author Petr Sumbera <>
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 02:02:14 -0800
changeset 3877 d7cb5bc8ee50
permissions -rw-r--r--
PSARC/2014/253 Apache 2.4 integration; EOF Apache 2.2 PSARC/2015/007 Apache FIPS 140-2 mod_ssl module 15795895 SUNBT7174116 Update Apache HTTP server to 2.4 15582360 SUNBT6871471 don't load big or infrequently-used modules that can't do anything 15806981 SUNBT7187825 Improve Apache HTTPD packaging in regards to loadable modules 15253627 SUNBT6239654 RFE: Apache2 could run with reduced privileges by default 19173368 Apache should be FIPS-140 ready

LoadModule auth_gss_module libexec/

<IfModule auth_gss_module.c>
<Directory /krb5>
    AuthType GSSAPI
    ServiceName HTTP
    KeytabFile  /etc/apache2/2.4/http.keytab
    GssDebug    1
    Require valid-user
    AllowOverride All