23480374 network_info is incorrectly checked against None when it can be [] as well
authorchaithan.prakash@oracle.com <chaithan.prakash@oracle.com>
Thu, 02 Jun 2016 10:56:17 -0700
changeset 6123 806b9ac912fa
parent 6122 aacbdaa3a38b
child 6125 84f511e8836f
23480374 network_info is incorrectly checked against None when it can be [] as well 23480293 need a way to recover ports from binding_failed status
--- a/components/openstack/neutron/files/agent/evs_l3_agent.py	Thu Jun 02 09:32:04 2016 -0700
+++ b/components/openstack/neutron/files/agent/evs_l3_agent.py	Thu Jun 02 10:56:17 2016 -0700
@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@
         internal_dlname = self.get_internal_device_name(port['id'])
         # driver just returns if datalink and IP interface already exists
         self.driver.plug(port['tenant_id'], port['network_id'], port['id'],
-                         internal_dlname, port['mac_address'])
+                         internal_dlname, port['mac_address'],
+                         vif_type=port['binding:vif_type'])
         fixed_ips = port['fixed_ips']
         ip_cidrs = common_utils.fixed_ip_cidrs(fixed_ips)
         self.driver.init_l3(internal_dlname, ip_cidrs)
@@ -360,7 +361,8 @@
         self.driver.plug(ex_gw_port['tenant_id'], ex_gw_port['network_id'],
                          ex_gw_port['id'], external_dlname,
-                         bridge=self.agent_conf.external_network_bridge)
+                         bridge=self.agent_conf.external_network_bridge,
+                         vif_type=ex_gw_port['binding:vif_type'])
         ip_cidrs = common_utils.fixed_ip_cidrs(ex_gw_port['fixed_ips'])
         self.driver.init_l3(external_dlname, ip_cidrs)
         for fixed_ip in ex_gw_port['fixed_ips']:
--- a/components/openstack/neutron/files/agent/solaris/dhcp.py	Thu Jun 02 09:32:04 2016 -0700
+++ b/components/openstack/neutron/files/agent/solaris/dhcp.py	Thu Jun 02 10:56:17 2016 -0700
@@ -255,7 +255,8 @@
             self.driver.plug(network.tenant_id, network.id,
                              port.id, interface_name, port.mac_address,
-                             network=network)
+                             network=network,
+                             vif_type=port['binding:vif_type'])
         ip_cidrs = []
         addrconf = False
         for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips:
--- a/components/openstack/neutron/files/agent/solaris/interface.py	Thu Jun 02 09:32:04 2016 -0700
+++ b/components/openstack/neutron/files/agent/solaris/interface.py	Thu Jun 02 10:56:17 2016 -0700
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
     def plug(self, tenant_id, network_id, port_id, datalink_name, mac_address,
              network=None, bridge=None, namespace=None, prefix=None,
-             protection=False):
+             protection=False, vif_type=None):
         """Plug in the interface."""
         if net_lib.Datalink.datalink_exists(datalink_name):
@@ -302,6 +302,14 @@
                    (datalink_name, phys_network))
             raise exceptions.Invalid(message=msg)
+        if vif_type == 'binding_failed':
+            msg = (_('Port binding has failed for %s. Ensure that '
+                     'OVS agent is running and/or bridge_mappings are '
+                     'correctly configured. Port will not have network '
+                     'connectivity') % datalink_name)
+            LOG.error(msg)
         dl = net_lib.Datalink(datalink_name)
         dl.create_vnic(lower_link, mac_address, vid, temp=True)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/openstack/neutron/patches/08-ovs-binding-failed-fix.patch	Thu Jun 02 10:56:17 2016 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+Patches to recover from ovs port binding_failed error by correcting the
+configuration and/or restarting neutron-openvswitch-agent. Without this patch,
+port will have to be deleted and recreated to recover from the error.
+  https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1399249
+  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212854/
+*** neutron-2015.1.2/neutron/plugins/ml2/plugin.py	Tue Oct 13 10:35:16 2015
+--- new/neutron/plugins/ml2/plugin.py	Wed May 25 17:49:35 2016
+*** 246,313 ****
+      def _bind_port_if_needed(self, context, allow_notify=False,
+                               need_notify=False):
+!         plugin_context = context._plugin_context
+!         port_id = context._port['id']
+!         # Since the mechanism driver bind_port() calls must be made
+!         # outside a DB transaction locking the port state, it is
+!         # possible (but unlikely) that the port's state could change
+!         # concurrently while these calls are being made. If another
+!         # thread or process succeeds in binding the port before this
+!         # thread commits its results, the already committed results are
+!         # used. If attributes such as binding:host_id,
+!         # binding:profile, or binding:vnic_type are updated
+!         # concurrently, this loop retries binding using the new
+!         # values.
+!         count = 0
+!         while True:
+!             # First, determine whether it is necessary and possible to
+!             # bind the port.
+!             binding = context._binding
+!             if (binding.vif_type != portbindings.VIF_TYPE_UNBOUND
+!                 or not binding.host):
+!                 # We either don't need to bind the port, or can't, so
+!                 # notify if needed and return.
+                  if allow_notify and need_notify:
+                      self._notify_port_updated(context)
+                  return context
+!             # Limit binding attempts to avoid any possibility of
+!             # infinite looping and to ensure an error is logged
+!             # instead. This does not need to be tunable because no
+!             # more than a couple attempts should ever be required in
+!             # normal operation. Log at info level if not 1st attempt.
+!             count += 1
+!             if count > MAX_BIND_TRIES:
+!                 LOG.error(_LE("Failed to commit binding results for %(port)s "
+!                               "after %(max)s tries"),
+!                           {'port': port_id, 'max': MAX_BIND_TRIES})
+!                 return context
+!             if count > 1:
+!                 greenthread.sleep(0)  # yield
+!                 LOG.info(_LI("Attempt %(count)s to bind port %(port)s"),
+!                          {'count': count, 'port': port_id})
+!             # The port isn't already bound and the necessary
+!             # information is available, so attempt to bind the port.
+              bind_context = self._bind_port(context)
+!             # Now try to commit result of attempting to bind the port.
+!             new_context, did_commit = self._commit_port_binding(
+!                 plugin_context, port_id, binding, bind_context)
+!             if not new_context:
+!                 # The port has been deleted concurrently, so just
+!                 # return the unbound result from the initial
+!                 # transaction that completed before the deletion.
+!                 LOG.debug("Port %s has been deleted concurrently",
+!                           port_id)
+!                 return context
+!             # Need to notify if we succeed and our results were
+!             # committed.
+!             if did_commit and (new_context._binding.vif_type !=
+!                                portbindings.VIF_TYPE_BINDING_FAILED):
+                  need_notify = True
+!             context = new_context
+      def _bind_port(self, orig_context):
+          # Construct a new PortContext from the one from the previous
+--- 246,308 ----
+      def _bind_port_if_needed(self, context, allow_notify=False,
+                               need_notify=False):
+!         for count in range(1, MAX_BIND_TRIES + 1):
+!             if count > 1:
+!                 # yield for binding retries so that we give other threads a
+!                 # chance to do their work
+!                 greenthread.sleep(0)
+!                 # multiple attempts shouldn't happen very often so we log each
+!                 # attempt after the 1st.
+!                 LOG.info(_LI("Attempt %(count)s to bind port %(port)s"),
+!                          {'count': count, 'port': context._port['id']})
+!             bind_context, need_notify, try_again = self._attempt_binding(
+!                 context, need_notify)
+!             if count == MAX_BIND_TRIES or not try_again:
+!                 if self._should_bind_port(context):
+!                     # At this point, we attempted to bind a port and reached
+!                     # its final binding state. Binding either succeeded or
+!                     # exhausted all attempts, thus no need to try again.
+!                     # Now, the port and its binding state should be committed.
+!                     context, need_notify, try_again = (
+!                         self._commit_port_binding(context, bind_context,
+!                                                   need_notify, try_again))
+!                 else:
+!                     context = bind_context
+!             if not try_again:
+                  if allow_notify and need_notify:
+                      self._notify_port_updated(context)
+                  return context
+!         LOG.error(_LE("Failed to commit binding results for %(port)s "
+!                       "after %(max)s tries"),
+!                   {'port': context._port['id'], 'max': MAX_BIND_TRIES})
+!         return context
+!     def _should_bind_port(self, context):
+!         return (context._binding.host and context._binding.vif_type
+!                 in (portbindings.VIF_TYPE_UNBOUND,
+!                     portbindings.VIF_TYPE_BINDING_FAILED))
+!     def _attempt_binding(self, context, need_notify):
+!         try_again = False
+!         if self._should_bind_port(context):
+              bind_context = self._bind_port(context)
+!             if bind_context._binding.vif_type != \
+!                     portbindings.VIF_TYPE_BINDING_FAILED:
+!                 # Binding succeeded. Suggest notifying of successful binding.
+                  need_notify = True
+!             else:
+!                 # Current attempt binding failed, try to bind again.
+!                 try_again = True
+!             context = bind_context
+!         return context, need_notify, try_again
+      def _bind_port(self, orig_context):
+          # Construct a new PortContext from the one from the previous
+*** 331,362 ****
+          self.mechanism_manager.bind_port(new_context)
+          return new_context
+!     def _commit_port_binding(self, plugin_context, port_id, orig_binding,
+!                              new_context):
+          session = plugin_context.session
+!         new_binding = new_context._binding
+          # After we've attempted to bind the port, we begin a
+          # transaction, get the current port state, and decide whether
+          # to commit the binding results.
+!         #
+!         # REVISIT: Serialize this operation with a semaphore to
+!         # prevent deadlock waiting to acquire a DB lock held by
+!         # another thread in the same process, leading to 'lock wait
+!         # timeout' errors.
+!         with contextlib.nested(lockutils.lock('db-access'),
+!                                session.begin(subtransactions=True)):
+              # Get the current port state and build a new PortContext
+              # reflecting this state as original state for subsequent
+              # mechanism driver update_port_*commit() calls.
+              port_db, cur_binding = db.get_locked_port_and_binding(session,
+                                                                    port_id)
+              if not port_db:
+!                 # The port has been deleted concurrently.
+!                 return (None, None)
+              oport = self._make_port_dict(port_db)
+              port = self._make_port_dict(port_db)
+!             network = new_context.network.current
+              if port['device_owner'] == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE:
+                  # REVISIT(rkukura): The PortBinding instance from the
+                  # ml2_port_bindings table, returned as cur_binding
+--- 326,366 ----
+          self.mechanism_manager.bind_port(new_context)
+          return new_context
+!     def _commit_port_binding(self, orig_context, bind_context,
+!                              need_notify, try_again):
+!         port_id = orig_context._port['id']
+!         plugin_context = orig_context._plugin_context
+          session = plugin_context.session
+!         orig_binding = orig_context._binding
+!         new_binding = bind_context._binding
+          # After we've attempted to bind the port, we begin a
+          # transaction, get the current port state, and decide whether
+          # to commit the binding results.
+!         with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+              # Get the current port state and build a new PortContext
+              # reflecting this state as original state for subsequent
+              # mechanism driver update_port_*commit() calls.
+              port_db, cur_binding = db.get_locked_port_and_binding(session,
+                                                                    port_id)
++             # Since the mechanism driver bind_port() calls must be made
++             # outside a DB transaction locking the port state, it is
++             # possible (but unlikely) that the port's state could change
++             # concurrently while these calls are being made. If another
++             # thread or process succeeds in binding the port before this
++             # thread commits its results, the already committed results are
++             # used. If attributes such as binding:host_id, binding:profile,
++             # or binding:vnic_type are updated concurrently, the try_again
++             # flag is returned to indicate that the commit was unsuccessful.
+              if not port_db:
+!                 # The port has been deleted concurrently, so just
+!                 # return the unbound result from the initial
+!                 # transaction that completed before the deletion.
+!                 LOG.debug("Port %s has been deleted concurrently", port_id)
+!                 return orig_context, False, False
+              oport = self._make_port_dict(port_db)
+              port = self._make_port_dict(port_db)
+!             network = bind_context.network.current
+              if port['device_owner'] == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE:
+                  # REVISIT(rkukura): The PortBinding instance from the
+                  # ml2_port_bindings table, returned as cur_binding
+*** 400,428 ****
+                  cur_binding.vif_type = new_binding.vif_type
+                  cur_binding.vif_details = new_binding.vif_details
+                  db.clear_binding_levels(session, port_id, cur_binding.host)
+!                 db.set_binding_levels(session, new_context._binding_levels)
+!                 cur_context._binding_levels = new_context._binding_levels
+                  # Update PortContext's port dictionary to reflect the
+                  # updated binding state.
+                  self._update_port_dict_binding(port, cur_binding)
+                  # Update the port status if requested by the bound driver.
+!                 if (new_context._binding_levels and
+!                     new_context._new_port_status):
+!                     port_db.status = new_context._new_port_status
+!                     port['status'] = new_context._new_port_status
+                  # Call the mechanism driver precommit methods, commit
+                  # the results, and call the postcommit methods.
+                  self.mechanism_manager.update_port_precommit(cur_context)
+          if commit:
+              self.mechanism_manager.update_port_postcommit(cur_context)
+!         # Continue, using the port state as of the transaction that
+!         # just finished, whether that transaction committed new
+!         # results or discovered concurrent port state changes.
+!         return (cur_context, commit)
+      def _update_port_dict_binding(self, port, binding):
+          port[portbindings.HOST_ID] = binding.host
+--- 404,437 ----
+                  cur_binding.vif_type = new_binding.vif_type
+                  cur_binding.vif_details = new_binding.vif_details
+                  db.clear_binding_levels(session, port_id, cur_binding.host)
+!                 db.set_binding_levels(session, bind_context._binding_levels)
+!                 cur_context._binding_levels = bind_context._binding_levels
+                  # Update PortContext's port dictionary to reflect the
+                  # updated binding state.
+                  self._update_port_dict_binding(port, cur_binding)
+                  # Update the port status if requested by the bound driver.
+!                 if (bind_context._binding_levels and
+!                     bind_context._new_port_status):
+!                     port_db.status = bind_context._new_port_status
+!                     port['status'] = bind_context._new_port_status
+                  # Call the mechanism driver precommit methods, commit
+                  # the results, and call the postcommit methods.
+                  self.mechanism_manager.update_port_precommit(cur_context)
+          if commit:
++             # Continue, using the port state as of the transaction that
++             # just finished, whether that transaction committed new
++             # results or discovered concurrent port state changes.
++             # Also, Trigger notification for successful binding commit.
+              self.mechanism_manager.update_port_postcommit(cur_context)
++             need_notify = True
++             try_again = False
++         else:
++             try_again = True
+!         return cur_context, need_notify, try_again
+      def _update_port_dict_binding(self, port, binding):
+          port[portbindings.HOST_ID] = binding.host
--- a/components/openstack/nova/files/solariszones/driver.py	Thu Jun 02 09:32:04 2016 -0700
+++ b/components/openstack/nova/files/solariszones/driver.py	Thu Jun 02 10:56:17 2016 -0700
@@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@
     def _plug_vifs(self, instance, network_info):
         # if the VIF is of EVS type (i.e., vif['type'] is ''),
         # then nothing to do
-        if network_info is None or not network_info[0]['type']:
+        if not network_info or not network_info[0]['type']:
             LOG.debug(_("VIF is an EVS type. Nothing to plug."))
@@ -1373,9 +1373,11 @@
         # we need to map the VNIC to the bridge
         bridge = CONF.neutron.ovs_bridge
         for vif in network_info:
-            if vif['type'] != 'ovs':
-                LOG.debug(_("VIF %s is not OVS type") % vif)
-                continue
+            if vif['type'] == 'binding_failed':
+                LOG.error(_('Port binding has failed for VIF %s. Ensure that '
+                            'OVS agent is running and/or bridge_mappings are '
+                            'correctly configured. VM will not have network '
+                            'connectivity') % vif)
             vif_maddr = ''.join(['%02x' % int(b, 16) for b in
             anet = anetdict.get(vif_maddr)