changeset 4287 aba3ed31b37a
child 4351 c3f50d5f75d2
equal deleted inserted replaced
4286:a7f757b12343 4287:aba3ed31b37a
     1 # Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     2 #
     3 #    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
     4 #    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
     5 #    a copy of the License at
     6 #
     7 #
     8 #
     9 #    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10 #    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
    11 #    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
    12 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
    13 #    under the License.
    16 """ openstack_upgrade - common functions used by the various OpenStack
    17 components to facilitate upgrading of configuration files and MySQL
    18 databases/tables (if in use)
    19 """
    21 from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
    22 from datetime import datetime
    23 import errno
    24 import glob
    25 import os
    26 import shutil
    27 import time
    29 import iniparse
    32 def create_backups(directory):
    33     """ create backups of each configuration file which also has a .new file
    34     from the upgrade.
    35     """
    37     today ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    38     cwd = os.getcwd()
    39     os.chdir(directory)
    40     for new_file in glob.glob('*.new'):
    41         # copy the old conf file to a backup
    42         old_file = new_file.replace('.new', '')
    43         try:
    44             shutil.copy2(old_file, old_file + '.' + today)
    45         except (IOError, OSError):
    46             print 'unable to create a backup of %s' % old_file
    48     os.chdir(cwd)
    51 def update_mapping(section, key, mapping):
    52     """ look for deprecated variables and, if found, convert it to the new
    53     section/key.
    54     """
    56     if (section, key) in mapping:
    57         print "Deprecated value found: [%s] %s" % (section, key)
    58         section, key = mapping[(section, key)]
    59         if section is None and key is None:
    60             print "Removing from configuration"
    61         else:
    62             print "Updating to: [%s] %s" % (section, key)
    63     return section, key
    66 def alter_mysql_tables(engine):
    67     """ Convert MySQL tables to use utf8
    68     """
    70     import MySQLdb
    72     for _none in range(5):
    73         try:
    74             db = MySQLdb.connect(,
    75                                  user=engine.url.username,
    76                                  passwd=engine.url.password,
    77                                  db=engine.url.database)
    78             break
    79         except MySQLdb.OperationalError as err:
    80             # mysql is not ready. sleep for 2 more seconds
    81             time.sleep(2)
    82     else:
    83         print "Unable to connect to MySQL:  %s" % err
    84         print ("Please verify MySQL is properly configured and online "
    85                "before using svcadm(1M) to clear this service.")
    86         raise RuntimeError
    88     cursor = db.cursor()
    89     cursor.execute("SHOW table status")
    90     cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE %s CHARACTER SET = 'utf8'" %
    91                    engine.url.database)
    92     cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE %s COLLATE = 'utf8_general_ci'" %
    93                    engine.url.database)
    94     cursor.execute("SHOW tables")
    95     res = cursor.fetchall()
    96     if res:
    97         cursor.execute("SET foreign_key_checks = 0")
    98         for item in res:
    99             cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s.%s CONVERT TO "
   100                            "CHARACTER SET 'utf8', COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'"
   101                            % (engine.url.database, item[0]))
   102         cursor.execute("SET foreign_key_checks = 1")
   103         db.commit()
   104         db.close()
   107 def modify_conf(old_file, mapping=None, exception_list=None):
   108     """ Copy over all uncommented options from the old configuration file.  In
   109     addition, look for deprecated section/keys and convert them to the new
   110     section/key.
   111     """
   113     new_file = old_file + '.new'
   115     # open the previous version
   116     old = iniparse.ConfigParser()
   117     old.readfp(open(old_file))
   119     # open the new version
   120     new = iniparse.ConfigParser()
   121     try:
   122         new.readfp(open(new_file))
   123     except IOError as err:
   124         if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
   125             # The upgrade did not deliver a .new file so, return
   126             print "%s not found - continuing with %s" % (new_file, old_file)
   127             return
   128         else:
   129             raise
   130     print "\nupdating %s" % old_file
   132     # walk every single section for uncommented options
   133     default_items = set(old.items('DEFAULT'))
   134     for old_section in old.sections() + ['DEFAULT']:
   136         # DEFAULT items show up in every section so remove them
   137         if old_section != 'DEFAULT':
   138             section_items = set(old.items(old_section)) - default_items
   139         else:
   140             section_items = default_items
   142         for old_key, value in section_items:
   143             # Look for deprecated section/keys
   144             if mapping is not None:
   145                 new_section, new_key = update_mapping(old_section, old_key,
   146                                                       mapping)
   147                 if new_section is None and new_key is None:
   148                     # option is deprecated so continue
   149                     continue
   150             else:
   151                 # no deprecated values for this file so just copy the values
   152                 # over
   153                 new_section, new_key = old_section, old_key
   155             # Look for exceptions
   156             if exception_list is not None:
   157                 if (new_section, new_key) in exception_list:
   158                     if (new_section != 'DEFAULT' and
   159                         not new.has_section(new_section)):
   160                         new.add_section(new_section)
   161                     print "Preserving [%s] %s = %s" % \
   162                         (new_section, new_key, value)
   163                     new.set(new_section, new_key, value)
   164                     continue
   166             if new_section != 'DEFAULT' and not new.has_section(new_section):
   167                 new.add_section(new_section)
   169             # print to the log when a value for old_section.old_key is changing
   170             # to a new value
   171             try:
   172                 new_value = new.get(new_section, new_key)
   173                 if new_value != value and '%SERVICE' not in new_value:
   174                     print "Changing [%s] %s:\n- %s\n+ %s" % \
   175                         (old_section, old_key, value, new_value)
   176                     print
   177             except NoOptionError:
   178                 # the new configuration file does not have this option set so
   179                 # just continue
   180                 pass
   182             # Only copy the old value to the new conf file if the entry doesn't
   183             # exist in the new file or if it contains '%SERVICE'
   184             if not new.has_option(new_section, new_key) or \
   185                '%SERVICE' in new.get(new_section, new_key):
   186                 new.set(new_section, new_key, value)
   188     # copy the new conf file in place
   189     with open(old_file, 'wb+') as fh:
   190         new.write(fh)
   193 def move_conf(original_file, new_file, mapping):
   194     """ move each entry in mapping from the original file to the new file.
   195     """
   196     # open the original file
   197     original = iniparse.ConfigParser()
   198     original.readfp(open(original_file))
   200     # open the new file
   201     new = iniparse.ConfigParser()
   202     new.readfp(open(new_file))
   204     # The mappings dictionary look similar to the deprecation mappings:
   205     # (original_section, original_key): (new_section, new_key)
   206     for (original_section, original_key) in mapping:
   207         try:
   208             original_value = original.get(original_section, original_key)
   209         except NoOptionError:
   210             # the original file does not contain this mapping so continue
   211             continue
   213         new_section, new_key = mapping.get((original_section, original_key))
   215         if new_section != 'DEFAULT' and not new.has_section(new_section):
   216             new.add_section(new_section)
   218         print 'Moving [%s] %s from %s to [%s] %s in %s' % \
   219             (original_section, original_key, original_file,
   220              new_section, new_key, new_file)
   222         # set the option in the new file
   223         new.set(new_section, new_key, original_value)
   225         # remove the option from the old file
   226         original.remove_option(original_section, original_key)
   228     with open(original_file, 'wb+') as fh:
   229         original.write(fh)
   231     with open(new_file, 'wb+') as fh:
   232         new.write(fh)