变得可用时,描述这些更新的文本消息将显示在面板"
+       "通知区域附近(如果设置为 true)。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
@@ -3812,8 +4385,8 @@
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
+       "检查更新的频率。有效值为“每天”、“每周”、“每月”、"
+       "“从不”"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
@@ -3828,16 +4401,16 @@
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
+       "在开始之后,检查更新之前,"
+       "更新管理器通知程序应该等待的时间(秒)。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"如果设置为 true,更新管理器通知程序会在用户激活"
+       "如果设置为 true,更新管理器通知程序会在用户激活"
+       "通知区域中的图标之后终止。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
@@ -3856,8 +4429,8 @@
 msgstr "安装可用更新"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "更新管理器"
@@ -3877,9 +4450,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "完成时关闭对话框(_F)"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "索引"
@@ -3887,13 +4458,13 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "安装更新"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
+       "以下软件包具有可用更新。\n"
+       "请选择要更新的软件包,然后单击“安装”。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3911,6 +4482,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "选择所有更新(_S)"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "当更新可用时通知用户"
@@ -3919,383 +4502,840 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "更新管理器通知程序"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "正在获取目录:'%s' ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "正在获取目录"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "正在创建计划 ... "
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "正在创建计划"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "正在检验:%s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "正在检验"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "已完成"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 将不会对任何事件进行响应!%s。请检查 updatemanager.py 信号"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "评估"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "评估 - 正在取消..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "下载 - 正在取消..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "评估 - 失败"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "下载 - 失败"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "安装 - 失败"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "索引 - 失败"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "以下软件包具有可用更新。\n"
+       "单击“全部更新”可以创建一个新的引导环境,并将所有软件包安装"
+       "到其中。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "最新版本"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "大小 (MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "计数:%d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "错误\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "'%s' 不是一个安装映像\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "版本不匹配:预期的是 %s,但收到的是 %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr ""
+       "<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>没有更新可用。</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"大小:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"系统信息库:      \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s 是无效映像,正在尝试根映像"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s 是无效根映像,返回 None"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-"正在获取 %s 的详细信息..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "\n"
+       "正在获取 %s 的详细信息..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "正在安装更新"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "错误"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "无法更新以下整合软件包:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "更新时使用:全部更新\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-"“全部更新”在 %1.f 分钟内成功完成\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-"“全部更新”在不到 1 分钟内成功完成\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "\n"
+       "没有可用的详细信息"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "“全部更新”已完成"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "没有选择任何要更新的内容。"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "正在更新..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "在安装计划过程中出现更新错误:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "更新意外的 API 错误:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "更新意外错误:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "要安装的软件包:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "更新"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "更新已成功完成。"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 下载失败:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s 超出了可用的磁盘空间"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s 意外错误:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 执行计划失败:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"单击“确定”以管理现有 BE 并释放磁盘空间,或单击“取消”"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "磁盘空间不足,无法执行“全部更新”操作。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "单击“确定”以管理现有 BE 并释放磁盘空间,或单击“取消”"
+       "以取消“全部更新”。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "磁盘空间不足"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d: \t文件 %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(mb)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d 操作"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "索引\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d 操作"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "正在检查新软件"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "更新可用"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "更新可用\n"
+       "请单击图标进行更新。"
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "更新管理器通知的另一个实例正在运行"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5) 信息文件"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s is not an install image"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "API 错误"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "错误"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "          大小:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "          类别:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "Installed:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "Version Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "Latest Version:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "出版者:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "Update Available:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "正在计算: %s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "已下载 %(current)s(共 %(total)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "第 %d 个软件包(共 %d 个): %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "Missing type attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "Missing fmri attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "Empty path attribute"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "No such file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' is not a file."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "License file %s does not exist."
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "Unknown img_path type."
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "Removal Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "Install Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "Update Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "Index Phase"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "Caching catalogs ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "Loading catalog cache ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "Refreshing catalog"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "Couldn't find %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s had this elf error:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "Reading Existing Index"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "Indexing Packages"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "missing version"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "无效版本"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "Not an absolute path."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "Could not parse query."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "Problem occurred with: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "repository directories incomplete"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "Could not find manifest file %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "'%s' 不是一个安装映像"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr ""
+       "The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+       "known layouts:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/zh_HK.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/zh_HK.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -24,18 +24,23 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME &lt;EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE &lt;[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "請使用 `pkg --help or -?' 來獲得更多資訊"
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +63,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -82,751 +90,685 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
-msgstr ""
-"        pkg [選項] 指令 [cmd 選項] [運算元]\n"
-"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] 套裝軟體...\n"
-"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] 套裝軟體...\n"
-"        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [套裝軟體...]\n"
-"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name 名稱] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-"        pkg refresh [--full] [發佈者 ...]\n"
-"        pkg version\n"
-"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg search [-alprI] [-s 伺服器] 查詢\n"
-"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o 屬性 ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
-"            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
-"            [--variant <variant_spec>=<實例>]\n"
-"            (-p|--publisher) 名稱=uri 目錄\n"
-"        pkg set-property 特性名稱 特性值\n"
-"        pkg unset-property 特性名稱 ...\n"
-"        pkg property [-H] [特性名稱 ...]\n"
-"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
-"            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
-"            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
-"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] 發佈者\n"
-"        pkg unset-publisher 發佈者 ...\n"
-"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [發佈者 ...]\n"
-"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
-"        pkg purge-history\n"
-"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-"        -R 目錄\n"
-"        --help 或 -?\n"
-"        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+msgstr "用法:\n"
+       "        pkg [選單] command [指令選單...] "
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "不能合併 -s 和 -v"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "已知"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "已安裝"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "未安裝套裝軟體"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "指定的套裝軟體沒有可用的更新"
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "安裝的套裝軟體沒有可用的更新"
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "沒有符合「%s」%s 的套裝軟體"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "找不到指定的套件 '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "已建立的 ZFS 快照:%s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify:不能合併 -v 和 -q"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "此執行要求 \"fix\" 將不會影響任何現有檔案 "
+       "在live image的情況下.\n"
+       "請嘗試在另一個開機環境下執行"
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v 與 -q 參數不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg:系統上沒有安裝符合您指定之下列樣式的\n"
+       "套裝軟體。\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update:不能合併 -v 和 -q"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update:指令沒有運算元 (「%s」)"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "沒有影像的根目錄位於「%s」"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "此影像沒有可用的更新。"
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"執行 image-update 失敗 (資產管理異常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"警告:pkg(5) 可能已過期,應在執行 image-update 前\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-"請使用「pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg」更新 pkg(5),然後重試 \n"
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-"準備執行 image-update 時,發生未預期的錯誤:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "執行 image-update 失敗:%s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "無法在即時影像上執行 image-update"
-#: ../client.py:643
+       "\n"
+       "所有其他樣式都符合安裝的套裝軟體。%s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"執行 image-update 期間,發生未預期的錯誤:%s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "注意:請檢閱以下網址公佈的版本說明:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install:至少需要一個套裝軟體名稱"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install:不能合併 -v 和 -q"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "「%s」不是安裝影像"
-#: ../client.py:745
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
+msgstr "\n"
+       "一個預期外的錯誤發生在準備 %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s 錯誤: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s 不能在live image中執行"
+#: ../client.py:567
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "此執行要求 \"fix\" 將不會影響任何現有檔案 "
+       "在live image的情況下.\n"
+       "請嘗試在另一個開機環境下執行"
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "\n"
+       "一個預期外的錯誤發生在此過程中 %s:"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "沒有影像的根目錄位於「%s」"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+msgstr "%s 錯誤 (清單列表異常):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"執行 install 失敗 (資產管理異常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-"準備執行 install 時,發生未預期的錯誤:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "安裝失敗:%s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "安裝期間發生未預期的錯誤:%s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall:至少需要一個套裝軟體名稱"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall:不能合併 -v 和 -q"
-#: ../client.py:857
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"執行 uninstall 失敗 (資產管理異常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "解除安裝失敗:%s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "解除安裝期間發生未預期的錯誤:%s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:959
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+msgstr "警告: pkg(5) 發現過期的版本, 將在執行 %s \n"
+       "前進行更新。\n"
+       "  請更新 pkg(5) 使用此指令 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' 然後重試 %s."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "無法移除 '%s' 。因為此套件相依於:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v 與 -q 參數不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: 沒有指定變數(指令後面沒接對象)"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: 變數一定要按照此種規則 '<名稱>=<數值>'"
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: 多重變數指定: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "此影像沒有更新需求"
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "指令沒帶有運算元"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "此影像沒有可用的更新。"
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "注意:請檢閱以下網址公佈的版本說明:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "至少需要一個套件名稱"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "伺服器傳回了異常的結果。\n"
+       "有問題的結構:%r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:1008
+msgstr "伺服器傳回無效動作。\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s 不是有效的伺服器 URL。"
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "一定要提供至少一個搜尋條件"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "動作級別選項 ('%s') 對於 -o 與 -p不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "伺服器傳回了異常的結果:%r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr "動作級別選項的 -o不能查詢傳回套件訊息"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-"搜尋索引似乎已毀壞。請使用「pkg rebuild-index」來重建"
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info:不能合併 -l 和 -r"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info:必須要求特定套裝軟體的遠端資訊"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "搜尋索引似乎已毀壞。請使用「pkg rebuild-index」來重建"
+       "索引。"
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l 與 -r 參數不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "必須要求套件遠端的資訊"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "舊的"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "重新命名"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "已安裝"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "未安裝"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "            名稱:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "            摘要:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "說明:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "            類別:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "            狀態:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "         重新命名:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "     發佈者:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "            版本:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr "建置發行版本:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "            分支:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "      封裝日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "            大小:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "          FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
-msgstr ""
-"請嘗試指定 -r 以進行遠端查詢:"
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+msgstr "pkg: info: 系統已安裝套件中沒有找到你所指定的套件\n"
+       "請嘗試使用 -r 選項進行遠端查詢:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+msgstr "pkg: info: 系統套件資料庫中沒有找到你所指定的套件\n"
+       "請嘗試使用較寬鬆的查詢字串,或是\n"
+       "檢查您的套件資料庫:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "「%s」符合多個套裝軟體"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "找不到下列套裝軟體的授權資訊:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents:不能合併 -l 和 -r"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents:必須要求特定套裝軟體的遠端內容"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents:不能同時指定 -m 和 %s"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "無效的屬性「%s」"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg:「%s」符合多個套裝軟體"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents:必須要求特定套裝軟體的遠端內容"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m 與 -s 參數也許不用同時被指定"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' 找到多個套件"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr "pkg: info: 系統已安裝套件中沒有找到你所指定的套件\n"
+       "請嘗試使用 -r 選項進行遠端查詢:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr "pkg: info: 系統套件資料庫中沒有找到你所指定的套件\n"
+       "請嘗試使用較寬鬆的查詢字串,或是\n"
+       "檢查您的套件資料庫:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg:已成功更新 %s 個分類 (共 %s 個):"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "由於權限不足,無法更新「%s」的目錄。"
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "由於權限不足,無法更新目錄。"
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"請使用 pfexec 再次嘗試指令,或增加\n"
-"    權限。"
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "「pkg publisher」將顯示發佈者的清單。"
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "需要一個發佈者名稱"
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "只能指定一個發佈者名稱"
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "不能合併 -p 和 -d 選項"
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"發佈者不存在。請使用 -O 為新發佈者定義原始 URI。"
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "發佈者不存在。請使用 -O 為新發佈者定義原始 URI。"
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"「%s」的原始 URI 似乎未指向有效的 pkg 伺服器。\n"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+msgstr "原始 '%(pubname)s' 的URIs在一個指定的有效套件站中沒有出現"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "至少指定一個發佈者"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "「%(pub)s」的移除失敗:%(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "發佈者"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "類型"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "狀態"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(喜好的)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(停用)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "原始"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "鏡像"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              SSL 金鑰:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "             SSL 憑證:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr "憑證生效日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "憑證過期日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           原始 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           鏡像 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "發佈者:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                別名:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          用戶端 UUID:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "      已更新的目錄:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "              已啟用:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "否"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "是"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property:需要特性名稱和特性值"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"set-property:必須使用 set-publisher 才能變更喜好的發佈者"
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property:至少需要一個特性名稱"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"unset-property:必須使用 set-publisher 才能變更喜好的發佈者"
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property:沒有這類特性:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "需要屬性名稱與數值"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "設定發佈者必須被使用來變更首選發佈者"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "需要至少一個屬性名稱"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "沒有此一屬性: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property:沒有這類特性:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create 的發佈者引數格式必須為「<前綴>=<url>」。"
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create 的變數引數格式必須為「<名稱>=<值>」。"
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create 需要單一影像目錄路徑"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg:set-publisher:SSL 金鑰檔案「%s」不存在"
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg:set-publisher:SSL 金鑰憑證「%s」不存在"
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create 需要發佈者引數"
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create 需要不符合 %s 的前綴"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create:發佈者前綴有無效的字元"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create:發佈者 URI 無效"
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "下列位置已有影像:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "若要置換,請使用 -f (強制) 選項。"
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "非空目錄:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "無法於 %s 建立影像:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "發佈者參數必須此種格式 '<prefix>=<url>'"
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "變數參數必須此種格式 '<名稱>=<數值>'"
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "只能指定一個影像目錄路徑"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "發佈者必須被指定"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "發佈者的路徑字首不能有這些字符: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "發佈者路徑包含無效的字元"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "無法建立影像於 %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"URI「%s」似乎未指向有效的 pkg 伺服器。\n"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index:指令沒有運算元 (「%s」)"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history:不能合併 -H 和 -l"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+msgstr "此URI '%(pub_url)s' 在一個指定的有效套件站中沒有出現\n"
+       "請檢查伺服器位址與本地端機器的網路設定。\n"
+       "錯誤訊息細節:\n"
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H 參數與 -l 不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "時間"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "作業"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "用戶端"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "結果"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr "\n"
+       "有效的proxy設定已被設定在此環境"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "非法全域選項 -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s 採用「名稱=值」格式而非 %(arg)s 格式的引數"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "未指定子指令"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "%s 子指令不允許使用 -R"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "非法 %s 選項 -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "無效的選項 -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version:指令沒有運算元 (「%s」)"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
-msgstr ""
-"找不到影像。使用 -R 選項或設定 $PKG_IMAGE 來指向影像,\n"
-#: ../client.py:2485
+msgstr "找不到影像。使用 -R 選項或設定 $PKG_IMAGE 來指向影像,\n"
+       "或將工作目錄變更為影像內的目錄。"
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "找不到影像。"
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "用戶端配置錯誤:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "已清除歷程記錄。"
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "不明的子指令「%s」"
-#: ../client.py:2590
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
+"This is an internal error.  Please let the developers know about this\n"
+"problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
+"above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
+msgstr "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "此為內部錯誤。請在 http://defect.opensolaris.org 將此錯誤歸檔,\n"
+       "並附上以上追蹤訊息和本訊息,\n"
+       "讓開發人員知道此問題。pkg(5) 的版本是「%s」。"
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr "\n"
+       "要求嘗試修復套件或檔案資料工作時遇到錯誤"
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2604
+msgstr "以下細節:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
 msgid ""
 "Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
@@ -834,13 +776,13 @@
 "configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
 "the server using a web browser."
 msgstr ""
-"伺服器發生問題、網路錯誤配置或不正確的 pkg 用戶端"
-"Web 瀏覽器與伺服器進行通訊。"
-#: ../client.py:2609
+       "\n"
+       "無法連絡有效的套裝軟體庫房。這可能是因為"
+       "伺服器發生問題、網路錯誤配置或不正確的 pkg 用戶端"
+       "配置。請檢查您的網路設定,並嘗試使用"
+       "Web 瀏覽器與伺服器進行通訊。"
+#: ../client.py:2887
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -848,56 +790,61 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2616
+       "\n"
+       "其他詳細資訊:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
 msgid ""
 "An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
 "about past client operations."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2625
+       "嘗試載入過去用戶端作業的相關歷程記錄資訊時\n"
+       "發生錯誤。"
+#: ../client.py:2904
 msgid ""
 "An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
 "current operation in client history."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2635
+       "嘗試儲存用戶端歷程記錄中目前作業的相關資訊時\n"
+       "發生錯誤。"
+#: ../client.py:2914
 msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
 msgstr "嘗試清除用戶端歷程記錄時發生錯誤。"
-#: ../client.py:2642
+#: ../client.py:2921
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
 "by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
 "is %(api)s"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg 指令似乎與 SUNWipkg 提供的程式庫不同步。\n"
-"用戶端版本是 %(client)s,"
-"而程式庫 API 版本為 %(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
-#, python-format
+       "pkg 指令似乎與 SUNWipkg 提供的程式庫不同步。\n"
+       "用戶端版本是 %(client)s,"
+       "而程式庫 API 版本為 %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
 msgid ""
-"This is an internal error.  Please let the developers know about this\n"
-"problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
-"above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
-msgstr ""
-"此為內部錯誤。請在 http://defect.opensolaris.org 將此錯誤歸檔,\n"
-"讓開發人員知道此問題。pkg(5) 的版本是「%s」。"
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "建立索引時忽略錯誤,影像更新,安裝,或移除\n"
+       "已經成功完成"
+       "has completed successfuly."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
@@ -1093,7 +1040,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:79
 msgid "Printing"
-msgstr "列印"
+msgstr "正在列印"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:80
 msgid "Python"
@@ -1143,7 +1090,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "儲存裝置"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "系統"
@@ -1173,7 +1120,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:99
 msgid "Virtualization"
-msgstr "虛擬"
+msgstr "虛擬化"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:100
 msgid "Window Managers"
@@ -1194,19 +1141,18 @@
 #: ../gui/data/addmoresoftware.desktop.in.h:2
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
-msgstr "安裝、更新與移除套裝軟體"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
+msgstr "安裝、更新與移除軟體套件"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "套裝軟體管理員"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>新增儲存庫並管理現有的儲存庫。</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>增加、修改與移除發佈者與其儲存庫</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1219,36 +1165,41 @@
 "Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"「全部更新」會建立新的啟動環境 (BE),以作為歸檔目前 BE 的一種"
-"方法。新的 BE 包括更新的套裝軟體,而且是"
-"系統重新啟動時的預設 BE。\n"
+msgstr "<b>建立新的啟動環境(BE)</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "『全部更新』將會建立一個新的啟動環境(BE),並將保留現行的開機環境,此一新的啟動環境將包含更新的套件,並且在重新開機時成為預設的開機環境。\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>刪除、重新命名與啟用啟動環境(BE)</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>離開</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>刪除、重新命名並啟動啟動環境。</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>一般</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>修改儲存庫 URL</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>修改儲存庫位址URL </b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>套裝軟體名稱</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>發佈者別名與位址URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>套裝軟體名稱</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>發佈者添加成功</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>檢查要移除的套裝軟體:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>搜尋</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>顯示對話框</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1259,233 +1210,234 @@
 msgstr "<b>鏡像(_M)</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>SSL 金鑰和憑證(_S)</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>儲存庫</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>SSL 金鑰和憑證(_S)</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>套裝軟體管理員 Web 安裝程式</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>儲存庫(_R):</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "關於"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "關於 Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "增加發佈者"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "瀏覽(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "啟動環境確認"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "增加發佈者完成"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "正在進行變更"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "瀏覽(_O)"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "正在進行變更..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "B_rowse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Br_owse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "瀏覽 SSL 憑證"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "瀏覽 SSL 金鑰"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "正在檢查最新的 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui,請稍候..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "正在檢查套裝軟體相依性..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "清除"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "清除搜尋(C)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "按一下以取得最新的套裝軟體。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "終止目前作業"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "正在檢查最新的 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui,請稍候..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "正在檢查套裝軟體相依性..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "按一下以更新所有已安裝的套裝軟體。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "複製"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "確認"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
 "Use is subject to license terms."
 msgstr ""
-"Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "剪下(_T)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
-msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "目前使用中的啟動環境"
+       "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
+       "版權所有。\n"
+       "必須依據授權規定使用。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "剪下動作"
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "目前使用中的啟動環境"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "全部不選(D)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "細節(D)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "相依性"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "取消選取所選套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "說明:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "詳細資訊"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "請不要再通知我有關這些儲存庫的資訊。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "不要在通知我這些發佈者"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "下載"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "檔案"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "說明"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "進入套件列表"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "安裝"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "安裝或更新選取的套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "安裝/更新"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "安裝/升級檢查"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "圖例:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "授權"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "授權"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "鏡像(_I):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "管理啟動環境"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "管理發佈者"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "管理儲存庫"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "管理啟動環境(_B)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "管理啟動環境(_B)..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "修改發佈者"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "修改儲存庫"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "            名稱:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "套裝軟體管理員喜好設定"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "貼上"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "            名稱:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "喜好設定(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "喜好設定"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "準備"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "只會在您信任此新儲存庫時繼續"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "處理中"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "發佈者(Pu)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "發佈者名稱:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "退出應用程式"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "刷新"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "重新載入"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "刷新"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "刷新套件列表與套件狀態"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "離開時記住選取的發佈者"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "遠端搜尋錯誤"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "移除"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "移除確認"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "移除選取的套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "SSL 憑證(_E):"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "SSL 憑證(_E):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "SSL 金鑰和憑證"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "SSL 憑證(_C):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "SSL 金鑰(_K):"
@@ -1495,556 +1447,589 @@
 msgstr "SSL 金鑰(_K):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "搜尋(_A):"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "搜尋"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "搜尋"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "搜尋發佈者錯誤"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "搜尋所有儲存庫錯誤"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "搜尋儲存庫錯誤"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "選取所有項目"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "選取更新"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "搜尋此發佈者錯誤:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "選取更新(_U)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "勾選核取方塊以選取套裝軟體,並按一下 [安裝/更新] 以進行安裝/更新。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "勾選核取方塊以選取套裝軟體,並按一下 [移除] 以移除所選項目。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "全選(_A)"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "使用箭號設定發佈者屬性"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "選取更新(_U)"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "顯示起始頁(_s)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "從清單中選取,以修改或移除現有的儲存庫。"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "顯示刪除的確認對話框(_D)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "勾選核取方塊以選取套裝軟體,並按一下 [安裝/更新] 以進行安裝/更新。"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "顯示安裝/更新的確認對話框(_I)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "勾選核取方塊以選取套裝軟體,並按一下 [移除] 以移除所選項目。"
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "指定發佈者的名稱與URL位址"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "顯示(_W):"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "起始頁面(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "簡短說明"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "以下所列將會增加入您的系統"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "起始頁面"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "這是一個安全的儲存庫。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "起始頁面(_P)"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "這是一個安全的儲存庫。請參閱已發佈的資訊"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "下列項目將增加到您的系統"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "這是一個安全的儲存庫。請參閱已發佈的資訊"
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr "此發佈者需要SSL金鑰與SSL驗證。\n"
+       "請指定這些檔案的位置。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-"此儲存庫需要 SSL 金鑰和憑證。\n"
-"請在提供的空白處輸入這些檔案的位置,或使用 "
-"[瀏覽] \n"
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "輸入搜尋套件的字串"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "全部更新"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "鍵入文字以搜尋套裝軟體的名稱及說明。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "全部更新"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "檢視(_w)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "增加(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "更新所有套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "更新"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "增加發佈者(_A)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "增加...(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "關於(_A)"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "別名...(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "增加(_A)"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "瀏覽...(_B)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "瀏覽(_B)"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "目錄(_C)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "清除(_C)"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "細節(_D)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "目錄(_C)"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "編輯(_E)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "複製(_C)"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "輸出選擇...(_E)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "全部取消選取(_D)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "編輯(_E)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "啟用隨打即搜尋(_E) (在大型儲存庫上較慢)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "檔案(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "說明(_H)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "安裝 / 更新(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "指令(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "管理發佈者(_M)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "安裝 / 更新(_I)"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "修改(_M)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "指令(_I)"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "名稱(_N):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "管理儲存庫(_M)..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "名稱(_N):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "修改(_M)..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "名稱(_N):"
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "套裝軟體(_P)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "繼續(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "套裝軟體(_P)"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "註冊詳細資訊(_R)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "貼上(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "繼續(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "結束(_Q)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "移除(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "搜尋(_S)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "啟動時顯示起始頁面(_S)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "URL(_U):"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "URL(_U):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "全部更新(_U)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "檢視(_V)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-"如果儲存庫需要 SSL 金鑰和憑證,或者它有鏡像,"
-"儲存庫,然後按一下 [修改] 以增加其他資訊。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "例如 http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
-"用於判斷啟動時是顯示 [起始頁面] 還是初始清單檢視"
+       "用於判斷啟動時是顯示 [起始頁面] 還是初始清單檢視"
+       "的布林值。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
-"還是僅在使用者按 Return 鍵時執行搜尋的布林值。"
+       "用於判斷是在使用者鍵入時動態執行搜尋,"
+       "還是僅在使用者按 Return 鍵時執行搜尋的布林值。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
-msgstr ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
+msgstr "用於判斷套件管理員程式結束時是否要儲存目前狀態,並在下次啟動時使用。此狀態包含發佈者、大小、水平、垂直位置。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr "用於判斷套件管理員是否啟動於搜尋模式。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr "在錯誤訊息對話框中,使用字串判斷儲存庫是否顯示"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "使用套件管理員存入最新的發佈者字串"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
-"初始顯示篩選值的整數。0 對應於「所有套裝軟體」。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+       "用於要在套裝軟體管理員啟動時識別顯示之"
+       "初始顯示篩選值的整數。0 對應於「所有套裝軟體」。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
-msgstr ""
-"初始最上層值的整數。0 對應於「所有類別」。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+msgstr "當套件管理員啟動時,辨識初始頂層選擇的整數值會上升。\n"
+       "0 = \"所有資料\", 2 = \"應用程式\" (預設)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "用於指定應用程式主視窗初始高度"
+       "的整數,如果螢幕空間不足的話會被覆寫。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "用於指定應用程式水平分隔線初始位置"
+       "的整數,該分隔線會分隔種類面板與清單面板。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "用於指定應用程式垂直分隔線初始位置"
+       "的整數。該分隔線會分隔詳細資訊面板與清單面板。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "啟用隨打即搜尋"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "應用程式初始高度"
+       "用於指定應用程式主視窗初始寬度的整數,"
+       "如果螢幕空間不足的話會被覆寫。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "應用程式水平分隔線初始位置"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr "用於指定完整搜尋最大數量條目的整數被置入。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "應用程式垂直分隔線初始位置"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr "當在搜尋時如果發生API錯誤,儲存庫列表會以逗點分隔顯示"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "應用程式初始寬度"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "列出選擇的發佈者於起始頁"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "初始區段值"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "啟用隨打即搜尋"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "應用程式初始高度"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "應用程式水平分隔線初始位置"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "應用程式垂直分隔線初始位置"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "應用程式初始寬度"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "初始區段值"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "初始顯示篩選值"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "最新輸出選擇路徑"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "讓套件管理者套用此最新的發佈者"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "完全尋找的最多紀錄"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "啟動時顯示起始頁面"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "起始頁面更新 URL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "開始於搜尋模式"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-"從中將更新擷取到 [套裝軟體管理員] 起始頁面的位置。"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "從中將更新擷取到 [套裝軟體管理員] 起始頁面的位置。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "從套件管理員最新選擇輸出的路徑。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 webinstall.py 訊號"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] "\n"
+       " 新增發佈者\n"
+msgstr[1] "\n"
+       " 新增發佈者\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "所有指定的發佈者已建立於系統中。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] "\n"
+       " 安裝套件\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "安裝套裝軟體\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (無法進行)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "<b>只有</b> 如果你信任這個發佈者,請按下進行下一步"
+msgstr[1] "<b>只有</b> 如果你信任這些發佈者,請按下進行下一步"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "發佈者發生錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "以下發佈者被停用:\n"
+msgstr[1] "以下發佈者被停用:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s:"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "只會在您信任這些新儲存庫時繼續"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "儲存庫錯誤"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "API 錯誤"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "錯誤"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "讀取 p5i 檔案時發生錯誤。"
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] "\n"
+       "按下OK後在安裝過程之前將會啟用此發佈者。當此過程完成時,它將會再次停用。"
+msgstr[1] "\n"
+       "按下OK後在安裝過程之前將會啟用此發佈者。當此過程完成時,它將會再次停用。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "停用發佈者"
+msgstr[1] "停用發佈者"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "無法增加 %s。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "未指定 URI"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "網路安裝程序錯誤"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"系統中找不到 <b>libbe</b> 程式庫。\n"
+       "系統中找不到 <b>libbe</b> 程式庫。\n"
+       "管理啟動環境的所有功能全數停用"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
-msgstr "BE 管理"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+msgstr "啟動環境BE 管理"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 beadmin.py 訊號"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "啟動環境確認"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "正在載入啟動環境資訊"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
-msgstr "正在擷取 BE 項目..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+msgstr "正在擷取 啟動環境(BE) 項目..."
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "啟動環境"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "已建立"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "大小"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "重新開機時為使用中狀態"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "刪除"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "正在套用變更"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "正在套用變更,請稍候..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "重新啟動時處於使用中狀態:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "刪除啟動環境:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "重新命名啟動環境:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "在重開機時啟動\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "刪除\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "重新命名\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr "命名為"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>使用中啟動環境無法變更為:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>無法刪除啟動環境:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>無法重新命名啟動環境:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s <b>變更為</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "BE 錯誤"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>libbe</b> 程式庫無法準備啟動環境清單。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "<b>libbe</b> 程式庫無法準備啟動環境清單。\n"
+       "管理啟動環境的所有功能全數停用"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%y-%m-%d %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "正在準備..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "正在下載..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "正在安裝..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 installupdate.py 訊號"
@@ -2058,44 +2043,32 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "取消中..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "BE 名稱正在使用中"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "BE 名稱無效"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "正在確認 %s 是否為最新狀態..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "資產管理異常:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "請檢查網路連線。\n"
+       "可否存取儲存庫?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2103,80 +2076,98 @@
 msgstr ""
+       "請檢查網路連線。\n"
+       "可否存取儲存庫?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+msgstr "\n"
+       "無法連接到一個有效的套件儲存庫。請檢查您的網頁瀏覽器與網路連線設定。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg(5) 似乎已過期,\n"
-"而且應在執行 [全部更新] 之前先予更新。\n"
-"請更新 SUNWipkg 套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5) 似乎已過期,\n"
+       "而且應在執行 [全部更新] 之前先予更新。\n"
+       "請更新 SUNWipkg 套裝軟體"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "無法移除:\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "因為下列套裝軟體依賴它:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-"此問題的根源通常是執行 %s 時,對\n"
-" pfexec 或 gksu 使用不一致。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "\n"
+       "此問題的根源通常是執行 %s 時,對\n"
+       " pfexec 或 gksu 使用不一致。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "\n"
+       "若要重建索引,請使用終端機指令:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+       "安裝期間曾發生錯誤。搜尋\n"
+       "索引已毀壞。您可執行下列指令,\n"
+       "嘗試修復此問題:\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "此為「即時影像」。\n"
+       "無法執行安裝作業。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "在Live Image上此要求的作業無法影響、更改這些檔案。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2184,12 +2175,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"無法完成。您可能要重新啟動 %s,\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "安裝期間曾發生錯誤。\n"
+       "遺失作業的規劃,而且作業\n"
+       "無法完成。您可能要重新啟動 %s,\n"
+       "嘗試修復此問題\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2197,319 +2188,309 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"無法完成。您可能要重新啟動 %s,\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "安裝期間曾發生錯誤。\n"
+       "影像的狀態不正確,而且作業\n"
+       "無法完成。您可能要重新啟動 %s,\n"
+       "嘗試修復此問題\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "不支援「指定 BE 名稱」。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "無效的 BE 名稱:%s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "正在更新 %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "正在執行..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "正在收集套裝軟體資訊,請稍候..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "蒐集套件資訊中,請等待..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "已安裝所有套裝軟體。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-"請按一下 [全部更新] 以更新所有套裝軟體。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "選取的套裝軟體無法自行更新。\n"
+       "請按一下 [全部更新] 以更新所有套裝軟體。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "您的系統已更新。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "未提供其他資訊"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "\n"
+       "錯誤:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr "- 失敗</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 階段發生了不明錯誤。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "異常值:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+msgstr "在 %s 階段有一個未知的錯誤發生。\n"
+       "請呈報此BUG(包含錯誤訊息細節),讓此軟體開發者知道這個問題:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "異常追蹤訊息:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "已下載 %(current)s 個 (共 %(total)s 個)"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "安裝期間目錄更新失敗。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "全部更新期間目錄更新失敗。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "安裝已成功完成。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "套裝軟體已成功移除。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "套裝軟體已成功更新。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg版本:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "發佈者設定項目列表"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "安裝完全成功"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "套裝軟體移除成功"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "套裝軟體更新成功"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-"請按一下 [確定] 管理您現有的 BE 並釋放磁碟空間,或按一下 [取消]"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "沒有足夠的磁碟空間,無法執行選取的動作。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "請按一下 [確定] 管理您現有的 BE 並釋放磁碟空間,或按一下 [取消]"
+       "以取消該動作。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "磁碟空間不足"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "要更新的套裝軟體:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "要安裝的套裝軟體:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "要移除的套裝軟體:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "%d 個套裝軟體 (共 %d 個):%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "正在計算:%s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "管理發佈者確認"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 repository.py 訊號"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "新增儲存庫"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>新儲存庫</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "儲存庫名稱"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "發佈者"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "別名"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "喜好的"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "已啟用"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "無法停用 %s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "無法啟用 %s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "無法停用 %s。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "無法啟用 %s。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-"請檢查網路連線或 URL。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "名稱內含無效的字元"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "名稱已在使用中"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "增加發佈者"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "中止...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "移除發佈者 %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "發佈者 %s 成功移除\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "增加發佈者 %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "更新發佈者 %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "發佈者 %s 增加成功\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "發佈者 %s 更新成功\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "停用發佈者:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "啟用發佈者:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "刪除發佈者:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "停用"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "啟用"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s 發佈者 %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr "鏡像站與儲存庫 URL\n"
+       "一定要是http或https協定。"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "需要指定SSL URL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "不需要指定SSL URL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "發佈者 URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "描述:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "發佈者發生錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "指定 SSL 金鑰檔案"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "指定 SSL 憑證檔案"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "URL 無效"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "不需要指定SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "指定路徑中找不到SSL金鑰"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "指定路徑中找不到SSL驗證"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "儲存庫"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "啟動"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
 msgstr "註冊"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "新增儲存庫"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "無法增加 %s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "無法增加 %s。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "無法刪除 %s。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "指定 SSL 金鑰檔案"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "指定 SSL 憑證檔案"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "儲存庫錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "鏡像站台名稱"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "啟用發佈者"
+msgstr[1] "啟用發佈者"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "停用發佈者"
+msgstr[1] "停用發佈者"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
+       "動作「%3$(action)s」中的套裝軟體「%2$(fmri)s」出現不明的動作類型「%1$(type)s」"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
@@ -2523,9 +2504,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"位置 %2$(pos)d 中的套裝軟體「%1$(fmri)s」出現異常的動作:\n"
-"    %3$(action)s\n"
+       "位置 %2$(pos)d 中的套裝軟體「%1$(fmri)s」出現異常的動作:\n"
+       "    %3$(action)s\n"
+       "%4$(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
 #, python-format
@@ -2534,9 +2515,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"位置 %(pos)d 出現異常的動作:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "位置 %(pos)d 出現異常的動作:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
@@ -2548,17 +2529,23 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "無效的動作「%(action)s」:%(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "未提供所需的屬性「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "未提供所需的屬性「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr "套件 '%(fmri)s' :無效的套件狀態修改,在嘗試 '%(states)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2566,737 +2553,921 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-"無法在 %s 上運作,\n"
-"因為權限不足。請使用 pfexec 再次嘗試"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "無法在 %s 上運作,\n"
+       "因為權限不足。請使用 pfexec 再次嘗試"
+       "指令,\n"
+       "或增加權限。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"使用 pfexec 再次嘗試指令,或增加權限。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "\n"
+       "無法完成作業,因為權限不足。"
+       "請\n"
+       "使用 pfexec 再次嘗試指令,或增加權限。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-"無法在 %s 上運作,\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "無法在 %s 上運作,\n"
+       "因為檔案正在使用中。請停止使用該檔案,並再次\n"
+       "嘗試作業。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "無法完成作業。由於 %s:唯讀的檔案系統"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "無法完成作業:唯讀的檔案系統"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "下列樣式不符合目前目錄中的任何套裝軟體。\n"
+       "請嘗試放寬樣式,重新整理和/或檢查目錄:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "「%s」不符合已安裝的任何套裝軟體"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "「%s」是非法的 fmri"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "下列套裝軟體違反限制:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "「%s」支援下列架構:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "影像架構定義為:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' 相依於舊套件 '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr "此要求的作業無法執行。由於以下這些套件尚未安裝在系統中:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr "此要求的作業無法執行。由於以下這些套件已經安裝在系統中:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr "此FMRI '%s' 不包含發佈者資訊,並且不能讓資料庫的作業使用。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr "資料庫meta_root '%(root)s' 無效。無法完成作業: '%(op)s' 。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "以下資料庫檔案的權限不正確:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s : 預計模式: %(emode)s ,找到模式: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "在 '%s' 資料庫檔案的驗證資料並不是有效的"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr "資料庫 '%s' 提供的更新數據,系統無法辨識其更新需求。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr "無法執行資料庫 %(name)s 的 '%(op)s' 作業。完成時會導致套件 '%(fmri)s' 有重複的資料紀錄"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "資料庫更新作業只能應用在存於磁碟上的資料庫。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "資料庫檔案 '%s' 是無效的。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr "資料庫 '%s' 提供的更新數據,系統無法辨識其更新需求。你指定的資料庫更新版本是比較舊的而不能被使用。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' 在資料庫中找不到。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "未知的資料庫更新形式"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "無法辨識的、未知的或無效的資料庫部份 '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"在目前發佈者的任何目錄中,都無法為下列 FMIR 找到"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "在目前發佈者的任何目錄中,都無法為下列 FMIR 找到"
+       "相符的套裝軟體:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (沒有找到符合的)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (有沒符合的發佈者)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (沒有符合的版本)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "在URL %s 的搜尋傳回:無結果。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "某些伺服器無法正確地回應:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s 沒有傳回一個有效的傳回值"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "部份伺服器不支援需求的搜尋作業"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr "無法使用索引來提昇查詢效能.\n"
+       "請使用指令 'pkg rebuild-index' 來重建索引, 以提昇查詢速度."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "搜尋伺服器不支援此協定:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "指定之檔案的格式無法辨識,或未包含有效的"
+       "發佈者資訊:%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "指定之檔案的格式無法辨識,或未包含有效的"
+       "發佈者資訊。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "不受支援的 pkg(5) 發佈者資訊資料格式。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+       "從「%s」擷取資料時發生錯誤:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "從下列位置擷取資料時發生錯誤:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的位置。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "「%s」不是有效的啟動環境名稱。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的啟動環境名稱"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "啟動環境 '%s' 已經存在。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-"此版本的 OpenSolaris 不支援在套裝軟體安裝期間\n"
-"命名啟動環境。請在不使用 --be-name 選項的情況下執行 image-update。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "此版本的 OpenSolaris 不支援在套裝軟體安裝期間\n"
+       "命名啟動環境。請在不使用 --be-name 選項的情況下執行 image-update。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "無法複製目前的啟動環境。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-"嘗試將目前名稱為 %(orig)s 的啟動環境\n"
-"重新命名為 %(dest)s 時發生問題。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "嘗試將目前名稱為 %(orig)s 的啟動環境\n"
+       "重新命名為 %(dest)s 時發生問題。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "無法將 %(name)s 掛載於 %(mt)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "不允許在操作非實況影像時命名\n"
+       "啟動環境。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "「資訊」無法辨識下列選項:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "某些伺服器無法正確地回應:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:%(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s:逾時\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:%(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-"    %(o)s:無法讀取 HTTP 回應的狀態:%(l)s\n"
-"        這很可能不是 pkg(5) 儲存庫。請檢查 URL 與"
-"        連接埠號碼。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s:從主機讀取不完整"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:%(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s:通訊端逾時"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:通訊端錯誤,原因:%(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:%(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s 似乎不是有效的套裝軟體庫房。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-"若要改善,請執行「pkg rebuild-index」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的發佈者名稱。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "「%(value)s」不是儲存庫屬性「%(attribute)s」的有效值。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的儲存庫集合類型。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的 URI。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的 URI 優先權;預期為整數值。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的儲存庫 URI 排序策略。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "發佈者「%s」已停用,且無法用於封裝作業。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "與「%s」具有相同名稱或別名的發佈者已存在。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-"發佈者「%s」已存在相同名稱或原始 URI 的"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "發佈者「%s」已存在相同名稱或原始 URI 的"
+       "儲存庫。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "指定的儲存庫已存在鏡像「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "指定的儲存庫已存在原始「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "無法移除喜好的發佈者。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "無法移除發佈者選取的儲存庫。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "發佈者「%s」已停用,且無法設定為喜好的發佈者。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr "首選的發佈者不能停用。在此發佈者被停用前,必須先將其他發佈者設定成首選發佈者。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的合法 URI「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的發佈者「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的相關 URI「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的儲存庫「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的儲存庫鏡像「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "發佈者 '%s' 沒有支援 '%s' 作業的儲存庫"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "不明的儲存庫原始「%s」"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "URI「%(uri)s」包含不受支援的方案「%(scheme)s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "指定的 URI 包含不受支援的方案。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "「%2$(scheme)s」不支援「%1$(attr)s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」"
+       "已過期。請安裝有效的憑證。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」已過期。請安裝"
+       "有效的憑證。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」已過期。請"
+       "安裝有效的憑證。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "憑證「%s」已過期。請安裝有效的憑證。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」將於"
+       "「%4$(days)s」天後到期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」將於「%3$(days)s」天後"
+       "到期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」將於「%3$(days)"
+       "s」天後到期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "憑證「%(cert)s」將於「%(days)s」天後到期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」"
+       "無效。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」無效。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」無效。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "無效的憑證「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr "無法找到發佈者 '%(pub)s' 需要存取 '%(uri)s' 的金鑰 '%(key)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "無法找到發佈者 '%(pub)s' 的金鑰 '%(key)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "無法找到需要存取 '%(uri)s' 的金鑰 '%(key)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "無法找到金鑰 '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "找不到存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "找不到發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "找不到存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "找不到憑證「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1%(cert)s」"
+       "具有未來生效日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」具有未來生效日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」具有未來生效"
+       "日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "憑證「%s」具有未來生效日期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "提供的回應錯誤:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "找不到 %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "套件 '%s' 顯示的驗證資料是無效的。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "顯示的驗證資料是無效的。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr "已經有存一個影像檔在: %s.\n"
+       "使用-f選項來覆蓋舊檔."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr "指定的影像路徑不是空的: %s.\n"
+       "可使用 -f (force) 覆寫之。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg:無法建立自動快照。已停用 pkg 回復。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg:執行 %2$s 時發生系統錯誤 %1$s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg:執行此指令 %(cmd)s 產生一個系統錯誤訊息 %(e)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
-msgstr ""
-"回覆碼為 %d。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
+msgstr "pkg: '%(cmd)s 錯誤。\n"
+       "回傳碼: %(ret)d"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg:無法啟動 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg:無法卸載 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A clone of %s exists and has been updated and activated.\n"
 "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"複製的 %s 已存在,並且已更新及啟動。\n"
-"啟動環境 %s 下次啟動時,會掛載於「/」上。\n"
-"準備好可切換至此更新版 BE 時,請重新開機。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+msgstr "\n"
+       "複製的 %s 已存在,並且已更新及啟動。\n"
+       "啟動環境 %s 下次啟動時,會掛載於「/」上。\n"
+       "準備好可切換至此更新版 BE 時,請重新開機。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s 已成功更新"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-"它掛載於 %s。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       "未修改執行中的系統,只修改了複製的"
+       "執行中系統。如果您要檢視此複製,"
+       "它掛載於 %s。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg:無法回復 BE %s 和復原影像"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s 無法更新。未對 %s 進行任何變更。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg:無法銷毀快照 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg:無法建立 BE %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg:無法將 BE %s 掛載於 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg:無法掛載啟動環境BE %(name)s 於 %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
-msgstr ""
-"無法更新啟動環境 %s。系統在嘗試失敗前已拍下快照並掛載於此 %s。"
-"如果您要啟動至此 BE,則請使用「beadm unmount %s」,"
-"再使用「beadm activate %s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
+msgstr "啟動環境 %(name)s 更新失敗。此嘗試失敗前,已建立一個快照,並掛載於此處:%(clone_dir)s \n"
+       "如果您想要啟動此BE,請使用 'beadm unmount %(clone_name)s',然後執行 'beadm active %(clone_name)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
-msgstr ""
-"無法更新啟動環境 %s。系統在嘗試失敗前已拍下快照,"
-"且已進行復原,因此未對 %s 進行任何變更。"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "此伺服器不是有效的套裝軟體庫房。"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+msgstr "無法更新啟動環境 %s。系統在嘗試失敗前已拍下快照,"
+       "且已進行復原,因此未對 %s 進行任何變更。"
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "估算前:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "估算後:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "SUNWipkg 更新檢查失敗。"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-"索引已毀壞或過期。正在移除舊的索引目錄 (%s) 並"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "索引已毀壞或過期。正在移除舊的索引目錄 (%s) 並"
+       "重建搜尋索引。"
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "可寫入的根無法以目前使用者 ID 或群組寫入。"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "無法寫入索引目錄。"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "目前儲存庫 (名稱與描述)(_C)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "搜尋目前儲存庫 (名稱與描述)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "所有儲存庫 (完全符合)(_A)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "搜尋所有儲存庫 (完全符合)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"正在檢查 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui 版本\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr "GUI 將不回應任何事件!%s。檢查 declare_signals()"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "所有的儲存庫搜尋結果"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "全部"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "所有套裝軟體"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "已安裝的套裝軟體"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "更新"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "套件未安裝"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "選取的套裝軟體"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "增加..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "全部的發佈者(搜尋)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "輸出選擇確認"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>輸出以下所列成網頁型安裝 .p5i 檔案:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI將不會回應任何事件! %s 。檢查declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "輸出選擇錯物"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "輸出選擇"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i檔案"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "所有檔案"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "我的套件"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "尋找 (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><H2>歡迎使用套裝軟體管理員!</H2><br><font "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "正在載入..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>歡迎使用套裝軟體管理員!</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>警告:無法載入「起始頁面」:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "傳回失敗"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "無效的傳回值"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "有效的傳回值並未傳回"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "不支援搜尋"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "讀取... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "已停止"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "完成"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3306,332 +3477,410 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
-"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
-"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
-"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>警告:無法載入 URL</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "未指定 URI"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>警告:無法載入 URL</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "檢視此處套件:%(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "尋找此之內 %(s1)s 所有發佈者 %(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "變更檢視至 %(s1)s 所有套件 %(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "列出 %(s1)s 的幫助搜尋 %(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "讀取 %(s1)s 的幫助搜尋 %(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "不支援空動作"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "不支援的動作:%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "請按此選項"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "名稱"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "狀態"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "儲存庫"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "說明"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "可用更新"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "所有選項"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "未安裝"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "可用更新"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "擷取描述"
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "所有類別"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "中介套裝軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "應用程式"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "桌面 (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "開發"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "發行軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "驅動程式"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "Web 服務"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "所有套裝軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "已安裝的套裝軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "未安裝的套裝軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "選取的套裝軟體"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "搜尋全部的發佈者"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "搜尋目前的發佈者"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr "alt='[Information]' title='資訊' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>尋找所有發佈者</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> 點選以下發佈者來檢視它們的套件列表: </TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr "alt='[Information]' title='資訊' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>搜尋結果</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] "所有套件中找到 <b>%(num)s</b> 符合的套件 <b>%(text)s</b> \n"
+       "以此過濾檢視 <b>%(filter)s</b> 使部份未列出。"
+msgstr[1] "所有套件中找到 <b>%(num)s</b> 符合的套件 <b>%(text)s</b> \n"
+       "以此過濾檢視 <b>%(filter)s</b> 使部份未列出。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>建議:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'> 按此變更檢視成 <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>所有套件</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr "alt='[Information]' title='資訊' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>搜尋結果</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>沒有找到套件<b>%(pub)s</b> 符合 <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>建議:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>請檢查您的文字拼寫</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>嘗試新搜尋條件</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'> 搜尋 <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>所有發佈者</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>請看 <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>搜尋幫助</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='警告' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>搜尋警告</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>只使用匹配字符搜尋 <b>*</b>, "
+       "並不在所有發佈者中支援</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>建議:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>嘗試新的搜尋條件</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "所有發佈者"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+msgstr "無法的到搜尋結果狀態。\n"
+       "資料庫未被讀取。\n"
+       "請之後再嘗試。\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "清除搜尋"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "正在擷取合法資訊..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "增加..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "正在重新整理分類"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "正在重新整理分類..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "刷新套件資料庫資訊"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "全部"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "讀取套件列表"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "無法瀏覽至:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "已選取要移除的項目:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "已選取要安裝/更新的項目:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "標記核取方塊以選取套裝軟體\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "套裝軟體名稱"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "正在擷取說明..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "正在擷取資訊..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(未安裝)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "無"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "名稱\t相依性\t已安裝的版本\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "未提供此套裝軟體的說明..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "\n"
+       "這可能是由存取儲存庫時發生的網路問題所造成的。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "未提供此套裝軟體的檔案詳細資訊..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "未提供此套裝軟體的相依性資訊..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "未提供此套裝軟體的資訊..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "根:%s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "相依性:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "摘要:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "大小:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "類別:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "已安裝的版本:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "最新的版本:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "封裝日期:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "儲存庫:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "無"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "不可用"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "由於格式轉換問題,授權內容無法顯示"
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "選擇的發佈者內沒有內含任何套件。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "全部: %(total)s  選擇: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "尋找 %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s pour %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "搜尋中:%(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d 符合的套件找到 %(s1)s(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+       "網路問題。\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "詳細資訊:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr "個分類已成功更新:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "不明的錯誤"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "正在處理套裝軟體項目:%d 個 (共 %d 個)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "正在載入儲存庫資訊"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "正在擷取套裝軟體項目..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "正在搜尋..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s:找到前 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s:已找到 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "已列出 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "已選取 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "已安裝 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s:%s、%s、%s。"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s 資料庫更新成功:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+       "現在已完成「全部更新」動作,「套裝軟體管理員」將會關閉。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "重新啟動系統之前,請先檢閱以下網址公佈的版本說明:\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "全部更新完成"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "儲存選取的項目..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "儲存選取的套裝軟體..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
+       "所安裝的套裝軟體要求先重新開機,然後才能完成"
+       "安裝。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "gtk無法初始化"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3639,14 +3888,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3654,153 +3904,313 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
-msgstr ""
-"        pkgsend [選項] 指令 [cmd 選項] [運算元]\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
-"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-"        pkgsend add 動作引數\n"
-"        pkgsend import [-T 檔案樣式] 束檔案 ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d 基底目錄] 清單 ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-"        -s repo_uri     目標儲存庫 URI\n"
-"        --help or -?    顯示用法訊息\n"
-"        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+msgstr "用法:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [選單] command [指令選單] [運算元]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "套件子指令:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <區域屬性>=<數值>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile...\n"
+       "pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "選單:\n"
+       "        -s 套件庫URI位址     目標儲存庫URI\n"
+       "        --help or -?       列出使用方式資訊\n"
+       "\n"
+       "環境:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "屬性參數一定要是此種形式 '<部份屬性>=<數值>'"
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr "指定無效的儲存庫設定值:遺失--set-property參數或需要的數值。\n"
+       "請使用正確的--set-property使用方式與數值。"
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "只可以指定 -e 或 -n"
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "執行 open 指令需要一個套裝軟體名稱"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "使用 -t 時或在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中沒有指定作業事件 ID。"
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "$PKG_TRANS_ID 中沒有指定作業事件 ID"
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "未為子指令指定引數。"
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "必須為此動作提供檔案名稱。"
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "子命令沒有指定fmri參數"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "行 %d:遺失路徑"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "行 %s:檔案 %s 找不到"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "行 %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
 msgstr "指令沒有運算元"
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "只可以指定 -e 或 -n"
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "執行 open 指令需要一個套裝軟體名稱"
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "使用 -t 時或在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中沒有指定作業事件 ID。"
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "$PKG_TRANS_ID 中沒有指定作業事件 ID"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "未為子指令指定引數。"
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "必須為此動作提供檔案名稱。"
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend:非法全域選項 -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "非法 %s 選項 -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgrecv -s 伺服器 [-d 目錄] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s 伺服器 -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "無法開啟清單:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "無法從下列位置下載檔案:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "無法建立目錄:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "從下列位置讀取時發生錯誤:%s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "無法擷取檔案:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "無法從 %2$s下載清單 %1$s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "無法開啟檔案:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "從下列位置讀取時發生錯誤:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "寫入下列位置時發生錯誤:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "無法從下列位置下載分類:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "從下列位置讀取時發生錯誤:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "非法選項 -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "必須指定伺服器"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "非法選單值 -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "a source repository must be provided"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n 沒有選項"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "必須至少指定一個 pkgfmri"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s 是非法的 fmri:%(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "沒有要擷取的檔案。"
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "使用pkgsend指令建立一個儲存庫"
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+       "or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+       "the repository or create a new one."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "無法建立主目錄 '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "修復套件內容 ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "重新發佈 %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "刷新儲存庫搜尋索引 ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
-msgstr ""
-"如果設為 True,則當有更新可用時,面板旁的「通知區域」"
+msgstr "如果設為 True,則當有更新可用時,面板旁的「通知區域」"
+       "會顯示說明可用更新的文字訊息。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
@@ -3811,8 +4221,8 @@
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
+       "檢查更新的頻率。有效值為"
+       "每日檢查、每週檢查、每月檢查或永遠不檢查"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
@@ -3827,16 +4237,16 @@
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
+       "在啟動之後或在檢查更新之前,"
+       "更新管理員通知程式應等待的秒數。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"如果設為 True,則在使用者啟動通知區域中的圖示"
+       "如果設為 True,則在使用者啟動通知區域中的圖示"
+       "之後,更新管理員通知程式會終止。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
@@ -3855,8 +4265,8 @@
 msgstr "安裝可用的更新"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "更新管理員"
@@ -3876,9 +4286,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "完成時關閉對話方塊(_F)"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "索引"
@@ -3886,13 +4294,13 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "安裝更新"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
-"選取您要更新的套裝軟體,然後按一下 [安裝]。"
+       "下列套裝軟體有更新可用。\n"
+       "選取您要更新的套裝軟體,然後按一下 [安裝]。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3910,6 +4318,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "選取所有更新(_S)"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "有更新可用時通知使用者"
@@ -3918,383 +4338,833 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "更新管理員通知程式"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "正在擷取分類:「%s」..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "正在擷取分類"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "正在建立計劃..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "正在建立計劃"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "正在驗證:%s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "驗證中"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "已完成"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 updatemanager.py 訊號"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "估算"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "估算 - 取消中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "下載 - 取消中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "估算 - 失敗"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "下載 - 失敗"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "安裝 - 失敗"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "索引 - 失敗"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-"按一下 [全部更新] 可以建立新的啟動環境並於該處安裝"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "下列套裝軟體有更新可用。\n"
+       "按一下 [全部更新] 可以建立新的啟動環境並於該處安裝"
+       "所有套裝軟體。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "最新版本"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "大小 (MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "計數:%d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "錯誤\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "「%s」不是安裝影像\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "版本不相符:預期為 %s,卻收到 %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr "<b>您沒有足夠的權限。</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "請使用pfexec重新啟動pm-updatemanager。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>沒有可用的更新。</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"大小:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"儲存庫:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s 不是有效的影像,正在嘗試根影像"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s 不是有效的根影像,傳回「無」"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-"正在擷取 %s 的詳細資訊..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "\n"
+       "正在擷取 %s 的詳細資訊..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "正在安裝更新"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "錯誤"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "無法更新下列加入的套裝軟體:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "更新時使用 [全部更新]\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-"已於 %1.f 分鐘內成功完成 [全部更新]\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-"已於不超過 1 分鐘的時間成功完成 [全部更新]\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "\n"
+       "沒有提供詳細資訊"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "全部更新成功完成。花了 %d 分鐘"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "全部更新成功完成。花了 %d 秒"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "在重新開機前,再檢視投遞出的釋出紀錄:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "[全部更新] 完成"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "未選擇任何要更新的項目。"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "更新中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "安裝計劃時出現更新錯誤:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "更新未預期的 API 錯誤:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "更新未預期的錯誤:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "要安裝的套裝軟體:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "更新"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "已成功完成更新。"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 下載失敗:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s 已超過可用的磁碟空間"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s 發生未預期的錯誤:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 執行計劃失敗:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"按一下 [確定] 管理您現有的 BE 並釋放磁碟空間,或按一下 [取消]"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "沒有足夠的磁碟空間,無法執行「全部更新」動作。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "按一下 [確定] 管理您現有的 BE 並釋放磁碟空間,或按一下 [取消]"
+       "以取消「全部更新」。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "磁碟空間不足"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d:\t檔案 %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d 個動作"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "索引\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d 個動作"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "正在檢查新軟體"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "有更新可用"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "有更新可用\n"
+       "請按一下圖示以更新。"
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "正在執行 UpdateManagerNotify 的其他實例"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5) 資訊檔"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "版本不符合:預期版本 %d , 得到版本 %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s 不是一個安裝影像"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "API 錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "            大小:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "            類別:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "已安裝:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "可用版本:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "最新版本:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "發佈者:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "是,%(version)s (建造 %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "可用的更新:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "資料庫重整錯誤:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "只有 $s 在 %s 資料庫之外的更新成功"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "恢復資料庫 '%s' ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "擷取資料庫 ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "讀取資料快取 ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "刷新資料庫"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "刷新資料庫 %s 完成\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "正在計算:%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "已下載 %(current)s 個 (共 %(total)s 個)"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "%d 個套裝軟體 (共 %d 個):%s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "遺失類型屬性"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "遺失fmri屬性"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "相依動作中有不明的類型 (%s)"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "空路徑屬性"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "無此檔案: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' 並不是檔案。"
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "授權內容檔案 %s 並不存在。"
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "混雜:'%(found)s' 應該是 '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "不明的資訊需求形式: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "不明的img_path形式。"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "移除階段"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "安裝階段"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "更新階段"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "索引階段"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "恢復資料庫 '%s' ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "擷取資料庫"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "讀取資料快取"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "刷新資料庫"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "找不到 %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "相依性子分類一定執行dep_key。目前分類: %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s had this elf error:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FRMI '%s' 遺失版本資訊。"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "讀取存在的索引"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "索引套件"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "屬性值 '%s' 不是 'true' 或 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "遺失版本號"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "無效的版本"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "無效的儲存庫位址: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr "無法初始化交易:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "不是一個絕對路徑。"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "無法解讀查詢。"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "問題發生: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "儲存庫目錄不完全"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "指定的FMRI '%s' 是無效的。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "交易ID '%s' 已經開啟"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "舊套件不能包含'set'以外的動作"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "重新命名的套件不能包含'set'和'depend'以外的動作"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "重新命名的套件至少包含'depend'動作。"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "找不到清單檔案 %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr "無法解析清單 %(manifest)s ,由於以下幾行:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o 參數不能與 -d 或 -s 參數一起使用"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "「%s」不是安裝影像"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "無法處理一或多個顯示。因為"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "無法開啟 %s 來回傳顯示"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "無法開啟寫入所需的輸出檔案"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "輸出檔 %s 不存在也無法建立。\n"
+       "錯誤訊息: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "產生子命令不使用 -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr "檔案管理員無法 %(cre)s %(ent)s ,因為設定狀態是唯讀。"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "檔案管理員無法產生 '%s' 或包含它的目錄。"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr "找到以下路徑但無法被紀錄進任何已知的布局中:\n"
+       "%s"
--- a/src/po/zh_TW.po	Thu Dec 17 09:20:16 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/po/zh_TW.po	Thu Dec 17 09:34:16 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
@@ -24,18 +24,23 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 16:15+0900\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../client.py:117
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+       "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+       "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-13 13:24+0900\n"
+       "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+       "Last-Translator: FULL NAME &lt;EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+       "Language-Team: LANGUAGE &lt;[email protected]>\n"
+       "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+       "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+       "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+#. The full usage message isn't desired.
+#: ../client.py:126
+msgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
+msgstr "請使用 `pkg --help or -?' 來獲得更多資訊"
+#: ../client.py:129
 msgid ""
 "        pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
@@ -58,9 +63,12 @@
 "            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
 "        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
+"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
 "            [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance>]\n"
 "            (-p|--publisher) name=uri dir\n"
+"        pkg change-variant [-nvq] [--be-name name] "
+"            [<variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
 "        pkg set-property propname propvalue\n"
 "        pkg unset-property propname ...\n"
@@ -82,751 +90,685 @@
 "        PKG_IMAGE"
-msgstr ""
-"        pkg [選項] 指令 [cmd 選項] [運算元]\n"
-"        pkg install [-nvq] [--no-refresh] [--no-index] 套裝軟體...\n"
-"        pkg uninstall [-nrvq] [--no-index] 套裝軟體...\n"
-"        pkg list [-Hafsuv] [--no-refresh] [套裝軟體...]\n"
-"        pkg image-update [-fnvq] [--be-name 名稱] [--no-refresh] [--no-"
-"        pkg refresh [--full] [發佈者 ...]\n"
-"        pkg version\n"
-"        pkg info [-lr] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg search [-alprI] [-s 伺服器] 查詢\n"
-"        pkg verify [-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg fix [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg contents [-Hmr] [-o 屬性 ...] [-s sort_key]\n"
-"            [-t action_type ... ] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n"
-"        pkg image-create [-fFPUz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--"
-"            [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh] \n"
-"            [--variant <variant_spec>=<實例>]\n"
-"            (-p|--publisher) 名稱=uri 目錄\n"
-"        pkg set-property 特性名稱 特性值\n"
-"        pkg unset-property 特性名稱 ...\n"
-"        pkg property [-H] [特性名稱 ...]\n"
-"        pkg set-publisher [-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
-"            [-O origin_uri] [-m mirror_to_add | --add-mirror=mirror_to_add]\n"
-"            [-M mirror_to_remove | --remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove]\n"
-"            [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh] [--reset-uuid] 發佈者\n"
-"        pkg unset-publisher 發佈者 ...\n"
-"        pkg publisher [-HPa] [發佈者 ...]\n"
-"        pkg history [-Hl]\n"
-"        pkg purge-history\n"
-"        pkg rebuild-index\n"
-"        -R 目錄\n"
-"        --help 或 -?\n"
-"        PKG_IMAGE"
-#: ../client.py:220
+msgstr "用法:\n"
+       "        pkg [選單] command [指令選單...] "
+#: ../client.py:234
 msgid "-s and -v may not be combined"
 msgstr "不能合併 -s 和 -v"
-#: ../client.py:316 ../client.py:1148 ../client.py:1425
+#: ../client.py:317 ../client.py:375
+msgid "known"
+msgstr "已知"
+#: ../client.py:319 ../client.py:377
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "已安裝"
+#: ../client.py:343 ../client.py:1325 ../client.py:1717
 msgid "no packages installed"
 msgstr "未安裝套裝軟體"
-#: ../client.py:323
+#: ../client.py:350
 msgid "No specified packages have available updates"
 msgstr "指定的套裝軟體沒有可用的更新"
-#: ../client.py:326
+#: ../client.py:353
 msgid "No installed packages have available updates"
 msgstr "安裝的套裝軟體沒有可用的更新"
-#: ../client.py:352
-#, python-format
-msgid "no packages matching '%s' %s"
-msgstr "沒有符合「%s」%s 的套裝軟體"
-#: ../client.py:395
+#: ../client.py:379
+#, python-format
+msgid "no packages matching '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+msgstr "找不到指定的套件 '%(pattern)s' %(state)s"
+#: ../client.py:423
 #, python-format
 msgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
 msgstr "已建立的 ZFS 快照:%s"
-#: ../client.py:425
-msgid "verify: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "verify:不能合併 -v 和 -q"
-#: ../client.py:480
+#: ../client.py:430
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "此執行要求 \"fix\" 將不會影響任何現有檔案 "
+       "在live image的情況下.\n"
+       "請嘗試在另一個開機環境下執行"
+#: ../client.py:461 ../client.py:776 ../client.py:858 ../client.py:926
+msgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "-v 與 -q 參數不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:514
 msgid ""
 "pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:490
+       "pkg:系統上沒有安裝符合您指定之下列樣式的\n"
+       "套裝軟體。\n"
+#: ../client.py:524
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "All other patterns matched installed packages.  %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:531
-msgid "image-update: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "image-update:不能合併 -v 和 -q"
-#: ../client.py:534
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "image-update:指令沒有運算元 (「%s」)"
-#: ../client.py:544 ../client.py:587
-#, python-format
-msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
-msgstr "沒有影像的根目錄位於「%s」"
-#: ../client.py:558 ../client.py:726
-msgid "No updates available for this image."
-msgstr "此影像沒有可用的更新。"
-#: ../client.py:561
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"image-update failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"執行 image-update 失敗 (資產管理異常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:581
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
-"running image-update.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"警告:pkg(5) 可能已過期,應在執行 image-update 前\n"
-#: ../client.py:583
-msgid ""
-"Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg' and then retry\n"
-"the image-update."
-msgstr ""
-"請使用「pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg」更新 pkg(5),然後重試 \n"
-#: ../client.py:611
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for image-update:"
-msgstr ""
-"準備執行 image-update 時,發生未預期的錯誤:"
-#: ../client.py:618
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-update failed: %s"
-msgstr "執行 image-update 失敗:%s"
-#: ../client.py:621
-msgid "image-update cannot be done on live image"
-msgstr "無法在即時影像上執行 image-update"
-#: ../client.py:643
+       "\n"
+       "所有其他樣式都符合安裝的套裝軟體。%s"
+#: ../client.py:552
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened during image-update: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"執行 image-update 期間,發生未預期的錯誤:%s"
-#: ../client.py:649
-msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
-msgstr "注意:請檢閱以下網址公佈的版本說明:\n"
-#: ../client.py:695
-msgid "install: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "install:至少需要一個套裝軟體名稱"
-#: ../client.py:698
-msgid "install: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "install:不能合併 -v 和 -q"
-#: ../client.py:713 ../client.py:849 ../client.py:1030 ../client.py:1612
-#: ../client.py:1697 ../client.py:1821 ../client.py:1875 ../client.py:2261
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
-msgstr "「%s」不是安裝影像"
-#: ../client.py:745
+"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
+msgstr "\n"
+       "一個預期外的錯誤發生在準備 %s:"
+#: ../client.py:561
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s 錯誤: %s"
+#: ../client.py:564
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
+msgstr "%s 不能在live image中執行"
+#: ../client.py:567
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
+"live image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "此執行要求 \"fix\" 將不會影響任何現有檔案 "
+       "在live image的情況下.\n"
+       "請嘗試在另一個開機環境下執行"
+#: ../client.py:599 ../client.py:603
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
+msgstr "\n"
+       "一個預期外的錯誤發生在此過程中 %s:"
+#: ../client.py:615 ../client.py:624
+#, python-format
+msgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
+msgstr "沒有影像的根目錄位於「%s」"
+#: ../client.py:627
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
+msgstr "%s 錯誤 (清單列表異常):\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:630
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"install failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"執行 install 失敗 (資產管理異常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:771 ../client.py:890
-msgid ""
-"An unexpected error happened while preparing for install:"
-msgstr ""
-"準備執行 install 時,發生未預期的錯誤:"
-#: ../client.py:780
-#, python-format
-msgid "installation failed: %s"
-msgstr "安裝失敗:%s"
-#: ../client.py:801
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during installation: %s"
-msgstr "安裝期間發生未預期的錯誤:%s"
-#: ../client.py:831
-msgid "uninstall: at least one package name required"
-msgstr "uninstall:至少需要一個套裝軟體名稱"
-#: ../client.py:834
-msgid "uninstall: -v and -q may not be combined"
-msgstr "uninstall:不能合併 -v 和 -q"
-#: ../client.py:857
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"uninstall failed (inventory exception):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"執行 uninstall 失敗 (資產管理異常):\n"
-#: ../client.py:899
-#, python-format
-msgid "uninstallation failed: %s"
-msgstr "解除安裝失敗:%s"
-#: ../client.py:918
-#, python-format
-msgid "An unexpected error happened during uninstallation: %s"
-msgstr "解除安裝期間發生未預期的錯誤:%s"
-#: ../client.py:938
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed result.\n"
-"The problematic structure: %r"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:959
+"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
+"running %s.  Please update pkg(5) using 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+"SUNWipkg' and then retry the %s."
+msgstr "警告: pkg(5) 發現過期的版本, 將在執行 %s \n"
+       "前進行更新。\n"
+       "  請更新 pkg(5) 使用此指令 'pfexec pkg install\n"
+       "SUNWipkg' 然後重試 %s."
+#: ../client.py:637
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
+msgstr "無法移除 '%s' 。因為此套件相依於:"
+#: ../client.py:688
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: -v and -q may not be combined"
+msgstr "%s: -v 與 -q 參數不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:691
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: no variants specified"
+msgstr "%s: 沒有指定變數(指令後面沒接對象)"
+#: ../client.py:697
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "%s: 變數一定要按照此種規則 '<名稱>=<數值>'"
+#: ../client.py:707
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
+msgstr "%s: 多重變數指定: %s"
+#: ../client.py:723 ../client.py:880
+msgid "No updates necessary for this image."
+msgstr "此影像沒有更新需求"
+#: ../client.py:779 ../client.py:2526
+#, python-format
+msgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
+msgstr "指令沒帶有運算元"
+#: ../client.py:796
+msgid "No updates available for this image."
+msgstr "此影像沒有可用的更新。"
+#: ../client.py:811
+msgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
+msgstr "注意:請檢閱以下網址公佈的版本說明:\n"
+#: ../client.py:855 ../client.py:923
+msgid "at least one package name required"
+msgstr "至少需要一個套件名稱"
+#: ../client.py:1039
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The server returned a malformed result.\n"
 "The problematic structure:%r"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:969
+       "伺服器傳回了異常的結果。\n"
+       "有問題的結構:%r"
+#: ../client.py:1045
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The server returned a malformed action.\n"
+"The server returned an invalid action.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:1008
+msgstr "伺服器傳回無效動作。\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:1101
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid server URL."
 msgstr "%s 不是有效的伺服器 URL。"
-#: ../client.py:1058
+#: ../client.py:1113
+msgid "at least one search term must be provided"
+msgstr "一定要提供至少一個搜尋條件"
+#: ../client.py:1124
+#, python-format
+msgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
+msgstr "動作級別選項 ('%s') 對於 -o 與 -p不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:1176
 #, python-format
 msgid "The server returned a malformed result:%r"
 msgstr "伺服器傳回了異常的結果:%r"
-#: ../client.py:1072 ../client.py:1082
+#: ../client.py:1187
+msgid ""
+"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
+msgstr "動作級別選項的 -o不能查詢傳回套件訊息"
+#: ../client.py:1244 ../client.py:1254
 msgid ""
 "The search index appears corrupted.  Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
 msgstr ""
-"搜尋索引似乎已毀壞。請使用「pkg rebuild-index」來重建"
-#: ../client.py:1116
-msgid "info: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "info:不能合併 -l 和 -r"
-#: ../client.py:1119
-msgid "info: must request remote info for specific packages"
-msgstr "info:必須要求特定套裝軟體的遠端資訊"
-#: ../client.py:1165 ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1250
+       "搜尋索引似乎已毀壞。請使用「pkg rebuild-index」來重建"
+       "索引。"
+#: ../client.py:1288 ../client.py:1679
+msgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
+msgstr "-l 與 -r 參數不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:1291
+msgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
+msgstr "必須要求套件遠端的資訊"
+#: ../client.py:1343
+msgid "Obsolete"
+msgstr "舊的"
+#: ../client.py:1345
+msgid "Renamed"
+msgstr "重新命名"
+#: ../client.py:1353 ../packagemanager.py:1529 ../packagemanager.py:2851
 msgid "Installed"
 msgstr "已安裝"
-#: ../client.py:1167
+#: ../client.py:1355 ../packagemanager.py:2853
 msgid "Not installed"
 msgstr "未安裝"
-#: ../client.py:1171
+#: ../client.py:1357
 msgid "          Name:"
 msgstr "            名稱:"
-#: ../client.py:1173
+#: ../client.py:1359
 msgid "       Summary:"
 msgstr "            摘要:"
-#: ../client.py:1176
+#: ../client.py:1361
+msgid "   Description:"
+msgstr "說明:"
+#: ../client.py:1371
 msgid "      Category:"
 msgstr "            類別:"
-#: ../client.py:1183
+#: ../client.py:1378
 msgid "         State:"
 msgstr "            狀態:"
+#: ../client.py:1381
+msgid "    Renamed to:"
+msgstr "         重新命名:"
 #. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
-#: ../client.py:1186
+#: ../client.py:1386
 msgid "     Publisher:"
 msgstr "     發佈者:"
-#: ../client.py:1187
+#: ../client.py:1387
 msgid "       Version:"
 msgstr "            版本:"
-#: ../client.py:1188
+#: ../client.py:1388
 msgid " Build Release:"
 msgstr "建置發行版本:"
-#: ../client.py:1189
+#: ../client.py:1389
 msgid "        Branch:"
 msgstr "            分支:"
-#: ../client.py:1190
+#: ../client.py:1390
 msgid "Packaging Date:"
 msgstr "      封裝日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1191
+#: ../client.py:1391
 msgid "          Size:"
 msgstr "            大小:"
-#: ../client.py:1192
+#: ../client.py:1392
 msgid "          FMRI:"
 msgstr "          FMRI:"
-#: ../client.py:1200 ../client.py:1530
+#: ../client.py:1400
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
 "installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
-msgstr ""
-"請嘗試指定 -r 以進行遠端查詢:"
-#: ../client.py:1204 ../client.py:1534
+msgstr "pkg: info: 系統已安裝套件中沒有找到你所指定的套件\n"
+       "請嘗試使用 -r 選項進行遠端查詢:"
+#: ../client.py:1404
 msgid ""
-"pkg: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
+"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
 "found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
 "examining the catalogs:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:1220 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:154
+msgstr "pkg: info: 系統套件資料庫中沒有找到你所指定的套件\n"
+       "請嘗試使用較寬鬆的查詢字串,或是\n"
+       "檢查您的套件資料庫:"
+#: ../client.py:1420 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:181
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
 msgstr "「%s」符合多個套裝軟體"
-#: ../client.py:1226
+#: ../client.py:1426
 msgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
 msgstr "找不到下列套裝軟體的授權資訊:"
-#: ../client.py:1381
-msgid "contents: -l and -r may not be combined"
-msgstr "contents:不能合併 -l 和 -r"
-#: ../client.py:1384
-msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
-msgstr "contents:必須要求特定套裝軟體的遠端內容"
-#: ../client.py:1398
-#, python-format
-msgid "contents: -m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
-msgstr "contents:不能同時指定 -m 和 %s"
-#: ../client.py:1403 ../client.py:1406
+#: ../client.py:1640
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
 msgstr "無效的屬性「%s」"
-#: ../client.py:1466 ../client.py:1472
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: '%s' matches multiple packages"
-msgstr "pkg:「%s」符合多個套裝軟體"
-#: ../client.py:1550
+#: ../client.py:1682
+msgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
+msgstr "contents:必須要求特定套裝軟體的遠端內容"
+#: ../client.py:1696
+#, python-format
+msgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
+msgstr "-m 與 -s 參數也許不用同時被指定"
+#: ../client.py:1759 ../client.py:1765
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: contents: '%s' matches multiple packages"
+msgstr "pkg: contents: '%s' 找到多個套件"
+#: ../client.py:1823
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"installed on the system.  Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
+msgstr "pkg: info: 系統已安裝套件中沒有找到你所指定的套件\n"
+       "請嘗試使用 -r 選項進行遠端查詢:"
+#: ../client.py:1827
+msgid ""
+"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
+"found in the catalog.  Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing, and/or\n"
+"examining the catalogs:"
+msgstr "pkg: info: 系統套件資料庫中沒有找到你所指定的套件\n"
+       "請嘗試使用較寬鬆的查詢字串,或是\n"
+       "檢查您的套件資料庫:"
+#: ../client.py:1843
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
 msgstr "pkg:已成功更新 %s 個分類 (共 %s 個):"
-#: ../client.py:1578
-#, python-format
-msgid "Could not update catalog for '%s' due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "由於權限不足,無法更新「%s」的目錄。"
-#: ../client.py:1582
-msgid "Could not update a catalog due to insufficient permissions."
-msgstr "由於權限不足,無法更新目錄。"
-#: ../client.py:1585
-msgid ""
-"Please try the command again using pfexec, or otherwise increase \n"
-"    your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-"請使用 pfexec 再次嘗試指令,或增加\n"
-"    權限。"
-#: ../client.py:1622
+#: ../client.py:1898
 msgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
 msgstr "「pkg publisher」將顯示發佈者的清單。"
-#: ../client.py:1680
+#: ../client.py:1955
 msgid "requires a publisher name"
 msgstr "需要一個發佈者名稱"
-#: ../client.py:1682
+#: ../client.py:1957
 msgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
 msgstr "只能指定一個發佈者名稱"
-#: ../client.py:1688
+#: ../client.py:1963
 msgid "the -p and -d options may not be combined"
 msgstr "不能合併 -p 和 -d 選項"
-#: ../client.py:1712
+#: ../client.py:1982
 msgid ""
 "publisher does not exist. Use -O to define origin URI for new publisher."
 msgstr ""
-"發佈者不存在。請使用 -O 為新發佈者定義原始 URI。"
-#: ../client.py:1794
+       "發佈者不存在。請使用 -O 為新發佈者定義原始 URI。"
+#: ../client.py:2076
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The origin URIs for '%s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"「%s」的原始 URI 似乎未指向有效的 pkg 伺服器。\n"
-#: ../client.py:1847
+msgstr "原始 '%(pubname)s' 的URIs在一個指定的有效套件站中沒有出現"
+#: ../client.py:2097
+msgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "至少指定一個發佈者"
+#: ../client.py:2127
 #, python-format
 msgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
 msgstr "「%(pub)s」的移除失敗:%(msg)s"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "PUBLISHER"
 msgstr "發佈者"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "TYPE"
 msgstr "類型"
-#: ../client.py:1919
+#: ../client.py:2194
 msgid "STATUS"
 msgstr "狀態"
-#: ../client.py:1920
+#: ../client.py:2195
 msgid "URI"
 msgstr "URI"
-#: ../client.py:1935
+#: ../client.py:2210
 msgid "(preferred)"
 msgstr "(喜好的)"
-#: ../client.py:1937
+#: ../client.py:2212
 msgid "(disabled)"
 msgstr "(停用)"
 #. XXX get the real origin status
-#: ../client.py:1944
+#: ../client.py:2219
 msgid "origin"
 msgstr "原始"
 #. XXX get the real mirror status
-#: ../client.py:1948
+#: ../client.py:2223
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "鏡像"
-#: ../client.py:1954
+#: ../client.py:2229
 msgid "              SSL Key:"
 msgstr "              SSL 金鑰:"
-#: ../client.py:1955
+#: ../client.py:2230
 msgid "             SSL Cert:"
 msgstr "             SSL 憑證:"
-#: ../client.py:1967
+#: ../client.py:2242
 msgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
 msgstr "憑證生效日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1969
+#: ../client.py:2244
 msgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
 msgstr "憑證過期日期:"
-#: ../client.py:1976
+#: ../client.py:2251
 msgid "           Origin URI:"
 msgstr "           原始 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1982
+#: ../client.py:2257
 msgid "           Mirror URI:"
 msgstr "           鏡像 URI:"
-#: ../client.py:1996
+#: ../client.py:2271
 msgid "            Publisher:"
 msgstr "發佈者:"
-#: ../client.py:1997
+#: ../client.py:2272
 msgid "                Alias:"
 msgstr "                別名:"
-#: ../client.py:2007
+#: ../client.py:2282
 msgid "          Client UUID:"
 msgstr "          用戶端 UUID:"
-#: ../client.py:2008
+#: ../client.py:2283
 msgid "      Catalog Updated:"
 msgstr "      已更新的目錄:"
-#: ../client.py:2010 ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../client.py:2287
 msgid "              Enabled:"
 msgstr "              已啟用:"
-#: ../client.py:2010
+#: ../client.py:2285 ../gui/modules/misc.py:202 ../gui/modules/misc.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:253 ../gui/modules/misc.py:261
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "否"
-#: ../client.py:2012
+#: ../client.py:2287
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "是"
-#: ../client.py:2023
-msgid "set-property: requires a property name and value"
-msgstr "set-property:需要特性名稱和特性值"
-#: ../client.py:2026
-msgid ""
-"set-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"set-property:必須使用 set-publisher 才能變更喜好的發佈者"
-#: ../client.py:2050
-msgid "unset-property: requires at least one property name"
-msgstr "unset-property:至少需要一個特性名稱"
-#: ../client.py:2054
-msgid ""
-"unset-property: set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
-msgstr ""
-"unset-property:必須使用 set-publisher 才能變更喜好的發佈者"
-#: ../client.py:2061
-#, python-format
-msgid "unset-property: no such property: %s"
-msgstr "unset-property:沒有這類特性:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2082
+#: ../client.py:2298
+msgid "requires a property name and value"
+msgstr "需要屬性名稱與數值"
+#: ../client.py:2302 ../client.py:2330
+msgid "set-publisher must be used to change the preferred publisher"
+msgstr "設定發佈者必須被使用來變更首選發佈者"
+#: ../client.py:2325
+msgid "requires at least one property name"
+msgstr "需要至少一個屬性名稱"
+#: ../client.py:2337
+#, python-format
+msgid "no such property: %s"
+msgstr "沒有此一屬性: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2359
 #, python-format
 msgid "property: no such property: %s"
 msgstr "property:沒有這類特性:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2145 ../client.py:2180
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires publisher argument to be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create 的發佈者引數格式必須為「<前綴>=<url>」。"
-#: ../client.py:2154
-msgid ""
-"image-create requires variant arguments to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
-msgstr ""
-"image-create 的變數引數格式必須為「<名稱>=<值>」。"
-#: ../client.py:2160
-msgid "image-create requires a single image directory path"
-msgstr "image-create 需要單一影像目錄路徑"
-#: ../client.py:2165
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key file '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg:set-publisher:SSL 金鑰檔案「%s」不存在"
-#: ../client.py:2172
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: set-publisher: SSL key cert '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "pkg:set-publisher:SSL 金鑰憑證「%s」不存在"
-#: ../client.py:2177
-msgid "image-create requires a publisher argument"
-msgstr "image-create 需要發佈者引數"
-#: ../client.py:2184
-#, python-format
-msgid "image-create requires that a prefix not match: %s"
-msgstr "image-create 需要不符合 %s 的前綴"
-#: ../client.py:2189
-msgid "image-create: publisher prefix has invalid characters"
-msgstr "image-create:發佈者前綴有無效的字元"
-#: ../client.py:2194
-msgid "image-create: publisher URI is invalid"
-msgstr "image-create:發佈者 URI 無效"
-#: ../client.py:2201
-#, python-format
-msgid "there is already an image at: %s"
-msgstr "下列位置已有影像:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2202 ../client.py:2209
-msgid "To override, use the -f (force) option."
-msgstr "若要置換,請使用 -f (強制) 選項。"
-#: ../client.py:2208
-#, python-format
-msgid "Non-empty directory: %s"
-msgstr "非空目錄:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2221
-#, python-format
-msgid "cannot create image at %s: %s"
-msgstr "無法於 %s 建立影像:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2232
+#: ../client.py:2422 ../client.py:2461
+msgid "publisher argument must be of the form '<prefix>=<url>'."
+msgstr "發佈者參數必須此種格式 '<prefix>=<url>'"
+#: ../client.py:2431
+msgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
+msgstr "變數參數必須此種格式 '<名稱>=<數值>'"
+#: ../client.py:2437
+msgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
+msgstr "只能指定一個影像目錄路徑"
+#: ../client.py:2458
+msgid "a publisher must be specified"
+msgstr "發佈者必須被指定"
+#: ../client.py:2465
+#, python-format
+msgid "a publisher's prefix may not start with the text: %s"
+msgstr "發佈者的路徑字首不能有這些字符: %s"
+#: ../client.py:2470
+msgid "publisher prefix contains invalid characters"
+msgstr "發佈者路徑包含無效的字元"
+#: ../client.py:2487
+#, python-format
+msgid "cannot create image at %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+msgstr "無法建立影像於 %(image_dir)s: %(reason)s"
+#: ../client.py:2499
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The URI '%s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
+"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg server.\n"
 "Please check the server's address and client's network configuration.\n"
 "Additional details:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"URI「%s」似乎未指向有效的 pkg 伺服器。\n"
-#: ../client.py:2255
-#, python-format
-msgid "rebuild-index: command does not take operands ('%s')"
-msgstr "rebuild-index:指令沒有運算元 (「%s」)"
-#: ../client.py:2293
-msgid "history: -H and -l may not be combined"
-msgstr "history:不能合併 -H 和 -l"
-#: ../client.py:2297
+msgstr "此URI '%(pub_url)s' 在一個指定的有效套件站中沒有出現\n"
+       "請檢查伺服器位址與本地端機器的網路設定。\n"
+       "錯誤訊息細節:\n"
+       "%(error)s"
+#: ../client.py:2563
+msgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
+msgstr "-H 參數與 -l 不能一起使用"
+#: ../client.py:2567
 msgid "TIME"
 msgstr "時間"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OPERATION"
 msgstr "作業"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "CLIENT"
 msgstr "用戶端"
-#: ../client.py:2298
+#: ../client.py:2568
 msgid "OUTCOME"
 msgstr "結果"
-#: ../client.py:2391
+#: ../client.py:2656
+msgid ""
+"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
+msgstr "\n"
+       "有效的proxy設定已被設定在此環境"
+#: ../client.py:2659
+#, python-format
+msgid "http_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "http_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2661
+#, python-format
+msgid "https_proxy: %s\n"
+msgstr "https_proxy: %s\n"
+#: ../client.py:2676 ../pkgdep.py:98 ../pkgdep.py:170 ../pkgdep.py:422
 #, python-format
 msgid "illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "非法全域選項 -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2399
+#: ../client.py:2684
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
 msgstr "%(opt)s 採用「名稱=值」格式而非 %(arg)s 格式的引數"
-#: ../client.py:2433 ../client.py:2443
+#: ../client.py:2702
+msgid "no subcommand specified"
+msgstr "未指定子指令"
+#: ../client.py:2713 ../client.py:2724
 #, python-format
 msgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
 msgstr "%s 子指令不允許使用 -R"
-#: ../client.py:2438 ../client.py:2544 ../publish.py:355
-#, python-format
-msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
-msgstr "非法 %s 選項 -- %s"
-#: ../client.py:2446
+#: ../client.py:2720 ../client.py:2823
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal option -- %s"
+msgstr "無效的選項 -- %s"
+#: ../client.py:2727
 #, python-format
 msgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
 msgstr "version:指令沒有運算元 (「%s」)"
-#: ../client.py:2471
+#: ../client.py:2752 ../pkgdep.py:210
 msgid ""
 "Could not find image.  Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to point\n"
 "to an image, or change the working directory to one inside the image."
-msgstr ""
-"找不到影像。使用 -R 選項或設定 $PKG_IMAGE 來指向影像,\n"
-#: ../client.py:2485
+msgstr "找不到影像。使用 -R 選項或設定 $PKG_IMAGE 來指向影像,\n"
+       "或將工作目錄變更為影像內的目錄。"
+#: ../client.py:2766
 msgid "No image found."
 msgstr "找不到影像。"
-#: ../client.py:2491
-#, python-format
-msgid "client configuration error: %s"
-msgstr "用戶端配置錯誤:%s"
-#: ../client.py:2536
+#: ../client.py:2813
 msgid "History purged."
 msgstr "已清除歷程記錄。"
-#: ../client.py:2541 ../publish.py:353
+#: ../client.py:2818 ../publish.py:483 ../pkgdep.py:450
 #, python-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
 msgstr "不明的子指令「%s」"
-#: ../client.py:2590
+#: ../client.py:2830 ../publish.py:509 ../pull.py:810 ../pkgdep.py:474
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"Maximum number of network retries exceeded during download. Details follow:\n"
-msgstr ""
+"This is an internal error.  Please let the developers know about this\n"
+"problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
+"above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
+msgstr "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "此為內部錯誤。請在 http://defect.opensolaris.org 將此錯誤歸檔,\n"
+       "並附上以上追蹤訊息和本訊息,\n"
+       "讓開發人員知道此問題。pkg(5) 的版本是「%s」。"
+#: ../client.py:2873
+msgid ""
+"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
+"the requested operation."
+msgstr "\n"
+       "要求嘗試修復套件或檔案資料工作時遇到錯誤"
+#: ../client.py:2876
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Details follow:\n"
-#: ../client.py:2597
-msgid ""
-"An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
-"for the requested operation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2604
+msgstr "以下細節:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2882
 msgid ""
 "Unable to contact a valid package depot. This may be due to a problem with "
@@ -834,13 +776,13 @@
 "configuration.  Please check your network settings and attempt to contact "
 "the server using a web browser."
 msgstr ""
-"伺服器發生問題、網路錯誤配置或不正確的 pkg 用戶端"
-"Web 瀏覽器與伺服器進行通訊。"
-#: ../client.py:2609
+       "\n"
+       "無法連絡有效的套裝軟體庫房。這可能是因為"
+       "伺服器發生問題、網路錯誤配置或不正確的 pkg 用戶端"
+       "配置。請檢查您的網路設定,並嘗試使用"
+       "Web 瀏覽器與伺服器進行通訊。"
+#: ../client.py:2887
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
@@ -848,56 +790,61 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2616
+       "\n"
+       "其他詳細資訊:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../client.py:2895
 msgid ""
 "An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
 "about past client operations."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2625
+       "嘗試載入過去用戶端作業的相關歷程記錄資訊時\n"
+       "發生錯誤。"
+#: ../client.py:2904
 msgid ""
 "An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
 "current operation in client history."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../client.py:2635
+       "嘗試儲存用戶端歷程記錄中目前作業的相關資訊時\n"
+       "發生錯誤。"
+#: ../client.py:2914
 msgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
 msgstr "嘗試清除用戶端歷程記錄時發生錯誤。"
-#: ../client.py:2642
+#: ../client.py:2921
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided \n"
 "by SUNWipkg. The client version is %(client)s while the library API version "
 "is %(api)s"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg 指令似乎與 SUNWipkg 提供的程式庫不同步。\n"
-"用戶端版本是 %(client)s,"
-"而程式庫 API 版本為 %(api)s"
-#: ../client.py:2654 ../publish.py:379
-#, python-format
+       "pkg 指令似乎與 SUNWipkg 提供的程式庫不同步。\n"
+       "用戶端版本是 %(client)s,"
+       "而程式庫 API 版本為 %(api)s"
+#: ../client.py:2936
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "\n"
+       "%s%s"
+#: ../client.py:2938
 msgid ""
-"This is an internal error.  Please let the developers know about this\n"
-"problem by filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org and including the\n"
-"above traceback and this message.  The version of pkg(5) is '%s'."
-msgstr ""
-"此為內部錯誤。請在 http://defect.opensolaris.org 將此錯誤歸檔,\n"
-"讓開發人員知道此問題。pkg(5) 的版本是「%s」。"
+"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall\n"
+"has completed successfuly."
+msgstr "\n"
+       "\n"
+       "建立索引時忽略錯誤,影像更新,安裝,或移除\n"
+       "已經成功完成"
+       "has completed successfuly."
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:31
 msgid "AMP Stack"
@@ -1093,7 +1040,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:79
 msgid "Printing"
-msgstr "列印"
+msgstr "正在列印"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:80
 msgid "Python"
@@ -1143,7 +1090,7 @@
 msgid "Storage"
 msgstr "儲存裝置"
-#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1352
+#: ../gui/data/l10n.py:92 ../packagemanager.py:1801
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "系統"
@@ -1173,7 +1120,7 @@
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:99
 msgid "Virtualization"
-msgstr "虛擬"
+msgstr "虛擬化"
 #: ../gui/data/l10n.py:100
 msgid "Window Managers"
@@ -1194,19 +1141,18 @@
 #: ../gui/data/addmoresoftware.desktop.in.h:2
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
-msgstr "安裝、更新與移除套裝軟體"
-#. XXX Remove and use _() where self._ and self.parent._ are being used
+msgstr "安裝、更新與移除軟體套件"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.desktop.in.h:2
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:315
-#: ../packagemanager.py:218 ../packagemanager.py:2208
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2218 ../packagemanager.py:3357
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:259 ../packagemanager.py:3186
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4561
 msgid "Package Manager"
 msgstr "套裝軟體管理員"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Add new repositories and manage existing ones.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>新增儲存庫並管理現有的儲存庫。</b>"
+msgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers and their repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>增加、修改與移除發佈者與其儲存庫</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:2
 msgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
@@ -1219,36 +1165,41 @@
 "Update All creates a new boot environment (BE) as a means of archiving the "
 "current BE. The new BE consists of the updated packages and is the default "
 "BE when the system is rebooted.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"「全部更新」會建立新的啟動環境 (BE),以作為歸檔目前 BE 的一種"
-"方法。新的 BE 包括更新的套裝軟體,而且是"
-"系統重新啟動時的預設 BE。\n"
+msgstr "<b>建立新的啟動環境(BE)</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "『全部更新』將會建立一個新的啟動環境(BE),並將保留現行的開機環境,此一新的啟動環境將包含更新的套件,並且在重新開機時成為預設的開機環境。\n"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>刪除、重新命名與啟用啟動環境(BE)</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Exit</b>"
+msgstr "<b>離開</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments.</b>"
-msgstr "<b>刪除、重新命名並啟動啟動環境。</b>"
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>一般</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Modify Repository URL</b>"
-msgstr "<b>修改儲存庫 URL</b>"
+msgid "<b>Modify repository URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>修改儲存庫位址URL </b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:11
-msgid "<b>PACKAGE NAME</b>"
-msgstr "<b>套裝軟體名稱</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher Alias and URL</b>"
+msgstr "<b>發佈者別名與位址URL</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:12
-msgid "<b>Package Name</b>"
-msgstr "<b>套裝軟體名稱</b>"
+msgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
+msgstr "<b>發佈者添加成功</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "<b>Review the packages to be removed:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>檢查要移除的套裝軟體:</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:14
-msgid "<b>Search</b>"
-msgstr "<b>搜尋</b>"
+msgid "<b>Show Dialog</b>"
+msgstr "<b>顯示對話框</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:15
 msgid "<b>Startup</b>"
@@ -1259,233 +1210,234 @@
 msgstr "<b>鏡像(_M)</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:17
-msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
-msgstr "<b>SSL 金鑰和憑證(_S)</b>"
+msgid "<b>_Repositories</b>"
+msgstr "<b>儲存庫</b>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
+msgstr "<b>SSL 金鑰和憑證(_S)</b>"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
 msgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
 msgstr "<big><b>套裝軟體管理員 Web 安裝程式</b></big>"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "<i>_Repository:</i>"
-msgstr "<i>儲存庫(_R):</i>"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "關於"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21
 msgid "About Glade"
 msgstr "關於 Glade"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:21 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1253
+msgid "Add Publisher"
+msgstr "增加發佈者"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:22
-msgid "B_rowse"
-msgstr "瀏覽(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23
-msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
-msgstr "啟動環境確認"
+msgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
+msgstr "增加發佈者完成"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:23 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1299
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1321 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1335
+msgid "Applying Changes"
+msgstr "正在進行變更"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:24
-msgid "Br_owse"
-msgstr "瀏覽(_O)"
+msgid "Applying changes..."
+msgstr "正在進行變更..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:25
+msgid "B_rowse..."
+msgstr "B_rowse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+msgid "Br_owse..."
+msgstr "Br_owse..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27
 msgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
 msgstr "瀏覽 SSL 憑證"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:26
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
 msgid "Browse for SSL Key"
 msgstr "瀏覽 SSL 金鑰"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:27 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
-msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
-msgstr "正在檢查最新的 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui,請稍候..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:28
-msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
-msgstr "正在檢查套裝軟體相依性..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:29
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "清除"
+msgid "C_lear Search"
+msgstr "清除搜尋(C)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:30
-msgid "Click to get list of newest packages."
-msgstr "按一下以取得最新的套裝軟體。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31
+msgid "Cancel current operation"
+msgstr "終止目前作業"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:31 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:4
+msgid "Checking for latest SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui, please wait..."
+msgstr "正在檢查最新的 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui,請稍候..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
+msgid "Checking package dependencies..."
+msgstr "正在檢查套裝軟體相依性..."
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
 msgid "Click to update all installed packages."
 msgstr "按一下以更新所有已安裝的套裝軟體。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:32
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "複製"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:33
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:34
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "確認"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:35
 msgid ""
 "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
 "All rights reserved.\n"
 "Use is subject to license terms."
 msgstr ""
-"Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:36
-msgid "Cu_t"
-msgstr "剪下(_T)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:37
-msgid "Currently active boot environment"
-msgstr "目前使用中的啟動環境"
+       "Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  \n"
+       "版權所有。\n"
+       "必須依據授權規定使用。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:38
-msgid "Cut action"
-msgstr "剪下動作"
+msgid "Currently active boot environment"
+msgstr "目前使用中的啟動環境"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:39
+msgid "D_eselect All"
+msgstr "全部不選(D)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
+msgid "D_etails"
+msgstr "細節(D)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
 msgid "Dependencies"
 msgstr "相依性"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:40
-msgid "Deselect selected packages"
-msgstr "取消選取所選套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:41
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42 ../gui/modules/misc.py:173
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "說明:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "詳細資訊"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:42
-msgid "Do not notify me about these repositories again."
-msgstr "請不要再通知我有關這些儲存庫的資訊。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:43 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6 ../updatemanager.py:175
-#: ../updatemanager.py:427 ../updatemanager.py:434 ../updatemanager.py:441
-#: ../updatemanager.py:448 ../updatemanager.py:455
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+msgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
+msgstr "不要在通知我這些發佈者"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:6
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "下載"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:44
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "檔案"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:45
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "說明"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:46 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
-#: ../updatemanager.py:191 ../updatemanager.py:428 ../updatemanager.py:435
-#: ../updatemanager.py:442 ../updatemanager.py:449 ../updatemanager.py:456
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
+msgid "Go to package _list"
+msgstr "進入套件列表"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Install"
 msgstr "安裝"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:47
-msgid "Install or Update selected packages"
-msgstr "安裝或更新選取的套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:48 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:238
 msgid "Install/Update"
 msgstr "安裝/更新"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:49
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:50
 msgid "Install/Upgrade Check"
 msgstr "安裝/升級檢查"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:51
-msgid "Legend:"
-msgstr "圖例:"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "授權"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:52
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "授權"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "M_irror:"
 msgstr "鏡像(_I):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:53
 msgid "Manage Boot Environments"
 msgstr "管理啟動環境"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:54
+msgid "Manage Publishers"
+msgstr "管理發佈者"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:55
-msgid "Manage Repositories"
-msgstr "管理儲存庫"
+msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
+msgstr "管理啟動環境(_B)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:56
-msgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
-msgstr "管理啟動環境(_B)..."
+msgid "Modify Publisher"
+msgstr "修改發佈者"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:57
 msgid "Modify Repository"
 msgstr "修改儲存庫"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:58 ../gui/modules/misc.py:172
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "            名稱:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:59
-msgid "Package Manager Preferences"
-msgstr "套裝軟體管理員喜好設定"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:60
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "貼上"
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "            名稱:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:61
-msgid "Pre_ferences"
-msgstr "喜好設定(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr "喜好設定"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:62 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparation"
 msgstr "準備"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:206
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust this new repository "
-msgstr "只會在您信任此新儲存庫時繼續"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:63 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:9
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr "處理中"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:64
+msgid "Pu_blisher:"
+msgstr "發佈者(Pu)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:65
+msgid "Publisher Name:"
+msgstr "發佈者名稱:"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:66
-msgid "Quit application"
-msgstr "退出應用程式"
+msgid "Re_fresh"
+msgstr "刷新"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:67
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "重新載入"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "刷新"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:68
+msgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
+msgstr "刷新套件列表與套件狀態"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69
+msgid "Remember selected publisher on _exit"
+msgstr "離開時記住選取的發佈者"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
 msgid "Remote search error"
 msgstr "遠端搜尋錯誤"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:69 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:203
 #: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:206
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "移除"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:70
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
 msgid "Remove Confirmation"
 msgstr "移除確認"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:71
-msgid "Remove selected packages"
-msgstr "移除選取的套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:72
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
+msgid "SSL C_ertificate:"
+msgstr "SSL 憑證(_E):"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
 msgid "SSL C_ertificate: "
 msgstr "SSL 憑證(_E):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:73
-msgid "SSL Key and Certificate"
-msgstr "SSL 金鑰和憑證"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:74
-msgid "SSL _Certificate:"
-msgstr "SSL 憑證(_C):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:75
 msgid "SSL _Key:"
 msgstr "SSL 金鑰(_K):"
@@ -1495,556 +1447,589 @@
 msgstr "SSL 金鑰(_K):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:77
-msgid "Se_arch:"
-msgstr "搜尋(_A):"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "搜尋"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:78
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "搜尋"
+msgid "Search Publisher Errors"
+msgstr "搜尋發佈者錯誤"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:79
-msgid "Search All Repositories Error"
-msgstr "搜尋所有儲存庫錯誤"
+msgid "Search Repositories Error"
+msgstr "搜尋儲存庫錯誤"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:80
-msgid ""
-"Search All Repositories cannot be performed on the following\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82
-msgid "Select All Items"
-msgstr "選取所有項目"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83
-msgid "Select Updates"
-msgstr "選取更新"
+msgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
+msgstr "搜尋此發佈者錯誤:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:81
+msgid "Select _Updates"
+msgstr "選取更新(_U)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:82 ../packagemanager.py:3507
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
+msgstr "勾選核取方塊以選取套裝軟體,並按一下 [安裝/更新] 以進行安裝/更新。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:83 ../packagemanager.py:3511
+msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
+msgstr "勾選核取方塊以選取套裝軟體,並按一下 [移除] 以移除所選項目。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:84
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "全選(_A)"
+msgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows"
+msgstr "使用箭號設定發佈者屬性"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:85
-msgid "Select _Updates"
-msgstr "選取更新(_U)"
+msgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
+msgstr "顯示起始頁(_s)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:86
-msgid "Select from the list to modify or remove existing repositories."
-msgstr "從清單中選取,以修改或移除現有的儲存庫。"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Delete"
+msgstr "顯示刪除的確認對話框(_D)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:87
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Install/Update."
-msgstr "勾選核取方塊以選取套裝軟體,並按一下 [安裝/更新] 以進行安裝/更新。"
+msgid "Show confirmation dialog on _Install/Update"
+msgstr "顯示安裝/更新的確認對話框(_I)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:88
-msgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
-msgstr "勾選核取方塊以選取套裝軟體,並按一下 [移除] 以移除所選項目。"
+msgid "Specify the publisher name and URL"
+msgstr "指定發佈者的名稱與URL位址"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:89
-msgid "Sho_w:"
-msgstr "顯示(_W):"
+msgid "Start _Page"
+msgstr "起始頁面(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:90
-msgid "Short description"
-msgstr "簡短說明"
+msgid "The following will be added to your system:"
+msgstr "以下所列將會增加入您的系統"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:91
-msgid "Start Page"
-msgstr "起始頁面"
+msgid "This is a secure repository."
+msgstr "這是一個安全的儲存庫。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:92
-msgid "Start _Page"
-msgstr "起始頁面(_P)"
+msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
+msgstr "這是一個安全的儲存庫。請參閱已發佈的資訊"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:93
-msgid "The folllowing will be added to your system"
-msgstr "下列項目將增加到您的系統"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:94
-msgid "This is a secure repository. Refer to the posted"
-msgstr "這是一個安全的儲存庫。請參閱已發佈的資訊"
+msgid ""
+"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
+"Specify the location of these files."
+msgstr "此發佈者需要SSL金鑰與SSL驗證。\n"
+       "請指定這些檔案的位置。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:95
-msgid ""
-"This repository requires a SSL Key and certificate.\n"
-"Enter the location of these files in the spaces provided, or use the "
-"Browse \n"
-"buttons to provide their location."
-msgstr ""
-"此儲存庫需要 SSL 金鑰和憑證。\n"
-"請在提供的空白處輸入這些檔案的位置,或使用 "
-"[瀏覽] \n"
+msgid "Type text to search for the package."
+msgstr "輸入搜尋套件的字串"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:96
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:97 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
+msgid "Update All"
+msgstr "全部更新"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:98
-msgid "Type text to search name and description of the package."
-msgstr "鍵入文字以搜尋套裝軟體的名稱及說明。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:222
-#: ../packagemanager.py:368 ../packagemanager.py:3705
-msgid "Update All"
-msgstr "全部更新"
+msgid "Vie_w:"
+msgstr "檢視(_w)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:99
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "增加(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:100
-msgid "Update all packages"
-msgstr "更新所有套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101 ../packagemanager.py:1360
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "更新"
+msgid "_Add Publisher..."
+msgstr "增加發佈者(_A)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:101
+msgid "_Add..."
+msgstr "增加...(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:102
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "關於(_A)"
+msgid "_Alias:"
+msgstr "別名...(_A)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:103
-msgid "_Add"
-msgstr "增加(_A)"
+msgid "_Browse..."
+msgstr "瀏覽...(_B)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:104
-msgid "_Browse"
-msgstr "瀏覽(_B)"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "目錄(_C)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:105
-msgid "_Clear"
-msgstr "清除(_C)"
+msgid "_Details"
+msgstr "細節(_D)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:106
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "目錄(_C)"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "編輯(_E)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:107
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "複製(_C)"
+msgid "_Export Selections..."
+msgstr "輸出選擇...(_E)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:108
-msgid "_Deselect All"
-msgstr "全部取消選取(_D)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "編輯(_E)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
-msgid "_Enable type ahead search (slow on large repositories)"
-msgstr "啟用隨打即搜尋(_E) (在大型儲存庫上較慢)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "檔案(_F)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:109
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "說明(_H)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:110
+msgid "_Install/Update"
+msgstr "安裝 / 更新(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:111
+msgid "_Instructions"
+msgstr "指令(_I)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:112
+msgid "_Manage Publishers..."
+msgstr "管理發佈者(_M)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:113
-msgid "_Install / Update"
-msgstr "安裝 / 更新(_I)"
+msgid "_Modify..."
+msgstr "修改(_M)..."
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:114
-msgid "_Instructions"
-msgstr "指令(_I)"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "名稱(_N):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:115
-msgid "_Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "管理儲存庫(_M)..."
+msgid "_Name: "
+msgstr "名稱(_N):"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:116
-msgid "_Modify..."
-msgstr "修改(_M)..."
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117
-msgid "_Name: "
-msgstr "名稱(_N):"
+msgid "_Package"
+msgstr "套裝軟體(_P)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:117 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:212
+msgid "_Proceed"
+msgstr "繼續(_P)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:118
-msgid "_Package"
-msgstr "套裝軟體(_P)"
+msgid "_Registration Details"
+msgstr "註冊詳細資訊(_R)"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:119
-msgid "_Paste"
-msgstr "貼上(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
-msgid "_Proceed"
-msgstr "繼續(_P)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
-msgid "_Quit"
-msgstr "結束(_Q)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_Remove"
 msgstr "移除(_R)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:120
 msgid "_Search"
 msgstr "搜尋(_S)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
-msgid "_Show Start Page on startup     "
-msgstr "啟動時顯示起始頁面(_S)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:121
+msgid "_URL:"
+msgstr "URL(_U):"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:122
 msgid "_URL: "
 msgstr "URL(_U):"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:126 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:123 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:17
 msgid "_Update All"
 msgstr "全部更新(_U)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:127
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:124
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "檢視(_V)"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:128 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
-msgid "gtk-cancel"
-msgstr "gtk-cancel"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:129 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
-msgid "gtk-close"
-msgstr "gtk-close"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:130 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
-msgid "gtk-help"
-msgstr "gtk-help"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:131
-msgid "gtk-ok"
-msgstr "gtk-ok"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:132
-msgid ""
-"lf the repository requires a SSL key and certificate, or if it has mirrors, "
-"add the new\n"
-"repository, and then click Modify to add additional information."
-msgstr ""
-"如果儲存庫需要 SSL 金鑰和憑證,或者它有鏡像,"
-"儲存庫,然後按一下 [修改] 以增加其他資訊。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager.glade.h:125 ../gui/modules/repository.py:73
+msgid "e.g. http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
+msgstr "例如 http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
 "the initial list view."
 msgstr ""
-"用於判斷啟動時是顯示 [起始頁面] 還是初始清單檢視"
+       "用於判斷啟動時是顯示 [起始頁面] 還是初始清單檢視"
+       "的布林值。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "A boolean which determines if the search is executed dynamically as user "
 "types or only when user hits the return key."
 msgstr ""
-"還是僅在使用者按 Return 鍵時執行搜尋的布林值。"
+       "用於判斷是在使用者鍵入時動態執行搜尋,"
+       "還是僅在使用者按 Return 鍵時執行搜尋的布林值。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid ""
-"A string which determines if the remote search repository is shown or not in "
-"the error dialog."
-msgstr ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
+"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
+"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
+msgstr "用於判斷套件管理員程式結束時是否要儲存目前狀態,並在下次啟動時使用。此狀態包含發佈者、大小、水平、垂直位置。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid ""
+"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
+msgstr "用於判斷套件管理員是否啟動於搜尋模式。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+msgid ""
+"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
+msgstr "在錯誤訊息對話框中,使用字串判斷儲存庫是否顯示"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+msgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
+msgstr "使用套件管理員存入最新的發佈者字串"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+msgid ""
 "An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
 "when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
 msgstr ""
-"初始顯示篩選值的整數。0 對應於「所有套裝軟體」。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:5
+       "用於要在套裝軟體管理員啟動時識別顯示之"
+       "初始顯示篩選值的整數。0 對應於「所有套裝軟體」。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid ""
-"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel value to be displayed when "
-"packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Categories."
-msgstr ""
-"初始最上層值的整數。0 對應於「所有類別」。"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:6
+"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
+"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
+msgstr "當套件管理員啟動時,辨識初始頂層選擇的整數值會上升。\n"
+       "0 = \"所有資料\", 2 = \"應用程式\" (預設)"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
 "window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
+       "用於指定應用程式主視窗初始高度"
+       "的整數,如果螢幕空間不足的話會被覆寫。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
+       "用於指定應用程式水平分隔線初始位置"
+       "的整數,該分隔線會分隔種類面板與清單面板。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
 "application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:9
+       "用於指定應用程式垂直分隔線初始位置"
+       "的整數。該分隔線會分隔詳細資訊面板與清單面板。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
 msgid ""
 "An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
 "overridden if there is not enough screen available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of repositories which we do show if they doesn't "
-"support remote search"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "Enable type ahead search"
-msgstr "啟用隨打即搜尋"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid "Initial application height"
-msgstr "應用程式初始高度"
+       "用於指定應用程式主視窗初始寬度的整數,"
+       "如果螢幕空間不足的話會被覆寫。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
-msgstr "應用程式水平分隔線初始位置"
+msgid ""
+"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
+msgstr "用於指定完整搜尋最大數量條目的整數被置入。"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
-msgstr "應用程式垂直分隔線初始位置"
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
+"when searching them"
+msgstr "當在搜尋時如果發生API錯誤,儲存庫列表會以逗點分隔顯示"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Initial application width"
-msgstr "應用程式初始寬度"
+msgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
+msgstr "列出選擇的發佈者於起始頁"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "Initial section value"
-msgstr "初始區段值"
+msgid "Enable type ahead search"
+msgstr "啟用隨打即搜尋"
 #: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:17
+msgid "Initial application height"
+msgstr "應用程式初始高度"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+msgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
+msgstr "應用程式水平分隔線初始位置"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+msgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
+msgstr "應用程式垂直分隔線初始位置"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+msgid "Initial application width"
+msgstr "應用程式初始寬度"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:21
+msgid "Initial section value"
+msgstr "初始區段值"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:22
 msgid "Initial show filter value"
 msgstr "初始顯示篩選值"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:18
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:23
+msgid "Last Export Selections Path"
+msgstr "最新輸出選擇路徑"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:24
+msgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
+msgstr "讓套件管理者套用此最新的發佈者"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:25
+msgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
+msgstr "完全尋找的最多紀錄"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:26
 msgid "Show Start Page on startup"
 msgstr "啟動時顯示起始頁面"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:19
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:27
 msgid "Start Page Update URL"
 msgstr "起始頁面更新 URL"
-#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:20
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:28
+msgid "Start in serach mode"
+msgstr "開始於搜尋模式"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:29
 msgid ""
 "The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
 msgstr ""
-"從中將更新擷取到 [套裝軟體管理員] 起始頁面的位置。"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:113
+       "從中將更新擷取到 [套裝軟體管理員] 起始頁面的位置。"
+#: ../gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:30
+msgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
+msgstr "從套件管理員最新選擇輸出的路徑。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:131
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check webinstall.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 webinstall.py 訊號"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:126
-msgid ""
-" Add New Repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:129
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:142
 msgid ""
-" Add New Repositories\n"
-msgstr ""
+" Add New Publisher\n"
+msgid_plural ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:138
-msgid ""
-" All specified repositories and packages are already on the system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:147
+" Add New Publishers\n"
+msgstr[0] "\n"
+       " 新增發佈者\n"
+msgstr[1] "\n"
+       " 新增發佈者\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151
+msgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
+msgstr "所有指定的發佈者已建立於系統中。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "\t%s "
 msgstr "\t%s "
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:151 ../packagemanager.py:769
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid " (%s)\n"
 msgstr " (%s)\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:156
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:171
 msgid ""
+" Install Package\n"
+msgid_plural ""
 " Install Packages\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] "\n"
+       " 安裝套件\n"
+msgstr[1] ""
+       "\n"
+       "安裝套裝軟體\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:180
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%s (disabled)\n"
+msgstr "\t%s (無法進行)\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:227
+msgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
+msgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
+msgstr[0] "<b>只有</b> 如果你信任這個發佈者,請按下進行下一步"
+msgstr[1] "<b>只有</b> 如果你信任這些發佈者,請按下進行下一步"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:297 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:342
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
+msgid "Publisher Error"
+msgstr "發佈者發生錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:305
+msgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
+msgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
+msgstr[0] "以下發佈者被停用:\n"
+msgstr[1] "以下發佈者被停用:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:309
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+msgstr "\t<b>%s</b>\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:312
+msgid ""
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:164
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s: "
-msgstr "\t%s:"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:167 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:857
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:907 ../updatemanager.py:1031
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s\n"
-msgstr "%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:209
-msgid "Proceed only if you trust these new repositories"
-msgstr "只會在您信任這些新儲存庫時繼續"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:258 ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:386
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:396
-msgid "Repository Error"
-msgstr "儲存庫錯誤"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:346
-msgid "API Error"
-msgstr "API 錯誤"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:363
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "錯誤"
-#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:393
-msgid "Error reading the p5i file."
-msgstr "讀取 p5i 檔案時發生錯誤。"
+"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
+"completion it will be disabled again."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
+"On completion they will be disabled again."
+msgstr[0] "\n"
+       "按下OK後在安裝過程之前將會啟用此發佈者。當此過程完成時,它將會再次停用。"
+msgstr[1] "\n"
+       "按下OK後在安裝過程之前將會啟用此發佈者。當此過程完成時,它將會再次停用。"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:324
+msgid "Disabled Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "停用發佈者"
+msgstr[1] "停用發佈者"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:382
+#, python-format
+msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
+msgstr "無法增加 %s。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:383 ../packagemanager.py:1190
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1202
+msgid "No URI specified"
+msgstr "未指定 URI"
+#: ../gui/modules/webinstall.py:464
+msgid "Web Installer Error"
+msgstr "網路安裝程序錯誤"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:73
 msgid ""
 "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"系統中找不到 <b>libbe</b> 程式庫。\n"
+       "系統中找不到 <b>libbe</b> 程式庫。\n"
+       "管理啟動環境的所有功能全數停用"
 #: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:81
 msgid "BE management"
-msgstr "BE 管理"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:154
+msgstr "啟動環境BE 管理"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:161
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check beadmin.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 beadmin.py 訊號"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:164
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:170
+msgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
+msgstr "啟動環境確認"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:173
 msgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
 msgstr "正在載入啟動環境資訊"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:166
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:175
 msgid "Fetching BE entries..."
-msgstr "正在擷取 BE 項目..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:193
+msgstr "正在擷取 啟動環境(BE) 項目..."
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:202
 msgid "Boot Environment"
 msgstr "啟動環境"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:204
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "已建立"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:213
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:222
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "大小"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:221
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:230
 msgid "Active on Reboot"
 msgstr "重新開機時為使用中狀態"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:232
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:241
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "刪除"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:247 ../gui/modules/repository.py:470
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:539 ../gui/modules/repository.py:727
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:746 ../gui/modules/repository.py:867
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:256
 msgid "Applying changes"
 msgstr "正在套用變更"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:249 ../gui/modules/repository.py:471
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540 ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:747 ../gui/modules/repository.py:868
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:258
 msgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
 msgstr "正在套用變更,請稍候..."
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:278
-msgid "Active on reboot:\n"
-msgstr "重新啟動時處於使用中狀態:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:279
-msgid "Delete boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "刪除啟動環境:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:280
-msgid "Rename boot environments:\n"
-msgstr "重新命名啟動環境:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:319
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:287
+msgid "Active on reboot\n"
+msgstr "在重開機時啟動\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:288
+msgid "Delete\n"
+msgstr "刪除\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:289
+msgid "Rename\n"
+msgstr "重新命名\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:330
 msgid " to "
 msgstr "命名為"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:373
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:384
 msgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>使用中啟動環境無法變更為:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:378
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:389
 msgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>無法刪除啟動環境:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:385
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:396
 msgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
 msgstr "<b>無法重新命名啟動環境:</b>\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:388
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:399
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s <b>to</b> %s\n"
 msgstr "%s <b>變更為</b> %s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:407
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:416
 msgid "BE error"
 msgstr "BE 錯誤"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:492
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:501
 msgid ""
-"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't  prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
+"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
 "All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"<b>libbe</b> 程式庫無法準備啟動環境清單。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:522 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:538
+       "<b>libbe</b> 程式庫無法準備啟動環境清單。\n"
+       "管理啟動環境的所有功能全數停用"
+#: ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:531 ../gui/modules/beadmin.py:547
 msgid "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"
 msgstr "%y-%m-%d %H:%M"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:100
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:95
 msgid "Preparing..."
 msgstr "正在準備..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:101 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:544
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:96 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:582
 msgid "Downloading..."
 msgstr "正在下載..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:102
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:97
 msgid "Installing..."
 msgstr "正在安裝..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:191
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check installupdate.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 installupdate.py 訊號"
@@ -2058,44 +2043,32 @@
 msgid "Canceling..."
 msgstr "取消中..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:356
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:359
 msgid "BE name is in use"
 msgstr "BE 名稱正在使用中"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:358
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:361
 msgid "BE name is invalid"
 msgstr "BE 名稱無效"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:392
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:398
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
 msgstr "正在確認 %s 是否為最新狀態..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:413
-msgid ""
-"Accessing this restricted repository failed.\n"
-"You either need to register to access this repository,\n"
-"the certificate expired, or you need to accept the repository\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:423
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:428
 msgid "Inventory exception:\n"
 msgstr "資產管理異常:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:430
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:437
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
 "Is the repository accessible?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:440
+       "請檢查網路連線。\n"
+       "可否存取儲存庫?"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:444
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Please check the network connection.\n"
@@ -2103,80 +2076,98 @@
 msgstr ""
+       "請檢查網路連線。\n"
+       "可否存取儲存庫?\n"
+       "\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:450
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network\n"
+"settings and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:446
+msgstr "\n"
+       "無法連接到一個有效的套件儲存庫。請檢查您的網頁瀏覽器與網路連線設定。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:457
 msgid ""
 "pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be\n"
 "updated before running Update All.\n"
 "Please update SUNWipkg package"
 msgstr ""
-"pkg(5) 似乎已過期,\n"
-"而且應在執行 [全部更新] 之前先予更新。\n"
-"請更新 SUNWipkg 套裝軟體"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:452
+       "pkg(5) 似乎已過期,\n"
+       "而且應在執行 [全部更新] 之前先予更新。\n"
+       "請更新 SUNWipkg 套裝軟體"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:463
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot remove:\n"
 "Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:461
+       "無法移除:\n"
+       "\t%s\n"
+       "因為下列套裝軟體依賴它:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:472
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Failure of consistent use of pfexec or gksu when running\n"
 "%s is often a source of this problem."
 msgstr ""
-"此問題的根源通常是執行 %s 時,對\n"
-" pfexec 或 gksu 使用不一致。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:464
+       "\n"
+       "此問題的根源通常是執行 %s 時,對\n"
+       " pfexec 或 gksu 使用不一致。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:475
 msgid ""
 "To rebuild index, please use the terminal command:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:465
+       "\n"
+       "若要重建索引,請使用終端機指令:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
 msgid ""
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:469
+       "\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:480
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation. The search\n"
 "index is corrupted. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by running command:\n"
 "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
 msgstr ""
-"\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:476
+       "安裝期間曾發生錯誤。搜尋\n"
+       "索引已毀壞。您可執行下列指令,\n"
+       "嘗試修復此問題:\n"
+       "\tpfexec pkg rebuild-index"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:487
 msgid ""
 "This is an Live Image. The install\n"
 "operation can't be performed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:481
+       "此為「即時影像」。\n"
+       "無法執行安裝作業。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:492
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation would affect files that cannotbe modified in the "
+"Live Image.\n"
+"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
+msgstr "在Live Image上此要求的作業無法影響、更改這些檔案。\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:498
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2184,12 +2175,12 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"無法完成。您可能要重新啟動 %s,\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:488
+       "安裝期間曾發生錯誤。\n"
+       "遺失作業的規劃,而且作業\n"
+       "無法完成。您可能要重新啟動 %s,\n"
+       "嘗試修復此問題\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:505
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "There was an error during installation.\n"
@@ -2197,319 +2188,309 @@
 "can't be finished. You might want try to fix this\n"
 "problem by restarting %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"無法完成。您可能要重新啟動 %s,\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:499
+       "安裝期間曾發生錯誤。\n"
+       "影像的狀態不正確,而且作業\n"
+       "無法完成。您可能要重新啟動 %s,\n"
+       "嘗試修復此問題\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:516
 msgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
 msgstr "不支援「指定 BE 名稱」。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:503
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:520
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid BE Name: %s.\n"
 msgstr "無效的 BE 名稱:%s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:540
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:578
 #, python-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "正在更新 %s"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:546
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:584
 msgid "Executing..."
 msgstr "正在執行..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:553
-msgid "Gathering packages information, please wait..."
-msgstr "正在收集套裝軟體資訊,請稍候..."
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:575
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:591
+msgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
+msgstr "蒐集套件資訊中,請等待..."
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:613
 msgid "All packages already installed."
 msgstr "已安裝所有套裝軟體。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:580
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:618
 msgid ""
 "Selected package(s) cannot be updated on their own.\n"
 "Click Update All to update all packages."
 msgstr ""
-"請按一下 [全部更新] 以更新所有套裝軟體。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:583
+       "選取的套裝軟體無法自行更新。\n"
+       "請按一下 [全部更新] 以更新所有套裝軟體。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621
 msgid "Your system has already been updated."
 msgstr "您的系統已更新。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:621 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:656
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:659 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:693
 msgid "No futher information available"
 msgstr "未提供其他資訊"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:624 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:647
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:662 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:684
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:627 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:637
+       "\n"
+       "錯誤:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:665 ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:675
 msgid " - Failed </b>"
 msgstr "- 失敗</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:679
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"An unknown error occured in the %s stage.\n"
-"Please let the developers know about this problem\n"
-"by filing a bug together with exception value at:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 階段發生了不明錯誤。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:645
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:646
-msgid "Exception value:\n"
-msgstr "異常值:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:651
+"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
+"Please let the developers know about this problem by\n"
+"filing a bug together with the error details listed below at:\n"
+msgstr "在 %s 階段有一個未知的錯誤發生。\n"
+       "請呈報此BUG(包含錯誤訊息細節),讓此軟體開發者知道這個問題:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:688
 msgid "Exception traceback:\n"
 msgstr "異常追蹤訊息:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:708
-#, python-format
-msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
-msgstr "已下載 %(current)s 個 (共 %(total)s 個)"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:728
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during install."
-msgstr "安裝期間目錄更新失敗。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:743
-msgid "Catalog refresh failed during Update All."
-msgstr "全部更新期間目錄更新失敗。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:747
-msgid "Installation completed successfully."
-msgstr "安裝已成功完成。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:749
-msgid "Packages removed successfully."
-msgstr "套裝軟體已成功移除。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:751
-msgid "Packages updated successfully."
-msgstr "套裝軟體已成功更新。"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:782
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:695
+msgid "pkg version: "
+msgstr "pkg版本:"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:699
+msgid "List of configured publishers:"
+msgstr "發佈者設定項目列表"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:803
+msgid "Installation completed successfully"
+msgstr "安裝完全成功"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:805
+msgid "Packages removed successfully"
+msgstr "套裝軟體移除成功"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:807
+msgid "Packages updated successfully"
+msgstr "套裝軟體更新成功"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:839
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel the action."
 msgstr ""
-"請按一下 [確定] 管理您現有的 BE 並釋放磁碟空間,或按一下 [取消]"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:786
+       "沒有足夠的磁碟空間,無法執行選取的動作。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "請按一下 [確定] 管理您現有的 BE 並釋放磁碟空間,或按一下 [取消]"
+       "以取消該動作。"
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:843
 msgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
 msgstr "磁碟空間不足"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:804
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:861
 msgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
 msgstr "要更新的套裝軟體:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:811
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:868
 msgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
 msgstr "要安裝的套裝軟體:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:818
+#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:875
 msgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
 msgstr "要移除的套裝軟體:\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:877
-#, python-format
-msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
-msgstr "%d 個套裝軟體 (共 %d 個):%s\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/installupdate.py:896
-#, python-format
-msgid "Evaluating: %s"
-msgstr "正在計算:%s"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:266
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:101
+msgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
+msgstr "管理發佈者確認"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check repository.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 repository.py 訊號"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:309
-msgid "Add New Repository"
-msgstr "新增儲存庫"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:317
-msgid "<b>New Repository</b>"
-msgstr "<b>新儲存庫</b>"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:363
-msgid "Repository Name"
-msgstr "儲存庫名稱"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:372
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:394 ../packagemanager.py:1349
+msgid "Publisher"
+msgstr "發佈者"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:401
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "別名"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:407
 msgid "Preferred"
 msgstr "喜好的"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:384
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:417
 msgid "Enabled"
 msgstr "已啟用"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s.\n"
-msgstr "無法停用 %s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:507
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s.\n"
-msgstr "無法啟用 %s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:513 ../gui/modules/repository.py:521
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:531
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to disable %s."
-msgstr "無法停用 %s。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:515 ../gui/modules/repository.py:523
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to enable %s."
-msgstr "無法啟用 %s。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:516 ../gui/modules/repository.py:985
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1013
-msgid ""
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:525 ../gui/modules/repository.py:995
-msgid ""
-"Please check the network connection or URL.\n"
-"Is the repository accessible?"
-msgstr ""
-"請檢查網路連線或 URL。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:534
-msgid ""
-"Unexpected error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:577
-msgid ""
-"Couldn't change the preferred publisher.\n"
-"Please check your permissions."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:641
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:537
 msgid "Name contains invalid characters"
 msgstr "名稱內含無效的字元"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:648
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:540
 msgid "Name already in use"
 msgstr "名稱已在使用中"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:669
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:728
+msgid "Adding Publisher"
+msgstr "增加發佈者"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:742
+msgid "Canceling...\n"
+msgstr "中止...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:763 ../gui/modules/repository.py:912
+#, python-format
+msgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "移除發佈者 %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:767 ../gui/modules/repository.py:916
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
+msgstr "發佈者 %s 成功移除\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:794
+#, python-format
+msgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "增加發佈者 %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:798
+#, python-format
+msgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
+msgstr "更新發佈者 %s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:802
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
+msgstr "發佈者 %s 增加成功\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:805
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
+msgstr "發佈者 %s 更新成功\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:826
+msgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "停用發佈者:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:827
+msgid "Enable Publisher:\n"
+msgstr "啟用發佈者:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:828
+msgid "Delete Publishers:\n"
+msgstr "刪除發佈者:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:885 ../gui/modules/repository.py:924
+msgid "Disabling"
+msgstr "停用"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:887 ../gui/modules/repository.py:926
+msgid "Enabling"
+msgstr "啟用"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:890 ../gui/modules/repository.py:929
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
+msgstr "%(enable)s 發佈者 %(name)s\n"
+#. Mirror is not ssl, but origin is
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1132 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1136
+msgid ""
+"Mirrors and repository URL\n"
+"must be either https or http."
+msgstr "鏡像站與儲存庫 URL\n"
+       "一定要是http或https協定。"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1162
+msgid "SSL URL should be specified"
+msgstr "需要指定SSL URL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1167
+msgid "SSL URL should not be specified"
+msgstr "不需要指定SSL URL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1366
+msgid "Publisher URI:\n"
+msgstr "發佈者 URI:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1377
+msgid "Description:\n"
+msgstr "描述:\n"
+#. More Generic for WebInstall
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1387
+msgid "Publisher error"
+msgstr "發佈者發生錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1400
+msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
+msgstr "指定 SSL 金鑰檔案"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1422
+msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
+msgstr "指定 SSL 憑證檔案"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1525
 msgid "URL is not valid"
 msgstr "URL 無效"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:855 ../packagemanager.py:2217
-#: ../updatemanager.py:926
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to navigate to:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:856
-msgid "Registration"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1539
+msgid "SSL should not be specified"
+msgstr "不需要指定SSL"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1549
+msgid "SSL Key not found at specified path"
+msgstr "指定路徑中找不到SSL金鑰"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1553
+msgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified path"
+msgstr "指定路徑中找不到SSL驗證"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1572
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "儲存庫"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1578
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "啟動"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1586
+msgid "Registered"
 msgstr "註冊"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:863
-msgid "Adding New Repository"
-msgstr "新增儲存庫"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:864
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-msgstr ""
-"\t%s (%s)..."
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:969
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to add repository: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:976
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s.\n"
-msgstr "無法增加 %s。\n"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:984 ../gui/modules/repository.py:993
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to add %s."
-msgstr "無法增加 %s。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1012
-#, python-format
-msgid "Failed to delete %s."
-msgstr "無法刪除 %s。"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1120 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1155
-msgid "Specify SSL Key File"
-msgstr "指定 SSL 金鑰檔案"
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1140 ../gui/modules/repository.py:1175
-msgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
-msgstr "指定 SSL 憑證檔案"
-#. More Generic for WebInstall
-#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1212
-msgid "Repository error"
-msgstr "儲存庫錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1595
+msgid "Mirror Name"
+msgstr "鏡像站台名稱"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1706
+msgid "Enabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "啟用發佈者"
+msgstr[1] "啟用發佈者"
+#: ../gui/modules/repository.py:1708
+msgid "Disabling Publisher"
+msgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
+msgstr[0] "停用發佈者"
+msgstr[1] "停用發佈者"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:89
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
 msgstr ""
+       "動作「%3$(action)s」中的套裝軟體「%2$(fmri)s」出現不明的動作類型「%1$(type)s」"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:93
 #, python-format
@@ -2523,9 +2504,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"位置 %2$(pos)d 中的套裝軟體「%1$(fmri)s」出現異常的動作:\n"
-"    %3$(action)s\n"
+       "位置 %2$(pos)d 中的套裝軟體「%1$(fmri)s」出現異常的動作:\n"
+       "    %3$(action)s\n"
+       "%4$(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:111
 #, python-format
@@ -2534,9 +2515,9 @@
 "    %(action)s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"位置 %(pos)d 出現異常的動作:\n"
-"    %(action)s\n"
+       "位置 %(pos)d 出現異常的動作:\n"
+       "    %(action)s\n"
+       "%(marker)s"
 #: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:137
 #, python-format
@@ -2548,17 +2529,23 @@
 msgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
 msgstr "無效的動作「%(action)s」:%(error)s"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:164
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:171
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute '%s' was not provided."
 msgstr "未提供所需的屬性「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:221
+#: ../modules/actions/__init__.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid "required attribute, '%s', was not provided."
 msgstr "未提供所需的屬性「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:112
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr "套件 '%(fmri)s' :無效的套件狀態修改,在嘗試 '%(states)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:118
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
@@ -2566,737 +2553,921 @@
 "or otherwise increase your privileges."
 msgstr ""
-"無法在 %s 上運作,\n"
-"因為權限不足。請使用 pfexec 再次嘗試"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:117
+       "無法在 %s 上運作,\n"
+       "因為權限不足。請使用 pfexec 再次嘗試"
+       "指令,\n"
+       "或增加權限。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:123
 msgid ""
 "Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. "
 "try the command again using pfexec or otherwise increase your privileges.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"使用 pfexec 再次嘗試指令,或增加權限。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:128
+       "\n"
+       "無法完成作業,因為權限不足。"
+       "請\n"
+       "使用 pfexec 再次嘗試指令,或增加權限。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not operate on %s\n"
 "because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
 "operation again."
 msgstr ""
-"無法在 %s 上運作,\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:147
+       "無法在 %s 上運作,\n"
+       "因為檔案正在使用中。請停止使用該檔案,並再次\n"
+       "嘗試作業。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:149
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem\n"
+msgstr "無法完成作業。由於 %s:唯讀的檔案系統"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:151
+msgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
+msgstr "無法完成作業:唯讀的檔案系統"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:174
 msgid ""
 "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.\n"
 "Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:160
+       "下列樣式不符合目前目錄中的任何套裝軟體。\n"
+       "請嘗試放寬樣式,重新整理和/或檢查目錄:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:187
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
 msgstr "「%s」不符合已安裝的任何套裝軟體"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:163
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:190
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
 msgstr "「%s」是非法的 fmri"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:167
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:194
 msgid "The following package(s) violated constraints:"
 msgstr "下列套裝軟體違反限制:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:172
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:199
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
 msgstr "「%s」支援下列架構:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:173
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:200
 #, python-format
 msgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
 msgstr "影像架構定義為:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:239
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:205
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
+msgstr "'%(p)s' 相依於舊套件 '%(op)s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:209
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are not installed: "
+msgstr "此要求的作業無法執行。由於以下這些套件尚未安裝在系統中:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:216
+msgid ""
+"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
+"they are already installed: "
+msgstr "此要求的作業無法執行。由於以下這些套件已經安裝在系統中:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:292
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
+"catalog operations."
+msgstr "此FMRI '%s' 不包含發佈者資訊,並且不能讓資料庫的作業使用。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
+msgstr "資料庫meta_root '%(root)s' 無效。無法完成作業: '%(op)s' 。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:318 ../modules/server/catalog.py:72
+msgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
+msgstr "以下資料庫檔案的權限不正確:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:322 ../modules/server/catalog.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
+msgstr "\t%(fname)s : 預計模式: %(emode)s ,找到模式: %(fmode)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
+msgstr "在 '%s' 資料庫檔案的驗證資料並不是有效的"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:342
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for  the current catalog using the "
+"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
+msgstr "資料庫 '%s' 提供的更新數據,系統無法辨識其更新需求。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:352
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
+"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
+msgstr "無法執行資料庫 %(name)s 的 '%(op)s' 作業。完成時會導致套件 '%(fmri)s' 有重複的資料紀錄"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:364
+msgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
+msgstr "資料庫更新作業只能應用在存於磁碟上的資料庫。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:372
+#, python-format
+msgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "資料庫檔案 '%s' 是無效的。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:380
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
+"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
+"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
+msgstr "資料庫 '%s' 提供的更新數據,系統無法辨識其更新需求。你指定的資料庫更新版本是比較舊的而不能被使用。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:391
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
+msgstr "'%s' 在資料庫中找不到。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:399
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
+msgstr "未知的資料庫更新形式"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:407
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
+msgstr "無法辨識的、未知的或無效的資料庫部份 '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:438
 msgid ""
 "No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
 "catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"在目前發佈者的任何目錄中,都無法為下列 FMIR 找到"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:337
+       "在目前發佈者的任何目錄中,都無法為下列 FMIR 找到"
+       "相符的套裝軟體:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:443
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (沒有找到符合的)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (有沒符合的發佈者)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:448
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
+msgstr "%s (沒有符合的版本)\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:489
+#, python-format
+msgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
+msgstr "在URL %s 的搜尋傳回:無結果。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:503
+msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
+msgstr "某些伺服器無法正確地回應:\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505 ../modules/client/api_errors.py:514
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "%(o)s:\n"
+       "%(msg)s\n"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
+msgstr "%s 沒有傳回一個有效的傳回值"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:511
+msgid "Some servers don't support requested search operation:\n"
+msgstr "部份伺服器不支援需求的搜尋作業"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:525
+msgid ""
+"Search performance is degraded.\n"
+"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
+msgstr "無法使用索引來提昇查詢效能.\n"
+       "請使用指令 'pkg rebuild-index' 來重建索引, 以提昇查詢速度."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:539
+msgid "Search server does not support the requested protocol:"
+msgstr "搜尋伺服器不支援此協定:"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:687
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:340
+       "指定之檔案的格式無法辨識,或未包含有效的"
+       "發佈者資訊:%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:690
 msgid ""
 "The specified file is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
 "publisher information."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:349
+       "指定之檔案的格式無法辨識,或未包含有效的"
+       "發佈者資訊。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:699
 msgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
 msgstr "不受支援的 pkg(5) 發佈者資訊資料格式。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:375
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:725
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:377
+       "從「%s」擷取資料時發生錯誤:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:727
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
 msgstr "從下列位置擷取資料時發生錯誤:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:385
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:739
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的位置。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:397
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot envirnment name."
-msgstr "「%s」不是有效的啟動環境名稱。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:406
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
+msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的啟動環境名稱"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:763
+#, python-format
+msgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "啟動環境 '%s' 已經存在。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:772
 msgid ""
 "Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
 "version of OpenSolaris. Please image-update without the --be-name option."
 msgstr ""
-"此版本的 OpenSolaris 不支援在套裝軟體安裝期間\n"
-"命名啟動環境。請在不使用 --be-name 選項的情況下執行 image-update。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:412
+       "此版本的 OpenSolaris 不支援在套裝軟體安裝期間\n"
+       "命名啟動環境。請在不使用 --be-name 選項的情況下執行 image-update。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:778
 msgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
 msgstr "無法複製目前的啟動環境。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:425
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:791
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
 "currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
 msgstr ""
-"嘗試將目前名稱為 %(orig)s 的啟動環境\n"
-"重新命名為 %(dest)s 時發生問題。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:436
+       "嘗試將目前名稱為 %(orig)s 的啟動環境\n"
+       "重新命名為 %(dest)s 時發生問題。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
 msgstr "無法將 %(name)s 掛載於 %(mt)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:445
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:811
 msgid ""
 "Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
 "not allowed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:456
+       "不允許在操作非實況影像時命名\n"
+       "啟動環境。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:822
 msgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
 msgstr "「資訊」無法辨識下列選項:"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid " '"
 msgstr " '"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:458
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
 msgid "'"
 msgstr "'"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:468
-msgid "Some servers failed to respond appropriately:\n"
-msgstr "某些伺服器無法正確地回應:\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:473
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:%(msg)s (%(code)d)\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:478
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: timeout\n"
-msgstr "    %s:逾時\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:481
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(other)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:%(other)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:485
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:853
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"    %(o)s: Unable to read status of HTTP response:%(l)s\n"
-"        This is most likely not a pkg(5) depot.  Please check the URL and "
-"the \n"
-"        port number."
+"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
 msgstr ""
-"    %(o)s:無法讀取 HTTP 回應的狀態:%(l)s\n"
-"        這很可能不是 pkg(5) 儲存庫。請檢查 URL 與"
-"        連接埠號碼。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:493
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Incomplete read from host"
-msgstr "    %s:從主機讀取不完整"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:496
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s\n"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:%(msg)s\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:499
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %s: Socket timeout"
-msgstr "    %s:通訊端逾時"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:501
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: Socket error, reason: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:通訊端錯誤,原因:%(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:505
-#, python-format
-msgid "    %(o)s: %(msg)s"
-msgstr "    %(o)s:%(msg)s"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:508
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s appears not to be a valid package depot.\n"
-msgstr "%s 似乎不是有效的套裝軟體庫房。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:531
-msgid ""
-"Search capabilities and performance are degraded.\n"
-"To improve, run 'pkg rebuild-index'."
-msgstr ""
-"若要改善,請執行「pkg rebuild-index」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:571
+       "Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
+       "(op)s'."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:862
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的發佈者名稱。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:579
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:592
+       "「%(value)s」不是儲存庫屬性「%(attribute)s」的有效值。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:883
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的儲存庫集合類型。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:600
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:891
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的 URI。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:608
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:899
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的 URI 優先權;預期為整數值。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:620
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:911
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
 msgstr "「%s」不是有效的儲存庫 URI 排序策略。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:629
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:920
 #, python-format
 msgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
 msgstr "發佈者「%s」已停用,且無法用於封裝作業。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:638
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:929
 #, python-format
 msgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "與「%s」具有相同名稱或別名的發佈者已存在。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:647
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:938
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
 msgstr ""
-"發佈者「%s」已存在相同名稱或原始 URI 的"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:656
+       "發佈者「%s」已存在相同名稱或原始 URI 的"
+       "儲存庫。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:947
 #, python-format
 msgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "指定的儲存庫已存在鏡像「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:665
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:956
 #, python-format
 msgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified repository."
 msgstr "指定的儲存庫已存在原始「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:674
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:965
 msgid "The preferred publisher cannot be removed."
 msgstr "無法移除喜好的發佈者。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:682
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:973
 msgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
 msgstr "無法移除發佈者選取的儲存庫。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:691
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:982
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be set as the preferred publisher."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:700
+       "發佈者「%s」已停用,且無法設定為喜好的發佈者。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:991
+msgid ""
+"The preferred publisher may not be disabled.  Another publisher must be set "
+"as the preferred publisher before this publisher can be disabled."
+msgstr "首選的發佈者不能停用。在此發佈者被停用前,必須先將其他發佈者設定成首選發佈者。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1001
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的合法 URI「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:708
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1009
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的發佈者「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:716
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1017
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的相關 URI「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:724
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1025
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的儲存庫「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:732
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1033
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
 msgstr "不明的儲存庫鏡像「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:740
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1047
+#, python-format
+msgid "Publisher '%s' has no repositories that support the '%s' operation."
+msgstr "發佈者 '%s' 沒有支援 '%s' 作業的儲存庫"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1055
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
 msgstr "不明的儲存庫原始「%s」"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:751
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1066
 #, python-format
 msgid "The URI '%(uri)s' contains an unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "URI「%(uri)s」包含不受支援的方案「%(scheme)s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:754
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1069
 msgid "The specified URI contains an unsupported scheme."
 msgstr "指定的 URI 包含不受支援的方案。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:762
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1077
 #, python-format
 msgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
 msgstr "「%2$(scheme)s」不支援「%1$(attr)s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:789
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1104
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:794
+       "存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」"
+       "已過期。請安裝有效的憑證。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1109
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired.  Please install "
 "a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:799
+       "發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」已過期。請安裝"
+       "有效的憑證。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1114
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired.  Please "
 "install a valid certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:802
+       "存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」已過期。請"
+       "安裝有效的憑證。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1117
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has expired.  Please install a valid certificate."
 msgstr "憑證「%s」已過期。請安裝有效的憑證。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:815
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1130
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:820
+       "存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」將於"
+       "「%4$(days)s」天後到期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1135
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:824
+       "發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」將於「%3$(days)s」天後"
+       "到期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1139
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
 "s' days."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:827
+       "存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」將於「%3$(days)"
+       "s」天後到期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1142
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
 msgstr "憑證「%(cert)s」將於「%(days)s」天後到期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:839
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1154
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "is invalid."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:843
+       "存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」"
+       "無效。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1158
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」無效。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:847
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1162
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
 msgstr "存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」無效。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:850
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1165
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "無效的憑證「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:861
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1176
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
+msgstr "無法找到發佈者 '%(pub)s' 需要存取 '%(uri)s' 的金鑰 '%(key)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1180
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
+msgstr "無法找到發佈者 '%(pub)s' 的金鑰 '%(key)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1184
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
+msgstr "無法找到需要存取 '%(uri)s' 的金鑰 '%(key)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
+msgstr "無法找到金鑰 '%s'"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1198
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
 "access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:866
+       "找不到存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1203
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
 msgstr "找不到發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:870
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1207
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
 msgstr "找不到存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:873
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1210
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
 msgstr "找不到憑證「%s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:885
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1222
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
 "has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:890
+       "存取「%3$(uri)s」所需之發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1%(cert)s」"
+       "具有未來生效日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:894
+       "發佈者「%2$(pub)s」的憑證「%1$(cert)s」具有未來生效日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1231
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:897
+       "存取「%2$(uri)s」所需的憑證「%1$(cert)s」具有未來生效"
+       "日期。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1234
 #, python-format
 msgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
 msgstr "憑證「%s」具有未來生效日期。"
-#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:907
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1247
 #, python-format
 msgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
 msgstr "提供的回應錯誤:%s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:132
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1258
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find %s"
+msgstr "找不到 %s"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1281
+#, python-format
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
+msgstr "套件 '%s' 顯示的驗證資料是無效的。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1283
+msgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
+msgstr "顯示的驗證資料是無效的。"
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1296
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr "已經有存一個影像檔在: %s.\n"
+       "使用-f選項來覆蓋舊檔."
+#: ../modules/client/api_errors.py:1302
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
+"To override, use the -f (force) option."
+msgstr "指定的影像路徑不是空的: %s.\n"
+       "可使用 -f (force) 覆寫之。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:134
 msgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
 msgstr "pkg:無法建立自動快照。已停用 pkg 回復。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:249
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: A system error %s was caught executing %s"
-msgstr "pkg:執行 %2$s 時發生系統錯誤 %1$s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:253
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:267
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
+msgstr "pkg:執行此指令 %(cmd)s 產生一個系統錯誤訊息 %(e)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:272
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"pkg: '%s' failed. \n"
-"with a return code of %d."
-msgstr ""
-"回覆碼為 %d。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:264
+"pkg: '%(cmd)s' failed. \n"
+"with a return code of %(ret)d."
+msgstr "pkg: '%(cmd)s 錯誤。\n"
+       "回傳碼: %(ret)d"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:284
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
 msgstr "pkg:無法啟動 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:274
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to unmount %s"
 msgstr "pkg:無法卸載 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:280
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:300
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "A clone of %s exists and has been updated and activated.\n"
 "On the next boot the Boot Environment %s will be mounted on '/'.\n"
 "Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"複製的 %s 已存在,並且已更新及啟動。\n"
-"啟動環境 %s 下次啟動時,會掛載於「/」上。\n"
-"準備好可切換至此更新版 BE 時,請重新開機。\n"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:294
+msgstr "\n"
+       "複製的 %s 已存在,並且已更新及啟動。\n"
+       "啟動環境 %s 下次啟動時,會掛載於「/」上。\n"
+       "準備好可切換至此更新版 BE 時,請重新開機。\n"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:314
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s has been updated successfully"
 msgstr "%s 已成功更新"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:326
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:346
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
 "clone of the running system.  This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
 "inspect it."
 msgstr ""
-"它掛載於 %s。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:336
+       "未修改執行中的系統,只修改了複製的"
+       "執行中系統。如果您要檢視此複製,"
+       "它掛載於 %s。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
 msgstr "pkg:無法回復 BE %s 和復原影像"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:345
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:367
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
 msgstr "%s 無法更新。未對 %s 進行任何變更。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:357
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:380
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
 msgstr "pkg:無法銷毀快照 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:386
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:409
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
 msgstr "pkg:無法建立 BE %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:391
-#, python-format
-msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %s on %s"
-msgstr "pkg:無法將 BE %s 掛載於 %s"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:395
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:414
+#, python-format
+msgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
+msgstr "pkg:無法掛載啟動環境BE %(name)s 於 %(clone_dir)s"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:420
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
-"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
-"the failed attempt and is mounted here %s. Use 'beadm unmount %s' and then "
-"'beadm activate %s' if you wish to boot to this BE."
-msgstr ""
-"無法更新啟動環境 %s。系統在嘗試失敗前已拍下快照並掛載於此 %s。"
-"如果您要啟動至此 BE,則請使用「beadm unmount %s」,"
-"再使用「beadm activate %s」。"
-#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:408
+"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
+"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
+"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
+"to boot to this BE."
+msgstr "啟動環境 %(name)s 更新失敗。此嘗試失敗前,已建立一個快照,並掛載於此處:%(clone_dir)s \n"
+       "如果您想要啟動此BE,請使用 'beadm unmount %(clone_name)s',然後執行 'beadm active %(clone_name)s'。"
+#: ../modules/client/bootenv.py:435
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
 "the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
-msgstr ""
-"無法更新啟動環境 %s。系統在嘗試失敗前已拍下快照,"
-"且已進行復原,因此未對 %s 進行任何變更。"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:1382
-msgid "This server is not a valid package depot."
-msgstr "此伺服器不是有效的套裝軟體庫房。"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2545 ../modules/client/image.py:2620
+msgstr "無法更新啟動環境 %s。系統在嘗試失敗前已拍下快照,"
+       "且已進行復原,因此未對 %s 進行任何變更。"
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:722
 msgid "Before evaluation:"
 msgstr "估算前:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2566 ../modules/client/image.py:2629
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:743
 msgid "After evaluation:"
 msgstr "估算後:"
-#: ../modules/client/image.py:2685
+#: ../modules/client/image.py:2691
 msgid "SUNWipkg update check failed."
 msgstr "SUNWipkg 更新檢查失敗。"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:442
+#: ../modules/misc.py:454
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:443
+#: ../modules/misc.py:455
 msgid "kB"
 msgstr "kB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:444
+#: ../modules/misc.py:456
 msgid "MB"
 msgstr "MB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:445
+#: ../modules/misc.py:457
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr "GB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:446
+#: ../modules/misc.py:458
 msgid "TB"
 msgstr "TB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:447
+#: ../modules/misc.py:459
 msgid "PB"
 msgstr "PB"
-#: ../modules/misc.py:448 ../modules/misc.py:452
+#: ../modules/misc.py:460 ../modules/misc.py:464
 msgid "EB"
 msgstr "EB"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:106
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:218 ../modules/server/repository.py:772
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s)  and "
 "rebuilding search indexes."
 msgstr ""
-"索引已毀壞或過期。正在移除舊的索引目錄 (%s) 並"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:122
+       "索引已毀壞或過期。正在移除舊的索引目錄 (%s) 並"
+       "重建搜尋索引。"
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:234 ../modules/server/repository.py:788
 msgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
 msgstr "可寫入的根無法以目前使用者 ID 或群組寫入。"
-#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:127
+#: ../modules/server/catalog.py:239 ../modules/server/repository.py:791
 msgid "unable to write to index directory."
 msgstr "無法寫入索引目錄。"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:253
-msgid "_Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "目前儲存庫 (名稱與描述)(_C)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:254
-msgid "Search Current Repository (Name and Description)"
-msgstr "搜尋目前儲存庫 (名稱與描述)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:257
-msgid "_All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "所有儲存庫 (完全符合)(_A)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:258
-msgid "Search All Repositories (Exact Match)"
-msgstr "搜尋所有儲存庫 (完全符合)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:371
-msgid ""
-"Checking SUNWipkg and SUNWipkg-gui versions\n"
-"Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-"正在檢查 SUNWipkg 和 SUNWipkg-gui 版本\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:533
-#, python-format
-msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s.Check declare_signals()"
-msgstr "GUI 將不回應任何事件!%s。檢查 declare_signals()"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:603
-msgid "All Repositories Search Results"
-msgstr "所有的儲存庫搜尋結果"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:632 ../packagemanager.py:2006
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2141 ../packagemanager.py:3257
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "全部"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:660
-msgid "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-msgstr "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:724
+#: ../packagemanager.py:306
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "所有套裝軟體"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:308
+msgid "Installed Packages"
+msgstr "已安裝的套裝軟體"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:310
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "更新"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:312
+msgid "Not installed Packages"
+msgstr "套件未安裝"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:316
+msgid "Selected Packages"
+msgstr "選取的套裝軟體"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:319
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "增加..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:320
+msgid "All Publishers (Search)"
+msgstr "全部的發佈者(搜尋)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:383
+msgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
+msgstr "輸出選擇確認"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:385
+msgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>輸出以下所列成網頁型安裝 .p5i 檔案:</b>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:641
+#, python-format
+msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check declare_signals()"
+msgstr "GUI將不會回應任何事件! %s 。檢查declare_signals()"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:740
+msgid "Export Selections Error"
+msgstr "輸出選擇錯物"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:751
+msgid "Export Selections"
+msgstr "輸出選擇"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:758
+msgid "p5i Files"
+msgstr "p5i檔案"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:762
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "所有檔案"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:767
+msgid "my_packages"
+msgstr "我的套件"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:814 ../packagemanager.py:822
+msgid "Search (Ctrl-F)"
+msgstr "尋找 (Ctrl-F)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:968
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><H2>Welcome toPackageManager!</H2><br><font "
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to load Start Page:<br>%s</font></body></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><H2>歡迎使用套裝軟體管理員!</H2><br><font "
-#: ../packagemanager.py:768
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:820
-msgid "Loading... "
-msgstr "正在載入..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:826
+       "<html><head></head><body><H2>歡迎使用套裝軟體管理員!</H2><br><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>警告:無法載入「起始頁面」:<br>%s</font></body></"
+       "html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:980
+msgid "failed to respond"
+msgstr "傳回失敗"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:983
+msgid "invalid response"
+msgstr "無效的傳回值"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:984
+msgid "A valid response was not returned."
+msgstr "有效的傳回值並未傳回"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:987
+msgid "unsupported search"
+msgstr "不支援搜尋"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1061
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading... %s"
+msgstr "讀取... %s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1067
 msgid "Stopped"
 msgstr "已停止"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:840
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1081
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr "完成"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:847
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1088
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
@@ -3306,332 +3477,410 @@
 "color='#0000FF'>Warning: Unable to                     load URL</font></"
 msgstr ""
-"<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
-"href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
-"s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
-"style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
-"color='#0000FF'>警告:無法載入 URL</font></"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:876 ../packagemanager.py:888
-msgid "No URI specified"
-msgstr "未指定 URI"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:910
+       "<html><head></head><body><font color='#000000'>                    <a "
+       "href='stub'></a></font>                    <a href='pm?%s=internal&uri=%"
+       "s'>                    <IMG SRC = 'startpage_star.png'                     "
+       "style='border-style: none'></a> <br><br>                    <h2><font "
+       "color='#0000FF'>警告:無法載入 URL</font></"
+       "h2><br>%s</body></html>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1150
+#, python-format
+msgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "檢視此處套件:%(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1158
+#, python-format
+msgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
+msgstr "尋找此之內 %(s1)s 所有發佈者 %(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1165
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
+msgstr "變更檢視至 %(s1)s 所有套件 %(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1173
+#, python-format
+msgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
+msgstr "列出 %(s1)s 的幫助搜尋 %(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1177
+#, python-format
+msgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "讀取 %(s1)s 的幫助搜尋 %(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1224
 msgid "Empty Action not supported"
 msgstr "不支援空動作"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:914
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1227
 #, python-format
 msgid "Action not supported: %s"
 msgstr "不支援的動作:%s"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:999 ../packagemanager.py:1097 ../updatemanager.py:614
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1325
+msgid "Click to toggle selections"
+msgstr "請按此選項"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1330 ../packagemanager.py:1437 ../updatemanager.py:318
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "名稱"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1009
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1340 ../packagemanager.py:2837
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "狀態"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1018
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "儲存庫"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1023
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "說明"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1184 ../packagemanager.py:1254
-msgid "Updates Available"
-msgstr "可用更新"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1252
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1479
+msgid "all selection toggle"
+msgstr "所有選項"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1531
 msgid "Not Installed"
 msgstr "未安裝"
-#. We enable only first section and later we might enable the rest,
-#. depending if there are some packages connected with them
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1343
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1533 ../packagemanager.py:2855
+msgid "Updates Available"
+msgstr "可用更新"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1662
+msgid "Fetching descriptions..."
+msgstr "擷取描述"
+#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
+#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
+#. which in turn contain some packages.
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1793 ../packagemanager.py:4417
 msgid "All Categories"
 msgstr "所有類別"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1346
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1795
 msgid "Meta Packages"
 msgstr "中介套裝軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1347
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1796
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "應用程式"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1348
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1797
 msgid "Desktop (GNOME)"
 msgstr "桌面 (GNOME)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1349
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1798
 msgid "Development"
 msgstr "開發"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1350
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1799
 msgid "Distributions"
 msgstr "發行軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1351
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1800
 msgid "Drivers"
 msgstr "驅動程式"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1353
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1802
 msgid "Web Services"
 msgstr "Web 服務"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1356
-msgid "All Packages"
-msgstr "所有套裝軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1358
-msgid "Installed Packages"
-msgstr "已安裝的套裝軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1362
-msgid "Non-installed Packages"
-msgstr "未安裝的套裝軟體"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1365
-msgid "Selected Packages"
-msgstr "選取的套裝軟體"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1905
+msgid "Search all publishers"
+msgstr "搜尋全部的發佈者"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1907
+msgid "Search current publisher"
+msgstr "搜尋目前的發佈者"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1952
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
+msgstr "alt='[Information]' title='資訊' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>尋找所有發佈者</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1970
+msgid ""
+"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
+"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> 點選以下發佈者來檢視它們的套件列表: </TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1984
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+msgstr "alt='[Information]' title='資訊' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>搜尋結果</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1987
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
+"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
+msgstr[0] "所有套件中找到 <b>%(num)s</b> 符合的套件 <b>%(text)s</b> \n"
+       "以此過濾檢視 <b>%(filter)s</b> 使部份未列出。"
+msgstr[1] "所有套件中找到 <b>%(num)s</b> 符合的套件 <b>%(text)s</b> \n"
+       "以此過濾檢視 <b>%(filter)s</b> 使部份未列出。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1995
+msgid ""
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>建議:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:1999
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Click to change View to <a href='pm?pm-"
+"action=internal&search=%s'>All Packages</a></li>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'> 按此變更檢視成 <a href='pm?pm-"
+       "action=internal&search=%s'>所有套件</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2018
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
+"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+msgstr "alt='[Information]' title='資訊' ALIGN='bottom'></"
+       "TD><TD><h3><b>搜尋結果</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>沒有找到套件<b>%(pub)s</b> 符合 <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2023
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
+"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>建議:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>請檢查您的文字拼寫</li><li style='padding-"
+       "left:7px'>嘗試新搜尋條件</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2030
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'> 搜尋 <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
+       "pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>所有發佈者</a></li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2035 ../packagemanager.py:2064
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>請看 <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
+       "s'>搜尋幫助</a></li></TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2052
+msgid ""
+"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+"SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+"title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search Warning</b></h3><TD></"
+"TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the wildcard character, <b>*</b>, "
+"is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
+msgstr "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
+       "SRC = 'dialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' "
+       "title='警告' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>搜尋警告</b></h3><TD></"
+       "TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>只使用匹配字符搜尋 <b>*</b>, "
+       "並不在所有發佈者中支援</TD></TR>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2059
+msgid ""
+"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
+msgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></"
+       "TD><TD<TD><b>建議:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
+       "style='padding-left:7px'>嘗試新的搜尋條件</li>"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2291 ../packagemanager.py:2313
+msgid "All Publishers"
+msgstr "所有發佈者"
 #. This can happen if load_catalogs has not been run
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1560
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2400
 msgid ""
 "Unable to get status for search results.\n"
 "The catalogs have not been loaded.\n"
-"Please try after few seconds.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:1667
+"Please try again after a few seconds.\n"
+msgstr "無法的到搜尋結果狀態。\n"
+       "資料庫未被讀取。\n"
+       "請之後再嘗試。\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2478
+msgid "Search cleared"
+msgstr "清除搜尋"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:2498
 msgid "Fetching legal information..."
 msgstr "正在擷取合法資訊..."
-#. Checking for Add... is fine enough, as the repository
-#. name cannot contain "..." in the name.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2053 ../packagemanager.py:2073
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2173 ../packagemanager.py:2355
-msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "增加..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2266
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs"
-msgstr "正在重新整理分類"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2267
-msgid "Refreshing catalogs..."
-msgstr "正在重新整理分類..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2423
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3054 ../packagemanager.py:3248
+msgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
+msgstr "刷新套件資料庫資訊"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3092 ../packagemanager.py:4390
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "全部"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3095 ../packagemanager.py:4284
+msgid "Loading package list"
+msgstr "讀取套件列表"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3196 ../updatemanager.py:557
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to navigate to:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "無法瀏覽至:\n"
+       "\t%s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3495
 msgid "Selected for Removal:"
 msgstr "已選取要移除的項目:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2431
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3503
 msgid "Selected for Install/Update:"
 msgstr "已選取要安裝/更新的項目:"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2435 ../packagemanager.py:2440
-msgid "Select packages by marking checkbox\n"
-msgstr "標記核取方塊以選取套裝軟體\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2488
-msgid "Package Name"
-msgstr "套裝軟體名稱"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2507
-msgid "Fetching description..."
-msgstr "正在擷取說明..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2511
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
 msgid "Fetching information..."
 msgstr "正在擷取資訊..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2553
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3621 ../gui/modules/misc.py:207
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3640
+msgid "(not installed)"
+msgstr "(未安裝)"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3653 ../gui/modules/misc.py:181
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:215
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "無"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3683
+msgid "Name\tDependency\tInstalled Version\n"
+msgstr "名稱\t相依性\t已安裝的版本\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
 msgid ""
 "This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2556
-msgid "Description not available for this package..."
-msgstr "未提供此套裝軟體的說明..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2559
+       "\n"
+       "這可能是由存取儲存庫時發生的網路問題所造成的。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3727
 msgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
 msgstr "未提供此套裝軟體的檔案詳細資訊..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2562
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3730
 msgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
 msgstr "未提供此套裝軟體的相依性資訊..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2565
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3733
 msgid "Information not available for this package..."
 msgstr "未提供此套裝軟體的資訊..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2583
-#, python-format
-msgid "Root: %s\n"
-msgstr "根:%s\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2584
-msgid "Dependencies:\n"
-msgstr "相依性:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2599
-msgid "Summary:\t\t"
-msgstr "摘要:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2600
-msgid "Size:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "大小:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2601
-msgid "Category:\t\t"
-msgstr "類別:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2602
-msgid "Installed Version:\t"
-msgstr "已安裝的版本:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2603
-msgid "Latest Version:\t"
-msgstr "最新的版本:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2604
-msgid "Packaging Date:\t"
-msgstr "封裝日期:\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2605
-msgid "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-msgstr "FMRI:\t\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2606
-msgid "Repository:\t\t"
-msgstr "儲存庫:\t\t"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2611 ../packagemanager.py:2619 ../updatemanager.py:798
-#: ../updatemanager.py:812
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "無"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:2647
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3778
 msgid "Not available"
 msgstr "不可用"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3031
+#: ../packagemanager.py:3786
+msgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
+msgstr "由於格式轉換問題,授權內容無法顯示"
+#. This can happen if the repository does not
+#. contain any packages
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4248
+msgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
+msgstr "選擇的發佈者內沒有內含任何套件。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4745
+#, python-format
+msgid "Total: %(total)s  Selected: %(selected)s"
+msgstr "全部: %(total)s  選擇: %(selected)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4765
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "尋找 %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s pour %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4771
+#, python-format
+msgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+msgstr "搜尋中:%(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4776
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+msgstr "%(number)d 符合的套件找到 %(s1)s(search_text)s%(e1)s"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4891
 msgid ""
 "Network problem.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3032
+       "網路問題。\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4892
 msgid "Details:\n"
 msgstr "詳細資訊:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3034
-msgid " catalogs successfully updated:\n"
-msgstr "個分類已成功更新:\n"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3057
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "不明的錯誤"
-#. Can't happen when all_known is true and no args,
-#. but here for completeness.
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3100
-msgid ""
-"Selected repository does not contain any packages.\n"
-"Please reload the list of package."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3342
-#, python-format
-msgid "Processing package entries: %d of %d"
-msgstr "正在處理套裝軟體項目:%d 個 (共 %d 個)"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3445
-msgid "Loading Repository Information"
-msgstr "正在載入儲存庫資訊"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3447
-msgid "Fetching package entries ..."
-msgstr "正在擷取套裝軟體項目..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3562
-msgid "Searching..."
-msgstr "正在搜尋..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3573
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: first %d found"
-msgstr "%s:找到前 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3575
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %d found"
-msgstr "%s:已找到 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3596
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d listed"
-msgstr "已列出 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3597
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d selected"
-msgstr "已選取 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3598
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d installed"
-msgstr "已安裝 %d 個"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3599
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s: %s , %s, %s."
-msgstr "%s:%s、%s、%s。"
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3694
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4893
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s/%s catalogs successfully updated:\n"
+msgstr "%s/%s 資料庫更新成功:\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4921
 msgid ""
 "The Update All action is now complete and Package Manager will close.\n"
 "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3724
+       "現在已完成「全部更新」動作,「套裝軟體管理員」將會關閉。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "重新啟動系統之前,請先檢閱以下網址公佈的版本說明:\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4932
+msgid "Update All Complete"
+msgstr "全部更新完成"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4969
 msgid "Save selected..."
 msgstr "儲存選取的項目..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3725
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4970
 msgid "Save selected packages..."
 msgstr "儲存選取的套裝軟體..."
-#: ../packagemanager.py:3726
+#: ../packagemanager.py:4971
 msgid ""
 "The installed package(s) require a reboot before installation can be "
 msgstr ""
+       "所安裝的套裝軟體要求先重新開機,然後才能完成"
+       "安裝。"
+#: ../packagemanager.py:5009
+msgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
+msgstr "gtk無法初始化"
 #: ../publish.py:78
 msgid ""
@@ -3639,14 +3888,15 @@
 "        pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
 "Packager subcommands:\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
+"        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <section.property>=<value>\n"
 "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
 "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
 "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] manifest ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
+"        pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+"        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+"        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+"        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
 "        -s repo_uri     target repository URI\n"
@@ -3654,153 +3904,313 @@
 "        PKG_REPO"
-msgstr ""
-"        pkgsend [選項] 指令 [cmd 選項] [運算元]\n"
-"        pkgsend create-repository\n"
-"        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
-"        pkgsend add 動作引數\n"
-"        pkgsend import [-T 檔案樣式] 束檔案 ...\n"
-"        pkgsend include [-d 基底目錄] 清單 ...\n"
-"        pkgsend close [-A]\n"
-"        pkgsend rename src_fmri dest_fmri\n"
-"        -s repo_uri     目標儲存庫 URI\n"
-"        --help or -?    顯示用法訊息\n"
-"        PKG_REPO"
-#: ../publish.py:104
+msgstr "用法:\n"
+       "        pkgsend [選單] command [指令選單] [運算元]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "套件子指令:\n"
+       "        pkgsend create-repository --set-property <區域屬性>=<數值>\n"
+       "        pkgsend open [-en] pkg_fmri\n"
+       "        pkgsend add action arguments\n"
+       "        pkgsend import [-T file_pattern] bundlefile...\n"
+       "pkgsend include [-d basedir] .. [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend close [-A | --no-index]\n"
+       "        pkgsend publish [-d basedir] ... fmri [manifest] ...\n"
+       "        pkgsend generate [-T file_pattern] bundlefile ....\n"
+       "        pkgsend refresh-index\n"
+       "\n"
+       "選單:\n"
+       "        -s 套件庫URI位址     目標儲存庫URI\n"
+       "        --help or -?       列出使用方式資訊\n"
+       "\n"
+       "環境:\n"
+       "        PKG_REPO"
+#: ../publish.py:112 ../depot.py:364
+msgid "property arguments must be of the form '<section.property>=<value>'."
+msgstr "屬性參數一定要是此種形式 '<部份屬性>=<數值>'"
+#: ../publish.py:123
+msgid ""
+"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
+"or required values are missing.  Please provide the correct and/or required "
+"values using the --set-property option."
+msgstr "指定無效的儲存庫設定值:遺失--set-property參數或需要的數值。\n"
+       "請使用正確的--set-property使用方式與數值。"
+#: ../publish.py:146
+msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
+msgstr "只可以指定 -e 或 -n"
+#: ../publish.py:149
+msgid "open requires one package name"
+msgstr "執行 open 指令需要一個套裝軟體名稱"
+#: ../publish.py:178
+msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
+msgstr "使用 -t 時或在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中沒有指定作業事件 ID。"
+#: ../publish.py:192 ../publish.py:260 ../publish.py:375
+msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
+msgstr "$PKG_TRANS_ID 中沒有指定作業事件 ID"
+#: ../publish.py:196 ../publish.py:387 ../publish.py:405
+msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
+msgstr "未為子指令指定引數。"
+#: ../publish.py:202
+msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
+msgstr "必須為此動作提供檔案名稱。"
+#: ../publish.py:229
+msgid "No fmri argument specified for subcommand"
+msgstr "子命令沒有指定fmri參數"
+#: ../publish.py:295
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: missing path"
+msgstr "行 %d:遺失路徑"
+#: ../publish.py:322
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %s: File %s not found"
+msgstr "行 %s:檔案 %s 找不到"
+#: ../publish.py:333
+#, python-format
+msgid "line %d: %s"
+msgstr "行 %d: %s"
+#: ../publish.py:420
 msgid "command does not take operands"
 msgstr "指令沒有運算元"
-#: ../publish.py:128
-msgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
-msgstr "只可以指定 -e 或 -n"
-#: ../publish.py:131
-msgid "open requires one package name"
-msgstr "執行 open 指令需要一個套裝軟體名稱"
-#: ../publish.py:157
-msgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
-msgstr "使用 -t 時或在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中沒有指定作業事件 ID。"
-#: ../publish.py:171 ../publish.py:219 ../publish.py:271
-msgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
-msgstr "$PKG_TRANS_ID 中沒有指定作業事件 ID"
-#: ../publish.py:175 ../publish.py:201 ../publish.py:223 ../publish.py:283
-msgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
-msgstr "未為子指令指定引數。"
-#: ../publish.py:181
-msgid "A filename must be provided for this action."
-msgstr "必須為此動作提供檔案名稱。"
-#: ../publish.py:323
+#: ../publish.py:449
 #, python-format
 msgid "pkgsend: illegal global option -- %s"
 msgstr "pkgsend:非法全域選項 -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:51
+#: ../publish.py:485
+#, python-format
+msgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
+msgstr "非法 %s 選項 -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:85
 msgid ""
-"        pkgrecv -s server [-d dir] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s server -n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+"            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+"        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+"        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+"                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+"                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+"                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+"                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+"                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+"                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+"                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+"                        to republish it.\n"
+"        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+"        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+"                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+"        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+"                            all-timestamps\n"
+"                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+"                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+"                            all-versions\n"
+"                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+"        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+"                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+"                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+"        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+"                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+"        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+"                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+"        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+"        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
 msgstr ""
-"        pkgrecv -s 伺服器 [-d 目錄] pkgfmri ...\n"
-"        pkgrecv -s 伺服器 -n"
-#: ../pull.py:75
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open manifest: %s"
-msgstr "無法開啟清單:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:111
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download files from: %s"
-msgstr "無法從下列位置下載檔案:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:120 ../pull.py:165
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to create directory: %s"
-msgstr "無法建立目錄:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:138
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-k] [-m] [-n] [-r]\n"
+       "            (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
+       "        pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] -n\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -d path_or_uri  The path of a directory to save the retrieved "
+       "package\n"
+       "                        to, or the URI of a repository to republish it to.  "
+       "If\n"
+       "                        not provided, the default value is the current "
+       "working\n"
+       "                        directory.  If a directory path is provided, then\n"
+       "                        package content will only be retrieved if it does "
+       "not\n"
+       "                        already exist in the target directory.  If a "
+       "repository\n"
+       "                        URI is provided, a temporary directory will be "
+       "created\n"
+       "                        and all of the package data retrieved before "
+       "attempting\n"
+       "                        to republish it.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "        -h              Display this usage message.\n"
+       "        -k              Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
+       "ignored\n"
+       "                        when republishing.  Should not be used with "
+       "pkgsend.\n"
+       "        -m match        Controls matching behaviour using the following "
+       "values:\n"
+       "                            all-timestamps\n"
+       "                                includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
+       "                                latest (implies all-versions)\n"
+       "                            all-versions\n"
+       "                                includes all matching versions, not just "
+       "latest\n"
+       "        -n              List the most recent versions of the packages "
+       "available\n"
+       "                        from the specified repository and exit (all other\n"
+       "                        options except -s will be ignored).\n"
+       "        -r              Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
+       "provided\n"
+       "                        list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
+       "        -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
+       "                        repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_DEST        Destination directory or repository URI\n"
+       "        PKG_SRC         Source repository URI"
+#: ../pull.py:166
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to load manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:176
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+msgstr "Unable to parse manifest '%s' for package '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:187
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+msgstr "Unable to write manifest '%s' for package  '%s'."
+#: ../pull.py:234
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve manifest %s from %s: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:243
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "從下列位置讀取時發生錯誤:%s"
+#: ../pull.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+msgstr "Unable to retrieve content from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:479
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to extract file: %s"
 msgstr "無法擷取檔案:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to download manifest %s from %s"
-msgstr "無法從 %2$s下載清單 %1$s"
-#: ../pull.py:173
-#, python-format
-msgid "Unable to open file: %s"
-msgstr "無法開啟檔案:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:180
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "從下列位置讀取時發生錯誤:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:186
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error occurred while writing to: %s"
-msgstr "寫入下列位置時發生錯誤:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:225
+#: ../pull.py:526
 #, python-format
 msgid "Unable to download catalog from: %s"
 msgstr "無法從下列位置下載分類:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:235
-#, python-format
-msgid "Error while reading from: %s"
-msgstr "從下列位置讀取時發生錯誤:%s"
-#: ../pull.py:262
+#: ../pull.py:537
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+msgstr "Error: %s while reading from: %s"
+#: ../pull.py:575
 #, python-format
 msgid "Illegal option -- %s"
 msgstr "非法選項 -- %s"
-#: ../pull.py:275
-msgid "must specify a server"
-msgstr "必須指定伺服器"
-#: ../pull.py:282
+#: ../pull.py:596
+#, python-format
+msgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
+msgstr "非法選單值 -- %s"
+#: ../pull.py:599
+msgid "a source repository must be provided"
+msgstr "a source repository must be provided"
+#: ../pull.py:604
 msgid "-n takes no options"
 msgstr "-n 沒有選項"
-#: ../pull.py:290
+#: ../pull.py:611
 msgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
 msgstr "必須至少指定一個 pkgfmri"
-#: ../pull.py:302
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(fmri)s is an illegal fmri: %(error)s"
-msgstr "%(fmri)s 是非法的 fmri:%(error)s"
-#: ../pull.py:315
-msgid "No files to retrieve."
-msgstr "沒有要擷取的檔案。"
+#: ../pull.py:635
+msgid "To create a repository, use the pkgsend command."
+msgstr "使用pkgsend指令建立一個儲存庫"
+#: ../pull.py:640
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+"or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+"the repository or create a new one."
+msgstr ""
+       "The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
+       "or the specified path does not exist.  Please correct the configuration of "
+       "the repository or create a new one."
+#: ../pull.py:655
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to create basedir '%s'."
+msgstr "無法建立主目錄 '%s'"
+#: ../pull.py:665
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
+#: ../pull.py:683
+msgid "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+msgstr "Retrieving manifests for package evaluation ..."
+#. Next, retrieve and store the content for each package.
+#: ../pull.py:703
+msgid "Retrieving package content ..."
+msgstr "修復套件內容 ..."
+#: ../pull.py:725
+#, python-format
+msgid "Republishing %s ..."
+msgstr "重新發佈 %s ..."
+#: ../pull.py:781
+msgid "Refreshing repository search indices ..."
+msgstr "刷新儲存庫搜尋索引 ..."
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
 "Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
-msgstr ""
-"如果設為 True,則當有更新可用時,面板旁的「通知區域」"
+msgstr "如果設為 True,則當有更新可用時,面板旁的「通知區域」"
+       "會顯示說明可用更新的文字訊息。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "How often to check for updates"
@@ -3811,8 +4221,8 @@
 "How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
 msgstr ""
+       "檢查更新的頻率。有效值為"
+       "每日檢查、每週檢查、每月檢查或永遠不檢查"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Start delay"
@@ -3827,16 +4237,16 @@
 "The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
 "starting, before checking for updates."
 msgstr ""
+       "在啟動之後或在檢查更新之前,"
+       "更新管理員通知程式應等待的秒數。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid ""
 "The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
 "icon in the notification area if set to true."
 msgstr ""
-"如果設為 True,則在使用者啟動通知區域中的圖示"
+       "如果設為 True,則在使用者啟動通知區域中的圖示"
+       "之後,更新管理員通知程式會終止。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager-preferences.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
@@ -3855,8 +4265,8 @@
 msgstr "安裝可用的更新"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.desktop.in.h:2 ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:10
-#: ../updatemanager.py:927 ../updatemanager.py:992
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:351
+#: ../updatemanager.py:559 ../updatemanager.py:599
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:329
 msgid "Update Manager"
 msgstr "更新管理員"
@@ -3876,9 +4286,7 @@
 msgid "Close dialog when _finished"
 msgstr "完成時關閉對話方塊(_F)"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7 ../updatemanager.py:207
-#: ../updatemanager.py:429 ../updatemanager.py:436 ../updatemanager.py:443
-#: ../updatemanager.py:450 ../updatemanager.py:457
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:7
 msgid "Index"
 msgstr "索引"
@@ -3886,13 +4294,13 @@
 msgid "Install Update"
 msgstr "安裝更新"
-#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11 ../updatemanager.py:594
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:11
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Select the packages you want to update and click Install."
 msgstr ""
-"選取您要更新的套裝軟體,然後按一下 [安裝]。"
+       "下列套裝軟體有更新可用。\n"
+       "選取您要更新的套裝軟體,然後按一下 [安裝]。"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:13
 msgid "_Cancel"
@@ -3910,6 +4318,18 @@
 msgid "_Select all Updates"
 msgstr "選取所有更新(_S)"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:18
+msgid "gtk-cancel"
+msgstr "gtk-cancel"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:19
+msgid "gtk-close"
+msgstr "gtk-close"
+#: ../um/data/updatemanager.glade.h:20
+msgid "gtk-help"
+msgstr "gtk-help"
 #: ../um/data/updatemanagernotifier.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Notify user when updates are available"
 msgstr "有更新可用時通知使用者"
@@ -3918,383 +4338,833 @@
 msgid "Update Manager Notifier"
 msgstr "更新管理員通知程式"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:123
-#, python-format
-msgid "Fetching catalog: '%s' ..."
-msgstr "正在擷取分類:「%s」..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:127
-msgid "Fetching catalog"
-msgstr "正在擷取分類"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:130
-msgid "Creating Plan ... "
-msgstr "正在建立計劃..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:141
-msgid "Creating Plan"
-msgstr "正在建立計劃"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:152
-#, python-format
-msgid "Verifying: %s ..."
-msgstr "正在驗證:%s ..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:159
-msgid "Verifying"
-msgstr "驗證中"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:173
-msgid "Completed"
-msgstr "已完成"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:387
+#: ../updatemanager.py:237
 #, python-format
 msgid "GUI will not respond to any event! %s. Check updatemanager.py signals"
 msgstr "GUI 將不會對任何事件作出回應!%s。請檢查 updatemanager.py 訊號"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:426 ../updatemanager.py:433 ../updatemanager.py:440
-#: ../updatemanager.py:447 ../updatemanager.py:454
-msgid "Evaluate"
-msgstr "估算"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:462
-msgid "Evaluate - canceling..."
-msgstr "估算 - 取消中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:466
-msgid "Download - canceling..."
-msgstr "下載 - 取消中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:471
-msgid "Evaluate - failed"
-msgstr "估算 - 失敗"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:475
-msgid "Download - failed"
-msgstr "下載 - 失敗"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:479
-msgid "Install - failed"
-msgstr "安裝 - 失敗"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:483
-msgid "Index - failed"
-msgstr "索引 - 失敗"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:601
+#: ../updatemanager.py:305
 msgid ""
 "Updates are available for the following packages.\n"
 "Click Update All to create a new boot environment and install all packages "
 "into it."
 msgstr ""
-"按一下 [全部更新] 可以建立新的啟動環境並於該處安裝"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:629
+       "下列套裝軟體有更新可用。\n"
+       "按一下 [全部更新] 可以建立新的啟動環境並於該處安裝"
+       "所有套裝軟體。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:333
 msgid "Latest Version"
 msgstr "最新版本"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:638
+#: ../updatemanager.py:342
 msgid "Size (Meg)"
 msgstr "大小 (MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:717
+#: ../updatemanager.py:434
 #, python-format
 msgid "count: %d"
 msgstr "計數:%d"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:742 ../updatemanager.py:752
-msgid "Error\n"
-msgstr "錯誤\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:745
-#, python-format
-msgid "'%s' is not an install image\n"
-msgstr "「%s」不是安裝影像\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:755
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version mismatch: expected %s received %s\n"
-msgstr "版本不相符:預期為 %s,卻收到 %s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:760
+#: ../updatemanager.py:454
+msgid ""
+"<b>You do not have sufficient permissions.</b>\n"
+"Please restart pm-updatemanager using pfexec."
+msgstr "<b>您沒有足夠的權限。</b>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "請使用pfexec重新啟動pm-updatemanager。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:459
 msgid "<b>No Updates available.</b>"
 msgstr "<b>沒有可用的更新。</b>"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:817
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Size:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Latest Version:\t\t%s\n"
-"Installed Version:\t%s\n"
-"Packaging Date:\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"Repository:       \t\t%s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"大小:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"FMRI:       \t\t\t%s\n"
-"儲存庫:       \t\t%s\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:847 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:310
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid image, trying root image"
-msgstr "%s 不是有效的影像,正在嘗試根影像"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:857 ../updatemanagernotifier.py:320
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s is not valid root image, return None"
-msgstr "%s 不是有效的根影像,傳回「無」"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:896
+#: ../updatemanager.py:492
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetching details for %s ..."
 msgstr ""
-"正在擷取 %s 的詳細資訊..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:920
+       "\n"
+       "正在擷取 %s 的詳細資訊..."
+#: ../updatemanager.py:545
 msgid ""
 "No details available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:971
-msgid ""
-"Canceling update, please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:976
-msgid ""
-"Unable to cancel at this time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:979
-msgid "Installing Updates"
-msgstr "正在安裝更新"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1002
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "錯誤"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1004
-msgid "Following Incorporated package(s) cannot be updated:"
-msgstr "無法更新下列加入的套裝軟體:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1008
-msgid "Update using: Update All\n"
-msgstr "更新時使用 [全部更新]\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1025 ../updatemanager.py:1155 ../updatemanager.py:1190
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1028
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1040
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in %1.f mins\n"
-msgstr ""
-"已於 %1.f 分鐘內成功完成 [全部更新]\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1045
-msgid ""
-"Update All finished successfully in < 1 min\n"
-msgstr ""
-"已於不超過 1 分鐘的時間成功完成 [全部更新]\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1049
-msgid ""
-"Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1059
+       "\n"
+       "沒有提供詳細資訊"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:615
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d minutes."
+msgstr "全部更新成功完成。花了 %d 分鐘"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:619
+#, python-format
+msgid "Update All finished successfully in %d seconds."
+msgstr "全部更新成功完成。花了 %d 秒"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:624
+msgid "Review the posted release notes before rebooting your system:"
+msgstr "在重新開機前,再檢視投遞出的釋出紀錄:"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:634
 msgid "Update All Completed"
 msgstr "[全部更新] 完成"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1074
-msgid "Nothing selected to update."
-msgstr "未選擇任何要更新的項目。"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1081
-msgid "Updating ..."
-msgstr "更新中..."
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1087
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1093
-msgid "Update error in plan install:"
-msgstr "安裝計劃時出現更新錯誤:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1103
-msgid "Update unexpected API error:"
-msgstr "更新未預期的 API 錯誤:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1108
-msgid "Update unexpected error:"
-msgstr "更新未預期的錯誤:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1131
-msgid "Packages to be installed:"
-msgstr "要安裝的套裝軟體:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1135
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "更新"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1136
-msgid "Update finished successfully."
-msgstr "已成功完成更新。"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1157
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Download failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 下載失敗:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1164 ../updatemanager.py:1199
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s exceded available disc space"
-msgstr "%s 已超過可用的磁碟空間"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1169 ../updatemanager.py:1174 ../updatemanager.py:1204
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1209
-#, python-format
-msgid "%s unexpected error:"
-msgstr "%s 發生未預期的錯誤:"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1192
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"%s Execute plan failed:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 執行計劃失敗:\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1226
+#: ../updatemanager.py:647
 msgid ""
 "Not enough disc space, the Update All action cannot be performed.\n"
 "Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
 "cancel Update All."
 msgstr ""
-"按一下 [確定] 管理您現有的 BE 並釋放磁碟空間,或按一下 [取消]"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1230
+       "沒有足夠的磁碟空間,無法執行「全部更新」動作。\n"
+       "\n"
+       "按一下 [確定] 管理您現有的 BE 並釋放磁碟空間,或按一下 [取消]"
+       "以取消「全部更新」。"
+#: ../updatemanager.py:651
 msgid "Not Enough Disc Space"
 msgstr "磁碟空間不足"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1398
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1405
-#, python-format
-msgid "\tpkg %d/%d: \tfiles %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(meg)"
-msgstr "\tpkg %d/%d:\t檔案 %d/%d \txfer %.2f/%.2f(MB)"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1422
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1424 ../updatemanager.py:1428
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%s\t%d/%d 個動作"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1446
-msgid "Index\n"
-msgstr "索引\n"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1447 ../updatemanager.py:1451
-#, python-format
-msgid "\t%-25s\t%d/%d actions"
-msgstr "\t%-25s\t%d/%d 個動作"
-#: ../updatemanager.py:1533
+#: ../updatemanager.py:804
 msgid "Checking for new software"
 msgstr "正在檢查新軟體"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:308
 msgid "Updates are available"
 msgstr "有更新可用"
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:352
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:330
 msgid ""
 "Updates available\n"
 "Please click on icon to update."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:427
+       "有更新可用\n"
+       "請按一下圖示以更新。"
+#: ../updatemanagernotifier.py:405
 msgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
 msgstr "正在執行 UpdateManagerNotify 的其他實例"
-# ../gui/data/packagemanager-info.xml.in:31
-msgid "pkg(5) info file"
-msgstr "pkg(5) 資訊檔"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
+msgstr "版本不符合:預期版本 %d , 得到版本 %d"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s is not an install image"
+msgstr "%s 不是一個安裝影像"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:131
+msgid "API Error"
+msgstr "API 錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:152
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "錯誤"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:174
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "            大小:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:175
+msgid "Category:"
+msgstr "            類別:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:176
+msgid "Installed:"
+msgstr "已安裝:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:177 ../gui/modules/misc.py:205
+msgid "Version Available:"
+msgstr "可用版本:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:178
+msgid "Latest Version:"
+msgstr "最新版本:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:179
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "發佈者:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:189
+#, python-format
+msgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+msgstr "是,%(version)s (建造 %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:194
+msgid "Update Available:"
+msgstr "可用的更新:"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:329
+msgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
+msgstr "資料庫重整錯誤:\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/misc.py:331
+#, python-format
+msgid "Only %s out of %s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
+msgstr "只有 $s 在 %s 資料庫之外的更新成功"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
+msgstr "恢復資料庫 '%s' ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:52
+msgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
+msgstr "擷取資料庫 ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:59
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
+msgstr "讀取資料快取 ...\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:70
+#, python-format
+msgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "刷新資料庫"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
+msgstr "刷新資料庫 %s 完成\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "Evaluating: %s"
+msgstr "正在計算:%s"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
+msgstr "已下載 %(current)s 個 (共 %(total)s 個)"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:119
+#, python-format
+msgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
+msgstr "%d 個套裝軟體 (共 %d 個):%s\n"
+#: ../gui/modules/progress.py:129 ../gui/modules/progress.py:141
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s\n"
+msgstr "%s\n"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:70
+msgid "Missing type attribute"
+msgstr "遺失類型屬性"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:74
+msgid "Missing fmri attribute"
+msgstr "遺失fmri屬性"
+#: ../modules/actions/depend.py:78
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
+msgstr "相依動作中有不明的類型 (%s)"
+#: ../modules/actions/directory.py:54 ../modules/actions/file.py:63
+#: ../modules/actions/link.py:55
+msgid "Empty path attribute"
+msgstr "空路徑屬性"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:124
+#, python-format
+msgid "No such file: '%s'."
+msgstr "無此檔案: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/actions/generic.py:127
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a file."
+msgstr "'%s' 並不是檔案。"
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:112
+#, python-format
+msgid "License file %s does not exist."
+msgstr "授權內容檔案 %s 並不存在。"
+#: ../modules/actions/license.py:117
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
+msgstr "混雜:'%(found)s' 應該是 '%(expected)s'"
+#: ../modules/catalog.py:1240
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
+msgstr "不明的資訊需求形式: %s"
+#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
+#: ../modules/client/api.py:115
+msgid "Unknown img_path type."
+msgstr "不明的img_path形式。"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:760
+msgid "Removal Phase"
+msgstr "移除階段"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:770
+msgid "Install Phase"
+msgstr "安裝階段"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:781
+msgid "Update Phase"
+msgstr "更新階段"
+#: ../modules/client/imageplan.py:836
+msgid "Index Phase"
+msgstr "索引階段"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:589
+#, python-format
+msgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
+msgstr "恢復資料庫 '%s' ..."
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:596
+msgid "Caching catalogs ..."
+msgstr "擷取資料庫"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:602
+msgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
+msgstr "讀取資料快取"
+#: ../modules/client/progress.py:608
+msgid "Refreshing catalog"
+msgstr "刷新資料庫"
+#: ../modules/client/publisher.py:950
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+"for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+"publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+"publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+"To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+"privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+"To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+"following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+"After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+"executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "\n"
+       "The catalog retrieved for publisher '%(prefix)s' only contains package data "
+       "for these publisher(s): %(pubs)s.  To resolve this issue, update this "
+       "publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add one of the listed "
+       "publishers using this publisher's repository origin.\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To correct the repository origin, execute the following command as a "
+       "privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O <url> %(prefix)s\n"
+       "\n"
+       "To add a new publisher using this publisher's repository origin, execute the "
+       "following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg set-publisher -O %(origin)s <publisher>\n"
+       "\n"
+       "After the new publisher has been added, this one should be removed by "
+       "executing the following command as a privileged user:\n"
+       "\n"
+       "pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:46
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't find %s"
+msgstr "找不到 %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/base.py:105
+#, python-format
+msgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
+msgstr "相依性子分類一定執行dep_key。目前分類: %s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
+msgstr "%s had this elf error:%s"
+#: ../modules/flavor/elf.py:57
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+"token at this time."
+msgstr ""
+       "%s had this token, %s, in its run path:%s. We are unable to handle this "
+       "token at this time."
+#: ../modules/flavor/python.py:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+msgstr "Could not find the file for %s imported in %s"
+#: ../modules/fmri.py:91
+#, python-format
+msgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
+msgstr "FRMI '%s' 遺失版本資訊。"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:158
+msgid "Reading Existing Index"
+msgstr "讀取存在的索引"
+#: ../modules/indexer.py:673 ../modules/indexer.py:698
+msgid "Indexing Packages"
+msgstr "索引套件"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:442
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr "%(fp)s:\n"
+       "%(e)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:453
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+"The action is:%(act)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
+       "The action is:%(act)s"
+#: ../modules/manifest.py:546
+#, python-format
+msgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
+msgstr "屬性值 '%s' 不是 'true' 或 'false'"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:87
+msgid "missing version"
+msgstr "遺失版本號"
+#: ../modules/p5i.py:89
+msgid "invalid version"
+msgstr "無效的版本"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:71
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+msgstr "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:75
+#, python-format
+msgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+msgstr "Malformed URL: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:76
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "無效的儲存庫位址: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:88
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
+       "(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:95
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+msgstr "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:101
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr ""
+       "'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+       "%(msg)s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:104
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
+msgstr "無法初始化交易:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:118
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:140
+msgid "Not an absolute path."
+msgstr "不是一個絕對路徑。"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:148
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+msgstr ""
+       "An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
+       "structures:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:285
+msgid "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+msgstr "Unsupported or temporarily unavailable operation requested."
+#: ../modules/publish/transaction.py:408
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+msgstr "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:126
+#, python-format
+msgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+msgstr "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:332
+#, python-format
+msgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+msgstr "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:347
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+"and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+msgstr ""
+       "A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
+       "number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
+       "and the text of the query.  The query provided lacked at least one of those "
+       "fields:\n"
+       "%s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:369
+msgid "Could not parse query."
+msgstr "無法解讀查詢。"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
+msgstr "問題發生: %s"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:509
+msgid "This expression produces action results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces action results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:511
+msgid "This expression produces package results:"
+msgstr "This expression produces package results:"
+#: ../modules/query_parser.py:514
+msgid ""
+"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+msgstr ""
+       "'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:109
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+"was %(l)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Got an empty unquote_list while indexing. split_chars was %(sc)s and line "
+       "was %(l)s"
+#: ../modules/search_errors.py:121
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+"unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+msgstr ""
+       "Had an empty line in the main dictionary. split_chars is %(sc)s and "
+       "unquote_list is %(ul)s.%(s)s"
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:395
+msgid "Directory listing not allowed."
+msgstr "Directory listing not allowed."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:678
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+msgstr "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
+#: ../modules/server/depot.py:941
+msgid "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+msgstr "No matching FMRI found in repository catalog."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:72
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+msgstr "The specified catalog file '%s', could not be found."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+msgstr "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:90
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+msgstr "The specified repository root '%s' does not contain a valid repository."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified Transaction ID '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:110
+#, python-format
+msgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+msgstr "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:119
+msgid ""
+"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+"mirror mode."
+msgstr ""
+       "The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
+       "mirror mode."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:128
+msgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+msgstr "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:137
+msgid "No token was provided to search."
+msgstr "No token was provided to search."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:139
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+msgstr "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:147
+msgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+msgstr "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:156
+msgid ""
+"The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+"can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+"cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+"read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+msgstr ""
+       "The format of the repository or its contents needs to be upgraded before it "
+       "can be used to serve package data.  However, it is currently read-only and "
+       "cannot be upgraded.  If using pkg.depotd, please restart the server without "
+       "read-only so that the repository can be upgraded."
+#. To upgrade the repository, the catalog will have to
+#. be rebuilt.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:426
+msgid "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+msgstr "Upgrading repository; this process will take some time."
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:535
+msgid "repository directories incomplete"
+msgstr "儲存庫目錄不完全"
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:544
+msgid ""
+"repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+msgstr ""
+       "repository directories not writeable by current user id or group and are "
+       "incomplete"
+#. Don't add packages with corrupt
+#. manifests to the catalog.
+#: ../modules/server/repository.py:657
+#, python-format
+msgid "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+msgstr "Skipping %(fmri)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
+#: ../modules/server/repositoryconfig.py:406
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+       "Unable to locate or read the specified repository configuration file: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+msgstr "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:83
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+msgstr "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:86
+#, python-format
+msgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+msgstr "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:89
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+msgstr "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:92
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+"publisher has not been defined."
+msgstr ""
+       "The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
+       "repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
+       "publisher has not been defined."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:98
+#, python-format
+msgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
+msgstr "指定的FMRI '%s' 是無效的。"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:107
+#, python-format
+msgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
+msgstr "交易ID '%s' 已經開啟"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:421
+msgid "An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set'."
+msgstr "舊套件不能包含'set'以外的動作"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:429
+msgid "A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'depend'."
+msgstr "重新命名的套件不能包含'set'和'depend'以外的動作"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:444
+msgid "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+msgstr "A package may not  be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:447
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:451
+#, python-format
+msgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+msgstr "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
+#: ../modules/server/transaction.py:471
+msgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
+msgstr "重新命名的套件至少包含'depend'動作。"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:75
+msgid ""
+"        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+"        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+"        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+"        -R dir\n"
+"        --help or -?\n"
+"        PKG_IMAGE"
+msgstr ""
+       "Usage:\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Subcommands:\n"
+       "        pkgdep generate [-IMm] manifest proto_dir\n"
+       "        pkgdep [options] resolve [-dMos] manifest ...\n"
+       "\n"
+       "Options:\n"
+       "        -R dir\n"
+       "        --help or -?\n"
+       "Environment:\n"
+       "        PKG_IMAGE"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:132
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not find manifest file %s"
+msgstr "找不到清單檔案 %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:136
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
+msgstr "無法解析清單 %(manifest)s ,由於以下幾行:\n"
+       "%(line)s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:182
+msgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
+msgstr "-o 參數不能與 -d 或 -s 參數一起使用"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:222
+#, python-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an install image"
+msgstr "「%s」不是安裝影像"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:228
+msgid "Could not parse one or more manifests because of the "
+msgstr "無法處理一或多個顯示。因為"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:301 ../pkgdep.py:336
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
+msgstr "無法開啟 %s 來回傳顯示"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:306
+msgid ""
+msgstr "\n"
+       "\n"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:328
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
+msgstr "無法開啟寫入所需的輸出檔案"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:370
+#, python-format
+msgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
+msgstr "輸出檔 %s 不存在也無法建立。\n"
+       "錯誤訊息: %s"
+#: ../pkgdep.py:445
+msgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
+msgstr "產生子命令不使用 -R"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:67
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
+msgstr "檔案管理員無法 %(cre)s %(ent)s ,因為設定狀態是唯讀。"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:81
+#, python-format
+msgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
+msgstr "檔案管理員無法產生 '%s' 或包含它的目錄。"
+#: ../modules/file_layout/file_manager.py:94
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
+"known layouts:\n"
+msgstr "找到以下路徑但無法被紀錄進任何已知的布局中:\n"
+       "%s"