author Rich Burridge <>
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 10:00:40 -0700
changeset 1833 0edb05d72e6b
parent 1707 99c37525cdda
permissions -rw-r--r--
16575074 stat could support birthtime/crtime on ZFS

Add LDOMS facter for SPARC and fix prtdiag output so that it doesn't report
--- facter-1.6.18/lib/facter/virtual.rb.orig	2014-02-04 14:06:17.961499519 -0800
+++ facter-1.6.18/lib/facter/virtual.rb	2014-02-04 14:15:22.888059597 -0800
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@
             result = "hyperv" if pd =~ /Product Name: Virtual Machine/
         elsif Facter.value(:kernel) == 'SunOS'
-          res ='prtdiag')
+          res ='/usr/sbin/prtdiag 2>/dev/null')
           res.timeout = 6
-          res.setcode('prtdiag')
+          res.setcode('/usr/sbin/prtdiag 2>/dev/null')
           output = res.value
           if not output.nil?
             output.each_line do |pd|
@@ -210,3 +210,43 @@
+# Fact: logical_domain
+# Purpose: A facter fact to report logical_domain(ldom) status on a system.
+#      This facter is only available on SPARC
+# Resolution: Provides the following logical_domain information.
+# current: The current environment is ldogical domain.
+# supported: The current environment is control domain which can have logical 
+#      domain
+# unsupported: Logical domain is not supported on the environment
+Facter.add("logical_domain") do
+  confine :operatingsystem => :Solaris, :hardwareisa => :sparc
+  setcode do
+    virtinfo = %x{/sbin/virtinfo list -H -o class logical-domain 2>/dev/null}
+    virtinfo = virtinfo.split("\n")
+    virtinfo = virtinfo[0] # Doesn't need to check each logical-domain class
+    case virtinfo
+    when "supported"
+      virtinfo
+    when "current"
+      # Even control domain can have "logical_domain => current"
+      # To verify, control-role property should be examined.
+      ctrl_role = %x{virtinfo -c current get -Ho value control-role logical-domain 2> /dev/null} 
+      case ctrl_role.chomp!
+      when "true"
+        "supported"
+      when "false"
+        virtinfo
+      end
+    else
+      "unsupported"
+    end
+  end