author Alan Coopersmith <Alan.Coopersmith@Oracle.COM>
Tue, 25 Oct 2016 14:05:02 -0700
changeset 7215 2f4a8a8882d9
parent 2079 46ce7840065c
permissions -rw-r--r--
23245639 Deliver gnome-tweak-tool 3.18.1 in Solaris PSARC/2016/375 GNOME apps and icons

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      <h3>Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>

    <h1 align="CENTER">Module mod_auth_gss</h1>
    <p>This module provides for user authentication using GSSAPI Authentication.</p>

    <p><a href="module-dict.html#Status"
    rel="Help"><strong>Status:</strong></a> Extension<br />
     <a href="module-dict.html#SourceFile"
    rel="Help"><strong>Source File:</strong></a> mod_auth_gss.c<br />
     <a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier"
    rel="Help"><strong>Module Identifier:</strong></a>
    auth_gss_module<br />


    <p>This module implements GSSAPI authentication using the
    "WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate" protocol.   This typically
    requires the client and the server systems to have support for
    GSSAPI and a properly configured security mechanism (usually 
    Kerberos V5) to be used by GSSAPI.


      <li><a href="#authgssservicename">AuthGSSServiceName</a></li>
      <li><a href="#authgsskeytabfile">AuthGSSKeytabFile</a></li>
      <li><a href="#aughgssdebug">AuthGSSDebug</a></li>

    <h2>Using GSSAPI Authentication</h2>

    <p>Before using GSSAPI authentication with Apache, the
    system must already have been configured to use Kerberos V5
    authentication.   All of the major Kerberos V5
    implementation (MIT KRB5, Heimdal, Sun, IBM, HP, Microsoft)
    currently support Kerberos V5 GSSAPI mechanisms.  
    Configuring Kerberos is beyond the scope of this document.
    Adding GSSAPI authentication support to the web extends
    Single sign on capabilities to the intranet and reduces
    the risks involved in having users constantly entering
    username/password combinations when accessing websites.
    <h3>Configure a Service Principal</h3>
    <p>The default service principal that mod_auth_gss will
    try to use is "HTTP/f.q.d.n".  The key for this principal
    must be stored in a keytab file that is readable by the
    Apache server, but it should be protected from access
    by anyone else, and should <b>definitely not</b> be
    stored in an area that can be browsed by clients.
    Example:  the Apache server is on host "".
    Create a principal called "HTTP/".
    Store the key for this principal in a protected keytab
    file.   Using MIT Kerberos V5:
    $ kadmin
    $ kadmin> ktadd -k /var/apache/http.keytab  HTTP/
    $ kadmin> quit

    <p>Once the keys are created and stored, using GSSAPI
    authentication is very simple.  Set up the authentication
    type for the directories being protected to be "GSSAPI".
    If the keytab or service name chosen is not the defaults
    ("HTTP" and "/var/apache/http.keytab", respectively), then
    you may use the above mentioned directives to override
    the default values. Example:
&lt;Directory /var/apache/htdocs/krb5&gt;
	AuthType    GSSAPI
	ServiceName HTTP
	KeytabFile  /var/apache/http.keytab
	GssDebug    0
	Require valid-user
	AllowOverride All

    <p>GSSAPI authentication provides a more secure authentication
    system, but only works with supporting browsers. As of this writing
    (April 2004), the only major browsers which support digest
    authentication are <a href="">Mozilla 1.7
    (and later)</a>, and <a href="">MS Internet 
    Explorer 5.0</a>. 
    <p>It is recommended that this authentication method be combined
    with TLS security (mod_ssl, for example) to further secure the
    authentication data being exchanged. 

    <h2><a id="authgssservicename"
    name="authgssservicename">AuthGSSServiceName</a> directive</h2>
    <a href="directive-dict.html#Syntax"
    rel="Help"><strong>Syntax:</strong></a> AuthGSSServiceName
    <em>name</em><br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Context"
    rel="Help"><strong>Context:</strong></a> directory,
    .htaccess<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Override"
    rel="Help"><strong>Override:</strong></a> FileInfo, Indexes, Limit, Options<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Status"
    rel="Help"><strong>Status:</strong></a> Extension<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Module"
    rel="Help"><strong>Module:</strong></a> mod_auth_gss

    <p>The AuthGSSServiceName directive sets the name of Kerberos service
    principal that the server uses to authenticate the client requests.
    The name given is appended with the fully qualified host name to
    make the complete service principal name. Ex:  <b>HTTP/</b>

    <h2><a id="authgsskeytabfile"
    name="authgsskeytabfile">AuthGSSKeytabFile</a> directive</h2>
    <a href="directive-dict.html#Syntax"
    rel="Help"><strong>Syntax:</strong></a> AuthGSSKeytabFile
    <em>filename</em><br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Context"
    rel="Help"><strong>Context:</strong></a> directory,
    .htaccess<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Override"
    rel="Help"><strong>Override:</strong></a> FileInfo, Indexes, Limit, Options<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Status"
    rel="Help"><strong>Status:</strong></a> Extension<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Module"
    rel="Help"><strong>Module:</strong></a> mod_auth_gss

    <p>The AuthGSSKeytabFile directive sets the filename of the
    file where the Apache server's Kerberos credentials are stored.

    <h2><a id="authgssdebug"
    name="authgsskeytabfile">AuthGSSDebug</a> directive</h2>
    <a href="directive-dict.html#Syntax"
    rel="Help"><strong>Syntax:</strong></a> AuthGSSDebug
    <em>0 | 1</em><br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Context"
    rel="Help"><strong>Context:</strong></a> directory,
    .htaccess<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Override"
    rel="Help"><strong>Override:</strong></a> FileInfo, Indexes, Limit, Options<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Status"
    rel="Help"><strong>Status:</strong></a> Extension<br />
     <a href="directive-dict.html#Module"
    rel="Help"><strong>Module:</strong></a> mod_auth_gss

    <p>The AuthGSSDebug directive toggles the debug logging
    facility used by the GSSAPI authentication module.  0 disables
    debug logging, 1 enables it.

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    <h3 align="CENTER">Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>
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