author Craig Mohrman <>
Mon, 22 Jul 2013 12:36:47 -0700
changeset 1402 f225f89a0538
permissions -rw-r--r--
16658678 problem in UTILITY/PHP 16004918 problem in UTILITY/PHP 16098069 /etc/apache2/2.2/conf.d/php/php.conf missing on upgrade to s11.1 17026033 problem in UTILITY/PHP 17157091 problem in UTILITY/PHP

This test now causing an infinite loop.
Produced fix by comparing to the php 5.3.26 version of the test.

--- php-5.2.17/ext/openssl/tests/bug48182.phpt_orig	2009-09-22 03:15:10.000000000 -0700
+++ php-5.2.17/ext/openssl/tests/bug48182.phpt	2013-06-20 14:16:39.947981967 -0700
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 	$socket = stream_socket_client($host, $errno, $errstr, 10, $flags);
 	stream_set_blocking($socket, 0);
-	while ($data) {
+	while ($socket && $data) {
 		$wrote = fwrite($socket, $data, strlen($data));
 		$data = substr($data, $wrote);