19989721 Compiling links with Studio generates thousands of warnings.
authorRich Burridge <rich.burridge@oracle.com>
Mon, 10 Nov 2014 15:24:46 -0800
changeset 2197 22c15b329605
parent 2196 2063c1da2a7a
child 2198 168b8acace5f
19989721 Compiling links with Studio generates thousands of warnings.
--- a/components/links/Makefile	Mon Nov 10 14:51:36 2014 -0800
+++ b/components/links/Makefile	Mon Nov 10 15:24:46 2014 -0800
@@ -39,12 +39,13 @@
 include ../../make-rules/configure.mk
 include ../../make-rules/ips.mk
+# Because the Studio compiler generates thousands of lines of warnings.
+COMPILER =		gcc
 # Configure in links does not understand CC, CXX, etc.  Need to generate a
 # new configure for it to configure and build properly.
 COMPONENT_PREP_ACTION=	(cd $(@D) ; autoconf) 
-CONFIGURE_OPTIONS +=	CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -xstrconst -Dinline"
 # common targets