changeset 1158 227137d9fbce
parent 1157 65a016eaa866
child 1159 24e95e0bf738
--- a/components/openssl/openssl-1.0.0/engines/aesni/	Thu Feb 14 13:54:47 2013 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,991 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# ====================================================================
-# Written by Andy Polyakov <[email protected]> for the OpenSSL
-# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
-# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
-# details see
-# ====================================================================
-# This module implements support for Intel AES-NI extension. In
-# OpenSSL context it's used with Intel engine, but can also be used as
-# drop-in replacement for crypto/aes/asm/ [see below for
-# details].
-$PREFIX="aesni";	# if $PREFIX is set to "AES", the script
-			# generates drop-in replacement for
-			# crypto/aes/asm/
-$flavour = shift;
-$output  = shift;
-if ($flavour =~ /\./) { $output = $flavour; undef $flavour; }
-$win64=0; $win64=1 if ($flavour =~ /[nm]asm|mingw64/ || $output =~ /\.asm$/);
-$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
-( $xlate="${dir}" and -f $xlate ) or
-( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/" and -f $xlate) or
-die "can't locate";
-open STDOUT,"| $^X $xlate $flavour $output";
-$movkey = $PREFIX eq "aesni" ? "movaps" : "movups";
-@_4args=$win64?	("%rcx","%rdx","%r8", "%r9") :	# Win64 order
-		("%rdi","%rsi","%rdx","%rcx");	# Unix order
-$rounds="%eax";	# input to and changed by aesni_[en|de]cryptN !!!
-# this is natural Unix argument order for public $PREFIX_[ecb|cbc]_encrypt ...
-$key="%rcx";	# input to and changed by aesni_[en|de]cryptN !!!
-$ivp="%r8";	# cbc
-$rnds_="%r10d";	# backup copy for $rounds
-$key_="%r11";	# backup copy for $key
-# %xmm register layout
-$inout0="%xmm0";	$inout1="%xmm1";
-$inout2="%xmm2";	$inout3="%xmm3";
-$rndkey0="%xmm4";	$rndkey1="%xmm5";
-$iv="%xmm6";		$in0="%xmm7";	# used in CBC decrypt
-$in1="%xmm8";		$in2="%xmm9";
-# Inline version of internal aesni_[en|de]crypt1.
-# Why folded loop? Because aes[enc|dec] is slow enough to accommodate
-# cycles which take care of loop variables...
-{ my $sn;
-sub aesni_generate1 {
-my ($p,$key,$rounds)=@_;
-	$movkey	($key),$rndkey0
-	$movkey	16($key),$rndkey1
-	lea	32($key),$key
-	pxor	$rndkey0,$inout0
-	aes${p}	$rndkey1,$inout0
-	dec	$rounds
-	$movkey	($key),$rndkey1
-	lea	16($key),$key
-	jnz	.Loop_${p}1_$sn	# loop body is 16 bytes
-	aes${p}last	$rndkey1,$inout0
-# void $PREFIX_[en|de]crypt (const void *inp,void *out,const AES_KEY *key);
-{ my ($inp,$out,$key) = @_4args;
-.globl	${PREFIX}_encrypt
-.type	${PREFIX}_encrypt,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align	16
-	movups	($inp),$inout0		# load input
-	mov	240($key),$rounds	# pull $rounds
-	&aesni_generate1("enc",$key,$rounds);
-	movups	$inout0,($out)		# output
-	ret
-.size	${PREFIX}_encrypt,.-${PREFIX}_encrypt
-.globl	${PREFIX}_decrypt
-.type	${PREFIX}_decrypt,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align	16
-	movups	($inp),$inout0		# load input
-	mov	240($key),$rounds	# pull $rounds
-	&aesni_generate1("dec",$key,$rounds);
-	movups	$inout0,($out)		# output
-	ret
-.size	${PREFIX}_decrypt, .-${PREFIX}_decrypt
-# _aesni_[en|de]crypt[34] are private interfaces, N denotes interleave
-# factor. Why 3x subroutine is used in loops? Even though aes[enc|dec]
-# latency is 6, it turned out that it can be scheduled only every
-# *second* cycle. Thus 3x interleave is the one providing optimal
-# utilization, i.e. when subroutine's throughput is virtually same as
-# of non-interleaved subroutine [for number of input blocks up to 3].
-# This is why it makes no sense to implement 2x subroutine. As soon
-# as/if Intel improves throughput by making it possible to schedule
-# the instructions in question *every* cycles I would have to
-# implement 6x interleave and use it in loop...
-sub aesni_generate3 {
-my $dir=shift;
-# As already mentioned it takes in $key and $rounds, which are *not*
-# preserved. $inout[0-2] is cipher/clear text...
-.type	_aesni_${dir}rypt3,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align	16
-	$movkey	($key),$rndkey0
-	shr	\$1,$rounds
-	$movkey	16($key),$rndkey1
-	lea	32($key),$key
-	pxor	$rndkey0,$inout0
-	pxor	$rndkey0,$inout1
-	pxor	$rndkey0,$inout2
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout0
-	$movkey		($key),$rndkey0
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout1
-	dec		$rounds
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout2
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey0,$inout0
-	$movkey		16($key),$rndkey1
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey0,$inout1
-	lea		32($key),$key
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey0,$inout2
-	jnz		.L${dir}_loop3
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout0
-	$movkey		($key),$rndkey0
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout1
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout2
-	aes${dir}last	$rndkey0,$inout0
-	aes${dir}last	$rndkey0,$inout1
-	aes${dir}last	$rndkey0,$inout2
-	ret
-.size	_aesni_${dir}rypt3,.-_aesni_${dir}rypt3
-# 4x interleave is implemented to improve small block performance,
-# most notably [and naturally] 4 block by ~30%. One can argue that one
-# should have implemented 5x as well, but improvement would be <20%,
-# so it's not worth it...
-sub aesni_generate4 {
-my $dir=shift;
-# As already mentioned it takes in $key and $rounds, which are *not*
-# preserved. $inout[0-3] is cipher/clear text...
-.type	_aesni_${dir}rypt4,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align	16
-	$movkey	($key),$rndkey0
-	shr	\$1,$rounds
-	$movkey	16($key),$rndkey1
-	lea	32($key),$key
-	pxor	$rndkey0,$inout0
-	pxor	$rndkey0,$inout1
-	pxor	$rndkey0,$inout2
-	pxor	$rndkey0,$inout3
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout0
-	$movkey		($key),$rndkey0
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout1
-	dec		$rounds
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout2
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout3
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey0,$inout0
-	$movkey		16($key),$rndkey1
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey0,$inout1
-	lea		32($key),$key
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey0,$inout2
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey0,$inout3
-	jnz		.L${dir}_loop4
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout0
-	$movkey		($key),$rndkey0
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout1
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout2
-	aes${dir}	$rndkey1,$inout3
-	aes${dir}last	$rndkey0,$inout0
-	aes${dir}last	$rndkey0,$inout1
-	aes${dir}last	$rndkey0,$inout2
-	aes${dir}last	$rndkey0,$inout3
-	ret
-.size	_aesni_${dir}rypt4,.-_aesni_${dir}rypt4
-&aesni_generate3("enc") if ($PREFIX eq "aesni");
-&aesni_generate4("enc") if ($PREFIX eq "aesni");
-if ($PREFIX eq "aesni") {
-# void aesni_ecb_encrypt (const void *in, void *out,
-#			  size_t length, const AES_KEY *key,
-#			  int enc);
-.globl	aesni_ecb_encrypt
-.type	aesni_ecb_encrypt,\@function,5
-.align	16
-	cmp	\$16,$len		# check length
-	jb	.Lecb_ret
-	mov	240($key),$rounds	# pull $rounds
-	and	\$-16,$len
-	mov	$key,$key_		# backup $key
-	test	%r8d,%r8d		# 5th argument
-	mov	$rounds,$rnds_		# backup $rounds
-	jz	.Lecb_decrypt
-#--------------------------- ECB ENCRYPT ------------------------------#
-	sub	\$0x40,$len
-	jbe	.Lecb_enc_tail
-	jmp	.Lecb_enc_loop3
-.align 16
-	movups	($inp),$inout0
-	movups	0x10($inp),$inout1
-	movups	0x20($inp),$inout2
-	call	_aesni_encrypt3
-	sub	\$0x30,$len
-	lea	0x30($inp),$inp
-	lea	0x30($out),$out
-	movups	$inout0,-0x30($out)
-	mov	$rnds_,$rounds		# restore $rounds
-	movups	$inout1,-0x20($out)
-	mov	$key_,$key		# restore $key
-	movups	$inout2,-0x10($out)
-	ja	.Lecb_enc_loop3
-	add	\$0x40,$len
-	jz	.Lecb_ret
-	cmp	\$0x10,$len
-	movups	($inp),$inout0
-	je	.Lecb_enc_one
-	cmp	\$0x20,$len
-	movups	0x10($inp),$inout1
-	je	.Lecb_enc_two
-	cmp	\$0x30,$len
-	movups	0x20($inp),$inout2
-	je	.Lecb_enc_three
-	movups	0x30($inp),$inout3
-	call	_aesni_encrypt4
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	movups	$inout1,0x10($out)
-	movups	$inout2,0x20($out)
-	movups	$inout3,0x30($out)
-	jmp	.Lecb_ret
-.align	16
-	&aesni_generate1("enc",$key,$rounds);
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	jmp	.Lecb_ret
-.align	16
-	call	_aesni_encrypt3
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	movups	$inout1,0x10($out)
-	jmp	.Lecb_ret
-.align	16
-	call	_aesni_encrypt3
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	movups	$inout1,0x10($out)
-	movups	$inout2,0x20($out)
-	jmp	.Lecb_ret
-#--------------------------- ECB DECRYPT ------------------------------#
-.align	16
-	sub	\$0x40,$len
-	jbe	.Lecb_dec_tail
-	jmp	.Lecb_dec_loop3
-.align 16
-	movups	($inp),$inout0
-	movups	0x10($inp),$inout1
-	movups	0x20($inp),$inout2
-	call	_aesni_decrypt3
-	sub	\$0x30,$len
-	lea	0x30($inp),$inp
-	lea	0x30($out),$out
-	movups	$inout0,-0x30($out)
-	mov	$rnds_,$rounds		# restore $rounds
-	movups	$inout1,-0x20($out)
-	mov	$key_,$key		# restore $key
-	movups	$inout2,-0x10($out)
-	ja	.Lecb_dec_loop3
-	add	\$0x40,$len
-	jz	.Lecb_ret
-	cmp	\$0x10,$len
-	movups	($inp),$inout0
-	je	.Lecb_dec_one
-	cmp	\$0x20,$len
-	movups	0x10($inp),$inout1
-	je	.Lecb_dec_two
-	cmp	\$0x30,$len
-	movups	0x20($inp),$inout2
-	je	.Lecb_dec_three
-	movups	0x30($inp),$inout3
-	call	_aesni_decrypt4
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	movups	$inout1,0x10($out)
-	movups	$inout2,0x20($out)
-	movups	$inout3,0x30($out)
-	jmp	.Lecb_ret
-.align	16
-	&aesni_generate1("dec",$key,$rounds);
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	jmp	.Lecb_ret
-.align	16
-	call	_aesni_decrypt3
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	movups	$inout1,0x10($out)
-	jmp	.Lecb_ret
-.align	16
-	call	_aesni_decrypt3
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	movups	$inout1,0x10($out)
-	movups	$inout2,0x20($out)
-	ret
-.size	aesni_ecb_encrypt,.-aesni_ecb_encrypt
-# void $PREFIX_cbc_encrypt (const void *inp, void *out,
-#			    size_t length, const AES_KEY *key,
-#			    unsigned char *ivp,const int enc);
-$reserved = $win64?0x40:-0x18;	# used in decrypt
-.globl	${PREFIX}_cbc_encrypt
-.type	${PREFIX}_cbc_encrypt,\@function,6
-.align	16
-	test	$len,$len		# check length
-	jz	.Lcbc_ret
-	mov	240($key),$rnds_	# pull $rounds
-	mov	$key,$key_		# backup $key
-	test	%r9d,%r9d		# 6th argument
-	jz	.Lcbc_decrypt
-#--------------------------- CBC ENCRYPT ------------------------------#
-	movups	($ivp),$inout0		# load iv as initial state
-	cmp	\$16,$len
-	mov	$rnds_,$rounds
-	jb	.Lcbc_enc_tail
-	sub	\$16,$len
-	jmp	.Lcbc_enc_loop
-.align 16
-	movups	($inp),$inout1		# load input
-	lea	16($inp),$inp
-	pxor	$inout1,$inout0
-	&aesni_generate1("enc",$key,$rounds);
-	sub	\$16,$len
-	lea	16($out),$out
-	mov	$rnds_,$rounds		# restore $rounds
-	mov	$key_,$key		# restore $key
-	movups	$inout0,-16($out)	# store output
-	jnc	.Lcbc_enc_loop
-	add	\$16,$len
-	jnz	.Lcbc_enc_tail
-	movups	$inout0,($ivp)
-	jmp	.Lcbc_ret
-	mov	$len,%rcx	# zaps $key
-	xchg	$inp,$out	# $inp is %rsi and $out is %rdi now
-	.long	0x9066A4F3	# rep movsb
-	mov	\$16,%ecx	# zero tail
-	sub	$len,%rcx
-	xor	%eax,%eax
-	.long	0x9066AAF3	# rep stosb
-	lea	-16(%rdi),%rdi	# rewind $out by 1 block
-	mov	$rnds_,$rounds	# restore $rounds
-	mov	%rdi,%rsi	# $inp and $out are the same
-	mov	$key_,$key	# restore $key
-	xor	$len,$len	# len=16
-	jmp	.Lcbc_enc_loop	# one more spin
-#--------------------------- CBC DECRYPT ------------------------------#
-.align	16
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
-	lea	-0x58(%rsp),%rsp
-	movaps	%xmm6,(%rsp)
-	movaps	%xmm7,0x10(%rsp)
-	movaps	%xmm8,0x20(%rsp)
-	movaps	%xmm9,0x30(%rsp)
-	movups	($ivp),$iv
-	sub	\$0x40,$len
-	mov	$rnds_,$rounds
-	jbe	.Lcbc_dec_tail
-	jmp	.Lcbc_dec_loop3
-.align 16
-	movups	($inp),$inout0
-	movups	0x10($inp),$inout1
-	movups	0x20($inp),$inout2
-	movaps	$inout0,$in0
-	movaps	$inout1,$in1
-	movaps	$inout2,$in2
-	call	_aesni_decrypt3
-	sub	\$0x30,$len
-	lea	0x30($inp),$inp
-	lea	0x30($out),$out
-	pxor	$iv,$inout0
-	pxor	$in0,$inout1
-	movaps	$in2,$iv
-	pxor	$in1,$inout2
-	movups	$inout0,-0x30($out)
-	mov	$rnds_,$rounds	# restore $rounds
-	movups	$inout1,-0x20($out)
-	mov	$key_,$key	# restore $key
-	movups	$inout2,-0x10($out)
-	ja	.Lcbc_dec_loop3
-	add	\$0x40,$len
-	movups	$iv,($ivp)
-	jz	.Lcbc_dec_ret
-	movups	($inp),$inout0
-	cmp	\$0x10,$len
-	movaps	$inout0,$in0
-	jbe	.Lcbc_dec_one
-	movups	0x10($inp),$inout1
-	cmp	\$0x20,$len
-	movaps	$inout1,$in1
-	jbe	.Lcbc_dec_two
-	movups	0x20($inp),$inout2
-	cmp	\$0x30,$len
-	movaps	$inout2,$in2
-	jbe	.Lcbc_dec_three
-	movups	0x30($inp),$inout3
-	call	_aesni_decrypt4
-	pxor	$iv,$inout0
-	movups	0x30($inp),$iv
-	pxor	$in0,$inout1
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	pxor	$in1,$inout2
-	movups	$inout1,0x10($out)
-	pxor	$in2,$inout3
-	movups	$inout2,0x20($out)
-	movaps	$inout3,$inout0
-	lea	0x30($out),$out
-	jmp	.Lcbc_dec_tail_collected
-.align	16
-	&aesni_generate1("dec",$key,$rounds);
-	pxor	$iv,$inout0
-	movaps	$in0,$iv
-	jmp	.Lcbc_dec_tail_collected
-.align	16
-	call	_aesni_decrypt3
-	pxor	$iv,$inout0
-	pxor	$in0,$inout1
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	movaps	$in1,$iv
-	movaps	$inout1,$inout0
-	lea	0x10($out),$out
-	jmp	.Lcbc_dec_tail_collected
-.align	16
-	call	_aesni_decrypt3
-	pxor	$iv,$inout0
-	pxor	$in0,$inout1
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	pxor	$in1,$inout2
-	movups	$inout1,0x10($out)
-	movaps	$in2,$iv
-	movaps	$inout2,$inout0
-	lea	0x20($out),$out
-	jmp	.Lcbc_dec_tail_collected
-.align	16
-	and	\$15,$len
-	movups	$iv,($ivp)
-	jnz	.Lcbc_dec_tail_partial
-	movups	$inout0,($out)
-	jmp	.Lcbc_dec_ret
-	movaps	$inout0,$reserved(%rsp)
-	mov	$out,%rdi
-	mov	$len,%rcx
-	lea	$reserved(%rsp),%rsi
-	.long	0x9066A4F3	# rep movsb
-$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
-	movaps	(%rsp),%xmm6
-	movaps	0x10(%rsp),%xmm7
-	movaps	0x20(%rsp),%xmm8
-	movaps	0x30(%rsp),%xmm9
-	lea	0x58(%rsp),%rsp
-	ret
-.size	${PREFIX}_cbc_encrypt,.-${PREFIX}_cbc_encrypt
-# int $PREFIX_set_[en|de]crypt_key (const unsigned char *userKey,
-#				int bits, AES_KEY *key)
-{ my ($inp,$bits,$key) = @_4args;
-  $bits =~ s/%r/%e/;
-.globl	${PREFIX}_set_decrypt_key
-.type	${PREFIX}_set_decrypt_key,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align	16
-	.byte	0x48,0x83,0xEC,0x08	# sub rsp,8
-	call	_aesni_set_encrypt_key
-	shl	\$4,$bits		# rounds-1 after _aesni_set_encrypt_key
-	test	%eax,%eax
-	jnz	.Ldec_key_ret
-	lea	16($key,$bits),$inp	# points at the end of key schedule
-	$movkey	($key),%xmm0		# just swap
-	$movkey	($inp),%xmm1
-	$movkey	%xmm0,($inp)
-	$movkey	%xmm1,($key)
-	lea	16($key),$key
-	lea	-16($inp),$inp
-	$movkey	($key),%xmm0		# swap and inverse
-	$movkey	($inp),%xmm1
-	aesimc	%xmm0,%xmm0
-	aesimc	%xmm1,%xmm1
-	lea	16($key),$key
-	lea	-16($inp),$inp
-	cmp	$key,$inp
-	$movkey	%xmm0,16($inp)
-	$movkey	%xmm1,-16($key)
-	ja	.Ldec_key_inverse
-	$movkey	($key),%xmm0		# inverse middle
-	aesimc	%xmm0,%xmm0
-	$movkey	%xmm0,($inp)
-	add	\$8,%rsp
-	ret
-.size	${PREFIX}_set_decrypt_key,.-${PREFIX}_set_decrypt_key
-# This is based on submission by
-#	Huang Ying <[email protected]>
-#	Vinodh Gopal <[email protected]>
-#	Kahraman Akdemir
-# Agressively optimized in respect to aeskeygenassist's critical path
-# and is contained in %xmm0-5 to meet Win64 ABI requirement.
-.globl	${PREFIX}_set_encrypt_key
-.type	${PREFIX}_set_encrypt_key,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align	16
-	.byte	0x48,0x83,0xEC,0x08	# sub rsp,8
-	test	$inp,$inp
-	mov	\$-1,%rax
-	jz	.Lenc_key_ret
-	test	$key,$key
-	jz	.Lenc_key_ret
-	movups	($inp),%xmm0		# pull first 128 bits of *userKey
-	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4		# low dword of xmm4 is assumed 0
-	lea	16($key),%rax
-	cmp	\$256,$bits
-	je	.L14rounds
-	cmp	\$192,$bits
-	je	.L12rounds
-	cmp	\$128,$bits
-	jne	.Lbad_keybits
-	mov	\$9,$bits			# 10 rounds for 128-bit key
-	$movkey	%xmm0,($key)			# round 0
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x1,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 1
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128_cold
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x2,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 2
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x4,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 3
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x8,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 4
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x10,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 5
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x20,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 6
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x40,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 7
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x80,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 8
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x1b,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 9
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x36,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 10
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_128
-	$movkey	%xmm0,(%rax)
-	mov	$bits,80(%rax)	# 240(%rdx)
-	xor	%eax,%eax
-	jmp	.Lenc_key_ret
-.align	16
-	movq	16($inp),%xmm2			# remaining 1/3 of *userKey
-	mov	\$11,$bits			# 12 rounds for 192
-	$movkey	%xmm0,($key)			# round 0
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x1,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 1,2
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_192a_cold
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x2,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 2,3
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_192b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x4,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 4,5
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_192a
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x8,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 5,6
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_192b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x10,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 7,8
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_192a
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x20,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 8,9
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_192b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x40,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 10,11
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_192a
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x80,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 11,12
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_192b
-	$movkey	%xmm0,(%rax)
-	mov	$bits,48(%rax)	# 240(%rdx)
-	xor	%rax, %rax
-	jmp	.Lenc_key_ret
-.align	16
-	movups	16($inp),%xmm2			# remaning half of *userKey
-	mov	\$13,$bits			# 14 rounds for 256
-	lea	16(%rax),%rax
-	$movkey	%xmm0,($key)			# round 0
-	$movkey	%xmm2,16($key)			# round 1
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x1,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 2
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256a_cold
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x1,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 3
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x2,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 4
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256a
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x2,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 5
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x4,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 6
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256a
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x4,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 7
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x8,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 8
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256a
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x8,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 9
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x10,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 10
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256a
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x10,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 11
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x20,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 12
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256a
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x20,%xmm0,%xmm1	# round 13
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256b
-	aeskeygenassist	\$0x40,%xmm2,%xmm1	# round 14
-	call		.Lkey_expansion_256a
-	$movkey	%xmm0,(%rax)
-	mov	$bits,16(%rax)	# 240(%rdx)
-	xor	%rax,%rax
-	jmp	.Lenc_key_ret
-.align	16
-	mov	\$-2,%rax
-	add	\$8,%rsp
-	ret
-.align	16
-	$movkey	%xmm0,(%rax)
-	lea	16(%rax),%rax
-	shufps	\$0b00010000,%xmm0,%xmm4
-	pxor	%xmm4, %xmm0
-	shufps	\$0b10001100,%xmm0,%xmm4
-	pxor	%xmm4, %xmm0
-	pshufd	\$0b11111111,%xmm1,%xmm1	# critical path
-	pxor	%xmm1,%xmm0
-	ret
-.align 16
-	$movkey	%xmm0,(%rax)
-	lea	16(%rax),%rax
-	movaps	%xmm2, %xmm5
-	shufps	\$0b00010000,%xmm0,%xmm4
-	movaps	%xmm2,%xmm3
-	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm0
-	shufps	\$0b10001100,%xmm0,%xmm4
-	pslldq	\$4,%xmm3
-	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm0
-	pshufd	\$0b01010101,%xmm1,%xmm1	# critical path
-	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm2
-	pxor	%xmm1,%xmm0
-	pshufd	\$0b11111111,%xmm0,%xmm3
-	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm2
-	ret
-.align 16
-	movaps	%xmm0,%xmm3
-	shufps	\$0b01000100,%xmm0,%xmm5
-	$movkey	%xmm5,(%rax)
-	shufps	\$0b01001110,%xmm2,%xmm3
-	$movkey	%xmm3,16(%rax)
-	lea	32(%rax),%rax
-	jmp	.Lkey_expansion_192b_warm
-.align	16
-	$movkey	%xmm2,(%rax)
-	lea	16(%rax),%rax
-	shufps	\$0b00010000,%xmm0,%xmm4
-	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm0
-	shufps	\$0b10001100,%xmm0,%xmm4
-	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm0
-	pshufd	\$0b11111111,%xmm1,%xmm1	# critical path
-	pxor	%xmm1,%xmm0
-	ret
-.align 16
-	$movkey	%xmm0,(%rax)
-	lea	16(%rax),%rax
-	shufps	\$0b00010000,%xmm2,%xmm4
-	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm2
-	shufps	\$0b10001100,%xmm2,%xmm4
-	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm2
-	pshufd	\$0b10101010,%xmm1,%xmm1	# critical path
-	pxor	%xmm1,%xmm2
-	ret
-.size	${PREFIX}_set_encrypt_key,.-${PREFIX}_set_encrypt_key
-.asciz  "AES for Intel AES-NI, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\>"
-.align	64
-if ($win64) {
-.extern	__imp_RtlVirtualUnwind
-.type	cbc_se_handler,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align	16
-	push	%rsi
-	push	%rdi
-	push	%rbx
-	push	%rbp
-	push	%r12
-	push	%r13
-	push	%r14
-	push	%r15
-	pushfq
-	sub	\$64,%rsp
-	mov	152($context),%rax	# pull context->Rsp
-	mov	248($context),%rbx	# pull context->Rip
-	lea	.Lcbc_decrypt(%rip),%r10
-	cmp	%r10,%rbx		# context->Rip<"prologue" label
-	jb	.Lin_prologue
-	lea	.Lcbc_decrypt_body(%rip),%r10
-	cmp	%r10,%rbx		# context->Rip<cbc_decrypt_body
-	jb	.Lrestore_rax
-	lea	.Lcbc_ret(%rip),%r10
-	cmp	%r10,%rbx		# context->Rip>="epilogue" label
-	jae	.Lin_prologue
-	lea	0(%rax),%rsi		# top of stack
-	lea	512($context),%rdi	# &context.Xmm6
-	mov	\$8,%ecx		# 4*sizeof(%xmm0)/sizeof(%rax)
-	.long	0xa548f3fc		# cld; rep movsq
-	lea	0x58(%rax),%rax		# adjust stack pointer
-	jmp	.Lin_prologue
-	mov	120($context),%rax
-	mov	8(%rax),%rdi
-	mov	16(%rax),%rsi
-	mov	%rax,152($context)	# restore context->Rsp
-	mov	%rsi,168($context)	# restore context->Rsi
-	mov	%rdi,176($context)	# restore context->Rdi
-	jmp	.Lcommon_seh_exit
-.size	cbc_se_handler,.-cbc_se_handler
-.type	ecb_se_handler,\@abi-omnipotent
-.align	16
-	push	%rsi
-	push	%rdi
-	push	%rbx
-	push	%rbp
-	push	%r12
-	push	%r13
-	push	%r14
-	push	%r15
-	pushfq
-	sub	\$64,%rsp
-	mov	152($context),%rax	# pull context->Rsp
-	mov	8(%rax),%rdi
-	mov	16(%rax),%rsi
-	mov	%rsi,168($context)	# restore context->Rsi
-	mov	%rdi,176($context)	# restore context->Rdi
-	mov	40($disp),%rdi		# disp->ContextRecord
-	mov	$context,%rsi		# context
-	mov	\$154,%ecx		# sizeof(CONTEXT)
-	.long	0xa548f3fc		# cld; rep movsq
-	mov	$disp,%rsi
-	xor	%rcx,%rcx		# arg1, UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER
-	mov	8(%rsi),%rdx		# arg2, disp->ImageBase
-	mov	0(%rsi),%r8		# arg3, disp->ControlPc
-	mov	16(%rsi),%r9		# arg4, disp->FunctionEntry
-	mov	40(%rsi),%r10		# disp->ContextRecord
-	lea	56(%rsi),%r11		# &disp->HandlerData
-	lea	24(%rsi),%r12		# &disp->EstablisherFrame
-	mov	%r10,32(%rsp)		# arg5
-	mov	%r11,40(%rsp)		# arg6
-	mov	%r12,48(%rsp)		# arg7
-	mov	%rcx,56(%rsp)		# arg8, (NULL)
-	call	*__imp_RtlVirtualUnwind(%rip)
-	mov	\$1,%eax		# ExceptionContinueSearch
-	add	\$64,%rsp
-	popfq
-	pop	%r15
-	pop	%r14
-	pop	%r13
-	pop	%r12
-	pop	%rbp
-	pop	%rbx
-	pop	%rdi
-	pop	%rsi
-	ret
-.size	cbc_se_handler,.-cbc_se_handler
-.section	.pdata
-.align	4
-	.rva	.LSEH_begin_${PREFIX}_ecb_encrypt
-	.rva	.LSEH_end_${PREFIX}_ecb_encrypt
-	.rva	.LSEH_info_ecb
-	.rva	.LSEH_begin_${PREFIX}_cbc_encrypt
-	.rva	.LSEH_end_${PREFIX}_cbc_encrypt
-	.rva	.LSEH_info_cbc
-	.rva	${PREFIX}_set_decrypt_key
-	.rva	.LSEH_end_set_decrypt_key
-	.rva	.LSEH_info_key
-	.rva	${PREFIX}_set_encrypt_key
-	.rva	.LSEH_end_set_encrypt_key
-	.rva	.LSEH_info_key
-.section	.xdata
-.align	8
-	.byte	9,0,0,0
-	.rva	ecb_se_handler
-	.byte	9,0,0,0
-	.rva	cbc_se_handler
-	.byte	0x01,0x04,0x01,0x00
-	.byte	0x04,0x02,0x00,0x00
-sub rex {
- local *opcode=shift;
- my ($dst,$src)=@_;
-   if ($dst>=8 || $src>=8) {
-	$rex=0x40;
-	$rex|=0x04 if($dst>=8);
-	$rex|=0x01 if($src>=8);
-	push @opcode,$rex;
-   }
-sub aesni {
-  my $line=shift;
-  my @opcode=(0x66);
-    if ($line=~/(aeskeygenassist)\s+\$([x0-9a-f]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
-	rex(\@opcode,$4,$3);
-	push @opcode,0x0f,0x3a,0xdf;
-	push @opcode,0xc0|($3&7)|(($4&7)<<3);	# ModR/M
-	my $c=$2;
-	push @opcode,$c=~/^0/?oct($c):$c;
-	return ".byte\t".join(',',@opcode);
-    }
-    elsif ($line=~/(aes[a-z]+)\s+%xmm([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
-	my %opcodelet = (
-		"aesimc" => 0xdb,
-		"aesenc" => 0xdc,	"aesenclast" => 0xdd,
-		"aesdec" => 0xde,	"aesdeclast" => 0xdf
-	);
-	return undef if (!defined($opcodelet{$1}));
-	rex(\@opcode,$3,$2);
-	push @opcode,0x0f,0x38,$opcodelet{$1};
-	push @opcode,0xc0|($2&7)|(($3&7)<<3);	# ModR/M
-	return ".byte\t".join(',',@opcode);
-    }
-    return $line;
-$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval($1)/gem;
-$code =~ s/\b(aes.*%xmm[0-9]+).*$/aesni($1)/gem;
-print $code;
-close STDOUT;