author Stefan Teleman <>
Thu, 28 Jul 2016 16:25:34 -0700
changeset 6512 92717ce71105
permissions -rw-r--r--
24326140 upgrade LLVM to 3.8.1 24326159 upgrade clang to 3.8.1 22902339 memory corruption caused by undefined behavior in LLVM IR Module 22777179 implement [ -mtune= -march= -mcpu= ] in clang SPARC 22778085 LLVM is using %icc when it should be using %xcc 22778089 the SPARCV9 IS implementation is incomplete 22778098 LLVM should emit proc identifiers in SPARC assembler (capabilities) 22778650 clang should support OpenMP because it can 22859423 llvm CodeGen on Intel emits a bogus .ctors section 22902355 clang CodeGen is affected by 22902339 23701635 clang produces amd64 opcodes, but calls 32-bit assembler by default 23593143 lli JIT bitcode parsing creates a main function with wrong argc/argv 21759660 clang packages should include the scan-view and scan-build utilities 23854357 clang should check for GNU ld 17867434 clang crashed in LEXER 24306550 clang crashes in llvm::Twine::toStringRef 24311726 clang's Perl and Python utilities should not use #!/usr/bin/env 24312028 llvm::Twine needs copy constructors and assignment operators 24312221 classes must be CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, MoveConstructible ... 24314621 LLVM should build using the new CMake based build system 24314638 LLVM CommandLine subsystem is busted 24314687 static initialization of optimization passes doesn't work as intended 21870069 clang makes incorrect assumptions about anonymous namespace instantiation order 22643565 llvm's Google test harness needs some attention 24314745 clang should support PIE executables in Solaris

.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "LLVM-COV" "1" "2016-07-10" "3.8" "LLVM"
llvm-cov \- emit coverage information
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\fBllvm\-cov\fP \fIcommand\fP [\fIargs...\fP]
The \fBllvm\-cov\fP tool shows code coverage information for
programs that are instrumented to emit profile data. It can be used to
work with \fBgcov\fP\-style coverage or with \fBclang\fP\(aqs instrumentation
based profiling.
If the program is invoked with a base name of \fBgcov\fP, it will behave as if
the \fBllvm\-cov gcov\fP command were called. Otherwise, a command should
be provided.
.IP \(bu 2
.IP \(bu 2
.IP \(bu 2
\fBllvm\-cov gcov\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \fISOURCEFILE\fP
The \fBllvm\-cov gcov\fP tool reads code coverage data files and displays
the coverage information for a specified source file. It is compatible with the
\fBgcov\fP tool from version 4.2 of \fBGCC\fP and may also be compatible with some
later versions of \fBgcov\fP\&.
To use \fBllvm\-cov gcov\fP, you must first build an instrumented version
of your application that collects coverage data as it runs. Compile with the
\fB\-fprofile\-arcs\fP and \fB\-ftest\-coverage\fP options to add the
instrumentation. (Alternatively, you can use the \fB\-\-coverage\fP option, which
includes both of those other options.) You should compile with debugging
information (\fB\-g\fP) and without optimization (\fB\-O0\fP); otherwise, the
coverage data cannot be accurately mapped back to the source code.
At the time you compile the instrumented code, a \fB\&.gcno\fP data file will be
generated for each object file. These \fB\&.gcno\fP files contain half of the
coverage data. The other half of the data comes from \fB\&.gcda\fP files that are
generated when you run the instrumented program, with a separate \fB\&.gcda\fP
file for each object file. Each time you run the program, the execution counts
are summed into any existing \fB\&.gcda\fP files, so be sure to remove any old
files if you do not want their contents to be included.
By default, the \fB\&.gcda\fP files are written into the same directory as the
object files, but you can override that by setting the \fBGCOV_PREFIX\fP and
\fBGCOV_PREFIX_STRIP\fP environment variables. The \fBGCOV_PREFIX_STRIP\fP
variable specifies a number of directory components to be removed from the
start of the absolute path to the object file directory. After stripping those
directories, the prefix from the \fBGCOV_PREFIX\fP variable is added. These
environment variables allow you to run the instrumented program on a machine
where the original object file directories are not accessible, but you will
then need to copy the \fB\&.gcda\fP files back to the object file directories
where \fBllvm\-cov gcov\fP expects to find them.
Once you have generated the coverage data files, run \fBllvm\-cov gcov\fP
for each main source file where you want to examine the coverage results. This
should be run from the same directory where you previously ran the
compiler. The results for the specified source file are written to a file named
by appending a \fB\&.gcov\fP suffix. A separate output file is also created for
each file included by the main source file, also with a \fB\&.gcov\fP suffix added.
The basic content of an \fB\&.gcov\fP output file is a copy of the source file with
an execution count and line number prepended to every line. The execution
count is shown as \fB\-\fP if a line does not contain any executable code. If
a line contains code but that code was never executed, the count is displayed
as \fB#####\fP\&.
.B \-a, \-\-all\-blocks
Display all basic blocks. If there are multiple blocks for a single line of
source code, this option causes llvm\-cov to show the count for each block
instead of just one count for the entire line.
.B \-b, \-\-branch\-probabilities
Display conditional branch probabilities and a summary of branch information.
.B \-c, \-\-branch\-counts
Display branch counts instead of probabilities (requires \-b).
.B \-f, \-\-function\-summaries
Show a summary of coverage for each function instead of just one summary for
an entire source file.
.B \-\-help
Display available options (\-\-help\-hidden for more).
.B \-l, \-\-long\-file\-names
For coverage output of files included from the main source file, add the
main file name followed by \fB##\fP as a prefix to the output file names. This
can be combined with the \-\-preserve\-paths option to use complete paths for
both the main file and the included file.
.B \-n, \-\-no\-output
Do not output any \fB\&.gcov\fP files. Summary information is still
.B \-o=<DIR|FILE>, \-\-object\-directory=<DIR>, \-\-object\-file=<FILE>
Find objects in DIR or based on FILE\(aqs path. If you specify a particular
object file, the coverage data files are expected to have the same base name
with \fB\&.gcno\fP and \fB\&.gcda\fP extensions. If you specify a directory, the
files are expected in that directory with the same base name as the source
.B \-p, \-\-preserve\-paths
Preserve path components when naming the coverage output files. In addition
to the source file name, include the directories from the path to that
file. The directories are separate by \fB#\fP characters, with \fB\&.\fP directories
removed and \fB\&..\fP directories replaced by \fB^\fP characters. When used with
the \-\-long\-file\-names option, this applies to both the main file name and the
included file name.
.B \-u, \-\-unconditional\-branches
Include unconditional branches in the output for the \-\-branch\-probabilities
.B \-version
Display the version of llvm\-cov.
\fBllvm\-cov gcov\fP returns 1 if it cannot read input files.  Otherwise,
it exits with zero.
\fBllvm\-cov show\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \-instr\-profile \fIPROFILE\fP \fIBIN\fP [\fISOURCES\fP]
The \fBllvm\-cov show\fP command shows line by line coverage of a binary
\fIBIN\fP using the profile data \fIPROFILE\fP\&. It can optionally be filtered to only
show the coverage for the files listed in \fISOURCES\fP\&.
To use \fBllvm\-cov show\fP, you need a program that is compiled with
instrumentation to emit profile and coverage data. To build such a program with
\fBclang\fP use the \fB\-fprofile\-instr\-generate\fP and \fB\-fcoverage\-mapping\fP
flags. If linking with the \fBclang\fP driver, pass \fB\-fprofile\-instr\-generate\fP
to the link stage to make sure the necessary runtime libraries are linked in.
The coverage information is stored in the built executable or library itself,
and this is what you should pass to \fBllvm\-cov show\fP as the \fIBIN\fP
argument. The profile data is generated by running this instrumented program
normally. When the program exits it will write out a raw profile file,
typically called \fBdefault.profraw\fP, which can be converted to a format that
is suitable for the \fIPROFILE\fP argument using the \fBllvm\-profdata merge\fP
.B \-show\-line\-counts
Show the execution counts for each line. This is enabled by default, unless
another \fB\-show\fP option is used.
.B \-show\-expansions
Expand inclusions, such as preprocessor macros or textual inclusions, inline
in the display of the source file.
.B \-show\-instantiations
For source regions that are instantiated multiple times, such as templates in
\fBC++\fP, show each instantiation separately as well as the combined summary.
.B \-show\-regions
Show the execution counts for each region by displaying a caret that points to
the character where the region starts.
.B \-show\-line\-counts\-or\-regions
Show the execution counts for each line if there is only one region on the
line, but show the individual regions if there are multiple on the line.
.B \-use\-color[=VALUE]
Enable or disable color output. By default this is autodetected.
.B \-arch=<name>
If the covered binary is a universal binary, select the architecture to use.
It is an error to specify an architecture that is not included in the
universal binary or to use an architecture that does not match a
non\-universal binary.
.B \-name=<NAME>
Show code coverage only for functions with the given name.
.B \-name\-regex=<PATTERN>
Show code coverage only for functions that match the given regular expression.
.B \-line\-coverage\-gt=<N>
Show code coverage only for functions with line coverage greater than the
given threshold.
.B \-line\-coverage\-lt=<N>
Show code coverage only for functions with line coverage less than the given
.B \-region\-coverage\-gt=<N>
Show code coverage only for functions with region coverage greater than the
given threshold.
.B \-region\-coverage\-lt=<N>
Show code coverage only for functions with region coverage less than the given
\fBllvm\-cov report\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \-instr\-profile \fIPROFILE\fP \fIBIN\fP [\fISOURCES\fP]
The \fBllvm\-cov report\fP command displays a summary of the coverage of a
binary \fIBIN\fP using the profile data \fIPROFILE\fP\&. It can optionally be filtered to
only show the coverage for the files listed in \fISOURCES\fP\&.
If no source files are provided, a summary line is printed for each file in the
coverage data. If any files are provided, summaries are shown for each function
in the listed files instead.
For information on compiling programs for coverage and generating profile data,
see \fI\%SHOW COMMAND\fP\&.
.B \-use\-color[=VALUE]
Enable or disable color output. By default this is autodetected.
.B \-arch=<name>
If the covered binary is a universal binary, select the architecture to use.
It is an error to specify an architecture that is not included in the
universal binary or to use an architecture that does not match a
non\-universal binary.
Maintained by The LLVM Team (
2003-2016, LLVM Project
.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.