author Tomas Klacko <>
Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:38:58 -0700
changeset 2134 72e005a6a290
parent 1948 2d1537e7942d
child 3638 35261042a92e
permissions -rw-r--r--
19693809 proftpd.conf should be packaged with overlay=allow

# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]

# Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

set name=pkg.fmri \
set name=pkg.summary value="Template library written in Python"
set name=pkg.description \
    value="Mako is a template library written in Python. It provides a familiar, non-XML syntax which compiles into Python modules for maximum performance. Mako's syntax and API borrow from the best ideas of many others, including Django templates, Cheetah, Myghty, and Genshi. Conceptually, Mako is an embedded Python (i.e., Python Server Page) language, which refines the familiar ideas of componentized layout and inheritance to produce one of the most straightforward and flexible models available while also maintaining close ties to Python calling and scoping semantics."
set value="the Mako Python template library"
set value=$(TPNO)
set name=info.classification \
set name=info.source-url value=$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL)
set name=info.upstream value="Mike Bayer <[email protected]>"
set name=info.upstream-url value=$(COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL)
set name=org.opensolaris.arc-caseid value=PSARC/2011/263
set name=org.opensolaris.consolidation value=$(CONSOLIDATION)
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/Mako-$(COMPONENT_VERSION)-py$(PYVER).egg-info/PKG-INFO
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/Mako-$(COMPONENT_VERSION)-py$(PYVER).egg-info/SOURCES.txt
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/Mako-$(COMPONENT_VERSION)-py$(PYVER).egg-info/dependency_links.txt
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/Mako-$(COMPONENT_VERSION)-py$(PYVER).egg-info/entry_points.txt
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/Mako-$(COMPONENT_VERSION)-py$(PYVER).egg-info/not-zip-safe
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/Mako-$(COMPONENT_VERSION)-py$(PYVER).egg-info/requires.txt
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/Mako-$(COMPONENT_VERSION)-py$(PYVER).egg-info/top_level.txt
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/ext/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/ext/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/ext/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/ext/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/ext/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/ext/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/mako/
license LICENSE license=MIT

# force a group dependency on the optional babel; pkgdepend work is needed to
# flush this out.
depend type=group fmri=library/python/babel-$(PYV)

# force a group dependency on the optional markupsafe; pkgdepend work is needed
# to flush this out.
depend type=group fmri=library/python/markupsafe-$(PYV)

# force a group dependency on the optional pygments; pkgdepend work is needed to
# flush this out.
depend type=group fmri=library/python/pygments-$(PYV)

# force the rename with an optional dependency on the old name
depend type=optional \

# force a dependency on the Python runtime
depend type=require fmri=__TBD pkg.debug.depend.file=python$(PYVER) \

# force a dependency on the mako package
depend type=require \