author Vladimir Marek <>
Tue, 11 Oct 2016 08:57:15 +0200
changeset 7470 c8a35bc3a99c
parent 7032 d064e0405780
child 7596 83b4091f7969
permissions -rw-r--r--
24788889 Update ImageMagick to 6.9.6-7 24788980 problem in UTILITY/IMAGEMAGICK

cd /var/tmp

convert -list font | wc -l  # ~ 200 lines of output

# Make sure that all the config files can be found. The next line should print
# no output
for i in $(convert -list list); do convert -list $i; done 2>&1 | grep 'convert: unable to access'

# List all xml files opened during the operation. Both files found and not
# found
   for i in $(convert -list list); do
      truss -'t!all' -t open convert -list $i
   done 2>&1 |
   grep ".xml\"," |
   sed -e 's,.*/,,' |
   sort -u

# Sort the files to found ones and not found ones
FOUND=$( ggrep -P '\d$' <<<"$A" | sed -e 's/".*//' )
NOT_FOUND=$( ggrep -v -P '\d$' <<<"$A" | sed -e 's/".*//' )

# Now for every not_found file there has to be the same file found, else
# display it's name. The output should be empty
ggrep -F -x -v -f <(echo "$FOUND") <(echo "$NOT_FOUND")

convert -size 170x100 xc:black \
   -fill white -draw 'circle 50,50 13,50' \
   -draw 'circle 120,50 157,50' \
   -draw 'rectangle 50,13 120,87' \
   -fill black -draw 'circle 50,50 25,50' \
   -draw 'circle 120,50 145,50' \
   -draw 'rectangle 50,25 120,75' \
   -fill white -draw 'circle 60,50 40,50' \
   -draw 'circle 110,50 130,50' \
   -draw 'rectangle 60,30 110,70' \
   -gaussian 1x1 +matte logo_mask.png

convert logo_mask.png -background red -alpha shape \
   -font Times-Roman -pointsize 36 -fill white -stroke black \
   -gravity Center -annotate 0 "Ant" \

convert logo.png -alpha extract -blur 0x6 -shade 110x30 -normalize \
   logo.png -compose Overlay -composite \
   logo.png -alpha on -compose Dst_In -composite \

convert logo_3D.png \( +clone -background navy -shadow 80x4+6+6 \) \
   +swap -background none -layers merge +repage logo_3D_shadowed.png

convert logo_3D_shadowed.png \
    \( +clone +repage -alpha off -fx 'rand()' -shade 120x30 \
    -fill grey70 -colorize 60 \
    -fill lavender -tint 100 \) \
    +swap -composite logo_3D_bg.jpg

# Now compare logo_3D_bg.jpg to the image at