backout 20088231 - needs more work
authorMike Sullivan <Mike.Sullivan@Oracle.COM>
Wed, 08 Apr 2015 10:57:52 -0700
changeset 4069 0dd96f5ba7da
parent 4068 29a9d33b67fa
child 4070 de7938d475ad
backout 20088231 - needs more work
--- a/components/perl/perl520/Makefile	Wed Apr 08 10:31:09 2015 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
-# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
-# or
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-# and limitations under the License.
-# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
-# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
-# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
-# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
-# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-# Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-include ../../../make-rules/
-# Note this perl is 64-bit only.
-     sha256:ede5ded37e7fb6139b04728cfca826f17076f9888dbfd100a56834dbeb04657c
-COMPONENT_BUGDB=	utility/perl
-TPNO=			21449
-include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/
-include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/
-include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/
-ifeq   ($(strip $(PARFAIT_BUILD)),yes)
-# Override these compiler settings because they are causing problems
-# in the ON build of the contrib components.
-# ON doesn't use or need these settings or the compiler has some of them
-# on by default.
-# This also produces a perl more inline with past perl's.  For better
-# or worse.
-# Sparc optimization -xO4 causes issues with dtrace probes on Sparc
-# -Dperl_static_inline="static" turns OFF "static inline".
-# This was added because Configure probes
-# for static inline (C99 feature) and finds it in our default Studio
-# compiler.  But in the ON build of the perl add-ons, sun-solaris, the
-# shadow build with gcc 3.4.3 doesn't understand static inline so errors.
-			-de \
-			-Dmksymlinks \
-			-Ulocincpth= \
-			-Uloclibpth= \
-                        -Dbin=/usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin \
-			-Dcc="cc" \
-			-Dcf_email="[email protected]" \
-			-Dcf_by="perl-bugs" \
- \
-			-Dmyhostname="localhost" \
-			-Dperl_static_inline="static" \
-			-Dprefix=/usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION) \
-                        -Dprivlib=/usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib \
-			-Dsitelib=/usr/perl5/site_perl/$(PERL_VERSION) \
-			-Dsiteprefix=/usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION) \
-			-Dvendorlib=/usr/perl5/vendor_perl/$(PERL_VERSION) \
-			-Dvendorprefix=/usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION) \
-			-Duseshrplib \
-			-Dusedtrace \
-			-Duse64bitall \
-                        -Dusethreads \
-			-Doptimize="$("
-# The extra Configure parameters (cf_email, cf_by, myhostname) and
-# the gawk and sed that follow are attempting to sanatize the
-# resulting of values from our build environment that
-# are discoverable in perl's config via "perl -V".
-# I'm assuming our compilers live on a path that contains "SUNWspro".
-# If that changes the sed filter needs to change.
-	(cd $(@D); \
-	    cp config.sh_orig ; \
-	    gawk \
-	    '/^myuname=/{print $$1" localhost "$$3" "$$5" "$$6" "$$7"\047"} ; \
-	    		!/^myuname=/ {print}' config.sh_orig \
-		| \
-		sed -e "s/[^ ']*SUNWspro[^ ']*//g" > )
-# Put studio compilers in PATH so we can tell Configure and gmake just
-# use cc.  Trying to avoid the full path so it doesn't end up in
-# perl's config.
-        '-e "s|\(^Skip\).*|\1|" ' \
-	'-e "s|\(^u=\).*|\1|" ' \
-	'-e "s|\(^cc\).*|\1|" '
-# perl's install path for sparc is based off the value of the
-# "arch" command.  So we must package that way also.
-PKG_MACROS		+=	P_ARCH=$(shell arch)
-# Enable ASLR for this component
-configure:	$(CONFIGURE_64)
-build:		$(BUILD_64)
-parfait:	PARFAIT_BUILD=yes install
-install:	$(INSTALL_64)
-test:		$(TEST_64)
-REQUIRED_PACKAGES += database/berkeleydb-5
-REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/database/gdbm
-REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library
-REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/math
-REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/linker
--- a/components/perl/perl520/patches/CVE-2014-4330.patch	Wed Apr 08 10:31:09 2015 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8247 +0,0 @@
-This patch is an update of Data-Dumper to version 2.154 that comes from:
-diff -ur --new-file perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/Changes perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/Changes
---- perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/Changes	2014-05-14 19:51:24.000000000 -0400
-+++ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/Changes	2014-09-18 11:44:33.000000000 -0400
-@@ -6,6 +6,22 @@
- =over 8
-+=item 2.154 (Sep 18 2014)
-+Most notably, this release fixes CVE-2014-4330:
-+  Don't recurse infinitely in Data::Dumper
-+  Add a configuration variable/option to limit recursion when dumping
-+  deep data structures.
-+  [...]
-+  This patch addresses CVE-2014-4330.  This bug was found and
-+  reported by: LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH employee Markus
-+  Vervier.
-+On top of that, there are several minor big fixes and improvements,
-+see "git log" if the core perl distribution for details.
- =item 2.151 (Mar 7 2014)
- A "useqq" implementation for the XS version of Data::Dumper.
-diff -ur --new-file perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/
---- perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/	2014-09-14 07:31:01.000000000 -0400
-+++ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/	2014-09-18 11:46:04.000000000 -0400
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- package Data::Dumper;
--    $VERSION = '2.151'; # Don't forget to set version and release
-+    $VERSION = '2.154'; # Don't forget to set version and release
- }               # date in POD below!
- #$| = 1;
-@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
- $Sortkeys   = 0         unless defined $Sortkeys;
- $Deparse    = 0         unless defined $Deparse;
- $Sparseseen = 0         unless defined $Sparseseen;
-+$Maxrecurse = 1000      unless defined $Maxrecurse;
- #
- # expects an arrayref of values to be dumped.
-@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@
-         'bless'    => $Bless,    # keyword to use for "bless"
- #        expdepth   => $Expdepth,   # cutoff depth for explicit dumping
-         maxdepth   => $Maxdepth,   # depth beyond which we give up
-+	maxrecurse => $Maxrecurse, # depth beyond which we abort
-         useperl    => $Useperl,    # use the pure Perl implementation
-         sortkeys   => $Sortkeys,   # flag or filter for sorting hash keys
-         deparse    => $Deparse,    # use B::Deparse for coderefs
-@@ -350,6 +352,12 @@
-       return qq['$val'];
-     }
-+    # avoid recursing infinitely [perl #122111]
-+    if ($s->{maxrecurse} > 0
-+        and $s->{level} >= $s->{maxrecurse}) {
-+        die "Recursion limit of $s->{maxrecurse} exceeded";
-+    }
-     # we have a blessed ref
-     my ($blesspad);
-     if ($realpack and !$no_bless) {
-@@ -680,6 +688,11 @@
-   defined($v) ? (($s->{'maxdepth'} = $v), return $s) : $s->{'maxdepth'};
- }
-+sub Maxrecurse {
-+  my($s, $v) = @_;
-+  defined($v) ? (($s->{'maxrecurse'} = $v), return $s) : $s->{'maxrecurse'};
- sub Useperl {
-   my($s, $v) = @_;
-   defined($v) ? (($s->{'useperl'} = $v), return $s) : $s->{'useperl'};
-@@ -1105,6 +1118,16 @@
- =item *
-+$Data::Dumper::Maxrecurse  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Maxrecurse(I<[NEWVAL]>)
-+Can be set to a positive integer that specifies the depth beyond which
-+recursion into a structure will throw an exception.  This is intended
-+as a security measure to prevent perl running out of stack space when
-+dumping an excessively deep structure.  Can be set to 0 to remove the
-+limit.  Default is 1000.
-+=item *
- $Data::Dumper::Useperl  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Useperl(I<[NEWVAL]>)
- Can be set to a boolean value which controls whether the pure Perl
-@@ -1398,7 +1421,7 @@
- =head1 VERSION
--Version 2.151  (March 7 2014)
-+Version 2.154  (September 18 2014)
- =head1 SEE ALSO
-diff -ur --new-file perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/Dumper.xs perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/Dumper.xs
---- perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/Dumper.xs	2014-09-14 07:31:01.000000000 -0400
-+++ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/Dumper.xs	2014-09-18 11:41:02.000000000 -0400
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- 		    SV *pad, SV *xpad, SV *apad, SV *sep, SV *pair,
- 		    SV *freezer, SV *toaster,
- 		    I32 purity, I32 deepcopy, I32 quotekeys, SV *bless,
--		    I32 maxdepth, SV *sortkeys, int use_sparse_seen_hash, I32 useqq);
-+		    I32 maxdepth, SV *sortkeys, int use_sparse_seen_hash, I32 useqq, IV maxrecurse);
- #ifndef HvNAME_get
- #define HvNAME_get HvNAME
-@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
- 	case '\\':
- 	    *d = '\\';
- 	    ++d; ++ret;
-+            /* FALLTHROUGH */
- 	default:
- 	    *d = *s;
- 	    ++d; ++s; --slen;
-@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@
- sv_x(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *str, STRLEN len, I32 n)
- {
-     if (!sv)
--	sv = newSVpvn("", 0);
-+	sv = newSVpvs("");
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
-     else
- 	assert(SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PV);
-@@ -412,7 +413,7 @@
- 	AV *postav, I32 *levelp, I32 indent, SV *pad, SV *xpad,
- 	SV *apad, SV *sep, SV *pair, SV *freezer, SV *toaster, I32 purity,
- 	I32 deepcopy, I32 quotekeys, SV *bless, I32 maxdepth, SV *sortkeys,
--        int use_sparse_seen_hash, I32 useqq)
-+        int use_sparse_seen_hash, I32 useqq, IV maxrecurse)
- {
-     char tmpbuf[128];
-     Size_t i;
-@@ -497,13 +498,13 @@
- 			SV *postentry;
- 			if (realtype == SVt_PVHV)
--			    sv_catpvn(retval, "{}", 2);
-+			    sv_catpvs(retval, "{}");
- 			else if (realtype == SVt_PVAV)
--			    sv_catpvn(retval, "[]", 2);
-+			    sv_catpvs(retval, "[]");
- 			else
--			    sv_catpvn(retval, "do{my $o}", 9);
-+			    sv_catpvs(retval, "do{my $o}");
- 			postentry = newSVpvn(name, namelen);
--			sv_catpvn(postentry, " = ", 3);
-+			sv_catpvs(postentry, " = ");
- 			sv_catsv(postentry, othername);
- 			av_push(postav, postentry);
- 		    }
-@@ -516,9 +517,9 @@
- 			    }
- 			    else {
- 				sv_catpvn(retval, name, 1);
--				sv_catpvn(retval, "{", 1);
-+				sv_catpvs(retval, "{");
- 				sv_catsv(retval, othername);
--				sv_catpvn(retval, "}", 1);
-+				sv_catpvs(retval, "}");
- 			    }
- 			}
- 			else
-@@ -538,11 +539,11 @@
- 	    else {   /* store our name and continue */
- 		SV *namesv;
- 		if (name[0] == '@' || name[0] == '%') {
--		    namesv = newSVpvn("\\", 1);
-+		    namesv = newSVpvs("\\");
- 		    sv_catpvn(namesv, name, namelen);
- 		}
- 		else if (realtype == SVt_PVCV && name[0] == '*') {
--		    namesv = newSVpvn("\\", 2);
-+		    namesv = newSVpvs("\\");
- 		    sv_catpvn(namesv, name, namelen);
- 		    (SvPVX(namesv))[1] = '&';
- 		}
-@@ -583,17 +584,21 @@
- 	if (!purity && maxdepth > 0 && *levelp >= maxdepth) {
- 	    STRLEN vallen;
- 	    const char * const valstr = SvPV(val,vallen);
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "'", 1);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "'");
- 	    sv_catpvn(retval, valstr, vallen);
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "'", 1);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "'");
- 	    return 1;
- 	}
-+	if (maxrecurse > 0 && *levelp >= maxrecurse) {
-+	    croak("Recursion limit of %" IVdf " exceeded", maxrecurse);
-+	}
- 	if (realpack && !no_bless) {				/* we have a blessed ref */
- 	    STRLEN blesslen;
- 	    const char * const blessstr = SvPV(bless, blesslen);
- 	    sv_catpvn(retval, blessstr, blesslen);
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "( ", 2);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "( ");
- 	    if (indent >= 2) {
- 		blesspad = apad;
- 		apad = newSVsv(apad);
-@@ -641,21 +646,22 @@
- 	    else {
- 	      sv_pattern = val;
- 	    }
-+	    assert(sv_pattern);
- 	    rval = SvPV(sv_pattern, rlen);
- 	    rend = rval+rlen;
- 	    slash = rval;
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "qr/", 3);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "qr/");
- 	    for (;slash < rend; slash++) {
- 	      if (*slash == '\\') { ++slash; continue; }
- 	      if (*slash == '/') {    
- 		sv_catpvn(retval, rval, slash-rval);
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "\\/", 2);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "\\/");
- 		rlen -= slash-rval+1;
- 		rval = slash+1;
- 	      }
- 	    }
- 	    sv_catpvn(retval, rval, rlen);
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "/", 1);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "/");
- 	    if (sv_flags)
- 	      sv_catsv(retval, sv_flags);
- 	} 
-@@ -666,35 +672,38 @@
- 		realtype <= SVt_PVMG
- #endif
- 	) {			     /* scalar ref */
--	    SV * const namesv = newSVpvn("${", 2);
-+	    SV * const namesv = newSVpvs("${");
- 	    sv_catpvn(namesv, name, namelen);
--	    sv_catpvn(namesv, "}", 1);
-+	    sv_catpvs(namesv, "}");
- 	    if (realpack) {				     /* blessed */
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "do{\\(my $o = ", 13);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "do{\\(my $o = ");
- 		DD_dump(aTHX_ ival, SvPVX_const(namesv), SvCUR(namesv), retval, seenhv,
- 			postav, levelp,	indent, pad, xpad, apad, sep, pair,
- 			freezer, toaster, purity, deepcopy, quotekeys, bless,
--			maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq);
--		sv_catpvn(retval, ")}", 2);
-+			maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq,
-+			maxrecurse);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, ")}");
- 	    }						     /* plain */
- 	    else {
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "\\", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "\\");
- 		DD_dump(aTHX_ ival, SvPVX_const(namesv), SvCUR(namesv), retval, seenhv,
- 			postav, levelp,	indent, pad, xpad, apad, sep, pair,
- 			freezer, toaster, purity, deepcopy, quotekeys, bless,
--			maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq);
-+			maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq,
-+			maxrecurse);
- 	    }
- 	    SvREFCNT_dec(namesv);
- 	}
- 	else if (realtype == SVt_PVGV) {		     /* glob ref */
--	    SV * const namesv = newSVpvn("*{", 2);
-+	    SV * const namesv = newSVpvs("*{");
- 	    sv_catpvn(namesv, name, namelen);
--	    sv_catpvn(namesv, "}", 1);
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "\\", 1);
-+	    sv_catpvs(namesv, "}");
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "\\");
- 	    DD_dump(aTHX_ ival, SvPVX_const(namesv), SvCUR(namesv), retval, seenhv,
- 		    postav, levelp,	indent, pad, xpad, apad, sep, pair,
- 		    freezer, toaster, purity, deepcopy, quotekeys, bless,
--		    maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq);
-+		    maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq,
-+		    maxrecurse);
- 	    SvREFCNT_dec(namesv);
- 	}
- 	else if (realtype == SVt_PVAV) {
-@@ -708,11 +717,11 @@
- 	    (void)strcpy(iname, name);
- 	    inamelen = namelen;
- 	    if (name[0] == '@') {
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "(", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "(");
- 		iname[0] = '$';
- 	    }
- 	    else {
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "[", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "[");
- 		/* omit "->" in $foo{bar}->[0], but not in ${$foo}->[0] */
- 		/*if (namelen > 0
- 		    && name[namelen-1] != ']' && name[namelen-1] != '}'
-@@ -759,7 +768,7 @@
- 		if (indent >= 3) {
- 		    sv_catsv(retval, totpad);
- 		    sv_catsv(retval, ipad);
--		    sv_catpvn(retval, "#", 1);
-+		    sv_catpvs(retval, "#");
- 		    sv_catsv(retval, ixsv);
- 		}
- 		sv_catsv(retval, totpad);
-@@ -767,9 +776,10 @@
- 		DD_dump(aTHX_ elem, iname, ilen, retval, seenhv, postav,
- 			levelp,	indent, pad, xpad, apad, sep, pair,
- 			freezer, toaster, purity, deepcopy, quotekeys, bless,
--			maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq);
-+			maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash,
-+			useqq, maxrecurse);
- 		if (ix < ixmax)
--		    sv_catpvn(retval, ",", 1);
-+		    sv_catpvs(retval, ",");
- 	    }
- 	    if (ixmax >= 0) {
- 		SV * const opad = sv_x(aTHX_ Nullsv, SvPVX_const(xpad), SvCUR(xpad), (*levelp)-1);
-@@ -778,9 +788,9 @@
- 		SvREFCNT_dec(opad);
- 	    }
- 	    if (name[0] == '@')
--		sv_catpvn(retval, ")", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, ")");
- 	    else
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "]", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "]");
- 	    SvREFCNT_dec(ixsv);
- 	    SvREFCNT_dec(totpad);
- 	    Safefree(iname);
-@@ -796,11 +806,11 @@
- 	    SV * const iname = newSVpvn(name, namelen);
- 	    if (name[0] == '%') {
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "(", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "(");
- 		(SvPVX(iname))[0] = '$';
- 	    }
- 	    else {
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "{", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "{");
- 		/* omit "->" in $foo[0]->{bar}, but not in ${$foo}->{bar} */
- 		if ((namelen > 0
- 		     && name[namelen-1] != ']' && name[namelen-1] != '}')
-@@ -808,16 +818,16 @@
- 		        && (name[1] == '{'
- 			    || (name[0] == '\\' && name[2] == '{'))))
- 		{
--		    sv_catpvn(iname, "->", 2);
-+		    sv_catpvs(iname, "->");
- 		}
- 	    }
- 	    if (name[0] == '*' && name[namelen-1] == '}' && namelen >= 8 &&
- 		(instr(name+namelen-8, "{SCALAR}") ||
- 		 instr(name+namelen-7, "{ARRAY}") ||
- 		 instr(name+namelen-6, "{HASH}"))) {
--		sv_catpvn(iname, "->", 2);
-+		sv_catpvs(iname, "->");
- 	    }
--	    sv_catpvn(iname, "{", 1);
-+	    sv_catpvs(iname, "{");
- 	    totpad = newSVsv(sep);
- 	    sv_catsv(totpad, pad);
- 	    sv_catsv(totpad, apad);
-@@ -826,7 +836,7 @@
- 	    if (sortkeys) {
- 		if (sortkeys == &PL_sv_yes) {
- #if PERL_VERSION < 8
--                    sortkeys = sv_2mortal(newSVpvn("Data::Dumper::_sortkeys", 23));
-+                    sortkeys = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("Data::Dumper::_sortkeys"));
- #else
- 		    keys = newAV();
- 		    (void)hv_iterinit((HV*)ival);
-@@ -835,16 +845,25 @@
- 			(void)SvREFCNT_inc(sv);
- 			av_push(keys, sv);
- 		    }
--		    sortsv(AvARRAY(keys), 
--			   av_len(keys)+1, 
--			   IN_LOCALE ? Perl_sv_cmp_locale : Perl_sv_cmp);
--# else
--		    sortsv(AvARRAY(keys), 
--			   av_len(keys)+1, 
--			   Perl_sv_cmp);
-+#       ifdef IN_LC     /* Use this if available */
-+                    if (IN_LC(LC_COLLATE))
-+#       else
-+                    if (IN_LOCALE)
-+#       endif
-+                    {
-+                        sortsv(AvARRAY(keys),
-+			   av_len(keys)+1,
-+                           Perl_sv_cmp_locale);
-+                    }
-+                    else
- # endif
- #endif
-+                    {
-+                        sortsv(AvARRAY(keys),
-+			   av_len(keys)+1,
-+                           Perl_sv_cmp);
-+                    }
- 		}
- 		if (sortkeys != &PL_sv_yes) {
-@@ -883,7 +902,7 @@
-                }
- 		if (i)
--		    sv_catpvn(retval, ",", 1);
-+		    sv_catpvs(retval, ",");
- 		if (sortkeys) {
- 		    char *key;
-@@ -950,7 +969,7 @@
- 		}
-                 sname = newSVsv(iname);
-                 sv_catpvn(sname, nkey, nlen);
--                sv_catpvn(sname, "}", 1);
-+                sv_catpvs(sname, "}");
- 		sv_catsv(retval, pair);
- 		if (indent >= 2) {
-@@ -970,7 +989,8 @@
- 		DD_dump(aTHX_ hval, SvPVX_const(sname), SvCUR(sname), retval, seenhv,
- 			postav, levelp,	indent, pad, xpad, newapad, sep, pair,
- 			freezer, toaster, purity, deepcopy, quotekeys, bless,
--			maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq);
-+			maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq,
-+			maxrecurse);
- 		SvREFCNT_dec(sname);
- 		Safefree(nkey_buffer);
- 		if (indent >= 2)
-@@ -983,14 +1003,14 @@
- 		SvREFCNT_dec(opad);
- 	    }
- 	    if (name[0] == '%')
--		sv_catpvn(retval, ")", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, ")");
- 	    else
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "}", 1);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "}");
- 	    SvREFCNT_dec(iname);
- 	    SvREFCNT_dec(totpad);
- 	}
- 	else if (realtype == SVt_PVCV) {
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "sub { \"DUMMY\" }", 15);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "sub { \"DUMMY\" }");
- 	    if (purity)
- 		warn("Encountered CODE ref, using dummy placeholder");
- 	}
-@@ -1006,7 +1026,7 @@
- 		SvREFCNT_dec(apad);
- 		apad = blesspad;
- 	    }
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, ", '", 3);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, ", '");
- 	    plen = strlen(realpack);
- 	    pticks = num_q(realpack, plen);
-@@ -1025,11 +1045,11 @@
- 	    else {
- 	        sv_catpvn(retval, realpack, strlen(realpack));
- 	    }
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "' )", 3);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "' )");
- 	    if (toaster && SvPOK(toaster) && SvCUR(toaster)) {
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "->", 2);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "->");
- 		sv_catsv(retval, toaster);
--		sv_catpvn(retval, "()", 2);
-+		sv_catpvs(retval, "()");
- 	    }
- 	}
- 	SvREFCNT_dec(ipad);
-@@ -1054,9 +1074,9 @@
- 		if ((svp = av_fetch(seenentry, 0, FALSE)) && (othername = *svp)
- 		    && (svp = av_fetch(seenentry, 2, FALSE)) && *svp && SvIV(*svp) > 0)
- 		{
--		    sv_catpvn(retval, "${", 2);
-+		    sv_catpvs(retval, "${");
- 		    sv_catsv(retval, othername);
--		    sv_catpvn(retval, "}", 1);
-+		    sv_catpvs(retval, "}");
- 		    return 1;
- 		}
- 	    }
-@@ -1068,7 +1088,7 @@
-              * Note that we'd have to check for weak-refs, too, but this is
-              * already the branch for non-refs only. */
- 	    else if (val != &PL_sv_undef && (!use_sparse_seen_hash || SvREFCNT(val) > 1)) {
--		SV * const namesv = newSVpvn("\\", 1);
-+		SV * const namesv = newSVpvs("\\");
- 		sv_catpvn(namesv, name, namelen);
- 		seenentry = newAV();
- 		av_push(seenentry, namesv);
-@@ -1149,8 +1169,8 @@
- 		static const char* const entries[] = { "{SCALAR}", "{ARRAY}", "{HASH}" };
- 		static const STRLEN sizes[] = { 8, 7, 6 };
- 		SV *e;
--		SV * const nname = newSVpvn("", 0);
--		SV * const newapad = newSVpvn("", 0);
-+		SV * const nname = newSVpvs("");
-+		SV * const newapad = newSVpvs("");
- 		GV * const gv = (GV*)val;
- 		I32 j;
-@@ -1167,7 +1187,7 @@
- 			sv_setsv(nname, postentry);
- 			sv_catpvn(nname, entries[j], sizes[j]);
--			sv_catpvn(postentry, " = ", 3);
-+			sv_catpvs(postentry, " = ");
- 			av_push(postav, postentry);
- 			e = newRV_inc(e);
-@@ -1179,7 +1199,8 @@
- 				seenhv, postav, &nlevel, indent, pad, xpad,
- 				newapad, sep, pair, freezer, toaster, purity,
- 				deepcopy, quotekeys, bless, maxdepth, 
--				sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq);
-+				sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq,
-+				maxrecurse);
- 			SvREFCNT_dec(e);
- 		    }
- 		}
-@@ -1189,7 +1210,7 @@
- 	    }
- 	}
- 	else if (val == &PL_sv_undef || !SvOK(val)) {
--	    sv_catpvn(retval, "undef", 5);
-+	    sv_catpvs(retval, "undef");
- 	}
- #ifdef SvVOK
- 	else if (SvMAGICAL(val) && (mg = mg_find(val, 'V'))) {
-@@ -1249,7 +1270,7 @@
- #
- # This is the exact equivalent of Dump.  Well, almost. The things that are
- # different as of now (due to Laziness):
--#   * doesn't deparse yet.
-+#   * doesn't deparse yet.'
- #
- void
-@@ -1269,6 +1290,7 @@
- 	    SV *val, *name, *pad, *xpad, *apad, *sep, *pair, *varname;
- 	    SV *freezer, *toaster, *bless, *sortkeys;
- 	    I32 purity, deepcopy, quotekeys, maxdepth = 0;
-+	    IV maxrecurse = 1000;
- 	    char tmpbuf[1024];
- 	    I32 gimme = GIMME;
-             int use_sparse_seen_hash = 0;
-@@ -1308,7 +1330,7 @@
- 	    terse = purity = deepcopy = useqq = 0;
- 	    quotekeys = 1;
--	    retval = newSVpvn("", 0);
-+	    retval = newSVpvs("");
- 	    if (SvROK(href)
- 		&& (hv = (HV*)SvRV((SV*)href))
- 		&& SvTYPE(hv) == SVt_PVHV)		{
-@@ -1355,6 +1377,8 @@
- 		    bless = *svp;
- 		if ((svp = hv_fetch(hv, "maxdepth", 8, FALSE)))
- 		    maxdepth = SvIV(*svp);
-+		if ((svp = hv_fetch(hv, "maxrecurse", 10, FALSE)))
-+		    maxrecurse = SvIV(*svp);
- 		if ((svp = hv_fetch(hv, "sortkeys", 8, FALSE))) {
- 		    sortkeys = *svp;
- 		    if (! SvTRUE(sortkeys))
-@@ -1372,7 +1396,7 @@
- 		    imax = av_len(todumpav);
- 		else
- 		    imax = -1;
--		valstr = newSVpvn("",0);
-+		valstr = newSVpvs("");
- 		for (i = 0; i <= imax; ++i) {
- 		    SV *newapad;
-@@ -1434,7 +1458,8 @@
- 		    DD_dump(aTHX_ val, SvPVX_const(name), SvCUR(name), valstr, seenhv,
- 			    postav, &level, indent, pad, xpad, newapad, sep, pair,
- 			    freezer, toaster, purity, deepcopy, quotekeys,
--			    bless, maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash, useqq);
-+			    bless, maxdepth, sortkeys, use_sparse_seen_hash,
-+			    useqq, maxrecurse);
- 		    SPAGAIN;
- 		    if (indent >= 2 && !terse)
-@@ -1444,7 +1469,7 @@
- 		    if (postlen >= 0 || !terse) {
- 			sv_insert(valstr, 0, 0, " = ", 3);
- 			sv_insert(valstr, 0, 0, SvPVX_const(name), SvCUR(name));
--			sv_catpvn(valstr, ";", 1);
-+			sv_catpvs(valstr, ";");
- 		    }
- 		    sv_catsv(retval, pad);
- 		    sv_catsv(retval, valstr);
-@@ -1458,20 +1483,20 @@
- 			    if (svp && (elem = *svp)) {
- 				sv_catsv(retval, elem);
- 				if (i < postlen) {
--				    sv_catpvn(retval, ";", 1);
-+				    sv_catpvs(retval, ";");
- 				    sv_catsv(retval, sep);
- 				    sv_catsv(retval, pad);
- 				}
- 			    }
- 			}
--			sv_catpvn(retval, ";", 1);
-+			sv_catpvs(retval, ";");
- 			    sv_catsv(retval, sep);
- 		    }
- 		    sv_setpvn(valstr, "", 0);
- 		    if (gimme == G_ARRAY) {
- 			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(retval));
- 			if (i < imax)	/* not the last time thro ? */
--			    retval = newSVpvn("",0);
-+			    retval = newSVpvs("");
- 		    }
- 		}
- 		SvREFCNT_dec(postav);
-diff -ur --new-file perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/MANIFEST perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/MANIFEST
---- perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/MANIFEST	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
-+++ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/MANIFEST	2014-09-18 11:46:53.000000000 -0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-+MANIFEST			This list of files
-+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
-diff -ur --new-file perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/MANIFEST.SKIP perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/MANIFEST.SKIP
---- perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/MANIFEST.SKIP	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
-+++ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/MANIFEST.SKIP	2013-03-15 05:45:23.000000000 -0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-+# Default section:
-+# Avoid version control files.
-+# Avoid Makemaker generated and utility files.
-+# Avoid Module::Build generated and utility files.
-+# Avoid temp and backup files.
-diff -ur --new-file perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/ppport.h perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/ppport.h
---- perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/ppport.h	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
-+++ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/ppport.h	2014-03-07 02:48:03.000000000 -0500
-@@ -0,0 +1,7452 @@
-+#if 0
-+    ppport.h -- Perl/Pollution/Portability Version 3.21
-+    Automatically created by Devel::PPPort running under perl 5.014002.
-+    Do NOT edit this file directly! -- Edit PPPort_pm.PL and the
-+    includes in parts/inc/ instead.
-+    Use 'perldoc ppport.h' to view the documentation below.
-+=head1 NAME
-+ppport.h - Perl/Pollution/Portability version 3.21
-+=head1 SYNOPSIS
-+  perl ppport.h [options] [source files]
-+  Searches current directory for files if no [source files] are given
-+  --help                      show short help
-+  --version                   show version
-+  --patch=file                write one patch file with changes
-+  --copy=suffix               write changed copies with suffix
-+  --diff=program              use diff program and options
-+  --compat-version=version    provide compatibility with Perl version
-+  --cplusplus                 accept C++ comments
-+  --quiet                     don't output anything except fatal errors
-+  --nodiag                    don't show diagnostics
-+  --nohints                   don't show hints
-+  --nochanges                 don't suggest changes
-+  --nofilter                  don't filter input files
-+  --strip                     strip all script and doc functionality from
-+                              ppport.h
-+  --list-provided             list provided API
-+  --list-unsupported          list unsupported API
-+  --api-info=name             show Perl API portability information
-+This version of F<ppport.h> is designed to support operation with Perl
-+installations back to 5.003, and has been tested up to 5.11.5.
-+=head1 OPTIONS
-+=head2 --help
-+Display a brief usage summary.
-+=head2 --version
-+Display the version of F<ppport.h>.
-+=head2 --patch=I<file>
-+If this option is given, a single patch file will be created if
-+any changes are suggested. This requires a working diff program
-+to be installed on your system.
-+=head2 --copy=I<suffix>
-+If this option is given, a copy of each file will be saved with
-+the given suffix that contains the suggested changes. This does
-+not require any external programs. Note that this does not
-+automagially add a dot between the original filename and the
-+suffix. If you want the dot, you have to include it in the option
-+If neither C<--patch> or C<--copy> are given, the default is to
-+simply print the diffs for each file. This requires either
-+C<Text::Diff> or a C<diff> program to be installed.
-+=head2 --diff=I<program>
-+Manually set the diff program and options to use. The default
-+is to use C<Text::Diff>, when installed, and output unified
-+context diffs.
-+=head2 --compat-version=I<version>
-+Tell F<ppport.h> to check for compatibility with the given
-+Perl version. The default is to check for compatibility with Perl
-+version 5.003. You can use this option to reduce the output
-+of F<ppport.h> if you intend to be backward compatible only
-+down to a certain Perl version.
-+=head2 --cplusplus
-+Usually, F<ppport.h> will detect C++ style comments and
-+replace them with C style comments for portability reasons.
-+Using this option instructs F<ppport.h> to leave C++
-+comments untouched.
-+=head2 --quiet
-+Be quiet. Don't print anything except fatal errors.
-+=head2 --nodiag
-+Don't output any diagnostic messages. Only portability
-+alerts will be printed.
-+=head2 --nohints
-+Don't output any hints. Hints often contain useful portability
-+notes. Warnings will still be displayed.
-+=head2 --nochanges
-+Don't suggest any changes. Only give diagnostic output and hints
-+unless these are also deactivated.
-+=head2 --nofilter
-+Don't filter the list of input files. By default, files not looking
-+like source code (i.e. not *.xs, *.c, *.cc, *.cpp or *.h) are skipped.
-+=head2 --strip
-+Strip all script and documentation functionality from F<ppport.h>.
-+This reduces the size of F<ppport.h> dramatically and may be useful
-+if you want to include F<ppport.h> in smaller modules without
-+increasing their distribution size too much.
-+The stripped F<ppport.h> will have a C<--unstrip> option that allows
-+you to undo the stripping, but only if an appropriate C<Devel::PPPort>
-+module is installed.
-+=head2 --list-provided
-+Lists the API elements for which compatibility is provided by
-+F<ppport.h>. Also lists if it must be explicitly requested,
-+if it has dependencies, and if there are hints or warnings for it.
-+=head2 --list-unsupported
-+Lists the API elements that are known not to be supported by
-+F<ppport.h> and below which version of Perl they probably
-+won't be available or work.
-+=head2 --api-info=I<name>
-+Show portability information for API elements matching I<name>.
-+If I<name> is surrounded by slashes, it is interpreted as a regular
-+In order for a Perl extension (XS) module to be as portable as possible
-+across differing versions of Perl itself, certain steps need to be taken.
-+=over 4
-+=item *
-+Including this header is the first major one. This alone will give you
-+access to a large part of the Perl API that hasn't been available in
-+earlier Perl releases. Use
-+    perl ppport.h --list-provided
-+to see which API elements are provided by ppport.h.
-+=item *
-+You should avoid using deprecated parts of the API. For example, using
-+global Perl variables without the C<PL_> prefix is deprecated. Also,
-+some API functions used to have a C<perl_> prefix. Using this form is
-+also deprecated. You can safely use the supported API, as F<ppport.h>
-+will provide wrappers for older Perl versions.
-+=item *
-+If you use one of a few functions or variables that were not present in
-+earlier versions of Perl, and that can't be provided using a macro, you
-+have to explicitly request support for these functions by adding one or
-+more C<#define>s in your source code before the inclusion of F<ppport.h>.
-+These functions or variables will be marked C<explicit> in the list shown
-+by C<--list-provided>.
-+Depending on whether you module has a single or multiple files that
-+use such functions or variables, you want either C<static> or global
-+For a C<static> function or variable (used only in a single source
-+file), use:
-+    #define NEED_function
-+    #define NEED_variable
-+For a global function or variable (used in multiple source files),
-+    #define NEED_function_GLOBAL
-+    #define NEED_variable_GLOBAL
-+Note that you mustn't have more than one global request for the
-+same function or variable in your project.
-+    Function / Variable       Static Request               Global Request
-+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+    PL_parser                 NEED_PL_parser               NEED_PL_parser_GLOBAL
-+    PL_signals                NEED_PL_signals              NEED_PL_signals_GLOBAL
-+    eval_pv()                 NEED_eval_pv                 NEED_eval_pv_GLOBAL
-+    grok_bin()                NEED_grok_bin                NEED_grok_bin_GLOBAL
-+    grok_hex()                NEED_grok_hex                NEED_grok_hex_GLOBAL
-+    grok_number()             NEED_grok_number             NEED_grok_number_GLOBAL
-+    grok_numeric_radix()      NEED_grok_numeric_radix      NEED_grok_numeric_radix_GLOBAL
-+    grok_oct()                NEED_grok_oct                NEED_grok_oct_GLOBAL
-+    load_module()             NEED_load_module             NEED_load_module_GLOBAL
-+    my_snprintf()             NEED_my_snprintf             NEED_my_snprintf_GLOBAL
-+    my_sprintf()              NEED_my_sprintf              NEED_my_sprintf_GLOBAL
-+    my_strlcat()              NEED_my_strlcat              NEED_my_strlcat_GLOBAL
-+    my_strlcpy()              NEED_my_strlcpy              NEED_my_strlcpy_GLOBAL
-+    newCONSTSUB()             NEED_newCONSTSUB             NEED_newCONSTSUB_GLOBAL
-+    newRV_noinc()             NEED_newRV_noinc             NEED_newRV_noinc_GLOBAL
-+    newSV_type()              NEED_newSV_type              NEED_newSV_type_GLOBAL
-+    newSVpvn_flags()          NEED_newSVpvn_flags          NEED_newSVpvn_flags_GLOBAL
-+    newSVpvn_share()          NEED_newSVpvn_share          NEED_newSVpvn_share_GLOBAL
-+    pv_display()              NEED_pv_display              NEED_pv_display_GLOBAL
-+    pv_escape()               NEED_pv_escape               NEED_pv_escape_GLOBAL
-+    pv_pretty()               NEED_pv_pretty               NEED_pv_pretty_GLOBAL
-+    sv_2pv_flags()            NEED_sv_2pv_flags            NEED_sv_2pv_flags_GLOBAL
-+    sv_2pvbyte()              NEED_sv_2pvbyte              NEED_sv_2pvbyte_GLOBAL
-+    sv_catpvf_mg()            NEED_sv_catpvf_mg            NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_GLOBAL
-+    sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext()  NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext  NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext_GLOBAL
-+    sv_pvn_force_flags()      NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags      NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags_GLOBAL
-+    sv_setpvf_mg()            NEED_sv_setpvf_mg            NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_GLOBAL
-+    sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext()  NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext  NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext_GLOBAL
-+    vload_module()            NEED_vload_module            NEED_vload_module_GLOBAL
-+    vnewSVpvf()               NEED_vnewSVpvf               NEED_vnewSVpvf_GLOBAL
-+    warner()                  NEED_warner                  NEED_warner_GLOBAL
-+To avoid namespace conflicts, you can change the namespace of the
-+explicitly exported functions / variables using the C<DPPP_NAMESPACE>
-+macro. Just C<#define> the macro before including C<ppport.h>:
-+    #define DPPP_NAMESPACE MyOwnNamespace_
-+    #include "ppport.h"
-+The default namespace is C<DPPP_>.
-+The good thing is that most of the above can be checked by running
-+F<ppport.h> on your source code. See the next section for
-+=head1 EXAMPLES
-+To verify whether F<ppport.h> is needed for your module, whether you
-+should make any changes to your code, and whether any special defines
-+should be used, F<ppport.h> can be run as a Perl script to check your
-+source code. Simply say:
-+    perl ppport.h
-+The result will usually be a list of patches suggesting changes
-+that should at least be acceptable, if not necessarily the most
-+efficient solution, or a fix for all possible problems.
-+If you know that your XS module uses features only available in
-+newer Perl releases, if you're aware that it uses C++ comments,
-+and if you want all suggestions as a single patch file, you could
-+use something like this:
-+    perl ppport.h --compat-version=5.6.0 --cplusplus --patch=test.diff
-+If you only want your code to be scanned without any suggestions
-+for changes, use:
-+    perl ppport.h --nochanges
-+You can specify a different C<diff> program or options, using
-+the C<--diff> option:
-+    perl ppport.h --diff='diff -C 10'
-+This would output context diffs with 10 lines of context.
-+If you want to create patched copies of your files instead, use:
-+    perl ppport.h
-+To display portability information for the C<newSVpvn> function,
-+    perl ppport.h --api-info=newSVpvn
-+Since the argument to C<--api-info> can be a regular expression,
-+you can use
-+    perl ppport.h --api-info=/_nomg$/
-+to display portability information for all C<_nomg> functions or
-+    perl ppport.h --api-info=/./
-+to display information for all known API elements.
-+=head1 BUGS
-+If this version of F<ppport.h> is causing failure during
-+the compilation of this module, please check if newer versions
-+of either this module or C<Devel::PPPort> are available on CPAN
-+before sending a bug report.
-+If F<ppport.h> was generated using the latest version of
-+C<Devel::PPPort> and is causing failure of this module, please
-+file a bug report using the CPAN Request Tracker at L<>.
-+Please include the following information:
-+=over 4
-+=item 1.
-+The complete output from running "perl -V"
-+=item 2.
-+This file.
-+=item 3.
-+The name and version of the module you were trying to build.
-+=item 4.
-+A full log of the build that failed.
-+=item 5.
-+Any other information that you think could be relevant.
-+For the latest version of this code, please get the C<Devel::PPPort>
-+module from CPAN.
-+=head1 COPYRIGHT
-+Version 3.x, Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
-+Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
-+Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski.
-+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-+=head1 SEE ALSO
-+See L<Devel::PPPort>.
-+use strict;
-+# Disable broken TRIE-optimization
-+BEGIN { eval '${^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF} = -1' if $] >= 5.009004 && $] <= 5.009005 }
-+my $VERSION = 3.21;
-+my %opt = (
-+  quiet     => 0,
-+  diag      => 1,
-+  hints     => 1,
-+  changes   => 1,
-+  cplusplus => 0,
-+  filter    => 1,
-+  strip     => 0,
-+  version   => 0,
-+my($ppport) = $0 =~ /([\w.]+)$/;
-+my $LF = '(?:\r\n|[\r\n])';   # line feed
-+my $HS = "[ \t]";             # horizontal whitespace
-+# Never use C comments in this file!
-+my $ccs  = '/'.'*';
-+my $cce  = '*'.'/';
-+my $rccs = quotemeta $ccs;
-+my $rcce = quotemeta $cce;
-+eval {
-+  require Getopt::Long;
-+  Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%opt, qw(
-+    help quiet diag! filter! hints! changes! cplusplus strip version
-+    patch=s copy=s diff=s compat-version=s
-+    list-provided list-unsupported api-info=s
-+  )) or usage();
-+if ($@ and grep /^-/, @ARGV) {
-+  usage() if "@ARGV" =~ /^--?h(?:elp)?$/;
-+  die "Getopt::Long not found. Please don't use any options.\n";
-+if ($opt{version}) {
-+  print "This is $0 $VERSION.\n";
-+  exit 0;
-+usage() if $opt{help};
-+strip() if $opt{strip};
-+if (exists $opt{'compat-version'}) {
-+  my($r,$v,$s) = eval { parse_version($opt{'compat-version'}) };
-+  if ($@) {
-+    die "Invalid version number format: '$opt{'compat-version'}'\n";
-+  }
-+  die "Only Perl 5 is supported\n" if $r != 5;
-+  die "Invalid version number: $opt{'compat-version'}\n" if $v >= 1000 || $s >= 1000;
-+  $opt{'compat-version'} = sprintf "%d.%03d%03d", $r, $v, $s;
-+else {
-+  $opt{'compat-version'} = 5;
-+my %API = map { /^(\w+)\|([^|]*)\|([^|]*)\|(\w*)$/
-+                ? ( $1 => {
-+                      ($2                  ? ( base     => $2 ) : ()),
-+                      ($3                  ? ( todo     => $3 ) : ()),
-+                      (index($4, 'v') >= 0 ? ( varargs  => 1  ) : ()),
-+                      (index($4, 'p') >= 0 ? ( provided => 1  ) : ()),
-+                      (index($4, 'n') >= 0 ? ( nothxarg => 1  ) : ()),
-+                    } )
-+                : die "invalid spec: $_" } qw(
-+if (exists $opt{'list-unsupported'}) {
-+  my $f;
-+  for $f (sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %API) {
-+    next unless $API{$f}{todo};
-+    print "$f ", '.'x(40-length($f)), " ", format_version($API{$f}{todo}), "\n";
-+  }
-+  exit 0;
-+# Scan for possible replacement candidates
-+my(%replace, %need, %hints, %warnings, %depends);
-+my $replace = 0;
-+my($hint, $define, $function);
-+sub find_api
-+  my $code = shift;
-+  $code =~ s{
-+    / (?: \*[^*]*\*+(?:[^$ccs][^*]*\*+)* / | /[^\r\n]*)
-+  | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"
-+  | '[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*' }{}egsx;
-+  grep { exists $API{$_} } $code =~ /(\w+)/mg;
-+while (<DATA>) {
-+  if ($hint) {
-+    my $h = $hint->[0] eq 'Hint' ? \%hints : \%warnings;
-+    if (m{^\s*\*\s(.*?)\s*$}) {
-+      for (@{$hint->[1]}) {
-+        $h->{$_} ||= '';  # suppress warning with older perls
-+        $h->{$_} .= "$1\n";
-+      }
-+    }
-+    else { undef $hint }
-+  }
-+  $hint = [$1, [split /,?\s+/, $2]]
-+      if m{^\s*$rccs\s+(Hint|Warning):\s+(\w+(?:,?\s+\w+)*)\s*$};
-+  if ($define) {
-+    if ($define->[1] =~ /\\$/) {
-+      $define->[1] .= $_;
-+    }
-+    else {
-+      if (exists $API{$define->[0]} && $define->[1] !~ /^DPPP_\(/) {
-+        my @n = find_api($define->[1]);
-+        push @{$depends{$define->[0]}}, @n if @n
-+      }
-+      undef $define;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  $define = [$1, $2] if m{^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)(?:\([^)]*\))?\s+(.*)};
-+  if ($function) {
-+    if (/^}/) {
-+      if (exists $API{$function->[0]}) {
-+        my @n = find_api($function->[1]);
-+        push @{$depends{$function->[0]}}, @n if @n
-+      }
-+      undef $function;
-+    }
-+    else {
-+      $function->[1] .= $_;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  $function = [$1, ''] if m{^DPPP_\(my_(\w+)\)};
-+  $replace     = $1 if m{^\s*$rccs\s+Replace:\s+(\d+)\s+$rcce\s*$};
-+  $replace{$2} = $1 if $replace and m{^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)(?:\([^)]*\))?\s+(\w+)};
-+  $replace{$2} = $1 if m{^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)(?:\([^)]*\))?\s+(\w+).*$rccs\s+Replace\s+$rcce};
-+  $replace{$1} = $2 if m{^\s*$rccs\s+Replace (\w+) with (\w+)\s+$rcce\s*$};
-+  if (m{^\s*$rccs\s+(\w+(\s*,\s*\w+)*)\s+depends\s+on\s+(\w+(\s*,\s*\w+)*)\s+$rcce\s*$}) {
-+    my @deps = map { s/\s+//g; $_ } split /,/, $3;
-+    my $d;
-+    for $d (map { s/\s+//g; $_ } split /,/, $1) {
-+      push @{$depends{$d}}, @deps;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  $need{$1} = 1 if m{^#if\s+defined\(NEED_(\w+)(?:_GLOBAL)?\)};
-+for (values %depends) {
-+  my %s;
-+  $_ = [sort grep !$s{$_}++, @$_];
-+if (exists $opt{'api-info'}) {
-+  my $f;
-+  my $count = 0;
-+  my $match = $opt{'api-info'} =~ m!^/(.*)/$! ? $1 : "^\Q$opt{'api-info'}\E\$";
-+  for $f (sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %API) {
-+    next unless $f =~ /$match/;
-+    print "\n=== $f ===\n\n";
-+    my $info = 0;
-+    if ($API{$f}{base} || $API{$f}{todo}) {
-+      my $base = format_version($API{$f}{base} || $API{$f}{todo});
-+      print "Supported at least starting from perl-$base.\n";
-+      $info++;
-+    }
-+    if ($API{$f}{provided}) {
-+      my $todo = $API{$f}{todo} ? format_version($API{$f}{todo}) : "5.003";
-+      print "Support by $ppport provided back to perl-$todo.\n";
-+      print "Support needs to be explicitly requested by NEED_$f.\n" if exists $need{$f};
-+      print "Depends on: ", join(', ', @{$depends{$f}}), ".\n" if exists $depends{$f};
-+      print "\n$hints{$f}" if exists $hints{$f};
-+      print "\nWARNING:\n$warnings{$f}" if exists $warnings{$f};
-+      $info++;
-+    }
-+    print "No portability information available.\n" unless $info;
-+    $count++;
-+  }
-+  $count or print "Found no API matching '$opt{'api-info'}'.";
-+  print "\n";
-+  exit 0;
-+if (exists $opt{'list-provided'}) {
-+  my $f;
-+  for $f (sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %API) {
-+    next unless $API{$f}{provided};
-+    my @flags;
-+    push @flags, 'explicit' if exists $need{$f};
-+    push @flags, 'depend'   if exists $depends{$f};
-+    push @flags, 'hint'     if exists $hints{$f};
-+    push @flags, 'warning'  if exists $warnings{$f};
-+    my $flags = @flags ? '  ['.join(', ', @flags).']' : '';
-+    print "$f$flags\n";
-+  }
-+  exit 0;
-+my @files;
-+my @srcext = qw( .xs .c .h .cc .cpp );
-+my $srcext = join '|', map { quotemeta $_ } @srcext;
-+if (@ARGV) {
-+  my %seen;
-+  for (@ARGV) {
-+    if (-e) {
-+      if (-f) {
-+        push @files, $_ unless $seen{$_}++;
-+      }
-+      else { warn "'$_' is not a file.\n" }
-+    }
-+    else {
-+      my @new = grep { -f } glob $_
-+          or warn "'$_' does not exist.\n";
-+      push @files, grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @new;
-+    }
-+  }
-+else {
-+  eval {
-+    require File::Find;
-+    File::Find::find(sub {
-+      $File::Find::name =~ /($srcext)$/i
-+          and push @files, $File::Find::name;
-+    }, '.');
-+  };
-+  if ($@) {
-+    @files = map { glob "*$_" } @srcext;
-+  }
-+if (!@ARGV || $opt{filter}) {
-+  my(@in, @out);
-+  my %xsc = map { /(.*)\.xs$/ ? ("$1.c" => 1, "$" => 1) : () } @files;
-+  for (@files) {
-+    my $out = exists $xsc{$_} || /\b\Q$ppport\E$/i || !/($srcext)$/i;
-+    push @{ $out ? \@out : \@in }, $_;
-+  }
-+  if (@ARGV && @out) {
-+    warning("Skipping the following files (use --nofilter to avoid this):\n| ", join "\n| ", @out);
-+  }
-+  @files = @in;
-+die "No input files given!\n" unless @files;
-+my(%files, %global, %revreplace);
-+%revreplace = reverse %replace;
-+my $filename;
-+my $patch_opened = 0;
-+for $filename (@files) {
-+  unless (open IN, "<$filename") {
-+    warn "Unable to read from $filename: $!\n";
-+    next;
-+  }
-+  info("Scanning $filename ...");
-+  my $c = do { local $/; <IN> };
-+  close IN;
-+  my %file = (orig => $c, changes => 0);
-+  # Temporarily remove C/XS comments and strings from the code
-+  my @ccom;
-+  $c =~ s{
-+    ( ^$HS*\#$HS*include\b[^\r\n]+\b(?:\Q$ppport\E|XSUB\.h)\b[^\r\n]*
-+    | ^$HS*\#$HS*(?:define|elif|if(?:def)?)\b[^\r\n]* )
-+  | ( ^$HS*\#[^\r\n]*
-+    | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"
-+    | '[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'
-+    | / (?: \*[^*]*\*+(?:[^$ccs][^*]*\*+)* / | /[^\r\n]* ) )
-+  }{ defined $2 and push @ccom, $2;
-+     defined $1 ? $1 : "$ccs$#ccom$cce" }mgsex;
-+  $file{ccom} = \@ccom;
-+  $file{code} = $c;
-+  $file{has_inc_ppport} = $c =~ /^$HS*#$HS*include[^\r\n]+\b\Q$ppport\E\b/m;
-+  my $func;
-+  for $func (keys %API) {
-+    my $match = $func;
-+    $match .= "|$revreplace{$func}" if exists $revreplace{$func};
-+    if ($c =~ /\b(?:Perl_)?($match)\b/) {
-+      $file{uses_replace}{$1}++ if exists $revreplace{$func} && $1 eq $revreplace{$func};
-+      $file{uses_Perl}{$func}++ if $c =~ /\bPerl_$func\b/;
-+      if (exists $API{$func}{provided}) {
-+        $file{uses_provided}{$func}++;
-+        if (!exists $API{$func}{base} || $API{$func}{base} > $opt{'compat-version'}) {
-+          $file{uses}{$func}++;
-+          my @deps = rec_depend($func);
-+          if (@deps) {
-+            $file{uses_deps}{$func} = \@deps;
-+            for (@deps) {
-+              $file{uses}{$_} = 0 unless exists $file{uses}{$_};
-+            }
-+          }
-+          for ($func, @deps) {
-+            $file{needs}{$_} = 'static' if exists $need{$_};
-+          }
-+        }
-+      }
-+      if (exists $API{$func}{todo} && $API{$func}{todo} > $opt{'compat-version'}) {
-+        if ($c =~ /\b$func\b/) {
-+          $file{uses_todo}{$func}++;
-+        }
-+      }
-+    }
-+  }
-+  while ($c =~ /^$HS*#$HS*define$HS+(NEED_(\w+?)(_GLOBAL)?)\b/mg) {
-+    if (exists $need{$2}) {
-+      $file{defined $3 ? 'needed_global' : 'needed_static'}{$2}++;
-+    }
-+    else { warning("Possibly wrong #define $1 in $filename") }
-+  }
-+  for (qw(uses needs uses_todo needed_global needed_static)) {
-+    for $func (keys %{$file{$_}}) {
-+      push @{$global{$_}{$func}}, $filename;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  $files{$filename} = \%file;
-+# Globally resolve NEED_'s
-+my $need;
-+for $need (keys %{$global{needs}}) {
-+  if (@{$global{needs}{$need}} > 1) {
-+    my @targets = @{$global{needs}{$need}};
-+    my @t = grep $files{$_}{needed_global}{$need}, @targets;
-+    @targets = @t if @t;
-+    @t = grep /\.xs$/i, @targets;
-+    @targets = @t if @t;
-+    my $target = shift @targets;
-+    $files{$target}{needs}{$need} = 'global';
-+    for (@{$global{needs}{$need}}) {
-+      $files{$_}{needs}{$need} = 'extern' if $_ ne $target;
-+    }
-+  }
-+for $filename (@files) {
-+  exists $files{$filename} or next;
-+  info("=== Analyzing $filename ===");
-+  my %file = %{$files{$filename}};
-+  my $func;
-+  my $c = $file{code};
-+  my $warnings = 0;
-+  for $func (sort keys %{$file{uses_Perl}}) {
-+    if ($API{$func}{varargs}) {
-+      unless ($API{$func}{nothxarg}) {
-+        my $changes = ($c =~ s{\b(Perl_$func\s*\(\s*)(?!aTHX_?)(\)|[^\s)]*\))}
-+                              { $1 . ($2 eq ')' ? 'aTHX' : 'aTHX_ ') . $2 }ge);
-+        if ($changes) {
-+          warning("Doesn't pass interpreter argument aTHX to Perl_$func");
-+          $file{changes} += $changes;
-+        }
-+      }
-+    }
-+    else {
-+      warning("Uses Perl_$func instead of $func");
-+      $file{changes} += ($c =~ s{\bPerl_$func(\s*)\((\s*aTHX_?)?\s*}
-+                                {$func$1(}g);
-+    }
-+  }
-+  for $func (sort keys %{$file{uses_replace}}) {
-+    warning("Uses $func instead of $replace{$func}");
-+    $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/\b$func\b/$replace{$func}/g);
-+  }
-+  for $func (sort keys %{$file{uses_provided}}) {
-+    if ($file{uses}{$func}) {
-+      if (exists $file{uses_deps}{$func}) {
-+        diag("Uses $func, which depends on ", join(', ', @{$file{uses_deps}{$func}}));
-+      }
-+      else {
-+        diag("Uses $func");
-+      }
-+    }
-+    $warnings += hint($func);
-+  }
-+  unless ($opt{quiet}) {
-+    for $func (sort keys %{$file{uses_todo}}) {
-+      print "*** WARNING: Uses $func, which may not be portable below perl ",
-+            format_version($API{$func}{todo}), ", even with '$ppport'\n";
-+      $warnings++;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  for $func (sort keys %{$file{needed_static}}) {
-+    my $message = '';
-+    if (not exists $file{uses}{$func}) {
-+      $message = "No need to define NEED_$func if $func is never used";
-+    }
-+    elsif (exists $file{needs}{$func} && $file{needs}{$func} ne 'static') {
-+      $message = "No need to define NEED_$func when already needed globally";
-+    }
-+    if ($message) {
-+      diag($message);
-+      $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/^$HS*#$HS*define$HS+NEED_$func\b.*$LF//mg);
-+    }
-+  }
-+  for $func (sort keys %{$file{needed_global}}) {
-+    my $message = '';
-+    if (not exists $global{uses}{$func}) {
-+      $message = "No need to define NEED_${func}_GLOBAL if $func is never used";
-+    }
-+    elsif (exists $file{needs}{$func}) {
-+      if ($file{needs}{$func} eq 'extern') {
-+        $message = "No need to define NEED_${func}_GLOBAL when already needed globally";
-+      }
-+      elsif ($file{needs}{$func} eq 'static') {
-+        $message = "No need to define NEED_${func}_GLOBAL when only used in this file";
-+      }
-+    }
-+    if ($message) {
-+      diag($message);
-+      $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/^$HS*#$HS*define$HS+NEED_${func}_GLOBAL\b.*$LF//mg);
-+    }
-+  }
-+  $file{needs_inc_ppport} = keys %{$file{uses}};
-+  if ($file{needs_inc_ppport}) {
-+    my $pp = '';
-+    for $func (sort keys %{$file{needs}}) {
-+      my $type = $file{needs}{$func};
-+      next if $type eq 'extern';
-+      my $suffix = $type eq 'global' ? '_GLOBAL' : '';
-+      unless (exists $file{"needed_$type"}{$func}) {
-+        if ($type eq 'global') {
-+          diag("Files [@{$global{needs}{$func}}] need $func, adding global request");
-+        }
-+        else {
-+          diag("File needs $func, adding static request");
-+        }
-+        $pp .= "#define NEED_$func$suffix\n";
-+      }
-+    }
-+    if ($pp && ($c =~ s/^(?=$HS*#$HS*define$HS+NEED_\w+)/$pp/m)) {
-+      $pp = '';
-+      $file{changes}++;
-+    }
-+    unless ($file{has_inc_ppport}) {
-+      diag("Needs to include '$ppport'");
-+      $pp .= qq(#include "$ppport"\n)
-+    }
-+    if ($pp) {
-+      $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/^($HS*#$HS*define$HS+NEED_\w+.*?)^/$1$pp/ms)
-+                     || ($c =~ s/^(?=$HS*#$HS*include.*\Q$ppport\E)/$pp/m)
-+                     || ($c =~ s/^($HS*#$HS*include.*XSUB.*\s*?)^/$1$pp/m)
-+                     || ($c =~ s/^/$pp/);
-+    }
-+  }
-+  else {
-+    if ($file{has_inc_ppport}) {
-+      diag("No need to include '$ppport'");
-+      $file{changes} += ($c =~ s/^$HS*?#$HS*include.*\Q$ppport\E.*?$LF//m);
-+    }
-+  }
-+  # put back in our C comments
-+  my $ix;
-+  my $cppc = 0;
-+  my @ccom = @{$file{ccom}};
-+  for $ix (0 .. $#ccom) {
-+    if (!$opt{cplusplus} && $ccom[$ix] =~ s!^//!!) {
-+      $cppc++;
-+      $file{changes} += $c =~ s/$rccs$ix$rcce/$ccs$ccom[$ix] $cce/;
-+    }
-+    else {
-+      $c =~ s/$rccs$ix$rcce/$ccom[$ix]/;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  if ($cppc) {
-+    my $s = $cppc != 1 ? 's' : '';
-+    warning("Uses $cppc C++ style comment$s, which is not portable");
-+  }
-+  my $s = $warnings != 1 ? 's' : '';
-+  my $warn = $warnings ? " ($warnings warning$s)" : '';
-+  info("Analysis completed$warn");
-+  if ($file{changes}) {
-+    if (exists $opt{copy}) {
-+      my $newfile = "$filename$opt{copy}";
-+      if (-e $newfile) {
-+        error("'$newfile' already exists, refusing to write copy of '$filename'");
-+      }
-+      else {
-+        local *F;
-+        if (open F, ">$newfile") {
-+          info("Writing copy of '$filename' with changes to '$newfile'");
-+          print F $c;
-+          close F;
-+        }
-+        else {
-+          error("Cannot open '$newfile' for writing: $!");
-+        }
-+      }
-+    }
-+    elsif (exists $opt{patch} || $opt{changes}) {
-+      if (exists $opt{patch}) {
-+        unless ($patch_opened) {
-+          if (open PATCH, ">$opt{patch}") {
-+            $patch_opened = 1;
-+          }
-+          else {
-+            error("Cannot open '$opt{patch}' for writing: $!");
-+            delete $opt{patch};
-+            $opt{changes} = 1;
-+            goto fallback;
-+          }
-+        }
-+        mydiff(\*PATCH, $filename, $c);
-+      }
-+      else {
-+        info("Suggested changes:");
-+        mydiff(\*STDOUT, $filename, $c);
-+      }
-+    }
-+    else {
-+      my $s = $file{changes} == 1 ? '' : 's';
-+      info("$file{changes} potentially required change$s detected");
-+    }
-+  }
-+  else {
-+    info("Looks good");
-+  }
-+close PATCH if $patch_opened;
-+exit 0;
-+sub try_use { eval "use @_;"; return $@ eq '' }
-+sub mydiff
-+  local *F = shift;
-+  my($file, $str) = @_;
-+  my $diff;
-+  if (exists $opt{diff}) {
-+    $diff = run_diff($opt{diff}, $file, $str);
-+  }
-+  if (!defined $diff and try_use('Text::Diff')) {
-+    $diff = Text::Diff::diff($file, \$str, { STYLE => 'Unified' });
-+    $diff = <<HEADER . $diff;
-+--- $file
-++++ $file.patched
-+  }
-+  if (!defined $diff) {
-+    $diff = run_diff('diff -u', $file, $str);
-+  }
-+  if (!defined $diff) {
-+    $diff = run_diff('diff', $file, $str);
-+  }
-+  if (!defined $diff) {
-+    error("Cannot generate a diff. Please install Text::Diff or use --copy.");
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  print F $diff;
-+sub run_diff
-+  my($prog, $file, $str) = @_;
-+  my $tmp = 'dppptemp';
-+  my $suf = 'aaa';
-+  my $diff = '';
-+  local *F;
-+  while (-e "$tmp.$suf") { $suf++ }
-+  $tmp = "$tmp.$suf";
-+  if (open F, ">$tmp") {
-+    print F $str;
-+    close F;
-+    if (open F, "$prog $file $tmp |") {
-+      while (<F>) {
-+        s/\Q$tmp\E/$file.patched/;
-+        $diff .= $_;
-+      }
-+      close F;
-+      unlink $tmp;
-+      return $diff;
-+    }
-+    unlink $tmp;
-+  }
-+  else {
-+    error("Cannot open '$tmp' for writing: $!");
-+  }
-+  return undef;
-+sub rec_depend
-+  my($func, $seen) = @_;
-+  return () unless exists $depends{$func};
-+  $seen = {%{$seen||{}}};
-+  return () if $seen->{$func}++;
-+  my %s;
-+  grep !$s{$_}++, map { ($_, rec_depend($_, $seen)) } @{$depends{$func}};
-+sub parse_version
-+  my $ver = shift;
-+  if ($ver =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
-+    return ($1, $2, $3);
-+  }
-+  elsif ($ver !~ /^\d+\.[\d_]+$/) {
-+    die "cannot parse version '$ver'\n";
-+  }
-+  $ver =~ s/_//g;
-+  $ver =~ s/$/000000/;
-+  my($r,$v,$s) = $ver =~ /(\d+)\.(\d{3})(\d{3})/;
-+  $v = int $v;
-+  $s = int $s;
-+  if ($r < 5 || ($r == 5 && $v < 6)) {
-+    if ($s % 10) {
-+      die "cannot parse version '$ver'\n";
-+    }
-+  }
-+  return ($r, $v, $s);
-+sub format_version
-+  my $ver = shift;
-+  $ver =~ s/$/000000/;
-+  my($r,$v,$s) = $ver =~ /(\d+)\.(\d{3})(\d{3})/;
-+  $v = int $v;
-+  $s = int $s;
-+  if ($r < 5 || ($r == 5 && $v < 6)) {
-+    if ($s % 10) {
-+      die "invalid version '$ver'\n";
-+    }
-+    $s /= 10;
-+    $ver = sprintf "%d.%03d", $r, $v;
-+    $s > 0 and $ver .= sprintf "_%02d", $s;
-+    return $ver;
-+  }
-+  return sprintf "%d.%d.%d", $r, $v, $s;
-+sub info
-+  $opt{quiet} and return;
-+  print @_, "\n";
-+sub diag
-+  $opt{quiet} and return;
-+  $opt{diag} and print @_, "\n";
-+sub warning
-+  $opt{quiet} and return;
-+  print "*** ", @_, "\n";
-+sub error
-+  print "*** ERROR: ", @_, "\n";
-+my %given_hints;
-+my %given_warnings;
-+sub hint
-+  $opt{quiet} and return;
-+  my $func = shift;
-+  my $rv = 0;
-+  if (exists $warnings{$func} && !$given_warnings{$func}++) {
-+    my $warn = $warnings{$func};
-+    $warn =~ s!^!*** !mg;
-+    print "*** WARNING: $func\n", $warn;
-+    $rv++;
-+  }
-+  if ($opt{hints} && exists $hints{$func} && !$given_hints{$func}++) {
-+    my $hint = $hints{$func};
-+    $hint =~ s/^/   /mg;
-+    print "   --- hint for $func ---\n", $hint;
-+  }
-+  $rv;
-+sub usage
-+  my($usage) = do { local(@ARGV,$/)=($0); <> } =~ /^=head\d$HS+SYNOPSIS\s*^(.*?)\s*^=/ms;
-+  my %M = ( 'I' => '*' );
-+  $usage =~ s/^\s*perl\s+\S+/$^X $0/;
-+  $usage =~ s/([A-Z])<([^>]+)>/$M{$1}$2$M{$1}/g;
-+  print <<ENDUSAGE;
-+Usage: $usage
-+See perldoc $0 for details.
-+  exit 2;
-+sub strip
-+  my $self = do { local(@ARGV,$/)=($0); <> };
-+  my($copy) = $self =~ /^=head\d\s+COPYRIGHT\s*^(.*?)^=\w+/ms;
-+  $copy =~ s/^(?=\S+)/    /gms;
-+  $self =~ s/^$HS+Do NOT edit.*?(?=^-)/$copy/ms;
-+  $self =~ s/^SKIP.*(?=^__DATA__)/SKIP
-+if (\@ARGV && \$ARGV[0] eq '--unstrip') {
-+  eval { require Devel::PPPort };
-+  \$@ and die "Cannot require Devel::PPPort, please install.\\n";
-+  if (eval \$Devel::PPPort::VERSION < $VERSION) {
-+    die "$0 was originally generated with Devel::PPPort $VERSION.\\n"
-+      . "Your Devel::PPPort is only version \$Devel::PPPort::VERSION.\\n"
-+      . "Please install a newer version, or --unstrip will not work.\\n";
-+  }
-+  Devel::PPPort::WriteFile(\$0);
-+  exit 0;
-+print <<END;
-+Sorry, but this is a stripped version of \$0.
-+To be able to use its original script and doc functionality,
-+please try to regenerate this file using:
-+  \$^X \$0 --unstrip
-+  my($pl, $c) = $self =~ /(.*^__DATA__)(.*)/ms;
-+  $c =~ s{
-+    / (?: \*[^*]*\*+(?:[^$ccs][^*]*\*+)* / | /[^\r\n]*)
-+  | ( "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"
-+    | '[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*' )
-+  | ($HS+) }{ defined $2 ? ' ' : ($1 || '') }gsex;
-+  $c =~ s!\s+$!!mg;
-+  $c =~ s!^$LF!!mg;
-+  $c =~ s!^\s*#\s*!#!mg;
-+  $c =~ s!^\s+!!mg;
-+  open OUT, ">$0" or die "cannot strip $0: $!\n";
-+  print OUT "$pl$c\n";
-+  exit 0;
-+#ifndef _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_
-+#define _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_
-+#define DPPP_CAT2(x,y) CAT2(x,y)
-+#define DPPP_(name) DPPP_CAT2(DPPP_NAMESPACE, name)
-+#  if !defined(__PATCHLEVEL_H_INCLUDED__) && !(defined(PATCHLEVEL) && defined(SUBVERSION))
-+#    include <patchlevel.h>
-+#  endif
-+#  if !(defined(PERL_VERSION) || (defined(SUBVERSION) && defined(PATCHLEVEL)))
-+#    include <could_not_find_Perl_patchlevel.h>
-+#  endif
-+#  ifndef PERL_REVISION
-+#    define PERL_REVISION       (5)
-+     /* Replace: 1 */
-+#    define PERL_VERSION        PATCHLEVEL
-+     /* Replace PERL_PATCHLEVEL with PERL_VERSION */
-+     /* Replace: 0 */
-+#  endif
-+#define _dpppDEC2BCD(dec) ((((dec)/100)<<8)|((((dec)%100)/10)<<4)|((dec)%10))
-+/* It is very unlikely that anyone will try to use this with Perl 6
-+   (or greater), but who knows.
-+ */
-+#if PERL_REVISION != 5
-+#  error ppport.h only works with Perl version 5
-+#endif /* PERL_REVISION != 5 */
-+#ifndef dTHR
-+#  define dTHR                           dNOOP
-+#ifndef dTHX
-+#  define dTHX                           dNOOP
-+#ifndef dTHXa
-+#  define dTHXa(x)                       dNOOP
-+#ifndef pTHX
-+#  define pTHX                           void
-+#ifndef pTHX_
-+#  define pTHX_
-+#ifndef aTHX
-+#  define aTHX
-+#ifndef aTHX_
-+#  define aTHX_
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5006000)
-+#  ifdef USE_THREADS
-+#    define aTHXR  thr
-+#    define aTHXR_ thr,
-+#  else
-+#    define aTHXR
-+#    define aTHXR_
-+#  endif
-+#  define dTHXR  dTHR
-+#  define aTHXR  aTHX
-+#  define aTHXR_ aTHX_
-+#  define dTHXR  dTHX
-+#ifndef dTHXoa
-+#  define dTHXoa(x)                      dTHXa(x)
-+#ifdef I_LIMITS
-+#  include <limits.h>
-+#ifndef PERL_UCHAR_MIN
-+#  define PERL_UCHAR_MIN ((unsigned char)0)
-+#ifndef PERL_UCHAR_MAX
-+#  ifdef UCHAR_MAX
-+#    define PERL_UCHAR_MAX ((unsigned char)UCHAR_MAX)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MAXUCHAR
-+#      define PERL_UCHAR_MAX ((unsigned char)MAXUCHAR)
-+#    else
-+#      define PERL_UCHAR_MAX ((unsigned char)~(unsigned)0)
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#  define PERL_USHORT_MIN ((unsigned short)0)
-+#  ifdef USHORT_MAX
-+#    define PERL_USHORT_MAX ((unsigned short)USHORT_MAX)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MAXUSHORT
-+#      define PERL_USHORT_MAX ((unsigned short)MAXUSHORT)
-+#    else
-+#      ifdef USHRT_MAX
-+#        define PERL_USHORT_MAX ((unsigned short)USHRT_MAX)
-+#      else
-+#        define PERL_USHORT_MAX ((unsigned short)~(unsigned)0)
-+#      endif
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PERL_SHORT_MAX
-+#  ifdef SHORT_MAX
-+#    define PERL_SHORT_MAX ((short)SHORT_MAX)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MAXSHORT    /* Often used in <values.h> */
-+#      define PERL_SHORT_MAX ((short)MAXSHORT)
-+#    else
-+#      ifdef SHRT_MAX
-+#        define PERL_SHORT_MAX ((short)SHRT_MAX)
-+#      else
-+#        define PERL_SHORT_MAX ((short) (PERL_USHORT_MAX >> 1))
-+#      endif
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PERL_SHORT_MIN
-+#  ifdef SHORT_MIN
-+#    define PERL_SHORT_MIN ((short)SHORT_MIN)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MINSHORT
-+#      define PERL_SHORT_MIN ((short)MINSHORT)
-+#    else
-+#      ifdef SHRT_MIN
-+#        define PERL_SHORT_MIN ((short)SHRT_MIN)
-+#      else
-+#        define PERL_SHORT_MIN (-PERL_SHORT_MAX - ((3 & -1) == 3))
-+#      endif
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PERL_UINT_MAX
-+#  ifdef UINT_MAX
-+#    define PERL_UINT_MAX ((unsigned int)UINT_MAX)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MAXUINT
-+#      define PERL_UINT_MAX ((unsigned int)MAXUINT)
-+#    else
-+#      define PERL_UINT_MAX (~(unsigned int)0)
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PERL_UINT_MIN
-+#  define PERL_UINT_MIN ((unsigned int)0)
-+#ifndef PERL_INT_MAX
-+#  ifdef INT_MAX
-+#    define PERL_INT_MAX ((int)INT_MAX)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MAXINT    /* Often used in <values.h> */
-+#      define PERL_INT_MAX ((int)MAXINT)
-+#    else
-+#      define PERL_INT_MAX ((int)(PERL_UINT_MAX >> 1))
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PERL_INT_MIN
-+#  ifdef INT_MIN
-+#    define PERL_INT_MIN ((int)INT_MIN)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MININT
-+#      define PERL_INT_MIN ((int)MININT)
-+#    else
-+#      define PERL_INT_MIN (-PERL_INT_MAX - ((3 & -1) == 3))
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PERL_ULONG_MAX
-+#  ifdef ULONG_MAX
-+#    define PERL_ULONG_MAX ((unsigned long)ULONG_MAX)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MAXULONG
-+#      define PERL_ULONG_MAX ((unsigned long)MAXULONG)
-+#    else
-+#      define PERL_ULONG_MAX (~(unsigned long)0)
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PERL_ULONG_MIN
-+#  define PERL_ULONG_MIN ((unsigned long)0L)
-+#ifndef PERL_LONG_MAX
-+#  ifdef LONG_MAX
-+#    define PERL_LONG_MAX ((long)LONG_MAX)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MAXLONG
-+#      define PERL_LONG_MAX ((long)MAXLONG)
-+#    else
-+#      define PERL_LONG_MAX ((long) (PERL_ULONG_MAX >> 1))
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PERL_LONG_MIN
-+#  ifdef LONG_MIN
-+#    define PERL_LONG_MIN ((long)LONG_MIN)
-+#  else
-+#    ifdef MINLONG
-+#      define PERL_LONG_MIN ((long)MINLONG)
-+#    else
-+#      define PERL_LONG_MIN (-PERL_LONG_MAX - ((3 & -1) == 3))
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#if defined(HAS_QUAD) && (defined(convex) || defined(uts))
-+#  ifndef PERL_UQUAD_MAX
-+#    ifdef ULONGLONG_MAX
-+#      define PERL_UQUAD_MAX ((unsigned long long)ULONGLONG_MAX)
-+#    else
-+#      ifdef MAXULONGLONG
-+#        define PERL_UQUAD_MAX ((unsigned long long)MAXULONGLONG)
-+#      else
-+#        define PERL_UQUAD_MAX (~(unsigned long long)0)
-+#      endif
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#  ifndef PERL_UQUAD_MIN
-+#    define PERL_UQUAD_MIN ((unsigned long long)0L)
-+#  endif
-+#  ifndef PERL_QUAD_MAX
-+#    ifdef LONGLONG_MAX
-+#      define PERL_QUAD_MAX ((long long)LONGLONG_MAX)
-+#    else
-+#      ifdef MAXLONGLONG
-+#        define PERL_QUAD_MAX ((long long)MAXLONGLONG)
-+#      else
-+#        define PERL_QUAD_MAX ((long long) (PERL_UQUAD_MAX >> 1))
-+#      endif
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#  ifndef PERL_QUAD_MIN
-+#    ifdef LONGLONG_MIN
-+#      define PERL_QUAD_MIN ((long long)LONGLONG_MIN)
-+#    else
-+#      ifdef MINLONGLONG
-+#        define PERL_QUAD_MIN ((long long)MINLONGLONG)
-+#      else
-+#        define PERL_QUAD_MIN (-PERL_QUAD_MAX - ((3 & -1) == 3))
-+#      endif
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+/* This is based on code from 5.003 perl.h */
-+#ifdef HAS_QUAD
-+#  ifdef cray
-+#ifndef IVTYPE
-+#  define IVTYPE                         int
-+#ifndef IV_MIN
-+#  define IV_MIN                         PERL_INT_MIN
-+#ifndef IV_MAX
-+#  define IV_MAX                         PERL_INT_MAX
-+#ifndef UV_MIN
-+#  define UV_MIN                         PERL_UINT_MIN
-+#ifndef UV_MAX
-+#  define UV_MAX                         PERL_UINT_MAX
-+#    ifdef INTSIZE
-+#ifndef IVSIZE
-+#  define IVSIZE                         INTSIZE
-+#    endif
-+#  else
-+#    if defined(convex) || defined(uts)
-+#ifndef IVTYPE
-+#  define IVTYPE                         long long
-+#ifndef IV_MIN
-+#  define IV_MIN                         PERL_QUAD_MIN
-+#ifndef IV_MAX
-+#  define IV_MAX                         PERL_QUAD_MAX
-+#ifndef UV_MIN
-+#  define UV_MIN                         PERL_UQUAD_MIN
-+#ifndef UV_MAX
-+#  define UV_MAX                         PERL_UQUAD_MAX
-+#      ifdef LONGLONGSIZE
-+#ifndef IVSIZE
-+#  define IVSIZE                         LONGLONGSIZE
-+#      endif
-+#    else
-+#ifndef IVTYPE
-+#  define IVTYPE                         long
-+#ifndef IV_MIN
-+#  define IV_MIN                         PERL_LONG_MIN
-+#ifndef IV_MAX
-+#  define IV_MAX                         PERL_LONG_MAX
-+#ifndef UV_MIN
-+#  define UV_MIN                         PERL_ULONG_MIN
-+#ifndef UV_MAX
-+#  define UV_MAX                         PERL_ULONG_MAX
-+#      ifdef LONGSIZE
-+#ifndef IVSIZE
-+#  define IVSIZE                         LONGSIZE
-+#      endif
-+#    endif
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef IVSIZE
-+#  define IVSIZE                         8
-+#ifndef LONGSIZE
-+#  define LONGSIZE                       8
-+#ifndef PERL_QUAD_MIN
-+#  define PERL_QUAD_MIN                  IV_MIN
-+#ifndef PERL_QUAD_MAX
-+#  define PERL_QUAD_MAX                  IV_MAX
-+#ifndef PERL_UQUAD_MIN
-+#  define PERL_UQUAD_MIN                 UV_MIN
-+#ifndef PERL_UQUAD_MAX
-+#  define PERL_UQUAD_MAX                 UV_MAX
-+#ifndef IVTYPE
-+#  define IVTYPE                         long
-+#ifndef LONGSIZE
-+#  define LONGSIZE                       4
-+#ifndef IV_MIN
-+#  define IV_MIN                         PERL_LONG_MIN
-+#ifndef IV_MAX
-+#  define IV_MAX                         PERL_LONG_MAX
-+#ifndef UV_MIN
-+#  define UV_MIN                         PERL_ULONG_MIN
-+#ifndef UV_MAX
-+#  define UV_MAX                         PERL_ULONG_MAX
-+#ifndef IVSIZE
-+#  ifdef LONGSIZE
-+#    define IVSIZE LONGSIZE
-+#  else
-+#    define IVSIZE 4 /* A bold guess, but the best we can make. */
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef UVTYPE
-+#  define UVTYPE                         unsigned IVTYPE
-+#ifndef UVSIZE
-+#  define UVSIZE                         IVSIZE
-+#ifndef sv_setuv
-+#  define sv_setuv(sv, uv)               \
-+               STMT_START {                         \
-+                 UV TeMpUv = uv;                    \
-+                 if (TeMpUv <= IV_MAX)              \
-+                   sv_setiv(sv, TeMpUv);            \
-+                 else                               \
-+                   sv_setnv(sv, (double)TeMpUv);    \
-+               } STMT_END
-+#ifndef newSVuv
-+#  define newSVuv(uv)                    ((uv) <= IV_MAX ? newSViv((IV)uv) : newSVnv((NV)uv))
-+#ifndef sv_2uv
-+#  define sv_2uv(sv)                     ((PL_Sv = (sv)), (UV) (SvNOK(PL_Sv) ? SvNV(PL_Sv) : sv_2nv(PL_Sv)))
-+#ifndef SvUVX
-+#  define SvUVX(sv)                      ((UV)SvIVX(sv))
-+#ifndef SvUVXx
-+#  define SvUVXx(sv)                     SvUVX(sv)
-+#ifndef SvUV
-+#  define SvUV(sv)                       (SvIOK(sv) ? SvUVX(sv) : sv_2uv(sv))
-+#ifndef SvUVx
-+#  define SvUVx(sv)                      ((PL_Sv = (sv)), SvUV(PL_Sv))
-+/* Hint: sv_uv
-+ * Always use the SvUVx() macro instead of sv_uv().
-+ */
-+#ifndef sv_uv
-+#  define sv_uv(sv)                      SvUVx(sv)
-+#if !defined(SvUOK) && defined(SvIOK_UV)
-+#  define SvUOK(sv) SvIOK_UV(sv)
-+#ifndef XST_mUV
-+#  define XST_mUV(i,v)                   (ST(i) = sv_2mortal(newSVuv(v))  )
-+#ifndef XSRETURN_UV
-+#  define XSRETURN_UV(v)                 STMT_START { XST_mUV(0,v);  XSRETURN(1); } STMT_END
-+#ifndef PUSHu
-+#  define PUSHu(u)                       STMT_START { sv_setuv(TARG, (UV)(u)); PUSHTARG;  } STMT_END
-+#ifndef XPUSHu
-+#  define XPUSHu(u)                      STMT_START { sv_setuv(TARG, (UV)(u)); XPUSHTARG; } STMT_END
-+#ifdef HAS_MEMCMP
-+#ifndef memNE
-+#  define memNE(s1,s2,l)                 (memcmp(s1,s2,l))
-+#ifndef memEQ
-+#  define memEQ(s1,s2,l)                 (!memcmp(s1,s2,l))
-+#ifndef memNE
-+#  define memNE(s1,s2,l)                 (bcmp(s1,s2,l))
-+#ifndef memEQ
-+#  define memEQ(s1,s2,l)                 (!bcmp(s1,s2,l))
-+#ifndef memEQs
-+#  define memEQs(s1, l, s2)              \
-+                   (sizeof(s2)-1 == l && memEQ(s1, (s2 ""), (sizeof(s2)-1)))
-+#ifndef memNEs
-+#  define memNEs(s1, l, s2)              !memEQs(s1, l, s2)
-+#ifndef MoveD
-+#  define MoveD(s,d,n,t)                 memmove((char*)(d),(char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t))
-+#ifndef CopyD
-+#  define CopyD(s,d,n,t)                 memcpy((char*)(d),(char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t))
-+#ifdef HAS_MEMSET
-+#ifndef ZeroD
-+#  define ZeroD(d,n,t)                   memzero((char*)(d), (n) * sizeof(t))
-+#ifndef ZeroD
-+#  define ZeroD(d,n,t)                   ((void)memzero((char*)(d), (n) * sizeof(t)), d)
-+#ifndef PoisonWith
-+#  define PoisonWith(d,n,t,b)            (void)memset((char*)(d), (U8)(b), (n) * sizeof(t))
-+#ifndef PoisonNew
-+#  define PoisonNew(d,n,t)               PoisonWith(d,n,t,0xAB)
-+#ifndef PoisonFree
-+#  define PoisonFree(d,n,t)              PoisonWith(d,n,t,0xEF)
-+#ifndef Poison
-+#  define Poison(d,n,t)                  PoisonFree(d,n,t)
-+#ifndef Newx
-+#  define Newx(v,n,t)                    New(0,v,n,t)
-+#ifndef Newxc
-+#  define Newxc(v,n,t,c)                 Newc(0,v,n,t,c)
-+#ifndef Newxz
-+#  define Newxz(v,n,t)                   Newz(0,v,n,t)
-+#    if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__cplusplus)) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
-+#      define PERL_UNUSED_DECL
-+#    else
-+#      define PERL_UNUSED_DECL __attribute__((unused))
-+#    endif
-+#  else
-+#    define PERL_UNUSED_DECL
-+#  endif
-+#  if defined(lint) && defined(S_SPLINT_S) /* */
-+#    include <note.h>
-+#  else
-+#    define PERL_UNUSED_ARG(x) ((void)x)
-+#  endif
-+#  define PERL_UNUSED_VAR(x) ((void)x)
-+#  ifdef USE_ITHREADS
-+#  else
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef NOOP
-+#  define NOOP                           /*EMPTY*/(void)0
-+#ifndef dNOOP
-+#  define dNOOP                          extern int /*@unused@*/ Perl___notused PERL_UNUSED_DECL
-+#ifndef NVTYPE
-+#  if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HAS_LONG_DOUBLE)
-+#    define NVTYPE long double
-+#  else
-+#    define NVTYPE double
-+#  endif
-+typedef NVTYPE NV;
-+#ifndef INT2PTR
-+#    define PTRV                  UV
-+#    define INT2PTR(any,d)        (any)(d)
-+#  else
-+#      define PTRV                unsigned long
-+#    else
-+#      define PTRV                unsigned
-+#    endif
-+#    define INT2PTR(any,d)        (any)(PTRV)(d)
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PTR2ul
-+#    define PTR2ul(p)     (unsigned long)(p)
-+#  else
-+#    define PTR2ul(p)     INT2PTR(unsigned long,p)
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef PTR2nat
-+#  define PTR2nat(p)                     (PTRV)(p)
-+#ifndef NUM2PTR
-+#  define NUM2PTR(any,d)                 (any)PTR2nat(d)
-+#ifndef PTR2IV
-+#  define PTR2IV(p)                      INT2PTR(IV,p)
-+#ifndef PTR2UV
-+#  define PTR2UV(p)                      INT2PTR(UV,p)
-+#ifndef PTR2NV
-+#  define PTR2NV(p)                      NUM2PTR(NV,p)
-+#undef END_EXTERN_C
-+#undef EXTERN_C
-+#ifdef __cplusplus
-+#  define START_EXTERN_C extern "C" {
-+#  define END_EXTERN_C }
-+#  define EXTERN_C extern "C"
-+#  define START_EXTERN_C
-+#  define END_EXTERN_C
-+#  define EXTERN_C extern
-+#if defined(PERL_GCC_PEDANTIC)
-+#  endif
-+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN) && !defined(__cplusplus)
-+#  endif
-+#undef STMT_START
-+#undef STMT_END
-+#  define STMT_START    (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */
-+#  define STMT_END      )
-+#  if defined(VOIDFLAGS) && (VOIDFLAGS) && (defined(sun) || defined(__sun__)) && !defined(__GNUC__)
-+#    define STMT_START  if (1)
-+#    define STMT_END    else (void)0
-+#  else
-+#    define STMT_START  do
-+#    define STMT_END    while (0)
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef boolSV
-+#  define boolSV(b)                      ((b) ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no)
-+/* DEFSV appears first in 5.004_56 */
-+#ifndef DEFSV
-+#  define DEFSV                          GvSV(PL_defgv)
-+#ifndef SAVE_DEFSV
-+#  define SAVE_DEFSV                     SAVESPTR(GvSV(PL_defgv))
-+#ifndef DEFSV_set
-+#  define DEFSV_set(sv)                  (DEFSV = (sv))
-+/* Older perls (<=5.003) lack AvFILLp */
-+#ifndef AvFILLp
-+#  define AvFILLp                        AvFILL
-+#ifndef ERRSV
-+#  define ERRSV                          get_sv("@",FALSE)
-+/* Hint: gv_stashpvn
-+ * This function's backport doesn't support the length parameter, but
-+ * rather ignores it. Portability can only be ensured if the length
-+ * parameter is used for speed reasons, but the length can always be
-+ * correctly computed from the string argument.
-+ */
-+#ifndef gv_stashpvn
-+#  define gv_stashpvn(str,len,create)    gv_stashpv(str,create)
-+/* Replace: 1 */
-+#ifndef get_cv
-+#  define get_cv                         perl_get_cv
-+#ifndef get_sv
-+#  define get_sv                         perl_get_sv
-+#ifndef get_av
-+#  define get_av                         perl_get_av
-+#ifndef get_hv
-+#  define get_hv                         perl_get_hv
-+/* Replace: 0 */
-+#ifndef dUNDERBAR
-+#  define dUNDERBAR                      dNOOP
-+#ifndef UNDERBAR
-+#  define UNDERBAR                       DEFSV
-+#ifndef dAX
-+#  define dAX                            I32 ax = MARK - PL_stack_base + 1
-+#ifndef dITEMS
-+#  define dITEMS                         I32 items = SP - MARK
-+#ifndef dXSTARG
-+#  define dXSTARG                        SV * targ = sv_newmortal()
-+#ifndef dAXMARK
-+#  define dAXMARK                        I32 ax = POPMARK; \
-+                               register SV ** const mark = PL_stack_base + ax++
-+#ifndef XSprePUSH
-+#  define XSprePUSH                      (sp = PL_stack_base + ax - 1)
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5005000)
-+#  undef XSRETURN
-+#  define XSRETURN(off)                                   \
-+      STMT_START {                                        \
-+          PL_stack_sp = PL_stack_base + ax + ((off) - 1); \
-+          return;                                         \
-+      } STMT_END
-+#ifndef XSPROTO
-+#  define XSPROTO(name)                  void name(pTHX_ CV* cv)
-+#ifndef SVfARG
-+#  define SVfARG(p)                      ((void*)(p))
-+#ifndef PERL_ABS
-+#  define PERL_ABS(x)                    ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
-+#ifndef dVAR
-+#  define dVAR                           dNOOP
-+#ifndef SVf
-+#  define SVf                            "_"
-+#ifndef UTF8_MAXBYTES
-+#  define UTF8_MAXBYTES                  UTF8_MAXLEN
-+#ifndef CPERLscope
-+#  define CPERLscope(x)                  x
-+#ifndef PERL_HASH
-+#  define PERL_HASH(hash,str,len)        \
-+     STMT_START { \
-+        const char *s_PeRlHaSh = str; \
-+        I32 i_PeRlHaSh = len; \
-+        U32 hash_PeRlHaSh = 0; \
-+        while (i_PeRlHaSh--) \
-+            hash_PeRlHaSh = hash_PeRlHaSh * 33 + *s_PeRlHaSh++; \
-+        (hash) = hash_PeRlHaSh; \
-+    } STMT_END
-+#  define PERLIO_FUNCS_DECL(funcs) const PerlIO_funcs funcs
-+#  define PERLIO_FUNCS_CAST(funcs) (PerlIO_funcs*)(funcs)
-+# else
-+#  define PERLIO_FUNCS_DECL(funcs) PerlIO_funcs funcs
-+#  define PERLIO_FUNCS_CAST(funcs) (funcs)
-+# endif
-+/* provide these typedefs for older perls */
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5009003)
-+# ifdef ARGSproto
-+typedef OP* (CPERLscope(*Perl_ppaddr_t))(ARGSproto);
-+# else
-+typedef OP* (CPERLscope(*Perl_ppaddr_t))(pTHX);
-+# endif
-+typedef OP* (CPERLscope(*Perl_check_t)) (pTHX_ OP*);
-+#ifndef isPSXSPC
-+#  define isPSXSPC(c)                    (isSPACE(c) || (c) == '\v')
-+#ifndef isBLANK
-+#  define isBLANK(c)                     ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
-+#ifdef EBCDIC
-+#ifndef isALNUMC
-+#  define isALNUMC(c)                    isalnum(c)
-+#ifndef isASCII
-+#  define isASCII(c)                     isascii(c)
-+#ifndef isCNTRL
-+#  define isCNTRL(c)                     iscntrl(c)
-+#ifndef isGRAPH
-+#  define isGRAPH(c)                     isgraph(c)
-+#ifndef isPRINT
-+#  define isPRINT(c)                     isprint(c)
-+#ifndef isPUNCT
-+#  define isPUNCT(c)                     ispunct(c)
-+#ifndef isXDIGIT
-+#  define isXDIGIT(c)                    isxdigit(c)
-+# if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5010000)
-+/* Hint: isPRINT
-+ * The implementation in older perl versions includes all of the
-+ * isSPACE() characters, which is wrong. The version provided by
-+ * Devel::PPPort always overrides a present buggy version.
-+ */
-+#  undef isPRINT
-+# endif
-+#ifdef HAS_QUAD
-+# define WIDEST_UTYPE U32
-+#ifndef isALNUMC
-+#  define isALNUMC(c)                    (isALPHA(c) || isDIGIT(c))
-+#ifndef isASCII
-+#  define isASCII(c)                     ((WIDEST_UTYPE) (c) <= 127)
-+#ifndef isCNTRL
-+#  define isCNTRL(c)                     ((WIDEST_UTYPE) (c) < ' ' || (c) == 127)
-+#ifndef isGRAPH
-+#  define isGRAPH(c)                     (isALNUM(c) || isPUNCT(c))
-+#ifndef isPRINT
-+#  define isPRINT(c)                     (((c) >= 32 && (c) < 127))
-+#ifndef isPUNCT
-+#  define isPUNCT(c)                     (((c) >= 33 && (c) <= 47) || ((c) >= 58 && (c) <= 64)  || ((c) >= 91 && (c) <= 96) || ((c) >= 123 && (c) <= 126))
-+#ifndef isXDIGIT
-+#  define isXDIGIT(c)                    (isDIGIT(c) || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') || ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F'))
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5008000)
-+#  define D_PPP_PERL_SIGNALS_INIT   0
-+#if defined(NEED_PL_signals)
-+static U32 DPPP_(my_PL_signals) = D_PPP_PERL_SIGNALS_INIT;
-+#elif defined(NEED_PL_signals_GLOBAL)
-+U32 DPPP_(my_PL_signals) = D_PPP_PERL_SIGNALS_INIT;
-+extern U32 DPPP_(my_PL_signals);
-+#define PL_signals DPPP_(my_PL_signals)
-+/* Hint: PL_ppaddr
-+ * Calling an op via PL_ppaddr requires passing a context argument
-+ * for threaded builds. Since the context argument is different for
-+ * 5.005 perls, you can use aTHXR (supplied by ppport.h), which will
-+ * automatically be defined as the correct argument.
-+ */
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION <= 0x5005005)
-+/* Replace: 1 */
-+#  define PL_ppaddr                 ppaddr
-+#  define PL_no_modify              no_modify
-+/* Replace: 0 */
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION <= 0x5004005)
-+/* Replace: 1 */
-+#  define PL_DBsignal               DBsignal
-+#  define PL_DBsingle               DBsingle
-+#  define PL_DBsub                  DBsub
-+#  define PL_DBtrace                DBtrace
-+#  define PL_Sv                     Sv
-+#  define PL_bufend                 bufend
-+#  define PL_bufptr                 bufptr
-+#  define PL_compiling              compiling
-+#  define PL_copline                copline
-+#  define PL_curcop                 curcop
-+#  define PL_curstash               curstash
-+#  define PL_debstash               debstash
-+#  define PL_defgv                  defgv
-+#  define PL_diehook                diehook
-+#  define PL_dirty                  dirty
-+#  define PL_dowarn                 dowarn
-+#  define PL_errgv                  errgv
-+#  define PL_error_count            error_count
-+#  define PL_expect                 expect
-+#  define PL_hexdigit               hexdigit
-+#  define PL_hints                  hints
-+#  define PL_in_my                  in_my
-+#  define PL_laststatval            laststatval
-+#  define PL_lex_state              lex_state
-+#  define PL_lex_stuff              lex_stuff
-+#  define PL_linestr                linestr
-+#  define PL_na                     na
-+#  define PL_perl_destruct_level    perl_destruct_level
-+#  define PL_perldb                 perldb
-+#  define PL_rsfp_filters           rsfp_filters
-+#  define PL_rsfp                   rsfp
-+#  define PL_stack_base             stack_base
-+#  define PL_stack_sp               stack_sp
-+#  define PL_statcache              statcache
-+#  define PL_stdingv                stdingv
-+#  define PL_sv_arenaroot           sv_arenaroot
-+#  define PL_sv_no                  sv_no
-+#  define PL_sv_undef               sv_undef
-+#  define PL_sv_yes                 sv_yes
-+#  define PL_tainted                tainted
-+#  define PL_tainting               tainting
-+#  define PL_tokenbuf               tokenbuf
-+/* Replace: 0 */
-+/* Warning: PL_parser
-+ * For perl versions earlier than 5.9.5, this is an always
-+ * non-NULL dummy. Also, it cannot be dereferenced. Don't
-+ * use it if you can avoid is and unless you absolutely know
-+ * what you're doing.
-+ * If you always check that PL_parser is non-NULL, you can
-+ * define DPPP_PL_parser_NO_DUMMY to avoid the creation of
-+ * a dummy parser structure.
-+ */
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5009005)
-+# ifdef DPPP_PL_parser_NO_DUMMY
-+#  define D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(var) ((PL_parser ? PL_parser : \
-+                (croak("panic: PL_parser == NULL in %s:%d", \
-+                       __FILE__, __LINE__), (yy_parser *) NULL))->var)
-+# else
-+#  ifdef DPPP_PL_parser_NO_DUMMY_WARNING
-+#   define D_PPP_parser_dummy_warning(var)
-+#  else
-+#   define D_PPP_parser_dummy_warning(var) \
-+             warn("warning: dummy PL_" #var " used in %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__),
-+#  endif
-+#  define D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(var) ((PL_parser ? PL_parser : \
-+                (D_PPP_parser_dummy_warning(var) &DPPP_(dummy_PL_parser)))->var)
-+#if defined(NEED_PL_parser)
-+static yy_parser DPPP_(dummy_PL_parser);
-+#elif defined(NEED_PL_parser_GLOBAL)
-+yy_parser DPPP_(dummy_PL_parser);
-+extern yy_parser DPPP_(dummy_PL_parser);
-+# endif
-+/* PL_expect, PL_copline, PL_rsfp, PL_rsfp_filters, PL_linestr, PL_bufptr, PL_bufend, PL_lex_state, PL_lex_stuff, PL_tokenbuf depends on PL_parser */
-+/* Warning: PL_expect, PL_copline, PL_rsfp, PL_rsfp_filters, PL_linestr, PL_bufptr, PL_bufend, PL_lex_state, PL_lex_stuff, PL_tokenbuf
-+ * Do not use this variable unless you know exactly what you're
-+ * doint. It is internal to the perl parser and may change or even
-+ * be removed in the future. As of perl 5.9.5, you have to check
-+ * for (PL_parser != NULL) for this variable to have any effect.
-+ * An always non-NULL PL_parser dummy is provided for earlier
-+ * perl versions.
-+ * If PL_parser is NULL when you try to access this variable, a
-+ * dummy is being accessed instead and a warning is issued unless
-+ * you define DPPP_PL_parser_NO_DUMMY_WARNING.
-+ * If DPPP_PL_parser_NO_DUMMY is defined, the code trying to access
-+ * this variable will croak with a panic message.
-+ */
-+# define PL_expect         D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(expect)
-+# define PL_copline        D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(copline)
-+# define PL_rsfp           D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(rsfp)
-+# define PL_rsfp_filters   D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(rsfp_filters)
-+# define PL_linestr        D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(linestr)
-+# define PL_bufptr         D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(bufptr)
-+# define PL_bufend         D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(bufend)
-+# define PL_lex_state      D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(lex_state)
-+# define PL_lex_stuff      D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(lex_stuff)
-+# define PL_tokenbuf       D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(tokenbuf)
-+# define PL_in_my          D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(in_my)
-+# define PL_in_my_stash    D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(in_my_stash)
-+# define PL_error_count    D_PPP_my_PL_parser_var(error_count)
-+/* ensure that PL_parser != NULL and cannot be dereferenced */
-+# define PL_parser         ((void *) 1)
-+#ifndef mPUSHs
-+#  define mPUSHs(s)                      PUSHs(sv_2mortal(s))
-+#ifndef PUSHmortal
-+#  define PUSHmortal                     PUSHs(sv_newmortal())
-+#ifndef mPUSHp
-+#  define mPUSHp(p,l)                    sv_setpvn(PUSHmortal, (p), (l))
-+#ifndef mPUSHn
-+#  define mPUSHn(n)                      sv_setnv(PUSHmortal, (NV)(n))
-+#ifndef mPUSHi
-+#  define mPUSHi(i)                      sv_setiv(PUSHmortal, (IV)(i))
-+#ifndef mPUSHu
-+#  define mPUSHu(u)                      sv_setuv(PUSHmortal, (UV)(u))
-+#ifndef mXPUSHs
-+#  define mXPUSHs(s)                     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(s))
-+#ifndef XPUSHmortal
-+#  define XPUSHmortal                    XPUSHs(sv_newmortal())
-+#ifndef mXPUSHp
-+#  define mXPUSHp(p,l)                   STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setpvn(PUSHmortal, (p), (l)); } STMT_END
-+#ifndef mXPUSHn
-+#  define mXPUSHn(n)                     STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setnv(PUSHmortal, (NV)(n)); } STMT_END
-+#ifndef mXPUSHi
-+#  define mXPUSHi(i)                     STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setiv(PUSHmortal, (IV)(i)); } STMT_END
-+#ifndef mXPUSHu
-+#  define mXPUSHu(u)                     STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setuv(PUSHmortal, (UV)(u)); } STMT_END
-+/* Replace: 1 */
-+#ifndef call_sv
-+#  define call_sv                        perl_call_sv
-+#ifndef call_pv
-+#  define call_pv                        perl_call_pv
-+#ifndef call_argv
-+#  define call_argv                      perl_call_argv
-+#ifndef call_method
-+#  define call_method                    perl_call_method
-+#ifndef eval_sv
-+#  define eval_sv                        perl_eval_sv
-+/* Replace: 0 */
-+#  define PERL_LOADMOD_DENY              0x1
-+#  define PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT          0x2
-+#  define PERL_LOADMOD_IMPORT_OPS        0x4
-+#ifndef G_METHOD
-+# define G_METHOD               64
-+# ifdef call_sv
-+#  undef call_sv
-+# endif
-+# if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5006000)
-+#  define call_sv(sv, flags)  ((flags) & G_METHOD ? perl_call_method((char *) SvPV_nolen_const(sv), \
-+                                (flags) & ~G_METHOD) : perl_call_sv(sv, flags))
-+# else
-+#  define call_sv(sv, flags)  ((flags) & G_METHOD ? Perl_call_method(aTHX_ (char *) SvPV_nolen_const(sv), \
-+                                (flags) & ~G_METHOD) : Perl_call_sv(aTHX_ sv, flags))
-+# endif
-+/* Replace perl_eval_pv with eval_pv */
-+#ifndef eval_pv
-+#if defined(NEED_eval_pv)
-+static SV* DPPP_(my_eval_pv)(char *p, I32 croak_on_error);
-+extern SV* DPPP_(my_eval_pv)(char *p, I32 croak_on_error);
-+#ifdef eval_pv
-+#  undef eval_pv
-+#define eval_pv(a,b) DPPP_(my_eval_pv)(aTHX_ a,b)
-+#define Perl_eval_pv DPPP_(my_eval_pv)
-+#if defined(NEED_eval_pv) || defined(NEED_eval_pv_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_eval_pv)(char *p, I32 croak_on_error)
-+    dSP;
-+    SV* sv = newSVpv(p, 0);
-+    PUSHMARK(sp);
-+    eval_sv(sv, G_SCALAR);
-+    SvREFCNT_dec(sv);
-+    SPAGAIN;
-+    sv = POPs;
-+    PUTBACK;
-+    if (croak_on_error && SvTRUE(GvSV(errgv)))
-+        croak(SvPVx(GvSV(errgv), na));
-+    return sv;
-+#ifndef vload_module
-+#if defined(NEED_vload_module)
-+static void DPPP_(my_vload_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, va_list *args);
-+extern void DPPP_(my_vload_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, va_list *args);
-+#ifdef vload_module
-+#  undef vload_module
-+#define vload_module(a,b,c,d) DPPP_(my_vload_module)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d)
-+#define Perl_vload_module DPPP_(my_vload_module)
-+#if defined(NEED_vload_module) || defined(NEED_vload_module_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_vload_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, va_list *args)
-+    dTHR;
-+    dVAR;
-+    OP *veop, *imop;
-+    OP * const modname = newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, name);
-+    /* 5.005 has a somewhat hacky force_normal that doesn't croak on
-+       SvREADONLY() if PL_compling is true. Current perls take care in
-+       ck_require() to correctly turn off SvREADONLY before calling
-+       force_normal_flags(). This seems a better fix than fudging PL_compling
-+     */
-+    SvREADONLY_off(((SVOP*)modname)->op_sv);
-+    modname->op_private |= OPpCONST_BARE;
-+    if (ver) {
-+        veop = newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, ver);
-+    }
-+    else
-+        veop = NULL;
-+    if (flags & PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT) {
-+        imop = sawparens(newNULLLIST());
-+    }
-+    else if (flags & PERL_LOADMOD_IMPORT_OPS) {
-+        imop = va_arg(*args, OP*);
-+    }
-+    else {
-+        SV *sv;
-+        imop = NULL;
-+        sv = va_arg(*args, SV*);
-+        while (sv) {
-+            imop = append_elem(OP_LIST, imop, newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, sv));
-+            sv = va_arg(*args, SV*);
-+        }
-+    }
-+    {
-+        const line_t ocopline = PL_copline;
-+        COP * const ocurcop = PL_curcop;
-+        const int oexpect = PL_expect;
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000)
-+        utilize(!(flags & PERL_LOADMOD_DENY), start_subparse(FALSE, 0),
-+                veop, modname, imop);
-+        utilize(!(flags & PERL_LOADMOD_DENY), start_subparse(),
-+                modname, imop);
-+        PL_expect = oexpect;
-+        PL_copline = ocopline;
-+        PL_curcop = ocurcop;
-+    }
-+#ifndef load_module
-+#if defined(NEED_load_module)
-+static void DPPP_(my_load_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, ...);
-+extern void DPPP_(my_load_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, ...);
-+#ifdef load_module
-+#  undef load_module
-+#define load_module DPPP_(my_load_module)
-+#define Perl_load_module DPPP_(my_load_module)
-+#if defined(NEED_load_module) || defined(NEED_load_module_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_load_module)(U32 flags, SV *name, SV *ver, ...)
-+    va_list args;
-+    va_start(args, ver);
-+    vload_module(flags, name, ver, &args);
-+    va_end(args);
-+#ifndef newRV_inc
-+#  define newRV_inc(sv)                  newRV(sv)   /* Replace */
-+#ifndef newRV_noinc
-+#if defined(NEED_newRV_noinc)
-+static SV * DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)(SV *sv);
-+extern SV * DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)(SV *sv);
-+#ifdef newRV_noinc
-+#  undef newRV_noinc
-+#define newRV_noinc(a) DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)(aTHX_ a)
-+#define Perl_newRV_noinc DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)
-+#if defined(NEED_newRV_noinc) || defined(NEED_newRV_noinc_GLOBAL)
-+SV *
-+DPPP_(my_newRV_noinc)(SV *sv)
-+  SV *rv = (SV *)newRV(sv);
-+  SvREFCNT_dec(sv);
-+  return rv;
-+/* Hint: newCONSTSUB
-+ * Returns a CV* as of perl-5.7.1. This return value is not supported
-+ * by Devel::PPPort.
-+ */
-+/* newCONSTSUB from IO.xs is in the core starting with 5.004_63 */
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5004063) && (PERL_BCDVERSION != 0x5004005)
-+#if defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB)
-+static void DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)(HV *stash, const char *name, SV *sv);
-+extern void DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)(HV *stash, const char *name, SV *sv);
-+#ifdef newCONSTSUB
-+#  undef newCONSTSUB
-+#define newCONSTSUB(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)(aTHX_ a,b,c)
-+#define Perl_newCONSTSUB DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)
-+#if defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB) || defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB_GLOBAL)
-+/* This is just a trick to avoid a dependency of newCONSTSUB on PL_parser */
-+/* (There's no PL_parser in perl < 5.005, so this is completely safe)     */
-+#define D_PPP_PL_copline PL_copline
-+DPPP_(my_newCONSTSUB)(HV *stash, const char *name, SV *sv)
-+        U32 oldhints = PL_hints;
-+        HV *old_cop_stash = PL_curcop->cop_stash;
-+        HV *old_curstash = PL_curstash;
-+        line_t oldline = PL_curcop->cop_line;
-+        PL_curcop->cop_line = D_PPP_PL_copline;
-+        PL_hints &= ~HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE;
-+        if (stash)
-+                PL_curstash = PL_curcop->cop_stash = stash;
-+        newSUB(
-+#if   (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5003022)
-+                start_subparse(),
-+#elif (PERL_BCDVERSION == 0x5003022)
-+                start_subparse(0),
-+#else  /* 5.003_23  onwards */
-+                start_subparse(FALSE, 0),
-+                newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, newSVpv((char *) name, 0)),
-+                newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, &PL_sv_no),   /* SvPV(&PL_sv_no) == "" -- GMB */
-+                newSTATEOP(0, Nullch, newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, sv))
-+        );
-+        PL_hints = oldhints;
-+        PL_curcop->cop_stash = old_cop_stash;
-+        PL_curstash = old_curstash;
-+        PL_curcop->cop_line = oldline;
-+ * Boilerplate macros for initializing and accessing interpreter-local
-+ * data from C.  All statics in extensions should be reworked to use
-+ * this, if you want to make the extension thread-safe.  See ext/re/re.xs
-+ * for an example of the use of these macros.
-+ *
-+ * Code that uses these macros is responsible for the following:
-+ * 1. #define MY_CXT_KEY to a unique string, e.g. "DynaLoader_guts"
-+ * 2. Declare a typedef named my_cxt_t that is a structure that contains
-+ *    all the data that needs to be interpreter-local.
-+ * 3. Use the START_MY_CXT macro after the declaration of my_cxt_t.
-+ * 4. Use the MY_CXT_INIT macro such that it is called exactly once
-+ *    (typically put in the BOOT: section).
-+ * 5. Use the members of the my_cxt_t structure everywhere as
-+ *    MY_CXT.member.
-+ * 6. Use the dMY_CXT macro (a declaration) in all the functions that
-+ *    access MY_CXT.
-+ */
-+#if defined(MULTIPLICITY) || defined(PERL_OBJECT) || \
-+    defined(PERL_CAPI)    || defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT)
-+#ifndef START_MY_CXT
-+/* This must appear in all extensions that define a my_cxt_t structure,
-+ * right after the definition (i.e. at file scope).  The non-threads
-+ * case below uses it to declare the data as static. */
-+#define START_MY_CXT
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5004068)
-+/* Fetches the SV that keeps the per-interpreter data. */
-+#define dMY_CXT_SV \
-+        SV *my_cxt_sv = get_sv(MY_CXT_KEY, FALSE)
-+#else /* >= perl5.004_68 */
-+#define dMY_CXT_SV \
-+        SV *my_cxt_sv = *hv_fetch(PL_modglobal, MY_CXT_KEY,             \
-+                                  sizeof(MY_CXT_KEY)-1, TRUE)
-+#endif /* < perl5.004_68 */
-+/* This declaration should be used within all functions that use the
-+ * interpreter-local data. */
-+#define dMY_CXT \
-+        dMY_CXT_SV;                                                     \
-+        my_cxt_t *my_cxtp = INT2PTR(my_cxt_t*,SvUV(my_cxt_sv))
-+/* Creates and zeroes the per-interpreter data.
-+ * (We allocate my_cxtp in a Perl SV so that it will be released when
-+ * the interpreter goes away.) */
-+#define MY_CXT_INIT \
-+        dMY_CXT_SV;                                                     \
-+        /* newSV() allocates one more than needed */                    \
-+        my_cxt_t *my_cxtp = (my_cxt_t*)SvPVX(newSV(sizeof(my_cxt_t)-1));\
-+        Zero(my_cxtp, 1, my_cxt_t);                                     \
-+        sv_setuv(my_cxt_sv, PTR2UV(my_cxtp))
-+/* This macro must be used to access members of the my_cxt_t structure.
-+ * e.g. MYCXT.some_data */
-+#define MY_CXT          (*my_cxtp)
-+/* Judicious use of these macros can reduce the number of times dMY_CXT
-+ * is used.  Use is similar to pTHX, aTHX etc. */
-+#define pMY_CXT         my_cxt_t *my_cxtp
-+#define pMY_CXT_        pMY_CXT,
-+#define _pMY_CXT        ,pMY_CXT
-+#define aMY_CXT         my_cxtp
-+#define aMY_CXT_        aMY_CXT,
-+#define _aMY_CXT        ,aMY_CXT
-+#endif /* START_MY_CXT */
-+#ifndef MY_CXT_CLONE
-+/* Clones the per-interpreter data. */
-+#define MY_CXT_CLONE \
-+        dMY_CXT_SV;                                                     \
-+        my_cxt_t *my_cxtp = (my_cxt_t*)SvPVX(newSV(sizeof(my_cxt_t)-1));\
-+        Copy(INT2PTR(my_cxt_t*, SvUV(my_cxt_sv)), my_cxtp, 1, my_cxt_t);\
-+        sv_setuv(my_cxt_sv, PTR2UV(my_cxtp))
-+#else /* single interpreter */
-+#ifndef START_MY_CXT
-+#define START_MY_CXT    static my_cxt_t my_cxt;
-+#define dMY_CXT_SV      dNOOP
-+#define dMY_CXT         dNOOP
-+#define MY_CXT_INIT     NOOP
-+#define MY_CXT          my_cxt
-+#define pMY_CXT         void
-+#define pMY_CXT_
-+#define _pMY_CXT
-+#define aMY_CXT
-+#define aMY_CXT_
-+#define _aMY_CXT
-+#endif /* START_MY_CXT */
-+#ifndef MY_CXT_CLONE
-+#define MY_CXT_CLONE    NOOP
-+#ifndef IVdf
-+#    define     IVdf      "ld"
-+#    define     UVuf      "lu"
-+#    define     UVof      "lo"
-+#    define     UVxf      "lx"
-+#    define     UVXf      "lX"
-+#  elif IVSIZE == INTSIZE
-+#    define   IVdf      "d"
-+#    define   UVuf      "u"
-+#    define   UVof      "o"
-+#    define   UVxf      "x"
-+#    define   UVXf      "X"
-+#  else
-+#    error "cannot define IV/UV formats"
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef NVef
-+#  if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HAS_LONG_DOUBLE) && \
-+      defined(PERL_PRIfldbl) && (PERL_BCDVERSION != 0x5006000)
-+            /* Not very likely, but let's try anyway. */
-+#    define NVef          PERL_PRIeldbl
-+#    define NVff          PERL_PRIfldbl
-+#    define NVgf          PERL_PRIgldbl
-+#  else
-+#    define NVef          "e"
-+#    define NVff          "f"
-+#    define NVgf          "g"
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef SvREFCNT_inc
-+#    define SvREFCNT_inc(sv)            \
-+      ({                                \
-+          SV * const _sv = (SV*)(sv);   \
-+          if (_sv)                      \
-+               (SvREFCNT(_sv))++;       \
-+          _sv;                          \
-+      })
-+#  else
-+#    define SvREFCNT_inc(sv)    \
-+          ((PL_Sv=(SV*)(sv)) ? (++(SvREFCNT(PL_Sv)),PL_Sv) : NULL)
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_simple
-+#    define SvREFCNT_inc_simple(sv)     \
-+      ({                                        \
-+          if (sv)                               \
-+               (SvREFCNT(sv))++;                \
-+          (SV *)(sv);                           \
-+      })
-+#  else
-+#    define SvREFCNT_inc_simple(sv) \
-+          ((sv) ? (SvREFCNT(sv)++,(SV*)(sv)) : NULL)
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_NN
-+#    define SvREFCNT_inc_NN(sv)         \
-+      ({                                        \
-+          SV * const _sv = (SV*)(sv);   \
-+          SvREFCNT(_sv)++;              \
-+          _sv;                          \
-+      })
-+#  else
-+#    define SvREFCNT_inc_NN(sv) \
-+          (PL_Sv=(SV*)(sv),++(SvREFCNT(PL_Sv)),PL_Sv)
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_void
-+#    define SvREFCNT_inc_void(sv)               \
-+      ({                                        \
-+          SV * const _sv = (SV*)(sv);   \
-+          if (_sv)                      \
-+              (void)(SvREFCNT(_sv)++);  \
-+      })
-+#  else
-+#    define SvREFCNT_inc_void(sv) \
-+          (void)((PL_Sv=(SV*)(sv)) ? ++(SvREFCNT(PL_Sv)) : 0)
-+#  endif
-+#ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void
-+#  define SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void(sv)   STMT_START { if (sv) SvREFCNT(sv)++; } STMT_END
-+#ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN
-+#  define SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN(sv)     (++SvREFCNT(sv), (SV*)(sv))
-+#ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_void_NN
-+#  define SvREFCNT_inc_void_NN(sv)       (void)(++SvREFCNT((SV*)(sv)))
-+#ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN
-+#  define SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN(sv) (void)(++SvREFCNT((SV*)(sv)))
-+#ifndef newSV_type
-+#if defined(NEED_newSV_type)
-+static SV* DPPP_(my_newSV_type)(pTHX_ svtype const t);
-+extern SV* DPPP_(my_newSV_type)(pTHX_ svtype const t);
-+#ifdef newSV_type
-+#  undef newSV_type
-+#define newSV_type(a) DPPP_(my_newSV_type)(aTHX_ a)
-+#define Perl_newSV_type DPPP_(my_newSV_type)
-+#if defined(NEED_newSV_type) || defined(NEED_newSV_type_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_newSV_type)(pTHX_ svtype const t)
-+  SV* const sv = newSV(0);
-+  sv_upgrade(sv, t);
-+  return sv;
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5006000)
-+# define D_PPP_CONSTPV_ARG(x)  ((char *) (x))
-+# define D_PPP_CONSTPV_ARG(x)  (x)
-+#ifndef newSVpvn
-+#  define newSVpvn(data,len)             ((data)                                              \
-+                                    ? ((len) ? newSVpv((data), (len)) : newSVpv("", 0)) \
-+                                    : newSV(0))
-+#ifndef newSVpvn_utf8
-+#  define newSVpvn_utf8(s, len, u)       newSVpvn_flags((s), (len), (u) ? SVf_UTF8 : 0)
-+#ifndef SVf_UTF8
-+#  define SVf_UTF8                       0
-+#ifndef newSVpvn_flags
-+#if defined(NEED_newSVpvn_flags)
-+static SV * DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_flags)(pTHX_ const char *s, STRLEN len, U32 flags);
-+extern SV * DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_flags)(pTHX_ const char *s, STRLEN len, U32 flags);
-+#ifdef newSVpvn_flags
-+#  undef newSVpvn_flags
-+#define newSVpvn_flags(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_flags)(aTHX_ a,b,c)
-+#define Perl_newSVpvn_flags DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_flags)
-+#if defined(NEED_newSVpvn_flags) || defined(NEED_newSVpvn_flags_GLOBAL)
-+SV *
-+DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_flags)(pTHX_ const char *s, STRLEN len, U32 flags)
-+  SV *sv = newSVpvn(D_PPP_CONSTPV_ARG(s), len);
-+  SvFLAGS(sv) |= (flags & SVf_UTF8);
-+  return (flags & SVs_TEMP) ? sv_2mortal(sv) : sv;
-+/* Backwards compatibility stuff... :-( */
-+#if !defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags) && defined(NEED_sv_2pv_nolen)
-+#  define NEED_sv_2pv_flags
-+#if !defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags_GLOBAL) && defined(NEED_sv_2pv_nolen_GLOBAL)
-+#  define NEED_sv_2pv_flags_GLOBAL
-+/* Hint: sv_2pv_nolen
-+ * Use the SvPV_nolen() or SvPV_nolen_const() macros instead of sv_2pv_nolen().
-+ */
-+#ifndef sv_2pv_nolen
-+#  define sv_2pv_nolen(sv)               SvPV_nolen(sv)
-+#ifdef SvPVbyte
-+/* Hint: SvPVbyte
-+ * Does not work in perl-5.6.1, ppport.h implements a version
-+ * borrowed from perl-5.7.3.
-+ */
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5007000)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_2pvbyte)
-+static char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp);
-+extern char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp);
-+#ifdef sv_2pvbyte
-+#  undef sv_2pvbyte
-+#define sv_2pvbyte(a,b) DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)(aTHX_ a,b)
-+#define Perl_sv_2pvbyte DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_2pvbyte) || defined(NEED_sv_2pvbyte_GLOBAL)
-+char *
-+DPPP_(my_sv_2pvbyte)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp)
-+  sv_utf8_downgrade(sv,0);
-+  return SvPV(sv,*lp);
-+/* Hint: sv_2pvbyte
-+ * Use the SvPVbyte() macro instead of sv_2pvbyte().
-+ */
-+#undef SvPVbyte
-+#define SvPVbyte(sv, lp)                                                \
-+        ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_UTF8)) == (SVf_POK)                \
-+         ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX(sv)) : sv_2pvbyte(sv, &lp))
-+#  define SvPVbyte          SvPV
-+#  define sv_2pvbyte        sv_2pv
-+#ifndef sv_2pvbyte_nolen
-+#  define sv_2pvbyte_nolen(sv)           sv_2pv_nolen(sv)
-+/* Hint: sv_pvn
-+ * Always use the SvPV() macro instead of sv_pvn().
-+ */
-+/* Hint: sv_pvn_force
-+ * Always use the SvPV_force() macro instead of sv_pvn_force().
-+ */
-+/* If these are undefined, they're not handled by the core anyway */
-+#  define SV_IMMEDIATE_UNREF             0
-+#ifndef SV_GMAGIC
-+#  define SV_GMAGIC                      0
-+#ifndef SV_COW_DROP_PV
-+#  define SV_COW_DROP_PV                 0
-+#  define SV_UTF8_NO_ENCODING            0
-+#ifndef SV_NOSTEAL
-+#  define SV_NOSTEAL                     0
-+#  define SV_CONST_RETURN                0
-+#  define SV_MUTABLE_RETURN              0
-+#ifndef SV_SMAGIC
-+#  define SV_SMAGIC                      0
-+#  define SV_HAS_TRAILING_NUL            0
-+#  define SV_COW_SHARED_HASH_KEYS        0
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5007002)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags)
-+static char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp, I32 flags);
-+extern char * DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp, I32 flags);
-+#ifdef sv_2pv_flags
-+#  undef sv_2pv_flags
-+#define sv_2pv_flags(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)(aTHX_ a,b,c)
-+#define Perl_sv_2pv_flags DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags) || defined(NEED_sv_2pv_flags_GLOBAL)
-+char *
-+DPPP_(my_sv_2pv_flags)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp, I32 flags)
-+  STRLEN n_a = (STRLEN) flags;
-+  return sv_2pv(sv, lp ? lp : &n_a);
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags)
-+static char * DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp, I32 flags);
-+extern char * DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp, I32 flags);
-+#ifdef sv_pvn_force_flags
-+#  undef sv_pvn_force_flags
-+#define sv_pvn_force_flags(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)(aTHX_ a,b,c)
-+#define Perl_sv_pvn_force_flags DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags) || defined(NEED_sv_pvn_force_flags_GLOBAL)
-+char *
-+DPPP_(my_sv_pvn_force_flags)(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp, I32 flags)
-+  STRLEN n_a = (STRLEN) flags;
-+  return sv_pvn_force(sv, lp ? lp : &n_a);
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5008008) || ( (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5009000) && (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5009003) )
-+# define DPPP_SVPV_NOLEN_LP_ARG &PL_na
-+#ifndef SvPV_const
-+#  define SvPV_const(sv, lp)             SvPV_flags_const(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC)
-+#ifndef SvPV_mutable
-+#  define SvPV_mutable(sv, lp)           SvPV_flags_mutable(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC)
-+#ifndef SvPV_flags
-+#  define SvPV_flags(sv, lp, flags)      \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \
-+                  ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX(sv)) : sv_2pv_flags(sv, &lp, flags))
-+#ifndef SvPV_flags_const
-+#  define SvPV_flags_const(sv, lp, flags) \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \
-+                  ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX_const(sv)) : \
-+                  (const char*) sv_2pv_flags(sv, &lp, flags|SV_CONST_RETURN))
-+#ifndef SvPV_flags_const_nolen
-+#  define SvPV_flags_const_nolen(sv, flags) \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \
-+                  ? SvPVX_const(sv) : \
-+                  (const char*) sv_2pv_flags(sv, DPPP_SVPV_NOLEN_LP_ARG, flags|SV_CONST_RETURN))
-+#ifndef SvPV_flags_mutable
-+#  define SvPV_flags_mutable(sv, lp, flags) \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \
-+                  ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX_mutable(sv)) : \
-+                  sv_2pv_flags(sv, &lp, flags|SV_MUTABLE_RETURN))
-+#ifndef SvPV_force
-+#  define SvPV_force(sv, lp)             SvPV_force_flags(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC)
-+#ifndef SvPV_force_nolen
-+#  define SvPV_force_nolen(sv)           SvPV_force_flags_nolen(sv, SV_GMAGIC)
-+#ifndef SvPV_force_mutable
-+#  define SvPV_force_mutable(sv, lp)     SvPV_force_flags_mutable(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC)
-+#ifndef SvPV_force_nomg
-+#  define SvPV_force_nomg(sv, lp)        SvPV_force_flags(sv, lp, 0)
-+#ifndef SvPV_force_nomg_nolen
-+#  define SvPV_force_nomg_nolen(sv)      SvPV_force_flags_nolen(sv, 0)
-+#ifndef SvPV_force_flags
-+#  define SvPV_force_flags(sv, lp, flags) \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_THINKFIRST)) == SVf_POK \
-+                 ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX(sv)) : sv_pvn_force_flags(sv, &lp, flags))
-+#ifndef SvPV_force_flags_nolen
-+#  define SvPV_force_flags_nolen(sv, flags) \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_THINKFIRST)) == SVf_POK \
-+                 ? SvPVX(sv) : sv_pvn_force_flags(sv, DPPP_SVPV_NOLEN_LP_ARG, flags))
-+#ifndef SvPV_force_flags_mutable
-+#  define SvPV_force_flags_mutable(sv, lp, flags) \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_THINKFIRST)) == SVf_POK \
-+                 ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX_mutable(sv)) \
-+                  : sv_pvn_force_flags(sv, &lp, flags|SV_MUTABLE_RETURN))
-+#ifndef SvPV_nolen
-+#  define SvPV_nolen(sv)                 \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \
-+                  ? SvPVX(sv) : sv_2pv_flags(sv, DPPP_SVPV_NOLEN_LP_ARG, SV_GMAGIC))
-+#ifndef SvPV_nolen_const
-+#  define SvPV_nolen_const(sv)           \
-+                 ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \
-+                  ? SvPVX_const(sv) : sv_2pv_flags(sv, DPPP_SVPV_NOLEN_LP_ARG, SV_GMAGIC|SV_CONST_RETURN))
-+#ifndef SvPV_nomg
-+#  define SvPV_nomg(sv, lp)              SvPV_flags(sv, lp, 0)
-+#ifndef SvPV_nomg_const
-+#  define SvPV_nomg_const(sv, lp)        SvPV_flags_const(sv, lp, 0)
-+#ifndef SvPV_nomg_const_nolen
-+#  define SvPV_nomg_const_nolen(sv)      SvPV_flags_const_nolen(sv, 0)
-+#ifndef SvPV_nomg_nolen
-+#  define SvPV_nomg_nolen(sv)            ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \
-+                                    ? SvPVX(sv) : sv_2pv_flags(sv, DPPP_SVPV_NOLEN_LP_ARG, 0))
-+#ifndef SvPV_renew
-+#  define SvPV_renew(sv,n)               STMT_START { SvLEN_set(sv, n); \
-+                 SvPV_set((sv), (char *) saferealloc(          \
-+                       (Malloc_t)SvPVX(sv), (MEM_SIZE)((n)))); \
-+               } STMT_END
-+#ifndef SvMAGIC_set
-+#  define SvMAGIC_set(sv, val)           \
-+                STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVMG); \
-+                (((XPVMG*) SvANY(sv))->xmg_magic = (val)); } STMT_END
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5009003)
-+#ifndef SvPVX_const
-+#  define SvPVX_const(sv)                ((const char*) (0 + SvPVX(sv)))
-+#ifndef SvPVX_mutable
-+#  define SvPVX_mutable(sv)              (0 + SvPVX(sv))
-+#ifndef SvRV_set
-+#  define SvRV_set(sv, val)              \
-+                STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) >=  SVt_RV); \
-+                (((XRV*) SvANY(sv))->xrv_rv = (val)); } STMT_END
-+#ifndef SvPVX_const
-+#  define SvPVX_const(sv)                ((const char*)((sv)->sv_u.svu_pv))
-+#ifndef SvPVX_mutable
-+#  define SvPVX_mutable(sv)              ((sv)->sv_u.svu_pv)
-+#ifndef SvRV_set
-+#  define SvRV_set(sv, val)              \
-+                STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) >=  SVt_RV); \
-+                ((sv)->sv_u.svu_rv = (val)); } STMT_END
-+#ifndef SvSTASH_set
-+#  define SvSTASH_set(sv, val)           \
-+                STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVMG); \
-+                (((XPVMG*) SvANY(sv))->xmg_stash = (val)); } STMT_END
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5004000)
-+#ifndef SvUV_set
-+#  define SvUV_set(sv, val)              \
-+                STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_IV || SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVIV); \
-+                (((XPVIV*) SvANY(sv))->xiv_iv = (IV) (val)); } STMT_END
-+#ifndef SvUV_set
-+#  define SvUV_set(sv, val)              \
-+                STMT_START { assert(SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_IV || SvTYPE(sv) >= SVt_PVIV); \
-+                (((XPVUV*) SvANY(sv))->xuv_uv = (val)); } STMT_END
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(vnewSVpvf)
-+#if defined(NEED_vnewSVpvf)
-+static SV * DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)(pTHX_ const char *pat, va_list *args);
-+extern SV * DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)(pTHX_ const char *pat, va_list *args);
-+#ifdef vnewSVpvf
-+#  undef vnewSVpvf
-+#define vnewSVpvf(a,b) DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)(aTHX_ a,b)
-+#define Perl_vnewSVpvf DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)
-+#if defined(NEED_vnewSVpvf) || defined(NEED_vnewSVpvf_GLOBAL)
-+SV *
-+DPPP_(my_vnewSVpvf)(pTHX_ const char *pat, va_list *args)
-+  register SV *sv = newSV(0);
-+  sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*));
-+  return sv;
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_vcatpvf)
-+#  define sv_vcatpvf(sv, pat, args)  sv_vcatpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*))
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_vsetpvf)
-+#  define sv_vsetpvf(sv, pat, args)  sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*))
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_catpvf_mg)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg)
-+static void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *pat, ...);
-+extern void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *pat, ...);
-+#define Perl_sv_catpvf_mg DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg) || defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *pat, ...)
-+  va_list args;
-+  va_start(args, pat);
-+  sv_vcatpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), &args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*));
-+  SvSETMAGIC(sv);
-+  va_end(args);
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)
-+static void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV *sv, const char *pat, ...);
-+extern void DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV *sv, const char *pat, ...);
-+#define sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)
-+#define Perl_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext) || defined(NEED_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV *sv, const char *pat, ...)
-+  dTHX;
-+  va_list args;
-+  va_start(args, pat);
-+  sv_vcatpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), &args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*));
-+  SvSETMAGIC(sv);
-+  va_end(args);
-+/* sv_catpvf_mg depends on sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext */
-+#ifndef sv_catpvf_mg
-+#    define sv_catpvf_mg   Perl_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext
-+#  else
-+#    define sv_catpvf_mg   Perl_sv_catpvf_mg
-+#  endif
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_vcatpvf_mg)
-+#  define sv_vcatpvf_mg(sv, pat, args)                                     \
-+   STMT_START {                                                            \
-+     sv_vcatpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*));  \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(sv);                                                       \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_setpvf_mg)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg)
-+static void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *pat, ...);
-+extern void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *pat, ...);
-+#define Perl_sv_setpvf_mg DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg) || defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg)(pTHX_ SV *sv, const char *pat, ...)
-+  va_list args;
-+  va_start(args, pat);
-+  sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), &args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*));
-+  SvSETMAGIC(sv);
-+  va_end(args);
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)
-+static void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV *sv, const char *pat, ...);
-+extern void DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV *sv, const char *pat, ...);
-+#define sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)
-+#define Perl_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)
-+#if defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext) || defined(NEED_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext)(SV *sv, const char *pat, ...)
-+  dTHX;
-+  va_list args;
-+  va_start(args, pat);
-+  sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), &args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*));
-+  SvSETMAGIC(sv);
-+  va_end(args);
-+/* sv_setpvf_mg depends on sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext */
-+#ifndef sv_setpvf_mg
-+#    define sv_setpvf_mg   Perl_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext
-+#  else
-+#    define sv_setpvf_mg   Perl_sv_setpvf_mg
-+#  endif
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(sv_vsetpvf_mg)
-+#  define sv_vsetpvf_mg(sv, pat, args)                                     \
-+   STMT_START {                                                            \
-+     sv_vsetpvfn(sv, pat, strlen(pat), args, Null(SV**), 0, Null(bool*));  \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(sv);                                                       \
-+   } STMT_END
-+/* Hint: newSVpvn_share
-+ * The SVs created by this function only mimic the behaviour of
-+ * shared PVs without really being shared. Only use if you know
-+ * what you're doing.
-+ */
-+#ifndef newSVpvn_share
-+#if defined(NEED_newSVpvn_share)
-+static SV * DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)(pTHX_ const char *src, I32 len, U32 hash);
-+extern SV * DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)(pTHX_ const char *src, I32 len, U32 hash);
-+#ifdef newSVpvn_share
-+#  undef newSVpvn_share
-+#define newSVpvn_share(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)(aTHX_ a,b,c)
-+#define Perl_newSVpvn_share DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)
-+#if defined(NEED_newSVpvn_share) || defined(NEED_newSVpvn_share_GLOBAL)
-+SV *
-+DPPP_(my_newSVpvn_share)(pTHX_ const char *src, I32 len, U32 hash)
-+  SV *sv;
-+  if (len < 0)
-+    len = -len;
-+  if (!hash)
-+    PERL_HASH(hash, (char*) src, len);
-+  sv = newSVpvn((char *) src, len);
-+  sv_upgrade(sv, SVt_PVIV);
-+  SvIVX(sv) = hash;
-+  SvREADONLY_on(sv);
-+  SvPOK_on(sv);
-+  return sv;
-+#ifndef SvSHARED_HASH
-+#  define SvSHARED_HASH(sv)              (0 + SvUVX(sv))
-+#ifndef HvNAME_get
-+#  define HvNAME_get(hv)                 HvNAME(hv)
-+#ifndef HvNAMELEN_get
-+#  define HvNAMELEN_get(hv)              (HvNAME_get(hv) ? (I32)strlen(HvNAME_get(hv)) : 0)
-+#ifndef GvSVn
-+#  define GvSVn(gv)                      GvSV(gv)
-+#ifndef isGV_with_GP
-+#  define isGV_with_GP(gv)               isGV(gv)
-+#ifndef gv_fetchpvn_flags
-+#  define gv_fetchpvn_flags(name, len, flags, svt) gv_fetchpv(name, flags, svt)
-+#ifndef gv_fetchsv
-+#  define gv_fetchsv(name, flags, svt)   gv_fetchpv(SvPV_nolen_const(name), flags, svt)
-+#ifndef get_cvn_flags
-+#  define get_cvn_flags(name, namelen, flags) get_cv(name, flags)
-+#ifndef WARN_ALL
-+#  define WARN_ALL                       0
-+#ifndef WARN_CLOSURE
-+#  define WARN_CLOSURE                   1
-+#  define WARN_DEPRECATED                2
-+#ifndef WARN_EXITING
-+#  define WARN_EXITING                   3
-+#ifndef WARN_GLOB
-+#  define WARN_GLOB                      4
-+#ifndef WARN_IO
-+#  define WARN_IO                        5
-+#ifndef WARN_CLOSED
-+#  define WARN_CLOSED                    6
-+#ifndef WARN_EXEC
-+#  define WARN_EXEC                      7
-+#ifndef WARN_LAYER
-+#  define WARN_LAYER                     8
-+#ifndef WARN_NEWLINE
-+#  define WARN_NEWLINE                   9
-+#ifndef WARN_PIPE
-+#  define WARN_PIPE                      10
-+#  define WARN_UNOPENED                  11
-+#ifndef WARN_MISC
-+#  define WARN_MISC                      12
-+#ifndef WARN_NUMERIC
-+#  define WARN_NUMERIC                   13
-+#ifndef WARN_ONCE
-+#  define WARN_ONCE                      14
-+#  define WARN_OVERFLOW                  15
-+#ifndef WARN_PACK
-+#  define WARN_PACK                      16
-+#  define WARN_PORTABLE                  17
-+#  define WARN_RECURSION                 18
-+#  define WARN_REDEFINE                  19
-+#ifndef WARN_REGEXP
-+#  define WARN_REGEXP                    20
-+#ifndef WARN_SEVERE
-+#  define WARN_SEVERE                    21
-+#  define WARN_DEBUGGING                 22
-+#ifndef WARN_INPLACE
-+#  define WARN_INPLACE                   23
-+#  define WARN_INTERNAL                  24
-+#ifndef WARN_MALLOC
-+#  define WARN_MALLOC                    25
-+#ifndef WARN_SIGNAL
-+#  define WARN_SIGNAL                    26
-+#ifndef WARN_SUBSTR
-+#  define WARN_SUBSTR                    27
-+#ifndef WARN_SYNTAX
-+#  define WARN_SYNTAX                    28
-+#  define WARN_AMBIGUOUS                 29
-+#  define WARN_BAREWORD                  30
-+#ifndef WARN_DIGIT
-+#  define WARN_DIGIT                     31
-+#  define WARN_PARENTHESIS               32
-+#  define WARN_PRECEDENCE                33
-+#ifndef WARN_PRINTF
-+#  define WARN_PRINTF                    34
-+#  define WARN_PROTOTYPE                 35
-+#ifndef WARN_QW
-+#  define WARN_QW                        36
-+#  define WARN_RESERVED                  37
-+#  define WARN_SEMICOLON                 38
-+#ifndef WARN_TAINT
-+#  define WARN_TAINT                     39
-+#ifndef WARN_THREADS
-+#  define WARN_THREADS                   40
-+#  define WARN_UNINITIALIZED             41
-+#ifndef WARN_UNPACK
-+#  define WARN_UNPACK                    42
-+#ifndef WARN_UNTIE
-+#  define WARN_UNTIE                     43
-+#ifndef WARN_UTF8
-+#  define WARN_UTF8                      44
-+#ifndef WARN_VOID
-+#  define WARN_VOID                      45
-+#  define WARN_ASSERTIONS                46
-+#ifndef packWARN
-+#  define packWARN(a)                    (a)
-+#ifndef ckWARN
-+#  ifdef G_WARN_ON
-+#    define  ckWARN(a)                  (PL_dowarn & G_WARN_ON)
-+#  else
-+#    define  ckWARN(a)                  PL_dowarn
-+#  endif
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5004000) && !defined(warner)
-+#if defined(NEED_warner)
-+static void DPPP_(my_warner)(U32 err, const char *pat, ...);
-+extern void DPPP_(my_warner)(U32 err, const char *pat, ...);
-+#define Perl_warner DPPP_(my_warner)
-+#if defined(NEED_warner) || defined(NEED_warner_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_warner)(U32 err, const char *pat, ...)
-+  SV *sv;
-+  va_list args;
-+  va_start(args, pat);
-+  sv = vnewSVpvf(pat, &args);
-+  va_end(args);
-+  sv_2mortal(sv);
-+  warn("%s", SvPV_nolen(sv));
-+#define warner  Perl_warner
-+#define Perl_warner_nocontext  Perl_warner
-+/* concatenating with "" ensures that only literal strings are accepted as argument
-+ * note that STR_WITH_LEN() can't be used as argument to macros or functions that
-+ * under some configurations might be macros
-+ */
-+#ifndef STR_WITH_LEN
-+#  define STR_WITH_LEN(s)                (s ""), (sizeof(s)-1)
-+#ifndef newSVpvs
-+#  define newSVpvs(str)                  newSVpvn(str "", sizeof(str) - 1)
-+#ifndef newSVpvs_flags
-+#  define newSVpvs_flags(str, flags)     newSVpvn_flags(str "", sizeof(str) - 1, flags)
-+#ifndef newSVpvs_share
-+#  define newSVpvs_share(str)            newSVpvn_share(str "", sizeof(str) - 1, 0)
-+#ifndef sv_catpvs
-+#  define sv_catpvs(sv, str)             sv_catpvn(sv, str "", sizeof(str) - 1)
-+#ifndef sv_setpvs
-+#  define sv_setpvs(sv, str)             sv_setpvn(sv, str "", sizeof(str) - 1)
-+#ifndef hv_fetchs
-+#  define hv_fetchs(hv, key, lval)       hv_fetch(hv, key "", sizeof(key) - 1, lval)
-+#ifndef hv_stores
-+#  define hv_stores(hv, key, val)        hv_store(hv, key "", sizeof(key) - 1, val, 0)
-+#ifndef gv_fetchpvs
-+#  define gv_fetchpvs(name, flags, svt)  gv_fetchpvn_flags(name "", sizeof(name) - 1, flags, svt)
-+#ifndef gv_stashpvs
-+#  define gv_stashpvs(name, flags)       gv_stashpvn(name "", sizeof(name) - 1, flags)
-+#ifndef get_cvs
-+#  define get_cvs(name, flags)           get_cvn_flags(name "", sizeof(name)-1, flags)
-+#ifndef SvGETMAGIC
-+#  define SvGETMAGIC(x)                  STMT_START { if (SvGMAGICAL(x)) mg_get(x); } STMT_END
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sv
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_sv                  '\0'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_overload            'A'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload_elem
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_overload_elem       'a'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload_table
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_overload_table      'c'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_bm
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_bm                  'B'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regdata
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_regdata             'D'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regdatum
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_regdatum            'd'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_env
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_env                 'E'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_envelem
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_envelem             'e'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_fm
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_fm                  'f'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regex_global
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_regex_global        'g'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_isa
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_isa                 'I'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_isaelem
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_isaelem             'i'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_nkeys
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_nkeys               'k'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_dbfile
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_dbfile              'L'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_dbline
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_dbline              'l'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_mutex
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_mutex               'm'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_shared
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_shared              'N'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar       'n'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_collxfrm
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_collxfrm            'o'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tied
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_tied                'P'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tiedelem
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_tiedelem            'p'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar          'q'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_qr
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_qr                  'r'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sig
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_sig                 'S'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sigelem
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_sigelem             's'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_taint
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_taint               't'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_uvar
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_uvar                'U'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_uvar_elem
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_uvar_elem           'u'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_vstring
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_vstring             'V'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_vec
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_vec                 'v'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_utf8
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_utf8                'w'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_substr
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_substr              'x'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_defelem
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_defelem             'y'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_glob
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_glob                '*'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_arylen
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_arylen              '#'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_pos
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_pos                 '.'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_backref
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_backref             '<'
-+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_ext
-+#  define PERL_MAGIC_ext                 '~'
-+/* That's the best we can do... */
-+#ifndef sv_catpvn_nomg
-+#  define sv_catpvn_nomg                 sv_catpvn
-+#ifndef sv_catsv_nomg
-+#  define sv_catsv_nomg                  sv_catsv
-+#ifndef sv_setsv_nomg
-+#  define sv_setsv_nomg                  sv_setsv
-+#ifndef sv_pvn_nomg
-+#  define sv_pvn_nomg                    sv_pvn
-+#ifndef SvIV_nomg
-+#  define SvIV_nomg                      SvIV
-+#ifndef SvUV_nomg
-+#  define SvUV_nomg                      SvUV
-+#ifndef sv_catpv_mg
-+#  define sv_catpv_mg(sv, ptr)          \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = sv;                   \
-+     sv_catpv(TeMpSv,ptr);              \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_catpvn_mg
-+#  define sv_catpvn_mg(sv, ptr, len)    \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = sv;                   \
-+     sv_catpvn(TeMpSv,ptr,len);         \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_catsv_mg
-+#  define sv_catsv_mg(dsv, ssv)         \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = dsv;                  \
-+     sv_catsv(TeMpSv,ssv);              \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_setiv_mg
-+#  define sv_setiv_mg(sv, i)            \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = sv;                   \
-+     sv_setiv(TeMpSv,i);                \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_setnv_mg
-+#  define sv_setnv_mg(sv, num)          \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = sv;                   \
-+     sv_setnv(TeMpSv,num);              \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_setpv_mg
-+#  define sv_setpv_mg(sv, ptr)          \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = sv;                   \
-+     sv_setpv(TeMpSv,ptr);              \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_setpvn_mg
-+#  define sv_setpvn_mg(sv, ptr, len)    \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = sv;                   \
-+     sv_setpvn(TeMpSv,ptr,len);         \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_setsv_mg
-+#  define sv_setsv_mg(dsv, ssv)         \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = dsv;                  \
-+     sv_setsv(TeMpSv,ssv);              \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_setuv_mg
-+#  define sv_setuv_mg(sv, i)            \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = sv;                   \
-+     sv_setuv(TeMpSv,i);                \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef sv_usepvn_mg
-+#  define sv_usepvn_mg(sv, ptr, len)    \
-+   STMT_START {                         \
-+     SV *TeMpSv = sv;                   \
-+     sv_usepvn(TeMpSv,ptr,len);         \
-+     SvSETMAGIC(TeMpSv);                \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#ifndef SvVSTRING_mg
-+#  define SvVSTRING_mg(sv)               (SvMAGICAL(sv) ? mg_find(sv, PERL_MAGIC_vstring) : NULL)
-+/* Hint: sv_magic_portable
-+ * This is a compatibility function that is only available with
-+ * Devel::PPPort. It is NOT in the perl core.
-+ * Its purpose is to mimic the 5.8.0 behaviour of sv_magic() when
-+ * it is being passed a name pointer with namlen == 0. In that
-+ * case, perl 5.8.0 and later store the pointer, not a copy of it.
-+ * The compatibility can be provided back to perl 5.004. With
-+ * earlier versions, the code will not compile.
-+ */
-+#if (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5004000)
-+  /* code that uses sv_magic_portable will not compile */
-+#elif (PERL_BCDVERSION < 0x5008000)
-+#  define sv_magic_portable(sv, obj, how, name, namlen)     \
-+   STMT_START {                                             \
-+     SV *SvMp_sv = (sv);                                    \
-+     char *SvMp_name = (char *) (name);                     \
-+     I32 SvMp_namlen = (namlen);                            \
-+     if (SvMp_name && SvMp_namlen == 0)                     \
-+     {                                                      \
-+       MAGIC *mg;                                           \
-+       sv_magic(SvMp_sv, obj, how, 0, 0);                   \
-+       mg = SvMAGIC(SvMp_sv);                               \
-+       mg->mg_len = -42; /* XXX: this is the tricky part */ \
-+       mg->mg_ptr = SvMp_name;                              \
-+     }                                                      \
-+     else                                                   \
-+     {                                                      \
-+       sv_magic(SvMp_sv, obj, how, SvMp_name, SvMp_namlen); \
-+     }                                                      \
-+   } STMT_END
-+#  define sv_magic_portable(a, b, c, d, e)  sv_magic(a, b, c, d, e)
-+#ifndef CopFILE
-+#  define CopFILE(c)                     ((c)->cop_file)
-+#ifndef CopFILEGV
-+#  define CopFILEGV(c)                   (CopFILE(c) ? gv_fetchfile(CopFILE(c)) : Nullgv)
-+#ifndef CopFILE_set
-+#  define CopFILE_set(c,pv)              ((c)->cop_file = savepv(pv))
-+#ifndef CopFILESV
-+#  define CopFILESV(c)                   (CopFILE(c) ? GvSV(gv_fetchfile(CopFILE(c))) : Nullsv)
-+#ifndef CopFILEAV
-+#  define CopFILEAV(c)                   (CopFILE(c) ? GvAV(gv_fetchfile(CopFILE(c))) : Nullav)
-+#ifndef CopSTASHPV
-+#  define CopSTASHPV(c)                  ((c)->cop_stashpv)
-+#ifndef CopSTASHPV_set
-+#  define CopSTASHPV_set(c,pv)           ((c)->cop_stashpv = ((pv) ? savepv(pv) : Nullch))
-+#ifndef CopSTASH
-+#  define CopSTASH(c)                    (CopSTASHPV(c) ? gv_stashpv(CopSTASHPV(c),GV_ADD) : Nullhv)
-+#ifndef CopSTASH_set
-+#  define CopSTASH_set(c,hv)             CopSTASHPV_set(c, (hv) ? HvNAME(hv) : Nullch)
-+#ifndef CopSTASH_eq
-+#  define CopSTASH_eq(c,hv)              ((hv) && (CopSTASHPV(c) == HvNAME(hv) \
-+                                        || (CopSTASHPV(c) && HvNAME(hv) \
-+                                        && strEQ(CopSTASHPV(c), HvNAME(hv)))))
-+#ifndef CopFILEGV
-+#  define CopFILEGV(c)                   ((c)->cop_filegv)
-+#ifndef CopFILEGV_set
-+#  define CopFILEGV_set(c,gv)            ((c)->cop_filegv = (GV*)SvREFCNT_inc(gv))
-+#ifndef CopFILE_set
-+#  define CopFILE_set(c,pv)              CopFILEGV_set((c), gv_fetchfile(pv))
-+#ifndef CopFILESV
-+#  define CopFILESV(c)                   (CopFILEGV(c) ? GvSV(CopFILEGV(c)) : Nullsv)
-+#ifndef CopFILEAV
-+#  define CopFILEAV(c)                   (CopFILEGV(c) ? GvAV(CopFILEGV(c)) : Nullav)
-+#ifndef CopFILE
-+#  define CopFILE(c)                     (CopFILESV(c) ? SvPVX(CopFILESV(c)) : Nullch)
-+#ifndef CopSTASH
-+#  define CopSTASH(c)                    ((c)->cop_stash)
-+#ifndef CopSTASH_set
-+#  define CopSTASH_set(c,hv)             ((c)->cop_stash = (hv))
-+#ifndef CopSTASHPV
-+#  define CopSTASHPV(c)                  (CopSTASH(c) ? HvNAME(CopSTASH(c)) : Nullch)
-+#ifndef CopSTASHPV_set
-+#  define CopSTASHPV_set(c,pv)           CopSTASH_set((c), gv_stashpv(pv,GV_ADD))
-+#ifndef CopSTASH_eq
-+#  define CopSTASH_eq(c,hv)              (CopSTASH(c) == (hv))
-+#endif /* USE_ITHREADS */
-+#  define IN_PERL_COMPILETIME            (PL_curcop == &PL_compiling)
-+#  define IN_LOCALE_RUNTIME              (PL_curcop->op_private & HINT_LOCALE)
-+#  define IN_LOCALE_COMPILETIME          (PL_hints & HINT_LOCALE)
-+#ifndef IN_LOCALE
-+#ifndef IS_NUMBER_IN_UV
-+#  define IS_NUMBER_IN_UV                0x01
-+#  define IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT              0x04
-+#ifndef IS_NUMBER_NEG
-+#  define IS_NUMBER_NEG                  0x08
-+#  define IS_NUMBER_INFINITY             0x10
-+#ifndef IS_NUMBER_NAN
-+#  define IS_NUMBER_NAN                  0x20
-+#  define GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(sp, send)   grok_numeric_radix(sp, send)
-+#  define PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT      0x04
-+#  define PERL_SCAN_DISALLOW_PREFIX      0x02
-+#ifndef grok_numeric_radix
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_numeric_radix)
-+static bool DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)(pTHX_ const char ** sp, const char * send);
-+extern bool DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)(pTHX_ const char ** sp, const char * send);
-+#ifdef grok_numeric_radix
-+#  undef grok_numeric_radix
-+#define grok_numeric_radix(a,b) DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)(aTHX_ a,b)
-+#define Perl_grok_numeric_radix DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_numeric_radix) || defined(NEED_grok_numeric_radix_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_grok_numeric_radix)(pTHX_ const char **sp, const char *send)
-+#ifdef PL_numeric_radix_sv
-+    if (PL_numeric_radix_sv && IN_LOCALE) {
-+        STRLEN len;
-+        char* radix = SvPV(PL_numeric_radix_sv, len);
-+        if (*sp + len <= send && memEQ(*sp, radix, len)) {
-+            *sp += len;
-+            return TRUE;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    /* older perls don't have PL_numeric_radix_sv so the radix
-+     * must manually be requested from locale.h
-+     */
-+#include <locale.h>
-+    dTHR;  /* needed for older threaded perls */
-+    struct lconv *lc = localeconv();
-+    char *radix = lc->decimal_point;
-+    if (radix && IN_LOCALE) {
-+        STRLEN len = strlen(radix);
-+        if (*sp + len <= send && memEQ(*sp, radix, len)) {
-+            *sp += len;
-+            return TRUE;
-+        }
-+    }
-+#endif /* USE_LOCALE_NUMERIC */
-+    /* always try "." if numeric radix didn't match because
-+     * we may have data from different locales mixed */
-+    if (*sp < send && **sp == '.') {
-+        ++*sp;
-+        return TRUE;
-+    }
-+    return FALSE;
-+#ifndef grok_number
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_number)
-+static int DPPP_(my_grok_number)(pTHX_ const char * pv, STRLEN len, UV * valuep);
-+extern int DPPP_(my_grok_number)(pTHX_ const char * pv, STRLEN len, UV * valuep);
-+#ifdef grok_number
-+#  undef grok_number
-+#define grok_number(a,b,c) DPPP_(my_grok_number)(aTHX_ a,b,c)
-+#define Perl_grok_number DPPP_(my_grok_number)
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_number) || defined(NEED_grok_number_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_grok_number)(pTHX_ const char *pv, STRLEN len, UV *valuep)
-+  const char *s = pv;
-+  const char *send = pv + len;
-+  const UV max_div_10 = UV_MAX / 10;
-+  const char max_mod_10 = UV_MAX % 10;
-+  int numtype = 0;
-+  int sawinf = 0;
-+  int sawnan = 0;
-+  while (s < send && isSPACE(*s))
-+    s++;
-+  if (s == send) {
-+    return 0;
-+  } else if (*s == '-') {
-+    s++;
-+    numtype = IS_NUMBER_NEG;
-+  }
-+  else if (*s == '+')
-+  s++;
-+  if (s == send)
-+    return 0;
-+  /* next must be digit or the radix separator or beginning of infinity */
-+  if (isDIGIT(*s)) {
-+    /* UVs are at least 32 bits, so the first 9 decimal digits cannot
-+       overflow.  */
-+    UV value = *s - '0';
-+    /* This construction seems to be more optimiser friendly.
-+       (without it gcc does the isDIGIT test and the *s - '0' separately)
-+       With it gcc on arm is managing 6 instructions (6 cycles) per digit.
-+       In theory the optimiser could deduce how far to unroll the loop
-+       before checking for overflow.  */
-+    if (++s < send) {
-+      int digit = *s - '0';
-+      if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
-+        value = value * 10 + digit;
-+        if (++s < send) {
-+          digit = *s - '0';
-+          if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
-+            value = value * 10 + digit;
-+            if (++s < send) {
-+              digit = *s - '0';
-+              if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
-+                value = value * 10 + digit;
-+                if (++s < send) {
-+                  digit = *s - '0';
-+                  if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
-+                    value = value * 10 + digit;
-+                    if (++s < send) {
-+                      digit = *s - '0';
-+                      if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
-+                        value = value * 10 + digit;
-+                        if (++s < send) {
-+                          digit = *s - '0';
-+                          if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
-+                            value = value * 10 + digit;
-+                            if (++s < send) {
-+                              digit = *s - '0';
-+                              if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
-+                                value = value * 10 + digit;
-+                                if (++s < send) {
-+                                  digit = *s - '0';
-+                                  if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
-+                                    value = value * 10 + digit;
-+                                    if (++s < send) {
-+                                      /* Now got 9 digits, so need to check
-+                                         each time for overflow.  */
-+                                      digit = *s - '0';
-+                                      while (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9
-+                                             && (value < max_div_10
-+                                                 || (value == max_div_10
-+                                                     && digit <= max_mod_10))) {
-+                                        value = value * 10 + digit;
-+                                        if (++s < send)
-+                                          digit = *s - '0';
-+                                        else
-+                                          break;
-+                                      }
-+                                      if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9
-+                                          && (s < send)) {
-+                                        /* value overflowed.
-+                                           skip the remaining digits, don't
-+                                           worry about setting *valuep.  */
-+                                        do {
-+                                          s++;
-+                                        } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s));
-+                                        numtype |=
-+                                          IS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX;
-+                                        goto skip_value;
-+                                      }
-+                                    }
-+                                  }
-+                                }
-+                              }
-+                            }
-+                          }
-+                        }
-+                      }
-+                    }
-+                  }
-+                }
-+              }
-+            }
-+          }
-+        }
-+      }
-+    }
-+    numtype |= IS_NUMBER_IN_UV;
-+    if (valuep)
-+      *valuep = value;
-+  skip_value:
-+    if (GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(&s, send)) {
-+      numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT;
-+      while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s))  /* optional digits after the radix */
-+        s++;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  else if (GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(&s, send)) {
-+    numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT | IS_NUMBER_IN_UV; /* valuep assigned below */
-+    /* no digits before the radix means we need digits after it */
-+    if (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)) {
-+      do {
-+        s++;
-+      } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s));
-+      if (valuep) {
-+        /* integer approximation is valid - it's 0.  */
-+        *valuep = 0;
-+      }
-+    }
-+    else
-+      return 0;
-+  } else if (*s == 'I' || *s == 'i') {
-+    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
-+    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'F' && *s != 'f')) return 0;
-+    s++; if (s < send && (*s == 'I' || *s == 'i')) {
-+      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
-+      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'I' && *s != 'i')) return 0;
-+      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'T' && *s != 't')) return 0;
-+      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
-+      s++;
-+    }
-+    sawinf = 1;
-+  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
-+    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
-+    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
-+    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
-+    s++;
-+    sawnan = 1;
-+  } else
-+    return 0;
-+  if (sawinf) {
-+    numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG; /* Keep track of sign  */
-+  } else if (sawnan) {
-+    numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG; /* Keep track of sign  */
-+    numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NAN | IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT;
-+  } else if (s < send) {
-+    /* we can have an optional exponent part */
-+    if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') {
-+      /* The only flag we keep is sign.  Blow away any "it's UV"  */
-+      numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG;
-+      numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT;
-+      s++;
-+      if (s < send && (*s == '-' || *s == '+'))
-+        s++;
-+      if (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)) {
-+        do {
-+          s++;
-+        } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s));
-+      }
-+      else
-+      return 0;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  while (s < send && isSPACE(*s))
-+    s++;
-+  if (s >= send)
-+    return numtype;
-+  if (len == 10 && memEQ(pv, "0 but true", 10)) {
-+    if (valuep)
-+      *valuep = 0;
-+    return IS_NUMBER_IN_UV;
-+  }
-+  return 0;
-+ * The grok_* routines have been modified to use warn() instead of
-+ * Perl_warner(). Also, 'hexdigit' was the former name of PL_hexdigit,
-+ * which is why the stack variable has been renamed to 'xdigit'.
-+ */
-+#ifndef grok_bin
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_bin)
-+static UV DPPP_(my_grok_bin)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result);
-+extern UV DPPP_(my_grok_bin)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result);
-+#ifdef grok_bin
-+#  undef grok_bin
-+#define grok_bin(a,b,c,d) DPPP_(my_grok_bin)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d)
-+#define Perl_grok_bin DPPP_(my_grok_bin)
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_bin) || defined(NEED_grok_bin_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_grok_bin)(pTHX_ const char *start, STRLEN *len_p, I32 *flags, NV *result)
-+    const char *s = start;
-+    STRLEN len = *len_p;
-+    UV value = 0;
-+    NV value_nv = 0;
-+    const UV max_div_2 = UV_MAX / 2;
-+    bool allow_underscores = *flags & PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES;
-+    bool overflowed = FALSE;
-+    if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_DISALLOW_PREFIX)) {
-+        /* strip off leading b or 0b.
-+           for compatibility silently suffer "b" and "0b" as valid binary
-+           numbers. */
-+        if (len >= 1) {
-+            if (s[0] == 'b') {
-+                s++;
-+                len--;
-+            }
-+            else if (len >= 2 && s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'b') {
-+                s+=2;
-+                len-=2;
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-+    for (; len-- && *s; s++) {
-+        char bit = *s;
-+        if (bit == '0' || bit == '1') {
-+            /* Write it in this wonky order with a goto to attempt to get the
-+               compiler to make the common case integer-only loop pretty tight.
-+               With gcc seems to be much straighter code than old scan_bin.  */
-+          redo:
-+            if (!overflowed) {
-+                if (value <= max_div_2) {
-+                    value = (value << 1) | (bit - '0');
-+                    continue;
-+                }
-+                /* Bah. We're just overflowed.  */
-+                warn("Integer overflow in binary number");
-+                overflowed = TRUE;
-+                value_nv = (NV) value;
-+            }
-+            value_nv *= 2.0;
-+            /* If an NV has not enough bits in its mantissa to
-+             * represent a UV this summing of small low-order numbers
-+             * is a waste of time (because the NV cannot preserve
-+             * the low-order bits anyway): we could just remember when
-+             * did we overflow and in the end just multiply value_nv by the
-+             * right amount. */
-+            value_nv += (NV)(bit - '0');
-+            continue;
-+        }
-+        if (bit == '_' && len && allow_underscores && (bit = s[1])
-+            && (bit == '0' || bit == '1'))
-+            {
-+                --len;
-+                ++s;
-+                goto redo;
-+            }
-+        if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT))
-+            warn("Illegal binary digit '%c' ignored", *s);
-+        break;
-+    }
-+    if (   ( overflowed && value_nv > 4294967295.0)
-+#if UVSIZE > 4
-+        || (!overflowed && value > 0xffffffff  )
-+        ) {
-+        warn("Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable");
-+    }
-+    *len_p = s - start;
-+    if (!overflowed) {
-+        *flags = 0;
-+        return value;
-+    }
-+    if (result)
-+        *result = value_nv;
-+    return UV_MAX;
-+#ifndef grok_hex
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_hex)
-+static UV DPPP_(my_grok_hex)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result);
-+extern UV DPPP_(my_grok_hex)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result);
-+#ifdef grok_hex
-+#  undef grok_hex
-+#define grok_hex(a,b,c,d) DPPP_(my_grok_hex)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d)
-+#define Perl_grok_hex DPPP_(my_grok_hex)
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_hex) || defined(NEED_grok_hex_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_grok_hex)(pTHX_ const char *start, STRLEN *len_p, I32 *flags, NV *result)
-+    const char *s = start;
-+    STRLEN len = *len_p;
-+    UV value = 0;
-+    NV value_nv = 0;
-+    const UV max_div_16 = UV_MAX / 16;
-+    bool allow_underscores = *flags & PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES;
-+    bool overflowed = FALSE;
-+    const char *xdigit;
-+    if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_DISALLOW_PREFIX)) {
-+        /* strip off leading x or 0x.
-+           for compatibility silently suffer "x" and "0x" as valid hex numbers.
-+        */
-+        if (len >= 1) {
-+            if (s[0] == 'x') {
-+                s++;
-+                len--;
-+            }
-+            else if (len >= 2 && s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') {
-+                s+=2;
-+                len-=2;
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-+    for (; len-- && *s; s++) {
-+        xdigit = strchr((char *) PL_hexdigit, *s);
-+        if (xdigit) {
-+            /* Write it in this wonky order with a goto to attempt to get the
-+               compiler to make the common case integer-only loop pretty tight.
-+               With gcc seems to be much straighter code than old scan_hex.  */
-+          redo:
-+            if (!overflowed) {
-+                if (value <= max_div_16) {
-+                    value = (value << 4) | ((xdigit - PL_hexdigit) & 15);
-+                    continue;
-+                }
-+                warn("Integer overflow in hexadecimal number");
-+                overflowed = TRUE;
-+                value_nv = (NV) value;
-+            }
-+            value_nv *= 16.0;
-+            /* If an NV has not enough bits in its mantissa to
-+             * represent a UV this summing of small low-order numbers
-+             * is a waste of time (because the NV cannot preserve
-+             * the low-order bits anyway): we could just remember when
-+             * did we overflow and in the end just multiply value_nv by the
-+             * right amount of 16-tuples. */
-+            value_nv += (NV)((xdigit - PL_hexdigit) & 15);
-+            continue;
-+        }
-+        if (*s == '_' && len && allow_underscores && s[1]
-+                && (xdigit = strchr((char *) PL_hexdigit, s[1])))
-+            {
-+                --len;
-+                ++s;
-+                goto redo;
-+            }
-+        if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT))
-+            warn("Illegal hexadecimal digit '%c' ignored", *s);
-+        break;
-+    }
-+    if (   ( overflowed && value_nv > 4294967295.0)
-+#if UVSIZE > 4
-+        || (!overflowed && value > 0xffffffff  )
-+        ) {
-+        warn("Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable");
-+    }
-+    *len_p = s - start;
-+    if (!overflowed) {
-+        *flags = 0;
-+        return value;
-+    }
-+    if (result)
-+        *result = value_nv;
-+    return UV_MAX;
-+#ifndef grok_oct
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_oct)
-+static UV DPPP_(my_grok_oct)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result);
-+extern UV DPPP_(my_grok_oct)(pTHX_ const char * start, STRLEN * len_p, I32 * flags, NV * result);
-+#ifdef grok_oct
-+#  undef grok_oct
-+#define grok_oct(a,b,c,d) DPPP_(my_grok_oct)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d)
-+#define Perl_grok_oct DPPP_(my_grok_oct)
-+#if defined(NEED_grok_oct) || defined(NEED_grok_oct_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_grok_oct)(pTHX_ const char *start, STRLEN *len_p, I32 *flags, NV *result)
-+    const char *s = start;
-+    STRLEN len = *len_p;
-+    UV value = 0;
-+    NV value_nv = 0;
-+    const UV max_div_8 = UV_MAX / 8;
-+    bool allow_underscores = *flags & PERL_SCAN_ALLOW_UNDERSCORES;
-+    bool overflowed = FALSE;
-+    for (; len-- && *s; s++) {
-+         /* gcc 2.95 optimiser not smart enough to figure that this subtraction
-+            out front allows slicker code.  */
-+        int digit = *s - '0';
-+        if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 7) {
-+            /* Write it in this wonky order with a goto to attempt to get the
-+               compiler to make the common case integer-only loop pretty tight.
-+            */
-+          redo:
-+            if (!overflowed) {
-+                if (value <= max_div_8) {
-+                    value = (value << 3) | digit;
-+                    continue;
-+                }
-+                /* Bah. We're just overflowed.  */
-+                warn("Integer overflow in octal number");
-+                overflowed = TRUE;
-+                value_nv = (NV) value;
-+            }
-+            value_nv *= 8.0;
-+            /* If an NV has not enough bits in its mantissa to
-+             * represent a UV this summing of small low-order numbers
-+             * is a waste of time (because the NV cannot preserve
-+             * the low-order bits anyway): we could just remember when
-+             * did we overflow and in the end just multiply value_nv by the
-+             * right amount of 8-tuples. */
-+            value_nv += (NV)digit;
-+            continue;
-+        }
-+        if (digit == ('_' - '0') && len && allow_underscores
-+            && (digit = s[1] - '0') && (digit >= 0 && digit <= 7))
-+            {
-+                --len;
-+                ++s;
-+                goto redo;
-+            }
-+        /* Allow \octal to work the DWIM way (that is, stop scanning
-+         * as soon as non-octal characters are seen, complain only iff
-+         * someone seems to want to use the digits eight and nine). */
-+        if (digit == 8 || digit == 9) {
-+            if (!(*flags & PERL_SCAN_SILENT_ILLDIGIT))
-+                warn("Illegal octal digit '%c' ignored", *s);
-+        }
-+        break;
-+    }
-+    if (   ( overflowed && value_nv > 4294967295.0)
-+#if UVSIZE > 4
-+        || (!overflowed && value > 0xffffffff  )
-+        ) {
-+        warn("Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable");
-+    }
-+    *len_p = s - start;
-+    if (!overflowed) {
-+        *flags = 0;
-+        return value;
-+    }
-+    if (result)
-+        *result = value_nv;
-+    return UV_MAX;
-+#if !defined(my_snprintf)
-+#if defined(NEED_my_snprintf)
-+static int DPPP_(my_my_snprintf)(char * buffer, const Size_t len, const char * format, ...);
-+extern int DPPP_(my_my_snprintf)(char * buffer, const Size_t len, const char * format, ...);
-+#define my_snprintf DPPP_(my_my_snprintf)
-+#define Perl_my_snprintf DPPP_(my_my_snprintf)
-+#if defined(NEED_my_snprintf) || defined(NEED_my_snprintf_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_my_snprintf)(char *buffer, const Size_t len, const char *format, ...)
-+    dTHX;
-+    int retval;
-+    va_list ap;
-+    va_start(ap, format);
-+    retval = vsnprintf(buffer, len, format, ap);
-+    retval = vsprintf(buffer, format, ap);
-+    va_end(ap);
-+    if (retval < 0 || (len > 0 && (Size_t)retval >= len))
-+        Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: my_snprintf buffer overflow");
-+    return retval;
-+#if !defined(my_sprintf)
-+#if defined(NEED_my_sprintf)
-+static int DPPP_(my_my_sprintf)(char * buffer, const char * pat, ...);
-+extern int DPPP_(my_my_sprintf)(char * buffer, const char * pat, ...);
-+#define my_sprintf DPPP_(my_my_sprintf)
-+#define Perl_my_sprintf DPPP_(my_my_sprintf)
-+#if defined(NEED_my_sprintf) || defined(NEED_my_sprintf_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_my_sprintf)(char *buffer, const char* pat, ...)
-+    va_list args;
-+    va_start(args, pat);
-+    vsprintf(buffer, pat, args);
-+    va_end(args);
-+    return strlen(buffer);
-+#ifdef NO_XSLOCKS
-+#  ifdef dJMPENV
-+#    define dXCPT             dJMPENV; int rEtV = 0
-+#    define XCPT_TRY_START    JMPENV_PUSH(rEtV); if (rEtV == 0)
-+#    define XCPT_TRY_END      JMPENV_POP;
-+#    define XCPT_CATCH        if (rEtV != 0)
-+#    define XCPT_RETHROW      JMPENV_JUMP(rEtV)
-+#  else
-+#    define dXCPT             Sigjmp_buf oldTOP; int rEtV = 0
-+#    define XCPT_TRY_START    Copy(top_env, oldTOP, 1, Sigjmp_buf); rEtV = Sigsetjmp(top_env, 1); if (rEtV == 0)
-+#    define XCPT_TRY_END      Copy(oldTOP, top_env, 1, Sigjmp_buf);
-+#    define XCPT_CATCH        if (rEtV != 0)
-+#    define XCPT_RETHROW      Siglongjmp(top_env, rEtV)
-+#  endif
-+#if !defined(my_strlcat)
-+#if defined(NEED_my_strlcat)
-+static Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcat)(char * dst, const char * src, Size_t size);
-+extern Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcat)(char * dst, const char * src, Size_t size);
-+#define my_strlcat DPPP_(my_my_strlcat)
-+#define Perl_my_strlcat DPPP_(my_my_strlcat)
-+#if defined(NEED_my_strlcat) || defined(NEED_my_strlcat_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_my_strlcat)(char *dst, const char *src, Size_t size)
-+    Size_t used, length, copy;
-+    used = strlen(dst);
-+    length = strlen(src);
-+    if (size > 0 && used < size - 1) {
-+        copy = (length >= size - used) ? size - used - 1 : length;
-+        memcpy(dst + used, src, copy);
-+        dst[used + copy] = '\0';
-+    }
-+    return used + length;
-+#if !defined(my_strlcpy)
-+#if defined(NEED_my_strlcpy)
-+static Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy)(char * dst, const char * src, Size_t size);
-+extern Size_t DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy)(char * dst, const char * src, Size_t size);
-+#define my_strlcpy DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy)
-+#define Perl_my_strlcpy DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy)
-+#if defined(NEED_my_strlcpy) || defined(NEED_my_strlcpy_GLOBAL)
-+DPPP_(my_my_strlcpy)(char *dst, const char *src, Size_t size)
-+    Size_t length, copy;
-+    length = strlen(src);
-+    if (size > 0) {
-+        copy = (length >= size) ? size - 1 : length;
-+        memcpy(dst, src, copy);
-+        dst[copy] = '\0';
-+    }
-+    return length;
-+#  define PERL_PV_ESCAPE_QUOTE           0x0001
-+#  define PERL_PV_PRETTY_ELLIPSES        0x0002
-+#  define PERL_PV_PRETTY_LTGT            0x0004
-+#  define PERL_PV_ESCAPE_FIRSTCHAR       0x0008
-+#  define PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI             0x0100
-+#  define PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI_DETECT      0x0200
-+#  define PERL_PV_ESCAPE_ALL             0x1000
-+#  define PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOBACKSLASH     0x2000
-+#  define PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOCLEAR         0x4000
-+#  define PERL_PV_ESCAPE_RE              0x8000
-+/* Hint: pv_escape
-+ * Note that unicode functionality is only backported to
-+ * those perl versions that support it. For older perl
-+ * versions, the implementation will fall back to bytes.
-+ */
-+#ifndef pv_escape
-+#if defined(NEED_pv_escape)
-+static char * DPPP_(my_pv_escape)(pTHX_ SV * dsv, char const * const str, const STRLEN count, const STRLEN max, STRLEN * const escaped, const U32 flags);
-+extern char * DPPP_(my_pv_escape)(pTHX_ SV * dsv, char const * const str, const STRLEN count, const STRLEN max, STRLEN * const escaped, const U32 flags);
-+#ifdef pv_escape
-+#  undef pv_escape
-+#define pv_escape(a,b,c,d,e,f) DPPP_(my_pv_escape)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d,e,f)
-+#define Perl_pv_escape DPPP_(my_pv_escape)
-+#if defined(NEED_pv_escape) || defined(NEED_pv_escape_GLOBAL)
-+char *
-+DPPP_(my_pv_escape)(pTHX_ SV *dsv, char const * const str,
-+  const STRLEN count, const STRLEN max,
-+  STRLEN * const escaped, const U32 flags)
-+    const char esc = flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_RE ? '%' : '\\';
-+    const char dq = flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_QUOTE ? '"' : esc;
-+    char octbuf[32] = "%123456789ABCDF";
-+    STRLEN wrote = 0;
-+    STRLEN chsize = 0;
-+    STRLEN readsize = 1;
-+#if defined(is_utf8_string) && defined(utf8_to_uvchr)
-+    bool isuni = flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI ? 1 : 0;
-+    const char *pv  = str;
-+    const char * const end = pv + count;
-+    octbuf[0] = esc;
-+    if (!(flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOCLEAR))
-+        sv_setpvs(dsv, "");
-+#if defined(is_utf8_string) && defined(utf8_to_uvchr)
-+    if ((flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI_DETECT) && is_utf8_string((U8*)pv, count))
-+        isuni = 1;
-+    for (; pv < end && (!max || wrote < max) ; pv += readsize) {
-+        const UV u =
-+#if defined(is_utf8_string) && defined(utf8_to_uvchr)
-+                     isuni ? utf8_to_uvchr((U8*)pv, &readsize) :
-+                             (U8)*pv;
-+        const U8 c = (U8)u & 0xFF;
-+        if (u > 255 || (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_ALL)) {
-+            if (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_FIRSTCHAR)
-+                chsize = my_snprintf(octbuf, sizeof octbuf,
-+                                      "%"UVxf, u);
-+            else
-+                chsize = my_snprintf(octbuf, sizeof octbuf,
-+                                      "%cx{%"UVxf"}", esc, u);
-+        } else if (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOBACKSLASH) {
-+            chsize = 1;
-+        } else {
-+            if (c == dq || c == esc || !isPRINT(c)) {
-+                chsize = 2;
-+                switch (c) {
-+                case '\\' : /* fallthrough */
-+                case '%'  : if (c == esc)
-+                                octbuf[1] = esc;
-+                            else
-+                                chsize = 1;
-+                            break;
-+                case '\v' : octbuf[1] = 'v'; break;
-+                case '\t' : octbuf[1] = 't'; break;
-+                case '\r' : octbuf[1] = 'r'; break;
-+                case '\n' : octbuf[1] = 'n'; break;
-+                case '\f' : octbuf[1] = 'f'; break;
-+                case '"'  : if (dq == '"')
-+                                octbuf[1] = '"';
-+                            else
-+                                chsize = 1;
-+                            break;
-+                default:    chsize = my_snprintf(octbuf, sizeof octbuf,
-+                                pv < end && isDIGIT((U8)*(pv+readsize))
-+                                ? "%c%03o" : "%c%o", esc, c);
-+                }
-+            } else {
-+                chsize = 1;
-+            }
-+        }
-+        if (max && wrote + chsize > max) {
-+            break;
-+        } else if (chsize > 1) {
-+            sv_catpvn(dsv, octbuf, chsize);
-+            wrote += chsize;
-+        } else {
-+            char tmp[2];
-+            my_snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%c", c);
-+            sv_catpvn(dsv, tmp, 1);
-+            wrote++;
-+        }
-+        if (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_FIRSTCHAR)
-+            break;
-+    }
-+    if (escaped != NULL)
-+        *escaped= pv - str;
-+    return SvPVX(dsv);
-+#ifndef pv_pretty
-+#if defined(NEED_pv_pretty)
-+static char * DPPP_(my_pv_pretty)(pTHX_ SV * dsv, char const * const str, const STRLEN count, const STRLEN max, char const * const start_color, char const * const end_color, const U32 flags);
-+extern char * DPPP_(my_pv_pretty)(pTHX_ SV * dsv, char const * const str, const STRLEN count, const STRLEN max, char const * const start_color, char const * const end_color, const U32 flags);
-+#ifdef pv_pretty
-+#  undef pv_pretty
-+#define pv_pretty(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) DPPP_(my_pv_pretty)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-+#define Perl_pv_pretty DPPP_(my_pv_pretty)
-+#if defined(NEED_pv_pretty) || defined(NEED_pv_pretty_GLOBAL)
-+char *
-+DPPP_(my_pv_pretty)(pTHX_ SV *dsv, char const * const str, const STRLEN count,
-+  const STRLEN max, char const * const start_color, char const * const end_color,
-+  const U32 flags)
-+    const U8 dq = (flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_QUOTE) ? '"' : '%';
-+    STRLEN escaped;
-+    if (!(flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_NOCLEAR))
-+        sv_setpvs(dsv, "");
-+    if (dq == '"')
-+        sv_catpvs(dsv, "\"");
-+    else if (flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_LTGT)
-+        sv_catpvs(dsv, "<");
-+    if (start_color != NULL)
-+        sv_catpv(dsv, D_PPP_CONSTPV_ARG(start_color));
-+    pv_escape(dsv, str, count, max, &escaped, flags | PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOCLEAR);
-+    if (end_color != NULL)
-+        sv_catpv(dsv, D_PPP_CONSTPV_ARG(end_color));
-+    if (dq == '"')
-+        sv_catpvs(dsv, "\"");
-+    else if (flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_LTGT)
-+        sv_catpvs(dsv, ">");
-+    if ((flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_ELLIPSES) && escaped < count)
-+        sv_catpvs(dsv, "...");
-+    return SvPVX(dsv);
-+#ifndef pv_display
-+#if defined(NEED_pv_display)
-+static char * DPPP_(my_pv_display)(pTHX_ SV * dsv, const char * pv, STRLEN cur, STRLEN len, STRLEN pvlim);
-+extern char * DPPP_(my_pv_display)(pTHX_ SV * dsv, const char * pv, STRLEN cur, STRLEN len, STRLEN pvlim);
-+#ifdef pv_display
-+#  undef pv_display
-+#define pv_display(a,b,c,d,e) DPPP_(my_pv_display)(aTHX_ a,b,c,d,e)
-+#define Perl_pv_display DPPP_(my_pv_display)
-+#if defined(NEED_pv_display) || defined(NEED_pv_display_GLOBAL)
-+char *
-+DPPP_(my_pv_display)(pTHX_ SV *dsv, const char *pv, STRLEN cur, STRLEN len, STRLEN pvlim)
-+    pv_pretty(dsv, pv, cur, pvlim, NULL, NULL, PERL_PV_PRETTY_DUMP);
-+    if (len > cur && pv[cur] == '\0')
-+        sv_catpvs(dsv, "\\0");
-+    return SvPVX(dsv);
-+#endif /* _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ */
-+/* End of File ppport.h */
-diff -ur --new-file perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/t/dumper.t perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/t/dumper.t
---- perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/t/dumper.t	2014-09-14 07:31:01.000000000 -0400
-+++ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/t/dumper.t	2014-09-18 11:40:35.000000000 -0400
-@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@
- $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1;
- if (defined &Data::Dumper::Dumpxs) {
-   print "### XS extension loaded, will run XS tests\n";
--  $TMAX = 432; $XS = 1;
-+  $TMAX = 438; $XS = 1;
- }
- else {
-   print "### XS extensions not loaded, will NOT run XS tests\n";
--  $TMAX = 216; $XS = 0;
-+  $TMAX = 219; $XS = 0;
- }
- print "1..$TMAX\n";
-@@ -1670,3 +1670,16 @@
-     if $XS;
- }
- ############# 432
-+  sub foo {}
-+  $WANT = <<'EOW';
-+#*a = sub { "DUMMY" };
-+#$b = \&a;
-+  TEST q(Data::Dumper->new([ \&foo, \\&foo ], [ "*a", "b" ])->Dump), "name of code in *foo";
-+  TEST q(Data::Dumper->new([ \&foo, \\&foo ], [ "*a", "b" ])->Dumpxs), "name of code in *foo xs"
-+    if $XS;
-+############# 436
-diff -ur --new-file perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/t/recurse.t perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/t/recurse.t
---- perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper/t/recurse.t	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
-+++ perl-5.20.1/dist/Data-Dumper-2.154/t/recurse.t	2014-09-18 11:40:20.000000000 -0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
-+# Test the Maxrecurse option
-+use strict;
-+use Test::More tests => 32;
-+use Data::Dumper;
-+SKIP: {
-+    skip "no XS available", 16
-+      if $Data::Dumper::Useperl;
-+    local $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1;
-+    test_recursion();
-+sub test_recursion {
-+    my $pp = $Data::Dumper::Useperl ? "pure perl" : "XS";
-+    $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1; # make sure this has no effect
-+    $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
-+    $Data::Dumper::Maxrecurse = 1;
-+    is(eval { Dumper([]) }, '$VAR1 = [];', "$pp: maxrecurse 1, []");
-+    is(eval { Dumper([[]]) }, undef, "$pp: maxrecurse 1, [[]]");
-+    ok($@, "exception thrown");
-+    is(eval { Dumper({}) }, '$VAR1 = {};', "$pp: maxrecurse 1, {}");
-+    is(eval { Dumper({ a => 1 }) }, q($VAR1 = {'a' => 1};),
-+       "$pp: maxrecurse 1, { a => 1 }");
-+    is(eval { Dumper({ a => {} }) }, undef, "$pp: maxrecurse 1, { a => {} }");
-+    ok($@, "exception thrown");
-+    is(eval { Dumper(\1) }, "\$VAR1 = \\1;", "$pp: maxrecurse 1, \\1");
-+    is(eval { Dumper(\\1) }, undef, "$pp: maxrecurse 1, \\1");
-+    ok($@, "exception thrown");
-+    $Data::Dumper::Maxrecurse = 3;
-+    is(eval { Dumper(\1) }, "\$VAR1 = \\1;", "$pp: maxrecurse 3, \\1");
-+    is(eval { Dumper(\(my $s = {})) }, "\$VAR1 = \\{};", "$pp: maxrecurse 3, \\{}");
-+    is(eval { Dumper(\(my $s = { a => [] })) }, "\$VAR1 = \\{'a' => []};",
-+       "$pp: maxrecurse 3, \\{ a => [] }");
-+    is(eval { Dumper(\(my $s = { a => [{}] })) }, undef,
-+       "$pp: maxrecurse 3, \\{ a => [{}] }");
-+    ok($@, "exception thrown");
-+    $Data::Dumper::Maxrecurse = 0;
-+    is(eval { Dumper([[[[[]]]]]) }, q($VAR1 = [[[[[]]]]];),
-+       "$pp: check Maxrecurse doesn't set limit to 0 recursion");
--- a/components/perl/perl520/perl-520.p5m	Wed Apr 08 10:31:09 2015 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2299 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
-# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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-# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
-# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
-# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
-# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
-# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-# Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-<transform file path=usr.*/man/.+ -> default uncommitted>
-set name=pkg.fmri \
-    value=pkg:/runtime/perl-520@$(IPS_COMPONENT_VERSION),$(BUILD_VERSION)
-set name=pkg.summary value=Perl
-set \
-    value="Perl is a general-purpose programming language originally developed for text manipulation and now used for a wide range of tasks including system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and more."
-set value=$(TPNO)
-set name=info.classification \
-    value=org.opensolaris.category.2008:Development/Perl
-set name=info.source-url value=$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL)
-set name=info.upstream-url value=$(COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL)
-set name=org.opensolaris.arc-caseid value=PSARC/2014/435
-set name=org.opensolaris.consolidation value=$(CONSOLIDATION)
-# This link is always mediated.
-# Customers may customize this link by creating their own IPS packages
-link path=usr/bin/perl target=../perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/perl mediator=perl \
-    mediator-version=$(PERL_VERSION)
-dir  path=usr/perl5 owner=root group=bin mode=0755
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/a2p
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/c2ph
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/config_data
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/corelist
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/cpan
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/enc2xs
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/find2perl
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/h2ph
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/h2xs
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/instmodsh
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/json_pp
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/libnetcfg
-hardlink path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/perl target=perl$(COMPONENT_VERSION)
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/perl$(COMPONENT_VERSION)
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/perlbug
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/perldoc
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/perlivp
-hardlink path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/perlthanks target=perlbug
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/piconv
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/pl2pm
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/pod2html
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/pod2man
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/pod2text
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/pod2usage
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/podchecker
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/podselect
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/prove
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/psed
-hardlink path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/pstruct target=c2ph
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/ptar
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/ptardiff
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/ptargrep
-hardlink path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/s2p target=psed
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/shasum
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/splain
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/xsubpp
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/bin/zipdetails
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/.packlist
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/B/
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/B/
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/B/
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/B/
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/EXTERN.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/INTERN.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/XSUB.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/av.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/bitcount.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/charclass_invlists.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/config.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/cop.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/cv.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/dosish.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/embed.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/embedvar.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/fakesdio.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/feature.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/form.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/git_version.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/gv.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/handy.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/hv.h
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64/CORE/hv_func.h
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-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Multiplexer.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result::Comment.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result::Plan.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result::Test.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result::Version.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Result::YAML.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::ResultFactory.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Scheduler.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::Source.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::SourceHandler.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Term::ANSIColor.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Term::Cap.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Term::Complete.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Term::ReadLine.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test::Builder.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test::Builder::Module.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test::Builder::Tester.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test::Builder::Tester::Color.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test::Harness.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test::More.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test::Simple.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Test::Tutorial.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Text::Abbrev.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Text::Balanced.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Text::ParseWords.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Text::Tabs.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Text::Wrap.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Thread.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Thread::Queue.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Thread::Semaphore.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::Array.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::File.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::Handle.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::Hash.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::Hash::NamedCapture.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::Memoize.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::RefHash.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::Scalar.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::StdHandle.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Tie::SubstrHash.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Time::HiRes.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Time::Local.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Time::Piece.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Time::Seconds.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Time::gmtime.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Time::localtime.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Time::tm.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/UNIVERSAL.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Collate::Locale.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::Normalize.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/Unicode::UCD.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/User::grent.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/User::pwent.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/XSLoader.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/arybase.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/attributes.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/autodie.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/autodie::exception.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/autodie::exception::system.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/autodie::hints.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/autodie::skip.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/autouse.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/base.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/bigint.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/bignum.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/bigrat.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/blib.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/bytes.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/charnames.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/constant.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/deprecate.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/diagnostics.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/encoding.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/encoding::warnings.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/experimental.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/feature.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/fields.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/filetest.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/if.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/inc::latest.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/integer.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/less.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/lib.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/locale.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/mro.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/open.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/ops.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/overload.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/overloading.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/parent.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/re.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/sigtrap.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/sort.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/strict.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/subs.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/threads.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/threads::shared.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/utf8.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/vars.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/version.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/version::Internals.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/vmsish.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/warnings.3
-file path=usr/perl5/$(PERL_VERSION)/man/man3/warnings::register.3
-link path=usr/perl5/bin target=$(PERL_VERSION)/bin mediator=perl \
-    mediator-version=$(PERL_VERSION)
-link path=usr/perl5/man target=$(PERL_VERSION)/man mediator=perl \
-    mediator-version=$(PERL_VERSION)
-link path=usr/perl5/pod target=$(PERL_VERSION)/lib/pod mediator=perl \
-    mediator-version=$(PERL_VERSION)
-dir  path=usr/perl5/site_perl/$(PERL_VERSION)/$(P_ARCH)-solaris-thread-multi-64
-license perl.license license=Artistic
--- a/components/perl/perl520/perl.license	Wed Apr 08 10:31:09 2015 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3655 +0,0 @@
-Portions of this program use Perl 5.20, the open source version is made
-available by Larry Wall and others under the terms of the below version of the
-Artistic License.  As such, Oracle is required to provide the following notices.
-Note, however, that the Oracle program license that accompanied this program
-determines your right to use the Oracle program, including Perl, and the terms
-contained in the following notices do not change those rights.
-Extensions to Perl have been made by Oracle to support current versions of
-Solaris and provide additional tools.  These changes are detailed at:
-The current open source version of Perl can be downloaded at:
-Oracle elects to license this file available under the Artistic License as
-expressly permitted by the Perl licensing terms.
-Perl is Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
-2013, 2014 by Larry Wall and others. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of either:
-   a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-   Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
-   later version, or
-   b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this
-Kit, in the file named "Artistic". If not, I'll be glad to provide one.
-You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program in the file named "Copying". If not, write to the
-Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA or visit their web page on the internet at
-For those of you that choose to use the GNU General Public License,
-my interpretation of the GNU General Public License is that no Perl
-script falls under the terms of the GPL unless you explicitly put
-said script under the terms of the GPL yourself. Furthermore, any
-object code linked with perl does not automatically fall under the
-terms of the GPL, provided such object code only adds definitions
-of subroutines and variables, and does not otherwise impair the
-resulting interpreter from executing any standard Perl script. I
-consider linking in C subroutines in this manner to be the moral
-equivalent of defining subroutines in the Perl language itself. You
-may sell such an object file as proprietary provided that you provide
-or offer to provide the Perl source, as specified by the GNU General
-Public License. (This is merely an alternate way of specifying input
-to the program.) You may also sell a binary produced by the dumping of
-a running Perl script that belongs to you, provided that you provide or
-offer to provide the Perl source as specified by the GPL. (The
-fact that a Perl interpreter and your code are in the same binary file
-is, in this case, a form of mere aggregation.) This is my interpretation
-of the GPL. If you still have concerns or difficulties understanding
-my intent, feel free to contact me. Of course, the Artistic License
-spells all this out for your protection, so you may prefer to use that.
-			 The "Artistic License"
-					Preamble
-The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a
-Package may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some
-semblance of artistic control over the development of the package,
-while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute
-the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make
-reasonable modifications.
-	"Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the
-	Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files
-	created through textual modification.
-	"Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been
-	modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes
-	of the Copyright Holder as specified below.
-	"Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or
-	copyrights for the package.
-	"You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing
-	this Package.
-	"Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the
-	basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved,
-	and so on. (You will not be required to justify it to the
-	Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large
-	as a market that must bear the fee.)
-	"Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item
-	itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item.
-	It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it
-	under the same conditions they received it.
-1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
-Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
-duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
-2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications
-derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package
-modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
-3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided
-that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and
-when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the
-a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
-Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or
-an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive
-site such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include
-your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
-b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
-c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict
-with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide
-a separate manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly
-documents how it differs from the Standard Version.
-d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
-4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or
-executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
-a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
-together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where
-to get the Standard Version.
-b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of
-the Package with your modifications.
-c) give non-standard executables non-standard names, and clearly
-document the differences in manual pages (or equivalent), together
-with instructions on where to get the Standard Version.
-d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
-5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
-Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this
-Package. You may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However,
-you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly
-commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software
-distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a
-product of your own. You may embed this Package's interpreter within
-an executable of yours (by linking); this shall be construed as a mere
-form of aggregation, provided that the complete Standard Version of the
-interpreter is so embedded.
-6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as
-output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall
-under the copyright of this Package, but belong to whoever generated
-them, and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this
-Package. If such scripts or library files are aggregated with this
-Package via the so-called "undump" or "unexec" methods of producing a
-binary executable image, then distribution of such an image shall
-neither be construed as a distribution of this Package nor shall it
-fall under the restrictions of Paragraphs 3 and 4, provided that you do
-not represent such an executable image as a Standard Version of this
-7. C subroutines (or comparably compiled subroutines in other
-languages) supplied by you and linked into this Package in order to
-emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this
-Package shall not be considered part of this Package, but are the
-equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6, provided these subroutines do
-not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the
-regression tests for the language.
-8. Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is always
-permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded; that is,
-when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's interfaces visible
-to the end user of the commercial distribution. Such use shall not be
-construed as a distribution of this Package.
-9. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
-products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-	      		      	  The End
-		      Version 1, February 1989
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-   		 Preamble
-The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
-at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
-General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
-software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
-You can use it for your programs, too.
-When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
-sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
-software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
-that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
-programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
-For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must tell them their rights.
-We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
-Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
-The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
-0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
-distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
-"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
-on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
-Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications. Each
-licensee is addressed as "you".
-1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
-code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
-appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
-disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
-General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
-other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
-along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of
-transferring a copy.
-2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
-it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
-1 above, provided that you also do the following:
-a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
-you changed the files and the date of any change; and
-b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
-in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
-with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
-third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
-that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
-third parties, at your option).
-c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
-run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
-in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
-announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
-that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
-warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
-conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
-Public License.
-d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
-copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
-exchange for a fee.
-Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
-derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
-the other work under the scope of these terms.
-3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
-it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
-a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
-Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
-b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
-for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
-corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
-Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
-c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
-corresponding source code may be obtained. (This alternative is
-allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
-Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
-modifications to it. For an executable file, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
-exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
-libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
-file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
-accompany that operating system.
-4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
-Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
-Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
-the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
-the Program under this License. However, parties who have received
-copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
-License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
-remain in full compliance.
-5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
-on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
-and all its terms and conditions.
-6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
-licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
-terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
-recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
-   	     	  NO WARRANTY
-		Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
-To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to
-attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
-the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-Copyright (C) 19yy 
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
-Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
-Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
-This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
-appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
-commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
-c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here a sample; alter the names:
-Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
-program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
-at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
-, 1 April 1989
-Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
-* pregcomp and pregexec -- regsub and regerror are not used in perl
-* Copyright (c) 1986 by University of Toronto.
-* Written by Henry Spencer. Not derived from licensed software.
-* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
-* purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
-* subject to the following restrictions:
-* 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of
-* this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise
-* from defects in it.
-* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
-* by explicit claim or by omission.
-* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
-* be misrepresented as being the original software.
-**** Alterations to Henry's code are...
-**** Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
-**** 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
-**** by Larry Wall and others
-**** You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-**** License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Michael G Schwern
-This software originally derived from Paul Sheer's pivotal_gmtime_r.c.
-The MIT License:
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# Copyright 1995-1999, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
-# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
-# notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
-# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
-# listing the modifications you have made.
-This program, "bzip2", the associated library "libbzip2", and all
-documentation, are copyright (C) 1996-2007 Julian R Seward. All
-rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must 
-not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this 
-software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product 
-documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-3. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
-not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote 
-products derived from this software without specific prior written 
-Julian Seward, [email protected]
-bzip2/libbzip2 version 1.0.5 of 10 December 2007
-* Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Mark Adler
-* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
-* Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Jean-loup Gailly.
-* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
-* Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Mark Adler
-* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
-* Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly.
-* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
-* Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly
-* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
-* Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Mark Adler
-* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
-/* zlib.h -- interface of the 'zlib' general purpose compression library
-version 1.2.3, July 18th, 2005
-Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-appreciated but is not required.
-2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-misrepresented as being the original software.
-3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler
[email protected] [email protected]
-The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs (Request for
-Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files
-(zlib format), rfc1951.txt (deflate format) and rfc1952.txt (gzip format).
-Copyright (C) 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All
-rights reserved.
-License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it
-is identified as the "RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
-Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing this software
-or this function.
-License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided
-that such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Data
-Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material
-mentioning or referencing the derived work.
-RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either
-the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this
-software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty of any kind.
-These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this
-documentation and/or software.
-This copyright does not prohibit distribution of any version of Perl
-containing this extension under the terms of the GNU or Artistic
-=head1 AUTHORS
-The original C interface was written by Neil Winton
-The C module is written by Gisle Aas .
-Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Audrey Tang [email protected].
-This software is released under the MIT license cited below. Additionally,
-when this software is distributed with B, you may also
-redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head2 The "MIT" License
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988, 1993
-* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
-* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-* are met:
-* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
-* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-* without specific prior written permission.
-* @(#)syslog.h 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/2/93
-# (c) Copyright 1998-2007 by Mark Mielke
-# Freedom to use these sources for whatever you want, as long as credit
-# is given where credit is due, is hereby granted. You may make modifications
-# where you see fit but leave this copyright somewhere visible. As well, try
-# to initial any changes you make so that if I like the changes I can
-# incorporate them into later versions.
-# - Mark Mielke 
-Copyright (C) 1996-2002,2005,2006 David Muir Sharnoff.
-Copyright (C) 2005 Aristotle Pagaltzis
-This module may be modified, used, copied, and redistributed at your own risk.
-Publicly redistributed modified versions must use a different name.
-David Muir Sharnoff with help from Tim Pierce and
-many many others. Copyright (C) 1996-2009 David Muir Sharnoff.
-This module may be modified, used, copied, and redistributed at
-your own risk. Publicly redistributed versions that are modified
-must use a different name.
-* Copyright (c) 1989, 1993
-* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
-* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
-* Guido van Rossum.
-* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-* are met:
-* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-* 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
-* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-* without specific prior written permission.
-The Perl interface was written by Nathan Torkington [email protected],
-and is released under the artistic license. Further modifications were
-made by Greg Bacon [email protected], Gurusamy Sarathy
[email protected], and Thomas Wegner
[email protected]. The C glob code has the
-following copyright:
-Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California.
-All rights reserved.
-This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
-Guido van Rossum.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
-may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-without specific prior written permission.
-# File/ Written in 1994 by Aaron Sherman . This
-# source code has been placed in the public domain by the author.
-# Please be kind and preserve the documentation.
-# Additions copyright 1996 by Charles Bailey. Permission is granted
-# to distribute the revised code under the same terms as Perl itself.
-* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
-* 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Larry Wall and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
-* 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 by Larry Wall and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* Copyright (C) 2013
-* by Larry Wall and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* Copyright (C) 2012 by Larry Wall and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* malloc.c (Caltech) 2/21/82
-* Chris Kingsley, kingsley@cit-20.
-* Modifications Copyright Ilya Zakharevich 1996-99.
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Brandon L Black
-* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Larry Wall and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
-* 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Larry Wall
-* and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* Copyright (c) 1996-2006, Nick Ing-Simmons
-* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Larry Wall and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
-* or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Larry Wall and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* Note that this file was originally generated as an output from
-* GNU bison version 1.875, but now the code is statically maintained
-* and edited; the bits that are dependent on perly.y are now
-* #included from the files and perly.act.
-* Here is an important copyright statement from the original, generated
-* file:
-* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
-* Bison output file, you may use that output file without 
-* restriction. This special exception was added by the Free
-* Software Foundation in version 1.24 of Bison.
-* Note that this file is also #included in madly.c, to allow compilation
-* of a second parser, Perl_madparse, that is identical to Perl_yyparse,
-* but which includes extra code for dumping the parse tree.
-* This is controlled by the PERL_IN_MADLY_C define. 
-* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
-* 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Larry Wall and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* The quicksort implementation was derived from source code contributed
-* by Tom Horsley.
-* NOTE: this code was derived from Tom Horsley's qsort replacement
-* and should not be confused with the original code.
-/* Copyright (C) Tom Horsley, 1997. All rights reserved.
-Permission granted to distribute under the same terms as perl which are
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of either:
-a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
-later version, or
-b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit.
-Details on the perl license can be found in the perl source code which
-may be located via the web page.
-This is the most wonderfulest possible qsort I can come up with (and
-still be mostly portable) My (limited) tests indicate it consistently
-does about 20% fewer calls to compare than does the qsort in the Visual
-C++ library, other vendors may vary.
-Some of the ideas in here can be found in "Algorithms" by Sedgewick,
-others I invented myself (or more likely re-invented since they seemed
-pretty obvious once I watched the algorithm operate for a while).
-/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3. */
-/* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C
-Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
-Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
-/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
-part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
-parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
-as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
-the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
-special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
-Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
-License without this special exception.
-This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
-version 2.2 of Bison. */
-* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 by Larry Wall,
-* Nick Ing-Simmons, and others
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-* Macros to implement UTF-EBCDIC as perl's internal encoding
-* Taken from version 7.1 of Unicode Techical Report #16:
-* Copyright (c) 1999 Olaf Flebbe [email protected]
-* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-version.c -- Perl 5 interface to Berkeley DB
-written by Paul Marquess 
-last modified 2nd Jan 2002
-version 1.802
-All comments/suggestions/problems are welcome
-Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-* Perl/Pollution/Portability
-* $Revision: 12 $
-* $Author: mhx $
-* $Date: 2009/01/18 14:10:49 +0100 $
-* Version 3.x, Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
-* Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
-* Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski.
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-* Copyright (c) 1997-8 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-* hmac.c: routines to compute HMAC-SHA-1/224/256/384/512 digests
-* Ref: FIPS PUB 198 The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code
-* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Mark Shelor, All Rights Reserved 
-Copyright 2007 by Marcus Holland-Moritz .
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by H.Merijn Brand (m)'07 [18-04-2007]
-# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-# License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-Copyright 2003 by Marcus Holland-Moritz .
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2009
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
-at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
-This library is free software. You can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Malcolm Beattie, C
-Reini Urban C
-=head1 LICENSE
-Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Malcolm Beattie
-Copyright (c) 2008 Reini Urban
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of either:
-a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
-later version, or
-b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this kit.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this kit,
-in the file named "Artistic". If not, you can get one from the Perl
-distribution. You should also have received a copy of the GNU General
-Public License, in the file named "Copying". If not, you can get one
-from the Perl distribution or else write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Originally by the perl5-porters.
-Maintained by Ken Williams 
-Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Portions of the C code in this library are copyright (c) 1994 by the
-Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. The
-license on this code is compatible with the licensing of the rest of
-the distribution - please see the source code in F for the
-# written by Paul Marquess ([email protected])
-# last modified 28th October 2007
-# version 1.818
-# Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1995-2007 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved. This program
-is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
-Although B is covered by the Perl license, the library it
-makes use of, namely Berkeley DB, is not. Berkeley DB has its own
-copyright and its own license. Please take the time to read it.
-Here are are few words taken from the Berkeley DB FAQ (at
-F) regarding the license:
-Do I have to license DB to use it in Perl scripts?
-No. The Berkeley DB license requires that software that uses
-Berkeley DB be freely redistributable. In the case of Perl, that
-software is Perl, and not your scripts. Any Perl scripts that you
-write are your property, including scripts that make use of
-Berkeley DB. Neither the Perl license nor the Berkeley DB license
-place any restriction on what you may do with them.
-If you are in any doubt about the license situation, contact either the
-Berkeley DB authors or the author of DB_File. See L for details.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 1998-2003 Gisle Aas.
-Copyright 1995-1996 Neil Winton.
-Copyright 1991-1992 RSA Data Security, Inc.
-The MD5 algorithm is defined in RFC 1321. This implementation is
-derived from the reference C code in RFC 1321 which is covered by
-the following copyright statement:
-=over 4
-Copyright (C) 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All
-rights reserved.
-License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it
-is identified as the "RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
-Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing this software
-or this function.
-License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided
-that such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Data
-Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material
-mentioning or referencing the derived work.
-RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either
-the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this
-software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty of any kind.
-These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this
-documentation and/or software.
-This copyright does not prohibit distribution of any version of Perl
-containing this extension under the terms of the GNU or Artistic
-=head1 AUTHORS
-The original C interface was written by Neil Winton
-The C module is written by Gisle Aas .
-Gisle Aas 
-The C interface is based on the interface originally
-developed by Neil Winton for his C module.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 1998-2006 Gisle Aas.
-Copyright 1995,1996 Neil Winton.
-This project was originated by Nick Ing-Simmons and later maintained
-by Dan Kogai [email protected]. See AUTHORS for a full
-list of people involved. For any questions, use
[email protected] so we can all share.
-While Dan Kogai retains the copyright as a maintainer, the credit
-should go to all those involoved. See AUTHORS for those submitted
-Copyright 2002-2006 Dan Kogai [email protected]
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Tim Jenness [email protected]
-Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Tim Jenness.
-Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Tim Jenness and the UK Particle Physics and
-Astronomy Research Council. All Rights Reserved. This program is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
-terms as Perl itself.
-Original Perl implementation loosely based on the OpenBSD C code for
-mkstemp(). Thanks to Tom Christiansen for suggesting that this module
-should be written and providing ideas for code improvements and
-security enhancements.
-# Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Tom Hughes .
-# All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
-# it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Original math code by Mark Biggar, rewritten by Tels L
-in late 2000.
-Seperated from BigInt and shaped API with the help of John Peacock.
-Fixed, sped-up and enhanced by Tels 2001-2003.
-Further streamlining (api_version 1 etc.) by Tels 2004-2007.
-# Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 M-J. Dominus.
-# You may copy and distribute this program under the
-# same terms as Perl itself. If in doubt,
-# write to [email protected] for a license.
-Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by Mark Jason Dominus
-This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 1995-1999, 2001-2004 Gisle Aas.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Distantly based on LWP::Base64 written by Martijn Koster
-and Joerg Reichelt and
-code posted to comp.lang.perl by Hans
-The XS implementation uses code from metamail. Copyright 1991 Bell
-Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore)
-Copyright 1995-1997,2002-2004 Gisle Aas.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Tim Jenness. All Rights Reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 1990-2008 by Larry Wall and others.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009
-# Russ Allbery and Zenin
-# PUSH/POP support submitted 2007 by voice solutions
-# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Original idea (using constants) by Zenin, reimplemented using subs by Russ
-Allbery , and then combined with the original idea by
-Russ with input from Zenin. Russ Allbery now maintains this module.
-Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Russ
-Allbery and Zenin. This program is free software; you
-may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-PUSHCOLOR, POPCOLOR, and LOCALCOLOR were contributed by
-voice solutions.
-Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Douglas E. Wegscheid. All rights reserved.
-Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Jarkko Hietaniemi.
-All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The Unicode::Collate module for perl was written by SADAHIRO Tomoyuki,
-. This module is Copyright(C) 2001-2005,
-SADAHIRO Tomoyuki. Japan. All rights reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The file Unicode/Collate/allkeys.txt was copied directly
-from L.
-This file is Copyright (c) 1991-2005 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.
-Distributed under the Terms of Use in L.
-SADAHIRO Tomoyuki 
-Copyright(C) 2001-2007, SADAHIRO Tomoyuki. Japan. All rights reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Stephen McCamant.
-# All rights reserved.
-# This module is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify
-# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Gurusamy Sarathy [email protected]
-Copyright (c) 1996-98 Gurusamy Sarathy. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2009 by Robin Barker
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or,
-at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
-# Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Raphael Manfredi
-# You may redistribute only under the same terms as Perl 5, as specified
-# in the README file that comes with the distribution.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2008, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
-and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 Malcolm Beattie
-# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-# License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-Ilya Zakharevich [email protected]
-Copyright (c) 1995-98 Ilya Zakharevich. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Author of this software makes no claim whatsoever about suitability,
-reliability, edability, editability or usability of this product, and
-should not be kept liable for any damage resulting from the use of
-it. If you can use it, you are in luck, if not, I should not be kept
-responsible. Keep a handy copy of your backup tape at hand.
-Copyright 2001 by Jarkko Hietaniemi
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Brandon L Black
-# Copyright (c) 2008,2009 Larry Wall and others
-# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-# License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
-Andrew Main (Zefram) 
-Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Main (Zefram) 
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Tim Jenness, [email protected],
-Christian Soeller, [email protected],
-Hugo van der Sanden [email protected]
-Copyright (C) 2002,2004 Tim Jenness, Christian Soeller, Hugo van der Sanden.
-All Rights Reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Tim Jenness [email protected]
-Copyright (C) 2001 Tim Jenness All Rights Reserved. This program is
-free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
-terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2008-2009, Paul Fenwick [email protected]
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software. You may distribute it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
-Original module by Lionel Cons (CERN).
-Prototype updates by Ilya Zakharevich .
-L support, bugfixes, extended diagnostics, C
-support, and major overhauling by Paul Fenwick 
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software, you may distribute it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
-C is maintained by the perl5-porters. Please direct
-any questions to the canonical mailing list. Anything that
-is applicable to the CPAN release can be sent to its maintainer,
-Author and Maintainer: The Perl5-Porters 
-Maintainer of the CPAN release: Steffen Mueller 
-This package has been part of the perl core since the first release
-of perl5. It has been released separately to CPAN so older installations
-can benefit from bug fixes.
-This package has the same copyright and license as the perl core:
-Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
-2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
-by Larry Wall and others
-All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of either:
-a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
-later version, or
-b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this
-Kit, in the file named "Artistic". If not, I'll be glad to provide one.
-You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program in the file named "Copying". If not, write to the
-Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
-02111-1307, USA or visit their web page on the internet at
-For those of you that choose to use the GNU General Public License,
-my interpretation of the GNU General Public License is that no Perl
-script falls under the terms of the GPL unless you explicitly put
-said script under the terms of the GPL yourself. Furthermore, any
-object code linked with perl does not automatically fall under the
-terms of the GPL, provided such object code only adds definitions
-of subroutines and variables, and does not otherwise impair the
-resulting interpreter from executing any standard Perl script. I
-consider linking in C subroutines in this manner to be the moral
-equivalent of defining subroutines in the Perl language itself. You
-may sell such an object file as proprietary provided that you provide
-or offer to provide the Perl source, as specified by the GNU General
-Public License. (This is merely an alternate way of specifying input
-to the program.) You may also sell a binary produced by the dumping of
-a running Perl script that belongs to you, provided that you provide or
-offer to provide the Perl source as specified by the GPL. (The
-fact that a Perl interpreter and your code are in the same binary file
-is, in this case, a form of mere aggregation.) This is my interpretation
-of the GPL. If you still have concerns or difficulties understanding
-my intent, feel free to contact me. Of course, the Artistic License
-spells all this out for your protection, so you may prefer to use that.
-# Copyright 1995-1998 Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
-# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
-# notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
-# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
-# listing the modifications you have made.
-The distribution is copyright 1995-2007, Lincoln D. Stein. It is
-distributed under GPL and the Artistic License 2.0. It is currently
-maintained by Mark Stosberg with help from many contributors.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c)
-2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans [email protected]. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Version 3.x, Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
-# Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
-# Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 2000 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
-and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2007 Max Maischein C >>
-Based on the idea of C, which was introduced with Perl 5.004_04.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is released under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin.
-Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Michael G. Schwern.
-Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Sean M. Burke.
-Current maintainer: Jesse Vincent. [email protected]
-This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
-or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Tom Phoenix
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This package has been part of the perl core since the first release
-of perl5. It has been released separately to CPAN so older installations
-can benefit from bug fixes.
-This package has the same copyright and license as the perl core:
-Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
-2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Larry Wall and others
-All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of either:
-a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
-later version, or
-b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this
-Kit, in the file named "Artistic". If not, I'll be glad to provide one.
-You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program in the file named "Copying". If not, write to the
-Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
-02111-1307, USA or visit their web page on the internet at
-For those of you that choose to use the GNU General Public License,
-my interpretation of the GNU General Public License is that no Perl
-script falls under the terms of the GPL unless you explicitly put
-said script under the terms of the GPL yourself. Furthermore, any
-object code linked with perl does not automatically fall under the
-terms of the GPL, provided such object code only adds definitions
-of subroutines and variables, and does not otherwise impair the
-resulting interpreter from executing any standard Perl script. I
-consider linking in C subroutines in this manner to be the moral
-equivalent of defining subroutines in the Perl language itself. You
-may sell such an object file as proprietary provided that you provide
-or offer to provide the Perl source, as specified by the GNU General
-Public License. (This is merely an alternate way of specifying input
-to the program.) You may also sell a binary produced by the dumping of
-a running Perl script that belongs to you, provided that you provide or
-offer to provide the Perl source as specified by the GPL. (The
-fact that a Perl interpreter and your code are in the same binary file
-is, in this case, a form of mere aggregation.) This is my interpretation
-of the GPL. If you still have concerns or difficulties understanding
-my intent, feel free to contact me. Of course, the Artistic License
-spells all this out for your protection, so you may prefer to use that.
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Stephen McCamant. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it
-# under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This module is copyright (c) 2002 - 2009 Jos Boumans
[email protected]. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C)2008 Paul Fenwick
-This is free software. You may modify and/or redistribute this
-code under the same terms as Perl 5.10 itself, or, at your option,
-any later version of Perl 5.
-Copyright 2009, Paul Fenwick [email protected]
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software. You may distribute it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 1995-2002, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright 1995,1996, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
-# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
-# notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
-# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
-# listing the modifications you have made.
-Copyright 1996-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Brian Paulsen , with minor modifications by
-Lincoln Stein for incorporation into the
-Copyright 1999, Brian Paulsen. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright 1995-2000, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
-# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
-# notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you 
-# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
-# listing the modifications you have made.
-Copyright 1995-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 1995-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2009-2014 H.Merijn Brand
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2001-2009, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.
-You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-# _uri_split taken from URI::Split by Gisle Aas, Copyright 2003
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden and Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Adam Kennedy.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c)
-2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans [email protected]. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c)
-2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans [email protected]. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Mark Shelor
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by Audrey Tang [email protected].
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See L
-Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2002-2009 by Ken Williams, David Golden and other contributors. All
-rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Based on the ExtUtils::xsubpp code by Larry Wall and the Perl 5
-Porters, which was released under the same license terms.
-This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Leon Timmermans.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-This module is copyright (C) Charles Bailey, Tim Bunce and
-David Landgren 1995-2009. All rights reserved.
-This program is Copyright 1990,2009 by Johan Vromans.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License or the
-GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to
-the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
-MA 02139, USA.
-This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Christian Hansen.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2005 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Paul Evans .
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-Terms of the Perl programming language system itself
-a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
-later version, or
-b) the "Artistic License"
---- The GNU General Public License, Version 1, February 1989 ---
-This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Paul Evans .
-This is free software, licensed under:
-The GNU General Public License, Version 1, February 1989
-Version 1, February 1989
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-51 Franklin St, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
-at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
-General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
-software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
-You can use it for your programs, too.
-When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
-sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
-software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
-that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
-programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
-For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must tell them their rights.
-We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
-Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
-The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
-0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
-distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
-"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
-on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
-Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications. Each
-licensee is addressed as "you".
-1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
-code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
-appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
-disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
-General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
-other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
-along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of
-transferring a copy.
-2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
-it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
-1 above, provided that you also do the following:
-a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
-you changed the files and the date of any change; and
-b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
-in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
-with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
-third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
-that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
-third parties, at your option).
-c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
-run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
-in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
-announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
-that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
-warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
-conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
-Public License.
-d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
-copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
-exchange for a fee.
-Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
-derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
-the other work under the scope of these terms.
-3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
-it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
-a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
-Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
-b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
-for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
-corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
-Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
-c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
-corresponding source code may be obtained. (This alternative is
-allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
-Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
-modifications to it. For an executable file, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
-exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
-libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
-file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
-accompany that operating system.
-4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
-Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
-Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
-the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
-the Program under this License. However, parties who have received
-copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
-License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
-remain in full compliance.
-5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
-on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
-and all its terms and conditions.
-6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
-licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
-terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
-recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
-Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
-To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to
-attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
-the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-Copyright (C) 19yy 
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
-Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
-Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
-This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
-appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
-commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
-c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here a sample; alter the names:
-Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
-program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
-at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
-, 1 April 1989
-Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
---- The Artistic License 1.0 ---
-This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Paul Evans .
-This is free software, licensed under:
-The Artistic License 1.0
-The Artistic License
-The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a Package
-may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some semblance of
-artistic control over the development of the package, while giving the users of
-the package the right to use and distribute the Package in a more-or-less
-customary fashion, plus the right to make reasonable modifications.
-- "Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright
-Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created through
-textual modification. 
-- "Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been modified,
-or has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright
-- "Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for
-the package. 
-- "You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing this Package.
-- "Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the basis of media
-cost, duplication charges, time of people involved, and so on. (You will
-not be required to justify it to the Copyright Holder, but only to the
-computing community at large as a market that must bear the fee.) 
-- "Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item itself, though
-there may be fees involved in handling the item. It also means that
-recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same conditions they
-received it. 
-1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
-Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
-duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
-2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived
-from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package modified in such
-a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
-3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided that
-you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when you
-changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
-a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
-Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or an
-equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive site
-such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include your
-modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
-b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
-c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict with
-standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide a separate
-manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly documents how it
-differs from the Standard Version.
-d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
-4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or executable
-form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
-a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
-together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where to
-get the Standard Version.
-b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of the Package
-with your modifications.
-c) accompany any non-standard executables with their corresponding Standard
-Version executables, giving the non-standard executables non-standard
-names, and clearly documenting the differences in manual pages (or
-equivalent), together with instructions on where to get the Standard
-d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
-5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
-Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. You
-may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However, you may distribute this
-Package in aggregate with other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a
-larger (possibly commercial) software distribution provided that you do not
-advertise this Package as a product of your own.
-6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as output
-from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall under the copyright
-of this Package, but belong to whomever generated them, and may be sold
-commercially, and may be aggregated with this Package.
-7. C or perl subroutines supplied by you and linked into this Package shall not
-be considered part of this Package.
-8. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
-products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-The End
-# Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2007, Marcus Holland-Moritz .
-# Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1997, Graham Barr .
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2010 by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2007-2013 by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1997-2007 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2007 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Except weaken and isweak which are
-Copyright (c) 1999 Tuomas J. Lukka . All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2009 by Eric Wilhelm and David Golden
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright, 2005 Simon Wistow
-Distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Original code Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Ken Williams.
-Additional code Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Matt Trout and David Golden.
-All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright 1997 Christopher J. Madsen
-# Author: Christopher J. Madsen 
-# Created: 08 Nov 1997
-# $Revision$ $Date$
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
-This module is
-copyright (c) 2003,2004 Jos Boumans [email protected].
-All rights reserved.
-This library is free software;
-you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
-terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Portions of the data tables in this module are derived from the
-entity declarations in the W3C XHTML specification.
-Currently (October 2001), that's these three:
-# Copyright (C) 1994-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Marek Rouchal (and borrowing code
-# from Nick Ing-Simmon's PodToHtml). All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". Pod::Find is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (C) 1996-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-Pod-Parser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the Artistic License distributed with Perl version
-5.000 or (at your option) any later version. Please refer to the
-Artistic License that came with your Perl distribution for more
-details. If your version of Perl was not distributed under the
-terms of the Artistic License, than you may distribute PodParser
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Marek Rouchal. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-This software is copyright (c) 2014 by David Golden.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are in the public
-domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code and any
-derivatives thereof in your own programs for fun or for profit as you
-see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would
-be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are in the public
-domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code and any
-derivatives thereof in your own programs for fun or for profit as you
-see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would
-be courteous but is not required.
-Based on the Glossary of I, Fourth Edition,
-by Tom Christiansen, brian d foy, Larry Wall, & Jon Orwant.
-Copyright (c) 2000, 1996, 1991, 2012 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
-This document may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are in the public
-domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code and any
-derivatives thereof in your own programs for fun or for profit as you
-see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would
-be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are in the public
-domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code and any
-derivatives thereof in your own programs for fun or for profit as you
-see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would
-be courteous but is not required.
-Tom Christiansen wrote the original version of this document.
-brian d foy C >> wrote this version. See the
-individual perlfaq documents for additional copyright information.
-This document is available under the same terms as Perl itself. Code
-examples in all the perlfaq documents are in the public domain. Use
-them as you see fit (and at your own risk with no warranty from anyone).
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-# Copyright (C) 1994-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-# Copyright 1999-2000 by Russ Allbery 
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Sean M. Burke.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
-# Russ Allbery 
-# Substantial contributions by Sean Burke 
-# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright 2001, 2008, 2009 by Russ Allbery 
-# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (C) 1996-2000 by Bradford Appleton. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of "PodParser". PodParser is free software;
-# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2006-2008 Curtis "Ovid" Poe, all rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Andy Armstrong C >>. All rights reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L.
-Copyright 2002-2008 by chromatic [email protected] and
-Michael G Schwern [email protected].
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See F
-Copyright 2001-2008 by Michael G Schwern [email protected].
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See F
-Copyright 1997 - 2001 Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
-Some (minor) parts copyright 2009 Adam Kennedy.
-This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
-and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
-and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2000-2008, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
-and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1998+ Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The programs and documentation in this dist are distributed in
-the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without
-even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
-particular purpose.
-# Copyright (c) 1997-8 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1996-8 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1997-8 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The atmark() implementation: Copyright 2001, Lincoln Stein .
-This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Feel free to use, modify and redistribute it as long as you retain
-the correct attribution.
-Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Richard Clamp. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Rob Brown. All rights reserved.
-Copyright (c) 2001, Colin McMillen. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Sean M. Burke.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Michael G Schwern on top of code by Nick
-Ing-Simmons and Jeffrey Friedl.
-hv_store() is from Array::RefElem, Copyright 2000 Gisle Aas.
-Additional code by Yves Orton.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Graham Barr, 2003-2007 David Rolsky. All
-rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
-it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
-with this module.
-Copyright (C)2008 Paul Fenwick
-This is free software. You may modify and/or redistribute this
-code under the same terms as Perl 5.10 itself, or, at your option,
-any later version of Perl 5.
-Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is
-copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Jos Boumans [email protected].
-All rights reserved.
-This library is free software;
-you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
-terms as Perl itself.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c)
-2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans [email protected]. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c)
-2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans [email protected]. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2004,2007 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2008 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-copyright (c) 2002 Jos Boumans [email protected].
-All rights reserved.
-This library is free software;
-you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
-terms as Perl itself.
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 AUTHORS
-(c) Tels 2003, 2004 - based on BigInt code by
-Tels from 2001-2003.
-Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Author: Christopher J. Madsen 
-# Created: 08 Nov 1997
-# $Revision: 5841 $ $Date: 2006-03-21 08:27:29 -0500 (Tue, 21 Mar 2006) $
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
-Copyright, 2006 Simon Wistow
-Distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2006 - 2009 Adam Kennedy.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute
-it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The full text of the license can be found in the
-LICENSE file included with this module.
-Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Elizabeth Mattijsen. All rights reserved. This
-library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Sean M. Burke.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright (c) 2004 Sean M. Burke.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Allison Randal.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Russ Allbery .
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2000 by Joe Smith .
-Copyright 2001, 2004, 2008 by Russ Allbery .
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Copyright 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009
-# Russ Allbery 
-# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the same terms as Perl itself. 
-This module is
-copyright (c) 2005 Jos Boumans [email protected].
-All rights reserved.
-This library is free software;
-you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
-terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright Mark Fowler [email protected] 2002, 2004.
-Some code taken from B and B, written by by
-Michael G Schwern [email protected]. Hence, those parts
-Copyright Micheal G Schwern 2001. Used and distributed with
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The programs and documentation in this dist are distributed in
-the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without
-even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
-particular purpose.
-Copyright (c) 2001+ Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-You can redistribute and/or
-modify this document under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This document is provided in the hope that it will be
-useful, but without any warranty;
-without even the implied warranty of accuracy, authoritativeness,
-completeness, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright (c) 1996-8 Graham Barr . All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Sean M. Burke.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright (c) 2002,3,4 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by (Anno Siegel)
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or,
-at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is
-copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Jos Boumans [email protected].
-All rights reserved.
-This library is free software;
-you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
-terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 2007-2008 Andy Armstrong.
-Portions copyright 2006-2008 Adam Kennedy.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute
-it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The full text of the license can be found in the
-LICENSE file included with this module.
-Copyright 2007-2008 Andy Armstrong.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute
-it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The full text of the license can be found in the
-LICENSE file included with this module.
-Copyright Mark Fowler [email protected] 2002.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c)
-2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans [email protected]. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-30) Is the documentation (e.g., manual pages, installation 
-instructions, user, programmer and support manuals, etc.) included with 
-this Third Party Software subject to the same license as the software 
-itself, as identified in your responses to questions 29 and 30? If 
-not, please explain, identify the applicable license name here and copy 
-and paste the documentation license here:
-Yes. Following are copyrights and attribution text found in documentation
-Perl has a new Social Contract for contributors. See F.
-The license included in much of the Perl documentation has changed.
-Most of the Perl documentation was previously under the implicit GNU
-General Public License or the Artistic License (at the user's choice).
-Now much of the documentation unambiguously states the terms under which
-it may be distributed. Those terms are in general much less restrictive
-than the GNU GPL. See L and the individual perl manpages listed
-Getopt::Long licensing has changed to allow the Perl Artistic License
-as well as the GPL. It used to be GPL only, which got in the way of
-non-GPL applications that wanted to use Getopt::Long.
-Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Randal L. Schwartz and Stonehenge
-Consulting Services, Inc.
-Copyright (c) 2009 by Michael F. Witten.
-Permission is hereby granted to distribute this document intact with
-the Perl distribution, and in accordance with the licenses of the Perl
-distribution; derived documents must include this copyright notice
-Portions of this text have been derived from Perl Training materials
-originally appearing in the IModules> course taught by instructors for Stonehenge Consulting
-Services, Inc. and used with permission.
-Portions of this text have been derived from materials originally
-appearing in I and used with permission.
-Richard Foley Copyright (c) 2000
-Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Doug MacEachern and Jon Orwant. All
-Rights Reserved.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
-documentation provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
-preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-documentation under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
-that they are marked clearly as modified versions, that the authors'
-names and title are unchanged (though subtitles and additional
-authors' names may be added), and that the entire resulting derived
-work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical
-to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
-documentation into another language, under the above conditions for
-modified versions.
-Tom Christainsen wrote the original version of this document.
-brian d foy C >> wrote this version. See the
-individual perlfaq documents for additional copyright information.
-This document is available under the same terms as Perl itself. Code
-examples in all the perlfaq documents are in the public domain. Use
-them as you see fit (and at your own risk with no warranty from anyone).
-Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington, and
-other authors as noted. All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are in the public
-domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code and any
-derivatives thereof in your own programs for fun or for profit as you
-see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would
-be courteous but is not required.
-Paul Marquess [email protected]
-=head1 Copyrights
-This article originally appeared in The Perl Journal #11, and is
-copyright 1998 The Perl Journal. It appears courtesy of Jon Orwant and
-The Perl Journal. This document may be distributed under the same terms
-as Perl itself.
-Based on the Glossary of Programming Perl, Third Edition,
-by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Jon Orwant.
-Copyright (c) 2000, 1996, 1991 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
-This document may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 1998, 2002, 2003 Jon Orwant. All Rights Reserved.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
-documentation provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
-preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-documentation under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
-that they are marked clearly as modified versions, that the authors'
-names and title are unchanged (though subtitles and additional
-authors' names may be added), and that the entire resulting derived
-work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical
-to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
-documentation into another language, under the above conditions for
-modified versions.
-Copyright 1998 Tom Christiansen.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in these files are
-hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun or for profit
-as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit would be
-courteous but is not required.
-Richard Foley Copyright (c) 2008
-Copyright 2006 Yves Orton and 2007 Evar ArnfjErE Bjarmason.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright 1998 The Perl Journal.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in these files are
-hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun or for profit
-as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit would be
-courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 2000 Mark Kvale
-All rights reserved.
-This document may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-The original version of this article originally appeared in The Perl
-Journal #10, and is copyright 1998 The Perl Journal. It appears courtesy
-of Jon Orwant and The Perl Journal. This document may be distributed
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1999 Tom Christiansen.
-All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Tom Christiansen
-All rights reserved.
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright 2001-2002 Jarkko Hietaniemi [email protected]
-This document may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Graham Barr. All rights reserved.
-This document is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the Artistic License.
-The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c)
-2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans [email protected]. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Neil Bowers.
-Copyright (C) 2001, Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Neil Bowers.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Neil Bowers.
-Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Hennecke and
-Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Neil Bowers.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Neil Bowers.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright 2001 by Michael G Schwern [email protected].
-This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in these files
-are hereby placed into the public domain. You are permitted and
-encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
-or for profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving
-credit would be courteous but is not required.
-Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-The following article by Sean M. Burke and Jordan Lachler
-first appeared in I #13
-and is copyright 1999 The Perl Journal. It appears
-courtesy of Jon Orwant and The Perl Journal. This document may be
-distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
--- a/components/perl/perl520/test/results-64.master	Wed Apr 08 10:31:09 2015 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3748 +0,0 @@
-make[1]: Entering directory `$(@D)'
-/usr/sbin/dtrace -G -s perldtrace.d -o miniperldtrace.o perlmini.o opmini.o miniperlmain.o   gv.o toke.o perly.o pad.o regcomp.o dump.o util.o mg.o reentr.o mro.o keywords.o hv.o av.o run.o pp_hot.o sv.o pp.o scope.o pp_ctl.o pp_sys.o doop.o doio.o regexec.o utf8.o taint.o deb.o universal.o globals.o perlio.o perlapi.o numeric.o mathoms.o locale.o pp_pack.o pp_sort.o caretx.o  perlmini.o
-    perlmini.o opmini.o miniperlmain.o   gv.o toke.o perly.o pad.o regcomp.o dump.o util.o mg.o reentr.o mro.o keywords.o hv.o av.o run.o pp_hot.o sv.o pp.o scope.o pp_ctl.o pp_sys.o doop.o doio.o regexec.o utf8.o taint.o deb.o universal.o globals.o perlio.o perlapi.o numeric.o mathoms.o locale.o pp_pack.o pp_sort.o caretx.o  miniperldtrace.o -lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc 
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -w -Ilib -Idist/Exporter/lib -MExporter -e '<?>' || sh -c 'echo >&2 Failed to build miniperl.  Please run make minitest; exit 1'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib -f
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Archive-Tar/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Archive::Tar (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Archive-Tar'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Archive-Tar'
-Making all in cpan/Archive-Tar
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Archive-Tar'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Archive-Tar'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Attribute-Handlers/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Attribute::Handlers (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Attribute-Handlers directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/AutoLoader/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making AutoLoader (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/AutoLoader directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/B-Debug/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making B::Debug (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/B-Debug directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/CGI/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making CGI (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/CGI directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/CPAN/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making CPAN (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/CPAN'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/CPAN'
-Making all in cpan/CPAN
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/CPAN'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/CPAN'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/CPAN-Meta/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making CPAN::Meta (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/CPAN-Meta directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/CPAN-Meta-Requirements/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making CPAN::Meta::Requirements (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/CPAN-Meta-Requirements directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making CPAN::Meta::YAML (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Carp/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Carp (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Carp directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Config-Perl-V/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Config::Perl::V (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Config-Perl-V directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Devel-SelfStubber/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Devel::SelfStubber (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Devel-SelfStubber directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Digest/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Digest (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Digest directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Dumpvalue/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Dumpvalue (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Dumpvalue directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Env/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Env (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Env directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib ext/Errno/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Errno (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Errno'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Errno'
-Making all in ext/Errno
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Errno'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Errno'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Exporter/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Exporter (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Exporter directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making ExtUtils::CBuilder (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/ExtUtils-Command/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making ExtUtils::Command (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/ExtUtils-Command directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making ExtUtils::Constant (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/ExtUtils-Constant directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/ExtUtils-Install/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making ExtUtils::Install (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/ExtUtils-Install directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making ExtUtils::MakeMaker (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker'
-Making all in cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/ExtUtils-Manifest/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making ExtUtils::Manifest (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/ExtUtils-Manifest'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/ExtUtils-Manifest'
-Making all in dist/ExtUtils-Manifest
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/ExtUtils-Manifest'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/ExtUtils-Manifest'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib ext/ExtUtils-Miniperl/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making ExtUtils::Miniperl (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for ext/ExtUtils-Miniperl directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making ExtUtils::ParseXS (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS'
-Making all in dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/File-Fetch/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making File::Fetch (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/File-Fetch directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib ext/File-Find/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making File::Find (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for ext/File-Find directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/File-Path/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making File::Path (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/File-Path directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/File-Temp/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making File::Temp (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/File-Temp directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib ext/FileCache/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making FileCache (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for ext/FileCache directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Filter-Simple/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Filter::Simple (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Filter-Simple directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Getopt-Long/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Getopt::Long (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Getopt-Long directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/HTTP-Tiny/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making HTTP::Tiny (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/HTTP-Tiny directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/I18N-Collate/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making I18N::Collate (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/I18N-Collate directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/I18N-LangTags/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making I18N::LangTags (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/I18N-LangTags directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/IO-Compress/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making IO::Compress (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/IO-Compress'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/IO-Compress'
-Making all in cpan/IO-Compress
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/IO-Compress'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/IO-Compress'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/IO-Socket-IP/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making IO::Socket::IP (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/IO-Socket-IP'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/IO-Socket-IP'
-Making all in cpan/IO-Socket-IP
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/IO-Socket-IP'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/IO-Socket-IP'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/IO-Zlib/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making IO::Zlib (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/IO-Zlib directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/IPC-Cmd/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making IPC::Cmd (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/IPC-Cmd directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib ext/IPC-Open3/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making IPC::Open3 (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for ext/IPC-Open3 directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/JSON-PP/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making JSON::PP (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/JSON-PP'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/JSON-PP'
-Making all in cpan/JSON-PP
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/JSON-PP'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/JSON-PP'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Locale-Codes/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Locale::Codes (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Locale-Codes directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Locale-Maketext/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Locale::Maketext (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Locale-Maketext directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Locale-Maketext-Simple/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Locale::Maketext::Simple (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Locale-Maketext-Simple directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Math-BigInt/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Math::BigInt (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Math-BigInt directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Math-BigRat/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Math::BigRat (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Math-BigRat directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Math-Complex/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Math::Complex (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Math-Complex directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Memoize/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Memoize (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Memoize directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Module-Build/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Module::Build (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Module-Build'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Module-Build'
-Making all in cpan/Module-Build
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Module-Build'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Module-Build'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Module-CoreList/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Module::CoreList (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/Module-CoreList'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/Module-CoreList'
-Making all in dist/Module-CoreList
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/Module-CoreList'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/Module-CoreList'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Module-Load/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Module::Load (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Module-Load directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Module-Load-Conditional/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Module::Load::Conditional (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Module-Load-Conditional directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Module-Loaded/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Module::Loaded (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Module-Loaded directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Module-Metadata/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Module::Metadata (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Module-Metadata directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/NEXT/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making NEXT (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/NEXT directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Net-Ping/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Net::Ping (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Net-Ping directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Package-Constants/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Package::Constants (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Package-Constants directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Params-Check/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Params::Check (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Params-Check directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Parse-CPAN-Meta/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Parse::CPAN::Meta (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Parse-CPAN-Meta directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Perl-OSType/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Perl::OSType (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Perl-OSType directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Pod-Checker/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Pod::Checker (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Checker'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Checker'
-Making all in cpan/Pod-Checker
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Checker'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Checker'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Pod-Escapes/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Pod::Escapes (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Pod-Escapes directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Pod-Simple/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Pod::Simple (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Pod-Simple directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib ext/Pod-Functions/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Pod::Functions (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Pod-Functions'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Pod-Functions'
-Making all in ext/Pod-Functions
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Pod-Functions'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Pod-Functions'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib ext/Pod-Html/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Pod::Html (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Pod-Html'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Pod-Html'
-Making all in ext/Pod-Html
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Pod-Html'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Pod-Html'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Pod-Parser/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Pod::Parser (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Parser'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Parser'
-Making all in cpan/Pod-Parser
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Parser'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Parser'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Pod-Perldoc/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Pod::Perldoc (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Perldoc'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Perldoc'
-Making all in cpan/Pod-Perldoc
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Perldoc'
-Pod::Man is not available: Can't load module Encode, dynamic loading not available in this perl.
-  (You may need to build a new perl executable which either supports
-  dynamic loading or has the Encode module statically linked into it.)
- at $(@D)/lib/Pod/ line 34.
-Compilation failed in require at $(@D)/lib/Pod/ line 34.
-BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at $(@D)/lib/Pod/ line 34.
-Compilation failed in require at $(@D)/cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/lib/ExtUtils/Command/ line 103.
-Man pages will not be generated during this install.
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Perldoc'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Pod-Usage/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Pod::Usage (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Usage'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Usage'
-Making all in cpan/Pod-Usage
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Usage'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Pod-Usage'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Safe/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Safe (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Safe directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Search-Dict/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Search::Dict (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Search-Dict directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/SelfLoader/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making SelfLoader (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/SelfLoader directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Term-ANSIColor/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Term::ANSIColor (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Term-ANSIColor directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Term-Cap/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Term::Cap (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Term-Cap'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Term-Cap'
-Making all in cpan/Term-Cap
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Term-Cap'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Term-Cap'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Term-Complete/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Term::Complete (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Term-Complete directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Term-ReadLine/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Term::ReadLine (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Term-ReadLine directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Test/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Test (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Test directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Test-Harness/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Test::Harness (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Test-Harness'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Test-Harness'
-Making all in cpan/Test-Harness
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Test-Harness'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Test-Harness'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Test-Simple/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Test::Simple (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Test-Simple directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Text-Abbrev/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Text::Abbrev (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Text-Abbrev directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Text-Balanced/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Text::Balanced (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Text-Balanced directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Text-ParseWords/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Text::ParseWords (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Text-ParseWords directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Text-Tabs/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Text::Tabs (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Text-Tabs directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Thread-Queue/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Thread::Queue (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Thread-Queue directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Thread-Semaphore/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Thread::Semaphore (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Thread-Semaphore directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/Tie-File/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Tie::File (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/Tie-File directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib ext/Tie-Memoize/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Tie::Memoize (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for ext/Tie-Memoize directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Tie-RefHash/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Tie::RefHash (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Tie-RefHash directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/Time-Local/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making Time::Local (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/Time-Local directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/XSLoader/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making XSLoader (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/XSLoader'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/XSLoader'
-Making all in dist/XSLoader
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/XSLoader'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/XSLoader'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/autodie/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making autodie (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/autodie directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/autouse/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making autouse (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/autouse directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/base/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making base (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/base directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/bignum/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making bignum (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/bignum directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/constant/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making constant (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/constant directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/encoding-warnings/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making encoding::warnings (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/encoding-warnings directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/experimental/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making experimental (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/experimental directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/if/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making if (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for dist/if directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib dist/lib/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making lib (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/lib'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/lib'
-Making all in dist/lib
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/lib'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/lib'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/libnet/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making libnet (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/libnet'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/libnet'
-Making all in cpan/libnet
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/libnet'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/libnet'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/parent/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making parent (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/parent directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/perlfaq/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making perlfaq (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/perlfaq directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/podlators/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making podlators (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/podlators'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/podlators'
-Making all in cpan/podlators
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/podlators'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/podlators'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib cpan/version/pm_to_blib MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make
-	Making version (all)
-Running pm_to_blib for cpan/version directly
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib mkppport
-ppport.h in cpan/DB_File is up-to-date
-ppport.h in cpan/IPC-SysV is up-to-date
-ppport.h in cpan/Scalar-List-Utils is up-to-date
-ppport.h in cpan/Time-HiRes is up-to-date
-ppport.h in cpan/Win32API-File is up-to-date
-ppport.h in dist/PathTools is up-to-date
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib DynaLoader.o MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=static 
-	Making DynaLoader (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/DynaLoader'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/DynaLoader'
-Making all in ext/DynaLoader
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=static
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/DynaLoader'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/DynaLoader'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Cwd/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Cwd (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/PathTools'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/PathTools'
-Making all in dist/PathTools
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/PathTools'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Cwd ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/PathTools'
-	Making utilities
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/utils'
-make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/utils'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/unicore/mktables -C lib/unicore -P pod -maketest -makelist -p
-Files seem to be ok, not bothering to rebuild.  Add '-w' option to force build
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib -Ilib -MExtUtils::Miniperl -e 'writemain(\"perlmain.c", @ARGV)' DynaLoader 
-"perlmain.c", line 159: warning: statement not reached
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/B/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making B (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/B'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/B'
-Making all in ext/B
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/B'
-Running Mkbootstrap for B ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/B'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Compress/Raw/Bzip2/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Compress::Raw::Bzip2 (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2'
-Making all in cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Compress::Raw::Bzip2 ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Compress/Raw/Zlib/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Compress::Raw::Zlib (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib'
-Making all in cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Compress::Raw::Zlib ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/DB_File/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making DB_File (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/DB_File'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/DB_File'
-Making all in cpan/DB_File
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/DB_File'
-Running Mkbootstrap for DB_File ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/DB_File'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Data/Dumper/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Data::Dumper (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/Data-Dumper'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/Data-Dumper'
-Making all in dist/Data-Dumper
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/Data-Dumper'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Data::Dumper ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/Data-Dumper'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Devel/PPPort/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Devel::PPPort (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Devel-PPPort'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Devel-PPPort'
-Making all in cpan/Devel-PPPort
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Devel-PPPort'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Devel::PPPort ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Devel-PPPort'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Devel/Peek/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Devel::Peek (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Devel-Peek'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Devel-Peek'
-Making all in ext/Devel-Peek
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Devel-Peek'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Devel::Peek ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Devel-Peek'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Digest/MD5/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Digest::MD5 (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Digest-MD5'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Digest-MD5'
-Making all in cpan/Digest-MD5
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Digest-MD5'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Digest::MD5 ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Digest-MD5'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Digest/SHA/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Digest::SHA (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Digest-SHA'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Digest-SHA'
-Making all in cpan/Digest-SHA
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Digest-SHA'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Digest::SHA ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Digest-SHA'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Encode/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Encode (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Encode'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Encode'
-Making all in cpan/Encode
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Encode'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode::Byte ()
-chmod 644
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode::CN ()
-chmod 644
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode::EBCDIC ()
-chmod 644
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode::JP ()
-chmod 644
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode::KR ()
-chmod 644
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode::Symbol ()
-chmod 644
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode::TW ()
-chmod 644
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode::Unicode ()
-chmod 644
-Running Mkbootstrap for Encode ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Encode'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Fcntl/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Fcntl (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Fcntl'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Fcntl'
-Making all in ext/Fcntl
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Fcntl'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Fcntl ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Fcntl'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/File/DosGlob/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making File::DosGlob (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/File-DosGlob'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/File-DosGlob'
-Making all in ext/File-DosGlob
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/File-DosGlob'
-Running Mkbootstrap for File::DosGlob ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/File-DosGlob'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/File/Glob/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making File::Glob (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/File-Glob'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/File-Glob'
-Making all in ext/File-Glob
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/File-Glob'
-Running Mkbootstrap for File::Glob ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/File-Glob'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Filter/Util/Call/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Filter::Util::Call (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Filter-Util-Call'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Filter-Util-Call'
-Making all in cpan/Filter-Util-Call
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Filter-Util-Call'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Filter::Util::Call ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Filter-Util-Call'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/GDBM_File/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making GDBM_File (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/GDBM_File'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/GDBM_File'
-Making all in ext/GDBM_File
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/GDBM_File'
-Running Mkbootstrap for GDBM_File ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/GDBM_File'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Hash/Util/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Hash::Util (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Hash-Util'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Hash-Util'
-Making all in ext/Hash-Util
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Hash-Util'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Hash::Util ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Hash-Util'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Hash/Util/FieldHash/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Hash::Util::FieldHash (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash'
-Making all in ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Hash::Util::FieldHash ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/I18N/Langinfo/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making I18N::Langinfo (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/I18N-Langinfo'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/I18N-Langinfo'
-Making all in ext/I18N-Langinfo
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/I18N-Langinfo'
-Running Mkbootstrap for I18N::Langinfo ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/I18N-Langinfo'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/IO/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making IO (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/IO'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/IO'
-Making all in dist/IO
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/IO'
-Running Mkbootstrap for IO ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/IO'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/IPC/SysV/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making IPC::SysV (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/IPC-SysV'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/IPC-SysV'
-Making all in cpan/IPC-SysV
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/IPC-SysV'
-Running Mkbootstrap for IPC::SysV ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/IPC-SysV'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/List/Util/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making List::Util (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Scalar-List-Utils'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Scalar-List-Utils'
-Making all in cpan/Scalar-List-Utils
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Scalar-List-Utils'
-Running Mkbootstrap for List::Util ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Scalar-List-Utils'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/MIME/Base64/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making MIME::Base64 (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/MIME-Base64'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/MIME-Base64'
-Making all in cpan/MIME-Base64
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/MIME-Base64'
-Running Mkbootstrap for MIME::Base64 ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/MIME-Base64'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Math::BigInt::FastCalc (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc'
-Making all in dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Math::BigInt::FastCalc ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/NDBM_File/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making NDBM_File (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/NDBM_File'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/NDBM_File'
-Making all in ext/NDBM_File
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/NDBM_File'
-Running Mkbootstrap for NDBM_File ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/NDBM_File'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/ODBM_File/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making ODBM_File (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/ODBM_File'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/ODBM_File'
-Making all in ext/ODBM_File
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/ODBM_File'
-Running Mkbootstrap for ODBM_File ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/ODBM_File'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Opcode/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Opcode (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Opcode'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Opcode'
-Making all in ext/Opcode
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Opcode'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Opcode ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Opcode'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/POSIX/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making POSIX (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/POSIX'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/POSIX'
-Making all in ext/POSIX
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/POSIX'
-Running Mkbootstrap for POSIX ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/POSIX'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/PerlIO/encoding/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making PerlIO::encoding (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-encoding'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-encoding'
-Making all in ext/PerlIO-encoding
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-encoding'
-Running Mkbootstrap for PerlIO::encoding ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-encoding'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/PerlIO/mmap/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making PerlIO::mmap (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-mmap'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-mmap'
-Making all in ext/PerlIO-mmap
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-mmap'
-Running Mkbootstrap for PerlIO::mmap ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-mmap'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/PerlIO/scalar/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making PerlIO::scalar (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-scalar'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-scalar'
-Making all in ext/PerlIO-scalar
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-scalar'
-Running Mkbootstrap for PerlIO::scalar ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-scalar'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/PerlIO/via/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making PerlIO::via (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-via'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-via'
-Making all in ext/PerlIO-via
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-via'
-Running Mkbootstrap for PerlIO::via ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/PerlIO-via'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/SDBM_File/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making SDBM_File (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/SDBM_File'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/SDBM_File'
-Making all in ext/SDBM_File
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/SDBM_File'
-Running Mkbootstrap for SDBM_File ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/SDBM_File'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Socket/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Socket (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Socket'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Socket'
-Making all in cpan/Socket
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Socket'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Socket ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Socket'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Storable/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Storable (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/Storable'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/Storable'
-Making all in dist/Storable
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/Storable'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Storable ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/Storable'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Sys/Hostname/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Sys::Hostname (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Sys-Hostname'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Sys-Hostname'
-Making all in ext/Sys-Hostname
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Sys-Hostname'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Sys::Hostname ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Sys-Hostname'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Sys/Syslog/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Sys::Syslog (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Sys-Syslog'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Sys-Syslog'
-Making all in cpan/Sys-Syslog
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Sys-Syslog'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Sys::Syslog ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Sys-Syslog'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Tie/Hash/NamedCapture/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Tie::Hash::NamedCapture (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Tie-Hash-NamedCapture'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Tie-Hash-NamedCapture'
-Making all in ext/Tie-Hash-NamedCapture
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/Tie-Hash-NamedCapture'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Tie::Hash::NamedCapture ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/Tie-Hash-NamedCapture'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Time/HiRes/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Time::HiRes (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Time-HiRes'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Time-HiRes'
-Making all in cpan/Time-HiRes
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Time-HiRes'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Time::HiRes ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Time-HiRes'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Time/Piece/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Time::Piece (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Time-Piece'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Time-Piece'
-Making all in cpan/Time-Piece
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Time-Piece'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Time::Piece ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Time-Piece'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Unicode/Collate/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Unicode::Collate (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Unicode-Collate'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Unicode-Collate'
-Making all in cpan/Unicode-Collate
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Unicode-Collate'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Unicode::Collate ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Unicode-Collate'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/Unicode/Normalize/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making Unicode::Normalize (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Unicode-Normalize'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Unicode-Normalize'
-Making all in cpan/Unicode-Normalize
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/cpan/Unicode-Normalize'
-Running Mkbootstrap for Unicode::Normalize ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/cpan/Unicode-Normalize'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/XS/APItest/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making XS::APItest (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/XS-APItest'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/XS-APItest'
-Making all in ext/XS-APItest
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/XS-APItest'
-Running Mkbootstrap for XS::APItest ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/XS-APItest'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/XS/Typemap/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making XS::Typemap (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/XS-Typemap'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/XS-Typemap'
-Making all in ext/XS-Typemap
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/XS-Typemap'
-Running Mkbootstrap for XS::Typemap ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/XS-Typemap'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/arybase/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making arybase (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/arybase'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/arybase'
-Making all in ext/arybase
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/arybase'
-Running Mkbootstrap for arybase ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/arybase'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/attributes/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making attributes (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/attributes'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/attributes'
-Making all in ext/attributes
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/attributes'
-Running Mkbootstrap for attributes ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/attributes'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/mro/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making mro (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/mro'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/mro'
-Making all in ext/mro
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/mro'
-Running Mkbootstrap for mro ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/mro'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/re/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making re (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/re'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/re'
-Making all in ext/re
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/ext/re'
-Running Mkbootstrap for re ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/ext/re'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/threads/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making threads (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/threads'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/threads'
-Making all in dist/threads
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/threads'
-Running Mkbootstrap for threads ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/threads'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./miniperl -Ilib lib/auto/threads/shared/ MAKE=/usr/gnu/bin/make LINKTYPE=dynamic
-	Making threads::shared (all)
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/threads-shared'
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/threads-shared'
-Making all in dist/threads-shared
-/usr/gnu/bin/make all PERL_CORE=1 LINKTYPE=dynamic
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/dist/threads-shared'
-Running Mkbootstrap for threads::shared ()
-chmod 644
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/dist/threads-shared'
-/bin/sh runtests.SH
-Extracting runtests (with variable substitutions)
-cd x2p; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) /usr/gnu/bin/make s2p
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/x2p'
-make[2]: `s2p' is up to date.
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/x2p'
-cd x2p; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) /usr/gnu/bin/make find2perl
-make[2]: Entering directory `$(@D)/x2p'
-make[2]: `find2perl' is up to date.
-make[2]: Leaving directory `$(@D)/x2p'
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D)  ./perl -Ilib -f pod/buildtoc -q
-cd t && (rm -f perl; /usr/bin/ln -s ../perl perl)
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(@D) ./runtests choose
-t/base/cond ................................................... ok
-t/base/if ..................................................... ok
-t/base/lex .................................................... ok
-t/base/num .................................................... ok
-t/base/pat .................................................... ok
-t/base/rs ..................................................... ok
-t/base/term ................................................... ok
-t/base/while .................................................. ok
-t/comp/bproto ................................................. ok
-t/comp/cmdopt ................................................. ok
-t/comp/colon .................................................. ok
-t/comp/decl ................................................... ok
-t/comp/final_line_num ......................................... ok
-t/comp/fold ................................................... ok
-t/comp/form_scope ............................................. ok
-t/comp/hints .................................................. ok
-t/comp/line_debug ............................................. ok
-t/comp/multiline .............................................. ok
-t/comp/opsubs ................................................. ok
-t/comp/our .................................................... ok
-t/comp/package ................................................ ok
-t/comp/package_block .......................................... ok
-t/comp/parser ................................................. ok
-t/comp/proto .................................................. ok
-t/comp/redef .................................................. ok
-t/comp/require ................................................ ok
-t/comp/retainedlines .......................................... ok
-t/comp/term ................................................... ok
-t/comp/uproto ................................................. ok
-t/comp/use .................................................... ok
-t/comp/utf .................................................... ok
-t/run/cloexec ................................................. ok
-t/run/dtrace .................................................. skipped
-t/run/exit .................................................... ok
-t/run/fresh_perl .............................................. ok
-t/run/locale .................................................. ok
-t/run/mad ..................................................... skipped
-t/run/noswitch ................................................ ok
-t/run/runenv .................................................. ok
-t/run/script .................................................. ok
-t/run/switch0 ................................................. ok
-t/run/switchC ................................................. ok
-t/run/switchF ................................................. ok
-t/run/switchF1 ................................................ ok
-t/run/switchF2 ................................................ ok
-t/run/switchI ................................................. ok
-t/run/switchM ................................................. ok
-t/run/switcha ................................................. ok
-t/run/switchd-78586 ........................................... ok
-t/run/switchd ................................................. ok
-t/run/switches ................................................ ok
-t/run/switchn ................................................. ok
-t/run/switchp ................................................. ok
-t/run/switcht ................................................. ok
-t/run/switchx ................................................. ok
-t/cmd/elsif ................................................... ok
-t/cmd/for ..................................................... ok
-t/cmd/mod ..................................................... ok
-t/cmd/subval .................................................. ok
-t/cmd/switch .................................................. ok
-t/io/argv ..................................................... ok
-t/io/binmode .................................................. ok
-t/io/bom ...................................................... ok
-t/io/closepid ................................................. ok
-t/io/crlf ..................................................... ok
-t/io/crlf_through ............................................. ok
-t/io/data ..................................................... ok
-t/io/defout ................................................... ok
-t/io/dup ...................................................... ok
-t/io/eintr .................................................... skipped
-t/io/eintr_print .............................................. skipped
-t/io/errno .................................................... ok
-t/io/errnosig ................................................. ok
-t/io/fflush ................................................... ok
-t/io/fs ....................................................... ok
-t/io/inplace .................................................. ok
-t/io/iofile ................................................... ok
-t/io/iprefix .................................................. ok
-t/io/layers ................................................... ok
-t/io/nargv .................................................... ok
-t/io/open ..................................................... ok
-t/io/openpid .................................................. ok
-t/io/perlio ................................................... ok
-t/io/perlio_fail .............................................. ok
-t/io/perlio_leaks ............................................. ok
-t/io/perlio_open .............................................. ok
-t/io/pipe ..................................................... ok
-t/io/print .................................................... ok
-t/io/pvbm ..................................................... ok
-t/io/read ..................................................... ok
-t/io/say ...................................................... ok
-t/io/sem ...................................................... ok
-t/io/shm ...................................................... ok
-t/io/socket ................................................... ok
-t/io/tell ..................................................... ok
-t/io/through .................................................. ok
-t/io/utf8 ..................................................... ok
-t/re/charset .................................................. ok
-t/re/fold_grind ............................................... ok
-t/re/no_utf8_pm ............................................... ok
-t/re/overload ................................................. ok
-t/re/pat ...................................................... ok
-t/re/pat_advanced ............................................. ok
-t/re/pat_advanced_thr ......................................... ok
-t/re/pat_psycho ............................................... ok
-t/re/pat_psycho_thr ........................................... ok
-t/re/pat_re_eval .............................................. ok
-t/re/pat_re_eval_thr .......................................... ok
-t/re/pat_rt_report ............................................ ok
-t/re/pat_rt_report_thr ........................................ ok
-t/re/pat_special_cc ........................................... ok
-t/re/pat_special_cc_thr ....................................... ok
-t/re/pat_thr .................................................. ok
-t/re/pos ...................................................... ok
-t/re/qr-72922 ................................................. ok
-t/re/qr ....................................................... ok
-t/re/qr_gc .................................................... ok
-t/re/qrstack .................................................. ok
-t/re/recompile ................................................ ok
-t/re/reg_60508 ................................................ ok
-t/re/reg_email ................................................ ok
-t/re/reg_email_thr ............................................ ok
-t/re/reg_eval ................................................. ok
-t/re/reg_eval_scope ........................................... ok
-t/re/reg_fold ................................................. ok
-t/re/reg_mesg ................................................. ok
-t/re/reg_namedcapture ......................................... ok
-t/re/reg_nc_tie ............................................... ok
-t/re/reg_pmod ................................................. ok
-t/re/reg_posixcc .............................................. ok
-t/re/regex_sets ............................................... ok
-t/re/regex_sets_compat ........................................ ok
-t/re/regexp ................................................... ok
-t/re/regexp_noamp ............................................. ok
-t/re/regexp_notrie ............................................ ok
-t/re/regexp_qr ................................................ ok
-t/re/regexp_qr_embed .......................................... ok
-t/re/regexp_qr_embed_thr ...................................... ok
-t/re/regexp_trielist .......................................... ok
-t/re/regexp_unicode_prop ...................................... ok
-t/re/regexp_unicode_prop_thr .................................. ok
-t/re/rxcode ................................................... ok
-t/re/subst .................................................... ok
-t/re/substT ................................................... ok
-t/re/subst_amp ................................................ ok
-t/re/subst_wamp ............................................... ok
-t/re/uniprops ................................................. ok
-t/opbasic/arith ............................................... ok
-t/opbasic/cmp ................................................. ok
-t/opbasic/concat .............................................. ok
-t/opbasic/magic_phase ......................................... ok
-t/opbasic/qq .................................................. ok
-t/op/64bitint ................................................. ok
-t/op/alarm .................................................... ok
-t/op/anonsub .................................................. ok
-t/op/append ................................................... ok
-t/op/args ..................................................... ok
-t/op/array .................................................... ok
-t/op/array_base ............................................... ok
-t/op/assignwarn ............................................... ok
-t/op/attrhand ................................................. ok
-t/op/attrproto ................................................ ok
-t/op/attrs .................................................... ok
-t/op/auto ..................................................... ok
-t/op/avhv ..................................................... ok
-t/op/bless .................................................... ok
-t/op/blocks ................................................... ok
-t/op/bop ...................................................... ok
-t/op/caller ................................................... ok
-t/op/chars .................................................... ok
-t/op/chdir .................................................... ok
-t/op/chop ..................................................... ok
-t/op/chr ...................................................... ok
-t/op/closure .................................................. ok
-t/op/concat2 .................................................. ok
-t/op/cond ..................................................... ok
-t/op/context .................................................. ok
-t/op/coreamp .................................................. ok
-t/op/coresubs ................................................. ok
-t/op/cproto ................................................... ok
-t/op/crypt .................................................... ok
-t/op/current_sub .............................................. ok
-t/op/dbm ...................................................... ok
-t/op/defined .................................................. ok
-t/op/defins ................................................... ok
-t/op/delete ................................................... ok
-t/op/die ...................................................... ok
-t/op/die_except ............................................... ok
-t/op/die_exit ................................................. ok
-t/op/die_keeperr .............................................. ok
-t/op/die_unwind ............................................... ok
-t/op/do ....................................................... ok
-t/op/dor ...................................................... ok
-t/op/each ..................................................... ok
-t/op/each_array ............................................... ok
-t/op/eval ..................................................... ok
-t/op/evalbytes ................................................ ok
-t/op/exec ..................................................... ok
-t/op/exists_sub ............................................... ok
-t/op/exp ...................................................... ok
-t/op/fh ....................................................... ok
-t/op/filehandle ............................................... ok
-t/op/filetest ................................................. ok
-t/op/filetest_stack_ok ........................................ ok
-t/op/filetest_t ............................................... ok
-t/op/flip ..................................................... ok
-t/op/for ...................................................... ok
-t/op/fork ..................................................... ok
-t/op/fresh_perl_utf8 .......................................... ok
-t/op/getpid ................................................... ok
-t/op/getppid .................................................. ok
-t/op/glob ..................................................... ok
-t/op/gmagic ................................................... ok
-t/op/goto ..................................................... ok
-t/op/goto_xs .................................................. ok
-t/op/grent .................................................... ok
-t/op/grep ..................................................... ok
-t/op/groups ................................................... ok
-t/op/gv ....................................................... ok
-t/op/hash-rt85026 ............................................. ok
-t/op/hash ..................................................... ok
-t/op/hashassign ............................................... ok
-t/op/hashwarn ................................................. ok
-t/op/heredoc .................................................. ok
-t/op/inc ...................................................... ok
-t/op/inccode-tie .............................................. ok
-t/op/inccode .................................................. ok
-t/op/incfilter ................................................ ok
-t/op/index .................................................... ok
-t/op/index_thr ................................................ ok
-t/op/int ...................................................... ok
-t/op/join ..................................................... ok
-t/op/kill0 .................................................... ok
-t/op/kvaslice ................................................. ok
-t/op/kvhslice ................................................. ok
-t/op/lc ....................................................... ok
-t/op/leaky-magic .............................................. ok
-t/op/length ................................................... ok
-t/op/lex ...................................................... ok
-t/op/lex_assign ............................................... ok
-t/op/lexsub ................................................... ok
-t/op/lfs ...................................................... ok
-t/op/list ..................................................... ok
-t/op/local .................................................... ok
-t/op/localref ................................................. ok
-t/op/lock ..................................................... ok
-t/op/loopctl .................................................. ok
-t/op/lop ...................................................... ok
-t/op/magic-27839 .............................................. ok
-t/op/magic .................................................... ok
-t/op/method ................................................... ok
-t/op/mkdir .................................................... ok
-t/op/my ....................................................... ok
-t/op/my_stash ................................................. ok
-t/op/mydef .................................................... ok
-t/op/negate ................................................... ok
-t/op/not ...................................................... ok
-t/op/numconvert ............................................... ok
-t/op/oct ...................................................... ok
-t/op/or ....................................................... ok
-t/op/ord ...................................................... ok
-t/op/overload_integer ......................................... ok
-t/op/override ................................................. ok
-t/op/pack ..................................................... ok
-t/op/packagev ................................................. ok
-t/op/pos ...................................................... ok
-t/op/postfixderef ............................................. ok
-t/op/pow ...................................................... ok
-t/op/print .................................................... ok
-t/op/protowarn ................................................ ok
-t/op/push ..................................................... ok
-t/op/pwent .................................................... ok
-t/op/qr ....................................................... ok
-t/op/quotemeta ................................................ ok
-t/op/rand ..................................................... ok
-t/op/range .................................................... ok
-t/op/read ..................................................... ok
-t/op/readdir .................................................. ok
-t/op/readline ................................................. ok
-t/op/recurse .................................................. ok
-t/op/ref ...................................................... ok
-t/op/repeat ................................................... ok
-t/op/require_37033 ............................................ ok
-t/op/require_errors ........................................... ok
-t/op/reset .................................................... ok
-t/op/reverse .................................................. ok
-t/op/rt119311 ................................................. ok
-t/op/runlevel ................................................. ok
-t/op/select ................................................... ok
-t/op/setpgrpstack ............................................. ok
-t/op/sigdispatch .............................................. ok
-t/op/signatures ............................................... ok
-t/op/sigsystem ................................................ ok
-t/op/sleep .................................................... ok
-t/op/smartkve ................................................. ok
-t/op/smartmatch ............................................... ok
-t/op/sort ..................................................... ok
-t/op/splice ................................................... ok
-t/op/split .................................................... ok
-t/op/split_unicode ............................................ ok
-t/op/sprintf .................................................. ok
-t/op/sprintf2 ................................................. ok
-t/op/srand .................................................... ok
-t/op/sselect .................................................. ok
-t/op/stash .................................................... ok
-t/op/stat ..................................................... ok
-t/op/state .................................................... ok
-t/op/study .................................................... ok
-t/op/studytied ................................................ ok
-t/op/sub ...................................................... ok
-t/op/sub_lval ................................................. ok
-t/op/substr ................................................... ok
-t/op/substr_thr ............................................... ok
-t/op/svleak ................................................... ok
-t/op/switch ................................................... ok
-t/op/symbolcache .............................................. ok
-t/op/sysio .................................................... ok
-t/op/taint .................................................... ok
-t/op/threads-dirh ............................................. ok
-t/op/threads .................................................. ok
-t/op/tie ...................................................... ok
-t/op/tie_fetch_count .......................................... ok
-t/op/tiearray ................................................. ok
-t/op/tiehandle ................................................ ok
-t/op/time ..................................................... ok
-t/op/time_loop ................................................ ok
-t/op/tr ....................................................... ok
-t/op/undef .................................................... ok
-t/op/universal ................................................ ok
-t/op/unlink ................................................... ok
-t/op/unshift .................................................. ok
-t/op/upgrade .................................................. ok
-t/op/utf8cache ................................................ ok
-t/op/utf8decode ............................................... ok
-t/op/utf8magic ................................................ ok
-t/op/utfhash .................................................. ok
-t/op/utftaint ................................................. ok
-t/op/vec ...................................................... ok
-t/op/ver ...................................................... ok
-t/op/waitpid .................................................. ok
-t/op/wantarray ................................................ ok
-t/op/warn ..................................................... ok
-t/op/while .................................................... ok
-t/op/write .................................................... ok
-t/op/yadayada ................................................. ok
-t/uni/attrs ................................................... ok
-t/uni/bless ................................................... ok
-t/uni/cache ................................................... ok
-t/uni/caller .................................................. ok
-t/uni/chomp ................................................... ok
-t/uni/chr ..................................................... ok
-t/uni/class ................................................... ok
-t/uni/eval .................................................... ok
-t/uni/fold .................................................... ok
-t/uni/goto .................................................... ok
-t/uni/greek ................................................... ok
-t/uni/gv ...................................................... ok
-t/uni/labels .................................................. ok
-t/uni/latin2 .................................................. ok
-t/uni/lex_utf8 ................................................ ok
-t/uni/lower ................................................... ok
-t/uni/method .................................................. ok
-t/uni/opcroak ................................................. ok
-t/uni/overload ................................................ ok
-t/uni/package ................................................. ok
-t/uni/parser .................................................. ok
-t/uni/readline ................................................ ok
-t/uni/select .................................................. ok
-t/uni/sprintf ................................................. ok
-t/uni/stash ................................................... ok
-t/uni/tie ..................................................... ok
-t/uni/title ................................................... ok
-t/uni/tr_7jis ................................................. ok
-t/uni/tr_eucjp ................................................ ok
-t/uni/tr_sjis ................................................. ok
-t/uni/tr_utf8 ................................................. ok
-t/uni/universal ............................................... ok
-t/uni/upper ................................................... ok
-t/uni/variables ............................................... ok
-t/uni/write ................................................... ok
-t/mro/basic ................................................... ok
-t/mro/basic_01_c3 ............................................. ok
-t/mro/basic_01_c3_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_01_dfs ............................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_01_dfs_utf8 ....................................... ok
-t/mro/basic_02_c3 ............................................. ok
-t/mro/basic_02_c3_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_02_dfs ............................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_02_dfs_utf8 ....................................... ok
-t/mro/basic_03_c3 ............................................. ok
-t/mro/basic_03_c3_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_03_dfs ............................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_03_dfs_utf8 ....................................... ok
-t/mro/basic_04_c3 ............................................. ok
-t/mro/basic_04_c3_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_04_dfs ............................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_04_dfs_utf8 ....................................... ok
-t/mro/basic_05_c3 ............................................. ok
-t/mro/basic_05_c3_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_05_dfs ............................................ ok
-t/mro/basic_05_dfs_utf8 ....................................... ok
-t/mro/basic_utf8 .............................................. ok
-t/mro/c3_with_overload ........................................ ok
-t/mro/c3_with_overload_utf8 ................................... ok
-t/mro/complex_c3 .............................................. ok
-t/mro/complex_c3_utf8 ......................................... ok
-t/mro/complex_dfs ............................................. ok
-t/mro/complex_dfs_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/dbic_c3 ................................................. ok
-t/mro/dbic_c3_utf8 ............................................ ok
-t/mro/dbic_dfs ................................................ ok
-t/mro/dbic_dfs_utf8 ........................................... ok
-t/mro/inconsistent_c3 ......................................... ok
-t/mro/inconsistent_c3_utf8 .................................... ok
-t/mro/isa_aliases ............................................. ok
-t/mro/isa_aliases_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/isa_c3 .................................................. ok
-t/mro/isa_c3_utf8 ............................................. ok
-t/mro/isa_dfs ................................................. ok
-t/mro/isa_dfs_utf8 ............................................ ok
-t/mro/isarev .................................................. ok
-t/mro/isarev_utf8 ............................................. ok
-t/mro/method_caching .......................................... ok
-t/mro/method_caching_utf8 ..................................... ok
-t/mro/next_NEXT ............................................... ok
-t/mro/next_NEXT_utf8 .......................................... ok
-t/mro/next_edgecases .......................................... ok
-t/mro/next_edgecases_utf8 ..................................... ok
-t/mro/next_goto ............................................... ok
-t/mro/next_goto_utf8 .......................................... ok
-t/mro/next_inanon ............................................. ok
-t/mro/next_inanon_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/next_ineval ............................................. ok
-t/mro/next_ineval_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/next_method ............................................. ok
-t/mro/next_method_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/next_skip ............................................... ok
-t/mro/next_skip_utf8 .......................................... ok
-t/mro/overload_c3 ............................................. ok
-t/mro/overload_c3_utf8 ........................................ ok
-t/mro/overload_dfs ............................................ ok
-t/mro/package_aliases ......................................... ok
-t/mro/package_aliases_utf8 .................................... ok
-t/mro/pkg_gen ................................................. ok
-t/mro/pkg_gen_utf8 ............................................ ok
-t/mro/recursion_c3 ............................................ ok
-t/mro/recursion_c3_utf8 ....................................... ok
-t/mro/recursion_dfs ........................................... ok
-t/mro/recursion_dfs_utf8 ...................................... ok
-t/mro/vulcan_c3 ............................................... ok
-t/mro/vulcan_c3_utf8 .......................................... ok
-t/mro/vulcan_dfs .............................................. ok
-t/mro/vulcan_dfs_utf8 ......................................... ok
-t/porting/FindExt ............................................. ok
-t/porting/args_assert ......................................... ok
-t/porting/authors ............................................. skipped
-t/porting/bincompat ........................................... ok
-t/porting/checkcase ........................................... ok
-t/porting/checkcfgvar ......................................... ok
-t/porting/cmp_version ......................................... skipped
-t/porting/copyright ........................................... ok
-t/porting/corelist ............................................ ok
-t/porting/customized .......................................... ok
-t/porting/diag ................................................ ok
-t/porting/dual-life ........................................... ok
-t/porting/exec-bit ............................................ ok
-t/porting/extrefs ............................................. ok
-t/porting/filenames ........................................... ok
-t/porting/globvar ............................................. skipped
-t/porting/maintainers ......................................... ok
-t/porting/manifest ............................................ ok
-t/porting/pending-author ...................................... skipped
-t/porting/perlfunc ............................................ ok
-t/porting/pod_rules ........................................... ok
-t/porting/podcheck ............................................ ok
-t/porting/readme .............................................. ok
-t/porting/regen ............................................... ok
-t/porting/ss_dup .............................................. ok
-t/porting/test_bootstrap ...................................... ok
-t/porting/utils ............................................... skipped
-t/lib/1_compile ............................................... ok
-t/lib/commonsense ............................................. ok
-t/lib/croak ................................................... ok
-t/lib/cygwin .................................................. skipped
-t/lib/deprecate ............................................... ok
-t/lib/mypragma ................................................ ok
-t/lib/no_load ................................................. ok
-t/lib/overload_fallback ....................................... ok
-t/lib/overload_nomethod ....................................... ok
-t/lib/proxy_constant_subs ..................................... ok
-t/lib/universal ............................................... ok
-cpan/Archive-Tar/t/01_use ..................................... ok
-cpan/Archive-Tar/t/02_methods ................................. ok
-cpan/Archive-Tar/t/03_file .................................... ok
-cpan/Archive-Tar/t/04_resolved_issues ......................... ok
-cpan/Archive-Tar/t/05_iter .................................... ok
-cpan/Archive-Tar/t/06_error ................................... ok
-cpan/Archive-Tar/t/90_symlink ................................. skipped
-cpan/Archive-Tar/t/99_pod ..................................... skipped
-cpan/autodie/t/00-load ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/args ........................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/autodie ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/backcompat ..................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/basic_exceptions ............................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/binmode ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/blog_hints ..................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/caller ......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/chmod .......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/chown .......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/context_lexical ................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/context ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/core-trampoline-slurp .......................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/crickey ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/dbmopen ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/eval_error ..................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/exception_class ................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/exceptions ..................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/exec ........................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/Fatal .......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/filehandles .................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/fileno ......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/flock .......................................... skipped
-cpan/autodie/t/format-clobber ................................. ok
-cpan/autodie/t/hints_insist ................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/hints_pod_examples ............................. ok
-cpan/autodie/t/hints_provider_does ............................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/hints_provider_easy_does_it .................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/hints_provider_isa ............................. ok
-cpan/autodie/t/hints .......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/internal-backcompat ............................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/internal ....................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/kill ........................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/lethal ......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/mkdir .......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/no_carp ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/open ........................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/recv ........................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/repeat ......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/rt-74246 ....................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/scope_leak ..................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/skip ........................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/string-eval-basic .............................. ok
-cpan/autodie/t/string-eval-leak ............................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/sysopen ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/truncate ....................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/unlink ......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/user-context ................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/usersub ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/utf8_open ...................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/utime .......................................... ok
-cpan/autodie/t/version ........................................ ok
-cpan/autodie/t/version_tag .................................... ok
-cpan/AutoLoader/t/01AutoLoader ................................ ok
-cpan/AutoLoader/t/02AutoSplit ................................. ok
-cpan/B-Debug/t/debug .......................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/apache ............................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/autoescape ......................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/can ................................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/carp ............................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/charset ............................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/checkbox_group ..................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/cookie ............................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/delete ............................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/Dump ............................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/end_form ........................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/form ............................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/function ........................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/headers ............................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/hidden ............................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/html ............................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/http ............................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/init ............................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/multipart_init ..................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/no_tabindex ........................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/param_fetch ........................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/popup_menu ......................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/pretty ............................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/push ............................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/query_string ....................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/request ............................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/rt-52469 ........................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/save_read_roundtrip ................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/start_end_asterisk ................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/start_end_end ...................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/start_end_start .................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/switch ............................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/tmpdir ............................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/unescapeHTML ....................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/uploadInfo ......................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/upload ............................................. ok
-cpan/CGI/t/url ................................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/user_agent ......................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/utf8 ............................................... ok
-cpan/CGI/t/util-58 ............................................ ok
-cpan/CGI/t/util ............................................... ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/t/000prereq ........................... ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/t/01bzip2 ............................. ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/t/09limitoutput ....................... ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/t/19nonpv ............................. ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/t/99pod ............................... skipped
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/t/01version ............................ ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/t/02zlib ............................... ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/t/07bufsize ............................ ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/t/09limitoutput ........................ ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/t/18lvalue ............................. ok
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/t/19nonpv .............................. ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/10_base .................................. ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/20_plv56 ................................. ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/21_plv58 ................................. ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/22_plv510 ................................ ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/23_plv512 ................................ ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/24_plv514 ................................ ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/25_plv5162 ............................... ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/25_plv516 ................................ ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/26_plv5182 ............................... ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/26_plv518 ................................ ok
-cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/27_plv5200 ............................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-Requirements/t/accepts ......................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-Requirements/t/bad_version_hook ................ ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-Requirements/t/basic ........................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-Requirements/t/finalize ........................ ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-Requirements/t/from-hash ....................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-Requirements/t/merge ........................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/converter-bad ................................ ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/converter-fail ............................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/converter .................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/load-bad ..................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/meta-obj ..................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/no-index ..................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/prereqs-finalize ............................. ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/prereqs-merge ................................ ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/prereqs ...................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/repository ................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/save-load .................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/strings ...................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta/t/validator .................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/01_api .................................. ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/01_compile .............................. ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/10_read ................................. ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/11_read_string .......................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/12_write ................................ ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/13_write_string ......................... ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/20_subclass ............................. ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/21_yamlpm_compat ........................ ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/30_yaml_spec_tml ........................ ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/31_local_tml ............................ ok
-cpan/CPAN-Meta-YAML/t/32_world_tml ............................ ok
-cpan/CPAN/t/01loadme .......................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN/t/02nox ............................................. ok
-cpan/CPAN/t/03pkgs ............................................ ok
-cpan/CPAN/t/10version ......................................... ok
-cpan/CPAN/t/11mirroredby ...................................... ok
-cpan/DB_File/t/db-btree ....................................... ok
-cpan/DB_File/t/db-hash ........................................ ok
-cpan/DB_File/t/db-recno ....................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/call ...................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/cop ....................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/exception ................................. ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/format .................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/grok ...................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/gv ........................................ ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/HvNAME .................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/limits .................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/magic ..................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/memory .................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/misc ...................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/mPUSH ..................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/MY_CXT .................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/newCONSTSUB ............................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/newRV ..................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/newSVpv ................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/newSV_type ................................ ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/podtest ................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/ppphtest .................................. ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/pvs ....................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/pv_tools .................................. ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/shared_pv ................................. ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/snprintf .................................. ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/sprintf ................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/strlfuncs ................................. ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/SvPV ...................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/SvREFCNT .................................. ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/Sv_set .................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/sv_xpvf ................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/threads ................................... ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/uv ........................................ ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/variables ................................. ok
-cpan/Devel-PPPort/t/warn ...................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-MD5/t/align ....................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-MD5/t/badfile ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-MD5/t/bits ........................................ ok
-cpan/Digest-MD5/t/clone ....................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-MD5/t/files ....................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-MD5/t/md5-aaa ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-MD5/t/threads ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-MD5/t/utf8 ........................................ ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/allfcns ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/base64 ...................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/bitbuf ...................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/fips180-4 ................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/fips198 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/gglong ...................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/gg .......................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/hmacsha ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/ireland ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/methods ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/nistbit ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/nistbyte .................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/rfc2202 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/sha1 ........................................ ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/sha224 ...................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/sha256 ...................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/sha384 ...................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/sha512 ...................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/state ....................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/unicode ..................................... ok
-cpan/Digest-SHA/t/woodbury .................................... ok
-cpan/Digest/t/base ............................................ ok
-cpan/Digest/t/digest .......................................... ok
-cpan/Digest/t/file ............................................ ok
-cpan/Digest/t/security ........................................ ok
-cpan/Encode/t/Aliases ......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/at-cn ........................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/at-tw ........................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/CJKT ............................................ ok
-cpan/Encode/t/cow ............................................. ok
-cpan/Encode/t/decode .......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/enc_data ........................................ ok
-cpan/Encode/t/enc_eucjp ....................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/enc_module ...................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/Encoder ......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/Encode .......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/encoding ........................................ ok
-cpan/Encode/t/enc_utf8 ........................................ ok
-cpan/Encode/t/fallback ........................................ ok
-cpan/Encode/t/from_to ......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/grow ............................................ ok
-cpan/Encode/t/gsm0338 ......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/guess ........................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/jis7-fallback ................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/jperl ........................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/mime_header_iso2022jp ........................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/mime-header ..................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/mime-name ....................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/perlio .......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/piconv .......................................... skipped
-cpan/Encode/t/taint ........................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/Unicode ......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/utf8ref ......................................... ok
-cpan/Encode/t/utf8strict ...................................... ok
-cpan/encoding-warnings/t/1-warning ............................ ok
-cpan/encoding-warnings/t/2-fatal .............................. ok
-cpan/encoding-warnings/t/3-normal ............................. ok
-cpan/encoding-warnings/t/4-lexical ............................ ok
-cpan/experimental/t/basic ..................................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/t/Constant ............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/00compile ........................... skipped
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/01perl_bugs ......................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/arch_check .......................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/backwards ........................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/basic ............................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/build_man ........................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/cd .................................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/config .............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/dir_target .......................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/echo ................................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/FIRST_MAKEFILE ...................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/fixin ............................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/fix_libs ............................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/hints ............................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/INSTALL_BASE ........................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/installed_file ...................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/INST_PREFIX ......................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/INST ................................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/is_of_type .......................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/Liblist ............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MakeMaker_Parameters ................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/make ................................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/maketext_filter ..................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/meta_convert ........................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/metafile_data ....................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/metafile_file ....................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/miniperl ............................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/min_perl_version .................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/Mkbootstrap ......................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MM_Any .............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MM_BeOS ............................. skipped
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MM_Cygwin ........................... skipped
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MM_NW5 .............................. skipped
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MM_OS2 .............................. skipped
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MM_Unix ............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MM_VMS .............................. skipped
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/MM_Win32 ............................ skipped
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/oneliner ............................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/parse_abstract ...................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/parse_version ....................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/PL_FILES ............................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/pm .................................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/pm_to_blib .......................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/pod2man ............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/postamble ........................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/prefixify ........................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/prereq_print ........................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/prereq .............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/problems ............................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/prompt .............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/recurs .............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/revision ............................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/several_authors ..................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/split_command ....................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/test_boilerplate .................... ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/testlib ............................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/VERSION_FROM ........................ ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/WriteEmptyMakefile .................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/writemakefile_args .................. ok
-cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/xs .................................. ok
-cpan/File-Fetch/t/01_File-Fetch ............................... ok
-cpan/File-Fetch/t/null_subclass ............................... ok
-cpan/File-Path/t/Path ......................................... ok
-cpan/File-Path/t/taint ........................................ ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/cmp .......................................... ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/fork ......................................... ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/lock ......................................... skipped
-cpan/File-Temp/t/mktemp ....................................... ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/object ....................................... ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/posix ........................................ ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/rmtree ....................................... ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/security ..................................... ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/seekable ..................................... ok
-cpan/File-Temp/t/tempfile ..................................... ok
-cpan/Filter-Util-Call/t/call .................................. ok
-cpan/Getopt-Long/t/gol-basic .................................. ok
-cpan/Getopt-Long/t/gol-linkage ................................ ok
-cpan/Getopt-Long/t/gol-oo ..................................... ok
-cpan/Getopt-Long/t/gol-xargv .................................. ok
-cpan/Getopt-Long/t/gol-xstring ................................ ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/000_load ..................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/001_api ...................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/002_croakage ................................. ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/003_agent .................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/010_url ...................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/020_headers .................................. ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/030_response ................................. ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/040_content .................................. ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/050_chunked_body ............................. ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/060_http_date ................................ ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/070_cookie_jar ............................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/100_get ...................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/101_head ..................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/102_put ...................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/103_delete ................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/104_post ..................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/110_mirror ................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/130_redirect ................................. ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/140_proxy .................................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/141_no_proxy ................................. ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/150_post_form ................................ ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/160_cookies .................................. ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/161_basic_auth ............................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/162_proxy_auth ............................... ok
-cpan/HTTP-Tiny/t/170_keepalive ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/000prereq .................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/001bzip2 ................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/001zlib-generic-deflate .................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/001zlib-generic-gzip ....................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/001zlib-generic-rawdeflate ................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/001zlib-generic-zip ........................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/002any-deflate ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/002any-gzip ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/002any-rawdeflate .......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/002any-transparent ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/002any-zip ................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/004gziphdr ................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/005defhdr .................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/006zip ..................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/01misc ..................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/020isize ................................... skipped
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/050interop-gzip ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/100generic-bzip2 ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/100generic-deflate ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/100generic-gzip ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/100generic-rawdeflate ...................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/100generic-zip ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/101truncate-bzip2 .......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/101truncate-deflate ........................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/101truncate-gzip ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/101truncate-rawdeflate ..................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/101truncate-zip ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/102tied-bzip2 .............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/102tied-deflate ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/102tied-gzip ............................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/102tied-rawdeflate ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/102tied-zip ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/103newtied-bzip2 ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/103newtied-deflate ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/103newtied-gzip ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/103newtied-rawdeflate ...................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/103newtied-zip ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/104destroy-bzip2 ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/104destroy-deflate ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/104destroy-gzip ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/104destroy-rawdeflate ...................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/104destroy-zip ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-bzip2 ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-deflate ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-gzip-only ....................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-gzip ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-rawdeflate ...................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-zip-bzip2-only .................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-zip-only ........................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-zip-store-only .................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/105oneshot-zip ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/106prime-bzip2 ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/106prime-deflate ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/106prime-gzip .............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/106prime-rawdeflate ........................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/106prime-zip ............................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/107multi-bzip2 ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/107multi-deflate ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/107multi-gzip .............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/107multi-rawdeflate ........................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/107multi-zip ............................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/108anyunc-bzip2 ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/108anyunc-deflate .......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/108anyunc-gzip ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/108anyunc-rawdeflate ....................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/108anyunc-transparent ...................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/108anyunc-zip .............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/109merge-deflate ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/109merge-gzip .............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/109merge-rawdeflate ........................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/109merge-zip ............................... skipped
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/110encode-bzip2 ............................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/110encode-deflate .......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/110encode-gzip ............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/110encode-rawdeflate ....................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/110encode-zip .............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/111const-deflate ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/999pod ..................................... skipped
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/cz-01version ............................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/cz-03zlib-v1 ............................... ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/cz-06gzsetp ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/cz-08encoding .............................. ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/cz-14gzopen ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Compress/t/globmapper ................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/00use ..................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/01local-client-v4 ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/02local-server-v4 ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/03local-cross-v4 .......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/04local-client-v6 ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/05local-server-v6 ......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/06local-cross-v6 .......................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/10args .................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/11sockopts ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/12port-fallback ........................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/13addrinfo ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/14fileno .................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/15io-socket ............................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/16v6only .................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/17gai-flags ............................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/18fdopen .................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/19no-addrs ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/20subclass ................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/21as-inet ................................. ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/30nonblocking-connect ..................... ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/31nonblocking-connect-internet ............ ok
-cpan/IO-Socket-IP/t/99pod ..................................... skipped
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/basic .......................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/external ....................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/getc ........................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/getline ........................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/import ......................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/large .......................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/tied ........................................... ok
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/uncomp1 ........................................ ok
-cpan/IO-Zlib/t/uncomp2 ........................................ ok
-cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/01_IPC-Cmd ..................................... ok
-cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/02_Interactive ................................. skipped
-cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/03_run-forked .................................. ok
-cpan/IPC-SysV/t/ipcsysv ....................................... ok
-cpan/IPC-SysV/t/msg ........................................... ok
-cpan/IPC-SysV/t/podcov ........................................ skipped
-cpan/IPC-SysV/t/pod ........................................... skipped
-cpan/IPC-SysV/t/sem ........................................... ok
-cpan/IPC-SysV/t/shm ........................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/000_load ....................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/001_utf8 ....................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/002_error ...................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/003_types ...................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/006_pc_pretty .................................. ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/007_pc_esc ..................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/008_pc_base .................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/009_pc_extra_number ............................ ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/010_pc_keysort ................................. ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/011_pc_expo .................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/012_blessed .................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/013_limit ...................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/014_latin1 ..................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/015_prefix ..................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/016_tied ....................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/017_relaxed .................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/018_json_checker ............................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/019_incr ....................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/020_unknown .................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/021_evans_bugrep ............................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/022_comment_at_eof ............................. ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/099_binary ..................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/104_sortby ..................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/105_esc_slash .................................. ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/106_allow_barekey .............................. ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/107_allow_singlequote .......................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/108_decode ..................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/109_encode ..................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/110_bignum ..................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/112_upgrade .................................... ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/113_overloaded_eq .............................. ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/114_decode_prefix .............................. ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/115_tie_ixhash ................................. ok
-cpan/JSON-PP/t/116_incr_parse_fixed ........................... ok
-cpan/libnet/t/config .......................................... skipped
-cpan/libnet/t/datasend ........................................ skipped
-cpan/libnet/t/ftp ............................................. skipped
-cpan/libnet/t/hostname ........................................ ok
-cpan/libnet/t/netrc ........................................... skipped
-cpan/libnet/t/nntp ............................................ skipped
-cpan/libnet/t/require ......................................... ok
-cpan/libnet/t/smtp ............................................ skipped
-cpan/libnet/t/time ............................................ skipped
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/alias_code_old ............................ ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/alias_code ................................ ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/code2country_old .......................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/code2country .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/code2currency ............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/code2langext .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/code2langfam .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/code2language ............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/code2langvar .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/code2script ............................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/country2code_old .......................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/country2code .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/country_code2code_old ..................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/country_code2code ......................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/country_old ............................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/country ................................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/currency2code_old ......................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/currency2code ............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/langext2code .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/langfam2code .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/language2code ............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/language_old .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/language .................................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/langvar2code .............................. ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/script2code_old ........................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Codes/t/script2code ............................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Maketext-Simple/t/0-signature ..................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Maketext-Simple/t/1-basic ......................... ok
-cpan/Locale-Maketext-Simple/t/2-load_po_without_i_default ..... skipped
-cpan/Locale-Maketext-Simple/t/3-load_po_with_i_default ........ skipped
-cpan/Math-Complex/t/Complex ................................... ok
-cpan/Math-Complex/t/Trig ...................................... ok
-cpan/Math-Complex/t/underbar .................................. ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/array_confusion ................................ ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/array .......................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/correctness .................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/errors ......................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/expfile ........................................ ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/expire ......................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/expmod_n ....................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/expmod_t ....................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/flush .......................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/normalize ...................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/prototype ...................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/speed .......................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/tiefeatures .................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/tie_gdbm ....................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/tie_ndbm ....................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/tie_sdbm ....................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/tie_storable ................................... ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/tie ............................................ ok
-cpan/Memoize/t/unmemoize ...................................... ok
-cpan/MIME-Base64/t/base64 ..................................... ok
-cpan/MIME-Base64/t/length ..................................... ok
-cpan/MIME-Base64/t/quoted-print ............................... ok
-cpan/MIME-Base64/t/unicode .................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/00-compile ................................ ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/actions/installdeps ....................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/actions/manifest_skip ..................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/add_property_array ........................ ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/add_property_hash ......................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/add_property .............................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/basic ..................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/bundle_inc ................................ skipped
-cpan/Module-Build/t/compat/exit ............................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/compat .................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/debug ..................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/destinations .............................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/extend .................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/ext ....................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/files ..................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/help ...................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/install_extra_target ...................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/install ................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/manifypods ................................ ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/manifypods_with_utf8 ...................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/metadata2 ................................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/metadata .................................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/mymeta .................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/new_from_context .......................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/notes ..................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/parents ................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/perl_mb_opt ............................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/PL_files .................................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/pod_parser ................................ ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/ppm ....................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/properties/dist_suffix .................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/properties/license ........................ ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/properties/module_name .................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/properties/needs_compiler ................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/properties/release_status ................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/properties/requires ....................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/properties/share_dir ...................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/resume .................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/runthrough ................................ ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/sample .................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/script_dist ............................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/test_file_exts ............................ ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/test_reqs ................................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/test_types ................................ ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/test_type ................................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/tilde ..................................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/unit_run_test_harness ..................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/use_tap_harness ........................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/versions .................................. ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/write_default_maniskip .................... ok
-cpan/Module-Build/t/xs ........................................ ok
-cpan/Module-Load-Conditional/t/01_Module_Load_Conditional ..... ok
-cpan/Module-Loaded/t/01_Module-Loaded ......................... ok
-cpan/Module-Load/t/01_Module-Load ............................. ok
-cpan/Module-Load/t/02_Module-Load ............................. ok
-cpan/Module-Metadata/t/contains_pod ........................... ok
-cpan/Module-Metadata/t/encoding ............................... ok
-cpan/Module-Metadata/t/endpod ................................. ok
-cpan/Module-Metadata/t/metadata ............................... ok
-cpan/Module-Metadata/t/taint .................................. ok
-cpan/Module-Metadata/t/version ................................ ok
-cpan/NEXT/t/actual ............................................ ok
-cpan/NEXT/t/actuns ............................................ ok
-cpan/NEXT/t/dynamically_scoped_regex_vars ..................... ok
-cpan/NEXT/t/next .............................................. ok
-cpan/NEXT/t/stringify ......................................... ok
-cpan/NEXT/t/unseen ............................................ ok
-cpan/Package-Constants/t/01_list .............................. ok
-cpan/Params-Check/t/01_Params-Check ........................... ok
-cpan/parent/t/compile-time-file ............................... ok
-cpan/parent/t/compile-time .................................... ok
-cpan/parent/t/parent-classfromclassfile ....................... ok
-cpan/parent/t/parent-classfromfile ............................ ok
-cpan/parent/t/parent-pmc ...................................... ok
-cpan/parent/t/parent-returns-false ............................ ok
-cpan/parent/t/parent .......................................... ok
-cpan/Parse-CPAN-Meta/t/02_api ................................. ok
-cpan/Parse-CPAN-Meta/t/03_functions ........................... ok
-cpan/Parse-CPAN-Meta/t/04_export .............................. ok
-cpan/Parse-CPAN-Meta/t/05_errors .............................. ok
-cpan/PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint/t/QuotedPrint ..................... ok
-cpan/Perl-OSType/t/OSType ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Checker/t/pod/podchkenc .............................. ok
-cpan/Pod-Checker/t/pod/poderrs ................................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Checker/t/pod/selfcheck .............................. ok
-cpan/Pod-Escapes/t/01_about_verbose ........................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Escapes/t/10_main .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Escapes/t/15_name2charnum ............................ ok
-cpan/podlators/t/basic ........................................ ok
-cpan/podlators/t/color ........................................ ok
-cpan/podlators/t/devise-date .................................. ok
-cpan/podlators/t/filehandle ................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/man-empty .................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/man-heading .................................. ok
-cpan/podlators/t/man-options .................................. ok
-cpan/podlators/t/man-perlio ................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/man .......................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/man-utf8 ..................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/overstrike ................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/parselink .................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/pod-parser ................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/pod-spelling ................................. skipped
-cpan/podlators/t/pod .......................................... skipped
-cpan/podlators/t/termcap ...................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/text-empty ................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/text-encoding ................................ ok
-cpan/podlators/t/text-options ................................. ok
-cpan/podlators/t/text-perlio .................................. ok
-cpan/podlators/t/text ......................................... ok
-cpan/podlators/t/text-utf8 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/contains_pod ............................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/emptycmd ................................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/find .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/for ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/headings ................................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/included ................................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/include ................................. ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/lref .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/multiline_items ......................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/nested_items ............................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/nested_seqs ............................. ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/oneline_cmds ............................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/podselect ............................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/selfcheck ............................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/special_seqs ............................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Parser/t/pod/twice ................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Perldoc/t/load ....................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Perldoc/t/man/_get_columns ........................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Perldoc/t/pod ........................................ skipped
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/00about ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/20_skip ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/accept01 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/accept05 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/ac_d ........................................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/basic ....................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/begin ....................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/cbacks ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/chunking .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/closeys ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/corpus ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/emptylists .................................. ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/enc-chars ................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/encod01 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/encod02 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/encod03 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/encod04 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/end_over .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/eol2 ........................................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/eol ......................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/fake-closers ................................ ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/fcodes_e .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/fcodes_l .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/fcodes_s .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/fcodes ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/fornot ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/for ......................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/heads ....................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/html01 ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/html02 ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/html03 ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/htmlbat ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/items02 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/items ....................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/itemstar .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/linkclas .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/output ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/puller ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/pulltitl .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/reinit ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/render ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search05 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search10 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search12 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search20 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search22 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search25 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search26 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search27 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search28 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search29 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/search50 .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/stree ....................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/strpvbtm .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/tiedfh ...................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/verbatim .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/verb_fmt .................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/whine ....................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/xhtml01 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/xhtml05 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/xhtml10 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/xhtml15 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/xhtml20 ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/xhtml-bkb ................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Simple/t/x_nixer ..................................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Usage/t/pod/pod2usage2 ............................... ok
-cpan/Pod-Usage/t/pod/pod2usage ................................ ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/00version ............................ ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/any-all .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/blessed .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/dualvar .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/first ................................ ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/getmagic-once ........................ ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/isvstring ............................ ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/lln .................................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/maxstr ............................... ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/max .................................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/minstr ............................... ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/min .................................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/multicall-refcount ................... ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/openhan .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/pair ................................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/product .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/proto ................................ ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/readonly ............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/reduce ............................... ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/refaddr .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/reftype .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/shuffle .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/stack-corruption ..................... ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/sum0 ................................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/sum .................................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/tainted .............................. ok
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils/t/weak ................................. ok
-cpan/Socket/t/getaddrinfo ..................................... ok
-cpan/Socket/t/getnameinfo ..................................... ok
-cpan/Socket/t/ip_mreq ......................................... ok
-cpan/Socket/t/ipv6_mreq ....................................... ok
-cpan/Socket/t/sockaddr ........................................ ok
-cpan/Socket/t/socketpair ...................................... ok
-cpan/Socket/t/Socket .......................................... ok
-cpan/Sys-Syslog/t/00-load ..................................... ok
-cpan/Sys-Syslog/t/constants ................................... ok
-cpan/Sys-Syslog/t/facilities-routing .......................... skipped
-cpan/Sys-Syslog/t/syslog ...................................... ok
-cpan/Term-ANSIColor/t/aliases-func ............................ ok
-cpan/Term-ANSIColor/t/basic256 ................................ ok
-cpan/Term-ANSIColor/t/basic ................................... ok
-cpan/Term-ANSIColor/t/eval .................................... ok
-cpan/Term-ANSIColor/t/stringify ............................... ok
-cpan/Term-ANSIColor/t/taint ................................... ok
-cpan/Term-Cap/test ............................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/aggregator ................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/bailout ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/base ...................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/callbacks ................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/env_opts ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/env ................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/failure ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/inc-propagation .................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/inc_taint .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/nonumbers .......................... skipped
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/regression ......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/subclass ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/switches ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/test-harness-compat ................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/compat/version ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/console ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/errors .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/file ...................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/glob-to-regexp ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/grammar ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/harness-bailout ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/harness-subclass .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/harness ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/iterator_factory .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/iterators ................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/multiplexer ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/nested .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/nofork-mux ................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/nofork .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/object .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/parser-config ............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/parser-subclass ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/parse ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/perl5lib .................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/premature-bailout ......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/process ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/proveenv .................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/proverc ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/proverun .................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/prove ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/proveversion .............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/regression ................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/results ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/scheduler ................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/source_handler ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/source .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/source_tests/source ....................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/spool ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/state_results ............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/state ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/streams ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/taint ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/testargs .................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/unicode ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/yamlish-output ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/yamlish ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Harness/t/yamlish-writer ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/00test_harness_check ....................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/bad_plan ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/bail_out ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/BEGIN_require_ok ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/BEGIN_use_ok ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/buffer ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/Builder ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/carp ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/create ............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/current_test ....................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/current_test_without_plan .......... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/details ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing_double ................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing_plan_mismatch ......... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing ....................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing_with_no_plan .......... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing_with_number ........... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/done_testing_with_plan ............. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/fork_with_new_stdout ............... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/has_plan2 .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/has_plan ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/is_fh .............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/is_passing ......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/maybe_regex ........................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/no_diag ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/no_ending .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/no_header .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/no_plan_at_all ..................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/ok_obj ............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/output ............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/reset .............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Builder/try ................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/c_flag ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/circular_data .............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/cmp_ok ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/dependents ................................. skipped
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/diag ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/died ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/dont_overwrite_die_handler ................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/eq_set ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/exit ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/explain .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/extra_one .................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/extra ...................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/fail-like .................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/fail-more .................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/fail_one ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/fail ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/filehandles ................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/fork ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/harness_active ............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/import ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/is_deeply_dne_bug .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/is_deeply_fail ............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/is_deeply_with_threads ..................... skipped
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/missing .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/More ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/new_ok ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/no_plan .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/no_tests ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/note ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/overload ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/overload_threads ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_bad ................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_is_noplan ............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_no_plan ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_shouldnt_import ....................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan_skip_all .............................. skipped
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/plan ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/require_ok ................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Simple/load ................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/simple ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/skipall .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/skip ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/args ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/bail_out ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/basic .............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/die ................................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/do ................................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/exceptions ......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/fork ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/implicit_done ...................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/line_numbers ....................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/plan ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/predicate .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/singleton .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/threads ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/todo ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/subtest/wstat .............................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/tbm_doesnt_set_exported_to ................. ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_01basic ......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_02fhrestore ..................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_03die ........................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_04line_num ...................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_05faildiag ...................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_06errormess ..................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_07args .......................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_08subtest ....................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/Tester/tbt_09do ............................ ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/threads .................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/thread_taint ............................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/todo ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/undef ...................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/useing ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/use_ok ..................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/utf8 ....................................... ok
-cpan/Test-Simple/t/versions ................................... ok
-cpan/Test/t/05_about_verbose .................................. ok
-cpan/Test/t/fail .............................................. ok
-cpan/Test/t/mix ............................................... ok
-cpan/Test/t/multiline ......................................... ok
-cpan/Test/t/onfail ............................................ ok
-cpan/Test/t/qr ................................................ ok
-cpan/Test/t/skip .............................................. ok
-cpan/Test/t/success ........................................... ok
-cpan/Test/t/todo .............................................. ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/01_compile ............................... ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/02_extbrk ................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/03_extcbk ................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/04_extdel ................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/05_extmul ................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/06_extqlk ................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/07_exttag ................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/08_extvar ................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Balanced/t/09_gentag ................................ ok
-cpan/Text-ParseWords/t/ParseWords ............................. ok
-cpan/Text-ParseWords/t/taint .................................. ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/37000 ........................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/39548 ........................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/79766 ........................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/belg4mit ..................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/dandv ........................................ ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/fill ......................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson2 .................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson ..................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jochen ....................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep2 ......................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep .......................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Tabs-ElCid ................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/tabs ......................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Wrap-JLB ..................................... ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap_separator2 .............................. ok
-cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap ......................................... ok
-cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/rebless .................................... ok
-cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/refhash .................................... ok
-cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/storable ................................... ok
-cpan/Tie-RefHash/t/threaded ................................... ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/alarm ....................................... ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/clock ....................................... ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/gettimeofday ................................ ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/itimer ...................................... ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/nanosleep ................................... ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/sleep ....................................... ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/stat ........................................ ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/time ........................................ ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/tv_interval ................................. ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/ualarm ...................................... ok
-cpan/Time-HiRes/t/usleep ...................................... ok
-cpan/Time-Local/t/Local ....................................... ok
-cpan/Time-Piece/t/01base ...................................... ok
-cpan/Time-Piece/t/02core ...................................... ok
-cpan/Time-Piece/t/03compare ................................... ok
-cpan/Time-Piece/t/04mjd ....................................... ok
-cpan/Time-Piece/t/05overload .................................. ok
-cpan/Time-Piece/t/06subclass .................................. ok
-cpan/Time-Piece/t/07arith ..................................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/altern ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/backwds ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_b5 ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_gb ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_ja ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_ko ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_py ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjkrange ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_st ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/cjk_zy ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/compatui ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/contract ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/default ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/hangtype ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/hangul ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/ident .................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/iglevel2 ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/ignor .................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/illegalp ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/illegal ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/index .................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_af ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ar ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_as ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_az ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_be ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_bg ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_bn ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_bscy ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_bs ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ca ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cjkc ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cjk ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cs ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cyrl ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_cy ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_da ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_deph ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_de ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ee ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_eo ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_es ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_estr ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_et ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fa ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fil ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fiph ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fi ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fo ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_fr ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_gu ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ha ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_haw ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_hi ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_hr ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_hu ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_hy ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ig ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_is ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_jait ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_japr ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ja ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_kk ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_kl ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_kn ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_kok ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ko ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ln ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_lt ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_lv ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_mk ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ml ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_mr ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_mt ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_nb ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_nn ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_nso ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_om ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_or ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_pa ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_pl ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ro ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ru ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_sa ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_se ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_sidt ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_si ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_sk ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_sl ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_sq ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_srla ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_sr ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_svrf ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_sv ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_sw ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ta ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_test ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_te ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_th ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_tn ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_to ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_tr ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_uk ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_ur ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_vi ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_wae ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_wo ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_yo ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_zhb5 ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_zhgb ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_zhpy ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_zhst ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_zh ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/loc_zhzy ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/nonchar ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/normal ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/notable ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/overcjk0 ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/overcjk1 ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/override ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/rearrang ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/rewrite ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/test ................................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/trailwt ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/variable ............................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/version ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Collate/t/view ................................... ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/fcdc ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/form ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/func ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/illegal .............................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/norm ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/null ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/partial1 ............................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/partial2 ............................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/proto ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/split ................................ ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/test ................................. ok
-cpan/Unicode-Normalize/t/tie .................................. ok
-cpan/version/t/00impl-pp ...................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/01base ......................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/02derived ...................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/03require ...................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/04strict_lax ................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/05sigdie ....................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/06noop ......................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/07locale ....................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/08_corelist .................................... ok
-cpan/version/t/09_list_util ................................... ok
-dist/Attribute-Handlers/t/constants ........................... ok
-dist/Attribute-Handlers/t/data_convert ........................ ok
-dist/Attribute-Handlers/t/linerep ............................. ok
-dist/Attribute-Handlers/t/multi ............................... ok
-dist/autouse/t/autouse ........................................ ok
-dist/base/t/base-open-chunk ................................... ok
-dist/base/t/base-open-line .................................... ok
-dist/base/t/base .............................................. ok
-dist/base/t/compile-time ...................................... ok
-dist/base/t/core-global ....................................... ok
-dist/base/t/fields-5_6_0 ...................................... skipped
-dist/base/t/fields-5_8_0 ...................................... skipped
-dist/base/t/fields-base ....................................... ok
-dist/base/t/fields ............................................ ok
-dist/base/t/isa ............................................... ok
-dist/base/t/sigdie ............................................ ok
-dist/base/t/version ........................................... ok
-dist/base/t/warnings .......................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/big_e_pi ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/bigexp .......................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/bigint .......................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/bignum .......................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/bigrat .......................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/bii_e_pi ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/biinfnan ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/bir_e_pi ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/bninfnan ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/bn_lite ......................................... skipped
-dist/bignum/t/brinfnan ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/br_lite ......................................... skipped
-dist/bignum/t/in_effect ....................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/option_a ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/option_l ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/option_p ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/overrides ....................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/ratopt_a ........................................ ok
-dist/bignum/t/scope_f ......................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/scope_i ......................................... ok
-dist/bignum/t/scope_r ......................................... ok
-dist/Carp/t/arg_regexp ........................................ ok
-dist/Carp/t/arg_string ........................................ ok
-dist/Carp/t/baduni ............................................ ok
-dist/Carp/t/baduni_warnings ................................... ok
-dist/Carp/t/Carp_overload ..................................... ok
-dist/Carp/t/Carp .............................................. ok
-dist/Carp/t/errno ............................................. ok
-dist/Carp/t/heavy_mismatch .................................... ok
-dist/Carp/t/heavy ............................................. ok
-dist/Carp/t/stash_deletion .................................... ok
-dist/Carp/t/swash ............................................. ok
-dist/Carp/t/vivify_gv ......................................... ok
-dist/Carp/t/vivify_stash ...................................... ok
-dist/Carp/t/with_warnings ..................................... ok
-dist/constant/t/constant ...................................... ok
-dist/constant/t/utf8 .......................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/bless ...................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/bless_var_method ........................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/bugs ....................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/deparse .................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/dumper ..................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/dumpperl ................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/freezer .................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/freezer_useperl ............................ ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/indent ..................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/misc ....................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/names ...................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/overload ................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/pair ....................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/perl-74170 ................................. ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/purity_deepcopy_maxdepth ................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/qr ......................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/quotekeys .................................. ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/seen ....................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/sortkeys ................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/sparseseen ................................. ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/terse ...................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/toaster .................................... ok
-dist/Data-Dumper/t/values ..................................... ok
-dist/Devel-SelfStubber/t/Devel-SelfStubber .................... ok
-dist/Dumpvalue/t/Dumpvalue .................................... ok
-dist/Env/t/array .............................................. ok
-dist/Env/t/env ................................................ ok
-dist/Exporter/t/Exporter ...................................... ok
-dist/Exporter/t/warn .......................................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/00-have-compiler ..................... cc: Warning: Option -x passed to ld, if ld is invoked, ignored otherwise
-dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/01-basic ............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/02-link .............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/03-cplusplus ......................... cc: Warning: Option -x passed to ld, if ld is invoked, ignored otherwise
-dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/t/04-base .............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Command/t/cp .................................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Command/t/eu_command ............................ ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/can_write_dir ......................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/Installapi2 ........................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/Installed ............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/Install ............................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/InstallWithMM ......................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/Packlist .............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-Manifest/t/Manifest ............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/001-basic ............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/002-more .............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/003-usage ............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/101-standard_typemap_locations ........ ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/102-trim_whitespace ................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/103-tidy_type ......................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/104-map_type .......................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/105-valid_proto_string ................ ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/106-process_typemaps .................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/108-map_type .......................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/109-standard_XS_defs .................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/110-assign_func_args .................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/111-analyze_preprocessor_statements ... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/112-set_cond .......................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/113-check_cond_preproc_statements ..... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/114-blurt_death_Warn .................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/115-avoid-noise ....................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/501-t-compile ......................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/510-t-bare ............................ ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/511-t-whitespace ...................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/512-t-file ............................ ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/513-t-merge ........................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/514-t-embed ........................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/515-t-cmd ............................. ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/516-t-clone ........................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/517-t-targetable ...................... ok
-dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/600-t-compat .......................... ok
-dist/Filter-Simple/t/code_no_comments ......................... ok
-dist/Filter-Simple/t/data ..................................... ok
-dist/Filter-Simple/t/export ................................... ok
-dist/Filter-Simple/t/filter_only .............................. ok
-dist/Filter-Simple/t/filter ................................... ok
-dist/Filter-Simple/t/import ................................... ok
-dist/I18N-Collate/t/I18N-Collate .............................. ok
-dist/I18N-LangTags/t/01_about_verbose ......................... ok
-dist/I18N-LangTags/t/05_main .................................. ok
-dist/I18N-LangTags/t/07_listy ................................. ok
-dist/I18N-LangTags/t/10_http .................................. ok
-dist/I18N-LangTags/t/20_locales ............................... ok
-dist/I18N-LangTags/t/50_super ................................. ok
-dist/I18N-LangTags/t/55_supers_strict ......................... ok
-dist/I18N-LangTags/t/80_all_env ............................... ok
-dist/if/t/if .................................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/cachepropagate-tcp .................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/cachepropagate-udp .................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/cachepropagate-unix ................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_const ............................................ ok
-dist/IO/t/io_dir .............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_dup .............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_file_export ...................................... ok
-dist/IO/t/io_file ............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_linenum .......................................... ok
-dist/IO/t/io_multihomed ....................................... ok
-dist/IO/t/io_pipe ............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_poll ............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_sel .............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_sock ............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/IO .................................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_taint ............................................ ok
-dist/IO/t/io_tell ............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_udp .............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_unix ............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_utf8argv ......................................... ok
-dist/IO/t/io_utf8 ............................................. ok
-dist/IO/t/io_xs ............................................... ok
-dist/lib/t/01lib .............................................. ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/01_about_verbose ....................... ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/04_use_external_lex_cache .............. ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/09_compile ............................. ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/10_make ................................ ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/20_get ................................. ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/30_eval_dollar_at ...................... ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/40_super ............................... ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/50_super ............................... ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/60_super ............................... ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/70_fail_auto ........................... ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/90_utf8 ................................ ok
-dist/Locale-Maketext/t/91_backslash ........................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc/t/bigintfc .......................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc/t/bootstrap ......................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc/t/leak .............................. ok
-dist/Math-BigInt-FastCalc/t/mbi_rand .......................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/bare_mbf ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/bare_mbi ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/bare_mif ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/bigfltpm ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/bigintc .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/bigintpm ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/bigints .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/biglog ..................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/big_pi_e ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/bigroot .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/calling .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/config ..................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/constant ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/const_mbf .................................. ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/downgrade .................................. ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/_e_math .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/inf_nan .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/isa ........................................ ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/lib_load ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/mbf_ali .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/mbi_ali .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/mbimbf ..................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/mbi_rand ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/nan_cmp .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/new_overloaded ............................. ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/req_mbf0 ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/req_mbf1 ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/req_mbfa ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/req_mbfi ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/req_mbfn ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/req_mbfw ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/require .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/round ...................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/rt-16221 ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/sub_ali .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/sub_mbf .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/sub_mbi .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/sub_mif .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/trap ....................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/upgrade2 ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/upgradef ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/upgrade .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/use_lib1 ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/use_lib2 ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/use_lib3 ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/use_lib4 ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/use_mbfw ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/use ........................................ ok
-dist/Math-BigInt/t/with_sub ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/big_ap ..................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/bigfltrt ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/biglog ..................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/bigratpm ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/bigrat ..................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/bigratup ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/bigroot .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/bitwise .................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/hang ....................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/requirer ................................... ok
-dist/Math-BigRat/t/trap ....................................... ok
-dist/Module-CoreList/t/corelist ............................... ok
-dist/Module-CoreList/t/corevers ............................... ok
-dist/Module-CoreList/t/deprecated ............................. ok
-dist/Module-CoreList/t/find_modules ........................... ok
-dist/Module-CoreList/t/is_core ................................ ok
-dist/Module-CoreList/t/pod .................................... skipped
-dist/Module-CoreList/t/utils .................................. ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/100_load ...................................... ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/110_icmp_inst ................................. ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/120_udp_inst .................................. ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/130_tcp_inst .................................. ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/140_stream_inst ............................... ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/150_syn_inst .................................. ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/190_alarm ..................................... skipped
-dist/Net-Ping/t/200_ping_tcp .................................. skipped
-dist/Net-Ping/t/250_ping_hires ................................ skipped
-dist/Net-Ping/t/300_ping_stream ............................... skipped
-dist/Net-Ping/t/400_ping_syn .................................. skipped
-dist/Net-Ping/t/410_syn_host .................................. skipped
-dist/Net-Ping/t/450_service ................................... ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/500_ping_icmp ................................. ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/510_ping_udp .................................. ok
-dist/Net-Ping/t/520_icmp_ttl .................................. ok
-dist/PathTools/t/crossplatform ................................ ok
-dist/PathTools/t/cwd .......................................... ok
-dist/PathTools/t/Functions .................................... ok
-dist/PathTools/t/rel2abs2rel .................................. ok
-dist/PathTools/t/Spec ......................................... ok
-dist/PathTools/t/Spec-taint ................................... ok
-dist/PathTools/t/taint ........................................ ok
-dist/PathTools/t/tmpdir ....................................... ok
-dist/PathTools/t/win32 ........................................ skipped
-dist/Safe/t/safe1 ............................................. ok
-dist/Safe/t/safe2 ............................................. ok
-dist/Safe/t/safe3 ............................................. ok
-dist/Safe/t/safeload .......................................... ok
-dist/Safe/t/safenamedcap ...................................... ok
-dist/Safe/t/safeops ........................................... ok
-dist/Safe/t/saferegexp ........................................ ok
-dist/Safe/t/safesort .......................................... ok
-dist/Safe/t/safeuniversal ..................................... ok
-dist/Safe/t/safeutf8 .......................................... ok
-dist/Safe/t/safewrap .......................................... ok
-dist/Search-Dict/t/Dict ....................................... ok
-dist/SelfLoader/t/01SelfLoader ................................ ok
-dist/SelfLoader/t/02SelfLoader-buggy .......................... ok
-dist/SelfLoader/t/03taint ..................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/attach_errors ................................. ok
-dist/Storable/t/attach_singleton .............................. ok
-dist/Storable/t/attach ........................................ ok
-dist/Storable/t/blessed ....................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/canonical ..................................... # Will use Digest::MD5
-dist/Storable/t/circular_hook ................................. ok
-dist/Storable/t/code .......................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/compat01 ...................................... skipped
-dist/Storable/t/compat06 ...................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/croak ......................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/dclone ........................................ ok
-dist/Storable/t/destroy ....................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/downgrade ..................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/file_magic .................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/forgive ....................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/freeze ........................................ ok
-dist/Storable/t/integer ....................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/interwork56 ................................... skipped
-dist/Storable/t/just_plain_nasty .............................. ok
-dist/Storable/t/leaks ......................................... skipped
-dist/Storable/t/lock .......................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/malice ........................................ ok
-dist/Storable/t/overload ...................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/recurse ....................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/restrict ...................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/retrieve ...................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/robust ........................................ ok
-dist/Storable/t/sig_die ....................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/store ......................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/threads ....................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/tied_hook ..................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/tied_items .................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/tied_store .................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/tied .......................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/utf8hash ...................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/utf8 .......................................... ok
-dist/Storable/t/weak .......................................... ok
-dist/Term-Complete/t/Complete ................................. ok
-dist/Term-ReadLine/t/AE ....................................... skipped
-dist/Term-ReadLine/t/AETk ..................................... skipped
-dist/Term-ReadLine/t/ReadLine ................................. ok
-dist/Term-ReadLine/t/Tk ....................................... skipped
-dist/Text-Abbrev/t/Abbrev ..................................... ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/01_basic .................................. ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/02_refs ................................... ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/03_peek ................................... ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/04_errs ................................... ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/05_extract ................................ ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/06_insert ................................. ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/07_lock ................................... ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/08_nothreads .............................. ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/09_ended .................................. ok
-dist/Thread-Queue/t/10_timed .................................. ok
-dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/01_basic .............................. ok
-dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/02_errs ............................... ok
-dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/03_nothreads .......................... ok
-dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/04_nonblocking ........................ ok
-dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/05_force .............................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/0nothread ............................... ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/av_refs ................................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/av_simple ............................... ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/blessed ................................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/clone ................................... ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/cond .................................... ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/disabled ................................ ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/dualvar ................................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/hv_refs ................................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/hv_simple ............................... ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/no_share ................................ ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/object2 ................................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/object .................................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/shared_attr ............................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/stress .................................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/sv_refs ................................. ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/sv_simple ............................... ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/utf8 .................................... ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/waithires ............................... ok
-dist/threads-shared/t/wait .................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/basic .......................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/blocks ......................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/context ........................................ ok
-dist/threads/t/end ............................................ ok
-dist/threads/t/err ............................................ ok
-dist/threads/t/exit ........................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/free2 .......................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/free ........................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/join ........................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/kill2 .......................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/kill ........................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/libc ........................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/list ........................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/no_threads ..................................... skipped
-dist/threads/t/problems ....................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/stack_env ...................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/stack .......................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/state .......................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/stress_cv ...................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/stress_re ...................................... ok
-dist/threads/t/stress_string .................................. ok
-dist/threads/t/thread ......................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/00_version .................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/01_gen ........................................ ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/02_fetchsize .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/03_longfetch .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/04_splice ..................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/05_size ....................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/06_fixrec ..................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/07_rv_splice .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/08_ro ......................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/09_gen_rs ..................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/10_splice_rs .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/11_rv_splice_rs ............................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/12_longfetch_rs ............................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/13_size_rs .................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/14_lock ....................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/15_pushpop .................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/16_handle ..................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/17_misc_meth .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/18_rs_fixrec .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/19_cache ...................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/20_cache_full ................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/21_win32 ...................................... skipped
-dist/Tie-File/t/22_autochomp .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/23_rv_ac_splice ............................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/24_cache_loop ................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/25_gen_nocache ................................ ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/26_twrite ..................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/27_iwrite ..................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/28_mtwrite .................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/29a_upcopy .................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/29_downcopy ................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/30_defer ...................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/31_autodefer .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/32_defer_misc ................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/33_defer_vs ................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/40_abs_cache .................................. ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/41_heap ....................................... ok
-dist/Tie-File/t/42_offset ..................................... ok
-dist/XSLoader/t/XSLoader ...................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/aeach ........................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/aelem ........................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/akeys ........................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/arybase ......................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/aslice .......................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/av2arylen ....................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/index ........................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/lslice .......................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/pos ............................................. ok
-ext/arybase/t/scope ........................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/splice .......................................... ok
-ext/arybase/t/substr .......................................... ok
-ext/B/t/b ..................................................... ok
-ext/B/t/concise ............................................... ok
-ext/B/t/concise-xs ............................................ ok
-ext/B/t/f_map ................................................. ok
-ext/B/t/f_sort ................................................ ok
-ext/B/t/optree_check .......................................... ok
-ext/B/t/optree_concise ........................................ ok
-ext/B/t/optree_constants ...................................... ok
-ext/B/t/optree_misc ........................................... ok
-ext/B/t/optree_samples ........................................ ok
-ext/B/t/optree_sort ........................................... ok
-ext/B/t/optree_specials ....................................... ok
-ext/B/t/optree_varinit ........................................ ok
-ext/B/t/o ..................................................... ok
-ext/B/t/pragma ................................................ ok
-ext/B/t/showlex ............................................... ok
-ext/B/t/terse ................................................. ok
-ext/B/t/walkoptree ............................................ ok
-ext/B/t/xref .................................................. ok
-ext/Devel-Peek/t/Peek ......................................... ok
-ext/DynaLoader/t/DynaLoader ................................... ok
-ext/Errno/t/Errno ............................................. ok
-ext/Fcntl/t/autoload .......................................... ok
-ext/Fcntl/t/fcntl ............................................. ok
-ext/Fcntl/t/mode .............................................. ok
-ext/Fcntl/t/syslfs ............................................ skipped
-ext/FileCache/t/01open ........................................ ok
-ext/FileCache/t/02maxopen ..................................... ok
-ext/FileCache/t/03append ...................................... ok
-ext/FileCache/t/04twoarg ...................................... ok
-ext/FileCache/t/05override .................................... ok
-ext/FileCache/t/06export ...................................... ok
-ext/FileCache/t/07noimport .................................... ok
-ext/File-DosGlob/t/DosGlob .................................... ok
-ext/File-Find/t/find .......................................... ok
-ext/File-Find/t/taint ......................................... ok
-ext/File-Glob/t/basic ......................................... ok
-ext/File-Glob/t/case .......................................... ok
-ext/File-Glob/t/global ........................................ ok
-ext/File-Glob/t/rt114984 ...................................... ok
-ext/File-Glob/t/taint ......................................... ok
-ext/File-Glob/t/threads ....................................... ok
-ext/GDBM_File/t/fatal ......................................... ok
-ext/GDBM_File/t/gdbm .......................................... ok
-ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/01_load ............................. ok
-ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/02_function ......................... ok
-ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/03_class ............................ ok
-ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/04_thread ........................... ok
-ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/05_perlhook ......................... ok
-ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/11_hashassign ....................... ok
-ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash/t/12_hashwarn ......................... ok
-ext/Hash-Util/t/Util .......................................... ok
-ext/I18N-Langinfo/t/Langinfo .................................. ok
-ext/IPC-Open3/t/fd ............................................ ok
-ext/IPC-Open3/t/IPC-Open2 ..................................... ok
-ext/IPC-Open3/t/IPC-Open3 ..................................... ok
-ext/NDBM_File/t/ndbm .......................................... ok
-ext/ODBM_File/t/odbm .......................................... ok
-ext/Opcode/t/Opcode ........................................... ok
-ext/Opcode/t/ops .............................................. ok
-ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/encoding ................................ ok
-ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/fallback ................................ ok
-ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/nolooping ............................... ok
-ext/PerlIO-scalar/t/scalar .................................... ok
-ext/PerlIO-scalar/t/scalar_ungetc ............................. ok
-ext/PerlIO-via/t/via .......................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Functions/t/Functions ................................. ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/anchorify ...................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/cache .......................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/crossref2 ...................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/crossref3 ...................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/crossref ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/eol ............................................ ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/feature2 ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/feature ........................................ ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir1 ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir2 ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir3 ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir4 ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir5 ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/htmlescp ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/htmllink ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/htmlview ....................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/poderr ......................................... ok
-ext/Pod-Html/t/podnoerr ....................................... ok
-ext/POSIX/t/export ............................................ ok
-ext/POSIX/t/is ................................................ ok
-ext/POSIX/t/math .............................................. ok
-ext/POSIX/t/posix ............................................. ok
-ext/POSIX/t/sigaction ......................................... ok
-ext/POSIX/t/sigset ............................................ ok
-ext/POSIX/t/sysconf ........................................... ok
-ext/POSIX/t/taint ............................................. ok
-ext/POSIX/t/termios ........................................... ok
-ext/POSIX/t/time .............................................. ok
-ext/POSIX/t/unimplemented ..................................... ok
-ext/POSIX/t/usage ............................................. ok
-ext/POSIX/t/waitpid ........................................... ok
-ext/POSIX/t/wrappers .......................................... ok
-ext/re/t/lexical_debug ........................................ ok
-ext/re/t/qr ................................................... ok
-ext/re/t/reflags .............................................. ok
-ext/re/t/re_funcs ............................................. ok
-ext/re/t/re_funcs_u ........................................... ok
-ext/re/t/regop ................................................ ok
-ext/re/t/re ................................................... ok
-ext/SDBM_File/t/constants ..................................... ok
-ext/SDBM_File/t/prep .......................................... ok
-ext/SDBM_File/t/sdbm .......................................... ok
-ext/Sys-Hostname/t/Hostname ................................... ok
-ext/Tie-Hash-NamedCapture/t/tiehash ........................... ok
-ext/Tie-Memoize/t/Tie-Memoize ................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/addissub ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/arrayexpr .................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/autoload ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/blockasexpr .................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks-csc ............................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks ................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/call_checker ................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/caller ....................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/callregexec .................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/call ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/check_warnings ............................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/cleanup ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/clone-with-stack ............................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/cophh ........................................ ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/coplabel ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/copstash ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/copyhints .................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/customop ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/eval-filter .................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/exception .................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/fetch_pad_names .............................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/gotosub ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/grok ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_autoload4 ................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_fetchmeth_autoload ........................ ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_fetchmethod_flags ......................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_fetchmeth ................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/gv_init ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/handy ........................................ ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/hash ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/keyword_multiline ............................ ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/keyword_plugin ............................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/labelconst ................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/lexsub ....................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/loopblock .................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/looprest ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/lvalue ....................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/magic_chain .................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/magic ........................................ ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/mro .......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/multicall .................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/my_cxt ....................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/my_exit ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/newCONSTSUB .................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/op_contextualize ............................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/op_list ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/op ........................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/overload ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/pad_scalar ................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/peep ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/pmflag ....................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/postinc ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/printf ....................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/ptr_table .................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/push ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/refs ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/rmagical ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/rv2cv_op_cv .................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/savehints .................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/scopelessblock ............................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/sort ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/stmtasexpr ................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/stmtsasexpr .................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/stuff_modify_bug ............................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/stuff_svcur_bug .............................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/subcall ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/sviscow ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/svpeek ....................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/svpv_magic ................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/svpv ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/svsetsv ...................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/swaplabel .................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/swaptwostmts ................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/sym-hook ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/temp_lv_sub .................................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/underscore_length ............................ ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/utf16_to_utf8 ................................ ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/utf8 ......................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/whichsig ..................................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/xs_special_subs_require ...................... ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/xs_special_subs .............................. ok
-ext/XS-APItest/t/xsub_h ....................................... ok
-ext/XS-Typemap/t/Typemap ...................................... ok
-lib/AnyDBM_File ............................................... ok
-lib/B/Deparse-core ............................................ ok
-lib/B/Deparse ................................................. ok
-lib/Benchmark ................................................. ok
-lib/blib ...................................................... ok
-lib/bytes ..................................................... ok
-lib/charnames ................................................. ok
-lib/Class/Struct .............................................. ok
-lib/Config/Extensions ......................................... ok
-lib/Config .................................................... ok
-lib/DBM_Filter/t/01error ...................................... ok
-lib/DBM_Filter/t/02core ....................................... ok
-lib/DBM_Filter/t/compress ..................................... ok
-lib/DBM_Filter/t/encode ....................................... ok
-lib/DBM_Filter/t/int32 ........................................ ok
-lib/DBM_Filter/t/null ......................................... ok
-lib/DBM_Filter/t/utf8 ......................................... ok
-lib/DB ........................................................ ok
-lib/diagnostics ............................................... ok
-lib/DirHandle ................................................. ok
-lib/dumpvar ................................................... ok
-lib/English ................................................... ok
-lib/ExtUtils/t/Embed .......................................... ok
-lib/feature ................................................... ok
-lib/feature/unicode_strings ................................... ok
-lib/File/Basename ............................................. ok
-lib/File/Compare .............................................. ok
-lib/File/Copy ................................................. ok
-lib/FileHandle ................................................ ok
-lib/File/stat-7896 ............................................ ok
-lib/File/stat ................................................. ok
-lib/filetest .................................................. ok
-lib/FindBin ................................................... ok
-lib/Getopt/Std ................................................ ok
-lib/h2ph ...................................................... ok
-lib/h2xs ...................................................... ok
-lib/integer ................................................... ok
-lib/Internals ................................................. ok
-lib/less ...................................................... ok
-lib/locale .................................................... Argument "ð" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "ð" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "ñ" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "ò" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "ó" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "ô" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "õ" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "ö" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "÷" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "ø" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-Argument "ù" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at ../lib/locale.t line 1138.
-lib/Net/hostent ............................................... ok
-lib/Net/netent ................................................ ok
-lib/Net/protoent .............................................. ok
-lib/Net/servent ............................................... ok
-lib/open ...................................................... ok
-lib/overload64 ................................................ ok
-lib/overloading ............................................... ok
-lib/overload .................................................. ok
-lib/perl5db ................................................... ok
-lib/Pod/t/InputObjects ........................................ ok
-lib/Pod/t/Select .............................................. ok
-lib/Pod/t/Usage ............................................... ok
-lib/Pod/t/utils ............................................... ok
-lib/SelectSaver ............................................... ok
-lib/sigtrap ................................................... ok
-lib/sort ...................................................... ok
-lib/strict .................................................... ok
-lib/subs ...................................................... ok
-lib/Symbol .................................................... ok
-lib/Thread .................................................... ok
-lib/Tie/Array/push ............................................ ok
-lib/Tie/Array/splice .......................................... ok
-lib/Tie/Array/stdpush ......................................... ok
-lib/Tie/Array/std ............................................. ok
-lib/Tie/ExtraHash ............................................. ok
-lib/Tie/Handle/stdhandle_from_handle .......................... ok
-lib/Tie/Handle/stdhandle ...................................... ok
-lib/Tie/Hash .................................................. ok
-lib/Tie/Scalar ................................................ ok
-lib/Tie/SubstrHash ............................................ ok
-lib/Time/gmtime ............................................... ok
-lib/Time/localtime ............................................ ok
-lib/Unicode/UCD ............................................... ok
-lib/User/grent ................................................ ok
-lib/User/pwent ................................................ ok
-lib/utf8 ...................................................... ok
-lib/vars_carp ................................................. ok
-lib/vars ...................................................... ok
-lib/vmsish .................................................... ok
-lib/warnings .................................................. ok
-t/x2p/find2perl ............................................... skipped
-t/x2p/s2p ..................................................... ok
-All tests successful.
-make[1]: Leaving directory `$(@D)'
--- a/make-rules/	Wed Apr 08 10:31:09 2015 -0700
+++ b/make-rules/	Wed Apr 08 10:57:52 2015 -0700
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12-mt/.configured:	BITS=32
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.configured:	PERL_VERSION=5.16
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.configured:	BITS=64
-$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.configured:        PERL_VERSION=5.20
-$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.configured:        BITS=64
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12/.tested:	PERL_VERSION=5.12
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12/.tested:	BITS=32
@@ -49,8 +47,6 @@
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12-mt/.tested:	BITS=32
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.tested:	PERL_VERSION=5.16
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.tested:	BITS=64
-$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.tested:    PERL_VERSION=5.20
-$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.tested:    BITS=64
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12/.tested-and-compared:	PERL_VERSION=5.12
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12/.tested-and-compared:	BITS=32
@@ -58,18 +54,14 @@
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12-mt/.tested-and-compared:	BITS=32
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.tested-and-compared:	PERL_VERSION=5.16
 $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.tested-and-compared:	BITS=64
-$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.tested-and-compared:       PERL_VERSION=5.20
-$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.tested-and-compared:       BITS=64
 BUILD_32 =	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12/.built
 BUILD_32 +=	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12-mt/.built
 BUILD_64 =	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.built
-BUILD_64 +=	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.built
 INSTALL_32 =	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12/.installed
 INSTALL_32 +=	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12-mt/.installed
 INSTALL_64 =	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.installed
-INSTALL_64 +=	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.installed
@@ -121,12 +113,10 @@
 TEST_32 =	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12/.tested
 TEST_32 +=	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12-mt/.tested
 TEST_64 =	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.tested
-TEST_64 +=	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.tested
 TEST_32 =	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12/.tested-and-compared
 TEST_32 +=	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH32)-5.12-mt/.tested-and-compared
 TEST_64 =	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.16/.tested-and-compared
-TEST_64 +=	$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-5.20/.tested-and-compared
 # test the built source
--- a/make-rules/	Wed Apr 08 10:31:09 2015 -0700
+++ b/make-rules/	Wed Apr 08 10:57:52 2015 -0700
@@ -474,11 +474,10 @@
 # Not necessarily the system's default version, i.e. /usr/bin/perl
 PERL_VERSION ?=  5.12
-PERL_VERSIONS = 5.12 5.16 5.20
+PERL_VERSIONS = 5.12 5.16
 PERL.5.12 =     /usr/perl5/5.12/bin/perl
 PERL.5.16 =	/usr/perl5/5.16/bin/perl
-PERL.5.20 =     /usr/perl5/5.20/bin/perl
 PERL.5.12-mt =	/usr/perl5/5.12/bin/perl-threaded
 PERL =          $(PERL.$(PERL_VERSION))
--- a/tools/python/pkglint/	Wed Apr 08 10:31:09 2015 -0700
+++ b/tools/python/pkglint/	Wed Apr 08 10:57:52 2015 -0700
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 # Some userland consolidation specific lint checks
@@ -69,8 +69,6 @@
 			"i86pc-solaris-64",     # perl path
 			"sun4-solaris-64",      # perl path
-                        "i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64", # perl path
-                        "sun4-solaris-thread-multi-64", # perl path
 			"amd64-solaris" + solaris_ver,	# ruby path
 			"sparcv9-solaris" + solaris_ver	# ruby path
@@ -85,10 +83,6 @@
 			re.compile('^.*/i86pc-solaris-64(/.*)?$'), # perl path
 			re.compile('^.*/sun4-solaris-64(/.*)?$'),  # perl path
-                        re.compile('^.*/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64(/.*)?$'),
-                                # perl path
-                        re.compile('^.*/sun4-solaris-thread-multi-64(/.*)?$'),
-                                # perl path
 				# ruby path