author Stacy Yeh <>
Wed, 16 Sep 2015 10:55:26 -0700
changeset 4869 86742f9e20a9
parent 1626 8dee2dfe2525
permissions -rw-r--r--
20530770 ImageMagick "gmake test" failures

Add our PIA wrapper to indri sources. This patch does several things:
 - Add pia wrapper sources to indri source tree
 - Add new tokenizer which does not treat '_' as a separator
   - The TextTokenizerPIA.l differs from TextTokenizer.l only in single character
      -[a-zA-Z0-9']+  { byte_position += tokleng; return ASCII_TOKEN; }
      +[a-zA-Z0-9_']+ { byte_position += tokleng; return ASCII_TOKEN; }
   - plus many symbol renames so that the parsers can coexist (toktext -> piatoktext etc.)
   - TextTokenizerPIA.hpp contains only symbol renamse
 - Rest are modifications to make indri build PIA wrapper

--- indri-5.4/pia_wrapper.cpp	po črc 15 14:30:41 2013
+++ indri-5.4/pia_wrapper.cpp	po črc 15 14:29:09 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * TO compile :
+ *      g++ -o -shared -fPIC -I../vlad-libs/sparc/usr/include/ -L../vlad-libs/sparc/usr/lib/ -lclucene-core -lnvpair
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <libnvpair.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "indri/QueryEnvironment.hpp"
+#include "indri/SnippetBuilder.hpp"
+#include "indri/Repository.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace indri::api;
+#define MAX_RESULTS 3
+#define PIA_DATABASE "/var/db/piadb"
+#define PIA_DATABASE_STORAGE PIA_DATABASE "/collection/storage"
+indri::collection::Repository repository;
+getFieldText(int documentID, std::string field) {
+	std::string ret_val = "";
+	indri::collection::Repository::index_state repIndexState = repository.indexes();
+	indri::index::Index *thisIndex=(*repIndexState)[0];
+	int fieldID=thisIndex->field(field);
+	if (fieldID < 1) {
+		return "";
+	}
+	const indri::index::TermList *termList=thisIndex->termList(documentID);
+	if (!termList) {
+		return "";
+	}
+	indri::utility::greedy_vector< indri::index::FieldExtent > fieldVec=termList->fields();
+	indri::utility::greedy_vector< indri::index::FieldExtent >::iterator fIter=fieldVec.begin();
+	while (fIter!=fieldVec.end()) {
+		if ((*fIter).id==fieldID) {
+			int beginTerm=(*fIter).begin;
+			int endTerm=(*fIter).end;
+	        	/*
+	 	 	 * note that the text is inclusive of the beginning
+		         * but exclusive of the ending
+		 	 */
+			for (int t=beginTerm; t < endTerm; t++) {
+				int thisTermID=termList->terms()[t];
+		       		ret_val = ret_val + thisIndex->term(thisTermID) + " ";
+			}
+		}
+		fIter++;
+	}
+	delete termList;
+	termList=NULL;
+	return ret_val;
+ * Returns NULL on failure
+ * nvlist *
+ * search(
+ *  nvlist_t *search_params,
+ *  char **errmsg            // Similar to pia_index()
+ * );
+ */
+nvlist *
+search (nvlist_t *search_params, char **errmsg) {
+	char *index_path = PIA_DATABASE;
+	nvlist_t **nvl_list_result;
+	nvlist_t *nvl_return;
+	nvlist_t *nvl_result;
+	nvlist_t *results = NULL;
+	if (nvlist_alloc(&results, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) {
+		*errmsg = strdup("nvlist_alloc failed\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	try {
+		std::string query;
+		char *panicstack;
+		(void) nvlist_lookup_string(search_params, "stack", &panicstack);
+		QueryEnvironment indriEnvironment;
+		indriEnvironment.addIndex(index_path);
+		/* Create Indri query */
+		query = "#combine (" + std::string(panicstack) + ")";
+		QueryAnnotation *QAresults=indriEnvironment.runAnnotatedQuery(query.c_str(), MAX_RESULTS);
+		std::vector<indri::api::ScoredExtentResult> resultVector=QAresults->getResults();
+		int totalNumResults=resultVector.size();
+		/* Get Parsed document of the results */
+		std::vector<ParsedDocument*> parsedDocs=indriEnvironment.documents(resultVector);
+		int results_to_return = 0;
+		for ( size_t i=0; i < totalNumResults && i < MAX_RESULTS; i++ ) {
+				results_to_return++;
+		}
+		/* Open Repository */
+		repository.openRead(index_path);
+		nvl_list_result = (nvlist_t **) malloc(results_to_return * sizeof(nvlist_t *));
+		for ( size_t i=0; i < results_to_return; i++ ) {
+			std::string ret="";
+			int thisResultDocID=resultVector[i].document;
+			if (nvlist_alloc(&nvl_list_result[i], NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) {
+				*errmsg = strdup("nvlist_alloc failed\n");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			if ((ret = getFieldText(thisResultDocID, "bug")) == "") {
+				*errmsg = strdup("Lookup of bugid failed\n");
+				return NULL;
+			} else if (nvlist_add_string(nvl_list_result[i], "pia-bugid", ret.c_str())) {
+				*errmsg = strdup("nvlist_add bugid failed\n");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			if ((ret = getFieldText(thisResultDocID, "stack")) == "") {
+				*errmsg = strdup("Lookup of stack failed\n");
+				return NULL;
+			} else if (nvlist_add_string(nvl_list_result[i], "pia-stack", ret.c_str())) {
+				*errmsg = strdup("nvlist_add stack failed\n");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			if ((ret = getFieldText(thisResultDocID, "signature")) == "") {
+				*errmsg = strdup("Lookup of signature failed\n");
+				return NULL;
+			} else if (nvlist_add_string(nvl_list_result[i], "pia-signature", ret.c_str())) {
+				*errmsg = strdup("nvlist_add signature failed\n");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			int indri_score = 1000 + (int)resultVector[i].score*1000;
+			if (nvlist_add_int32(nvl_list_result[i], "pia-score", indri_score)) {
+				*errmsg = strdup("nvlist_add score failed\n");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		repository.close();
+		nvlist_add_nvlist_array(results, "results", nvl_list_result, results_to_return);
+		for (int i=0; i<results_to_return; i++) {
+			nvlist_free(nvl_list_result[i]);
+		}
+		return results;
+	} catch(...){
+		nvl_list_result = (nvlist_t **) malloc(1 * sizeof(nvlist_t **));
+		if (nvlist_alloc(&nvl_result, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) {
+			*errmsg = strdup("nvlist_alloc failed\n");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if (nvlist_add_string(nvl_result, "error", "Indri Error")) {
+			*errmsg = strdup("nvlist_add error failed\n");
+			return NULL;
+                }
+		nvlist_dup(nvl_result, &nvl_list_result[0], 0);
+		nvlist_free(nvl_result);
+		nvlist_add_nvlist_array(results, "results", nvl_list_result, 1);
+		return results;
+        }
+extern "C" nvlist*
+pia_search (nvlist_t *search_params, char **errmsg) {
+	return search (search_params, errmsg);
+init () {
+	struct stat sb;
+	if (stat(PIA_DATABASE_STORAGE, &sb) != 0) {
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+extern "C" int
+pia_init () {
+	return init ();
--- indri-5.4/src/TextTokenizerPIA.l	po črc 15 14:38:12 2013
+++ indri-5.4/src/TextTokenizerPIA.l	po črc 15 14:36:55 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+%option noyywrap
+%option never-interactive
+%option prefix="piatok"
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 University of Massachusetts.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of the Lemur Toolkit for Language Modeling and Information Retrieval
+ * is subject to the terms of the software license set forth in the LICENSE
+ * file included with this software, and also available at
+ *
+ *
+ *==========================================================================
+ */
+// TextTokenizerPIA
+// 15 September 2005 -- mwb
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "indri/TextTokenizerPIA.hpp"
+#include "indri/TermExtent.hpp"
+#include "indri/TagEvent.hpp"
+#include "indri/TokenizedDocument.hpp"
+#include "indri/UnparsedDocument.hpp"
+#include "indri/UTF8Transcoder.hpp"
+#include "indri/AttributeValuePair.hpp"
+static long byte_position;
+#define ZAP           1
+#define TAG           2
+#define ASCII_TOKEN   3
+#define UTF8_TOKEN    4
+%start COMMENT
+"<!--" { BEGIN(COMMENT); byte_position += piatokleng; return ZAP; }
+<COMMENT>[^-]+ { byte_position += piatokleng; return ZAP; }
+<COMMENT>"-->" { BEGIN(INITIAL); byte_position += piatokleng; return ZAP; }
+<COMMENT>"-" { byte_position += piatokleng; return ZAP; }
+"<!"[^\>]*">" { byte_position += piatokleng; return ZAP; }
+\<[a-zA-Z/][^\>]*\>                                             { byte_position += piatokleng; return TAG; }
+[&]([a-zA-Z]+|[#]([0-9]+|[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+))[;]         { byte_position += piatokleng; return ZAP; /* symbols */ }
+[A-Z0-9]"."([A-Z0-9]".")*                                        { byte_position += piatokleng; return ASCII_TOKEN; }
+[a-zA-Z0-9_']+                                        { byte_position += piatokleng; return ASCII_TOKEN; }
+"-"[0-9]+("."[0-9]+)?                                  { byte_position += piatokleng; return ASCII_TOKEN; }
+[a-zA-Z0-9\x80-\xFD]+                               { byte_position += piatokleng; return UTF8_TOKEN; }
+[\n]                                                   { byte_position += piatokleng; return ZAP; }
+.                                                      { byte_position += piatokleng; return ZAP; }
+indri::parse::TokenizedDocument* indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA::tokenize( indri::parse::UnparsedDocument* document ) {
+  _termBuffer.clear();
+  if ( _tokenize_entire_words)
+    _termBuffer.grow( document->textLength * 4);
+  else
+    _termBuffer.grow( document->textLength * 8 ); // extra null per char.
+  _document.terms.clear();
+  _document.tags.clear();
+  _document.positions.clear();
+  _document.metadata = document->metadata;
+  _document.text = document->text;
+  _document.textLength = document->textLength;
+  _document.content = document->content;
+  _document.contentLength = document->contentLength;
+  // byte offset
+  byte_position = document->content - document->text;
+  piatok_scan_bytes( document->content, document->contentLength );
+  // Main Tokenizer loop
+  int type;
+  while ( type = piatoklex() ) {
+    switch ( type ) {
+    case ASCII_TOKEN: processASCIIToken(); break;
+    case UTF8_TOKEN: processUTF8Token(); break;
+    case TAG: if ( _tokenize_markup ) processTag(); break;
+    default:
+    case ZAP:
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  piatok_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+  return &_document;
+// Member functions for processing tokenization events as dispatched
+// from the main tokenizer loop
+void indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA::processTag() {
+  // Here, we parse the tag in a fashion that is relatively robust to
+  // malformed markup.  toktext matches this pattern: <[^>]+>
+  if ( piatoktext[1] == '?' || piatoktext[1] == '!' ) {
+    // XML declaration like <? ... ?> and <!DOCTYPE ... >
+    return; // ignore
+  } else if ( piatoktext[1] == '/' ) { // close tag, eg. </FOO>
+    // Downcase the tag name.
+    int len = 0;
+    for ( char *c = piatoktext + 2;
+#ifndef WIN32
+          isalnum( *c ) || *c == '-' || *c == '_' || *c == ':' ; c++ ) {
+          ((*c >= 0) && isalnum( *c )) || *c == '-' || *c == '_' || *c == ':' ; c++ ) {
+      *c = tolower( *c );
+      if ( *c == ':' ) *c = '_'; /* replace colon (from namespaces) */
+      len++;
+    }
+    TagEvent te;
+    te.open_tag = false;
+    // We need to write len characters, plus a NULL
+    char* write_loc = _termBuffer.write( len + 1 );
+    strncpy( write_loc, piatoktext + 2, len );
+    write_loc[len] = '\0';
+ = write_loc;
+    // token position of tag event w/r/t token string
+    te.pos = _document.terms.size();
+    te.begin = byte_position - piatokleng;
+    te.end = byte_position;
+    _document.tags.push_back( te );
+#ifndef WIN32
+    } else if ( isalpha( piatoktext[1] ) ) {
+    } else if ( (piatoktext[1]  >= 0) && (isalpha( piatoktext[1] ) )) {
+    // Try to extract the tag name:
+    char* c = piatoktext + 1;
+    int i = 0;
+    int offset = 1; // current offset w/r/t byte_position - piatokleng
+    // it starts at one because it is incremented when c is, and c starts at one.
+    char* write_loc;
+#ifndef WIN32
+    while ( isalnum( c[i] ) || c[i] == '-' || c[i] == '_' || c[i] == ':' ) i++;
+    while ( ( (c[i] >= 0) && isalnum( c[i] )) || c[i] == '-' || c[i] == '_' || c[i] == ':' ) i++;
+    if ( c[i] == '>' ) {
+      // open tag with no attributes, eg. <title>
+      // Ensure tag name is downcased
+      for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
+        c[j] = tolower( c[j] );
+        if ( c[j] == ':' ) c[j] = '_'; /* replace colon (from namespaces) */
+      }
+      TagEvent te;
+      te.open_tag = true;
+      // need to write i characters, plus a NULL
+      char* write_loc = _termBuffer.write( i + 1 );
+      strncpy( write_loc, c, i );
+      write_loc[i] = '\0';
+ = write_loc;
+      te.pos = _document.terms.size();
+      te.begin = byte_position - piatokleng;
+      te.end = byte_position;
+      _document.tags.push_back( te );
+#ifndef WIN32
+    } else if ( isspace( c[i] ) ) {
+    } else if ( (c[i]  >= 0) && (isspace( c[i] ) )) {
+      // open tag with attributes, eg. <A HREF="">
+      TagEvent te;
+      te.open_tag = true;
+      // Ensure tag name is downcased
+      for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
+        c[j] = tolower( c[j] );
+        if ( c[j] == ':' ) c[j] = '_'; /* replace colon (from namespaces) */
+      }
+      // need to write i characters, plus a NULL
+      char* write_loc = _termBuffer.write( i + 1 );
+      strncpy( write_loc, c, i );
+      write_loc[i] = '\0';
+ = write_loc;
+      c += i;
+      offset += i;
+#ifndef WIN32
+    while ( isspace( *c ) ) { c++; offset++; }
+    while (((*c) >=0) &&  isspace( *c )) { c++; offset++; }
+      te.pos = _document.terms.size();
+      te.begin = byte_position - piatokleng;
+      te.end = byte_position;
+      // Now search for attributes:
+      while ( *c != '>' && *c != '\0' ) {
+        AttributeValuePair avp;
+        // Try to extract attribute name:
+        i = 0;
+#ifndef WIN32
+        while ( isalnum( c[i] ) || c[i] == '-' || c[i] == '_' ) i++;
+        while ( (c[i] >= 0) && isalnum( c[i] ) || c[i] == '-' || c[i] == '_') i++;
+        if ( i == 0 ) break;
+        // Ensure attribute name is downcased
+        for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
+          c[j] = tolower( c[j] );
+        // need to write i characters, plus a NULL
+        write_loc = _termBuffer.write( i + 1 );
+        strncpy( write_loc, c, i );
+        write_loc[i] = '\0';
+        avp.attribute = write_loc;
+        c += i;
+        offset += i;
+        // attributes can be foo\s*=\s*"bar[">] or foo\s*=\s*bar
+		// ignore any spaces
+#ifndef WIN32
+    while ( isspace( *c ) ) { c++; offset++; }
+    while (((*c) >=0) &&  isspace( *c )) { c++; offset++; }
+        if ( *c == '=' ) {
+          c++; // get past the '=' sign.
+          offset++;
+#ifndef WIN32
+    while ( isspace( *c ) ) { c++; offset++; }
+    while (((*c) >=0) &&  isspace( *c )) { c++; offset++; }
+          if ( *c == '>' ) {
+            // common malformed markup <a href=>
+            // Insert empty attribute value
+            // need to write a single NULL
+            write_loc = _termBuffer.write( 1 );
+            write_loc[0] = '\0';
+            avp.value = write_loc;
+            avp.begin = byte_position - piatokleng + offset;
+            avp.end = byte_position - piatokleng + offset;
+          } else {
+            bool quoted = true;
+            char quote_char;
+            if ( *c == '"' || *c =='\'' ) { quote_char = *c; c++; offset++; }
+            else quoted = false;
+            // Attribute value starts here.
+            i = 0;
+// make sure the opening and closing quote character match...
+            if ( quoted )
+//              while ( c[i] != '"' && c[i] != '>' && c[i] !='\'') i++;
+              while ( c[i] != quote_char && c[i] != '>') i++;
+            else
+#ifndef WIN32
+              while ( ! isspace( c[i] ) && c[i] != '>' ) i++;
+              while ( ((c[i] >= 0)  && ! isspace( c[i] ) ) && c[i] != '>' ) i++;
+            // need to write i characters, plus a NULL
+            write_loc = _termBuffer.write( i + 1 );
+            strncpy( write_loc, c, i );
+            write_loc[i] = '\0';
+            avp.value = write_loc;
+            avp.begin = byte_position - piatokleng + offset;
+            avp.end = byte_position - piatokleng + offset + i;
+            c += i;
+            offset += i;
+          }
+        } else {
+          // Insert empty attribute value
+          // need to write a single NULL
+          write_loc = _termBuffer.write( 1 );
+          write_loc[0] = '\0';
+          avp.value = write_loc;
+          avp.begin = byte_position - piatokleng + offset;
+          avp.end = byte_position - piatokleng + offset;
+        }
+#ifndef WIN32
+        while ( isspace( *c ) || *c == '"' ) { c++; offset++; }
+        while ( ((*c >= 0) && isspace( *c )) || *c == '"' ) { c++; offset++; }
+        te.attributes.push_back( avp );
+      }
+      _document.tags.push_back( te );
+    }
+    // One of the cases that is ignored is this common malformed
+    // markup <foo=bar> with no tag name.  Another is the case
+    // of an email address <[email protected]>
+  }
+void indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA::processUTF8Token() {
+  // A UTF-8 token, as recognized by flex, could actually be
+  // a mixed ASCII/UTF-8 string containing any number of
+  // UTF-8 characters, so we re-tokenize it here.
+  indri::utility::HashTable<UINT64,const int>& unicode = _transcoder.unicode();
+  int len = strlen( piatoktext );
+  UINT64* unicode_chars = new UINT64[len + 1];
+  int* offsets = new int[len + 1];
+  int* lengths = new int[len + 1];
+  _transcoder.utf8_decode( piatoktext, &unicode_chars, NULL, NULL,
+                           &offsets, &lengths );
+  const int* p;
+  int cls;             // Character class of current UTF-8 character
+  // offset of current UTF-8 character w/r/t toktext stored in offsets[i]
+  // byte length of current UTF-8 character stored in lengths[i]
+  int offset = 0;      // Position of start of current *token* (not character) w/r/t toktext
+  int extent = 0;      // Extent for this *token* including trailing punct
+  int piatoken_len = 0;   // Same as above, minus the trailing punctuation
+  char buf[64];
+  // If this flag is true, we have punctuation symbols at the end of a
+  // token, so do not attach another letter to this token.
+  bool no_letter = false;
+  // In case there are malformed characters preceding the good
+  // characters:
+  offset = offsets[0];
+  for ( int i = 0; unicode_chars[i] != 0; i++ ) {
+    p = unicode.find( unicode_chars[i] );
+    cls = p ? *p : 0;
+    if ( ! _tokenize_entire_words ) { // Tokenize by character
+      if ( cls != 0 && cls != 3 && cls != 5 && cls != 9 ) {
+        writeToken( piatoktext + offsets[i], lengths[i],
+                    byte_position - piatokleng + offsets[i],
+                    byte_position - piatokleng + offsets[i] + lengths[i] );
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    // If this is not the first time through this loop, we need
+    // to check to see if any bytes in toktext were skipped
+    // during the UTF-8 analysis:
+    if ( i != 0 && offset + piatoken_len != offsets[i] ) {
+      // Write out the token we are working on, if any:
+      if ( piatoken_len > 0 ) {
+        writeToken( piatoktext + offset, piatoken_len,
+                    byte_position - piatokleng + offset,
+                    byte_position - piatokleng + offset + extent );
+      }
+      extent = 0;
+      piatoken_len = 0;
+      no_letter = false;
+      offset = offsets[i];
+    }
+    // Tokenize by word:
+    switch ( cls ) {
+    case 4: // Currency symbol: always extracted alone
+      // Action: write the token we are working on,
+      // and write this symbol as a separate token
+      writeToken( piatoktext + offset, extent,
+                  byte_position - piatokleng + offset,
+                  byte_position - piatokleng + offset + extent );
+      offset += extent;
+      writeToken( piatoktext + offset, lengths[i],
+                  byte_position - piatokleng + offset,
+                  byte_position - piatokleng + offset + lengths[i] );
+      offset += lengths[i];
+      piatoken_len = 0;
+      extent = 0;
+      no_letter = false;
+      break;
+    case 1: // Apostrophe
+    case 10: // Decimal separator
+    case 6: // Letter
+    case 7: // Digit
+      // Action: add this character to the end of the token we are
+      // working on
+      if ( no_letter ) { // This is a token boundary
+        writeToken( piatoktext + offset, piatoken_len,
+                    byte_position - piatokleng + offset,
+                    byte_position - piatokleng + offset + extent );
+        offset += extent;
+        extent = 0;
+        piatoken_len = 0;
+        no_letter = false;
+      }
+      extent += lengths[i];
+      piatoken_len += lengths[i];
+      break;
+    case 2: // Percent
+    case 8: // Punctuation
+    case 12: // Thousands separator
+    case 11: // Hyphen
+      // Action: These characters are included in the extent of the
+      // token we are working on.
+      no_letter = true;
+      extent += lengths[i];
+      break;
+    case 0: // No character class!
+    case 3: // Control character
+    case 5: // Non-punctuation symbol
+    case 9: // Whitespace
+    default:
+      // Action: write the token we are working on.  Do not include
+      // this character in any future token.
+      writeToken( piatoktext + offset, piatoken_len,
+                  byte_position - piatokleng + offset,
+                  byte_position - piatokleng + offset + extent );
+      offset += (extent + lengths[i]); // Include current character
+      extent = 0;
+      piatoken_len = 0;
+      no_letter = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  // Write out last token
+  if ( piatoken_len > 0 )
+    writeToken( piatoktext + offset, piatoken_len,
+                byte_position - piatokleng + offset,
+                byte_position - piatokleng + offset + extent );
+  delete[] unicode_chars;
+  delete[] offsets;
+  delete[] lengths;
+void indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA::processASCIIToken() {
+  int piatoken_len = strlen( piatoktext );
+  // token_len here is the length of the token without
+  // any trailing punctuation.
+  for ( int i = piatoken_len - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
+    if ( ! ispunct( piatoktext[i] ) )
+      break;
+    else
+      piatoken_len--;
+  }
+  if ( _tokenize_entire_words ) {
+    writeToken( piatoktext, piatoken_len, byte_position - piatokleng, byte_position );
+  } else {
+    for ( int i = 0; i < piatoken_len; i++ )
+      writeToken( piatoktext + i, 1, byte_position - piatokleng + i,
+                  byte_position - piatokleng + i + 1 );
+  }
+// ObjectHandler implementation
+void indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA::handle( indri::parse::UnparsedDocument* document ) {
+  _handler->handle( tokenize( document ) );
+void indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA::setHandler( ObjectHandler<indri::parse::TokenizedDocument>& h ) {
+  _handler = &h;
+void indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA::writeToken( char* token, int piatoken_len,
+                                              int extent_begin, int extent_end ) {
+  // The TermExtent for a token will include trailing punctuation.
+  // The purpose for this is that it makes for a nicer display when a
+  // sequence of tokens (say, a sentence) is retrieved and shown to
+  // the user.
+  TermExtent extent;
+  extent.begin = extent_begin;
+  extent.end = extent_end;
+  _document.positions.push_back( extent );
+  // The terms entry for a token won't include the punctuation.
+  char* write_loc = _termBuffer.write( piatoken_len + 1 );
+  strncpy( write_loc, token, piatoken_len );
+  write_loc[piatoken_len] = '\0';
+  _document.terms.push_back( write_loc );
--- indri-5.4/include/indri/TextTokenizerPIA.hpp	po črc 15 14:38:50 2013
+++ indri-5.4/include/indri/TextTokenizerPIA.hpp	po črc 15 14:36:54 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 University of Massachusetts.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of the Lemur Toolkit for Language Modeling and Information Retrieval
+ * is subject to the terms of the software license set forth in the LICENSE
+ * file included with this software, and also available at
+ *
+ *
+ *==========================================================================
+ */
+// TextTokenizerPIA
+// 15 September 2005 -- mwb
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include "indri/IndriTokenizer.hpp"
+#include "indri/Buffer.hpp"
+#include "indri/TagEvent.hpp"
+#include "indri/UnparsedDocument.hpp"
+#include "indri/TokenizedDocument.hpp"
+#include "indri/UTF8Transcoder.hpp"
+namespace indri {
+  namespace parse {
+    class TextTokenizerPIA : public Tokenizer {
+    public:
+      TextTokenizerPIA( bool tokenize_markup = true, bool tokenize_entire_words = true ) : _handler(0) {
+        _tokenize_markup = tokenize_markup;
+        _tokenize_entire_words = tokenize_entire_words;
+      }
+      ~TextTokenizerPIA() {}
+      TokenizedDocument* tokenize( UnparsedDocument* document );
+      void handle( UnparsedDocument* document );
+      void setHandler( ObjectHandler<TokenizedDocument>& h );
+    protected:
+      void processASCIIToken();
+      void processUTF8Token();
+      void processTag();
+      indri::utility::Buffer _termBuffer;
+      UTF8Transcoder _transcoder;
+      bool _tokenize_markup;
+      bool _tokenize_entire_words;
+    private:
+      ObjectHandler<TokenizedDocument>* _handler;
+      TokenizedDocument _document;
+      void writeToken( char* token, int token_len, int extent_begin,
+                       int extent_end );
+    };
+  }
--- indri-5.4/src/TokenizerFactory.cpp	po črc 15 14:39:30 2013
+++ indri-5.4/src/TokenizerFactory.cpp	po črc 15 14:29:11 2013
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@

 #include "indri/TextTokenizer.hpp"
 // Add an #include for your Tokenizer here.
+#include "indri/TextTokenizerPIA.hpp"

 #define TOKENIZER_WORD ("Word")
@@ -29,6 +30,8 @@
 #define TOKENIZER_CHAR ("Char")
 #define TOKENIZER_CHAR_NO_MARKUP ("Char without Markup")
 // Add a #define for your Tokenizer here.
+#define TOKENIZER_PIA ("PIA")
+#define TOKENIZER_PIA_NO_MARKUP ("PIA without Markup")

@@ -78,8 +81,23 @@
     // got "char"
     return TOKENIZER_CHAR;

+  } else if ( ( name[0] == 'p' || name[0] == 'P' ) &&
+       ( name[1] == 'i' || name[1] == 'I' ) &&
+       ( name[2] == 'a' || name[3] == 'A' ) ) {
+    if ( name[4] == '-' &&
+         ( name[5] == 'n' || name[5] == 'N' ) &&
+         ( name[5] == 'o' || name[5] == 'O' ) ) {
+      // got "pia-nomarkup"
+    }
+    // got "pia"
+    return TOKENIZER_PIA;

   return "";

@@ -105,6 +123,14 @@

     tokenizer = new indri::parse::TextTokenizer( false, false );

+  } else if ( preferred == TOKENIZER_PIA ) {
+    tokenizer = new indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA();
+  } else if ( preferred == TOKENIZER_PIA_NO_MARKUP ) {
+    tokenizer = new indri::parse::TextTokenizerPIA( false );
   } else {

     LEMUR_THROW( LEMUR_RUNTIME_ERROR, name + " is not a known tokenizer." );
--- indri-5.4/src/FileClassEnvironmentFactory.cpp	po črc 15 14:40:19 2013
+++ indri-5.4/src/FileClassEnvironmentFactory.cpp	po črc 15 14:29:12 2013
@@ -189,6 +189,20 @@
     trec_conflations      // conflations
+    "trecpia",           // name
+    "xml",                // parser
+    "pia",               // tokenizer
+    "tagged",             // iterator
+    "<DOC>",              // startDocTag
+    "</DOC>",             // endDocTag
+    NULL,                 // endMetadataTag
+    trec_include_tags,    // includeTags
+    NULL,                 // excludeTags
+    trec_index_tags,      // indexTags
+    trec_metadata_tags,   // metadataTags
+    trec_conflations      // conflations
+  },
+  {
     "trecchar",           // name
     "xml",                // parser
     "char",               // tokenizer
--- indri-5.4/	2013-09-04 06:31:06.740210927 -0700
+++ indri-5.4/	2013-09-04 06:27:24.857989779 -0700
@@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
+include MakeDefns
 ## your application name here
 ## extra object files for your app here

 prefix = @prefix@
 exec_prefix = ${prefix}
 libdir = @libdir@
 includedir = @includedir@
+INCPATH=-Iinclude -Icontrib/lemur/include
+CPPLDFLAGS  = @LDFLAGS@ -lnvpair -lindri @LIBS@

+	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SRC) -fpic -shared -static-libgcc -h $(OUTPUT) -o $(OUTPUT) $(OBJ) $(LIBPATH) $(CPPLDFLAGS)

 	rm -f $(APP)

+	cp $(OUTPUT) $(libdir)
--- indri-5.4/Makefile	2013-09-12 07:39:16.027125829 -0700
+++ indri-5.4/Makefile	2013-09-12 07:38:44.720450641 -0700
@@ -73,5 +73,6 @@
 	$(MAKE) install -C doc
 	$(MAKE) -C site-search install
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(pkgdatadir)
+	$(MAKE) -f install
