changeset 1137 5f35de46aa92
parent 1136 226e8d9d2ff0
child 1138 6e1f85fa0151
--- a/components/ipmitool/test_ipmievd	Wed Jan 30 10:16:26 2013 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
-# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
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-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-# and limitations under the License.
-# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
-# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
-# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
-# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
-# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-# Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# test_ipmievd		confirm basic ipmievd functionality works
-# exercise syslog event reporting via event injection via ipmitool
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-cmd_name="`basename $0`"		# the name of this command
-cmd_err="${cmd_name}: error:"		# the (fatal) error header
-cmd_warn="${cmd_name}: warning:"	# the warning header
-cmd_info="${cmd_name}: info:"		# the informational header
-cmd_query="${cmd_name}: query:"		# the interrogative header
-bin_path="/usr/sbin:/usr/lib"	# path(s) to needed binary executable(s)
-proto_root=""			# path to proto root from build
-state_fn="/tmp/$cnd_name.$$.db"	# state file for cleanup
-# Design_Note: typically it takes about 4 seconds for an event to be syslogged,
-#              let's allow at least 12 seconds for it to be syslogged.
-SYSLOG_DELAY_SEC=12	# max wait in sec for event to be syslogged
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    echo "usage: $cmd_name [-r <proto_root>]"
-    echo "       -r  path to proto root of recent build of tool+daemon"
-    echo "purpose: confirm basic ipmievd functionality works;"
-    echo "         this is NOT a comprehensive test"
-    echo "examples:"
-    echo "	$cmd_name -r \$CODEMGR_WS/proto/root_\`uname -p\`"
-    echo "caveats: installs and leaves installed new tool+daemon on error"
-} # usage()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    echo "$cmd_info general environment:"
-    date ; id ; uname -a ; pwd ; echo "$PATH"
-    [ -r /etc/release ] && cat /etc/release
-    [ -r /etc/motd ] && grep bfu /etc/motd
-    ipmievd -V
-    ipmitool -V
-} # usage()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    proctype=`uname -p`
-    [ "$proctype" != "i386" ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_err processor type $proctype != i386"
-	exit 1
-    }
-} # enforce_i386()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    [ "$proto_root" = "" ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_info skipping install of unset proto_root" ; return 0
-    }
-    [ ! -r /usr/sbin/ipmitool.orig ] && {
-	cp -p /usr/sbin/ipmitool /usr/sbin/ipmitool.orig
-    }
-    [ ! -r /usr/lib/ipmievd.orig ] && {
-	cp -p /usr/lib/ipmievd /usr/lib/ipmievd.orig
-    }
-    # disable/kill ipmievd before overwriting binary
-    sstate=`svcs | grep '/ipmievd:' | awk '{print $1}'`
-    echo "ipmievd_svc_state: $sstate" > $state_fn
-    [ "$sstate" = "online" ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_info disabling ipmievd service per proto_root"
-	svcadm disable -ts ipmievd
-    }
-    pkill -x ipmievd	# may or may not have been running as a service
-    echo "$cmd_info installing proto_root tool+daemon"
-    cp $proto_root/usr/sbin/ipmitool /usr/sbin/ipmitool
-    cp $proto_root/usr/lib/ipmievd   /usr/lib/ipmievd
-} # install_proto()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    [ "$proto_root" = "" ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_info skipping uninstall of unset proto_root" ; return 0
-    }
-    # disable/kill ipmievd before overwriting binary
-    sstate=`svcs | grep '/ipmievd:' | awk '{print $1}'`
-    [ "$sstate" = "online" ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_info disabling ipmievd service per proto_root"
-	svcadm disable -ts ipmievd
-    }
-    pkill -x ipmievd	# may or may not have been running as a service
-    echo "$cmd_info uninstalling proto_root tool+daemon"
-    [ -r /usr/sbin/ipmitool.orig ] && {
-	cp -p /usr/sbin/ipmitool.orig /usr/sbin/ipmitool
-    }
-    [ -r /usr/lib/ipmievd.orig ] && {
-	cp -p /usr/lib/ipmievd.orig /usr/lib/ipmievd
-    }
-    # restore initial state of ipmievd svc if known
-    [ ! -r $state_fn ] && return 0
-    was_online=`grep -c "ipmievd_svc_state.*online" $state_fn`
-    [ $was_online -ne 0 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_info enabling ipmievd service per initial state"
-	svcadm enable -s ipmievd
-    }
-} # uninstall_proto()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    tnm="version option"
-    ipmievd -V > ipmievd_V.out
-    rc=$?
-    [ $rc -ne 0 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_err $tnm failed with exit code $rc" ; exit $rc
-    }
-    cnt=`grep -i -c 'version.*[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]' ipmievd_V.out`
-    [ $cnt -le 0 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_err $tnm output missing version" ; exit 1
-    }
-    echo "$cmd_info $tnm passed"
-} # test_opt_version()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    tnm="help option"
-    ipmievd -h > ipmievd_h.out 2>&1
-    rc=$?
-    [ $rc -ne 0 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_err $tnm failed with exit code $rc" ; exit $rc
-    }
-    cnt=`grep -i 'interface' ipmievd_h.out | grep -i -c 'bmc'`
-    [ $cnt -le 0 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_err $tnm output missing bmc interface" ; exit 1
-    }
-    echo "$cmd_info $tnm passed"
-} # test_opt_help()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    tnm="service online check"
-    sstate=`svcs | grep '/ipmievd:' | awk '{print $1}'`
-    [ "$sstate" = "online" ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_info disabling ipmievd service"
-	svcadm disable -ts ipmievd
-    }
-    echo "$cmd_info enabling ipmievd service"
-    svcadm enable -ts ipmievd
-    sstate=`svcs | grep '/ipmievd:' | awk '{print $1}'`
-    [ "$sstate" != "online" ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_err $tnm ipmievd service state $sstate != online" ; exit 1
-    }
-    echo "$cmd_info $tnm passed"
-} # test_svc_online()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    tnm="syslog initial entries"
-    # Reading|Waiting events below are generated by bringing svc online;
-    # wait some for them to be syslogged.
-    echo "$cmd_info may wait $SYSLOG_DELAY_SEC sec per expected syslog entry"
-    sleep $SYSLOG_DELAY_SEC
-    cnt1=`grep -i -c 'ipmievd.*Reading' /var/adm/messages`
-    cnt2=`grep -i -c 'ipmievd.*Waiting' /var/adm/messages`
-    grep ipmievd /var/adm/messages > ipmievd.syslog_init.out
-    [ $cnt1 -lt 1 ] || [ $cnt2 -lt 1 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_err $tnm ipmievd too few initial syslog entries" ; exit 1
-    }
-    echo "$cmd_info $tnm passed"
-} # test_syslog_init()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    num="$1"	# event number being tested
-    tnm="syslog event $num entry"
-    now=`date | awk '{print $2 " " $3}'`
-    cnt1=`grep -i -c "$now.*ipmievd" /var/adm/messages`
-    ipmitool event $num > ipmitool.syslog_event_$num.out
-    rc=$?
-    [ $rc -ne 0 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_warn $tnm ipmitool exit code $rc"
-    }
-    sleep $SYSLOG_DELAY_SEC
-    cnt2=`grep -i -c "$now.*ipmievd" /var/adm/messages`
-    cnt3=`expr $cnt1 + 1` # expected val
-    [ $cnt2 -lt $cnt3 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_err $tnm not syslogged in $SYSLOG_DELAY_SEC sec" ; exit 1
-    }
-    [ $cnt2 -gt $cnt3 ] && {
-	echo "$cmd_warn $tnm more syslog entries seen than expected"
-    }
-    echo "$cmd_info $tnm passed"
-} # test_syslog_event()
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# main()
-while getopts r: opt; do # {
-    case $opt in
-	r)  proto_root="$OPTARG";;
-	-)  break;;
-	\?) echo "$cmd_err bad option(s)" ; usage ; exit 22;;
-    esac
-done # } while grabbing cmd line args
-shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
-[ "$too_much" != "" ] && {
-    echo "$cmd_err too few/many args" ; usage ; exit 7
-[ "$proto_root" != "" ] && [ ! -d $proto_root ] && {
-    echo "$cmd_err proto_root $proto_root not a dir" ; usage ; exit 20
-export PATH
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Design_Note: not all platforms appear to support event 3 (ECC);
-#              so skip it and just do events 1 and 2.
-for n in 1 2; do
-    test_syslog_event $n
-echo "$cmd_info all tests passed"	# if reach here then aok