author Tomas Kuthan <>
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 22:51:03 -0800
changeset 7649 69d7508f0d66
parent 5826 9c90e4a8156c
permissions -rw-r--r--
PSARC/2017/022 OpenSSH 7.4 25295722 upgrade OpenSSH to 7.4p1 25295787 problem in UTILITY/OPENSSH 25295804 problem in UTILITY/OPENSSH 25295822 problem in UTILITY/OPENSSH 25295840 problem in UTILITY/OPENSSH

# The man page change here is Solaris-specific and thus is not being
# contributed back to the upstream community.  The servconf.c change
# was developed in-house and has been submitted upstream to OpenSSH for
# their consideration:
# Update - accepted upstream:
# OpenSSH normally updates lastlog when users login and reads lastlog to
# determine the last login time of the user however on Solaris the
# pam_unix_session(7) module handles both of these tasks so we compile
# OpenSSH with --disable-lastlog to disable all lastlog references.
# This means the sshd_config option of PrintLastLog is now ignored and
# can't be changed so we update sshd's configuration parsing to flag
# this as unsupported and update the man page here.
diff -pur old/sshd_config.5 new/sshd_config.5
--- old/sshd_config.5
+++ new/sshd_config.5
@@ -1260,8 +1260,8 @@ Specifies whether
 .Xr sshd 8
 should print the date and time of the last user login when a user logs
 in interactively.
-The default is
-.Cm yes .
+On Solaris this option is always ignored since pam_unix_session(7)
+reports the last login time.
 .It Cm PrintMotd
 Specifies whether
 .Xr sshd 8
@@ -1667,7 +1667,8 @@ This file should be writable by root onl
 .Xr sftp-server 8 ,
-.Xr sshd 8
+.Xr sshd 8 ,
+.Xr pam_unix_session 7
 .An -nosplit
 OpenSSH is a derivative of the original and free