author rohinis
Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:32:55 +0000
changeset 22234 c23e64da3e06
parent 18061 1ad14cf3c086
permissions -rw-r--r--
2011-11-29 Rohini S <[email protected]> * patches/Python26-22-audio.diff: Fixes CVE-2010-1634 * specs/SUNWPython26.spec: Fixes CR 7085446

4802301 xscreensaver should not tell root to "xhost +localhost"

diff --git xscreensaver-5.11/driver/demo-Gtk.c xscreensaver-5.11/driver/demo-Gtk.c
--- xscreensaver-5.11/driver/demo-Gtk.c
+++ xscreensaver-5.11/driver/demo-Gtk.c
@@ -1049,16 +1049,7 @@ await_xscreensaver (state *s)
         strcat (buf, STFU
 	  _("You are running as root.  This usually means that xscreensaver\n"
             "was unable to contact your X server because access control is\n"
-            "turned on.  Try running this command:\n"
-            "\n"
-            "                        xhost +localhost\n"
-            "\n"
-            "and then selecting `File / Restart Daemon'.\n"
-            "\n"
-            "Note that turning off access control will allow anyone logged\n"
-            "on to this machine to access your screen, which might be\n"
-            "considered a security problem.  Please read the xscreensaver\n"
-            "manual and FAQ for more information.\n"
+            "turned on.\n"
             "You shouldn't run X as root. Instead, you should log in as a\n"
             "normal user, and `su' as necessary."));