author Jacob Varughese <>
Wed, 09 Oct 2013 09:17:23 -0700
changeset 1502 89c98773d0af
permissions -rw-r--r--
17270625 textfilecontent54 probe fails to match patterns in file XScreensaver 17329762 file probe does not return has_extended_acl info 17329743 uname probe does not return processor type correctly 17382171 isainfo probe does not correct value for isainfo -n

Fixed issue with textfilecontent54 not matching patterns in certain files on 

--- openscap-0.9.7/src/OVAL/probes/independent/textfilecontent54.c.~1~	2013-04-23 06:21:51.427000001 -0700
+++ openscap-0.9.7/src/OVAL/probes/independent/textfilecontent54.c	2013-08-20 09:38:16.335266038 -0700
@@ -72,7 +72,11 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < ovector_len; ++i)
 		ovector[i] = -1;
+#if defined(__SVR4) && defined(__sun)
+	rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, str, strlen(str), *ofs, PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK, ovector, ovector_len);
 	rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, str, strlen(str), *ofs, 0, ovector, ovector_len);
 	if (rc < -1) {
 		return -1;